The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 30, 1881, Image 2

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    rKlDA 8KPTK.MI5KU 30, I8H
Thh.k who ku w . I ii dial Hunt,
Secretary of Hi Navy, .will bo guper
ceded by Judg Thorns Sotttn or
Gcitau has been notifled that the.
Grand Jury will begin an Investiga
tion of his ease next Monday, and he
will be arraigned and tried iminedl-.
As the next Senate will be a tie
Senator Bayard tnyi the Democrats
will demand and receive without re
sistance an equal representation en
the committees.
Politicians in the End, who
claim to kcow, says that Js. O.
Blaine will have to step down and
oat of the cabinet to make toora for
the great national bummer-rU. g.
After Arthur took the oath of
office at Washington, oq Thursday of
last week, the entire cabinet tender
ed their resignations. He would not
accept their resignations, and asked
it as a personal fiver that they
would continue In the discharge of
their usual duties. But this h not
naa:, ami home of thera will h v to
Dr. A. JL. Lamb, who h.-ld the
knife in the post mortem operation,
says the bulletin report of the autop
sy issued by the surgeons, was cor
rect and true.. Nothing was held
i. . .1. . .
ate or conceaieu. The wound was
neeeessanly fatal. The attempt of
s vera! doctors outside to revive the
professional war over the president's
case, Is pronounced ill-timed, and the
effort to create a sensation out of this
affair has fallen rather flat.
LOLI.ECTOR Kobertson, of New
ycr a . .
ior, evidently doesn't want to
ioo-e his position. At the head of
deputation from the Union League
he called on Arthur last Sabbath and
rxpreasea nts wishes for the success
of the administration, promising his
beany and cordial support. It' no
use, Mr. Robertson, your head is
eure to fall within a twelve-months.
jo le tucce&rai in New York the
slaiwart" must have the Custom
Mouse, ami as you are known to ho a
Btaiuo maa, you must go.
xm ti teax ic or vilkm :.
Applauce&nd sympathy for the j-o-
dier -who fired at Guileau are mi. di
Try Guitteau fairly; punish him to
sa a r m . . -
iue iuii extent or the law; but the
life of the humblest citizen, and of
the worse man, when he is secured
i-iwgwuuuciiwui, snouiu be as
sifefrom violence as that of the
This soldier instead of doing a good
service, has brought a stain upm the
same of his country.
T cecoxiav.
Donald McKay, chief of the Warm
r-pring Indians, U visiting in Colum
bus, Ohio. An exchange says ho
weighs 200 pounds and is 43 years of
ge. He bears upon his body eigh
teen wounds, received in varions
Iodian battles while in the employ of
me government. He speaks Eng
lish, German, French and Spanish,
and Indian tongues. He was a
acout for Grant in I8oo, and he was
second lieutenant for George B.
McClellan when the latter wai a cap
tain, exploring Oregon and Washing
ton Territories. He has acted as in
terpreter in every Indian treaty
made west of the Rocky Mountains.
twL LAFAvtrrm vwimm.
The newspars of Oregon are congrat
ulating Senator Grovcx on his recovery
fruiu what was thought by his friends
and jday sician a year ago to be an in
curable malady. We join in r bow, cor -gratulations
most heartily, Hay. a
Washington j er called the Xationa!
View, f.,r Mr. Grover is one of the best
wen in the United States Senate; a
a genial, cnltured gentleman, with
more of t he qualities of a sound states
man ;ban are usually found in members
of that body. But wa also feel called
upon to extend our congratulations to
the phyaiciau through whose scientific
e'iill he waa rescued from the terrors of
that dread disease known as cerebro
spinal meningitis, which bad become
ehronie. This was M. Cora Bland, M.
D., wife to T. A. Bland, the well-known
financial writer and orator. After
having sought In vain for releif at the
hands of eminent male physicians, and
at various Watering places, the Senator
put himself in the prufessional care of
this scientific Woman in November
last, iuuW whese treatment he steadily
improved, and two months ago he re
turued to Oregon iu a condition of
health ou I surprising than gratify
ing to his auxious friends and constitu
ents. TiiiauNse furnisher a striking
illustration of the titness of women for
the practice of medicine.
McMinnville warehouses are all run
ning up to their fullest capacity, and
all have been running more or less loth
day and night dMiing the past week.
Their itedipts in the aggregate are
p ob ibly fr mi 80(X to 10,000 bushels
per day.
FKKK TR 1111
In answer to the uuest ou as to what
he meniit b Fiee Trade.Clin. Mi Adam
gives th i following in the Free Twite
Frumda, if you ask us what we mean
by Fiee Trade, and what wo want to
accomplish, we reply:
We do not expect ot intetul the im
mediate abolition of Custom-houaea or
Customs duties. Some of us think
that will become desirable, others
among us do not. But we-re all
agreed that a thorough revision of the
urrsont tariff is called for by every con-
siueiauon oi justice, ana oy every mo
tive of public interest.
We want a law which wttf lament
11 both consumers and manufac
turers bv admitting raw materials
substantially tree of duty, ami by
making a corresponding reduction in
.a -as
the duties on aniens maiiumetui-eu
from these raw materials.
W want a tariff which will no loua?-
er tax all the people of America who
a a a iiii
work in brass or copfwr, ami tne stui
larger number who use the products of
. t A .1 A f a
tneir woik. to enlarge lae trams oi a
, 9
few rich men who own the copper
mines ot Michigan. We would admit
copper ore free of duty.
. M til
We want a tan it which snail not tax
every carpenter and builder in America
and consequently every man who lives
in a house, for the benefit of the owner
of the forests which coer the hills of
Mrine, Vermont, Michigan and North
ern Wisconsin. We would admit
timber free of duty.
We want a tariff which shall not tax
every man who hat a child's cairiage
or a plated sHXn,or a bicycle, tjr the
benefit of the owners of one or two
nickel mines. . We would admit nickel
free of duty.
We want a tariff which shall not tax
every man who live in a bouse, or
builds one, for the beuedt of the mo
nopolists who make Ameiican screws
and realized enormous profits by the
exclusion of forei'-n screws. We
would reduce the duty on screws.
We wants tariff which shall not tiX
every maa who rides ou a railroad, for
. a aa. A m a.
tne lament OI a lew men who monoa
lize the manufacture ot rails in iliis
country. We would reduce the duty
on steel rails.
We want a tariff which shall uot tax
every man whose child goes to achool
and wi ties on a slate, tor the benefit of
a few owners of the slate Quarries of
Vermont, We would reeal the du y
on unmanufactured slate.
We want a tariff which ahail not t x
every man who reads a newsaia-r, or
a . . s At a
a OOOK, or writes a letter tor ine ueue
fit of a few who monopolize the mauu
fucture of wood uuln. We would
admit rags, paper stock, bichromate of
as a
potash, I red oi duty.
The list is end'ess. The pi mem
tariff is a bundle of i-ils, concrived iu
sin and brousht forth in iuiouity. To
ar -a
revise it, to simplify it, to make it fair
and just, is what, here and now, we
mean by Ftee Trade.
Our cause is the cause of ih pi ple
against monopoly which, in A.iu uca,
is created and sancti uied by U.
We do not war against .i.mi . in
dustry; we do uot pnijajse violently- to
8,reeP ry rights. We do not
nroooee to break th ionds that shackle
our industry and prevent it fmu com
peting fairly with the markets mt the
We have no wealthy corj-oraii n,
no enormous.fortunes gainet be unjust
and partial taxation, behind a. We
rely for success on the justit t- -t our
cause, the intelligence of the Aoseriean
people, and the blessing which the
great, Ruler of .Nations usver UiU to
bestow on a sincere ami a meat
lendeovor to do right.
Who will come and help u I
tSEXTBa SESSIOX oi Tsi:r.if
Dispatches from the Eist now
state positively that aa extra session
of the Senate will be called by the
President, for the purpose of fill
ing the vacancy o.. the Supreme
Bench caused by the death of Judge
Clifford, and the appointment oi oth
er important officers. When the
Senate convenes t hi- fir -a thing In or
der will be the election of a Vice Pres
ident, and as the Democrats have
the majority they have named Sen
ator Bayard for that office. He is
the senior senator in point of service
of that party and the custom of pro
motion by seniority is rarely disre
garded by the senate. No other
democratic name will be proposed or
suggested. There are some republi-
cansenators who maintain that the
presidency of the senate and secre
taryship should not be conceded to
the democrats, that there is no man
datory law requiring a president to
be elected before new sonatots are
admitted and that republicans should
contend for these offices. There are,
however, a number of republicans
who agree with Senator Dawes that
the law governing the case gives the
advantage to the democrats, and ttat
it mrtst be observed. A Secretary
will also have to be elected, and this
will at last settle the little' fuss the
half-breeds are having with (iorham.
A Democrat will get the place and
Gorham will again take a back seat.
The following proclamation has
been issued by the President:
Whebbas. Objects of interest to the
United States require that the senate
should be convened at an eirly d.iy
to act on such communications as
may be made to it ou the part of the
executive, now therefore, J, Chester
A. Arthur, president of the United
States, have considered it my duty
to issue this proclamation, by declar
ing the cxtracstin irv oecassion to
require tko senate of tha United
States to convene f r tin? transaction
of business at the Capitol, iu the city
ot Washington, oil Monday the lOfu
aay of October, at nom of that d iy,
on which all who shall at that tune
be entitled to act as members of thar
body, ate required to take notice,
fJhven under ray hand ami
Cijester A. Altjdb. President.
J. G. Blaine, Se.'y of State.
amtui ua imk.iku 49MUam
Arthur's adllreaa at taking the
oath of ottlee at ihe imtdtol was us
follow.: For iho fourth time in the
history of the republic, Its chief mag
istrate has been remnved by death.
Ail hearts arc filled with grief and
horror at the hideous crime which
has darkened our land, and the
memory of the murdered president,
his protracted sufferings, his unyield
ing fortitude, his example and
ach lavements, his life and pathos, mid
his death will forever illumine the
pages of our history. For the fourth
time the oftleor elected by the people
and ordained by'theeonstltutlon to
fill the vacancy so created Is called to
assume, the executlvo chair. The
wisdom of our lather's forseelngeven
the most dire possibilities, made sure
the government should never he itav
perilled because of the uncertainty of
human life. Man may die, but the
fabrics of our free Institutions remain
unbroken. Ne higher or more assur
ing proof could exist of the strength
and permanency of the popular govern
raont, than the fact that though oue
choosen by the people bo struck
down, his constitutional successor Is
peacefully installed without shock or
strain, except the sorrow which
mourns the bereavement. All the no
ble aspirations of my lamented prede
cessor, which found expression In his
life measures, devised and suggested
during his brief administration, to
correct abuses and enforce economy,
to advance prosperity and promote
the general welfare, to ensure the
domestic security and maintnin
friendly relations with all nations of
the earth, will be garnered in the
hearts of the peoplo, and it wilt be
my earnest endeavor to profit and to
see that the nation shall profit by bis
example and experience and pros
perity bless our country, Our tlical
policy Is fixed by law, is well ground
ed and generally approved. No
threatening issue mars our foreign
intercourse, and the wisdom, integri
ty and thrift of our people may be
trusted to continue tno undisturbed
present career of peace, tranquility
ami welfare. The gloom a"d anxiety
which has enshrouded our country
must make repose especially web
come now. No demand fir speedy
legislation has been heard and no ad
equate occa-jon h apparent for an
unusual session of conre. The
constitution dHlnes ihe powers and
function of the cVecutivo a clearly
as this ot either depart meiits of the
govcmim-nt, and ho must uuswer for
the jal exercise of the discretion It
permit and the performance, of the
duties it imposes. Summoned
to llii-ft high duties ami re
sponsibilities, and profoii'iiiiy im.i-
siou of their niHgnitudii and gravity
I assume the (rust iuised by the
const ilut lou, relying for .ml ujxin
gulda' ce and the virtue, patrlotUru
ami iute.ligence of the American
rutie oLorona tot.
Wm. II. Xeedbam, editor of the
S'ews at Slgourney, Iowa, pays the
following tribute to the memory of
his deceased friend and comrade,
Mart V. Brown:
Gen. Mart V. llrown, editor of the
States Rights (Oregon) Democrat, pub
lished at Albany, in that state, died
August ad, 1331. Mart was an Iowa
man, having lived in Oskalooaa aa
early as 1 5, He commenced to learn
his trade in the Oskalooaa Herald office
under Need ham & Beardsly, in load,
and done the 'devil" work for one
year when he was superceded by the
editor of the Newt, In 18b7, and in
1858 H. C Leigluon commenced to
learn his trade in that office. Mart
enlisted in Capt. John IL Warren
company "II" of the 3d Iowa, and
served in Uncle Sam's army. He
worked in Th Alhia Union office with
the editor of the Xevm in 1802, After
the war he married y Us Etta Stewart,
of Albia,and soon ufier wentteOregon.
Shortly after utfivintf in Oregon he
went into the uewpuper business,
and soon went to the ironr. He was
a sharp and pointed writer and soon
became known the state over. lie
was elected State Printer ami served
four years in that capacity. He was
General of State Militia, and distin
guished himself on one or two occa
sions, when the troops were called
out to stop depredations committed
by the Indians. He was bold and
fearless, uinl anything he undertook
to do he went through with without
fear or favor. He was a delegate to i
the Democratic Natknal Convention
held at St. Louis. He visited Iowa but
nee after he left it, and that was when
he went to the National Convention
and. the Centennial. He was a prom
inentman inMisonic circles fn Ore
gon, fie leaves a wife, mother, and
brother in Oregon, and one brother
at Oskaloosa Johu F. Brown. Mart
was a self-made man, having starfoi
out a poor boy, and had to work bard
far every thing he got, but he had
energy, and that was all that was
necessary to make something of him
self. He was thirty-eight years of
age. The bereaved wife, mother and
brothers have the sympathy of all
who knew the deceased.
Geo. 11. Lee, editor of the BtmbU
can, published at Montezum.i, lowa,
speaks of him thus:
" "He was one of a company of boya
who started life as printers together.
Of the company he has been as suc
cessful as any, perhaps more so. Ho
was an uncompromising Democrat,
and the only one of the company, yet
the friendships of boyhood were
never allowed to be forgotten because
of political differences, and to-day
none regret reading the news of his
death more than his old chums who
have many times wished him a long
and prosperous life. AH he had of
the former was blessed with the latter.
We, with ethers of tliat company,
drop a tear to his memory, and silent
ly whimper requiescat in pace."
lsm & Birmingham, of the White
river cheese fnctorv, are running on full
time, and turning out a large quantity
of cheese. Their factory will close up
iu about six weeks for the present
year. This factory consumes about
0000 pounds of milk daily. Some of
the farmers who fuiniah milk, after
their contract with the factory expires,
will turn their attention lo butter mak
ing, claiming that their is more money
la it for them.
V. 4XD acisaoRH.
Tin. North Carolina llepuitlicaiis
are talkiug of calling thcnuelve ttho
anll-prohilutfiou paily.
Policeman Jordan of Philadelphia,
described is "a republican who ulways
votes the straight ticket," has resigned
because he couldn't aland a niggar. A
democratic mayor bad appointed four
colored men to serve aa policemen, two
of them iu Jordan's diati ict.
Tiik ofllolals to bo elected iu New
York in November are a secretary of
state, a controller, a state tieasurer, an
attorney general, a state engineer and
surveyor, aud an at social o judge of the
court of appeal. There are sin to to
chosen congressmen to ill 1 vacanciqa in
the ninth, eleventh, twenty -second and
twenty-seventh district, thirty-two
Uta senator and 12H nsseinb'ytnen.
Tut: Mississippi llepubiicans have
fused with the greenbackera, and the
combined forces have nominuted f jr
governor a renegade Democrat, who U
now a greenlstcker of the Solon ( 'base
stnpr. ( If course our valued llopuhli-
can contemporics in New Knglaud will
bitterly deaounce the unholy nlliance.
Of course.
Viucii.MA is just entering unm the
hottest polit inil l ainp.u mi iu ! history
slid the result is by no uicmuk fore-
ahadowed. It is to Im a hard and
close fight ttwecn honesty and dis
honesty, but we hoM fur ihe Itest.
Tis repudiation of the slate deVtOSj ihe
one side, and sit hom-st payment of the
same by the other. We are pleuMed to
to know llmt tin- hi-UKMiMCV have
placed theinwdte on the honest tide,
while the Upublienna nasi " dl sorts
make up the renudiatots think
honesty tne best policy in snea.
fit' R coloretl cnoet mm in to lie very
expensive institutions. Lbm . ll.-ury
O. Klip) y , who was'he race issue at
West l'.nnt till he graduated in 177,
and haa since ln on the Texas fron
tier, has just been arrested by t .
Shatter in conuuaiel ot l-ort Pom, as
he was about to skip into Mexico wiih
jMXK) or $.'iMmi . government money.
Flipper waa commiKsary of the Past.
He had 9 3000 on his terson and his
horse saddled for flight when urrewteJ.
I a (ft M m . m .ft
I ill:-. t. im nosueh "lllwMtil Jv.utl. as
the noitliern preas easaya to picture
There is a new and liltnral Smtli that
hss stood at the grave oi slsvei y and
whispered "rest iu teaoe!" that bows
to the constitution aud the laws, as it
ever bowed, that yearns for a union in
spirit as well as in letter, that whdtes
the widest possible fi nodosa of thought
and criticism, and recognize the equa!
interest of every man in good govern
roent. The South plants herxeif on the
broad bed rock of Democracy liberty,
security aud economy. Bhe Udieves
in the see principles in their widest ap
plications (.SiipoMMii Xeirt.
, Onk Heiublican Journal ;he Haiti
mun American -has distingui. bed it
self by speaking out boldly, on the
high ground of principle, against the
Virginia alliance. "Nothing but dis
grace, dishonor aud defeat," it declares
"mi come of xuch an unholy comprom
ise of principle; we would rather see
the old party go down like the little
Cumberland at Hampton mads, with
its flags flying, than see it triumph by
truckling to a false ami vicious senti
ment." And it warns the Republicans
who favor this alliance, on vat ions pre
texts, that "to tdorato the repudiation
of state debts is to invito ihe repudia
tion of the national debt." It has no
jsitieiice with the time-servers who
htve laltored to persuade the Virginia
llepubiicans to touh this pitch, on the
chance of cleaning their hands after
wants, ami declare "ll meaty is
the best Klicy itftolitic as well aa
in business,"
The Junction City mills have put
out sacks for 170,000 bushels of wheal.
The tax levy for Clackamas county
for the ensuing year is 21 mills on tiie
dollar, divided as follow; State, 4 milla;
insane asylum, 1 mi!!; war bonds;
mill; school, 3 mills; current expenses
of county, '2h mills.
It is estimated that 27,000 cor J of
wood have been used this year iu burn
ing charcoal for the Otwego iron works.
About 150 Chinamen are regularly cm
ployed in cutting and burning the wood
and 30 white men are engaged in haul
ing it.
White river farmers will not obtain
a full yield of potatoes this season, ow
ing to the fact that in many places
blight has invaded their fields and kill
ed part of their crops. While the blight
is not generally prevalent, its presence
in many localities will materially reduce
the crop this year.
The dwelling house of Messrs. Shad
rick and Milton Richard, situated
about one mile from Miller's mill, on
the Nestucca, was burned on the 13th,
together with all its contents and a
purtenances. The property emhiaced
house, shingle shop and t ols, a lot of
shingle bolt and eight thousand shin
gles; household furniture, a go id lot of
provisions, about all tho best clothing
belonging to the owners amd sixty dol
lars in silver and greenbacks. A box
containing a small purse of gold was
all that waa saved. .
Several hundred pontons in the
northwestern precincts of Yakima coun
ty have signed a petition asking the in
coming legislature to create ihe county
of Kittitas, the lines of which will be
the Cascade mountains on the west,
the Columbia river on the east, the
Wenatchie river on the north, and the
Natcues and the survey line between
township I I and 1 8 on the south. These
limits include sn area of alsut 4000
square mile , the renter of which is the
beautiful vs ly cf Kit ttsa, other pre
Oinots being 8 wank, Peshsstin, Wen
atchie, Wenaa, Upper Natches and
Upper Yakima. Klbuisburg aspires
to the honors and emoluments of coun
ty seat, and in case of the titions
granting will undoubtedly receive them.
In fact, the petition asks the location
of the seat at that place. The interests
of the new county will be quite diverse,
consisting at present almost equally of
agriculture, quarts mining, lumbering
and miscellaneous pursuits, uearl; one
fourth of the Mipulat ion Wing engaged
u each.
ASBRKWa is i t it ioh ell mil K
This number of this sterling journal
snrpaaais anything in the line of fash
ion papeis eer attempted . in this
country. In addition to Us regular
content?, with this nutnW is present
el a Htiiwrh lithographic plate, tepre-
aon ting Mrs. Oarfluid, tfie Kiu press of
Austria, the Queen of Spain, the
Princess of Wah. the tueen of Italy
and the Princess Liuise attired in the
latest Pariaiau Fall costume. This
costly feature is an earnest of the ex
pressed ptuiKiMe of the 'Mihlishorx to
so perfeet A ml revet lidankr as to make
it emphatically the bet paa-r of its
class extent. Wo would advise our
rt-adets to examine the hand-tome pre
mium it offers also made in this num
ber. Publiahe I by Tkt Qmm VMith
iii'j Comiutuy, W. H. Audrews, Matt-
agrr, New York, to whoat 10 cents
can be sent for sample copy.
1 1 m m n rran.
I ksaxoi, Hept. ;-!!.. I - -:
IU. I tor mar mt .
Friday evening the aople of our
quiet village were shock e 1 t hear oi
ihw falling of a bridgfi ou the Net row
tiauge railroad. and that our townsman
A. L lle'.l had been killml. A soon
as it was poeuble, some friends went
i ii... ..f tii-wM...- I.e ...,-i.f
T a a a mmmm ""O"-i
the laxly home He waa li;ne. on
Sunday. The funeral was conducted
by the d! Kollowa and a large con
oourae of fsnople followed him to the
grave, lie leaves a wife and child to
mourn his losa. The little boy is too
young to teali&e the losa now, but the
jKier gi ief stricken wife, may shn have
strength given her to endure this great
trial. She has the heart felt wn j..n I. y
ef the whole community.
Memorial service were held here on
Monday, btuineaa was generally sus
(ssnded, all stores, oflioes and shops
were chaied, the bells were tolled fi om
12 till 1 P, M. when flio people. u
eeuihled at thtl C. P. church to y
the laattribute of reapect to our late
PVesident. The i hutch was appropri
ately draped in mourning. Mr. C. U.
Montague waa chairman of the meet
ing and Itev. Crozier chaplain. After
the meeting wan culled to order the
choir aang "Asleep in Jesus Ifh-aaed
aloep." Itev. Crozier then read a
paaaage of Scripture and offered up
prayer after which was sung "Jeaua,
lover of my soul." Itev. Crozier made
aome appropriate remark, followed by
M easts. J. I Cowan, V. Cusick, J.
Marks and P. M. Millor, Mrs. Hagan
then aang "Kock of Ages f Prof. Gil
bert folio are I with a very neat seecb,
also Mr. Montague. After the speak
ing reaolu lions were read and adopted.
The choir then sang "Gathering Home"
tlcncdiction was said, and the crowd
disperaeiL Kverythtng pissed oil in tine
order, ami the day will as long remem
bered by all Ixdianon.
Mias Fannie Griggs, who haa been
viaitiug her sister Mrs. C. Ilalaton for
a few weeks, will return to her home
in Monmouth, on Thursday.
Mr. C. A. Miller, who came here
latt June from lowa, will return on the
next steamer, lie likes Oregon, all
but the rains.
.Mi--a Flora (Wan, one of our latest
acquisitions to I. society, ia viaitiug in
Albany this week, taking in the fair.
Grain thieves are alanit the connty,
and farmers bad better look after them.
Mr. C. W. Cowan had left some oats
in the field to haul to market, aud
when be imcovo-cd the pile ho dis
covered he was about lfiO bu. short.
Goo. .Smith also had wheat stolen.
There was a live law-suit in town to
day, P. Wylie, Jos. J. Stanton and C.
Wolverton, of your city, apiseared for
the deft , and Judge Johns and Miller
for plaintiff. After a sharp fight the
jury rendered a verdict iu favor of the
The warehouse men are kept very
busy taking in grain.
1.. Iter 1.11.
Therotlowlns the list nf letters itunalnlnir
In lb I'rart orttee, Ailatny, l.lnn county, Ur.
Son, September a, IHX1. Persons. rallliiK lor those
Iniinm leiial give the data on arhtrli ihey weis
Cole Unn U, Oray Jauies l.
Nortbata Isaac, Ilii hardson John,
Referee's Sale.
pursuant-to the advice of the Circuit
Court if the 8tat ot Oregnn for Unn County irlveii
aiitl rendered on the 2Hth day of October. 187H, In a
cause then pendins; in said Court aherein Wm.
J. Thompson and Mellftea J. Van Noateru1 acre
piaiiitltte and Ueorgo H. TlHiiataon, Jviiea K. Thniii, John M. Tnonision, Jtawph A. Thompsoii.
Kraucte M. Thouion, Elixstxth M. Walker ami
Mercer TIisumsiii sa Executors of the lust will unites
lament of Joseph Thonissm deed, were defendunts,the
uuderslgitixi atle Heferoo tn ftsid suit will by virtue
and authority of said decree, on the 21st day of Oc
tober, last, at thi hour of one o'clock In the after
noon of said day, at tho Court house door In the
City of Albany, Uan Ountv, Orotron, sell to tho
niftiest bidder tor tho purpose f Hiruuon anniiK'
tho parties the following doauriboU real pniporty sttd
aumI in I.nm (Xiuutry. nnwn. to-wlt: II
half of t.lio lionatinii I.hiuI i-Uiiui of Jtstoiih TluiniitMnii
and wife, lieinr claim No. 4.'), and heiiur irt of sec
tions 10, 17. 'i0, A 21, 'In Townships 13, South of
Kamrs 8, West of tho Willamette Meridian, coutainliur
101 4-lu0 sores; also the Kant half of the alorth Kast
quarter, and tho Kost hnlf of the South Kast qitarU-r
of section :M, in Township 13, 8. It. 3, West contain
ing 1(10 acres, also the frsolional West half of tho
South Kast quarter of section 10, Tnwaahip 13, S. Ii.
3, West, containing 70 80-109 sores, also the fraction
al H. W. i of the 8. K. 1 of section lfl, Township 13,
8. a 3, West, containW 72 4fel00 acres; also 00
a -ret In a square fortn, the whole way serosa off the
South end of the West half ot th 8. W. quarter of
section 22, In Townihfp 13, S . it. 3, Weat, also the
North Kast quarter of section 22, and tha Kast half of
he North -West quarter rf section 22, in Township 13,
8. H 3, Weat, containing 240 acres, also tha North
West quarter of the North West quarter of tho South
Kost quarter of section 10, Township 13, 8. It. 2,
West, saviiijf awl excepting from the above, the fol
lowing: llcirinnlng at tho South Kost cottier ot sec
tion 21, T. 13, smith Hange 3, West Willamette Merid
ian, running from thence North, 211 Ofi-100 chains,
thenoo south 80 61' West. 20.03 nhaiiu, thence North
in. or. chains, thence North 8H 41', West, 20.00 chains,
thence eolith 40 chain, thence South tu' 41' Kast,
20.08 chain, to the place of bogiiminj; containing
140 acres-
Tkrms okSm.r: ' One third cash In hand, one third
In one year from date of sale and one third in two
years from date of such sale the deferred jtavincntn
to draw interest at the rate of 10 por cent par annum
from tho date of sale, tho same to be secured by
lV mortgatfe upon the iroicrty.
The 23Uy of Sept. leSl.
J. H. MURLE8, Prop'h
wllh each shave. I'riosM for sliavtna
aud halr-enUing same as usual. Kootns
oppoalte Meilwaln'a More. lOtf
STAHiKIl liltOS. - I'renHetoiM.
im;ads iom.s
Kieeuted In Italian or Vermont Marhle.
Alao, every variety of cemetery and
other stone work done wllh iinalueassml
KiaN-lal attention el von to order from
all part of thl State aud WahliiKlon
awAII work warranted. 'M
Order to Show Cause.
In tltt County Court nf Linn Count jf, Stair of
Orrtjon :
In th matter of the eo.partnordifp euie
or nous and aieyer, llunry Meyer, deed.
To Clirittoihrr llouL, antt Iff vrrt of kin
of ifrnry Mtfftf th-rwd aiul nil jn-rtouM
LHOiin and unknotrn inlrrt ltdin naid rfaU :
1. OKKiiON, you are hereby cited and
rt-eptlred to lie aud appear in the ('onnly
Oestii of the County of I. me, In tho State
of OreKon, at the nn llouae In the city
of Alusny, In said County and HUte, on
WodiMMday,' the tMh day of Novemler, the bor of one o'clock in ihe
aAernoon of said day the aame beinjr the
third day of the reaular Novemlsjr Term
lliereof, and then ami there ahow eauae,
if any eklat why an order of sale ahould
not Isi made dl recti n g end liconaingthe
admliiburator of aald eeute to veil all the
real property ol aald ealate hereinafter de
aeribed a p-ayed for In the petition of
John A. Crawford, admlnlairator of aaid
eaUte, whltrh laHlilon la now on file in the
County Court of Unit County, Oregon,
lsd I
which aald real property 1 dencrilied as
follows to wit: Lot No 5 in Hloek No z
in lb eliyof Albany, Unn County Orejrym J
A No Ust Xo . In Bloek No K,lu the city of
or Ainany, i.nm connty Oregon.
Ijoa No 7 In Block No ir.m the ci
city of
A!,m"v y ny Oregon.
AIo IH ro a In Illoiik No S
in tho city ot
I. inn County Orosion. A No 2!
feet off of lit weat able of Lot No 1 In
Block No 10, in the city of Albany, Unn
( 'ouitty Oregon. Alao the eaat half of Ix
No .1 In lilnck No;tl,in the cily of Albany,
mil County Oregon, ami all known and
dsrseribed ontbeplata and aurveya of aald
city now on file in the oltioeof the otintv
Clerk of Uon County, Onon. Alao La
No 7 .containing; o andnT-lOG acrea known
aa Fair (Jround Lot, surveyed off and
plaltW by Li an County Agricultural
Aaaociatlou, the aame being pure baaed
from Jaa. L McCounell and orgioally
a part of the N. W. Corner of the Initia
tion Claim ol Isaac llotchiaa, la Linn
County Oregoin
My order of the Court :
WitnesM my hand and the aeal of aald
Ciurt tbia20th day ofHepUmber, ISSL
K S. N. Hat m. Clark,
Ier .1. II. II i a ii a an, Ueuty.
A CURTAIN pmmiaaory note made and
. datssl .Sept. I4tb. 17. from Joaepb
llarrtaon fo A. J. Warren, for theaum of
six hundred (IS00) dollara. Interest at
one an- oent. per month, three credit of
the interest foreaoa year endorsed there
on. Toe above mas waa amlen from my
residence on the night of Hept. IMth, Inst.
And all paraona are berbr notlued not to
purultasoor receive tho sarce.
(.signed A. J.Warkbx.
Urownavllle, Or., Sept. Itsh, ISSl.
I ROM the farm of Jaa. It Morgan near
Ken. tall lindge, leaving aald farm
altout ll a Juth nf Atiuiiat. One ia a anrrel
horae, brandeil II - on I. ri shoulder :
while arlp In fsee, and aniue wbibs on
one liiiiilhsrit. I lie niiter liranded J S.
on left shoulder, with white atrip on faee.
Hacb 3 venrs obi.. Saliafliun will l-
given on i heir return to the aulaeritsar.
Dissolution Notice.
NOTIf'R la here l. v itiren ihst tlte eo
jiai t nershtit haretofore cxialing I-
tween Jason Wheeler aud I. C. Ibekev.
Under the firm name of Wheeler A Dickey,
fa hereby dissolved by mutual oonaeul.
All seeounta due tho Isle lirnt muat be
aid immediately lo either of the former
.iAaoi wnKi.R.
I.C. fHCKfv.
Allssny, Sept. 4, ISSl. d4
alway j Oaroj aa novar dlaop
pointu. Tbo wo.'l'j rjroat Paia
Raliswer for LI an and Boost.
Cheap, qnic!t aad reliable.
ia not Narcotic. Children
gTOW fat upon, Mothers like,
and PliysichuiH rocoinniend
CASTOKI A. 1 1 reyrulates tho
Jlowcls, cures Wind Colic,
allays Fcverlshuess, aud de
stroys Worms.
TARRH Cure, a Constitutional
Antidote for this terrible mala
dy, by Absorption. Tbe most
Important Discovery since Vac
cination. Other remediea may
relievo Catarrh, this oarea at
any stage before Cons amp tion
aotn In.
Send for our
New Illustra
ted Price-List
No. 30, for
Fall and Win
ter of 1881. Free to any address. Con
tains foil description of all kind of goods
for personal and family use. We deal
sdirectly with the consumer, and sell all
goods in any quantity at wholesale prices.
You can buy better and cheaper than at
227 and 220 Wabash Avenue,ChicagotIll,
l Ihe tally tmte tu rrMU) wawlj lf
51 a In r in in all its Tvnes.
Chill. Fever, Ouil A' hum lum.. flemittritt an. I la
t4nulUtit rrftra, Omul. Am, lWait-iii
llaMMW'laift, N if I in th vorM
Ilk.. Or. HteMll'ft. Uftnttiliil
ftlftft l.iK-r 'tii.irif ,
I !mia fttKl till
TliiU thJ nrf kioWi rm,i i 1 1N t rni
Mbi vry v4llif0 ot RiiUrM Ulm troto
wiUiiiut niiliiu' ni. iM-rfloi.
PrnT. Dr. A. Inilat : ft U eeare ft inH, rJ
tiuM-ua Umii ftdtiitnff in m h- ' Thn l.i.t- un
tb irituipUi t mXtrntrytkm, ot w h a, M.liiian'ft
I'atl ui Mm utily yanuW ftml true experiment.
i kiiiH.i i hoi ill. r hm Dr. Wi!
ImiMtl er KWtney 1'a.l. the lit rmtuxiv ii Owr .rUl
iwnsmoylnl hjr the inetlh-al faculty.
bewark:of iioui n pain.
Kfteh rmuliif ffulnaOi fit hmra the PKItATi:
BRVKNI K HTAMt the IMmu fi im
thr Ik tral mark iritiUl in ffttttL IJu none
Dr. IMawui'ft xKtee la free, full U-i-atU fteat free
on Miplimtioti. A'hlrftftft
naLStsa riiiifl..
7f ltrnmAwr, New York
I. O. B"x 21 1 i l:c
Administrator's Notice.
TTOTICK h liereby Klv-n that tb-under-1
xl alined ha Xwrnn by order of the
County Court nf I. inn eonnty Orefeon.
duly apnointMl adininiMtrator of lb;; eaialo
of W. II. MeKnirbL dfeajMlt latt. of aid
(Vinnty. All peraona having elalnia
againat aald estate are hereby notiad and
reuired to prneit ibo name with lite
proper vonebera Kb in ix month from
lite dale hereof to tii undeaSfrmd at bia
tola of aaftfsttSS near Seir, J.iin, efinnty
W. II. MeKion r Jr
Admiui! rUr.
iMmtrnt anii, is sw
One Rat-ine sing'e buggy in uae Ibiee
weeks. Original ooat,Sirai. Will sell it fur
tlMi cash, or SH' on lime. Two aviated
Racine hack, for either one or two borss-s
aughtuew last May. Cont $l"n. Will
aell it far H' eaah or f IWon lime.
Two seta of single harne, Isnagbt last
May and July. Cost fl.Mi and Will
aell t beiu fur $lh and ll eaah.
121 screw, lying C ml lea due eaat of lfar
rbtbnrg A grtod one atorled lox 1kum,
2 rooms. Karn, 'JUs22. The bind baa
heretofore been used as a paatnre, but ean
all be pat into cultivation. No grubbing
reouired. 1 ? mllea from achool. Terms
$10 par n -re. ' . -ash down, al nice al
most any length of time aavnred by mort
gage. .TOO acrea. lying within a mile "f Mon
roe.n lien ton oounty. All under fence
and divided into five flalela. All good
farm laud and half in grain. Ooral house
ami bam, aplendid water and a Aite oieh
ard. Ilia one of the beat farms in that
section f tha valley. Prb-e S2i (ssr acre
or f lt down and balance on time.
Require of C. H. STRWART;
(raffjrrrb a s I-tu, MSfJ
ftoa aiLC av rot. BUS at
where lie can find tho most worms, and farmers
should act on the same principle when they but
their goods.
of LEBANON, has just returned from below with
a mammoth and complete stock of Genaral
Merchandise, which he bought at such low figures
that no establishment in the county is able to
undersell him.
He makes no specialties, but has
H A T S, O A P S,
and an extra stock of the best quality of
He will pay you the highest price for your wheat
and oats and will jiay it in cash.
City Marshal's Sale for Delin
quent Taxes
SOT1CK U htTrhf fiven iht by virtoe of r
rwit iNnied by the Keoorder ot the Cy of Albany -Unn
oatnty knd MUie oi Orejfor., oraier tb ftral ot
ftkl Hty, dated the 12th dav ol Mar, nd an
nried to the detinqaent tax I ht ot the city of Alhe
nr, direoUng ti U, levy aitoti tlte rf"d nd fhfttWIn
of tlte aenioeiit Ux -payers In ejOd llt; uwi if MftM
1 IoubO then apon the real tate helon-iof t" d
drlinqnetiU, mmt forth In aaid deliwittei.t Ux llet or
m much fthall eatiat) the amount o Imiafta
exnaea l ...llwilon.
Nmr, there
fore in rtrtwtt:''r- of aai.l writ. nd dTirtffnent tax list
I hare fW want of pemaial property art ted nixat the
f ..ILorinsr dearribed real estate, to wit :
Aassseed to L. Knsley, lota ?.) three and (4) ..ur,
in Idoek 70 In tlte Hty of Albany, Linn ooowtr, Ore
Ma i sll levietl apon as tlte real property of L. Kas
Mrr. t satisfy the sum of two (2 dollars Usee for the
year 1 nan slso the sunt of two dollars sod I went v
fee eenta (2.2i) Use for the year ISJl, and twesa
WAthefll..slndeswrlbed rsl estate sxsiim J to
Mrs. M-Ierma, ba (ff) In block 10, HeHilesMan t
a. Ill it ion Ut the city of Altisny, Una eounty, Orsvott,
all icried uponsa the real profwrty wf Mrs. M. Ih-
niot, to ssBisfy tlte aum of setetity B wU ( , .V.)
Use for the year K't m, the artni of fifty
(: )Ulr Vtr tlte esr lHaO ; sax. the swat of Ml)
(to) eenU taxes for the year lftl, with eu ast s
t-Tuinc wttt.
And on tlte Wh dav of October, 1MI. ftt the Court
Hotste tbKsr la the city of ARatm , Linn eownty, stale
of rresron, st the bonr of I oV-uk-Ii lathe sftwno.i
sTtavtddar, I will wll tert-)ef'.re
lata at tmldn.- snrtton. U. Oie hbxheet UWr
in haml.t't satisfy Uses and i-hr taerri for tbe years
hefssabslore aastttioned. asst isd seabaet said real es
tattsl, to the owners Utereof, aceorsUnc t the .tri...
'(into l lax list abirenftbt.
ftatrvl BJ AilaMi) this IK ft day of Hepteanwer, M.
A. i HI
M w.lisl of Use CH ol Allavnt
In thr Cirruil Court of the State oj ifregon for
Imn Comrtg i
M M. N-1-..i Hff. ,
ft. -1
H'. P. Nesaai. Icft
ShH in Suavity tar I- -r.e
To W. P. Salmon, Defrmkmt:
I OKROON. you are hereby repaired lo
apsar and answer the eomplaiut nlel
agaiuat you, iu the aixive entitled mi it. on
or before ihe fourth Monday of octotter,
ISSl, and if you fail eo to anawer for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to tbeabave
entitled s. mt for a decree dbasoling Ibe
marriage contract nowexiating lastweeu
you reel f and aaid plainliff; for Ibe aie
and eiiatraly of the miner ebild, and for
her ooata and diaburaemeoUi in Use trull.
And you are further needed thai this sum
mon ia served upon you by publb-aOoti
by order of Hon. R. P. RohsS, jodge of
aaid 'ourt made oe ibe Tib day of Sept
I hi I, directing that aaid summooa Is
published nix consecutive weeks in 'be
Mtatb Rioutn In Mm kai publbtlied at
Albany in aaid counly.
tiMiAM A States.
wfi Attyi tor FI0.
In thr Cirruil Court of thr County of Limn in
thr Stair of ttrrgom:
LJia A. MeVarue rtg. )
Jul.ii Keneee lArft. )
To John Meifume, Drfrmdrtu.
ORRfrON, you ar hereby required
to appear ami aaawer the esMiplaiul of
the above tie seed plaintiff in the sisivs -titled
Court now on file with the Clerk of
aaid Court, on the fin day of too neat
regular term nf aaid Court iu and for linn
County Oregon, to wit, on the fouitlt
Monday the 24th day mi October isal.
And you are hereby notified that if you
foil to appear and anawer tbe said com
plaint aa hereby required tbe oiaintilT
will take a decree agaial, you diexoi ittg
'.be banoael matrimony new exMiug be
tween vou and the plaintlfTand
plaintirra name from I.vdta A.
to that of Lydia A. Bilyea and aho giving
her the care and cbmUmIv ot the thr
minor children mentioned in Ilka
plain aud f r her coat and di-bin
mi ni in tbbi suit.
'I hi summons be puhliabed oy order of
Hon. R P. It ise Judge of asad ton it
made at Chamlssra in tbe City of Salt ni
Oregon Sep. Tth, ISSl.
Powbli. A Bri.ntfT.
0 AUya for PUT.
An arnuia'ic combination for the i
va lion of ibe Teeth and Outna. It i far
superior la any preparation of the kind iu
tha market. In large, hand noma opal
i fan, pri- :0 centa. For aafo by Fas bay
I St Masan, Albany, Oregon.