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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1881)
W J t asm fit gn0at. FRIDAY AUGUST 12, 1881 STEW AIT k OREYi Kdllen. a4 larletees. O. C. . R. TIME TABLE. Albany NfatiM. mniTi nr. or tbaim. A If. N V BXPRKS8 Detsuts tH r'KUOHT TRAINS MAM. TRAIN j CX1 SU" f li MAIL TRAIN - InArta at FREIGHT TRAIN - ALBANY KXeRRSS Arrive et 1V A. M. MM A. M. 114A A. M. u es r. m. 11:45 A. M ie 06 F. -3 :.) F B 8 X. P. M. All Train stall, except SesMlejr. Notice. On and after thin dato rtsjulsr tickets will be spld at our ticket ofttc for following potntaon Columbia river: UPPy Cearadea, Dalles, Umatilla, Walfula, Walla Wall and Ainaworth. Wn i. B. Rica, rrelght and Tkket Agent O. it C R. R. Co. Albanv. June 18th. 18S'. OUR LOCALS. "Oh. where are yea going, my pretty maid t" "Oil, anywhere, where they advertise !" River way down. . -Star Brewery IVr. Sour krout at Meyer a. F. M. French, jeweller. Splendid harvest weather Petuember the Linn County Pair. Sewing Machine oil at H R Soott '. E. R Skipworth, lawyer, Albany, Or. The Flax Mills will lie minting soon. Co to Conrad Meyers for your groceries. Cet your grain insured with Stewart and Grey. Fishiug tackle, a fall assortment t W.B. Scott's. The Oliver Chilled Plow is the best plow for dry ground. Ballard lsom and Co. have 50,000 sacks to let. Call and see them Ladies' corsets for 25 cents at Wrinkle & Co. 'a new dry goods store. Several very desirable houses to rent. Apply to Stewart k Grey. Co to C. K. Montague, of IeLuinu. for your harvest supplies. 15,000 tine cigars arrived this week at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. The State Agricultural CoHege at Corvallis sends out a very neat little folder Crest crowds of la lies at the remnant sale at Wrinkle and Co's new stor. New boots and shoes opened this week at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. Cakes, cookies, pies, bread and confec tionery at Conrad Meyer's Star Bakery. "To do some shopping," ebesweetly said ; "And where," I asked, iu a ghul surprise : Dunbar's suoee are all the rage at Samuel E. Young, s tit, style, and quality guaranteed. Dr. G. Wdlis Price, dentist, office in Odd Fellow's Temple, over Plummer Drug Store. A full has of CeUulstd just received ai. Store. Read the advertuunent of the Oregon State University in this week's issue of the DBMSV CBAT. Advertise in the UensiT. The lar gest citvulatiou of any paper in Linn County. Everything you need in the way of bar vestgoods can be found at C E. Montague's , Lebauon. A guuine article of Oregon manufactured cheese at Hoffman and Joseph'. Call there ami try it. Remnants of elegant dress goods twenty five per cent below cost at Wrinkle and Co's new store. Ballard I-toin and Co. pay the highest : r i . a i i a onc i or wueai. aim are aiw&ys prepares to pay cash. Everybody who wants s first clsss article iu me way 01 wiuei, liquors ana cigars goes to J. E. Sorbin's. A good article of smoking and chewing l Cfk . 11. A L. T J i'juwb) ju ceuH per in. vuv r armers auu Mehcanics' Store. The lamp post at Nolan's orner is drunk and disorderly, Thd marshal should straighten it up. Alien Robinson and Co are at work on a large contract for timbers and lumber for be O. and C. R, K. The work on the bridge ef the O. and C. U. R. over the Santiam near Jefferson is aearly completed. If yon want to borrow money on long time, low interest and favorable term?, call ea Stewart and Grey. Dave Horlacher put in the pipes for sup plying his market with water from the water works this week. Ballard lsom and i'o. are prepared to store wheat on ss favorable terms as hereto fore. Call and see them. Grain insurance at the lowest rates, and in thoroughly reliable eompaoies, at Stewart and Grey's Insurance Agency. Tne Brownsville Woolen Mills are to be, enlarged and their capacity doubled. They cannot fill their orders now. Farmers, save money by buying the Skidegate oil for your threshing machines. C. A. Plummer and Co. sole agents. You can always geK tha very best fruits and vegetables and every variety the season affords at Hoffman and Joseph's. You osn get choice Oregon hams and lard at Redtield and Irving's. This lot just re ceived and going like hot cakes. Y'ou can buy Sowing Machines, sewing machine needles, oil and attachments of all kinds at W. B. Scott's Gun store. Entries for the running and trotting races at the Linn County Fair will close Sept 1st. Horsemen should make a note of this. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours of the day or night at the popular Drug Store of C. A. Plummer and Co. Tickets can be bought of W. B. Rice at the depot through to San Francisco and money saved by buying through tickets. Freight for nearly every tirin in the city was received at the genet last Tuesday. It kept Agent Rice and assistants busy all day. Remember John Briggs, the old establish ed stove and house-furnish in g hardware store, when you want anything iu that line. For fresh Boston brown bread, graham and white bread always go to Conrad Mey- r . T i r r i . l r a fttac uanery. ne nas cue very nese. Conrad Meyer's has just received an ele gant Hue ot crockery. He buys only the best goods and they always give satisfac tion. Levi West, at the Albany Market, can furnish you the best steak iu the city. All kinds of fresh and. salt meats constantly on hand. this paper rus?& siryp Our lady readers should not fail to take advantage of the immense bargains at the remnant sale at Wrinkle and Co.'s new store. The furniture house ef "Graf and Pre mm is building up a fine reputation for first class goods. Their prices are sa low as the lowest. W. R Scott has received a full line of Winchester, Sharps, sou Remington rifles, also single and doable barrel bsnech-loading shot guns. There an several horses at the fair grounds, already entered for the coming races, and several more are expected to ar rive to-morrow. M out ague, of Lebauon, has taken s new de parture and the result is that be is building up an immense trade. Call and examine hit goods and prices. The following book have been added to the library since the book social : Cooks Monday Lectures Biology ; Incidents in a Blind Girls Life; Danger. We are under many obligations to Mr. Rufus Thompson and wife for a large basket of fruit May their orchard always hang full of the best that grows. John Fox nan furnish you everything in the line of staple and fancy groceries, vege tables and fruits. Agent for the celebrated National Washing Powder. Someone says that J. E. Sorbin will pay a good reward for the arrest and conviction of the man who stole the grouse that Mac. Monteith gave him lsst Wednesday. Drummers are swarming. Hotels full. andarloads of them going sod coming every dsy. Their confidence in future pros perity mast lie nearly. equal to their cheek. Dave Horlacher is the boss butcher boy. He hss the best steaks, the best roasts, the best cutlets, and all kinds of fresh and salt meats of the choicest quality. Give him a call. A car load of general freight goes out on the Lebanon Branch every night now. Wheat will soon begin to coma in from that direction, and the lebaaon train will show up better. The Oliver Chilled Plow will run and do good work in dry ground when a steel plow cannot be kept in. They are just the plow yon want for summer fallowing. For sale by Samuel E. Young. No more Dyspepsia or Indigestion! Dr. Henley's celebrated I X L Bitters are the best bitters in use. They never fail to give relief. Read physicians certificates on the back of bottle. Sold everywhere. F. M. Miller Esq., of Lebanon, is the au thorized agent of the Democrat at lebanon. We 'have left the accounts due the paper in that vicinity in his hands and hope our patrons will oblige us by prompt payments. Ballard, lsom and Co. proprietors of the lied Crown mills wiU store wheal on as fa vorable terms as heretofore. Plenty of stor age room and sacks always on band. Call sod see tbem before msking arrangements elsewhere. When you sell your wheat and get ready to do your fall trading remember that yon can always find wbst yon want at C. B. Montague's. Lebanon, His stock this fall srill excel anything ever brought to that burg. The agent for the Kentucky Jubilee Sing ers, was in the city Tuesday last, but could find no hall in which to hold an entertainment, and in consequence they will not come here. It does seem ss if s public hall of some kind was needed here. Our manufacturing interests are now in t ssi m Qe to Jsa. Dan- nab and buy your furniture which is all man ufactured here at home. He is constantly adding new features to his establishment and will sell goods at the lowest living prices. Ed. BeUanger, proprietor of the popular Star Brewery, and manufacturer of the Star Brewery Beer, is an experienced brewer, and spares ne expense in famishing a bever age equal to the beat brands of beer manu factured. Yon can always get it fresh, cool and sparkling. The dull times in town which usually prevail during harvest do not seem to affect the establishment of C. B. Montague at Lebanon. There are crowds of customers thronging his store continually, and the goods he sells would surprise a man who did not advertise. Wheat shipping has commenced. The first car load of new wheat was received at the Magnolia Mills by J. H. Foster and Co. on Tuesday last. We understand from Agent Rice that another car is being losd ed at Irvinvilie on the Lebanon Branch, and will be shipped soon. Mr. O. P. Tompkins, of Harrisburg, has decided to make a change in his business on account of poor health. Until further notice he will sell all goods is his sine, stoves, tin ware, copper ware etc., at bed-rock prices. Give him a call and secure some of the bar gains he is offering. Messrs Ballard lsom and Co. shipped two carloads of flour from their mills for Astoria on Tuesday but They are building up a splendid jobbing trade and the "Red Crown" floor is being called for in every market in the state. Messrs. Roop and Vance propose to offer ss liberal terms to farmers storing with them ss asm . as any concern in tne valley, ine repairs they have put on the Simpson's warehouse make it as safe and convenient a place to store as can be found. The oeoole of the West owe a debt of m m gratitude to Dr. Ayer for tbeproductioa of A ers Ague Cure. Its timely use will save ... mn Stmrinrr mnA mii Mi dumouraoement. A . 1 if with ereateafc con- H VI I VWIiltOVUU aw -rw mmmm - - fidence in its ability to do all that is prem ised for it Since the 0. and C. R. R. made arrange ments by which W. B. Rice, their Agent here, could sell through tickets to San Fran cisco and all points on the coast the sale of tickets hss increased largely, and that offi cial is kept moderately busy. Work en the Foster brick is approaching completion and Messrs. Monteith and Seitenbach will have one of the finest stores in the city. Mr. S. gees to San Francisco soon and wants the Isdies to look out for some of the finest goods seer brought to this city wbsn he returns. Three grain warehouses have burned along the line of the O. and C. R. R, within the last three months, and iu each fire farmers have lost considerable amounts of grain. Had the fires occurred later on the loss to farmers must have been very heavy. The moral is get your grain insured with Stewart and Grey. Laft Saturday Ed. Knox bad the fleshy part of his left fore arm caught in the bevel wheel of a header and badly torn. Some idea of the extent of the wound can be had when it is known that his arm between the wheels caused the six horses attached to the machine to stop. Dr. Hill dressed the wound. L. E.Blain has recently pat into his estab hahment one of the Latest improved Hall Safe and Lock Co's safes, that is not only an ornament and convenience, but one of the finest pieces of workmanship that we have ever seen. It is fixe and burglar proof, and an excellent place to deposit those feW dol- lata yon owe him. One of Enoch Boyle's boys, who went off with him when he left his wife recently; writes back home that his father was drown ed at Astoria a few days ago. This is all bosh: the Astoria paper contains no such news. The old villsin wants his family rn think he is desd, but ho cannot hoodwissk them in that manner. R. A. Irvine had a smash up last week which was rather cestly in its way. He hail bought a twine attachment to his Oh' wire binder and just had it placed in posi tion when his horses scared and ran nay through his pasture and into an snh swamp For a wondor the Oiboni choked down when it got in among the ash trees, and finally busted all to thunder. Irvine will have to buy a new machine or else hire his harvesting done. We sre indebted to Mr. J. H. Towusund Albany's gardenwr, for s fine lot of roasting ears, pie-plant and blackberries, lie alo gave us a couple of boxes of ripe atrnu 'ter ries, which are somewhat of a variety at this time of year. One bunch of strawberries on the stem showed the berry iu all sixes from the blossom to the ripe berry. Fox Baum sod Co. expset to brim; on the largest and bast assorted stock of goods this year ever offered to their customer. They J believe the prospects for a good Imrvest and a good price will justify them in bating larger than usual and ask their custmnrr and the public geuvrally to take notice that they mean to have the best goods, the bent assortment and sell at the lowest pin es. Mr. Baum goes to San Francisco Aug. '.'(Mh. The Urge fiax warehouse near the scutch ing nulls is uow receiving the flax crop daily as it dries after leaviug the rotting ponds. The intimated crop of liut Max raised in this sectiou this year a ill be 40,000 pound. This will keep the fiax mills going for six or eight mouths. It is said that the liut is of a very liue quality, and although the crop was much depreciated on account of foul seed and ground, in many instances the ground being so bad as to choke the fiax out entirely, yet the crop as a rule will be a paying one all rouad Tbk week the wool pool of 80,000 pojuds was sold, snd twelve csrloads of R were shipped from the Farmers' Warehouse in this city for San Francisco, lite price real ised was wo boleive -tl cents per pound. Our friend Van Cleve of the Mflsjfr says. "this throws twenty thousand, eight hun dred dollars int- circulation in l.ftin County." That is very good, but how much better it would be if the wool was to be manufactured here, and besides the price paid for the wool the wages of operatives and the value of the manufactured goods all kept here. 1-ct every citizen think of it and do all be cau to bring s woollen mill here. Messrs Fox Bsnm and Co. deserve much credit for having obtained for tl.e farmers who com posed the recent wool mu1 m gjsxsl a price for their wool as they did. Tin is the sscend time they hsve come to the front sad paid s bettor price than could be obtain ed elsewhere. Farmers feci a little sore over the result of their operations in connection with this pool, ss they realized only 'X cents sad s dsy or two before thv pool was formed they could have sold for 'JH cents in musII lots. Hsd the pool been formed ssUrisSff they could probably have realized r , as pMls of so Urge an amonnt always eommaud a percentage over regular notations. At 4 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, little Tommy Murray was drowned at the month of the WisUnoosa, He end two oilier htilc bom rre in swimming, and while going from thr mouth of the creek up to thv boom he wss taken with the cramp and task to the bot tom. The alarm was given and his brother James hurried down snd in a few moments found him by diving. Drs. Hill and .Inea used eyery endeavor to resuscitate the little fellow, but were not successful He was fol lowed to the grave on Wed seed y afternoon by a great many of our citizens. Tommy was aged about ten years, and was s son of Edward Murray, proprietor cf the Kschange Hotel. Ballard lsom and Co, bavo added largely to the appearance of the red crown mills by giving them a good coat of paint, and have also had painted on them a Urge red crown under which is the name of the firm in Ur-.;o letters. Work on their storage ad.iiti-, is j progressing rapidly, aud everything will be in readiness as soon as the extra room is needed. Capt K J. tanning is to have new quarters iu the way of a pleasant office. The proprietors of these milU first added every improvement in the way of new ma chinery aud bettor methods for the inside ef their mills and these outside improvement are but a natural isusequence. Their trade is rapidly increasing aud this year promises to be much better thsu ever before MM I II. AND I'MCSUA l. SOI ,.s Sain May of Harridmrg was down yester day. Charles Monteith returned from the Bay Saturday last Samuel Cohen ef Savers Station was in the city yesterday. Mr. E. C. Pentium!, of Scio, made Albany a short visit Tuesday last Mr. Daniel Best made a short trip dow n the road Wednesday last Mrs. Straud Price is now visiting her hut band's parents near this city. The Ladies' Coee Club he hi a ,snetitig at No One's Hall last Tuesday. Cel. Borkhart has gone to farming, aud t0 mkV fWti S Miss Bertie Eaos returned last Saturday from a week's vkit to Corvallis. ' - r Mr. Frank HlWsl has I ecu sway from the city a day or two this week on business. C. Herbert Nash, of the Oregon dolouint, gave us a pleasant call lsst Wednesday. Hon, Sol. A bra mi of Roseburg parsed dowu the road Tuesday ou a business trip. Our old friend Mr. Saga is stopping for sometime with his daughter at Jacksonville. Mr. Tom Bifford of Corvallis wes in the city Wednesday last and made us a brief call. We regret to learn of the iliueis of Char ley Pierce, who is threatened with typhoid fever. Mr. N. Baum of Fox, Baum and Co., starts for San Francisco about the 20th. lor fall goods. MUs Lyda Ruinbaugh is at home again from Corvallis, where she has been visiting for spine time. Mr. Wallace Mauzey, of Salem, arrived in this city Ust Tuesday aud will take a hand on the Regirter. Mr. E. E. Ham mack, of Lebanon, was in town Wednesday, aud called at the Dfmo cbat sanctum. Miss Delia Buikhart, of Lebanon, was visiting friends and shopping in the city Saturday Ust. Hon. M. C. George and family left Port land last Thursday for Vaquina Bay to spend a fortnight. Mr. S. E. Young, starts for San Franeiscp, Saturday August 20th, to purchase goods for the fall trade Mr. Gufoaliel Parrish who has been spend- ig wveral weeks at hi. ranch returned to the city this week. Mrs. I. M. Bruce hss lieen very sick for s week or two with typhoid fever, but we sre glad to hear is now getting bettor. Hon. J no. J. Daly, a prominent attorney of Dallas, was in tho city Wednesday last and registered at the st. Charles. Mrs. Chesdlo and daughter are vary successful as pedestrians. They walked to Corvallis snd back one day last wsok. Dr. S. W. Dodd left on Tuesday for trip t. Missouri , whore he will remain for some time in the hope of lienefittiiivt his health. The lawn social which took place last Tuesday owiiing at the M. P. parsonage wits largely altomhvl ami very enjoyable affair. J. Headmau Jr., of the G. P. It. It. Co passed through tho city Saturday last on his way to Portland, on business for the company. II. C. Clement snd family started for the mountains last Tuesday. "Clem" is a boss angler, and will slmost depopulate the Santiam. Mr. C. C. Godley returned last week from Iudeudwawe where he has been visiting his son for some tune. His hoslth i much improved. Hon. .las. P. Schooling, of Harrisburg, csme dowu yesterday and spout a few hours iu our city. His old friends were very glad to mret him. A. F. Wheeler, E., of Salem. WSS IU town Ust Monday ami while hero made a contribution to tho DKaiornvr of filthy lucre to the amount of $.'1.00. Mrs. Banks, wife of the Rsv. I. A. Bauks, is lyiug iu a very critical condition at Van couver but their many friends unite in hoping for her sjM-vily recovery. J. A. Warm-r lit- secured the routrsct for Hum Jfiuj the laud from the head waters of tin- Santiam across the mountains to Black I'.iiUc, aud commenced work this week. D. Carlyle, Chief Engineer of the Cor vallis Fire Itapartment, chatted an hour or so with us at our office last Wednesdsy. Wo would be glad to have hinv call again. Frank Osbura, of Kugenu, was married to Mis Addie Bristol, of Wslla Wslls, last week. Frank is well known down lo re, aud his many friends Utah him joy ami happiuess. Rev. it. I.. Slovens ami Mack Monteith made a raid on tho grouse last Tuesday and brought iu a total of.tfil birds. Wo respect fully acknowledge our obligations for a con tribution. Mr. Geo. A. Wilcox who learned the telegraphing aud railroad business in this city under Will It. Itice has been apMintd Agent ami operator at McMiunville for the O. and Q 1L 1L Henry liahne, late of Senders aud Hahue, td Hal - y. has bought out the mercantile business of Powell and Co. mt PnnevUle. Hu is a rattling good business man and will do well over there. A meeting of the Women's CtuistUn Temperance I'mon will Im held at the resi dence of Mr. W. p.. Turrcll on Saturdsy Aug. 13. ladies not members are cordially invited to attend. Prof. Joseph Kmrry of the Ststo Agricul tural Collrge st Corvallis will preach st St Paul a church in ths city at II o'clock a. M. and 7 :m cm. next Sunday. A general in vitation to attend is extended to all. W. H. Prank returned last week from his visit to Polk county, looking a if be had euj.-y- ! bimstdf. He takes bis obi place at the St Charles, relieving lr. I J wards who wore th diamond pm while Billy rus ticate. I. Cur well known friend K. O. Norton, cf the "Vidette" raioe up the road last Tues day an diued with Fslber Gross of the Depot Hotel. The "K'nperor" gSgSJ be gets hungry in Portland and knows wbe:e the grub grows. Friday morning Ust Joseph Webber and party returned from their, trip to the roast All we re sunburnt aud happy and reported a job,' .-ood tun . Mr. Webber is quite en thusiastic over the c uning city to be built at the Bay. Messrs. Mel Oit.-ander, Charlea Wilkin ss, and Prank Wood, jr. started Wednts day at id noon for a two weeks trip in the ( 'asrades. They propose to slsy the deer in the mountains for pastime and will make a busiueas of having a good time. Mr. I on llolman, formerly of lienton ..rn, ty, but now of the Paloose country, made us a brief call this week. lie is on his way overland to his home from a trip east snd says there's no place like the Peluuae coun try. Mr. F. iSI. French aud wife, and a party consisting of Mr. J. Met 'lung and wife, Mr. Fred McCoy, Miss May McDsnicls and Miss French left Ust Wednesday morning for s trip to Mary's Peak w here they will enjoy the mountain breezes for a few days. ' Mr. S. G. Canon, of Danville, llliuois, after speuding several weeks in Albany visiting his brother W. R. 'auon, and also making a short visit to another brother, Sylvester Canon, at Waitaburg, started for home last Friday. He likes our country well H alter Met ice and wife came down from Umatilla county last week, arriving here Ust Thursday. Walter m the young man who had the shooting affray lately snd it seems that lie' came out first-best as he is now mar- I ' aw " JT"' . K.ttothc youu lady, and his antagonist ilea in jail. W. K. Price and Jaa, Klkins arrived home from their stock ram h on Crooked River last week. They report timss lively over there and good sate for stock. Charley W ebher came over from the Hack lent an ranch with them, lie has been sick for sometime, but is now getting bettor. Last Monday eveuing Lieut Prod Schwat- ka delivered a lecture at Reed's Opera House, Salem to a Urge aud appreciative audience. Tho Lieutenant is said to be a very interesting speaker. We heartily agree with the Heyiatrr that au effort should be made to bavo him deliver a lecture here. Captain and Mrs. K. J. I .aiming, were the recipients of a very pleasant little surprise party at their residence on First street Ust Friday evening. Quite a Urge number were present, hearty congratulations, an elegant repast, and an hour of pleasant social inter course was the order of the evening. Prof. K. N. Oondtt; the two Misses Condit, Prof. Mattoon, F. M. Redfield and family, Geo. Foster and Maekie Monteith started on a trip into tho mountains last Monday. They will go up the Lebanon rood to the Sodas aud lakes, and probably ss fsr aa the Mito lus. Now the fish and deer will suffer. Last Saturday another merry party con sisting of L. Bilyeu, Esq. and wife, and the Misses Irvine, of Albany, J. Bilyeu and wife, of Lebanon, and Mrs. C. R. Wheeler and sister, Miss Eva Bassett, of Shedd Station, started for a few weeks sojourn at the various Soda springs and pleasure resorts in the Cascades. Mr. Eugeae Buchanan and family have gone to Washington Territory to spend a few weeks. Mr. Buchanan goes to his farm near Goldendale to superintend the harvesting 'and Mrs. Buchanan will isit her father, the Hon. N. Ford of WslU WslU. Mr. W. H. C ultra looks after Mr. Buchanan's business during his absence. Judge J. W. Baldwin left for California on TusttUy lsst where he will probably locats. For several years past Mr. Baldwin's health has been quite poor during the win tors here, aud ho hopes to find the change of climate beftsficial. Judge Baldwin hss many friands in this section whoso good wishes go with him. Mrs. Baldwin remsiss here until the Judge finds some location to suit him. Wo don't like to be mean about such things. But when a printer stands over you howliug "copy," a man would write up anything, svsn if it involved his mother-in Uw's character. And when young ladies will go riding with handsome strangers, and consent to be introduced as "Mrs. Handsome Stranger, " ami take s lata tea st some hon est fsrmer's ami then have the buggy break down in sight of ths house, and leave the alternative of stopping all night or riding home with two rails under the buggy, why, we'd do what the young lady did toll 'em to put the rails under snd drive on. Is Ml MtlMI itt. AjsYMinr, Aug. Htli , lHsl. To th SI. W. officer and member t of Wil iMMflb Msfjj S'o. f. A. 0, V. W. Ws, your Comralttos sppolntofl st the last special session, hold Aug. 4th, to pre pare Resolutions lit respect lothe memory of our ate Brother M. V. Brown, woold most rsspeotfuliy submit the following : Whereas, it hss pleased tho Almighty Supreme M enter Workman, lbs Ureaior of the Universe, by HU divine decree, to tmll from our midst our beloved Broth ar M. V. Brown In tho pri'.ne of IiIm life to the home from whence no traveler re turns, aud Whereas, in the demise of our Brother, libs bereaved wife baa lout a devoted hus band, bla sgad mother an bedtonl aou and the order at large, an entosmod and act i v o member, therefore, be It Unsolved, That wo, the mum bore ot Willamette Iodgs, No 5, A.O. V. W., par ticipate In tbs general grUf which per vadeM the hearts of those left to mourn IiIm d em use, nod we do harby offer our most alnoere i kid valance vo the bereaved window and mother of the i laces sod in (Ins their trying hour of afilciloii. Resolved, That those KewitutionM be entered on the Hecurds mt the laxlgc, snd s copy thereof irsnstuiUod to the city paper for publication, and a like copy t'., iho widow and mother of our lain Brother. Submitted lu C 11 and P. I. G. JarUNOK, .1. A. Davin, F. Gkaf, 'ommillee. Hall of Albauy Kugine Co.'No. I - Aug rah, is si. Wr, your I'ommlllee appointed on olittlon of Condolence on tbs death of General M. V. Brown !eg leave to report the following Whereas U has pleased the all wlsksfsnd beiieiicleut ttuler of tho Universe to n move from our midst our set seined broth er snd companion General Mart V. Brown rule p resident or this Company, be It Rewolvod, lid. That by this afflictive diapeusssiion of provnlence thin communi ty baa loet one of its inowt prominent aud useful clllona, his wil- and of associate a devoted I m l and a g itual and romNMstonahle frhsnd sod thai I bla company U deprived of one of its m . . na tive, worthy and cwtoemed m ootjer. 2nd. Although m common with her friends of the ih-tod. we f.d the suite aft! kciion which ha leeii caused by bla early departure, yet It is our plain duly to bow Willi submission to the iiisjcrulahle decree of htm who d.ielb all ibinsra wll. Hrd. That a copy of these resolutions M asnt la the widow "t u,- do- .d ami ftirfiisdtod the local papeisf r publication. V. L. Hkis, J. J. Ui sin h i i , C. K, ( 'orum.llee. t llrsi radr It is with pleasure that we direct the at tention of our readers to tho euterpruiug firm of Cherry snd Parks, iron founders of this city. They have only been doing bni neaa bete a year or two, but their reputa tion is now almost ss wide spread as the State, aud the amount of work they turn out m enormous. A short time ago they re ceived an order from some gnat mill in Eastern Oregon. In dus time the machinery wss set np, and it gave sueh satisfaction that another Urge order csme from there Ust week. They hsvs just finished putting s full sst of machinery into the new ware house just erected st Parkers station, in Polk county, by the Heimick Bros., who are well pleased with the work. Mr. C. C. Cherry, the senior partner, was out at I ban on a few days ago snd secured the contract lor fitting up the new warehouse st thst place ith all the Utest improved machinery. Among the other machinery will be one of their 10 horse power stationary engines, one of the neatest machines we have ever seen. The warehouse when finished up will tie one of the best arranged institutions of the kind in the State, snd f -'berry and Parks will soon have it ready for business. They are now running on full time, and are crowded with orders. Such enterprise ss they show is sure to be rewarded. Tee rrult Dryer Cases. Considerable Interest has been manifest ed by our readers in the Injunction suit brought by the owners of ths Plummer patent agrlnst the Inventors of tbs 1 nomas dryer. Judge Desdy bsa rendered tbs following decUInn In the case : It appearing then that the T Woman ma chine, although in one respect sn improve ment upon the Plummer one, Is In other respects an Infringement upon it. and that tbs defendants sre manufacturing and selling their machine for considerably less than the price of the Plummer one, and thereby preventing thessle of the plaintiff s machine, to Its manifest Injury, a provisional injunction will be allowed until the final bearing or the further order of this court, upon giving band In the sum of $2000, with sureties to tho approval of the master. , Notice. To Whom It May (Jonctrn . We, the undersigned, while engsgod in doing s general grain' threshing business with s steam thresher during he present season, will take due care to prevent acci dents occurring from fire but will not be re sponsible should any occur. J. A. Gilmouk A Co. 2 wks. A Bis Stork. S. . Young has just received a large and elegant stock of the oelebrated Samuel Dunbar and Co.'s Philadelphia shoes. Tbey are by far the best goods ever brought to this coast and this year Mr. Young has bought direct from the manufacturers and can give his custom ers the benefit ef this advantage. Call and Inspect these goods before purchas ing elsewhere. Notice To Wool Owners. I have a first class wool carding machine at Corvallis and am prepared to card woo in good shape and at reasonable rates. Give me a call. Wu . Grooves. O O -R,-R.BS-tPO -fST ID E 1ST C E . iKTTKB mOW W ASHIUCTOV Tt'.URf TORY. ClIKlSKT, W. T. Aug. If 1M81. SUi. Democrat: Thinking thst s few lines fiom a wander ing " Webfoot" la regsrd to this new conn- try of Washington might be of interest to msny of your renders, I send you this. Ihiyton U the first town thst I hsve seen thst In sny wsy attracted my attention ss bavin any (treat future pro poets I must say that I wss' favorably Impressed with this place. It Is now tho tormimi of the Dayton branch of tho O. R. and N. R. R Through tho kindness of Mr.Jno. Thornss, formerly of Albany, but now one or the most subslnullai men of Dayton, I wan shown over avastsroaof very fine ngrl cultural land. No place that I havn ever seen can surpass the country around Day ton oxi opt It might be this place of f 'heney Finer grain fields I never saw ; some al most ripe, others green, yet nil looking well snd Indicating n very good yield. Gardens look exceedingly well, while ber ries and fruits, peaches, etc., seem esiiecUI ly adapted to this cllmste. There arn several old Albany boys in Dsyton. The Kubn tiros, are bore, snd are very busy at their trsdoe The boss palnler of the town Is Loe Smith. M. A. Baker Is doing well at his profession, and John Thomas U never out wlmnthey want money on good security. John Elder r una S delivery wsgon here. Billy Strong Is is town. All these former residents of Men seem to be doing well, and are more then pleased with the country. Perhaps the next noted new town of this territory m Cheney. It Is nsmed sftor one Of the stock holders of the N. P K. K. and is tbo on line of that rosd, about IM) mile , from A ins worth. The growth of (libs place has been wery rapid. .Scarcely y month ago, there was nothing In this pine foret but a solitary hut, while uow we hsve town with streets over a ipisrter of a mile long It has the following business house"; Throe urge dry good stores, t hotels and rostsu- rsata, 2 hardware stores, I harness shop, 2 drug stores, 2 blacksmith Atiff, 1 carriage shop, 2 llrery stables, 1 bakery, I grocery storo, 1 fruit stand, '1 biitchorahop, 1 bar- ber shop. 1 grlat mill (being constructed) and 1 school house. A lino chureh is be- ng constructed by the CougrogatlonisU while two more will oou be buill by other denomination. The railroad com tan v la Unletting a very fine depot building that will probably cost $4,000. We also hsve M Saloons. There is nolens than a dozen usw buildings in course of construction now. Cheney elsiar.sto hes center for s Urge farming country, including the Span gle Four lakes, Deep creek sad Hock creek and While Bluff country. Crops look very well, but are a little late. I have nev er anywhere seen more thrifty looking gardens, and grain so far as I have seen it surpasses any portion asf W. T. T. M . Cal laway has 80 acres of very flue laud Just si the edge of town. Cheney seems destined to be-iuitea town al no distant dsy, yoe my j think enough of it. without any desire to see fur Iher. The county office are now 1 neatest iu Cheney instead of Spskan Palls, which will hsve a tendency to mske thU a more central point, though the falls will always Ixi S town of considerable noli. Vrnm whst I bsve smwii of Wsudilngtoo snd Raet- eru Oregou I believe thorn to bo very pro 4m tiveixemtrinsesposially those parts bor dermic on the Blue mountains, and 1 also beiieve that they are often misrepresented .n rirrd to fertility, weather, etc While some localities may be unproductive the ereau-st portions are Indeed surprisingly productive. O. W. i i:k. II 11 I MIS lll Us. LEBaxon. August, 10, Ktitor Democrat : Rev. J. W. Small proa-hod s very prac tical sermon last Sabbath. After the dis course communion services followed. Mr. Small is one of the old p laneer preacbeis of Oreoon, and hss spent most of bis life on ibis coast laboring for the cause of Christianity and the chnr. It with which be U connected. Hon. L. Bilyeu and family, with friends from this place, and also Mr. Clement and family, left here on Monday for the mountains. Tbo read is pretty well lined with partus for the upper sodas and lakes. Ralston and Co. have been receiving a large addition this last week to their al ready immense stock of good. Por prices and accommodation this firm Is hard to beat sud U constantly gathering more trade. Business with all the merchants has been more than usually good snd promises to grow still better. The Kentucky Jubilee Singers, a troupe composed of lo colored Iodic ami gentle men gave sn entertainment on Monday evening. There wss quite s Urge audience snd the performance gave gonoral satisfac tion. Judge Bonham and family of Stlem are stopping at Sodsville for health- and recre ation The Judge has msny warm per sonal friends in thU part of tho country. The warehouse is being rapidly pushed towards completion under the supervis ion of Mr. Isaac Conn and arrangements can now be made for the storage of grain. Parties desiring sacks can bo accommo dated. There sre quite a number of men from different parts of the country looking for farms in this oeotion. Tbey report that there U a general desire among their neigh bors to locate In the Willsmetto valley. Tbo large harvest snd the abundance of fruit favorably impress them with this sod ion. W. H. Reedstlll keeps tbe "boss" place to get s choice drink as well as a tbs clsss o'.gar. Very few men in his b uslness understand more thoroughly tow to manage affairs and keep every thing in nn in her one order. The new hotel is in full blast snd is be lug well patronized. It U under tbe ebargo of Mr. 8. H. Clsughton his previous experience as well as his obliging diosi lton are guarantees that all who stop with him will be woll cared for. Our young friend Nat lledpath is with us again. He will be here for sometime and is clerking for' 0. B. Montague, who requires the assistance of several clerks. Nat and Elmer take turn in assisting him in the store. While their services are much nsadad in the store, yet there are reports that tbe boys find other inducements t mske Lebanon a stopping place. The old story you sll know what It is. W.C Peterson our young watchmaker and jeweler has been investing In a hug velocipede. With hU usual generous na turn he hss been tendering tbe use of the same to his many Isdy acquaintances. As yet his offer bsa not been accepted snd be rides slone. g? Lbb. Fruit Dryer. Tbe only patonted fruit dryer now being sold in this county is the old reliable Plum mer. They are going of like kot cakes and fanners should buy no other. For price and terms enquire of Corvallis Fruit Co. in Ben ton county, or of A. C. Layion in Linn. iKIl II.LK ftKHK. The following I ems are taken from the lsst niimiKr nt ll. liOiilinnn IUsmi " published at Prinsvllls : Monday last the thermometer indicated 96 In (he shadea fair sample of Hades. Bonn. -To tho wife of Joseph W. How ard, a boy K pounds. Minor Lewis and Dan Johns folded their tent ou Wednesdsy last, ami struck out for Brownsville, Linu county. KniTOR PioMgsn : Taking It for grant ed thst you would like an item from ott burg, I write you. f would say there are as flattterlug protect sbead for the Ocboco mines ss sny mines thst f hsve over seen in California. Mr. Thomas Davis, on Sunday last, to gratify a party of ladies, washed twelve buckets of dirt and got Sevan dollars. On Monday he look out about twenty dollars, part of the dsy ; it avoracrod ono dollar to the bucket This wss taken out of ground that was thought would not pay for, working. other claims that look quite as well or better sre laying Idle for SVime industrious fellow to take hold of. The quart, mining seems to bo looming up. Belleti A Wiekl- zer have been taking out considerable gold, but owing to a chsnge of rock have let the mine rest until they could bring on different machinery. The Wide West company are grindlntc some very fine ore. 4 Msrdy feaag Vsrsser. Kdithr limn rut : Last Saturday one of our young farmers lown here by Knox's Unite had his left arm caught in the IhjvoI wheel of a header, and about three inches of flesh torn from it. This would usually Ins considered a very serious accident, but in this case the yonnjr man was oat ssin on Son ' vy and drove tlo horse ower most of the v y and sat np with bis girl in the evening. Tai.i.v Ho. Knox Butte, Aug Htb. (kuii ommrniii ism Tin: UMO itemuuntii' Rasjasnts! It mnsnts! Kemnatits Of silks, Remnants of Mack end coloted cash mere, Remnants of dress good, licrnnsnts of alpacas, Remnants of embroider 'u r. Remnants of sheet ing, Remnants of toweling, Uemnents f flannel, Remnants of calico, at 25 per cent, below cost, nt J. F. D. Wrinkle t Co's new store, AHmny. Nol Ire le r eraser aal Dealer. We have received from Jesse Moore snd Co., IoisvilIe, Ky., the finest lot of differ ent grades of their celebrated whiskies ever brmiKht to thu city, which we will sell at the lowest price for cash. See us before baying. J. K Sosbis Co. eut for Jesse Moore and Co.'s Whiskies. Banish humors and reinvigorate the slomoch, liver and bowels, a ith King ot the Blood. Soe sdwr iaenient. v ftlsl.LY lo IVnton winty, near Albany, on s.turdav. Au b. ISM, to the wi:- Sjmre Kisley a garl. -tABRIE. I.XNSlNG MOM Be Kcv. T. B. Whit St the residuii--e of John ioui, August 4th, r.iARO J. LASBIira and Mis. JfcXjfTfc L IV4 -J of I. tun county. Aud tho DpBMKBAT was rijbt royally remembered. From Kditors to "Devil.'H there was a hearty "Hurrah for the Captain and his hsndsome lady, msy they live long and pmaMr I" Captain and Mrs. I.snu.n.'. n -e Is n. are well knosm and their many friends extend to them their sincere wis he t for a long and pleasant life journey. TA LI COTT CLIN E. At tbe residence of Prof. Keash, by Rev. Sand. T. Miller, onSatorday, Aajrist bth.lS1.!, Ms. Wm. II. Tabu-oTi to Miss l!rvio. Clise both of Scio. Tbe uniting in the holy bonds of matri mony of our young friends who hail "tw-o minds with but a single thought, two hearts that ls-at as one" was an occasion lone to be remembered by the favored few who pai- tictpated. The silver link wss wedded ard tbe silken knot tie 1 by the Adoois of Bev- ernds Samuel T. Miller in a graceful and impressive insnner. They have the hearty congratulations of sll and we wish them a long and happy life. " GCXKT. DIED. STIMSON.-At her birth place on Sand Kidge Linn county Oregon. August 2d 1881. Miss LOBUUA STiatsoN, aged 90 years ansl 5 months. Daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. I. hum Slinuon. The augel of death has invaded the happy home circle of our friends and neighbors Louis Slitiison and wife and plucked from thence their aitnable and lovely daughter Luella just as she saas approaching the threshold of womanhood. That death loves a shining mark ha never been more fully exemplified than iu thu instance The dear girl whose quiet dream of life hss oeased, and who has crossed the dark tide to enjoy more perfect peace and happiness with tha-pure and upright of all the ages Who havs made thu voyage hence over that Biystic sea which divides us from the emer ald shores of eternity, was indeed a bright example, a loving and affectionate daughter, kind ami tender sister, a sincere and steadfast friend, and an intelligent and con sientious teacher. Miss Luella died at her birth place and childhood s home ; she received a good English education at the Santiam Acadamy, Tesbanon, and taught school herself in Pipers District with great satisfaction to her patrons and pupils. Teaching, seemed to be her vocation ; in her last illness, when Tier mind wandered from the effects of the consuming fever that ended he life, she was once more in the school-room, encourag ing her pupils with words of commendation or addressing their parents and thanking them for their interest in educational mat- tors. When it was known in ths neighborhood that her gentle spirit bad passed away many eyes were suffused with tears. Deep and poignant 'wss the sorrow of that family circle to whom she was peculiarly -near aud dear ; but they know that she was called by Him who doeth all things well and tbey bow themselves in humble submission So his awful providence well knowing that in the bright morning of tho reaurreetion their loved and lost shall be found again, amid the happy throng of angels and arch angels, cherubim and seraphim ami the glorious host of the redeemed of -arfh whose rones have been made white in the Woo l of tbe Lamb. C. 8. JeT, Ths ci'.jr eouacll met in regular ;, 0fj everrlns. Aur t In ;i1m - Ma). t order by Recorder Hki " td Present -Marshal Hont aee ARSa , .nnas Scat, Haltoursh, Urailsreh), HU.kbun, ami Fierce. Minutes of last meeting- reeS and aafs-nved. bills were urdensi paii S Alien, R'biaso A Co., $1.lf ; If. i. Heetoei, r?Vxi I. O. Dssisy, V., A. J Uu.., 14; F If. WetfM. SS Ciiv ri Jrjne. Sl.ft -. .v i. Hsotee. Stir-sV. Vrnm BiUw, S4 Committeeon Sre snd water grtlei furtU. : Umi to report em bhl of Fred Willert. Cimenlttee m streets sad pnylie property qnnM lurtimr time am dilefe, Sidesratsm, A-. Saltn,srli, as sperlal committee U wrosp with the CalU rnia Oas Co , presented S letter Ir-nn the eempanies sent, statins tbey WonM fumoh of 2S an IJ power, at a cert ef 60 U SO nesrtis wer 100 feet also teal (key euW sate tbe pipes in by flsSsssbw. IV, at theferlhest On maim t" .rt r- assJ a.'iJ e nnmiitee Continued. On motion ef Soott, ths tores- sn p'ani f fie dtjr eerreyer for the sil ' eewer In W 9. were ade; tsd and sewer ordered baHt In ai-onbuesi with tbe 0i Mi'Skm, the esniannicati'Si from Ui l.'ilifornia Oas Co. was raferred to committee on wa end means n reimrt at the nest meetine;. On motion of Oradwohl, the Marshal wss instrurtod to pat in a sewer pipe from the rneln sewer to the liee of RroadalMe street, oe tbe alley through Mock , fierce BssSSsHM the''enebeirordlsaeeetsi tabled, loss. The ordinance was read three times, and on roll being called all the members voted sye. On motion the title of the tell ws made the title of tbe ordinance. I fennel reported that the sheriff bad notified bias thst Users wss S delinquent Us afahssS Mo. two's lot. On motion, tbs camnitte on serviut and current expense was ssstructed to exaedns krto tbe ms'ter and report at the sett saeeOng. Under suspenssisi of the rotes the KU ef Was. Brown for S3, svae rfjZred peed, and tbe foOearin? bills were refer re 1 to Use proper comas.tes : Allen. Robinson and o.. t3 Si , . M. Weetfall. S.75 ; Lewie Miner, ; A. J. Hont, 4S2i.J. A. Wenv-r, til ; CKf ys. Sam Wong, . X. J lienton, tie On motion adjourned. Tbe sir, I ef the Sesr Crop. The credit of bringing tbe first load ol the new wheat into oar city tbis sea son belongs to our old friend Thou. I. Anderson, living in Orleans precinct. He brought it iu lsst Saturday to J. II. Foster st Go and has been delivering ever since. This same firm also receiv ed a carload from John Baltimore la t Tuesday. Lost Monday Mat fcoU brought in a tot ot his fine wheat to the Farmers Warehouse, and on Tnesshay J. B. Roberts didiered a lot at the same place thn quality of which cannot le- beaten anywhere. Jonathan Wassom.of ebanon, com menced delivering at the "Red Crown Mills" on Tuesday .and on the same dsy IxiulsZulfcdorf commenced at Monteiths Mills. The wheat is of splendid quail ty a great deal bettor than the average for several years. Roop it Vance have not yet received any wheat, but quite a lot of oats have been delivered there. Ir. King's New Discovery fur Consump tion, caught and colds, asthma, bronchitis, ts given away in thai bottles free of cost to the afflicted. If you hsve a ees-ere confli, cobi, difficulty ef breathing, hearseneas -other affection of tbe throat or longs, by ill means give this wonderful remedy a trie'. As pen value your existence yon cannot af ford to let this opportunity j . We coo hi not afferd aud would not give this remedy away unless we knew it weald accomplish what we claim for it Tbeuaands of hope less cases hsee already been cured by it. There is no medicine in the world that will cure ene-half the cases that I)'. Kings New Discovery wdictue. For sale by Foshay sssd Mason, wholesale sveate A n)' I. Moms. Scio : Dr. L. Foley, UN non ; 'ft. ' ). B. j aven, Lfrsaaoii ; l il.rette. Boena Vurta ; ftoafetto and M- i -tasrue. f. Seaisoa ; O. H. P. seraeltoa, Tsn-n-r ; K. A. Katnpv. Rarrisbnrg ; S. S. H. , Halsey ; Damon Smith. IlaLey ; Starr ami sliakely, Urownsville, sssa wsbsmS - Hi t H SSa s. m nireiitv- s .ir. The best salve in t-.e world for cuts, bra-sea, sores, ulcers, ash rheum, fever sores, tet ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This save is guar anteed to give perfect Stisf action in every case or money refunded. Price 35c per b x. For sale by Foe hay and Mason, wholfstaie agts ; D Moore, See ; D Foley, Lelaanon ; Dr Powell, Lebanon ; Red path and Mon tague, JefjersoQ ; D M Calbreath, Duet-s Vista ; 0 ( V melius, Turner ; R A Ilatnpy , Harrisburg ; Starr and Blakejv, Browns ville (OXGR4TFLATOBY. We take mad. pleasure in congratulating mr enterprising druggists, Messrs Fitehav and Mason upon having secured the agency tor Slaren s t anions losemite Golearn. larmless Yosemite Face Powder. nrl Call fenua Pine and Eucalyptus Porous PUs ters. . e call particular attention to tbe Kucalvp- tus Plaster, which U taking the lead of all others. Tbe Yosemite Coloirue has alresdv Isacome a household word, and all the ladiee tecommeud the Face Powder. Fosters bri , Main St , Albany, Oregon. Tli a mBfrt. hAnAri.Mfb. HisWrTPrv tKj ntury for inau ia Amnion's ,ough - mm A rAolf hr nanflaman ' wKa ntaima -.j-. asa ww isssssj mmm j sa,v tisiviueu 4 ss uw t hat it entirely cored him of incipient con sumption, orrerea ao,un Tor tbe formula and tbe right to manufacture and sell it to tbe world, which was refused. The rem ody stands upon its owAi merits. A 15-oont 1 - s ui. 1.1 L. . . . saiupie ussssss win convince me most skep tical of iu virtue. Trv it. It iiur stave your lie. All respectable druggists keep it, at 15 cento, it) cents., and 1. ' e MKXBW'a BBeHJl V SlLYK. The beat salve ia the world for Cu's, rtruihe, Soros, Ulcers, Sslt Khoum, Telle ' "happed IJatuU, Chilblains, ( 'urns and , viml; of Skin Eruptions Frecklea ant Pimples. The salve is gusranteed to trie -perfect sot istctloir Hi every ease or inon v funded. Be sure you get Henry's Car bolic Salve, as all oineira ate but imitation j aud connterfePs. Price 25" ceuta. Slaves. Cherry Tsoth Psaate. An aromatic combination for tbe preser vation of the Teeth and Guma. It is far superior to any preparation of the kind in be market. In large, hsnrlsomo oial pots, prios 50 cents. For sale bv .Ffahnv X -Mason, Albany, Oregon. Impute blojd U shown by akin dlsnr i era, Pimples, Swellings, Ulcers, Ac, also by JJver snd Kidney Complaint, Consti pation, Piles, Indigestion, BdlRiunts. Despondency, Lassitude, Gem ral Weak ness, and many other symptoms, Earify nit hiving of the Blood. See advertises tnent. 3 DB. GBBB1S oAii.t-vilfco ittxbs in tho oldest and best remedy, for Dyspep sia, Billiousneas, Malaria, Indigestion, all lisorders of tbe stomach, and all diseases indicating an impure condition of the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc. tare fer Beat. A first class office room to rent in the Peterson building, opposite tbe Odd IV -lows' Tomple. Enquire' of F.M. French. DURXO'S CATARRH S3UFF cures Catarrh and all affections of the rouoous membrane. DR. M OTP'S HVBti PILLS are ftalkasatl T sksBBse 1 1 a f "a 1"U tl a I'VOV aiUHllIt; ASCT Asaeawa j Fnr a nouirh or cold there ( qual to Am men's cougn oyra asm