fhe mortal. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1881 him nr. Buin t ok r tin; hit. For an- ordinary farm, wiltvs u correspomientof an xehangt I would have but one book, and that one rul ed after the form of the merchant' eash book, and keep it very much in the same manner, i. e. , on the left hand page I would enter all the deb its, and on the right hand page tt bnl anee could be obtained at any time 1 desired to know how th account was running. The firM account 1 would open would he the farm. n the left hind page I would intertho present cash valuation of my farm implements,' and all niw ones bought and repairs made. On the right hand page I would enter the amount received for any implements sold or returned, etc. Next I would have a name or number for each field on my farm and give it the same space in my book. On the left enter what I consider a fair price for labor done, cost of fertilizers put on that field, and all seed put on the cash value of all that field has produc- ed. Th balance at the end of the year would show me the profit or loss on that fiekt And from t ho amount of this lo or gain I would know what next to do with i. Without this knowledge how could I intelli gently cultivate this field in the fu ture? I might have an opinion m to what profit 1 had, but such opinion would be far too unrelialaV to hae any future operations on. In like manner I would treat every field on my farm; also my sheep, hold ing separate accounts with ditierent breeds, if I had such; with my dairy cattle, Suy s'ock eatde, my working eattl-, my horses ami horse teams, my bogs, my poultry, etc. Each of these accounts will show its gains or tosses from which I ean decide the fu ture management. At the end of the year I would place on the right hand or Jr. side of the firm accmnt a fair valuation of my farm and all farm implements, balance up all my field and cattle accounts.whieh would then show ae whether I was worth less or more than at the eoninience ment of the year, and just where the loss was flUstaiued or profit made, i. e., which field or department of my form hd been the most profitable to me, and which the least The far mer needs not have to ascertain the actual weights. His estimates are good enough; only be sure and esti mate against yourself, and then the result will happily disappoint you, if at all. (American Farmer. mm 1 1 bioi a r act The coffee shrub grows about -IX- teen feet in height. The bead of the sculpt n is one-four tk, of its whole length. There are petroleum wells on the Irruwaddy River, in Burma h. Carpenters were originally makers of earfmUa or carriages. The ancients always hamesaed their hors.- abreast, never length wise. The ancient British used iaiekets without hoops, cut out of s. lid tim ber. Tli next use of the Aiayiliwer, after her memorable voyage to Amer ica, w.ts to carry a cargo of slaves to the Wet Indias. Some of the terra-cot ta vases foutiil at HereuHneum are thin :o. the thin nest gin.-. Some of Iwe Egyptian mummiesfhe use of growing pUms Auiino- are enca-ed in bandaees merfrlhan one thou-sand yar-ds lobg. iL-rrsmmock suspendel on wheels as on of the styles of carriage among the Anglo-Saxons. Handkerchiefs of Queen Elizabeth were of parti-colored k or cambric edged witbgokl lace. The wheel, as torture muor-g the Greeks, conri-tet in whirling the criminal round till he expired. The unmoral characters of the Per sians and Brahmins are similar lo Arabic characters in u among us. The heroe.- of U' iner's lime' u.-el afser meals to wifte llndr i.aiai on a piece ot trnl nd throw if lo th dogs. Carrying n saddle from one p$fc to another was un iguomitdou- punish meut among the old Gennuii inttious. A sinjjJe pound of cotton nas Ihh-u -pun into a thread seventy-stx miles in length ; the same quantify f wool niiiHiy-flve mites long. Fngs have been kept torpid in . an it-house for three year snd a half, and have revived when brought out into the sun. Pawnhrokery was es abit-h..d Jo England by Northburg, Bishop of Lendon, and if redemption of nny Ufti borrowe.1 was not made at the year's end, the preacher ut St. Paul's Crows was 10 declare that the .pledge was to be sold in fourteen dys if it was not forthwith redeemed. A phj'sician of Germany, who re cently died at a great age, asserted that his long life was due to the fact tat he always slept with nU head to the north. He declared that the iron oniained in our systems, funling it self in the direction of the magnetic current which continually flows over the surface of the globe toward the north pole, becon.es magnetized and so increases ihe energy of the vital principle. The VV"i-eou-!!.legislaturebas appro priated f4Mw for experiments with Early Am:r ugar-eane. Vegetable ohiociml is highly ri-com- oieniK-t hy r!igii.ii army veterinarians hh a clictj mt i Bictent dressinz for woun-is. Animal, when first coiifinod,and suppl ed wit:i fattening fm ti, always incm s- larg ly in weight during the first few weeks, after which the re of increase dimishes to a rough!, erable extent. Tjlr pt relovao a. a peach et'oii in M z-'ro. TIih same liJHV In- t-hi i Louiiaas a of Dt iawaifi, Mi.-N! ijipi, id parts of ttther peach tricwicg sectiocs Too much zero this. A farmer in Indiana gives the fol-1 lowing result of an experiment with lame dust and wood allies. He say.-,: 1 applied tOi pounds of dry utt leached ashes to the acre and sow ed wheat on the land, the result latlng but six bushels to the acre. Adjoin ing this tract I drilled in SO pound of bone dust, and the three acres pro duced at the rate of twenty bushels to the acre, being an Increased yield of fourteen hushcl to the acre over the tract sown with wood aehaa. The following year I used oho pounds of bone dust upon thosamo plat where I had previously sown tlOO pounds of ashes, and the result was forty hush eisof wheat to the acre, being double what the bone dust had produced alone. This experiment satisfied me that ashes alone, or bone tfiHt alone, would not give a yield that pit I to my satisfaction. This plat with ashes, yielded six bushels to the acre, with Umo dust it yielded twenty bushels, hut when the two are com blued I harvested forty bu.sh '.. This shows what experimenting and a small exnenditure of mouey will do for the progressive farmer. As to the manurial value of d if ut -eut eattle-foods, we find tnat the oil eakes yield the richest manure, as they contain the largest amount of nitrogen and phosphoric acid, with a considerable amount potash. Next to these beans ami peas, malt-dust ami bran. Clover hay yields a rirh er manuro than oat, wheat, btrloy or corn, while meadow nay Miami below the cereal grains, he various grains and roots, like turnips, and Swedes, eontain about the same pro portion of nitrogen in their dry sub stance; the roots, however, supply much more otash. Potatoes stand below other roots in manuriat vhIuo. -t a A . . a a - A ' - . straw iukcs m loweM piaee as h manure-yielding fowl, boan antl pea straw being more valu tble for this Ptirposi than tho straw of tho ce reals. Legumitious crop have a spwi d power of accumulating nitrogen in the surface soil and aro hence of the greatest value in a rotation. Ued Clover is the most trikin inttnre of this action. Its root extend fur ther perhaps than those of any oth-r farm crop, and being hiennal it has a long period for gmwth. The are t mulatioti of nitrogen at the surf ice, in the form of r xts, afu'ibieand do cayed vegetable matter, is in ihe case of a good crop of clover so consid erable, that the whole of the ahove ground growth may be removed as hay, and the land yet remain greatly enriched with nitrogen, and In an excellent condition for producing a crop of wheat. The Australians have a very strin gent law for the eradication of scab lo sheep. State scab inspectors are ap pointed, . whose business it is to -ee that the law is enforced. Every sheep owner who discovers indica tions of scab in his flock is ohliired to notify all dock-masters within acet tain radius of the faef, and also ii jHi-st notices in public places. It the disease is not tamied out within einety days the diseased auimats mu( be killed. The result has been that scab has almost entirely disap peared from Australian flocks. M-inure should b" forked ever oc casionally to make it line. If it is heating, then muck or loam should ?o niixeu wim it to absorb the am monia which is furnhwl during the process of dt-comffMition. Sprink ling the manure pile with ground plaster Is advisable. The f-5;wter will absorb any ammoni t wh h es- cjhs from the pile and snve $t for nia is too valuable an element of plant ftsxl to- allow it to ho wated Again uwn some iann ttiasrer i- an excellent .fertilizer. There is proliahly no feed mm goi fr rabingr good lniry aninmls as warm skim-milk with h mixture ot moderate quantities u( ground o&ka scaldeil. The milk and oats ntnio a large amount of maxcle ami b w lrirtferi-.tl, and, as a smav-qu(neet we have a cow with nn excHlont ermttl iutbo and a g',d i.-l frntuo. t ri tne:il il:'! uot corjtfti mtoajr1: "f the j rnjo-H muti-riti- f.r irivli-g- t mI "'. d ntnt at the vtiu" ini. wen frin l Mtdnml '! m- if)hj attern.'itcd wi..h lin-eid ?ifr i-Mton Opinions u;n pMcth-al agrbftnri -ittnuld nover la Prm& frorn tVdo ir ; irtrs nbine. They nre ex-eilent f t sugeming hletts, huiI for ecMupetr-; intf notM with our tw prnctb-c. Wv may le able to endorse the opinion ar j-lht, hut genenilly speaking new pmeJfeti should lie verified upon our lands before w either atlojit or en dorse them. -V. farmer writing p favojr of drain vil landn says that the corn oti com moa tiled I m;l is lirjrs and fieautiftil snd Ugeowing rupidfy, with n dirk green, healthy color. Ife say, -I me furetl corn over a string of tile on my own farm yesterday and it was lhiriy-ix inches high. On the ground whieh did not fef-A the eflecfK of tire tile the corn only averaged twelve ini-h.s in height. If th'wo firmers whose farms are soils underlaid with clay would sell one quarter or one-half of their land ami put the proceeds Into the judic ious thorough tile drainage of the rest, they would make more money from the one-half of the original farm under improvement than they now do from the whole rea. For.jnerai purposes on tho farm cas or oil,, with a little kerosene add ed is tne fiest lubricator antl prer.rv er. For Haws, tnouois, hwggh'a, and the Wkf, this rolxffjre fumi-hes toon hotly with Itsts gum th in most other oils. rhe amount, of k.-rosene, if any, to Im added .oust bo governed by tho urjo-f for wnich i!s Is de signed. The went side railroad In-twevn JIc Minnville oul Mcferi-, wffl noon be ballasted with gravoj taken from WiUameflo at Independence. he qilirfij It L K Aut-mt WEST COATS FLAX MILLS, -M AN U PAC TURKKs oK - SAIL, BROOM, SEWING AND BALL TWINES, ALSO LIN" 233 IT "2A.TJtl!T3 Foot of Jeknn Street, ALBANY - - OREGON. v. o. box nw. NOTU'13 TO 1' AH M ICRS. -We would rosixx'lfu Uy Intorm tho fanner of tub Ion that w are permanently lo cated hero, and are priand at all time to pay tl tiltftieal market pi loo for lint but. Wo will gladly fUrvKfa partien who Intend OWtttH llax Any information they deMre. lepHiidln larHy upon lh farmers of thin oc tlou for the suttees of oar enterprise and the raw material we consume, ami houemtt mix ktoimk m l ii nrolllalilu induM rv. wt luMMH'tlulty a.k ii to Mutiiln u hone industry that promises to become mutually beneilem'. Albany, Or., Aujr. 'J 1H8I. tvt W lT ( AST ! LA X M I RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, 1S03I Ci CO.. VIWV1VH. sew raorRs I l.of l; ,1 rKtttOR 1'. M- II VKI i: - im:. ! Will II M BEST STORAGE FAril.lTIKS Hiirhost PricD in Cash lor Prico in Wheat- ALBANY dyl - OR. City Marshal's Salo for Delin quent Taxes- lrttt ii. r IM Un U. lily i.l Allany X, Vt, aiMl an ho ctty u( AtUa .U iit -hallf la Uittrul Us lUt I.. ! ti"i I jr. oiMouk' ni of Ibo m ..I.:.! t ()! Im IuUihI llM Bjir.ii lbt pj itrthkUcliiA, M iH't IuTO) lit u mu. ii m Uwll fwU4.. Uk will) casta kiwi Mimil i l.iro tti run-o iJ ai.t t 1 ha lf vnuil t ii.ar..uil ii.itilit la. Iit ..I m it H iltartf.!. mi, -.w, tltorv- l lit. uitvnt laslUt kt ...I iiu Um t ; rir ami in) I ' I 4tjni; iUmtU-u K-1 en Bl Si, h. ih ma .a Alt tu tvuj iijii a n r.ai tu WliKiv til" Mil'll 4 1-H uxt Ut lb Jar In I . i m f if in lt' iU in , otf fi.ti, ail UM ;ut M Mttbtfy tho r vu W;atu Oh- o em ivm h d-numr o.t. A tou tit tt i Alnur, Uuu upoo a Um real f epttii turn ut t, ii..lir. tax. i out i dollar Mai li tho jvai- lst . wiUi the Mkii flu rtU-l acltern. it. tS i I - -; U, Ih I .t l Aibail. I tetJ tii m a th mat an th um u artcuty yar UT J. al Um uu i4 rmut la alw o mm 1 til. with hmI. and r j tufa 1 1 Mr, nf i -i ,..r ruai aat, ml awSIc aiKikm Ui II far oasb in haul. t-.atl lain M the jrr ht ii.lwn. ew.UuiJ. a. l ml vMalr, tUut .trr Qmt ftw 4ntieit' Ut lit. t..r-ai.l at Aihaev U I lift Umj at I tfiiii .lns t IfjpShat at th CUV Aiiatt.) m i CHICAGO AHO MORfH WESTERN RAILWAY l the OLOEHt ukKT CtNt.rit'er50, I '.EUT KOt'lPTRD ! anl lnca Uio LEADING RAILWAY WEST UD jjOITHWRST, ; thr StnWT. Sl'UK aiat irK Rt hrtcvn COUNCIL BLUFFS AN ' Chicago, Milwaukee Aim! ail i. s r. nth aa M.-:rn VU. - Urh. S-litladrlpbln, i: -i-n, Sa.bluKlvll. O.iilni .v. l-.tl--l.ui n. ni.ulr.nl, rruMta. n. ti ..it. 4 I. l.t m! V 1 wil llluff Uip itmii i4 Ot ttiK aixl So in. in, ar- v.'li O. uk I! .ilr.K.ii, ami tl.i :f.-. Paimati Pal Vi E ar. rnit 4uu litm , - i... OJIti t otAt ti bi.i n I kti wiiiifi. if. 1,17 Kfitiim ' iTi i .4 ihU ltwt ittb'i' s i. vnt .o, ! - - ii'!M' , I PUILM N 1 1 j i r l Uoji.io CARS r ' T5. !; .t vli Uletgii a.hj S'orth- xiillll'nl jt..r vm rmfrSU WILL if y . hy thl r Ut. tk-tuit mjentM ft tlrkeU lr thia lint. AKI II H. III TT. !n V. P. and .m'I Mann'r. Citlt-nza. EASTWARD. I7aJ Aloany Bath House. pi!: VNIiKHElOJiElJ WOULD RgSPKCl ft. fully inform the citissns of Albany and ft aaitjrtiiat I baveuksnehargs of this K.tablisL otcni, and, l.y ksvping clean rooms and pay is strict attention to bontneM, expseSs to sail al those who may faror ua with their patronage Having beret-. fot earned on nothing but Ftrst-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, WO expect, to give entire satitifaetion to al SrChU(hen and Ladies' Hair neatly on ndshampooed. JOH WKBBKlt. 0 0 1JLJM!ilf, tlalnrhi Im uml Initeea V.rioioi.s Poison, gpt-tftding diwtsefan-l doafli in many locadtios, for whifi Miiiiit is no gemiie'n anudott, hut f r tho cnV-tg of which HontUnr's i-'Lomarh JUitkii'M is not only a thorough rmnmly, b':i a rcliabln preventive. To this fact thjire is an ovor vhelming array of testimony, extending over a period of thirty yearn. All diaor-df-rs of the Hv'f, wtoniach nod hoWela are alao oonrpiet-fu hy the iJilters For sale bv ali DrutrtciKls anil if.lfrs ' T JS FmWMk. mSSaWLH vlB Itiarrli tUM-rtory. Y. l. C. A. Moot nt triolr r(Min in Km tori brick building "t WotlntMslay Bveintign ttt 7;' o'clock, and on Sabbath aftornmmi at 4. Busitict iMftti are hfld o the even ing of the second Monday la esoh mouth; Everybody invited t attend. , IT. P. CHORCH. Proachingevcry Hallth. nt II v. m. , and 7 r. t. by Kev. (1. Ir vino, 1. I). Sabbath School at 2:.tO v. M. Prayor mooting every Thuntday evening. KVAKOKUCAL CllURCtl. ITOachniK on hah- nth at II A. m. , and 7 r. m. hanintn School I2i IS. I'raycr nieoting evory llur. day evening. V. t'. Kautner, i-aator. CoNonwiATioMALClicacii. Service uvciry Sabbath at 11a. m. and S r. M. Nabinth School at 2:3U Prayer meeting ni Thnreday evening of each week. a. W. Ilarntj, nator. M. K Cut-iteil, MouTII. Service cv.n-y SablwvthatSt I'oul'e M. K. CbafOft, Sontli, at II A. a. and 74 r. m. Sabbath Solmol at 12& r. a. I'rayer uieetiag every Thure day wonng. M. 1'. MtlUr, aitt'r. M. I Cacacw.- - I'roaching vtry Sabliath at 11 A. m. and 74 f. M. .ng eemce in the evening he font nerinoit. Sablwtli S.-ho.il t 'J ISO r. m. fitV'T nui'tion every i nur- Uy eveniug. 1. Dillon, jnttor. lUtTtirr CltCRCH. Servieee every Sabbath at II a. M. and 7J r. M. Sabbath Schrml at 12. rrayt r meeting every l hurminy even- utg. . o, urawtoni, )naur. Pkksbvtkmias Ciiuuen. --Service evory S.tbbatb mondaa ami ovoomir Iii ('tllei'e (.'hapel. Suiida School immod lately rfter the morning mrvice. I'rayer meetioK every 'I'liurtnluy evening, lb v. Klltt-rt N. ( 'mid it, I'antor. Guardian's Sale. MlTIl K in hereby given thut in nnrn anctf nf an ordur of the C'uunly 'aft " Maa Comity, State of Oregon, dated Adgnt 1th. 1 SSI, in the matter of tho Guaediaaakip t tho JUUteof Tollmrt Karl, a minor, tin mi dernigttrd, gnariltan ot aaid entute, witl aell at public auction to the highest bidder for one-third cash iu hand tud the rouiaining two thirds, in twelve months from day f aale, with 10 per cent interest fnmt date, in 00a parcel and aubit t W wmllrmation by ttaHiconrt, on Satnrday.th Sid day of Sep tember, ISM. at 1 o'clock n. to., at the Court llnttue diMtr io the uity of Albany, in .aaid county and tan, tin- Mlttwsa) deaenhed real property, Itelontu t-. eaol minor, to wit : the Undivided v. ie.l prt of Ike following described premise liKmniug at the south east corner of William Karl smt wife's donation Und elaiei.it lmg Not. No. 1023 and elaim N'o. 41 10 Tp 10, S of i: 2, west of the Willamette ihruh oi. io l inn County, Oregon ; running thum-r msSh 20 tU"ii K 42 OS-100 chaina, theoeo wiuth ss do 12 nun Weat v. .U lot chains ; thence North t deg. West 2tt 62-IU) chains ; thrnee West 2fJ 21-100 chaina ; thenou S.uth .' .'.s Hsi chains ; thence South 7 1 dr. 10 min. Kaat 21 Ut 100 chain tot h.. pUce ..! lwKnin -. eon tainittg 174 SS-100 aere. Hatel tins Ath ilay of AnBnt 1KS1 t.lU. Ill MPUKKY, 2 m 4 (oianluu. Administrator's Sale. NOTICK IIERF.DY Q1VKS THAT by an order of th County Court of r.lnn County, t ni..t. duly mad and en lomd of rorortl, the uttderaUned. Atlntlnls traiorof the tut at -of Janiew Klnioua, d rraaed, will on tho I.Vb tlav of N.tetnbr, ItWl, at th hour oi one ocUak In Ute after noon of said day, on thu prmtiae herein aAer desx-riled. aell at puhhn aiirtlon to the bigbe4 bidder, all the right, ti.l and Intareat of aaUl dtt ttKd at the llnxt of hia deal 1 1 hi antl to lb following denctilMMt promisee, to wit : pslat-ree of land on McDowell Crook, three and oue-haJf iiiIUm above i'ritw'a aaw mill in Unn county, Oregon, hounded and dH.-nUd a I. .How : 'Jo naal half of the north-eaat ouarler and the north wul piartr of the north eaat ipiai tt?r, and the north eaat quarter of the north wosa puir ter of aectttin H, in lowualdp J.I, s.r it. 1, east of the Willamette Meiidien. And will on U to Hkh day of hejitomlier, ! - I , at tho hour of one ti'cloek In the af ternoon of aaid day, on the prout here in, tier deacribed, aell at puliiu ao.tlon to the hlglieat b)ithir,al the right, title ami Interval of said deeeaed at the time of III ileaili in and lo the following ui-af-ribed pre ml new, b wit : 1x4 No. 2, .i ami 4 of netibm WL hi Townahlp 13, atiutlt of Itaitge 1, weal of tbe Willaiuetle Meridian, eon laouiiK pr.i . ItMJat-ree ; and will on the i Tib day f Hopiemlter, lael, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of thai (Uy, on the promisee hereinafter deorihd tell at pubiio auction tothe hlgheat bidder all the right, title and intei-eat of aaid tie reaaetl at the time of hU death In and lo thA to llowing dOMcrlbcd nrembsoa, to wit ixot nuntbeted 3, 4, 7 and in llloek No. 3, In tho town of tabaueii, . oum v of Unn' Stale of Oregon. Tenna of aal : Ono half of the purt-hase Erice cash in hand; tho balan'-e ou a cretl of alx uionlha frohi the day of aale, with out interted ; Ihe deferred y menu to lie set ured by mortgage on the pr. iHimn. Ausuat ISJe, Ktl. .nil J. 1. MMONH, Admlnlstniutr. ALBANY CITY . Flouring Mills. have 'rnl' agrred ttitli tne aruifr lor i lie aiontire of one half our rapacity, but . .. ean jet atore about t&flOQ biiahelM. p'li.i cotne, Ural aervetl. PBEMIUM, TS. m BUSHEL In mill feed at iiMtial. TIRO. M TDI I II t SO V MAGNOLIA MILLS. WK are fully pieparntl aj ttaual to fur nlMh sinrage and Haekt on the mott favorable terms. A LIBERAL ITiEMHiM WILL BE PAID. J. H. FOSTER CO., Magnolia Mills. vlTnl ALBANY BAKERY AND GROCERY. JOHN FOX, PROPRIETOR. Keep cotiHtitinly on hand ft full and coiriplcto 8tock of STAPIE AHO FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS CF AL1. KINDS. TOBAC CO AND CICARS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CHOICE CON FECTIONARY, THE BEST BRANDS OF FLCUR, BREAD, PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, And everything iMtfitHy found in n flrat class Btkfry und Grocery. I am ihe s(.o Hf'id in Alhniiy f-i' tho cciehrattHl a y A reifMVT A 1 'WT A m a h ' mi a m, w Thin poaxler fe uso! wilhotit injury upon the tiKSt delicate fabric, and clcHiiMcri all.nrtlclcs thoroughly without rulblng or hoi.'ing. It contains 110 aeiils or alkulicH, and i- tho moHt eeononiital wuh fiowder ever offered to tho public Pitronago rcspcotfully soHcJtecL 48yl FARMS FOKHA IAI ItV STEWART & GREY. Real Estate Brokers ALBANY, OREGON. The following h a partial lint : 17aeros no iitul a half mllea wevt of Tangent, Dregon.and t) mile from A I bun v s; aoroa In inlllvutlon ; 40 svnw more nan tie put In cnltlvallon easily' Inlamw gtsel timber and (nHtnio Inn. I. Moll, rich ldmk itntlrie. (innd httuao and barn, uood hoard fence, alt in gtssl repair : young oroliRnl of KHi tnio.-; ted wo 1 and running atreniu for hi i m'U ; uimnI selionl, eliureb ami posit-otlb-o ; u'khI neigh horhood ami icnod math vty. Terinil fJS r m-ro ; 92,000 down, reWt on i . y term. 100 acre (I mllos Mouth-wed of I uim y, ii miles front Urownhvlllnand 'I iuIIon in. in HarrUbiitu. f0 m'rmn In enltivatlon and nil rltdi prairie land; no timber, lut plen ty within 4 miles and cheap. AM under Kotwl fonee; boiiHo otin and si half atory, 4 rooms and ntlra; barn itxU) and a good gratnory; twotfiHtd wolln, one wind mill pump; now land. Kverything nl.ont tho p!n o in i ho way of IniddlugM, fom, etc., U new and in good aliao; Narrow t'augo ruiet through tbo place ami atatlon near: good sebtMil, oburult and st-nf)lon faotlltles. Terms, 91000. 820 acros 14 miles east of Albany, snd 4 tuikjs from lomt on narrow gauge . 60 aeroa In eulllvalloii ; 210 prairie, not cultl vaied but good (wstnro, and a (sirtlcn fair plow land t 00 aerea Jlbi limber, kmI wood. Kntlro Und untler fenee ; nveraKo InilldlngM, iiou.o ami twin ; Mtnall orrlinrd or 0 aero, applea, etc; soliool and church Uitb near. i,d neigbborhood, lrb 000; UrntN. mat third down, time ou rent. 'UTt aerea, 18 uillea east of Albany antl H ml Itte from Narrow Oauge; 78 aerua In eul 1 1 vat km, 76 pralrlo, not plowetl. In ..-nn. . tifi Miuall brush ; two small houaea ami barna ; Kod on-hard, 0 acrea, applee, !... all u ntler fcnce,Dot llrat claaa; achHl lions on laud; good neighborhood. I'm $ ."no, ter ma one-third down; balance on long time. ItiOaetoa Hi mile eaat of Albany and a unlet from Narrow Oaugo. Uuiuiprovotl; Hood farm laud, mostly l)r brush. Price h m i atire, oiie-lhlrtl down, easy terma on balance. HO aerea lying !. mile due south of Al bsuv, ntii.-H fcoulhwoat of libation ; ud one and a half mllee from Hand Kidge achmil hoiiae; 'i mili-a fmm t'hurch and mile from atatlon ou Narrow Oauge; all under mltivailon, fair board and rail foncea; well dralnotl ; no standing water; one well and pump; soil, black prairie and rw-h: honne ii .i-t ,,, 2 room and tin tnli I'j story; small aUble; all in fall wheat and crop looking line. Trice, r . . (terattre; term easy. rwo arrea 10 mlleaeaatof Ilartiaburg on the line of the narrow gauge railroad. The lineal Nlot-k ranch In Linn county; a llvinu dream of water runs the entire length of the farm. All enclosed with splendid fen k a line dwelling; icood lanre barn and two smaller houaea fur tettauUor helri. -.i) aerea in cultivation, and the lailauee in tteature land ; aUut 1UOU at ma aro aua- -t tlble f cultivation; a aplemlld orchanl ami gMl well on the plane. Terma as y, part cit-alt ami balance ou long Unto. 130 acre lying 4 mile weal of Albany on road to t'onallla ; all under fenee ; Hsi acre In cultivation ; can all be cultivated excel al-otil 1& acre. ITice,.X" per acre; !i0 down and balance seen red by mort- gage; dwei;tng lioitae or two rooms and good log ttarn, hhtdded on throe hh. ni'Iilo! l mil. 3HM a-rea on NanowOaugeroatl.lt mi lea from Albany and it niltoa from Hcio, ami 74 mitea from Jeffemnu ISA aerea good farmln land, 75 acroa in cultivation; re ntainder In timer and brush; house lax'ja, vtith Id foot walla, ell Uix'ZS ; good barn x'M wl th 14 foot abed on one able; good fence and water. Terms fViOO.caah down if imeaible. Itather taan nat sell will take down, ami balant on 2 to S yearn lime, aeeured by mortgage. 190 acre of a mile went of Albany; 100 aerea in cultivation and t aerea oak and aah tiuiber,good wood land; all under fence, board and rail, uome good ami ' bad ; about 7 acre In orchard, aniilt. inoally aiara; guotl null; 'JO buahola w heat Gr aere on average; goodtwo-atory fraimt uae, plaxtort 1. 1. rtauns, built la 173, and coat I'i'OO; good barn. Ldx40 and twti hhotbt; well arranged for farm purpoMew. lerma, fhOOO, 2 yeara lima on $5000. Io0 acre VA milea weat of Tangent; loo acre! In ciiliivalion; all new laud, clean and in good Older; good two atory koustt, 8 rooina, nearly new and In good condi tion; good new barn 30x30,- line young orchard, T'O plum and prone tre, fair apple orchard; funeea In good order; plen ty running water, 'JO acre of good timber: rich, black aoil and very productive. Trio &'J20, H caah and balance on time. HK aerea one and a halt mi lee northeast of Albany: !.' aerea in wheat, rent in fair average; woodland; gootl land; neatly fenced. Trice $25 acre; terma easy. 500 acre I mile southeast ol Hotla Springs; fair farmlnflf; auiall hon-e; sou aerea fenced. Will be sold in email Invrta or all together; good aohool. chureii and jtoHt-ottlec. at Sttdaville, 1mo the rwida springs Trice 5 per acre; easy terma. BO acres :s miles nortltweet .1 Ibanon, near Nai'mw (iaugo; river bottom, rich am productive: unimproved, deairable for garden. Trice $& er acre; terms eaay. (KM i'-cr ! aouthwoat of Sweet Home ; nil under gootl fence, fenced into llehbt; 5 acre., in K"d orchard, apples and (teach, k house wait twt room and upstairs: large frame bam; aoil, rich, black loam, bottom land ; 90 acre in cultivation ; balance gootl paaturo laud; well watered with apringa; good timber 30 milea aoutheaet of A'bany, 12 milea I rout Ilrownaviile and 5 mile from Crawfordeville; 0 mile from gootl grist mill ; 2 milea to school, church and poaioftice. 910 per acre, eaay term. 169 acres 3 mile south of Hodsville and 20 miles from Albany; unimproved. Trice 95 per acre. 7 acre 18 milei cast of Albany ; unim proved. Trlct) 95 per aere; eaay terms. 103 acre lying 3 milea above Lebanon on the Lebanon Mountain road. No fen ces or improvements. 13 or 20 aerea tim ber, balance rich prairie land. Trice 913 per acre. B0 acres VA miles above Oneatta, on Ya quina Hay, known aa the old ahleyard. It has a aplend id frontage on the Hay, and wbl be hold at 9U per acre. 107 aerea lying below and within 1 milea of Lebanon, all under fence. 35 acres In cultivation, and the remainder lain timber and brush. Hox house, 1 story, 2 rooma below and one above Kuril, not very good, flood well ; amall orchanl. Cross fences to the amount of roo0 raila. Nullioient cord wood can be rut and floated to Albany from this place by only a few laborers to pay for it in two rears. Only mile from canal. Toaaeaa 011 givon by the 15th of October. The land is rich and will turn out wheat 40 and 50 bushels to the acre. CtTTlUkT t TTTT "B-aTra m m u m m mm u ' JOHN FOX, rirst Street, Albany, Oregon. PATRONIZE H0HIE MERCHANTS. or i.i:iia. Can sell you all goods in ot General Merchandise cheap as you can home and buy them. He carries a large and varied assortment of all goods, is well prepared to exhibit them, and you can make just as erood Selections by purchasing: of him. Remember the place, - C. B. MONTAGUE'S LEBANON, -PROPIURTOKH OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AN1 DRA1.RRS Ilf- Importcd and Domesiio Cigars, Candicr Nuts and Tropical Fruits. AUmny, ... Oregon ONE IXHK UKI.OW JOHN BiUOOH' STORK. rvl AT TIIK OLD KTANH, 72 KIRMT RFKERl1, II AN ON AKSORTMKNT OV COOK, BOX STOVES AND RANGES, Am mi Iim-c in tin tnttey. lit ho Imports and oaaaafartarei TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE of kvkky nmoaytmon in srofK or to ordrr. a i .-, hr kekpj on IIANIi, A I V I.l. ASNiiRTAIKNTOP GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. OK WIIH II I IF. .OFKKIWTO TIIK PUBIJC AT PRICKS, THAT DEFY I'oM PETITION. CALL AT 71 FIRST STREET. ALRANY, oRRtKiN. ALL Repair work done i uu.ouu Iu the United states STUDEBAKER Tlaelr ;ieil Fottlsiry fa Dtif io iccilnu tb TIIK WOOD ItKINCi TIIK BEST ! JKLRCTRD from the Urok t ladlaaa, wbkh are twUxt l.r the .mnsrlur qnaliiy of Umber uitable for Waoi nM'iir. Kvary i uIJoUj.I l rlme UivporUm, and UiniauU. 1 if not up Ui Uiu .UmUnl. 'b let Mrt-linnii-H r.' m4jyivl, tlii Uuu rtn tf Hin: vi ork, aiut pnnhi ti.ir w4ruii M.:h for e4ivutrUj, dumbiUty and li)(lniM ol drtttt iw Hut lir-aKd. 7 They are the BEST Ironed Wagons in the Market. Every ono having our Patent Round Edge Projecting Tire, Which iwaocta tho paint u Skein Wiuonw havt) mtr U) tho akutit tmia workliif Iimwc. Onr Waona l have The Slope Shouldered Spoke, which Greatly Increases the Strength of the Wheela. UTAH f ihe abiro iittMvcmonM oannot c. nl f aivy other maker, without uttriugeiaent. g4T fuj lint- of the: WaMWijMl ho f. ttitl in Uu princlpai town, uf barge and VihiiifUn. EUSi:I- KIJClIAAi Affenite L ALBANY, tS.gXm Uk t'lin'i ltf aiatte s rvry afwt oary $f$f mm9 ......oh in ti.o IstaUaa fumUh. hut thoae -illiiif U woik in eaally uro a d.y.i i iliillara a tk.y ritrlit io ilmlr un l. ahtn... Uno i tunu to uxtuio nere. IIunIikmm leu.aol and hiomrahle. Wo 1.1. n ami huve and if iris do aa well men. 'IH lumiMh volt a ciii.iirU- uutfi insiiho of Htai-linii "U. I'art e. Vt e i r free. mo Farmoii and iHchaoK', tleir tuiun aim oaagn tart, and all claamuj in notil of Ki.vln w ork at homo, xhoulti u rlto 10 us and loaas a'l about tho work at nmxs. Ad.nna Thus it C o.. Auj'ta, Mamo. J3 A WKEK i O' Ml M-I...1. V ce.itai a trial ijferwd . A .1 1 1 1 ' ' at the Vou Ime to ut you lnjt ojf rk. You elite until you eee 1 buninoas we offer. K3T ifyi the line just as go away from GENERAL STORE. OKE&ON. 52 & JOSEPH, Tobacco, Groceries, Provision? HAND AS FINK Ah AND PARLOR at reasonable Azures. pkuflji; uk tbe celebrated WAGON and tin K-ecinl 'are Mavlerlal. Taken la tie- Aaa No "thiv nanntncturer haa Uk rijfhi to nnr it. Ail of our 'fhlmlde kKIS AND TRChS A.XL.K, which jfronll.v tmuiftlicti. tlw Avh- an.f iirvveuti OREGON. TO i H C WOllKLNiJ CLASS. Wejtre now itreiiaml to fnrnlah ail elami ith con- utant eniiloyiuunl at lnmie, the whole of thf hoe, or for their re moiin-ius. isusint-ea new, lijritt and oroflthle. Iernn of t ii her s- ilv earn fixiiu 60 ccnU U $ci pur evening, ami a -n.Hirt..nal huui by devoting thuir whole ti.ue to the huMiteaa. Ua and giii earn inrl. an inui-h a men. that all hn eee thin notlttj um ud their audrata and Ust tt e huui ihmm we make thia oiler : 'lo Mich a are not tA eat iolted we wilt aeud .n.e Uoltar to y fur the tninbie of wrttiu J till jjartii uiars and ouilit free, t ddra, Ukomuk Stixso.n a Co., tHtrCantt. Maine. iy MONEY 13 now bein e ina.Se (aster tbt j eve h? 1 1 ioj at work for um, vone of either He ou. UMUte eou a wees tu iiteir own ovui u wiiiintf to work. No nek. 85 outiit free, n inn the hualueea. Cajtal uot rtacired. njrage prosper. No one faUa. ParUeutu rna, H. Haiurr k Co., Porttaad, aaioe. All 1 BrM ALBANY MARBLE WORKS ALBANY, ORKCIOS. 8TAIUER BROS. - Fropriftn. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, Ajrn HEADS I ONE Executed in Italian or Vermont Marble. Alao. ererv variefv of nmtr and otbfe atone work dorie with neat next ant) lixpatch. ttpecial attention aivnn lo ordcra from all parte of thia KSate and Wa-dd union erritory. "All work warrant!. MM ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACIIIE SHOP. ENT4BI.INHRD 1SS. I. '.y A. V. CHEKnl, stua(el at ctirner 01 ' irxl oml MoiiiKonHty ire, A 1 oaoy, irejtei. Havifitr taken chart? of l lit h I v named Work, wm are rrcparel lo inauulacttir SU:ain Kiiiim-n, Maw and Urint Mills, Wxl Hoiking Ma-h)nerv. I'uuiis.. Iron antl Kraaa Qeetlags; of every deay naioii. Mahirwrv of all ikituK reuairctl. pe dal atlctilktn (tiven'lo r-airlfK farm n a- trlunury. ratlrm Maltlwc doar la all Hn farasa. Iftllyl A. V. IIEKKY A SR. YDTG SAM WA'3 LAUNDRY ! floea Ihe laat wabin; and irf.minr in A 1 luy at lowest ratea. !oulraHs utsdt for Chineae lator. Ianndrv en Wtliiartn 4 reel, opposite Marvhail'a Livery .stable. r. rHKRtar. C. . Ft KKKS, ALBANY IRON WORKS. eassaa & parses, (Snownr. in V. Chtrrj.) lachinitti, lillwrighti, and Iran Founders. w KHAVF.OUK NEW SHOPS ALL. couioletl, and are now nriMired to handle 1 kiudt of heavy work. W will rnanufa"ture Steui Kuint-H, Griai and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kindn uf Iron, and Braaa GaatingM. rATTcasa atac aaaaT lenor. Special aUentien given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will alo innnnfat tnre lite improved Cherry A White Oraiu Separator. alMtp mm Kak-r al. ISrr a UnWr lard. Albany, ir., Dec. I, l- 1"" To the linrurtonate ! DR .GIBBON S Dispeasarr. I I tWTlH jl C nai .-'.r. t, ta rn.uw. E-ti lUhnl iu M. t vxiu! mm Mrlriarr. aatlU u aU Ha Uftum, laaaaeessr. WraksrM, mxM !. b uoum, iaa- ai the U. ai..i ! ijiImI iwaUtrh Ur Tbt- ni k uh! .flii. Urd al..uhl uu fail to call uoti htao. Ihe Uuotor lea travdrd -aleiaMtrl ua Kur-.(-. ajxl tf-rt-.l Ifu.f -ogtiJj, tor lUMW tale Ui rr, uJAaitn..,- a irreat OtaU .4 valuable a lorh be Untuprtrnl to i o iniput u. Ihtr ioi .4 UvriuM. I.K 1. 1 l.l'.l IS. S will make no cbarne iuiM Ih t-BV.-t a i-irr. ftrwmm at a diataace aa 1 u. ii KKa at aaaa. ah in. Uy c- Madential. You ere no out hut tbe 1 Kt-ttd tri. k4Urs lor a t-a kaeri- of tatdieitas. 1 itmf to the iKictor will pleaae atatc tbr uante of tbe pat l bey rr thia adtertbr-atcnt m. fharr rea ottattW. or writ-, Adlta DR. i. V. I.IBBO.S, Bui Sau ! . . vUt3 CSOLD.V U ntake mioejev. We i-rwii in fMi l..wi. lw I Mtbrri4MiM for lbs UrroS, rbe et and beaa Ukae irau.l Until t pabtieaUon in tbe wtrld. Amy vm emm taaaaat a sacceeaful acrut. SLx elryant wtka of art firer. tme to mbunUm. The price 11 so io that ai unt rverbtly auheeriBea. Ont(chi reporta tak ii.r 1M uhecriliera hi a day. A ked agee rtorte aiakinf over tirJoti t lear prulit in tea da). All who n.ifV oiake money fast. You raa devote all Vuvr Unte to tbe bujeiM-ea, or uniy joar stiavr tian. Yea, need nut be away Inxu boeae over niybt. Yoo can do a aa well aa . t ). r. Fall Uirectioria and U-raaa free. If you want profkable work aead ua vnr add ma at tw. It ruata bothit.v Mi try tbe buaiMen. No one who riuraxo fail u. nakr preal v. Addrea tlao, Tiaaoa a Ut, PorUand, Maine. tlvt a USA NT. IliUk. OREGON. - - PmBrirtw. SRK. I Thia Hi.no haa bwu thoroughly n-uovated from top to lautbrtu, and la now in ladeMbd conuiUita for tbe etitertniiiun-Hl of travetera. Tbe table ia aufiplHtif with evrrvtbinjr tbe mar ket afford. Kaiuple routua for -tuliun-ial Carvaltla, Lcbaa a tne Italia Mac t&aWH MB fjiranbuainete now before tbe public. Yo OfffiJ a can make monev taater at work fur ua than at n tiling rhw. tatal uot required. H r m ill aartyou. Kedayand u iwanta made at home bv the indnstrhata. Men, women, buy and jrirla cantril cveiy where to work for ua. Now it tbe time. Ya can oevote your whole time to tbe work, or only your pare unenrnta. No other buainere will a vuii nrar ly a WeH. No one willing to work tan fail' to make onanu.tu pay by enxatfint; at once. Coatiy outfit and WniM free. Airreat oiHx.rtuiutt for maklm? mooev vanuy ann nonorani y. AOtirvs 1 at a a l'. Ol Tf U.TOaWOO A YKAR,or$5u. fSOaday im B L f t your own ktcalily. No rhvk. .n,ru do a wall aatneo. Matty make mote than tbe amount dated above. No one can fall to make money taat. .vi-y on- can uo ute vx.ru. ou ,-an make from M)eta, to ! aa hour hy devotintf your evenimw ami time to the vre I hu It t-oNia notl.intf to trv the i N.-Uiiii- like it tor iiuuir. nuLi.- ... . .ff-r.-.l Wore. lu.Him-as deaant aud atriettv htHtrabb. Header, If you want to know; all about the heat ta iiw buaiueaa before the public, aeinl ua vour aklreas and: we will eeud you fall iartieuku-a and tree ; nmp!- worth .. lo free ; Vol! ean then make np your miml for yourerlf. Addreiw OKuKOK STIN BON a CO., IArtbud, Maitaa. v AA wvek iu vear own to a. t3ortfl MJeirVrr-e N rbtk, Keavder, t yxtn a. t a. 11 i" wnicn lajrenns of either at t tan nk l rem : ray all the Umo they work, wtrte for prtit-oUr Haturrr A Co. Portiau.l, Maine. U. THE ONLY RELIABLE BITTERS. Tan a at. KerontiucRded Uy ull Phyalriaata. CerlUlcatea an b teV of Battle. tt?5a aaaaiiiHiiHf a aar -mmmr w m iattw . " BE8T