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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1881)
fe gettwnat. FRIDAY. AUGUST 19, 1861. STEWART GREY, F.JIters and Proprietor. O. V. R. It. TI.MK T HI.'. Albany .Station. oertKviatB or tbais. SOL' KB KOKTH. a I.BASV EXPRESS twirls st -rRtlUHT TRAINS 'v ( lVl'.l ISSt socmb sotrra MML THUS I fcSS ' ' SSO A :00 A 11:46 A li:Oo f. 11.45 A M 12:0ft K M. 3:30 r. M Uti P. M KRKI.JMT TKOX AbUAX Y If XPKK.iS Arrival at Ail Trataa dally, except Bandar. No-tick. on and after this data regular tickets will Ite sold at our ticket ottW for hd lowing point-son Columbia river: Upier Cascade, Dalles, Umatilla, Walluia, Walla Walla and A in a worth. Will. B. Hi, v., Freight and Ticket Agent o A C. R. K. Co. Albauv. June 1 .!., 183'. PTTTQ P A "PleTf may bo foutxl on flleat Qea, ill AO roXAa e ttuwtU a Co' .New.paper Ad ervUln bureau t M) Sprue.. St. A whrtr aUrerilsbia . stream u, u- HMkh f. u IN NEW YOKK. our Locals. Wheat. 73 cent. F. M. French, jeweller. Oar j til uosr hw tiva occupants. Good harvesting weather a-ai :'. .- u die t iiiiiuviiu r;' Uy. i.. tu iiorlachor'e fur your imata. Sowing Machiue oil at W. B. Scott . K li. Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or. Fishing tackle, a full assortment at W.B, Scott s. lbs lcet bread in towu at Meyer e Star Bak.iv. The Oliver Chilled Plow is the beat plow for dry ground. Wood u worth now ju Albany from $2. SO to CO per cord. . ' at a v beat took a jump uti to ..: cents per bushel last Tuesday. The rush to the luountaiua an I the Bay still continues. New wheat is received by our n.ilis al most dailv by railtoad. K.ii ud 1 oin and Co. have V.uJ aacka to let. C tl! ami sess them. nit 4t you sell your wheat do not forget to cxur.e around and see aa. Take yonr butter ami egge ts Montague and ex chaw for mine of his fine goods. Several parties from ibe Last have been through '.ere lately "spying out the land.." Dunbar's abesa are all tbe rage at Samuel E. Yonug a tit, atyle.aitJ quality gauranteed. Dr. C Willis Price, d est last, oilu-e in Odd Fclloa 's Tempb;, over IMuinmer' Drug Store. lira. Wiswell is now running the Ualaey hotel, and teems to be fl..iu a good bnai- aaa. Tke amouut of oats raised tbia season iu tbe Willamette Valley will simply be soor mU9. i am : yum : yum .usuy wtu nave Iresn oysters in a iew d sya and tiasn wa 1L ail be tappy. Tusy ha l a very haavr--fatn over in the Forks tbe Sntisu last Saturday and Sabbath. IIiti commenced last Friday evening and no more threshiag wae d'ne in L.aj ooanty until MssJay. A cor lead of ti.-e cedar lumber came down from Jbasnn yesterday morciag for Jaa. Dnua!a. LU'.Urd I ,n aad Co. pay the highest price for whet. And are always prepared to py eask. Delicious ! lnciona ! and also a wast, too dar and juky, st) u- steaks cstttBor lcher'a market. Enoch Boyl'a shoe finding were eoid out at constable's salo laat week to satisfy a claim of I. G. Jackson. New graio is now roiling in fast, but io about two weeks our streets will be literally jammed full of wagoua. You will never be supremely happy until yon buy some of that delunocs Boston brown bred at Conrad Meyer's. It you want to borrow money on long time, low interest aai favorable term, call on Stewart and Gtwy. When you haul your wheat to town, go to Jaa Alady'a and get yenr dinner. Fries, 25enta and upward. iiaihird Isotn and Co. are prepared to store wheat on as favorable terms as hereto fore. Ca'l and see them. Graiu insurance at the lowest rati, aad iu tlioroegbly reliable companies at Stewart and Grey's I is u ranee Agency. i -i.'is and family .revisions of aJl kinds at i'oniad Meyer's. A better place to trade ran last be found in our city. Yu -au buy Sewing Machines, seaiag machine aaaattrt, oil and attachments of all kinds at W. B. Stt's Gun store. A torpid liver baa to wake op and attend to buaineaa when King of the Blood gets into tbe circulation. See advertisement. A big '-crap" and a dollar a bushel ia what this country needs. Tbe first sea have, and the latter we hop- and- pray for, Don't buy a fruit drin until youjye ...-A the Ctisfttpiou. g mry atreet Factory at the foot of Mont- ; w, ucii x. a. . iuu y jt luuua- - - - 4 u i ' . r i 7- Charley Fisher, who has been brewing far Keifer for soipe tint-, has bought a brewery at Corvajlia and wsiltake charge of it ia a few days. W. B. Scott hats received a full line of t inchester, Sharps, anu Remington rifles, so single and double barrel breech -loading shot guns, , The mills over at Oneatta are now busily engaged in getting out lumber to build tha new w hart at the ttrimnus of the railroad on tbe bay. On account of the want of a hall a great many first class troupes are missing us now. Some of our citizens tboul I by ail means build a hall. Emigrants should go to Graff and From' for their fussritare. They are turning out lots of work at their factory, aad sell at rea sonable figures. The best of fresh uiiSts constantly on band at West's. That uuality of beef that tbe more you chew ic the bigger it gets can not be had there. Ayer's Ague Curd is a purely vegetable bitter cud a powerful tonic, free troia qaiu iue or any mineral sulstauce, and always cures the severest oases. One f the best selected stocks of general merchandise io this county is that kept by C. B. Moutague, out at Lebanon . Hie prices are aa low aa the lowest. Newton Cabtra name in this weik aad paid up on the Democrat until thd 1st of next August. How we wish 2300 such men on our lint. A special meeting ef the Woman's Chris tiaa Tsmpsrenee Uaion will be held at tha residence of the P.ev. K. 21. Coadtt, Setur day Aug, 21. All ara requested to attaad. Cherry and Parka shipped aa angina and fittings for the Lebanon warshouaa oat on tbe train last night Mr. Ubsxry want par sonally to oversee tha aettiag up of tha en giae. Seth W. Allan undertook to lower tha foundation of bia house a tew days ago, aad it got tha start of him aad came down on oaa aide altogether tee sudden, shaking things ap lively. Tbe Champion Fruit Drier ia meetng with an immense sale hare iu tha valley eatables, aa it sunulies a long felt want a 1 t w drier ao low iu nrioe as to b within the reach of all. H, J. Upham haa not been doing much thia weak. Last Suaday while handling a large auction fan at A. P. Cherry a foun dry it alipped and fall on bia foot, mashing it as flat aa a pan-cake. 0. A. Plum mar will bung back with him a mammoth stock of. drags, aad a great many articles never before aeen in tha Al baov market. Don't forest to to arouud there whan he arrives. Harvest cornea on sooner up at Haleey and Uarriaburg than it does hare. They were delivering grain lively at tha ware house at Halssy last Friday. Linns and the "Hooka" had a drill last Tuesday evening. Tha eugine was ia good order, and the ''Hooka" dsmomatratsd that drill ia making their work almost perfect Our friend Rev. T. o. White ta very aucceaaful in preaching tha gospel. Three Sabbatha ago be received four members On tha next Sabbath two. and last Sabbath three. The Oliver Chilled Plow will run and do good work io dry ground when a steel plow cannot be kept in. They are jaat tbe plow vou want for summer fallowing. For sale by Samuel E. Young. After trading ones with C B. Montague, at Lsbsnen, yen will cease wondering at the big rush of cuatomera at bia store. A more polite, affable and obliging gentleman can not be fosnd anywhere. Eighteen Oregon-made atoves received yesterday. In tiniah they are eqaal to east ern make, and look mere aabstantial. Why can't Albany atart a stove foundry, aa they aay iron ore ia found near lebaawa. Several daya ago two or three teams ar rived here from Kansas on their way to Ferry dale in Folk county. They eaaae the eld fashioned way and oreaaad the mountains on tbe popular Lebanon rente. About aa good wheat aa we have ever aeaa was brought into oar oaUcs hut Mon day by D. D. Prettyman It ia of the De fiance variety and aesae of tbe heads meas ure araes mcket in length. No more Dyapspeia or Indigestion! Dr. Henley 's celebrated I X L Batten are the best bitters ia use. They never fail to give relief. Bead physician certificates on tbe hack of bottle. Sold everywhere. Farmers who store at Haleey should re tnemlwT that R. M. Roberteoa is prepared to insure their grain at vers low rates. Don't forget that a heat will bam and in- aurance againat firs doesn't cost much. M. D. Ballard haa purchased tbe Kline property, one of the prettiest residences in the city, and will soon move into it The Gospel Bidge folka will extend a hearty welcome to him and bis estimable lady Ob. imijiiiilin of tha Bed Crown milts wdl steee wheal oa aa fa- age i emu aad sacks always on basal, Call and aee them before making arrangements ease where. Messrs Ballard Isotn aad Co. ahipped two car loads of door from their nulla for Astoria on Tuesday last. They are building ap a splendid jobbing trade and the 'Red Crown" iloor is being sailed for in every market ia the state. Our worthy Justice of tha Peace, J. H. Maine, bore down ten bev oa A lever a Urn days ago and cracked ewe of bia ribs. He can a till attend to bis legal work, bat as s carpenter he won't amount to moofa for a few daya. There is some question aa to which oils are tha beat for harvesters to use on their ma chinery, but there, ia no doubt in tbe world that tbe Jeese B. Moore whisky kept by Sorbin ia the beat to clear the chaff out of a harvester s throat Messrs. fioop aad Vance propose to offer as liberal terms to farmers storing with thai as any concern in tbe valley. Tbe repairs they have put on tbe Simpson's warehouse make it aa safe and convenient a place to store sa can be found. Our City Marshal is bnsily engaged in tipping the new eewer at its southern end for the purpoae of running a drain into it from the alley. This will probably do away with the terrible stench that arises from that locality. Bev. Jos Emery, pastor of St Paul a M. E. Church, South, preached bis farewell sermon iu thia eity last Sabbath evening. He ia well liked by all of our citizens, and they would bo glad to see the Conference station him here again. The first of the new flax crop is now be- mm ing stored in this city and tbe process of breaking and scutching it commenced last Saturday. As soon aa some of it ia hack el -ed the Albany Twine Factory will again atart up, probably in about two weeks. Harvest hands ara scarce and command good wages. ; Jf a man talk you now he -ar,t get WtWfc, pat him down immediately as one of those who shall have thier part ia the "lake that burnetii with fire and brim atone" according to tbe King James edition. A man named Jaa. Parrish, who hat been at work for sometime over in Benton county, got on a jam hers last Monday, and whilo lying in a drunken atupor had $50 taken from his pocketa. He will probably drink something else than corn juice hereafter. Rev. T. B. White informs ua that , there is considerable ruat near Irving' .in Lane county, and also a little of it over in tbe Long Tom country. It is only in patches of an acre or ao aad seems to affest the early sown spring grain worse than any otbsr. A committee appointed by the Coffee Club were on baud promptly at No One's angina house last Monday, morning and had tke coffee steaming hot when the boya re turned from their long run to the firs. Such kindness is appreciated by our fire men. Mr. O. P. Tompkins, of Uarriaburg, haa decided to make a change in but buaineaa on account of poor health. Until further notice be will sell all goods in hia line, atoves, tin ware, oopperware etc., at bed-rock prices. Civs him a call and secure aome of the bar gains he is offering. 4 Farmers, if you read you kuow ft hat wara bossea will bum. Already three have burn ed this season ia the valley. It costs very iistkj to Insure grain, and then you are safe. Call ou Stewart and Grey and learn tbe rate. They have six of tbe best companies doing business on thia Coast, repreaentbg a 1 of $70,000,000. best Co. borrow money, and yeu do it if you can possibly help it, bat if you must have it, or if you arc pay tag 12 par oeat interest on money already borrowed, it may iataraat yeu to know that I Btawart and Urey are loaning far an ..attorn I Arm at 9 par cant interest. Tha only as- eurity taken is improved farm proerty. A committee is bow going around getting money aubaoribsd toward fixing up our fair grounds, They are meeting with very good aucceaa, and wa arc glad to aee it Our merchants took ia a great deal of mouey at tha last fair, and it would be a good in vest - t for them to donate a few dollars tow ards making the fair a aucceaa this year. The next session of the Agricultural Col lege, at Corvallia, begine Sept 1, 1881. Thia couoty if entitled to aix free scholar- ships, which cae be had by applying to our Senators W. H. Bilyeu, J. U. Smith and V. B. Humphrey. The two latter are uot at home muoh of the time, and it would he heat to call on Senator Bilyeu. Our old friend Drory Hodges, w ho lives across tha river from this city, was msd a few davs ago. While driving a header one of tha bora as kicked him on the alitn, hraia- ing his lag fearfully and cutting the tlnxh to bins. Drury was pretty augry ami aa as hs got up on hia pina he licked that haras aa long aa ha could hold the whip in hit hand. Harvesting accidents are beginning to make their appearance. Joah Conn ta the next lucky man. He undertook to clear away with hia baud, while the machiuo was iu motion, aome straw which had clogged and stopped the chain whioh carriee tbe draper on hia aelf hinder. The chain started anonrr than he expected and ha lost the first joint of the third finger on his right ham!. The attention of eity fathers ia called very reaped fully to the lew marsh just below Depot of O. and C. It B. and esat of Wm. McMeekiu'a caused by over flow of Canal. One family lately come to town, are all shaking from effecta of it and several can he traced to thia one place. For bearance oeaaes to be a virtue after while. After weak a of 'sufferiug and dollars pM ferquieius "we will aver pray etc" T. M. Sparks, Esq., baa taken charge i f the'ators recently established in this c ity by J F. D. Wrinkle and Co., and will here after manage the business. He is a thorough buaineaa man and our readers will find it a pleasure to dead with him. The firmpie repre- asnta havs sn advertiaement hi this weeks paper, whioh ws ad vies ail to read. Thsy are selling out the entire atock at coat and sack lew prices have never been knowu iu thia city. Oar firs department was hustled out in a berry last Monday by the tiuginn of tha firs bells, and after a ruu of a mile they found they could do no good, aa the buildluga were already burned down, aud there waa no place to get water any way. No. One's boya wero the only ones that made their appearance at the fire. Tha buildings burned were two haras belonging to Mike Dowahne and Mart Hsftmu. one l-eiug filled with hay. Both were insured and the mat ter ia BOW being adjust.! assriAt as rcsawstL oi; Mrs. A. J. Riley, of Salem, is now visit ing friends in tins city. R. M. Robertson and wife were down from Haleey last Saturday. Waa. Yoigtand wife returned from Water loo last Saturday after ruaticsing s week sr ao in that locality. Will R Bice, the raiboad agent at thia point spent last Sabbat ait h his lather's family at Rose burg. Albert Haffenden ed out a grery"! " ,"T, I at The DaBeajaad -Osartes and Edwin have one at Portland. The wife of our efficient County Tres.ursr. ' I aar. oib.ii, iuh nau m mk hw v Jui f ft .- -i - I i ... i. L. :j i fever, but ia now convalescing. Rev. A. M. Achraun. of Oak villa, was dowa here last Wednesday. Everybody ia harvesting ap in hia neighborhood. Mies Carrie Cornelius, who farmarly at- school in this city, baa been elected of the public school at Turner. Dr. Dillon and wife, of thia city, are at- tending the annual session of Confoiei the M. E, Church at Portland this week. Oeo. Berk hart aud family started for tbe Bay but Wednesday. If George takes a liking to the country he may locate over there. Jas. H. Foster and daughters returned from a trip to Yictoria and tbe Sound ecus try last Saturday They bad a apltutlid time. Mrs. James Puller, tits slegaat daughter of ex-United States Marshal Wat, R. Burns, of Portland, is visiting Mrs. Wiswell of Haleey. Jaa. W. Foster starts for Sao Frauciaco to day, aod will spend a few weeks iu that eity. He will have a lood old time before he returns. Mont Mouteith came back from his c'aim on Yaquina Bay last Tuesday. Dutch Nick had not had any more bear figta up to the time he left Arch Mouteith teeived a letter from Dr. H. J. Beeghtou a w days ago which stated that he and bis wife arrived asfely at Ne wark, N. J. on the 26th of June. C- A. Plmntner will return from tbe Bast about tbo first of next month aod will briug with him quits an addition to hia already complete atock of drugs, bosks and etation ery. M. Sternberg went down to San Francisco about two weeks ago to h y in a stock of goods He would I k met in that city hy bis wife, who ba been vuuuig iu New York City. Our obi friend, E. O. Norton, editor of tbe Literary Vidette, of Portlaud, -paid this city a visit this week. He reports his paper aa flourishing. Capt. Harper has the Texas fever and started yesterday for that country. Mrs Harper will remain at Portland until hia return. Charley will not stay long in the "Lone Star" State, or we tniss onr gut as S. E. Young, L. E. Blain, N. Bantu and Simon Seiteuhach, atart to-day for San Francisco to lay iu goods for then reapective mercantile establishments. We understand they will all buy heavier than usu il this season. Ira G. Boitt, Esc., buaiutaa manager of tbe new work to be published by the Ban crofts, ou the commerce and industries of tha Pacific Coast, gave us a eall laat Wednes day. He waa on a tour through the State ooUeotiog data for the work. Z. F. MoGhee, special ageat aud cortes- - pondent of tbe San Francisco Journal of Commerce, called on oa last Tuesday. Our merchants would do well to aubscribe for that paper if they wiah to keep poated in re gard to San Francisco markets. On Thursday of laat week Mr. Ceo. W. Sill got home and apent a few daya among 1 ia friends and then took tbe road again. He is canvassing the State for Best'a cele brated grain cleaners, and in a abort time will go to California on t fee same busiaesr. The following Albany folks bought tick ail for San Francisco on steamer "Colum bia," which aaila Sunday: Mrs. Mary Brown and Mias Etta Brown, N. Battm, S. E. Young, I.. !'. Rlain, .las. Foster, Jr., Mas tar Edwin M. Price, and more to hoar from. J. W. O, Cofrau, of Portland, ia now making a tour of the State tatabliahing agencies for tha old Hartford Fire Insurance Co., which is now ooming iuto Oregon for the first timn. hie waa iu Albany last week ami made Stewart and Grey his agenU at thia point It createi conaidarable excitemont on our atresia a few daya ago when our nifty dray man, Murray, tried and failed to lift on his dray a box about a foot aquars. It waa however afterward ascertained that it con tained window wvighta, and that took off the cream of the joke. Mrs. Mary Brown and grand-daughter, Etta, will atart for Ottuinwa, Iowa to-day, At whioh place Mrs. Brown has a daughter living. It it nuitn a long trio for a ladv aa W W ST old as alio is, but several parties from thia city will go aa far as San Franeiauo on the earns steamer, and ahs will be m t soma where near Ogden hy some of her relatijfi a. eawasaeMSM.- ms AtW s ia Oar Muur. lair. It I not out of plact to again romind our reader tliut th 1 .1 tin ounty Fair will OOMMtaot Q9i the 27th of Septem ber, and wo linne all will endeavor to carry off ne t mora premium. Aa has been pi'rtliu'iilly s ild by another. " ih" in i port unco and UNfruineaMi'ftg rh'ultural fairs has not been over-rated. They bnve done more than any other means to awaken (lie desire for Improve ment, loaronae amblth n to exec! and to furnish tanplhle evldettoe that aup rlor culture will produce auperior pro. dtMta Pmtu amall beginnings those farmers' festivals have exteudod them aelvea over a great part of our land, and every year yies with Ita p redeems ora In the beauty, excollenrn aud varl ety or Ita exhibitions. This Is wall; but ambltoo should not atop here. The farmer, the gardener, the breeder, should carry home with hltu Miiiielhiug more than hh diploma and premium. He shoud acquire In his experience the power to carry his improvements to a still higher degree of perfection. The mere repetltioa of the same aceae under slightly varying circumatancaa will soon tire. New cleraenta must mingle Iu the rivalry of any competition, and Iresli energy muat be brought to eery recent discovery aud Improvement, or wo Cm. I in the tarns beateu circle. There la noauch thing aa avoiding the labor nesemcary to arrange the experi ence of others, ao as to appropriate It to individual use. It will not do to as semble year after year with the same Implement. :i?u. i-..-k. tticKarue ar ticles of manufacture, because In such event we make no progress. We must gather new ind'rles In this prog res ive age. U A klAO IS til Ml Dfteelive Watch Cases are one ftbe chief csuMea of mo many watches not being good time piece, i lie cases being ttiln end not Jilting well, admit, dust and dirt to in. . movement, which soon interfere with the running parte of the watch ueues aitstlng cleaning, repairing, Ac, and tba amount thue paid out if spplled toward buying a good cats in tbe hejrlnnlog. would have saved all this trouble and ex pense. We have recently aeen a rase thet moe all theae requirements, It having Km.,b . rrlib t tnm ..a..r I u1!.! h ii l r m . nrl still remain p-i r... i. We refer to the S A MM . .. Wm. ... A . - j m , ' r v rtTKKT nmraaav vuesw Caaa, whl-h h:i- - aie rmt of the efapU article-. toe Jeweler v- traile. posseaeuu aasing sr a -1 does e many advantage avei other watrb eases, being made of ig msdo of iw heavv plates ofaotid gold ovor a plate of o3nifltlnn. and we ad viae a' I our readers w ' "p J,w'"r ror ISO will if nl.L i It... mtniur It, t K l,h r " lljoy ro tliaue I' is the only smrKsin Cak tntde wi'h two plate of gold,eamlos pendente, and center, solid joints, crown pieces Arc., J of which are-. overed by letter patent. Therefore buy no -an before eoneulllng a Jeweler who keeii the JAS. BOsJV PaTaNT HriKrKSKO Colo Case, that you may learn the difference between It and all imitation that claim to be equally aa good. l or aale by all responsible Jewelers. Ak to see the warrant that accomiiauieN u ii case, and don't be persuaded that uy other make of case Is as good. Xat:re la farnarrs. Hsviug aettlcd our suit with Tbe CWvaihs Fruit Company we are now prepared to fulfil our contracts .and supply all further ; orders for The Thomas Fruit Dryer. The Thomas Fruit Drying Ce, C. A. Ct eaaN, Agent. To all iriotr if mam roarers : Notice ia hereby given that tke suit here tofore pending between tbe Corvaihs Fruit Company and Charles Currati, I. H. Mullen aud Charles 1. Tbomos, haa been settled, tbe validity, of the Pi u meter patent having lieen admitted by tke defendants, and that the said part ice are now authorised to sell tbe Thomas Frnit Dryer iu Lina County, Or. , and that all persona may purchase such ma chines from them without interference by the uudersiguetL Corvallia, Aug. 17, 1091. Tar. CoavaLLis Fauir Co. By Wallis Nash, Preeideut A Bad Kirk. While Mr. John Wren was hitching up his tea m, last Monday one l bis horses kicked him in his face, cutting the chin open and crushing iu tbe nose between tho eyes, ho thai be breathed through that aperture instead of but nose. Up to the timo our informant loft (Tuesday evening) be had been Insensible, and hi cose was eoiiHidered very serious. Dr., of Cor vail is was called, and is now treating tbe patient Mr. Wren resides in Orleans pre cinct, opposite Corvallia, and ia one ol tbe prominent farmera of that vicinity. . ii m - s ew e - A Bis tterb. S. E. Youug has just received a large ettd elegant atock of the celebrated kBumuel Dunbar and Co.' Philadelphia shoe. They are by far the best goods ever brought to this coast and this year Mr. Voting has bought direct from the manufacturers and can give bit custom ers the benefit of this advantage. Call and inspect these goods before purchas ing elsewhere. Ulnilrr ror "Two Mils Don't go home hungry when hauliug wheat to town. At Jas. Mady'a restaurant yon can get roast beef, pork, voal or corned bcaf, four different kinds of vegetables, one cup of coffee, oue piece of pie and bread and bat ter for twenty five cents. Vou can't afford to bring lunch along with you wheu "grub ' is so cheap. Blsbop Uuvauaugli's Appointment. " Bishop Kavauaugh, of Louisville, Keu tucby, will preach at tbe Herren school house, near Monroe, on Sabbath, Aug. 21 , at 11 o'clock.aud at Junction at 7:30 o'clock on tbe next day. OATS. A rttKSKMT TO ftt H4I NIRKB. Last wlntur we obtained from Mr, Ylck. tbe great aeed mao of Rochester, N. Y , a email package of the celebrated Russian white oats. Dr. Stewart, of this eity, sowed it Iu his gsr Jan and found it to be all that was recommended. It is auch a goad va rlety that we want to aee It started in thia locality, aud consequently the small lot of seed we have will bo given away to our subscribers. We will put the product of one or two beads In an envelope, aud send It to tbe address of any of our farmer sub aorioeraon receiving an order and a .' ceut stamp lo pay for postage and envelope. We would aend more, but aa the quantity we have la small we oauaot do ao without running out before we serve all of our ag ricultural subscribers. If you are in Al bany call at our office and you can get the package without using tbe mailt. If any uarepentant Republican who doesn't take tint DcuooaAT waota any of our oats ha will have to pay IV i cents a peak ago for them, and we thluk we will make tbe same rula apply to Domocrate who do uot patronise our paper. Mr. Ylck haa the following to say In relation to thia variety of oats, aud Is sup ported In hit statement by testimonials from men who have raised them : ni -on i . wnrrat oats. Thia new variety of oat haa already beeii tested in nearly all portioua of the country, from Maine to Cslifornla.'and the reporta from almost all the Htalea of tbe t ii ion are unanimous to its commen dation aa the heaviest vielder Iu cultiva tion, one hundred and fifty -aevoii pounds of dean oats were harvested from a alogte ounce of seed last aeaeon. Io ninn tenth of the reports tbo y mid exceeded .on fold inareaae. Tbe Russian white oat are proline without parallel, and with ordinary culti vation will yield loo bushels per acre. They are extremely hardy, enduring tbe coldest oil mate iu our country without in jury, and are absolutely ruat procf. Each kernel planted will produce 25 to 40 bands irom iu to '! laenes in length. Tbe straw is targe and strong, enough to support tbe onormoos beada of thus variety. The grain Is heavy and the chaff light so that a measured bushel weighs considerably more than a busbol of ordinary oats. All thing considered, tbls Is tbe most value ble variety of oats uow grown, aod Is drs tiued when knowu inoie widely, to be come the standard sort. It eciiw Hall of leia Lodge No Si, A. F. aod A. M St io. Aug. Uh. 1881. Wberas, It baa pleased Almighty Cod in If ta i uti ni te wisdom, to take from our midst our worthy aod beloved Brother, Wm. H. McKnight, after a abort but eeyere Mtatt We, the Brothers of Soto lodgs. So. 30, A. F. and A. M., give expression of aotrow and sympathy for tha lose which the fodge and family have sustained in tbe death of a true member, loving father, and an aa teemed friend yf the coesmaaily at large whose death is to be lamented fur. An other link hi broken, another chair ia our midst is vacant a loving Father ia called away, therefore be it Resolved, That ws a ill t erisb tbe memory of our departed .- i..-t , and strive tocultt vale those virtue l.-i .ctenssd hi lifs and death. Resolved, Tiltt we deeply smpatbiee With his afflicted children and in I them leas on the arm of II mi. who robs the unt versa, snd has pr.oii.erd to cosoj ami com fort those ia asetow and alUe l ion. Resolved, That a - -p. of thaaa Rasvdu ttnoe be spread upon lbs Record Rm. au t that a copy be prrseoted to the fared) ef the deceased, nod they ba published in the SlsTa R tours Dxiiocaar at Albany. Or. J. S. MlLbtft, J. C. JoU.tso.n, J. JiTJAviV Committer. A aaUaata BaMsaialaasaai Sullis sii'i Motor of Ireland will appear at the YPCA Hall ao Friday and Satur day eveiaga or next week. It will be a first class entertalnmeot aud should be well patronised. One of our exchanges has this to aay of it : Tlie Hew Market Theatre opensal laat night, wuh Dan Morris Sullivan's Mirror of Ireland, with a full bouse. Mr. Sulli van Is an artbat in hi Una. Joste Morns Mulllvsn, did exceedingly well, as Nora O'Callagahu. bar song aod dtnnee boiug tirst clae. Mr. Oeo. F. aad Kittle Moore, in tbelr characters of tbe Old Maida, and Mr. Moore as Simple Simon, did well Mr. W. A. White, conducted Ibe musical part of the programme, producing many of the Irish Melodies, in a very appro priate manner. The sceaery which Mr Sullivan haa brought with him. ia mag uiffoent. It Includes all of tbe beautiful scenery of Ireland, which is ao much beard of from tbe peas of various authors. No one eheuld fall to aee this a it Is the only company of tbe kind that ever visit ed the city. srlllas Linear le lesliees. A fine haired individual uamed UeuJ. Stewart, waa fined f 10 In the Recorder's Court last Wednesday, for assaulting a red maiden of the forest, and on tbe same day be waa arrested by Deputy Sheriff John N. Duncan, ou a wariaut Issued by the Culled States Marshal Kearney, tor selling liquor to Indians, lie was taken down to Portlaud yesterday. A man uamed John Williams waa tried and found guilty in Justice Haven' court for the aame offence; ou the same day, aod was bound over to await action of tbe grand jury. Hit ball was piaced at fliM), and he now boards at tbe county's ex pense. j, Beats ef Mrs. Beaks. Tbe wife of Rev. L. A. Bands died at Vancouver, W. T., laat week and was brought up and buried near her old hove in Llou county, opposite fflevalU'a, on Saturday, Rev. Jos. Emery conductlag the services Deceased was in tbe 21 year of ber age when she died, aod leavee two littlo children and a hasband to mo'urtt her loss. Mie was tbo daughter of David A. Millbollen, of Orleana Precinct, and I uti ms'.iy acquaintance here at Albany where she attended College a few years ago. Wo extend our sympathy to the sorrowing old parents, upon whom this shock will fall with aa much force as upon ber husband. Dr. Csaaal Billed. The "Oregonlau" aay a that Dr. 8. O. 8., a once prominent phyaiciau of Roeeburg, waa killed in a bar room tight in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on tbe 20th ult. He left here about two yeara ago lo com pany wiih Dr. Harry Lane, and was killed on the aame day that the latter left Texaa for his home here. Dr. Cozad located in this city several years ago, bat bia habits were such that be could not work up a good practice, and he finally left. steamers Trem tan Francisco. Either the tteamers "State or Califor nia, "Oregon" or "Columbia" will leave San Frauciaco for Portland on the follow ing daya during August and September: Aug. 19th, 24th, 29ih ; Sept. 3d, 8th, 13th, 18th, 23d, 28th. ' LKBAKOM ITEM. LKBAWOW, August, 16, !!. ICJUort iMmorrat : Judge B. F. Hoitham and family came down from Bodoville to-day on their way bo toe. Ihey are slopping at tho new ho tel. The Judge reports a very pleasant tlmo at tho Spring, and fuel much rrcled by the visit. Mr. A. B. Brlggs and lady also psKed through ou their way home. Tbe partnership composed of J. M.Kals- bon and J. l. Cowan, known a Ralston A Co., haa been mutually dissolved. Mr, Cowauhas purchased Mr. Ralston' inter torest, and will nontlnuo the business. His many friend i will as heretofore find him the same genial aud accommodating rnau. Mr. J. M. Raleton, tbe ratlrlug partner, is a young man of good buaineaa qualities, and of the strictest Integrity. He will not 'gage io any bualnese for some time, but will enjoy a rest until he decides upon some enterprise. There hat been over $12,000 ex (tended In new build In g here during the an miner, besides Improvement in other articu!ara. Tbe town enjoys an unusual increase and It wl I not be long If It keeps on Improving before It will become a city of mime Im portance, There Is not a vacant bonae in town, and scarcely a day passe hoi !!,, t is homo Inquiry for one. The machinery for the warehouse haa been contracted for, and will bo on hand thia week. The house Is belrie rapidly pushed to onto plot Ion, and will be thor oughly in order litaioe or ran days, ureal credit is due the building committee, es pecially c.JI. Ralston and W. B. Donaca, for the meaner in which they have con ducted tbe building of tbe warehouse, and Its early completion. We understand the Postofffoe Depart ment baa deckled to make a change fn tbe delivery of tbe mail after tbo ft rot of Septmiiher. The contra -t la t be let to the Narrow Gauge Company and a new route made. From report th a arrange ment will meet with groat di .sathdacllon on the part of the eitlssn au 1 bueioess men generally. Mr. C. ft Montague ami wife took a shoit visit lo the mountaliiN last week. They report but few at tbe 1'pper Sodas, but found an abundance ' f rain which bail a tendency to Induce them lo msko a aboit visit. Ex Sheriff P.b-n and Mr. Co bran utsr Brownsville was iu town n day or two ago. They wete much pleaaed with the appear ance of Lebanon snd while here concluded to store tbelr grata at this petal a it was several miles nearer them than other points on the standard railroad. two est leant a: amciaa. Of the Pacific Burgicul Institute, 305 Kearney hlret't, Han Francisco, will ho at tbe ( hcmekeU Hotel, Salem, August It. .10 and ffltt ; at the St. Charies Hotel, Albany, Kept. '2ti aod 3d, and at the St 'hnrles Hu tel. Kugene City, Sept. 5th and Cth, fully prepared to treat alt caaea of Spi nal disetvae. Knee and Hip dlnmse, (lub fimt, Crooked Limba, Paralysbs, and all Cnronic and Surgical diaeaaea. Aa thia Imditote Ii une(ualed In fac ilities for tho treatment of these affec tion, nil who are interested thnnld not fill to aee theae eurgeon. Sever tV tteary la Mslltfrblsg Our ttreaaew weave iityaambtrty surprised on their return from tbe are ess Mondsy niorwmg to find that tbe ladles had not forgnflasi tbesn; but had coffee. Bat, sugar, cream, aod crackers, all prepared where- 1th to regale l hem. About one dosen la dles answered the call of the 111, and ware prompt' v on hand. Among tbe number were Mrs. Cannon ami daughter. Aire. Upham. Mrs. Surlea, Miss Webber, kfrs. French, Mias Irvine and others. We have aome noble aud energetic ladies among at. Tbey mean to be useful as well as ornamental. No fear of fail ure in a society supported by Mich dete r mlned members. Surely such a cause will do good and no evil. Suoceas attend it. ACjTirr. " e Tbe Teasneraacr 0.uriia Iu this I wMio of the DaMAcatr appears a communication from Rev. Kobt. I., tttev- wbicb'ho opposes prohibition an ad vocated v lb Women's r.iri.tian Teni peranco Union la '.heir column in tbla pa por last week. This question of prohibi tion is uow commanding a great deal at tention in the political canvass now in pro gress In the State of Iowa, the Republicans having a prohibition plank In their plat form. At tbe laat election In Kansas tbs prohibition question carried, and in North Caroline laat month it was beateu. A fair discussion on the subject here will da no harm and may do some good. Oppssllluu W understand, on assmiogly eoot author ity, aays the Salem StaUtman that the two new s tea in c rs now on their way to Yaquina Ray with railroad iron, will alter discharge ing their cargoes, be placed en tbe Portland and San Frauciaco route, in oppoeitioo to the regular a teaman now running. We are not advised as to when tbe next steamers are to arrive but we presume shortly. Letter Mai. Tbeioiivwlng Is the list of tellers remain. n twine Peat tunce, Albany, Laan county. rw got hut August is thai, ferauos aslUng lorn. alters must give the date oa which they vers advertised. Jvnssu, KiiaUan Price, R4mm.l Murua, bums C ShackltttunJ, Uiss his Moiinsr, Otlisnl P. H. RAYMOND. P. NOT MB. M Notice is hereby given that all partiea is debted me by note or account muat eatiafae- terily arrange for the settlement of tke aaa by Oct. 1st, and aave cost aa I can remain n o longer than that date. L. K.u.i. JORDAN. Near this city, on Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1881, to the wife of Wm. Jordrai a boy. SIMPSON. Iu this city, on Sabbath, Aug. Nth. 1881, to the wife of C. D. Simpson a g irb DICB. HALE. On hia farm in Benton county, near thia city, on Friday, Aug. l2tb, 1881, Wm. Hale, aged 82 years. CHANABURY, Ia Brownsville, Aug. II, 1881, the infant twin eon of F. J. and Mollie Chanabury aged 8 montha and '29 Ws Save add tha darling Neath ths cold hill sod, For our bttla brother Was called to meet his God. I) j not sorrow for bim, wotear, Us Is kindly oarsd for now, He baa answered soon the summons To which we all must tow. A FRIEND. mm ton ft rtsHiets sV fUfcATOOA BftLXA Without Instituting a pbtl ,oplii al Inquiry a to whether StMMlltij(aH have brought nltout rnoirc dealgns or tttoterao, the fact Is patent that they have ariaeu lo life ; budding forth in gay Saratoga tollHt and destined to bloom out In full fruition by Fall and Winter, The connection between the two ia nlmoft instructive since where can lights and Hhadow play mere per feotly than iu ripple which simulate the glancing -on-hiucoti f lie wafer let withal there ia a Mrivlng after those line ami crdomnt that are so marked a frntturcofthe day for the new moire pattern do not spiced thero- selve over the breadth as formerly. but of tmaller compass, ascend in regular row ; being connected often hy narrow Jim of diminutive wavedeff throughout meanwhile being deftly uiiiigietj, poetic alternation or Weeper .......I I .1. .. . .. - or paler hue. Again we see co mint' ling of marked contraata such a red with blue, gold wlfh broue, etc, and these run Into each other with a charm increased by reason efperpetual vague ness. Combinations of plain material continue to flud favor a for example in a coatume of blue moire worn re cently by Mrs. Bell (formerly Jeanette Benoetj where a drab hado of ittn was used to offset pale blue moire. The skirt was of satin wiih two kilt plaiting ; (he close baq:ie was of moire finished with one deep eearf of tbe same draped at the bark. For LIOHTta Mt'MMCa COSTt-MR. Hpsniah Ii is the rage. Elegant polonaise of Hpauih lace, are worn over summer Bttini and lace bodice aerve to complete a toilette where tbe nkirt fa covered with rich falling Bounces It Is placed ad libitum on corsa ges and give finish lo not a few pretty fancies for the neck and shoulders. China em p.- i- In vague fr c.Wly dreseee and the most unique of these are curiously embroidered iu pagoda, birds, butterflies aj)d Chinese Reiver Overdresses of this at yle are sometime draped upon satin skirt ; u ttdlett worm by Mra. Lorilard, ming a torn bination of cream colored crap wrought In aU pink chry-autheumnn with blue eaiin skirt. CXfgL'K UbKlXo VIOL4 UX. Should a war come suddenly upon us, our soldiers might be compelled to go tenllesa to ihe field because fashionable beaut ies have ao largely appropriated the supply of Unt cloth that It has run abort. If la made tip into skirts as a completion to costumes or gray, brown, green or blue flannel and the orthodox Idea of the moment Is that one stripe of ibe tent or awning cloth shall match the Manuel In color, while Ihe other atripe erve a contrast. H d ticklnc i a e for. Is i.. 1.I..I. -.t .i - I r mmr m wm. m - m - v aaa 14 1- is . m-tm i i ai ikii r r nigner estimation for similar purposes, Mill more remark j able skirts or even entire dresaes being j eo.upusea oi mi. eoarwe bin., rotlon cloth brouirht out for laboring men'a overall. In direct cnutradlronn tn n - - -w war nil this, we find nothing more popular than other soft qoulitiee of mull for morn lag dresaaes. Indeed lirrrs qct 1 'tgtfot Ttiuli not only a made un into costumes but for ties, kerrhlefa. '' Jabots, etc, as well aieoaa for li-ht ahawlt to be thrown overtt-e .shoulders. Ultra fashionables delight in creamy j mull of so decided a yellow aa appar-1 ently to used the good offices of the! waaheru oman and languish during the morning hours in draperies of such a thing as under ordinary circum stances would shock them he. ond recovery. But the industry of these fair creatures Is admirable, there ia a furor for fancy work and cavaliers pay their vetvs across yard of kultt iug cotton that if stretched out would bridge tbe Atlan tic, Fortunately it is rolled up In balls and the new antl tangle ntisdiment is In great favor olnce it not only prevents the thread from tangling but al o from brc'uuing soiled when in u-- M: l liKVXCCTIOSS. There Is no little uucertaiucy iu the public mind concerning bustles. Fash ionables who-e verdict commands re spect iusist that they are obligatory j others equally worthy of deference, say to the contrary and writera on faahion, wishing to keep fair wdth all parties, hesitate between the two. A corset that finds favor with everybody however, la Warner Bros Co r line and there is reason for it The shape ia graceful while the uev material (cora line) possesses marked advantages when compared wltla whalebone. Some of the; aro that it adopts Itself more readily to the movements of the wearer and is iu consequence, much more comfortable. It is also tougher than whalebone and will not break on the most try iug figures. In conclusion let me add that la threading the thorney brakes of watering place life, there is no guide more safe than a handsome parasol. It is a very ark of refuge and sheltered by it, you can dispense with a hat if need be ; gloyta din.. ; or if either are uot quite what they ought to be4 the passer by looks reverently at your parasol ami con cludes of course that you have some thing nice in your trunk which you have'nt cared to take out If your coa tume haa uot cosi by several dollars what it should have done, thai parasol makes amends and the kind reflection rises up, '-She certainly has better but wears a plain drees to-day by wav of change. See what a lovely paraaol.'' Lucy Cartes. A raraa Waale4- We have a cash buyer for a farm who wanta to invest 2UC0. He wanta r place near a good school, and doefh't care much about the location otherwise. Wants a I good, fair bouse, good waler and on or chard. If the location should bje a stock place near the foothills, would want not less than 40 acres of cultivated land. Call on or address Stewart dt Grey at once. tend la Tsar Same. We have received two communications for publication this week one from Scio and the other from P.rownsvillo.Hud neith er had the name of the author attache!. We like very much to receive letters for publication, but we must in sll cases have the names of the author. 1 f you wiah to write under a "nam de plume" it wijl tie all right, bat yonr real name muat be kaown to us. . W i .fc . . V. v. m mm mm mm W m - m mwmm mwm .. . ...... Atiriiipr While waiting for tbe tr.ioi at the ri laat Mat ur day ewnlog :i pbdol -t o heard by several iwrsons do v. m b direction of the railroad woo.Nbo ). immediately it was followed by a series ,t unearthly bawl. Jslf CMne.Caas Hifi rey and Jce Webber finally went down l t see wbst was tbe mailer, and found s man Hon bin knres, in tbo woodshed, and blood atrtandng frcmbi month. In fbornldd'e of tbe n tlroad Irat k Ihey found a rev o' ver wiih which the shot bad len made Matter looked as If Ibe man had intended to shoot him -elf and then fail on the traek In frtmt of the .ram, w bh-fi aed Idm Just as tho shot was made. The ball pasted Into tbe man's month, knocking oat sew ers! teofb, cutting off a part of his '.ongne. snd lodged against tho bone at tbo back of bis neck. Dr. .Tone, Smith and I fan is were called and gave h'm the best possi ble etlentionind tbe hot ef not wisldngto receive him Rev. Rob't L. S'.evens bed him taken to his residence. On Sabtth he was taken down to liie resiJence of Rob't Brow n, where he will bo taken care of at tilt county's expense, providing he cannot fiimiHli any funds himself Tho uulortunsto man hi a Hollander nsmedAn tolne RrK:!.1nger. He came here sbut a week before tbo shooting took place, and has no relatives or acqtiairitarsei in th a part ofl he country. He aya the shoot ing was an accident ; that the cylinder eld not revolve, and In trying to fix it the ball was dhszhargod. His atory is a littler crooked, for the revolver wa io ginrfl con dition when pffdied op an 1 worked all right He will not try to Commit suit de again, a- he finds It borta to dort h tn- aaif. lOabwa) lt-.oi.rrr. A Horn turned Lafayette Herso, who is engaged iu training hot sea at tbe ran f rounds, cam into bwn "nv ly last week and gt on a Int'b old gprc-- W hiie i.e was foeiing itch as a lord he emptied ae.ersl hundred doliars out of his pants on tb bar at Jim Harris's saloon, showing it to every oat i:i the room. This excited ihe c of amis of thrsae ja-rasmt and he was "doped'' in s short time after in t..e true snesk thief n'.yl. Boginuie to .!.l toe effect ef the ding be started for tbe Fair CJreuods, but gctlmg sick he gft off hie ho-ae and laid don in a fence corner just outside of the eity. Of coarse h was followed and every cent of bu money taxen trom mm. tna bcigaooording to bia story, ?U0 50. A yoeag dstta) beat and gambler givtng hu name as AnkeAy sraa arn sc 1 for the rob bery a 1 1 after a rehmbaary trbl b fre Joatic Have waa Japcad over to awat action of the gran-i r,. ie bad a: a fixed at 8800, bcttaw aeeldgive n out making an saaagmsasut r turtia xn tbe amount ato'.eu, be playa cbedisat -with his no; at the Chatfton Hue. it seercs still another man was etsseerneu ua tie; robliery anJ t!.- ..flijers rc iw bcxt- mg alter htm. A i. ort rirM Nimr.).l I'r.oe boa just tiarresui ooacies of wheat that has averaged a little over 40 bushel to tbe acre. It was taised on fal lowed Mad, which ha been cultivated for twenty-Rix years, and this is tbe twenty -second crop of grain taken off it. I n that time it was in meadow twice and fallowed twice. The wheat raised was tbe iotdsi Chaff and Kinney varieties, a;.! two aerejfc aowfCTB tbi celebrated White Kwgtfui -si the average down by aKAHok oselyff-bm-Hela per acre. mat m i mo.! i;:: The following sta'enient of Wm J: Cougblin, of Snmerville, Mh- -tuarkable that we tBg lo ask f r it tli i ffntio:j .f oer r-ader-. ii- ---: "In tbe fall of IsTfl I was taken with a violent bleeding of the Iuoas followed by a se vere eougb. I aooubesan to lose my flesh and appetite. I was so weak at one time that I eoahl not leave my !ed. In tbe summer of 177 I was admitu d b the Ity Hospiul. While ihcre the doctor said f liad a hole in mv left lung as big a haif e dollar. I expended ovi-r a hundred doibate on doctor fan I m.-dt. :it- 1 v imne at one time a report w east around that 1 was dead. I gave up hop.-, Iw :i friend told me of DR. W M. H A 1.1. BAl SAM bm TH K UUNOS. I haugbeo at mv fnenda, thinking that my aw wa in curabo, but I got a liottle lo aiily tbeu-, when t mv surprise ami ci .citralksji, a. hegan to feel beUor. My hope, .aVe .eao, Itegaii b revive, and to-day I fe ! in r-. e, spirit than I have the past tbics yctawtX;- '. write this, hoping tha. you will pub lish it, so that every one atli.c cd witbtti1 eased luasT will be indueetl to take Dr. Win. Hall' Balsam for tbe Lung, and b convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN BE URKD. I havo' taken two bottles and can positively aay that :t ha done mors good than all the other meOb-inesI have taken sow my niekneso. My t-onzh ha- Imne . i,tM.-l di.aniM-srel and I shall be able to go to worst. dd bV ri r it T rm ii. At a time when tbe community is ndJ with so many unworthy devices and canaeec- tiona. it is refreshing to hn4 one mat is oeu- ehcial and pare. So conscious are the wu prietors of Dr. Ring's New Discovery for consumption, of the worth ef their remedy, that they offer all who desire a trial t. free of thaty. Thia certainly wrndd W dis astrous to them did not the rcmesiy poaseea tbe remarkalde curatixe qnalitias ciaimed. Dr. King'a New Discovery t.r cuiMitoptom will positively cure asthma, brencbiti. stub born coagbe. cold. phtioMc, .;ii!a.. Ls?arse-V nese, croup or any atle-.-tiwaaal aW sbreat aWff lutigx. As yon .otie your wSisSweegMpB this wonderful remedy a trt d by celtftg ua Foahay aud Mas en, wholesale agents Ail: -ny ; D. Morris. Scio : Dr. L. Foley, Leba non ; Dr. J. M. Powell, lebanon ; D. V. Calbreatte, Buena Viet ; Reat'etto and Mon tagnc, Jefferson ; O. U. P. Cornelius, Tui ner ; R. A. Rampy, Uarriaburg ; 'iv S. Hayes, Ilslsey ; Damon Smith, Hal Starr and Blakcly, Brownsville, OUR EXPORTS. It is certainly gratifying lo aU true A at erica us to know that of late yeara our exports have largely exceeded ear im ports, not alone in auch articles as wheat and beef, but in almost every brand' industry. Ten yars ago nearly ali i e perfumery and toUet article usl M : ' country were imported from Kumpe : day we not only manufacture for ojr selves, bit are large exporters to South' America, China, Japan, and ibe Colonies. The iiuiueoMs growth of this part: nlar in dustry oi the Pacific Coast is simply as tonishing. Slavcn, who i- now one of the largest cologne makers iu the wot Id, laat veaeexported aome 'JLOOO.tOO bottles of hi- famous Yoaemita Cohigne. For Kale by Posimy it Masou, Fostei 's Brie Albany, Oregon. x a Satire. To WXom ft Jfas Caere a . We, tbe undt-raijrned, while fii,' doing a general grain threshing bu with a steam thresher duriug the p season, will take due caps to prevent dents occurring from tire but wdl not sponsible shoul I any occur. J. A. ClL.iOti; 4 2 wka. n Slaven's Cherry Toirth Pate. An aromatic combiujation for the preser vation of the Teeth and liunUL It is far nspdrior to any pre oa ration of tbe kind iu die market. "In large, bandsoiuM opat Dots, prion 60 omtr. For sale by Fcstmy cJMason, Albany, Oregon.