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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1881)
3 I" . - - I ...AUGUST 12, 1881 SU M WHH : TO 4MKBI4 . Oar New York correspondent, in continuation of his previous telegrams furnishes us with latter information as to the immigration into that city. It goes on increasing in volume as it proceeds. The movement is a Euro pean one, Hint it is not, therefore, possible to explain it by any merely local, or even naticmal circumstances of the moment. It is noticeable that the great bulk of the immigration is supplied by Germany and by the countries akin to Germany in race and faith. The nations of Latin or Celtic race and of the Roman Catholic religion seem to have lost the Impulse of colon ixt ion which they displayed in former centuries. Spanish Ameri ca, Brazil, Ixwer Canada and many portions ot what are now the United States show that Spain, Portugal and France once had Ibe impulse, now apparently spent, of forelv settle ment It may revive. To this there is an exception in the case of oneCel tie and Roman Cat ho. ic country. The uumber of immigrants coruingtoNevv York from Ireland is next in its total ) amount of that proceeding from Ger many, and, taking the proportion of the poptatlon from which it in drawn ia greatly in excess of it. Its quality Is as remarkable as its quality. Our correspondent describes it as consis ting of skilled srtisaos and of families bringing a considerable amount of capital with them. They move West ward to settle on freeholds in Nebras ka and Colorado. They describe themselves, if we rightly understand our correspondent, as driven out of Ireland, not by the tyranny of the British Government, but by the pro ceedings of the Land League. The character of the men is shown by their plans, as well as by the fact that they come supplied with taeney, the earnings, no doubt, of industry and thrift. A I lowed as little fair play In Ireland by Mr. Parnell and his as sociates as by hard landlords and a vicious land law, instead of loafing and lounging in the great towus,they move Westward to reclaim and culti vate holdings of their own The Uni ted States is to be congratulated on the men whom they are gaining, and and Ireland and the United Kingdom may deplore the loss of an element in Irish society which can ill be spared. L todon Daily News. Iu France the culture of corn is principally in drills for fodder, and in limited areas. In northern I:aiy, the ! fields of corn are very extensive; and stretch for miles alongside the rait way frem Padua to Milan. Thous ands of acres of tail corn between the rows of mulberry trees give the land scape an appearance pleasing to a Wes tern man. The absence of hedges on tences, tasking tiie neui of aujacent farmers apfiear continuous add the illusion. The cow Jersey Queen" of Bar- net, owned tiy Josiati Keneraon,of Barnet, VL, gave from May 20 ta June 1. 450 pounds of milk, averag ing 40 5-12 pounds per day, which made 20 pounds 7 ounces of butter. From June 1 to July 1, she gave I3'.H pounds of milk, averaging f pounds of milk per day, which made 80 pounds tjk ounces of butter. A total of 1881 pounds of milk, making- 100 pounds 14 ounces of butter, between the 20th day of May and the 1st day of July. In ludia 24,000.000 human beings are struggling to live off the produce of 15,000,000 acres, or but little over half an acre apiece. So vast is the area Of India, and so limited are the modes of communication, that while in some districts there may be a su perabundance of ftxxl, in others the people may be dying of starvation. The last famine is said to have re duced the population of India by 5,500,000. When tbe stock men shear sheep in ast8&i -!.hey mean business, as may be imagined when it is stated that there are several flocks which aggre gate over 200,O0O In fact there are some proprietors who own more than 50d,000. Edoes& qo., New .Sooth Wales, upon one sheep, farm at Buna wary, had a sheep shearing which lasted ten weeks, during which time 260,123 sheep were shorn. One hun dred shearers besides the regular hands were employed. A mongrel sire of any kind of stock should never be used. If a farmer is not alone able to purchase a thorough, bred, be should get others to unite with him and make a joint purchase, thus dividing the price ' of purchase and erst of keeping. When this is done, no neighborhood need re with out the means of improvement in its live stock. The farm-roller is much more ex tensively used ia E igland and France than in tWuqtyed States. It is, per haps, also more necessary, for plow ing frequently goes on in all weathers, wet or dry, and ground is made clod dy by being plowed with the water io it Tbe use of tbe roller is how ever, rapidly extending among our most intelligent farmers. Of CO, 000 acres devoted to the growth of hops In this country, accor ding to the New York Stateceususof 1875, Otsego County had 757 acres, Oneida 6600 and Madison 6552, mak ing in all 20,712 actes. These figures have not materially changed since that time. The annual value of the crop in these three counties is over $700,000. English horsemen are beginning to tbiak thu which every person pos sessed of common sense should have known leng ago, that two years of age is much too early to begin to. put their ho ses to severe training, it is far letter that nature should have then a year longer for development, Dercre tbey are given over to the art trainer. blight mn ran t tbrss. A correspondent of the JT S. Farmer aives his experience in dealing with if . . ... m a. blight upon mitt trees and woriay fruit "Kirat. whitewash the trees with a strong wash made of quicklime, juet at trick in getting married than there is the buds begin to start in the spring, in eating peanuts. Many a man has The wash can t applied with an old stood shivering on the shore until the broom. Next, during the last days of rlverrun out. Don't expect to marry May, plough four furrows in the can an anglethey have been alt picked tre between the rows of trees both up long ago. Remember, Joe; you waya, so as to leave a square plot of hain't a saint yourself. Do not marry of ground around each tree. Then for beauty exclusively; beauty is like throw straw in piles of about one bun- Ice, awlully slippery and thaws, dread-d-od itounds to each tree ; spread it fully easy. Den't marry for luv, thin under each tree to within three neither; luv is like a cooking-stove, feet of the trunk. Let the straw re- good for nothing when the fuel glvos main thus spread about tenor twelve out. But let the mixture besnmo days and all manner of insects will beauty, liecomlngly dressed, with hide under it. Some evening Uke one alout $'.'5Q in her pocket, a gud tree at a time, set tire to the straw, and speller, handy ami mat in her house, be careful not to have it so thick as to Pnty of good sense, tut!' constitution burn or scald the limbs of the trees. All iuMH-u that ran be will be attract ed by the tire, and a ireuerul dent rue- tion of them will talcs place. Kafeat this two or three veer, and the or the or- I chard will be free from blight and the Ml aoand and good. Kxcellence ia the result of untiring etVur t and the greatest sacrifice. Vr hen it ia stated that the dairy slock of Holland has attained a degree of ex-1 oellence surpassing that of any other race or breed, it ia mot surpriaiag that . j I I the Uutcli oairy lamar gives nw cows preference over everything else mot tal. J ohserveiM state that their cows are never overworked or underfed, aa the wives and children sometimes are ; they never lack blankets to keep them warm, nor shade to keep them cool ; the warmest, beat-built ami best-kept tortion of the farmhouse ia set aart for their winter habitation ; their food is prepared with atricw attention to their tastes ; attendants sleep in their apartments to ace that no harm comes to them at night ; milkers are regular It roused to their duties at thiee oVock v . ... ... in the anormni;. and dorinir tbe day a deor is generally o-n frosa their atatli to the rooms inhabited by the bipml memitera of the family. mmm A curious freak in agriculture is I .-mi Alineton's white farm, which is thus described by an Eogliah paper : The iitecialty of tbia farm la that all tbe birds and animals are white. It ia uot an uncommon thing to see between two and three hundred white pigeona itercbed on the outbuildings ; just in side the entrance vou observe a white - m (teacock ; further on are tbe white squirrels and geese, the white goats and the white turkeys ; the stalls in tbe yard contain no beasts but white ones. A fat white don, given to lr I Alington some years ago by tbe queen, strides about in the well-littered tall ; aod just by the hutches in which the Jong-furred white rabbits frisk and play about like (.'owner's tame hares, is a model house containing white rats and mice, a present from the Pi in of Wales. Ken the cat and texkatoo belonging to the farm-keeper are white. Careful experiments have shown that plowing, or cultivating, within four or live feet of truuks of well-established apple trees baa no noticeable effect on their growth or fruitfulneaa. J. J. Thomas says that trees fourteen eaia old have been found with room extend ing thirty feet on either side while those of old trees have been known to extend two hundred feet. It ia evident that tus foeaiag rooudi not lie cloae to the Uee tbe tn6 . therefore, why may we not do away with the general prac tice of expending patience, time and strength in plowing cloae to each tree, breaking many important root, bark ing the branches and trunks and pre venting tbe possibility of those lew growing beads which we all desire. In grazing sheep uion tbe ranch-s of Colorado, the area required for one sheep ia reckoned at five acres. Such land ought to be very cheap, fur that soil is certain ly very poor wbicn requires so large aa area to keep one sheep. Five acres of a New England pasture will keep a cow. A herd of Shorthorns owned by A brum llenick, Winchester. Kentucky, coruiUts of about 100 head, for which it is reported be baa been ottered and rafu se ed tbe nam of $200,000. This gent le man u seventy years of age, and has neither wife ner child It ia suptoaed that this fact makes Lita think ao much f bla cattle. There is a smart girl in Clark Couuty, Iowa, wh lately had her flock of sheep h eared, conaiatiag of ninety-two bead, securing au average fleece of eight and one half pounds. She lost but eight full grown sheep dm ing the past severe Winter, and they were killed by a vi cious horse, g The red blood globules in the dog, horse and domestic at iutala generally, number 7,500,000 pei cubic centimeter; those of man 5,000,0' '0. In the domest ic animals the pro iti .n f white to red varies from 1 lo HoO, 900, 1000. 1 , 200. Kansas is coming to the front, as a peach growing State, a large, number of trees baring been planted during the last two or three years. Tbe tre s wet not injured by tbe severe weather of last Winter, and especially in Arkscaa Val ley, where there was a Urge an 1 tine crop. In light soils, it is desirable that the surface should be oontinuaJlyfcovered by crops bearing as much leaf aa possi ble to convey to the land from the at mosphere its manuring properties. It is doubtless one of the economic functions of tbe clover plant to arrest and store np the nitrogen of the nitric acid in the soil, which would otherwise be drained away during the Autumn and Winter. In its food supply tbe United States has a surplus of 370,000,000 bushels of grain aod 1,076,000 tons of meat. Great Britain has a deficit of 280,000, 000 bushels of gram and 602,000 toss of meat. It is said that salt hay when cut irotn marshes that have been ditched where the grass is thick and the yield large, is worth as much as the aver age of upland hay. Do not undertake to keep slit ep on low, undrained laodo. They will surely contract disease fa such localities, JMIf Hit I H H ! N IRKI U;i. By IWl means, Joe, got tnarrfed, you ha v a fair snow. Don't stand a-. a. suvenog on ine nans, ouc piicn rite In and stick your head under and shiver it out. Thar ain't any more aM by laws, small feet, a light step; add to this sound teeth and a warm heart. The mixture will keep la any I it . a a a. - , ciww anu win noi evaraie. ao t rua'Tj or wuigrve umew it a iwv;km by bank notes. A family with notti inghut pedigree generally lac ksaense. iiTi suTr. Yes," aaid he, "I've been lixing ui a little. J ne oiu woman iwstereti m to death about the canlen, and so 1 slicked it uu a little, and fixed about the house, and it looked so nice I went aa . a a a at the larm fences aitU the brush ami saved more manure, and kept killing the weeds, and the crupa got better land so i kept going on, and things do look pretty good now. Wite takes a paper and I take one, and 1 get time to read it, too, and I used to think that I hadn't time for anything." And so be wenton,aeemingly well pleased with what he had done, ami his life and his home without doubt the happier for it. Examples of a like kind may b found all over the country. The Secretary of the Treaaur liaa appointed Jamea Law of Ithaca, N. Y. James 11. Sanders of Chicago and K. T. Tliayerof Went Newton, Man., a cotniiii.tion to be known an "The Trea sury Qattte Ooaaaalsslow. M Thedutiea of the conimisHien will bo to Inveall. gate all eaaoa of the dioaae known us pleuro- pneumonia in neat tuiitlo which shall te rcptrict to If; especi ally along the dividing line between the I'nlted Stales and the Dominion of Cattails, and along the lino of trans portation from all parta of the I'niied State io porta from which cattle are exported, in order thai cattle ah ipped from the United States to foreign ports may bo known and ct rtlflod to be free therefrom. Now is the time to destroy weeds tbey are growing rapid. y and ger minate about as fait as cut dawn. A piece well cleared at this se.tsou will show the good effect next year All living beings are wad of i ell-, each of which is too small to be seen by the naked eye. The living cell is a little dosed sack filled with liquid. CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN KAIL.WAX U lb OLDEMT ! HMT t oNNfUt TKl, I1KT KOI ll'FKIl ' ami hvt the LEADING RAILWAY WEST nil VoKTHWEST. It U the SHORT. SI HK m,l SVY. KnuU Wl.rfii COUNCIL BLUFFS A M Chicago, Milwaukee A d ail -mi i: AST. ata-h aa M-gara Valla. ew Ttt.rU. I' tphla. ataalea. Waafclaglaa. RalllMurr. rill hara. Maairrai. Taratila. Ilriruii. WfvsSasal St r..iiiMil ItluS On- trai.M 4 iImt i liktri and S---.U, Weatcrti the tT. I K' SSfaWI lluiu, ar- rive at ftMtJ aae th- aaiiM joint I iikm lrf4. A i 'hi. !.- i -wiiim MsaS " lia.le with the Ijike fcl..T, Mm bift-an LViitrat, KaltlitMW im iMilo, Kl. Wayne ami Cnnnilun1., ah I I'Mi-atf.. and tlrand Trunk Kailrnada, .1-1 . Kankakee bimI i'n Handle Roiltea. Pttlnii Palarr Drauius Room Cars Are run ..nail Uinrti(ti lraia d lhi r'twl IttaUieOM.V llOAIt U-tween ttuMii KLirra i mi i hi n.i. I i.n which 14 ran tha la-bratmi PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. laatat um ri-krt Airrnta wiling .ii TtckeU vat ' hi" niad. KteJNine ypr Th k.-ta. and ret uaa to Iruy if they di imi rl i-r tin- t'liit-avo and North Wetra Kailway. If fan with the Keel travidiug a -tmu uti..n vou will buy ymr tickeU ly thu roiiU-'TANIi WILL. TA K K SUNK otiikh Sit ticket ftyenta fell th ket in thia linv. tl HIS III 4. 11 1 t I". fart . r. a aal urm i Haa r. 4 hlragu EASTWARD. I7I Children FOR Pitcher's Castoria. Kotbara lika ond Physicians reoommond it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUlt LINIMENTS; the World's great Pain-Bc-lievlng remedies. They heal, soothe and euro Bums, Wounds, Weak Back and Kheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness apon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPURTS of disenstlxtB Mnoaa, Snuffles, Crackling Pains ia the Head, Fetid Breath, Deafness, nd any Catarrhal Complaint, -aa he exterminated hy Wei Do . Icyer's Catarrh Cure, a Consti- uttonal Antidote, hy Absorp tion The most Important Dis covery ainoe Vaccination. c RY hurrh Mrrflarr. Y. P. O. A. Meets at their room it. r es- tar's brick building oa Wednesday eVcuitiu" at 7:90 o'clock, and on .Sabbath afternoons at 4. Business Meetings are held (in the even ing of the second Monday la each month. '.vorybody invttod to attend. , U. 1. Cmosch. Preaching every Sabbath, at 11 a. at., and 7 r. M. by llsv. N. (. Ir vine, D. D. Hablmth School t P. m. fkeftf meeting evory Thursday evening. KvAKUKMCAi.Ctfuncn.--Preaching on Huh- bath at 11. A. m. , and 74 r. m. Mahhulh School 12:15. Prayer mooting every Ihune day evening. W. C. Kautuer, pastor. (!uNUKKUATloKAl,Cltuall. Servioesevery SahUth at 11a. m. and 8 r. M. Sabbath School at 2:30. Prayer meeting M Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, pastor. M. K. t'uuKcit. Iboutii. --Services every Sabbath at St. Paul's M. K. ( 'Lurch. Mouth, at 11 a. II, and 74 r. u. Sabbath Hoheoi at r. m. Prayer meeting every Tluirs- day evenng. M. ( . Miller, pantor. M. K. CucncH. Preaching every Habbath at II a. m. and 74 r M. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School it . :t() r. m. Prayer meetiuu every I liurs- lay evening. 1. Dillon, stor. P.rTiHr Ommom Servicesevery Mahhath at II a. m. and 74 r. u. NabitatM School at 12. i'rayi r meeting every Thursilay im ing. w . J. Crawford, lautor. Phkhbytkmiak Ciichcii. Service every Sabltath morning and evening in Cullcuu ( 'hapol. Suuday School immediately rfter the morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. IN-v. Kllicrt N. Ctadtt, (Mutor. I'ANOtlN OI'KKA MNCsKKft. 1 A nine lxitle Carey and Clara Jouiae Kellogg are beyond quoation the moat fa iiioiiM oftera aiugura of modern lime. In far they have been universally aeknowl mlgod to be the loaders of thsir profeaalon, aa well as ladle of large eaporlenoe and particularly good taste. They have prob ably traVoleil mare extensively than auy ladfe on the stage, and, aa a couseiueuco, have had excel lent opiMtrtunlthm of Judg ing of the uierttM of dineienlotuntrlwaainl their productions. It t crtalnly a very groat credit to California and the Italiuy Meiul-tropioal climate of the Pacific, to have had them prmiounru Mlaven' YoMnuhe t'ologuo by fur the iMt they have ever used In any country. For aale by Foshay X Maaon, Ffwtcr'a Itrb k, AHany,Or. & Administrator's Notice. V'OTH'K Is hereby uiveu that the under. il slifned has boen duly appointed Ad- utiiilNlrttlor of Hie oaUtn t Kli lianl I'lara, deeaased. All eraoua bating claim agauitt aaid eatate are hereby required to lrewent the same, with procr voucbera, within six inouttiN from tbe 1at of tkta notice, to the underahriied, at his PSSt icuie near Oakvllle, in Linn county. to JOHNSON Will IK. Ailutiiiifttrator, based July 2i, isst. Mw4 Dissolution Notice. VroT! i: is betake uiveu that tbe co e tut Ing be 11 atrttivrahli benHoforo tween W. If. H .utott ami ThomaM ltobrts under the style of 1 1 union A Itola-rta. 1 this day illaanlvttd by mutual couaent, Tbouta Koltcrtt retiring. Haled life Mtfc day of July, Mil. THOMAS KOItKKIK. ftlsri W. H. BURTON, RED CROWN MILLS. IALLAKB, ISOM & CO., PROMTS. an raonoei ui k avaaasN sea mkiuh Mi l: IK t II I sK. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Wheat. Cits it for ALBANY - Mil OR. ALBANY CITY Flouring Mills. VK bv alnavly atrreetl aith tiie TT faruiara for the aiurafre of one half our muarlty. bat we imn yet atore alxtut 4",o0u Luahela. Flrat come, firat Nerved. PREMIUM, 4 CIS. PKIl BUSHEL iu milt fufMl an ttaiial. HUM. f II V I I I I II A N ON. MAGNOLIA MILLS. II TV- are fully prepared as usual to fur T T ulsti storage and saka on the most fkvorahle term.. A LIBERAL PREMIUM WILL BE PAID. J. N. FOSTER & CO., I'roprletora Magnolia Mills. vl7nl Ala any Bath House. ITttK UN UKKhltiNKU WOULD KKSPKCl . tally tnfiirin tbs oiUMas uf Albany and vi luity t bat 1 havetakaaobargsofthlt Kutabllih aaot, aoii, by ksayiog slsaa room ami pay in itriutattsutioo to business, sipsoti to suit al thus who atay favor US with tbslr patronags HaTiag barstofors carriad oa notbing bat Flrst-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, w Mpsotg to gira sntirs tatlsfaotion to a) BCbUdiB aod Ladfas' Hair neatly oa olabaaipooed. JON WKBHKK. ALBANY BAKERY AND GROCERY. JOHN FOX, PROPRIETOR. Keeps coiihtrtntly on hand a full and complete slock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED COODS OF ALL KINDS, TOBAC CO AND CI CARS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CHOICE CON FECTIONARY, THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, BREAD, PIES, CAKES, COOKIES, And everything usually found in a flrat class Bakery nnd Grocery. I ara the stile agent in Albany for the celebrated NATIONAL WASHING POWDER. This powder is used without injury upon the mojtf delicate fabric, and cleanses all articles thoroughly without rubbing or boiling. It contains no acids or alkalies, and is the most economical wash powder ever efferod to the public. Patronage respectfully solicited. iSyl FARMS FOR SALE BY STEWART & GREY, Real Estate Brokers, ALBANY, OREGON. Tbn following la n imrtlal Hat : 170 acres -ne iiihI ii half mile wcl of Tiuaeiit,(lrejj;ou,and (i mlloarrom Allmuy h.'i aeroa in eultlvutlou ; 40 acroa more i nn be put In cultivation eaally; balance ma timber ami paature land. Moll, rich blwk I inilne. Uood houao and bam, good loard ence, all In good rolr ; youiiK orchard of KM) tree; IP" d WS I and runnlnu HtreMin for atock ; gMd mcIiooI, church ami ixtftt ofliee ; good uelKhlorhood and giKal B0ei Sy. Tarina f.MI er wre ; ;!, Olio down, rest on easy tor ma. 100 acrea il milea aouth-eaxt of llalwy, I uiilcH from Itiowiiavllloaudd inllea from llarrlaburu. ai-rea lu cultivation and all rich prairie land; no Uiulatr, but plen ty wlthhi 4 utiles and cheap. All under good fenee: house one and a half alory, 4roouiaaml opium barn Btatl and a gcaal graiuory: two ood welh, one wind mill pump; new land. Kverythlug al.ont tbe place in tha way of buddliiKN, ftuicea, etc., ia naw and iu giaal ahaMf ; Narrow Uaugo runa through the place and afallou uoar; kmxI u'bool, church and Met-ol)lii faellitioa. Teriua, fKMMJ. acrea 14 utiles oaat of Albany, and 4 miles from doot on narrow gaujv ; ' aeitM lu cultivation ; 210 prairie, uot culti vated but good paaturo. ami a portkn fair plow land ; 00 acroa light tlmtar, ml wood. Kutlro laud under fence ; average hulldltiKN, hotue and bain ; autall orchanl 6 or 0 acrea, apple, eU; Nchotd ami church near. ilMd nelKhhorhoMl. Price m, 000; truia. one third down, time on rexl. '"i acrea, is nilbia east of Albany and h inllea from Narrow augo; 7Sasiai in cul tivation, 7& prairie, not plowed. In (aiature. 81 Hinall brualt ; two atnall houaea ami Iwrus ; uimm! orchard, 0 acres, apples, etc. all under feiii u.not llrat clave, scho houae on lanu; uootl nui);ilorhoKl. I'rii e S.'l, no; tertUMoue -third down; halauce on long ttme UMjaeioa )l mil. a cat of Alltauy aii'l inllea from Narrow auge. l'uluiiroved; 8 taxi farm lanl, moatly llr hruah. Hriw per acre, ouo-lhtrd down, eaay terma on balance. HO acrea lyiiiK 15 uiiloa duo south of Al tiauy, i mllcH Miulhwitat of lelmnon ; aul ono and a half miles from band ltide ai'bool houae: '2. miles from church and ' , mil" from atallon on Narrow au(e; all under cultivation, fair board ami rail fence; well draiuod ; no staudinK water; one woll and puminaoll. black prairie ami rich; house in'ixiiii, 2 rooina and up stairs; IS story; small ataldo; all In fall wheat and crop looking flue. I'rlua, ?- per acre; Icriim eaay. 2200acrtta 10 mlleaeaatof llarrlahurK on the line of the narrow ifaug rallriad- Tba Itticat atock ranch iu county; a llvinic atream of MaUir ruua the enlin len(th ol the farm. All encloMd with apUuidid fen -; a fine dwelling; vi lartM I m and two auialler houaea for leiiauUor hel. !-. Iii i-itltivatiou, and the In I m- . in aMure laud ; about I'JOO acrea are gajs reptlnlc of cultivation; a aplomlld ori-hard and koimI well on the pla.. Terma (art and end talame ou lonj time. 1.10 acres lylntt 4 milea went of AWamv ou Itavt to I'orvallli ; all tindftr I. n . ; flMI acrea in cultivation ; can alt m ciiltla4l i ( .-IH alauii fftau'iea. I'rle, $.:' tor ajn) flus (loan ami lalame aecured by morl K :. lwel!lii botSSa of two room ami goial log lartt, ahedded ou three aiihs. Beluasl I mile. S" acrea on Nariow liauge roal,l I silea from Albany ami B milc from Ncto, and S inllea from JefferMMi. IS;. acret go.l farmina laml, ". w-rea In cultivation; rc- maiudi'r lu timer ami brttah; hou. Ihx'Js, with 10 Fool walla, ell Ulx'JH ; grxxl lrn 'ixM wl th 14 f'H t ahed ou one able; an-l fem es and water. Terms t.'t.'UO.caah down if Maalble. Itather than net aell will take SJtaaj iiown, ami lauau t on - to .1 year, lime, secure I by mortgage. 190 acrea . of a mile weal of Albanv; 100 acrea In culUvsllon snd ItH screa iaik and aah timbcr.good wood land; all under fence, board ami rail. aime good nud 1 , tad ; about 7 orrca In orchard, apple, moaUy jawra; good atdl; 'Jfi buahela wheat per acre on average; goodtwo-Mtory frame house, plaaiored, I rooma, built iu 1M7.1, and coal IuOU; gootl tairn, 28x40 and two alicla; well arranged for farm purpose.. Teruta, 84iOO, 2 years time on S.0OOU. Uf acrea 1 M inllea wet of Tangent; too acrea In cultivation; all new laud, clean and ia good order; good two alory houae, V rooina, nearly new and in good condi tion: good itea- barn 30x3j; fine young orchard, 100 plum and prune trees, fair apple orchard; fences In good order; plen ty running water; 20 acree of good Unbar; rich, black soil and very productive. Price tiiO, oaah and lalance on time. loo acrea one nml a ball utiles northeait of Albany; IS acrea in wheat, real in fair average; woodland; good land; nearly fenced. Price Stt acre; terms eaay. 500 acrea 1 mile southeast ot Node Mpringa ; fair farming ; small house; 500 acrea fence.l. Will lo aold In small tracts or all together; good school, cnur. u and 'KMA-oHlce at Modavllle, also the Soda .Springs. J 'rice T por acre; easy terms. 20 acres 3 miles northwoat ot Ielianon. near Narrow (lauge; river bottom. rich ami productive; unimproved, desirable for garden. Price $20 per acre; terma easy. 820 acrea southwest of 8 wool Home ; all under good fence, fenced into tielda; B acres in good orchard, apples and peaobca; house with two rooms and upstairs; large fratno barn; soil, rich, black loam, bottom land 00 acres in cultivation ; balance good past tire land; well watered with spring; goo.1 timber 30 miles aoutheaat or Albany, 12 milea from ItrownsviUe and & miles from Crawfordsville; 0 miles from good grist mill ; 2 milea to school, church and postoMeo. ft 10 per acre, eaay term-. 100 acres 8 miles south of Nodaville ami 20 miles from Aibanv; unimproved. Pries ftb isr aero. 7(1 acres 18 milea oant of Albany : unim proved. Price $0 er auro; eaay term a. 103 acrea lying 3 milea above Lebanon on thu Lebanon Mountain road. No fen oa or iuiptovementa. 15 or 2o acr.iH tim ber, balance rich prairie laml. Price SLI per acre. ho aer-s milea above Onealla, on Ya quina Pay, known aa the old liu. van I. It has a sfilend id frontage on the lia.v, ami wiM tie aold at 81 1 per acre. GfOi U A MONTH niaraiitncd. $li a day at tumie Jp)ff liirule by llio ioiluMtri.itta. l.aitltal nut re M'urtM ; a0 will atari you. Mm, WOlilfii, bu ami jcirli make Bjaasjl (aalur at work for ua than at any thing elaa, Thu work la light and ileaaant, and aBM aa anyona aan go right at. Tlioa who are wlae who Hi e this noUoa will mml ua their addroaaua at onoeand a for theniaelvea. Coatly Oulllt aad Lernia. Nowl tiiue. Thoae alreaily at work ara laying ti larg auina ol money. Aihlnwa TKUK S CO., Ainjmt Mains. . JOHN FOX, First Street, Albany, Oregon PATRON I7jN II0MK ,11 IU HAN OF IddlANON, Can sell you all goods in of General Merchandise cheap as you can home and buy them. He carries a large and varied goods, is well prepared to exhibit them, and you can make just good selections by purchasing him. Remember the place, C. B. MONTAGUE'S LEBANOW, rVI a r- r"a aSatV aW 9 aaaTS Baaaaaa JM Br aaBBBBHBa3pPB STaBaHalllHaBiBBaBth' I Penult me to (al aMlenl ion u my I'OII'I'Alll.i: tiRAIN aa impruvMl and --r f.-.-i.-. 1 for tha tin wa-n of s. 1 1--.- machiura ara uiaiiufisr tunat tXirNa'.y for tits pm ! of altarhiitC t linn Ut ilii llffnrtit k iinl. of tlirtwiiinic ina iiiik'i. J am inakiliK l' v l-m 1 U- trixaMN lita yram m4t tliroiiKli two (i(MralioiiHa and can La rrtttrn l wlwii nta-eaaary aaai Itim. TTat bucta kaa UaTalii rfttrua.cly m lor a lliinl. Iiv a rotinif alfvalnr, uiskiita: it ttiH lMt w.l iImimt mamif ttirtai. Kvry k,v1'. '"f ti"roaghl the huav um liiit vmnwl. ii ., i iaspsts thmm. f lh7T'JJ""ux 'HTZtL?!?? 1 t.a wbWa b anJuLrUnl Ui lann to I Diafta in im-. .1 AT TIIK OU) STAND, 71 FIRST HTRKKT, HAS ASSoKTM KNT OK COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, As an) bouse In the t ullry. lie a se I iu perls end umou tut (urea TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OK K'iKRY IihMCItimON IN STOCK T TO ORDKR. A I. SO, HI! KKKPM ON HAND, A FULL A SSoRTM KNT t F GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OK WHICH BE OFFKRH TO THK PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DKF CoMPKTlTION, CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at reasonable figures. v 13H2& i 00,000 BftHaHHH9HrftlS!SiH99HPBIHHBBBBBBBBBBftBBBBBBV ; . V A m 1 aaVt BT Jm ' BBaMLl aCA-MaW ff m LBftBBBMaaBBBBBBBBBBBaS9w' ' S aaVtk I EaaftT.aaftSEa v w -- - a ift aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aiBaBft w k. ffltty 'iwit m ' a ' X'r m swr"f.rS-'' f . " BBaS BBtrv "Eai-aaBaaiaSSa7 ' " HBaBBlB7?aBBBBBSBBBBBi P." In the United States list' the celebrated STUDEBAKER THE WOOD REIN; THE REST! Wal They are the BEST Ironed Wagons in the Market. Every one having our Patent Tlound Edge Projecting Tire, Which urotecU ithe aint saS felloe. No othe.- nuvaufacturer has he riKht to uaa it. All of nr TUlmblu .Skoni VtagonBhave our puteut NK KIN ANP TKH8S ALK, winch guutlv tre..tneMS tli Axle and prevenU the .six iii from working louue. Uur Wagons also Ituve The Slope Shouldered Spoke, which Greatly Increases the Strength of the Wheels. IT All of the above Improvements cannot bo uU by any other makers without iufriiitfe-rueut. a" A full Una of these Wagons can be found In the principal towns of Oregon and Wftshinyton. EUGENE BUCHANAN, Agent, ALaiANY. ... . nRFnniu the line just as go away from assortment of all of GENERAL STORE, OHKI.ON. On O Pa X SKPAHATOli, u in.-t in lit I mtwl U I.-, an. I tv niv D. BEST, Shnjt ". o f l.iftm Strrt, AMmum, Of. N HANll AS FINK AN PEOPLE WAGON AND ALBANY MARBLE WORKS ALBANY, OttKCaOll. HTAItiRR BWW. - Fraprietars. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ai IIKADS rOIE Executed in Italian or Vermont Marble. Alfto everv variety of cemetery snd other atone work done with' neatne amr diapak-h. Special attention given to onlern from all parts of thia .Slate and Waablngton- Terrltory. All work warranted. Hkf ALBANY FOUNDRY ANI II At II I E SHOP. EATABI.IIBHKD IH05. By A. V. rtlKRRY, aftnate! at w.rnir of Kin rat and Montgomery .Street., Allatuy, Oregon. Having taken cfmrgeof lfiealove named Works, we are prepared io manufacture Steam Kngines, Hear and Oriat Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and BraeS C'aeUnga of every dew riptiou. Machioerv of all Jtinds repirei. spe cial attention given to repairing farm u e chiuery. rain-ra afaalag ee la all Ma fraa.. iflrllyl A. Y. L'HKKRY A SON. YING SAM WAS LAUNDRY ! Does the beat waabing and ironing in Al bany at lowest ralea. Contract marie for t'hiseae lalxir. laundry on WaabhigUu atreet, opoMlte Marahall's IJvery fetabie. l;.;.tf . i rgrKRT. C. K. riHKI l. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEIIHV & PASSES, (Scresaii ra to C C. Cherry.) Machinigt8, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. w HA VK OUR NKW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now preiatred lo dam 1 1.- a I kind of beat y work. He will tnannfailiife Mteam Kngiuea, 0tfat and Maw Mid Machinery, ami all ttMata ot lion and I'.raaa Castings. rStTatalSM . "Nasi kSTM C. Naw:isl atteKiii given to letfatfrissg all kitelaof machinery. Will alMi manufac lure lite iuprovel berry A White raiu Vatralor. I ataMf mm Baaer M. aSre a Laaalwr larS. AHiy, t.r.. la-. I. liMO IStf To the Inforluiiatp ! DR .GIBBON'S IMspraUtai-)'. ... !. alrtrtarr, SpSIII. u ail Ua I ntaa, I ta tari . uortit kaaata by tuvaaba. .-,,r.i 11,. .1. a .1 ffl.. tt.1 .ii.,uM ih. buituciU .4 SWaaJaam OS. UIBBUSI atll aaake uo cSarvc . m.Uaa) he aStct a rttrr. Tmntmm atadaaaaoa MSI i mm. II SIS ST MM. All ou-ntmiainHaaa mncUy oaailmUaJ. Yuw ace . oue but the loctr. j -v i, i tan .l-.IUr. ! 4 a Wa-r uf lufi KtDc. fcfftiaia aritutv I" ur iMa-tor mill 49e Mat lot uaiuc ot ,ftur tbrr aa tSta aa.crtifteuc-it in. Ctaargia Ma- .1 ... i.ii ail r ariu- A-:. I ua. j. r. oibbun, t.v 1WT, Su Krai... GOIjDarlSV to mala money. V I in SSWf ' W tk.r lua pat ai.J btaa. liluft- irstr-l fiull iii tbe rxnid. Auy uue ou. Sbc ajant work of art givec Ira to aubacribrni. Tbe pries ia au luw UaU fti musS erybaaTr hi bat rill as. One uvut rvfurta tak inc I JO- mabmsnhm ia a day. A lady agent repurta luaii nig amr aasteaaar praSt fai tot days. All bu aagafa naka aaoaey lasC You can ail yur Hum to Uaa taanaeaa, or only your snare time. Ytu need ma be away from burn over nitrbt. V can do it as well Si otbera. Pall direetinoa aad term tree. If yi waut pruOtable wo and ua your addreaa a. oaee. It coeta Bothing to try tba buaineaa. No ua Im njrftrca Sdia to mak e gra pay. . tddreaa (iaCi. ft iNau.x A Co., PurUftiai, Mail. Hj 1 ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY OREGON. DK8. r. IO0E, - - - Prsprtrtw. Thia Houae baa been thoroughly reorated from b to beUom, aud ia now In splendid condition U.r traveJera. Tbe taUe ia supplied with ewytaiag tbe mar- batanVtrdft. SamiOe rooms for 4 or alii. Lrkaaaa and Dallas Kiagr Mr. rUafat EQQQ Owt t made by every agent ever pmWvv otoMiii iu the bumnesa we funiish, but those withiar to work cmo easily earn a doaso dollars a day right in thsir own localiues. Have ao Ukne to explain last. Business plistsnt aad honorable. Wo men, ftitd boys and girls do ft well as nasn. We will furnish you a complete outfit free. We will bear tx ptdara u atarting you. Particulars free. Write and saw. Faraaara and mechanics, their sons and daugh ters, and all rises s in need of payins; weak at hM-, khould writ 10 aaand learn all the work at aa. Address Tat s S t o., Aurnu. Mauvt. Sil'i A WEEK in yntareani town and ao .a(.i't arljir ri kc4t. You aaa give the tuait.e a trial without aajaajMa lh heat ot.niuiil ever i.ffere.1 r ta jUlii.,' t.. a,.ik. Y.u fthuuhi tr u.hing tew until im see har urtM.-H aka . .u eaii .k. at I We liitaoMM .dir. So roosa to esjuaiu lie re. Vou can .texofta aS aar Uuar ordjr your a4Mv tints to the hiiaiiiisa, aud make great mv fur eer hour aiork. Wtiutcn make aa much as ateu. Stitd lor aue eiftl .rivau- u-riiu aan iarttcalara, ahteh we aiail frve. $6 OutSt free, thu I couii4ainof hard times title jrou have sweh a eh. uajs Audreas H. IIAU.KTT Jt tXk, I'.Uawl Maine B, R aR8krab,,,to? how hef,r H I'Uhlit. Y..u M -Sdft U. can make money faater at work tor ua than at any thin,- ease. Capital ik reouire.1. We will start vou. 12 Jay aud upwards uutde at h..i..e U Uie iiKluatrioua. au, woman, koya aud rirtx .uil every wheta to work torus. Now it the time, Vou oaa UeeoSa your whole time to the work, or onlv voar spare inomei.ta No other business a ill y , ,l0ftr. ly as weJU No one witling Ui work can fail ' to make wianiHiua y hy eturafrinfr it oo.-o. CoaUy outSt aid tenna fre. A jrreai .j.j urtuuity for makiiar ui'mu saatly and honorably. Addteas Thi s . t o. Aiaruaut Maine. TO I HE WORKING CLASS. We ara aow iirepared to furnish all classes with cuu staut employ incut at home, the whole of the lime or tor their Spare Uuainoaa new, urht iiul profitaWe fwt either ses easilv earn Inau j mmm s 5 per wrsasaj, ana. a proportiu,ii um hv devolinjf their hoh Mow to the businci-. B.. alka ifirls earn a early aa much ai. men. That all who see this notice may atrn.1 ih.-u audreas alH Umt tha laaM aaav w make thto offer : To such as are ,,ui aU at iaSal we will aend oiM d.ular to pay for the tmuhte of wriUiur. rull particulars and outfit tre. Aodress. OBoaua Stikson 4 Ca, Horthuid, Maiue. a 1 SKI PilMsTO8000A YKAR.orS5to teoftdfty u WlOVV jour own loeah,. No risk. Women Jo saw.-1 as men. Maay make uvore than the aiUunt Sated altova. No una can fail to aaake uuiiw fca. Any oua can do the work. You can make from 50 cts to 92 au how hy davotimr your eveniuira and aoarw time to the bukiiua. It cuata nothim; to iry the hioi ineaa. NoUdinf like it for money makinir ev. r offered belore. IhwiiKas pleasant and strictl., rM.oraide. Reader, If you waut to krow all about the beat pauna biietue befara tha public, tend as your addreaa aud we will aetai you full particulars and private taraaa free ; sampies worth 45 aJao free ; you can then make up your adad fear yourseU. Addrea OKoROK STIN SON A CX.V Portland, Maine. 866.600 rl? iTyofa ttrsat Py sit Mm tha thav work, write Jot rmni.l.r. h .mcii persoua oi eillier ae v cl, ilk. $bk "" . iAyK,u.mti, u iri... .. US K iu IMS, lo itin m, t' Ifttx ft4l l- --( uAiil. -J xl. ." U o H. MAUam S Co. Portdaod, Mum