cmocvixt. FRIDAY S KPT KM UK 11 U3, 1881 During tho recent heated term in Paris upwards of 200 OBHittMM bfiMM died within a week. It I 30 per cent, more profitable to pre-itaturc and dispose of fatten ing cattle at two years old than to keep them up to three years In selecting your seed-wheat, or seed for a rye crop, weigh a pint from tho bin or sack, and purchase whirh weighs tho heavier. English farmers have been very sum, ful in growing wheat by tlvc aid of prat charcoal as a fertilizer, using at the rue of 000 pound to the acre. It should Ikj remembered that it is easier to deteriorate a crop by choosing bad seed, or even by care lessly neglecting the seloot inn of good seed, than it h to improve upon a varietv already acknowleged to be croud. The down hill ro:l is the easiest travelled. The melon has been cultivated from time immemorial, and yet there is no othor plant known that i- so wonderfully variable in its eh&ctor. In the same hii) and from thti ame seed there will be produced aame (M the finest, as well as tmom of the poorest, specimens. In keeping poultry for the sake ol the eggs they lay, a eotroepooctoai writes that no hens should ie kept over after their second laying seas m. Hon-, a a rule, lay about an equal number of eggs in their first and oc ond seasons, after which the produce rapidly decreases. Dr. J. li. Lawes says: 'Experi ment? (imducttHi in a laboratory, or under any artificial condition what ever, require to be tested in the lieid before they can be adopted M final, or have any value assigned to ihetu a regards the settlement of practical questions of agriculture.' Of all poultry breeding the rearing of the gooe in favorable situations is said to be the I gait troublesome and mo! profitable. It is not surprising, therefore, that the trade has of late yeirs been enormously developed. G-.HevMll live to a certain extent ami thrive on tho coarsest grasses. Famier in Great Britain suHVr ! severely during the fint half of 1SS1 No losx than 071 agriculturists bad i. 'Im-I re themselves tmukrup. IhHtjkJ in ftir?u boi'iifls, miMers and m pi jridii-. In trad-' limn connect i d with Urmfnc; been forcetl to piv' ni Ai cordintr to t'u i fj ,. there are about I, !.i:. mi - , t n 'IVx-. T.iis wiii In il bit sQrcnteed dariitje iit'r ing seaM wv . - ( 1 the nuiii i . ..-" "l).'i, f them t r '.-"' rfi viijj i! .. fond Vtflll i-1' II 'f sb, i . : .f Texas $13,800,000. The ohecrvathma of Dcuu i 1 , t n aii 15'hj iriiHuii baVes!Mw i fad that a cow ive healthy HtHk r at prop .r . ti tbe surpiu- .f ftjfsj la-ytii: whs i- mressvu v C r lu r t UiaiutetiJiiice. If iT!0"!t:.';i ll i- ke;.! im foal liarely njlneient for praspei noori1ii,io:it, h.Mniik produt-ed must te at a ii' of a .imai U ,-u, villi ftenenil rleterioratkm of liie natik and ahs .f the csiw. Exeiinieiif . with e .nf-et trs-ted fr-riili.ers are often t"i; d jus a I1 rope are injered o.- !tr tbn uJ. w r i g : p;li a !!. Farnu r-! -are apt !! fhi- k the iiumure niut bo vxv cli'P tu' c -'e.'l, ess '-r,', ufj! i!. I jf(. tfi ' i.Tit ttf i-. j h oil 'nil1- - f :l w ii:ir:. r is. ttu.i H i- ' th.- pi int ju-i e. uii 4 .t . tiwl need she slid ol fh- fer r. tf i ifepta Wl left :llifslj ItSS I tfi I . I . he'piuj.- :tl ro de fi ..-' ntrlleh ?-rdctaerfifMl n grH iliils eulty in the -eri-ltHle e!i?r-Mflef ! flower when fertilized wi'L -'! -it. p excluded fran it. One of the or i hards ill rewaitt in gitt d cotditio ni.oiih or ix weeks if not fertilized bui operated on by jdlei? the flowei laile in i day or two and the seed podn el n irate rapidly. Hence it li found i;niortant to exclude bees from pelargoniums t prevent 'hi' pptal dropping. A great share of the Rhcen iisrd in !T'hra.ka are a mixture ofMuB jor swohl and LficesffT. Whlla furlhr south ir; Kmsas. Texsis nil NfW Mexi-' ; re tie Spanish Mwino and Mexii-an. Thi inrh-r ;ite bettered tpt ed to a warm ctiiuate, produce fine wojsI and are more valaabie in every way ihin other kind-.. The cfimite of flif tt-n: i is well adapted a crop between (be Spanish Mtiho and Mexico. When clover is wsmttHl tfi enrich th- soil for a succeeding crop it is bet ter to let it mature rather lhan to cut it early. When clever is grown for seed the roots are the best developed and contain the most nitrogen. Thio ls the reason why those farmers who precede wheat with clover for fer' tilizer, first cut a crop to go to Peed, before plowing it in. The roots and scattered htm of clover muke most excellent fertilizers. It is only recently that it has been cteady ifcirKustrafed that a dead branch in :t rc' uiekcs as great f strain on the main pl.iif fer moisturf as does a living inn. It Is one of the oiimkI imi)ri;if4t discoveries of modern botanic! to the practical her ticnlturisi, as by tirja knowledge he can save mnv h vnluatrfe trev When tn e has i cii tr.u splanted, som ro fs gel injured and the supply ni ifodture i the !e.s! t&meg is more ' r less defiteiit, Any deed branch oi a iy weak one di.ouid therefore be cut away at once. . gubscr I e for;il:e Di MOC" t. lite IS&arden" Church Dirrrtnn. Y. 1. l A. Meets at their rooma in Fos ter's brick huihling on Wwlnomloy evening! at 7 o'clotk, ami OH Snblxtth WMMWIW 4. Rttainesa mertingit aro held on tliu even. ug of the bccoihI Monday in each month. KveryfMalv invited to attend. U. P. ('arm -it. Preaclungevory BaHbaW, at 1 1 a. m. . and 7 M. Iy Kov. V. ii. Ir vine. I. l. SeblKttli School at 2:30 r. m. Prayer meeting every i luirsUay evontng. l'v Lweannai Caeacu.-Preaakiagaa Hl- bath nt 11 a. m. , and 7J l M. JNtbliath School Praver meeting every 'flairs. lay evening. W. (.'. Kantuer, pan tor. t'oNu kkoation ai. t 'ii i' roil Serviceaevorv Sabbath at 11 a. m. andS r. m. Sabbath Sod. hi at Praver meetinu on Thursday evening of inch week. J. W. 1 tarns, 9tcr. M. r.. ( niMinf, Wi h. Sorviff.t i vory Sahlnth at St Pan Is M. K. t'hurch. South. at It A. w. and 74 r. M. Sabbath School at 12A r. m. Prater mooting overv I Intra- day evenng. M. . Miller, iator. M. K. C'lu iu it. Preaching ver Sat'hatli at II a. m. and 74 r. m. .song-aorview hi the eveiiini; bet'ro senium. Sabbath ScIhh it '2..'U r. u. Praver meeting every Tluira- lay evening. I. Dillon, pastor. Baptist Church. Servicea every Sabbath at 11 .v. M. and 7 J r. m. Sabbath School at PJ. Pray r meoting every Thursday eveu ing. W. J. Crawford, u. tor. Presuvti.uian Cm'V.rit. Service every .Sabbath morning ami evening in College ChapcL Sunday School immediately rftertlie morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening, llev. KlUrt N. Condi, pastor. ALBANY MEAT MARKET Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on band. Itlghea Cash Ma MM paiit f .r all Wi of ' i' -t k. I.KM UK.M- D. K. JOSKS, M. D. T. F. SUtTtl, M. O. JOKES & SMITH, Pliyslc-Ittu nuU Kurgeona, Albany, Oregon. OFFICE -Odd FtHow- Temple, ..vfr Plummer's Irti Stir. 43is3 K. (). HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. OfBaa at raahaj A lfaaon Ren'.-U n: v oi Ilmaiiulhhi st...Allmiiy, Or. v!tfa7Jtf Q00K JOB pRiNTINQ IlAVINi. pttrcluUNxl tho IS .k and Job Oilice formerly owned ly Mac. 8. Hon teith, we are now n p.itnl to execute all onler for printing in a nmnnnr!Hl by any ofurc m Uie Stte. 4 Fall Meek of 11 ttlnk Keit on If and and Mold ul the I.uwcmI Itafen. H orJers from U-ijiJc 1 in. a tuttenoe j-romptly a'- Albany, OrMflept HI. WATTS & GODFREY. Cart Mm- Catarrli, Dvpepia. Headsclte, Oealt Itjr. Bfarmrrl, Ktaeenalian, and all hrenlr aad B(erveH lMr4er. Pack y e coaiTnitcatljr snrt to ta fmm far free treaties on tae FITTERS Tbt-fuv.t KhaUrn tm Kvcry .lulul. And every liber wiih fever and ague, or remittent, the Myatem may yet be fresJ ffuna the matiiiant virus with HosteUer'a sirtmaeh Bittera, Protect the eyatetn see inst it with this lenencentautiMpaaino die. v1ii -h is furthermore a eupreme rem edy for liver complaint, conetlpaii n, elya p p-ta, debility, rhemriati)tii. kidney ! roftbkM Hnd oi her ai)in"itM. KrHl? By all Drujur t Rrtd Doalera genera ly, AN AKESIS DB. R. OLSBETR EXTEB5AL PILE RKXKDY Gives Instant Relief, and i an Infallible CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, tl.on per box, prepaid, by mail. Samplon ent free to Physicians and all mtfTercr. by S'oustaedter & Co., Box 3046, New Tom City. Sole manufacturers of AN AKESIS. Mk J. II. Batkh, Newapaper Advertta ing Ait nt. Park Romt ( fttmt P.uil'llr.jr) ff-w -York, i (MUb4ae1 to fAiura''! for d'-e-;.ieiieni8 in the lo;MenT jf our Kiag-of the Blood Is not a "curt- a l:" ft Is a blood-pnrinr and tonic. Iinpurit of Ifloxl iK.isontt the sysi.-jn, terunge.i the circulation, anl thiw Irtdiicearnany disorders, known by difrcriit najaw to distinKUtsh them ae wrdLny to eltectA, but belnu really branches or phases e-r trenerlc dlfrder, Imparity of IllMod. Such an- 1ystrpii.. l::lUnuuitsn, JAvi r Catnpluint, C'onutipiUmn, AVrrou ZJsorJcru, Jlecul aoite, J!w :,. Umerttl Wrtikimm, Heart lHueuxe, J.i,pstf, Xi'lnry liinta, Pilfs. iJnnmfitim, Ua taTrK. Hcmfith:, Skin Ditnntem, Pimfile, Ulcers, Suh "i- '-:., it ,eft! Kintr f ihe Blood preventb" n - currs riH .ic i-y ai t.-tdC'ib; ih- eavse. Impurity of t ie B'.oii. cti'TBlsts ana i hystclans fisree In cal'li-jr H " : isf.t RtfEuliut end cfllrtfnt brepa iHr! itr" ur;n.'," fto'd !.y Drapgl.tts. 81 per ' ' .. ?."o ul.lior.lal. dsrc tionn, &., in pnm i f.:.'. ' iT-;i -i: on bi i-sMs of iiw Blood,' I! 'ii'iMofi',' b t wi!. rreps.. Buffalo. S. I. lioa, 1111 (JinrWatrect, hlUriPa., eraA Wa Faelje paajtory. WEST COATS FLAX MILLS, -r-t A NU F ACTU B K IV? OF- SA1L, BROOM, SEWING AND BALL TWINES, ALSO IHSTHJlSr TTJLIZNB Foot of Jackenn street, ALBANY - - OREGON. P; O. BOX 108. TaTOTICK Tt) r AUMKHS. -Wo would la reMtoctfultv luiorm tho farmera of tula HtUN llai we ere permanently lo cated bere, and aro prepared at all Uimoh to my the highest market in loo for lint ilax. We will gladly furnish parties who intend sowing (tax any Infortiialiou they mvsnii. 1 M.iici i iur lartrolv UMOi the farnieraof tliiaaoctton for the hucwkh ol " h mm u m our enterprise ami tho raw material we consume, ant lielievlug Max growing to be a profitable Industry, we re pectin I ly aak oti to sustain a home Industry that promise to become mutually beneficial. Albany, Or., Aug. -... 1881. 4yl YVKSTCOAMT FI.AX MILLS. RED CROWN MILLS. isoii & (., raarffs. sr.fl ri:ot r.; rtot u si' ion roit iam.i ik.s AM m. i i: I hi.. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Wheat. Cash for ALBANY Slyl OR. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of tbe co-pert uemhlp estate oiiioukauu Meyer. N..ti.-.. U hereby given that bv order o the county court aud Juda tbereftf of l.inu count v, Dimton, made on the -?nd day tf Juue. 1M7.', and duly entered of record the uaderaigued waa duly appoint ed admiulatrator or tbe no partueralilp -tate of Houk and Meyer, of Linu county, Oregon ; therefore all pemona having claims agalnat aaid copartuerablp eetatc, are hereby not I tied to present the aaiue duly veritletl to the undrwlgnid, In Alba ny, Linu county, Oregon, w'thlnthe time aud in the tinnnsr pre-rilml by law. Iated Albany, SepU I, iwi. JOHN A. CHAWFOKU. Atluilnitrator. CHICAGO AMD NORTH WESTERH RAILWAY . F oi.jil . - li.jT vN' TV.-, IUJCT LCOING RAILWAY ar.T 4iJ 0 T4U: T, i . i i '! i .! ' I . -l-"- !.. iUPFJ 0. tic. to, tviUVrt.uko i fk.(it- K I . MIJ mm & l4iK. rw ..ri.. ttnla.trlht, ! U.I M . Illj'll, Mlllw-fr, tlH.. i.nrt. 'I alra. t r-l. iM-lr-.i. 4 .- Iuil Si -J llw ftlhSIT. S...I I Kutt.. WsMMrn la-' i , r a. -i.wrt if. iii, At n.'...-..v niwn ... . turn Ub lm ljl. I'.fl-. I. : l . ,'. U. I ..! il s : ., Kt. a mir sad rVii.t.i I i . . . i i HasnaM ami iiri.. TTuiik KirwMls 'Kl .ii' n.!uifcci simI lkil II tu.lir Reaaaa hum Pitl in: ttrawin: Kooui ( art tc ran m all timmtnh uai.a d taa nad i tli- on I.V KOAU M.wti oi (il ai iai( 4ce, : .-in .!. h i. ran tn crtstosAsd PULLM-.N HOTEL DINING CARS Insist u TikM IftfU -ntlil" ym TWrkt s Is -hi. RmmL yaav rtkvu, and llSaw ( kujr II limy iii. i ii. i it war tiiw t niosy! and Nurtii WcsUrn !:..!.. it J nil ml, the hit V.'tiliij -v-'.nilnllkn ta will nil) jrwttr li. ..-t.'. .M: r.HiUA.N I) Wll.U I AKK goNK rrilK'; Ail U' km stfvntM;M lidcHa as this tins. H K HI t.ltlll. Ml r. r. aad tteal MaaaTr. ltrasa EASTWARD. 17-1 Aloauy Bath House. sl.fcr.-Ji.Ngt, WtltlU hr tf.' (i 'I. "itinrii. ! A . i kave)rfcsrti tr$t ! tail ' 'r.i ' ad ''ia'di.L mi i-nyii ' - SM. I'll, v 'l-ll. 'bi.H .e.-l -ml li tl ' i - - I tr i, . r I t,MI It. II. il, In .n .t-Cle Ha:: i'".- -iiin KhIlluh f... .ij .ay i.sii.' Uet .u e v ki Mflt, The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchaao Plurumer dried fruit at full market nricea ; WiU aend a eompetent person to attvlee fruit growera aa to cultivation of or addi tion to orchards; Will supply fruit troet of anproved aorta at moderate prices: Will aell 1'lumiuer DrUn-ntbrmieh Linn, Benton aqd Iaue countam. lAitten to le sent to t'orvalllri'0 ''on; pany, forvHlHa, lientun County, iregou, WAhUH NASH, IWIdeut. .J m vi I;ka"m,i.v, Nwc'y. tHtmary I. IwaT tMu; SALTMARSH & UNGOON, jhg(;iht. Booka. Stat ioiif ry and ToPot Anii'li, A (Aro Stock and l,ow Piiraa, CITY DBTJG STOKE, i am; tt . ni:i;.i. -1AMKS liANNALS. M4m?raen;asa sac DKstr.a ta FURNITURE M BE0DINC. C'erurr lrry aud wcnii Meeeta, Ai.iiAwr, - u ;. a. vlii4lyl . NEW BARBER SHOP I J. H. SUULKS, rrop r. AHOtill SKA FOAM Nil AM Pon .wm with each huve. Puaaa for aii;i inc an hair twitting aame r uanaJ Rwuna on! iihiIh Mrllw tin's lir. (. f A I jHA S V OOlhUHM iv INSTITUTE kl.ltkW. Oil. Tin4 First Term will oi)n en Wei!ue- .1 . f I "il Hull ua) . rfepiaBioer i, 1001. For lavrtioBlara anjaanilNa Hie eouraaa of atmly ami t?o eii'K of tuition. upiiv to Ki t Ki r.i:?: .' . .miit. ii i,i ni. yjO i I A A MO.VTH irearantwdL 2 a dar v homr TV) VI 7 made by the iiiiluht.-ioua, Caoitel not re- anlr 1 wo w. ill ,t vrt you. Men, women, Imi and iris nwke money at work for us than lit am -tbiiii else, The work ia lijlit and nhwaai.t. and aiwdi ns anyone n (fn rlifht at. Thoa who are wiae who e this notieij will Mind 11 their itddraaatw at oneoand aee br theniHlvea. Coatiy Outfit and terma. Jiowi the time. Thoae air .Jy t work are lav in up larir miiua iA money. Adilreat TKL'E k CO., Am. tut Maine. A BARGAIN ! Valuable Property for Sale. THE ALDKN FltLUT IRYEIi, Including the hulhllntr and lota unnu which It la altuated, la for aale at a bar gain. There are two dryera and they can he aohl aetauateiy. Thla la a uimhI op. porttiully, for fruit ralaera tn aeeure the ltett dryer made, at a low price. The iota are very vaiuauio lying on the Ivor front, and having a railroad ewiUih running by them. It la a good locution for a cuetora Qourlag uiin, rounury, or any auch buineaa. For further ttarUeulara call en the Preal- dent or Hocretary of the Coiupaiiy. w . st a I t U N e Ii. C. Kica, MoMretary. I'reeldent. J. W. BENTLEY, (UtHtoni Hoot & Shoo Maker. HOOTS A NO HIIOKS made to orilar. and refmlrlng done with imatneaa and dlMtatrh, ami at low nrl(HM. an anu aee him. Flrat Street, Albany. 4lyl Oregon Marble Works. II. A. CLARK, Preprirter. -Aat'rcTvaaa or M O N U M K N T S , Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Tablo-Tops, Wash stand s, Etc- All kinds of tuiry wtk done In Martin. Vrw UU and Urmnlt. All wurk dn In Una a)aaj njl mm! al Ilia i iv- IJW.d ..f IVm NlOrt, . Sr, .-i! m.J T.ird. AUIAN1. P. S I do IM'I ant nirt l. ii. r.1 rsnraaS ers, and glva ai iti.tunirr. Ihs Im.HIi id lbs & - ' rrnt. f.ii.nil4"u sllud ! n't k. REVERE HOUSE, t.rsrr riral and WaesHb Albaay. rmm. Chas Pfeiffer, Prop'r- Ttils n. l.dl 14 mud up In nrst isas ) Is. Tablsa suHtc. 'Oi th tmst tb uuvkmi. aSnwis, N1n Mi In r HuuMi. A il assu4 lUuat fur .. tut ii Traulsrs. FOSHAY A MASON, -VWOUU.SLB Druggists and Booksellers, ALD4MY, ORItiOV ylCn4ll NEW YORK SH0PPINC ! Keerybody delighted with the taateful and beautiful aelectiona made by Mrs. I a mar, who baa never failed to plea tier rUMCmierm New Kail Circular juatiwiued. Seud for It. Addresat MRM. KI.I.EN LAMAJL i--t S77 faasv. s Tort Administrator's Notice. NrOTICK I hreby given that thnndnr. alguel ha. !itt by or.Ur of the ('utity t'ourt a t Lluii Miniv oieguii, lu y .m'-.iii'i.. admmiir.ior of th- nt . II. M.-Ku' lu iIs-wsmmI, latr of anl.i itUMHty. H ierMMi lia-mu .Jauii ' j i.ihi m! I ii 4 U ar.. UtKM -v ii .'iU l and I :,4inr it I. , i. tli taSSHf 'ili l. .. M --r iMSiHi T l X in ni li r..ln : ". I li r .i I . Ill 'ml' .,u i I hit id r.!-l it-- ca 'ii, LtMn iuiiiv i ir.'.ii , r i it r A laalnl iitt-t -a i !', Fiuai BeUiotnent. N'u.ickk mitr.r.v oi vim TitAT hit uml.r.iKM.l uaamitorii. the lant Mhi au.l MKawaag ..f Ki. n Wi I. inch by . .i. h v lllel in list fount y UMHi Mm uuu',7 Ueagoa bin ilnal u. int aa nueh eae?u l ur, aud hy nrdor of aaM Court Monday the ird day of taiolx r hh nt tbe hrair of olio o'oiuuk P. M . of aaid day Is m fur lustring hjot'lioiis lo aaid aououiit and tltt avitlonteiil therenf. Any paraon Inlereatesl la aaid eatata la hereby ootid d tn appear aud III! bia or her olJedioiiM Ut aaid Ilnal aeootnt 'o at before aaid day. K. J, Wit.un'tmttY, iSMtaiaafs ALBANY CI FY Flouring Mills. WF. have already agrril with iin farmer for llag ntiragii of on half our apaidl'y, but aa isii et More a Inn, t .' ihAt iModitda. Via I etaMa, Urnt atrv-il PREMIUM (T.v PER BUsHEl in mill fet'd aa uaual. THO. tlOVrt l I If A KitS. MAGNOLIA MILLS. WF. aro fully piepaietl aa uaual to lur nthh atoritge and rwkn on t Its most favorable taring. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER & CO., Magnolia Mil In. v I7nl GRAIN INSURANCE, TO FARMERS i We can give rates and the Take no chances when a very small sum will make you secure. You can borrow money on your grain if you are insured. Our policies are good security at the Bank. Give us a call. Respectfully, a FAUMKFOKKALK IJV CUIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON. Tho following la n partial Hat i 170aeree no and a half uiilea w- i of Tuugnnl, Orfgon,and (1 mlleafrom Alhany. trii'N in cultivation ; 4U ikh h more can be nut In cultivation eaalJy; balance giant tluioor bimI panturo land. Noil, rich block iralrlo. Good hnueo and barn, r I l . r . i onoe, all In good repair : young ondinid of 100 IrtHia; gtad wo I and running atriam for atook ; good ncltool, church and pat ofllco ; good imlgtilMirhmHl and good aoci oty. lerma Sw per acre 5 ,aai down, real on eaay lerma. 100 acree U mllea aouth-eaat of ilalaey, 0 miles from llrownavllleaud 0 mllea from llarrlaburg. M aerea In cultivation and all rich prairie laud; no Umber, but plen ty wllhlu 4 mllea and cheap. All under good fence; houan one and a half atory, 4 rooma and umtalra; ham 2xS0 audit good gralnery: two good wclla, one wind mill pumn; new laud. Kvnrythlug ahout the place tn tbe way of huddlnga, feneea, etc., la new and in good ahaie ; Narrow Haugo runa through the place aud atatirat uan good achool, church and po t-olHcc faclllUea. Terms, HKHi. 320 acres H mllea cant of Alhany, aud 4 miles trom doot on narrow gauge ; M) ai res In cultivation ; 210 prairie, not eullh vuted but gooil pastuic, and a pofftictt fair plow laud . mi acree light llmlier, gianl wotal. Kntlm land under fence ; average bulldluga, houso aud Imiii ; amall orchard or 0 acroa, applee, etc; school aud church laHh near. Hood iiclghlrhan. PrlrnSj. iii"1; terma, one third down, llmo on rent. 22& aerea, 13 mllea eaat of Albany and mllea from Narrow Hauge; "5 aerea In eol tlvation, 7 . prairie, not piowetl. in atiiie, 05 amall bruab ; two amall hoi 1 new uud tatrna ; good orchard, fl acroa, atpha,atcM all under funre.not brat elaaa; aanool boetee mi land; gtaai nelghUirhoiMl. Pries S3, 'tuo; terma one-third down; balance on long lime. UK) aciea 10 ml!, s eaat of Alhany and mllea from Narrow Haogn. Unluipnived; Kaai farm land, inoatly lir hruah. JViun aa per ar, one-third down, easy tertaa on balance. 80 acre lying 1ft mjloa due aouth of Al bany, 0 mllea nouihwoat of Lebanon ; and one aud a half mllea from tiaml Hidge acbool bouar; 'i miles from uburoh and ii 11. ii-' fiom station on Narrow Hauge ; all under cultivation, fair board aud rati fnitcea; well drained ; no .standing water; one well and pump; noil, black prairie-ami Hch; houao 111 Said K. 2 rooma and up alalia; 1', ntory; atuall atabb) all In fall w beat aud cropa looking boo. 1'rico, i per acre; tertua easy. 2200 aerea 10 ml lea eaat of IfarrUhurg on the Hoe of tbe narrow gauge railroad. Tl. tiiMist atuek ranch la JJuu county; a HvIuk atream of water maa tbe entire length of the farm. All eneloaed with Nplendld laniaa; a Una dwelling; koosI larga barn and two auiallar houaealor tenauUor help. aciea in cultivation, and the balance iu paMitre laud ; alout laoo aerea are ana cedibbof uulllvatiju; a eplendid oreliard and good well on the place. Terma eaay, part cash and balance on long time. 130 aerea lying 4 mllea went of AJhenv on road to t'orvallU ; all under fence ; Phi aerea in cultivation ; can all be cultivated except ainiui l.'i actea. Price, a.v, ia-r ai re; IM down and balaiMS eectticd by iiuut gage; dweiting house of two rooms ami good log Intrn, sin ihhsl on three ! Ii s School I in He. MhaoMeaa tfanowQaagaraatl,!! mMaa fmui AlUiivaml . mile, frum N-i 1, utd 7 H tn 1 let trom J. It.nuii. I7. c.oo.1 ntrmind lainl, 7-'i m i, in -iil.ivat ; r oiHinder iu timer end brusb; hobee lMg2aa i'b Id foit wall , ell loaja ; gan I . 22A34 with 14 lKt uliad in urn s de; : ' feiicnaaiei woi.-r. TartMa Tan easdi i . if nsitilr. Itatber than ttaaaalll will lake BSfM do n, and i-h'kh.i. 1,, , -llllMi, aecui.-d by llOittadc I MO aii" 'i .f mil" w.sst if AM.ii; louens iu eMlUvalMM nud gg mmm uall ami aah UaabCMTdfaal wood lam'; all In Smm tiOMid ami rsii. miimh ! nml .' , Irnd ; eeoul 7 .vu- in Orebard, app'i -. umstl sar k.umI ami; 20 boaiicU n-si ar aire 00 tirsi-; i;. sal two alor v fn.ii,. louae, plasicrtd, li rsnist built in IS3, ami ismt g2 on; good Isirn. 2x40 urn! iu alnabt; aull anaugeil for farm pi.rsv. 'lerma, fhouo, 2 yari time on g-'oaai. l.d ocrva l.'i mllea ... ofTaupinl; Iimi aerea In; all new laud, chsm and tn good outer; good two aUiry komu, H rooma, nearly m-vv and ii gmMl ooodb lion; good new barn SOxSn; line yoons orchanl, ItO plum and prune treea, fair apple orchard; fuucea in good order; plen ly running we'er; i aerea of good Utttber; rich, black aoll and very productive, l'rica S2u0, ,'4 tatah and balantai on time. 100 aerea 0110 and a ball mlloa northeast of Albany; 16 acrsa in wheat, rtat in fair average; woodland; good land; ueai!y reiiccd. Prlco acre; terms ca-y. fiSO aerea I mile Miutluso-t d NhU NpriiiKa; fair farming; hiuU houe. mi n, (.. icoi . -I. Will le aohl in Nimtli 1 1 - or ' l together, w I SSSMOi. eSMegg Mini )ni oAlop ;i iMlavile, alMO Urn rxaia prmgs price a H-rtt'Ti ; eaay l era nt. 2nactm 3 lade. naRKweat I Lailautoii, near (NMTUM flaWgXj rivi-r bottom. ri -u ml priMluctite: iiiilmprovial, ib-auaoin f..i gardtai. Price $J0 i 1 acre; terms aaaj . 32o acres aouihwest of Sweet llama ; aM amler good lem-e, leii- ed. lulo le-hb.; .. acroa iu giMMl orchard, apple ami pearatea; ItoiiMi wdh two Kanushud iipHtiiirs large frame barn; aoll, Hch, back loam, bottom laud ; lio hi res in cultivation . balance good paeturo laud; well watered with aprings; good timber 30 mllea aoutheaNi of A'bany, 12 mllea Irom lirownavllio and 6 mllea from Crawfordavllle; 0 mllea from good grist mill ; 2 mllea to achool, church and poatotllee. 10 per acre, eaay terms. 100 aerea 8 mllea aouth oi Hodavillo and 20 mllea from Albany; unimproved. Price . 1 acre. 70 aerea IK mi lei eaat of Albany ; unim proved, i'rice fT ier acre; oaay terms. 103 aerea lying 3 miles nhovn Lebanon on the Lebanon Mountain road. No Pen 00a or improvement!. 16 or 20 aero tim ber, bafauce rich prairie land. J'rlco S13 per acre. bO a'rcM Vi mlloa above Onoatla, on Ya ipihia Hay, known aa the old ahieyard. it haa a splendid fronUtgo on the Hay, and w i'l bo sold at $11 per acre. 107 acres lying below and within I ' , miles of Lebanon, all under fence. acres in eullivath n, and tho remainder la in timber and brtibh. Dox house, y4 ntory, 2 rooms below and one above Itarn, not very good. Good well ; vocal! orchard. Cross fenced to the amount of fioOO rails. Milllciont cord wood can bo cut and Moated to Albany from this place by only a few laborers to pay for it lu two rears. Only mile from canal. Poaaesa on given by the loth of October Tho laud la rich ami will mru out wheat 40 and .'u bushels to 1 he aero. you tho lowest best companies. C. H. STEWART. patkoij: iiouk !ii:iuiiams. OF 1 .fgllAlVOPfg Can sell you ail goods in of General Merchandise cheap as you can go away from homo and buy them. He carries a large and varied assortment of all goods, is well prepared to exhibit them, and you can make just as good selections him. Remember the place, B. MONTAGUE'S GENERAL STORE, LE1SANOJV, HOiTHAN & JOSEPH, t'Korimrroits 'w ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AN 1 1 DKA14EW TN Imported and Domestic Cigais, Tobaccos, (i roc c.rif Ptovisioo9, e Candici Kuta and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - ... r-ron. ON F. iHttll 1:1:1 (VV AT Till- nl.f) STAN It, 71 fi kst sni 1 : 1 rr. i j s AHMfRTMKN'l COOK, BOX eTOVES A IM Mi . il. lb in I la 1 V.i'.ZT It 1 1 'l l iN IN -'HrtK HA NO, A H 1.1. AV4iirVMKT I SNUINE GRANITE IRON t II M ll ItK tr I Khh Hi TH Wl-fUilO t I. AT 7Z viH Ivepair wi k dono at 1 iSnZfc 00,000 WM In tbe United States STUDEBAKER Their I. r rfi PApttlaielljr . Hue lo eclluK 1 tic Tl I K r''" '' il 1' i'i'l""i " I III Ml TBaaMaaWMMIIraSi -r 1 m aalajwr ai 1 1,1 j JjnriaaMa WOOD i.KINt; THE BEST! tSUM TKI fro 11 tli" f -rostanf Indiana, WhMl a ' inakliitr. Kx rv iliji'Utl Ioi-imi iihm Mi ti ii. 1 - arc 111 ii tin) . . i , thaa In- uriii tlrt , ,.t-f mi a. 1 I Ik'litn. : .-. n .Inif. t lint kiii l, They aro tho BEST Ironed Wagons in the Market. Every one having our Patent Round Edgo Projecting Tire, Wh'inh !moria tin- .:ii,it aim fi ij. -. No olhr, ntannfactarcr lita Uu ritrhi to im it. Ali f our Thimble Skein W.M,M.iihb:ic i.i,r imtuiit SKtlN A.ND TUl'l I.K, allien Kioal airenUimia Um .V.l.i mil n int tho idaiu f rt 111 aurking liaiue. Our V;i;roiii 1.1 .1 lu;ve The Slopo Shouldered Spoke, which Greatly Increases the Strength of the Wheel. . fT..ll ft th u'hivi: lm;ir vein 'ni ni!i l !. by any other lUakt ra with nit lutriniimcbt. WTA full iiuo nt Ubat' Wamw tun b ImiTi-I In the 47 ALEAMY, .-.-rae aii'l In Muv-i. i.y evira U'.'i nt arerj l.i.l., katl 11 tlolfars i tune lo hie. Wo V Mill mini h til the I n iineM u tm thnae willing to a oik lau easily earn a iU.v a Uy lhi In their ouu I... .i.l..-.. IUv n ) exphilii hero, f'ti ti- t p!t:wtnt nud hoiioru iiio. i. ami boya :iud iiila do a, aell h men. Jflwalati von a uniiiilete onidt live. u II Itiiaeof wlr.rlin-r T.-il. Pari i. ul-tn tnf. V ' Fitruiera and lue.'huulejt. iIhmi' an an. tnra, ai.. I ail e.aee in h-:k1 of inliit( wolk ; rhiHild rite lo ua ami learn ul nhottt tt oti'-o. Ad'reaa Tai h x o., Aibc'Mta, Maiiui. Q A WKKK In ymir own town am! the buaii bo or. en 1 ill nl a trial i.ffi.r.'d .t)t ii-ko.1 You ean the huaineaa. and make work. Women make aa ml private Uirma atul pj $: Outfit tree, Don' or oti have Kin d a ehimao. CO., 1'orUand .Maim- tirnlara, a Itieh we mail Xr nploln (if hard times wli Addrjs U. UALUiriT d I the line just as by purchasing: of JOHN BK I 1CJS' KIT I IK. rf 1 x." !l Mj AS f N R A K AND PARfrjOR X I i ii,M;j.. Nltfp i nti initit l;w In r-, ABD CCi?; WARE '((I DKli:: i WARS. IMMl'KV. 117111 Jt" a r HTfti n. vi I " S" roascnal;-c l . --ess. PKOPLK uro the rdehratod WAGOA and ihe Rapoelaj t1x SlHferliif. taue in tfa i Jhrtto MHaador ,,.ui,y Ueah l.i.l la-, rl .1 il i,t U. lo 0,o aUlat .' -r tniuble tir ..l..i . 1 . d .r.Klu, t., ,Tl, wtit.h , r Ktivnv..h."l,irabilitv. iirini-ijial tovrnji of Urryoti uii I U'aab'listeav OREGON. earr .' To t WORKINtJ CLASS. IT, stao- .1 Ui furnU!) all 1 iom', 1 he boh ibiit. liu-lot- f riihir aex cai 11. aoH a .roi. ie e to the buoi: MONEY either -i: . Lab m it n'iw U111. ir.a I.- Maa 1 vim eiijrax' in sper. tin fat free AOdraas, H. ii ALLtrT 4 Co., Poriiaud, iiaiue. i'artieulara ALBANY MARBLE WORKS ALBANY, OKKUOI. ST A I a", It BROS. Proprietors. MONUMENTS. TABLETS, Executed in Italian or Vermont Marble. Alao, every variety nther atone work done of cemetery and nr 1th uealnean and diMftatch. Specbtl aUentlon given to ordern from all parte of thi Statu and Wonhlntrton Territory. pf-AW work warranted. M ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. KMT A It I. IN II i:D IHS5. I5y A. V. CHKKKY atuated at .rn-r of Kind, and Moutgomeiy Street j, Altiaay, OSSfOSb Having taken rhargeof the above nnmed Worka, we are rered to mauufa44ire Strain Ktitclnr, Hatr and Itrba Mllbi, WfMl-working Machinery, PumtM, Iron and ItraNa ('aatinga of every uVaa rifafaMi. Mafhinery of all dtinda repaired. Mpe rdal atteotbui givenfto repairing fatm a e Hiinery. ratirra n.,k tag taar la all It. fWraaa. Itillyl A. V. CIIKKKY & HON. YING SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! I .r the leat woabing and ironing in AV luny at loweat ratea. Oontrax4a mafe tor t'hinewe labor, laundry on Waahinglon Mred, oppoaile MarHliafi'a I J very Stable. MJStf r CHWUlT. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CgSSSY & I'AKKES, ' (Sueoeaaora to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. W K H AVE OUR NKW SHOPH ALL (-'iiip'etiHl. ami are now piriatrvd to liandn a 1 aioaaor heavy work. We will inaiiiifaciiire Nteam Kiurin-, triat and ma Mill Mnrdiiiiery. and all kimla of Iron and Hraea CaatingH. rtmsM aiar. mmit tm Special attention givao to repairing all kimla of machinery. Will alao mamiiae ture thi impnived Cherry A. While lirata Mfparator. aaa aa Bakrr M. OWrr a Laaahar TaraV. Albany, (Jr., Iec. I, 1SB0. l-;f To (he Unfortunate! DR .GIBBON'S IMapeasat y. r-i'i BMtSlr ar. 1 1 oiic ul i.iaairf- - kl : r .- t , r Inmnnt. K-t- ii-.J la iaw4. M awl acauaal lim i. M.-a a arrara, cirri, i elrtrlarr. aa4 ilta u. aU ha luraw. lutMlrar. ivalio Mrattrw, aaral ' U ur.uua, la- ,4 the :-. il haa ul in .ulx--l can UJ. 1 lar irr.l. Tac wt atal aMunU a.aihl kut tmM a'uaH Mj. him. Tl. I -tr ha. Inukii Ui r nr.. mi ii;t-.. in iai tae u a t al .U al .4 alutl aliM-h Ik- ...!..,: i.l lu i mi -art u. tl iu ar. J;i. UK. OIKBoN anil aiakr ao .mUjMi lr ur t a i-uiT. rm.iM at a .. (i Ria Rum. ah niri. U a.rUctiltat. Yu at bo oae bat tbe Dmlur. St-uJ i-i lMtarH lur a av kaye ul luudk.iac far a nltu-' l: hr IS- lr ai l i4aM aUle Uk tiaaa: o( th 1 -ai- lb Uil adTrnawtucUl la. lhary r.a- .1-1 ; !ax arH. AuUrca UK. J. T. t.lHIio.S. B"v Ck.7, Krancaav. , .tau4S I at. I la rratdavaoc t.) nwfce tanxtey. Wa "l"'li WWmtmiri a eNi la every in n u take mi ntM. 1.4-1 he ausaat. cacafaaa abU lal Ulua- iraiol lantily )'Ut Ileal 4 lu Um a-atal. AbT ue taa lacuna? a sacrearrul agent. Htx caqtaat work, of art give; true U cubatTitarnt. Tbe unoe la to Utm that at-I..- .I t irrv li.xlv mtlacriRf. One areal laa ta aubarrihrrs in a day. A lady agaat napurta uaikttiK aver yU clear j.ruBt iu ten Uaja. All abu nv-aa make na.iwy fart. Yim ran dertae aM juar Unw hi Uw buaiiicaa, or ociJv av ttmrm liaaa. Yua nel im.i be away buaae over nibt. Y-w oaa aV it aa e vil a alcra. Foil directions aud tetaai frea. It yea aai.l ,.i..Si-.,,. i,k atnd aa yttmr addrcaa at oihv. It . u.Kbii.jr t,, trj tbe bulna. Kwiaaa . cbxaxca taila to ntUt" rnal -aj . A.airaaa Uao sti.x A I'.anUud. Maib. al I y CilAULKK HUTKit AUBANT. r. iiui k. UHtGON . freprirlat. MaS. fill- J I .(.- hx Im.1i tlttn.b;;l,h ri ih.iiIhI lna k ., aal in aa iu f.ieilMl nUU . j the eutertaiouanat of traatera. id. ia U.4d aitb (.rrnihiun tbr luar kt t aff.mla. Sauibir naea tor iuinurvial n.n. urvallU, Lebanon una Ball aiaa YlfruMJ a 1 0 repbiMilbaaa now before Um pa bib-. Yoa li a can luakv luoney tartar at auri fur ua than at any thin eW Capital not required. aill etartyou, al S a day and ujvarda made at buue hy Us iiKluatrioo. Men, a.auen, boys and girh aauteU 1 veo a brro Vo work bar ua. Mow it tbe Uaae. Yaa an uv ivte jvur a bob; Unas to tbe arork, or only y.Mir tre momenta. No other buaiarae ail! pav y.m nar 0 well. No mm willing to arork can fail to kaake imrni-MiK pay by erua,nna: at ai.. f.Uv outfit terma trt. a jrroal opuurUibiti f..r m. kuut w.11.1 mu luwuniMy. .Ui,nmhnu. Aaat-rta Maine. 21 y.iili TO aoooo A YEAR, or K, u, to . i S I MIW lour oau l.aJii . Vu riak a........ .1. aa 1 men. Many make mote Uiau the aaamM ttu above. Ko im, cab fail lo make uaav-. fut Any one can do the work. You ran make truai Ui . bi i an hour by Ueiotin your eveninira and -ire liuie to too b-iaiibsw. It oati mabituf to irv iW bu. llieaa. NoUiioy like it lor m.mey makin- cvr uVr.a Hilorw. anaineaa r4eaaat an, atrb-th h.4niM, Ueader, il you want U know all about tbe beat lii. i.'.mih-, U-i.-iv the imUie, anal aa addrea'a.J we will a ii. I you full uarUeubtra and Hlala b ruot roa ; iaiiblea worth .'i alau fnw ; ..u ean I ban ukt im tour nuiMl tur youractf. Addreka (iKnKUt ari . MOM a Ok, Portland. Maine. SGGeOOorST wn toara " - - -- free. No riak Ibuub. ... - - bualnoaa at wbicb peraon of either aex tan make ' aaaaaaai 1 -a v i. 1 uraaMIWI M.ibe. THE ONLY uZLIABLE BITTERS. BE8T TOMIB IN 08E. Kecummeade J I rhj tela 1 aaaaaHBi,5fA eJaaaaaaaaaa5 ll I BaaaBvlC ' I y aBaKoL"aS Jaeaa- Alba By,0i, An. 11, lbhl.