The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 19, 1881, Image 4

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    mw v . I
. august i9. m i
m t i.h.i . r rat. lianas.
CiKsr' llOUS K.
Wo are the potsufmea
The pautpered iets of irton.
There is naught for us too gentle ami goml
Tn the graceful tUys of our babyhood :
We frisk and cnor lu ohlttUsh glee
Oh, none so pretty anil proud as we !
They cheer and cherished us in our pin,
Oh, nono so smilingly sweet as they !
And whet) a lilt to our lives havu grown,
Each has a table and room his own.
A waiter to till his bill of fare,
A barber to clean and comb his hair.
Yea, we are the pets of men
The pampered pets of men.
They show us, g-yly dressed and proud,
To the eager eyes of the clamorous crowd
They champion us in the rattling r.t-
They praise our beauty and cheer our pa jo
They keep for us our family trees
They trumpet our uames beyond the seas ;
Thoy hang oar portraits on their walls,
Aud int and garnish and gild ourstalls.
Yes, we are the pels of men
The pampered pets of num.
We are the slaves of itu-ti
The menial slaves of men.
They laah us over the dusty roads,
Thev bend us down with murderon loads
They fling vile insults at! our track.
And know that wecau not answer back
In winds of winter, or summer sun.
The tread of our soil is uever done :
And when we are weak, and old, and l:me.
Ami laborsriffened. and bowed with
And hard of hearing, aud hltud of eye.
They diive ut out in the world to die.
Yes, we are the sla- es of tu-n -The
slaves of Hellish men.
They draft us into their bloody spUe,
They spur us, bleeding, into their lighu ;
They poison our souls with their useless
And curst? as itito a storm of tint.
And when to diih we are toaed and tnui ,
And take the bill that for them was msant,
Alone they leave in to groan and bleed
And dash thsir spur in another steeJ.
Yes, we are the slaves of men -The
slaves of brutish man. "Pin Pi:s.i'" hi Will r, -; .
A correspondent of the L indon
Journal of Horticulture gives the fol
lowing a h is experience in feeding
liver to fouls, S mie little time ag
we had a Ions: spell of parching east
winds here. Vegetation, which should
have beea growing rapidly at the
time, was at a standstill, and ail
kinds of insects and grubs which
fowls devour with such relish were
nowhere to be found. Tho most inex
perienced poultry keeper knows that
the want of these soon begins to af
fect the -hens, especially in the pro
duction of eggs, which become scarcer
and scarcer until the supply almost
ceases. This was the case with my
lowls durmsr f.;e imwxI ip iiticstion.
and probably I should itive bad no
eggs until the weather and earth hail
become humid, had I ut, vhcn 1
saw how matters -stood, begun giving
a little raw choppn! liver duly, not
more than three or four days after the
hens had this they nne and all started
laying, and diil not stop agdn until
rain came, when no more iiver was
given. I have tried many kinds of flesh
food for fwis during such a time, but
have found nothing so good ft&iits liv
er. Their recommencing to lay during
the very kind of weather which stop
ped them 1 attribute wholly to the
liver, as no other change of food was
z 9 - ft a
made. As iiver is so cheap ami ran tie
easily procured, probably it may be
to the advatrtage of some of your
readers to know this, and na we may
have much dry, hot weather abort)?
I eonsi-lr the nutter wtd! wurth pub-j..
The arrival of American live slock
aud fresh meat for the single week
ending June ; it Liverpool, us given
below, show- the cnormou-. increase
in thia tratii bs eumiKired with form-
er years. The steamers which con -
veyed live stouk Were as folhw: The
huropean, with 747'.c and U7
sheep; the Like Winnipeg, with 417
cattle; the Glauiirjran, with 111 cattle
and 110 In"; the Brooklyn, with ; -cattle
and ") heep; tbe l tv:iri tn,
with 398 cattle; the fopus with
405 cattle; the Neatorian, wilh :Y.
cattle; and the lliyrian, with :2"icat
tle. rl be steamers which brought fresh
nit;it were as fbQoWs: The Bivarian,
with 1905 quarters of beef and oO
carcasses. of mutton; tlie lilyrian,
with 1379 quarters ol beef; the !ake
Winnepeg, with 1203 quarter ot beef;
the Brooklyn, with 1017 quarters !
beef; the Xevmla-with th quarter
of beef and 400 carcasses of mutton;
the i'arisian, with 898 quarters
of beef; tlie Nestorian. with 792
quarters of beef; the Brit ionic, with
6"G quarters of beef and 2041 ear causes
of mutton; the (Tlamorgan, with 0J4
quarters of leef; Uie City of Montreal,
u ith a3- quarters of beef, 1 Wl en rcasses
tf mutton, and 110 dead hog; and
the Hibernian, with 280 earcagses
ef mutton; making totai ;if S5I2
cattle, C0 sheep, 110 10,724
quarters or beef, x-'rl ciir,HH8P' f
mutton and 110 dead hogs.
'jtne general impression in the
West is that the wheat crop will be a
fair one. Ihe latest reports as to wea-
1L. ,1 . I 19 m -
mer ju ute conoiiion or tne crops
mjiurope are with few executions
very satisfactory. In Groat llritian
the condition of the v, heat crop is re
garded as generally hojeful, but in
France tbe weather has not been uni
versally propidous. Striking a balance
be ween the varying conditions of the
different departments we are justified
in regarding this country an Affording
promise of a good harvest
So attempt should be made to
grow any t roj. in the) chard Without
heavy manuring, but- if no troj is
grown a heavy mulching will keep
the trees in a thrifty rendition muii
they come into bearing, providing the
laud was in good condition when the
trees were set. When the trees, l ogin
to proJuce fruit, every h w yeius the
land should receive a good dressing
of mcnure, which should be spread
on the f-urface before
nt the Central Now York Farmer' a
lub. The facts developed In the ex
pericuiv of farmer present were that
though soil and season unquestionably
have much to do with the flavor or
potatoes, the hie potatoes retain
their flavor over winter ami Into
spring better than early sorts, Prof.
loborts found that under the same
condition!, snisll potatoes lor seed
gave the poorest result, the middle
MUrt of larjie potatoes next, the m'cu
end next, ami the stem end the best.
whole large potato with a singly
oye is tho best possible seed. More
work ii needed, but a Itetter crop se
cured, bv cult v.itinir in rows or
drills, ratltet than in hills.
If there is anything certain in firm
ing it latitat stable manuro will repay
its application to crops. Tho experi-
enco of aes has settled this olnt;
and no man who cultivates land en
tertalns a doubt us to its effects, lly
the aid ef agricultural science wo
liavo learned lust what it is In this
manure that is valuable. Nye know
it is the potash, phosphoric acid, nit-
a an . . -
rogen, sulphuric acui, magmsia.ume
etc., that Is of ben lit. These ash
elements of stable dung are what wo
need, ami with tho exception of the
mechanical action on soil, are all there
Is that repays the farmer for the ap
plication. The most reliable estim tte of the
last sugar crop of Cuba, which has
yet appeared phcea the amount made
at 40-1,0 to tons, against .V29,r8o tons
last year, the decrease thus resulting
amounting this year to 65,473 trnts,
equivalent to 12-3 per cent The
heavy rains lately fallen over tho
greater part of the Island have forcibly
put an end to tho crop, and receipts
at all theoutports are fast dituln sit
ing. The crop In the Trinidad valley
Is reported to have resulted smaller
than expected; on account ef the pro
loafed drouth which has dried the
ease to a no'nr that rendered it
aim nt ungrindable.
Florida will send fifty million or
anges to market this year, and the
AitHcidUtrUt of that State says the
frosts of the past reason have made
it a bad year for oranges in Florida,
b. But that number is not I drop
in the bucket of the immense im;or-
tation of the fruit. Foreign countries
send about 000,000,000 oranges to
America every year. This number,
added to Florida's yield, makes the
number read 050,000,000, which
would give every man, womm and
child in the country fourteen oranges
to suck, provided, of course, that
church fairs and home-made cakes do
not absorb their usual proportion of
the fruit.
The greatont trixl of a fttnuer often
is to properly manitgciiit liiroti iuands.
To get tii. greateHt Hniouot of work
from hi helper without making "f
them inert! machines, is the prob
lem which is to be solved by pvtv
agriculturist who own- more land
than he em manage with his own
unaidetl l.ior. One retUisite is tb
ability to layout plans for the work
ahead, so that every man shall know
wh&t h$ uu to do next even before
hU last jjb i- tliiidirU. Tho ui t-tt-r
should know what h wants hoj
shoskl neetlmt hi wishes are f.trrisl !
A Pennsylvania firmer who has
tried it, recommends that when tbe j
spring sowing of clover seed does not !
"vMtch" owing to drouth or other!
causes, that sowing clover settl upon
the stubble iu Augur, or enrly in
September, will generally repoir the
i image, either with or without har
rowing in, although harrowing is the
inot reliable practice. The cost of
j lne uxlM h but a trifle com tared
with changing the proper rotation
ef crops established upon every well
regula'ed farm."
iu Florida the value per acre of
cleared land is $0.48, aud of timbered
land $3.03. In Lmisiana cleared
iand is worth $14. Stf, and limbered
land In Texas cleared land
is worth $8.98, and timbered $4. In
Arkansas cleared Und i valued at
$11. 7S. ami tioilx-ii M laud at s; 8.
In Oreiaia i-Jcttred iand is worm j
; 71, and limbered -1 Hut in
j Nebraska cleared land is wor.h $s.
1 ami timbered $2'. 80 per aA-re.
There are thousands of tenth-rate
practitioners in aiinot every field of
labor, and wuile the farm has its full
I. .... .. It I I' i 1 - 115 . a t- -
niiare, wuurusuii ien m ouitevc io n
it is one of the grandest and noblest
employments, facilitating as it does,
an acquaintance w ith the Creator; we
see his foot-prints, made visible to us
in the orignt snnsttine, tne copious
showers, the singing birds, the gentle
dews, and every beneHt we receive.
- kx.
The London Agric dtural (Jdzette, I
in describing a farm in tho North of !
Scotland, states that it comprises alto- i
gether about 600 acres, of which the j
cultivited parts, that is to say, the
entire farm, exclusive of roads, area
of farmsteads and similar deductions
from the total acreage, may be divi
ded thus: Oats and barley to supply
straw, 200 acres; sown grasses for
pastures, 270 acres; turnips, 100 acre;
hay for horse?, 12 acres. Total, &s
Clover requires considerable moist
ure for its support, not only descend
ing upon that on the. surf nee, but it
is said sometimes to grow down In
search of moisture to a depth of five
feet. There is no better method of im
proving land than by means of this!
plant. In fact, a farmer's success de
pends almost entirely upo i ir. tie
can fatten more stock, havn an in
crease in the datry, while at the same
time his land U growing rich with
his pocket.
Sheep yield a secure annual income.
A iioek of sheep, like the more pop
ular form of securities, yields a semi
annual return to tbe fortunate holcer.
During the Spring months he dips
his fleecy coupons. A few months
later another handsome return i
made in the lamb crop, cither tinned
into cash or ihto stock.
It U estimated that the yield of
beet sugar in Germany this year will
be 5o ,000 ton, against 409,000 toni
lat year. It is not at a!l improb ihle
that we shall impo.-t .-ugir from Germany,
manure produces but 11 'tie
effect When applied f crops, but
when it is well rotted It then contuius
much valuable soluble matter, ab
sorbable by plant?. In fresh manure
the most important constituent of Its;
soluble portion Is potash, and It con
tains but Mti til proportions cf ammo
nia and phosphoric acid, itoltcu ma
nure", on the contrary, yields to the
solvent action of water large amounts
of nitrogen and phosphoric acid
A farmer who has had much ex
perience in draining land, shvm that
when quicksand or uusound ground
occurs drains should be cut wider
and in some cases deeper, with their
sods trampled down along the bottom
before either tiles or fno conducts
are Introduced. Sods thus placed
always admit water freely and the
substrata in consequence very soon
become solid.
The usual time allowed for lambs
to suckle is four mouths. When sep
arated from the mothers, they should,
if possible, be so far removed mm not
to hear each other bleat.
- "
Herkimer, N. 1, Is the oldest dai
rying district in America. The farmer
who ttrst tx'gan dairying there went
on foot from New Kueland tho latter
part of last century.
City Marshal's Sale for Delin
quent Taxes-
NUTltiC U lory gi- llit ty lrtn it inr
raul ltiv.1 by Mm HtwofUM ot Uut t'a ( AUkum
t.uui xunty kiiit state "I Urt .ui. lltiiWr lha Mat !
UI rllv. 0Uh1 tho t.tti Oav i.f .M..i, K.I, JM.I uii-
M'Viil i.. tin .Mm. iticiit lit ut tin- i-lly "I Allm
uy, Utni'tiiic tue to cv iut the shU imI i l.ttrl
i ih i U'UtK)uetit i it)fm iu sUa lb; ami 11 uvtw 1
Ih. luit'.ul tin ii iii ii the nal ttlMa ltrluiiiritiK to mIU
deliitttitU, aiMlftirWt lit mid UHtitnt u Hat or
no utui-lt Biutll ttUal.v llm the aiiiutiDt mi t lMrol.
mtth OSStS SMl vxiMtlMMi ( t-.tlUH.Utin. Nut, Ihrrt'
fure tu punmanct. of aall writ, ami U. tin tteni Ut llat
I Itave lur want vi peeaunal woert lricl unjtt tixi
lolltiwlug t,., nli real CMlatv, U wit :
ASSOSMKI to I ullit-r Clktrw, lU (A) Hv an. I (il) v tl
Block Ui, In the tity ot Alhany, liuu couutv, Mmrui),
all Wtivti u; a the real Hijrrty of Lutbr Klkln,
Ui aatlnfy 1 1 Hunt til aavou aollaie an-i ttlty tenu.
lo tho .r l.i ; al.llH .uiii ! i tlollar.
taxva lor the trar I, set I ; with coat ami atvituuir Mi
Alao the tie rttwtl ttruiHirty miuu 1 l.
L. Koaley, loU (It) Utrw ml (4) lour lit Block 70 In
tOe dty ot Albany, Liuu cutiut.t, Oregon, all I. mc.i
ututi ax tl'ii- ral iiiuih rt ti . fctialey t aaUaly the
am ul tw.i a.tlar, lava hr Ute vew J(5W . ! h
MM nf t ib'llam arwl twtit live eenia Uc lur
the year IK-U ; with euU ami auvrututt rta. Alau
the tt.ll.jvt u.v- miilttl in. .! t-. Mr.
Mi Wra..l, tut (H) MX HhM-k low, llnckhntuaa lukllti.ui
t. the rhy ul Aliktiii. l.ti.n .unity, urxfiu, all
leviotl upon a the rrul .rij.rtv t Mi. M. Ikmn.l to
Atltv the uin ot arenl ' i.nt. Tvv. for the
aar l..i. U. llu- auiu -i Otty t luc the
tear 100, aiao the tun I Any ivnh Uc f ir ;ear
ISSI. aithcMtaaml aoeruinv eaata.
AMtlotttho : i-.ii tiay ul tietemivr !--t, at the
Court tltMtaa tluur lu to riry of Albany bnut county
state ol ttrvatiu, at thv h.-m o( t oink tn Urn alUi
tioou of luOdUai, I aiil .li llu? hvrv before dearrtUJ
real eatate, at .uUu.- amU.ii to the hitfbaat hlduer.
t r vaali lu baud, IuhIim) twvua and cualatbetWou for
the year hereiubefore uteutiwtKHl, af -d aaliiat
aul real t-artale, to Mie ..imi thvrmf, eeautuK to
the 4ettiUvut ut Hot, afoTvU'L
lnu.l at Aihany thi.llth da of Auyttet ISSt.
A. J. IU ST,
JlataHal .4,Ur- '.it ut Albaii).
U the OLIUXf
liKvr ( iinmi;. rr.;
Kl ll'I'KO
and hci.i o lb
-of TIIK
It U the KIIOIIT. M KK i. l sn: It l--ta., i,
Chicago, Milwaukee
And ail iNiiata KAST. u. I. a
Jklaeara ft'alU. hrw lark. fhHadelyhiM.
rai, Wafttlnntn. Kalllnsore. rttf.
bors. Haulrral. Tananle. OeiraM
ftt lmncil lUuff the Oalna 4 Ow (liVraeu atwl
.V.rth Waalcnt ami tb I'. I'. Il' 4cn boat, at
ma at aol ue the mumc j. .mi t num tu i-.t
At Chicago chaw cwtiiH .unaa MS titada arHb lb
IjUc hhiii,;, Mbrhlcaa Central. Hahiamra aud otn-.,
Ft. Wayne and rVtitteyltan'a. ami Cbicatru and f.raiwl
Trunk Kallr.iada, ami Uui HauVaane aad lau Handle
Polnui Palirr Driwia: Boom tin
Are ran nt alt tbrnui tniit 4 this ruad
Itl tbr nVl.Y dot luftacea
toiM it. Ht.t rrs nn tut ico,
I pun arbii'tl U ruu t)u I- Urmt. .1
Ioabrt ujKrn Ticket Awita aettln yi-i TU-ki H
thi ma.!. Kvajuiun ytutr Turk eta, aul refmm to
if tlu-v ! not raad vr the Chl '-" and S..rth
'i-er lUil .1 .
U urn uili the I km. trt.c'I.ii a ivini-i.ii..m t u
will ti-tr .,n- tbfheta In lh: r'-iu-St' ,M Vtll.u
TVKK NtH oilli.i;
Ail ikfctS j(Kiruaafl tJ.-Ue'k ii. th' Htt.
. t.:n ui.tiirr.
t ul I, nad u i Hnf, rnlrqea
Aloany Bath House.
'pith IjJtDLnr-loN Kit voei,i Hk-ege-i
A a I t .a i m . ftt
K tuny tpuiii. ibi -tuto ni -,i A:-a una i
( .nil; thai I uavtosat.i.c'turg t.flhi. Kmabiuib
nieni, and, h m..;j.i:. duu reum ane pam
triet attei.tku to hui'ooi ... ciuertt tu suit at
tbvta who nij farur u a'.it llielr ratrutniM
llariBj; beretefof carried nyhin( but
First-Claaa Kair Drt sslng Saloons,
we expeeti to glv cstlre tirfactbe te
er Chfld'ep and LaibV Hair eaailv im
ml -imii r ih.diI
olay-, Cutoj cad never dlsap
ointa. Tito world':; preset Pain
ileliever for Man aad Beaat.
Cheap, fiok and reliable
is not Narcotic. Children
grow fh-t upon, Mothers like,
ami Physicians recommend
( ASTOUIA. It regulates the
Bowels, cures Wind Colic,
allays Feycriahncss, and de
stroys Worms.
TARRH Core, a Constitutional
Antidote for this terrible mala
y by Absorption. The moat
Important Discovery ainoe Vac
cination. Other remediea may
ievo Catarrh, thia cores at
any stage before Coniuniptioa
acta in.
MntnU nirrrlnry.
Y. P. 0. A. Meet at their room in Cen
ter brick hitilduitf on -tltieiulay eveuiuuw
at 7t30 o'clock, and on Safibatli afternoon at
4. Buninc iweetinua are hold on the even
ing o( the around Mntnlay in eat-h month.
K very body iuvitvrl to attend.
U. T. Church. I'roacliingevory tiahbatl',
at 11 a. M., and 7 i: u. by llv. K. 0. Ir
vine, I). L. HabUth bohoul at 2:.T0 v. M.
Prayor mooting every Thursday oventn g. CllUKClt.l'roaching on Rah
Iwth at 1 1 a.m.. and 7ft ' rtahhuth
Mohool 12: 1 A. Prayor meeting every Thur.
day evening. W. ('. Kaitttter, otnr.
Conuhko Aims At.( 'u catni. rfcrviottaavory
Hahliath at 11a.m. and 8 t. M. Hahlwth
Sohuol at 2:U Prayer mooting mi
Thuraday evening of each week. .b tV.
I birr in. paator.
M. K. Cm lieu, Koctii. Herviers every
Sahlmlli at St Paul's M. K. Church, Month,
at II A. M. and 7'. i m. Snhl.utli Hchool
at l-'i v. m. Prayer inoettog every I'hurs.
day evotuig. M. C'. Millar, i.itr.
M. K ('luiauiu Preaching evory Habhatli
at 11 a. M. and 74 r. m. Souu servo in
tho cvoniitg beforo sermon. Mabhnth Hwhoid
U IH) v. M. I'ruvor niccting every t inini-
lay evening. I. lhllon, jsutor.
Haitist Citcucn. Servioos every Sahbnth
at 11 a. m. and 74 r. m. Hahhath HidiiHil .a
I -. Praytr meeting every Thursday wen-
Uig. . J. I run, lastor.
Phvsiiytichias l.'ii u in ii. Kcrvioa every
Sabbath inoruuig aud evening in College
ChaHL Sumby Sdiool i mined iately rfterthe
morning service. Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening, ltev. Klbert N. Condtt,
pew or.
Guardian's Sale.
NOriCKIs hereby given that in Hira
auoe of an order of the Connty Court of l.itm
t ouoty. State of Oregon, Ut. l August 4th.
181. in tho matter of the (laardiaiishiit of
the rotate ( Tolbcrt Karl, a ntinur, the un
ilersiitned, uuardian of said estate, will sell
at public, auction to the highest bidder for
oue-third ihIi in hand and the roiiisiuiug
two thirds, iu twelve tin Irom dny of
sale, with 10 per uut iutervat from date, in
one parcvl aud nubievt to attnliruwtion by
saidoonrt, on Satnnhiy.the .lrl day of Se
toniber, I oVIoek p. in., at tlie Court
House door iu the oil v of Albany, in said
county and aiate, trie f.m ed deacriued
real property, belonging to id minor, to
wit : the umlivi.lttt one Mv,uth xirt of the
following described premie Ittnuiug at
the south east corner of Witliaio 1 sml
wife's donation laml Wing Not. "
lU-taud claim Na A'2 m Tp 10, s of lUnge
2, west of tlie Willamette Mertiiiu, iu l.inn
County. Oregon ; running theuce north 'J
deg K 4'2 QH-HH) ehaina, thence south KM flag
12 min West S .12-1 00 chains ; thence North
1 deg. West 20 G2.IU) chains ; theuee West
2124 100 chains; thenoo South Ml .V. 00
chains ; thence South 71 deg. 10 min. Kast 21
10-100 haunt t the plane of beginning, eon
tnining 174 Hs 100 acres.
Datl this :th day of August I SHI
2wt (.'anrduM.
Administrator's Notice.
V OTtri: U hereby given that the under.
Mtgnel has been dulv nppolntixl Ad
uilutstnuor of the estate ui Itiohard Clerk,
dwaaed. All ieraons having clnlius
agauiit anhl estete are hereby required tu
present the same, with proper .vouchntM,
within six iitoetbs from the dalo of inta
notice, to the undereigned, nt bia rel
denw near (tekvllle. In l. inn rotintv. Ore
gon. Johnson vviiifK,
A 1 1 iii in int nl n .
Kf. 1 July 2i, I 1. ;.W4
Dissolution Notice.
TgTOTICK b hereby glvn that tbe co-
Mirtnerahl bereioforn nxbalnir be.
ttrern W. II. lluaton ami Tboinna lloberta
nndwr the atyle of Huatnn A HokmriM. U
Ui la tiny tlluaolved by mutual rtmartit,
ITiouiaa K.licrtM rrdlrbii;.
Ilnled tbht h day Of July. MM.
TUOS4A8 KoiiKirrs,
.lr4 W. II. lirsptN.
!i.Li..u:.iso)i & ro., I'ltoj'U's.
i!vt ri:.K i - rim it i rr.tnoi:
i ; o
ami mki:u4 i s
Highest Price in
Cash for
Flouring Mills.
K hnv h'i. wnal itli tim
ft fariurra In llm Hint huh nf one half
our miMH-lly, Inn v. i .-.m yet More about
45,(030 i.i.- li. i -. Kt l itne", flrat aurvetl.
IMtKMU M, I ( is. j'KI! DUaSHRL
hi it) H I lii il na untinl.
WKnm fully pinpniotl nn iiMiial to rnr
nK'. Mttirago ami nmWm trti thn iikmI
lavomiii : trfJM,
Magnolia Mill.
Keeps constantly on hanil h full and complete stock of
And everything usually found In a first class Bakery nnd Grocery. I am
tlie sule iigt-nt In Albany far tho celebrated
This powder ia used without Injury upon tho mcsl delicate f.tbrie, and
cleanse! all articles Ihorouuhly without rubhinir or borlinir. It contains
; no acids or alkalies, and is the most
to-Ihe public
Patronage respectfully solicited.
Real Estate Brokers,
Tho lollowhiK Im a pnrtlal li t t
70aarei K;io anil n half iiiIIck nest at
Tangent, l)rt'Kn,uii(l il iiillnsfnuu Alhnny.
SA acrtia In cultivation ; 40 arr morn can
lie put In cultivation oaNlly; hnlaucn
tlutlicr and iMttini land. Moll, rich hlack
i. rail In. ihwitl Iioiihc iimt L.trn, gntwl hrmnl
ituico, nil In fpKwl r.Mlr ; young orclinttl
of 100 troea; gix tl wo I and running alli um
for atock s k""1' enuool, ohnroh ami petit
ollhro ; gootl nelKhuorluMMl ami goful aoH
oty. Ternw $X0 ier aurn ; f.MNi nvtn,
ii v on eaey tcriua.
100 acrea inlloa a'ulh cat of IIalNy,
il inilna from linovnvlilcautl mili a frtmi
llarriabiirg. ' a-rM In t'lilUvaliuu ntnl
II rich plan ii laud; no Umber, imi plen
ty within 4 iiiih-s end cheap. AM umh r
good fences liouae one ami a half atory,
4roouianiul uiwtairn; Imrn -"xlM) and h
goiMl gralncry: two gcnxl wclU, ouo nrlud
iiilll puuip; new lend. Kverythlng oboot
tim tiWe in llie wny-tif buihihiKs, fcni-tia,
taenia now and hi good al j ; Narrow
(ietlgc ruiiH through thn phv-n ntid Mat km
ucai: gooil achool, churcli and .-t .
rnetlitkjK. Terma, flooo.
n-M acrea 14 mlloa enat of Albany, and 4
mile from dciot on narrow Kalian ; So
aorcN In iMiltlvatlon ; 210 pmiiln, not culti-vHK-d
bul goud Mturc, end a (Mirtlcn fair
plow laud : 00 m ica lighl limber, giMid
woimI. Knt Ire land under fence ; average
buihllngN, hoiiaeaiul bain ; amall orchanl
ft or 0 m-roN, nppUni, etc; m'ltool aud church
I mt h near. Uoou neiglilKirbood. l'rkel,
000; turuiN. one third down, time on rent,
225 ncrea, 19 tiilloaeatit of Albany and k
mlloa from Marrow liauge; ?.acrnN In !
Ovation, 75 prairie, not plowed. In ptielure,
03 small bruah ; twti amall houMea ami
barns ; good orchard, 0 acre, apples, eh-.,
all under fcni Una. oloae; ochool Uuiimi
on land; giMd ueighbirliood. I'rhtt f t,-
.i00; terms alio third down; balam-c on hmg
KKI ucmon 10 mltea enat of Allwny and -
mlhiM from Narrow (iaugc. ruiiuiiruvtHl;
h-kkI farm land, inmlly lir brush. 1'rk-e
fH r acre, one-third down, tmny terma
on liitluiit i'.
HO orrea lying 15 fuJita due eoulh of Al
bany, 0 mile siiulhwi-st of iMtbaiiou ; and
one and a half mlieM from Hand Kidtfe
cbool hniiM-; iiiIUm from church and K
mile from alallon on Narrow (iuuge ; all
under cultlvallon, fair board and rail
well drained no HUtudlui: water;
well and pump; aoll, black prairie ami
rich; houao Uilix'Mli, 2 worn and up
etaita; IS'otory; amall atable; nil in fall
wheat and crop looking fine. l'rloo,
per a- to; terma eeay.
2200 acres 10 in I lea east of llarrlaburgoo
the line of tbe narrow Range railroad. The
litu si sUs k ranch In l.lun county; a living
aream of water rune the entlru'length of
the farm. All eucluMd with Hpbnnlid
fi-n ; a floe dwelling; good large bam
and two a mailer honaeafor tenant or hoif
Sua aeieabt cultivation, ami the balance
Ui paMturo land ; aliout IWg) at rea ate mum
ceplibleof cultivalljo; aeplendld orehanl
end gooil well on the place. Terma oay,
rt caab and balance on long time.
130 a.-n-s I vie- 4 mile weot of Allotny
on road to t'orvalllM ; ail under fi-mn ; inn
crea iu cultlvallon ; can eh be cultivated
except :tl nn il 16 iter i ... i'ri.n, '. . tier a?re;
flMlw down nd balance aeeured by mort
tfufi dwelMug houae of two rooms an.)
good log I muii, ahedded on thtee al.lee.
ebheol 1 mile.
'.! a .-r-son Narmw (iatige road, 1 1 mi lea
from Albany and milua from isrlo, nml
7 miles from Ji-lfcrson. 1 S acrea giMal
larniiiic lamJ, . acres in cultivation; t
maiuder in timer aud brush; bonis. 18x2,
with 10 foot walla, ell 10x20 ; good bant
.:.':t w i ih 14 foot abed on one aide; uod
feiiFen and water. Terms .VaJO.eah down
.' ralhle. Jtalhar than net oelt v ill take
2UiK) down, and fcelance oq 2 to 3 yean
time, oecured by mortgage.
100 acrea of a mile weat of Albany;
loo acrea In cultlvallon and 0 acrea (oik
and aah timber, good wooxl laud; ail under
feme, board ami rail, oome good and .' t
bad ; about 7 acrea in ore hard, apples,
mostly paarw; Rood anil; 20 buahela wheat
per acre on average; good iwo-storv frame
liouee, plootered, 0 rooma, built in laT'k
nd coat -isi; good lovrn. 20x40 und two
sheds; welt arranged for farm pnrpuae.
Terma, fBOOO, 2 yaara time on f000.
ISO acrea Mi milea went of Tangent; inn
acrea In colli vation; all new laud, ulean
nd in good older; good two atory houae,
8 rooma, nearly new and tn good condi
tion; good new barn .Wx.'w:; line young
orchard, 100 plum and prune lnea, fair
apple orchard; fence In good order; plen
ty ruunJng water; 'JO acrea of good timber;
rich, block soil and very productive.
Price 16250, ?.; mah and balance on unto.
100 acres one nnd a lutU miles northeast
of Albany; 15 acroa in w heat, reel in fair
average; woodland; good land; noat!y
fenced. Price $t6 aerc; terma easy.
500 ifreH 1 mile aouiueaat ol Hmla
Nprlnga; fair farm hut ; amall hou-e.
' acrea fenced. Will bo aold lu amall
tracta or )! together. uimnI m-IiooI. ehuieh
ami iml office at tMKlaVhle, alao tbe Ciodfl
Nirluga. Price 5 p.-i acrt-; easy terma.
20 acrea 3 mllee northweat .l Iehuon,
m ar Narrow liauge; river bottom, rich end
prtMloctive: unimproved, dealt able for
garden. Price $20 wr aerc; terma eaay.
:120 acre i aouthweet of Hweet Home ; all
under good fence, feucod into flelda; 6
acroa In gootl orchard, applea and (woebo;
houae with two rooma and upatatra; large
frame barn; noil, rich, black loam, bottom
land ; 00 acrea In cultivation ; balance
good past mo laud; well watered with
apringa; good timber 30 mllea ooutheaMi
of A'bany, 12 milea from Krownavilie and
6 milea from Crawfordavllle; 0 milea from
good grbtt mill ; 2 milea to school, churcli
und poatoftice. $10 per acre, caay terms.
100 acres 3 milea aouth ol Sodvillo and
20 miles from Albany; unimproved. Price
$6 per acre.
70 acres 10 inilet eoot of Albany ; unim
proved. Price 95 per aero; caay terma.
103 acrea lying 3 milea almve Lelianon
on the Lei mi inn Mountain road. No fen
ces or Improvements. 15 or 2( acre tim
ber, balance rich prairie land. Price f 13
per acre.
80 acres miles shove Oneatln, on Y:t
(pulna llay, known na the old ahipyard. If
lias aplutiditl froutagoni iho lia.v, and
wi'l lie aold nt $11 jK-racre.
2QAA A MONTH jrtmraritiod.
at? a day at lionto
PlIVU niaila Uy
ti.. iiKltmtrinuii. UatiinU nut ro
quired; we will kturt )utl. Men, Wollun, I...; :n.-l
girl inako money laaUir at work tor tm than at any
lliinv elau, 'I In- work ia lijriit and ilcaaitt, and audi
aa atiymie rati k rilii at. Thou who are wiae who
nou thia notice will aend tut their aridretmo at once and
aae for tlieiuaelTea. Coatly tKtUlt and turtim. Now)
the time. Tin me alrial nt work are luyiiiit tin Un;
Mum of motiey. AtidruM THl'K a to., Aimim
economical wash powder ever offered
First Street Aihany, Oregon
Can sell you all goods in
of General Merchandise
cheap as you can
home and buy them. He carries a
large and varied
goods, is well prepared to exhibit
them, and you can make just as
good selections by purchasing of y
Remember the place,
ruui'iwrrt'Ks r
Imported and Domestic CI jai a,
Candicr Nula and
Al l:iu.
or.v. wion r::riw
AT THi (LI STAN 1 1, 7J
Iu tlx !!- .
,ts tiu) bine
HAM, a vvia
t -tiMPI-rrt 1 1 m M I. AT TS rHWT KTftEET, Al HAWY, oUNfMtM
Repair work dono at rc.isonabic i.ures.
i iti.v:.
; 00,(100
In the United Stales
TheJr iirevi Poi:fsirlf J tn Dnr
(et linu
tSKt.K.TKlfrtmt il-
.4011 makiiHf. Kvert ac,ie m
Mi. luuiiiw are uinty.l, Unw i
ami liililiiofts ot draft in not t.u
They are tho BEST Ironed Wagons in the Market.
Every one having our PatentRound Edge
Projecting Tire,
tt'liidi jmiKK-t the jiaiut ami foikat Hi
Hkttiu wavotiahave nr tent k i I N A
the Hkcili trout wolkiiijf iaw. Uur Wa;f
The Slope Shouldered Spoke,
Strength of
"'.Ml of tlie all i
.? . A f III ItllO .
ii,. i- .win mlt otiiunt ha acl by any ntlitr NnVora t I'.'i nit b
i W'aitM . hi ' t 'i iml iii tlio irai towwurf Or t an-l
iironili in i
tli.iHc illliij; to a nrk ch
a oo rl'lit in ihuir oa n
.ixnjaiu licro. lnineMN
nun. and lxiy und hiiIh
tuniigli you n outapHh
Ileum- of Htajrtlmf ami.
nee. Kiirnicra and iiiccli
lent, and all ulaaaea lu n
hhoiil.l write tn tiaand
once. Ail-.reas TKL'H it I
., A UK Hat
ti A M'ECli.
I)t) rinkl. V
ilil C.M.IIC.
liuainewi oifer.
can devote all your
ilia liiuuiteat, and fn
work. Women tnal
cial private term ai
4tmtlitfrve. Don
yon hnvu Ktlch !t cln
O0 Portland Mm,
the line
lust as
go away from
assortment of all
Tobacco, Groceries, Pi ovialon?,
Tropical Fruit.".
lofts n un. su pk.
i I'
M Imperla and f.:inuhit litrrt
oil To OiCIlKK. Alwsn, ill! KEEP "Nj
oil To o
per f
(o I Ptt Btrielml Cart Taken iu Ho-
(tie MaltTiitl.
Itly of Umber wiitalde'lHr1
k the atanda'U. Hh hot
for Btrettth, !ui al.ititv ,
k, atl ir.M!u.',ii u :i'..u Hlii
urer l:.i thr
, which
Alt of atir Thimble
i!i Axle uu.l t rweiita
which Greatly Increases the
the Wheels.
;einent .
! ;t"'i.
t iriiiinf, and a nruportioiial mini by
tvilu time to tin- lufcoiiean. l-oy and
a, lintci allien. Tliat all alio nee
rlM ilu i a i,!v,-w and teat the buab'
BaBbt : To i u Ii i are not wall tat'
id i, ne tmbar U) riV 'or Die trouble of
rtirutam and - u;Ht free. Addreiat,
4. to.'. C'UUuk ' t .
a x 1 .
i: noa betlU' hlitde faster llAji ete
y thow at work for a-t. I'liron o
ikr fltttl a neek in their own tan i
j lo work. No i mk. ou
the htthinom. Capital not t
prosper. one tail. II
11. Uiujm & Co , foiUand, J
STAKJBR B110S. - Prtprietom.
Kxecntctl 1" Halian or Vermont Marble,
1 1.. a rti variHv of csmptirr ami
oi jier utono work donowitb naUnoni iml
Hpc'ial alientkm aivcn u oru-ra i rotn
all porta of this niho ami waminrn
e-All work warranted. mm
By A. V. f'HKRBV, aituslnl at corner nf
Kind, and IotiKrmiy Mtrol, Alfmrty,
Ifftvititrlakffti charireirf tbealtove nantad
WorkM, wm arn prHtatrol to maunfaHurM
SUrHiii Y.ti;tim, Haw and flriot Mllla,
WkI working Wiw-biMry, Kumfia, Iron
Olid lirana i.'aatiuKaof every dW rtption.
Uu.liln.rt' all I mill r f Ml i r I . MnM-
..- w. ' " " ' - - -
ckl atU'tdion iven to repairing farm u S-
rmnm Maatac daur ta ail Ma fen.
lhllyl A, F. CffKBRV A MMt
Itocu ilt l-t waabinr and irotuntf In Al-
l any at loacut natea. 4ntractM uiai ntr
I hincwi lalxir. laundry on V ahin ifton
alrffl. oaHit Marabalra I J very fvable.
f. C CBKKRT. C . i - k l -.
fiuccesMora to C. i '. 'berry.)
lacMMitH, Millwrights, and Iron
completed, and are now preared to
handle a 1 kindx of heavy work. Wa will
maniilactiiie Htmin EnrinM, t.ri-t and
Saw Mill &ioeliinery,aid all kitida of Iron
sod Uraaa csstinKa.
rrft.K aim. snwki miihi-
Speial aUention given to reaiirins: all
kinda of machinery. Will aiao inanulae
tnra too improved Clierry it White Uatja
akt mm ftnkrr af. Olflrr a lamUrr Tar4.
Ailattlf, r., Jer
To the Infurtanatt
it Q
aiht Sriiiialiniai
Mrlrtarr, pSHl m ail
ila Ljcoml blMtnirt,
taai nrakaw,
taurM Wavra . dntua, iaui-
,Ak a itw- ta-i aml Umm l! ui ! ca'i tloei) l-
nin.1 Ti" 01 and afllictnl IkM tail la call
a Itim. re iKarlur ha. UanieU &tcna4djr in
Luro . sunt iawprctrd tb.i.nphlr tat tariwaa
taia lOrrr, . aaaaaitig a jficai oa d rataublc infufwa
Uat, aWli oa iac.aoaattt n. imirt U. tWcate iaaor.1
.4 hi mKt . UK- UIBtMlX 111 make kj efcar-c
tuilt-M hti eflbda mrv. rmm-m at a dutaoca M1
! Ult T nWSC All r.awinuni.-ali.a..
ao-tli (.Mmtitl. i arr t.. i
a nUwsr to tUmr vM Sraar i4atc Um- niaa of Ike
t hrv tkta adtanoa-UM-nt ia. trhanrer
aa-. i all or write. Addreaa UH. J. V. GIBBON,
l-.i. liaV, Kfaawiaou. : xt:.
imhI a inMi iu dtfj iutake
il.- ri)!.. -... .r ti,. ..r;.-l,.iol4ii lat tllu
invnl lauiir ).uI.Ik-u.i in ihe world. Any ua can
Ixvaa a laaqiini f il artit. Six ekaat wurlu of ait
Strar. Irt-r taSabarribera. The prkc at o In that al
uwmA n Inaly ul-r; I'.em. n avwit r. -rt tak-iua-lw
aubaenhania a day. A lady aat i tri
iij iior 3ti0 clear tr..lit in ton Uaa. AH l
RtaO atoary SMC. 1 hi can ilrutr an vmir
Ui the buaiiu-M. or tilth nart liinc. Y-u
nanl I4 away Inm Ixaur ,,er nighu V..Q ran du
a oa a ll a wtltera. Full Juo i,- n and tornni Irw.
Hii.u Mt ..nlahW w,wk Brod u nr atklrraa at
n ore. It aaata n illitaa to try lata hoaioeaa. . tmm
bi rii-ajiB. faiS U make areat y. Addraaa Ulu.
mim. A Uu.. furtland, Maine. Hj 1
M t HAKIik HOThliT
M'lS. I . H!M h. - - - I'rupririui.
II .aaaiuui larMi tli.HliUsbl.V n-n...-iVti li.i l.f
u I atom, aal u ih.w iu s)dendi.t omi.ihi-.i. i
itw MitoruuiftiM lit ot Iravdcra. Ihe utbU
u m..Ii. d a ilh A-riltiMg the iiui
k . 'i rau for
.Inn.... 1 1. .
I'artnais Irkmaa naS laallaa stacr 0)Srr.
.aajrMM.uitie tiow Uie Yi.u
ran ntake in tic . faster at work f.-r ua
than al anything ele. lajutal not raejuired. We wUI
atari yolu tt day and u iwards made al home h
the iinlOMrVaHi. Man, women, l.y and eirhi aanU-d
t-cr ttkaee to woik for its. Now it the time. Yua
can oc tite yonr wlndc lime to the k, or only yunr
anare manwnt a. No other huslneaa will fiay yuu near
1 an ). Nn tine aillin to work rati tail tu uiake
enartixM iav by euvaxittir at oin-e. Cie4lv ..iiifii and
I tenni. In.. A rivl oiu-.riuiut.v t.-r loakinv ul.ik v
atnaty aM Mnarabrv. a.i-i-.- tk A. v ... Ai
a?l ".Of t TO A V K.Mt, or $5 to rWailav in
wl 1 " J our oan l.aJit . No rwk. Women do
aa welt aa uten. Main uiakeicoie than the snHHint
ataU .l abu. Nntaie can tail t" make num. . fart.
An one can do the tr,rk. You can make from 10 eta.
(, f. l-.kurja leavoliiur vour eveuiitm and are
hiisntfiaa. it v.U n.ilhinr Ui irv the Im-
N.ithiiii: like it lor akhh-v making
bef..i. r.UhiiMKa lant and rtrtctly h-Htoialda.
Kcailar, it ton wa'tt to knoa' nil almut the heat (taMii
IntMiieM lieuire the nahBft, aund your a-ldreMx and
ww will anted you full iarticitlar and ,ni. -ate terma
free ; aample w rta s:. alxo free ; you ran then tuake
ap vtUr mind to. vottr-K -if. A.i.ness UKtOtUK sTI.S
SON a CO.. Cortland, Maine.
swvawtekin ynur owti tmn. $5 out It
TMlOaUVfrve. No rlk. Header, if .rou a
hutiaaa at which person of either sax can make
ynat pay all the time lltey work, write for parti.ttlar
U. HaLLBTT CO, Portland, Maine.
wow w
ay all fhtdrUt,
linRcSBBBl a niiia I
Sffgmiil li I LRU i
I zpmi
, , mm
kael, r luuie