The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 24, 1881, Image 3

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FRIDAY JUNE 24,1881.
t:.lltr and Pruarleior.
. A . It. R. TIM K TAHM..
Albany Station.
il.Rxr F.M?KSiHVjar1!t T: A. M.
. Arrive st - - UitiA. M.
II VII. ikvi t - - 1;:K I. II
..... ' Arrlwut A. U
MVIL THVIN j iMwrtot l:uf I. M
riRliMIT TRAIN " - -
A'.HY Kl'Ki:S.S Arrive at - S:35 1'. M.
411 Train dally, exwnt nlay.
Noth'R.Oii ami after thi date regular
tickets will lw sold at our ticket ofltoe for
following point on Columbia river: Upper
1 ... ..II . l- .
( aeatiea, u. mi's, i uKi.ii 1. 1, ttuiiiiia,
Walla aM ami Amsworth.
Wll.1, B. Riok,
Freight and Ticket Agent
o. c. it. it. ro.
Albauv. June IStli, 18'.
fftTTTCS T A TVD mv bo fount on nW at Ootv
X JLLO AT isX J&A iv UiMfU X N-e.-r
COaOact ia) be taa.K ru It la M. lOKK.
Warm weather.
Wool. i8 J cents.
Crops looking lin.
F. M. French, jeweller.
Advertise in the Dku.kuat.
1 .. u items scarce this wet-k.
Cease to Albany and cclobrat.-.
Always real the advertisement.
Printers pk-uic in Salem today.
A new cross walk on First street.
Conrad Meyers, OroeeT and Kaker.
i :., river is falling again tpiite fast.
Tti Stsr Urewery Iter is fctill nhead.
A slight advance in the wool market.
M. K. Skipworth. lawyer. Albany, Or.
O. lite a heavy rain agaia last Sunday.
ttotu lxta-u bread at the Star Bakery.
)argaius at J. F. D. Wrinkle and (Vs.
A gd many farmer in town this week.
Ei ink eel for a big time on vhe Fourth.
No more signs of rust in thi county yet.
Lady Pottinger hai evid. ::tly changed
What has becom f the selvol "ite ques
tion The i-L. to gt a choice steak is at Dave
The Oliver Chill! Raw is the U-st plow
for dry ground.
Boost Home will cnlelwte tx coming
Fourth in fiue style.
TraTd over the O. and 0
stantly increasing.
We understand the new
It. U. ia con-
w.tvr i.4 to be
completed by August 1st.
Heaters are thinning to leek about
good farms for next year.
iUalttcld and Irving have Uie bt'aud
cheapest syrnp in the city.
Hoffman and Joseph carry a large stock
of canned goods of all kinds.
School children are thoroughly eiij.iying
their vacation this plc.tsant weather.
The De Mih'EAT is better t i n too bast
advertising medium in Linn Coanty.
An elegant lot wf tine jurasoU, received
this week at Monteith aud SeitenbacbV.
Dunbar's shoes are all the rage at Samuel
K. Your s tit, style,and ijoality cau ran teed.
We hear that the Lebanon authorities are
trying to boy a hind lire engine at Aitoria.
Geo. Taylr living up near lebanon, is
running tire, wood down the canal to this city.
Dr. G. Willis Price, dentist, office iu Odd
Fellow's Temple, over Plu miner' Drug Store.
Seven or eight emigrant wagons passed
through the city eastward bonnd Tuesday
Several pleasant residences about the city
f ur sale and t rent. Call on Stewart and
Cord and taxs- the iinest variety ever
s'towu in this city at Monteith aud Seiten
bach's. Ptneniber the Fi emeu's ball at the
Pacific Opera House ou the evening of the
Look out for Mady's ad. next week. He
proposes to set up a Fourth of July dinner
worth naviug.
We publish this week ordinance No. 103,
to prevent minors from waudering about the
streets after 9 p. m.
A comet cau be een in the heavens now
about one o'cleck at night. It is located a
little east of north.
Last Monday Samuel K. Young recievtd
two cir loads of MeCacaMck binders and one
hundred boxes of wire.
Grapes are in bison, and now u the time
to prevent mildew by powdering all the
blooms with sulphur.
CbnraiMtyer at the Star Bakery keeps
constantly on hand fresh baked pie?, eikee,
cjokies and bread.
If yon want to dad a good renter for your
farm next season lt-av.; a description of it
with Stewart and Grey.
W. C. Tweedale is the sole agent for the
celebrated Medallion Range and St Ijoui.
Charter Oak Cook Stove.
Toe program for the Fourth of July will
be published next week. It promises to be
a very attractive oae.
The finest currants in the city, at Ilcdtield
.id lrving'a. and for tale by tin; pint, gallon
or bushel in quantities to suit
You can get the best five cent cigar in the
city at Hoffman's and Joseph's and they are
not a "New York" cigar eithe.-.
W. C. Tweedale's is the place to go for
your tin copper, and sheet-iron ware. The
best good anl at low price?.
Th3 Methodist cmp meeting neir Shedd
station went into operation yterday; It
promises to be very successful.
Bead what our wheat men have to say
about the coming crop and prices in another
column of this, week's Democrat.
J. E. Sorbin, has the choicest brands of
wines, liquors and cigars constantly on hand.
Bottled beer and imported Ginger ale.
Look out for our grand illumination on the
public square on the evening of the Fourth.
Something new in the way of fireworks.
Work on the Brqdalbin street sewer was
commenced yesterday aud will be pushed
forward to completion as fast as possible.
A day or two since a strauger hi the city
asked to be shown tlie new woolen mills.
He thinks there is no doubt of their success.
Considerable grading and improvements
are going on about the city. Ferry and
Water streets are being put in good shape.
3fe. Two's have a fine new streamer which
will float from thr-ir iltg-staft" in future on
days when theie are meetings of the com
D. Horlacher keeps constantly on hand a
fine assortment of fresh aud salt meats of all
kinds. VVhen you want something nice call
on Dave.
La lies call and 833 tho3e beautiful dre
goods, "Boston Fancies" at only 20 cents per
yard worth 40 teitf, at J. F. D. Wrinkle
aud Co's.
One of the largest stocks of general mer
chandise in the county, and all at reasonable
prices, at C. B. Montague's General Store,
Call on C. B. Moutngno when m l-euanon.
Ho will convince you that hi stock is as
large sud prices as low as any merchant in
tho ceuuty cau offer.
C. B. Montaguo, ef Lobauon, never com
plains of dull times. The reasou is that his
goods and prices all nive satisfaction, and his
customers come again.
Paters and Sox recieved 3000 lbs of twine
or tha During bin ler last Mondsy, and on
the same day they also recieved one and a
half car loads of binders.
Heifrutn aud Joseph willl have a tirat-chus
stand at the Grove ou tho Fourth. They
propose to put everything up in good shapo
and kuow just how to do it
Monteith and Seitoubach have reduced
the price on Lvlios tummor s:oks from $10
to S7 and are ollering seme extra liargatns
this week. Call and examine them.
Daniel Bent's establishment at the f.Kt of
Lyon street is one of tho busiest places iu
the city. They are turning out a large MM
ber of his improved separators this season.
The Albany Farmers Co. received atj their
warehouses in this city aud at Tangent, the
past season 19CV,(Mt0 bushels of wheat aud
have now on storage about '.S,(HM bushels.
Wo shall publish uoU week full lists of
committees, programme, prizes, etc. for tho
coming celebration. Kvery effort is being
made aud there is no doubt of a grand success
Graf aud Fromm are among our mot eu-
tarprising concerns, and ire niauufaeturing
vervthiou now iu the furniture line. For
good goods aud low prices goto Graf and
The lrst of July ends the current storage
year at tho Albany Farmers Co. Warehouse.
After that date :t cents storage additional
will be charged on wheat stored there last
l.cviWi -t was thrown from a horse last
Sabbath evening and hail the large bone of
his right leg brokn abut midway bctuetti
it knee and ankle. Drs Kelly and Harris
set the boue.
C. W. Osboi ne proposes to have ou baud
for the Fourth the largest stock of choice
FX!uch candies ever brought to tho city.
Do not fail to give him a call when in need
ot hue candies.
As will be seen by our Gervais correspon
dence the twine biudcr trial tbich took
place there last Tuesday was a success.
The machines sold were, Dceriug II, Osborne
19, snd Woods X
If you want to sell your farm leave a des
cription of it with Stewart aud Crey and
have it advertised iu the Deuik u.m and
'Oregon Colonist" No charges unless a
sale is e. Verted.
Bemember that Win. L Watkiuspays ti..
highest market price in cash for furs aud
hides, wool, chickeus, eggs and all kinds of pio
duce. He docs uot ask you to take trade
every thitig'is cash.
It would be well enough to remember
that fires occur sometimes and the best way
is to secure a good policy of Insurance in one
of the stxuach companies represented by
Stewart ft Grey.
The Oliver Chilled Plow will run and do
good work in dry ground when a steel plow
cauuot le kept in. Tin-y are just the plow
you want for summer fallowing. l or sale
by Samuel K. Young.
We are requested to say to all parties uho
wish to jein the ranks of the Horuibusques
who will visit this city on July -Ith, that
they cau make arrangement. by n ; wtin j at
ouce to Ala Harris.
The steamer 'A.A.McCully" passed down
the river Monday moruiug last She wdl
now make regular trips as long as the water
i high euough, leaviug Portland every Sun
day and Wednesday.
Many rumors have been current the past
week in regard to the Yaquina Bay B. B.
As far as we can learn everything seems to
be favorable and work is to be commenced
ou the road very sooo.
The Hjltrr office was sold for debt yes
terday, and its old proprietor, Mr. VauCleve,
bought it in for 3320. Ho w ill start up the
paper again, probably uxt week, and we
wish him success.
The Skidegate labricating oil, made of
shark's livers is for sale at C. A. Plummer
and Co's, and for all lubricating parposes,
farm machinery etc. it is said to be the best
and cheapest oil in the market.
A. Pearce, our ferryman, sent ui in some
lint flax thi weV tha'; WWHI 4 fast ia
length, and Jas. Thompson sends in another
specemen of the sam? length and says he can
show at least four solid acres like it
Some liend in human shape struck Mike
Cowans cow on the hip with an ax last week
sinking the blade in several inches deep.
Anyoneguilty of such an act ought to have the
full benefit of an old-fashioned whipping post.
No family should bo without a supply of
that IS year old whiskey at Sorbin's, for
medical purposes. It is the old establisl ed
brand of Jesse Moore, and the purest end
best whisky ever manutactured. Try some
of it.
A rumor was current some days ago that
Portland intended running a free train over
the O. and C. It. It. to that city on the com
ing Fonrth. After dilligent inquiry we could
find no foundation for the rumor and believe
lit to le groundless.
Black cashmeres, all wool aud 39 inches,
wide, only 50 cents per yard, worth 75 cents
A fine silk finish blue black cashmere, 37
inches wide, 7. cents par yard, worth 1.03
at the popular dry goods house of J. f. D.
Wrinkle and Co.
One of the principal attractions in Leba
non is the large aud well stocked establish
ment of C. h. Montague, Mr. Montague is
building up a fine trade, and certainly de
serves it. He sells goods at reasonable pt i
ces, and carries a fine assortment.
Cenkliug may be losing votes iu the New
York legislature and is probably sorry he
ever resigned. Our friend FA. Bellanger,
of the Star Brewery, however, is still gain
ing ground and reports the Star Brewery
beer as growing more and more popular as i t
becomes better know n.
Salfmarsh and Langdon, are prepared to
furnish the farmers with lubricating oils, for
farm machinery at low prices. They have
just received, a very large stock of castor and
lard ous. Call and see them and get their
prices before buying inferior grades of oil.
Mr. 0. P. Tompkins, of Harris burg, has
decided to make a change in his business on
account of poor health. Until further uot ice
he will sell all goods in his line, stoves, tin
ware, copperware etc., at tod-reek prices.
Give him a call and fecure some of the bar
gains he is offering.
Bring in your Fourth of July advertise
ments for next weeks Democrat. We
have a very interesting communication from
Yaquina bay, descriptive of that p lace,
and the adjoining con a try and shall issue a
large supplement. Over 300 extra copies
of the issue have already been ordered.
Conrad Meyers is putting in a fine new
front which will greatly improve the appear
ance cf hii corner. It will be of the same
style as the fronts in the Foster brick and the
Senders and Sternl erg building. Mr. Meyers
A. II. Ate il wain carrion an immense stock
of clothing and boots and shoos, and is offer
ing goods at 2ft per oont less than any othsr
house in the city. You can buy a first class
outfit for very little money by giving him a
call. The cheapest store in the city.
s one of our most enterprising business men,
iud proposes to keep fully up with the times.
Mr. JofT. Creel who lives nbout four miles
north of this place brought us iu a sample of
wheat last woek which measured abovo the
roots, ( feet and '2 inches. He has a pieoo
of aores which bo says will average .".
feet iu height. Tho heads are largo aud
well filled out. The same piece ws under
water ton days during tho flood last January.
Messrs. Uubarts ft Dubruille the popular
harness makers of this city have brought on
ode of the largest and finest it looks of btigy
harness over eU'erod iu Albany. They pro-
pose to sell them at prices which w ill justify
everybody in want of a harnoss to call ou
them ami purchase. A large stock ef har
uess and saddlery goods constantly on hand,
liook here at some of tho prices for which
you cau buy goods at the new dry goods
mm of J. F. D. Wrinkle and Co.
11 yards unbleached muslin, $1.00.
10 yards best whito muslin 91.00.
17 yards host American print calico 1 00.
10 yards linen crash toweling 91 AM.
12 yards Canton lUuuel 91.00.
Mr. I.ovi Davis of Forestville Cat, was iu
tho city Wednesday last, on his way to
Jcftersnn. He is the proprietor cf the eels
brated carp fish ponds at Poroatvillle, snd as
his shipments to this state are rapidly in
creasing he has come hero with an idea of
establishing a branch breeding pond some
where in the state. Ho will visit the state
fair at Salem, and parties who are lu'ercstod
iu carp culture can see him there.
Messrs. Humphrey aud Ievinohavw about
completed their new ferry boat aud will
launch it this week. They have lilted up
tho old Price aud Nickersou mill at tho
mouth of McDowell crook on tho Sautiain
aud are turning out some first class lumber.
They have ou hand about 75000 feet of well
seasoned lumber now aud are prepared to fill
rders. The new ferry will be a great con.
veniencc to parties living iu that section.
Two prices will be oIL-rcd for eouteating
firemen ou tho Fourth. Ono ef 910 to the
baud eugiue throwing a stream the greatest
listaiice, and 93.' to any tugino Co. which
will start at a givrtt point, ruu -100 yardi,
set and throw a steam 100 feet iu the
abortest time. rth these contests are open
to all, tii latter to steamers also. No en
trance fee will be charged, snd it is expected
the contests will bw very inter, stm
"Kli n nt) I'iUOMI MMIv
i .e..r-.. Sett lender has gone to Portland.
Prof. L. B. Iawsou. of Sao Jmc Cal .is in
the city,
W. B. Donica of lbanon was in town
Mr. S
r, of Portland, came down
Capt Cass H.
Henry Me! twain
Humphrey has gone to
went down to for. land
last Wednesday.
Mr. J. H. Wilson of Halsey, was in
city Wednesday.
Mr. Henry Hahne, of Halney, was in
city last Wednesday.
Mr. M. S. Monteith IpMl a d iv or two in
Portland, this week.
Hon. Jacob Newman of I . i was in
the city this week.
The Bachelors Diuing Club is o to of the
institutions of tho city.
Judg F. A. Chenoweth of Corvatlis was
in the city Friday last
Mr. George Hardy, visited Portland last
Friday remaining over Sunday.
Mr. S. J. M. Bomilly has been stopp'og
at Yaquina Bay for several clays.
The Misses Mansfield entertained a few of
their friends Monday evening last.
A little daughter of John H. Hsckleman,
has been quite ill for some time past
Mr. John liock oditor of the Oregon JCty
'Knterpriso" made us a brief call yettorday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blaine intend fcoing
over to Yaquina By immediately sfter the
We received a very pleasant cdl from
Win. BfcatlMt of Sweet Ho.iie, Uit Wedne.
BegisteruJ letters aro !ing in the Aib, y
orhcu addressed to Tho. McNeil; and A. B.
Bro. Potitiger weut to Halsey last Satur
day and our correspondent says he made a
"mmk "
Capt N. B Humphrey went to Portland
to help carry thst city election theie last
Al Swart, waa down from Fish Lake last
Monday. Ho says fishing is splendid up
there now.
Mrs. Alma Story and Miss Fannie De-
Clarke, came up from Portland list Tuesday
to visit friends in this city.
Myer Harris, and M. 8. Neugass of Cor
vallia, took dinner with Ala Harris at the
St Charles hotel last Suuday.
Mr. C. O. Godley is recovering from his
late iilnws. His son Harry will take him
down to Independence to-day.
Mr. '.. B. Moss of Sweet Home made us
a pleasant call this woek. Ho says the crops
in that section are looking fins.
Capt. B. N. Armstrong and family went
to Corvallis on the "A. A. McOuUy" Satur
day last, returning Monday morning.
Mrs. E. F. Sox 'went dowu to Portland
last Tuesday on a visit, and will remain
there until the latter part of next week.
W. B. Bice has gono out to Boseburg lo
take Joe Purdom's place for a few days, and
Wilcox will oifieiftte at the depot until his
Mi. Coo. McDonald, engineer on th : Al
banv express train, was married-ou Tuesday
evening of last week, to Miss McCauley, of
J. L. Hatcher, Joe Lyle aud Hmry Wat
son started Wednesday last ou a trip to
Alsoa Bay to lie goao several days hunting
and fishing.
A party of young folks weut out to Mr.
Geisundorfer's last Friday evening and spent
La few hours very pleasantly with that hos
pitable family.
On account of being unwell Bev. T. J.
Wilson, of Halsey, failed to fill his appoint
ments in this city and at Cowan's School
House last Sabbath.
Sam Cohen was up last Saturday. He is
now the postmaster at Suver's Station, and
will open a store at that place this week.
We hope he may have better luck this time
than he had before.
We are glad to learu that Itev. J. M.
Hogue, whose thigh was broken sometime
since, is improving rapidly. The bone has
knit, and he is able to sit up and move him
self around easily.
It is rumored that our former travelin"
agent, Wm. Foley, Esq., iu consideration of
his efficient services in behalf of Joe Simon,
Monday, is to receive the oppointment of
City Attorney, vice Eebee, rejected. Port
land Stun lard.
Will U. Bice the popular agent of the O. J
ft 0. It 11. at tfiis place engaged th. services
of a special artist to "do" the city uud vicin
Hp, and tho result ui his labors aro now on .
exhibition at the Depot Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Farlow, of Miller's Sta
tion, paid us a friendly visit lust Monday,
aud took another $3,00 worth of tho I i Mo
rn at. We would like to hnvu several thous
and such sulmcrihors ns Mr. I'm low.
Our old friend, .1. M. Coon, of Carnes al
ley, Douglas county, in down visiluig his
relativos in this county. Ho called on u
last Thursday aud paid up for the DMBO
i: at. May good luck attend him.
I,ast Wednesday a wagon load of oung
fellows left this city iu eharuo of "Pullet
to inako the ascent of Mary's Peak. Th
fallowing persons answered to roll call: Prof
Mattoou, Geo. Foster, George Fish, Thomas
Overman and Arthur Gray.
James A. Yi litis, , of Corvallis, one
of tho editors of the (V.fv.- of that plan
made us a pleasant oall Wcducsduy hott
He says railroad matters are looking ope in I
there and every body is j'lhilant over th
prospect of speedy railroad connection with
the Bay.
Strange things will oocur in this world,
Here we hava been trying, and thsugbt Wi
had succeeded in getting nil tlm news that
could ho 111 down in this city, but we biled
at least iu one instance. A i great lo
boy male III! appearance nt tlu ulele e of
Kd. Zcyn, on the (ith iimt. , and seems in
clinedto stay time.
I vlill. Mien or Twine IttnuVr.
Gkisv Ih. Or , June Hit
Ht Horn Ih imu ril
OKNTi.KMicn. Yesterday, Juno 90, n
Tery interesting exhibition of twine
binder took place in a lb Id f barley,
ou tho fern of, Mr. ftMMg nm tbto
place, In which I ho Woods, McCor
tnack, (ittbortio nuil Dceilng btodtrt
participated. It wH witnessed by a
large number of farmer from wiui
portions of the Ktalc, a great many of
whom u ! eiele I with n view of pur
chasing. Then was no committee ap
pointed nor prttM awarded, but cadi
wan the judge for hluiMelf, and Hie gen
eral impreaaiou n-emed to 1m tlmt the
maehlneall did tlndrwork exceeding
ly well, and Hie bewt of feeling pro
vailed throughout At noon a bountiful was served by Mr. Young unci bUj
estimable lady, to which all did nuipli
Justice, especially your corrtKindi nt.
After dinner the balance of tho ntaud
ing grain wa cut and bound, aud then
tho "iushlo" of tho dlifeient machine-.
wero explained bv their repccllvt? op-
erator,und thncrowd quietly di-persi d
I am credibly Informed tho following
aftles were made a a direct n Milt of the
exhibition : Deeriug, 11 ; Ohorno, I ;
WimuIs, 3. Mere anon.
. . t . w.
A lelegraui to a gentleman in Portland,
rocelved only a Tow day ago, ntatew that
tho Supreme Inlge, then Iu mo.iou at De
troit, Michigan, pur4-d a rowilutiu to tsko
the wiuareand couiMuwfroiii tin- emblem
of t tie Order, and Kiil(iltitc tin tcfor tho
anchor uud the ahhdd. This t a change
that will meet with general approval.
The Supreme Idgo ha voted lu boM
t next annual neaelon at ClmdnruUi.Ohk .
Dr. M.O. KUb, of Oakland. California,
ha Ijoen ele-tl S ipicmc Foreman. T b. .
woulp indicato thut tho next Supreme
Maxtor Workman v PI lm a pMMttOOMi
Iealli aCMimeutM N.. 7 and M nr now
due, ami altf the nri MiMweiifiil for Ibn
tmw dirtrict. w In. !, m ill pal v'OUO In Ut
tnastiry to I pid on: on tbo lir-t .e .. l
of a wcinUn
Dan krru.n itte - , ,i . ...
Wldlo up at the Ofnjnjp t'i.-ol - mX Iob-
auon on tho Nth, iu company with Mr.
John A. Crawford, Jas. II. Kontor and
o'.btoa wo went up to the head of the
canal, which In the Monrceof Alliany's oou-
tiuuetl proMtHrity. . Inofr. -!.: In! win
ter had aluiOMt complotoly wahod out Do
old dam acruaa (be Santlaui which forced
the water Into the canal. A fow iajM U
loro wo wero there Mr. Crawlord had com
pleled a now dam w bi b looks to u as if
it would atand. for an age. Noonn ha any
I dm of tho trouble and expenso this canal
is to the proprietor utile they lako a trip
up to It source. And tako it away from us
aud Albany's futyro would look irloomy.
At the present timo water from thi eano)
furniho powor for about twi-nty wheel,
and a steaui eugitio cannot find n jdaco in
skle our town.
A Hoe Workman
II. A. Clark, proprietor of the Albany
Marble Works, is truly a skilled work
man lu marble and stono, a any one can
aea by calling at his establishment.
Wednesday he shipped up tho road
four fine headstones and two beautiful
monuments, one monument being for the
late C. W. Htewart, a brother of Mr John
Monteith, of thi city, which w ilt be placed
over hlsgravoatCnttatieftrove. Mr. Clark
is probably tho best stone-cutter in tho
State, aud his trade I growing fast. lie
goes up Into Lane and iJougTa county thi
week on a business trip, and will no doubt
return with orders suflh lcnt C koep him
at work all winter.
There will bo a mooting of tho Albany
Fire Department this Fiiday evening a
8 o'clock sharp at which important bath,
noss of interest to evory fireman, will bo
transacted. Every nipm ber of tho dopart
ment is requested to be presont. After
the department meeting all tho Fourth of
J u ly celebration committees and sub-corn -mil
tecs are requested to meet at No.I'n
hall for final instructions and arrangement
Ix-tevery man be present at both mooting
and ahow their interest In our celebration.
Bnrgliiry In tbc Country.
Last Saturday J. N. Smith, who live a
short distance below Peoria, went over to
the picnic near Halsey, taking his cntiro
family with him. During their almoin o
some one effected an entrance through
tho window of his house, and ransacked
the whole. Mr. Smith had received some
money here in Albany a few days before
and tho burglar wa-i evidently searching
for it; failing to get it he took nbout SHOO
in notes, which will be of no uso to him.
At Yaquina Bay.
A letter received in this city from Ya
quina Bay a few days ago says that Ihe
lighthouse tender, ,4Shubrlek," camo into
the Bay on the 15th,
The fit at crib on the harbor work was
floated to its place and sunk on tho tftb
inst. It was a small ono, and will simply
be used as an anchor.
Work will from this timo an progress
lively. j
mmm muni n
MURKT fSOttBIIKKK. lioMv;, Ogu., '2Ut, 1(81.
Soni ! pirtlcH up hero hat! r vry
Korioui, utid ihrlllliu; ttdventurn on
Tliurnday of Iwt week, Mr. ami Mr.
Klrkendnlt nml tlu-lr dutightcr, n young
lady uhuut twenty of ng' , wrnl
out into thn wood. to drlvn tin n 0OW,
. With ft young calf. After drivln;: the
animal nnm diMancu ilwy tut down
on a log to reft, when tin- ' 'v niiub' u
sudden dali attho young !:idy, phdtln;:
her up on In r horni mi I tlirowiu';
her high In the nlr. Tu4 old K'utl'
man UttuettWK lo ealcli hvv a sho
came -lou M, nml both i I! lotttl ln-r
Before they eotlld nrlo the Infuriated
animal duMhcd upon tlnmi both h k
Bur, Klanipinir, and belhiwinif. Tho
old lady was on the opposite m;i1o of
tho lo;; from them, and Kuthorin;; up a
clllh, uie- dealt the cow a troke acrons
the head, TIiImcuu mj4 her to -:'ae her
fearful onslaught on the latlier and
dBtlKhUr until I hoy hticcocded In yet-
tltlg away, The yottng lady had re-
Oeivad a tea 'ful wound on 1 he ri-ht mJ.Io
an I ltWer part of the abdomen, a gaafa
helii!; cut by the co,v hnni some uluoi
luebes lonT and an in h deep, rtaelilag
down into the h'lM. The weuud wn
o paluinl kbat In could . , ireely walk,
but. sin. concluded kl wa boat to make
the attempt, and did hi flopping often
to rcht. i'iuully. after tiny hud
ihcntHeive In a vino maple tfetekat.
and Hllerwardi fgoi I heir reck onl tig, the
ohi Ki-iiiM'iiicn ueui iiom.' ami col u
..I.I M 11 1 .
Iioihc, uud brought hh dattftltor in
moro dead thaa alive, abe bavins lost
considerable blood. Mrt, ROM I'liddock
Is now waitlu;ton the tn(T.rar and
ami I'opisareentcrfulic d I!, n slm will
ipeadtly pecoTt r.
4 young man uuppo I ;.. M Mr
Davl, wa aever-ly hurl ia t 1 relay.
11 horse fell with hint and hi i f. m
waacangbl under ilia aidntaJf body,
Jasper Wright and family, of How ard,
Waweo cotmty, urrivtd at Mr. John
low I hi Ihur lay. Mr. II. I Mis
Wrls-hl' father, ami after '.he family,
spend alnrl liui.j thero vialtlng, t'o ,
will return to thtlr "huiteti era-"
Jawe MsOaa nnd w its, vora up here
frocj Albany mm hint Week.
Jc-w Met lure, of i ril.uid, Mj cn : a
faardajala thi totality on i.utn.
daring tne llrt of lat w tfe
Mr. Basalla baa had a evero attack
ofht, Vitm' dame, ami I haaraha I
now t cportcd wnre,
Mr. I. IL Mc 'lure nrai taken o-iift.
U Iat Friday nL ht but i" now rcautrer
l'.euhcn .s. Mrms, .f Malheur arrived
irrodir. -i from Urd-.c 'ity, lal Mon
day, audi now at hi f.ither". He
ia sold hi entire hit re! in Hoakb hut
a:tcr tenting up th umuter, ha .il
bairk and tiy il aj;un.
.stonewall Most, still keep public
muse hen-, aed enteriaii tiave!-
tig puhlk lu goad .' ape ajar baa
lay nnd oal :r ah-
Ahtx tt A Wntkln - . nt hlK the
work alotit: fat on n i dll.
Ainlrew Wib v I . h e i..: onfuridef i.
rouble wit.-, a eottgir nrhleh aeeuH
h tcrmliietl ;.; i el hi dui "
o. il. IfeMM i , !k attranjda ; nmaa at
entlon kaara, bui th hoy u . .
ttaatl him. at he broMishl : rirl u:-
tero and to.k two aWaj Hiiogulnf or
plural which i it:
'Hi., young fo'k are gaitiiui row.
corned about a youtttf m.m ,o-i..--. tin
valley. It I ahl that hU ;ii I look her
books home l:m'. Monday ev, mn- end
t b at he faal lo Albany next Wc lioi
day accompanied by a friend- who Is
ocuaintcd wlll her Iga, Iwe( p JOUt
yen on I dm until after tht. i'ourlh.
Wo nreointo have a rousing dd
celebration up here on th- '"onrth. and
will have a trraml time.
Ottii:-; ri
i:::ovi '.ii.r:.
The Natriw tiauce lelegaapfa
lino ha Imcm onplctcl lo this point. Mr.
J. D. I ia bee h mb red o;ii bis duty a
tiuite a number of our efciaeni attended
the picnic at CaUey I ant Nat m day.
Hon. Jan. K. Wcntbctferd ii e I our
town this week on l iuine--.
Ml Minuio Kelly, of Portland, it visit
ing relative here now.
Mr. Iko liobn wa marriod last Kunday
to Mis Nancy Putnam. Ittcrybi ly
wished Ike micros, uml be y . hi way
Mr. ('corgo Johnson, of Fcio, visi'rtd at
Mr. Irvine' lat Saturday and Sunday.
Work on (he Narrow dingo rtailroid
from this pla -e to Springllold ha voxn
monccd. Wp undoratand that they are
going to pab the rovl through a.
rapidly as poaaible. A boot two hundred
chin tun n and "'0 M-r.ipT I came sic st
Our town I lull al Btramjana. Aim
every room al the hotel I full. Wc are
l ad to wiy tba lit" ffttare fr Uimwim
vide i Haltering.
Tho young people gave a bull here on
th oi"th, which was a rnnl succc. Peo
ple Wero tioro fiom Albany, Uarrisburg,
Junction, llalscv ami I.ehanon. M;
wa furnished by tho string band from
Harri; burg and Junction. livorythlng
pSMSctl off very quietly, and all scorned lo
havo a good time.
Campliellile (-'.impuu cting commenced
here on the hi Inst. QjnHea Batnher of
camperHare on the ground. A largo crowd
wa aapeottfd Sunday, but owing to tho
rain wo were di-appoiuted. It wid con
tlnuo over next Nunday.
Mr. James Carl p ngiin with us. Wo
underKtaiid ho is .soon g dug into business.
Tho Urownsviilo Wwlen Mills py the
lughoNt market price for wd.
Starr and HUkoly have just r.jcclvo.1 a
largo stock Of fancy good and now have
everything usually found in a llrst class
Drug htoro.
It. A. Hendene has !! bis ftsrbar shop
to Minor Jackson. Mr. J. n nv
buinossall hU own way.
1 1 -i Ihe
A New Feature.
By requcMt of Ihe Woman's Christian
Temperance Union, of this city, wo have
placed a column of the Dauooa . r abthalr
disposal, and horealtor they will lid it
with temperance reading mattor every al
ternate woek. This is a now society in thiH
vicinity, and wo ee by ouroxchangos that
it ertrnds all ovor tho United States.
Mnsoiile :.-.
A special communication of .St. John's
bodge; No, 02.A. F. and A. M. this Friday
evening at 7 :".0 o'clock P. It Work in the
F. C. Degree. Sojourning, anl viciting
brethren cordially iuvited to attend.
D. P. Masox, W. M.
tlt,-i: ; r.ViK.
iiai.hv.v. Hm M 1 HI.
BdilOn lrinocr'l l
Wo have hnd our ph nle attrl It wn n
gruid success. livery lKly wa ur
prirod at the great number of, mop$a
and Viml'de-. coiiKrogatfd nt. i'owell'
grno. Tim day w I heauiil'ul and Ihe
gfrOunds superb. It la u ..-.n I r that
I conlo had nd IntiU I'.ncti di eov-
- - - - -
e ed that sucli a nine picnic nnd camp
UMIlflg ground wim ko ennv nlently
near. I'.verythluK went di pleasantly
a d we have hnd no won! of eomplaint
or uiajfttlifaotlon, wlilch speaks vol
umes for (lie ma nag' r ihis hehi iheh
fi: ' u! tempt. Pfo ii'iior, mr lt etteef,
Wvrvtoftl during Mie whole da V. Wc
A I number O rifitOTa, fttnoitg Un ni.
Mr. PotUngwr, of the Albauv- Utralil
who look In tho town ami picnic. Mr.
P. looked iih i-cddv nnd hn!o an Km
lfllhman, and seemed lo enter lata
tho sport and enjoyment af tho dny
With as much ct as tlmm;h he w ere
one of tho boy, ioOM of our knowiOS
109 iu.iluitat' d thut. he made a "Jam''or
'waali and from ihe tntranelag
tmllaatbat beamed from i! pha-ant
coiinteafince while h. f$mUF Ihraugh
tlm giddy wall . with hi fair imrtner
wo hcll.-ve he I all "hiink v ' it' all
riguii ohi hoy, sail ahead and put-in
yer best hcks and yon havo mir
Tie following la the ft.- ..." pri,.
aw ltd d daring (he day :
1'e t derdarn i! Ion, '
licit lade haref a
Olbe lo!!nud
ler, MiM4 Meg
a , faree Bard,
Kie Khephcril.
inner icvur- i t rw
The premium to lie
ohbl i" lit I'--
man In tin- m itrini eiuil mrl .-t wn.
iwarded to .In-. Wah!nim aftci a bai 1
Tho nio-t ai coiii'di-b i! . (-itielfc
MiMl Olllo I4IMF,
l l.c meat et dily
Indy. MUs Ida Ittsck.
Ihe beet dm -d nod o t r-i p.-ur-
UUr ivuf Ionian. II. S. . hnni'
I'ne homllee! man, .h.,- ttitkar!.
Wf conshl r dii :i hluiuie, n I hen
reia two or three bnmlier men ou tin-
K round that) Joaeph. 1 be nnteat w:k
between atl man from AUany and
Mr. DtinUard, but the Albany parte
having earrfed od the prlxe (a forroor
contest and Wiin' of th' j . ! . being
Pameafata, thejr ileemed It " muah
of a monoMly io again aw n I it to the
Albany claimant; alea some were M
tin opUiion that he came purpoeely
flxetl f.r the conti - but - I . Ii-ve no
ejah tlilm, he we naturally o and
he cant help it.
The moNt graceful and li u i-miv lsa!f
MUs Sullm Miil'di.
Don. T. U Porter add re .d thai l
Bleaie iu hi u-uai forellde matnit r.
Tne Kajaef hand waaa th ground
ami dieeeui sd r xi muata.
Hon. Jan. K. Weathermrd paid u- a
vinit yesterday.
Worn b)S9arnte here. V. ibnjf i-.
wa at the top of the niarki t.
Wheat pro pee' y ore nev-r belter.
Consequently farmata are happy.
Your Correspondent,
Gang) i Authjia
lMl..I-tit :. t i:::i -: i ; ; i:
r.-io obnrs
ne,ht Lo j:it r.
h hither pa wen- t
F!k, taJi plao-
i u -mitrv
for it.-r X
t i... 1 a.rc y t 11 that eountrv , iimiai y
lirnry Trq p, a 1.. a:mt 12 y rs ef a;c,
adj.- .- tw , -i - ...-m.'c hM father's
bow w ith spurs 0-1. Too h rs . n belled
afaiast sujjh ilavp teaatm ru.t!ir.-r the loy,
cutting a severe g-- i i.i h.s h- a 1, and rcn-
dtfrtMK him aeaMaata, Voral i Pays n the
pjruf tea nMaaeat shnoU never mount a
frvsj lmrj wi h pun.
Fears sre rut rtajanl that it tV weather
C 'iittmies wrt much longer ti ri-t will ruin
the what.
W. W. mais, f i!!y. i yr!ually
cinuuj.; to bun- If uuder the able t.-- itntint J
o.' lr. S-iuiit. J-. -- ).,, t : f cf j
III III..' .! i ill', e.x
Kipling (jraui in t!ii e i,! i. roniing ai I ; .;. Ua that bit lev the lata rati us !
would hnvu proel a total attars near pram j
ic r, fin ) n?id, a'el famn ri . : I a.iliu'g I
fac m .tfe the prenpaet.
ft, IL Wow! eery, f th.s pan . at .d.i aafd
rcpccrcd eHawa i i very ill at bin res-
Maaee vt; i i.n io .u:.,c:i,ty i tne sUuu.-vwu ; f
h I bus not eaten auy for tevet l days
and is getting very lo-.
Tlm pi -ic: at lli!se, on Sturdi) but was
l.i -l) nttiiided; the exerci -es p.-.s-ed eff in
a .piict aud or.'erly in inner.
unoi.i t Cii:u acwa.
CaarCaiuur, w.?ro CaOicn.
Jaha Mti, iwi.
fiUfeva Democrat:
Noticing in your paper, Iba yon have
had no items from Ihin section of the
country, I tnoofptt n few would not be
amis and In. of inleict to your many
Horses and c ilil are iu exce llent otd.-r
and l'of entile arc In tine eondltl Ns, Ibis
Tho calf crop isaid to ln vc y Rood.
Scarc'vany stock died in I iin conn. . ,
last winter being a lino winter , no si eh
needing food except a few obi cows.
Grit-a haa been good IhlsSprinsr, and now
wo are having a lino rain th It ilj reviw
thn grass considerably.
.lames Klkiu nrrtveil In lbi- county a
week or xo ngo, looking nfh r bis stwk on
Heaver creek.
N. K. Prie, and J. A M. :.i.d who
-Rtarted from tho valley wiih yom-g cattle
arrived last week.
Charli-i Webber, a son of Joseph Webber
of your city lias Imon vory ill, with Ty
phoid fover, but I am alad to nminunce
that ho is rapidly convalescing and v.ih
be all right iu a short time.
Humor has it that, a certain young,
"buckaroo" will stop batching" and tako
unto hi mol fa cook, will most probably
btiug her from near tho l)alloj, and if tho
"Doctor" dontsoon put in appearance II
will got away with his Bear creek daisy.
No po-jt-oflleo in thi octlou yet and if
thoro is anvtblngjioodod bore it Is a plane
to got our mall regularly.
I notice Hsvoral of tho 'ranehcrees" hero
havo put in gtaln. thisSpiing, aud It looks
well. Giaiu will grow bore If only a litt:
attonilon U paid to it.
Kebbath eaheal Meaie.
Thoro was a very p1oaant t-'ablmth
School picnic at Ilolman's grove, on Soap
Crook,oooday lat week. Kov. Davhlaoai
Hon. Tolbert Carter and others addressed
tho audienoo. Iu th afternoon there was a
very interr sttngdiaso hall match Iietwcen
the "KnoxvllloRods" and " The Bummer."
r' Ai.4f-lsiSor
in tho city of 1'ort bin t, .
to colli lllllO lu twmu fol
HHI, an
ri i . 4 a . . . - i
i iHVoxercivfM oi ti.o avoc ation prom.f..
'.ou"nliomti n,oic will nretenO'd no.l
dlaeiisaed by tho b-ading toachanof th -
Ptomhstrttl ili Mt i from C'aTlfon.U
nave auepled Invitation m ,o present on
the oci4aIon wnd tnke an active pait hi th
work. Prof. bis. II. Allen Principal of
tne state Kermal Mehool, Nan Jon, 'mi ,
has accepted an invitation to m preM?nt
and condtna Imh Ituto work dmim the
forenoons of iioI ih during which tho
eeMfeJatfeu win m naaHaa
Tho state sut-iiti'eudent of Pohllofa
strm'fion of '.. j.,, ,- in. hir..'in.
I resident of i)e- I .nvorsitv of Ihe Paeiae,
Manta VAr.,nm cxpeeeai lo be i.rosent
and address u .. u4aiMm
Many of Km leiMliag erlncatnr of our
own Mute bit . rttifled tie ir hitentlou tH
ne preanig U a -din the work ofin-
cihiioii. a.'4 a J ii!.j r m m-ement to
o'n'-bor. all other Ihrouhout tho Mate,
lot went ad In the peauMitfon ot oar general
oiJuffeioiial work, to attend. I aui ble to
announce that n ine principal hue of
irjiiipoimmii m lh. relate have uern-ii,lv
promised half fine i i re) persons neno
leg tho afK'lHll.iii full Ur will be
eb;,i o,., ;(j ff( ,, r, jiirn i-.rlifl-
ca'ei Willie ,.', i lie I i.t tho .. i oii.i..
VVhiln a cordie nod uiueot In -itnt ion im
extended n, teaclon ami educ4tional
worker Ihroiiiih-.u' tj( Mfto to al-n I. a
llt'.llj l.',;J-,ll Hol m iv i iw.t. xaiMlllliiLi-r
a! B'lcn tun ; W .t, c -.A lr mi the leach
cro Nuitnontah, Chte: im t .. Vnliinir-
ton ami Oiaenins . ountten, no hnf ituc
have bean bold m ti e.., -i-oumic,ihufarth' yi'r. Tho tiiL'-lmm of ibft rnrl
'M-irn-tK of the above nam -I un:i
should, by nil means, avail themselves at
this opportunity of r'civing JnM tii -'ion
in the narntal loethoda from Prof. Alton.
e. ho to, h e',.i,iiH,,r i.t .f,?:i!.il im-thut.
llH IIO Kp. , e. oil th-; l-OH-t
Nupt. m. a. M.icrum, i.v fiiin i Inland
emT. If. Crawford, and iof. k. k Wmr
rmi( Principal of I be PWnhuid HhglieiehOfd,
nave bean eppoiuiad an Kxetnitivn Com
'ulneeto airauge program nod all ..?
naoasasy matrers mr tnt conveahniaB tt
th" asaooiatiun.
A SMMilon of it Sta IV;r.f .f I'Sxamiu
Rtkmwiit hehHil m Maem, u: i--.;
for liie purpaneof imining alt appMeama
for ih mate and life laplomaa and
artineaiea. Porl: j omaiiou s u rpure-
loenta in ihlM -XHoin.ilo, a,,, !"mii - ro
refei rl u, the s pemiia 4 Use painphi
form .. the Henooi liw for is..
La J. PowrMn
':pt. Pontic iMHrwibta
rmieatiuji aaera
TJie following item ar- 4 , en from
a eciit numb-., of il.,. , :
printed at i'riucvillc:
Klding i nlio ii over for tl.i-- m.
atid the Mitit.un.t boys arc cmfng io
MUiefted with the reoulta of f heir hard
labor aud c in their Jeket.
Piif e. fur t!ir-i-: H--olds, biatojaf lo
?H, and fop hmr yi ar-old, i l and
I MogoftVmi Mti tin a eenerti ihiuu
oemeri are hold inn; on for bigta rprhsa
Aaecaeoi r'elietz cays that the Ion of
stock eaat of Deeehntes nml the other
PhJe of John Day, haa t etmraei aa,
w vi ii who laMjrenr branded U0enleea
tliisKeiiNui cannot Jind overeirht or ten
The cow have Urn marly nil cleared
Thine were ijuilc lively i.i owu t!ie
flr.t three 1ay. of the wch--two fUfht
on r-nmlay, two law salts and four tights
on nd.iv. :i Jaw kiiII ai d ,. .todo-of
kdrmUhes Pocmlay nince when ad. -ad
calm et iu.
Charley MenUy . ca.-ne in fmm the
Kpaniali guleh mines Wednesday, and
rnporte umrfc progrv ing nicely. 2 mi
prospeate bifbly fla: taring f came
in for Mmc iron-work with which to
nptete the araetra, whteli wM he in
running order ten dees after be acniti
Bod Ttlaeapsein wit
and of be-
i 1 ,
! 1 1
his way t . the
lint wc uuoi-r-L-iiii!
lhH! ' ' ' '"' uiplafcH removing thither
. llllll-. I. IIO
has purchased a gr.- a many hea l Hi s
season, and is ma- one of the most
ex endive dealer- iu the county.
hi. F '.,,, , . . I .... . it a
ri tlt.a . .11 Ue
Ti e f !!' win.- Vttcr wa- ra v.- a few
days aaja fr. in J. P. Bahlirfn of the C r
valliM Fir.' IepHrtnii,t. Th pro ecta
now are ilett th'tiv..r will I high en ugh
so that bonis can ran, whh b w.ll
the Corvkdll bOja to bring their engine., Oregon. June 9th, 1 81.
W. P.. Scott, ISmj.
A til A NT, Or.
ri: it Stn : in reply to jroir letter to
Cblei D. Carllle of this place . ttaadhsg
i-i.-r lial invitation ,mr IV .trioivnt to
iwleOrale the Foorth artth jpnal am ln
a i acted t. Inform yon : Tliiata lcpart
ment m. e last night bc!d purt-uant t
a ll for :;ie .lis os,iiin ..t the otiesiioti.
imcu-lv ii
Hi U'.tS Rill
d to nrceivt. A
lile.l lo nroeiiro a
' ii i: pouhle in. I If they mhwwI we will
bring tin: eimme of Your - Auieri'-a No 1.
Wa I-nvH ih; bfrgnOtm thourtsi,gener-
ai M"! time, ami nhove til the wane
I'li.ternal t'ieii'lship eiignndatad at
i i q pieni wb.cli wm fargely due t- your
able aHUtncc,ani we lu)v on the coining
otfiafciou to aeova oir pprecitiou of attendants. With pleasure f r main
your etc.
J. It. Baldwin.
Vi:si P". Momuuental No. 2
and Sec'v POMein.
I would uie-t re-pctfully My t tliOFC abe
ai;liiu tie !ut fovt dn, have circulates! re
jKrts d. r.V:ii4.rv to ruv cliaraetcr, taking the
fUc FUWniinU of a ditrvputabb- bjsckmail
paper aa auUioritc. thai tb aava (paehaaj
mi .:i c ..uslv i d-.i.e ne gre-at injustice.
If any u'-' iilom ei w'... livi U-mi led to Isv
licvs tlion. daimatciug reports, will take the
braabl - to call ti,- i: :u. I will 1m mo&t hSp
py te thoronybiy ermVinec him of hU ernr.
! i have aevi r by sasn nt aate or act, in a-iy
way ii,tcfcivd wit'i th sanctity of any
Caanly, and apjil to any lady in Oregon or
eW'wbcrv if my b-;crtniont towards tht in or
in thoirprcsctice b.-.i t.oteTer brc-n coi'rteolSJ,
and gr-uthananly. My great fault connists
in my Iving paaa i baaa rlaajhfcars of my
imu before Whom my auicxty is to set a
good example, and I do hope tint no one
will wrongfully end avor to keep tne on the
loa-cr mtin-.l of tho ladder.
M ::t Tayxce,
llajrrishaaj June !Sthal8Sl.
Letter Mat..
i i.v.iovvtne Is the IlKt of tstter rt-mHUOi'sn
tuini'l'osl I'tnci'. Hnv, l.imi rounty, urt--tn,
Jieio S3nl, lsl. i'.-rs..i.s raihntc trlbee
Jcin-rs iioirI clv' t he .late on whicti thi-v wcr
Coojier, I) M. , S rM,--. AKmiz..,
Iliailisr, Mr Smh M WiW, Joh.
NioliuU-., Mrs Wctr, Johnp, (Ue C
P. II. BAYMOXl). V. M.
i.AN;FOi!D.- Near this city, on Friday,
June l'J, 1881, to the wife of Perry Iug
Cad a girl.
TUItPlX. In Uiis city, on Jnne lit,
1SS1, ta tho wife of A. J. Turpin a boy.
CUMMIXOS. lu Albany, Jan- i0, 18SI
to Miss (Jammings a girl.
COWl)i;n-STR0N.;.--Jaae IP, 1SSI,
in this cif. y, M .:. Hksky A. i iwnia md
lint ins ehoi
. Prof. I,. B,0awnti. of Safi Jom,
j in the city arir vill opi n a wiifint;
the (Vi.; rah School bn Idn v. He ha
Cl. , ia
. i ,! in
i two clasc, jnvenif sod t-.n ..!,. It. h.
For the Juvenile cl.e t . i,oum f r lessees
ft'-j frB 0:30 . in. to J I .'(i . 1 hr
i sdelt clas from i p m. to 4 p. in , ai d
!' H 'v i:i..-.' 1 .-(.,, j,,,,,, 7 p. ui. to 9 p.
i. Tiie hs'ti will eminence ro-day, (Fff
da)',) tic; 21di ii.-t, nnd be nill ci r' ar
Imam) hre TlHirdas Frid4satd Sani
day, -it tho honrs alote nn-ntioeed. II
will -iWT orani'i a cIoks &t ('orvallhl sr.d
1 i 1 c- o'-".a ;,e,c mt Mondays, Tues-UjS
I and WrdiMs Iy4. The ProfeMnr is a Hi,e
penman atl tlxiroaghly enrM'tent teacher,
and iwrtif-H detirhia h
in y um
ie hi
will do w-ll to take a
1 Hthi'.l tlnUfr.
At a Hu rting of tho c!o .1 AirftsUttM Of
this di-trict held in thiscil) ye tordaV aller
nooii, it Was decided t- .p- u t'e ihe
sehools ngsiii on Monday, Oct. 3d. 1' '.I.
From a bt of 14 pplicai,ts, snd upon a
blUot, f.iK- , !..- tie purpow, the fo:l;Milg
teacWrs wcr. selected for llw ssrions fh -
fcartim ct
PrfaeipaJ C.C H'-.-mo.
1 f -t,-f..nt- Mr-. K J. Hemibfd.
2- Aesi4ift Mem A. Kpsrk.
tl A-ir,t-,i Mi. tjtur Itonk.
: j',.-r urd Mis iU'V.A Atrxamlrr.
I,wr wrd lltes Minnie Aiime.
f t f. hi,,:,'.
Thr9 wiil tto an excursion on the o.a
C. I la I road tMm -iiy to PoiMml, n
Kuaday, July '1, under lljoanipioeH of the
. roiHii Al l Nr-iely,t bolero for tbc round
trip h"iuj ;.i o-ed a the extremely low fig
u o i.f a baud will accompasy :i c
ci(ciirfioiiista,and the Port land Turn Ver
m.'. other Cerniaii mn ifiu n will give a
race 4 ion immedintcly stfo-r the axiivnl of
tW- trj n iu that city. Win Voigt, PnaV
I Ihe German Aid Jv-ie1y ot Alhsny,
I: ." 1 ,-..!,. n:t0
m hn; u-H of it.
A.Hitetic Sports,
liiicin, Jim i pi ii or,
UltU antl iihiss
Hali SltuoHn
oil-., t ic.
C" U1TABI.K piizeswill be ::warJvl snc-
sM.ful ewoh slants.
A Grand Illumination
Ou the Public Square,
1 rardial IiTitatioB i Kxtrntird to All.
Will he given bv the members .f tan
Albany Firo Department
- AT
"AlUlW I VtMMi, JILV HM RTB, h81.
Yovrsflf ono Ladle are Henytet
full; hi vital to Jfcmt.
F. L. Rei. Oeo. W. Sid.
Jas. W. Foster.
f V !...' t.' I.
Oeo. W. Sill, "Iih4
Jas. W. Foster, 11. J.
Jos. Webber, II. J. Clark,
CaH. Van Clave, F. L. 1U.iv.
P. H. Raymond.
Wm. Wohtiftr. llirrv -arfe?
Wm. Huston, Simon s
J. W. lTKtcr, R. D.WiU
I Miss Ida M. Stuonc, both of bum toant.