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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1881)
Wdl h A Y . ..OCTUhKUT 1881 Collector RoCKitrsos sh a he will resign bin t.thce ariouU. 11 will show good aeitae by doing ho, as by staying ho will gt the g. b. from Arthur. Platt gets a aaat ia the New York State Contention, having Leen elected fr jm Tioga county, but Conk ling haa failed to make the connection up at Utica. MacVkaoh still insists on resigning, bat good authorities say that Blaine is almost lickioa Arthur's feet tor the purpose of making ens in the now stalwart cabinet Orson Pratt, one of the twelve apostles of the Church of Latter Da? Saint, died at Salt Lake City last Monday, aged 71. He was a very prominent character in Mormon circles Both Arthur and Conkling are now being threatened with death by Gar field Republican, but it is not thought the threats will be put into execution. f !! 1 a - - iney lack toe sand, or rather the "in- uty. Republicans are doing everything in their power to have David Davis elect ed President of the Senate, but the Democracy have the deal and Senator Buy aid wiil be the next President of the Senate and Vice President of the United States. Evrhy Convention which meets now adays expresses their confidence in the new President. We have a great oVa) of confidence in him to. We feel con fident he will be a atslwart among stalwarts, and do nothing except as he is ordered by Conkling. The Catholic Priesthood in the Unite 1 States has tiled at Washington a claim to 640 acres of land connected with the St. James mission, at Van couver, Washington Territory, estimat ed to be worth $1,000,006. General Ewiug, counsel in the case presents a printed pamphlet of 140 pages. Tbk dispatches aay that if a Demo crat should be elected Vice President because ol the resignation of Conkling and Ptatt thoae Senators would be held accountable for any disaster that might befall their country or their patty, How that will scare Conkling! Ue wouid no dotibt like to know why he should be held responsible, if he had been used rightly he would not bae resigned. Warrants are out for the arrest of several persons supposed to be con nected with the star route swindles, bat Senator Dorsey's name is hot in'.the list. The reason probably is that he is the richest one of them all, and has made more money oat of it than his chums. He is a million aire, and carried Indiana for the Re publicans, and it won't do to bring hirn to justice. The Statesman asks if it ia fair for a federal officer x draw $10 per day be cause he boards his wife fifty miles from his office in Portland and asks farther what would be thought of the officer who audited the account 1 We want full answers te these questions. By tbia piece of official manipulation, the federal officer mentioned is en abled to draw over $3000 per annum. What a blessing were he a Mormon with a family in a half dozen cities. It pays as it ia. Who and its the ac count Mr. Statesman 1 It has been drawn for some eight years, aome $24, 000, has it not. BLOOD IS THEIR SIX. The dispatches tell as tl at should Arthur show a disposition to be ao- Twd or led by C ,nkhog 30,00 Ohio I Republicans wiil stay awsy from the polls on election day. the Democratic ticket a ill be elected by a vote larger that of Bishop in 1877: the legislature will be under Democratic control and Democrats will gain by the new d.'s tncting 10 new representatives in congress. We ad'air their god reaoln tioa and are glad to see those Ohio Republicans giving evidence of retnrn- 1 XT . 1. . . . , Bg njunf. fouling wouiu smt us better than to see both Ohio and New York elect th full DeoHvrtie ticket, and their chances are verv fair tbat they will do so. ITIL SCBTICE BEFOMM. At. -j . - . . . . ai, a rf-ccne prayt r-meeting in a Connecticut town, the venerable mother of ex Governor Andrew said: "I bear the ;onn men praying for the recovery of ti e President. I h-pe he wi'f lecavc-. I betievs he will. But 1 hopethe young men will learn the lesw-, and vote ho that such a sad crime -yill never he attempted again. I he-:'- tliai thit President has been wonted wluiost to death ly office-seekers, God untamed that m?n should earn his bread by the sweat, of his brow. I believe tl aV many of these office seekers want office because they are unwilling to submit to God a law. J am poor, ignorant woman, but I think I euuM improve the present System of giviutr office. I would hsve the app i ants office examined, and no man apoioted that was not willing to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow' I n br tCc hott'liujr, Will muno i . . a a a one MiHWi rr m- jmkmh gawrsiasaw puMil'iv the following. It in y ' Hupi '-t thai he i aso refeirod I is a Uaral nie, end yet the Statesman, If It wanted to give the natter the keonoHt possible point, ought to pe more specific and furnish the names: Is It the proper thing for a federal officer to draw from the government $10 per day on the plus that his family lives 50 miles away from his official headquarters? What should be thought of the government that would audit and allow such a charge when the federal officer rides on a free pass. The foregoing notice we c py from the Oro-jonian of ' Oct 4th, lot. It evidently refers to Hufus M illry who pretends to reside at Salem by boarding his wife at a hotel at that place while ho lives in Portland. He is enabled to make the charge the Statesman alludes to by going to Salem every Saturday and Wednes day nights and returning to Portland on trains leaving on the next follow ing days. If this is the man referred to(and of which we have no doubt) we desire to know it fully We have heard complaints of this kind before and trust now to hear the facts. Mr. Msllory has takon great pains te make himself prominent as a polill eal reformer. He has blistered his Democratic adversaries all over by the application of his very great el oquence and virtuous denounclatlon. And now it comes out that he has stooped to things his political enemies would scorn to do. Let us have the fasts. Let us hear from Bufus. lie has drawn this stipend for a great many years. He was appointed on the removal ot A. C Gibbe for trying to Indict and pnuUh political btlbcas in his own party, a circumstance with which the editor of the Ortyoniun is very familiar. Our experience thus far teaches us that nlno tenths of the political peformera are rabble of shaming the devil. Hufus should speak. RM.e I BUT. Under this heading we find the followinir important at tit le in the Ortgoniaa of late date. It is tf epecial importance to the Isnuera here in Linn and the other central alley counties, as there is where the bulk of the ft nit crop ia prepared for market: Partial failure of th eastern fruit crop baa occasioned an unexpected de mand for dried fruit, nhicb for the past car has been a drug in the Port land market. An older reeei-d with in ten days baa completely cleared stores here of all apples and piuma of goad quality, and the deiassl pi- lu-aes to last all the eou ai.d oonairms Oregon's entire surplus at goud prices We have here a tine ffi hl f r fruit growing ah'! with a fair market, aucb as now opens before ua, the tuainess of raising and preserving can be made equally aa great aud j r l!ahle aa our export business in wheat Mid wool. If with the present opportunity fruit men establish a reputation for the Oregon product, tLer need i ever be any trouble about a market. All that is necessary ia to reaiiood to orders now coming and to come, with good fruit pot up ia good sbatie. It is a pet notion with our jeop!e that our fruits are better than similar fruits taiaed east of the Rocky mountains, and that in preserving them, particularly by the process of drying, Oregon ia ahead of the world. It is true that our plums OUU SbJfpiOB IIS VI fcUW '1 J VOW y but it is not true that as prepared for market they "show up" to advantage of the same fruits prepared by eastern factories. A leading exporter of this city before sending a large coru-ijument ia response to an order from Boston deemed it necessary to inform the purchasers that while the quality o his fruit could not be excelled, its ap pea ranee eras not what tbey might ex sect. By a simple and inexpensive treatment with sulphur, fruit can be bleached to almost rierfect whiten This is the means by which eastern preserves give the fine, market appear ance te fruit, and our people would do well to adopt the sain j method. This saeon of abundance here aad of scar city ia the etat ailVd fine opportunity te mtkemeny and reputation the latter not less important than the former. The packing season is just about to commence. Let farmers be careful ia the picking, drying am bleaching of their fruit; let exporters spare no pains in proper casing and handling, and Oregon fruit will bring good prices next year The enterprise of putting Oregon dried fruit on the English market has been talked about, but no real effor t has ever been made. A Liverpool factor with whom a Portland exporter once discussed the question, thought it would not pay because Gegon fruit was nob equal to the hue bottled fruits domestic and American, with which the English market is supplied. The difference between the charges of transportation, however, on fruits pre served in the fresh state and by the piying process is ho vastly in fovyr of the latter tbat it could bo sold prij or tionately much chear th vi tli ' fo ni- er. It some exporter mm a HUIh capital would take hold '' the enter prise, we think, ami it is t.L; opinion of men who understand the tiaglUh mar keta, that it could be made to pny will. The stalwarts have carried the pri maries in New York City in all the districts but the ninth. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. iNKrauisr WHS IT. Wheat Is now tell big for 78 cautt caah par huahsl at our warehouse, and the- nulla are paying I esnta if 4 cants of It Is taken in mill feed. Ttila la tits price now ruling In Albany, aud It loaka to us like It would be good policy for our fsrniera to soli at leait htlf their crop now and not speculate on alt of it. It will not do to aaythat "wheat la only 78 cents and X muat havo a dollar for mine." You must remember that the rise in charters from the figure at which they could be obtained a few years ago kaaloworoti the price of your wheat about 87K oenta per buattel. And 87 to 78 and you havsf t.i5 as the piloe of your wheat whan you reckon by your old rulea. Several years ago, when wktat wa In the habit of once In awhile getting, upto tl.tft you generally closed eut your crops, ex peeling that it would not stand long at that flgur. In thinking on thla question re member that the markota of the world are Juat about as they used to be, and high freights oa tht coaat have no on 'hem. We are isolated and ship owner have taken ad vantage ofltan we will have toauffor until aome remedy la found. We may he wrong In thinking it wlaj to sell so soon. It la true that tin wheat crep is ahort tho world over. The price may riae aUll higher in Liverpool, and we think It will, but we look for cbartere too riae in proportion. A Neatst I Mir. The Mowhawk Farr.:era' Club an nounce their eceud annual fair, to take place at the school house, in Mohawk, Lano county on the 15th, of Oetober. These farmers have struck the key-note to airrlcaUural faira They say, 'no entrance fees; free ad missions, premiums, blue and red ribbons," and explains as follows: In Inaugurating and carrying on these exhibitions It Is supposed that the social commingling of ourselves and neighbors, the good-natured rivalry In growing good vegetables, graiti. fruits stock, eto-, as promoted thereby, aud the amasemeit aflorded, Hill be sufficient recompense for ail lime aad trouble taken bv those who attend and exhibit. A large attea lance aud a good time la expected. No whisky, gaming or hoodlumlam will be permitted- Telegram. Jury LI. I Following i a Hat of th u.i-ih nf jurore drawn for the Oetober term f Circuit Court O r CnlUrt. rrf..r.)itt. hrrurf Jtt A i"rasri..ra. Alton leaner. Hies Carey, i ri..f.i.ii!p. fa mass. .n ASM, NhS Hotntt. bmrr John Brr'. heh-MK,. fsnue'. I nitirr HUtea. HafrKbuni. lHrk idwiK H Y BlottvU. Isrwejr. 1) Y i rablrrr , Ssetlaui. f r n-i Tt Atphtn. snn iw. fmr. K A Har, sc.. txruu r Johm a lirinm. tUrrfebanr. t it ti. r Htn Fof1r. ttalart. Iwm. ! Millar Murn, SheJJ, tmrmte : O T Vnxt. aao, farmer. II C Hirwell. Aitui. Isnesjr. StUs tbicSt. A I ton jr. teretrr. Oan PUron, Alton. srpvnUrr. C b Suvtrm. HJey. tartucr. Merrr TKropo, atwOd. Itmwr Philip BJUaor. AlUnitr. bn A K MamUtoa. Utorty. tm.wr. J J !, Swwf, fanner 0 r Sancton, totoocs. A I Sym, Ijtortv. tkrmun J J Vtnl., AJtonjr, tnrmtr. J W Cuaicrk, LatoaxXL, aOrctoiK. John Dvnney. ltMw, Hnnrr VrneH Kelintr. WaWtuo. ttnnrr B II lrit. Jtcto. farmer. J L Milter. Brfrt. cltotUr. M J Dan mil. Th Walfer-r . Summary of Meteorology for Sept. I Ml. from obaerreiion taken at Albany, lano Co Oregon by John BHgga Keq. Highest Bar, 29.94 loweet 29,40 : mean 29,72. Htgheat Temperature. SO ; luweit n i ; mean 58.4. Prevailing wind N. . Mean Velocity 3. Rainfall inches 2.24. Number of days on which .01 or m r rain f118. Number of days of clondinesa average 8 scale 10, 13, Thunderstorm on the 22nd. Frost. on 27th ami 30th. IS SlBWOBIaS. Hall Soap Creek Orange, No 14. I" of II. September, 20 Lb, 1881. Wiiekas, It has pleased the Grand Master of the universe to remove our beloved brother, T. It. fOgsdett from our midst to a htgher.aud belter sphere, therefore belt Jfaolwd, That in bis death the Grange has lost a strong supporter, his family a kind father and protector, and the communiiy one of its most esteemed citizens. RetolvA, That while we deeply de plore the losa of one so good and true, we meekly resign ourselves to the will of God. Resolved. Thai to his family we ex tend the sympathy of the niemhersof tbls u range and we commend inera to the care of our Heavenly Father In this their hour of sore affliction. C. K. Moor, ) C. M . . Vandcrpool, v W. L. Cavthokn, ) Com te Bee l. Owing to my father's family not te- turqing to Albany till next fall I offer for rent his residence on Lyon street at reasoaable rent, price not so much an object as person who will take ex cellenCcare of the plaee : all varieties of fruit and berries growing in abund ance on the place, a splendid well of water, also hydrant water for laundry purposes ; cellar under entire bouse, and dry the entire year ; good cow shed and barn and chicken yard at tached to the place, apply te Will B. Rice, Agent O. a C. It. 11 A Fine relato. Ex-Senator Hoult, of Harrlsburg. raised seme splendid potatoes this season, and about the best he bad were of the variety known as the "King of the Karlios." He raised ton potatoes of this variety, weigh ing sixteen pounds from a single eye. All of the ten were large and round but one, and It waa a little irregular In shape. This is about the best yield we have heard of. The "King of the Earilea" must be a good variety. . Aluan) ' Mosey Order Bnslaeas. Postmaster Raymond tells m tbat during the three months ending Sept 30th, be issued 856 money orders re ceiving on them in cash $21,215.39. During the same length of time he paid 205 orders amounting to $4,107 21. A pretty good showing for our little town. Subscribe forjf he Dp. hoc vt. OORRBSPONDENOE, rl'naMly Fair In tbr Aluan T.Oct., 1st, H81. K Ait or lU'moeraf. Allow me apace In your paptf l make a very brief allusion to a cor resH)U(lenue which appeared In the Omouwiuof hist Friday In rotation to our Fair, written by Arthur HoTmnn, that papers travelling corresiKindent. In his report of our Fair ho was very unjunt. In some rexpocta he was right, Just enough to give col oring of truth to the wholo loiter. Our pavilion was better tilled this year then ever before, and tli.-re was as much stock r usual excepting cut tle. We are certainly not to blatuc tf sporting men from In-low do' not bring op theso blooded horses. The premium woro large enough and were Justly awarded, but it certainly U not in the power of the Society to make a 4 minute horse trot a mite In the time made by "Maud S." Ah to his "general reflect iou". on crime It Is hardly probttblo that he would bo considered a competent Judge, lie tame out to the grounds on Wednesdiy mom lug on font, and looked as If he had boon up all night. He stated that he hud Urn his ticket and wanted the Society to ptus him in. lie evidently thinks time tho Society did not show him sutllchoit courtesy, and 1 wish to remark right here that his reception would have been a great deal warmer had he been In a condition At to be presented to gentleman or lady. A it was, the spe;Ul Hidee oflieer of the ground i came near placing him under arrent. After his departure it was probably ascertained where he lost his couipli men tar y ticket. A ticket was pre sented at the gtte by a noted soiled dove" of this city, who said he had given It to her representing it as being worth fl.6U. 11 had evidently run short of money while on a Jansboree the night before aud turned in his ticket as so much cash. If Mr. 11. had v lei tod our K drone day liter, when all the entries had been made, and had been In good iiiuIm1 con dition his letter would no doubt have been written in a dflerent stylo. J. II. Bt UIUAUT, Secretary. icauKex I! Lit. I.RKAKO. tJ1. nh, 1HS. Ml Ifrmorrat . The rain in - p urio d vu this evening, the hmd.-u nhuw r of the sea son so f ar. The war housn ia about filled. CJuitu a number of car 1 aula of graui have been shipped to Portland. The total amount uf fnVght and passenger fare for the month ol S.-j,-teinlstr foota up $415, a very (ail show ing for the lb fc C. K. It. at thin place. A great many of the farmer are busy eowing fell grain. The acreage will compare favorably rh other years. The Public school ojiencd on Mon day with an attendance ot near fifty. From present appearance it will be necessary to employ another t ncher. Onr friend R. C. Miller ia on a visit to the Bay. I U-v. Tboa. Small, of ih C. P.Cburcb, on invitation preached a very able ser mon on last Sabbath on foreordinstion and election. The Westminiater con fession of faitb received some severe criticism at his hands. The sermon aa a whole waa interea'ing and instinc tive. Mr. A. Zell and family of Kastern Oiegoo are viaiiing frienda here. Wo noticed on our streets Wni. 1 ; ,! a ton who ia up looking after hi farm adjoining town. Our popular merchant, J. L. Cowan, says huMnesa ia more lively than ever before io Lebanon. Hie sale each day run into the hundred. Yesterday Grandmother South sssod quietly to her tin! rest She saa over eighty years of age. She leaves be hind her old partner and many chil dren who will ever cherish the memory of a good wife and mother. She died as sbe lived strong in the cherished faith and hope. Some of the friends of Thos. M linkers are already speaking of him for sheriff next year. With such a man our pres ent efficient sheriff would hod a com petitor worthy of steel, our party a strong man and the eople a good officer. Isaac Conn exists to start for the Hay in a few daya. He baa been ten dered the job f overseeing the erection of some building and a more suitable overseer could not be found. The new hotel has been crowded during the week. Leb. - vaeji ISA BAY NEWS. Oxeatta, Sept. 3rd., 1881. Editor Democrat: The survey inc on this end of the Oregon Pacific It. il. h completed, and work will tie commenced next week. Kngiueer Pill's party is now at Toledo .1 1 mt anu are locating tne line, mere is some talk of changing the route from the old survey, up Simpson creek, and running via the river past Elk City, but as to the truthfulness of such re- lort I can not say. The O. P. E. It. Co. havo purchased another portable saw null, and will put it ol the island about four miles above Oneatta. They will also soon com mence the erection of three large scows which will be used to transport lum ber, etc., te where it is needed along the line as far as the head of the tide. The government work is progressing finely and the tramway now reaches to deep water. Th sand is banking up on each side, being now some nine feet deep, which adds considerable tc the progress of the work. Mr. A. F. Cherry, of A lbany, intends to shartly commence the erection of a fonndry at this place. The Oneatta Mill Co. are sawing out the lumber for the railroad -dock, and work will be commenced aoon on the same. Mr. Walli Nash, vice-presideut of the O. P. JU. R. Co. is over hero on business connected with the road. Mr. Graham's barn at .Toledo, is piled full of jacks, shovels, scrapers, etc., which we-o brought in overland from (Wvallis last week to oonimsjiOs work on, the wi h. Mr. Hamilton Cox, of the film of Cox fc Parker, leaves to-day for Port land to lay ii. iheir Kail and Whiter stock of goo If, We hope the citteona of the valley will make good use of the opportunity ollered them to fonuihuie their inite toward the improvement of the Va- tiina It' omcIi man would con tribute a small sum it would amount in the aggregate to considerable, and keep tho wot s going all winter. -VIA&A6AL .. P. W. eaasi - SiHaP. OrrttMH I'Nt-IUr. Sale a. The western terminus of this road has hoen chntigrd from Ford's Point to Toledo. That largo tunnel will thus bo done sway with ami tho road can be completed much aMner. We un derstand it is still tho intention of tho company to make Ford's Point the lerinanent terminus, but as time is an o jecfi wiwh them they a ill not cut the tunnel through tho mountains to that place until the rtssd has hewn complet ed to the valley. The change in the terminus will shorten the road some 10 or 12 miles Utadiux nn i !ie west . u 1 uf the road will next Monday provid ing the tuols ainve by that time, and it t.i supposed they will. The grade has loi finished np i ." d v for the tiea from Curvallis to a point a mile or two beyond Philomath, ami a'oot Kt)0 men are at work now between that point and the summit of the mountaioioi. The large rock cut near Philotn tth baa been finished up. Work will commence immediately on the tunnel at the summit. Large tialititiea of lutnbor are now Wing hauled there and 'the ttinul will prob ably le completed by the time t lie grade is finished to that point Parker ia getting out a large lot of car lumber el his mills at Oneatta. Wi k is rushing along lively at t lie Itsr. The ecow makes oo trip a day trmo I he atone quarry nd hrlia down shout .'. "I tons ot rock each time, which is used on I he breakwater. Tne govcrnmnnt appropriation will laat through this unuih and may bo for a couple of aO'ks in November. It ia hoMi the eople in tho valley will pledge suflicient money to enable them to continue tho work until Con gress meats, but for fear they should not do no, Mr. Potheenns is now putting in a large crib at the end of the break water for the purpose of protecting it agiiRt storms until work is reaumml. Iatel BeclarioH. A Is to citing in MtaI sffirs, re o, utro s3stmsstent nt 1st and Hod class oiiioiw to make rests and forward all tundaevery Saturday or ones a week. Poatmaster lUymond would requent sll box-bolder to please pay their box rent hehsre the Puh for (1) one ipiar ter, according to s,-.- .'-"I of po.t.i laws and regulations : Sec 301. Payment for Doxea muht le 0"rtor'y. Postmasters must rent the boxes and drawers in their (oat otiices for one quarter (three months) oidv, the money to l- paid in advance. The department will insiat upon a strict compliance with thU reg ulation, lloxoa remaiuing unpaid for ten daya from the expiration of a quar ter will mi declared vacated. O.rlOi.l, A i. County AHsessor Williams is just finishing up his aasossrncnt ef the -ounty, and It is the opinion of all that It ia tho most perfect assessment ever mad in our county. The val ue of taxable property last year was - I 100.029, and this year it will probably be about $0,000,000. The State tax this year it ono and it half mills les than uual, but on account of the losses which tho county sus tained from tho fresbot last winter It Is not supposed our Court will re dm e the county tax to loss than fif teen mills. If they should place the tax at fifteen it would bring suffic ient money to pay off sll our indebt edness anil place tho county in good shape. A Ca Jake. Everybody knows Joe Cox, and they also know what a joker le is! Every new policeman we have had haa arrest ed him for the drunkenest man thay over aaw, and after taking him a block towards the calaboose would find he was as sober as they were . Joe let on like he was "tight' at the Fair Ground one day last week, and some jietty thief waa so suro he was drank that he captured his watch and got away with it successfully. Joe haa always had the laugh on some one else but now its turned on him. NEW BARBER SHOP ! J. H. STJRLES, Prop'r. A and CJOOI) SKA. FOAM SHAMPOO goes wun eaeii niiave. i'rtce tor alia ving and hatr-euttinir same aa usual. Kooms opposite MoIlwJn's store. lot Referee's Sale. NOl ICE IS IIKltKRY (JIVKN THAT pursuant to tho advice of the Oircult Court u( the State uf Orngon for I. inn County glvtm and rendered on the Sth day of October, 1K7H, In a caiiae then iondinir tn aald Otart a herein Wm J. Thnmpeou and Meliaaa J. Van Noatcrn wore plaintiff and Ounrire It. Themnaon, June 1'. Thump on, John M. ThuiiiMMm. Joaepb A, Thuinpaon, Hrancia M Thuiniaon, Kttntbeth M. Walker and Meronr TluHiipaun m Kxecaiti r of thebiat will aiidtea tainent of Joaeph Thmnpaon deed, wen defendant, the undereiffiied eoie Ilcferce in sfeid huh will by virtue and authority of aaid drereo, on tlie 21st day of Oc tober, 1S81, at thi hour nT one o'clock tn tho after noon of aaid day, at the Court houao door io the City of Albany, Mini County, Oregon, aell to the ht(f heet bidder for the purpoee of isrtltion aiuong thv partiee the following deecribed reid pxoperty Kit .1 ated in Ldiin Counlry, Orctfuii, to-wlt: The Weal half of tho Donation Land claim of Joseph Tlunwoii and wife, being claini No. 4&, and Imiiig part of sec tion 1, 17, SO, A 21, In Tiwuahtp 11, South of lUnire 3, Went of the Willamette Meridian, containing 181 4-100 acrett; alao the Raet half of the North Rat quarter, ami the Eaat half of the South Kaat quartor of aoctlon 21, in Townahiu 13, S. B. A Waal contain ing 100 acre, aUo the fractional Weat half of the South Raat quarter of miction IS, Tiwnahlp 13. S K. 3. Weat, conUiniiig 70 SO-100 aorua, alao the fraction al 8. W. J of the 8. E. of auction 1U, Townahip IK 8. R. 3, Weat, oontainlng 72 45.100 acroa; aln en ;i -n-s in a eriuore forpi, the whole way acroa off the South end of Die Weat half of the 8. W. quarter of suction B. in Towiihhfi) is. S. R. 3. Woat. alao tha North Eaat quarter of aection 'tl, and tho Kaat halfol in nurwi 11 cm, ipuu wr 01 auiaiou zz, in lOWUHItip iar 8. R..8, Wet, containing 240 acroe, ao the Korth Wert quarter of the North.Woi.t qitarter of the South Eaat quarter of section 1ST TowMahip 13, 8. R. 2, West, taviiig and excnpUng frqni the above, the fol lowing: ltegiiiiiing at. the South Eaat comet of Ruc tion 21, T. 13, Koulh Hanirt) X Woat Wirlainette Mend- ian, running from tliunce North, 29 On-100 chaina, thence outii 80' M' Weat, 20.03 chln, thfiice North 10.05 chains, thence North T 4l Weat.20.0(i chaiun. thence 8011th 40 chain, thonee South' H'i' 41V l"at, so 00 chain, to the place ot bcgluiiiiig, containing 140 acres Tbrmh ok Sauk: One third caah In hand, one third in one year from date of sale and one third in two years from date of such Kale tho deferred pay menu to draw interest at the rate of 10 per cent - per annum from the date of sule, tho huio to be secured by by mortgage upeni the property. tne 23 tay of Sept. lSSl. . B. N. ARMSTRONG, ktfu-ee. A LBANY MAIIBLE WOiihS AI.AV. OKI JO. 8TA10ER UWS. - Propridois. MONUMENTS. TABLETS. ABO Executed In ItaliKu or Vermont Marble. Also, overv varletv of comotsrv ami other alone work done with neatness and dispatch. Special attention elvcn to ordera from all nana of this Ntate and Waihinuton Territory. JefAH work warranted. 16 Order to Show Cause. In Ihr Covmly Court of I Ann Count g, f&t Orryon : In the matter r,f the co-partnership etate4 or uouk anu Meyor, Henry Meyor, Uecd. 7o ('hriatojthrr Uouk, awl th- wrt of Lin of Henry Mi iirr dreemted awl nil j,rrnon known ami unliioirt intrrmtrd in fii't mtnl N THK XAMK OF TIM'" STATK OF twrMMj;, von aro horehv cIUmI ami rtqulrwl to Iw and appear In thef'ounty t'oiirt of the County of Linn, in tho State or Oregon, at tho Court iloiia In tho city of Albany, In aaid County ami State, on We.lnelay, the IHh day of November, the hour of one o'elock in the ittWnoou of aaid day the same being the third day of tho regular November Term thereof, and then and Chore show eauae, if any exlat whv an order of aale ahould not be made directing and lioenalng the adininlatrator of aaid eatate to aell all the real pr'.rty ol aaid eatate hereinafter de acrllNnl aa prayed for in the petition of John A. Crawford, administrator of aaid eute, wliLm petition la new on AJe in the County Court of T.lnn County, Oregon, which naiil real property ia dNcribed aa foUowa to wit: Ixrt No ftinlS!ockVo2 in thechyof Albany, LinnCmnty Oregon. Alao It Nod in Itlock No 2,iu theolty of of Albany. IJon County Oregon. Alao lt No 7 In Woek No i,in the cfcy of Allauiv Linn County Htate of Orogon. Alao lxt No Sin lUook No Z in the city of Albany Linn County Oregon. Alao & reel off of the weat aide of ,t No 1 in lilock No 10, In the city of Albany, Lion ' "it 01 y Oregon. Alao tho eaat baif of xH No Sin UlockNo'll.ln tm.ciiy of Albany. . l.. !my i,rtTon ml known and described o0 the niau and aurveva of aaid city now 00 file m the oflkwof toe Ooonty (Merk of Lin. Oooniy, Oryaf h. AleoLoi No 7,emtaining 6 and 67-100 acres known aa Pair 1; round Lot, aurveyod off and platterl by Una County Agricultural Ajewjotation, tbe Name being parrbaeed from .Us. M. MeConuell and erginally a part of the N. W. Corner of tha Dona tiuo Maim ol Jaaae llutehina, i'i TJnn County Oregua. lly order of the ourt : Wit una my hand ami the anal of amid Court thla 20th day f Heptamlie; , iftsl. U a. N. Uai m, fMerk, per J. II. Haesi.KBAa, Deputy. TWO HORSES LOST. WKliM Ihe farm of Jaa. It Morgan nenr JP Krmdail'a Jiridge, leaving aaid farm abouLtlte 20th of August. One it a aorrel hnrae, branded "H ryj left ahorthh-r ; white tri iu fae. and aoiuo while 00 one lilndfoot. Tbe othor branded J S. on left ahoulder, wilh white atrlo cm fa-e. Kai-h :t yaara . old. Satisfy loo will tar given on their return to the ubrriiT. JAR. It. HOBO AN. Dissolution Notice. TTOTICKIa hereby given that the co partnerahlp heretofore exiating be tween Jaeon Wheeler and I. O. Diekey, under tbe firm name of Wheeler A Dickey, In hereby diawolved br murual eonant. All aecotint due the late firm muat be paid immediately to either of the farmer IMrtnera. Taox Wirar.LB. L 0. DacxBT. AUatny, Sept. 4, iwi. nwa It can buk and laugh end dancn ami lave and bale and sneer. It can woo or won nil, aarcumb or aubjturate, retreat or triumpn. Tlit intelligent kpualiing orean caa also by nuafltted, abtisad aad ruiiMsl, or btti-l riimi-tlj and pmerrsd. Have sirrr. .-ar.-JiiMN ItUxt witli the Johuateu latent Eye Tester. SALTMAUSH A LANO DON. Albany, Or. Children CRY FOR Pitcher's Castoxia. Motucr;. II2to cjuL PhyalcLtara roceaau-ccd it. IT 13 NCT UARCOTi:. CENTAUR LINIMENTS; Ujo World'8 crct Pain-Ec-iievhi remedies. Thoy hcrJ, aootho mid euro Burns, V. omuls, Weak Book aud ithaumutism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls ami Lameness jr. pon I leasts, (heap, quick and reliable. C.7UIIT3 or Ciecnethac Liaoeas., 2nalea, Craekiingf Plains in tho Hood, Fetid Eroath, SoaSstcss, 'l any Catarrhal Complaint, 15 bo extenniaated by WoiDo or'a Catarrh Coro, a Conetl .Jan2 Antidote, by Abeorp o most Iaapoi'tAnt Zj1j : laco Vaccination. j-. r 1 . . DO Send for oat New Illustra ted Price-LUt No, 30, for FallandWin- ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con tains fall description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly with the consumer, and aell all goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 and 229 Wabash Avenue.Chicago.IlL 3L3a3CuSE3 3EJ JkJ! HOLMAN'S IPAD, FOH 1. 1, TIIK .Nl Kforuateb. I iilncya. Taaba ataka. l U only aaii' ami reliable rtiiMtly for .Malaria in all it Type. i.NOMiniNo - trbli;, Yvser, Innl Acbhitr l'ina, lUfTn tti-nl and In In mil 1. ni Kevera, Iluiiih Ague, irir. : Iloatacho. No 1d In Hi aurW like lr. flolnian'a. ftannihll ! I.lvr t 'ornplaiitt, Bj aria simi Hil- )' '. Thia 1 th 1 n il k 1 iw 1 r vn 1 Ij t'lt iiotitfU et iel every vealige of malarial Uiut from the avatetn ttlioiit etidanuering tiealth. I'rof. Ir. A. lionila ar : Itianearn a universal iaua.uia than anything In mJt hie " This is tlone on lbs principle f abaorpUon, of which fir. llolman'a lad i the only genuine ami trtw eperitaent. Korsll KfOSRV TBOI BtAM taw Dr. Ilotrnan' fteoal or Kidney I'ad. the boat reiidy In th world ofiimci.'led tiy Ui uwdtca facuKy. BEWARt;;or hogvh iab. FTarb gali. Bofewn Pad bears tb SBIV ATK ansr -r uw ii..iman paaco .wite tlie ! trale mark printed in .- - - Ito -wlthoid It, I OB a A LB 1. 1 ALL BI tifclftTM. Ir. li'SRiari'a w U' ia rree. KuJt treUies iit loe on apvlieaUifi. MOLNAM PAIX O.. :r 1 Itnradwsy, New York ICM p. o. ho 2112 Administrator's Notice. TJ OTICE hr BllltlJ iv vj tlMl the under ij aigned haa boon by order of the ciunty Court of Linn county Oregon, duly appointed admlnnttretor ortheeute of W. II. McKn'stit deoeaaed, late of aaid C'onoty. All persona hawing claiui agaioitt aaid estate are herohy notlfiel and required to preaent the name with th proffer vouchera within aix month from the date hereof to the undesigned at hia plan of reaiaWree near s'la Linn. county Oregon. W. II. McKTnrrr Jr AdmlnisraUr. '.::Jiat 12Uh, IS8'. Sw4 One ReeiMo aing'o buggy in use thiee (weeka Original ooacf I eo. H ill sell It for fllPi caan. .r S14. on time. 'I wo -eale.1 Kacine ha k, fur either one or two horns iKtugbt fw laM May. 'oHt f no, lad Kfav t Til Wi I nlt for M5caah or 153 on fin Two eeta of slrurhs hrnra, lMKkt lat May aad Julv. Oaal'.' nl $m. YV i sell tliew for $ir and tin caah. 1SI aresi, lyinB ( rnileetluA eaatef liar rlsbarg A itond tma aioried lsx hons-. 'Sroom. Barn. 'Jtxll. Tbe land han karetofbre 1n;o oo1 a a paNtnre, but can all tie ptrt into cultivation.' No gruhbinir rwjotrvwl. 1 niUoa from aehool. T.-ri. f 1C par ar-rw. !aah down, htlenoe a'l ruoat any length of time aevured by BrvA gag. .laMasere. lying a ithln a mile of Mon roe in BenUn oounty. Ail uinJ. r r. r, -ami rllriled into fire fialda. All good farm (arid and half in grain, flood bouse and barn, anlorid id. water and a fine oreh an!. 1 1 Is one of t lie Ut farina in tbat Nti u of the valley. Price ftt ier acre f 1000 or f I'rfWidoarn and alao on ti i-in ire nf C. H. HTKWART. fraTSTCit!B IWtt. UrtC.) res atir. di o. kui a THE where he can find the most worms, and farmers should act on the same principle when they but their goods. JAMES L. COWAN, of LEBANON, has just returned from below with a .mammoth and complete stock of General Merchandise, which he bought at such low figures that no establishment in the county is able to undersell him. He makes no specialties, but has KVERYTllINC; YOU WANT! H A T S, C A P S, BOOTS. SHOES and an eztra stock of the best quality of GROCERIES. D0NT BW UNTIL YOU CO AND SEE HIS STOCK AND LEARN THE PRICES. WHEAT AND OATS. He will pay you the highest price for your wheat and oats and will pay it in cash. City Murshars Sale for Celln quent Taxes NOTICE la hereby given tbat by virtue of a war rant issued by the Recorder of the City of Albany Linn county ami State of Oregon, under the seal ol said city, dated the 12th day of Bay, 1881, aud a nexed to tho delinquent tax list of the city of Alba ny, directing me to levy upon tbe good and chattels of the delinquent tax payers lo said list; aad if sum be found then Upon tbe real estate belonging to sM delinquent, as art forth in said delinquent tax list Of so much ss shall satisfy the amount so charged, with costs and expenses .f collection. Now, there fore In txirsuance of said writ, and delinquent tax last I hsve for want of personal property levied upon tbe folios-log described real estate, to wit : Assessed to I, Enshry, lot (3) three and (4) lour, in block 70 in the city of Albany, Linn county, Ore gon ; all levied iini as the real property of L. f os ier, to satisfy tbe sum of two 2) dollars taxes for the i.-sr H-vi ; OiH mini ot to dollars sod twenty fiveoentefS? .26) Use tut the year lsol, od cost and accruing costs. Also th following dseerlbad real estate assessed to Mrs. M. Oentiot, lot (8) io UUxM 100, Ilaokiesnac a aldiU'i Ut the eity of Altauiy, Lion county Oregon, all levwxl upon as the real profierty of Mrx nva, to satisfy the suai of seventy Sve tssite (Tc,) taxes Utr the year 179 ; also the mn of Aft inw (V tase for th, year ffea ; also the svas id fifty revita taxes rr tke ; ear last, with t"t ai.d st cmlti g t'.t. And 'Mi the Wh Oar of OcVtber. tbe CmarX House door In the efty of AThator, Una eosanty, state of tm, at the hoar of 1 o'clock la the arte' noon of sawl day, I will sell the heretiefore desert bed real es tate at rtitli' stK-tion, to the highest bidder for aah in saUsfy taxes and eosts Iherteei tor th years ImrHlib.-forc rotitione'l. aa-casd arsinat as 1.1 real r lated. to Use owners Ure"f , vor4uf to tbedelin ueat tax list sloreeaaiL laasal at athasry taW lStb dayof rtuber, van. 7wl BarSs1 of the OHr' of AlhanT. Summons. In fU Circuti Court of thr State oj hom for Imn (Jenmty ! M. y bsft par, , r. Ho-t in Eottlty for fSrsrew. V. P. fehai. la-n.) To II'. '. AVsee, Defeddaui : I THK NAME OF THE ST ATE OF It K' v. you are hereby rrpoired to appear aud answer tne com plaint filed against you, in iiie above entitled auit. on or lefore the fourth Monday of Oetober, ISS1, and if you fail ao to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply totheaboro entitled eaourt for a decree diaaolving tbe marriage contract now exist in between you reel f and aaid plain tirt; far tbe rare and custody of ibe miner cbild. and for heir com h and diaboraemnt in the suit. And you am fn rther net fled that tbia aum rnooa ia nerved upon you by publication by order of lion. R. p. lioiae, jodge of aaid t'oort made on the 7th dav of feept 1MI, directing tbat aaid anmmona be pnbliabedaix eonaorntTve works inbe si a i k HuiB-a LrBxrwaaT published at Albany in aaid oeunty. KoatfAM ASTATTe, BSJ Attys tor PI ft. Summons. the f! remit Court of th County of Linn in thr State of Oreaom: . , , . , . i.;ua . sirnswie risi. j Job,, UeiJueoc heft. nasir, To John Meiueme, Drfemilamt. "IN TUB NAME OF THE KTATE F X OKKffON. yon are hereby 'required to appe-r ad armvtr tbe complaint of the above named plaintiff ii tbe above en titled Court now on file with. Ibe Clerk of aaid Court, on tbe first day of thd next regular term of aaid Court iu and for lann r'ounty Oregon, to wit, on the front h Monday tbe 'I4ib day of Otnoher 1S81. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer tbe Mid com plaint aa hereby required tbe plaintiff will take a decree against you ditawdving he bandeef matrimony new ex rating be tween too and the piaintitrand changing plaintiff's name from T.vriia A. Mctjuene to that of I.ydia A. l;ilyeu and ala giving her the rate and custody of tha tbiee minor chddrn mentioned In tbe mm- -' "d f-r her cxMta and dist.ur menta in thla suit. 1 hia aummona U publiabed oy order f Hon. It F. Hoiae indge of savrd urt made at Chamlers in tbe CM y of Salem Oregon Jept. 7th, 1881. I'owill A Brtrrr. Attys for PUT. . t berry Tavwlki Fsasie. An BMSBBda combination for -he prawui -ration of ibe Teeth and u'oma. It ia far superior to any preparation of tbe kind in tbe market. ju lame. hannsmii ntml j pots, pri.-t- BB cenia. For s A Maecn, Albany, Oregon. For sale by Fehar OLD BBBBBBsBBsBsf