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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1881)
macut FMDAY JUNK 1 Wk foil highly complimented. We have raised in our own estima tion abiut an Inch. Yes, fully an inch. The profoundly prophetic idiot of ths Ihrunl has ivguln devoted nearly a column to giving us advice. Ot course we are much obliged. Wo tic not protend to know nil there is t Df known about Journalism. We an not t k) oltl to tike advice aval besldei wet over lived In Etrltifth f'olumbia. We live to learn, but Lidy Pofttngei wouldn't it lx well erough to s:ivc the money you pay outsiders foi writing such mrtletes? Of coQltM tey are of the deepest Interest to u.s and we certainly appreciate yoai friendly efforts to enlighten u. Bat your readers and the public generally may object. Hememlier they have some claim on you. Already it it rumored on the street that ihetuek holders ef your paper mean ti se'l cut or get another nun to rut It. lXn't go so far as to lose yout place, Lady Portinger. kn how you feel ftbout it, hut we don't expect so much of yon. Savn yout money by all means, Tuo. PorriNoKn seems to much insnsed at us brcani weeks agj we befriended I be folks when they were to trouh Moor bad been horned out a very few sl' r rimt utild l:cip. bad n t well get out an m as their tv?e and ores wittu a condition. We to k them into 01 r offij.'i an l !;;.v then such simhitai ce ;s enabled tlom to issue regularly until they got their own oifioe straightenec1 out.. We do not sfe earthing ;..::icu larly -rorg in lending a bebaug Lane to those in need, in tact we believe it h generally the rede to do so in li s . mxi try. Boteuch is probably nut the caet O.'er in the Ilrittsh possessions where Bro. P. t"n WD. As to i i; tl remark ab ad tbe urojurtetora ol paper bosvsting hU tt tin .! . the Rtffifter, there is not a w truth in it tf which be is well He wrote t!t..: jr bah'v to eovi this "I the iitth ne i-s ol iii.s ow n .soul which prompted him to gloat over die death of the Keyisteriu an article alaOste column in length, and for which he receive I merited rem oof from the Uaid in Uepublicana of the citv. Quite a nice little scene o the New V01 k Legislature c day of last wee!:. Just afu r I ull!S- etc was taken on Senator Conklieg two members arose anii mude the iattm n1 him luvy iiad item oUt-reu i.t 1 f of money :f they would ehang Tates from Conk ling to CK?ne of them had already received 011m Lheu 1 $2000 S. .t ': : . lposnted be had. and had dsftosited ic with ;h A committee was at once and an investigation When it comes io trickery . rtnnct ee much difference bet ti wart" and the "half breed." th Ifo Geo. If. Witujou has retura el to Oregon, and a Portland Ban tatti us t'tat he brought with him thai cel ebrate! La u?aui-t which was the cause of him not aitatuiug the iirominent position he sought Washington a few would have supposed iiu it v. as 10 dil gently at srs .0. ' We that experience lt t , h-; t'. t l IIMVlJ 11 behind in coming to this&kat, pailicu larly as Iu-. experts to he a eaudthftte for the Senate at the next session of enr Fyislatare. P;oit Mau.ixe ia in a laautll .t l!x sin :e the reaignatHm of Cbnkline and PJatt The two jIitieal faettons were equally dj ided and either patty cuild be 8ucce?s"il with hiv rote. tLe ilmignstioa of the New York Senators "flwra" Mr. Mibi.TC. V-on h in; a central figure in politic be suddenly collap cK int a vt-iv htsignidcant nnit. "How art the mighty fallen." IiKHLBLiCANS haiecut loo: e fro in the BeadjaaterS in Virginia s d h ive de cide I at h conference to run a straight ticket and have isaned an adIress sett ing forth ?hr.'. they wouhl have carried the sta'o for Garfield and Artbnr ie novemfer, Our j ,r h,:.,., wt-etictt Of outaide parth.s and iteaKon inade, AaKaica! hnrsea ari mow the cham pior.a. Iy8t aevk we made mention of the tact that Lmriliarda horn.', "Jr. o, mis' had won the Derby race, and now this who!; the diapatches info-m :,a that J. R. ECeene'a i,oise,"Foxh;iii" won the grand prize off-red by the Ci'y of Paris 19,000 frmcs hat Saturday. A fire '-t- on' in night of the Kih in-t. Q'i.-I. c tt the roved o - "... H .111. v i i 1. very d.s'M.tim, SaoMtri" over 800 houses in th pri. cipil part of the city. the loss is estimate I t. . ver $2,000,- 000, and ftill v 500 fiuiitiofl are rendered homeless. AxoTiif R f.xd hv the name of Gras som Ls now trying 1 U hand. Or, rather, his stomich, at fastm.-. He ha 4 al ready finisled twelvo aya a 1 i in much better condition than was Dr. Tanner at the f ame stae in l is trial. Disastrous storms raged through the northwestern states last Saturday and did an immense amount of damage to property and crops. The storm con sisted of wind, rain-and hail, anl in several places wa'er spouts hurt-ted and SWOptt V- eon 1 tr c!er n. SPEEDY CONNECTION WITH TK EAST riir, kvapi .Xo?;t:t;x tt. it. The following diniuUeh b from Uuic ; Jay (build, who In in the city attending the numial meeting of tho Northwestern railroad Bnys li" Ins not given up his interest in the Union Pacific, ami eonttuned'to take si lively an interest in the stifiics of that route as ever. With the Northern Pacific ebmbtnadou ho 1) a tl nothing to do, and it. was rather against the interests of the Union Pacific time otherwise, Be fore that coni'iiiMtioa Was. etfoote !, re- latkms WtA-cen the l oiioti Pacifw and the Oregon Railway Sf Kavi8tie Company were, of the met biendly nature. It was the intention of the Union l'aci:i! to ran ita new feateit sion northwest from h;d a 9 as Lhker t'dy, andtheie oonntel uftb the Oregon lliilwny Ss Navigation 00 tn .tanv'n line, but since the formation of be Northern Patertle changed it a pro gramme, and it . O .-on launch v ill l.e nishcd right ultead to Portland Tlti will make the Union lacitij a fr bet ter shorter, and ueno avaitaldo route to Oregon than th. Northt-rn l'.o ilio in tonnection with the Oregon Railway v Navigation company! lino. As nroof of his aasertioii ihat he did not ;aro to increftwi his railroad interests in he east, Mr. Gonhl cited the fact that he had eatablished the MbsiHsijji hare lines, lie had no idea, ho said, of Uurtin Caitai w'..-:i ln etnhli..hed the Mississippi river line. It m 6imnly a winter route, rovidiny tin J sauieche)0!ii let ty ft'iiti rum iny ine w in erts Ue lakeufibral during ibesninmer. llii princtnel object in establuihing the arge lines was to Stop the olem r of the grangtra for more comjetitiop, and thert in- prevent aoerotti and dbnKtroaa eihroad legislation. A regards the xxnolicattonti thi hare reoently arisen between Vandcrhiit ami the Wh ho said be dHd not think there wonld br much of a Bgbt. We alxo c!ij the fallowing fiom the San Francisco Atta: T!t- NTerftda and Oregon road U tming gradctl from Ueno on, and 12 nQrs of rnibi sire U be laid in June, an the road will be omnh'ted to B ;!- 1st t ijlalde The road ill Often 1 section now tsegleeb only feasible matte Willamette valley Sin Francisco, a. I a larj It . idle I the tti con nee t ton I Portland with would drav the rade of that part of Oregon lying if the C:imm i s. Th- ;!..'' :i t lonbt abot the road Ik ing pushed 00 to the Oregon Hne with reasonable ielerity, but the ll n apera eapress full oottSdenc that it will he ilooe. The Atkkmd Tulhujs has the follow lion lien in tells tn that a is son m rauci.S'jo no Moor, eue of t!i.- ci' f m Ti.'-is " '. Nevada & O.-vgon raihoad euterprue, a short time sine.-. ( ! Sfoof .; that some New Vnik eaitaliHs wore much interested in the Mjected mad, and hat if a pr.o tioil louie eon! 1 l- estab lished from the Oreg :u lin" - the coast at Port Orford, th, v ,.,i5il fumuh sixty pt jniicd tu bntid the r ; L lis- sid for- .her that he tntendeu : make n ni tron- I examination m ue nropoacu 1 a.. 1 thw Summer, eatertn Rogne river! somewhere tth.jitt th-; .Mad -Mfy, f 'i w- , tng the river !..wn ntitu urv "-, blu fly hatiKH nr.' -a-ii-o !-t tn!ii trikinj off aer-a th dlvidia .; to Port Orford. Mr. Herrin of .. Francisco, who i.4 01 the scheme and baa I ber of rnntv ad in; 0 that In land Stanford jHY'jccted line of ':,;- icn in . 'ittl s l rt j laid that t!ti j -ad ofleix the 5nt toetiiiiLrH .it ; c.v rn .os on 1 1 tat, inasm h as it w 4-c ty a Gfd free I from comtartitinn The following tetegrua also iodieavj that the Gould party ateah bovinees on the po oel railroad : If tern VdRK. Jnvs It Tin Tin Vf ft. u:o in ott el on Wall Ht r. ft. several days ago th e the Ivnio 1 l.i tic Riilway Co. had declined to buibl a branch Hue of road 550miles kmgfrom a jaint between Si dney and Qheyeomi to conn'HJt with the lines ot' the Oregon Railway and Navigation (' . at Raker City, Oregon, and :h.t to raMO 'lie nscesfay funda they or tooaed to i ( to each holder r-f JOO tibareji of I'nion Pacific stock $2000 in first mortgage bonds of the new roal at par, imt with out guarantee, and to give a a bonus ten shares of stock in the new c tmj any. Oflicers of the Union Pacific have, now ever, jKirsistenily denied the truth f the story, yesterday tt was announced privately to atnckhoMo.ia tliafethe rights j above detailed would accrne only to cartons grounds. Although thirty stockholders of record Saturday hisr, jchad seholars wereeniMd ton and numerous pro! Oris were seat in t , a ivmi tj ik t 1 , 1 j Mwii L- 1 f "'f . t u ui ! .1 w. against closing . .i. I Iiu iwtfLlru In O ssi inmu? si; r arVjitra1-' manner without no' ! ratftCiaa aawa f a t Saturday nigh there wm wnHo .1 win! sto m on Tat? Lua IViy, bmwlng ter ib'y all night A largo s-ov wa lying at Onenlta, laaubrd flown With rock ready for shipment, hot iu the mo ning she was tnwhere to Ue seen. A crew went down to the byy in seareli of it, and foun 1 it almost to Newport, foa ing with the tide towards tie oeean. A tug took it in tow and brotiglp it hack. ( n the same night the little steam la- Ben, tfareht, was tied to the tug nt Newport, her bow line 1 efag fastened to the tug's anchor chain, with her ateru anchore 1 out She was nil right at twelve o'clock at night, hut when the Newport peop'e a one on Htinday morning she bad disappeared. It is supposed Ihat she senk, and they have been hunting for her ever since, but with no success yet. Bbe wis built of iron. The J ''' afo orofce loose, and wa getting a g md tart toward tho si a when a couple of seamen on the tug discovered her condition and went to her reseu . The last scow will be ready to launch in about s week. All the e'mpl jec are now at wofh on the cribs, excep' tho-eengagel in calking. If (heweath er is favr,rablftthe v.ork of putting down the ttruli matreaaa will com. mem o lb s week. June 1$. isbi Unl appioe&s is tie child of dyjepsi. Get rid of both parenfaetnd el.ih by a few does of King of the Blood. S.'b adveitise-mer.t. VV.S 4M R41WO)4. 1 I . s W IS II..;' little CUI ll.u ( i no I, 1 It b dog's delight. TO bark and to bite 1 or Coil has made litem And Oonkllng and Hlahio Are righting again For 'tis their ttatuto lo Loan Uoscoi had a little lamb, its H n M wl uutne Tomi Lord Uoseoe rosa to go t h longer uif. It followed sebool one oar. it was t rule, and why it aid all cat a little fool. "What makes the bVntli h him lrom d RomoVj ee, it waa re V. moi 0 ; "la cause the know" 1 s. l" the togas nil WOHld er U"rd Boecoe lama vlu lamb, ing dil m pi;, . And i00? H Ittiln tommy an, il'a hwt iii nicy lroin Piatt doth IlliOUl d Hoi liav ioa I 'CiM' Tit!-, "i t!c t. drain the Onitoddtateg at thi.s tlnti li tt rmrehaeo Nearly $2,0(,060,- t)" ) - two thonsand utiiliOnS njf dol' W 111 m li.'H ti oil Paul nu 1 it I the 1 w9 1 United States to Hpntn fo inij tlm last thirty years. I tr tlm trebleiD slow before the people of tite United Stnten Eft Jto to keep that ntonejf at horn -how t ptmluee t!' snar ifh 1 c ! f bui i it- "1 rut mi I the f 11 IM .-t, ai t "that 1. There ft o v r d on in I i a sanell of the Poeboittee in thw air, nd :h' low, sweet sound of a Cmenl .tt. i. ! Ufd in the dewy distanee. I iee tin nhailowy lomas ka' Marshalii yef to Ih, ami out f thw da'canjy gates of the iniposslbls 1 see the sad pr c nson of i.iv. r tn U; Biinreme Judtiea. it - 1 . :s a .'. ai -and fa von 1 htmt. this Brand old stupmother 1 J'r hienbk fir uy . : krdai j i.t !"r the . n In the hta'e- Tut: cost to the the liepttbUean pai . last duaen 3 ears is Omtt of PeeltttaVei- 1. . ' Jan .who says the lo tot'.. .' ( i:d" tu ean be made self nstaintg when ail th eM. raptions a eatenfagawoa ate aosuwa out. Hie dfietene? every at nndrr BefmbUcan rum has snooti A to millnmH vi ttatlara, I i the IhjM 1 f re cent ev.'t.! w. mi !! tihftdiy Hiy that i i!o" wftw u'.t nawMejy last ya-, or ind.-d lias htvu for ytst e "What do yon think f CikHmft resiimattoii aad Alexatnler II. Stefibeoa, . aaawrred, v fa anit l am r initehd of Sti iween two men about toe .-. io nt 01 a note down in Georgia, v hi 1 I live. The defendant adniitt"l he hail given tho t tt5 r.nd rc ii- i :i " t.-y, but nabl: 'Gentleman of the jury, I ijave nfierad t pal bin. over ajfain, and , , . , . . . t wanted to hu ms j.a out ot f-et in notbiog bat !--" We Lit' It H d 1 f jCk I fi'l.C. . - :Ul 4 liU t w M. S;'2.)i' '! find this Mr. 1 '-.mfciiti" . .m: of iite. r.-. . .th j oi: Ituiniittration Mocereiy tc- ftrt inveatt i peinctpal I, nrebably and i iu bee jiitw ne i.I'.ovim t'Ki niuen i dined to be talkative. He not enlv managed many of the most pi ofi table Star rmttes but ihe Refmldiean cam paign machine as well, and ho .;nos I w ,f!rf e money come from 'and where it went to. Had ?.Ir. .lame; eoiitinued to aing hia eadgel arotjtai the Repaid lican china hhop aa he 14-gun, the chances ere that there wouldn't bays been a gnol looking fac b-ft iri a wtf-k. He was altogether too careless, but he was a gei;en hsml end will hnow belt! t next time. That the hitet revisbat of the Xew Testament will snperaeile is predecessor is saggeated by the fact that the King Jamea translation alsoeclipno! all nrel eceseora. Vet aome ctitie:; are nntting themselves eyttittfit. t'." t,-v text on not a tliirtye.ightii part of the soholar- j ship of any one of the thirty-eight un dertake to demolish i'. wfter an ex amrattioa of ten boors, or perhaps.of only ten minutes. There is another class of roitirx who do not give it even the study of ten minutes, having con cluded that more is to le made hv pro itouoeing against, any new-fangled no tion, and- by sailing loudly f i r the old-fashioned Gospel, the liihle that "lay on the f;'.aid," or on (lie table, a the case may be, in "the old homr-stiad"-for the dear D futero eomy of our daddies, A third c'asJ, ei.-n less desirable than the other two, j erfer spurious fetvas in tfte Ilihle rither than to destroy sp irious dottrinwi bisl on them. Tiik LofoytlU ('our'nr :s mach ag grieved over the narrow gaJtii lease 10 Villard. It s;ys: There era many objections to this change. In ih- first place, it is not what the citizens of Lafayette contracted for when, they proposed to pav $5000, fur tin lafl way connection with Portland, and we doubt very much whether any ipianl i'y of freight or passenger trafic will find its way over this route. Tlio lease in practically a Bale, and not a lease. It will last longer than three generations. It makes it possible for the O. R. & N. Cjmpany under the Villard syndicate, to put up tariff so high, as to virtually ruin all shippers. Already wo under stand an increase of 20 per cent has been made on the West Side, and there will be nothin" ti klr. Villard hi Hll ah 1! oummunity, an additiotul per cent. Siiojioty farmers store their r.ialn in warenonsea on the Hail road, or river with the uuTersfanding that U-caettt rates shall control. When km fttorcd it is a very eaay nnd !"iupLiug thi for thegretii Ball way King to iah orderi increasirg fn i-dttrt ten e'itl p.-, hu . . and we vt-ry respect fully an t aei lollsly ask ynu all "a hat are you j to O0 about i'.'f Already Oregon i- houml hand ami foot by ocean freight char tors, and if to title iii. oabtntity lai i; I the ,U)t lions of 11 land d 11 m yvly, and river aoSabJjMilon the peoajpeetjl beeiMiu gloomy in the extreme, It not otily eir-Kita Ltfayetto but far reaching conruajtiouccs et H i to cvi t v 1 iiipptng p dnt in this county ami in thia valley. Wt? have U'eonio mero slaves of Mr. Vilhtrd'. Vn ntv Hint OXTi I ve and 1 m astiuu ttibute and the sti ulinT in- Inatrtea 0 ' Urn faun, mo to b(t .'.''toy- 1 sl in order t eurich the treated nor poratlon of the North West, tt It ic 0OaOTltfti T:n Avhitnd woolen ttrilbj matlo $0,000 WOTlh Of Clttlt h '' ' ' r, Vllltnl h-M bottght IttO LuyaHup ooal BiltVeN accord iujj lo the 1 n Coturfor. y'ahMins and hor. ' hi . : i the only Rettrfhlrig Inatlftttkm I ti e 'nt lilver mt',s J t-v' now. The ESttgttiq StfU " ' ,v ' Ul fllt-lo: ' d forthe, ll. Wi'.li "i , ulhjl I Flnxbr.tkc, n!ln C-mdtobl. Prank Attdcr ion antl pal, tt Walla otnuni fl -:U ree-tr!v r ibtKu! n " " , m Cairn -vj d.!'" ti : elry ntsd $SU f la l KH)g eon t ' '. : w.ta over t, au $1 1, Old) in i :.c peak very anctHM . era of that cmn'y. A deivislt of -rofMl inn- been fottml In Wanao eattfity D.lle.-'. Sharif it:. - i:- 1 e.vt :: i , i - . -. ity V) It very rateah! lion. C. V. 11 Tittle oft r ehairni.tu . f th dentOCI central omiuiiU ! - -' i IIL I la i trooblad mti ab hour rji.n; wlthut ii-tw v.i-:!.- The 1 Ity .th at s: He. I t.iji I on Thnraday U. ktUI tlio river at that 4ao peopi r antherUn s juiuiedi.!.:. !j. . l-retl Iiirm bur-, 1 f Jackaou eoaoti nays t a U ick of sheep, L'T ; li wbieb 2t10dpojnalfe i ctl this spring. s. inspector, ir- ut ti I ia ra onlitmry yield U aiuip'y due lo ijood treatuten, Mr. Ilirnobor feediafj, sheltering and keeping hU -p in prop.-r iiiattm-r. (Jen. sfoel I.iliu r, 9 HI of 1 ha oldest and it ;-l;:ewn eiifaena of ()r-;:m, died at Isle wsklantir, afpr Inyton, June '.Mil :i' eleven iel 'k. II e.llUO to this coun'ry n 1 ri"; time n;fo, uml Inn lajen Menilflftl wllb in u;y Import ant oujorprhc and held m my p 1 d tlouH of (while lrut, In all of trhrioh bene juit! -d bitnaolf uiih bsVH r. , a nafjfhbor, frleftil, ami eitl no man f'c ! i fho;- in estimation of the people. r, imt ii r-ti.e 4 . o. : . irvsii r ..;.r .r crrns .: aaJaa3U n ftf t WW Tim tnombeis of the Ancieu Order of Efftfted Wori ni o will bo frUrOatediai tbedipateli w - pohtleh below. It is umhiMtood tnatthaijeathratp iu Iregoa a. id WaMhittgtou is isucb as to h ave no dkmbt that, the number of a- e-J-.mcntS for louses will be much leasin ajnrladie tion by theuifdvi ;. tlmn it has been herelof.ue wdicn .0 -i-sniei.ti come through deaths in all parts of the eoaia try. Tho Supremo lanl-e of the Order h m session at the present time and that l.ody hast heeontrol oft lie. .o.estion of seimrattou or not. 1 no following dispatch will stissw that tbo Kujrem bodge ha aetod on thw matter, audit aetlon baa beef 1 favorable to tJbia ii rand Lodge: Dktkoii, Mieh,, June 11. It 1 To Krauk U. Abeli, (i. ti, W., fortlaaO, Oregon: Tlie Hupremo Lodge reelptp eaiten greetiinc wiiii Oregon and s 'tt Il lusion. Vou have been set oil as a separate jot IsiHetloU from ,'t:it' let, t)'.i:u-a UottK, P. M. V T: jBat AruIm. Some feats have Iie.-nrnlertaiiied in I Mm county that the rUSt would strike the grain this season, and we have at last iteard ff ouoeaso wheiolt has. Air, Jaunw (Jlisrlton whu down lat Neln8 i.v and informed ns that ho had swn r;it in tho wheat on Frank UiodgettTs faiin nasr Lebanon. About flveaeresof sprJuggraln now .ahWS ths rm-t plainly. W have beei oaperlsneing very damp woatier fu a wyok or two'audif it sUeuld. suddenly clear up and ttun hot it Is our opinion we ivottid iiiivo a ropLHition or year-in f iv l,lt. lint it will not do toborrowtrntible : wo will have to wait nod hope and urav aKHiitatsueli iit::k. 'the birouieior is now io!tK upKiowly a'td it -(ii; n mahmejond.v u!l of M hlBU in as t'.ivonilile km It (ii!:! ),, TU ...:U.h;i vh. Use Karfa'w f;.:ni'. Evei tiece the Narrow flaugo f.d J got intetbe Corks with their railroad they lmve lauitroaVls witli the turbulent &mtkun, hast winter the bridges went aw.iy on lMt!i forks, unco which time a tiastts brldgfl h:u been throwa across thu North Fork, end trestle a-nrk wai laiilt acrws the Routb Fork preparatory to tho eejfttcttction f s hri.I ;. there. Last Sabbath night tiie rivergotoH another hunt and washed oat thn trestle work u the Soath Fork, and also task swaj conaidsrabio lumber. People rnu.'-t not tai.e the Santiam for a peaceable litllo rippling rui, tor when worm ran tains and the nowvielt oecnr in fro i til nt mountain stream. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Mo;,ir iv im.m l! 1 khtll it lh f.'tit tiU utifirwftf AimI .'i . . ; ..,n .ti!..l Iii lil ... -Ho UlkSti i' r .i tfi lntt lwr, Of WVft, jUttt tt i- ti . -rt of !.ll. Jlir "i o " t 1 ibH lttrprtit0)f l'.r It-; It nl Trtwlil tm 1 Uqt wun, Aii. tmti,Unmiym$At .n,Kn ti "I'uii know I MTftft I t futt." Ami y ho M, Wtcn ',n, gi wly, "Ah ! lwt have 1 k,, my, I MaSj I ti-a li.'.'U M la fttii. ! . 411 ttJHfil . fttlia 1 t l'..d, ' !ii '! i mi ti "," having d fi :-t, iwoloa by the Utn ruin u i;t t'.tii :i n I 1 tVt w ill, tho rr:t : :v iatu ii ii ttard !i - in 1 it x.t on 11 nia iaiMMTi nr.i now cottlikitt it an aycrsg 1 crap, 1 iii.!-.. v.h.i :.t, q '(p4jua hat her tH thkj itiinui f tho papulae hi .vmtk 1). irinti trtdu in i ' . V t! will . vi. Vst j'drtfl, h.- asuttlier eu th t t th I'onknd Mid i' let Seia ith itan din U1 tl- r.r.iry a. ut it ' have " id th ' i weals . huii-',! I dollatS .11 I't.iti' :ni"i ti V. i.l it W'U tunnd gene to eercmaait aanio by W. . : ( I : I on tho w li: 1' a-y vw im..:wrttug Litttl . utr tt f Mr. W, ill ifftr. .'.Mirth . m rnao tho .. i ail are .itrwl. m : tu ! 1 " : " I"-1 " w I .. . ti.. t: I 1 . . I .1- I. . I M ;rt ol msy ait ear h .rytMrctiy v.i '.ty 1 5 . lata was and liuau f. ro by tat a, and U!U a tioos and aarilsli If . '..'. i".t iaa, bwt JIoi.ver'w . ii. stsni tu ai . li d. red it fr ; v hut wo wmi't. sfffjatesiay. We ate Otu h ator u li. It, .i 4 ii- ' , "... !'. n on. T. I. Pedsr is .rd LsdfS in as v, 1 1 .- ana. i.t t'- ortlftuiL Mm P.ra Hen', our city a abort 1 M Vi-;v. M. 1.: ,b::i. 1 f llarriahurg paid lerday, aaso Mrs. I V '..Ti- t!lf ' OBfl day. Wa aoUee Mr. Puttmarr oi tl o'.jc. i to Hir uin t'.to . sjttoal. Wo Ltl tho IU pubs ' of in.mipeHa'.!! and every pap'-r, no uiattr kw stna'l r tt wlatpOftaat, sawst n odn dis play its ndhcrenec to party jrinetpbt in siaue lilOlAitro. Wim'o tint ohji ct to : inmiopnly of the uh. "iinm ? Feath " And hepalai rill eat obj .-'.'if a 1 i nunelf (acr. is ur i.e. rsfssaaftftaaei I'o:.ti.a.n, Or., Jane 9, I8SL ic J! ' ' : ik, ;., i it. Or. f ill - Yours ot th 7th came to hand. ?n reply will sayi The writ r saw the BlaotbAlot 01 miektOsl orne and u o dn operated ntHatem on the ttth. Ths Mamb attempted to bind live bundtea, but missvd oneof tbem ; the IfoOor uiiek mbsie ilono iu binding lire bou diet; tbo Oahornn missed six or eight iniiiiiles a the start . tlie atreet, until it was adjusted. After eoing-lnto the loft ah i.e the trial was, it only missed : two buiutlea in atitnit 200. 'i lie Woods (hen start oil in and inbued about, half. This Is a plain statenieut of fa 't, and , any telegram sent to Mbatiy.rei r.sent- Ing it an a field trial or a trial iu whteh a committee was appointed to make an awnrlti or thai there was any award made iu favor of the hfajshvia mite, and the man who sent It kuow It when he sent it. Respect fully Yours, T). 51 Or iSUKAfK & 1 ' . , per ihirg(. I have Shown the ntavee letter to Mr. ). L 1-hvlne, agent for the Peering tiluder, . who set n to bs a tair roinded g. nl'eniati , and It says ll iu -uv tun tially true itnd b further says that ho knew dint the (blturm' Twluu ilimler bound a piece of, rye (v ry ifnefi) near Bab OJ, find tliut it hound the whole Without nii .-wing onp buiullp. nil re port to the lonir.iry u dwilh-taiKling. Can any inatrhino do more ? 1 think not, and J) M. Osborne and i?o, war rurhem lo do lust ilii'i hind of work allure time.' EUQSXE BUCHANAN, Agent. Crntrnl Mrnt MarKrl. This first ntaas market hn now in the bands of afsJOr J. 15. Herren, whose ox perjence is a guaranty that it will ho well knot up in every particular. Freeh meats of all kinds Constantly on hand. "The best qnalUy aud resonAble prices," is the Mai n's motto. Tho hiebest cash pric Will be paid for voal calves, pork, chick ens and all kinds of hides and furs. First Street, Albany, Oregon, J. It. THE FRAKCIS MYSTERY. t ' IO Ma: r. on. Mr; On NV- dny lit iM.iii'.. mail front Lebanon tho following I 1 1 1 r reached the Dr.MocitAT otlice. Lkbaxok, Jo 1 3th ISfti, "W, V. Ifrencd Is htto looking ry ii'j.'t' od. jf cannot give any eorvoct ..on id where he I;;ta l i-n, or bow m eaate whore ho first c.tni" to biaudf The Ohl IM!(vh lt:tvt: hi.n in b irc now. I found him liittin en the hid.- w;'d: early thia morning. Ito hh)k 1 a 1 a , Iii man bo lias si token to .i'. ho 1 . - I .! I tho one on the laridce. llesp'y Youis. W. If. Rbbd, Immediately oft reorlut of the abwve lettle we talegrstdmd to T. B, plaeh of Ifah.ey that a letter I al been received fiom Letatnou et t i Praneij was th-tuv an I in h- I eidiliotiniid ' ft- tug that hit friend j;o to Lebanon and look after him. We glee wrote at 001 e to Mr. I teed at ebanon requesting Uini to Send or, full iarticfilata ef tlit atatter. I . reply we have the follow in:' statement emit on Uy htm. lie aiyH "Wodues I ly momtngat about 5 QmOOa I waw a loan bitting on the uide- walk in treat of lonecsragi ry storey Ife h.nd a white hatul kerchief tied about hut bend uinl thcto 1 1 . d lo !. norn". thin t hn '. : ivilh ! ito, lo I 1 lolled tba' street to where he z and aaknd him what the trouble v. . Ife bad bean thrown from horfe about Kimdaya a-'o. I then a ki I him where lio Iti d inn! 1 e t 'd :t! llals h tid hit i-a::i" v. n then tohl him ah ,V V. Fn tr .;t tool hft I 1 .it I found on ICendaU'M bridge into AM ny end the .t tu tending ih.i n...i-f which ; realn ady wltll runted m- and ask if tbey i coat: I told him they d siiid he . ft, home that ' 1 met i n "Hi Hf! i Iii ti in a tit m t.n r I - I I in: hin forehad, At: to f wild h good lie sick and i.e ra w. . . HI ! biui tl tho pain w M nut iitlft ttt la hi-ft nsjm 1 t'VancM K4id Myefi vim are tha Bchiol I iai erinteodent. 1 y iia'i 1 oma little j talk with h'.ui. I aHkcd how ho came to bo tunc eth phnved. Ycr, ho said ho 1 was ahsarea but h- COSlU not. tell howl be cim Jb' had :i pisi.-l with him! and Kiid the patii-H at t he In i. he did 1 it awav from him. J fo ry ry sattl he hu I l-en loh! ed of his a and watch. The talk seemed to .ii.:ii-A.' t. i mm I'liu ne emu i,r ;i nine, uusny m -intj he was very anxiaea to go home to iiis wife . ad wanted to know it' there was let: I .too way of getting there. He apoko of making tho trattater of his proper! v io her and nid he knew ipaifl thing would happen. Ho ta'ked of a Med many things iu a iambi bag v and ashed lo hoe a lively man, st he could pet hoese,saying he had im monay with hm bat could fpA it uhon he uot to llal.M v 1 asw Mr. Bilyeu and he got a team n a ly and at half pa -' f iht o'clock at tried home wuh htm. it f 1 niNKtery to all here where boo.nn from und no one seemi 10 have any -a it'.ic- toiy exi.i.muiion." LATf.U "Mr. ! ''' his rot timed from llslsey v h . - ' ' f'laneia with his people. -iio iwpxirw that Ilabiey pi p!e w as much arprised lo sjo Francis m were hero this morning. Mra. Francis was coittined 'niy a few days ago aboot a wia k, kh issiiil very weak. The mettting bctwe. n tliem wat very nileoliitg. ItH'irned to afjeot Fraueis very strangely. lie fell down ituvl weiet intotouiothieg like a h , frotbtn st the month like a mad man. Dr. S. A. Bmith was eatted ni buoe said had great difiicutty in tbreiey hi s ne, n'h Often to yet, him to i tk mdioine. VVnen Hilveu let'o he w,i4 s i I anonnecious at d had not aaoKea, ftoan'y Vou i s W. II. Reso. The n'.i--- i- v'.'.!it;e one. A-t will bo se. n, nt r eorrt -j oiHlent in another cebiinu ssi's a iitekat of roooei was received fiom 1 1 cbkio amit InjJ to ovef C !')(, n.'.d cn.aiaued to W. W. Piai ebb by M iHln ic S-.tafn, .. by Bmith St Martin, ' Sab i'' netsoo Mr. ITenrv ll-:!it.e, 0! II i'm V, I e .s ns that Fmneis !,n t- ...ei.d (uitiaily from his Smkness, although still in lod. He says Francis elainn 'he .?lu) wat money duo him foi' woik done long ago," when! the parties fur whom he worked were unable to fay hi:u. and this is now payinent of the debt. Smne who are famiiiar with Pnufcois' hand writing say there is no doubt, luiS" the address on the package IS inhis'wtit ing. Mr. IXabne says Prjtneis talks some, jiattot'tho timo rather, it e lur eutly, although most ol he time be eem8 to bq iationl enough. No enr hap been sb'e to Cfet f very Rati.-factory explanation of his diaaaoearanee from him yet, what be raya being aboot as our fjebanon corrcstR7ndent hat glrea it. The llalarty neonlo are at it Ui Si to find any satbdVtoiy explanation of the mytery. Various theories are ad vanced, butnono of tlo m seeio to be very generally accepted. Mo.t ladievc that be in not in bin right mind and has not heen I'r as tin tifno hack, f von be fore tran;.n trinj his roperty to his vv;f.. . I in all, it i a very Modular story, and tin1 nrobolnhtiii "true inwanlnos" of the wl will never I v. folly explained, savUHftg of further interest ti wui endeavor to give the rcn DcuooutT full brtienrt tltn ' trfjair lionW lira we 1 ..e ti,.. A I f, LHite m t'm md f-'itr One day la t. v, prbaor f the j Hods HprliiKM, Obarlt y to hunt M front lit" '-'jn mUott tin v illseo T. V. .M'-KnlJit, r 1 : frt at fe.ver d out v.i li WiK M?n eth iter 1 .1 ; Bantb . After goii 1 a few ;! -in 1 ,'!: and I hnr.Y-v Htu-ceoded hUlin- U. Tin y fthlnood i and f ! it .1 j.:o. -!'(! ' u ''.. rn Mu 'ir !aeh and covertnu tho reniaJfider e;, ibiho homo. Aftrr routing Itonio they thought nemo wild animal mti;bt carry nveay t!-- m at tlioy left hi h: return U li ds !nnh and dog '- !! slid by h':i,t..i. t I IJI It'ith A ( short distaoi 0 off, ml befars th'-y oonld , . t Iiarley and his 1 takhtir th"ir I danl.efx. an 4 8 l'ey KU ''ko a whir! an I li r ). .' 1 wJJ time hi . . o ' o;i ... ..ur tinie U Ito loat. ; . s- in.. :(::.. l.'I.S next ever Yi id n i I "I eoluiuns of to us in one C.rauU Ijulsr OC'n r' The Grand Iid.'.' . A. P. A. M , of the fdlowiOS ofd- jeers for the aaaafhag year: Q VeD i S roud.t; M, Albany.No; W T Wright, IX! M, Union, No; 1; Abrahr.m, G 8 W, Oakland, No tft; D P Maaon, G J W, Albany, X4;.P J Bahcoek, t. B, BahMQi J Mayer. G T, Harmony, I Proroaa, Chairman Edncatlnnal j'und. KrIisUu Srr:rr. Kv. T. .1. Wittoa, of Raiasy, will ho'd religious services at t'no U. P. Church ia thu city next S. hlath at 1 1 o'clock and ia the .Vt.Tuooa at C.txnus School Hoaso at 3:30. Xotitv of (op.irtnci ship- VOTit'M IS IICRBY OIVB3I THAT Ute ondorsHsned have this day entered into a eoptrtnersbip for the ru'roeM) rif carry ;ii'n a:t:t eotntu.-t te.r a oru and book store in Albany, .hut eounty, Ore gon, nitdertho lirsn name of C. A.'lMum amr .v o. Dated this tltn ISUi .'::v i f Juno. 18H. , tleWl V. A 11 t'MMKR, .;. M. WAIN'. H a. m 0 Form it nio to a'l a t!cn PGRTABI.i: m !o my an improved and perfected for the 1 ho season 1 s ltoeaalj is -'C " . y:. m uwl expressly for the .purpose of uMae'nng them to tho diftbrent kinds ofthresh'im nacbines. I tnakbtar the only dot (bio cleaaer ia the United stun, and bv mv s 1 lie rram ptH-c. !iro.iii t vo opf-nv.o for a third, by a reunn etovator, ma kin 1 i Ibo hoi s mneh'no warranted. Gall and inspect them. thi; rmrr. er wool. Wool baa suddenly jumped uplo'7 et nt and holder can obtain that prlco in easli In this city. u.::iM 1 m m.n nr tSv 'J'tiis ciinpany t-iitg compoaed.of farmerc, ir, felly alive to thtir iatcresfa, snd is nuking Sjaoy imirorciaeiitft ahith wiil hen great , t to fttoreir. A new water a heel of :i;:.rh greater pfwrr is Wing patio, which v iii aaahhl them to operate their sactian farm Witheel any trouble, and a foil set of rolling screens will r, put i,by the use of which tho what will hj put in a condition ( !-:in fiioagh for grinding just as clean as it is at the tliurio awtb iKifore it go.- to thm horrs. Tltis a til make it more v&luaMe in the marker, r.:;d the "iiij nny jnrefwea to se ( in.: all the: lamsfits ariaing frosa it by pat- thcir btaal on every a&ck hijed. 'I 1 new board ailluae every tiiavor to hriag the wheat shipped f.m their ware-hoti-- ep lo a ttrndard nevtr lx on- ree.elieil hy eay warduaise in tfco valley. Wearglad t ' , t '. v htill nhiiifi in thnr iniploy Mr. riy. htSBSotM, a ho has served a hmg od A better m.oi W. ho fill. it d oil of k-'io .1 in li4 r., f ir 1000M1 ei-l- , 1isC lO, I -1 : .41 ' r pHnz Mr.rr Se : ' .. lU-n l ns i ZifiiMfii.. '. V. itltam I'wwmT. I ". Iftrl... Jutn CWrceti. 1 : ; raow m ith Th o'dowlng w;a'anint t.f Win J: t'ouuh'in. of 'oirer ille, Man. tut r mnrkabU t-8t we lo adc for tt lhaf lenOWHt 4 On? reader-. He wivmi IntKa fall of 1871 I wu lakra with a ftUdctit t.I-e.!in.f l b:ni. followed by a I ruy,n I -"iran u b my iJenb I wai io weak at oee tiin t!iat I ml t not 1io inv tel. In llie ai imnff f f 77 I was ad'mkodtotlie CU v HoapUaJ. VVbil ttic-r the iloctr aaJ I had a b4a i" ntv Ml tunc; as bie a half m dollar. I expended n i-r a hundred ddla on iloefora Jand m-d I vstt mn fr pane at one lime J r(rt ftint arrxmd Ihat 1 waa dead, f o on hno. Iml a friend ioMmo r Hi: WM. I! Aid." BAI- md 1 hooting : BAM VOH 7HK l,t'is. 1 bmwJaMl at r . j my ftienda, thinking that my eaa was in f eorab . hwt I vt boti! 10 iify trn. I a somerset when to my surpris and araiiiWiion. I fbcre was an j l-ptn to fed belter. My bop-. oire nVad, car reader b-iran to revive, aod to day 1 Ural In Natar , I M.idts lhan I hao llm isft4tiea rear. I wriv tbb, hopfnc that you will pnb .wo thai avcry one aftiiced wi'b dav eased bintrs u'iU he induce 1 to tak IH-. Vm, Hal! lUNam for thm Luns. ad le ei.-.jnredt!iattONSrMPTION N ItK ( I'UKIi. I have taken two 1 ail- and ran rwWlivolv say tnat K ha done mw irvd titan aii the cither mehdneal hava n teneo fir tefcoaH. My aastdi n" slmotU cmirvtr diaaafftaared and I shall h x.O i. ,"i ... 2 . to work." f-ohl 1V 1 nebrfa. -. 1 A 1110 permsmnUar locateJ it Altauy. MUty, Oreuii, to prartki la. t . . ..i..f .iiofihe !Ian.8a(rvm3 f this State len'ariy admifed an - I ."'.ttr;, and am mpr.l to kin la of iegal bu.ire in any ;: :!n. Stale. I aha!! hy tri.i ty.tnda iry anl prOntpt atcntion iiImmi bttr iftfjfttl to ixij' cars. lalor ".. in., it in r, ieoaaaflha feofd?.'Bwa l'. home and abroad rewpoetfolly mo- . n h :tr all thi time niybt y. o r, i ftfaale Id j-k.Itracd tre, Albany, tr"on. IteMiMBetfully, i: It. M,'l -WORTH. y, .. .u , 4.-3 OUR EXPORTS. neriakdy r.ififyin lo ail tru tns ' knv tiiat 4 vt"nt our 1. , 1 . . n,.,- mrwiv rx.WHM our lilt - P"''". U at ,nn to M:-a artaiea at btImmi . :t iii aoiot every hraavh uf iuJuiftry. Ti n ytvtTH a;o Ueariy oil t: e porfnou ry atwl Udiet nrtK-lf uJ Uj n,i, count ty were im (Mated from Kuroe: to day u not only iiumuuuture for our--Iv.-x. hut art large exMHrs lo outii Ameram, China, Japan, and lh. Uolesmw. Tlie tuitiHUiso growth 0 this MWttcsdaW in y aa ifao Paotfle Coast ia simply -UMhdtina Mvt-n, who is now one of Um '.400 makers m the world, hua vtr h'.:ue 2 ),too U.ultof ht famous Yao;it oUiie. For ale hv : b.y cV Masou, Foatei'a 11 rick, Altmnv . MHaTi aaaiea mu . Tl.e licst a-"lvc ia tS world ftar rota, Lra: -eft, ftorc, ulcers, salt rheom, fever sores, te--er, cbapied hand, chtf blaio. corns and a 1 kinds of bkin eruptlona. This sare iaguai aotcol to ghre "-rfoct stit,faction ni t-tiv cm or Rsoney niundtil lVice 35c pw Ux. Per sale by Fuahay and Msmki, whola"lt- arts ; I) Mo Scio ; 1) l olt-y, Letuum ; aoa : Ib-tiath and i a, I, - lr l'owell. I. tiTie, J.-ff?raiu : I 1'Alt.rrith, Dutna 'iU : O Cornelias, Turner ; A lhunpy H-oriaburg; ,Starr and Blaktlv, I rownH ville. The moat benotictal discovery of the century fjr man is Amnion's t'ough ts rup. A wealthy jreutleman, w!to cJain a tbat it enMrely eiired bim if incipient eon -sumption, aflbteat &,0S0 for the foiniula and the right to mcuauicture and sell it to tbo orld. which was refuse!. Th ri. t oy .vamts upon its own merit. A lo-cent sample bottle Wftl lotivinoethc iuo4skoo Moal of tea virinos. Trv it. It nmv aava your life. All respectable druggista keen it, at 15 cents, 10 cents, and $1. For a con;;h or cold there i notion, equal to Ammeu's Cough Syrup. " o LliV SEPARATOR, of 183! These machines are manufao n. cn I oan lw lotun Ol when natvaiarv manufactured. Kvery 0. BEST, 4 of Lyon Street, Aliottif, Or. i I