The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 26, 1881, Image 4

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    Ik gcuwcrat.
tree "Frw ln-. by Will nrlriati
If exrerieure lias noltl in it (an tlUverniiig
folk- groe,)
And T ileal it nut u:u.i:ss Of regular
stated price.
Iu ruiirhdone-up prixo pa'kgtfs of otn-
1 mm-sense advice :
The people they run take it, or i nn round
it, they please,
But the test they'd find In it ht word
liko unto these :
H'orm or w,.V, .VnKyi or trtirt, "m .
Hf r !. wi-iy
Rut jbrfrmt-rht rw. ifst n HMUfffHfft
'jm'jm thrm nil.
On nir wHldin" day my father louvhed
me kindly on the arm,
And handid me the apers fe an Hfchty-
arre farm.
With the atoek an' tols an' bnildln'a for
an indetenlent start,
ftjtag : "Here's a wedding present from
my muwle and my heart ;
And, estxjpt the admonition oh have
taken from my tongae,
Ami ittu reasonable lickin's that u had
when you was youug,
And your food an1 clothes aud school la'
(not o much as Iceuld wish,
For I had a number eat in' from a aoinwa
scanty dish.
And the hottest love you capture ' w hen
u tinU,at on my kuee,
This ia all I have to give you-ao expect
110 more from me."
Pople'd sid 1 e-uldu't marry the sweet
girl I tried to court,
Till wo milmgtj subinitte.l a minority
report ;
Then they laid their theories o r, with a
ui kncvH queer to s e.
An.l said ihev knew we'd marrv, but we
ue er could agree ;
Hill v did not frame and'hang up all (he
neighbors bad to say,
Bft rin our little heaven in our owu ite-
enliar way ;
W. starlet otf quite 'jolly, wondrom lull
of health and eheer.
And a mneral understanding that the
mi44l w as pretty clear.
80 we lived and toiled and prospered: an.l
the hale family party
Tha came on from Heaven 10 visit us
were bright and hale and hearty :
Aud to-day we might ha' been there bail
I only jujrf hae known
Una- to lay my road do-11 solid, aud let
well enough alooe.
But I seon -ommenced a-kicking in the
iraeeM. 1 coufeau ;
'there was loo mueh laud that joined ui-
that I bdu't vet poW',
beat oif-M he X4"4 laud -htiugry, t-trang
bo r venous one can be !
14-1.': lunar bjiora I w a rue I all the
gr uiil that I coold see,
So 1 biutcht another eighty (tint forth-l-
iug any harm,)
And for thai and some down money put
a mortgage on my farm.
then I bought anotuer forty, lurvu s.,i,It.
ah to fix up new.
And to Li iv a covered curtain ani of
coarse the mortgage ajre- ,
N'.. mv wife was souare avaiuv this lis
but right tbut yon mIio-iM know,
l i'"-ii I'm ery far from saying that I
thin n'.j always so ;)
But she wen: u hearty with mo. working
hard Uy to da v.
I a a . - a . .
r tr we uuew mat ne was buine. now
we had that debt to pay.
We worked lliroug i spring
through summer and
Bui I hat mortgage work.d
aud the steadiest of us
and winter.
t'.ICIIjftl fat,
the hardest
all :
irworked on nights and Sundry -i:
woiked eawb holiday ;
u iowp among us ana it never
wt-ut away.
Whatever kept from it eoiued a'u.ost
-x - bad as theft ;
It waicbe-i us every initiate, an I it ruled
um right and left
The rust and blight were wit h gs ttome-
t'Utes, and sometimes not.
The dark-browed, seewliog mortgage was
forever on the spot.
1h weevil and cut -worm they went as
well a mint! ;
The m rrigie stai I forever, mating hearty
all the same
It i .-..! il i.j- - t ry window, mx d guard
a! eiery tUmr.
Ah 1 'tMtpjatiee and suiidiinw their
liome with us no mote,
'I'i.I with rmliug ;rro-t hu 1 xi kiinkx we
pot hisJIe t sim,u the grade.
An i thoie -aui j a dark day on u- w hen
the iniereMt w isn't paid ;
And there .am a sharp foreei ure, and
1 kind o lot my hold.
And grew weary and the farm was cheap
ly iold.
1 li children left and seatteie t when thy
hardly yet were grown :
M. v r- he pined an' peiishd, an I
foug't mynef alone.
AVhat hhe died of was "a mystery," an'
the doctor' never knew ;
B it I knew she died of mortar ;t as
weh'H I wanterl to.
Ifto'ru-ea hidden s rrw wer-. w thin
the doetnre art
They'ii ha' f mud o lying n
tlr-ri wonnn's broken h H.
Two I iv. r -in kinils
f ff.ople ilm devil
uitrst assails ;
Ooe i. the ni tn w ho cou inert
tm w ho lails
t'te other,
But iiitl I llituk Um last kind are soonest
to give up,
A ni to bete their sorry faces bjhb d the
sham ful cup ;
Li ke soiho old Kinj? or other, whose m me
I' c soil rb nv lost,
Tli5y straii-t vhv teir lb iir ooi out, jtu-t
when tfeev tio-d 'em mos'.
WLe 1 tii'-e i h el di -it it
I eOuld not pay.
?'l that e lebt
I tried to :q i.lale it in h rather t- ma. on
w ay :
I used we m pnvate r fellow i nan-
Aud we won tl dr nk ours -Ivts worth tea
thousand dollars clesr
As eay a way to prosper as ever has been
iiu' oiie'n a ijeap sight ptorer w heti he
get ba-k to the ground.
(..I ,-, ,ii is.- I ooglit ti ha' braced up an'
wtrk-l mi all tbeaame ;
I sin't a tryin' lo sjiiik out, or cover up
from blame ;
Bat still I think ineM f'ieri. it safely may
be Mali),
Are driven to it-uiptatien. in place or be
ioa 'el:
Ami if that tyrant mortgage bid n't crack
ed it 'm whip at me,
I shouldn't hare constituted the ruin
that you see.
For though i'ea never stolen ort'efaulted,
pleaae to know,
Yet, socially considered, I am pretty
middliit' low.
I am helnle an' forsaken; I am child'
an alone ;
1 1 .tvii't a single dollar that' it's fair
call uiV own ;
My .ld age knows nocomrorl, my heatt
is scant of cheer ;
The ehihlten ky rim from me as BOOM as
I couie near ;
women shrink and tremble- their
aj ma are fear- testowed :
doga howl cttraaa at me, and hunt
me down the road :
My home is w here night finds mo, my
l'r, ends ate few and cold ;
Oh. little is there in this world Tor ue
w bo's pool and old !
But I'm wealthy in experience, all put up
in good advice,
To take or not to take it, with no dill. rme
in the price ;
Yen may have it, and thiive on it, or tun
round it, as you please,
But 1 generally give it wrapped up m
some such words as theae
Worm r f'rtilr, ttroit'jht hMfKMf, "
ftuaifi', faasf Mtiitfalt,
Ht f it aVwf-eUM eewtofi'ew, trnt wt.
ajaMSJ ' ijitiiixt thrtit nil,
Aunt AtiarUy and Phrooy were
sittin on tho vatsh-tem h uniler the
sycamore, looking- at the comet.
'How long does iti tail look to you,
Phrony?" asktnl the Jyars mtttrfa-
militts. " 'Bout & long es yo' sassy fras
soapstUk, mammy; how long does it
look to you?" "Law. it looks to me
esiong es a broom han'le ; but conn is is
mighty 'oeitful things. Dere ain't
no mo' countiu' on dem dan on chick-
ins fo do alga is hatch. l)ut air comit
may not be, after you come to git
m . m . a I Jk
near it, nit may not iw oigger u a
oommon-sise stick."
common-gi.e stkk!"
voice in the gallery.
Josh way 'a cob . pipe
tiohind Uncle
'iBisnrvr'ii a
common-si stick? Anarky, 'pears to
me like you women folks aint never
ewine ter lun one grain er sense
'bout high-up thing. Datcomit's
mil's es long as as as a pine tree!"
"(itaal la way! " excksltMd Aunt
Anarky, " ea long es a pine tree
Well, dat gits me! But I alius kuow
ed dero wura't no 'iiendence in tle
uearance er do looks of a comit
mighty 'ctutful things dey i", u'
lae alius bin sorter JuImmis of 'em.
Now, jes look ot dat air comit
hengin' up on de wall er da ytdlcr
meants so cIoau an' shiny, like a nig
beator jus' scoured wid soap an sin';
xit de fus' thing you know it'll fetch
tawms an' cuttypillers an' all sorts
er bodderation. Dat'a what it's a an
akin an' a-eropln up a quiet fur.
"Taint fur fum here now, uudder."
"How fur you reek'n?" asked Htra
ny, " 'brtt a mile?" "Well, it don't
look rao'ner mile, latt folk sea what's
gtt bnok-larnin' sex et'a f five miie."
" 'Fo, five mile!' " said I'ncle Josh,
who,8inre his first instructive remark
had maintained a dignified silence,
" fo, five mile,' hey? Dere Mis
igin! Pears like you can't omii that
motif 'er your'n, Anarky, dout msk
W intistakes, Fo', five mile!' : Well,
Mr. Higgotty, how come you hi know
tny better?" "Well. Miss Smany; I
knows better 'cuxl studied Mars IM
die's 'stronnenny one aay- m
larnt alt 'bout de yellerments. DAta
how come." "len, Mr. Higgotty, ef
de comit ain't dat fur 'way, how
f r you say Mis?"
Dat comit?" sahl the colopel int
pressive.y, coming down Um stefN
snd eyeing the bc.iutiful stranger
carfuliy, so as to m exact in hia
calculation: lss see- dat little
comit is juV udtly es fur fum dis
bere wash-bench es Texia i-i fum
Louzanner; je' 'zackly." "(Josl
lawsy utitssy iue! dat fur?" d iftted
Auot Anarky aud Phrony, to much
Astounded to add another wr I. The
mention of two States seemed to re
mind Jade Josh of another, his na
tive heath, and he let hisjStatc pride
get the better of his veracity -An old
habit with his State pride- as he
presented his now admiring family
with the following nugget of infor
mation: "Yes, 'dat fur, but I d'knyw
what you all makin' sich a ter-do an'
'miration 'bout dai little oue-hoas
comit fur. In oh- Firjinny, whar I
was bred an' bawn'd, ns never paid
mi Mention to little pikyune cotuits
tike dat. Small -rtaters, dat coinir
is! I meyl ter sen c miiA a-st reakin'
froo de yellernients wmtmn wile
hoases on a praiier great bffjg mis,
aid taiis a-switehio' rteui dwn b
degroiin'. (t'loug! Makin out like
dit liffle runt of a coin it wium'it!
Down in o!e Firjinny whar I wa
oretl Mi dawned we has Hire , It
eouiitsev'ry night, rnun, sh's yon
- -
sO I ai l,IT tHllM. Mltll.!l
There is no other class of beings
by whom sociability ought to be
sought for so mueh as by farmers.
N one farmer professtn to be profi
cient in alt branches of his business,
tml us the plan of op ration is more
or leasexpCTimental ui a large propor
tion of farmers, an exchange of bless
seems almost nerurtry for the wel
fare of each. But It is often the c ise
that the position and duties ledotig
ing to this c.ass hinder ibitity.
Scattered over hill and valleys,
often many miles apart, it is not so
easy to keep up au intecourse with
general society. Nearly nil other
classes of business men coin-enirnle
in towns, village or cities, where
they can enjoy a daily exchange of
thoughts and opinions and greatly
increase their fund of information.
In this way ambition is a roust d,
thoughts are awakened, and mueh
added to the general happiness of
life. uch a state of things ought
to be more prevalent-among tillers of
the soil, for the longer a farnmr
lives In a solitary way I he less likely
he is to change hia habit, end ibis
course t faction most generally results
in a morose state of heluig. 'I be
most ardent and cultivated mind '
becomes dull and inactive pliteed in
tbe position that many tsvupy in
this world. The man who has m-ees-
ta a large field of thought and in
formation will accomplish more ami
and meet his designs buffer, and
with more ease and comfort to him
self, than the man destitute of in.
foimation. in our estimation, one of
tl.e best fea ures of Hie Orange is its
cial one. In the (rratire neighbor
can meet, with their wives and daugb
ghters, and discuss subjects that will
be for their mutual benefit. In this
relation let us say that District ami
State Fairs are also good means, ami
afford opportunities for sociability,
pleasure and information. Too many
farmers neglect such means of self
improvement and social converse.
"All work and no play makes Jack a
lull lKy"; and this motte, or old
udago, applies as forcibly to the hus
bandman as to "Jack." The County
Fair 1s approaching; by that time
your hurrying work will be over, and
you know you need recreation aud a
relaxalon from your laliors. What
better way to spend a week than to
attend the coming t 'ounty Fair? Hx
up for camping if you do not desire to
desire to travel by rail, xou will
find that you and your family can nil
attend and be greatly benefited,
with your views ami ideas greatly
onlarged by so doing. Toar yourself
away from home cares, und give
yourself aud family an airing aud n
chance to set others und what they
have dvine and what they are doing.
It will to you good to seo the lest
productions of this county exhibited,
and it will most assuredly enlarge
your views and give you a better op
inion of your native of adopted State,
and a more exalted (pinion of your
self and of your calling.
BALLARD. MOV is I'll., I'ltOI'lt s.
r.w PMoeaM n.ot it avruiea ran
IXU UUM i sr..
KAMI!. It's
Highest Price in
Cash for
City Marshal's Sale for Delin
quent Taxes
N-'M i i. .uin rovu irmi ui'i. .
rwil by ltt r.. r.l. r .. Hie I AIIniio
l.iiiu -itt,lv an.l StjttUi l Orvjult, Ulltliir I Ik- Mai ml
uivl i it, latst ll- l.tlidx t Is, ami an
n vi-.l I 1 Ik .1. In i i-n! I v lut at the - l At
nr. Uiret-UM rue u U-y mxi Um U l . iini
ui Ule ' -in i f ' U !'' iu IM; mmI it iiuimt
1m njuimI Own i.ii Uk i. ..i . .iui- ui..h,ii,, iu aSi
lcliiHiiniia, aaariforili in UI ilvlliMiiiit La ltl ur
wi mill 1 1 a lull Mtialt Om- tht- atil'iuut i-tiarnl
lUi isiata ami ruriiara . ..II. . ti..n N-.a.llirr,
tore In iiurauaiKs: ! mu writ, aim! J. IumcmiiI tan lita
I hat r ftr at . 1 iranal .i.. rn 1. -. .1.1 um ll
(..i). .lii,- .!-. i iImiI iihiI t-vLata-. ! ail :
AMuaml l.i I mlit i Kikm-. (') fl an.l ) !. '
fU-k iti. In Oi cit, Albany. Ijiiii i-uiiult, Orrvun,
all l k.i UM. a Ok r. al j. ..rt, ! Lulbfr Klkllia,
li rotial) tbc nun ( acvrft J. .liars bk I flttx irtiU,
UMfutllMJilf IsMI . alaii tlx-aUIH M Uolbw-a.
(axe f .i Uk rr ss , aithi-oaia aawl MMSHag vta,
Abk OKI Mtualila- k mI-I aMMal la
I- Baalrj, b uw ihI 4) tur In Itbak ,o iu S Altatnt. Lilin tMMB, Of,.;..n, al! U- its!
tiaMi aa lb rval w u-rtt 4 I.. Knalvt aalM Uw
mi I ' -I kUi.. !j . I i il. t.r ls-ai.alan Ibr
ubi ( lotbtrs a. t.1 tnl fl.r mil. taoa
Um yvmr Inst . ailh wU aiKl avruiMC nula Aba
it..- i..ii..i.. it, aarlka ynfvti aaw J In Mra.
M. ls.Tii4 ..Ii,mv IU-. k II kt. i.iuna a.lulU.41
t Ukv t'H S AlfaaJO, I Jin. is.uiit), i tr all
bjvitnl taMi aslbrcat m-,art ! Mrs J4-lK rm-.t l
aattatt III, UUt a,nil Bw "rttl. Taxi (f the
V i -. ' aba Uk bum li! : mila t . 1 llw
l war vti, aba. tbr mm 4 1I istula ta,-a t.. ar
Issl a itb wis anal , . nun; !-
Aui mi ttM' I 'Hi b -l s. -u.l- : list, at tlw
Vmt ll .'i- ...... it, Ou -ily t4 AlbaWi.t -I.IIIH iiul'
lal. 4 iitt.-i.. i I Up Ik. mi ..I I u',li4 in III, alU-r
nm 4 said tia, I a ill wit lb,- brr.-l-l-rc .bsm-rtUal
ml ratal, at uWt.- aurUwU Iu Om- hilirat bitkurr.
f M ,-aab in haiMi. l.'tuUaij larm alsl . . 1 1.. i. . ... MV
Um ) ran Ik r. n. '.. f . in.-nOix-J. a.. - -i a.-a.n.i
s, . nal catalr, l-.O.r ,mr, Om.- I, H MMMBJ
Oh- -I. !iu,i ni la ilat. abpfaaid.
IMUsI at Allunt IliUtlOi da, ui Ausitat ImbI.
A i in Bf,
alsrslml nf In, I it, .4 Alhal.i ,
i tha oLiKsr ! i;t cosisrHriTKn. Berr
.,! I ITK 1 1 ' ami bctww Om-
It U Ibe StlOKT. Sl'KK ami mK ;...n. ui.,.
Chicago, Milwaukee
Ana an mttt I. s t, atvh aa
Mutcara I alia. . tork. Ipbla.
K...I..R. ttashlMKluM. KalllMnrr. rtfla
bars. H..ntrrnl. lurtmls. Writ-all.
f r.mtv-il ftlnlTi Vhr, traUa of o..- Htkaaai an.1
N..ri'i w.urn aint ih- I I' K' !... . i ar
rte at ami nsn tin 4ii. i ! . i,
At 1'hlcaorl.aie ..t. ... . n..i . jrr maiir altli ibr
liafcl' Sbkil'a, Mt.ll.-a.i l .l.lril, llatlltllorr Bill tSnii.
I' WaMM hkI rsatnajirati-a. a 1 t 'tii.a-.-.. (iramt
Tru ik Kiiir.xwl., a I in K , ,1. ..... .. bihI IVh Hamllr
K MllVS.
I'liiL'iitn Pahrr Drawiti- Knn.ii Para
Ar.- net .in alt I In--. 11 .'I. 111 a uf ibia ra.l
I"'" M.I HOl Innais-n
i t M i;t ? tt Hit t.0.
1 ,.. win.. 1 ia ,1111 .11. .r.'braii !
puum n nam dining cars
l-Hi-atnixi n.-k.-i -i.r-i.B MtfiaXI m Tikr.taU
IMS r.,4.1. toaafiiw fm rtokma, ami , .-, . . in buy
; li vii 4ft mit nal t.i Im-aj.'.. iml X.,rtli
j Wert Rattaj .
II mi wish the laait traialiii-.' a r.inini slati-ins u
ill buy v.iur lii keta lt this rvttUsAfTAS l WILL,
All li'-lw-t audit all tii-keta lo tins lin.
W IK1IV HI I. lilt I.
n4 t. V. and .rM NuAg-r. klr
Aloany Bath House.
. tally tba eitiMD of Albany and vi
initv that t have taken charge of this Kviablitb
mant, and, by kaaping clean rooms and payin
trie t attention to buaineai, expects to salt al
those who may favor us with their patronage
Having heretofore carried on no'hing bat
First-Class Hair Brassing Saloons,
are expects to give entire satisfaction to al
JfcnT-Child ten and Ladies' Hair neatly cu
nd shampooed. JOS WEBBER.
0 ifOL11 e
HalMria Is ami I iisn-ii Vaporasta .
Poison, MMealins distfiHe anil ileath In
many toealitien. for wliit-h qiiinhiA is no
gentiimt ntttUU, hut t r thn rrlV'-ts of
whit.b HosU-ttor'n Mxiunu;li BittarM is not
only a thorough remwly, hue a reliahln
preventive. '' taie fact theio Is an over
v heliniii: array of testimony, extending
over a fsjrioij of thirty years. All tlisor
ilers of the liver, stomach ami bowels are
also conquered by the JJitteni.
Forsale by aU Drugwls ami Uealers
dftmtfr 'axexBrt TaSI
1 Uarrk OlrM in .
Y. V. V. A. Meeta at their rtKiirtn in I'm.
ter' briok butltlinK on Wethittailay eniiitK
at 7 i o'clock, ana on Nahltatli afternoons at
4. Btuinerta isetainua are Itnlit on tlto vn-
big of the aeoontl M outlay in nat h immth.
K.vMryiMMly iitvitoil to auemi.
U. P. riit'iti ii. PrsaohinRcvtiry Sabbath,
at II a. m., and 7 r. m. by Itav. t . t. Ir
vino, IX I). Sabbath School at 2::H r. M.
Prayer mooting evary 'riuiratlay evening.
KvAKinetjcAt. CntiacH. Preachitig n Sab-
hath at II a.m., and 7ft r. m. Suhhath
ScIumiI 12:15. Prayer meeting every Tlnira-
tlay evening. W. (. Kantner, pastor.
OtNMl Ktt ATioSAt.OMwaCH. Hervtoeaevery
Sabbath at 1 1 A. M. and 8 r. M. Sahhath
School at 2:30. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening of each week. J. V.
Marrin, paator.
M. K. t'm iti li, UncTII. Servii:ei every
Shlath at St. Paul'a M. K. t'hureh, South,
at II a. u. and 74 r. u. Sabbath Sohtsd
at 12ft l. M. Prayer meeting every Thune
day evetuig. M. t'. Miller, iwtor.
M. K. Ciit scM. Proaohing every Sabbath
nt II a, m . and 7'. r. m. Snug aorviee lit
the eveniug before aorMioii. Sablstth s.-Ihh.I
H 2.30 r. at. Prayer meeting e cry I Intra.
iay evening. I. Dillon, paator.
BAmsT CiifiuH. -Servioee every Sabbath
at II a. M. and 7ft r. n. Sahlratk School at
12. Praytr meetiug every Thursday even
ing. W. J. Crawford, isutor.
Pkksiivtkuias Cm c.i il. Service every
Sabbath morning and evening in College
i 'hapol. Sunday School immediately rfter the
momiug aerviee. Prayer meetiug every
Thursday evening. Kev. Kltstrt N. Combi,
Guardian's Sale.
NO TICK ia hereby given that in tmraii.
anoe of an onler of the County Cisirt of
County, State of Oregon, daUd August 4th,
18MI, iu the matter of the tiuMiflianahtp of
the Katate of Tolbert Karl, a minor, the tin.
dervijfned, guanliitn of aaid estate, anil aell
at public auction to the highent hulder for
one-thirtl caali in hand ami the remaining
two thirda, in twelve moutha from tlay of
aale, with IU per oent iutereat fnmi date, iu
one parcel ami u timet to eou Urination by
aaol court, on .Saturday, the 'lol day of Sep.
timber, lH8l,at I o'clock t. m., at the Court
House door iu the city or Albany, in aaid
oounty and atate, the folliHaed dvecrtbed
real prtperty, laeloounig t.. aaftd minor, tt
wit : the uudividel mm .nth ..nt of the
following decrtliet premia.- I '. ginning at
the aouth eaat ewroer ! William Karl au
wife's dona to t laml I ; Not. N.
I ;.:: ami claim No. 4 J iu Ti IU. H of IUnif
2, weat of the Willamette ot. la I om
County, Oregon ; running thnuue imrth 20
tteg K 42 UadUU chaius, them-e atsith HH lug
12 min Weat S .IJ-lOtKhaiiiB ; tlinm.t N..rll.
I de. Weat 2l'. IW IOO chain. ; them-r Wrt
S624-Me chains : theneu Suth OS IS-108
clutiua ; South 1 !. c. lO min. lot 21
lo loo chainelntho tU.- uf liegiuittu, cm
NiaiMJ 174 NS lOUaerae.
Dated tMa oth day of Atiwuat IHSI
24 (twanlMe.
Administrator's Sale.
Xs by an order of the County t 'onrt of
f.lnn County, tiregnii, duly maile aud an
I I re. I of it-.--.r.l, tli. understtftMNl, Adniinia
Irator of llie estate of Jatto's Sloioim, tie
rSMtaeaJ, will on the I It day of NMher,
last, at the bonrol one oeiock tutba aOer.
noon of said .lay, on the preinlaa Ihi.Io
after daMiilsal, aell at oiiblh amaloti to
tbe klgbaaa ladder, all Ibo right, ll.leainl
iiii.-f fst of aaid dris-aiied at the lbo of Ins
death In and to tru following ihewrlliod
lramiae, to wit :
1IU arrow uf land on McDowell Creek.
Ibree and one half nulc. abo'a Prkw'a
saw mill m I .in ii county. Oregon, biumled
and dMcrilMMl a lollowa : n oava half (
lue iiortb-eaot ttirter ami tbo north went
i natter of the north eaat -in-ii ii r, mud tbe
uortb eaat iur;i.i of the tiortli woat nar
ter f aartlon a, In townahip It, S..,f it. L
- . . . . . . . .
HBBt ort in W amalla 1 r .ll.i.
And will on Hie loth day of NeiHeiiiiter,
inni, in, o'tiir oi ono O ClorK IU lllO ai- j
toruoou of nethlUay, on the preiuiaiai lirrts-
inaftcr Ucea rlbtHj, m:i at puhln am i nm U)
the lilgheat bidder, all Iho right, tub- and
intereat of aaid dousataed at tteo lliuo of hi
death in and lo the follow lug arc-ribed
premise, to wit : IxHs Num. j, 3 and 4 of
aectiofi X, iu Townahip I t, aouth of Itauge
I, wee of the WlllaiMette Meridian, run
taiuiua IOU.1 lUUacrew; and will on the
17th day of aeptuiler, issiat the hour
of one o'clock la the afternoon of that
day, on ibeprvuiiaao hereanefle" dewrilord
aell at public auction to the highot bidder
all the right, title and intereat of aaid de
oaaeed at tbe Utue of hU dosuh in and to
the following preiuiaew, to wit
a nuuilieieil 3, 4, 7 ami I in Itlock No.
9L iu the town of leuann, (xniuty of JJnu'
Stale of Oregon.
Tertaa of aale : One half of the piurehaae
price cash iu band; the balance ou a ered
it of aix months from the day of aale.with
out intereat ; the deterred fair menu to be
aecuied by mortgage on the premise.
Auguat I '-''li, IfSJI,
-ml J. I). SIMON",
Flouring Mills.
lirp. have a'
agreed with the
ff tinners t.i 1 1 in nUirae
of otic half
our r-apa-itv, but ie i-an yet at ore about
4.,10 buaholM. Kiot eniiie, first served.
I'll KM I I M, 1 I TS. mi BUSHEL
in mill feed as usual.
WK arc fully ptepaietl mn usual to fur
Utah Mtordge uml sai-ks im lite IuobI
favorable terms,
Magnolia Mills.
v 1 Tn I
Kt'fH ('otiiliiinly on ItMDtl a full tun) ,ouiiltt slock or
Anil everything usually fount! in a lit-Ht class Bakery and (Jrocpry. I ara
the xolo agent in AtlMtny fur tho ct'lobrati'tl
This powder U used without injury upon the most delicate fabric, and
eleansefc all article thoroughly without tubbing or boiling. It contains
no acids or alkalies, ami is the most economical wash powder ever offered
10 the public.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
48yi s
Real Bstato Brokers,
The following In n sirtlal list :
170at'rsH ft ne iiml a half mllos west of
'I imn.-iii , hi-iv'M.hihI tl mlloNfrom Albany.
Ho a H-s In cultlvalion ; 40 aere more OM
In uit In t'lilllvatlou istally; liulamn gsil
UsBDSf autl anlure Intnl. Moll, rhdbjeoat'k
prHlrie. thsxl lioune unit barn, gtssl loartl
lenoo, all Iu gootl refstlr ; youua oreliaitl
of loll tnan.; n tl we I ami i inininu stream
for slis'k ; uismI s IhhiI, ehurcli ami si
ollleo ; kckmI nelKbhoi hootl ami ci.n.1 mm-I-oty.
Terms 40 sir acre ; t'2,MH) ilown,
rent M iMtsy Utrms.
100 aeraa II tnilos sttilh-east of llahsy,
il mile from Itrownnvllleaml 0 mile from
Um i ist mo i:. .it ii. u s in attHivalioa ami
all rieh prairie laul; no lluilwr, but plen
ty wit Inn 4 null's ami ehttap. All umler
kim nl feuee; houaa one ami a half story,
4 rooms ami upstnu; barn 'JUxDO ami a
Kootl arslmtry: two uimmI welln, one wiml-
mill puinii; now laml. Kverythlnn alMitit
i lin place In tha way of builtlliiKs, ffmsw,
etc., Ix new ami in kk"1 shaw; Narrow
liatiRe run- llirouuh the itlari' ami nlalloii
near: uool M-hrsil, rhurch ami iNrnt-ollhtt
lit. ilitii s. TeruiH, SIOW.
.TJOai'ren 14 miles Mt of Albany, ami 4
iiiiit-s frttm ilnixH on narrow uaiiKo , fa)
urn's In rultlvatloii ; -in prairiti, not ctilti
vattsl but KMM' (svituru, ami a (xirth u fair
plow latKl ; 00 rri.H liKltl l IuiIho , guMl
wottu. i .niirn lami umler lem-e ; avernx
bmltllnirs, hotiae ami latin ; Miuall urfhaol
ft or 0 acres, applow, et; wlitiol ami chun li
iMith iifar. iimm1 mtiahborhisxl. I'rlii'Mt,.
oou; ui ins. one third down, time on rmi.
2aW acroa, IH mib east of Albany ami s
lalien from isarrow atiKe: I 'St-n-s in ru.
tlvation, 7.1 prairie, urapiwel. Iu i .im.-,
t niiiall ortiaii ; two small hounrtM uml
Imnis ; uimmI orchard, li m rt, . uti
an turner iiuii , ma lust t-iaaa; m umii in. to,.
I oh land; kmmI mlKhUirhoN. I'i n-. at,
! .VH, luriilstimi third down; l.alam ..n )..n '
' llllHK.
ItH) juMita IU uilli-a eaM of Albany aud s
iiiiIuh Iroiu Narrow liange. I iilmprovml;
KtMxi rami lami, nn.siiy ur hruaii. 't i. .-
js u i aiTu, iii" -tint. i uiiwn, i-.iv o-ruis
on balaiHW.
SO ot-rea lying mile duo muiHi of A I
baity, i otiii-s MiiithwoMt of Ilmuon ; and
one ami a half milm from Maml ItidK"
w-liool lituar; - uilhni from rhurt?h ami
mile to. ui siHin.ii on Narrow i iaiiKe ; all
under t-ultl vat ion, fair board asul rail
fiuiona; wll tlralm-l ; no NUndlug vtalr:
one wli ami pniup;Moi. black prairloaml
rich; lioiine in; jZ4', 'Z rooimt ami uo
tabs; r. anus; sinall atabln; all Iu fall
w lieat ami oroM pioklng lino. Pin-., ft
jor ai-rw; lemia oany.
an i s U mlh atioat of llarrlnburg on
the line of ttm narrow khuim, railroad. Tin-
i . t ranch in l.iiiu imuiilv; a livtnu
sir. am o stater tuns id., nut ire liiKth o
Iho larm. Ail ouclowvl with pmlil
leu s a tine dwelltuii; inaMl larue Ijeru
and tsao Miualler tiounja(or huiatilaor help
' mirea iu rullisaliou, and Iho lailitmt.
In iavaur lami ; ui out Itaai mt nw am ana
pllbloof ctillivali u; a aplendld on-hard
ami kmm W(ll on tlmplaw. TcruiM cams
rt eaah and balaucw on long time.
130 acre lylnn: 4 mllos weat of Albany
on rtawl to t ot lh ; all umhtr Ii-in-.. , Inn
rn-rna hi cultivation : --an all Im culllvaioil
except a twin I l.'iarinN. Pi ii., f Vt tier a-rr;
f line iiowu ami lutlam-w s, nr.-. i,y m.t
j W dH:tng houae of tw.i rooma ami
I ....... 1 I . ... Iu.... .Ilk. I . I . I . . . I . . . . . . I I .
I -...r. .. .... ....... i.
SehK I mile.
isi wum Narom Oaugo rravl.ll miles:
from Albany ami 5 milea from fv-lo, ami
. 'b intliM trolil JrtTenBoU. 12. aereaa tfotal
m. s a a aa
lariuiiiK lami, . . -tea in cuiiivalKm; ro-
mainder In tuner ami bruah; lions,- 1st jy
with IU fraa waIN, oil IU' ; graal laarn
lal th 14 foot bIhmI on one ante; iroo.
fnnt-oaaud water. Terms ft '.ou iraab down
If (MMalblo. Itathor than iietl noII will take
ejniu down, ami laisme on 'at lo .1 year
lime, saw-ure I uy mortgage.
IWI acre of a mile weat of Albany
luoaetes In eiilllvaltou and r anas oak
and aah tlmler,goiM wmm! land; all umler
feneo, Uoanl ami rail, aonie gtaxl and 1
iaad ; atmut 7 acriei In orchard, applet
inoatly jM-ar; good soil; 'JO buhola wlnsu
I ier acre on average; goo!iwo-Mtory frame
lotiae, nlaatered, II rooma, built in lS7-'t,
ami tsial fjw; larn. 28x40 and two
aheda; well arrauKed for farm purjaises
icriua, fBotjn, i yeai . lime on f asm.
M iwroa 1'v inllea went ofTaiiKenl; 100
fl in cultivation; all now laud, eleau
ami In good order; good two story In. use
s rooitiM, nearly new and In gisal comb
Uou: good new I tarn 30x30; line young
orchard, 100 plum and prune U-eea, fair
apple orchanl; IMMSS in ga-xl order; plen
t v running water; "JO acres of good Umber;
rti-ti, hiacK aoii and very productive
rrine aoai, ?.i caxii ami italanen on lime
100 acre ono and a halt mile northeast
of Albany; l.r acres iu wheat, root In fai
average; woouiaml; giaxi lami; ueai.'y
iitiiwtl. rrice f acre; term eay.
.aX) ncrcM 1 mile southeast n S...I.I
Spring; fair farmina ; uiall Imuae;
') acre fenced. Will Mild In mal
iraeta ur all logethcr. kkm1 M-h'Kl, chtueli
and aast oltti at Nodaville, alao the rsiala
npruig. rrlrst lajr acre; eay lerma
2d acres .1 iiiIIom uorthwcNt .l lliamm Narrow (iatige; river bottom, rich' ami
pnaltictite: unimproved, tlexualile for
garden. Price $'J0 h r 1 ; terms oay.
.TiO acres aouthweat of Nweel ltome ; al
umler good lenee, feuctNt iuU liebls;
acres in good en-hard, apples ami peaclu
house svith two rooiiiH aud tiPNtaira: Jariri
frame barn; soil, rich, black foam, bottom
land ; '.hi acres iu cultivation ; balance
gtsjil pasture land; well watered with
springs; good limber 30 miles southeast
of A'bany, 1J miles Irom Itrownavilie and
0 milea from :rawfordsville; miles from
good grist mill ; 2 miles to school, church
ami iHsntonloo. flO per acre.eaay terms.
KID acres 3 miles south ol Nodaville nud
20 miles from Albany; unimproved. Price
a.) per acre.
70 acres 18 miles oast of Albany ; unlm
proved. Price $' or acre; eaay terms.
103 acroM lying 3 miles above Lebanon
011 llio I.eiauou Mountain roal. No fell
eoa or improvemetita. 15 or 2i acres t im
bcr, balamsi ru-h pnurie laud. I'ritst SI
I ter acre.
80 acres 1J miles ulsrvo Oncatla. 011 Vn
qiiiua Hay, known aa the old shicyard. It
lias a spiemiiu irontage on the llay, am
Wi'l he soh I at ll perai if.
CfOi W 1 A MONTH xuaraiil-ioil. fl'2 a day al li.uiif
iT' )VO maiiti by llitt iiulUBtriuUB. Canllal hut ru
aatnai ; we will atari sou. Man, woinuii, bus aiul
kit'lii iiniku lii.iiii-) la-.ii 1 at work fur iih limn al utiv
linn t'liat, 'l it.- anil, in lul.t ami plinayiil, and Nach
as um ..11. can u" rlulilat. TIum wbn are w Ue who
re tbla iiutirn will bviuI im tlirlr "uililresaeB at uiteeaud
btb for tin luaelveH. t'laitly Oiitllt. aail teraia. Nuai
the time. alruail, at wi.rk are lei lit( IBS laiy
swaa uf naaiey. Abtrew TIM K & CO., Aunust
First Street, Albany, Oregon.
pvntoxsyj; home .vikkiii.-wtn.
or 1 ii.iiAi().,
Can sell you all goods in
of General Merchandise
cheap as you can
home and buy them. He carries a
large and varied assortment of all
goods, is well prepared to exhibit
them, and you can make just as
good elections by purchasing of
Remember the place,
1101 na w
Imported and Domestic Cigars,
Candiev Nuts and Tropical Fruits.
AIIkiii.v, ... r-4'4n.
ONi: iMinlt UK IOVV JullN II :tjiiM' HTOHK. yl
Aa MMf beui lal I be uHr !' o luigsoi la hikI itiMttafl Mi l tirn
II A Nl, A I t LL
Repair work dono at
In the United Statea
ggfajsaaaspsr ..-. 1 1 ... 1 SBasjaaasBajsMaaabalaaaMPBbaa
Their rrrt I'OftailwrMjr in ln to the ICMria! ( are Talma 1. eta.
Orlittft- Ibe Mwlrrlal. in e-
KRLKf.TKD IrosaUie toreatsel ln.iiatia,
l.i. h are
hM-ry i.i.-.x- hiil.i.-. U i-l.rai
They are tho BEST Ironed Wagons in the Market.
Every one having our PatentRound Edge
Projecting Tire,
Which h ..!. m Hn laiint aim Mlw. JJo uthc- iiuuintactiirpr Itaa Uw rirhi In use It. All (4 iwir Tl.imtle
Shi-lit Waiilinhai ..ur aalaiit MKMN ANU T It CHS A M.K. which jf.calh aU-eiilhoua the Aile aiul itft-vcitU
the akeiii from wurkiity Iinjhu. tltir WaKoim ulsti havit
The Slope Shouldered Spoke, which Greatly Increases the
Strength of the Wheels.
aAII nt Die almvo lnitr ivom tnta numot lat 11 m i hy siy other uiakerB liitrliiyeiiieiit .
t4T A lull linn n( thrao sTajaWM aaa la found in thn ii-tiu-ital towns ot Orugon auj WaBliinU.u
aflrC kCS ' !lM t he mads hj eeerj email srej
jpe'eFeF 411. mill in tin- I.umh.-sx 'e, hut
tlt.iau williiiK I" work run naaily earn a itoavu dollars
a 'dajr rifrat iti thiar usm ltM-alttica. Have im tium to
explain Ware, linaiiieaa ilatiant ami ksMOSaksa. W'..
inen. ami laiya and irirls do us well aa men. Wo wilt
lurilish nll a eoiiiileU- mil III free. We will laar ex-i-i
ii-of auii-tlHK ynu. terthuUra free. Write and
sen l .ii im i mill metthanhsi, their anil, ami daut,rh
1. is, anil allalaaaoa in need of aiyimr work at Indue,
hliould -a rib: 1.1 iim ami loam alt bImhiI llw wurh it
ni. 1 AiUretat Tsi'M On,,, il-.un.-.
A WKKK yunrown town ami no (apital
!M)U rbkoti. Voti van e;ive the Iiiuuhumm a trial
willtoutexienae. The beat (ipfawtsntit ever ITurtal
fur thitee willliur to work. You slmnld try nothing
else until you sue lur yuuraflf what you can do at the
baataaas we offer. Nn room tu explain heret You
can devobs all your time or only your sfaire time bt
the husiiuies, ami make ftTeat pay fur every hour oti
work. Women make as much an men. Scud fur at
rial private terms and rticnlars, which wu wail true.
outfit tree. LHiii t iMiui4aiii of hard tunes while
you have sucU a chi be Address 11. HAL LETT A
CO., Portlaud Maine I 6j 1
the line
just as
go away from
Tobacco, Groceries, Ptovisione,
oS llAMi US FINK aa
OR TO OROKR. Al.sii,
reasonable iiures.
mm the raltbratetl
H..U-.I i... 11.. miMrii.r
htul ilia.-ai I.. I .1 .... .. .1 .. .. . " 1 r
111' .1 II. 1.1.1- a
We ate now prepared bi furukdi all nl iaa i with cm
tdanl empii.yuiiut at imhu-, the wliole uf the time, or
for tin .1 u,ji uioiui-ulh. Utiaineaa i., litit and
pniltluhlc. IViwni of rtlher box easily earn from UI
e. in- to eVi I air eveiiiiiK, aud a pruartioiial aum by
akvutlHIf llteit- wlioki tln.e b the l.tlMiiieMi. Uoys and
IflrN earn nanrly as niu. li aa men. Thai all w ho sea
this iioUce iu.i send their addreaa ami teat tbe Lusb
iien we lu.tke this offer: To such as are not well Mat
Lstlel we w.ll wend iStte dollar b put Km' the trouble ist
wiitinif Full MU-ii-ulai-B and un'trtl free. A.UlrcHa,
Ukomuk Siixanx A IU, rV.rtland. M.,n,t- ftl
is now item made (aster than eta
I i.v id. .11 ai work for ua. ferson. uf
t llhel hi-
. .11. make uU .1 Week ill their own UiWiiH if
kbey an wifflinr I" work. No risk. outfit free.
Anyone can tun the biuiue.. CpibU not reauirrd.
All win. eng-ave pnBiper. No one tails. Purtk-iaais
free. AeVlrwas, 11. Uau.ktt A Co., Portland, Maine.
miM BROS. - Proprietor.,
iii:vih ronEi
KxerntaU in Italian or Vermont Marble
aVssa?, avery variety of eomeferv ami
other atone work done With n.-ai tmss ami
Kjaseial altnntiou alvou to ordora from
all parta of thi State and WaahinKlois
aTAM work warrants!.
HAIIIK siior.
im aiii is 11 10 mn.v
By A. V. flfKHRY. -ituaed at IIIWI of
Klrsi ami Moiilyomei y Sto-ei , AH.any,
I fa v i hx l ak en ehartfe of the a I k oe namexf
Works, we are prepared to manulaotnrv
Steam K4ttbw, Haw and (irmt MilN,
Wod-working Ma'hiiu-ry, I'nfnfra, Iron
ami lira CaMling of every dW rifaiou.
Mat-ldnerv of all ikiml repaired. Hpa-
eial attention Kveulo repairing farm u a
fallrra Waklaa 4aar lat all Ha faraaa.
In II v I A. K. i llKKRY A SON.
Doea Um l't-t waabina; ami ironing in A
lutt V at biBtrftat id-s. ra mafli ..r
In 11 laimr. I aii miry on Waablntrlon
siiis-i, i..m.iij Marabefra I J very MaMat
C ' H f KKT. C. K.
(MwsaMrM toC, C. f tMrry.)
Iacliinist8, Millwrights, and Iron
- .111 i.Ib:-.. ami ar now iie(aiBj to
bantllf a I km. is of liMivy work, will
nmuufan'tiiiM SI mi 11 KniritMs. Orit ami
Saw Mill Machinery, ami all kimls of Iron
aod Krasai lualnfpi.
fATtr.BNa tltttl aUOKT SaTII R.
NfiMHal aUutwui tivsnto n-i.tiritf.' all
kimla of niar-binrrv. Will al-. unanufa"
1 1 1 '.- 1 1..- . 1 1 1 j r . . .-. 1 1 I. .11;. A W I. il- 1 .ram
-m Hakrr M. OMrr a laaitirr Ian.
Albauy, Or., Iter. I, lftao. t-if
To the L'lifortnnate k
kl IKM s I .
' I
) I omic uf LUia-r
nal .tuwt, Aaa
Kstal4latMU m ISS4, of
a Crra-a. eatrrt.
slrlrtarr. aBblllB ia all
ita ! -i im-s, iaaaatratf 1 ,
1 b raaatrsa. i.iabt hawea by dntna, i.itu-
pln 't.i- tacr awH Urn 4 umcbuod'cao puailjrety W
i-unsi. TW Mick aud Ota-led ahookl o-l tail to vail
ua him 1 if aa-tar haa Uan M estctabval; iu
kairnua. aud iuefatast ltmrtuldy tW tariuoa buBta
Lal 1 in 1. . uli(amiui( a gnat deal uf valnatde infunua
tuat, aba h i.r i-- n.--u ut Ui untiart lo ttwar in Bred
4 aaa arryica-B- list. . 1 hlt i.V will Make uo 1 aai scr
tudeaa Ur tint a i nit fanawai at a ifiataare ej il
fit flttMs I All c lam ail ansae
U.. Ui .-.MaBOc-utial. m r uo I4K Lot Um buctaMT.
Mcu.1 u-m .1.4 1 n lata lau-kac- of nualktae. FVx-euue
writiia; io UW ktor will dt aac laic lur uaaaa ot tuo
uafa-r ila-t srr t l.i. advrrliarBurut in. CVuvee rea-a.aal.lf-
Oaf) ar a rlwr. Addreaa UK. J. K. tJIBBiN,
Itux lax.;, Nan Irauctiasi. xtuuSS
10 make iiM.tirv. We
TBun in rtrri Iowa to lake
sulaa-n44iaMi t"T i- tsjajsatj c-hcmct and huat dlua
tTaii tautilv . al 11 iu the nut Id. Au ie cau
bneuBua a au. siadni aeut. Mix sasajMf. w.a-ka uf mix
givr. free U. uberrtbtni. The urioc ia ru i..a that al
naa avrrlMly Billaarn LicBk. Ontintt- reuorUiai
ing 1 iu aulaa-tlasra in a day. A tady ageut rcfawta
luastinX oier 0 clear pruit in ten da) a. AU waw'
ruaaa-c aiaVr hk.ii. last. Ynu cau .Ivvoia all jour
to... tu lite liiuaueaa, or ai)y y.air auare tiaaa. Vuu
netsl not In away front li..n.t .... r m-l.t. Vuu can do
U aa anal aa 4kcra. Full directaous aud Una f rrr.
Ifiaiwaut as4Blahl n..rk acud ua j.iur aOdrraa al
t.M-r. Il caa4a i-.ll.n.- lo try the Uuaincas. No .-i-e
who .-i-;'4sT laila t.i nadir- yrcat y. Addrcae Ukaa
IsetaaM a i u., -..nlai..l, Maine. till
rs. c net.
f rorirteu.
Tula HmUbt haa la an 1li.t..iivhl n-iK.i all tr-a.. U-p
tu laHUrtM, and l u.. iu sdvttdai omdilaa. i i
Ui. 4 Uaichara. II,.- lauie
ia au.Jir.l ana t-vi ryihiua- ibr ua -
Set afl.irita. Mini l- HaauafnT
itai.inari'ial luru.
ortallia. IrluBaa a4 Dallas Mt:r tiSBrr.
mralmainraai ijw laj..rt tba ,.uldu
M iui uiabc im im taatcr al aorfc fi.
Casaaal n saaaasssl. w, ,u
1 ua
man al ati t rla-.
trtart $lt .Uy ami u iwarda made at boaae by
the iudustriiKla. Men, wommi, buys aud Kirbi wanted
every w ajaaa Ui wotk (ur ua. Now it tea: tiaae. ..u
cau nerolc yrnir lime to tbe work, ur uuly yuar
ajakre nwHueuta. No otbwr buaineas will ay you near
ly as well. No on williiiK Ui work ran fall ' to make
euanuiMia y by nifafiiur at .mm t'.tlr out Rt aud
lot tiia frcr. A IIMl i,.r niakiu
-.i.l aiHi IBHII.I.IHM Alliir. wt IKi r
'i. AUUSla
Til aaOOO A VKAM. or . t t-AI a .lav 1 ,.
our own locality . No ral. Wioueii do
1. Many iUak. more than llw
aa well a- t.i. 1.
abu.e. Nootie can fail to maka n.i., . fi
Any one 111 do the work. Von can make from !a cia.
to ft-' aa hour hy devoting- your evening and iai c
tiaie to llw basuuMB. Il cuata u4binir to try lb-hu-iueam.
Nothing like Itba- tn..m inki..v evr df. nsl
before. Buauieee bleaaatt and aUk-Uv honoraidr
Header, if jou want lo knw all ala.ut the U-m lamiv
buaiuwM twliire the liuhlir, bcikI u v..ur a IdrWand
we s ill . nd ynu lull tmi t ulara and pii a la terms
frwe ; aaniiHB worth f ata free ; yon ran then tuake
up ywa mind tor youratlf A.klraaa UKAihUK si i.s
SON 4 CO., Portland, kiaina
Qlti ikwikin your
MOeVFfn-e. No risk,
our own toan. t5 ootfl
Raatler. 11 vmi ara...
at which IHTMHH of Cltl.rr BCX K.-l
treat P M the ne they wiark, write for rsilllSSSMa
4 kt. BakXim A Co. HortUmt, klalne.
BE8T TQMlft 111 U8E.
Bt-raanaeaded by all fhj ulriaas. Re a
terttacates aa b.iek uf Battle
- aaVsBBsHBKr