The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 17, 1881, Image 3

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Friday JUNT 18-yl-
EJHor al lreprlelr.
lltmuy KlMtfou.
I MffVWi
"( DepsfteaA.
kM'SD Mtll.
I Arrive t
I'. M.
P. M.
I". M.
M Vlb TU VIS -j
VII rrnlnv rvrr;:! SMUd.iv.
Wlkk B. KICK, Matt Aw
rms paper
A.Ivrt Miw Uur;tt t 1 P; s V P,VU 'vJik K .
. ...Uaei.t mat U aa.Ui o. .-vitw
The Foui th
AS Albany, u 1
Lkvn't you forget it.
M iv roses aw fading.
K. M. French, jew. Iter.
Head C. Ik Montague a ad.
taok out
IKm't forj
White kit
A UOW !0
lor "litxiillo-nngi
yt tho Fourth of July.
I gfom at L. F- F.laiu'a.
la fottutiin on First street.
Harriabursjw ill eclebr.xto tho Fourth
A now sunjiiy ot sp ctv'.ct a- rrcne ;
M U. Sktotvorth, lawyer. AM
For . t;H.l watch cheap '.
White VisU in all stylts at I.
it-t oiir Bftlogm sausas;-- I.
lKa i mis.s toe t?'ttire tte. t . tiai
VfUitc m3klkm a U, itoek
Uoney Iot by n t str6ii
'V, Or.
iaiOg the
i iu tho city
a tho cltv
Dr. Willey'a ituitan luis
this week. "
lxts of coaint ;rci.d trav.-'.
this wix-k.
lio-to t brown bread ai CottMM Mt-yorn
Star Kakery.
The Oiiv.-r Chillo 1 Flow it kA plow
f r lry ground.
The street. were .ite vtuii.iy :.r :w i'ay or
tw i this week.
A fall Um of liaea goods at J. F. I
A cm. U" and t'o's,
Oraagoa 25 csnts a duz-n and u;.vanli at
H-ttftnan v"v: .Joseph's
The river is "wray u-" and b Kits can now
ran witkoct troubl-.
FortlacJ has an Irish Lou I i-aa : A-,.-c
..t ,. in full blast.
Tweedale has a tiuo assortnient of tiu ware
aad eoper ware for sale.
Cm. Birker H putting up a WV bira at
hs place near the IX'pot.
O. W. Osborue. Cigars, tbmee c mtC
tiontry and furnishing good?.
The best $1 J white shiri i.i t.a a- .u
Farmers and Mechaaics store.
Albany is soon to have OttlPf :i u IfptiT
ColL Van Clove will utar.j- ;t.
J. R. Kelly i Co's nie irL-:y West cigre
at the Frrars ami Ifiadbaw strc.
All kinds of g jols far gjutlcmoa's sninsn. r
woar at L. E. liLin's clothiu store.
They are to have a grand m Mm Hi mi and
pie-nic at 1'ra.n. .Station, J.;iy -lth
The subject nuxt S tbbata as tho meeting
-of the V. F. C. A. wdl b Mark H.lli.
Bread, pi- i. crackers, cakes and ail kinds
of confectionery, at t'ourad Meyer's.
Our HaLoy corro.ioadent gives oor rcatl
e.s u m; more notes on the Francis afi'air.
Kid gkives SO ets p-r pair at I. F. I.
Wrinkle and Co's. C:i! and insect them.
Kid gloves, j;rod quality at only o") cuts
par pair at Mo iteith and Seitcnbach's.
An elegant assortment of iresa goods for
en mi.- i- wear at J. F. l Wrinkle and Cos.
3 ; dz. liuck harireiting gloves, just ro
4$e.ved at the Farmers and Mechanic fctore.
The Common Council have let the Uroad
jilbin Street Sewer to a Portland contractor.
Dr. O. Willis Price, dentist, office in Odd
Fellow's Totinde, over Plummer' Drag Store.
Sabscrilx; fee the " l'duulrulril l'u
most readable Journal on the Paeaoe Coast.
Dunbar's shoit are all the rage at Samuel
E. Young's fit, styD, aadtjuaiity g iurauteed .
C. B. Montague of Lbaaon, iiat a large
sto :k aud .-.Us all okIs low. ' id h.i-1 see
c. F. Mantag ie of L :ba t"U, is the man
yo 1 v.i: t- sejfryour meral r.i irclian
dise. There are S echool tlistr'tcts in the county,
87 of whieh are entitletl U eebop! aaoney tht
Tlie finest line of Ilanibarg elging in the
city at t!i j now store of J. F. D. Wrinkle
& Co.
Our water Hume has ttcn out of order
this week ami has cauaed us considerable
Fus.i-.-il Price has been building a new
sidewalk on Lyon street along hi'5 father's
property there!
James Dan rials manufactures all kinds of
furniture. The largest stock a:id lteat
prices in the city.
Parasols, all the new styles and colors, and
au elegaut stock to select from at Monteith
aud Seitenbach's.
W-C. Twee-bdc is the sole agent for the
celebrated Medallion Range aud St Louis
Charter Oak Cook Stove.
Fescue JHook and i.dder Co X . 1 re
ceive 1 their now fire hats this weea an I are
well pleased with them.
F-irtbaliu, good goods, h w prices and
printer's ink is the rule at C. D. M ml ague's
general merehaat.Leltanoa.
Peal Kae.ti'j bWitanae'e advertisement
en our f eirlit ine. ' keeps every thing
iu the line of ia m ma hi: er.
A liuro ilropp -A uasof oar deatlt notice
of D. D Oa-. last week, whiclt made tpiite
a osiatabe iu regent t au aie.
Dr. Alexaiitlcr' ran away at Coltra's
Station, last Tn-elay ereeirtg an t smashed
his bny into a tlionsmd pieces.
Bishop Morris will bold divine fc vice Jin
St. Peters Episcopal Charch, next Sunday,
Jane 19 h, rnoraing an t ave liu.
See that surging cio.v l, all going to the
Farm3rs and afechaniei ; ore, all ore hap
py with Nolan's eloek and prices.
Be sure to read the advertistmcut of
Peters & Sox. The Deeiing-Marsh Harvest
er is one of the lest in the market.
Samuel E. Young's advertisement should
liavi the attention of every far ner who con
templates purchasing a twine binder.
A good variety of the very best meats can
always be procured at the o t.i'ar meat
in orket of Levi West on First Street.
The best business men in every community
always keep well insured. Stewart k Grey
..liai the agency of live gool compan'es.
cxcursiottlite had passed over tho mono
tains to Yacptina Ikiy prior to last Friday.
John Thomas, a littU old Indian who ha;
lived hero for several yearn, died last Wed
ncsday. Ho was formerly f win Oregon Fity
Tho rush at ill continues, at tho OtW J
goods store of J. F. D. Wrakte and IV. I In
ladies find they can iot tho lowest prior
Ottr Sabbath SghiKils came out abaft 01
their exeiirsion to LobaW to tho amount o
$tn".7., and havo had to declare an 1ml
di Hra
Graf and Fromm aw Constantly mekinj
now stylos of bedroom sot., ami lurnilttro o
all hindt
of th Wst stoft
.1 last
wheel. "Ilul
to that Uiml
D. UovhwH
kels in th- ei
is t!.-
; i".u :ti i r'ni t
instantly on hai
assortment its t
times, at tho po
Wrinkle k Go.
Several Smtl
iv Si
f I tf
iutor Med in
I h. turn on
Thtn -i
ovetung ne
itelp titmg.
Colored Shirts. ou can gol
elegant Forealo hhiiis wit:it;
and seporable t utT. the v i y t
f-1,00 at L. V.'3.
A new lot of etrtU anl tassek
and tho (litest tvaortiiK tit evi i
Albany, to arri.o by i-icomi'i
Monteith and Seiteulach'a.
Over HKlt) Hw. of tho BvNl
brtui"ht to Albany, was reeoi
sit make. f.
m ill Hut
of it to please vtr lit
nl the advertUemvnt i
of the Dr.MtK KAT. M
ustie a i
to let th
I Saltm
peopla know b is mantifacturits
;raiu Separator in the market,
ifth & TaHfjilnn ar putting ne
1:- JLM I ..IWm tirln
tVOTJ ih
A lar,
.mens oi
mm of .:......
1 Soitt nbach's.
with the i .taut.;..! (ft
Wesup;jose Uvly Fnj F
deiicatti. snout suggeste I it
If yon want to sell i
criplioa of it with Stc
nave it ad vertisad iu
sis, raisoiia, grr.pea, ra
tatH.s aftd ablagvi
01 penes
.me Aioaiiy o.oi
oar town on t'neir v
Aetootbte they a
I tnl se H u net ffittn
The Oliver Chilb
ttl work in tlry
cannot ba kept in.
you want for sum:;
by Samuel K. i fun
We are reouestct
the prayer meetings in Alb
uet week on Wednesday o
'iv u ail an opfrtuuity t.f
SLrattou's lecture en 'i
Our public schools clot!
the chil-lreti will have a vaea
nint.', ro
time in t
S-uali I
it wn
by sjteudiug t!t t mot
io CaktfMtoia wben it
Sixty four cvnii:
j iicwiiiv aii lin
ts a little AJa Jiarf- 1
A young man named c; HuT of Eoj
a brakesman on the mail train, fell it
trestle work near oiie r.f the bridges 1
here yesterday aud sustained some ft
injuries, lie was taken to Kageuu, 01
noon train.
On the down trn'u WadaiHd ij neon,
ducter Bogart hal a young cub bear,
over two m-mths obi. Some of bis fr
im tt'itn
It was
very ji'ayful and apanratly
with a railioad lide.
A hre alarm oeonrre I last Babbetb erea
ing ami all t!ie apparatu 1 vras rutlietl out on
tue streets in a hurry. TIij alarm was
caused by a lamp at (Jus Knglandcr's setting
fire to some netting over a picture which
hun abave tho lamp.
The Burl of Fire OAafttii nut in
regular session last Monday evening an I de
clared Jo. Webber duly elected Chief
Kugiueer and Henry J. Clark Assistant, and
the Secretary was ordered to officially notify
them of their election.
All you School Clerks should corny M
immediately and get the money betonging
to your respective district!, at tbe Treasurer
wants to pay it all out before July 1st.
Ile.memberJ if you send any one else after
it to cive them a written order.
A. B. Mcllwain carries an unmenifl stw
of clothing and boots and shoes, and is J
offering goods at 2o per cent less than any I
other house in the city. You can buy a I
first class outfit for very little money by
giving him a eaU. The cheapest store in the
We resptfully as';
the fact that wo ar..
amount of iuterestinj
matter into the Cflittw
tdvertieers to note
crowding a large
news an I reading
of the Democrat,
thus making it more valuah e as an adver
tising milium. Our pubHcriptify !i"t if also
rapid y isceasiiig.
A. party of rail toad magnates ;ss;tl over
tbe O. !c Li. It. last week inspecting the
tack and bridges. It is proposed to put the
entire road iu a condition to permit of trains
runuing at the rate of 40 ntilea per hour.
Several new bridged arj to le put in aud
many old ones repaired.
Messrs J. F. D. Wrinkle & Co Wish BS to
call the attention of our Ja ly readent to tbe
fact tlmt they are offering many goo Is in
their line at reduced prices. They invito a
careful inspection of their goods and prices,
feeling assured they will merit a fair share
of the trade in their line.
A little two-year old daughter of John A.
Spangler fe 1 from a chair las'; Monday and
broke oue of her arms. Dra, . Jones and
Smith, of this city, werb called an 1 rendered
the neeessiry milieu! assistance. Mrs.
Spvigler an I her little ones were visiting at
Tangent where ths ;u;c blent occur re 1.
The old popular Star Brewery i3 still iu
runniug or Ier, and the proprietor, Mr. E I
IS. ,i.W'.
in tho
hut tt
rv I leer
?ry business ai
cH tho popular!
popular IMUt biTM
retty thm-usieh repairs, and
.! as new. Now cans-ds,
inos out
IW W Mil . '.Ml; .
in w partition,
now kahiotuiiiing,
oto. but ".lint" is
and can j'tve lits c
o i . 1 Vn't for1?
now root,
tho same
did Mady and
MtB when
n A.
. boil
Millers I
n w.'pm e
Millers S
I an nbottt
it and hb
' on
ago, tiO t m
t iceurv) psyiiieni
iitrm t
the MM!
( ur f ri
Dr. (
w.r' !
on Dr. F
t'ti.t hns
the s.u.t
fail I..
VB dav
j I in till
si lev th
I arrival with a larjjn and
;.' tat
tit Co i 'v fttm
una pftse, lu r in
utd ra h ) . rftM out
..CtlKltS, whib. at the
tbers who played in
Uwny, but tftflkd in
its. We MM Fu-
bt ill;
HM It Welti
.1 perh.n;- have ObtBgMI lM
are not ot rtatn.
er "A. A. McCu'dy" wettt up
Harrbtburg Tuesdav tycuing,
IimI npat Monti ithV'w barf,
enaiiud Until early ytatdtdar
ret ii I
re sh
: it i an 1
w on t'i i
I f Mbft I
;ic ony
m bv wt
i mis .'4'i
to eirry freight lor reunmab!j rat -s ntel
our n
-ih vo!l no Men to;o t t tr ar-
;vu i'
at it Mi't.t,
UliJll 1
Btivea K-
r. 1
.1 it,;.
: to Port)
t no 1 S
-t 1 .. .
pleaaent eAt j e itenlay.
j Quite a Bumber of Alb
htartin f r Y.-.; iina Fay
Jude il .S. Straban h
several days ftttetnlingT
S. ( .atrt.
l of going into the
t It-ttohurg.
nt a lay or two
ing court.
ns iv Mr. J. A.
of Corvall.s, is
Portland a vi-it
Hon. J. J. Whitney e
1.1 i raem, t.iis wei'K aLti
Wa are under oblfgat
Craafoni for a Belfaat, In
!i8s Mary Monteith
visiting friend., in the cit
go liarjy nta
eek and remained over Snnday.
recent damp weather has interfered
erably with archery nnd croonet.
V. (J Co fran of Portland, passed up
;id Tura lay on his way to Ashland.
Armstrong came up from below
lays ago and 13 now visiting his family.
. Oee. E. Chamberlain visited Prt
L'.iit week, attending the gran-1 bulge.
'.-.: John Kclsey of Corvallis was iu
Saturday last on his way to Salem.
Albany p
rdial .-
land, vi.iitod
hi - business
t. 1 V 1 10 an aul w:
r Upper
re icvcral
Sotla this week and will remain tl
Horry iJotil of Portland, fpcal "gent of
the Bambnrg-Bfemen Iu's Vo. was in town
1 1 1 i : week.
Vre are under obligitiotis to Fr o 1 'a (irab
trce for favors b'k.wu ti t this wea'c. Call
again, Frank.
Mr. J. Vj. Backensfco and H. M. F.ackeusto
his sou returned iat Fii l iy from their pros
pecttng tiij;.
Matr.e'l (Jo'ijii l-jtiirnod fro n Nan Fran
omc last Wednctday. Ho will fco back
there next f.ili.
'i'he Mseonie fraternity who attended the
tJriui Lodge interned home last Wed
nesday eveoiug.
The Chureli social la id at "the Evangelical
Church on Tuesday evening last was a very
pleasant affair.
Mrs. Crandall returnwj. from the East
last Monday where she has been on a visit
to her relatives.
Mr. John Isom.of the firm of Ballard.Isom
and Co. leturncd last week from a four
months trip e: s .
Mrs. W. H. Gaston, of i ho Id, visited
friends in thi . 1 ity last week aud returned
home !ast 1 ri lay.
H n. John Furnett o! C rva'.lis, passed
through the city Wednei lay on his way to
Pal 5m to a tend c n rt.
last Tuesday. Ho rep6rts n
dull over iu tint Fork.
Mycr Harris, of t'orvaUii
Ala llvrrrs of lltii uity ro;j
llovcro llettae Monday last.
Tho 23.1 animal session t
A .nil of ' 'olll'le '.i', !IHI!I
MM will
oonvono at Salem on July 14th.
Miss Anna Fsrnaido, who Ins boon Nail
ing tho Misses Faster in this lily, it turned
hoimi to Fort land lat Saturday.
John Uobb, of Halscy, dropped in on us
I last Ttiosibiy. Ho says Irado is getting up
tnero us i i'ivi iirosiiroi.t hiiuht' n.
( '04Mn preaehing that ilny nt Shedd
Cnele Jii'imy t 'ha'ltoti was in t
Wodncs.ltv. ifosavN the HAotlat ,
eit Imi
1 I
1 1 "in
the V
and lad
ttH there.
F. Duclu
fr .iu their
i and W. II. llu
M I'M, ranches a
iW tl
Tin y r. p ut tint th
tltat sertioti,
ting that eord of m
Itn.b Vl.l th
a ipi. i t i i-er.
Our old friend U'i
with a call list Mo
pal Chun
l .itnt
nt. Kt
J. It. K.
I tonne at
tlav on his
rvui, pn
wn litt S.itur
ii . he U
his I'.am
J '
re a tm ha
iu tho ban
Dta.l J iBiil returnt
wotk, bringing with him
who is very low with th.
I wrotuci" Jauits,
insumpttoii, and
will prooai.iy n.t live very Ion,'.
Mr. J. W. Wenthcrford aud tltmAU
of tUmm ami Mrs. W.
Ian 1, w.-ru in the ci
Dunk and Mont Me
ton WashittUm Tori
t Feti.
. isiitn:
t turned Ii
IS VI it.,,.
ey . -uli
a-'ent for D.
"M" '
Mr I
itttrv w
tn ii, bai 1 1 1 11
' loie; ' tbe 1 itv this t .
the lb .. .. Muuse but it;
him tkero ami iniro Hst
to tiinl ijuaiters i .'cslii re.
Bobfti Meyers, who has
i)r t o in C C. Cherry's
for Seattle last Saturday to
in that place. He is a t
and ue are sorrv to see hit
iped at
ma for
11 him
a year
: rt.-.!
s to
wcei;, at
place i
the begil
Dr. All
tlay at Sj
at that
We nu
io from
ber l,rtltt r's family,
0 will teach attlto C
ixander ami wife spent last Tue
lent attcntling the coiuoitmeemeitt
at the Sister's school. Miss Jennie
r, who attends school tluuv. re-
lurmM home with them to upend va.-atimi.
Win inn, Estj , of Harriaburg, gave nt
a very friendly call this week ami subserib.
ed for the Dkvio' j; it. Hois justice of tho
Peace of Hart iMmrg precinct and given such
satisfaction that he almost has a life base
of t he oiheo. 4
I. Schwatl.a writes to his brother in
C. bfornia, under date of Juno oth, ftom
Fort A. D, liussell, that he is junt recover
ing from a severe sickness which lasted him
two weeks. He cannot fix a time when he
will Imi iu Salem, on account of iibltealth.
Efiai Marti. a (";urch of Portl tnd, who has
been viriting tho family of Jttseph Webba
Sr. for some weeks, returned to her home
Saturday i.-i t. Miss Church moiln many
ft ienils here during her visit, who will be
glad to st?e ier ag:iiu.
The exeicises at the College this week
were extremely good in every particular, so
we were told ly those who w;;re there. The
Jiev , Cotidit have hail a very toeosaafol
year, ami we hope to see the College still
more hherady patn ui. A next year.
Peter Wilson, of tho Magnolia Millc, j.-ot
back home last it eek frost quite an extended
tour along the const. He went front b r
over to Yatptina Bay, and getting on Imird
a schooner wont from thure up to Ttllamo ik,
from tlmre to Astoria, atid from tlioro hnme.
Sylvester Cannon, of Waitshurg, W. T,
arrive.! here l.iKt . Monday, making the trip
to this city from Wall 1 Walla iu twonty
fonr hours. He came down for the purpose
of meeting his I rother who arrived here
from Danville, Illinois, about two woeks
M. f$k Wallif, of Fugene, came down here
from Eugene last Friday and 011 the tiny
following went over to Mommoatb, wbers
ho was to deliver the annusl adtlress before
tho Alumni of the Mommojith College. He
is a jolly good fe!lov andthe boys gave him
a good send oft'.
Mr. O. (J. McWttin so long in tho employ
of Dr. Plummer lies purchased an interet in
the business. Thu firm name vrill be C. A. & Co. Dr. Plummer left last
Wednesday far a trip to the erst wl ere he
will' lemaiu lometwo months. Tho new
firm propote to .ive their I n sines s a new
impet is snd. tie Doctor will luy a largo
etoe'e ids,
loan bwber who worheil
t yoai, and r. red headeil
tho fllilidoy of Mrs. 1 1 out.
oik county for five yems
was breaking into a olii
. for 1 1 - purpone nf get-
lieso hru
Ifatg opi
Hi .. :
H v. A.
yesti i !.,
at D.i I
C. Irvine, D. D., of I
1. Aeheson, of Oikt
for Han Jose, Cul.. '
it tend tint
Ffleiti -Const .Synod of lh Ut
tei utii ( 'h ii rch. vthi' h will com
that III
ntj ii t week. b th MotttvtntMi will be
u'comfi'inicd by their wivn, and Mrs, M. A.
Mniiit nil, i.f this city, will also m alto ontt of
Will b
..ill BOMMI t s o or
D i
t ibini''tii
wtX'k. V
I Ml I. l.
! I
t. ith .
.i j i.v tr i
A tr.JInl fnvlitil'iot Ii
itt l.i .1 I oil. oomph d tl
It the ft Ii I lllHi II Of tllO
f July nl thiH phton.
tl i t.- :. b l.incl
out rIUmmm itittii
I ho ii ti inert hih eel
OlMif llitliiet in. ii'-
tad villages iii tho
. bmy jujoplo did
inovo i y In
mi tb
onio or
out fron
tvnU'i s
o ti
r Fourth vvoubl bo a fuilnr.
o ix'fii.bui however, Dio-
uUr ittvivat of patriot 1 on,
I 'O i
n a rt
mi to spaU, amoii;;
j Hiibcj Iptlou has been
I live eoiiititiitoON nnit'i
iied, varlt.
d and vt o
I ii-j w oviry IttdleMtoM of tmlni? abio to
1 o.'tor tut aottl btdui oiih t.t-, imd at iiiueh
(iua and patriotism to tbo topts who
j nnyc'ii to celebrate a njr of our
Ulttir t;le. ' Wt win-fat.'.'" a bhr llmt
ty laxly t cm
t IIS. I
(2oree wll) deliver
if tho da, taVinff
in wbiefaftU u.'.i
ir. : "The Materiel
int Noribwes:.
. nliemen vt ill bo
prim io bv oirrHj
pre !.', end tint list of
t'O-hfiil e.iiitt
an it in tho vai ImiM con-
'opoLM it lar'e and tlaily un it as
fiio All an v I irv ! pari
111 lit is
taking an tvtive Interest au
ing ait ittU rt -.iit prwaui I
way of
it 00
w ... I
sev d 011 Wf !l. In tho i-ii-Hi, y 'hero w.
be a Krantl lllumlit-aion oat tho put.lle
Mpinre, which It hi prop-'M-tl to make
aSOal an; linn;; of tho kind trvtit 11: temp: ,mJ
, foro if riretvo i, tar and etdored lights
j ttititiirh can I ft prt"ttrtl lor tho pnrpaae.
The exorelsos through tho
mi D-aut iful fpiuts in tbn
Flro Dejurtnioiil nlo kJvo 1
the ivMiiin1;an'. tin Pacilb
ill lake
t a gruuti oa.i in
t ptr 1 iouso.
to ths program
la tltt evetdag
F. 1 Babs, it.
already 'ml for tho ball
art an foibivvs ;
Invitation OOMtttttttea
W. Sill, Jan. W. l'o.(er.
Ilonoiary Cotnmltto
I 1. u.ali, W. It. Krotl,
RajrMaad, IF J. Otarfc;
A litany :
Mveu, P.
Portland : Tho.
Ilawtoaioad Sa?am ; a1.
Cntsiiian, Jn. a'into: Oregon City ;
stnt. Fro. I Hi irinan ; Brownsville,
Mm. Ho tlen, Ceo. C. Biakoly ; I.l
J. 1. t Joe nu, W. II. Heed: Ilsrr.
ti. P. Tompkins, lion. Knoeh II
flaJaaji Dr. S, A. Smi h, II . 111. T. En
tor; Corvallis, D. Carlllc, Cy. potters ;
Iiiiiepcndoiiftt, Jno. 'n iw)r, ii. W. (uivoy,
Eugene, JtulgeC. W. Filili and S. Watt
Tho Committee of ArratigtMiunts are aa
followa : J. S t'lark, W. JSIIi, F. I..
lbD, Jus. W. l'liatcr, (.'has. Plcreo and If.
J. ' lark.
'1 he Booepihui Coin'i.ltteo are Jva.
Wobbar, II. J. Tirk, F. L. ltt is, Coll Van
('lev.-and P. II. Bnymoiitl.
The Floor Coiiimltteo are Win. Webber,
Win. II. lltiston, Harry I'arker, Simon
Stdtenbaoh nnl It. D. Wilson. The Albany
String Band v. i; furuixh Ibo music.
In cmicliiMon wo wish to nay that tho
ESxe -utivo Coiiimltteo on Colobrathtn buvo
Assured us
carry out ii
for a good t
made for tl
catue horo
1 1
r d r 1 1 1 : 1 1 -1 1 111 to
1 he program arrauged
d every effort will be
ttaiuitieiii. of, those who
lebrato. Tho progrnrtis
givit.'g the details ol;; , will bo I sued In a
short time aud will appear In tho column
of tho Democrat. A hearty invitation Is
extended io evorybody to bo hero and
Join In a tlay devoted to tho memory of
an event which Is dear to the Imrt of
ovory American citizen.
Dr. Slralbtn's Lrelnrc.
Our ty'ti.fns arc promised a r-iro trout on
next Tlmr-day evening, Juno ii-'t. On that
cvonliiif ut tho Opera House in this city,
Bov. C. (!. Stiatttm, President of Pacific
UnlversUy. San Jne, Cab, will deliver a
lecture atttbbul 'Tlireeyjurs wiih tho let
ter Day Kiln's." This quoslb n of M or
tnonbini Is now rno of natioual imporfance
nnd every loyal citizen should ck all
possible Information eoncerniug tho sub
jeet. Dr. Stratton was pastor of the Moth
odiat Kpiscopal tdiurcb in Salt Lake for
threo yours,, ami may tjygore bo sup
pose:! to know whereof he speskH. lie is
one of tho most popular speakers on this
coast, and no one should fail to hear him.
Tickets of admission, twontyfl" cents.
For sale at nil the drug atoms. Pmeaadi
for tho benefit ot Sabbath Schools in this
city. Lecture begins at 8 e'cloek.
Auofltcr Baud Caiilfil.
Not witisfiod with the award oftho Judg
es at Dallas, Ibo Aeiiiy Bfass Band baa
edial longed tho Lafayotto Cornet Fund for
a contest of bund music for any sum not
less than ; ".;). The time of the contest will
bo any lino botwoen tbo 10t!i day of June
and the 1st day of July. Tito judges will
be cliosan by lite leaden ,f thy bands
namd above.
i miiiiiwhii'-mmiii ii hi i .in I nm iiaaiiiin ii ,
I i !! flmitl rtltrrrl.
'Urn l.ii. ties' Hand Concert wbbb t-rfk
i plant at tho Opera on I Imrwiity
. ovoniiig, JuuoOth, win one of the nntnl t-t.-!
Joy isble iMitorlalnnioiilN brt ' ver -I
currcd thorn. Tho oltlscens (j'Mifrally iscotn
I to iippreoiat'i tho otlbrbt of our homo or
I ftHlHltVnni nnd Jiioro ospoi lally tboso of
Km 1 allies' Comet Kind, and on thin ooliV
.ion t tits liouso wns woll I'iFod, ntol with
i mi Mitotllgont and appreciative inulu n t.
i The oponlnx pbco - was played by
tho I.-I1oh' niid Mei-lmni" . (lands, nitti
I whs woll reeHvod. . It wan the Jlrst timo
tho M'riiiitilr'' Dun. I bud iipp-urel Iffor"
ii iioino tiuiiietieo ; !uc iin. iini.iiH ve!,ry,
and they worn heartily wolnoinM, ' fu
young latllos of the I
I bund v i .. Mtiir't In
, noil li'ivo bo- ii inot
it their now (mkiuiii'"'( n
' ' i i i i in flu ;r fob e i ti. 'I hot
,1, 1 tire r'eb nd mm ? noil t cio mo b sdln re"t
in I Aflor nit t v. rfiiM' IroiH lb ' I In iu i
liirf." I'litvei Itv !-'S Mil. e ! i
JlMllile i'lititi. Futile Mtt!btih and I i
llmik, lb'.'. J. K iul-iU v if-ivc tht .it,, i,
eiit't it violin mo'ii " I ittht Ft- A l llMill." II O H1" lll!1i !i't. tip
. tr ptHved bv Ml h Ptetths ft . i
I v i t inUi prtibably Fr"f. Wytn'D-U v l to.
I eeet. il oil I ho I'tH'it, tli Il'i;ll0
I Itt i to untile ifi fuiarof til ' tt'iiv !d up
em lloiio, and iiU".o i,(. l nvroe
'rtiirt of "rair.v I oiiii. " Pn t ei
lioatlily t r J ' Hiid (WiVf rl '
uom ii .1 . in nu mo
nmi tier.
MHI m,!o,
. iitttob
I MDm MI(':pI( Ki.hl.r . V.en
' l a Caiolo do HnleoM.".
app!ntitlotl,imd wan followi-i bv M'inm Nt
II- Fitor'HMifi.t"Tlio Urblul Morn." Mitt.
Pfpir? is mi 4!tab!Uhet f t oiiit- wuh Alba-
ny ittulienoew, mi i v. at reealli M, riojUfi
itpailtf lb sam , mo 'Umj 'coiin t oh
Huato by Prof. Pltre4.u-t-ompaii.v Um Miss
PIpet'N eotlKt w as also well rotidiToti. MDm
Aim Honk' plami aolO tiit fillip to
Morning," ami Mm. Dolliu Honk' MM net
solo, ''I41 Petno dtf Antonr," with pisito
aeeoiiipaiilineiit by M j . . yttt were all
well received, part .'it it of pro-ram nlnwllig
wbh itgr.iin) Amlatilennd Walt, by Ibo La.
tlio' OutuH BmML a afeori tMtfMtaion
foltiw id, wbon part Kt-eon i i f ibo filter
taliitiient ojtenetl w ltd a pi0t bv ibo lat
dio' Itaiid, 1 utltled 'Kwver e," fobovtett
by enorerture'Zaiiipa,"!.',' Mi-,-k fjmra
iitdtra, Magnl" Kitatet, Ikillli liouk uud
Kve I 'avion Mios Anr.lo I.. I'uuell mm a
spilgbtly song enlitlotl '), uiiat Dolb'bt "
antl Mins tiollra's piano, 'Vt rant H Its"
v. iinoly rendered- NDs-. I fettle J. Mi!l
er'a reeitation, The Hide nf J. note Mc
Neal," was e boHUtiful aelee'i n and one
of the nioai attractive foalim . pf tho oven
ing. Krerybody waaaiiv. 1 . to bearibt
1 Oeertute." by t
tn and one
I '.rtti their
,. lift 0114.
HmioI, wkkb on the 1
of lbs pieces vvlit-S.
victory at I tottm, but oi
voidabto abaaatea of aeveial iiiaaibda-tof
thn band It wea titnllictl. Utel little Mun
tollli sang "A Ulrd from r ibe Soa,"
voty creditably, and the mmstniiii; p ee-,
a piano duot by Mi-tos J.mra Ooltra and
Dolllo Honk, u song, The Way Ut Para
disrt," by Piper, ami lbs "FUiottre
(nlekhtep,' by both bands, cdotxi tl-.e
ov tung entorub.inent. We untlerttand
l thruifh suseras flnanelaliy, aed
fl aured tho ysung ladies must nave
lseu well plfasol with tln-ir atitlitneo,
which seemed tn heartily appreciate t!t
Hforts made to p'.eene them. The stagt
was beautifully tb
two immenso bom
el-her itle In front t
n'rauml, adding
iu- til the place.
net UditK plaoed at
f the ctiiulnand lasti-
rmaah to ibo pper-
' Yk itat" will
ftl) rmo.nljer s ho ion with r bnt
tirr and IhMcvn it epre.sAs thu general
nl in
rv lug that Do eotieert was
cvlvod, and lion Id Ibe laulieV Cornet
Bntl offer lho'cititen'M ol Albany nimther
eiitettinmtttt sornctitnn In tho future
tboy will egnlii recs-ivewbal tbey mi w'ell
lfN(rvc a full bouse.
in. 1. ...1
Piiif. J. Syinlnsky wishes us to an
nounce that ho baa locmtisd permanently
in Albany, ami Is prepared to glvo Ir-Hon
on tbe ilami, llulo, eb. The Prof, has bail
au experience nf many years, has made
mublc a llfo study, ami li ptrha;-.s one of
the boat nitntictaiis 011 the 1 ...1 . lit can
bo found at any llrnent Naltinsrskit Lang-
Ion's drug Htore, nnd jtersotiN ib .Irotg to
Mortiro bis services can find him there.
Music for .balls and parties furnKbcd at
reasonable prices.
- BO..
fit rify 00
Viii'o.ul Ii S.
June 1 1, ISO. ! th
a boy.
vi vttiti: ;i.
iletiee ,,f l't Egbert, ill this 1 ii
FH8I, Mr. A. Sr.vit:u and I
Avairv both of Allsiny.
GODLKT. In this ci'v, .tn S.rnrtlay,
Jans II, 1H81. Mim C. C Q .n. ., aged
"I years.
HBDQ89. -At her fathi r's r n Mr.
lohn Brush, of this city, June S, bSHI, of
cansitmiition, Mrs. RaJtaH HdiCE , aaad 24
years, 10 mouths and 4 tbtya
'Slto was known fsly to Ik? reepeeted and
"She i ! - us with a r . ! ... : ho tl
Katib's tlouuit mrcauin and ia.tnre l y,
htlil (Mtltttinit Ut u In-: tor land
Of bllwi beyonJ the k. '
KFKINS. At hsr residence, in Labaeer,
en Tuestlay, June I tth, BUI, PmurrHETa,
wife of Hon. bother Klkins a-e 1 7 I ) ear,
5 1 1 ninths and 14 davt.
Mrs. Klkina was Imrn iu Cheuang.i county,
New York, and camo here with her husband
at an early tlay. She is tho mother of a
large and interesting family veil known in
this locality. She wis h tried at Filiation
last Woditosday.
fllBMOIlK. At Stlavil!... laaa 13th,
ILLIAM, little v.iii of S. It and F.
M. (iibniire. Aged mx years snd ( menths.
I.ittlj u i. he was a bright nt'cediug
child, very nrlectifinate in matinc, and thu
parents feel' deeply their loss. They did
everything for him that afbeti-iii out'd ang
geat or reason dintate. Thuy h t-l four
phyficians attending bint, and although for
the last six days he em-Id neither svvallnw
nor be Krouaod from the sleep into a blab he
had fallen, they relaxed no elbtrt, but work
ed On with every known remedy to restore
tho little life ao dear to them -but all was
nf no avail and a few minutes after nine A
M. on the 1 3th i:ist. ho tpiietly breathed his
Orllvoil ones. 0 tot th; hinJ i h it mm tl sate
Heaven hath taksn but that whU-h it gave;
lie was ywur dsrlliiir, vour lnveil one, your asm,
Yet God thought best to call his lamb hosae,
Bin milit have blllited ytur b.iauUiul one
Uorrvws dark cloud areuiul h'ui Uoes Uiromi.
jMiuwill vherish th.- laaab -f the f..l-l
Safe in hla bosom your d.trliuf aata
Weep where they've pHlowul h a l
H . a wiili tear tlie
FaS that to yju th.i jfr,
Yon Ier to ti e it hint va
I ue-iLii
ii ut .y t)J xi''e
-l E.
r Kvery Known DcNcriplion-
AliilMXVe ... ORVAHm
' 't' 'BlB
The McCormick
llliifctruletl abova,ts iltndied ttttbo Ma or-mit-k
llarvostcr in ihe phtce of ibe tlaoil
UinilitiK .Stand ami 1'iMlf.oiu. It rKjunes
one limn mi l two liort t . iterate it, ho-I
' ba worked in al conditions of rsiii
ity Mm li-oof (Iim AllU lnati rip, the bun
afaa sieall Uiund of imv size; ami tlM
drivarbaa no care over the op ration of
the Binder, other iban to not that lb-- tr .in
is beifiif delivered tiisin tho Undo luoiieriv
for woii-ioriiifkl , h.-.u... I ti . io. I, -.. '. . .
tbo size ot tlie bundle is under automatic
control, and a Him bat(rug devb c imkesa i
c)mration lietween the Uiund btbad e ami I
tho untsmml Krahi at-ompltAe as it i-.-.i-bio
by any dot lee known. Ashsf at imi
Eam afaM and (na. :.v in all kind aiol
coiniitions of ftibt bt ttraa aaaaatal bibajt ;
iiiK it into compact shape bsforc UM eoad
U plars-tl arotiua tim bundle by the binder
arm. Tbe knot lymtj device i ver mi j
pb, and tea liaM In et out of older. Uk
weight of tttn Hlndor it carrietl m efcasa u
tbe drive w bel Uaat there is no daueai mt
the uiacbiun lipping over on kle hilts or
t:: lev en HroitlKI.
ICOll Added
for 1881.
KIUsT-A NEW raisins and loweriry
device hat cm ado(U-d whereby the oper
ator can. In a mom -nl. rabe or lower tbe
mailt ft ante by means of a lever and vvind
Inn biaatad 'n the rear of the frame. The
rlo w itel au I out. i,le divider am also
ralaad aa4aaaanH bv nctos t a newiv
urtaiiirtsl . v. r. Tli now apuamtus adds
trreaily In the Himph.- ly and ctnolency of
tin- utaebiite.
The Deering
Hardware Store
Printer's Ink is
make a reputation. This is the
verdict fpom
E. Young
ami Dealer in
3aaaCSaa ri a sas3liMl JLib aa
Tlie scYnd change of important is tho
Bool, wbicb can be made winding or
straight, and can .NOW be thrown btwk
wardand forward, and up aud flown, to
any point necessary for tbe saving of any
kind tt grain, or bringing it upon the
platform in proper shsjst. a spring is also
proviibnl for tbe driver's seat. The tiuvn
drive wheel la of IKON, "vilh wrought
iron spoke and rim, light and Ntrong,and
by fsr the best iron wheel ever put on a
harvester. The grain wheel Is iron, wi h
a reinovaide huh, which can he replaced
at a small expense.
We wFl guarantee H to be In every re
pect a thotougb working aud welt made
mac! in,-, and one which has no superior
.11 tbe marktH.
Or Twine over- Wire.
It i 11 KM'EIt, averaging at leaM one
third ies coat with this Binder 'those
machine thai rely upon putting tying ap
peratos for twine in place of twisting ap
miue for wire, are at the dinadvanUae
tl having in rely ofKHi tbe strength of the
string lor compression of tbe gram, and
must necessarily use large, strong - ; ring,
that measurea iiUle to the pound. With
tins Binder we can use airing of great
length, aud thus economize expense. It
la unobjectionable iu threshing, w ill not
interfere w ith the use ot straw for fce ing
Ttocfaifc. ami will not dull Ibe cutting kuife
w hen elisor feed. 1 1 Is free from al I thoeo
object kma, re V imaginary, that Have
wwu i"Ktxi .i.-Hinsnne sw wuv.
f have on band alae aa foTlo a S :
7-fcot cut, with Twine
Binding Twine.
The twine used on the McCormick
er bt made from the beat ifaalitv of
ilia, and measures from 750 to 780 feet
the pound, while a pound of number
binding wire measures 344 feet.
not required