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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1881)
STATE RIG DEMOCRAT 1CSUKD EVERY FRIDAY ItEWAUT & GUEY. Kl DFfM'K" aa He Build lagan i.i ..aU.o m Mrt-tt. TERMS OF SUUSCUtrTION: 1 a 'to eii.v, por j osr f-1 00 ii!.'i' copy, iutitlii. 200 u to e , lluvo months. 100 n miitr W PROF KSS ONAL C A I IDS. t fUNN. O. K. CilAMltKM.AI.V. FLINH & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT Albany Oregon. jfcvonh-o in Foatfirfl Hriek Hha k.-TSi vl.'iilStr. . S. StHAHAN, 1.. ntl.YKU. STKAIIAN & IUIjYEU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany. Ore-son. PIULOT1CK IN A IX THK COUKTS OF tlr.-t Ntate. They afro shhm1 atten tion to collection ami prolmtc matter. Ottlee in Foster's now brick. -tin f L. EL MONTANYE. ft'TTQUNEV AT I. AW. - AND Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. OOtee WpataJra, ever John ltriim store, 1st siretM. vl IntSitf D. R. N. BLACKBURN, ft TORHEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Albany, Oregon. otiiro np sialro iH br OUl IVtluvt'i. Trm plr. f Collections a specialty. aetll. J. K. WEATHERFORD, tNoTAKY PtHUC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, AI.B IM , WSMX. W triLL I'laiTU'K IX ALLTMK'fRT3 0KTHK biaU'. Seecial at icutiau kviii t , t.iu-v-t iut ati.l jr. '..., matter. JtaTiHSvc u iXU Kc!!sw s Temp!. 14:2 JT. C. 1-oWKIX. W. K. IUI.YKV POWK1.L ft BIL.YEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. And Soliritois in haiu ei v, ALEttY. ... OKillOX. Ocdleetinns promptly made on all points. txiau.-t n.?ouateii on reasonaiiio terms. jaruiLtce in tester a lirick vHnP.)tf. T. r, stACttLEMAlt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, u.;;iM. MMMr JTOtB up stairs in the Odd Fellow's i emple.-tta vl3n50 F. M. MILLER, A TTOIINKY AT LAW LESAXUX OKKGO&. Vf ill practice In all the courts of the State. 'r mp: HUfiUion c -n to rollfrtiona, cou-v- yjiiics aatd m x a m uiatiun of Titles. Probate OUMOHn a Rpeci&lity. vlUnSUlf. I. A. YAAT1K, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW CORVALLIS, OREGON. tll prartiee In sll the Courts of the Stale sVOnir in th Court Housf M MM JOHN J. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lllian , . l!rr:B. Will fra-ti- in all t!i Courts of this State. Rpwclai atif-ntion irivi-u lo collet; lions, tiiiioo np tairs in FrinianM new hriek 22 .i;oi:.i: u. BAKU KM, ATTOKNE1 AT LAW Notary'pubUc, miSCVfAMS. Kl.i.o. Co!l--tions promptly made on all points. E. l. SKJPWOKTIL ATTORn Al M SFUIR 4T I IU IM MTA PI BI.M . WILL praeti'ft in ail conrta of the State All Insiness intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Ofite !n j'Tooh' Blort, BrtHi'Ialhhi Strrt, 4oy A'li 'mj, Orr.jmi. K. (I. JOHNOX, 31, I., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany. Orp;;on. O'uf-e in Froinan's Brick, two doors East of Conner's Hank. nlO fr. T. L. OI,fi;V OCCULIST AND AURIST SALESf. OXIKf.OV. DR.CJOLDEN Has HAD KXPKRIKNfJE IN treati ug the various tllji U which th aye and far are uhj-t, and feels confident of giving entire Ratisfaction to those who may place theniselvea under hi care. noStf. T. W. UARIIIS, BI. D. Office m Fo4er's Brick, next door to ofiii of Powell & Bilyeu. .Kesiden -e in the two storyframo building on south side of Second street, one Idock nnd a half East of Wheeler c Iickey'a Livery Stable. Alhaay, ... ... Orrson. oll6n19tt J. A. DAVIS, ffl. 0. A5D- OBSTETRICIAN, Ummj, - - OrcRow. HAS KESUMEP THE PRACTICE OK HIS .rofeiii in iM. ciiy aitl vicinity. OlfltM; at 4 itv Hrn-.' Man. 40tf Vm. K. O. HYDE, Physician r.ncl Surgeon. Office at Foshay fc Mawm'i. Reaidenefl on Broadalh'n St., Alhany, Or. vlln22tf I. M . IONKS. M. T. K. HWITII, M. D. JOXTES & SMITH, IIiysic.iaifJ anJ Ktirffoosc;, Albany, Oregon. OFFICE -odd Fellow's Tcmj)!e, over fittmiifer'j I'rng Moro. 4StmS At At A N V T he TJiiril Trm tvtis open ou Mod- rlav, JaaBary 31, 1881. For iartifular8 coitci-rniiij; the courses of atudy and -the pnee ol lUiwon, ajj i" UKV- ELUEUT '. CO.N'IHT, FritidcNt. mm AliriJ ia B0W bdmt made farter than ever MmPf by tin He at work torus. Persons of cither se : can make SStio a week in their own towns if thev a wiliiug to work. No nsk. $5 outfit tree. Anyone ean run the buainees. Capital not required. All who engage prosper. No (me fails. Partuulars Addreb. H. UaLLCTT & Co., Portland, Maine. VOL. XVI. HKAfONssi'IKIiW ! HIT ( HAS. It. MVI MI U IS MPT! AMi has HKOt?OHT ' LEBANON OSR OF THF. h A ti i B S T ANI MOST COMPLETE OF GENERA! MERGHAN1DISE Kver Port liasril for tliix Trade! NEW C00DS I u LOW PRICES ! QUICK SALES! VN IMMRNSE STtM'K TO BELBLT front, ami with ten yearV exeri ii. MianpplyilM; the wants of my emtrmora, I feel confident lht my reeent ptindiases will meet their want a in every re-jx--t. I dmtfpn lo .ell only p:ol li'ls and nt which will iiinr toe a Irado that ..ill I-, oroiitalilo from the amount of goods aoML an l ROt frin the prilt on any me aiiicl. REMEWSER THE PLACE CHAS. B. BSOHTAGUE'S, LEBANON, OREGON. J. . BENTLEY, Custom Hoot & Shoe Maker AOOTS AND SHOES made to order, 1 and renairinir dona with neal ties, and dispatch, and at low price, i an ami him. First street, Albany. 41yl Oregon Marble Works. It A. CLARK, rniiiHni. M OF M O N Lr M E N T S , Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table-Tops, Wash-stands, Etc- Alt kiiulu of -cim;l?rv work 'Lnic in Mrl!c. Free St.i.t- and Uranit. All morlc doiiu in Cist chum iylc and at Uio liTtft rates. tartftJfi Ri.k- .f Ferry Street, totWMB Second anil TUrd. ALBANY, m P. s I U not employ any iuexpc)rU:nl canvae crx, ami ifive my cMttUtttusrt the litmflt ot tlo jxht cent, wiiinjiaaion allwel for fcuc-h work. REVERE HOUSE, t nrurr tint and i:ils orCi Albany, OrcRon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. Thi new Hotel in fiUed un in ft rut ;Im Hty le. TabUw )U'tiUed with the let ttie market affools. Soring Bel hi every liuoin. A good Haule IUoiii lor Com meT' ial Traveler, yPree arh to and Trent Mc Metcl.i JAMES DANNALS, MASLFACTlRfc!; AMD DEAL.BK IW FURNITURE h BEDDIKO. -racr Ferry am! Second Mraei. ALBANY, - - ORECO. rUMlyl ALBANY MEAT MARKET. Fresh Beef, ?ork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Hi 'licrf.ih I'riee laid ior uH kimlxi-f fat Htwrk, FO8HAY & MASON, WltOLKLALP. ASP IIETAII Druggists and Booksellers, ALKiXV, OKKGOV. vlGu-lltf MALARIAL BLOOD POISONING, Causing Chills and Fever Dumb Ague, Intermittent Re mJHcmr and Typhoid Fevers, Biliousness, Liver, Stomach, nnd Kidnoy disorders, and the health and lives of millions is driven out of the system, and radically cured by the use of tho LION MA LA':: A AND LIVER PAD and body and FO OT PL ASTE R8, the cheap est and only perfect treat mi ; hy tho Absorption prin clple. Tho Plastors acting In conduction with the Pad up on tho nerve oehtere and re mo to parts of tho body, Inab sorblng onti thoroughly rid din';h systom from MALA RIA, POJSON. Jh? whoio treatment, PAD, BODY PLASTER and FOOT PLASTERS, ail combined, for SJ.OOthe cheapest ; i r it remedy overdiscov-o.- id o positive cure nlood if worn accord- to di.-octtons. Remem hor, Pad, Body Plaster and Too: Plasters, the whole, S : .00. Sold by all druggists, or mailed on receipt of price by THE UOM MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Children or. lalU1 astosia. roccauond it. IT 13 HOT NARCOTIC CENTAUn !.l K1.MEN TS ; World';; f;r-tt laln-i: -: inc rtMitetlh-s. Thoy Itcni. utii ;;nl euro Hurtin, .". o:iuls, Weak llaek mul . bemMrtm ;Hn Man, and :':raias OeOsead ijiiui s t ryy.i 0eSS& t '!::;, (jtlifk : ?UST3 cf Ikrnfctian: ainot:, !r3uJo, CracLli rj Pain ia tho iJ. Fetid Brcata, Dcafnos. - :y Catarrhal Complaint. I e exterminated by Wei Co "-. Catarrh Care, a Coast!" -1 .ntidoto, hy Ahorp o iaot Impo-.tast Eia bMM Voce !un tioa. PLEASURE AND RECREATION ! T I. MRbIrht at Iowrr SoU Spriii,K, on ihf. .Mnta:i, Wi BtfKBN itlxtve lhanou, hann li!U l In- !ulllinj; nnd is now Hell ptOpTCIll keep a hiiiiud HWltWf of U.U0I) U lUM fin, clean, vsell-nhaded catnp nr.ipil for tbe free us tf raniiier, and wnl lurnixh liny for their horse for .., fits a day. QnWndio IMi lug, bfiwatifal MCfnery.doad loadH of btoektwrriM in Heaoii, and the bent od wafur in tin SUlo. 42m2 Aioany Bath House. IIIK UNDEkri'lKED WOULD KESFKC1 folly iaforin tbe citiiem of Albitoy and vi inity that 1 !: vo taken cLare ol tbit Kxtabliib ijaent, and, bjr l;e'.jir.jr clean room and payin rtrict attention to buvinexi, expeett to unit al tboe who may faror ua with their patronage Hartag heretofore carried oc ncUdng but First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, we expect to give entire aatUfxrtioft to al TChildien end Ladiei' Hair neatly c n i r.baoi pofed. JOH W KlJbkH. The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will pnrchaxo I'l utnninr dried fruit at full market pricea; Will send a eornjetent person to aavise fruit growers as to cultivation or or addi tions in orchards : Will supply fruit trees of approved aorta at moderate prices: Will ell I'lunimer Driers Hi rough Linn, lienlon and Ime counties. letters to ImHont to Corvallis Fruit Com pany. Cprvallla, llenton County, Oregon, ' w A 1,11s :s ash, I'resuieni. Javf" l-i- 'iA, See'y. C rjU f O"000 A YKAIt, or 8.1 to $20 a day In VP I )' M t your own locality. No rink. Women do an well men. Muny make more than the amount pt-ttbd above. No one can fail to make money fart. Any ess can do the work. You ean make from 60 ct. to il an hear ty devoting your eveuinfp and iare time to tin; liinoDtrfw. It com In nothing to try the hiu Isoaa Nothing like it for money making ever offered .before. BuiditeH ileasant and atrivily hotioralile. Keaderi( you want to know all about the bent paying bsetSafS SStan the ubli send us your aildreiiH and we will Kcud you full arlieulara aud private terms frue ; samples forth tSalts fre.: ; yon n then make up your mind for yoitinelf. AdlreHM GKoKOK STIN HOW a CO., Portland, Maiua. TO :M WORKING CLASS. Wc arc now prepared to fumUh all elasaes with SOB- taut employment at home, the whole of the time, or lor their spare moiiientx. ituhiueiui now, liglit and profitable. Persons .i either sex easily eani from oO cents to $0 por evening, and a proMrtional sum hy devoting their whole time to the business, liojs and girli earn in .ir y as mncti as men. That all whusett this mitii-e 111.1 aesd their atdrcss and test tlut busi ness we make this offer: To t-tieh as are not well sat isfied we will send one dollar to pay (or the trouble of wiitiug Poll particulars and olitftt tree. Adilress, iisouoK mini"-. St Co., Portland. Maine. 2yl HEW YORK SHOPPING ! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. Ia mar, who has never failed to please her customers. Now Fall Circular just issued. Hnd lor it. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 15:7tf B77 Broadway, New York. Pitcher' CI 3Bg3E8 A TiTH Eights ALBANY, OREGON, loetry. THK ORHilN OF Hit I to roie the beginning of years, There came to the making of mau Tlmo, with a gift of tears ; (Jrlef, with a glass that ran; Pleasure, with pain for leaven; summer, with llowera that fell; nemombrauee fallen from heaven, And maduoea rlaoit from hell: Strong! Is, without hands to smite; Love that endure for a breath; Night, the shadow of light; And life, the shadow of death. And the high gods took In hand Fire, and the falling of tear, And a moaauro of sibling sand From under the feet of tbe years; And froth and drift of the sea, And dust of the laboring earth, And bodies of things lo be In tho homes of death and or birth; Aud wrought with weeping and laughter, And fashioned with loathing and love, N it l life before aud after, Aud death lieueatb and above, For a day and a night and a morrow. That his strength might endure for an With travail and heavy sorrow. The holy spirit of man. From tho winds of tbe north and tho south They gathered as unto t riiv ; They breathed upom his mouth, They tilled bis body with life: F.yeaight aud sfech they wrought For the veils of the soul tberelu, A time for labor and thought, A time to serve and to slu; 1 hoy gave him light In hie ways, And love and a apace lor delight, Aud beauty and length of days, And night and sleep in the night. His speech la a burning lire; With his lipe he travaileth; In hi heart hi a blind desire, In h in eyes foreknow ledge; lie weaves and Is clothed with derision; Sows, and he shall not reap; His life la a watch or a vision I BjH ween a sleep and a sleep. if. C. StrtHtttimr. 1 m nut. O, near one, dear ohm ' you In whose whose falibfuj right hands Our own rests calm ; hearts all day Wide open wait, till back from distant lauds Thought, the Ured traveior, wends bla bomewsrd way ! ilolpmstes and beartmaU-a, g!addnersof gono years, Tender coiusiniins of our serious das, Wbo color with your kbsMK, smiles aud tears l.tfo's warm web woveu over wonted ways. O, tahuttha world out from (he heart you eheer ! T.'iough small tbe elude of your smiles msy be, I'he world is distant but your smiles sre near, Which mskes you more thsn sll tbe world lo mo. THK NOO. Though thy whUpor, he sud May, I an hoar each word tby say ; For I rest, ClinKing to the ballr tom'squeeu, 'Mid the Isreand ailkeu sheen At her breast. 'ove me but that rune oftbiue, I wlH build for it a sbrino Near my heart." From my ImhJ she draws me out, For a moment seems In doubt Thou we part. In hlit waistcoat crushed I lie - 'Mid eigars and purse I die ; F.'erthe day, Am forgotten, and, o'er night, Trop,y of a conquest light, Thrown away. 1111: nut mv rmu sk asss. . We've often thought of sixty swears, While climbing up tbe sixty stairs. Our sanctum high to reach. Hut yesterday we had been glad If in that oft cussed flight there had lieen twenty stairs for each. For yesterday we fired a man Down that same flight of stairs. You can Just bet wo made him sore, On every step we made him screech, And when the last one he did reach , Wished there were fifty more. Perhsps yeu'd rather like to know Why we s hould treat tbe fellow so Extraordinary rough: The loathsome vidian we'll unmask, First of tho season he to ask, "Say, is it hot enough V Selected Story. A BLM KSHITH'S LOVIV4.. a J had teaolved, with many persons no doubt who had shaken off its yellow luHt. never to visit the dismal little town of Bloomsbury again. It was so called, pei Imps, because of its utter lack in vegetation, and because of its heing a Sahara of red clay roads and sandy plains, over which sickly shrubs and vinos strove and knotted together. I had left it in July, with a dull, hot sun cracking aud seaming tbe dry marsh leading to the town, and felt as if spar ed the commission of a crime by the sudden telegram which recalled me to the city. I whipped my horse into a mad gallop, and looked neither to tbe right nor left, animated by a vague wonder as to how any one existed there. Again it was July, and hy a singu lar chain of cirumsunces 1 found my self ambling leisurely ou horseback down the dusty high street of Blooms-bury.- The same red suu whs blister iug(the paint on the little new post otlice, and the same brawny blacksmith wiped the sweat from his brow before li ib forge, and stopped work to stare at mo in vacant way. I It nd passed some idle hours iu bis slKip before, and after a stolid scrutiny he recognized me. "Back again, 'squire V he asked, giv FRIDAY, JUNE 17, ing aie a fsmtliar nod. "I he a matter of three years now since I shod your gray msie iu the off hand foot. lie was evidently proud of this piece of memory. "Fully that," i said, again wonder ing how he had endured all these days ami nights lit this Uod forsaken spot lie iaised his muscular arm, and with a blaekened linger pointed to the tiny gables of a bouse near by. "J ot married sinoe. I ve cot s boy up theie, an' he'll bo a smithy I reckon, though his mother is inclined to the trade of shoe striitga, tapes, and the like. 1 hate it, 1 do. Them be all white-skinned, creamy fellows, with no grit in 'em." 1 hnd never deemed it a possibility that there could be marrying or giving iu marriage here. lit this reeot Bloomsbury resembled heaven iu my tou t ilegioim mind. Perhaps the "old, old story" of love had made it a para dise to the young blacksmith. I gave my home a brief teat and a drink from tbe gasi fellow's trough, as I inquired the current news of the town, though, the Lord knows, nothing could be further from my thought m than le care what news there was. I had seen but oner, for a moment, a face which eveu faintly iutereMted me in that horrible place, aud try aa hard a 1 would, I could neterdiive away that vision. I had strolled into tbe little elhiw ehtirch oue sultry day to eeoaie the thunder storm which waa rapidly com ing up lie m tbe went, and stepped into tbe porch just as the hrst heavy drops (Nattered on the roof, and on the bleach ed grass about the tuuihled-d wn head stones in the ysrd. I I ws 1 ind ed a toy face which a peered as a pale star in the orgaodufi, among common-place, tawny featured laces, with black and brown ringlets streaming atound them. Ube did not blush or return my gaze coyly, aa young girla are wont to do in country places, but looked over and beyond me in a pitiful, vacant, meaniiigleaa way. I don't know whether she wore pink, er blue, or lavender. It was a cloudy, filmy soil of dress, admirably suited to her large gray eyes and ringa of yellow hair. Her betiuet was a sweet little thing, tied up with white ribbon. Mer chin was like alabaster, her cheek was scarcely less pale. 1 lingered on the church orcb after the congregation had troojied out ami the aextou had ahuttered up the gloomy little edifice. I bad stupidly nttssed ber in the UarWg, ' mih had gone out at the choir eon wire f had forgotteu the incident dinctly, and re- member it now only yoMg Janwn, the bruwuy Not ,ke uf his wiV anu bl. . "There a ml r. pretty young lady here il Vemra ag", I said, i.n tig a bit ol in r Mliaw, and Mufcieeg ovor Ik jliard n"ii ml (be chinch aleeplr. "A ih, while girl in a atruw bonnet." An indescribable flush m-miited to his swatby cheek and stained his btow. tie dropped tbe hsmmer ub Hhip clsng, and let bia iron col while he looked at me threateningly for an in stant. I he tigerish green faded trout hia eye and left a dull, red glare. "She waa considered handsome then. I know who you mean." "I MM hhe ia as pretty still. That was a f see I thought a man might see over his tea urn every day for a lildt time and not lire. ''Do you think so, verily f' ssiJ Jau- sen. sending up a shower of sparks. "It leall owing to how the face looks at you. If ii be with dead, cold eyea and icy lisi why, man, death itself at times could not match it. It was a sweet face to hang in a locket." With great simplicity he hsd express ed my thought. Now, your wife, I said iu a benter- ing way ; "I dare say she is a smart girl, given to teasing you, and coming to meet you with your son on her back, and then ;ou three romp away home again. A sigh of anguish burst from the honest fellow's bosom, and for tbe first time it dawned on me that in some way I was blunderingly torturing him I began to talk of other thing, and strolled away with my bridle on my arm until I reached a little gritty stone- yard, where a gritty fellow with dusty eye-lashes used to sing at his work of mskinsr erave-stonea. He was at it still, evolving a Roman-nosed angel in a smock frock from a block of granite. He was by all odds the merriest fel low in Blooms jury, and the gossip of tbe county. He had many things to relate re la tive to his trade, and many inquiries to make relative to the rascals it was my business to hunt down. He declared himself vei y sorry that circumstances had made a stone-breaker of one whom fate clearly meant for a detective. He bad a pair of pinkish eyes, deeply set under shaggy brews, and a face brim full of duplicity and conceit. He could er climb like a cat, he told me, and could scale a lichened wall like a lizard. Presently he said that he had seen me talk to a man for whom he had a (treat contempt the blacksmith. This was very droll. I foresaw that the stone-breaker must have at some time injured the Norwegian. He told me at great length a long scandal in which Jansen had mixer himself tin. He had married a half- idiot girl and fathered her child, whose father no one had ever seen or heard of, and oarried around with him a pon derous threat to kill any man, woman or child who should speak lightly of his wife. "All that I say makes him a great ass this blacksmith the m so lo calise he is a joor man aud ktM his idiot like a lady, with white-ringed fingers and in stuff gowns instead of iinsey ; and, bless you, he has given up all his ways, droppei all hU pipes and drinks at the publio house for the sake of a wench who utters nothing but sighs. This Norwegian of yours is a prime calf, Mr. Detective." This Norwegian was a lord, a demi- 1881. g )l, a philos qsVr, a hit-ttahifartatt, whoso bulk overshadowed puny men, such as the grave Htosi ruak and I, ss a great tree would overtop soiwolh Now I could understand nil the ine-in little daggers I had driven into bis heart a while ago this great, splendid fellow, who wort- his heart iu hia sleeve for jackdaws to pick at. Bit by bii during the next two duys I gathered the whole sad history of bia umrriuo . There had been no couruiup at The poor girl's people had cital her II', being puriu who wore grsy giwim snd slept in night caps. rhe bai not a friend in tbe world ami aim in n rosy strait, being iu urgent need of wtMMOn friends and medicine. Hgel Juoaefi went te her wit h the smoke and grim of his forge on his face ami I. amis nnd apoke very feelingly snd simply to her. Hhe went away with him to I he ssif4e tor. and I 'gel's sister, vnh much horror, but wholesome I em id Jatasou, took charge until all wa over. flail and hourly Ugel watchi d In her, a'. ing nothing in return, an I hy ami bv he gave the baby whom u'f h it I lo big brown finger lo hold atl the lo ih fellow slept iu peace. All this made Uel the sport of lb villsge snd furnished the town an eti-t lively scandal, but it whs talked of in a suiomereu wav. .luhmIi inni ii;. - .1 I . . i a Stn a fth of an X ami ke; i- solely t lavish on one mau when hi 1 . I i rtni Li t i . . nun 1 conceive, i wie noiem M-lp i him iu this project. My mare understood her business well enough about ibis lime ti casta hoe. Jansen was not si ) forfsV tin. shop waa closest, and 1 woe dnected to bis house, a retired little pi', with h cluster of clovo pinks iu a tiny pot ia front. Tbe jajor wifo'a laby w:.s ill dyiag with a bunch of clove pSedta oa bis pillow snd Jensen's tiuger I atooed in his cold little fiat. Mrs. J.tuseu sit still and gazed vacantly al UgH, while be ahivered aa with an ague. Perhaps he hsd prayed to (Jod to lake laick that vhild. He had dote nobly by if, though, and now he was evn sorry. It was the same pan pale (aos Of tie- organ hilt, surruund'il bv it tangled of curls ot a rare dead -'old hue. and the sight of her gave ttm a pun-. Jansen unlocked the little hau l and scattered the pinks reck t-ssly. XI be In-iiI over bis wife and said, aOOtb ingly : "Come out into tlm ail, Ad laide Jane will take care of baby he will be all right now." She got up tnechauieaby ami they Uel me ut the door. 1 he sight ol me a atranoo eus:t. She began to rt iiieiuls-r days la-fore her aorrow. Hhe put her hand lo her heart, snd with a grot cry fell at Jan-ieii'a f el. After ward she was the. aatne an i b.-gr of him to let her go away al once fur- v t. nhe ihoiiihl be mus1. Ioi'Ik- ht-r. II' held ber fliitleriug little hand to bifl llai while a big U:ar f,-ll on ih-ir w, ! ding ring. "Yo've had a great b'.wk t rm, faa ; when I have riirht. .1 that yon may go, if yen wish. Uo'il tle-o I am your brolber -noihin higher, nor belter. I sm not lit for sorb aa you. Such as 1 am you have no- hue)l d llv snd soul." He came away with me, uttd in the shop lagan to het up a huge kittle. "The tioor little wretch I SOtte QOW. Jansen n-b-tied to that other m n child. He smilel in an ugly wav si the broad, keen blade of the knife, and leased his fingers down it eari-aetagly. "Long ego,' he said, awaking with utter taste in his month, "Adelaide had Spells of sleep she ce. 1-1 not wskr. sihe slept in a little place in the turret of her lather's I O ise. He was ti t rate here. He is a damned devil. though." Jansen U-gan at the knife sgain. "Sme one ssslod that wall. 1 uitMt find that man. Then I will n store her good name and I will Intra Ibbl place there is a curse of the esrtb there. "I will help you." I said, simply. He grasped my hand shut up the shop Slid put a huge chair re -runs t,. door. He was gone out ludofiuitely. went toward the stone break ei'a yard. His shaft was still, and a ihin bit of steam arose from a dsmp stone on which the hot sun steam ed. A boy near by rigging a Hoe lo catch tad jKiles said that Beccord, the mason, had gone to atop the coping in the third story of Tyler's mill, where tbe rocks had started it. Ii wag a dangerous steep place, ami Beooofd was the only feUoar who could c-lim' and carry mortar. He had been a sailor once in French waters. I had well nigh forgotten my own affaiis at this time, but my game was safely housed at a little resort out of Bloomnbury. At 6 o'clock all the bells iu the pUtee rang sharply, aud housewives put mi fresh aprons. I met Jansen at the e .d of the street leading to the mill. His looks friehtened me. He iold IP me briefly that he had followetl Bec cord, who, looking down from Ids nar row parajtet, saw a terrible knife wail ing him. Whether wit,h int-uit or from fright his foot slipia3tf, ami wtiii a tear fill cry the mason went down into the brawling race tadow. I iltVMiped into the cottage after suois'i . I lo md Jan sen and his wife siltim; hand iu hand in the porch. 4 She be my wife now," he said proud ly. 4She won't leave me, but 1 know I am not fit for her. I sin a black smith." She got up aud left a kiss on bis forehead. "And do you think my friend Ugel, that I am so base or un grateful as to leave you ? l.eside, I have nothing else. You forget that your goodness has made me love you." Then he held her iu his arms until the piuks were wet with dew. Jane was scandalized. I have never k no a n a happier pair than Jansen and Adelaide. Tbe compositor who set up a line from Bums. "Then gently skin thy hi other man," knew mote about Wall street than he did about poetry. Subscribe lor tho Demockat. tC!i NO. 4;. rfv, Ktnnovv tu;K iKssr. To bttih-fy public inquiry iu iegaffj lO the inn hs i a narrow gauge leaao Tbe Qreyotf gf.l!.. t. 1 ami pies.nts the fol lowing: Kourteei nt I, sago iu April, I.'- ;(). the OregtI.IMU Hail a V I'.,, ,,,) Oregt.nisu KavigNtioa t'o., were Iwiih inoorporaM d Ulid hue since nimble in old pfVgreOS m Hie extension oi thej . a id rail-I way ami aleam-.a m WuiU-iii Oregon; having eaospfetasl U.'i mtiea of road, and an tebbtioieii new sfOaWfT fbe "Ully of, ," Iwitig no n adv for their river trade. Th low tales rl Height which ruled doting the wiuetr on i he liver and rail followed the eon stu ui-i ion of tiwae narrow gauge lint, anil for a lime t t.e pi oj Is of i bo V,'ilh,ni ette valley were hus-fu U,at tht- tram s)i tattoo of llu ir pi'iHlu.-ta to msrket, would be oainisU i y tso soparaaa imle- sNtOWlit cot-jotu'lon. Aa uaual in Uch cases tmnpi t itieli imtuced ihelov rate of $! j-er ton of freight on th'; WillauuMte liver and estrone low rate iisojthe broad mm urrnw gaatge ranii, of western Orcjot, which proved nn profitakde to sli d' lite liver ami rail roatl lines, and maid nit of course is i main issrinanenl. A comuitiiito pifsed, and in-: i f intsreaCe wan pt ft at nana to that end have leen pris.-. .. ding sir!ei Februsrv met between Mr, Henry ViUavsi am M'r. Wtllism k-.-ttl, to oring tdsjut a I Satisfactory arrangement in the llt'ei, ht ot lliliv: ttall-:Jl'ou Colli- ante whom ihiy repiesenl. 'i !.e- agotategUtHM wire for a time barer rilpted by pr-'p isilloi.R Hide la tin nsnow ga-lfC nij s n bv gen? men it; tctetetl iu tiie Central Pacific, with the tiew of chat. girt.; tin- (Jregonisu Coi,i atny'a lines to ho stAAaWJ gatt?e, Htjd extending th - Kiime ., ih-.- a Cetitrei Pacific u a u line at or t -.. Wiunt fiiucca. For the purp.. ol at living at a projs-r i n brsUte i;!., wsfi the conn- to i: i uraaod in the etictfn stances, Mr. Wi tiaiu iieitl pTVaaa-aiaal tj New Voik Oti the .V.h, .f play ami had intervicwa witii those inteistu' in the tiansKrta'.iou system of litis OBast The S o'th e-nupany ;t tenos weie t,i:. willing to change the g'ge of their road, and d to sell iheir railway lines out and out to any corporation, j referring that ll-.e.r n o leys shtiuhl re main js-t utam ntiy iuveatod iu the r ar row giiugo i n ifs which th had oon strOOtad, and in the pioliuible tesult of which tle-y had ge .-. CJIlfideflOO. Accordingly m srringemeut proM' d 1 1 ui-i t h r by wbitfh i he Oiegoniau '.ju; nny's lines shouhl ls ktaaed fr a long prriisl of yeats to Mr. Villard iu putrsoo, aud (he organi Attion i. -taiie-d as a i-ej-antte iot.O-rii ia ii own BaaM .11 heretofore. The let aits of I his I hate been Stljustil Itetwe. I, Mr. Vil'.aidand Mr. Ueid to the sat isfaction ' b .th gaatleassat, and ilto Scotch dit i-etoi have since by taahte in4)fated ibeir intention of piac lically agri-eitig t-i the same. lint lie fore formal hatae can lie Btaaattal ii repiir-s to have tho approval sad coy tit mation of u met tin: of tie stockhol'I. rs in Scotlaiei, to tale piace next monih, and which will cer taiidy be d-me. Uml-r ihe lease, ssainln tan sniinal rOttt which is to la iaitl halt yeatly by Mr. Vii! BnpMid fir a longer period thsn three moatbs, tho Scotch cuiii'unv n to that can entith d to re- g w ktitn! poa-esaion aud ojs'ratc its own linos, ami obltgi'ca itself to build thi Kitintuer IS adilitionl miles of narrow gi,f roal it the Willamette valley fot Mr. Villard, to la? bsaasd to him when tittishe i at the same late s-r mile sa t n other litter, now constructetl, so iel) give trans,tort.i:i n tac'litts to every jsiriion of the Wiilauiette valley tsow reqrttriag the same. Ttie exteubion to Portland ia teitqa rarily tasTpeastM-tenonding aaoia4he arrangements now under coil leia-io., s Additional graia w arehousts for the convenienc-i ol larm-ra, are aura t rw erected by tht- Scotcb company for tho storage 01 iiu-ir gram an i pr.sitn-e atoug the narrow gauge lints vh-ue sticlt warehoustut daiMOt now exist audturnel over to the lessees when built. Far ther details we weie uuahle to learn, but wt Tv assured that ihe annual rent payable to the Scotch cotnja-iy for the use of I's lines nd for its train ware houses, was Ht?sfacroi-y to all concemad. We trelieve that tht: management at Portland of the Barrow gauge line will remain in Mr. Ileid's hands as formerly, though under II r, Villard. Mr. Ileiti s interest iu the narrow gauge company is very limited, as ho only owns one sixteenth srtivn-of tho stock or jaid up shares, the rent under being held m Scot laud. it w.ts a buz, tun. It is an old rt-in irk, for souio oue, when u colored psrsoa appears, to say, "I guess weave going to have a shower, it is clouding up so." There are very few ' lored (km sous hut have heard tho remark, and they usually take 110 exceptions to it unless it comes 111 uu insulting manner. But occasionally it in not safe to make the remark. The other day a respectable coloied lady at Waukesha, was passing by a holed when oue of these smart, reiluws that . a a are too smart to live-, wao stand on corners to show their shajsi, tououked to another so the lady could hear it, "1 gues we are going to iiave a shower." He lojked cuuuing w hen he said it, and winked to his paid, but la; fore the smile left his face i.e. felt as though a shower hud coutv, accom panied by lightning. 1 ho insulted wo man had turned about and slapped him by the side of the head with the flat of her hand and he thought he whole side of his face had caved iu. He took himself by the side of his pistol pecktt and walked himself away on a run, and as he turned the corner the lady sail: "Taint agoin, to ie no shower, honey. It is a blizzard." That slap has broke him of sucking e rgs. i rK Ahv:itTlsiv 4 ' 2 IM R fl 7 I " 14 i f) 7 no 1J 14 i'n). ! no .i mi i 4 j 7 .ro I'i I is " J i0 (Ml i l ho I 2 I ' ) In in I VI ' I '! HI 0:1 . 11 A o 4 lJ (i lit '(' Mpieial hiiaiuc nettlees in l.rf-Hi C nnn ii cent t Mne. ffegtuiar local rtotbe 10 cents per line. For leifal and moult nf adrertleeerd. XI Oil per spiar for the (lrsi biaertiou and V) eent jnr Mjiinr" for a-li NtitMiefi(tl h.serlioti. n !y am A 'Im'-iw hste! uMtt arts Mint ti king. The blood Miiti-lhuutler tltvm:i in foil f novel si eat NtMa, When it e.,,; s in decile I iog a hid.!, y the beavetg of tts getterelly bwlt dtea-e. ThennomHets nf irnt Isle i'i ib ; they never leeiMie "it iiiH rule " in : i nearly CO. We W 'il I till e. 'hi t care lo If the pl-t'icst We'd rather xi L-hr. eis M-a-Nt ib-li i it.tiit d to Th- To-f make Torkey di. Oete f otdd le i fal lk- for tjfreee. A liiiin Itil tnn I !!.! a I ; ' h I. wati i ni iti ttfers In it aa his bjft eu- al i" 1 I I lt has fl prV Op some I line, j t-trii lit" liltle chickens have to si.eii Tbe fellow who wa mu'h snuek ly a yot.ito hfcly wattfe,! lo ei:in -, t j a fir I he )., . The Wim: tditor shottld sail bhtly down the sin sm id life, laeaoMt -- ;, ; l eJj.jH-t, II 1 v lady sho-ild la-ht;g to uu arid -ery club. Skill in drawing a laau ffS vet y tU-sir cable. "A We in the wm- direct i-ut' na the ntaii Mid when he took a;i 'hi ; ;. to p-ti the nib.-i tiptioii on hi lell r. Ao A' kar.saa girl tefuM-d to matry hci lover utiU-ib he aiftmd ifmt lief tne did. He e!opei with h. r mother. Sty, i r instance, a dog loses his jmw an t a ! o-ter Iomm uis maw, doets it lUHi.e ,..i an t-f theud A I-U-," khvA the witter, "rs i Utothet ' 1 1 j l toed 1 i.a: I wei'-h it. oi-hor." We have often thing they do 1- ifbe Sret in- yo lltog ladv in ll;e note! "I'lpp-'i Ugntiy down the salts' to te-.- I et i-tver, nsfii court plaster for bet ii jtn i' f. Mm have lafsva r.Ucovered in St. IVtssabnrg. Aa they are genuine ones it is not likely that these will ever l tptoled ou the maiket. PTpetnal motion is p: hap iaa k si'jie to ;btain, but you can approxi mate ii by putting a boy tuacl ait j at. a funer sud telling Iron to 1 e Mil-'. Balliiuoie papers art the most M il ;.He-sed in the woi Id. No matter what iecui. they contrive to look hh tboaagfa nothing Baal happesa t . "The strongest propensity iu woman nature," saya a careful Htude of the sex, "is to want to know what -one' on :,tld the f ! ibilo' Ki lo the job." A man iu the sulttr baa found bed Of remarkably fine clay on h s p erty, but ia undeviied whether lo s'i a brickyard or a 1'tench candy shop. The toataan "Tmnscript'H ftOj man attending the Pro'.enant hlitin i ! -1. 1 .1... I ... .1.1 1 s;iw "ctilitx-t" writteti so oPee, t ba gtg up and left the church. - -,w "l - , J ut turn i'Umu rinr: t. ik: He had his h it in one hand and hmdketchief in the oiner as ho down Hjuarely in front of a gi.-ier fount in a di ug stole yeindr. would have (wild be was ahontt Ui but he wasn't the son of mau lo 1 1 1 . .i 1 - - dent action ot hia on. He i.tu with one hand and mpp d w itb other, aud finally inqoitvd; "Is this root la-eil" 4 No, ait, this is ginger altt -Teii cents r dans!" ,4No sir, it ia tive." "Coldr "Ob, ves. 5 e 44 Made of giiigeiT' .m "Certainly." "Well, I supjKi.; I might try some. Is it healthy or uuheaiihy? "It is said to be very healthyf 44 What organs does it seem to on?" ..7..ll I ...l.l' ... en, vjihuu . j,. That's unfortunate. Uow do you know it wouldn't aggravate my lung trouble, or help along my liver cnui plaintl Have you certificates from any one it has heljed or injured!" 'No, sir." "That's unlucky." "Will you have sou 'Well, what do you think? it l e peifectly Rafel'' "L thiuk so." 1 I a. a a 1 . t. . M & I 4 v OUV v e V a. m v'KueM the circumstance." "1 that is we sell it for fne cents per glass." Very well I won't take any. Have vou any cold wateil" "Yes." "Tirauks. Sorry to put you to any t trouble, but I fU through a hatch way once Viy not tuaking inquiries iu time. That a too lad. If vou et it ph.s lsy it ;t- d .- until I drop in. As to ti a e a rw a r giuger ale lets sec. 10-uay is rn dav. I may 1 ass hero alsjut mxt Thurstlay, and if I do I BUftpoae j 011 will still have it on draugbtt 44Yes sir." "Aud the ptiee will lie the sane . "Yes." "Very well. 1 have no doubt it is u refreshing drink, and fully up to your guarantee, but there is no patticulsr hurry in the case not tbe least, i shall be in the city otl ami on ab art once a wet:k all summer and to you." Ex. IT . T J a -. A nftW nnlv uS'iur thrsp.f. duantity of potash ami pnospliofio acid which the crreals take tip. What is tho tliflVra fisher in tn mih a his. One bates his ho U ar hates his tsjok. 8US(.ntIBE FOR THE DEMOCPAt