I Wkt muxat FRIDAY JUNK 24, 1881 As indictment against the alleged murderer of the sultan, Abdul Ariz, ha leen drawn up. Another claimant ot the Tich borne estate in Kuglnnd has come to the front at San Francisco. (.Jen. W. II. L. Barnes, of that city, champion him. About the "cheekiest" thing we have noticed lately is the Orejonitm taking Democrats to task fur not voting for its candidates for office at the Port land city election. The Evening Teleuram at Portland has again changed local editors and W. A. McPherson, and 11. M. Clinton are now at the helm. It is one of the l8t local fliers in Portland. On the 9th inst. Fredrick Dilling resigned the Presidency of the North ern Pacific Railroad. A. H. Barney was elected president pro tees. T. F. Oakes, Vic; President, and Henry Villard, Director. H. C. Paige, who was charged with robbing Wells, Fargo and Cos. Kx press in Eastern Oregon, had bis trial at Pendleton last week and was acquitted. Two other indictments stood against him, hut both were dismissed last Mon day on motion of the District A ttorney. The Republican organization in Portland is now in the hants of the "machine" men, and by next year they will have things arranged so that the Multonomah delegation in the LsgtaJe tnre will go solid for Mitchell. The election at Portland last Monday was the first move in the game between the Mitchell and Ore-jonian wings which will end witb the Senatorial fiyht next year. V it y . rrora the wsv the ifejonuni growls it is very probable it has been sat dowu iqon bard. Grast's outspoken condemnation cf tbe administration has added force to the wbisperins that stalwart congress- . 1 8 men will after Congress meeU ants on- ize the administration. The talk Irithor- to seems to have come from disapiioint- ed office seekers, but Giant's oien oi- ii - .i position creates the impression that ill ... . , ... rill he done. A prominent Conkling - 1 i;e last Tuesday said that the purpose cf Grant, Oonkling ami friends w ill Be to drive Blaine from the cabinet bv threateeing to disturb Republican fcU . ministration thinks slightly of thta talk and is confident that two ad minis- tration senators will le returned in idace of Conklin? and Piatt. flU,UM ua-v 8 wrinS ns news of fresh discoveries of framls in some of the departments at Washiag- j ton, generally in the hsjM aervice. 1 ine amount ot rooev stolen trom the , . . government in this department alone m m . mn kink infn lU mlllmr.. orwl ka - I ....... ww iiiih j mwmm i funof it i, that the monev which carried Indiana in October, and thus secured Garfield's election, came from the men . . - I no were interested in these mau Contracts. I lie eliarea mii.-l.v 1 lemo- I cratic nanora that the Rcnnldin cam- . i . ., r iw'tn as cameo on ov iiu us or i ' m 1 public money are now proven to becor- rect. The 0reao7uan of last Tanadar . 1 8A8 -'Ihe mavoraitv of Fort land 18 in-1 .. . deed an honor when it is conferred by tLe free auffrajjes of citizens who select 1 erve them; but it is a disgrace, a shame an infamy, when obtained y the vil- lamy of purchase and corruption." Doesnt the same language apply to Garfield ani the presidency 8iT)C6 I the "atar route" frauds have len ex- Posed? 1 HE POM LA I t.LK TIOX The annual city election at Portland occurred last Monday, and was vary cl08elv contested As usual the two wings of the Republican party could not unite. One wing organized what L - they called a citizens Committee, which I placeti iu nomination a ticket made up of both Democrats and Republicans, iresdd witb D. P. Thompson for .Mayor. This ticket was championed by lsth the Ore'jonuin and Standanl, which the ' same was rather a curious freak even for politics. The Republican "ma chine" pluced in nomination a Mraigl t nck-et with Joe Htmon at the head ftr Mayor. 1 he result is that the "stab jr. The result is that the "stab warts, or machine RepnbUrana get the Mayor, Treasurer and one of the four Councilmen. It is amusing to read the riewnpaja-r accounts of the election. The managers on either side are charged with bribery, corruption, fraud, and everything else tbat u bad, and we ave rather inclined to the belief, that each party could substantiate its chsrsrea, Portland citv nolitic.8 are dc- cidedlv mixed. f I I an 1 1 IL MASCAS.ITV. Disfatcbes from Washington inform tbat Pit nr-v," custodian of the treas- nry, lefuses to testify under oath be fore the investigation committee and there is no aav to cornel him ss he anrt cation across the entire reserva might thus eliminate himself. He will "('b both east and west from Poca- anawer ouest ion if nor. RWnm m peopla declare tbat he is holding h;8 to nrotect others above him. " t In fact he has hinted so. He has charged for candlfs in his account al- thonirli heaeknowlAdafia that non wPr e- ..j,-.. bougbt or used, but says he bought some lunches for officials under orders and charged them up as candles. V HO 18 t-OXSlsTKXT ! Aliuxy, Juno 20th, 1881. Editors l'rmocrat : An exlitorial in the A litany VrrW. of the 16th begins ith these words "Curry Comb" in last weeks DXSOORT, accuses us of inconsitcney in our politic al "views." This is quite a mistake. That the Herald is inconsistent in its "political ricwn" is too patent to need a half dozen word to prove much Ml a half column article, and Curry Comb would never thrink of bestowing ho much time to prove that wh'eli beads no proof. In the article nfcied toby the Herald I simply directed attention to the inconsistency in the resent prac tice!', with the former pp. fi ssion , of President Garfield in tlm civil lervioe administration, as the following pnia gr.ij'lt will show. "Now in the lilit of the disclosure of this republican uros pondent of a republican paper, as o the bestowal of federal patronage in Virgin ia, and the facts as to the New York appointments there i-i a lamentable wont of harmony." Nor did I in that article pretend that the Ht-mhi's Editor indorsed the disclosures of his Washing ten correspondent or appr ved the sets therein disclosed, so I do not fell t, all "cdi fiett" bv his utlenmt at mv "ediliea tion." But, the Herald , EJitor has since seen a New Yolk Hendd some when', and says it has "made a careful inves tigation of the Buhject" (the Virginia spK)intmen(.v) and finds that "there were but a few insigniltcient appoint ments made at the solicitation of Sena tor Mahono and his olitieal trends." If president Cat field "is justified became the Virginia apjointment.s wore. m ami iuiti'i)lfli'Uiit that servunt girl should have been pardoned when she protest ed that the result of her sin was "mai little tlniKj." And if the fferttfd E liter is correct I was not mistaken in my communication "of the 5th when f said that "President Garfield is siuiply discharging jnditical obligations," for he clearly admits it in his attempt to appologise for these Virginia ap pointments. He shvs "the State party which ho (Mahone) represented was entitled to the sympathy of the republi can administration in their florts to i i ii row ril l lit; uimu e.vsi e nnvr ii imuii- . ; .-. , , I RAnism Hot ho i.rs i w.i- t u i , . .,- i. .i l. i the wrnttlt souc;t; ..-;,, ,f . Ulieaiw. I and not through nnv corrupt bargain with Mahone that the Virginia ap- point mints were made."' That "repub- Pcns se.li cited;' the apintmcnts 1 am I t- . i I i . i -. . : m - tt twit tt.it I i i: i i .i .i democrats did ; and that they were Mrnet in these. W.VuA-." I huvt J no doubt, for a weighty obligation wa ; to he redeemed. Mahone had bold him- se,t to "" republicans -tin- otiM i.-r.i- 1 a M tion was the election o: ivuiu!t nar'er Z . . 1 I L il i i L .It . , I ill', .i . . . ' t 'II-. till , -I 'I'- 1 . - , . - . I tarv of th' S-m ate. tne coiisioerathJii had failed, pavmeut must mad-, bnt I it must le wit ii imM other ekaltles than the ones originally agreed mioo. .d no suWitnte would suit Mali m will us .1.111. a j nnuii'ir, nini liui.i- jf that would rive him Kuch'tcv.Tr us the postxifiiccs. IJ:;t now comes the i-.tW Editors climax. tl,, is V:,st t'tf i ::;i. rem e ih j tween demanding a l-.vor and p-( t. j ing a rivor ; uonKiing urmaiuit t nominations avd-.d. no ivaaon ihw.- ; for PXC(v,,t v.xw.tXlA animoaitv, whih ' Mahone fiiaa Is rajgneatiwl (lie shonltl i have said r.Mfy) tb pnid. nt 1. . - T . . ; . 1 ..... . ! . . . ... I , ,. , . . " ., ; land valid reasons for the aanie. I . ,i. , -l --- ti . m ;r . .... U In (I'llLtlll i'.IIIUl.l l-ilis. 1 1 1 1 ' " MM I f i ;kk it-.c 'ti.ni it 1 1 7i .1 r J I I . I tiiey are rciereu 10 aoovr, ieu, o-t ns i see if Mr. (.'onklin? reai'v did "demand the withdrawal of torn of president n"fl H wife rpet tbo entire Week prepar- editor alarms. The only evidei tv thati: r... .1... a tL am awarr. 0t as to what pa 4M I be- tiprn nrMiilctit Imrlw.i and We Cmlr-I tins in reference to the withdrawal of rXOhertSOn S nomiiiatum is rven over , , . , Mill 1 ... I . .ti wm.i , tlfKtlUr (ji jL'. and Ra... 1 - j - --- tora PUt and f.nklinar d .fl4... : . . .. . ... . giving m verv coutious and digniheil Ming g their reason thrret.it they T!. t,arnefl' HUtl , y ! , . : 1 liiU 1 demand ? Was the lanjniajrri of Mr.'; Mahone and friends mote resjiectful or: ,7" ,7 ' 1- 1 , , , " ! - , , Mr tnn,, lllo u.- Ifltfl rait- n I t fonfhAi ItionV tifmina. tion, if he bad not firsf. rea 1 if. in some I rad.cal paiier, and he did not w,m, lo jttiid.il f ni.ci !.. w... ct buy comb, j wmwmmvmmmmmmmmmmm ! RnAX'n or mi: j ! Tin: Ri:t;o pi irrr The Orr gon branch of the U. R. B. is being pushed on I he fJntnger division sis rapidly as it is possible to do it, the graders keeping close up to the engineers. Crismon & Wtilcr, the .-iuli-contractors on the first soefion of firty miles, have a v-ry heuvy force nf rmlprii n mnrU ho' A'onn Cinmunr , . , . ., andlw.n creek cat yon, while an- Other sect ion of Iventyfivo miles west of that canyon, is abo beiiicr , . Sevenf V-fivo miles that wffl ready for (ne rof in n. r,,. thirtv davs Ties are w ttr do- ! thiHy dayg xie 0re rwag do iver(d a eoBg lhe first hundred raiIe and ihere u I)()W fifty ,..jlo3 of imn a unr Mt. e ih ob- riu M a - i i iui, i i i i jf i iiu ii 'iv jayeP The ?jCatcllo divi-ion has had a 8et back on iU.count of dy in gelling in the right of way across the idian reservation. Butthis obetaclti nkely (o lje removed soon when the work will begin at once on a htui- IMMV 17 I SVfll IU 1 1 I I IT KJVKX 1 I T vi , It was the intention of the railroad company, to have poshed the constuc- tton of the Pocatolto tH vision, but 1 in- interior department ordered all work to cease until a treaty could be made with the Indians; hence nothing has pxeept make the final survey t,I - Col. Waleott, wilh a force of engineers, is pushing eastward to WBru "" ran wiuwpp 1 f .1 t i . . - r. i ""'f be meets the engineering party comine fro,n Grander.--Oxford (Ida- "terjmse Piwwjr, the treasiwy custodian has )ec,n dismissed hv Windom, and the 'office abolished CiKKCBAL M v s. The bribery investigation hau begun at Albany. Depew has been denouucetl in Al bany as tho tool of corporation. White men are contracting tho opium habit on the Canada Piieilic railroad from contact with Chinese. (Mark Adams has consulted hih legal authotity which ho claims advises tho right of Cannon to a soat in the house. i P. It. Conic y, of Maine, b at dohn KoKay of hartmouth Cm the 1 7th, at llalitux, in a four mil. acttUraoe for 50Q a side; time liSjoo. II "art complaint aggravated by hur rying to catch a tiain, caused the death of Win. Ibmoicault, Dion's brotle r, at London on the 17 ih, int. An old couple named Cliallc. , were killed, seveial houses were vwecked and several peisjons severely hurt by a Unnicaiiout Wells, Ks., on the I 'Uh. A suit has grown out of the division of the spoils in the profits of the I toss Shepherd teal est.de pool in Washing ton. Interesting developments looked for. A telegram atates that a hundred jmusous were killed ami hix injured by an earthquake which recently doastvd a number of villages In the npano m Van. Armenia. The blowers on a strike still hold Out in New York, and talk ttiufideutly of holding out all Summer. It aas said that a great labor movement would soon follow the strike. Senator ICftUogg called on tbm. Grant on the 17th, ut the Fifth Avenue hotel wheie Conkling and Piatt are quarter wd. The .litarter ot a million will bo presented to (irant shortb . Over G2." snloou p.tssi ngers go out to Europe on the I8tft. The rush is so great that olUoers have given up their room, and some p.is engfrs pay full fare for sjajcial steer. i. .. -unmotlaliona. The White House and executive do vartment have Ucn in a atalo nl seige since the inauguration, and it is just iossitle that the old civil service rules, from necessity, may be erected as ft barrier against t V. iM-.-.tiigiug army. Ti.e t'hoctawii are excited Uc.tuse whites living in the Choctaw nati n re fuse to jay the tx levied by ja?rmit. Two thousand men are armed and or-"ani'i-d to exjxd t!i whiles who i t'tee to pay the tax, burn their hou e, and make it generally unpleasant. Artic!.sof iie- ipoiH.ion of the Salt Inke Hiol Western rui'rtwvl were filed at Carson Oily on tho J7th. Tlie road will run fromS dt Like through Neva da, to Sm Franeiaco to compete with tlie Central Paotfe. Qould n i l Iil- . , , , I'M) ill'- IKIVM1I-' llll- .- II'.-IIIVJ. The i'eliiocrat of Iowa nominated I). H. Kiunie on the l'ih, for i ! t U' II . ,. . , . ,,. f .' s-,prm,.cori, . i ....!. I it ft .ti. I I,.. . M ! v l'"in. ..-.., . ... . , , , .-:.;ior demanded revenue n-h urul. .... AUl lU li lllli'M .llarilj. at. I'ltaWU IS bnildis- a miuature ark in anticip Uwb ttm flood OB th- 16, of June bag peoi hnona for tie- trip. Another nun wa taken to the aavlum for the insane & f readin-of th- early end of the moi !o N ig. ant ut aims of the seuate, in.... ... linght, has discharged sevenii cmpioya, .t." t. t f-i wnicu can hi h mucu limin.nDm 11111011; Democrats. They claim it is unjust, Hl,,i OMf to instructions given him heioro the reiress wa taken. It is probable tbat aa m . stigalion will bo in4ituted next winter. U is understood that Gould's termin- al point on the coast will be at Sabine tidee Ii U trK fcluti-.I rlxir (1 klllil net bronght the Crosby road from g, northwarfl for fifty .nilea 1 r .,.ii 1. ..... 1....1 c. ..... .1 .. 1 . , -. as rajudly as po .fiible. This will force the Texas Tmnk lailroad to a parallel line from Palestine to the pass. It is estimated that th" postal revenues of the year ending July 1st will bo 30, 579,000; congressional appropriation, 940,955,000, Inductions in expend! turo of star service since the 4 th of March are elmoat exactly $1,000,000 per annum. This includes 8 "200,000 cut off during the past week Chat3. Allison, Lewis Pet kips and Henry Walls, the notorione road agents were in-'g1 "u 14 ,ivcry stable at AlhuxucT,e, Tex, on the 17tbv where they were . immediately covered by twenty revolvers und captured by men who acre secreted in the stable for that purpose. There is a reward of 1,000 for Aliison and 200 each for the others Wixlom was expected backatWash into:i on the 13th, -and the facts brought out in the investigatin of the treasury custodian riugwtll be submitted at the cabinet meeting. It is believed that action will be taken at once for removal of some and suspension of others shown to be connected wilh lhe rtner. Progressive acricuituro must in the future depend more upon in divklipil effort and cooperative moasures among farmers themselves than upon govermetit or State aid. Farmers must put ihejr shoulders to the wheel of progress, and, through associated effort, improve their condi tion by taking advantage of the'less ons of wisdom gained through the experiences of their brother farmers. It is a waste of power and progress when a farmer lives and works like a hermit, neither communicating with his fellowmeu, to report the results of his experience or to b! benefited by the results of the observation and e.v fperienee of others. PAf 'IFIt! O 4HTI US. Horvey Holt had his ihigh broken a fow days ago by being knocked off a car at Jefferson by u projecting beam. "Jack" Sheppaid, the Steilncoom wdi robber arrested at Tacoma was hen ten ced to eight yeais impi isoninci t . A man named White recently stole v In from one McKcuzio on the I'pj ei C.ilapooia, and since has not b"eu seen. The jury in the !nty case 1 u lex. I a verdict of murder in the second degree for killing the editor of a Santa Barba.NI paper. 11. Hylvester was lobbed by two maskitl men of 10,01)0 nrar tJrass valley money hu had to pay employes of tho Now York II ill mine. T. C. Smith's suit for $34,000 dam ages against the O. 60. It. U. C., on account of injurios sustaiie 1 by his son Addison, will come Up for ttial this week. Auditor Fieuch'a loiter virtually withdrawing the IJ. S. case agiin .t the Contral Pacific It. It. Co., is looked tqsm with Kuspicioti, and may cajise his removal on tin ground of bribery, Tlie jxipulation of Victoria Cn, e. elusive of Indians, has la-en ascertained by the census enumerators to lo 0,304. The p'.pidiitiou of the pnivitiCi', exclu sive of Indions, wiU-m found tujlic about 25,000. Two brothers, Sube and Sidney, Patrick, living twilvo mile! fnon Gohlau, on the I'Jth, quarielei! over the ownership of 0 dog, when Si lu-v Shot Ulld inotOttUy killeil hit brother. Tho murderer was arretted. "Hilly the kid," lh. f.mi oik t.'e.jM-ra-do, has killed three herders oi 'lnaiam ami sen won! to the iharUTftl Santa Fe that be was getting veu. Pali ick (Jarrett, sht ritl' of I.'uic du e.eoily, h?s been on the Klda" trail siooe April L'7lh. Albert ItoU wee erreetetl el Baa Refill on the I8tfc OH a trilling obnjM and plaeeil in the county J ail to await examination. On theileputysheritroin to his cell he w.ii fund dead, haing cut his throat with a piece of a broken botUe. The Sunday law was ot 'rved n: Marysvlllo on tho Utb fur the BfOj time in m iny yenjs. All saloons and buslneea Iiou-hs were e!isd urilb one exception. It Is under-dood (but the proprietor of I ho only inJoM 'ien to day will ronfeat Iho validity nf tlm law. During tlm regular llTfiniloU at tin sand lot Sin Fr.iueU o, Dr. O'j) mnel, who runs every Sunday, nil f;psi tion tuecting to Koarney, in the eourso or his harangue, prmlured Briti-h and Cliinyse fljgw, and roilin.T toma inion bundln, bnmed Itieai ni the platform. John if. Webster, mititry puldi- aaw aearctier o remrds. w.n found drowuc-d at Sbsktoti, Tab, on the Hlh. lie bud lai n drinking heavily and Wbet'ier .lent I, vi,.- ti. r.....ii f' Lm m . .. , , .the owners I mean, reo-ived mon than unaechlent or suicide h unknown e . ... ,i i t I fnm, .,(, to bt)H. and the hiher prices He was a pioneer citizen of Stephen. fr charters have b,en cauwd by Port sona regiment. I land firma re chartering tlm same vea- Friday evening u Imy, whib bunt- m 111.. IIAII'U .1..I 11 . .. . . m ..... 4t. .11 . - l.'l"MHl I'UI, . .11. , l1- covered the d. ad laxly of a man, who had bnna dead so Ion; that it was iiu -.iibb to r.H'ognlze him. The eoronor held an Inquest, and the jury rendered a verdict or suicide. A pistol -v.-n found Iiylng across his breast wltht one chamber discharged. Census returns i the toUl num bfr of peenine uiployud in the linlu r jes in the Pacific Nut. ami Territor ies to bo 1G,7 15. Of v hick 7,il0are Alettes, Kapiimaux and Iudiaua, and about 4,000 Chinese; .1,030 are in Gal. ifornia, G,S35 in Oregon and 714 iu Washington Territory. Total value of boats, vessels an I outfit, $1,088,183. A lire at the county jail in San Fran cisco started be tween tho roof and the ceiling of tho upper rooms causing con siderable excitement tor a while. The police gathered promp'ly in resjionso to a call by telephone. Prisoners in the vicinity of the fire were removed to a place of safety, and tho flames extin guished. I kiss, about $1,000. TO.A4.K AT NAM Ht AM MO. The telegraph from San Kranoisco on the 10th said that the list of disengiig ed vesHcls in port is reduced to three ships suitable for the wheat trade, ami theee are (irmly held at full rates. There has boon good itiquiry for tonnage during the week, resulting in several charters at higher figures than those current at the date of tho last, review, and it is probablo that at least one of the vessels in the discharged list will be closed today. Reports from tho inter ior regarding the wheat crop, are very favorable, and indications point to a larger yield than was looked for a month ago. it is certain that the cool, showery weather of the past fortnight has been of the greatest lamefit to late sown grain. New wheat lias already commenced coming forwatd in small tpiautities, ami by tire first of next rne::th receipts will be free. Tho latest charters reported are the British ship Lastinghnm, 1143 tons wheat to Cork U. K., .3 17a Gd; British bark Lurlie, 885 tons wheat to Cork U. K., private The Wenlon Leader says: Some thoughtless writer states that lire Albany Brass Band, com posed ex clusively of young ladies, is the only one in tho State that can play for any occasion and como home sober. We respectfully differ. The Weston B. B. dways go home sober, evon after ser enading a lady prior to her departure from the plaice. The lady probably belonged to the W. fJ, T. U. and didn't offer tbo boys anything. THE WHEAT CROP. nu. ruosrr.tr i on 1111: nnm;. s.ao tun-. 11 wiu and a l ew I Igtirr Knowii.4 the intiiest felt by the renders of tin- DEMOCRAT in regard to the wheat nop iu this section and the pio.pects for a fair price or otherwise this fall, with nolo book iu hand wo started out to s"o if our looal millem and warehousemen could not give us some points which would bo of interest to our Ifioers. Strolling into the office of one of our principal millers and shippers we aceosted him with the 'pi t i hi, "What do you know alainl wheat V lie replinl that he knew the present protMet in this section was a very good omymd bopnd that nothing would interfere between this and har vest. In regard to u liettor price, he said it was a very ditlicult question to answer. It would depond largely of course on the price d height ami tho general yield of the wheat crop in other wet ions. From present indications he did not think the crop in tho United Stales would be as largo as usual this yeM which would naturally havo a tendency to bring prices up some. As to tlm lonnene OjnootioB ho was of the impression that tho present rates and those which had t ided this season could not possibly lm kept QB thiough another season. They have Irecn too high altogether, and 1 1 - - carrying trade wouhl be very profitable at Tos. or 00s. whereas the present rates of 7.m. and KOs. were exoi bitaul. Tlie business of cai tying grain from this coast has eiweyi been a proo table one in the pant an I there is no naiou why it should not Ik so in the future. On the whole I loojfc for a la-tlcr price for wheat the coming jwmhoiij and although as a miller, I should be glad to buy wheat at the present rates my advice to fanners who are able to do so, is to hold n a while vet. There is quite a large share of the wheat raised hmt ft o iu this section still unsold and on storage larger than usual attMateaf son. Of course it is very dilltcult to .ay what in coming, bttt 1 do not from the preeent outlook havo any fear of 1 net Another of our prominent miller's, when asked if he could tell us nnything that would interest the wheat growers replied that he f it very hoM-ful ovei the prosjKTcts of a gKd crop which were at pnsent as g-nel ns he hail ever eeu at thin wanon. As to a letter price, he thought that was one of the haphfit piestiotiH we could ask him. A riee in price depended ujain so many things all of w hich were mora or hs uncertain that any attempt to expranj an opinion now munt lm mere gmsu work. Tho lejiorts of grow ing crojai from all parta of the I'nited StiiUu and Bnrone are so contradictory that it is difficult to form much of an idea as to whether the wheat crop of the world this year will I mi larger or smaller than uaoai. If the loatrejiorts I have uie corn et th re i: in ' all protn bility a falling ofl' in - nu- t-e.-iionn of the United 8tatca. It may be a ques tion as lo whether the good ft..: und incrcasixl acreage iu other swtiona doua not more than balance this up. ; t,jn. As to the tonus) titirstior I hntk lit! ...... ...... ...... w . . a , ....... ...nv Li IfalIVrlint .llllj.fl.lll It- Sl'litll III, .at .1 lb-rent! v from u U a fact that most f tho hhijs which hive bit Portland thia ' ye.tr, and winch are the ships carrying ' our veil, y whe..l, h ive none of them j t,ml t,"-v fbarlenaj t firt, (or 75 f AMI Wi It I Milt "H. i ' i l"t thin, i com motion lo ins who are roMonsihlo for the low price of whea the valley birmrrs have i ( . ived thin year. They are not satis fied wilh a fair urn mission but take the advantage by raising tonnage rates, and there ln-ina no conuetition or opiKiaition the furraer ia entirely at their mercy. Junt ao long aa wo bave no competition just so lone we may oxpi-et the present atato of af- fars as rogan a high freights to continue If we can jet another outlet for tho products of this valley, wliare tho grain carrying ships can come and load, then wo may exect to get charteraat reason able ratea. There is a rumor now that the Yaquina Pay railroad is to bo pushed forward at Once, and if this is done and the harbor opened to permit of largo sea coin g vessels loading there the problem of cheap freights will be solved for this valley. It is the only hope I have for the future and I be lieve it to be a stiong one. Auothcr out let to the acaboanl is what muy be called one of tho natural necessities of this section ami it is only a question of timo when wo shall have it. I do not believe that time long in tho future. As to the price of wheat this fall I am ot tho opinion that it will certainly lie no less than it is, and there are some things which point ? a latter price. Asa miller of course I would like to buy wheat cheap, u (though in (ho long run the relative profits on flour made from high or low priced wheat is about the same thing, and tho bigb prion for wheat places tho farmer in better shape and of course when the farmer is doing well every body is doing well. Again we visited another pi eminent, wheat man and showing him note-book and pencil proposed that ho should "un load" what loose information lit was in tos8esHiou of concerning tho prico of wheat and tlm general out-look for th coming fall. Without hesitation he told us he could give us no light on the subject, that would be cf much service. Again we were told that it was a very dilficult thing to prophesy ao far ahead. We wanted no prophecy but an opin ion, and made up our mind where tlie digging was so hard tlmte mint be good metal if wo could only reach it. Hero is about what, wo succeoded iu drawing out : The prospects are on the whole favorable for a be'ter price. The crop will be a failure in some sec tions and no where does it promise to be ovcran average yield. Experience proves that repoi ts coining in at this season are generally pretty accurate precursors of the yield at harvest timo. It is now only about four to six weeks befoie harvesting will commence in all tho great wheat raising districts of the world. From all of these we get al most daily reports and although there are contradictious and doubtless mis representations from at ions causes, yet on the whole thev foreshadow the situation, aa I have said, pretty correct ly. Basing an estimate on these re ports and the wheat crop of the world is not in quite as promising a condition as at thistime last year. This of course will tnoie or leas affecl tho general pride of wheat. What we m od locally is better transmit at ion facilities and less inonojMily. Portland ban tis bett nifd in and wo are almost entirely at tho mercy of a few firms there who con trol charters of vessels iu which grain is carried to market. The feeling against them is Incoming very strong, and if they could but be made to foe it their jsiliey will surely react, upon them. People am too intelligent, to submit to such hoggish oppreeeiofl as hus aheraeteriaed tho tonnage and wheat market at Portland for the last fow yeaui. "What is tho remedy T" we anked, and were told again that it laid in com petition freo and ndbpendetd com petition in tho carrying trade. We weio beginning to believe that Meont petition in the eirrying trade' waa about what Wf needed to Ion ; up the price of wheat and generally to put the valley counties tijKm a belt 1 hailing. It is haul to believe how strong rooted the impression bee be come among those best qualified lo look at lliemi questions in a fair manner. Meeting another gentleman prominent ly connected with the grain and mill ing business we accosted him with the same impiiry. lie replied that he was very bopeful for the corning fVII and thought he had good reasons for he lieving that our farmeis would receive a satisfactory price for wheat. iregon wheat, ami more especially wheat raised in tho Willamette is gaining an excellent reputation abroad. It usually brings a bolter price than Other wheal and each year it is becoming battel' known. The newspapers are talking alaiiit it some, and more especially in the question of tonnage for this coast recoi ving considerable attention. While for the past few years we have l-eti sul jeet to the re chartering game I do not much think it will le carried quite to aaeh an extent iu the future as iu the neih New houses uie coming into Portland, the prosjsts are g end f:' more favorable transportation facilities and generally the outlook for this val ley in a very favorable one. As to farmers holding wheat over until an other fall it is a question on which it is ban! to ofler any advice. Tho f-xcne of carrying it over is considerable, rmd while 1 look for an advance in the price it m.iy not bo sullicient fj justify th additional ; use. In addition to tho aliove wr ropy from a Ualifrnia exchange the follow ing figures la-ai ing on tlm wheat crop and tonnage qentiona as ulb-ct ing that stale. Of course we an; somewhat dif-b-iently situaUsl here in lie- Wi'lamette Vf alley and yet tie general outlina of the caso are so similar that our renders can drawn many profitable inf 1 from Mr. Montalir'a statnie it. Mr. M. is tho cashier ami saaangi I of the Oranger's Pank of CaliSMrttia ami to him the rxchnnge leferiol'.o is iiidebtid for a tabular statement showing lh ituettitutions in the prico of gool shipping wlutit ut S.m I'Van eic for in' h mouth iluiieg 1 1 - prv , eleven cereal ears, anI ehio the a I r a g-monthly rati of fn-ighl p-r ton Rsnsj sn Franciwo to liserpool. From J1111", ISMO, iuMay, iSSl.boih rm.ntbs inclusive, tho ligurca arn an lollou s : . lrter of a'hwl .. I'reisia Iliftm. I. rtn-fct. A. 1-, r l.rti jimr. ivi m as ii a 91 mj i..w Jui I ? : I ut 7a al Auyiua I Ui IX 1 i- . 1. - laanba tut 1 rrj 1 t' 64 J -:.,- 1 11 1 tm . 1 aa Naa iliir 1 .'.Ti li'. 1 -is 7aaM iHxhr 1 ut 1 n 1 o. m jpuimo. it ...1 : it 1 . ."-! Fcrtur) I Si I t 1 31 Tfm XUr.h I IO I-i I 3.1 .-..! A.rll I 4?1 1 1 M 1 4s 1 a.i 1 : , ux Tin price of wheat for lb pnhts a- K011 baa prehnhlf ixi-n ih. losneet arot arceptrd sinr I h stnl) lir.it Ix-gan to raiso wheat fur i-Kort. At the same time the cmpbss lnen the !arj Kt, the surplus being at leant 1(H) greater ihun in any preiions ear. t'nfoituu ately fo I'-tlifunia farm m, other whe.it erowin aeCtlOOS sfas3 h 1 :t go. crop year, a i l lu-m-e tlie in- I creased i I I here did MM confer tho additional lametit exxcUd. Mr. Mont- pHier places the aver.i-. j i ic- lor the vear now drawing to a c(v aft SI 412 This lignro 00 01 paries as folio aa with : the average for previous cered ye.it i las , m by tho aame autlority 1S70 T1, wrrtl W 90) 1 .71 Tt ...24 1i7t-73 1 761 isrn-74 ;or.J IS74-T3 1 81 1 ;-i 1 rj IS7C-77. ir eU Si 1 Id 4 ... ...... "1 S IS7S-7 l J J li7i o 1 . : ikm 1 it; The highest wheat freight, paid din ing the past year wai 84s, for the Schiffsworft, iu April mi oan.o racivflc Rumors have boon rife on our streets during tho past week In rebition to tho prospect of an early commence ment of work on the railroad to Ya quina Bay. Wo cannot yet state definitely work will bo commenced this fall, but wo kuow for n bet that some very important dispatcher have boon reclevod from the Ent by resi dent officers of the company, and 4 hat they intimate that work will com? menco iu a very few m . 1 k. Survey ing parties will very likely take the field next week. Arrangements luivo been made so that bOO Chinese can lie put to work on a few day-: notice, and everything seems to ind. cato that at last theWillaniettc Valley is to havo another outlet to the sea. Tin: coin v. OMI.ST. An exchange sm)k : "Already the wires mio being put in motion reunrdins the Sonatorship from Oregon. Several Republican nominee are already in the field; Mitchell, Wil lianift, D.'.lph, Mallorv, v.U Tin Arao ciatcd Pr. Hs disptttches bejag un.l r the control of Hi-it party it ia uatuial to expect the general tone to be ahtHlt us if Mara wore no Doaiooratic voters in the state, and tlinl logwt. tho I'l-publican nomination in this State is equivalent to election. The pemoerathi pariy cannot say much until voting day. There is every indication of a first-class family row in tho Republican party a (Jarlield vs. Conkling fight in miniature. It is highly desirable that our next Senator shall be a man of honesty of character, as the lack of that principle appears to be tbe great crying want of the ace." Cooking schools are becoming the rago in fashionable society. They are attended by ladles who rever ex pect -to do any cooking. A nosm-uc i 1. ni etEBr. For the j cdy enro o all dineases that laad io coughn, u!ectcd coldr, ver, Mthms, javin m the hacking cough, tickling i iieiM. Marn throat atid ad oenanasytioo and such ft ntuLborn broaehitk, hoy fat, ride and chest, dry tho throat, hoarse- jhroriio or liu-ring A'miwu ul tho throat and Junrfi. lr. hing New Oiscovrry han no euaal and ban esteh lishcd for itself a world-wide reputation. Many lading pliyicmii rr''einnwnd r nd ue it in their j.raeticr. Tho formids frum which it is priearsd in highly rec.rn.iflc id A by all medhsd journals, i'le clergy and the press have nailiplfniSlltod in the most (flow ing ternm. b to yotir drat4pt.aiid get a tTf.tte free of ct, or regular izj for For nalo by h onttay alio .vaou, a m-u -e m'jct.w aiw ; K Morri. Scio ; Ir. I- Fuky, Uba- , . . a t . . f 1 t ay BOB ; lr. AI. rowcll, ieoaie.n ; .. Albreatte. I'.iictia YiU ; Keab-tto and n tague, JerTeraofl : 0. 1. I. Cornelia Tor n r -. B, A. Dampy, Itarrtstarg 1 B. H. Ilnys, Mninry ; Usasoa Mnott., Mil n ; Starr ami J'dakrly, lJrownvdl, rrtiHil Krpf;rl KaUoalaj ii tike IteV ttsesr for y bn I District No. Tut, I.ioii coai.ty, ilrcgon : 15. C RwMft, MO, awali W. SiimiM r, V. Mlntiiii U. ISiV.un ) , 100, .'.lift T. yj, 100, Onfft Ivjf, IU), AI..M. M.i.i. ii. a JjKMaa, Ariii MeKlMMO, I'''1, I'Iim. Mi hiiini.n, l. 11 a. rt L. MH Irt.'l. l'.mrll a.ktniian ) lrln Iff, '.K.. 'I hoi. V. fcarf.i..-r, KU Wiley. 0S l.ily WU. r,S, ll'rtiry J-kn, 3 TIit almve ra) h Ml or inert in a !K for 1. rtient. M. A. fe.Y 1 v. Taai h r HrJ, Kept rl Follov.in in the n-jmrt ot Um Oak ! Iftte schrxd U r thu month cn-ling .Ir.-.ie 0. lHc, : I"nr Km .1 t t.l ; ir5. T.. Tufa!, 4. 1. K. A.r ..'ii... 2. Ailt lUu 3. IMy UatttM, 4. A14 Small. :.. BJettf small. 7. Al Ij 9. Al 1. f II. I 13. Our beast roll eaataiofcthc hmdm .l tin so who ttrro n itln r .ibxi-nt nor tardy during the month. MjMTI I- lii.Ai- ::, Teat hi t. A l-ir-tr r, i.mi. The ret fo no of rfnennndfy snvmpoelatl nbout ,o;o Un . f woo in tb h city, and tlio higlnrHt bid Will tab' F 'lot. U'c have not been IttfMntttJSI fotbelinie of Hi- ab. Del any ientifi phyai-ia formula from hIiIIi Ammen'n rup u praeaaan sronM nei mend, but priM-rita It t lii p.ii know the mijiii Sy i'y r r-otii Lenta trou i3- tftaean it. It baa .ito-a who r." a trial our drcg a !' ., bliwi witb n iroilgh Of ' of tbolhronr ami lagan no cpial. I ' ir lie lnan 1 ' y oif woiinl ca . Au'i'.lior I.m'.i .sprout ai'-14 prafssre Ak y pUt to t?t it for you. In l-tl- SO ct., ft. rimp'oa and nth) r i-kia dUontora rjnlifc ly yi i to tlsst tlior.u;:t 1::k 1'uritier and Tenir, Kin;.' oflhr lt! . !. Kce slv -r- itiacmrti:. '1 i:aki:i:n tain van In man and lw:t:. lit n Internally. 1 1 STROP imrtaml v Uolro move-. Dm 1 1 m i wh !n illy no! ::m EXTRA 'AID BACOH, EGGS - A S I I! ICte mot eiry. 1 GUIDETO SUCCESS WITH F0R.HK d SINE I s. i nv fa it ti.r t.e.t lUiul-lb. ew .uii halt r. im.I4.-I. THIM. Uw M par. It.. u iiu imi ll.. t.. a. t in CnrtT W ISTKU f-.ral..raretimr. . v Si 11. I- oil .-! Rl IL value hI mUrmclinti. wit bHUr tin any t!vr, is lr krm lo 1. unvn t a IMnC .a t raari.ru. A Fair and thorough trial by iiiauy a coaapefceaft liiaairr haa lonj t one cm lie IHVt tl Ftmo DEAD fo utterly to the onw.ir l march of Btodrro busin aa to ecu in lieiieiit m advsilisiaa he hail as well a hola life i. '. U ' t of HIS SHEBANG oraul into it and pull U13 hole in rfn r him. Of coarsn thin can't i!i'ily Vw," reference tiv any body AT ALB f t a ai-i Permit mo to caU a ttention to my IOlt'lViriVL: iliVITV SEPARATOR, as improved and peiTocted Air the t!io season of 1SS1. These machines are manufac tured expressly for the porooae of att';hing-tbem to the different k inds of tbreabing machincx. I am making tho only double cleaner in tho United Steles, and by my process tbo grain passes through two operations, and can be returned when necessary for a tblrd. by a return elevator, makinsr it tbi best seed cleaner manufacture!. Kvery machine warranted, dt and; Inspect them. Ordinance No. 108. Jti:f.ATlNO to minora wandering npon the atreota b"ta eeu cortain hoo rm. If U Vt&iuttnl 1,y lUf ('"nimnn Counn! oj thr City 0 Alt tin : Swin:( ). That no m!nor shall lo per mlttfd toj?oabroafl upon, or wander about, tho otret of tho etty between the hour of nlno o'clock p. m., and five o'clock a. n. of tho fo1ltwin morning, unlofw aucli mi nor fchall havo the permisaion of hie or her j in rent or guardian, or ho accompanied by such parent or guardian, or uniea anch minor shall have neceoaary huaineaa upon such atieet or atreota, anl any auch minor who shall violate tho proviaiona of lhl4 pecJIen, Mhall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, aod upon conviction be forp tho Jtecorder, shall ) punished br a nne of not leas than live nor morn than fifty dollara, or by impriaonmonl, not le- tlian two nor more than taenty-Hvo days. ttBOfMnl 2, Thia ordinance to tsk effect and is in foreo from ami afler five days from ita publication. Passed the Council May 10, 1W1. Approved May 13th, J88I. A'Uiat D. FKOM AK , N. .f. IfKt-rfjjr, Mayor. City Recorder. Ordinance No. 109. ANOrdinaneo to amend section f) lx of Ordinance (40) forty, entitled. An ordi nance regulating l he Fire fenartment of the City of Albany. fifr. !, I! it ordainrd ijy the C-otnmon On nei I ,f rhe 'ity of Allrany, that aairiion ft!) nix of Ordinate- (Ht) forty bo amended ao t i lo rf-ad aa foliowa : ti',n Th Cliief F.niriiwr ahall re ts iveaa annual rarv )f (iw om bun- !r' l )i:!ar-, whieh ahall li frald ipiartw- ly out of tbe i eaury, ilio mhw um iSlier claim aaiuat the v'.iy'. Si '-. L'. That all orXnanca or porta of of'Mnaooes not -onsiatent with lhi ordi- naiee, ar iieo-l.y i j-;ie. Xy Tlila ordinance Ui bo In forre from ami after the I-. day of July, ll J'.k - I tho ouneil .Nfay lo, IKsi Approved May istii, iI. A' I ' . FKOM N. 38. J. IfK'sroa, Ms)or, l 'ij Keeonb r. a i inn I havo permanently located b Allany.. I. ou eOunty, Oregon, to praetieo law. li Waa on examination of the Hon. Supremo 'our' .f tiI-i Male regularly admitted an attirm y of aid ourt, ami arn prepared tc condu'-t all kinda of legal buainaea in any OTtha WSBltS in IbiaKuto. I ahall by aArteS in . iii'ioalry an 1 proutrt at ention to all iiuiiiea intrualed lo my cara, laiior ' to BU-'i. t lie e .nfidrnee of the jeople. Uua ineK at homo ami abroad reapwtfuJIj ao lictte.1. Cni. e boura all Ibo lino aagbt and day. Officr in O' Toole'a Bl saOjJhBMkl I aitiln alrnt, AIIkitiv. Oregiw. Keepor-ifully Albany, Or., iune. Irfl. 4"ar.$ MOtt TO BC4 IBS: UT.KK.1Mu Ii wren rvL, tfciH any itt uSW lr-m th NNa; aTii4ni ntm Wanil it by ma bun tm tbianl 'Un SCO ILL- aAKSAPAkJU I.A aN'l nTUJ.;..(.lA. or B -l ami Ler aray il! rtrrr ycUS. Iwalih to the Atyticml -VM.a ti-ii. ll i imtamA a trwmrtaen.ti.- yntp. hiA i take. m4 bam frniea IW I V. U- Ue hM Ui I par,. Saras r a m taanrawiai !,- -ik. ;.t. . .... A Ut KuiiM).K7araa. raram, hi. it .a .i- i. r. ntbMI mt Uk Hon, IiTvr, I -Itm-jb. XiOrtrii. Mm, at I: . rrwtU twrficttl m. A tiagfim boUW Ui er f ; m khtaKS renrvcr, t-tr rt ACTS U eHfOTutt ben Ihm oiUilrt mt4 " ii inrv. li ir k trtidry Ut kmi ..- a ta Tiiw ul MfMM ajMUBa. ' rt-Jral Urul JlmtUwA. r'A- nmrkei ia now In lb batnlaoC Majet J. It. Hsaasaa, whow j nrr. m I k a uuamnty that it will bo we! I k - ' iu 1 vi ry jArtietilar. Fnw.li rnoalu ': I.t!.-1 louMantly on had. Th j !)'( i,ciiiiy rvnd raanaralila prieen, 1m IJa I Mxj)! moatO Tna liiabet wfa prkw - Iriil lac pal I f r vf.! ra! vea, pork, -bn-k ' I cn and all kitt.Nof hbloa aad furs. KirM. -itH, A"n v, rrs;on, J K. llerreo.pro 1 prwor. The- ltrt Mjve in tb- irtd for cia, bnaia-iN-rw, aloe-. utt rhfiim, fever aorta, trt r. , kaMHMi hftaaht. chilblaina. ooraa and all ; in ei uptbuia. Tnia amv is gaar- 1 la yive fM-rfcct ataataction in eveiy r m J 1 utxi-,l. Price -Tic per hex. K.r - .!- ay Poaltay xrt.) Msaoa. mhtdrsale 1 Vbme, Baaa : 1 Fubsy. Ibi...i. ; !. I.-'..-ui : lb-tfUt bomI Mob Hane, .l:r. rH..n: r M lbraUh. Batata V'aata j t i'on.eliiK. Turner : I! A Itacap), Baiiialaaig Slirr and I'daludy, Drawni vi'Jc. 1: ft X, Sxmir.sky wishes us to an-u.iun.-c liial he ban locatod perinan4nliy in Albany, and prcparod to give leason on ilt piann, ilute, et-. Tlie Prof, haa had an experience of mniiy years, haa made musk a life study, and in perhaps ooe of tiie 1 ( musician on the coast, lie ean bo found at any time at Salt marsh A Lang .lon's drug store, and persons desiring to ectire bis sen-ices can find him there. Mn-.;.r for balls and parties furnished at reasonable prices. tbbsw rui.su t rum. ae.. A great portion of tlie .uflrerinK ami dis Ircss of ibis country is due te the fact thnt the people take too much physio and too many drugs. If you waitt to preserve ynr health, save doctors' and drtigtrists' bills, uso rho Clifornia Pine and Kucxv lynins I'orons Plasters for all paius. For sale by Koshay A Mason, Foster's Rrick, Mailt St., Allainy, Or. Slaven's ctierry Tooth laalc. . An aronmtie combinnlion for the pmser vnlion of tno Tooth and Gooia. It is far superior to any prearatioii of the kind iu tbe market. In large, baiiisome opal pots, price iO contai For sale ly Foabsv i tt. Muyoti, A litany, Oregon. j A in men's Cough My rup cures coughs, cilds, bronchitis and oon sum prion. X 0. BEST, ot of Lyon Street, AUmuj, Or.