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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1881)
FRIDAY JUNE ltfl'881 . i . .. .. -i-. - - FARM, GARDEN AND FIRESIDE. sortiyg ;nv. A farmer's wife was buv Sorting laeans. The pood sfrmnt hardly any. Tor tln harvest tinio WSS rainy, lad for lxvtsis, The poor ones were many, she was vexed urn! tirt ly p:ckim Out bad baftAfc V r it twk her many hour-, And it tried hor iatient jowers. Till she wished thr re w ere no shower, To spoil the beans. Suddenly fch stopped, and thinking Of the beans Now finished, said villi smiling : What a fool to let the ri ing Come, the pleasant hours heguiiinjr, I'or bad be.tiiH. "When I come to have another .sorting beans, I will save me half the trouble, And my pleasure, will be double, While 1 burst tho hideous hubbU Offend beans. "F r instead of always looking For bad bran, 1 wUl iravf tl:m, while trith plimsore 1 will gather otit and treasure, 1 II I till my little imagine With good beans." T icre's a leQP front this story Sorting beans, Life is full of smiles and sadness, M my griefs and sometimes gladness, Slurb of joy and more f ndlttta -1 ike ioor beans. And our work in life is sortinp, As with beans, VN', e9 g through life aud end It," Lott ing ihe best things that lewi it Charms, and only spend it With lad lteans. Rnt thf r s a way that's lietiei Sf r;ing laeanr. Cbooae the goo?, and when life closes' There will lae less thorn tl an ion. F.r ihr irarnrre.l good dispones ( f oor beans. THE SHEF.P LAWS. AN A T In pr ven the sprrsd rg of ( on lag-o'ix !uui j hi rzu.U'i u se ifs smong su- p B it f v. by (he L yislative Assembly ot thr ofosc uf (trtgm: Samoa I.. There shall be appoint ed by tho County Curt, sittiup; as County Com miss toners, an Inspector oi apiureani oi uie - r r e i - j wo uin-, wit -oo, wiiuu- reside in tuo iui -7mcn lacy are Pfiolnted ieciirely. E.ich of such . . j. -VI. ..tin. . . . ' 1 . rs before entering upon the i of .his office shall give an tin- Uortaking to the County Court, with two or more sufficient sureties, to be npprueJ by the county jude, condi tional for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. Each In spector shall have power to appoint deputies, not exceeding one ur each precinet, far whose acts he shall be responsible, and by any of whom he may perform any act required of him by this Act. It shall be the duty of each Inspector of Sheep, at any time up :i tho written request of one or more citizens of his county, owning or having possess! m of sheep, that sluep owned by or in Ihe privM-ssion of any other person is alfe t d with scab or scabbies, and that such owner or other person 1ns been notified of flic fact, arm fails to take pnqier steps to cure said diseased sheep, it shall bp the duty of the Inspector without delay, to examine said sheep, and it he shall find said sheep to be affected wittf'said disease, he shall take said -iicep into his possession at once, and cause them to be cured. lie may be nei-essary for thai purpose, and the owner or owners of said diseased sheep shall be liable to said sheep In spector for all necessary expenses, costs and charges incurred in curing the sheep, including a comijensation of three dollars, er day to such In spector f r every day or part of a day in which he shall lie necessarily in- voivvrj, .together with me ex)enses of traveling to and frem such place; Provlletl, that if the complaint shall boLdse, the (tarty complaining shall lio liable to the Sheep Inspector for his compensation of three dollars per day for every day or part of a day employed in the examination of said sheep, and expenses of travel as afore said. The indebtedness incurred under the provisions of this Act may be recovered by such Sheep Inspec tor in his official character, by an ac tion in any court having jurisdiction or the atnctint. 4DC -, ptrrsuu, uuiupuny or corporation intending to bring or cause to bo bronght into any of the counties of the State of Oregon, any sheep or bands of sheep, must first obtain from an Inspector of Sheep, du ly appointed under this Act. a certifi cate that said sheep, are sound and free from scab or scabbies, before crossing the boundary line of sa'd county ; and any person, company or corporation desiring to move his or their sheep from one county to an other, shall secure from the Sheep Inspector of the county which he loaves, or which he enters, a certifi- eafe of inspection and traveling per mits duly signed, that such sheen are free from scab or scabbies and all other eoniairious or infectious disease-. Any person willfully or neg ligently vioia'imr the provisions of this section, sha 1 be guiity of a mis demeanor, arid on conviction thereof, shall bo punished by a fine of not less than twenty d-liars, nr more than two htn (in t! and fifty dollars. Sr. 3 Whenever, on examina tion (f any Uands r, herds of sheep kepi or herded in any coBnty'in the State of Of g .o, ihe H beep Inspector shall ii'.ii -u i , .-in p, or any portion jf ilea, ;ibi;tid with scab or scab- pies, r ai-y id her 5'gi us ili.-eases, infectious or con if KliftH forthwith r p :r o.i in charge tolif V 1 he ovvner . -rrf : Jjih siicep. in wr ung, to put sieh disou-ed sheep end the twnd or ficrd-in which they have been kept, into an inclnsure, or by other sufS cicnt means be kept, therein, from contact with other sheep. and proceed immediately to treat them for the cure of such disease; under his super vi -sun; 'and any person, company or corporation who shall refuse or ne gteet to Immediately put uch sheep Into nn luclosure, or by other suffi cient means, secure them from con tact with other sheep, or who shall refuse or neglect for thirty days after such notice to prococd to treat such sheep for the euro of such disease, under tho supervision of the Inspect or, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a flno of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor moro than two hundred and fifty dollars, and for each day of such neglect or re fusal to treat such sheep, after thirty days trot n J such notice, such person, company or corporation shall in? guilty of a separate misdemeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be pun ished by a flno of not less than twen ty dollars or more thnn fifty dollars, and in addition to the punishment provided in this section the Inspector shad, lu case of a refusal or neglect to secure diseased sheep from contact with other sheep, immediately upon notice being given as herein provid ed, or in ease of nogloct of fifty days after such notice to treat such sheep f a- the cure of such disease, sei.e such sheep and by t nclosnro or other sufficient means, secure them from contact with other sheep, and pro ceed without other unnecessary delay to treat them for the cure of such disease, and the expense of such seizure, keeping and treatment, to gether with tho fees of tho Inspector while engaged therein, shall bei charged on tho sheep so seized, and the Inspector shall hold tho sheep until the same is paid; or if it be not paid within ten days after such treat ment is completed, he shall collect tho same, together with tho costs and expenses of collection, by adver tising and selling such sheep, or so many thereof as may necessary, in the manner provided by law for the sale of personal property upon execu tion ; Provided, no person, company or corporation, shall be required to dip or treat a baud of ewes or auy part of them, in which there are ewes with iamb at any time from the 15th of March to the loth of May of any year. Sec 4. The fees of the Sheep In spector .hall be as follows ; for in specting, granting certificates and traveling permit, two dollars and fifty cents each, together with ten cents per mile necessarily traveled in making such inspection Sec. 5. Any person, company or corporation violating any of the pro visions of this Act, shall be liable in civ.i action for all damages sustained by any other person, company or cor poration, in cousequence of such vio lation. " " - SgcrCT'On any actions or proceed- TjingS) civilor criminal, arising under - i this Act, all pen IH-rsons having an inter est in sheep, concerning which such action or proceeding is ha.l, shall be deemed the owners of such sheen. and such owners shall be liable, sev erally and jointly for violations uf this Act ; any herder, shepherd or other person in charge of sheep, who shall willfully refuse to give an In spector information as to tho condi tion of sheep in his charge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars. In crirnidal actions against corporations under this Act, no arrests shall be necessary, but a summons contaicing notico of the time and place of trial together with a copy of the complaint, filed before a Justice of the Peace,or in the court in which the action is Commenced, shall tie served in the samo manner and for the same time as in civil ac tions. Sec 7. Courts of Justices of the Peace shall have concurrent jurisdic tion with the Circuit Court f all misdemeanors deilned in this Act, and of all criminal prosecution for such misdemeanors. The provMous of this Act, requiring the Inspectors of Sheep to prosecute for violations of its provisions, shall not be so con strued as to prevent such prosecution from being commenced and prosecut ed by other persons, as other crim inal actions are commenced and pros ecuted. Sec 8. In consequence of the rapid spread among sheep of the contagious or infectious disease commonly called scab, and inasmuch as there is no adeqaate law for the prelection of sheep against said disease, this Act shall take effect immediately upon its approval by the Governor. Approved October 25, 1880. YUO LOSES TM E UtMltl b We clip the following From the filan dard of Wednesday last : Our readers will remember the unexpected flood of January last, caused by an unusual rise in the Columbia river, that backed the water up over the lower docks of this city and caused a heavy damage to wheat stored in the warehouse at Pacific dock. The Bank of British C c nbta, which had many heavy ad vances cnon the wbei stored in this warehouse by George Marshal & Co., have entered suit in die U.S. Circuit Court for the recovery of a balance of $12,000 due on account of this damaged wheat. Messers. Kllinger and Bronaugh are employed by the bank, and Messrs. Durham fc Ihomp son appear as attorneys for the defense. The latter set up as their defense that the warehousemen weie the agents of the bank, and that the bank holding the wheat as a pledge ecam-? tiw baiue a- o in posses-sion, and by reason of a want of care on the part ot the bank, the wheat was damaged, and therefore the complainant should bear the loss. Ti e decision of this case will involve the de cision of hundreds of thousands of dol lars similarly in contest in this State, and some new leg! points are raised in the case. Great inwrest if'eU in ihe decision by many mei chants and ware housemen all over the State. The conrt has two snort band reporters engaged to take the testiwoiri am other points in the case. A large nuui ber of witnesses Lave been subpioned, and the proceed in 's ai e watched ith interest by a full attendance of specta tors. An old bachelor, who died recently, left a will dividtrg all l is property equally among the surviving women iho had refund him; "because." sf i J he, "to them I owe all my ejrlh ly happiness." I MKPI I, KRCIPK. A po dtlce of sifc S'uip and cranber ries said In b? cllVrtive in curing corns. If when bread Is ml;en from tho oven, tho loaves nre turned upside down In the hot tins and nro allowed to stand a few minutes, the crust will set easily. Any ono who still dares to eat boiled ham will find it worth while, after boiling tho ham until it is lou der, to put it in a dripping pan and set it in the oven for half an hour. This will dry out all the water ami will also make the ham less gretisy. TO CURB A FELON. As soon as tho parts begin lo swell, wrap tho arfs nilectcd, with a cloth thoroughly saturated with tlnetura of lobelia, and the felon Is dead. A SI'UINU IUSH. Uoast lamb with mint.uuee Is now seasonable. It U an art to make good mint sauce. Chop mint very flno ; add brown sugar considerably ; mix with cider vinegar, not with whito vinegar : servo with spinach aud new potatoes. CHICKEN CANADA. To mako chicken panada rub to gether in a mortar tho meat from the breast and wings or a roast or boiled chicken, with an coual ouantity of stale bread ; then add gradually tN water in which the chicken was boiled ; boll for a few minutes and rub through a fine sieve. LEMON HONEY. Six well beaten eggs, grated rind and Juico of three lemons, ono Muud white sugar,one-fourth pound butler: stir butter and sugar to a cream, add lemons and simmer ; when hot add eggs, stir briskly for five minute, re move and cool. This can be kept In Jars for months, to use for cake and tarts. UKEAP AND BITTER Ct DDINO. Butter a deep dish , put in custard beaten up of two egg an 1 tniv up with sultanus ; lav into it pieces of bread and butler without the rind, and sprinkle over each layer sugar and sultanus, flivbring with cinna mon or nutmeg. When the dih Is filled up place in oven and bake gent ly. Turn out upside d.u n. CINCINNATI STttV. Cut into pieces three pounds J'n, fresh beef, veal or pggfc ; peel mi l slice a quarter. of ,i peek Of toinalcK S and season the whole with pepper and salt ; put the whole into a slew pan and cover it close, but put In no water, as the Juice is enough ; stir In a piece of but Iter, drmlge it with ; flour and cook till meat is tender toast soma bread, cut in three-corn-1 erned pieces, souk In water and, then set up around the inside of a deep dish and pour the stew in and servo hot. i iiiiu. win: ii ("ill'. At thw season of the var tbe air, m thick wiih flying ragftOCM laMt lM wheat yield, which may Imj espnct.- J. Views on the subject are aa dtvenm ua raen'a intt-reata. Thoao who are carry ing a large atock of old wheat ai inon- willing to nuiad tlornwIviM and Mt Kne f It t t t Ik a enm lltrf Pitli Will I . . ahort. ttpeeobtOM wh., would like to i sec a small grain -fleet IXt fall Attd winter are ant to take a similar iew. Ho it hapiciiH that rc'jHirta of in jaraLs, of but weather, north winds, ; blight, rust, mnt, fallen grain, .:d held fires, arw ad mom or leas exag. geraUnl at this time of the year. lfWTIfK LH HRRKilY JilVKN THAT one wore to tadieve a fourth of lln-so tales it would s.H.n U suplxtNed that ' California wouhl havo no surplus to ; Sell this Tho truth, as far as can Ihj asfr- tained from corre.sjxindenta and roiwirts of interior exchanges, is that the wheat yield of the State, though it cannot. reach the figure of last year, will be a very creditable one, and, if the losses by reason of lam Is over flowed last winter be considered, it will rank as a remarkable one. The word miizht as ell fio abroad that considering 'lb ucett t.uuu.ut tons of wheat, auJ itry. aid that 5utl, 000 tons of thatRH atiil on band. Al lowing an ample margin for llio iotuiea incurred on over-flawed landa, hut re membering that tho average rainfall was over 28 inchex, it seeni aa if 1 , 1 00, 000 or 1,000,000 tons might be calcula ted upon. Thin, undtrr tbe circum stances will be something to be nroud of, and up to the present time nothing has occurred to disprove such a con clusion. In this cae the suipius of . tat a .,...... new wneat wouhl he about ouu,im;; tons. Of course in all calculations at this season there are many uncertain factor. How will the wheat yield on the late-sown adobe landhl Is the runt going to be serious in any scctiou? As it is thresher! does it prove plump ami of good quality in most districts? These are questions which it is yet too early to decide. But, as we have stated, the prospects are in lavor ot tho large surplus named. TO MAItK MEAT H.lMt If i ho case can he iletimuHtruteri to a cook that meat can he made tender by Hoftening the fibers with the action of a little vinegar there will be no reason why sho should send a tough Htoalc to the table. If she can be con vinced that it better to turn it over on a plate containing a littio vinegar salad oil and pepper four or five times in a couple of hours, Instead of trying to make it tender by battering it with a rolling pin or cleaver,and so forcing out all thejuices,sheniuet be uhgtloate indeed if she prefers thr; iatter method a"nd the sooner her aervlee aro dis pensed with tho better for the to n per and stomach of her employer. In hoeing or weeding your straw berry plants it itf alwnys brst to pick off the blossoms of fruit buh, : h it Is ii lmo.d impossible to grow good lrollg plfints, eapabte of be u ingai profitiiblo crop of 'straw iM'rrie, if they ere al loped to bear at pleasure tho first year. Pumpkin seeds act as diuretic on cattle. Cows in milk should never have access to them. Before pump kins are fed the seeds should always be removed, for they decrease tho flow of milk very rapidly. wen go aoruao tnav WHiwumiimv - luast vear tiro nia lu t Never leavo an xeess or fruit to mature upon a tre under l hi lui-prcf-slon. that I y so doing ti can hope lo incrca te ihe yield 1 1 her in quantity or qualify. A.i excessive crop Is always secured tit tho exjionHO of quality loss of value, and not Infrequently at tho expense of thi health and even ultimately of (ho life of fhe tiee. OI tho 1,000,900,000 ot eul tlvafable land in the Unlictl Blales, only eleven ami a half per centum arc used. Tho 2,58(1, .C,8fl20 bushels of wheat, corn, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat and potatoes raised year were produced on H.i,l)H3,U0o acres, and the cultivation Is In most cases careless. ' - - A clover sod fumed under in Miy Is excellent for potatoes. In the event of there Itclng no clover al to tern under, take t hut part of the mowing Which In iunrent run out, und plow deep enough to have m .11 sufficient to COVW tfc potato plant Such kind will stand drought hetler than a stubble fallow. The aggregate numlK-r of llVO&tot k In the United States Is set down ftjj 93,000000 hood. p A Newark man was Indignant beeaus his wife called him her dried apple. She explained tint he was i great well. .... .... Nlnrru'M berry Tomb Tustr. An sromstlc coinlilim' in for the prt:Hr vallon r iho T.s-th sod tlunm. It Is Isr upriOff to nny prepsrstlon of the klml in the market. J l.o . Ii m I -m opui price Ml rents. Kor ssle by Ktwhiey tV Mhmhi, Albany, Oicgen. BavmnoatM irtitmii. Mi-tifit fenli.ij .ninl M.i .mi, tln lo e .!ru'. yuts el tie' town, ur nlw-nv up in tin- liinus tout ie.tly t in t llM il. in:utii i.l their many i NMAMMM Vktjf liavo junt nesieed p ply u( that woii'i.-rttil rvmoly tdat e xi -1 uhing tli' world by hi hm v. I.i cuuh, I r. Iviny's Nw lliacovrry ir ( 'nntnpUoii, (OJhx. eaUa, ftathinn, bfowohltl, hav fsver, phtluvic, crimp, alioipn conli. tirklitn in the thn.-it, l"H ff tiii-.-. Ii. nr-i i.. -. r any nlftfc-tiuii of Mm Uuvat n.d lattf, Tbii r-o.- ly )Mitiv't cr, tii.-.i .i.. u u,.ii fy. If yon bi iit l.s-la v. c . . and got s trial Uttl frro i (Mrf r a ncu Ur itc Imttlo for oiiu d.U ir. A- o ato your life give it a trial ami Ik? euttviuesd, aa thouaanda alraity have lon. rmhay aud Maaon. wholesale flot-tita A IW--ny ; 1. Morn. s. o ,r. fc t o,.y. Iba- iioii4 Dr ., m. rVnnB, Lefatnoa ; l. m. Cilhrratt"', Uiiriii Vita ; i!. - . itu ami M-n-taif, .l.-n:ra.n ; tl. 11. 1. lrm hfM, Tur ner ; It. A. lUmny, Barriefcug ; R m Ifaytsi, IUtM-y ; l.nnn Smith, llahry ; Starr ami lUakr'v, l'.r.)mvillc. A j.,jraU( ii,r a, tu.i -ry ept :.t ,u.j,inw 1 M l'SI All eaeeWb B3Ala FOtflO BEAD Hi )iiarl nan imi bem tit .1 r-i Imii ioe . life IH advi iti-ui he ha-1 an w hack dir d II dig a I HIS SHEBANG crwl ,"U' ,l 1 '"n ,h 1 " "n' poa.Wy have r. ioa,yBHy AT ALBANY. Administrator's Notico. A,, . , , tered of nHs"rd,th nildawmgind have Iws.n duly npisUntcU the Administrators .i rtbe eatalo of '. I'.urkliart, deceased. AH js-riMjiis haviiiir claims auaitiMt ald ostato .ur nspiired to proaent them, pioerltv verillfNitntho uuilendKned at the (ato r. -i dene of Iho d.s-wnsod near Allstnv (.Inn siiniv timgon withiu six months fioin tins dale. M. miKKIIAKT, J. Ii. IirKKHAltr, AdmlnistratnrH. Jun 3t Issl. ii clt Wkawskln ur i.wii u.wn mafU at tit. it 11-m.iis s rlthrr rv ran mass all ilu i.ii.i'Oi- rfk. rtt l..r irti-iiUr UMIftl n. 1'i.rlihiul, READ! flail oI Llmi County Council, P. of May 7ih, 1S81 Ml:. BUGMNB ; i v 7.f xa .y, A'jmt f). M. OSBORNE A CO., Albany, Orajon : Siu : At a regular moating of the Linn County Business Council, P. of H , bekl this lav, tho 1). M. Osboroo t Co. Hai vesting Machinery was ndoptrd lor tin; uh'; f tho I'.itrons of this jurisdiction. Yours Kcapectfully, (Signed) 11. C. POWELL, Secretary. It is with prid that we refer to tho above communication, coining ih it dor from tlto Linn County Council, a huHineaa association oOflBpaand of boiuo of tho lct and most Miccossful fartnei-H of Linn, Lane, Benton and Marion Coun ties. They purcliaaed a large namlier of OsnoiiNK BlHPBiUI hiHt year, ami so universal was the hatiafaction given during the harvest of 1880 that they have decided to order another lot for the coming harvettt. This endorsement speaks volumes for tho OsuotiNi:, and it is mw in order for another wail of 'humbug" ami "lie ware" Id ascend from the agent of tho only twin and l'ioncer Hinders. To those winding our machine wo say, in all sinaerity, givo us your orders early, that we msy bo able to supply you. Our orders to the present exceed our most sanguine exrfctutiom, and wu aro daily adding the names of somo of our best farmers to the list. Mr. Bnrge, tlm Northwest cosst manager of tho firm of D. M.().HbornefeCo.,wtitcsniotlmt it is the same from all pints of the country, and has telegraphed for more machines. So come on with your otdois. if any of otn customers have a machine that is out of order, and require, any nsMhtatu e in adjusting tho same, if they will leave word nt my ollico in this city, or write to P, M. Osborne & Co., Portlan.l, tieore harvest comment s, tl ev will lie waited upon fm: of chwjc Wii have no cry of fraud or wan. in- to make ag&taat irresponsible agents, or nny one else. Kvery machine sold lv us is in !. name of and warranted by I). M. Osborne & Co., whoso iarniliiHty is t ot, ipies lioned bv any ttjftptclabbn dealer in America. 41 -KIKJIINH r.l'CII AN AN. mVMH k JOSKPU, "PROIMtlPTOllS of - ALBANY SODA WORKS, AND DEALERS 1N Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Nuts, and Tropical Fruits. Albany, ... - - i-ooii. ONE DOOR BELOW JOHN BIWOGS' STORE. S0m3 hnrrN IMrniorr. Y. l C at tin ar tootiiH in tV ter n l.rirlt beUShigon Vodmmtny evi at 7 :') n'dook, ami mi Suhhath nftfiaio IIIH III. MuaincM tsrfitincpi nro held on tin n of the M'onml Momlny in each month. U. I'. OUCltCJI.- lh-oat:liingovcry Kahhath, at 11 A. M. , and 7 v. m. by lUiv. r. Q, ir vim?, I). S.ihhafh S. bool at 2:.10 c. M. Prayer mention; - . ry Tlmraday evening. KvArtar.i.UM. Currrn. Preaching on Mali. Iiath at II a, v., and 74 P, M. Kahhath School Ifitld. I'ravi r m linrf every 'I'liuni. .lay ovciiing. V. ( '. Kantm-r, pantur. OpWoatui Mi-.- At.t'm at. n. S. rv iera every Sabbath at II a. H. nml H v. M. MahUth SenoeJ at 2:.'. myer meetbtg .... Thurmlay eveniiu; .,1 . i, , ..I.. v. Harris, paatnr. ML K. OflOtteu, ,v,,i in. -Service every Sabbath at St. I'mil's M. K. Cbnr. l., Botttk (It 11 A. H. and 7111 M. Sabbath K h k.I at I2 t: M. Pray, r meeting ev ry 'rimin ilay evmng. If. C. Miller, paator. M. B, OntmOR,- IVoa hing every Sabbath at II a. m. nml 7'j r. m. Song ervic4 in the evening boforti aertmm. Sahlmth ScIkmiI it flafftf, m. Prayer nuitinj (rrffj 'llnir- lay evening. I. hillon, pantor. IUlTIrr fill it. ii. Serviced ev ry Sabbath at 1 1 a. M. and 7S I". M. Sabbath Sulnw-I at I 'J, Prayi r OMetiag every 'J'huitiday n ing. Wi Jt Crawfonl, p.mtor. PitKaorrKntAir CiieHcii.-rWvice every Sabbath Meriting nml tveohia in Cotkwa Chapel. Heudej SebeeJ Immediately rftertfce morning aervic.?. I'r.-.yer metlni;' every Thnraday Aveeiiig. Uov. Klbert N. 'mid it. aa wr, Administrator's Salo lyjoTMT. g UKRMDY avi;N THAT 1.1 la pniMianco .i mi order of tic ('utili ty Court r Ltnu County and smtc .i ( n . lionfbtir1ng data AukuM fttli Ur7t, being a day or dm regular August lertn or wie UOUft, f'.r tun yenv ls7v, m (bo uniiler ot Iho cMiile r.f Sarah Ann Sliuhmu, thuftuttul, I ho uiiihMi..;ued,AdnilriUtraUr of Maid i-s-t ale, w ill Mil! at put. lie UfltloU at tlm CbUtf lloiiae hx.r In Aibanv. I. Inn Uouttf , and statu of ireou, hI i In. hour of ono o'cloek p. in. of WATI'lttttY, jim: Mlfc I s I , all iho rtuht, title, lntcieMtnud!sni,eoriho Maid Saiali Ann MIuiImiii at the littio of her dcalh in and to all thai certain tract of land lyliiKMrul lK inKi.ltuiii. in bine, coun ty. Oregon toid l"M;ritMs its tollown : Coui lueoeing at ibeSantiam river on in. lino I" iwoen tux tlonii 3 snd I in Township lo south, itaiiKe :t West of Willsrruob Meridian, them o Konlh on Nthl bun on mllo, more or Iww to the South went -or-!..r of Kil.l Hci-ttou :t,thoii o South lUehaliin and 90 links, Umum south 0 i;sst, yi.m e.'.aiuM, iheuoo Morth h g;( Vmi. 26.77 'hnliiH. tl,. n.-t, North 'M.'J eliains, W 1 7i ttehaloi,thuaes Morth alvetuilns, MOTt r liw. to tho fttnthUM river, tlnnee iIoam lhMtict river to tho la-e .if (.-. i nine, (s.utaiiitii tao bumtred and bily acn.s, inort or ).,, (savbiir aud excepto.V tin nave yard of nSoe rod Mpiafj. Ti.uws ano (nmoM ov Sai.iu Ono half tho pnrebasa prioo, coh In 11. S. gold 0Oia in hand en day of utlomd balainv hi Mix months, with IhtiaOU at llM ratoof ouo xr cent pr inoulh from tin. day ofaalo, wnr.-d by uolo and mottgJMM on ihe proiuUes fur Uto psviuenl thereof. May Isn. I.. II. MONMANYK, 45ui! AdminUtrator. Asaigneo s Notice of Ap pointment. N'OTICK is IIBRKOY the uildrHii(f:ei br IVJOI THAT oeu dulv an- A-, -ii fur tli. I in lit .J n.ll tor. fall the prorn rty of Charles Ilodts, of North Itrowiisville, Oroijon. AH s-raona having claims a;rtin'.t said liarhM Hodc., will preMenl Iho MHiiie. . r ifkal uh D nir- I by law, -a illiiti nix soottt be Ik. iii lliks date, to the nud-rinod, at bis ri.ideii.i, in HrtiwnsviUe, r.-.m. IsuimI Mav 9S, W. 0. COGLEY, tt Avl-,'lnr. Executor's Notice. rcofon i hrrrbt aivrra that I the uuflerxlgned haa haiw by an or. . r .l" I . t'oiiu' v Court if I. iuu (,'oiiiit, r..!uly apjtf.inirtd Ktocutor of the lasi w ill and iMMaiaiN Of loha Mark, Sr., do-.-. e--d, in;.- .f i-oiiniv. All iMTMins Iihvku claims wipe nst Mnid estate an- l r. l.y mained an-! rtspiirrsl to pre- nt Mho Maine, with the j.rojM-r voio-liors In the un .ii rsiK'iHslu bis reidenoe about tv. mils wi st of libanou, bum County, Oretiou, within sit month, from tho date hereof. May ", iK-d. J. M. MARKS, 43 Bsaautata BACON, EGGS AND BUTTER v a Nrri :i : A S I HATE A piHKfrr WAY F ids poslmr of the ataOVO I eail atfoi-d lo Kiu moie elty. than anv other hoil!n in Hi: P. mur.N. Mlt J. II. IUti, NewKraor Ad-erlla. IngAKont, U lark 1 tow (Time? Hldl'llng) New York, Ih aniboriMNl to wntraet lir ailvertimmteiiiM in ilm DKMontaT at our II. i f FARMS FOR SALE. Wc bayg a largo list of cholco f.irmlng lands in rarious parts of the val ley, ranging In price from S5.00 to $40.00 H'r n ro- l'ai,b?s visiting thl-s soelloii with a view 6t purchasing farm should cull and InMjK'ct tho descrip tiotiM on llle in our cflice. MONEY TO LOAN. We urc belter pjcpiircd thitii vcr fo negoii de Iojiih rn improved f.iruw in IdNN and BKK9DN .unlhs, oa the meti fivorablc lerms. Yearly In terest, nnd lo ins c"in be REPAID IN INSTALLMENTS. Ilespccl fully, STEWART & CBfeY. Thh hranck of our business will receive the Mime prompt nftenl loo n ht rctofore. Wo hfivo the agency for five of tno lest lusur.ince ( ' "inp Miles doing buJnoas on tho Pacific Coast and can give the lowest rates. Collcc ti nis from any pari of the country will receive prompt atlenfirn. I'.-.jusdfuHy, STEWART & CREY, "Democrat Building," AM1ASY. OREGON. AT THE Old STAND, T COOK, BOX STOVES Am SHiJ ItoitHi- In tli' tall . TIN, SHEET IRON DKsrimflON IN KTtwK JIAM, A rULL GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. .d WUK'II III: OI KKrtS TO TIIK IfJRfJC AT 1'KH'KS, THAT MOT rnMl'lTITInN. OA Mi AT ?J KIICST ftTRRVf, A I J1ANY. tRMOOIf. AUi Repair work dono at viln2S MARX BAUMGART ir. jrr tr: k.h or-r a w Liquor Slore Kaxr- rs mv.iAXi i.r on iiu THE FIXKST UHAKBS 09W1SBS, DBtS, TOBACRO & MtiAILS. l Uv O b linilcl sc LonlM STONEWALL W HISKEY, Tho finest hiskny hi the State. Whiskies, Krenrh Hraudiei, Sherry, I'ort. ( i.ii'rt. and all oliier kinds' il' winrs, 4un. Ale, Ileer, and Porter. Bitten of every kind, and the heht brands of tobarro and Cigars. fitTl want Avcrybraly to underKtaud IU I have opeucd out a tirat-clavw new liquor- alore, whore city and country deal era can nrrcure their atoeka at I'nrllaiid priiHw, with only freight added. ItoouiN on the corner of Front and Ferry Street, Alny, Orerron. JdHlf. C. e. etiKURY. C. R. PARK KS. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CEERRi & PARKB8, (.Suecofcsors to C. C. Cherry.) MaciiiBi8ts, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. ' WK HAVE OUR NEWKIIOrS ALL completed, aud aro now prepared to handle ail kinds of heavy work. We will manufacturo Meant Lupines. ;ii-i and Saw Mill Maebinory,nnd all kinds of Iron aud liraas CaslinKs- imt I i:t;s NAM on Ml out miiki:. Sper;ial attAutien given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will alsfi manufan ture tlm improved Chorry A Whito (.irain Separator. simp on Rakr SI. Ofllrr at Lnrulaer Yard. AUmns', dr., Dee. 1, 18S0. IStf King of the Blood In not a "pun--oil-" It tl a blood-parUJor and tonic Impurlly of blood poisons tho syMtem, dcrannis tho circulation, mid thus Induce many disorders, known by different names to dlstlnKutHh them ao-oordlng- to effects, hut being really branches or phases of that greut generic illsortler. Impurity of Itlond. Such are 7yspcpsa. IHlioumiata, TWivr 'omplnint, Conxtiptttion, Si m-out Dimtrdrm, Iltatl aohr, Iitwkaoli, Ucnrml Wt'aknrim, Heart Disease, l)rttpi, Kidney lit6ae, IHIet. tiheuttmtiimt. Ca tarrh. Scnifula. akin Distttlertt, Pimples, Ulcer, SicetilnyH, frc..dta. Klna of the Blood preveato and curtis these by attacking the cause. Impurity of the Wood. Chemlsta and physicians agree In calling It "the most genuine ana efUcicntprepa ratlon for the purpose." Sold by Druggists. H I per iKttllo. 8eo testimonials, directions, Ac, In pam phlet,' "Treatise on Diseases of the Blood," wruppod nrounsl rtu b bottle. B. HANSOM, SON A CO., Props., Buffalo, N. T. ffiQAA A MONTH guarant-xod. nll 'U inalo by tho industrio 8 a day at home Capita! not rv mired : wo will start you. Men, women. Itoys and girls mako money faster at work for us than at any thing else, Tho work is light and pleasant, and such as anyone can go right at. Thos who are wise who pcq this notice will send its their addresses at once and -t e for themselves. Costly Outfit and .terms. Now i tbfr time. Thoso already at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TltrjE a CO.; August Maine. l:esp.elfully, STEWART & CREY. 40LLKTI0S. 3XT BBIGGS ! ITItfTT HTItKKT, II AS ON HAND AS FiSh a?. AKSOUTMKNT OK AND PARLOR AND RANGES, lie a ao hn imitIk hihI maiiulaf turr AND COPPER WARE K TO ORDFR. AMBORTM ENT O AIXO. UK KKKr N reasonable r.iu-es. THE BOSS PAIN KILLER OF THE WORLD is - UK. HEKLEVK L3liTl' It. Tin Xew Medical Wonder r the i9th Centnrjr. THKWHNDKnn i.MJiil.lsHKIt Off TAIN. DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT i The tnoirt av4tonbluix the world haul crcr knwn. Rhratnaallr ImIm klopiacd In .' iaalnlr. rnralsla Palnn lpprd la ti ml no ten. Hradarhe Uppel la 5 mlaalea. Toetharbr slip-l la M Kilnnte. Any frrllBa or nnniltucss la rue Flrsb re llrvrtl la ! mlnatet. TO BE USED EXTERNALLY. Fur aal hy alt IriiistM aunt ilcauVra iu utcaldoes, !! I at IiuIcimIo by HODGE, DAVIS & CO., POUT LAN l, 0REGOX. Following Is one of the many titinoiiuUa reee'veiL Tho writer, Met. Wralhcrfont. is wH and fuvorat. y kimwa in thi city. For tmrticulani inquire ut J. W . WuatlKrfonl & L'o., Raloiu : Portland, Ormox. Do. Hknlkv I was suflVrini; with iain intensely, So tlutt for several .lax - 1 was tint able to straighti n mysolf. 1 iMetl some of yiwir "iaarhtnin? Liniment." rim! it removed the ain u, ...; tbo first pplieation. Tbo fourth uHlicatlii removed all soreness cause t ty tho mill. For toothache and nenmljria it. is . aiieciUc haxliiif Imh?i tried in my own familv. 1 have natd lfallxiiN of liniment of vnrimis kinds, and find this to Huriam any. I highly recomn Ml I it to any bufferii jr with aches and in in. nUyl MIW. J. W. WRATH ERFOUD. A BARGAIN ! Valuable Properly for Sale. THE ALDEN FRUIT DRYER, IiK-huliiiK t ho l.iiil.lin:: and lols upon which it is Kituatorl. is 6r totle at a lar- gain. There re two dryers and they can be Ho'd HeiaraitPly. 'I his is a prod oj portniiit.y f?r fruit raiwra to 8t-ure the host ilrvnr inadu, at u low 'rife. The lids nre veiy valtuih'H lylnrr on the Ivor front, hii 1 huvina m rilrad switch running iv ih-m. ii in h u;i1 location for ! ii-ioni ilt.nri?-": mill, foundry, or anv MMft I'ti !;' j'- ! I" ii' i i j?i ulsrv i-:ll on the PrtwL iloni r NficiMrv it j. r.Stjiiiany. M. F. CRAWFtiRlX Li Hicr I'msident. e'.otay. IB NEW BARBER SHOP 1 J. H. SURLEST, PrapV. A GOOD SEA FOAM SHAMPOO goos Kiln each shave. Prices lor sbavii g and naair outting same as n.-tiul. Rooms oppoaite Mcllvitin's utore. lotf NEW FIRM i R. 8AI.TM A CfjII. E. W. LA:a.l ' ; m a on f - rT10KI8 1IKUKI.Y (ilVEN THAI Haltmarfth ban sold to K. V . 1 ang- a ofio-lm!i interest in bw DRUG STOCK FIXTUHES The new firm will continue bosons at the old atand, roll. 1ST AND ELLSWORTH STS. k i in. ami ar.r. mtM.i AH outstanding accounts and indebtedness contracted previous fo March 1st, 1881, will be collected and paid by'Mr Saltmarsh. n32tf. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS A I. It , STAKiKU BKOS frBprirlopji. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, Ajin iii:a.ih i . i ;w Ktfiile! in flftHan or Vermont Marble. Alwi, oxi-ry ntpi frfluT lf.!l WitT' l'!li t-f eetmt' iy and ncli m-h! m-h atiil ilbtpaU'li. aliention ifivrn lo all part of thin Hfaie and Territory. "All wmk warranted. Tl m W 1.15 ALBANY FOUNDRY MAtiiiiy; F..Sr.lftE.INIIf:i :vi;:. Ity A. P. CHRRRY, Mna'd at or.rncr of Klrt and Montgomery Street, AilMy, OavajM. IIa biKtaknn eliarjrof tbealovrt named W'irkx, we aro j.r-Hr- I to maniifat ir Steam Kniriea, Www nd rtt Mil!", Wod-working IfllllllOl J. TllWJW Ir.; and lira CawtingM of every de- rijamn. Madiinery of all kind repairrl. S .dal attention given lo rejudnn far.n ir -thinery. Tallrrn Making danr im all IU fra. 16:llyl A. K. VIIEHRY A. S4V YING SAM WAS LAUNDRY ! Doea tha 1-esl washing and ironing in Al l nny at lowest ratea. Omtraeis iiol- for in t !' labor. laundry on Wastiini'ion rtreet, oppoHe Marahall'M Iaerv Ma I bJiiCaf REMOVAL:! o- M. S. MONTEITH, HOOK & dOBQ HAS &BMOVKD To TIIK DEMO 'it AT BIJULDIKCr - UP-STAIKS o- All kinds of Job Pi inline executed a o h dbpateh, and at fair living rate. l.M'.AL I'.I.AXKS FOR SALE.- To flu i nforhinatp ? BR .GIBBON'S ltisprnsmy. eta I Sire, t, a'i r rancw. htat lMaed in IKM. I- . the tmtDiriit 4 Sexual aitd SvmiuaJ Im Rh. Mteb a l.B.rriii .1. C. l , r. lrlrlMre, spbllla in awl . Sai6KSSSc-5; . . its 1 mis, ImsMlrtary. cuilu.xl 1trlair. niglit loawea hy Ur jouk, tsjas (ln li the face ami iom of manhood can positivtv has cured. The sick and fllix-U-d huld ih- tail ro'call um him. The Doctor has traveled extensively m Kuros!, auul inspeetrd thoroughly Uie various buaapi tals Uvrre, 4tainine a great dt-al ut valnaMe hifuraua ti.n. which lie israaupcu-nt to impatrt to tbuae iuset.l of his sericca. IK. lilllDOS wdl make no duuv smlsss he effvx-t a cure. Fersons at a distance J KK 1 1 BIO T HONE. Alt cvsaununic strictlv conadentud. You see no one but the laoetor. Send teu dollars for a package of medicine. rVrsrxos writing Lo the Doctor will please Male thetvuae of Ihe er the? see this advertisement in. Cltavrce rea sonable, t'all or write. Ad.lress 1R. J. V. GIBBON, Box 1907, San Fraitciaaeo. x I.jhj fl sfa jTk Great chance to awake money. We a.aMJ B-Fwueed a jerin in every t..:i to take subscridioi.s tor tbe Urgeta, Hicast aitd best U u trated family publicatioit in the vorkL Any one can heoosM a successful agent. Six elegant works xst art giver, free to subcrilcrs. The price Is so low that al most everybody eubsrriBca. One agent report tak ing 120 subscribers in a day. A hvdy agnut reports making over 9900 clear profit in ten days. All who eugage make linsney fast. You can devote ail your time to the business, or only your snare tiro. You need not be away from home over niht. You oan do it as well as others. Full directions and terms free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try" the business. Mo one who engages fails to make great pay. Address Grp. Stixson fc Co., I'ortlaml, Maine. ST CHARLES HOTEL, AJUBANT, OREGON. SRS. t INK, - - - rroprtetoi. This House has been thoroughly renoravted from top to bottom, and is now in splendid condition for tlie enteftainiuent of t ru elurs. TUr table is sniliod with everything the mar ket affitrds. Sample r.-!n.- for comniareial men. Curvalll.;inoii ami Ilulla Slue OaVre. vi:n5U ttOOI an t le nuu'0 cvry agent even mWmWmW month in the business aa furnish, but those willing to work can easily cam a doaen kdla s a dav right in their own hicahues. Have no timet c;!ain ltere. liusinesa pleasant and lHHtorable. Wo men, and boys and girls do am well as tucn. We will furnish vu a complete outfit free. We will Uar ev lielisc of starting vou. lartlenlars) free. Write aitd see. Fannere and mechanics, their sons artel dauvh-te-rs, and all e'asees in rtsdvsT im; work at bono-, h. ! ! 1 write to u i.t.xl l.-:ini all :tlioUt tlie Wrk al ouee. Au tress Tai n It Co., Augusta, Maine. A WF.r.K in your own town and no tamtsl )l) rik(sl. You can give the business a trial dalancit 1 pi saari The best opportunitv ever offert.l fortlntse willing to work. You should try aaolhtui: else until you see for yourself what you can tlo at ll business we offor. jto rootu bt explain here. You can dexote all jour time or only yiur spsre tim I" the business, ami make great pay for every hour x u xx oi k. Women make as much as men. Send lor spe cial private terms and particulars, which we mail free. H MiUfU frrr lHnit is.mpl'ttn of hsitl times while vou have such a chance. Address 11. 11 Al.l.K'I'l X ' 1 , Kirtkuid Maine fex 1 mjt C?fW business now before the public. Yob .4 9 can make money taster at work for us than at anything else. Capital not required. We ill start you. $12 day and u .xxajds made at home by the i (illustrious. Men, women, boys and grrls wanted ever) -where to work torus. Now it the time. You caat Jevote your whole time to the work, or only your spare mooifcots. No other business will pay younear Iv aa well. No ouo willing to work can fad to make auamous pav by engaurlng at one. Costly at and Uinusfree. A great ortttnin for making monet easilv aud honorably. Address Tars a Co., Aagusla Maine. p I