The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 26, 1881, Image 3

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I; li tort aa rraprlelers.
4k V. It. H. TI.UK TABI.I'..
Alban) Station.
ti in vimti I Arrive at
.ti' A. M.
ft - A M
114 A. VI
li.ltf P. M.
h sh Mem.
Arrive i -
I ' r vrl, ftt
li.ur. p. M
3:30 P. U.
S:SA P. M.
At.HsNY EXPRESS Arrives st
Ill Train dally, except Kanttay.
XoricK. On nd after this date regular
ticket will be sold at oar ticket office for
following points on Columbia river: Upper
Cascades, Dalles, Umatilla, Wallula,
Walla Walla and Ainsworth.
Will. K Rick,
Freight and Ticket Agent
O AC. R. R. Oft.
Albany. Jim. lMh. 1SS
rnrTa T PT?T n l fouml on flip at Geo.
lxilo IT AJrJSiXV KiWrst A Co Newpapor
averUaln lur-u 10 Stru-; St. khervit4rtalnii
utracu laajr h uutvk- for U IN Mtt OUK.
Hi.iio on, Old Sol.
With all your pent ap heat
Blase on!
Although I am ouoked from head to feet
VltboUjh I ns trunk feet t head
Although my noae is blistered iwl.
Although I've wished that t were dead
N vcr you mint).
Blase oa!
BUxe on. Old Sot, hUt: on '
With all you- piercing ray
HUxc .
Y i )m ve my blesnu u your blue.
Tie true, I'm over shxtUn? "isVuxh "
Tie true I've (worn the but er blue !
Tie true a sunstroke come dew ;
Bat ilou't let that onarStl .u '
Sevur mind !
lUaae ua '.
Wheat 7S to SO cento.
K. M. French, jeweller.
Never let up in a good cause.
S .ur krout at C.nral Meyers.
School books at C. W. (hbornV
Remember the Lion County Fair.
H. Sktpwurth, lawyer, Albany, Or.
"lui are now in the market.
vtbiwts begin on Mm lay. Oct.
Our puhlt
At way a
tj-t your
C B. M MiU-ie
The OpVer ChiUVl Plow Is
for dor grounL
y atajj last ween Albany
ai ter September tint.
The Star Bakery lloaton bf.a a bread ia
good to take. Try it.
H sight and Plumber,' pjy the highest
cash price for f.t hogs.
Bay rum and al! kind of perfumeries at
C. A. Plummeratd Co "a
Work in the harvest held is going on
bravely, and the yield will be very huge.
A full line of celluloid collars and cuffs at
the Farmer and Mechanic Store.
Tiimllsaul w .r -t i i a! t tbe i iver
are ah-mt the busiest place in the city now.
Dstnltar s shoe) are all the rag i at Samuel
E. Vonus tit, style.awl quality gauranteed.
Dr. . illis Price, dentist. i.Hice in Odd
Fellow's Temple, over Plommer' Drug Store. J
"lapey is more successful in grain
rfolftcsM than in way I a id 4 the festive
i.c. v " mBsft 1, pie, cake, cookies, and
'oiicinorj a C.mrfl Meyer at the Star
Coustsnt arrtra taT new and seasonable
g.nxl at the new atore of J. F. D. Wrinkle
and Co.
One of the freshest ait. I neatest stocks of
stationery in the city is to be found at C. W.
t horn's.
If yo i want to borrow money on long
time, low interest and favorable term, call
on Stewart ami ijrey.
A large stock of cru-kery just re ceived
and of the best brands at Conrad M-yers.
For sale cheap.
Choice Oregon kami at Rid.lsldanl Ir
ving'. Chicago ws ay ? ,'aowhnr"' by the
side f them.
E npty homes ab .at tov.i sr lwia grad
ually filled up, and quite a number erf new
comers arrive t ich week.
Charley Haeklemtn h.v b.-a cirryin
lroth band in a sling for several d ty , th :
remit of harvest w rk.
Methuselah lived 9 JJ years, but he ncyer
saw as nice a lot of stove and ranges as are
kept bv W. C. Tweedale.
Fan ;v geosts an 1 notion, tka latest designs
and novelties in stationery, etc , can always
t found atC. W. Odhorn's,
Tne comets have evidently entered into a
go -as you -please tace, which proves at they
will never amount to anything.
Our old Mechanic's Brass Band is now
numbered among the thing that wer-, but
the Ladies' Cornet Band still exists.
Persons down from the uppar and of the
valley inform us that the erops in Ine Co.,
are not near so so good as in linn.
Montague, of Lebanon, propose to keep
fuMy up with the times and will bring on an
ii'.mensestock of goods this y-;ir.
The improvement on the Re1 Crown
l ill are being pushed rapidly and will be
oofe-pleted iu time for use this season.
3 o better place in the city to buy your
meats 6kn of Ievi West. The freshest and
beat the market r fiords always en hand.
The West Coast Fit Mill commences
operations Monday. They will give steady
employment to quite a number of persons.
Cood harvest weather, a big erop, and
fair prospects for a better price for wheat
the Linn county farmers a happy lot
Th ;iry in the case of J. G. Robeson, in
dicted for the murder of J. W. Robb, at
Astoria, failed iu agree ami were discharged.
The largest stock and the best variety of
staple and fancy groceries, eaoned goods,
ai vegetables always to be found at Conrad
It is said there is no more amusing sport
on record than to watch a young college
professor chase a cye poney about the
campus ,
Fine fresh kettle rendered leaf iard at
Haight and Biomberg's Central Market.
The best place in ths city to buy your
John H. Burkhart baa recently painted
bis residence and made many improvements
about his grounds, which add largely to their
Den't forget to go and see that fine stock
of fresh drags and medicius which will arrive
at the atore of C. A. Plummer and C o. in a
granaries of C. Hired
- iler-.-hani of
Five steam threshers were at work to nrar
Albany a few-flays; ago tliet the whistle on
tlie engine could be heard when they atarted
up in the morning.
Wheat is iit lively now. Our
warehouses and mills are not goiug to have
sufficient capacity to store all the wheat
brought to this market.
All the leadBg brand of smoking and
chewimr tobacco st the Farmers and Me-
chauica atore, ranging in prices from fH)u
per pound and upward. f
Mesara. Height and Blumberg, of tin-just
ly j .ipular Central Market, are atill in the
lead. They always have the beat and largest
variety of all kinds of meats.
The celebrated Manilla 0 cent citfar is
now for sale at Hoffman and Joaephe. It
takes an old smoker to detect any difference
between it and a 25-ccnt cigar.
From the synopsis of a report on Knroean
grain crops, published elsewhere in this is
sue, it will bo seen that the prospect for
better prices are good iudeed.
Young men say it ia hard work to tall a
girl they love her, but they Warn afterward
that it is an almighty sight harder to tall
her that they don't love her.
At last the hall at the Court House i to
he covered with carpet. Two large rolls
were taken up there last week and will be
down on tbo door iu a few day.
Have Horlaeher is the boas butcher boy.
K always keeps the best of everything and
deliver meat to any part of the city, t all
on him for a good steak every time.
Crape on the doer of his saloon a few days
ago made many believe that Watkins was
dead, but he afterwards turned up all right.
He had been out gathering hazel nuts.
When you aee a farmer come driving pell
mell into town with blood in both eyes
just look out for him ; he don't mean to
buy goods, but is after grain sacks for his
Ayer s Augue Core has saved thousands of
lives in the male rial district of this and
other countries. It is warranted a certain
and speedy remedy, and free from all harm
ful ingredient.
Ted Curren got too close to one of his
oxen but Monday, and the Kevins happen
ing to ahake its bead suddenly, cut -a long
gash in Ted's side with the point of one of
its horns.
Grade stakes have been ret for a distance
of four miles from the present southern
terminus of the O. and C. K. U , and work
on the extenaion will commence in a few
days no doubt.
The Oliver Chilled Plow will run and do
good work in dry ground when a steel plow
cannot be kept in. They are just the plow
you want for so meter fallowing. For aala
by Samuel FL Young.
Remember that Sullivan's Mirror of Ire
laud and Irish Comedy Company will appear
at the Y. P. C. A. Hall to-ni'bt ami to-morrow
night. Secure your tickets at C. A.
Plum mer ami Co s.
.Scholars who need books for the approach
injj term of school should not fail to call on
C. W. Osborn for prices. Books and station
ery lower than ever offered here before and a
good stock on hand.
At a state dinner givjn by an African
ting last year some boxesof American sugar
44 pills furnished the dessert. This was
tk king was a little green, bat be
foMb4 again.
W eaierpnaiog concerns of
can't be
Albanv. Meer; romm th
j" i n tha front rank, too
Hire ueajers, are .
can get of them the U manufactured
goods at the lowest prices!
Some of the largest and' w1
stocks of goods ever brought t7 the city are
coming this falL Almost evePT leading
business house in the city baa a repreawntv
tire in San Francisco making purchaae.
A large number mi our subscriber i bare
sent to us for the oats we are giving away
and we atill have moee left. If you want
some let us knew, and we will forward a
package to your address by wturn mail.
The Simpson warehouse at Tangent hat
been lease.! by John. Ambrose ard J. J.
Beard and is now being rapidly filled with
grain. It will be a good firm and one in
which the fanners may weM have confidence.
If Antoine Rockinger wanted to commit
suicide he acted tile fool terribly in abootiag
himself. The latest and beat - plan
is to go to Texas, steal a horse, aay your
prayers, and calmly await the inevitable re
sult. liaise y is to have a lodge of A. O. U. W.,
which will be organised by A. D. Rogers,
Esq., of this place. Mr. Rogers is now Dis
trict Depaty Orsnd Master Workman. The
Halaey lodge will be instituted tilts Friday)
Messrs. Ballard Isom and Co. received
orders in one day last week for six car loads !
of the Bed frown Flour, or 628 barrels. A 1
moderately good order for one day, and it
shows bow popular this brand of Hour ia be
Toe Scat flax aead of the season was ship- j
pel to G. W. Gray and Sons, of Salem, but
Tuesday, by Sam 'I Robinson. It waa taken
from lint 4ax of a variety that has been in
aae ia tfci valley ae long that it is not con
aidere the best.
The popular tirm of Hoffman a id Joseph
ha been made sole agents at Albany for the
new 4-U cigarettes anil tobacco. o brand
thrown on the market for years baa had
such a run ag this. The stock wjR arrive iu
about ten day.
Not since the landing of the Pilgrim at
PJymetb Rock baa tl ere been seen such a
splendid stock of drugs and medicines aa that
purchased in New York by Dr. C. A. Plom
ner during his trip to the East. It will be -gin
to arrive in a few days.
The latest advices from the Sandwich
Island report that the lay a thrown from
their volcano is likely to deetry a portion
of the town and harbor of Hilo. Sorbin
says this is bad for Hilo, but be hopes they
will save "jack and the game."
Mr. O. P. Tompkins, of Harrisbarg, has
decided to make a change in his business on
account of poor health. Until further notice
he will sell all goods in bis line, stoves, tin
ware, copper ware etc., at bed-rock prices.
Give him a call and secure some of the bar
gains he ia offering.
A, D. Barker showed ns some Oregon
broom corn a few days ago, raised on the
farm of D. D. Prettyman, near Salem which
seemed to be of good quality. It will' be
manufactured into a broom at the Albany
Broom Factory and then forwarded to the
Mechanic's Fair at Portland.
Nimrod Price brought us in a few days
ago some specimens of wheat from his field,
which turned oot 40 bushels to the crc.
These specimens are of the Golden Chaff and
White Russian varieties. The former yield
ed over 40 bushels per acre, while the latter
only turned out about twenty five.
The first car load of wheat from Lebanon
was received by Ballard, Isom and Co. , of
the Red Crown Mills, who also received
some from Goltra's Station, while J. H. Fos
ter, of the Mognolia Mills, received the first
from Halaey and Shedda, Every train now
brings wheat by the ear load to Albany.
A, D. Barker ia still in the milk business,
1 and with an additional number of freak
milk cow t prepared 4o supply fbc lac
teal fluid to tha oitixens of Albany in it
pure and unadultcratod ntate. Milk deliv
ored to any part of the city, and either in
the morning, or both, aa desired.
The difference between charity ami I I '
Blain, tha clothier is not so great after all
The former covera a multitude of sin and
the latter a multitude of siuuura. And this
puts us in remembranco of the fact that
Blain haa gojie below for n new stock. Wail
until ho gets back before you buy any cloth
Farmer should road the advertisement of
the West Coaat Flax Milla in another col
umn of this week's tsauo of the Dkmociut.
Flax growing has pain vc)l this year ami
promises to become one of the leading crops
of the valley now that a sure market i
offered. Wo hope' more v ill ho raised unit
Smee the establishment of the branch
houae of J. F. I). Wrinkle ami Co. at, this
place the firm have aequieed an excellent
reputation for furnishing good goods nt tow
prices. They have put the prices on many
articles down to a living basis, nod our
readers should reuuunl Off this when looking
for good in their liue.
The people out at tho depot say they pro
tost againat everybody coming .nt there tu
boot themaelvra. They have had cntiielv
too much of that kind of business during
the last ftw year. The next one will have
to make a clean job of it or they will ussUt
ia an emphatiu maimer.
Why can't the College gioumls be crui-
uteuted by a lot of shade trees ? Several
years ago an attempt was made to do, but
it proved a partial failure. Almott anyone
of our ciliaens would contribute one tree
and havo it act out. Atitum-i is a good time
to transplant trees, and wc hop onto one
will "start the bull mlliug" aod get euouh
aubacrihed to fit those gioumls up in good
Prof. J. L. Gilbert inform-, us that there
is now four vacant scholarships iu the .state
University at Kn enc City to lc Idled fnnn
I. mil county. Parties deairinu to apply for
them must notify Prof, (illicit, who is
County SupiTint. il.!. nt of schools, and he
wil! present their nanus to the Cunty
Court before w hom applh ints mut pae au
Remitted ami repaired, the bins all rataed
high and dry above tbo highest water
mark, the old Sunpon warehouse, under
the management of huri. Roup and Vance
ia one of the beat place in the city to atore
grain. They propose, to extend to their cus
tomer every favor consistent with sound
business debug, and are offering the most
favorable term to put; . s Luring with them.
Remember the .Star Brewery Brer is one
of the purest and mo refreshing beverage
to be found on the coast. Mr. Rcllaogor is
a brewer of long experienco and has fully
established his ability to manufacture an
article of superior merit In Albaey every.
body calls for it. aod strangers iu town
speak of getting tbn heat Ur h. re of any
town in the atate.
There being no ague out al Oakland or
Uoseburg. the physicians of those place talk
of sending dowu to Albany for aitjSJ pounds
of the alum and overflow from the ditch
near Montgomery Street, out by the drp.t,
in the bops of generating malaria in their
locality. They cooldn't have atruck on a
better plan, and Agent Rice will do all he
can to help them, as those mud Indus have
coat him coneidt rable money.
Our readers at I auon and vicinity are
to be congratulated on thi enterpria . uf
some of their hutnea m o. Mr. C. B.
Montague, thr general merchant of that bury,
always carries one of the largst and best as
sorted stocks to be found in the county.and
his recoid for fair ami liberal dealing, low
prices, and grutletaanly and accommodating
method oi doing business rnalte him a raid
able man in any community.
joite extensive improvements. am going
ou at the Hebrew Cemetery. The ground
are being laid out iu an artist!' manner, new
Concrete walks are being put down, trees
planted, and a general cleaning and lixiug
up haa been inaugurated wlm-h a ill improve
matter very much. Our Hebrew friend
show commendable enterprue iu thus beau
tifying the last resting place of their friends
and relatives and tho corporation which
owns our citv cemeterv would .i.! veil
- -
to emulate their example.
Kvery day bring new good bi A. P.. Mt
II wain. He never lets bis stock run down
to any degree, but keeps his two large aalcu
rooms fall to overflowing all the t m with
goods the quality of which cannot be ques
tioned. Hi motto is not to sell aa cheap as
the cheapest, but to sell chesper titan all
his competitor. The largo cru-vd we sea
aroaad his place of busiues? stsim to in
dicate that be i ctrrying out the meaning
of the motto.
Measrs. Ballard Isom ami Co. have had
cons true ted at the hop of A. V. Cherry
and Son in this city a cedar curb to bo
placed about the new run of burrs they aro
putting into the Red Crown Mills. It h an
elegant piece of workmanship, w is o
built aa to bo almost as rolid as Jf turned
oat of one piece. The segments are b.ter.
locked, arid thoroughly secure.', and the.
top in dove-tailed together with Spanish
cedar keys. The cutb was put on the latho
and turned perfectly around ami ha receiv
ed a very high polish. It is a credit to our
city that we havo mechanics able to turn
out such work, and the work wilt be an on.;.,
ment to the Red Crown Milk.
Tne lats)af! Wall Koule.
By refercn'ie to an arUnla appoarlng In
anoiber eo'nmii it will bn aeon that tbo
mail imi'o I w n (J city and Lebanon
win be dLoouti:iued from and after Sept.
lit. Tho cause in not known, but it seems
that the ri!e all over iho Union now Is lo
cat off these small rnutos. Of conrseour
Postmaster General ban good reason to do
away with a great many mail routes, and
some of them are in Oregon, but there Is
no Just oauae o discontinue this route,
The plan aetata to be to take all tha mail
going to the localities lying in net the foot
hills on the Eastern side of the valley by
way of the Narrow Gauge Railroad. How
will this work? Start a letter from Albany
to Lebanon (14 miles) on Friday and it
will go down to Woooburn ovor the O. dr.
C. Railroad, sVmUes; from, there the mail
train on tho Narrow Gauge will not stall
until 0 30 p.m. on Saturday ar;d atutM
on the same evening it arrivoa at Lebanon
Junction and ia Mill milea from its
destination. It has been on the road from
Friday noon until almost 10 o'clock Satur
day night, lias traveled some 90mtles, and
gtiil Iftc-ks XA miles of being at Lebanon.
To bake it from Leuanop Junction to Leb
anon r ill cost almost as muoh as to come
9 miles farther to Albany after It, as at tho
latter place passengers and freight and ex
press matter can be had, while at the
a unctUm no other business can be done.
Tho postal authorities certainly do not un
derstand the matter or this new order
would never have been made. We hope
they may reconsider tho question and
us the old stage line, or else cause
to go over the Lebanon bianeh of
C. R R.
the mall
lie u, v i
Tllti OLD I I wil t him
How doarto my heart waa tnu old fatnllv feiMa
Thai stood on the tahlo so solemn and Mill'
Where oflan I've hid anything that I thuht llahle
To tret mi" th hand of my bad brother Hill.
How ardut I have seised It with vs that were glow
And ehouk Its wide isttfes until out the thing fell ;
Hut now all of Its charming old seeroey's going,
With this mw fangled bible the Isiokitorea all stl,
Ths new 'anjrled bible, the teasnly oeut bible,
This rctised bible thai says heJos fur he'l.
1'osr.onH i: ki iks
A one cent 'sUmp far a uireulalre
A one cent stamp for a newsststlre,
A three rent utainp fr s sealed IctUn.i,
All lluked .-ii tin. right ooroslre
Lies, brothers, lluk, tick with aire,
on the right hand td, not every whln
I !;!.. von wioit llm postinssUlrti
Totsisku things hot and mis and awalre,
.MItl, Aftfs l''.R0tl. NOIM.
J. Fo Jewell, of Ptttaluma, Gal . iu the
Mr. lotngdon is ill, and Imb been for seve
ral days.
O. L Ki v In and llerltoit N'ah spent last
Sunday in Malum.
J. N. Coahnw, of Brownsville, visited
Albany laat Saturday.
Kov. Dr. R. Gtiary, of K igett , cams
town here last Monday.
Lmis Miller has g me over ou the Sound
to visit his daughter Mrs. DofhVmcyer.
Mm. D. P. Mas m and daughter returned
boino from a visit to "Tho Fork" last
Wo are glad to hear that the next aunnal
esion of th M. K. Church will In held in
A. 1 Grey, of tho Dkvih i:.r, went to
Portland yesterday and will l absent aeve.
ral d-tv.
W. l'.s Xaah, of Corvallts, pasiesl through
the city laat Tuesday on his way homo from
I). P. Mason spcut Thursday night of laat
week a chapter of Itoyat Arch
Mtaous, at Brownsville.
Miss Rosa Burns, of Esat Portland, is via
iting the family of Ed. Zeya and other
friend in this city.
Wiil Hood and family, of laibvion, sjs tit
last Ww.lneesUy in this city. Bill looked
almut a emactatesl as evrr.
J. Bramlt, (eneral Sujerintetid nt of ths
0. and R. P.. went out to the southern
terminus of the road last Tuesday.
A. Ervin, of Lebanon, waa in town jester,
lay He don't think much of the prMeed
change iu the b-lm mail route.
Mrs. C. H. Stewart wont up to Halaey
last Tuesday to visit bor eister. Mrs. W. H.
Gaston, and will ret urn home Saturday.
Dr. Ballard, of Ibanon, was over laat
Tuesday ami honored u with a call while
here. Van Cleve went out to Isnbxaon with
Dr. Dillon wil! remain at A'bany for an
other year ; J. T. tt'.i'f gssx to Dayton.
Driver to Eugene, and .1. p. D Vore to New
Tho. Riberts baa an ixt recoversst from
tbo fleet of his recent accident a t . la
able to grt oat on the street again with the
aid of crutches.
Miss Flora Bumbaugh h ft on Tuesday's
train for Roecbarg to visit Miss Liilie Rice
at that place. On her way berk h will
t.p a few lay at J u gene.
A Uhgrnm fn m S. E. Vimng -ays tha
teamer arrived at San Franctsen on Tuesdsy
morning, and that Mr. Mary Brown was
feeling tnueh better than when ahe left this
H. C. C.ermat ia cam pel Ixsst Prairie,
and has already kttlod eight or ten deer and
caught all the fish he can use. Clom is a
bruiser ana is never without game or tiah
when in the mountain.
Miss Horn Hoover and R. J. R. X. Bell,
of Roaeborg, arrivesl here from Booelmrg
I ft Tu .lay on thsir way to Southern
Mfthediet Conference at Corvallis. Rev.
Ik II is well known in this place.
Tho engagement of Sam Beck.ofTortlaml.
and Mia Amelia Stock, of Corvallis, haa
been made public. Mr. Beck is the aenior
partner in the linn of Beak ft Waldbem, aod
Miss Stock is a daughter of M. Stock, of
Harris ami Stock.
A I Hickman, of that rattling Portland
firm of Bachman Bros., waa iu town last
Wednesday appointing agent for the
Sootitoli Union and National ami the Lion
Insurance Companies. Stewart and Grey
take the former and Burkhart Pro, the
Lark Bilyeo, Esq., returned from the
mountains laat TuesiUy, ami bis trip baa
fattened him up until he ia often mistaken
for t)ie head of the firm Judge Strahan.
There is no telling what so. In water find
mountain air will do for a man.
B)f, M. C. Miller, formerly pastor of St.
Paul's M. I'. Chnrch, South, in this city,
preached at. tha U. P. Chnrch last Sabbath
evening. He comes down from ebuthern
Oregon to attend Confurenco.and to transact
some otlter business of a different nature,
Tim Condit.Redlictd mountain tarty ar
rived homo bat Saturday evening. They
took hi all tha ftoda Springs en tbo Ieba
nen Mountain Koad, visited those beautifnl
lakes, crossed tho summit of the Caacadas
nod went dowu on tho other aide to the Mit
alus, and then rcturntd.
Henry Hahn, who recently purohascd the
r.pyrcantilo busineas of Powell aod Co., at
Pri ne ville, waa in the city last Saturday.
Ho came over a week or so ago, and was on
his way back when here. He will go to
Sau Francisco in a few days to lay in a large
stock of goods,
Mrs. Harry D. (lodloy, of Independence,
went out to Iebanon on Monday 'a evening
express. She was joacd at tho depot by
Johu C, Mendenhall and family, of Portland.
From Ibfnon the whole party will go into
the mountains,' visiting those famoua resorts
-rthe Sodas and F-fb and. Clear Lakes.
Chief Justico Lord, Secretary of State
Earhart and State Treasurer Hirsch spent
last Monday night in this city on their way
to Yaquina Bay. We understand tin v.
Thayer will follow in a few days, and upon
the completion of the Oregon Pacific from
the valley to the Coaat the capital will be
changed to some point on the Bay.
Thoe. A. Sutherland, editor of the Stan
dard was married. at Preaido, Cat., last
week to Miss Sallio Oliattin, who for
several years resided with her parents in
Portland. The wedding took place at tho
rosidenoe of Col. Charles Sutherland, unole
of the groom. The newly married pair will
make their future home in Portland.
Rev. S, G. Irvine, I). 1., started for the
Warm Springs Indian Agency last Tuesday.
Jie wet to The I 'alien by water, ami would
be mot there by t 'apt. John Smith, the
agent, who would tako him by private con
veyance to his destination, some 75 miles.
He will spend about two week's on the res.
A mother and son killed by King ol the
Hood. The mother was Dyspepsia, the
on General I u happiness. Se? advertise-
1Psa--g II Ml 11.11 1111111-
MKaaUM. wTAI.Kt at OWOI MM TH IS !'. a If
What The; aay Who l Let Are.
We have been thoroughly In earnest
In our efforta toward getting a woolen
mill established at this pint", and have
received and answered considerable
correspondence bearing ou the point.
The loiters published below show how
far we have been successful in getting
parties interested In the matter,at least
far enough to investigate, and wo are
confident that if our citizens will re
spond In anything like a liberal man
ner, there will be no difficulty in iu
during tho Measrs. Htaley to locate
hero. As will be seen from their letter
and that of Mr. Htudebaker they are
practical men, and men of mean suf
nVcnt to put the enterprise upon a
sound footing. When the question was
first broached we Interviewed many nf
our l. uding citizens and business men,
mid fun ml that they all were strongly
in favor ol doing something In the way
of offering an Inducement to the right
parties to come here and establish a
woolen mill. When Mr. Btudebaker
was here last spring we had a long
talk with him nn the subject and be
took considerable interest in the mat
ter, being of the opinion ashoexpresjeee
It below , that the openiug hero was a
good enc. Tho keuefUs arising from
tho establish ment of a good mill here
would be almost Incalulable. It would
not only furnish employment to a
largo number of peeple but would
create a homo demand for an artlelo
that It Is well known can be profitably
produced here. It would build un the
woolgrowlng interests and be a long
stop on want towatd solving tbo ques
tion of the future prosperity of Albany.
We need such intcrento here, and we
must have them here if we expect to
have good times and a prosperous city.
other towns and cities all over Mm n try need such things and i. usb
havo them to become prosperous and
thriving. The qucaUou Is, can we af
ford to do without them at all? The
merchant er busineas man who gives
five dollars or five hundred dollar to
ward an enter pnse which holps to de
velop tbecity and build up its reaouraes
and receives the benefits of it Iu an In
creased patronage ami larvvr itlm
makes just as good an investment aa
if he had put the money In so many
gd and sold them again f r a profit.
Public spirit paya well, looking at it In
(his light. It pays every citizen well
to uo all be can towards building up
his town. Iu a business sense all be
an do may be estimated not only by
the increased trade be may reasonably
expect from an enhanced imputation,
but also from the ineress In value of
his property and the iuereneed purchas
ing anil consuming capvly ol a com
unity that la In a prmperous and
flourishing romLtlon. Then i no-
doubt but whit a w ..d-u mill employ
Ing from eighty t ou hundred per
son per day would be a direct Ireitellt
In this way, and it sec in almost super
fluous to discus the matter. As we have
said, a reasonable Inducement, cover
Ing th expenses of freight from where
they have an established trade to this
place, where a a matter of course, the
eitU-rprlse must in the nature of thing
be more or lea of an experiment, would
we believe bring the Messrs. HUley
bora l ei every man who has any hv
toreet iu the future of our city, read
the following letters and give the mat
ter a careful consideration, that he
may be prepared to subscribe a liberal
sum toward the neceaaary amount.
Wo are now corresponding with the
Messrs. Staley Whit a view toward as
certaining what amount will be necea
aary to bring them here, and as soon
mm Mssible wc shall publish what they
any. Referring to the first letter from
lltsair. Htaley A Sous whLdi we pub
lished in the DcMocaiLT some weeks
ago Mr. Studepker ha been kind
enough to write u as follow :
South Bend, Ind. July -7, ISSt
ft htor Dtmofrat:
Atbtmfi, Ortgoa.
Gentlemen, I notice by a slip sent
me, cut from your newspaper, that
Messrs. A. C. Htaley & Hons, of this
city, have written yon lespectlng loca
ting at Albany for the manufacture of
woolen good. Let me say to you iu
ibis connection, that while all here
would regret to lose tbo Messrs. Staley
from this city, both for business aud so
cial reasons, still I doubt not they
would find your place desirable for
their business, In fact, considering
your fine water power and the wool
producing country around you, most
excellent, Ou the other hand, your
people would find these gentlemen
highly skilled In their Hue of manu
facturing, and persons poisessed of
those quai I ties of mind and oharutr
which make them cltixen which any
town may well do it best to secure.
I recall with much pleasure my vl-l t
to your charming place, and especially
that very agreeable episode, the m sic
by the Ladles' Hand. Iudeed, my ex
perience In Oregon generally'-- the
knowledge that I gained of the country
and its hospitable inhabitants, wlfl
long afterd me recollections of tho
most interesting nature.
The remainder of my trip on the IV
uihe Coast, after leaving Albany, pass
ed ofi smoothly. It was gratifying to
find that wherever "tho Studebaker1'
was iu use, it had found favor with the
people, ABd ou reaching home I lourned
mat oruers ror our wagon, more partic
ularly from the West and Northwest,
were crowding us to the fullest capaci
ty of our works. Should Any f your
readers on a visit to the hjaat corns via
.South Bend, I shall certainly expect
him to call, aud we wiil fake pleasure
in showing htm bow wagons arc made
at the rate of one for every five or six
minutes, and the improved processes
which we employ to Insure that our
work shall give satisfaction.
Very truly yours,
Clkm. Studeuakek,
Pre. Studebaker Ml'g. Co.
The cndqrsen,ent of auoh men as Mr.
Studebaker Is not lightly given ad
the fallowing from the Messrs. Staley
themselves shows for itself the class
of men they are. The samples referred
to we ha.e on exhibition at the Demo
crat office and should be glad to have
everybody call and examine them.
The sample have been examined by
several dealers here ami pronetinoed
first class in every respect.
We have replied to this letter asking
more definite statement, and answer
ing the questions asked :
South Bend, Ind., Aug. 1st, 188.
Stewart ad Cray.'
A Ibany, Oregon.
Gentb : Yours of the 18th was re
ceived and contents noted. In reply
would say we have the matter under
consideration at preseut but or course
cannot come to any definite conclusion
on so short a time. Now tin- question
is should we locate In your city could
we dispose of our good by making
nothing but first class goods all out of
pure wool ? As I said before we have
been in the business. 'I'l years and have
yet t ho first lot of shoddy work to
make -using nothing but pure wool
iu all our goods for which we have a
reputation In this section ol the c oun
try aecond to none. We have a wide
reputation on our fancy knifing and
Oermau Town Yarns of which we
compete with the large mills in the
hastern Stale in quality but perhaps
not In quantity. Our flannels and
blankets are made of nothing but pure
wool and are very heavy and durable.
Our firm consists of father and three
sons. All have been raited In the
woolen business and understand every
branch of It. You wanted to know
which we weuld prefer the power on
the river or that a mile from town
wethluk the one mile from town
would tie the most desirable if land
could lie had at reasonable figure.
Whet can land be bought for at that
point ? and what are lobs worth
st present lime on the river Wc thla
day send you by mall a box of sample
of our yarns and two or three samples
of our course flannels and one or two
nam pies of our cloth. We make a
finer flannel but have no samples cut.
Speaking of freight being so high
from here to your section of the coun
try, perhaps your It. R 'Agent could
secure lower rates than we could as it
would ol course be an advantage to
their road should a mi l locate there
What is the fare from San Fran
cisco, Cal. to Albany 7 Now then
should wo conclude to loeat there
what le the best Inducement your clti
.ens will offer for a 4 set mill ? Wait
ing your reply.
1 1 A 1
iu remain yours truiy,
a rmmmsn t h iui am; .
I.t i winter we nbtainisl ftotn Mr.
Viek, the grest seed man of Itochester,
N Y ', a small pae'tsgo of the celebrat
ed HusKtan white oats. Ur, Ktowart, of
this city, sowed it in his garden ami
found it 1 1 lie all that it was recom
mended, it is such a good variety
that we wsnt to ee it atarted in this
locality, and consequently the small lot
of nsed we have will he given awsy to
our subscribers. We will pnt the pro-
duel ot one or two head m on enve-
loiie, and send it to the ad Im-hm of sny
of our fanner subscriber on receiving
sit order and a .1 cent stsni, to pay for
(ostoge and envelo(ie. We would send
more, but the quantity we have ia
small we cannot do so without running
out Ijefore we rve all our agricult
ural snisicrtbers. If toi are in Albany
call at our office and you cu get the
package without using tlm mails. If
any unreientnt Republican who does
not take the dkmoceat wants any of
our oats lie will have t pay 121 cents
a package for them, and we think we
will make the some rule apply to
Democrat who do not atrouire our
Mr. Vtck bos the following to sav in
relation to tbia variety of oats and is
supported in hi Rlatomont by testimo
nials I rota tnun who have raised them:
iirasiAX wui-rr. oath.
This new variety of oats has alteady
been tested in nearly ail portion of
the country, from Maine to California,
ind the retorts from almost all of the
States of the Union are unanimous in
its commendation as the heaviest yield
er in cultivated. One hundred and
lity -seven pounds of clean oat were
harvested from a siejgte ocjnce of seed
loot season. In nine-ten tits of tks re
port the yield exc-edtxi 400 m
The llnaaian white oats are prolific
without parallel, and with ordinary
cultivation will yield 100 bushels ;sr
acre. They are extremely hardy, en
during tbe coldest climate in our coun
try without injury, and are alsmlutely
rust proof. Each kernel planted will
produce 2.1 to 40 heads intu 1G to t)
inches in length. The straw ia large
and strong enough to supoit tbe enor
mous head i of this variety Tbe grain
is heavy and tbo chaff is ligh', so that
a measured bushel weighs considerably
more than a bushel of ordinary oat.
All thrhgs conaideml. this is the most
valuable variety of oats now grown,
and is destined when knowu more
widely, to become tbe standard sort.
- ' ' e
Xsllee la I'anttrr'.
Having aeUlml onr milt with Tbe Cor
vallis Fruit Company we are now prepar
ed to fullll onr contracts and supply all
further orders far The Thorn ts Fruit
The riiotca Fruit Dryer Co.
. C. A. CL'KRaM, Agenu
Ta nil tssy it miy rometm :
Notice Is hereby given that tho suit
heretofore pending between the Corvallis
l'ruit Company and Charlos Curran, I
It. Mullen and Charles I. Thomas, haa
been settled, the validity of th. PI u miner
patent havlug been admitted by the de
fendants, and that the said parties are now
aiithertaed to sell the Thomas Fruit Dryer
in Ltnu County. Or., and that all persons
may purehsse such machines from them
without Interference bv the undesigned.
Corvallis, Aug. 17, 1881.
Thk Cqbvallis Fnurr Co.
By Wallls Naah, President .
A O r r at Halaey.
A. D. Itogora has been up at Ha'sey
during the present week making arrange
ments for the organisation of a lodge of
the Ancient Order of United Workmen at
that plaoe,and first the meeting will be held
this Frldsy evening. Some of the best
citizens of Halsay have taken hold of the
maVr, and it will be a nourishing ledge.
Bytfi way wo are gfud to sen that the
new. Grand Muster haa reappointed A. D.
Rogers as Special Deputy (hand Master.
He Is ono of the beat workers in the order
and hla appointment will give satisfaction
to all.
All parties indebted to me are hereby
notified that I have lety my accounts in
the hands of John Conner .and D. II.
Loonoy, and that I shall require immedi
ate settlement of the same either by cosh
or note. No other parties are authorized
to settlo for me except the above.
A. J. FAinnAxm.
Albany, Or. Aug. 1881.
T the Public.
J. A. Qross, proprietor of the depot
hotel, keens on of tbe beat public hoases
in the State. His rooms are kept scrupu
lously neat and clean, and ou bis tables
can be found the best iood tbe market af
fords. Parties going off on tbe morning
train can get coffee and cakes or an entire
breakfast just before tho train leave.
ia man and beast. For use externally and
The Xrw Hair! at Lebsa.
While visiting our rteigbborini; village
of Mbnnon last week we had an npprr
Minify of testing tbe hospitality of our
friend Mr. S. If. Claughton, who haa fitted
up the new hotel in thst place recently
built by Mr. Una.- fnnn and himself. Mr.
Claughton makes one of the most genial
and accommodating of landlords and the
new hotel is ono of the best arranged and
most pleasant hostel rios In tbe state. The
office Is large and pleasant, and the din
ing room one of those cool, comfortable
places where you can sft down and thor
oughly enjoy s good mesh A large saru
pio room with first class arrangements
ror the exhibition of goods lias been fitted
np fot the convenience of commercial
travellers. The parlor is on the second
floor and Is as car, y snd homolike can
be. There aro flfteon latge aod airy sleep
ing rooms, and everything about tbe
house is as new and clean as a sll ver dol
lar. Mr. Claughton proposes to make
tho "St Charles," s It has been christen
tened.oneof the best places iu th state
to stop, and Lebanon people may well be
proud of tho euterprie of Messrs. Conn A
Claughton in giving them such a hotel.
No llqnor Is said In the house.
Mr. Claughton assured us the business
of the boose bad been very good since
opening. Lebanon seems to be having a
little boom of her own and this new hotel
is not tbe only Improvement we noted.
Several residence, buildings sr going
up, and work en tbe new war chouse
keeps the town lookl.ig lively.
The Tbotnis Fruit Dryer is rapidly
biking the lad and distancing all com
peting dryers. We leara from the Agent,
Mr. C A. Curran, that over twenty ma
chines bsve been pnt up the past week
and all of them have worked to tbo entire
satisfaction of tbe purchasers. Mr. A.
Tripp living near PeteiaotPs Botte, and
W. K. Temple aod A. Bard well, of Sand
Ridge, are among those who have tbe
Thomas Dryera in use, and the manufac
turers of this dryer talcs pride in referring
to these gentlemen as to the merits ef
tbelr machine Mr. C. A. Curran is the
efficient agent of the Thomas Fratt. Dryer
Company, and we advise all parties who
contemplate buying a fruit dryer to first
thoroughly Investigate the merits of the
Thomas Dryer as It 1 the be in the
StaltrasMl Its..
The O. and C. R. R. Co. have built and
are building entirely new bridges across
the Cmpqna, Pudding River and Molalla,
tbe former being a large five span bridge.
They are also rebuilding many bridges of
smaller size, as well a putuing in a great
deal of new trestle work. Tbe trestle
work at luecroswiag of Oak Creek, the
Santiaas, Lake Labish, and at Harrisburg,
is being entirely rebuilt, the timber used
being furnished by the Albany saw mill.
This begins to look as if fa time was go
ing to be made soon.
W: understand the around between
Cottage Grove and Roseburg is literal
ly covered with lies, lying along the side
of tbe railroad, reedy for shipment to tbe
point where they will be needed.
l iusk
Of the Pacific Surgical Institute,
i0 Kearney street, San Francisco,
will 1st at the Chemeketa Hotel,
Salem, August L .10 and 81st; at
tho SL Charles Hotel, Albany, Sept.
2d and 3d, and at the St. t harles Ho
tel, Kugene City, Sept. 5th and Cth,
fully prepared to treat all cases of Spi
nal itlaoaur, Knee and Hip d isease,
Qub foot, Crooked JJnabs, ParalysU,
and aU Cnronic and Surgical dlieam.
As this Inatftate is un equaled ia fac
ilities for the treatment of these affec
tion, all who are interested should
not fell to see these surgeons.
is r.r.
Arrangements are booming along sdcily
for our coming Couuty Pair, and it no
looks like it was going to be the beat w
have bod. Tbe race track is In splendid
condition, in fact it is tbe bent ia the 8tat
without doubt. Already some eight or
ten horses are in training, and to naai
room for more the Association ia now
putting np twenty five new stables. Per
sons having fine grain of any kind should
preserve a small sheaf of it aa well us sosoe
of grain threshed out. All other prodne
lions: of onr county should be shown.
Take au interest in this the farmer '.
t nis
S. K. Young bos just received a large
mid elegant stock of tbe celebrated
Samuel Dunbar and Co. s Philadelphia
shoe. They are by far the best goods
ever brought to this coast and this year
Mr. Young has bought direct from the
manufacturers and can give his custom
ers the benefit of this advantage. Coll
and inspect these goods before purchas
ing el a-where.
A rarsa Won ted.
Wo nave a cash buyer for a fat m who
wants lo invest A20C0. He wants a place
near a good school, and doesn't car much
si -out the location otherwise. Wants a
good, fair house, good water and an or
chard. If the location should be a saeoat
place near tbe foothills, would want net
less than 40 acres of cultivated land. Gall
address Stewart A Orey at once.
Tbeto.iowins is tbe list of tetters remaining
in the Pest (Mice. Albany. Una county. Ore
son, AusjwA . rVraon railing lor these
letter must give the date on which ihey were
Dustoo, Ml Lara Eartiart, C. P.
UuHklleaiurer, Uoury Orti.i. Otu.
Ilettii. Cha Heyooi
Siiat Ideluru. Via lew Sewrry, Jehu
Smith, atlas Usui Starr, Johu
Thomas, Mia Saltts.
. P. H. RAYMOND, F. M.
Notice is hereby given that all parties in
debted me by note or account mast natiafae
torily arrange for the settlement of tae sahte
by Oct 1st, and aave cost as I can remain
uo longer than that date.
L. Kline.
GASTON. t Halaey, on Saturday, Aug.
20, 1881, to the wife of VY. H. Gaston a
COLWELL, Near thia city, oa 8tbbath,
Aug. 12. 1881, to tbe wife of ViJenttne
Csdweil a girl.
24th, at tbe resident of .o. ran
aaZ w. v. n.v J K K IVill
by Rev. T. B. White, Jtuv. M. C. if u
aod Mas Yiola Pattr.
The happy coapie ha . r lst wish
for their future bapp .i-
Slur Servfee 4 '.
The Postal Rillo'du of Anguv Hth. pub
lished dailv at Wii-.bii,gLiii, l, C., eon
tfihta I lie follow in- postal In irrnatlim
e nieerning the curtailment nf service on
several rentes in this State :
Itoute41llU. Malein to Sheridan Prom
September, 'h.hj, curt tail service to end
st Eld hern, decrease distance six mil.
Reduce service on residue of roots, Salem
to Klkhorn, to three times a week.
Route 44,124 Dallas to Albany. Prom
Septemle'r I. 1SS1, curtail service to begin
at Duens Vlsts, decrease distance J
miles. -
Route 44,12. Turner to Mehsma. Ptoro
September 1, 1KS1, curtail service to begin
st Sublimity, omitting Turner end Anrn
ville, Secret distance 8 miles.
Route 41,12!'. Albany to Sweet Horn).
From September 1, 1SH1, curtail service
tojiegin at fbvi n. onaiUing Attune,
deerrase distarvV14 mllo, u;i whn-.i ,r
vlce is six times a week.
Route 4t,17fl. Salem uMt. Joseph ,mo..
From September 1, 161, reduce service
between Dsyton and St. Joseph, 3 mite,
te 3 times a week. Curtail service to be
gin at Lincoin, omitting Salem and end at
Wheatland, omitting St. Joseph, Jex-rasee
IS milea.
Sarvic'bas been discontinue! on the
following routes :
Route 41,11. SalextoHilverton. From
August 31, 188 !.
Route 44,128. do t" Marion. Prm
August 31 18S1.
.slag It A lass.
Jas. L. C-jwau has purchased Mr. Ra'a-
ton's interest iu tbe store they have been
running together at I.banon, and mil
henceforth go it alone. Me will have a
ew stock on now in a short time which
will be a Hale the best ever opened out
In Lebanon, We can't tell our readers
out there anything about. Mr. Cowan. Hm
long residence there aad his sunceasatul
businses career speak more than words in
his favor Look out for bis fall stock.
freawa Partae Ral I read
Tic- who have refused to rest assured
that the Oregon Pacific P.vlra4 would la
built will have toscknowleslge thst now not
s doubt remain. The brut of Kwoug Mow
Co., ia tins city, have contracted to furnish
500 Chinese laborers, aad they are now be
ing moved to points along tbe line f the
proposed road between Corvallis and
Ha Bay. The services of CoL Isace W.
Smith, late Chief Engineer of th.- Northern
Pacific- P.ailroad,baa been secured, aad be will
enter on his duties on tbe 1st. of September.
On the "th of September work will com
tneace all along tbe line aod will be prosecu
ted aa rapidly as tbe weather will permit
aatil it is completed.
list or jEstena ro.Lt ( Oiicv
si AST.
This week ends the sale of Jerome Pells
onMgnnaeni. A clear sweep will be made
of everything. Auction at 2 and 7:30 P.M.,
and private during the forenoon. The last
thing sold Saturday evening will bo tbe
empty dry good coses. It is expected that
in about six weeks a huge fine stock of
goods will be pnt in the same store by tbe
same company.
A Srs Bleat Market
Just before going to press we leansss.1 laart
Joe Tyler will open out a stew eat market
in the Van Cleve building next Monday.
Joe i the Boss meat enrter of Alban v and
is sere to get a good ra4e.
t tat.
Watch Cases are one of the
of so many watches not beiug
good Hose pieces. The caaaee being udu
and not fitting well, admit, dut and dtrv
to the movement, which toon interfirrfesa
with the running parts of the watch neces
sitating cleaning, repairing, c aud the
amount thus paid oat if applied Iowa id
buying a good case in the beginning,
would have saved all this trouble and ex
pane. We have recently seen a cose that
meesaall these requirement, it bavins:
been carried for over twenty years and
till remains perfect. We refer to the
JAS. BOSS' r stunt SnrrrutD iJoi.u
Case, which has become one of the staple
article i ef the Jewel sry trade, pouiBsjuing
salt dees so many advantages over ail
other watch cases, being made of law
heavy plates of solid gold over a plate of
composition, and we ad viae all onr readers
to ask their Jeweler for a card or catalogue
that will explain tbe manner in which
they are made.
It is the only Snrrasso Cask made
with two plate of gold, seamless pendants,
and center, solid joints, crown pieces etc,
all of which are covered by letters patent.
Therefore boy no ease before consulting
a Jeweler who keeps the JAS. BUSS'
Patsnt Jstifke w kd Golu Cask, that you
may learn the diirerenee between it ami
all imitations that claim to be equally as
o?d. ....
ror sate oy an responsible je waters.
Ask to see the e-arrwiit that accompanies.
each case, and don't be persuaded that
any other make of case 1 aa good.
If you are suffering with a coagh, cold,
asthma, bronchitis, oooaaussptesa, hiss ef
voice, tickling in the thrSA: oe st alfWttoa
of the throat or lungs, we kassw that
Khar's New Discovery will sesss yea uf
diate relief. We know of hundreds of easaas
it haa completely cured, and that where all'
other medicines had failed. No otlter taedi
cine can show one-half aa saaay yni m-
cares. New to give you satisfactory proof
that Dr. King 'a New Discovery will cure
you of asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, csa
sumptioo, severe oseghs aad colds, hoarse
ness or any throat er lung dssssawe, if you
wB call at
Fosbay aad Mason, wholesale agents Alba
ay ; a Morris, Scio ; Dr. L. Foley, Leba
non Dr. J. M. Powell, Lebanon ; D. V.
Calbreatte. Beeua Vista ; Reafetto aad Men-.
Jssssraoe : O. H. P. Cornebua. Tur
R. A. Rampy, Harriaburg ; S. S.
Hayea, Halaey ; liacaoo Smith, Habey ;
Starr and auakely, Brownsville,
You can get a trial bottle free of cost, or a
regular size bottle for $1.00.
It Meats etranxe that any sae will suffer fruea h
saaav deraaseaaewa seoaaht as by an Impure cwst
ditiuD ot the htossl when SCO V ILL'S KARaAtAKIL
LA AND 0T1LLINO1A. or Bkuet aast User Kjrrup
snll restore iswsac health u. th. iirwalt-
Uou. It is utile a a i eualhu line- e.vriu. plea nt u
Uk, and haa proven Itself t be the sea blood sstri-
sar aver anonverea.
lliHtic Uiertr, V. I
Malaria, aR aawssasi
aMss. at Use Uood, live, kidasw. ab-aea, asm. ec.
M correct indwawUan. A stngae bottle erlH rrovta
rest Ha uaerita as a healtli renews, tor it ACTS
LIKE A CHARM, eapeciaih arhsti the .xseptaint iaot
an exhaustite ature, ttavine a tenoenc.v v
the natural vigar 4
to Scam and aervoue sy
ihe raert Taast We i'.T - uhus
' aen
SYRUP instantly destroys worms and re
moves the secretions which cause them.
Tlie best salve in the world for cats, bnus
ss, seres, ulcers, salt rbeara, fever sores, tet
ter, chapped hands, chilblssaa, corns aad all
kinds of akia erupt loos. This save ia guar
an teed to give perfect stisfactioo in every
case or money refunded. Price bol.
For sale by Foshay and Mason, wWeeaJe
agts ; D Moors, Scio ; D Foley, Lcbsawin :';
Dr Powell, Isabsxioa : Redpeth sad Moe
tsgua, Jefferson ; D M Ceibreath, Ikesat
VisU ; O Cornelius, Turner ; R A Earnpy,
saTsa aa iVwiny Vfe-trr AVnfl Wjik V Kr
' A m ' s sj. -vsa-a - ' Jl ara