The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, June 10, 1881, Image 3

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    FUfD.W JUNK I". 1 881.
. C. It. R. Tt TAUI.F..
Atbnsiy Station.
l M.
ioay bo limA h-e it IN NEW VOitlv.
ii or: si M !l8(ui.
I Mayors.
V.' auvs Or.
advert U !io-
raits at . v
w iiau s
fcTrt'js a ir bin i
C.ur,v.l IS -ver's St ic li
cal! .
an i
.inmant f
"lU' V arc
Ifooteith Sei ten bach
ed a-
11. I DOS
his grain
appear ot
Monh. i
olegaut h
The ri
day ni.
..ii tin
in j
0 id
cupy toe .Vhtoaaer a- fellows,
'vfoii ,'.t i v flap an i Jon Wetfli, C in
; rajtors."
A :-nall door key w ;s pioke . up on the
rrouod-s at the K. picniti and left at
li.U office, which th owoer can have by
ciUisig ior. s
TIi Magnolia stilts ar-- not running at
present having been stopped for repairs.
Thi have bj in eonatauE motiou f r esar
ly a year.
D. Horiacher k-ps ea?jstaety on hanij
fcbe choicest meats to he procured. Order
yoar te,ks of Iiini nod yon can have thein
delivered to any iart . j trie city.
Count over the most s:
nienyou know of and then
fid hntunees
ho local pa
e iiil see if
of tlie citv wii";-.;
they are not liijeml advertiser?.
The posters are oat far th3 Oaunty Fair,
which takes plr;cs 0 2 Stpt 27, 23, 20, 30,
aad Oot 1. S30) are off -r -A In pramiunis
and the list is an umu 1 dly attractive ouo.
Copies of the Qrejm ('yoaUt for June can
be procured at ti. ..s othce. Ifc contains de
scriptive articles 01 Linn county and Ya
quina Cy and much other interesting mat
ter. J. M. Xolau still con tin lifts to receive
new goods and ai he can't be undersold in
hig line, is bound to capture the lion's share
of the trade, and lie knows .how to keep it
James Dannala has just been setting up
some very handsome suits in walnut ami
tk nt hi nnrn IMItdfuklN. TIlOV Bf
credit to the city mul Ott' readers should call
and insH-ct them.
The Oliver t 'Killed Plow will run and-do
rork in dry ground when a stoei plow
ho kept in. They are jut the plow
mt for summer fallowing. HW salo
CI Till!
hy Samuel K. Young.
J. E. Sorhin has all the leading hran.D nf
imported and domestic liquors and ales.
The hest hranda of hottlod beer 2."i cents ner
bottle or $- -o per doxen hottles delivered to
any part of tho- city.
The crop prospects arc, so encouraging
that own y of tho farmers iu this section are
pttrchttaing MW iwiuo hinders. Samuel K.
Youo,-, agtt for the "Mc rmu-k" i sell
ing a Urt;o number of niachii :
O x the night of Juti" 1st, eleven wagons,
thirty -mx horses and forty-urn- peraoea Hop.
ik1 at WoMiii;
ieKniehlH at Lower i"oI... Una
would seem t
tterees thel.
As Mr, tj
cooiing down
thr.u;i from
sii in now
Uais that travel i livt-lv
ion ibouh
m .in. I badly hrutaed.
he residence of Jos ! .1
i there until she ncv-
aa laat Tuesday at th Drprtomil efectta.
T:io "taywlo" woj warm, hut gd nature!,
imA thm resattt doesn't teeni t- haw affected
ll v in the
l Ik's' hhiutd nee of h oweurated
t.niu .-leant rs to California venb rdav. and
several more win Ms
Ntthing will help our
eial trt'ubles so ouickb
oti Uie" rte oner,
te out d her tioan
t toe!i enterprises
re the Albany Cob
deliver,! on Sah-
!ei;iate Institut.! wiil
i cith cvenin-. .hino 12th, by llev. A. L
LinLvlfV, D. IV. of Portland. No ether ro.
li ;ious services w dl b. held in the city on
that evening.
j h: .;.'. .
i' romm
cility for matt'
i and SjOfhiT of
t is a credit to
tu'v are I'iroiK'' ot:
t)nr renders in nee
of furniture bIiou
and hi-
u t .xearvi
ana at
m at
t and !rev for
at L
x until
vv Ui n in Ils
gathered t''i
iuy wu
I C.m
mod t;
tauter nii ilevot" u
rdndf to a thoron
1 ami
V tl
flim i
aeir.rv t : ri;S3 ii, ori.
tlcm Taos-
Mias Al!
pular jnst uow
an in our city
was ia the p
spent a day or two ,
of 0.d;ville, was in !
coquette" went up j
u a vis
fbana, of Ilarriiiburj.;, '
jf l'ortbvud, was n
Kt. Charles lat Friday.
.i,ii ..n L fc-lillrtY, J
, i i .r l . j . j
. ioaek. of llziMiy, registered at
Mi,,.,,,. S
Hotel i ues.lay I.iat. I
Depot Hotel i uesday
li- r A VI,,,....- o... .......-,1 ,1., : !
t Portland this week on beaincaa.
I v
are unoer .oli::
US to Mr. J. II,
log f'ir a hand- boom t.
ivlitu: .ai'iiie,of C.orvfcl
irs in thi-i city .Saturday la;
:nr.;r o.r A'ba.iy people attend
ed the Hand contest at Dallaa lar.t week.
afrs. Shafier and Sam Craig, of hhedd,
have Lceu viitino airs. Cheadle, this week.
i 0 'I fi-..:..l . f ..- : i. :a.i Ii
L 0JL, -..I-, 'ji viiu I'l Willi uciiv ui ti- j
zens of The Forks, dropped in on u yestcr-
Job:; GiUUaud was down lat.weekjaud he
tislis us the Bttountaia road in now in fplendij
Mr. D, KirkpatrtcW who was recently
stricken with paralysis ii agiin able to bo ou
the streets.
We received a letter from J. I), Titus,
this week from which we learn he is yetting
along well.
We learn 2.1 r. CCGGilley who waa taken
suddenly very ill some days ago i getting
much better.
M. 8. Woodcock arid wife, of Corvallis,
passed through this city yesterday on their
way to Portlantl.
Tho Eugene City Band favored eur city
with some lino music just before leaving fur
hoaie last Monday. v
Uev. A, L. Liudsley, D.lK, of Fortiand
will preach at the Collage Chaple on Sab
bath morning next.
Dr. C. A- I'luanner starts east, this week
011 a pleasure and business trip, lie will be
aU3pnc aDont two o"M-
1 .v., .
v c were this week honored with a c;.ll
from Capt. John M. Ayles, a real estate
agent of Benton county.
f of thp
I V '
mfc Wodn
Mr. J. F. 0. Wrinkle of Portland. ha I
been m the city several days this week got-1
ting their now store started.
tier. H. Wanhhurn Ksij., ono of Junction
City's Isgal lights made tho JHwkOCfdt oflUm i
a pleasant call 1 t Friday.
llev. Joseph lvnorv, of iftrvalh, will t
preach in the M. K. Church South, in thi
city next Sabbath at 11 a. m.
Mr. S. S. Ihtrge of Portland t'.cn'l Agent
for tho North Wwt coast of tho Osborflt
Harvest !- was in the city this wn
Mr. Kngcno Ihichanan let thi freed for
the Kilickitnt country to ho r.nno eernl
days looking after hit intei'tatt there.
K. 11. St'ipworth, r.. ha ; ; .
oflhH iu O'Toolv'n block in Uroa lalb
and i now ready for bafiine'n i t hi
Mis Anna !Vrnide. f I'oitl.oid.
i 1 1 1 it 1 1 ' i I i ' n ' h in 1 1 1 n ' 1 1 v i
lt' !lt 1m t i nic.'Cf t l i;UL I : .
U I'.iMani rot.troel fat) I
We issslay cvenin-. where h 1
Minuwinei! toeet a j : r hitne .
Dra. 'iVnipletoii and ClwkV.
tu.tko a pntfovioii'il t"or I "o
): v. Mr. St. v. in return tl I
Tuesday ev- ning bt win .- he
several dsv attending the Kp
k v.rc d to oo et our old
Warniouth lat Wednenday, I
a drug utore, nt Pendh t..:, an
gnol 1
ti, W. Uumprey and Col. (
have gone to I .chain n and will
now hottd there wbtch epproSH
tion rapidly.
WallisNash Ei of Corvalll
elty. Muc.lay Ust lie i still
will have a railroad t i sUtU
of two years,
Mr. P. II. Farr. i!, h ad. r :
.h r Ksn.
Mi. ent w
Am I
mleraine iiaiiuHii:tki
Sunday and Monda;
Hon. It. P.. Ooelu
in town last itti
t.rane picnic at U
1I MM i: AT fiiee a
Mr. A. U. ftsXfe
graphtr rtdnrned 1
extended tiip east,
in; relatioim and th
I tipiHT Soda l.tst t
the n turner there.
Keith in running tit
i l VV i'
time, hi
Urownwillo to attend
Central Boptiit .VssoctS
Wc 1 ave lit CO ti M i I
ing in at
1 eleek an.. U"t :
tirw, retrccii
ymoiir. .S4iiu
111 m m
Mr. J.
ted tirui 1
J art scr wat re,
lifaiwf li-vnd a.d
IteV. r-
R t'vo'i '.J ti;i
1 r tt..,.
1 ruuei aa
K.t trot made t
ale. '"leJi MM
tho revi:
sttT llli
of the WUIjOett
military road al
( nianufacturars 'if th
i Tooth Harrow wan in
ne iafomts as tiwt. tin
if ..'
of removing their
1 connection.
Toaaday', (hffOtdOM sjj
Smith the well bnownejeotfi
fko her departure for the
will reside- in future. A
wiij iH;tw;t.r, ,1 the gifta-
1 -Client
it Now
ing of tuts weel;, on whtcu ee
program will be presented.
There was a Very idea em t
Moulay evening at the residan
, .
Weblier, the occa-dou bin2 th
nirnioay.oi iiioiaiij imr,
numerous, and oauotug amisoci;
were the order of tho evening,
many friends complimented h-
I ueai
I Mai
e. Airs', m vjyi ( 'nr.
Chur1:''i of i'orfltnd h";
ft HIT I ft
Mr. T B. Ail -a and f.unil
W-be.-v f i? lurila-.d. when
rtsuUncohoie m
ihmand family have made
many warn iiienus ana, we regret to see
them leave the city. Mr. Allen was one of the
pioneers of this section, crossing tho plains
at an early day, and haj built up a ane
property, the result of honest iadastry.
His sou Mr. Wiley li. Allen will visit in
California for somo weeks before returning
to Portland whore he will open inrjudv
t . j .
X ' -' aji.
One morning last week L. If. Monlanyc
was awakened by tho suioll of smoke and
upon Investigation found the pillow upon
v bich bis head was resting on fire, and
also one corner of thj feather bed burned
ofT. I: in very lucky ho awakened when
bo dil, as in a few moments longer ho
would hnve been in condition lo sorvo up
as a roast. Tho tiro probably caught from
a small Lamp that stood upon a stand at
the bedside.
i . .
Canary Lost.
A resident of the eastern part of the city
lost a canary birtl yesterday, and requests
any one finding it to leave word at this office.
ah!' ,N
t ". i Attn: hit mii: i '.ti r
4 T 'f HI. I S-1 ! I
gentlem! n
.. Ph reo. I.I
I ; i TiioinpMon, it tbui l it,
Jo!. n .i.iir., ItlUt Jin!.
Win Miih r, I-; f l t Mttomdn,
Mi l Oetmnoer, R flat ulto iir.!,
Ueo Koater, K tlal atto2nd
Will Ijtngtlou, It (hit triunlKine,
T in Mniitoltli, tenor.
A. 1'otnpton, It Hat baritone,
Frank Wood, 1' Hat ban,
Jhn Oakley, ImnH dtiiui nml j
S't Moiilehb, Min re drum,
eotii.iKt nt that
100, Itailroud c'liiiiiitiiil'
Convenient tby Neeurrd
agniH, and priMoudml to
cut ion not b!ii
U v.-iiinr
O'tUl Which tO vvako iboooiKMOof tlffftfWtt j 1,y Holt. Win. 'ru
i'aJia. (.vetytniiig t'eiug tosiiy llio uriV' I statu (iranro, uud on
em eracked their wbSpi uudibo boy were
on tho move, and a they uood out of
town they repeivod a wild, ringln.' eherr
:":!u Uio eit'-.t', which pimi them wi.h, and eaeh uie mentally vowod to
win ilm content, or like Hiehatd I. '4 old,
umparatively Ktnooth, u .d their Journey
' . . the v.ay wasehe :. 1 by dlvora
ii . i.i i di'-nl vommueHi eha:igeJ, wnien j
UIHOd no little merrbnout, and although J
ihejolllns Of tho wapon esoood many
e.ioH Bkd pniui, yet tho anticipaUutt M
rSiat waj to otno prevented them from j
rlng destponOoot, nod they, like the pt!
;r!mi iunse i 1 1 -r l
i. b djetl, a camp
bt b rth, nnd
ly enaKed in
,ae cuti't of horn pio
Mi rrMdv. N.. one
.uld not
vvai di )
np ti.
eraofi rr,ring tna'irosj
ml laeo curtains are m
1 Ul Ulll 'l U.l.
. , . , .
Jr way
.11 v !
I blm-
'ftit'.r In lb
'i V.'tl'
rf.l.lrt ,
d d irk
uron ami
i'hi-4 li. 0110 of the :
an w
real cam Is
a tltrb
!..:.. 1'iriii, ami
ii ; i.e anmc nee i r
twuhuum. Tho oraMou waanmnatorplece;
tho though'N and expression could not fail
to Inspire lb9 averngo American citizen
with thoughts of liberty Justice and rtjuali
iv. After tho ftXOfcJsee wcro over all were
si noon tm re wan a gatnoof
ayed l't''vo-n th. liallan uud
nbe.whlch rlovf..? the oxerciaee
14 ray ri
of tho d
lu th
e.vf nil .' ibo Dnlhm Iraw Hand
all hi their own ball and :ilo hi I last paragraph read '"be euti referred in
rt Jloit.o. ft w.ih e, grand suece-', ! by Mr. 1Jh4, (and wb'eii MOW to gleo n'm
ing one hundred and sixty ofHiplo ; so much trouble.) werti undo from "pho
1 hey bad built 11 large pavilion, j tos" of tho machine niniiuftO'iurod by Ibe
nj; lu ruiiiiall inl'o early part of abovo gentletnan," and should b vo r.nd
ing were unable to uso It. j "mentioned by the ibovc pentlnmeni''
pre on
1. ut i.u
)f 1 110 eon-
loloi s nf thed itlbrout I .and .; timt nt
: 1
11 aii'i pciioct nrtjcios of '
. . ... .
agreement, and at precwedy li o'clock
llio Amity band, tho boingtho first on lhu j
liht,tnarehed from tbo camp ground to tho
Court IIoiiNo vard and there poured forth!
their melody. They then umrcbod back 1
to the camp grounds, and were followed i
by tho Yamhill, Albany, Kugonn City and j
I.afayotlo bandi, iu succeodon; oatdi band
being kept under guard and far enough
away so that there was no poaaible show
to hear how proceeding bands wcro play
ing their mut-ic. They woro then all
marched back and oaeh l and playod two
piece?; of their own seduction. Tho sclee
tionrj . were all gisid and each band did
credit to themselves. Vbo Mechanics'
choso "Tally IIo', polka and "Centennial
Overture", which weio well rendered, tho
latter piece creating grot cuthu&iastn
among tho audlodee.
Tho contest ended i.t 1 o'clofh, ami at 0
o'clo k tho bands wero all
tho Hand Hall to bear tho d
1 were all assembled at
don of the
Judges. The points to ho made wore three
on each piece (i. e ,timo, harmony and ex
precaion.) Follow ing is ih
t.iiiU k-sc
I'lftJ CMl l
Albany havim
tho most point i
Ilia first prlwi wn nwardod to thotn, nnd
tho second divided between tho Kngone
City and EAlfcyftUfl bainh. Tho lif l Drljsa
tiiiiouiiting In IH), tint Mdontld being jj; (i,
Tho b(tt of fooling provallod, and tho
Admuy ljo3m dflWttd for homo on ihe
morning of Lka ."tb, whore tboyarrlve'l In
du tlmo nml wore oordndiy ro:elvcd by
( ho ' Itb.otv of tholr own oily. Tho bnv
linvo deohled ti glvo n i.lmlliir contort at
Albany noxL oir, and will ondttovor t(
inakt It u orodltablo nli'uii. not only to th
city lint to it' paitlctpating In thooou
tntt. Cntll that UrJM Wo fool MHttftd I hoy
111 ondo'i or Id keo pace wo li tho iIiiiom,
ntni I hut tho i n il i of tu i ic will in
spirt) 1 1 1 m 1 1 onwttrd and upward to pfrifft
(ton, bbfi.
v'ui i. or a.
I'noM; I'm
i I.
i.iigono i ty iiiurt itui.l
O uthitM Worn MintuitioMiK d TIihI, we, tin
I' II, t OlIO I.MI4-4 ItHI'd ben
Mi eliaiih"' I IIhikI
ui i nliMtttre toniM f
ifinmi niir c . 'i v In
H'lie i 'I' v 1
".:. i i
I . ii t v satttOMl
j.o.iil 1 1 itiii loft
with a puity 'f lib
uii to ubout t bo 1 1
II, oil
v lo
gmvo near that iUbigo, '111" oXUttlVlAn
had !xn gotten up by lttoNvlUOfll IfelMOli
of t !ii ity, ami tuily tlvo tivindred i-i mm
would linvo taken j .ut In It hail b. m.:
been that morning o,'e!i"d w ub 0 f i n.
Arriving nt lbiiin i vi t y nn whh mr
prlxed U neo the bvv u fall of enpbi w Im
had rouio '.'roin every jnnt ui ibe utll Ha i
loatleud tho liiattgO pkttlfe tln io. Mol
nf ibe ei'Urlolihti Welit iiunili,'o i.
tho KfOUiid) ladow Uiwn w betethe i.iu'ito
nh'liic ' .v. bi'iiiy bebi ajol !.iv . I iltii iol; u
oxen : "i
" ah pre i.i... ovi
i " Ma.'!r r i I . i
aittlful vo""at n.ol i
m furuitdiod by i hi
n 1 thi Ki'in Jims I
our county, ui
iu"Sruiueuial luuii
I .1 ! : M I . I O I I I
! de-Uo.. d ,r,
j,y M aM r. Tto adv ic
good and wo feel OOOAdoSt
.,f0j't vry lutn-h by l.dlov
t.jt, ,,f j,u rcinaikn tbno
mhojlon. . r. laMier, nut hi
,m aehaiue m llio .-'h
;,,uer jmur Isr.d Mflvtd u
Iir ' cn,n. .o,"..;,.!.,,, wa.
cserojtfc. i
ft of tin laud." Fr pttfO, Htiodol j
oil h'pfi tin v the l.inuc inn' v "rsml
utu tided ih-lr ph-i
nway bu-iv'tv. A
t'lw'inn, if Ilie
idvtnl and So
tuibli.' I'Tjw.r!
1 plabilv
B )u our
!'e tho way hi wui
nbowrrof rain IfttOfi i
an-! liiriii rmi'ivi hii
jowh jia, aen k! th-lax-(
doubt Inrre twain u.e
ro iu tiisi i-a v. iih tho
'III o( It
-aslitti. exi
; - , 1
,. l II HJ
I. M. MeUona
d Aih Kei
matiitctxl tho affair in a wnv wfii.di n
f:i:uodind by tho Mapc Kpei
nnnKed by Vr f. Svmitmk V.
o prae; .1 Ik
tilO I
imln ttion of tho Ibm.
attorney of said court, an 1 am prepare-l lo
conduct all kinds of leal f MsinoM in any
of tho oranti In thJi State. I shall by atrkt
iot-jiriilniluMry an 1 prompt atentloti
to all b1" ii-h Sutrustcd lo my can, labor
to morlt tho confidenco of the people. Hus
SueifcH at homo and abroad rejxi'tfully n
lieltetl. Ctlb-o houra all tho Usne Mbt
uud il.iy. (MQoa In oToolo'.i B1 sdCiltrood
nthitt street. Albnnv, Oregon.
K R.HKtiwnrjc.
Albany, iv, .'iino 8, I8$l. J'twa
' publhhed biM week ttnd r tho above
theid a eomintintmtloti from Nf r. K, Ben- i
anan. in rofcreti'c to urain e'eanors. 'I lie t
meaning tho uiaehincs rertuied h by the
parties whom names appear in Mr.
itor.and who certify to ha iu
machines luauulac ored by Mr.
eh tlid tho best work of any cleaner
cu by thotn.
'It HI
1 i.ueiiiiil
Wo nr.; rcitu'sti-(l to atmounoo that
tlie Plotilo nt PowjelFi drove, near llal
scy, baS been XiatBOnoi. hot the time
at which it is to iscour nnf inrormant
did not stale.
8TEWABT. Io thi city, on Saturday,
Juno 4, 1881, to ihe wife of C. il. Stewart
a daughter.
1881, by i'ov. A. J. llunsakor, at tiie rcd
deiicu of the bride's father, tana? "- 'Is Sta
tion, Rev. J. F. Davidson oud ivi.a ! tzxnt
Hor.MAN, both of Denton county.
this citv ,
June 8, 18S1, Mra,
daughter of John Dn
u Wednosday,
iBimics, eldest
duns 5,
At his reside
, D.wiu D.
in this city,
EVt" .'ijicd 4
ll OFF
r ti i
a 0 m I U
KJ WCepillg
u o:
i inn t :i;i, ttriani'
(1 d'l it ft I T'K)C QftlH0 ;
t&dtm feettttlne Jttvin
(l :i!.'l 2 I'uttoit,) Vi,-ry i bo
DO dux. British SoHta i
In.., chottpnf '1.0.
Special : 50 juir &
at Cd.."o, worth $2. 7".
10 dnc Calleu BhlHa
Mt 50 t U.
. ' ,'t' M
I ) .
'2 ) ilt).. ttSHOT.'fd liiioii (lipids al
K1.5JV ' "Tlu'v uro drive' I
Tako a Mptii.' 1 miIc nt my
Cnssi iii-i uit".
" pair wui i
ular price l.i
lt p i ills 7 "i d--., r
Look nt my I.o Ul i-k II .t s sold
at I'vcry it ici'.for $1.50.
Sot my 5.?3 Froruh t'.lf Hand
Snwwl B ki,s They uro rhenn nt
Cijrirs iMttl Tii i.ictM: Thi'.-i' oo,Mjs
I am id'i'.'riii"; nt refjtll tr hfrfaftale
Try my "i cent nml 0 ciii- i i.rr.r-.
KxjmiiKi 1 1 : y Surging" nml Ciiow
inr Tobiirro nt "() (ds per umncl,
20 do.. 0rytf Sutmror llatj, 1"
cis. caiih.
AH cash buyers ;n tlui (ity and
surrounding country are respectfully
invited to call early and ;ooure bar
gains. Remember tills is a Jiono
Fide Reduction Sale of flrst-clnvs
good, for GO DAYhJ.
Farnicis' and Mechanifs' Store,
Albany, Or.
ImportDt aiui lUnalir in
Farming1 ' Implements,
Tin; idcOormick
Ti e McC(ItMICK TWnrii HIM;i i!
illii4mcij abov.-.n. uttaeliod trttllOMM t r
imek Jinrvot. r in lAo plane of the IM..'
Uimititfg Huutd and l'.jtf..Mi. requit.
ono man and two i.-re.- t j'- ih It, hioi
i-ii ! vvotki it . ; tittu'-i ,un ot iihiii
i'.y tho net of tin- A !iUlilUj Trip, ihr bm.
d ' h arnil t)i. m: , . i . t - -. ntui ihm
driver ha Oftcst$ti uvoi tin oinuia
iImi 'imlr.othei u r.n UsOOl titosthogpiiti
I belnft 'lertverod ufon the (a- le i r v
i ho .;.. oi t'.i'- b i'liii.t . ui,!,.r HtiMmisnfo
I'Oi.trol, and a diM'hfKlntf ivn-.f makiit a
puatioii b'lw. ii the lHimi bond e and
ibo ttntxtotid grain avcmpbde a i- : r
loo by any devtco know j. A aOafJ ui.i
form ail o irt. : !!j In all l.n.d- nd
posidlthos f grHiu in ton Hcut . t.j . ,
ii It mji compact ba btffme tfeM eiU
i pled aruuu i lu.nd'e bj .. ... j
aim. Tlio kn't ly invt !evn ?v, i v . i ;!.i
pie. and not lia'ibl lo 4ot out .t md ,
sretetil of tho Hindor is corrleit ,
the drive W I o,d Ii;m ! :.-'to i- le. . . ,
tins ma. ii in tJptdiis over on '' .. 'a
Valuable &221
Llnvt; i 5 et;
j .lev u-o hut . ch adopts l v. b. n-hy I
J tor ntn. i.i a numi -10, rubo .-r'li
I 11 'in (utir.e l,v iiio:i'; - ( :t 'v.'rr.i
t 1. tented t.n l tie restr of the frati
- 1 i h 'd Mill i: Jcdividr
raUed a.d lowered lv in-aii of
urratiifcl '.vir. .":i- u .- 'inrn
. 3
Printer s Ink is not require
make a reputation. This is the
verdict from
D A K 0 T A ,
iv Jk. is & .V
.(A.VX I O rXV2HJIii STAT i;g
ii "iMil bailee f imtrtanoe in t:o
Hori, jm'-i. i, hihJ.. windinc r
itfraiubt, ami nn NV 1 Uirown b'-
inj:i!.! iurard, awl ijj and dowu, I1'
any point noJiMtary for the aaving of ny
kind ot j Hin, or bringing it MpOO tt'.
platform in proper haj, a spring b alao
j'rovJdo i for the driver' aet. 'I , toa n
'Jriv wheel h of IKON, -vith wrought
iron ftpoJce ami lim, light and troogfsod
. fi , iron wheel ever jut on u
i rvf-f r. jf,o grain wiiwd in irai, with
rv M
inatle iri ior
oi'oiifii workifijr and v
:illd Wbieii ;,,.. Ir
Villi OVf
V ir
liKAl'KH, averaghjj; at Icai
i Unr J 's-i cfai with tista Hmder
iH.-;. i o that i. !y upn ptntina tvi
i..':i. ! r iwiittjiii Mitii
, ua i.r wiro, ae at I he dinadtr
j i bat .:f to rdy np;m the auength
.r;ug ltr e,iji;.roj,.(iii o! tlio iraip, a::tt
uin -a iu fty unB larree, Mnaig tiriust,
lha-, uiea.iires little to the oiiim With
:m lv;. i!.-r we can ue Hiring of great
iftth. and lima ecoiioini.; xpt-i.K. tt
; unoi jectionable in threiuir. Will no
ut r;i i v. ilh the U o Mrsw fur UMnyt
Aitb-, and '..i,: not dull tho cnUitiK i tun
whfit cot Cur feed. It is fre fioui an tlttam
nt. wit
m nt.
Binding Tv.ivie.
r ii made fr m the li rtinUtv .f Man
illa, and mrtp.ii rot r-un t&i c 'PO U
?.';o Amnl, whilea ix.oa.i : uu.b i
10 : v- in- jneaiai
.ji i
A f II
2? 3Ek 3B