s4m . . . -. I I " ' life V i f be gwirat. FRIDAY. ... .II7 f .V 22, 1881. TBS KPIZOOTIt . A alek bora? i nola nicoolijoctio clirotno (iooi health U esential to horse as to hotno, But you won't one the tieature by Riving him bron i o. AttU if vouare urudent.poaaessingacuuiMi, Y m won't employ sutpbur, or pills or bitumen And juat the aano way if the patient is hitman. Not any ! My friend, I'll revoal to you whaTll Restore him. Jnat rest him and ponUice his throttlo ; Don't dose him wiih anything out ef a bottle. 'Ventilate. Fumigate. Feed him on gruel; Wrap him up. Coax and caress him, for you will Save a sick horay ly simply observing this ru-el. Swab bis nostril tth te id-like water or brandy, For ha can't wipe his none with his hoof, you tee, and he la so rigid he can't u ie a handerchief bandy. If a cltp comes aJong with "a sure ran Go lea 1 him ligftfaau of Ih i Laru by the He's the fellow Bpreadln th9 hip- rhinorrhea. UP TBlSt. THE FAttMEKS I D kon. Buttermilk pouieJ over the back of a r carry pig will remove the scurf. Oat grown oa clay land make the bet meal, keep the longest and bring the highest price. Any animal if allowed to get poor after having been fat will never fat- tea stiJKeil again. If salt addr-eh-rt-oal be fed to hogs every week it will greatly benefit them in preserving their health. What oats and corn are to the horse, manure is to the plant ; but the same manure does not do for all plants. Experiment shows that with E-trly Rose potatoes the smallest amount of seed in the hill yields the best crop. Use chemical manure in prefer ence to any other for potatoes. Or dinary manure may contain the mil dew seeds. Pruning ought to bd done aier the leaves attain their size, when the wounds will not bleed and they will tfotnmence to heal immediately. There is nothing better for a fer tilizer of grape vines than ground bone. It seems to afford the vine and fruit just the elements required. Six bushels of peas equal ten bush els of corn for fattening; hog?, and peas yield a larger number of buskels tthe acre than corn. jwrmc hr Btrtrr your hens up keep them out of the garden, do tlot forget to give them an occasion ' nX sod so they raay scratch aad peck at it. When wheat is cut young it will he lighter in color and will ferment ore quickly titan that cut later. te cut wheat will make the least ur but the strongest and best. The general opinion is that ants are enemies to fruit trees, but it has long since been proved that they destroy larvie and chrys titles and that they do not touch the fresh fruit For family cow.8, heifers with their first calves should be milked within a few weeks of their coming in again. If dried off early they will always dry up their milk early. A calf will draw off the milk in three minutes, and the nearer a milkman can come to that the better. A slow milker makes the cow impa tient, which often causes her to hold op her milk. Ground that wiil raise "0 bushels of corn will raise from 100 to LiO bushels of potatoes if th- market fails they can be fed with advantage to cows, pigs and chicken. It is a gowi plan to cut a quantity of hay very early and store it as green as it is safe to do so. Beserve this for winter feeding for milk cows. The quantity of milk will be greater as long asthts hay lasts. A great mistake is mady in put- t'lU-S ciWs nUddenlv fr.im Unv unrl r ' - r - uu- to young grass and open air. your cow, especially if site be a r of good stot-k, out for onlv one hours a day at the fir.-d. irees raay be gu irdad front attacks of grubs by attaching to eir trunks pieces of tow, smeared with a mixture of chloride of lime and hogs lard ; srrts and grubs al ready in possession will leave. When about to set out young ap ple trees eHnine the roots lor the wooly aphis, that rosemUles the White mould. Washing the roots with carbolic acid, soapsuds, ,r la n strong decoct ion of tobacco destroys this insect. Young cows do not give as rich mtiK as m -;e ot mature age do. A lean cow gives poor milk and a fit cow rich milk. The stings of . bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, etc, are not only painful, but with some persons may be dangerous. if you can see the ing extract it with tweezers or by wutch-key over it. At- tshorn, sweet oil, whis- jologne. f there is depres sion j.ive stimulants. Amateur fruit growers are very chary of performing the operation known a thinning out the promising crops on their trees and vine. Thev cannot bear to remove a single pear ouncn oi grapes. But lieious thinning of the crop is one fie surest waysef securing a noun- harvest ot the best quality. A nerve at the beginning will af- a vast deal of satisfaction at the the season. id of lettuce, two feet across, :jiif,ifpd at fcaiita Ito,?., lim'S Garden. IP5 r Estperlraontlng on the depth at which wheat should bo covoretl, the following results were obtained. Of fifty grains deposited at the deoih of eight inches ot.ly two cam up, and these formed no heads; at seven in ches one-fourth came up hut formed no heads. Ten out of the fi.'ty camo up when covered live Inches deep, but hud defective heads. At four inches covering tin re were a few per fect head, but most were defective. Of those covered three inches all camo up, but the Invst yield was from those covered only i wo inches deep. The conditio of the soil as to moisture is not stated, nor the state of the sea son, but we should infer it was moist or those planted three Inches would have been better than those at two. The same oxperlmentersay8 he pre fers to cover his wheat one inch auu never more than two. The following is the result of an ex peri men t with seed corn. Four boxes of earth, alike In quantity and expos ure to light and heat, were planted at the same time wttn corn irom a single ear, and placed in a physician's office. In one box dry corn was plant ed; in another seed previously soaked In clean warm water; in the third seed which had been soaked in a solution of lime water; in the fourth seed soak ed in cmorute oi ume auu copperas water, equal parts. One week after the dry corn had not germinated; the forn in the second box had just com menced to sprout; that In the third box was just showing the green blades; while that in the fourth box had grown nearly three inches in height. Copperas water will prevent birds and worms from oating the seed, and one pound of dried copperas will soak enough seed corn to plant twenty acres. The National Live Stock Journal sums up the reason why every farmer should havo a flock of sheep: A farm can be stocked with sheep for less mouey than with cattle, horses or hogs. Sheep wiil come nearer to utilizing everything that grows ou the farm than other animals. Less labor will be required for getting feed and stock together. The returns will come in sooner and oftener than with my other farm stock except hogs. Less money is required for shelter and fencing and less labor is involved in herding, where outside pasturage is accessiblo and preferred. And finally, a handsome income on the investment can be had without the sale of the animals themselves. In the vicinity of cities and large towns in England fanners sow con siderable quantities of clover, which is mown when in blossom and done up in bandies, weighed, loaded into wagons and taken to the town or city, where it meets with a ready sale to cabmen, truckmen, omnibus men, and all persons owning horses. These bundles of clover make an ex cellent feed for horses, besides mak ing a change. The clover, when fed in small quantities, has medieinal properties which keep the boMM In good condition during the summer, and horses fed occasionally with green clover are rarely if ever either out of condition or troubled with har ness galls. Oliver De Sevres, a French writer, in a work on underd rain Ing in 1000 says : "Should stone for replenishing ditches fail on the spot do not have them brought from a distance at a great expense, but instead use straw. The rye straw on account of its strength, can be used, and this fail ing replace it with wheat straw. The straw should be arranged itvo bun dles one foot thick, and two and a half feet long, tied up even at three even equi-distant p'ace. Straw thus employed wilt last a long time, for it is admitted that being within the earth and without the effects of air, straw remains sound over one hun dred years." Henestly and equitably managed, railroads are the must beneficent dis covery of the century, but rvuid by irresponsible and uncontrolled cor srate management, in which stock watering and kindred swindles are tolerated, and favoritism in charges is permitted, they become simply great engines to accomplish uncqtiMl taxa tion, and to arbitrarily re-distribute the wealth of the country. When this state of thingsis sought to be ierwtuat ed by acquiring political power and shaping legislation through corrupt use ot money, the situation becomes more serious. Tin? Fitrmers Home Journal, of Har din county, Ky., says gloomily: ''Stock of all kinds are thin, hogs dying with the cholera.distemper prevailing among hors', peaches nearly all killvd, and wh-ift crop not promising." Tho following is said to le an aoli- d re for blight in poAr trees one l'nrtof slaked liim, one quart of ne phosphate and one ounce of sul phur sprinkled under each tree. ft Ia estimated that the grain rri oi JSeiiraska lor 188 1, If the preut utlook holds grood the balance of tlu season, will aggregate 105,000,000 t . . rni. t . uuMieis. mis m an increase ovor 1 880 of fully thirty per cent. rn L- A. m s a m . ne an oi agriculture consists es sentially in producing materials of a certain quality in the greatest pos sible quantity with the least expense or money or time. a car r new wheat, the tirat of the season, arrived In St. Louis June 8, from Fort Worth, Texas-. It graded No. 3 Red Winter, and sold at auction for $1.50 per bushel. Tl.p following is said to be an anti- uote ror wight in pear trees: One quart of slaked lime, one quart of bone phosphate and one ounce of sulphur, sprinkled under each tree. Calves should have a run in a good piece of grass. The vrdua of a cow depends so much on the first year's growth that the calf should have the bestjof feed, that Uie mature animal raay be the most profitable. Leaves of trees absorb no water but they throw off daily hundreds of millions of gallons whh-h are taken up by the roots. Jfuckievcies are rjf,e in jaogson county. -si MOW TO in:i Till CHIMIN I N. There is no animal 1 know of born Into the world In a state of greater helplessness than the human infant, and none more dependent upon arti ficial means to keep up the animal heat. It would very soon succumb to the tsild if not protected. This is proved by the fact that a very much larger proportion of children die dur ing the winter than during the sum mer, although as regards the mortal ity of the young and the middle aged there is very little difference between those seasons. Tho older a child gets the bettor it becomes able to re sist cold, but and I would that moth ers would lear this well in mind not until a boy or girl is well into his or her teens should fostering warmth be looked upon otherwise than its a friend, or cold otherwise than as t deadly foe. Children in the cradle are seldom or never neglected by . . ... well-to-do-parents, butitis when achild begins to run about, and is able to go out of doors, that mistakes are made about the clothing, which often lead to speed lly fatal illnesses, or sow the seeds of future ailments, which render life a misery and a bunion, that can only be laid down at the portals of the tomb. Instead of studying warmth and comfort In the clothing of their children, many mothers study only fashion. 1 speak advisedly, for 1 have proof of what 1 aver every day of my life. It is not ray province to tell my lady readers how to cut the patterns for their children's dresses, or oven to choose the material from which to make them ; but as a medical man it is my duty to remind them that the child who Is clothed warmly, cleanly and neatly Is far better dress ed than one whose at tiro shows it to be a victim to a votaress of fashion. The one has a chance of turning out a healthy man and a useful member of society, the other has not. To those who are between tho ages of ten and twenty I have to say that, with no desire to advise them to be overelothed, and thus made hot house plants of, to much attention can not be paid to keeping them warmly clad. Cold is fatal to the young ; warmth is life Itself ; cold retards the building up of the tissues of bone and muscle ; warmth enc Mirage it; cold interferes with the due perform ance of the skin, throws extra work on the liver and kidneys, and blunts the nervous energy of the brain itself; warmth has altogether a contrary ef fect. Some parents labor under the er roneous impression that tbey are making their children hardy by al lowing them to expose themselves to the deleterious effects ot the ab sence of warmth. To maintain the animal heat in the young it Is not necessary that the clothing should be heaped upon them, nor that they be carefully made' prisoners of indoors whenever the dry is chill or the winds blow igh. The clothing should be light rather than heavy light and protective ; and the mater ial itself should be studied, not the quantity arjtrw. -a It was once believed the house leek, if grown ujon the roof, would protect the house from being truck by light ening. o hwrrh Ulrrrlorj. Y. P. C. A Mets at their room in Fos ters brick building, on Velneaday evenings at 7-10 o'clock, and on SahlsUh afternoons at 4k Business meetings are held on the even ing of the second Morulay ia each month. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. Cbciumv Preaching every KahLath, at II a. ml, and 7 r. M. by Rev. f, O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath benool at 2:30 r. ml Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Evax(oiual Chlrcm. Preaching on Sab bath at 11 a. ml, and 71 t. n. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. W. ('. Kantaer, pastor. sM . . M vosfjKKijATiox.it. i it c tu n. Services every Sabbath at II a. School at 2:30, Thursday evenu. and 8 r. M. Sabbath Prsyr meeting of cacti week. J. on W. Harris, pastor. M. K. C'Hl'ki it, ' in. Services every SbUth at St Psul h M. K. Church, South, at II a. M. and 74 r. M. Sabbath School at 12 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs. day eve.'ing. il. t. Miller, paUr. IC E. in : u. Preaching every Sabbath at II a, m. and 74 r. m. Sonir service in the eveuitig before sermon. Sabbath School u z:30 r. u. I'rmycr meeting every Thurs lay evening. 1. Ihllon, nsktor. lAintr t'liL Ki n. Services every Sahbath at 11a. m. nd 71 . u. .Sahiutk School st 12. Pray r meetiug every Thursday even ing. W, raw). .i.l, jjaUr. Tk. ... m . i KEnHi ri.Bf AS t Hi K u. ,cn i. e every Sahliath morning and eventttfl in t'olleue ChapeL Suol School immediately rl'ter the morning servn-e. Prayer meeting every lliurbOay eventtig. l.ev. KllK-rt i. I ondit, pastor. wt r tvjh always Cures and never disap points. Too world's creat Pain- Reliever for Man aad Cheap, quick and reliable. PITCHER'S C ASTORIA i not Narcotic. Children grow fitt upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates tho Bowels, cures Wind Colic, allays Feverishness, and de stroys Worms. WEI BE MEYER'S CA TARRH Core, a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy, by Absorption. The most Important Discovery sinoo Vac cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh, this cures at any stage before Consumption sets in. ftlavea's Cherry Tooth Paste. An aromatic combination for the r reser vation of the Teeth and Gums. It is far superior to any preparation of the kind in tbe market. In large, handsome opal pots, pries 60 cents. . For sale by Foshay Mason, Albany, Oregon. FARMS FOR HALE HY STEWART & GREY, Real Estate Brokers, ALBANY, OREGON. Tho follow ing Is a partial list : 170 acres tune ami a half miles went ef Tangent, On gon.and (1 miles from Albany, so acres In cultivation ; 40 acre more ran be put In cultivation easily; balance good Umber ami pasture land. Noil, rich black prairie. Uood bouse and barn, good board lence, all in good repair t young orchard ef 100 trees: good wed and running stream for stock ; good school, oh arch and post office ; good neighborhood ami good soci ety. Terms fab per acre 5 fJ.OOO down, rest on easy terms. 100 acres 6 miles south east of flalsey, 6 miles from Hrownavllleand I milos from liarrlaburg. f0 acres in cultivation and all rich prairie land; no timber, but plen ty within 4 miles and cheap. All under good fence; house one and a half story, 4 rooms and upstalrst barn 20x80 and a good Krainory; two good wells, one wind mill pump; now land. Kvervtbing about tne place in tbe way of buildings, fences, etc., is new ami In good shape ; Narrow (lauge runs through the place and station unar; good school, church aud post-olUco facilities. Terms, ilOOQ. 820 acres 14 miles east of Albany, and 4 miles from depot on narrow gauge ; SO acres In cultivation ; '210 prairie, act culti vated but good (suture, and a portlcn fair plow land 00 acres light timber, good wood. Kntlre laud under fence ; average buildings, house and bai n ; amall orchard a or 0 acres, apples, etc, school and church both near. Uood nelgUlsirhood. I'rlco 4, 000; terms, one third down, time on rent. 226 acres, 18 mile east of Albany and H miles from Narrow (iauae; H acres In cul tivation, 76 prairie, not plowed, in pasture. 05 small brush ; two small houses aud bourns : good orchard. 0 acres, spples, etc all under fence.uot llrst class: school house on land; good neluhborbood. Price $3, 500; terms one-third down; balance on loug time. 100 acies 10 miles east of Albany and s miles from Narrow iauge. I'liiniproved; tood farm land, mostly nr brush. Price s per acre, one-third down, easy terms on balance. SO acres lylns 15 miles due south of Al bany. 0 miles Miuthweat of Ijebanon ; and one and a naif miles from Wand Kidge school bouse; '2 miles from church and M mile from station on Narrow tiaugw ; all under cultivation, fair board and rail fence; well drained ; no standing water; one uiH aud pump; ll. black prairie and -rich; house 10.' -.124 3 rooms and up- staiis; IH story; small stable; all in fall wheat and crops looking line. Price, 82.1 per acre, terms easy. 2200 acres 10 ml lea east of Hsrrisburgon the line of tbe narrow gauge railroad, flic lineal sto-k ranch In Linn county; a living stream of water runs tbe entire length of the farm. All enclosed with splendid feu Tea; a fine dwelling; good large barn and two smaller houses for tenants or help. 2a0 acres In .cultivation, and the balauue In pasture laud ; about 1000 aires are sua ceptibleof cultivation; a splendid orchard and good well en the place. Terms cay, part cash and balance on long time. 130 acres lying 4 miles west of Albany on road to Co rv all is ; all under fence ; 100 acres in cultivation ; can all be cultivated except about 15 acres. Price, 3& per acre; flMlf down and balance secured by mort gage; dwelling house of two rooms and good log barn, ahedded on three sides. School 1 mile. 280 acrmo KanowUaugeroad.il miles from Albany and & miles from Hclo, and 754 miles from Jefferson. 115 acrea good farminc land, 75 acres la cultivation; re mainder in timer aud brush; houae !82M, with 10 foot walla, ell 10x28 ; good bam 22x34 wl th 14 foot shed on one side; good rent-es end water. Terms fSftOfXeaah down If possible. Rather than net sell will lake 82OU0 down, and balance on 2 to 3 years Ume. secured by mortgage. 190 acres . of s mile west of Albany; 100 acres in cultivation aud 9 acres oak and ash limber, good wood land; all under fence, board and rail, some good aad Vi bad ; about 7 acres hi orchard, apples, mostly pears; goad aotlt 20 bushels wheat per acre on average; good two -story fraaiu bouse, plastered, 0 rooms, built iu 1873, and xstt S20T$ good barn. 20x40 and two bods; well arranged for farm purposes. Terms, 88000, 2 years time on 85000. 150 acres VA miles west of Tangent; 100 acres In cultivation; all new mod. ci and la good order; good two story ho 8 rooms, nearly new and In gfxxl uoadi tion; good new barn 80x80; floe young orchard, 160 plum and prune trees, fair apple orchard; fences la good order; plen ty running water; 20 acres of good timber rich, blank soil and very productive. Price 85250, H cash and balance on time. 100 acres one and a half miles northeast of Albany: 15 acres in wheat, rest In fair average; woodland; good land; nearly fenced. Price $25 acre; terms easy. 500 acres 1 mile southeast of Hoda Springe ; fair farming ; amall house; 300 acres fenced. Will be sold in small tracts or all together, good school, church and post-office at felodaville, also the Hoda Springs. Price 85 per acre; easy terms. 20 acres 3 miles northwest cf Lebanon, near Narrow Gauge; river bottom, ricb and productive: unimproved, desirable for garden. Price 820 jr acre; terms eaay. 320 acres southwest of Sweet Home ; all under good fence, fenced Into Ileitis; 5 acres in good orchard, apples and peaches; house with two rooms and upstairs: large frame barn; soil, ricb, mack loam, bottom laud ; 90 acres in cultivation ; balance good pasture land; well watered with springs; good timber 30 miles southeast of A'bany, 12 miles irom Brownsville and 5 miles from Crawfordsvllle; 0 miles from good grist mill ; 2 miles to school, church and postoillce. $10 per acre, easy terms. 160 acres 8 miles south ot HodavHIe and 20 miles from Albany; unimproved. Price 86 per acre. 70 acres 18 milei east of Albany : unim proved. Price 85 per acre; easy term. 103 acres Tying 3 miles above Lebanon on tbe Lebanon Mountain road. No fen ces or Improvements. 15 or 2d seres tim ber, balance rich prairie land. Price $13 per acre. 80 acres 1 H miles above Onealia, 011 Ya quina Pay, kuown as tbe old shipyard. It bas a splendid frontage on tne liay, and wi'l lie sold at $11 per acre. GjOOA A MONTH ruarsiit-wu. 812 s dsy st horns nPOUU made by the IndustrlotM. Capital not in quired ; we will start you. Men, women, boys sad Kirle make money taster st work tor us than at any thiuir else, Tbe work is light and pleasant, and such as anyone can go right at. Thus who are wise who see this notioe will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit aad terms. Now i tho time. Those already at work are laying up larg sums ot money. Address THUS A CO., Auumt Maine. ALBANY BAKERY AND GROCERY. JOHN POX, PROPRIETOR. Keeps constantly on hand a full and complete stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS OF ALL KINDS, TOBAC CO AND CIGARS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CHOICE CON FECTIONARY, THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, BREAD, PIES, GAKES, COOKIES, And everything usually found in a first class Bakery and Grocery. I am the sole agent in Albany for the celebrated NATIONAL WASHING POWDER. This powder is used without injury upon the most delicate fabric, and cleanse all articles thoroughly without rubbing or boiling. It contains no acids or alkalies, and is the most economical wash powder ever offered to tbe public. Patronage respectfully solicited. 48yl cuKimv. c. a. vahhk: ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEREV & PARKE8, (NutHwssor to r. (.'. Chorry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders, WK If AVE OUH NEWMHOP8 Aldj oom (dated, and ar now tiriusired to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Nteain Kuglnea, ClrUt and Saw Mill Machinery, 1111 J all kinds of Iron aud Ilrasa Castings. raTTKStft sf 4 UK ON 8IIOHT aOTK'tU Special attention gi veil to repairing all kinds of mschlnery. Will also manuiac ture the Improved Cherry A While (J rain separator. stiup ea llakrr St. Oilier a La Hiker tsrd. Albany, Or., Dec. 1, 1880. 18tf A BARGAIN ! Valuable Property for Sale. THBALW58 FRUIT DRYER, Including the hiilhliiig ami lots upon which It Is situated, Is for sale at a her- Bin. Tuere are two uryers anu sold separately. This Is a 1 hey tan KwmI Op Crtunity for fruit raisers to secure st dryer made, at a low price. tne Tbe lots are very valuable lying on the river front, ami having a railroad switch running by litem, ills a gtsNi inositoii fby a custom flourlug mill, foundry, or auy such bullies. For further rticulars call tti the PresL dent or Hecrelaryor the 0mjH.11 v. a. r. C KAWKoKIl, L. C. Rica, President. Secretary. so NEW BARBER SHOP I J. I. SIRLES, Prop'r. A IOO! SKA IO AM SHAMPOO goes J with each abave. I'rieee for shaving aud hair-cuttintr same as usual. Kooium opposite Mcllwaiu's store. IWf .fAMK3 DANNALS, MastvAcrraKS aSD ssataa ts FURNITURE REDDINC C'eraer ferry ssst Sereed streets. ALBANY. ORKCiO. OOMIyl THE! BOSS PAIN KILLER OP THE WORLD -is DR. HFM s S I il.ll I !(. OIL. The New Medical Wonder of tho llMli ( out in . THK W0NIIKKFI I AK0LIKHKR F FAIN. A SWA 1 1 II IOK DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT i Tb assrt artJHiiliinj lb. tmM Its. -, ki.. n SsH-asaaiir Falaa atapawS la ts aalaalsa. Sraralaia lalas alapycS la IS aslaalra. Hrsiarlif atppr4 la 3 nalaatr. Tthmeh topprd tm l-t mlaalr. Aaj frr tins mf aassSara la the rir.h rr llrtrS la is aalaalrs. TO BE USED EXTERNALLY. For sals kjr all drugy' aiwl Jc-alera In inwli'.-iiics, and at wsalsssls bjr HODGE, DAV : A CO., POKTLAM). OUeUOH. YiAluwing is uoc 4 ths many UwlimoiilaU rscs'tail. Ths writer, Mrs. WsaUtartunt. ia wall ami farorabl known In this ity. t'-.t aarSs ulars laiutr of J. w Wcalhcrl.rU a Co. losTt n, Oaasos. Da. Hasurr : -I wss euffrrtng will. jm Intensely, an that fur several days I wss not able l strals-hlcn myself. I used some of your MJgbtniny Unintent," attU it rsmovad the pain upon the llrst application. Tbe fourth application removed all son lit cause 1 by the twin. Kor tooOtache aud nenrmlgia It Is a apecifti ha vine bwsu tried ia my own family. I have used gallons of liniment of tsrious kinds, and And this to any. I hhrhl) re-onnucnd it ti an nuSorniif uli acliea an, I ie(na. nl'yl J1IW J. W. WKATIIKRI OKI.. Notice of Copartnership TAJOTICK IS IIERKHY fJIVKN THAT J3I the undarsiKneri bave this day entered Into a copartnership for the purpose of carrying on aud conducting a drug and book store In Albany, Llun county, Ore gon, under tbe firm name of ('. A. J'lmn titer A Co. Dated this ttie 15th dsy of Juna, 1881. 4ert C. A. PLUM M Kit, O.O. McWAlN. Mr J. H. Batks, Newspaper Advertis ing Agent, 41 Park Itow (Time Huildin) New York, is uthorhsed to contract for advertisements best rates. in tho Ukmockst at our TO 1HE WOKKlflU CLASS. We ara now prsparad to furnish alt classes with con slant employment at home, the whole oi the lime, or for their pars momenta, business now, liyht aiul prontuble. Person, of sither sex ossily earn frisu -n cents to S per eveiiiiii;, and a propurtlonal sum hv devotinif thetr whole Ume to the Inuineea. boys and jrlrl earn nearly as much as men. Thai all who see tills notice may send their addreas and it the himl nc m we make this offer : To audi as are not well sat isfied ws will send one dollar to y for the tmtihle of writing. Full articiihra and outitl true. AddrMSi, Okoaua Stimsos a Co., Portland. Maine. -J) 1 ft 1 F ( U ro tooo A YKAK. or Ut 9H a day In IP I t)jf your own locality. No risk. Women do as wall as men. Many make more than the aaisawl taUnl above. No one rati fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from 60 uta. to 2 an Soar by devoting your evenings and spare time to the btsnnsas, It costs nothing- to try the bus iness. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before. Business piessant and strictly honorable. Header, II yoa want to know all altout the best paying business before the public, send us your address and wa will tend you full particulars and private terms free ; samples worth $6 also free ; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address OKORtiK 8T1N SON CO., Portland, Maine. JOHN FOX, First Street. Albany, On e Cs I'ermlt mv to call atttoniion lo my i 'OIITAD I X (jfUAI ss linprovefl snd porfe(Hel for the the soason iiiron i-x :im:y for the purpose of ainu-hUiK iiisfumcM. I am making Him only ii'iuiiie (inssess the Kraih pasMs through two osjralioiiH, and nan no return' l when mvtesary lor n third, i.y a return ehivator, maklnir it miu'blne warranUnl. 'all and inssw-t them. 4Ga AT T1IK Ol.f) NTANI. 72 FIIWT HTltKirr, f I AM ON HAND As FINK A ArSSllltTMKNT Or COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Am mii- Immisi- lit (tie valley. II at mo Imports and utanul m 1 in-e-a TIN, 8HEET IRON AND COPPER WARE K RVKKY liKSTTKIPTTON IN MTCK'K JIANII, A KUII A'fiSUKTMK.tTOK GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. AI.Ij OF WHICH UK OFKKIW TO THK PDBU0 AT PRICKK, THAT DKKV fOMFITTITION. CALL AT Tl FIItffT MTKKKT, AIjBANY, ORBOON. Repair work done READ! Hull ol Linn County Council. 1. of H . ) Mai 7tii, I88L i vi:. KCQMSB arc has a v, A'jnu J. V. OSnOllSK CO.t AUny, Orjm : Sir. : - At :t rrulsr m! iii f the Linn (.Vaiutjr Jlusiiigi Cmuk iI, P. of H , lill litis 1av, I lie? I . ML OtiKirnn dr Co. Haivi-slin Machinery was nl...i-,j f4,r the use .t lh 1'alruits uf ihi. jurisilictioii. Yours l5fiiH-tfiillv, (Signe.1) IL C POWRfX, rVcreiry. It ia with priilr ll. it ri-iYr to Im'm from tli I .it.it County '.utiu il, tt llitt Istit nttil most MMVivtsftil furiiMTH of I.tltii, Line, Ituton nml Marion 'oiin tint. Tlfoy Mirclinws n lttrg muulx r of Osnoity; LiMiKits lt y.-ar. unl &o Uflivttnwl whm tli ?,utisfsrtion giv?n during tlio harvt-st of l.HSl) t lasst. iln-y linvit ilncided t ordt'.r snotlicr lot for tin coiuing liarvettt. Tliis -uilorw-ui-ii sM-uks volumen for tho OjumiUNK, and it in now in order for miotluT wail of "liuiuKug' ftntl "U'tvare" to aMenl from the ttcnttt of the only turiue uiel Piammr Hinder. To tli wanting our m:tchine wt; nay, in all sincerity, giv us your onlcra t-arly, that we may lie able to su)lv yon. Our order to the iesent '! our most sanguine exitatiotis, and wu are daily adding the nauu-a of some of our heat fanners to the list. Mr. Hurge, the Northwest coast inan.ii.- r of tin firm of D. M.OslorneAC .writi h me that it in theHatnefrotn all (nits of thecountry.and ha telegraphed for more marhine. Ho come on with your ordfrw. if any 'f out ! ciiHUimers .- .t macli. tor that la out OI ortler, ami n tpnns soy aaisiiif in ndjiisting tiie aatne, if they will leave word at my ollii-e in this -i:y, or srrtla to D. M. Osborne & Co., Portlantl, liefore harvest cnimeiie-tf tLei a ill I wjcii ujwn yVv of clutr-jr. We have no cry of fraud oi warnii.k i makt aaiuat irresM)nsille agenla, or any one eke. Every machine aold l is is iu tl.f name of and warranted by I). M. Osborne A Co., wboe re8snsihility is not ques tioned by any rtichtU4 dealer in America, 41 " EUGENE BUCHANAN. HOFFMAN & JOSEPH, -imoPWEtORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigais, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, Candicr Nuts and Tropical Fruits. A Il:ni.-, - ... Oregon. OKR DOOR BBLOW JOHN BftlGGV STORK. S9u3 500,000 In tbe United States STUDEBAKER Their Carer! roiMil.tr ily n Due to the Eapeeial rare Taken in Me leeliutc the Material. THE WOOD BEING THK BEST! SEI.K(Tr.l treat the t-.ivst ..t Itanana. wliirb sre noted fur the suierior quality of timber tuiuMe for wasli BStiktatr. livery n'm mihjeuletl Uicltisti lnsettioii, aixl .lis. ar.V-il it not uu lo tin- stantlurd. Hit- best Meolianli'MMiv ein.l..n-.l, thus liiurhis llrst class work, Slid .u-.nlo.-.iu a wasruu wltich tor strtujriK. UurabiUty, and liv Ui uf ilralt Is itul KiirusKkud. They are the BEST Ironed Wagons in tho Market. Every ono having our Patent Round Edge Projecting Tire, Whiob arataeta the paint anu felloe. No othe.- manufacturer Itas the riyht tooaeit. All at our Thlmb). Skein Wagons have our patent HKE1N AND TBUS8 AXLE, which grostly streiiithens tlta Axis snd prevent the hkelu f rmn working loose. Our Wagons also have The Slope Shouldered Spoke, Strength of the Wheels. gar AH of the above Improvements cannot be usci by any other makers without iufriitgement. gar A full line of these Wagons can t found in the principal towns ot Oregon and Washington. EUGENE BUCHANAN, Agent, ALBANY, .. ilfatftW CD Pi IS K 10 1 ARATOK, of 1H81. These machines are maniifac liiem ui tne (Jlnereui k inds or tlirfwtilu '-leaner in Ilia Unltefl HUtes, and by my tin - Ix-xt si:!'l deaiior mauur.i-tur'l. Kvery D. REST, Shop fix of Lytnt KlrH AHmny, Or. OR TO OKDHK. AI,SO, HE KKIN ON at reasonable figures. tin al-v- -uiiitiiuiiit'ntiiu, coining as il luittiiK - .ts asxoci.-ttii.ii nisjf) of houm of PEOPLE ue the celebrated WAGON and which Greatly Increases the - - OREGO NEW FIRM - R SAl.THi W. 1.AX01 NOTWK 18 HKRKBY OIVKJf 'i H A 3 K. Seltmsrsh bss sold to K. W. 1-sn s one-half Intetest In bis DRUG STOCK A.1!ST 'I3C:TTTT30e- Tie new firm will emdhniP Isassiaiei at tbe old stand, COli 1ST AND ELLSWOirril sTS. x i tu, m hm; iMBUfbl m All outstanding accounts and indebtedness contracted previous to March 1st, 1881, will be collected and paid by'Mr Saltmarsh. n32tf. ALRAN V IIAKBLi: WORKS ALBANY, Oltr.l.OV STAMiKR BROS. - Frpin-tiii. MONUMENTS, TABUTSr -NI- iii:a ik iom: Kxefiill in Italian or Vermont Marble. Al-o, . v. r ,- vartef y of cemetery ami other stJiie work done will. u-J mUi aiuf dtspefeh. KM'ial attention trivtrii to f.r.Jfs from all fstrtH of this Stat an. I Wafiiniion TerrWory. SSffTAII work warratite.1. )6; '.r, ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MA tli 1 1; SHOP. i sr lit i. is III i !. By A. F. CSICRBT, situa!f l at rr.crof First ami Motitm.nv Mfraet., Allstny, Oregon. Having taken eliarireof thealj(Vf nsmetJ Works, we are prupareit to manulavture flies m Knginea, Saw snd 'r,i Mill-, WoJ.workiiiK Ma:liiueryt Pumps. Iron and Brats CaHiinga of every dew-ription. Machinery of all Jtinda repalrf.1. S etal attention given to rejsurinx farm u a ehlnery. Paltrra Maklas lar la all lla f..r.. Hkllyl A. F. CHERRY Jk SON. YING SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does tbe I jest wanning Sml ironing in Al bany at lowest rate. Cont nn-ta ine for CllMaae labor. Ijauudrv ou Waal ingtou alr-rt, opsstte MarKliallV l.ivrr v Mall-. REMOVAL!! M. S. MONTEITH, PBOOK & JURWk RZITTBR HAS REMOVED TO THE DEMOCRAT BUILDING rp-STAiirs. o- M kinds of Job li inline execute! wit'b tlissU-b, and at fair living rat. CTLEUAL BLANKS FOR SAI.E.-C4 To tin4 Unfortunaie ! BE LGIBBON'S Dispeasaiy. kl IBM c:l Street, ban t ri w ,.. Rsdal-hsM in I KM, r ths trvatawHit at aVxaal ainl Stcuiial liiseaaca. turh in atl forms, Itaiwlrs. t . MesMtaa! Srsksm, night leests by drju. pies on the face sod loss of luanhuou iu pusuitJy be cured. The sick and afflicted shouta not fail IrtywM UfKtn hisa. Tbe iKjctor has travel i extoiakvely in Kurope, and inspected thomnghly Uie variuaa rH4 tals there, olttainiag a great deal of valuable infonus tiou. which be iecumpeU-nt to impart to tttosc in tml o his amrtSSSk 1K. tilltHoN will make a ctsarxf unless he effect a cure, fneraons at a distance MAI fSJ! I Kt l AT nflUK. All ouUMniuiii-MMta strictly conSdesitial. Vou te no ouc bat the iKirtwr. Send ten dollars for a nckasr medicine. l'ers.-os writing to the Doctor will phe Mate the name of ike stpcr they sec I his Mlvertisenieut in. t.'ltann in onalile. Call or write. Addrca Hit. J. K. i;thl:i-N . Box rssr.7. San traaciseu. vl.'oHS rtk M"a t;reat etuuuee to ntake nxi.M.v. V. M WM.M B.Feii-.i a pernon in every Utn t-.i. I. subscriptions for the laryet, -heapest ainl lwtt illuv trated family publicatioii in the workl. Auj u4tio Itrfonte a succewlul i.vut. Si elesHt mutii of att give; free to swbsrribcrs. Tlie price is o U w lhat ai immM cverrlMtdy suberriftra. .. ..-n.; rvfMarte tak in 191 sulerilwrs in a day. A lau :imt iHn wsking wear )ulear pn lit in ten da. 3. . who nrt'i' uiaU money ts-'t. Ymi mi h- t-Ml ..u: klsse t ths liitfiin v.. ur . .tt! v v ... 1 1 . . i n .-. '...it ot-rd not b- away trtiwi hoiwe owr ni:-lii. .m to ir &s well at jtlt.-s'w Kr.U fir-t-ti i - : l.rttm Irv. . ffyuiiaatit i'-i'itA UHikass iMy.-to xldjfribt IIIMT. It O.I- . ..I'u'. ' II , III iaiMIK' . Nu mi llll" I IIHI-I i.l'l !' U.llt H,I d. .l-'.lrv. .,. stx4.s A o., rVttssnd, Mjiiim- -lit ST CHAttLBS liiiTia.. ALBANS, ORCGOn. 11RS. t UUIH. - - - HrttjtrirloJ. This House has been UMrotghly ivik. iel InMt in to boUoni, and is ih.w iu spkaniid cnuiitkMi I... tbe entertainment of travelers. The lalde is supplied aits everything the n u ket affords. Sample nftms i..r c.nniuhii bteti. rsrvatlta, Lrbaaaa aa,l trstla. Staff urn. f. vl.'M.U isQQO SaVt "h- ntatie i.y every aic-nt FaFs" miH.Ut oi tin bUKinei e rirnitt, In.t U ue willinx t work can easily earn a dozen itolUi s day right in their own localities. Mass no time t.. e plain here, nusinese plramutl anil lioiioralth-. Wo men, and boya and rtrie do as well a men. We will fumiah vou a complete outfit tree. We will .bear ex laass of starting yon. Partieutsrs free. Write ami see. yanuers and mechanic, their kous anU ttaugti tem. and all classes in need ot paying wusv. at home, kli mkl write to us and learn all about the work at tHioe. Adaresa Tats X Co., Augusta, Maine. Ji,l A WEEK in yoarown town and i .. eaiial dPlJO risked. Yoa can give the business! a iru! wi Jiout expense. Tbe beet opportunity ever ogt rr.1 for those willing to work. You should try nuthin; ate a until too see lor yourself what u can o.. at Us budnees Se offer. No room to tx plain cai i devcte all your tune or only imir Um business, ana make great i WSSB ssss I I neT .o sV . ' VBtaaBBBBBBBEI&: Wllf IB V T pay lurjnH ''iilUsasSMBl cia privatssaj ,niaa PIbLi