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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1881)
cmacvat. hi Day i(irsr lo, Tof. Ortgon .V;,Vi is tin- iminc of the new r lnilt un in jilttce of the IjaTaTtrttn ' .( . ., The new oj vietors TownRC.e! t Fr.t r.:n iro making a fine pftpftrofit, anil it is m credit to the nurty hio! count v. At last we nre going to lie paid laek in our own Sine Lincoln' aii ministr;Uionnch a high tnrifl'has been jnt vxm ro many of the Knglisli man u'acturt' frlirtt. it has uuiuim-l to pC hihition. unl I'nghintl now pvoponeato put a taiifTon grain import-. I fnm this country to et eren. This will be an other i" outrihiithm N v!el i.pon the far nmrs pocHl, and will make the ohl Democratic free trail plank more pop ular than ever. A Portland correspondent of the sua ana .vofw. mentions t s Demociatic e.mdidatrs for the lr. S. Senate, to socioa! Senator titm.-r, the nr.mes of Hun. .!hn II. I'thnt i. S..n ator I (I rove?-, Jtulge Hhattnck ami ex-Senator James IC. K-llv. Wm look in vfin ou that ht for the mtuie of a man from the Vslev; hut if our 111 . r . . . . I'unv huiuiiu or? so torn n a i.ave a iimjiiii v in mo i.ext igtsiainr? we will take gn at, piittsure in proving a Liun ctvurty man for the pmui-m one who it the t.--r of auy of t in- gentle men nam. ! ny the Sttf.m.i' ' .-orres pondent. .:xato;: Voouiieei; was askol at Hot tM-tngg : "What do you thiak will W-.m- of Conkling.' Don't ou think I- turn iVmociat in the even? u:" i t- &&m at Allan? " The senator r pli . I "No, sir ; the Al mighty who made, these mountains and hot water. umAt Coiklingn n-.::W;dn. lie cm nut bm a, ilemocrst. He can never eonh-ace witii tliat broal a!ru lib eral thought wlu.-h erraat s the Dem ocratic narty and m brace: the whole country, lie is a man who never thought, spoke or dreamed of his coun try save in jiartianu i.iin.'iu'.s anil sec tioual hate. II will never become a Democrat, bnt jte will become a monu m -int to th young men of his couutry, and Htn 5 a warning sgaiuat the folly of ato:t-it ! is vanity and egotism. His tate will be a reWtkfl to personal Gov ernment, which this count rr sorelv needs. Tut Salcin SffrtmmfM makes conud--able sjiort over 1 K m K-rati - apocuW tiOM as to who will la- the tarty can-Ifbe-JkmJkQjfr uei o-ir, and iutiiiiuti-; that Deiiio-;:u-y will n t have mot h to do with the election, except to look on. Kepon tJiinkir that war Ifr. Odell, as 1 ag as you can. Cor the ehrction retor June may tell a !ifferr-M. tab . y the vy it just oc cur t us e have not -een much simulation in Kaptidican journals as to who tbir candidate will lie for the Senate. As Den Hayden sayK,they are j not exactly "a eunuch" on this qu-stion. ) i i i,n .......1 l in i a .i "-'Jw imii Mki: vL-ry iiiuch u) bt-e llie i editor f the SaUmmu cany elf the; honors: MtUiA has the strongest iiack- I lnt( of any ; Djlph will prabaUy figure in the tiht; J udg Williams, t he would be ri ief-Justice of the Unitel Stats,!8 setting sip his pins for iJ.e p!wc., and will ratke a g-M.d tight deqi&s tLe weight .t Ids lauiidalct : thr- ver few temera to- Ib-poblicana tnik some of Dr. Waits, and in fact there will be no lack of iMiidii'at-s on that od of the S mix- til them u ill no do:Iit la? ti4ir(i'i uli : h" tra. j iiuji uiven a place on tL- state ticket, but there will tjfl beteHtMrh left to kick up a nice littl-? row. P;ro.!; ,"7:777777.77:.. . l ' i The telcgr ..;,hie re;ioits fioui Wrth t.trti show pis tally that P:e-id.ct ' i-'- tV 'iudii-m i v-rv b.eb snd hh . ' 'here is a'i I hope tor hiai, his chat. i;f recover;,' i-; vry slight. Ves'er.l r, 'i dispatche imlicafed that he wa hih tjotter than n f!je day hrfoftt, but ic is very roSUb tliat h'rf d.-a-'i i?!ir I'ticle I l iring the :' :i"i a'eek. ii:t::: tr cEDUBti, ::. v. amWK. Mmi '. . Krowti i,o tur. He die I imi VVedoelay A;:gust.'rd at So di H,iii-. Una eiunty, whit-ier be ha-1 been - iag ner-ai weeks with 1 1 . . i uoi I m-;, Uiiii' l-.ia .-.iiattered Jm . " on. sro . eav t Iew mn use per;iMja U;tUr known throngh o it Oiegon than ik Y. Brown, he hav !. aciivt- nditician, and in tric &iihm run il recently for the ten year. Hh was Jb igaiier Gen eral tlw e.i!- Militia, nnd was State Printer IV. m 7i Ut For years ha pnb!is!.-.i :l,n SrATg Kjijhts Dfmc c :at i r AUatjMy, and aiatie it one of the most rr.-f i Democratic journals on the X't'il- coaaf, as well as a local pa- JT I' .'li 111 .If llclll i ill! I li:i l' v i .ii.i'i.if an1 -1 . attract t'.'ti. Mniiv iid inauv are thev who hrtVe.oloMi traced and enjoyed the genial flashes of wit from fhe pen of Mart V. Ib wn nndhe vein of good humor which --rvaded his writings, was sttupiv a portrait of the large ted, j liy liti.'e man himself hat in fchrt b-d and heart the emotions of . life now find ? o r .j' Ha hax "iii 'bo '"elj and !-r us bid him rest. Hit rxMjL;cbi.5 were bttrietl at Albany Ly Ihe Mafsonic order, .f which he was s 'i'aniiiU Reporter. 4 i riu: HR.t . lil i LiMfKEM jjfor stuue time jast it has lieen ru mored on the streets of 1'ottlan.l that H. n M. r. Deady, Ju4ge of tho ITnvt. ed States District mrt, had received a ircKent o( one hundreil altates t the stock of the Oregon Improvement Company Irom Mr. Villard, sn 1 an thia would I scandalous in the ex treme, if it were an, Mr. Wat kinds un dertook to clear the matter on by writing the lllowin letter ti Judge Deady : PoKTi.AMi, Aof. l. UMii, Hon. M. P. Dkadt, Portland, Or, Dear Sir: t)f late a number of ja'r nns have informed me you was or had been a atoekholder in the O. 11, and N. Co., or tho Oregon Improvement Com pany, and that you bail received a large amount of money from the sale of stocks or as dividends on your a'oek in said company. Defore I state this as s tact 1 write to yott for information aa to whether tho report is true or false. Yours trulv, -W.H.Watkinos, 108 Front St. The following is publibheil in the -a-Urn TmcA Tttlk as the answett PoRTLAxn, Aug. 19,188!. Ma. William Watkixhs -- Dear Sir: Vourimieitinent inquiry of tholoth inat. in which you ar pleaaeil to atiy: "Of late a numtor of persons have, in formed me that you was or had been A atockhoMer in the t). XX. and N. Co. or the Oregon Improvement and that yon have receiveil a large anm of mou ay frcin the sale of stock or as divi dends from said comiwnv. IWfore 1 state this as a fact 1 write to you for information as to wbe'her it is true or false." was received veaterdav. With out recognising in the least your li-jht to the information sought, 1 cheerfully reply, that in the lttr part of Novi m ber, 1 St, I anWtilMMl fr one hun dred shares of the stock of the Oregon Improvement company, and sdd the same in the latter psrt of the January io'lowia? at a considerable advance. I never owned anv stock in the O. II. and X. Co., nnd neve received any div- identD from it or aov ctlier company I am very reajaetf'iWy tour o'alieut servant. Kb r, PABT. The Town Txilk savs thn reply nn- kindly itulicixea an eirr in dat" and one grammatitail blunder, but does not amwer the main question, aa to how much he paid for that stock, if any thing, and how much he secured, from whom he purche l and to whom he sold, tha rejiorta being to the tiVct that the businesa pai t of the transaction was merely nominal, and the "consider- ible advance was iesiuei as a pres ent from a monopoly to n Jndge of a Cuited States Court. Further coriete pondence will probably ensue in which it is hoped th'Crurt" will dis-e! fnnn the public many uufavora' 1 nu.'iea- sions. If this rejort in tdUttMM to Mi De dy should prove trtte. it will show up a deplorable state of stbiiis. Such pur chases are common now in the l!st, but lmve never befote be made in this Strtte, and we UopO that for the credit of Oregjn this may turn out to O w be a canard, At any rate it hehoves our eople to look well into the c harac tet of their candidates for the 1,-gi-la-ture next vear. to t:t: uorrn ftnt. V ntWr lhe lSm ".SIv Samuel -Arrangements lor Capturing the Pres- idency in 1?84" the Ore;onian piinta the following dispatch: Nkw Yokk. Atifj. lo The Tmm says: The order has gone forth fiOtu Dauiel Manning, the new leader of the iTilden democracy of Xew York, that j the democratic state convention to nom inate a state ticket this fall shall l -heid either ut Alhn'iy or Saratoga. The wotk for the convention iaalteady laid out and the ti of ieuiiuatioiiK is made up. The general principle to I e observ ed in Tilden'a new cuuqtaign is one of compromise. The anti-Tllden mn are to be conciliate., if need be bribel by gootl i daces ou the democratic ticket. The wisdom of begianiog early with programme is evident, as thisyfar only a ortinn of the state ofticers will j be chosen. Jndcii, with awolu'e coi trol of the state commitee and with every probability of his being able to control thu :.taUi conveuton, will lay this year the foundation of his KC-heme which will next year result in his nom ination for governor will finally be crowned in by hi nomination for pi nident. The Tribal siys f the prntosed union of the democrat : It is prttposed that Tammany and It ting halls nniu l ly take the first step. The various democratic organi.ttieus, big and little, shall send delegations tocoufer with the state committee as to the proper recog nition of erch coming convention. Kvery. faction and everything like a personal organization from that of Os wald Ottendorfer or Andrew H. Green, up to Tammany haii, .shall send dele gates to represent and advocate its claims to a voice in the convention, and share in the lwcal patronage. The state committee is to decide upon tin He claims and allot to each representation in such projtortion as may seem bett adapted to produce harmony and unite the tein ocratic vote. This scheme has been seriously conhideted by prominent meu in Tammany hall. As far a- we are concerned it would give us the utmost pleasure to see those "arrangements," now being made, car ried out to a successful completion. Under the lead of Til den in lS76the Democracy carried the election. In 1S80 we could again have beaten the enemy, and in 1884 with him at the head of our ticket victory will uch u i on our banners. New York never had a better Governor then Samuel J. Tiiden proved himself to be. nia ex ecutive ability no man can question, and with hint at the head of national affairs our L-ounLiy would prosper as i. lias not prufewved in the last fifty years. Subscribe for t(ie Dkmoc I Vcrt Indebted to tho Moruhtuito Kxchunjce for th following Iht of vessels pointed towards Portland. SrtileU, ttec. 20- Ur Countess of Rhodes, 7(i!) tons, from Mhbnesbon? sailed From Gibraltar Feb. 23. Feb.2 -Temple Ihtr, Br, W8, Glas gow: sailed from HIo June 5. March :i Dexfonl, Hr, boj, Diver. pool, via Y lc tor la. Anrll 2 Alice IJuric, Arn, 14-0, N. Y. April 2 --Doon, lir, 817, llrlsbano: put b:ck Apr. 11. AprlO-Bankneldii, Br, 83o, Liver- pool. April lo Hiver Ganges, Br, C42, Atitworp, via Manzantll.t. April ID -Ago, Uf,6fi2, Llvrrponl. April 27 -Oracle, Am, I WO, Phil adelphia. April 30 Siranae, Am, 1081, N. Y. May Belle or Oregon, Am, 1108, N. Y. May 12 -Glengabor, Br, 869 Liver pool. May 17 t'. Southard llurlbutl, Am, i I on, N. Y. M ay 1 1) Oberon, Br, (181, Liver pool, via Honolulu. May 21 t hileo Br, 4oO,Llverpool via Honolulu. May 21 Indiana, Am, US7. N. V. May 2:lLoekett, r, (il(J, Ulo. May 2 1 F. Crowell, Am, 11 37, N. Y. May 2o -Olive S. Southard, Am, 1100, X. Y. Juno 23 Anne Mil", Br, 409 Liverpool. June 2.-imoM, Br, 1189, BrD lame. JoaeSG Mary Graham, Br, 070, Hull. June 2c1 Reporter, Am. 1350,N. Y. Juno 28 VesnvhH, Am, 812, Phil adelphia. June 2i -lnvertv,k, Am, 800, Ulo. July ." llarvext Home, Br, A47, Newcastle, N. S. V. July XCoronJJIa, Br, 524, Aut k land. July 12 Mer. Framjee, Br, 1070, Liverpool. July 12 Nairnshire, Br, 00., Brl bane. July 1 7 Loch DHm, Br, 7; Auck land. July 20 City of York, Br, flW, Adelaide. Aug. 1 G. Dhrgeaa, Am, 1010, Philadelphia. Alfoafiaj, Br, 1100, Wellineton. Kirkwootl, Br, 1270, Sydne. ix)veswater, Br, 032, Urlslsttie. Furness AWmv, Br, lo.t, Kotte. Malacca. Br, i94, Koho. Ulver Thames, Br. 501, Valparali. Drtyshlre, Br, H'.:t, SiiiKaire. .Jean in Latulle.-, P.r, I3"i7, faK Good Ifoa. Mary Ixw, Br, s.V, Austral; -tailed from London March . Parknook, Br 7i3. Ibtterl am: via Guaymas. Lanaikshire, Br, 7t4. Fiji. Thunderbolt, Br, 1103, Qape Oood Hope. Litifl r.- Abbey, Br, WW, Port Adelaide. Serin?patam, Br, 1 128, Cape Town. Trongate, Br, 087, Adelaide; sailed about duly 15. Scott; 1 Knight, Br, M, Koek hampton; sailed about July 15. Total registered toitQage, 13,497 VKtSELSlP AND LOAOIMo, OofUTKi;!., IfO. Strathblane. Br, 13(11, Adelaide; in port July EstreJIaDc Chile, Br, 050, Brls banc; in port July 6. Ltmmerlaw, Br, 7tG, Newcutlo, N. s. V .; In pot July U. Glainara, Br, 078, Xowcwtle, N. S. W.; in port July 14. Renfrewshire, Br, 898. Port Pirle; in port July 8. Western Belle, Am., 1135 ,New York; in port July 10th. Jano Fish, Am, 1403, New York; to arrive and haul. Santa Clara, Am, 1535, New York; to arrivo and l.wnb Ivy, Am, 134ft, X w York; to haul for Portland. Ormara, Br, 1353, Li verpoolj load ing for WIloiingUMi ut:t i'orthind. Xenii, Am, 1171, Hongkong; UaiHt ful. 1 Tolal r. ','i-t. i.-i tonnage, 13,12ft, CDASTM9 faBD MIS'KM.VXr.ol If OM WHK WAV. Bktn PortlanVI, fr.m San Francia co Aug. 14. Stm Mi-si sippi, 'rm New York May 21; arrived at Bio June 14; artiveU et Valfer;i!, July 1( Stm I'm it ilia, from New York July 81. VKWSU IX ro. t. lvato Davenport, 1240: Alden Bea se, if 42: toloma, ti.'0: Zoe, 742; Croasfield, 771; Cambrian, 10",:; If. S. Sanford, 1159; Winslow, 941; 'ounteas of Derby, 77-"; River Avon, 400; Argyleahirc 780; "Jane Porter, 952; Palmyra, 1350; Vancouver, 1042; Boxburghshire, 0:58, Inver cargill, 1240; O'SI'iantcr, 55 2. Total tonnage in pert, J 5,851. otiii.b vxrnu k.ilrua:. The newspajara of Dnvi r t Sab bath rnoining' contaiuel a repot t that the Denver Sc Rio Qramde and Ohioago, Burlington tl' Quiuoy companies, have arranged to build together the Burling ton and Missouri road into Denver. The end of the Ibulington and Miasou ri road is now about two'hundied miles from Denver, also tbst the above com panies have formed a close and perman ent alliance p.nd will make their exten sion in common to Odcn, there con necting with the Central Pacific, mak ing another through littu from. Chicago to San Francisco via Denver. This will have the effect of binding Gonld up closer than ever, and will force him to build a line of bis own trom Ogden to this Coast. The next question if where will his terminus bel He has al ready commenced on his road. Starting at Grander, a station on the Union Pa cific in Wvomii.g, lofJ miles east of Ogden, he will run up into Idaho to Boifte City and from there west. It was originally intended to connecu at Bak er City with a line to le built from the Columbia by the O. it. & N. Co., but sinee that corporation has consolidated with the Northern Pacific he cannot do so, as he would htill be in the jtower of an opposition company. The con sequence will he that he, will either cross the Cascades and strike the Coast some where in Oregon, or con nect with an independent road running eatt from some harbor on our eea coast. OX TMf 11 t V IMrilH IOAKTI.KS Tho plum crop on John Day valh'jf Is nnormou. Gndti saeka tiroKU routs at Kola; wheat 70 cent - u bushel; hurveal hand s scarce. The warehouses of t; irvallla mt. tain alarut 00,000 busbeh or wheat of tho harvest of 1880. The Oregon city sawmill W ki nlng 12 hours a day In order to meet tho demand for building muiurlal. MdyorHendrlckf, of Kugene City, offers $100 reward for the arrest of any person guilty of arson or attempt ed arson in that city. The nunual meeting of the Uniou County Agricultural Society will be hold at LaGrand In October, eom mentin; on the 10th. Preparations nro being m Ute for tho t Irani cotudy fair, which will be held at the ground ut Mount Ver non beginning on the Ud of October. The present buildings in progiess In Walla Willa represent a capital of $80,000. Tim brick yards are unable to supply the demand for brick. TUere are no idle mou In Dayton, and laborers are scarce and in de mand. Kvery day farmers couio to town in aeajrch of harveat haiuts and return hoino wdhout tbeiu. During the year ending July Stlh, there wen 025 money orders Issued at UillslNiro aat ofllce, aggregating tboMUm ttf $1 1.420.HI; aiimuuts of orders p.dd ut the snme llm, 123. 55. ileventy llve men and Isiya are now einphtyed at die Sealtle Isirrel factory, where mw and headings are leing turned tail HSiouiibingly rapid. cjuiltig in to the S tlem mills last StluriDy ut a lively rale. The mill U-ued ou thai day about H,000 sacks to f.irmor. The wheat is thua far of u auperlor quality. The rain f Saturday and Sunday whs not general throughout the val ley. Paruu is were busy in the fields Monday afternoon m the district vis ited by the ator ui, showing that Its effects were temporary. A large per rentage of tho grain In Polk and Yuruhitt unties is still standing, and will not la ready to cut for ten days or two weeks. Ap pearance indicate a yield unprece dented in Oregon harvests. The county bridge at Ifiqr(teil fat approaching completion. The span is almost completed, and is a One structure, h will when done be the finest and moat olta nihil wagon bridge In the state. Tho 9rgwfer Brothers at filencoe, Washington county, have aold over 500,000 shingles this year. More buildings and improving Is being done, take the ounty all over, than at any previous year in Its history. The Kik.-r County Agricultural Meeting commence on .September t&th, ami when a full nnd atiraetivo speed program will be presented The managers are determine! to spare no cfiorts in making the loir a sueeoss. From 190 acre of wheat John Moorehouse, of Umatilla county, re alized 7 1 GO bushels of excellent wheat. 7o acre on the farm of EL McArthur, yielded 2750 bushel, ma chine i.o a nr. . Btrney Keenan threshed (678 laiihels of wheat from 12 acre-. Mrw. Sanslajry, wtreof II. 1 I.Sana, bury, who was drowned above Celilo on the on the Uh Inst, arrived at the Dalies from San Francisco in time to attend the funeral ut her husband, which took place from the (Congrega tional Church at the place first named on the IS Ml lout Alfred Thomas, who owns a fruit farm near Walla v. alia, has already sold Ibis year eigne tons of fresh fruit and ha dried ten ton more. His orchard has 1000 apple trees, of 101 different kinds, besides this, bel has 500 peach trees, 250 plum trees and 250 pear tree, nil in full bearing A correspondent says : There la a vast amount of good farming land lu the 8noqualraio valley above its junc tion with Snohomish. There is one largo swamp, known as the Cranberry swamp, that has b ut twa thousand acres In It, and Is easily drained. This swamp when drained will make good homos for at least Often fami lies. Whitman county make tho fol lowing showing according to the assessor : Number ol inhabitants 7168 ; number of names entered upon the assessment rolls, 2187 ; number of horses, 12,075 ; cattle, 10,770 ; sheep, 05,002 ; hogs six months old, 0070. Amount of encumbrance on real estatoasshown by county records, April 4, 1881, $110,00X). By order of the U. S. circuit court, all the property of W. C. Grlswold, in Salem, except tbat known as the agricultural works, is soon to be sold fn satisfaction of tho judgment ob tained against him somo time since by the United States. The fine building known as the Griswold Bh?k is included in the property to he mid. The line of survey through Joseph ine county for the O. & R. B, Co., was run from Vannoy'a ferry to Smith river divide. It is reported that an eajy grade was found upon tho whole route, the heaviest being over Smith river paps 80 feet to the mile. The summit of the past is but 2,:J00 feet high -2,200 feet lower than the Siskiyou. The government Is building nn In dian school house nt the foot of tin; Bluo mountain, on a lit lb- stream near the stage road, In the vicinity Of Old Cayuse .station. Tho building Is 10 bo quito mi extfMlve out. Al ready J',0,000 feet of lumber is sawed. The school Is to be under the nus- pii cs of Iho ltomau Catholic church. Tin re is considerable excitement uow about the recent dDcovory of several valuable coal veins in King county. One twelve-foot i in of an- thraclto It reported, and n not her large vein of lignite coal of excellent quality Is also reported discovered. Meu are leaving Hoattle quietly every day or so and act so suspiciously thaU m mm , . people half hcllcvo they have s nulr something goo I. C. M. Uoed of Cress well, Is having hauled nnd stacked, 200 Ions of hay. lie will use il lu tending cntt!. for the market this winter. Tin hay win purchased of Mr. Dougherty nt ho rate of $1 51 per tun tln the Held. Mr. D. cut his entire pfopo! grain lo furnili Lhe hny ; li!h his wheat and oats would have yield, d well hut he hoso o convert the en tire crop info bay on account of the I1M t 1 I fcr (eivnis I pcet ttf ft iumI pri'-.t for ibis r.,11. M'st of (belies which c me down Irom lb e head of the Yahim.t are now In tho Isami about eight miles below Hunting's ranch. Kixty thou sand have been permitted to pass through ami will ho taken to Am 1 'I' !'.. 1,1 I II 1,11 I , la) taken out at different points nnd n..i-lli Tl... I ...Ill . ... .1 ... 1 ... there taken en re of for future tie. Order for toinn to haul out the ties bsve, to a great extent, lcn coun termanded. Vtkima lirord : Lat week Mr. Huippell, who has a farm on Barker bottom, ou the lower Yakima, sent Us n sample of rye gra-s measuring nine feet In length. From a note sent us at the same time we learn I. icy bad roasting ears on tho 21th alt., which were raised on sage land without water. Ho has n small llwUl of wheat on his lad torn laod, now nearly MX feet high, which ho thinks will yield not less than -15 bushels to the acre. Extensive improvements :iro being made in tho Oregon City mill. The ohl wharf has boon raided 1 S inchea and a new extension of abet. feet Is ladng added, and is built of crib- work (lib d in with stono. The rond way to the wharf Is also ladng Impro ved, and a new bridge is built. Wlion these improvements are completed, this wharf will tie the best landing In the city, a gradual incline to suit all stage of w.itcr. One morning laat week thirty-six dead dogs wore found iu Tho Dalles. l'olsoned meat bad la-en liberally dealt out Ihenight before. Various ru mors are artoat as 10 the cmi-e. Some assert that it is only the signal that soon the burglars will be at work, white others imagine that it is only iho freak of somo half deranged in diridual. Had they removed only tho "llstes" it would not have bcenft matter of no commcnt,but some very valuable dogs were killed, in fact about nil that were killed were valu able. Lafayette Cm$fim Kvery in the vicinity of L afayette cannot fall lo see tho many benefit that would ae cruo to us from deejaming the channel of Iho Yamhill river at nnd below this place. Bar lies whohave examin ed tho channel und made estimates of the actual fall of the witer to the place where boat can always run, say that the cost will not exceed $10,- 000. Tho experiments made few years ago in blastiug show the rock to be of a friable nature, so that the water by its own action has dcciwnid the channel where the blasting was done. 1 NK u in 1 1 ii 1 1: k 1. 1 . Tno San Kntncinco Journal of Com nvrrfio( Auk I lib has tho followinsr to any in relation to Him w heat mar kef. The rnoat notable feature of the wee l. haa been tho nUvanco of 7c in wheat, and an active market at that Along with that there bus been nn ad vance In most dPMcriptintiM of grain, HympathlHing; with tbl. Tho cause of it haa been tho large amount of ton nugo nnd tho largo amount to arrive and loading, equaling 415,090 tout--, notwithstanding all Hint arrived here about a week ago. There m still, therefore, enough on the way ami loading to carry nenrly twelvo million centals of wheat. TIUh, of course, U aomethlug unprecedented, and will have Its duo effect on the tonnage market, which however, still keeps up with tolerable There has been an advance of 'te in Liver pool, and the equivalent of bc in New York, and the tendoney of lhe wheat Is evidently to tulvance. Very good trices may therefore Ire ex pected by our farmers, but they should bo warned not to expect too much for tho higher wheal is, the higher will other article alno be, a.s the more it eostM the artisan to live the more be must charge for his work. Fair prices and n depend ence for wealth on the liberality of mother earth are the best for all in the long run. Liverpool advices by cablo this morning show a heavy 'advance In spot cargoes; also nn advance of Is In cargoes off coast The market here continues very strong, but buyers and sellers boing apart caused business to be dull. Shippers areanx lous buyers, but holders under present prospects and advisements are not inclined to let go. Tho freight mar ket Is racier; spot charters are 3 1 7s bd. ins r an v. V. , 1 tlt c .i ir fully natl ?nr Mlt l.cnple will reniMiii er I i tivity width marked the opouii the ciunpaiu in Inoiuii iai,fc 1 lie I ( in 'rrats ina'Ie i titleta u. vans of the tate, listing eery voter, and wore ko w ll nttislird with tho re sult that tbcraaftrr they gare then- selves bit in uuesftiiuSM, until tin h md' Ot III' c eclion I -i I tiuou llitiu id." a bolt from tlin'bhV', n CuTyb- would say. Mich utier uoufnleiico u I s'u h entire loi ilhrow w ;e j eve ht t . united. - V' Ot coivre everybod y l.w 1. reiiuli was a false one so far an register ing the rel olitiail will of the p (il-t and every Vody has waited tolesro how and by what mothods the ltuublicani oarried the stale. "Money did it," was the univr-rssl Opinti n (411 until nHutiy no ono couia aatisiacwi.y x ; 1 nlsin thsdeUllHof the t,. w.ul.. 1 ha batupiot to Djney, and the ut-v. loot. there droppud by nai tfes to tin- rr.ttiS action wnun tne nottie nau treeiy cireu-1 a . k f ' a a 1 l r I lateii, put the empitry upon tlui t4 vtV to aaccitain; the oxpeauto J tint Star route stanl, and tun publication of the (Jar lieli I Drdy letter jKtinietl m way to tho solution of tie- mm uion, and now eonies in i letif ij tVoin tl, - lleixibhean eatiip, lraA one who he 1 1 ted corrupt liter voters by the use of noney, expoftioj); the whole truiiKiM ti'u. M. P. (' mu-v in Up chair nun of the llopuhlietUi cotnti;i;.t" f Newton cttuntv. llo wanted an oth.-e ttlu.-r GartlHld was olectcd - inspector iu the post olhco depaituieri,I ll.i waa re- coiiiujeudifl by lieu I f art toon, '.'uin- back, lluiittrr and others. Tyner refiiMutl him liei place, it-id t ) be i with the routes unwil to tl he had been, be bai ietgan pitbusbjog ihi hiatttrv of the Indiana cauif. ii , '.line a few republuto,a have entered tho areUa to dLsrupt tlie tepublu -in party ami give ai 1 and aanfori t the enemy, I pro;a t have them c taking lilipiiliau lit atuictit and hwmIIow heroic-doM-w. To this end 1 invite tite re.'i hu'n attention to the ium dtrinapa of the rejnihli'-an party t In liana during tho Iat ohtial campaiga. Ileing chairman of their republican rounty caitral cotniiiitte', I waainrUad to the inner council at Indianapolis and wituod iho "expediting" process by which th repiibiioam .tuiutl the tate. 1 convene! 1'n-elv llh John C. New, hitt tcrytary, nud ' 'I' Ml clerkn, und then ine, Joe t-ray, the liuuteuuiit of Senator IXux v, who war HecreUtry of tb5 national i-j. central corotcitt . i w4 . .-utu to Dorar.' by John C. New. h.; el n r mau ot tho republican tutt -titr tH. committee, after being iuv: Mr. New wit h'rtear arid U": m--. S.-n ..or Dotsey had hin bankers iu au ad ! joining room, upon whom ha drew to furnish the money with which i- cor rupt andcurry the eduction in Iu H m. iienator Doraey demt, ! d of ine GHl majotity in Newton county. I told htm wo could not give it. He then said he would give in money to fit lp u, and that ing on the lilmoit lino we could cohmUe fiotn Itliotaana make the Goo miority. 1 to!d him franklv that I was not zealous en. cause' to enr In '. bn-.if:- . A auticr tt, fn . ly uv.-eow!, and d initio his augtiit pn-srit e vih ; sec m a !.-. I fn. Iom h the tblujs t a a a ( r.t I i . itL. - a I I a piece oi pn;-r mill wwv -o u itotu imt room. 1 win itt into an j room by Joe f tray (ial this wa iu lhe n Detiuon liot- i u'. 1'idnn.tpvjlK,) i m there I met an ol-l grav bead I man and a lnidtlle nm I niu. . ir.iy 4 e them the jtajier h" In I n -civcd trom Doraiv, when the bankers retired te an adjoining RMMd ami iftnimd inn few minutes with a package f h.JU j ist priut4d lor th" botm" t' carring Indiana. I wm lutormt d ibl inv nun. ty lieing small' 1 in u.- . tu-uv with half a thomeimL T leirne l tluulirgt r countitw received f:M M !.' ' to ." I of tbeae new $1 nnd. lulla jnat Kprint'vl to carry Indiana for Porter and tjrfield. 1 hea met UeiUnI Marahal Dudley and tatatved many encouraging word tVout him. I fet that thuatar routes had nil lajcn "expe dited," and that talliehl ouht it re ward CJrier. John '. New t'.i I t!.. work, ami hia ndbicie -t at Washington brought the money, hit, tho ptl ring gave all credit to Doraey far car rying the state, l'oor New wan forcetl into silomn) and (J.trtioid refused an give him any ofo ilarHeld reward -d Grier juat as Uayei i awarded ti.. riOuisiana KcoundrelH ho i o-oitel him in, but Johu (JJScw w-. uil lo Htlonoe, and loraey emllotl "ft 'i the honor of hariug oat tied 'ml ana Whom the inoner canie fi nn I Cennoi toll. It waa printed by unc j Suls prcHea and rnay I it U '.e fund. JLet Unidy am. answer thin. Kvery ape Indiana had hiap:kc: then sent out t- wm I had a cncrouH sur juHt from tht pit furnished it to carry and ;m r and i.tdy tl it u was n aid In I ami. did carry Indiana for Hm lepnWhjan, Qhajpter aeoond wtd be (tirntahed next week, end m on to the r.loae. S. iJ. Ce.VNKlt. Chairman rcpublicm caiIimI c-iinm it tee of Newton Co., Ind. HOLMAS'S PAD, roit I.ivai:. 1 u t : St oiiiiuii. "filicya. at t!i.' "iil.v nn:V unJ roU:illc.enwih f"r Mala via tti all its 'i P s. IN'U Chllln, r.'veri, Owl Ai; h.iu. U.-iuiWi i t -i t I li turiuattait rverx, liini.l Am, Hi lie i lttiihuH. No iri.Nit tl"' 'W i'm- I11. ll'.l.iuin V. It 1 ann Lii'T Oomtitmliir, D. il-i 1 nml lullwiuaii. Tith it tin . lv kiTV i r, n lyVi vV lilllvily X (d1m ovory ttrMiot m iluriul t .int. (r hi In 1 :syaltui withniit oinlaii-.roring' houlili. Irof. Ur. A. liomiH nays ; It i-t nt-an r it iinlvntal pauaotia tlmn uuythliift in nimllriiia" 'lliinU dunu mi tho jirlnfllo nt ubanri.tiun, nl whloh lr. Hutiuau Pad in tlm i.nly ttuuino nnil true nxpariaaatt. For all KIBSttY TUOl Rt.Ka usn Or. ilolnun', ntiat r Kidney 1'iul, the beat nmiwly in tin uorkl ;..'. by the melicul .null v. KKWARU'OF liObI N PAiitt. Kai-h irniili.e Holnmi V u L. ,irs the PKIviTC UI'.ICM K J'rA.UIof tlm iluhnan Vtui 1 .111. tko abitvi! trade uutrk .riutau In rwwi. Iit j n..o without it, I OK .SALE III AU. OKI -1. Pr. lloltnati'8 aiivict: is fw Full ti-citlii-n mail on application. Ad.ln-ss MOLM4N PABre.. 344 Broadway, New ork. P. O. Box 2112 ltt-60 mi: cmmiN s tm 1 o . Kfct 1 in t. is. Wfaalrr lifjltml. mm 1 mm ' mm v Yuj. The A'.m- t . S I jUm.ii I m rn v .I Hie- bring tfl" fo'.lofrhiv ; "'a plain ffKpei,'f the t '.iter, K'.-eived intetliertca I d -.verv t,f (ho wreekod bv I tnli-tn", ,,,.d Mt once h tdfiljro prlvf lfh-ler itettt t bti'ivrsthottn it. Tlte iwrtv wIllMtM s-nt out M.,,., inj t I'M till I iluichtu i .1 out June 2tid?j and nvid iu i way I lei ever nn tilth the Ida of the! WmqIo rum ri t 1. fdwttt mm hiindretl j Mud I'd'' v unlet fn,;,, i 'il(-. Nwdez, wh i e it fM iu with a attyof nntivet-. i, tln'! o-MM-SHion were found iti(;U taken from the wreck. The JorwinV par'y also k and talked with natives ' bud boatd. d lhe wreck. TLey e.v hibite I two piles of article whitdi they aid it ,;1.i tn(. r,lM ... Thev ,.,; ,j hu-ipilb f c4rim , , TJli fat),jW-,n., :,rtirrU W.M - rcd n,l l..r. Im.,. br,. t. W i. fr W m 7 r llM r . ,rr, f o U fot wntde,l to th U. H. Treasury department : One wha! in - iron Marked B. K. (twaaiMa initial it the owners of the Vigilant) with live aotn) Rupjwei 'd to mean loat No. .rt)orH! pair talver Ixtweil sp-ctacles and caac; one 1 tu ir m o ine glataex, nd one Icnif.! rnsrl i I li. m lhe hand! Tho native,! j liitid li. v. i t-Cketl .-. u ! - .lied u Itaii ' of retmle r horitaou ht r i lm. Tin m i Vicilant is kitowii r b . . wr m suel n'orriMnnriit, and U kmtw o lai I f only l ie- in tim whidiug 11 nm-ii, which ieS'ia lo the thst. the wret.k wan that vs eibin w,t full of wn'er, the hating tclusion Her a ft, U.e uutfct weie mi," arel four u bet, OU- t.f ha I biiie a-r found them in a leith, the other on , tjifj Il'ior. TtH nativea Raid the ih'td iei, linked nt if they bad lav a i on th tight. I I. o iti'tom-: I ha', the f.kin i wilheied at .d drawn i hitt tb ripth n '.I wa e vesrel was wwknl Taint s ir a. : (. at fat lavck Mi tl-f winrer of 1671 Ml, the first wintei tuit. The wreck Mib- ....... . e pu-ofiy lUiluO out ti s-a, and i Irt-:'lit of. 'lhe sladxti party Mn unable lo "o farther westward ra ac- aeet of l be nwdting of eow, prtkceed ei U, OaDfl SenJ-7 and wete ldo'od tin Ml m ... K9 1 . mm 1 intfltiKei rUrenai of the by tie- ( !onht Jnne 20th. Th-y trav- -joTICR IM HKRKBY GIVEN THAT vied in nil IJ"or I 10 mile. Tbe cut- i bran mdvrat the Ooonty Coort of Wf liavl b-r fnhier rart ed kwhv rt ice I CinirCoairty. rrr,n. duly mada and eti i , . . ' . i tcred of record, ttie LMtlerKizntfl. Ailuiini- nn dune .t, baH repaired it M St. trMOr tlte eatateof Jame Kimomt, de l.iwtei, !;.. wi'h m tteriaN duiued I eeaaed, will on the l.V.uday of Neptambar, ft i. id the r- i'k of an .M whiaky hm'taf I 1. t tba hour of one ociock intiieafter , i l n'U of Mid day,--no the jciinw harein- aahoro the v. l.Ttr kbe made, a aiw dwcribedTaoll at public au.ion to s (-.(i I I .nding on the hdaml ami 0t- the kkfbaat bidder, all the rKhi. liJa and irtija I. ore to a iit lhe acene iff the 'ntereatof il dvavxl at tba lima of his i Im-wO i dilh la and to the !oliouir ilf-ribel Jiii. ir.,. fniutne of ItUlr- "in tlC ,.rembaja, to wit : I et: iii ,.' ,wr-rVw th:n- a m-rt liv I 1W aeren of Und on MDtve!! t'mak. (T , , ate still lying aarviving tta . They The in I i : li" adit i with irinn ainl aminuntiioM ti'.d ala! witu gotafa p nn M-; I, the wr of tie- e-!nfin-er L dtt.i. Tl.e htteat im-:i2i iw-id tiki H il Move nn u. July n-l , in Nor to i Mtd fot i-.a- bt itx to rwo Ktf, ' Pound .tid IikiK ;iiur revenue HO. I ' Jll it' letaf r.i . of for i r uiiaii ildilnm '"i- l i.v t f .i 77 .-in r -trtvr tty4u J t " " t '-iti able b :ui ! ex ...i- tt'.ji Inod. Whal tn wele ' --1 4 e I cotallf4J a il pt iMfieet f i ibl K.-rftt f i-ti- t I ft !l t-el ) i !- A ljt,e iplAlttl- i. a ii i be -- . aheaH i4 of Wio!e oil mt ' jie mn 1 1 til-, to I b'- it it i t.ttitiite. I hat ; .,, r, iv u, jtv o! whale uii ottr iiutti- k inland. !' :. ii if. --! ad,, re Thc-e tight gav i hloil 1 b J' h -iu l tt wrm-Ved in . ; rOCKH aUeit that k tucLa; h of oii I i: thoUht to imi t. ii u n ; v iit. i W I I ..i : v U'g f.-rl-i.-i i w btct t e v.-ii- . r i ' i k 1 I 1. tl OH.Hil. , entire sub: of an nbfurtiinate veaxtd Jtnu lWoUen in. letting ibe iaw;o uui. iiu further detail; of fh, wreck fuel -MHchml U'liialaak:! up ht August 4 al fii the St Paul h-ft. bcU4ui In all were d trt al in Hi. Tavton Are of tho Cth iust. The fo.lowii'g t na list of theloosers, together with the atnoutiLs lost . H. . P. St?en, iHii.tling, $o00 ; A & Odt-H, ooU und matcrknl, $100 ; II. F. Lawrence, ruur build in;:-, liails i ami b k, $:H)0 ; Fields estate, two- j story building, sij , Frank 15rok, j i i;y with their ngent, J. E. Kdmh- ton, firm ituplenu-ub, f-; lrof. oacx, nice and KtJanol furniture Oil; .john Carte"! wheat, $10n; JHcnry Carroll, hlulxniih shop, 4di ;.K. S. (irtiy, printing press, &7rt ; Andtew Xillson, wagon and paCkstnith bhop and material, $100; U. aT. Torrance iV Co., building and fde-ial, $1000; I). IX Kimlatli A Co., lumber, "im ; lfexlcr & Co., horsepower, $J(M ; K. L. Dashiell, mower, $109 ; Kd. (een., Wm. Moll h an ami p.Lo k i.,. lnL.t MMMM worib fcrhaps' HoO. Tito total loss r. .t oi. iikj nbn e1 -. nnn tr i." Jiiwrencois insured fcr $7.50, and Andrew WmA NtfizWM. WW burn: dklrict will soon he rebuilt. GRAIN INSURANCE. TO FARMERS : We can give race and the o clxances o '"iii m X sum .will make you secure. You sorrow money on your grain if .you are insured. Our policies are good security-at the Bank. Give lis ?, call. . Respectfully, Albany, Of.. Aug. II, 1881. DRY GOODS ntoafr than evsrbafuro koown in o OF - CHANCE IN FIRM, Will 3 I our entire xtock ( T)lV " aT and Fancy Goods IM ALBl?f V AT 0ST I NOW IS TOLI CHHCET) Btf BARGAINS ! J. F. 0. WRINKLE & CO. I Mi ALBA XV. iBiirt nut Tbr la-t aalva in tha wtrhl f.a cote, hruu r. nnt, nleerx, ilt rheam, lexer tmt U r. rUrnmttl hand, chilltlaiaa. ctrun und all k ti. It ! kia rniHlMia. Tbia ae iaguar-atit-I t give w-i-rt tifi-tin iu rry enA ur UuHiry r-fiiib- I. I'rt.-f '!.' i-r 't. For aaln iy Kdiy no Moti, liolale Kta ; 11 Moore, Htdit ; ! Foley, Ixrhaaoa ; ir PifWell. IMfMutt : Ri)th ait l Ma- tan!, I - !i-lf.-rai ; l M r'lbreaih, Uui-ns O CsCMMm, Turner ; If A lUiofiy. liarr-.sliur ; Starr and CUkely, Krowac- Administrator's Sale, three, and one-half miUiH above Vt ;' aaw mill in Linn eounty. or,f.m, l miikI.iI hiiiI deM-rllted an t.ilown : 'iim e-i half of the north i t -t r aial to.- ootid te: luarterof Hie north eaM ouattt-r, and llw north tl piar:er cf the north waauar ternf aeetin . in towtiehip JU, S. of u. 1, eat of lhe WiHainetlM Meritliai. And anil on tlw lUd, tUv of teiiiijer. alt I, MXibn hour of om; o'-lo--k in Mm. af of atdlay, ou the rem iwa Uerr infier deiilel, eell nt ; iufHi. le tlte hu;het lidilr, all the rijfht, ltt!e ami iutereaft of Mid leerM-r at I be touts of hi death iu and lo tb following ierfriul nnutMe. lo wit : 10 Nm. .1 ei 4 of M-e:ion M, iu Toweatltlp 13, nouiIi of Kuitgo 1. of Mm, Wiltametm MeridtMit, i-u- brfnhaa I09as ioia-rea; and will uu tlia I7tbiiu oi aa nlawbui , MWit at thu hour of our .'-.. -k iu me afternoon of that l2XLUiM& -.. a.atMaiinaftat lfc.n.-r,i d veil pit h: . -autiion kt tlte higb--t It r ail thtTtilil. iitl orul intere'. of said de iMw .l a Itt'i tiuia of he drstb in and to Im f llov. her iloM-rih-d preiniaea, to w il i r .iv !...m " i. ; -5 m liloefc Mo, '-. ill lite low It of ijelMimit, ewiioty of Uun i u- nfoar-ini. Ternaa oi abi : half t.f the purubae ilee eh in baiuJ; tbt Italanveou a r-0-uet all inontln from the dy of tte,with n'l! into4 ; ibe delerrml pay lueiiia lo be .e.-u.l by uioniain on Ibe .t. uii--. Ahcim I 1, l-i. ami I. I. siMON'a, Adiuirti-Uralor. OCOH STATE UNIVERSITY. til.i. Laarcaaatj. Wtrjou. luiuaiMN- i4 Mr ilci.r .1 r J aU Augiua i.-ic atate I ii-rat hate bc.H 11 J.u 1 ill i run cuni hkjtt. i. i-.m M '. JOHXSOX. A. M., PCESIUENT, I'r-Jeaaur ut Latin aW Oraek. aaKK e i . f. n. D . Hrulcaaar at MaOM-ntaOcs and AairMi au , TIIQ8. CONDON. PH. It rr 4car at Ucokary ao.1 Natural lltat.m . UEORUE H. COLLI KK: A. IL CnJaaa. o UlKMuiau-y ana ft. ate Jons KTKAI'It, A. M. Profoaanr rf M.Wnt LanKure MltS. 1IAKY P. SP1LLER. j Pr awf of M.vuUun ajM (Viutl .4 tl.e Eiu-Uait i recu-uui lKariHMt;. TERMS 'Callrctalr nrparti Tu li.tii, jwr a mam 111. . I. Il-.ll. T .:n.i I:. w.te rrrparaiurt t-pmrtmrnrul. TuiUwu, icr umm M.tx TUe ualy l.arjp. aaiai aio.iri.ta h..MmT Ova lt .Urlu a amiiutal lai fas ut ear aatiuiu I.K-Ut4hn l-l?lar. ftf-l. ra-i I.- bJ iu flrrt- I Ita. ii.Ate r.arinV at tt r wrrk. j urkl ..-ea ot laaiaaU btauaui thn.-et.- i.n-i not rt'Mil la.. il..ljr-.. xutwr n rriRatts. Cii. C.atalun'a .-al4tM,l tat Natural UlatMry. rtf., i...i n.1I1 ym UiU nM. Tlitf .oiUaaM, ,4 ,ajai tua.a larru a.i..l a-ra (ilc.v htcililieia u .l. I l -.'.., l ia- c Ul.iirMsnJ furOur i;if..roiatiii. a klreaa, Sevr.-tar.v llivil-, Ur JOUN STIlAl'e, . ra- t ci innu.. i !.- i., ,,.,,!,., . uiier I f ' ' '- t,r 1 , you the lowest best companies, when a very small STEWART REY, jg I J jSt t 1 : I'M -i. .;-.'-..t;3si3)aiI'SSK'iSEHi3l . .. .v . ........ ... "