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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1881)
STOCK i ' have big arrivals from Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, etc., etc., wherever we can get the BEST and CHEAPEST Goods. The following are some goods that have just arrived : is now coming in. We OUR j j Ft I DRY GOODS. MIRE STIIKD DRESS GOODS, FANCY PLAID SUITINGS, BLACK CASHMERES, COLORED CASHMERES, POPLINS AND BEIGES, OOUBLE WIDTH SHEETINGS, FLANNELS OF ALL KINDS, TAILE LINENS, WATER PROOF - ALL COLORS, HACK REAVER, FANCY CLOAKING, ETC. SAMUEL E. Wht gcmartat. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30. 1W1 Ah sgreble flavor in cattle food stiMuiales appetite ami probably promote dipwtioo. Short floe wool contains the larg est proportion of fat. Pure wool hair contains about sixteen per cent, of nitrogen, mm It is said that, notwithstanding t be frosts of the past seassn. Florida wili md 000, 000 oranges to mar ket this pear. Watervilie (N. Y.) hep growers are employing St. Regis Indians from Canada in considerable numbers in picking bops. Such has been the recent damage to the British crops that the current deficiency in the United King- is estimated at 125,000,000 bush- eta The American wheat acreage is spreading in advance of the rate of inere in population, hence larger quatt'i will e available ynr y year f-r . sport. r - t ' i a't': gr s w.---r f ti !i !!' e ti . Thv -e, i I tt m v I t -te Mil .l f re. . (I up - -.J. -.- ?.r .v. 0 W r m en ha if - -;r'- fl f . .! t 1 -I i t a- trr Mcerh r i mi i itif Tte tif - i.. fal r hm 8 i ladf' d r-ui:t-d iitr mtk , Atl Mh r-tustr mim if a yam Hatit are mure digest. iV than i?t It seme plant f giaier e. In ihe fat' eniug of wethers to fin ish as shearlings, English breeders Hate that the otswaid and Leicester grades can he made up to 200 pounds, the Oxferd Downs to ISO pounds, and the 8outhdowt grades to 100 pounds, live weight. The ;im of a sting from bee, waapor hornet may heal moat IrMtant y newtralbul )y the application of a little liquid mui mU. and i is said that the pi- and sting may I? for ced out by pressing the barrel of a small key firmly for a minute over the woead. No pain or swelling will reaa't. The Dublin Farmer dainn that a fail feed of hay to horse, to follow concentrated food, is wasteful, and crowds the Utter out of the stomach before proper digestion occurs. This authority claims that the hay should be fed first to avoid the above-men tioned trouble. A hearty drink of wa ter upon a fall stomach also ofc rates to push its ri intents into the intestine, before it is proper digestion. Prof. Ar."bl Mate) that I he pres. race of pun oxygen at a m-sl rate femperatare rrUitd site stt'lug: t$t l&lllk anO t.t- a ta-o Hial ff i.p.n the tiv.r tod kepi.ig nf hfjin t in a free 'u rviit of air x ,-uoie wba; i "tt.iiU. islor, t ut in itnflfeni .i Uitu a very th !eurtous effect. I. tn :h tiiuf c ur- $ ciicese experiiueut-i hd -lumii that wmu air tipe;i ;! rbeef iwore quick Ij ikae tslo sir, aid pratfteeaa more intense mlr. Ajoiasi aa iMU 'ti care is taken to dry hay in Norway as fish; for the weather h m its vhOssitutles, and the "W later is long and wearlsomes to man ami beast. Hay is hu:.g op to dry. . Srafees arc set about th-ee. teet high, and pins iu.- rled, upon which Header pole are laid. The poles are ao arrangeil titat when grass is plac ed mam them they shed rain, The SUB and wind ti do the making, aided by, the Mai wait f uiaies, em ployed in turning -d haitdling the ay. An Iowa f itHur gives his m tliott Jr lai-iiia pUaa as fuWv S: "Piant them In TU i "nl rto to the J.iyU.-r i-r t id wiiHtc ih chickens run, the unre hickeua the 1 -Iter; baj tbm a- a. n as ky are out o lUv gi uial, then pi w noon a i as mice a week tin H they are in bloom. The chickeus will keep the bugs off it the bitter are not too tumorous. If th re arem t- hugs than tin chick euacm 'coiisuiim- kKH-k lh-m etTthe viitesjusi h fote ihe plow aid plow them under ry tiay till Ihej disap p&tr. iu ibht a ay 1 have rah o plaa iy while my neighbor's cro.s were nil destroy A LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER, CARPETS, GROCERIES, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAINS, YOUNG, JAMES DANNALS. lSi rCTt K AMD MUUCK 111 FURNITURE REDDING. Craer rr rr jr aaat Sfcaaa St rrl. ALBANY. - OREGON. VlSMIjrl DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Fcahay A Mason's. Real denes on BroadaIbn St.. Albany, Or. vltnWNf gOOK & JOR pRINTINQ HAVING purchaaed the Book and Job Office formerly owned by Mae. 8. Mon taith, we are now pre pared to exeente all order for printing in a manner unexcelled by any office in the State. A Fall stork of Legal ttlauka Kept Hand aad Meld) at the Lowest Ratea. All order from a distance promptly at tended to. Albany, Or., Sept. 8. 'HI. WATTS & GODFREY, 64 Tta roach aiukea la Every Jetat. And every fiber with fever and ague, or remittent, tne system may yet be tread from the malignant virua'with Hostetter' Stomach Ihttrrs. Protect the system against It with this beneficent antispasmo dic, which bt furthermore a supreme rem edy for Mver vmpiaint, oonstipaii n. dya-p-p-ia, debility, rhenaiatixm. kfdnay UMthn Hud other ailment. F r-fahyall iirnttgiits and Dealer Ktterailv. AN AKESIS 0B. i. SLSBET RXTEBHAL PILE BKHKDV Qivac Instant Retisf, and it as tnfallibia CURE FOR ALL KINDS OP PILE8. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, $1 . per box, prepaid, by mail. Samples sent free to Physicians and all sufferer, by Neustaedter & Co., Box 3946, New York City. Sole manufacturers ol ANA KKSIS. Mk J . li. Batks, Newspaper Advertis ing Agent, 41 Park Row (Times Building) New York, is authorized to contract for advertisement in the Democrat at our best rates. King of the Blood U not a "eureh" tt Is a bloed-purlrter ad tonic. LmnuritT of blood noiaona tbe aratena. amrBte the circulation, and tbua Induces many disorders. known by different names to dtattaaiifah them so- cordla to effect, but being really brancnes or phaaea of that great generic disorder, latpartty of Hlood, Such are D&xpsUi, BUiauma, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Ne-intj IHsordera, Bead aahe, Backache, General Weakness, Heart Disease, ?EfV Weoe. Piles. ilUeumatitm. Co- ami cure these by attacking the cause. Impurity of the Blood. Chemiuta and pbyateiaaa agree la callUkg it "(he man genuine and efficient prepa ration for the purpose." Sold by UruggUta. al per ootuts. see lex'.iwoniwa, awecvona, ma., in pan pfciet, -Treat He on Diaeaaea of the Blood," IflBS d arouna ears i oitie. S80M. HUH a CO.. Frew,, BaflUe. 1. 1, jr&T t aaasa ntptj tnt, Aathma. Bvwndiltta H0STTTE FANCY UOOIhS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, FANCY BUTTONS, SHADED FRIHGES, CORDS AND TASSELS, SHADED TASSELS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS. FANCY LACE TIES, LADIES' AND CENTS' UNOERWEAR, CHILDREN'S UNOERWEAR, EMBROIDERIES AND LADIES. WEST COAST FLAX MILLS, -MANUFACTURERS OF- SAIL, BROOM, SEWING AND BALL TWINES, ALSO LINEN YARNS Foot of Jackson Street, ALBANY - - OREGON. F. O. BOX 168, NOTICE TO ARM Kit. -We would respectfully imorut the farmera of tula section that we are permanently lo cated here, aad are prepared at all Utaee to pay the highest market pi ire for lint flax. We will gladly furnish pert lea who Intend sowing flax any Information they desire. Depending largely uprn the farmer of this section for tue suoeeaa of our enterprtae and the raw material we aanaume. and believing flax growing to be a rodiabl0 industry, we respeutJully aak ou to sustain a hums Industry that promises to become mutually beuellcla. Albany. Or., Aug. 2f, 1881, 4yl WEST COAST FLAX MII.l,S. RED GROWN MILLS. BALLARD, I80M & 0.. PR0PU S. saw runr-KMs rtot-a scrraion ron ravmni At aaaraa ran, BESTSTUftACiE FACilHIES. Highest Price in Cash for Wheat- AL3 A.N I OR. Notice to Creditors. xoi.i r i in i-i.n i, or l.-r of l-e mi jii..- ii i.iiim jr, : . oii. at iAa is the 2 nd day f Ju..-. is.., and .inly enlerad ot rsvord i he UMleHiat a in duly apu-nt-ed S'lminitaratiir of ihe e latnta -rahip tale of Monk ami Meyr, "f linn ini y, Orea-uc ; toarciore ail pemoua having claims againat said fopanuerahip eatali, re hereby notified to prnaeut the aania duly verified to the iiud-rigud, iu Alba ny, Line county, Oregon, within the time and la the manner prescribed by law. Dated Albany, Sept. I, lHfti. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Administrator. vrttev CHICAGO JiOY WESTERN la tl.e OLDEST ! BKST CONSTRUCTED. BEST gtiUIPPED ! sad bono the LEADING, t RAILWAY WEST aTd fUeiTOWEeT. It U the SHORT, HI' BE and SO E Rut Uta-an OOUNOHi BLUFFS -AND Chicago, Milwaukee And aifnciiiU EAST, each aa Slaaara t'all. aw fork. rfcslaaVlMfcla. Baatwa, Wafclalaa, Biolliuorr, Put, bur. Munirral Trwl, Melralt, tleertaast. ,it i'. u i il Bl'iff the traixM of the f'hi' Rn aim s'.ni'i Wuateni an.t the l?. P Hit's Uiart f rum, ar rive itainl nae Iivmmim! joint t'liiull DvS. at ' hl. !f. i-.k; coiuhHIoi.4 . ii :i.!f with lh ake Hture, Ulh'ui Cei.Lral. ai,.l Oiiiu. r't. W4)im hkI Holing I van a, aiul Ufw and Ursed !TuuK IliilrtMtdK, afl inn KuukakM -..u Fan ataaas pRlmai PaUee Drawiug Boom Car Are run on all through traiM rf 1 bis raU Itia the ONLY BOAD betwuvn Ol M it ai.l A VII Hit 4CO. Upon whii.ii la run tb celubratcil PULLM H HOTEL DINING CARS Inalat unon TL'kct Aireuta eeltin:r vu Tlnketa via thia rami, kscunine vnur Tii-kot ami nrfuu U lim it Uiey do not read ever the Chiuafn and North - wawern ttauway. If vou a'iah the heat travaHnir at;ininiiula.tinn vmi will liuv vonr tickeU hv thin mittaS-af-AKIi U'll.l. TAKE NONE OIHKK. Sit ticket agenUaell ticket by thia line. ma a vis MiciRi rr, a4 V. P. aad Ueal Maag'r, chleage. EASTWARD. I7nl Aloany Bath House. I Ml 1, i NDEK.-1UNED WOULD KUSPKUd .ully ioforui the oitisena of Albany sad ri att) thai 1 bavoi'ikentsbara'eofthia iwatabliih .nt. and. hy keeping eleao rooms and payir rict attention t S.UKinae, expects 10 auit al .ae nho tsaa favor us eitb their patronage - iMr. . heretofore carried on nothing but irst-Ciass Hair Dressing Saloons, v espudtr t tve entire astiataetion to si " hii.ii.o. and Lsdira' Hair neatly on hamr"-rf jm WKBUKK. ALBAN Y MEAT MARKET Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Ill jlteet Ca.h Price paid tor ail kin Ja of fat tU ck. iU Lb VI WitT J. W. BENTLEY, Clinton. Boot & Hhoe Maker. 100X8 AND SHOES made to order. I and repairing done with nealneasand pateh, and at Tow urUss. tall and see him. Klrat Street, Albany. 4lyl Oregon Marble Works. H. A. CLARK, PmprirleT. HVrtTtBB or MONUMENTS, Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table-Tops, Washstands, Etc All klnda ol manUnr work dame la Marble, free Wae and Uranite. All work dune In Sns flaee M)le aad at the keat raiee, aWWeat aide of Kerry Street, Wtereea ssvtatd and Taad. AI4BAY. OllbOV P. a 4 do not eeatdny any (Heaperlaewed eanvaea era, and five wy eaetaeaare ISe beaeSt ej te fS pat cent. aeaaaaa allotted fur aurb work. REVERE HOUSE, t'arwrr rirel a EtUerarth Allaaay. Chas Pfeiffer, Propr. Tide new HsVI la tled BP la RafJ riaaa ett l. labkei M1M-it with ta heal Mm aavkvt aS- ..1. it..ut tfaato to eer) Kau A naeaiSa H"tf i -f ' .anlal I nt.aU-ra. e I r laark tm mmi tr-m eew m. .. 1 KOSHAY & MASON, ... n. l aa a-t n. Dmisisaiiil BotksHrrH, I.IIIM. ORKIilll. I Htt4ltf NEW YORK SHOPPING! Evrylody dwlighted with the tavacful and beautiful Mdesaluus nuade hy Mra. la uiar, who has never failed to idrawe her cuatotuera. New Kali Circular Juat laaasati Scud for it. Addreee MRS. Kl.l.KN I.AM A K. ! Tti S77 Hftaalwar. Mew York The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchase PI u miner dried fruit at full market or ices ; Will send a competent person to sal vise fruit grower aa to cultivation of or addi tions to orchard ; Will aupply fruit Ire of enpmved aorta at moderate prices; Will sell Pinmmer fr!erathroli Mna, i teuton and lame count. I etter to besent to ( 'orvalU r n" ''utn pany. 'avallla,ltonUn t'omity, noui, WAI.UH NASH, I'rtwldeiit. Jamkm KetsOaA, Hec'y. Jannary 1. I war ger SALTMARSH & LANCOON, URI CiCalNTN. Books. Hlatlonery and Toilet Art idea, A large Stock and Low Price. OITTT DUTTGr BTOBE, t1 ALKIKl, OK ICON. AT THE OLD STAND, 72 FTR8T HTRKKT, HAN ON HAND AS FINK AN ASSORTMENT OF COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, 4a any ttottar in the all. tie a so liaiporfa mikI uiauu laclurev TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE K KVKHV IHXi KliTlON IN STOCK OR TO ORDER. AUSO, HE KJCKPH OS HAND, A FULL ASSORTMENT Of GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUI5LIC AT PRICES, THAT DEF COMPElTnON. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, A LHANY, ORhXJON. Repair work done at lSuSS GRAIN INSURANCE. TO FARMERS : We can give you the lowest rates and the best companies. Take no chances when a very small sun make you secure. You can borrow money on your grain if you are insured. Our po icies are good security at the Bank. Give us a call. Respectfully, Albany, Or, Ang. 11, 1831. BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES' FRENCH KID SHOES, LADIES' AMERICAN KID SHOES, DUNBAR'S SCHOOL SHOES, HOLBROOK'S PEBBLE COAT SHOES, LADIES' FANCY SLIPPERS, LADIES' CUM BOOTS. LADIES' "COMMON SENSE" SHOES, WELL'S SADDLE SEAM BOOTS, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S RUBBERS, WELLS' PINE CUM BOOTS, FIREMEN'S CUM BOOTS, A BARGAIN I Valdable Property for Sale. THE ALDEN FRUIT DRYER, Innlading the balldlna aad lota upon which It la Militated, la for sale at a bar Kain. There are two dryers and they can be sold aeparataJp. This 1 a good op portunity for fruit raisers to secure the beet dryer made, at a low price. The ha are very valuable lying on the river front, and having a railroad switch running by thetn. It la a good location for a custom tlouriug mill, foundry, or any such bulneaa. For further j articular call cn the Praai. dent or Herretary of the Coiniainy. O. r. CKAWKORD, L. C. Rica, President. Final Settlement. Xr.OTICB 18 HEREBY OIVEW THAT i3l Ute undoralgtied executor of the laat will and teatatnam of Reason It. Willough by deceased has tiled In tbo County Court of Linn County Oregon bis final aoaount as such executor, and by order of said Court Monday the 3rd day of October 1HM1 at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of aabl day la eat for hearinc objection to said account and the aetllemeni thereof. Any person interested la said aetata la hereby notlfl d to apfastr and fill bis or her ehjeetlon to said final account on or Iwfore said day. K. J. WiLuiroaar, ALBANY CITY Flouring UfK Ut agrMsl ahh Ilie fariurr-. for tlie aioraga of rate half our ana-My. I.ui an .-su et aiurei ahout 4) oualMtla. Fh at coiiih, lirat atrved PRSMK Mt I Cm PER LH SHEL in mill feai a usual. TNO.NOSJTKITH A SON. M MAGNOLIA MILLS. WE are fully piepaied as usual to fur nlali storsge ami aacka on the most Cavorablo terma. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Mills. vlTul reasonable figures. Ci H STEWART, PATItOMXi: II0.HK UimilAftTS. o. !' I.1CI1A.JVO.N. Can sell you all goods in the line a of General Merchandise just as cheap as you can go away from home and buy them. He carries a large and varied assortment of all goods, is well prepared to exhibit them, and you can make just as good selections by purchasing of Remember the place, C. B. MONTAGUE'S GENERAL STORE, LEBANON, iioimw w PROPRIETORS OP ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS 1N Iraported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, Candies Nuts and Tropical Fruits. AJtmtly, - ... Oregon. ONE DOOR BELOW JOHN RI'Ifi(iS' STORE. Sftyl 1 00,000 In the United States STUDEBAKER ajpgJJgJJJBBHWBaaWiWBaiaaaaaaaaaialiaaaaV , - 1,1 ZaWSBBBBBBBBBBPaPBsBBiBfeBBBaV ySsfX1!swLT y aaTjBBLXt MeaaaaaaVaaiHelNaa r9a9asBer'aBfjjjBIBHHHHH0Ba Their Grert PopttlRrilf in Dne to Ihe Especiwl Cure Taken In leef iug tlie Msslerlatl. THE WOOD BEING THE HEST ! fil k?BLK(TKr fnnn tlic foroata of Indiana, which are nutcl fur the q- il Mbtkiiiif. I t-i tirw atihjetHMl I .!!.. c iiniei'Uin, ami sieraTI i i( ind it.i i , Mt ai c ess4oyet, thu hi-min.' flrtl i-Ua work, ami prnttoois a warasi ww and lljfhlntjes o( ili ifi la net Huqunejuil; They are the BEST Ironed Wagon r. in the Market. Every one having our Patent . 'iiiound Edge Projecting Tire, Which ttrolecU the paint ami f, Hoc. No otha.- manufat turcr ho Uc risthi to use it. .MJ of ear TbladMa Hkeni WacMiia have nur iwtent sKCIN AMU TKL'SS AX LIS, w-hioli ipxnUy atrenejtlioua Uio Axle ami WA:eat the akulu from working Ioomi. Our Waruua alio have The Slope Shouldered Spoke, which Greatly Increase!; the Strength of the Wheels. 'All nf the above iiu;r ivuiuenta cannet he oaeU by any other maker without ;i,.n.i.ii,. iit. aatTA full line of t)ieae Watrona can be found in tbe.prineipsl towns of Oregon ih-i WaaOayStia. EUCIRNK BUCHANAN, Agent, ALBANY, ... - OREGON. ( I OAKS. LADIES' BLACK BEAYER, LADIES' ULSTERS, LADIES' DOLMANS, LADIES' CIRCULARS, LADIES' FINE TRIMMED CLOAKS, LADIES LICHT CLOAKS, CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GOSSAMERS, DOLMAN CLOAKS, SHAWLS, WOOL JACKETS, ETC., ETC. ALBNY, OREGON. oki-::c., & PEOPLE use the celebrated WAGON AND i . ml or auii.h'e far -i a J. 'IVi IhjA Ji. tlurabiiiljr, ALBANY FOUNDRY -AN)- MACHINE SHOP. EJfTABLlHHCD lfrft. Hy A. F. CHERRY, astnalad si corner of First snd Montgoa.eiy Strw-la, Allstoy, i nt-tti m. . Having taken charge of th a bov nsntsd Work, we are pre at red to manufacture Stam Kneine, Haw and Oriat Mills, WowJ-workiriK Machinery, PuDjpa, Iron and I Iras Castings of every derriSJon. Machinerv of all Jdnds repaired. Spe cial attention givenfto repairing Carta n -cblnery. rUm Maklat alesae la all Its fait ass. 10:11 vl A. F. CHERRY A HUN. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OR The First Ttrm will epei WetlBCt dav, September 7ttf 1881. Fr tawtieaaara nnrtmang Ute f etodf i the jf-ir A UuUiMt. UfAy tm Ut.. VVkMMMt . ftlMT. TING SAM WAS LAUNDRY ! Ius ihs best washing and ironing in Al lny at Inweat ratra. Cuutrarta Bta'le Ur i 'hint m lalior. Iaundnr on WaMi.iofttnn si-W, optxrtiLo Mamhafra Uverv Aiabic. lti:35lf . C CH FRRY. C. B. PARKK. ALBANY IRON WORKS. camn & parkes, (Sucrssssors to C. '. t'nerry.) MacMaists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WKIIATKOUK NEWS11C1PS AIL tMiiolc4ed, snd are now pteparvd to handle a I kinda of heavy work. We will mstiiifarture Steam Knginea. fSri4 and ew Mid Machinery, and all kimiaoriron and Itram (.'astings. r ATTsa m mc aacT notm r. Kiec'ial attention given to repairing all kinda of machinery. Will also manu&r rure the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. hmp mm Baker St. a LasaWr Yant. Albany, Or., Dec. I, 1880. 18tf To the Unfortonate ! DR .GIBBON S Dispensary. '.Q KKAKXY ST. vliO eoraa (4 OoaearT eiai Street, Su Fraatiem. Ktilibi in ISM. h.r the treatssaat of Sexaat sswtstninal rlrtnre, Spavllia u ail aBBlaal Wrakatw. Dk-ht Iimh be dreSaee. eie. plea ou the face ami Ium. of aanboad cm p.itirlr be cured. Tbo Mck and effiicUU ahould not SOI Ut cell opati him. Tbe lktt..r bj traveled exteuaively in Kurope. ami inepecW'd thurwajrbrj tbe xariuua bi t BSkl tbre, uhtsintnjr a trial deei of tahimhle ii.futk w ti' h bv Uci iiijh u bl lu imirt to Ibuae Mi w. d hiwr)W DK. t.thboN arill aaabe mo cWrr in k-ei Im-dTevt a nire. ren.Hr ataVtect: If At UK UK ill n Item, AH c-e.ut.h-ki.. trK-tl. jfc im, tH H.r m rtt aStHir-it aVslaea Saf. yevrkeefe .4 n.riuf . i., r.ttH; U. Jk- fcuir ih (.Ukm. 4i. iu. ika i u.r t. Ib x. t,S antl rr'ian i.lit fl.. ba.... . iia itl.-. Mi er - nu.. Adtll.e i'l. J. . HI III lb. th S...7, rn f ijw !. . ttfittCt r niAKliKS HOT hi.. atdBAMY, OCCCCIs IU.C. I9FI. . - . ' - irriribT. Tiiin Hmar baa heeu U...r..ul.h riiovattnl fnu i,. u i..u.m, atol U in t4tuKlul i-uudiitui, I ,.t Khj iiikrtiunjuii id bawaaaw "Ibe :Ue w u..Jh-,I iUi rvM-ythiu tbe nr- aet aOorda. orvailla. Leaamoa ! Bnliu asaa tllajiaj THE ONLY RELIABLE BITTERS. Ttwa m ti I aaj n mm mmM R m m m m ec i r tit hj a IFfcyaf. foa 91 Jj BE8T