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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1881)
CFAriM, GARD3J AND FIRESIDE. AMERICAN SHIPPING. C'liVt. Iron nix I Vt'nnslva Vewawfo Co m niUPf-l . . Frutti the Son Fraes Chrvsiioto., Alongside the seawall, towards Meigs' wharf, lies the German iron ship SoliiiTverft, of sT tons loading wheat for Cork. She ws built in 1S77 it Flensburg, Slesvig, at .1 eoniph'to off7,500, or about '-',; p r ton. She ha the highest classifica tion of Vi Ish I.kyd, .j.-i handsome, wall built nnd fitted as any ship tamed eut on the Clyde, and Is do serving Of a visit hy those interested In snipping. The woodwork, fiuisri and workmanship of deckhouse, sky llgkcomjtanianway and ra bin would do credit to Ann riran sbipjoi lOTS, and aro in tavern ble contrast t that usually seen on ships (rum J.uropo. There i - a marked absence of brass which after ail only tends to increase the expense and ndd work fr the boys but she is well supplied with boats and other useful appurtenances. The place at whi;h this vessel was built has lua few years turned out eleven sailing veeseiaand utw ar! i thirty steamers, somoof the latter of 2,00 ton Shipbuilding in vod has practically ceiwed there, on ae eount of tho scarcity of tirabei and the greater durability of iron ships. The subject of tho decline of Amerl can shipbuilding has often Uen dis coaacd. The ship owners' conven tion at Boston wrestled with i? in October last and the magazines and newspipr.s are debating it. i: i ISO TQK ISS1 There has however been a disposi tion to talk ail around the subject instead of directly at it. Tin' nv ners convention resolved tna ihip tru Hlitio of the present stringent laws again-! American shipping, and with a subsidy, our ships could once more compete in tho carrying trade. The marine shipbuilders desire a bounty to be paid ft r every ton of shipping built, ami the substance of bath resolves is that the whole coun try is asked to pay individuals to build and run ships which, it is thus! acsnowieugetl, they are unable to do themselves, bes u it does not pay. ShouM these requests be acceded to, it would next be in order for boot and Shoe or any ether factories to ir.ako a similar demand, and with as good a riat and show of success. This German ship furnishes as good an example and proof ef why American shipping is steadily declining, and as a comparison vessels of Kngland, the TJniJe! States, France arid Germany, of the same tonnage, will be used in the :'.'' u ins as an illustration of V extnditures of each vessel while gaged In thesatr.e trade. There ;ir: le.-s th a- h-slf n dozen '-e -going ir-a. ships in the United Stales, none of which have been built in thiscoun- 4ry, and tin: comparison must there - fare he betaveen t!-" ?! in. ' ntxkicti suip antf : a-.-ig-. ii ship. The fir.t cost ami subsequent Cjutc- ings and o:cpei.-M at . : American ships of 867 t ;t .- 0 -per ton, M3,S.A Cost of the forekrn Ships of equal tonnage, $-77,)0. ,S spe(vty communication. The invest fer the advantage is appan tly with nept in railroads ha undoubtful ly Ike Amerie-an KhireL hm -lut is nn ! affected our shiynioff interest in sroier lauochc I than a fc i .ra! tax ;f 30 cents per ton pa?r annum is ex 1 ed, and the place in which the ship is owned levies an average tax I'Z cents upon the assessed value of Ibis floating property. Toe tax. daring -tax, $2G0. levitate and muueipal tax on a valuation vof at lva-t $5-5,000 amounts to $S75, making total of $i,Io. Tho incurs nee on the hull of an iron ship is generally J per cent low r than l:r rat.n;: a w, ien shi. Toe average longlurity ef wewlen thip is nlHtut thirfCfTfc year-. while the duration an iio-ahip, afthougli not yet accurately dttWjn- str:t?et 1n.1v he s t at tsirl v voir.; Tiie average repairs, coppering, ot io a wooiicn sin?! are aoout n i ree aanuoBy, at the least, while the ir vessel's r pairs -j-.A dockages ccoun will not cxcrel ! ner cent, a tiifn-r ence in favor of iho latter of 1169? arty. WAOES IX f jt. The greatest drawback A oieri ean shipping is the higher waeswid to officers and crow,, ai With foreign sl ips r i e ; 01 pares! 1 u.itl Tol- &74 r The American captain is as sumed to receive $12o. Tho Ger- man ship's eaptaia recdves only $20 pay, bur is allowed a commission of 2 per cent on the gross charter, mak ing his pay !:early carnal 10 that of use American ship's maser. Taking the wiiipleoent of theso representa tive hhips to consist t.f captain, first mata, secend mate, carpenter, .stew ard, cook , seven able seamen four ordmar seamen and three boys or apfirentices, the; lesser cost of foreign ships is due 10 the fact that while an able seaman in an American .-hip receive-; PJ" ;ino! wanetimoj raore, the Germau ship p.-y $11.5 I month y, aoi A Uierici ttie On I tho same ratio. account of the nan ship nUimtn at YOf-.r as follows ; ol f tirsi r.i6 4.00 2,r 10.0O 860.90 ; i5.oui.oi) Uaerks n Khip, l83(" In the m:. ship i-. euroio ton on wheat -can wtxtcha. . Vdst carrietl in : 'a iron tt cents more er than the Ameri abd ;ts water bal- ihle ! dtoih is be- r- : m:';! : ! i 1 : e 0 tlin Jinn t nn iiu jt Stilt fun iter ad vantage oyer the WoodeiA 'o., to has to in. -or a eon derab.o e;-.'p-anso in haiKliing stone or other hulk;, ha east and have it ctraetl off" to the ship. Jti: self evident frona tl;e above that. America e'ancot compete with other countries in the ocean carrying trade undar existing conditions. Sub sidies to mail .steamers would not cause Mitiag vessels to follow in the w ake without similar encouragement, which i- very unlikely to le extend ed. Our present navigation law are a discredit fotho country, for the reat son that they repress tho shipping interests. The paltry sum raised by the government, through Its unjust j tax, consular fee and other nmiist I oppressions is only for the benefit of i law omclals and hangers-on 01 the government. These laws are of sueh a nat are that the "free ship" advocate WOUld discover his inability to run Mich .ships under the American Hug, Oven though their first cost were 'JO per cent below that of ships built I . re. Since ISf'O the running cx- peti ot the American ship have ln tsed 50 Hr cent, nnd aro doiihlo what they were thirty years go, while there has been but Slight in crease in the expense of foreign ship. ICIOUS LAW.v The laws of 187J panted by I'mi gtea were for the protection of oa men, hot have hml quite an Opposite affect. A sailor discharged in for eign port is entitled to three months extra pay, which of course makes it itnp.:s-ihle for th master to avail himself of tho opportunity of shipping a cheaper crew. Tne consequence is that the sailor is induced by b ird ft ited mates or through other means tacitly or Openly approved by the master to leave the ship on the first opportunity offered. Therefore not withstanding his $-'" per month tho Hdloi under the American Hag is not well off as the foreign whip seaman who only receives $1 U0 per month, hut is treated like a man and not u a brute. With these demoralizing in fluences working upon the shipping interests, it is not to 1m wondered at that our ocean t arrying trade is di- J minishing, that our tonnage is dc- reastng while foreign nations are in- creasing their tonnage, According to tho Bureau Veritas the ocean ship ping of 1674 !id 1880 of the United I States, Great Britain and Germany was as follows: Cn'ted Stele . 2,!a.3sn Itrtim i: Gvrniaity ) rt i l,'24S,SO This shows an actual decrease in American ships and a perceptible lo crease of German shipping. Award ing t tiie Secretary of the Tr usury n port the total merchant marine of the United States was !.S00,Co2 tons in 7t, and in 1830 only 4,08,065. a name Dicuanc The tonnage of American and f r eiga .-hip entered nt seaports of the Unsted States during the years 1874 and isso were as fallows : American. . 3,t .!. 7.l.7t3 The percentage of imports and ex peril carried in Amerioan bottoms since 1856 np to 'late .shows an alarm ing decrease : .'. , 1. IVr . mi 1 nr-t r. r i ' -"'a '. ..V.." '",; '.f ; It j 1 At the above rate of retrograds movement tho ocean carrying trads ! v;:M :n unc.taep ten yeaM Ik en'tr -lv ; in foreign ships, It is proper to state that there has lyaheen n percept i hie decrease of It? a !-tjng trade, owing partly to 'he establishment of steamship Uses, but principally because of the net- ; work of railroads bringing all part - of I the country within easy, short and withdrawinir canitai and PODOlar in- t terest from a. branch of ind;ts;ry which would otherwise havtt made : wants felt by, listened to, at. 1 re ceivecl Mje proper b glsln?ion by eow- i u he To cook, Tt c geitle, T- ;out: tlir, T-y ilrrM nestlj, To k;ep a steret, To mind the onby, "S.. 1 f-Lf rel aiit . T darn KtOi king, To respect rld age, Tw uateh a hawmd, To hold her tonn, T.. na ake foo'l breed, T kcepa booss tidy, To bs alovc gossiping, To hjjmor a Croa man, "i i eontroJ bet temjr, T. take care of the hick, To make home happy, T. sweep tiown the cobweb-, To marry man fur bn worth, Tab "be a help-mate to a husband, To Itteep clear of ilasli literature, T i ..ik plenty of active exercise, To read k aiie hooka besides novels, Y , iee a mottle without ficreaming To ht; light-hearted joul fleet-footed, To get ioto a icMl t-in-law's good grness, To wrar kIiocs that wont taamp Jier fe, To git e poodles the second phtce in her heart, To be a womanly woman antler, all circumstances, "i ass no cosmetics but soap water and fresh air, To live on more healthful diet thai cvke and confection", To fee polite to all people at all tims and in all place, To distinguish a Buit of clothes from the man who wears them, To know the wealth of her heart end not to give them away too easily, To be mistress of some lucrative branch of industry, if she has to depend on her own exertions for a living, To regard a man as a creature with a bead and a heart, and not a mere machine to turn out fco many dollars a Jay arid keep a wonuat in all solid eom foiti of life. Terra Haute Mail. . -t. . DaAisxao wet tend Is estimatedl to return from forty to eighty percent, on the yearly eosf. In the same way gcod htoek pays fa better than poorj good feneiog, well .selected fruit trees, acd car.d'ully-iooke l-after homr steads re ay thr money !a;d our, ar.d add immensely, to the ctunfort of the oc cupant. ' A Kr.w wi y to setlle old- debtb' tal e the tah and piy them. iTTU.ii tin; Hours. Left n wlnl UKl CI 1 while We irn bene: tly eodt avoring to throw good and hutting Infiui aces araaad the young ci.truKtetl to our guidance, hot underrate the value of an attractive home. Most of us. have at times been sojourners iu houwea that looked no prim ami precise iu all fcbolr oppointnumts that we eotdd m-oh'Iv In cat hi' freely until we had gone out nd closed the door carefully ho hind us, almost (earing that the evil spirit of the place would follow us homo. A house where the chuirs all htund stilly ugainst the wall perhaps eovn cd to keep them from injury where the sunlight must not eotne for it will fade the carpet, where so papers IBttSt be left in Sight ntid evory hook must bo in tht! bookcase. This it the house whore tho children have to sit still iu stilfhaeked ohalrS, wilL tbu in juncliiin "dott I put your fei t on tho founds, and where the little ones wonder what makes mother ho ti How they wttdi they could have a jelly time like the little one over the way, whoso mother it always preparing Homo pioaearn for them, if only u sheep picture iu a home made fuime, or a pretty plant or two for them to admire. All chthben love to look ut flowers, and thcie aro many men and largo hj) s who profraa to care for none of these things, ytrt fool their inlluenee.and only know that home in the heat and bright eat place of all. A boy not long since said to hit mother: thm't know why it is, mothar, but our rooms look no much hotter tliuu .Mis. lis. Her home M much tiuer Mud her furnituie pretlici, bet I hko tho mokaofour roeeas tho he a." Iu the house lo mentioned were no little kuick knack-', no pretty grast . and tlowt r.s to brighlen up the room; nothing bttt tin; uecesmry articles of furniture. Tis true that there were bandaome vases on the mantel, but roost of the tiiue tie so w; ro very . oi and empty, ami seemed moielike scnti nels guarding the ioin thaq things for its ittlornment. (lather the jatdty grsSSSi thai b Hind la the fields. Being lit the i! ! Bee ers. Search for th via t wi'.h h iht k'tttitw, and pretty liio.;v(. llt .'Uate the mantels ami brack wt'h them. Put the m on the dialog table. Bran laughs of esaar sad hranehes rfefor Ereen will brigbten np e room If we have no (lowers. M c t. Mil' look bright and all wiil nam mere cheerful. The young people will love their hemes and the mother's influence ill be m hps jkiwi i fo f.r gotxl. on. MtSXCIC Sii-e (otl ereated the earth Rgrteel tore bat mristod There is no oecapa tinn that ptejoseas it. bo order or no ciation that can rank with tie- tille; , t the soil. fSefbro literature existed, b fore government:: eers known, sgrit ul ture was the hrt OalUag oj in m. The older of petrous U tho only . . oiou that originetee, exi! and works wit!i iu memUrri iu ilieir daily av eg tioin. it is mrt of Uiv f ifi-iei's htV; it does not call him from h:s n to put his mind upon any other sahjeet, pat tend to reciea'i.oi in his Utftilf dtitTCs, and hy eaiefal iastr action to enlighten and eh-vate ids labor. Jn te.e'iie; sr the mfUeat that man can eeek. It do--H not interfere with his rellgtous or politteal vieuH. In molality it tu'fks the bujhest potat; boneetr iH iaculeated, education nurtured, charity hi postal neut nh i Icniotiu, tempsrance is sup jorted, and brotherly io-.- co'tiveted it is d)gnatiH to bind the farmers together in l"ratriiy, and. by encourg ing edtication. atlvance to a hii sUto ol iei faction the science of a., culture. We aim to encourage the p'.oiting ot frultft md iIowtk, hv which Co snhaass the value and hmreass the s'ti." I ions of oer homea, adoi ning them witlt ihevj Iwroitiet s-i Uvidily given iih by the fJod of Hatnre; aad there is no calling ro elevating to tin mind as agriculture, wben viewed as loStTUC -i in tuir Order. Qod, in thn la-ginning, made it honorabU, and it it our duty to sustain it is a Mich. hi-, carding the piinciphs which shut out wotufin from a knowh-do of tie myetsries, we open wide the doer and bid Iit w h-onie. In ho thong wt claim a precedent when (i'sl raid. "It is not gootl fir man to Is alone." Ours isa social order; all can find herein something to enjo;, ami wt? belters there is nothing bettor for a man than that he i-houhl eat ami diiuk, and that ho should make his soul enjoy good iu his labor. It is from the hand of (lad. We ask none to join who Rannet f.oe good in their fellow beings; but to all those who have generous hearts and ojn hands to help the needy, the fallen, and art; willing to aid in making the lalsrs of this life cheerful, W'.j say welcome Vi the (Jraug. ('rii f J!il hlia. AY. IMS TIltKVK. One year wo mado a sqnare of a quarter of an acre, surrounded by three rows of Lima bean poles. Inside this square we planted musk melons which wero entirely hidden by'the liean ines. Of course, our help was inthesccret.and weantlcipatedthaton on tho following year tho foresaid help which had been discharged, would seek th; seclusion f the hollow square and iit night eat and destroy our melons, o, on that following year, wo reserved a square in tin; center of a oornileld. When the shifts were high the melons ripened iu blissful innocence, and the vagrants did not know that there was a little; Etyavintn inside. m - . i . . . Iiikuk is always great uncertainty iu breeding from cross-bred animals, the inheritance iu such cases being quite as likely to take one direction as the other, and in qUher case fre quently reverting to the Original typo in a very unexpected manner. The surest i 4 to use a thoroughbred male of some one breed, and make your own crosses. A breed of cattle can not bo built Up in one or even thrt c generations of cross breeding, or of grading in a given direction. 1 think we'll have an early Oil Citv spring, remarked an woman a she noticed her hiihband in the net. of Bitting down on the business cud of a carpet lac!:. It is proposed to erects crematory at Brooklyn. The general belief is tfiat they have osly to digs short distance in order to find one rudy at 1 hand. MAea i,tK Kneel TiO?ji,' N M v 0. The Mark Jino Ktpro tayn j ( lenorat soaking ruins have la m fitted veufctalbui. Wheal is generally look ing strong and healthful but buck ward lor the cud uf May. S'ldng sowing is Batisfaetory. A dry suaii' nur and early harvest would ruin all eiOfM except wheat. The supply at country exchanges has been small and prices somewhat Urnier. In Lon don, Friday, there was rather better demand! but rates ware nnohnngjtd, Foreign exchange was Inanimate and supply moderate, Buysti oen tlnue cautious unit rosotved, only supplying Immodiato needs. Amer ican retl ami Michigan while was held firmly ami advanced ouo penny ut Liverpool. Of E2 wheat laden arrivals eight are reported sold. The tloating contingent has increased. Alsuii ouo half is American. Hot wheat It Comparatively scarce. Flour continues lahnrou 1 1 f na!t; antl vatttes noohsnged EVwtjgn Is In Isrge tup ply, ilhtriey h unchanged. Foreign trade Is nominal. Oats oti account of SOSrolty are unchanged. Ugh I samples aro cheaper. Of foreign there is a largo supply and prices have been reduced cd. Maize con tinues to decline. American mixed was eearea on spot and advanced W. Sales of Kngilah wheat daring the week, :t I f o l -j are ul 1 H Id p rpi tr ier, against -j :,::.;7 qrs at I h lid pt r lor the ('rrcopoudinir wee!; of last year. A small lad had jut received his Christmas tty trompet, to which he became greatly attached. At night, when he was alsait to he put in his "little hetl," nod was ready to sny his prayers, he handed the trumpet to his grandmother, saying, 'llere, gramtms, yon blow wtitto i priy." 'mi '. -r - A man, about going to Karopn, slid to his wife: ul ufr.ud, ny d ir, that while no gone, nbseSOS will oonqner hive," 'Hlh. you needn't fc.r for me," quickly said his wife; 4tito longer yon slay away the better I shall tlkoyou." An ohl bnchdor, who died recently, left a will dividing all his property equally nroong the surviving women Who had refused him; oeeulse,M mid he, "to them I owe all my oar'h ty fiappinc . ' An Irishmen hns always an a wt r Cor erety thing. A OorkeeJaa, on being aeked at brealtfhst how beoseas bythat tdaeh eve," unitl "Jm siapt on hts ti .'.." - - -e.-- "Miitnma, the teiiehcr mivk r.ll ejj.le are imele of tbml." "Vex, my dear, 00 they are." Well' lh e, I e neio- are mndo of coat 1 1 tint." Tne HaWkeys describe a . shingle wedding ns occurring when the first child is eld euongh to pink. Administrator's Notieo. TOTWK m EIEKKRT (1IVJQI THAT i by en order of the County Coun a Una County, Oregon, duly mr.'l find en lered of rt-rd,the Ullile. . Ii -1 i;.e . i I, I duly appointed the ldnittnttnttora of the ewtaio of C 1). iturkhan, de .rcnMmi. AM 'rwUH ImvlfV: e i, lie. t jtl.l ciUiiSe ;ir. n-'pitml verlfled to th i D4 of th" count v i i thU tlAte. n r4-ut Iheui, pr.ijKTlv : ut in. i.i .. m r Albanv f hoi x montbe tiow 'r.ii ion r. M. IM RK1IAKT, J. . i:t KKll.M-.i, AtltiiinUtrHi'tr. M .lttn d I8SI, R E til OVAL II M. S. MONTEITH, BOOK & JOB i RZXTTS II AS REHOVBD TO THE DEMOCRAT BUILDING UP-STAIrt. All kintis ef Jfeb I'fiutin'x executnd with aipateb, and at fur livint; ratcw. X I.KtiAb BLANKS KOIt SAP, R E m mmm P R I Mali of Linn County Council, I, of II. Mat 7tu, 1881. KUGKNH WCftANAN, A'jmt h. M. OSHOnXB'4 Co , AUmny, OreySn: Mi:. Slit : At :v regular meeting of the l.inn Ooatttj DaanieSH ( Council, I, of 11., held thasdaf, the 1. M. Oehornefc On, Hareesting Machinery was adopted for the see of the Patrons of thin jurisdiction. Yours ReepeotfelTy, (Signed) If. C POWELL, fiHcretary, It is with pride that wtj refer to the. ;dovo oottnionicaiion, coming is it donj from the liinn (bounty Oauncil, a huHino.Hn nwioeiat'on coinpoaed of some of tho hest iitul niost saeseSefhl farmers of l.inn, Lane, IJonton and Marion Coun tien. They purchased a large namherof Osuohm; Uindkhh hiHt year, ami so universal was the satisfaction given timing tho harvest, of lSSd that they bate decided . to order another lot for tho coining harvest. This endorsement s-pcaku volumes for the OsSOASK, antl it in now in order for another wail of "humhug" and "beware" to ascend from tho agents of the only lu-htr and J'itumcr .Hinders. To tlioso wanting our machine we say, in all ainwerity, givo us your ordsrs early, that we may he ahlo to supply you. Our orders to tho present exceed our most sanguine exportation!-, and we aro daily adding the names of aonin of our host farmers to the list. Mr. Borge, the Northwest coast manager of tho firm of D. M.OshornCifcCo.fWritcHmo that it is thesamefrom all parte of thecountry,and has telegraphed for more machines. So come on with your orders. If any of our customers havo a machine that is out of order, and requires any assistance in adjusting the same, if they will leave word ut my office in this city, or write to D. M. Osborne & Co., Portland, before harvest commence.", they will ho waited upon free' of charge. Wo have no cry of fraud or warning ttrmake tgftiaat irresponsible agents, or any one else. Every machine sold by us is la the name of and warranted hy I). M. ( hthorno & Co., whoso responetinhiy is not pus tioned hy any rrspi clablr. dealer in America. 11 r HOVIltAN & JOSEPH, PI tO PIHETORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, AND DEALERS' IN I nported and Domeiio Cigar3, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provis'tcni, Candit s, Nuts, an 1 Tropxal Fruits. Albany, - - - - Oregon. ONE DOOB BELOW JCHN 35RIQQS' STORE, 9m3 lot rr H Ulrrf l-rj . . P. C A. Mcfttfi ut tl.f ir rooiriN in m ti r .i luiik buildutK oe WenjiMMley ftvenieini nt. V e ehtck, iteu mi Nuhe.-iUi fla lemiiM t. !. I 'H mi' i ti'crtinjM tire lield (ill tlit' cvun ing et llm Rfctiiitl Mianhty in out It nn.ntli. Kvoryhotly iuvitcil ti ritleiitl. U. r. Oatrist if, -IVeeehiiigon ty Bahhsth, nt II A. M. , nnd 7 V. M. "hy Itnv. f f, Jr- vine, l. a fitebbeth hehoel ut SidO f. m. Prayer moot in- very Thensley evening. i. i t , . ii. I'reanhlng nar fish bash wt 11 a m md 7l v. m. sabbate Hobool Ifitlfl. I'r.vy r mooting every Thum. day evening. . (. Kimtnt r, pouter. UOKUiir.iiATii :.M.' 'ueiieit. Mervieer-.ovory Rtbbath nt II . m. r. s p. u. Sohialli Beheol at 2)30. Thareday ovwdng i in, nut(ir, M. r.. Onust u, Suhlmth at St. Pun Pi tyt;r RtOettnu iii ceeh week. A. . of V.'i i !i Service every h M. tfi, lhareh. Smith, ut II A. t. nnd 7 J r M. Sahh.ath Mulionl nt r'i r. M day e i mi;; Pmyer bmm ting every Tbare. 1. t . Miller, pimtnr. M. V.. ('in lieu. IV aching every Hahhath at II A. m. nnd 7' v. m. Hnnu fwrvicti in tho evening btfoN erinmi. Suhhnth Rchoel it aVlO r. m, I'rayer mil ling every Thtim. Iaj ovouing. I. I allmi, pimtor. Utrrnrr t'moien. Sarvtemeveiy HiJih.u h nt II a. m. and 7i v. m. Qehhetb SeSOol nt li I'mytr meutuig tvery Tlunedsy eras uij. W. 3, OraefoStl, pesmr. PuiiiHVTiatUN I in r.i ii. Serve i ,ery Snhhntli nmriiiiig and owning in CnllnCA ( SmpeL hiuiJn Kohflal Imwdtetelj riu rme morning mrvie. Pmyer tneotnig every Tbemaay eveaiog Uev, BtWrtN. (Jomlit, jWKtMr. Adininietrator's Salo 01 WK is ih:i;::p.y (;iv:;- that hi purauenim mi rdnr ol the ( 'oun ty Court of l.lnn Cotinty itnd smto t.f 0o- fan,hsarlng ji Auvnetatii, udng ii O.iy tatlMt rrgulitr Augul term of but' ('.nut, !r Urn year I' T!', Iu Ihn Itiettet al tho n!nlo of ttarnh Ann SiiulMtn, OeeeuMeO, tun undendaned,Admmharater of naiii . mtOfWill wdt wt pubhu miction lit the '"111' tloueedoortu Albany, I Jon County, and Nlato of Ori'gon, nt Ihu hoUl t otio o'olot k l. III. of ATUBBAT, JIM; Mlfcs, ihsi. nil Iho ritrht, lit!.-, Inleronf nml entuto of the Mntd Surah Ann MmtttOU nt tOO lime (f her death In and lo all that eertsla irsel "i land lying eod being iltoats la Una coun ty, ' 'rcgon ami tie (Tilled ox IoIIowm : 'ofllll"nene;i, t lie .S.ilUlnlll If. if OS th line lielween e. Houm 4 and I In Tovvnftbip io south, Range I West if WUlaniette, then. Smitli on aald hue one mile, mora or lent to the S'Uithwevt cor ner of aeid eeotloB 3,t hence Mouth ISebeJoe end '.'l link, tin in .- -M.utli i.'J Man, 'jiMt, ' ins thenoe North 7S 271 iiuit, r.77 e itliiH, theneo .''.'irth ehaiiiH, theteo Wt a v.'jieiiainH,tiietw i. ..,rtii StLlOetuUe , more or leee, to the flsnllsm firer thsnoe (.'own lie :.uiit river t-i the plrteo . f U-glii- mug, oontainlng tero hondretl and fifty in-rex, inure or J", Oat viog and exropltug t!io BTEVe yard of uiiio rodit cpmre). TauMsaan Ooaemoaa or .si.i-: mw half tho piir Im-.. rtea, eh in C. . a. in In hwnd on day of caleuid balenee la iX lie-ll'.li-, With inter. ( therfx.n lit lie titOjr one jer nt per month from the nay ofeele, eenr.Ki hy not and moiti on tin preml m for Loo pax meat theroof. May tSSl. L. II. .M'T.NVi:. t3inl AdiuiiiUtriiliir. Assignee's Notico of Ati pointmont. V-dtk i: js ur.r.i'.nv aiVJW that i Iho undcrMigr.eti Iiom been duly ap kiiIhI AMil)(i)eti lor tho Uenolit f ere.ll t' i. of all the property f Chasle Bodss, of North BrowiotvilJo, tirfgon. All -rMatN having laiiiin agalut anit Cbarlee Hodea. arill emmnt tbe mom, x int o im mpure i ny iav,wum I from tnte ov.e. t( tbc nndoml ro.UJmic, in itrowtiNViUo, tr. lH4htt May . lSt. HHinui ir!, nt Ills on. v. OLKV, Executor's Notice. Tt.'t WK is IlKltKHY TH AT hy an "i. 'iiniy , ! III. (III.'.. I linn tier of the tr lut lilted Kr.t rutor t of John M: f wild ecu lily. r.: i n aed, 1 ha t ; by aoufl HAIIK', U'i dorngtw ty. All Jterwais 11 tatj ur' tert 1 to ies'tit ilio ehen t 1 us ti nhuui iw e mllei n in. proper v. IjiI hit reti huK v.i-st of lAliau within sis wan M.iy J'i'.N, l s I.ien Cttuuty, On-ytiu, f.otti the dat.i !it;rf. 1. M MARKS, I'stwnttor. BACON, EGGS AND BUTTER A S 1 1 1 A V I : A IdllKOT WAY uK Ids paatttt 1ohiii: of tliti rtl, ( I ran anoro to Novas in thin P. COHEN. :if iimti' than iinv tn her city. Mil J. II. I'.aii--, N'AWKiaior A.lvertla ing Aj-vnt, -it park Bow Qamee iSolldtajr) sa w x ork, te entlMMrleeo lo eooteeel Aw ailverti-. 'ji'-nts iu tho Iikmoouat at our IrfiHt rates. A D mihi 3mm zx EUGKNE BUCHANAN. FARMS FOR SALE. We hav" a larye 1 t of tdioieo farming land in various parts ;f I he val - ley, ranging in prleo from $5.00 $4-0.00 iK'r u r(- PrtlH vWting ihi- nectten with a view of pejnasTng fsrras sheald caU and Inspect the (h - rip- I Inns on flic m our olllce. MONEY TO LOAN We ire bolter piepared than ever lo fffgCtltttf loCBS on InSOVOVed f.n.n iu I. INN nnd i'.I.My (JountleH, on the most favorable lerms. Yearly in ttreeti Slid loans can be REPAID IN 'lhi br.uie'a of our biisincHH will receive the i-atiic prompt attention as heretofore. We have the agency for five of Inn I est nmnnQee Compeofc doing bttsineal on the Paeiflc Ooaet ami can give Urn '.owes? rate-. Ooilee lions frun any part of tbeeoiinlry will receive pr imp? uttetttlcn. Rtspectfolly, STEWART & GREY, "Democrat Euildingr," ALBANY. OftBOOS. K ciUi KTANF. Ti riRST KTKKCT, II AM ASHQICTMRNT OF COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, huant' In the r.?It y. Be si no laipm :. an n.tif.t V.ll, SliEfcT IR0R AHB COPPER STAKE HV t I KRY ii.. icirrp'S IN :T K oil To KtKP. Alo. BE K t-Ki- r 1IAM, A 1 DLL ASBOHTMKNTOI' GENUINE GRANITE IKON WARE. AM. k WHICII UK OFKKR8 TO TBI? WJBUC AT t'ltMIN, THAT DWM roMlTCTITTON. A1 L AT T WTBSfT KTREfff, A f.liAN V, olKli'N. Repair work dono MARX BAUfiGART m At Jt oio:m;.. oer a ,kw UqBtr Store nnmeens -ianm.y o Kasn TIB KIXKST BRAHDS F WHOS, UQC0R8, TOBACCO & VWMIS Tftje clftimtcU MC. I.ouln STONEWALL WHISKEY, The Ilnst wldxkov fn the Stale. W itiskirs. Kirneh niaiitlit s. Sherry. Pel 1 Cutret, and all tther kind at u, 4in, Ale, P.eer, ami raisr. Bittei s of every kind, ami the best bi :'.m!s at tubarro antl Cigars. eri wsiit trylKKly to understand tL I hnv openwd otK a ilnit-cliuw new lin nor nton, where city and country doal erS can priK-ure their tock?i at l'urtland prlewt, with only frcivht atidotl. It'Mun on iho corner of Front and Ferry Street, Alhany, Oregon. 28tf. v. c. t -irniiHY. c. K. vaukuh. ALBANY IRO WORKS. CSEBBi & rABKSS, (SueeoKsont ti ('. C. Cherry.) Haohifiiots, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. w ALL completed, and aro now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. v o will manufacture steam Ifrnrlnss ("rist und Saw Mid MHcldnery,uitd nil kindM of Iron and llrusH ,astinv.s. patti.kns n i ur. es aanf voth k. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will alno manufao tars tin improved 'Cherry tV. White (irain Separator. htmp on Unkrr St. Oilier nt l.umlH-r Varl. Alhany, Ur., Doc. J, 18S0. 18lf TO 1 HE WORKING CLASS. Wii nro now rpait!(l t ftirnlsli ll classes witli n Mtaut oinphijinf nt at home, iho whoio of Ihu liuw, or for tlioir ej.arc iiioiiiuiUm. Ilmtinow new, llfrht ami profitable. Pomona of ritlicr hox eaaily earn frotu f.0 I'untato rt jmr ovcnlni;, and a iroMrUoual mini ly dotrottag itirir wtiolo thno to the hualnew. lloyi ami .nil earn nvarl.v as imltrli an men. That all who too tills notice may 'win! their aildriw anil tent the himi iicsa we make tliin offur : To rask a are not well sat Ufled wo will Mind mm Uollar to ny for the tmuhle of wriliiuf. Kull MrUcutan atul outfit frue. AiMreita, (iKoiuiK Stinhon Co., Portland. Maine. 2yl FJEtflf YORK 3K0PPUIG'! Everybody drd'irhted wllli tho tastofnl and beautiful Beleotlona mado hy Mra, Ia mar, who hns never failed to pleaso hor euetnarere. New Fall Cii"tdar just issued. Sunt! fOT it. Address MRS. Fd.LKN I.AM All, 15:711 fc7." Hr.mdwav. New York. QOAA A MoNTl! guarantied. 8U a day at Kmm VdvU made lj Iho industrious. Capital not re quired; wu will start you. Men, women, boys and V(irls maku monoy taster at work for us than at any thinif else, The work is light ami pleasant, and such as anyone can z riht at. Thos who are wise who nee this notieo will stud us their addresses at once and see for theniselrua. Costly Outfit ami terms. Now the tune. Those already at work arc laying tip larjro suuis of money. Adurrss TKL'K ti CO., August Alama. raa rwa week in your own town. $5 outfit .'')Oat r'-!- No risk, ltuader, if you want a l'uslues at w liioh persoua ol cither sex can make jrrcal pay all tho time they work, write for parlluulsra oil. ilALbkrT & Co. Tort I and, AUine. rteeneetfutly, STEWART & GREY. INSTALLMENTS. K'Hpcat Jully, STEWART & GREY. ON HANI) AS KINK AN at reasonfrbk tu boss mn KILLER OF THc Dtf . Dl v. : Tal. LI Tin Now Medic::! oBdr of tho WiU Centarpr. TliKWONDKHKl L AB0US8BS W PAW. a kpkcific van DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT I The inosi astonlahltiK tlic world La cTcr kuuwa. nhrumatlr rain atoppnl In iulantru ftraralgla Palaa Mapped ' inn Ueadarbr s' op,iri n Btlaalea. Tlharbe alepprd la HI mlnnlr. Any ferlinir of nauibnt-ax In llir Mrdi re llrveI In le natnntc. TO BE USED EXTERNALLY. For aale by ail tlriiriata and and at holcvalo by tlicilK, HODGE, DAVIS & CO, rouTLAsn, oaaooa. Foilowin; i.i one of the maiiv tost in.oi.i.i The writer, Mrs. VVeatlierfonl, ii eH ij known In thia city. IN.r partWlSlMl lKUi a'thvrfurd & t-.., SaMi : roitTUNn. ti Dr. IIkmlrt : I waa iiffvriii.- with pall that for avverul dnya I wax not able t.i myself. I used aonio of your "I i'htuii.:; and It rcinovt the pain HpM the llrtl i The fourth uliealion removal all the iu. For tootlwrho ami neuralgia it havinif been tritd in mt own I i. a. .....ll. V u. w. ut a KxUoiu of liniiucn: of varfaMM t-bid.. and find thtit to minMuw any. I highly rreomn en I it to any sufforiiisi with a'hes and j- hi- StM AIRS. J. V. Wi:ATI!KKKoni. A BARGAI Valuable Property for Sale. THE ALDEN FRUIT DUYER, Inelnding the baildbia ud lots upon wUeh it is situated, Is Cr salo at a bar gain. There are two dryers nnd they can be sold tsepftrutely. Tins is a rood op portunity for fruit ninera to secure too beMt dryor made, at a low price. The lots aro very valuable lying on tho .Ivor front, and luwimr, a raUrosn switch running by llirm. It is a good hx;ation for a Wlltom .ttoHg mill, foundry, or any sin-!i loiisK. For fuitber pextirtiiarM tii; t-i tlso PresL dent tr Sot-retary of ihe Company. t. K. CilAWFOKT), I.. C. Kick, PradOjani. StTctarv. SO NEW BARBER SHOP ! .!. II. SCRLES, Pi-on'r. GOOD SEA FOAM SUAMTOO goes with each shavo. Prices for thavin and hair-cutiiuir same as usual. Rooms opposite Mcll wain's More. lOtf NEW FIRM S a. SAiniAusn. N JOTICK1H HKUKnY JlVJ.v '.' it A'l Kilm;4rvi, ,sw MUl t K. V. . I n k n '.lie DRUG STOCK ' AITD I'lXTIJ Xi: ti e new nrm .. i.i metimej i - at : 1 " in, COR. 1ST AND ELUSW0R1 HS. i t i. nv.K tik a.; .tff All outstanding accounts and indebtedness contracted previous o March 1st, 1881, will bo collected and paid by'Hr Saltmarah. n32tf. AJLBAjN V MARBLE WORKS a mm xv. omtg. STAIi'Elt liiios. - PrnfHehmi MONUilUENTS, TABLETS, A?tD e Kxeeated In Italian r Vermont Marble. Al'. ev.ry vileJy f fitirifry sue! ! h'-r ''',!( w '. t!ti. Mrjfh i.itfic ami ii IfMil h. fril atMil;.u znn to rr Jern frtm ail partn of thti .wtatc and Waaiiiagtoa Territory. f&Aii oik SmneefeAi WS ALBANY FOOHBRY mvmM shop. :.srtm.iKiH:n Hv A. T. CHKKIIY. Mlua'ed I t OM l ii-i mtfi Muii,v,,', y treel, A t r '.ii. of IPtvin -aketi eharo :.'e strove Workr?, wt aro pflefMUed Ut inantiJa -Slfam KOifiuf, J-aw .n! tirisrt. M W7oel working Machinery, POaefet, ' r.! Hrai Caeflage Of every dc rnrfio Mx'liincry of all i dnde repeleetf. ?ial attention piven i repairing l 'ru i ehinrry. Fallrrn ththimz 1n In. all t frm tfrHyl A. F. ip.HHY A : YING SAH WAT; LAU WDR ft 0 Ih th lt '.va..;ng and UaSttOlC "n Al- i vt ro -t , I J very I rim, and efl 'Itnn.le j :ers. I 'hj t a ew ninT l ir N,.rv. . J::-,r- !ii -ritly snt by lr- um ;t t.-iii. . :. in adi - i- had of ftxprara, rntflv I'ir.ii. i u A l M(iriatta ad full peduae. I ii!f ttiai kn si d Mtpj a;.- K R r fin trlaSN : j iindiasn. Dont A-!t' y'tir imi in y olh'. rwlso. S n 1 fr Kre. l"ai!spha-'. 'l-i Li nfoiionate ! GIBBOSnS isjrrnttirr. lri lunv A his sery iet-a. K. UlBBOM will mat iiiilm he t ffeet a cure. rcrojia at a lw t; ci ciua at nc;::. MricUy cotitidential. You sve uo .'ne Uu Send t-n doilara a rkace of RMlk-i Mm to thu Ii-Lir v Dl pawn state th iaer tbtv see this aatMranruu-ut in. wMiahle. ' nil or writ.-. AJ-.r,-, HI;. J. l:it. I . ..II or onlv rour - iK-od n Ikj aw it aa II as otl If you ati( h 'iii-e. It ousts Im ff'jraos i. Snkaoit A Co., it r '1H-. ST CHARLES 3! IIS. ( n llt.nsc has 1k ; l...'t..i, and On? cntoruin coiiHi.urxial nun. on.. -Mi-. Irbnnon nnl ;.:!, Hq l;iu,u i t r. A(nt''n't he Ruuk wi lut n, ami ty3 a: .1 -;irt .... furnish von a oMThs t H lnsc of siartin; you. I':as. vee, Kani- aad e tors, and ail '. in need . stiould v. i lo us and t-.-. oiux'. ..' i i. ..(.., . Cii A WEEK COllK'k It-r. No tin room e or c to I Ul.- Oil tin) lxisinc w..rk. W. volt h no., i -.rt-.s ii. 11 A I.LETT O a, business i Il!i9 a can ruako kban at anything rlsn (. start you. $12 a day and tin' iudiiritrious. Muu. w . V. i, f--! I. . spare iih nieta. No ly as well. No one v enarnous pay by ang terms free. A hTcat easily and hotun.ldy. A iid ri. as Trie A Co., Augusta nii...i v. . . ; . idea uu the lacv an.1 L-urcL TJic rick ai