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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1881)
cmocrat. FRIDAY... JUKE 10, 1881. Or ii friend over the way ia getting quite critical. He takes us to task for quoting from t he telegraphic despatches. Tie is probably a prophet and can tell whether a despatch is truthful or not as noon ;is he roads it. We are in a quan dary to whether it is tologna or much learning that haa made him mad. Stiit. the Conkling dead lock eon t'nucs in tho New York legislature, with no prospect of a break. He has lost one vote and now polls only ?A. A mot it n to adjourn wan lost last Tuesday. It is rumored that (JarSeld is going to eease lighting Conkling, hut 'ho report is seal eel y credited although it appeared in the Jr. ". Tribune. The Standard wivs: Strange to sav tl ti c eri-ieism of the revised New 'IV h-on nt almost all the new-papers reject the change and declare the work spoiled, while the ministry gener ally receive the version wite favcr. It is not often that tho press is so oonserative and clings to things of th past front a mere feeling of aenti moot. , Ttl r HMM OLO.lcr. The Oregon t '( ), it for June b full of interesting matter and con taint a a long article descriptive f linn county, and a business directory of the leading houses of Albany. The article contributed by A. T. llawley on the future, prospects of Yaquina Bay is very interesting and full of sensible re marks. The publishers of the ColoHiM bare entere 1 a li eld of usefulness almost nnlimitgd in i' extent, and the success they meet with in carrvine out their avowed object of inducing emmigra tion to this section of the state, is one which will .depend largely ujon the -h ino supjiort they receive. Their lit tle jaer, full of interesting daacriaiira matter, falling into the hands of those who com i inpiate reruoviug, will have the effect of turning attention to this section, an I once the Willamette Valley and its resonrces become well known an the outside world it will not be ions before its population will increase. So long as we lay asleep and make no ef.rt to lft the world know what we are and what we have, just so long will we drag along in the old grooves and lack development and progress. We attest w :!; up and liestir ourselvee, we mnsr make the proper effort and wbea this is once done there need be no fear for r future. tJtvry fanner and faery mechanic who comes into this section adds ss much to our ability to ptocare what we want in the way of railroad communication and the devel opment of our resources now lying idle. The tLtii is in able hands and i-i in a fedd where if it receives the support it deserves, i-. can do' a great work for this section. W.: besja-uk for it from oe.r readers and pu'rons the liberal assistance which they can well a'ford to give it, and ho; it may be destinnl t ia loag and ti?fnl career. TUT IKEOll i-H.i k.-olD. SlrcBaini EO.rt4 to Brrak thr ffliari ubirh Ibrl'fcml nai Tranr rr-l Jo the O. 1 v K. o. Vigorous f ror( are being made l.y Wili am Kohl and the Scotch Co. to e.nunl iho contract by which the narrw Kngo rrad was leased for 01) to thfl O. 11. & X. Co., and ii is emifidcnily a.Ksertr rl that they will I e successfaL Eleven hundred men, in the emj loy of the Oregon ian Railway Co., Limited, are expecting orde rs every day to resume work for their laie employers, and i'm-y are Miro, from representations made them hy the company's agent, that such will bo the case. The contract, it is allegerl, wa made In a peculiar way. Mr. Montgomery, who was a large contractor, for the company and a large stockholder in the road, went to Scotland to confer with the director and negotiate the transfer. He succeeded in procuring from them a power of attorney, unknown to Mr. Ue?d, who departed hence aljout four weeks since. JJe was detained in iX&rk on cne pretext or another. by the O. It. & N. Co., who -tried. t make him sell, but he would not trade. He remained in the city siveral days, and shortly sitter the ship, on which he was a passenger. Siiled for Europe, Montgomery made the transfer. Hence the attempt to DreaK the contract Torre will he emidotab!e litigation before the muter is tinaily adjuster. -A',-. ROSlIlt l' lit; ami ceawBA! B tlt.iit. Tiu S?rschurg Plainfeakr says that Work will soon he htarted on the Reehurg aid Coo? Bay railroad. The C w JUy Niks c n tends the ($20,000) asked of the Boston capita. iids, represented by the Local Capital ( v.ii.pnny, for its charter is too much ard that the parties interested would have nothing to do with it. I'hat jwper uirthor states that Ilurl burt, ill?, engineer, who said that tt would cost ;,iit ; J Oft. ooo to build and eqeip the road was at loat $000,000 of (hv i'al figure i tin neighborhood o( efss notch disss tisfaotion A "eat Fav bfcai v. ifh' indi: v.'ilU not permit them to graze their t4Ue on i);.' Umatilla res?ervation. ft "liegins to Im; admitted that White law Hell com io nded the Union army at Smloh, :md (Jen. Grant w rote an account of the aflair for the press?. Albany, June (Ufa. 18S1. Editors Democrat : In the present Conkling Uarfiold cmhraglio democrats can atTortl to main tain a masterly inactivity, but it is no breach of neutrality to watch aud to criticise republicans and republican papers their nets and declarations tu re reference to this little family trouble. Tho Herald of last week attributes tlie breach between the Now York Senators and the President to the claim of Mr. Conkling to control tho executive ap Kintments within the State of New York, and commends the President foi his indcendmnce () in not submtiting to Congressional dictation etc. Tho New York Senators deny having sugg ested a single name for executive aj pointment, but, Ih this as it may, is the Presideuti appointments in other directions entirely indefmmlent of, aud free from Congressional control 1 This inquiry is answered in tho negative by tho "eraAiV' 'Washington corres Hndent whoso letter of May 21st is published in last weeks Herald by the side of the editorial column abort re ferred to. This corrcsjiondent nays : "Republicans univeistlly deplore the political situation, with its intricate complications, and the only indejamd ent political jiarty is Senator Mahone." II j is revelling and luxnratiog in patronage and power ; and, if he can not get the longhaired Kiddelbarger into the best ollice in the U nited States Senate, ho can at least appoint re adjuster in hundreds of Virginia pott otlieea." "Tho ostmastora that are being removed have not, in a single in stance boon removed for cause, and in many instances they havo been remov ed in spite of protesting uicmorals signed by both republicans and demo crats." This correspondent fui ther says that the places of thoso removed are Iteing supplied ''by untried, inex perienced stiangers, whose sole reeoin mendation for those federal oAoas is, that they agree with Mr. Mahone on the Virginia debt question." Now in the light of tho disclosures of this republican correspondent of a republican jaHr, as to tho bestowal of federal pitfOMjpi in Virginia, and the facts as to the New ork apoint- inents there is a ramtn table want of harmoney. The Herald in vindicating the preit dent as agaiust Conkling says : "The present state of tohtical a (fairs is mere ly a collision between -senatorial arro gance and the constitutional rights of the presidentjbetween the corrupt 8oiU system and civil service reform." Now, which of the two is the "orroyour Senator". Conkling who has asked for no apianntnient or Mahone, who w "re veiling and luxuratitvj in pcitroiunje (iiul )Hwerr ihe question is easily an Mil . swered. President Uarheld is simply discharL'ini political obligations. He has naid Jam llobinson with the W - ry collectorship of New York for bteaking tbe Grunt Column at Chicago, and he is now paving Mahone with Virginia "jnttrowsge and toteer" for betraying his trust as a democratic Senator, the President has assumed the debt ccn ti acted by tho republican Senators and by them repudiated ; he is not doing what the republican Senators promised to do, but ho is doing what he can to redeem their corrupt pledge aud doing it all at the expense of civil service reform. Yours etc. Cl'RKY Co im. TBI. r4T 1'AIK t KLtUU v l HiV Salem, June C, lrl. Editors Democrat t I have been informal that the im- preasion prevails in some localities that it is the intention of the State Arricuh tutal Society to continue its summer fairs, and to include the nation d holi day iu all its annual exhibition . h. -re-after. In order that the public may understand the facta, and to correct this erroneous impresaion, I have leon requestert to make a public atatement. From ita orgauiition until the year 1877, the S'Miiety had met with anti factory aud increasing aucceas ; and having reason to laslieve their god for tune would continue, had iucurred in debtedness for impro7emeuta on the grounds, in order to meet the urgent demands of the put. lie and its nttrous. The years 1877, '78 and '79 were dis astrous to the Society, as every citizen ol Oregon is well aware. In 1870, the Board, in theface of all these discourage mnts, feeling it was no longer their duty to incur personal obligations lb meet the deficiency caused by the con tinned inclemency of the weather, re solved to pay the premiums of that fair in warrants en the treasurer, reiltm able at the fair of 1880. The bank ruptcy and ruin of the Saiiety wss then predicted by thousands. T change the current of these terrible re verses, and to restore public confidence, the fair of 1880 was held in July, and as all are aware, was a triumphant success the wa-rants of 1 S 7 9 , which hundreds predicted were worthless, lin ing paid at par on presentation, princi pal and interest in full in coin, as were also the premiums of 1880. The time for holding the Fair of 1881 was fixed in Oecember lant, and the national holiday, after much dis cussion, again included in the exhibi tion week, in the belief that the S. ciety deserved one more success to assist them in restoring the losses of the years referred to. Thousands wlj(J attended the Fair in 1880, and who will come again, cither reside in locali ties which have never Ween favored with a celebration; or who prefer to en joy the excitement ami interest of the national holiday on the Fair grounds, in connection with the oilier attractions of the day and week. To make the occasion one of interest and pleasure to these people and all others in atten dance, and having resolved eight months ago to include the celebration as one of the attractions of the Fair of 1881, the Hoard are now completing their arrangements for a grand jubilee and celebration, with no design or desire to lessen the int.-rest which may be felt in celebrations in other portions of the Styte. And while I am not able to say what course the Board will pur sue another year in regard to the time of holding its annual exhibition, I do fee! confident that I ex press the senti ment of the Society and its otficers when I Kay, that tlie national holiday, for many ymra at least, will not again be included in its annual exhibitions E. M. WAITE, I becy O. S. A. Society. 1. 1 I'll it Uv Bernhattlt appears i?i Eiendonun al nrday. Boston talks of having a World'" Pair in 1885. The despatches now say tied I'm (.'runt has resigned. Carfadd will attend the Atlanta ex position next November. The Tinners' national festival opened at St. Louis on the 3rd. The (Jreenbackersof lown have noin- inatel a full State tktftt. . Several bodies o( troops are now marching through Ireland. Howell, the pedes! rian, intends tl log to make COO miles in lis days. According to the recent censm, the population oT London hi S,814,5?l "Vesuvius is in a stuto of eruption and eartlupiakea are f.dt in its vicinity. Lossea to Iowa faimirs l lot jpaftt from poor seed will amount to 'J,4M)0, 000. Carl Schuiv. has opened a very bitter attack on Conkling in the New York Pout. Adeline Fait! will probably give ftftjf jsjaforinnnces in this oonntry next tea son. Thotlore Thaman will lu irafu i auike Chicago the licadqu arters of his tn lnK tra. Thouia. Woith, an Antuiieau, as killetl in Larado, by a Mexican police ollicer Four negroes wi'ie killeil at l.-oMiuK)r, Va., on the 3rd, by an taploftton of dy namito. MacVeagh diss not think that any of tho atur faMM&iaSJI bt tried until September. Bell has been declared governor of No llampahire by h-a than -J 0.000 majority. The feeling between the peopki and the iimslabnlarv is Browins vrrv bitter in 1 1 eland. Col. Scott left his fortune tu los Lot. 3 f9 having m oh- pnbli.- In -pHH; dm ing hia life. Tug bout .lake Blind .m hlon up near Sandy Ilonk, N. J. en the d all hands lost. Herrigtou, a prominent laud lagnei and editor of the Kerry Sentinel, 1. been ariestcd. The Kuglinh neinuictit is taking steps to auppreas hII land leagtia aseet ings hereafter. A hail htorm in tin vit initv t New York on tho 2nd in., did i!alnage tj fruit aud gtain. D. S. Alexaiuh-r, el lodianV, rt iil prolmtdy ! appointMi full aoUit i el tbe l S. Treasury. A act ions i iot Oeeurrad at Curl: uu tbe 4th. Two housea were wrecked and many eople arrrstil. Kwir'i; will remain in Lowdou until the next mM-ting of tie- moto t.u y eon f.jrcnce on the 3tJth. Pere Hyacinth will nail from 1' for thia country in Bepteeaheei Ilia wife will accompany him. Dillon, who ha lsen rinio 1 in pin- ' on, says he knows nothing of what ia goin on in tho ouu-.ide wild. Henry and wife and Ifceiv horxe were kilhnl by a stroke of light- i ning near I)ea Plain;', III., on ll 3rd Sam plea of (lour or ether o.vdoed su'wttanoes am declared utiiiiailabh ex cept under certain strict !;ii r lations. One of the ofitciabt guilt v of ieresa iarity in the purchase of treasury de partment aupnlica soya thM persons high in authority are rexpouHihlo for all he ha done. Grant says his mi.-i in t-i Mexico was highly sue -essf-il, opjxiti'u com-1 in" from rival atthaidiaod railroads. He aayn that Conkling h lon treated shamefully. The director of the mint has author Seed coinage of standard dollars f..r the present month as follows : San Fran cisco, 1,300,00; Philadelphia, 000,000; New Orlrans, 400,000. "Mr. Sidney Dillon, and it is u posed air. Could," said a banker in New York on the .Id, "have bought the Central road of Nevada, : tending from Battle Mountain on ih - Central Pacific to Austin, or.e hundred mi.Vit down the ratter. The object ef the purchase H a mystery to tho Central Pacific jKHiple. One theory is that, the road is to las ex'ended north to connect with the Oregon system, ami perhaps sruth to some other connection. A railroad coidd 1m built down tin valley for a hundred miles, if not, thtou'di to o the Texas Pacific. Even if titers is no immediate object iu view, riej.t of way through the valley in luUda to l.n useful ii, the future." JORSI.V VAIf.i; The laat inaua of the WUktnMttC Farmer has thn following: Mr. John B.:-yant at tho Ktate Orange informed us that sonic important improvements are being inado in Jordan Valley, near his place. Mr. N. Young, who is one of the mc.8t nopolar of millers, nnd understands the businew thorongblr, is putting op a custom mill below Bryant'?, which will bo a great accomo dation, as Jordan Valley is a spJandid wheat-growing region. John Curl has a steam saw mill near bjr. Next week tho construction of a bridge aeroaf Thomas creek will be coortnenced at this mill ami there i$ some tells of starting a little town there, as tho bridge will bring quite a country into cannection with these milk and a store is necessary to that beautiful valley. In fact Jordan Valley wears tho ap pearance of a very Eden at this season and we consider it one of the most charming spots in Oregon, and that means a great deal. Subscribe for the Dbmoc iat. Salem printers Intenrl k i a pic nic. Bltrglata a:, nutne uua In, Walla Walla. rool, the hoi'Sivthiel m ap from the Bendletoii jsil. I'niatilla count 'a wool cU been larger than ever before. loiu II NMburg intends having a :rsnd "blow out" on tlu the 1th prox, Larga numbers of imnigrantii frote Finland nn? arriving a! Coos II iv. Anew bridge ia In he built Oil the Sah'iu and Silvcfton r'ad over (lit Piuhling rfver . Ana Fonlce was badly hurl laht week by bull near Ashland being knocked unconscious. In trouble abstlt a KqllftW wil'c,Tiat ton Klit Woodson Shovel Oreek, CmX.f aear the Oregon line. Mayor Kallooh's ease nflibei the Chronioh haw been dUmuatcil motion of his own ctuueHel. Thomaa Bitenee, a otmtractor N'ieloti.i barber work, AH down st at liia betel on tho nth end sraa ki lust on The Oalilofnla nprt aia decided that a citv elwtion m t auld i. in be held In S m Pram ic in Baptetnler, J. t'. Drain of Drain's S at ion, Donglaa county, baa contracted toaap ply the . ' It R C 03,000 railroad ties. The liih ater ot Hear creek beio rhoeniXi Jackson ctiunty, has left acres of rich laud covered t.-w.A or barren with rock. (borgo Mi!nisc!, pioiaictoi of loo Cum pi restaurant, In Baeriu and BMrtalii 04iu U I IN an Italian mp' ;. s on 1 1 . A man named MuCartnej Msg dci : l!..- I I M nt bto. hot Mori was found Hotel at in low M..ntci r . a h it a pi itol ( !' moutb. KvifienUy ntite, t 'apiaiu S etaou an I J N of San Frandaco ha Kns Ui encairo in whalio' i'ii i lie i Sii be to lift . : f .! known as the roCXl t i-.ttti i A lnr utiackfsl a aran i an ad Kej tUu, while cutting atakaa ecu- Liok ville and got ebonped an badly in tbe nv!; that it w is mn r ci dipatche! by h ante in. The Uum eonntj besinesa men and fl met a hao i.-ani. the ".i..i;!,t Bond ftaaoi datlon" end wili iai aub scripiiou t to lohJ reed in? the neb valley of thSruhl iw. Our ! t wiihei attend h r.t. Ttie tendon sn ! Sin rVane;eo I. aid: olfcr for aaheeription in N -' York half a million ix per con. Orel atOrtg age reg n V Califoi ni i railitSae bendl et par, the reasaindec of an ieane of $1,-00,000, the rest arhereef i atreadjr aut.fs.-rilw-d. 'v dip the foitewing r to mtl items from tho Oregon in. Mr. T. V. ikcs arrived in i , . city boainl west yetcrd.iy, iiimI will tajupontlie Clumtd:f bntving i UB Pmneleeo Iho loth lnt. Cunt r.u t.i for tho O I" ". I bridge, a.T.,-s Soak- tivir :;t (,,.,. r - Clty,sndfor tho big fiitnbove i )' wuiJr Works In this city, Will be M tr t i .lunn i . - ... i.n it' lln. 1 1 1 . r, I i.l 1 1 1 r....! .r . the ). It. Sc. K Co. Hprovcd tti- locn tten of tffMM from 'ortlu'( to Tho DeUesand from Umatilla to linker City, inndo by tho chief engineer. ,o,. .... t,-.f-..,m. u ,.,r,WrHn.y will Ihi forunnb d by next mfttl tot!io Interior depertment for approval. Itl.tlilfi.u ..i4u y. C A II tlOII KI MliiL ' Kight hundred Chinnm. :i, who i have bflon ns walk on tho unrroie gauge road, rororncd In thbr elly ;.nl . will teavothfs week r..r the upper Columbia. Six hundred will lej ofiiployed on grarling hotwenn the Oasaiden and Tho D ili?-, and thai peaaatndef at tr:k laying betwetetl Val;a Wall i e.nd D iytoti. Hon. J. ,. liolpb, eUoraey, aod Mr. it. Tliielweo. inh fonelnoer of tho; o. it. N. -o., Icavo thte morning for the agency near Pendleton, to hold oeonctl with chief of the ixion over gmnv oi rigui ot way for track nnd depot grounds' through the m ervatfon Thocii- rereoce will be behi Wodnesday mor- ::" c' v-: UmUw' D- D r at 11 oVIocic. It Is bettered ,:' ' rta,awajalaa.erUaiateiajr that aetotlftllona- sa.i,f.tctery to uihl'L1!.1: .T parties conccrnoa win d constitninat ed with littlo Uc! ift Nidtbcr t!io local OJHeofa of tp.o narrow ajange company, nor of tho O. It. N. (., have rtcleycd any particulars of tho le:iKoof tin former's - - road to tlm latter; honco notiiiup; known here concerning fuluro opera tiotiH of the valley roads, while work on tho Portland division U atop pod, t; rail in"; of extensions from If on mouth, Polk county, to tho Luck iamuto on the eaat Hide, nnd from Brownsville, Lina eouniy, to Uaherg, on tho east side, is being puihed ej per former plans. A privato teleraui baa bpen reeioved hero from Samuel Wilkinson secretary of the Northern Pacific, dating that tho directors of tho com pany will hold a meeting1 Thursday, tho Oth Inst, nnd indication pointed to tho oleetion of II. H. Lcdynrd, of Detroit, general manager of tho Michigan Central as president and T. F. Oakes il first vii o president. This information Is construed to mean that management of tho eastern divisions of tho road will be under Mr. Ledyafd and the western di visions under Mr. Oakes. To tho above wo may add that Mr. J. Brandt passed through this city toward Portland, on Tuesday last and in conversation with Mr. Gross of the Depot Hotel, said the extension of the 0. & C. R. It. would bo commenced snon, and the road put through to Junction with the other end just as fast as possible. Col. Ilurlburt passed thrugh this city on Monday last. Ho has been surveying the line and says they havo located the road as far as canyoin illo and found a very gocd route. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DEMOCRAT. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. vomur.nvQHny.m HAttuisBtfitu, .Jutifi Mb, 1881, Mnrrinhnrg i Kn"W ' erlobrale. Copious raie hnvii frtllcn during tho pnnt fw dayn and furtuuM ara juhiUnt. I'!xcotigreNtnan Whitoakcr upant two or tlueuday In ear village dining tho past watt" and wsm aurialj wafoenwd iy our oitlssns. Hi hat base a faithful and effieb ontrrproAcntfttivf! of our MUto and retire ! pri.-te hfo with the i ohriipict of "lloBSti JobnN aabnpaaobsd ittll nttnohiu2 to hid lismo. lln wotUcd curmatly and zralotialy ahilo hi CmntrcM for nn outlet to tbsOse tr.d vallay via Yaquina and will bo held in ful reaieeibraoes thorofor. A cattieg n (fray occurred on tln a doy e-r no inco hctwern uno Watson and a Mi. iri-!on. Tbs (srmsff leealred atraral aovero ; mini lii t lliedy Hicrtuled in !ul bighis nioinilant ami dtiviag him awny. Thi' troiihln iiit:iii:Ji-il i.i a ili(iutfl aho'it SOQM himl. , ThseitiaMi of IlArriaberg and viehtitjr bav ih i ol' d vt-hmratn our coming imtbaV ul nnnivtrary. CotttClittaM bars lo-n ap pointed and aro hard p.t work arraegtog and oiliiliu;; tho pror.oinno. Ows of lbs rrommrnt faaterta of Mm day will m iho pbaittOtlil i fanny naiim itienU. Prftej will bs eherad tu t! who km-k tho lVrioiinii. il and get a.v.iy with tin in in pi l iih ij','. A i.y OfW who ..!' i .Ii ttiin i-ol -hratina ai.'t daei not eplit hii nidcs by laaghtef kt i Kkeptiealryiua nud fun in aeeeatnaeeul pari at bh "gottte up." I: njiin; ami t)oThiti;; iiiuehiuu ftcwt, who h.ii'.- 1. .i li;!. cii itin n';jj Lj. jivhoii arc now on the war path i i th.i vi t'.nity.and you can pot t'.io.n u lo ij wsy off by th iwatbs tbsj act ' A wowaa's li-t racs i on Uic tapU hi re to coiao ollon tho Foart '. Sir. lvlitor,if yau bare say I i;ii Cy', rrgelar beM k..-lod., OoMunii-ht' mo U, nund 'urn up. noun k aaon oi .:ro on mo im.iw mroich will b hi l hi pull tbersngb without huia di.-tancrl. Tbentes Wjuii, iet! i. Wyatt ol tld i jil.i.- l ir .wn from hit hora SO Ifendajreeaniag last win U- driving eaith-. A hrekau ley aud fcpraiutd ankle will lay iiim u for saaai tene t romo, t.' e. P.rau h-ahii-x j-wih r of toil hur iu la puneeiuiiiMi of a hen's e;-j that inetuiirra -. tiM-Ii iu i r ii itsf rr. -. How i that Albany In n & Uiny aloiiy who trir m h od o lay Mi" "I-ohi vn if I,, ihi county r If tea A" any I, .My think fche cut go ooa 1 " i tii . . i. ii i.i .inmia-i of an othrr.eua t !.-. cnatnrf-a S. inch in ircin arH ncef If the AlUny cld.-k beats thi. C'aii !'-.. irtuK-nl I The I'.r.onou'M atSatten lat Tiielay j .1 .--r -ry jui'jtly altJiouU roiiNider hlebard wark wat dona Woth nhlea No. lMitd put in nonilu.itioii.ioM Wi Mer f r ( Iu r t:-i;co.i erand II. J. Clark, of tin, lioo!.-. f.,: A -hi ;.'-. The 1Ioi!.n met and endorsed the neentontenai and No. u'h i udorkod tho nouiinoo lor Atilnnt, ioi- pteeetl w- It- Ilu"tun of ttnir com- paoy hi neaalnaten for CHbM Vbeeoti h'! Joh fFebbeti i : Wi n. itnHton, 47. II. J. Mark, for AdUnt, 103 : Idauk, ft. The Are ljoy a?i!ilj!cI iu tho ovon Ing aui f;Utii; tho band, Krn Mr. Wi-hber a aareoadea They wom teeltei to no. J f.-u-d It mil very lino rigar r.u ! a --j I. adij Sfaflii by the nsw Chief. TUr Ct CloCrr . M, Wado A Co., of Salem, aro hand lot,; betk the Dooiing and Md'ormlck teftee btadetef end having l-u In tuuma rhino li'jiliiMi f r voari ihrir oidnlmi j certainly mint bf good. In their circular ibty nay tlm hs-nir; ir-iai least t iiu h- ' ' " than any o'.h '. r ' ld,r t l'um "V f ":;.l!n Artrt!iotral .f hinder.' at Kalotn on Uin ;, ( ,( s. , t h hi " ni" wi-"ini?i iii'i i- uu mo ruiimi. Tho fa nn r i v h wiwii-HMvl iheA-ontet r Ulnly nuiHt have considered that it did IU work wei:. IN : r tfclSox have tho laxur- j Ing for aahvtnd will gtadly how It to you wl,.4her yo wish io huy or net. rSi,i a.i iifimi news. i We are reminded l.y County School Soperlntendent tiiihi rt to mmounee tl,al !l,e fpatltaiwert ot tho.aeheol funi! lla been mwlo and that tboonlcra far'hn aatne nro now In itio bands of Brooe, oeCouetyTreaaurer. As be erIBhave to ajafce out bis rort on July Ntbe would like nil dl.Mlricta to draw tbejr money In fore that lime. noUeeafioeild betaken of the teat (thaVUiIameaey will not be paid om exeept lo district elerfce, or upon tbwlr order. t JUllllJ I I'. Illff. i'..T. ill. ) H'l.l I IJll-W". Ill till. .H. fill Tbursdar evtining, .luno X. tnl)jJet Throe Years With tho l .alter lay Saints." Thobo who have heard 1 r. Stratton speak will not likely iiiIhh this opportunity of hearing him attain. Wo nan any to all tvho have net heard him that ihv will haven I rout, by Koin;. Tie beta of admission will lo twonfy-fivo eouU. i.ny nn iik.i.k'i ytkatei. MhakesiHiaro aaki: Is the sun dimuicil l!iat KK-tH do fly iu it? and WO are eoit stniineil to nMi; If the pollywojf wlio runs lllr. "Herald" thinks tlie ffroat xea of jour nalism Is disturbed when bo flops his Lilliputian form upon i's placid surfaco? It's liko a moaenlto biting an elaphant the trouldo of brushing hint oil Is qreator than tho harm his bilo-dons. They oaH hbn "Lady Prise Bologna Pottlngsr" still. M.-Uoitl Mertlut:. At he Mjhoel meeting laat Monday ovon IngtheComnitttoo rejiortod in favor of buying the vaeai't bloek on Montgomery st rc-et for l.Ti-0. and n motion made to tabla tho rep .rt j.rovHiled. The meeting! then nu.lourueo witliout iioinyany lurtuor business. Ctssiag gscretnaa f Uic a many CeUeaJaie lilMltluli' I'wiirin tejir. Saiiratii CnatW. .luno 12 Annual WW by I.nv. A. h. UmbUy, l. 0. All tlm ul.urche aro iuolo.l tit join lit fn Mrviw. Ti' ArosaS'xix, June '1 -rClais oxcrolnoa, iiub lectimirt, loloat ciHjftkln mid imwid. Tho I' U-liers Mid rUl Iki 'I.ul tu w o and t K tain thf tru ii.U i.f o(!'H' e.U'ii nt. tlli time. Kvurrisnn boio at 1:80 p. m. irisi to all. VaaMRaaAT Kvumvo, .Tumi IS. Annual cliool cnter Uiinliluilt, eunwif tin;: of rei'itiit iniii, ileelnina, ruiuliuuf, vai'ui ami linoritinetit.aI nuuiSu ami Miloutiiiii 1 r. .01 Um ICtlio. Sou pnwriun. AUuIIm, Uh: hlldrmi under 12 years, 26 cunts. Farmer' ami Merlins :"' Store. Tho Farmers' dnd Mechanlea' Ptoro la just in roeolnt of a Rp'ondid lot of new troodv, whlon w ill repay you to call and eximine. J M. Nolan makes no preten aioua which facta do not warrant, and he -i aims to be able to sell men's goods nt cheap as any man in the State. J ust call and hco his last oousitpimontH. ! aii a mmu An thro ar many conflicting roport in rol.alinii to thn smldnn di;ei,.i .n .' ii' U of W. W. FraucU of thU plac., I m ynu a tateinont of tho facht nn I havo ;athrod tbaat. W. XV. Franaii left has homo nint .1 o'clock p. in,, of Juno lid, l:'l, ulatiug tlmt ho wan noiiitf to deliver fi coniiln of pairs d hiMitu nnd colluot S08M money and would not ho homo until next day. (The facU of what took place at Keinhdl ilririge you alroaily havo.) llo hud ataaiad a huttlo of I ; I from tho batcher nt thi place, tettef thnt ho wmhed U uo It t-i Rtakaa padJ li a liuUh taiots with. Oa Friday morning tlnie waf :!lir found in h ii trunk ia hia own hand wriiin .-, tolling hie wifo that iu cooi bi febeeM be taken away unrxprotcil!;', that ho had H hia All.da no that abi would lt Wftat littli ho had managed to ravo, Jin, bavina on Tin iday lbs :Jiot, ult. deadsd hi Je.. wand Iota to Ihi, and alao gavi: hor a hill of nale of all Ida seneaal aaTesta, (ail of white ha btea found.) Ho fin ther ntatcd tliat bf hud tiiheu or Ix.rrovifd $1 l.'I.OO U tbf mom y, llio w.iH .Si:li.eil I I' i . w In. Ii lie w i. licd h r lo pay tooulher v itli l!i : i-iore uceoiuita whu.h wore kiuall, "a a", lo ieavo no Htaiu upon my nam'; aa being (liabofM '. He thi n reo, inmtcd her to oolloot Ida Oflfa inii .unaa Adminiuwtrator of tliee-I O '. A Thom.i deeeaaeil, of.hia araoi iate Adminu trator IK 15. Thouia. utating that hu h and pa-rn would Iki found nthcr in t.. ibep or boesa. "Ilojfinjj that my f nra aro aroaadlfff I will winh you a last oiwmI hye" (-i'iiiii hia aasaf as bar hwfatg beabaad) and aeVUag tbi xmtcript. ."I. S. If . yon ever tu ; my ii oho ivlvertintd or any mtboii nr.awcring my h vi rij.tioii, antwer the ailvcrtineinent, for I have a tain hrother living and, h flOMI a be ana whoyae eteyaa will Mt want Iff anything, ha wM r-upport you hy !;; him know who you are, and he it ahje (., 1, ao toi. liol hye again. " Then are many minor faeti io oinitcthm a i tl. tho alfjir, hut tho idmvo arc no Hid to i -'.!.!. 'i tlojf ot that l.e I. -t.iti-. Wa oanaot aioertain any tnotivo for nia fii leat iiiXi hia aceountii :r - all nht, ;very dollar saanw to he aOfOented fur. No iiuur family ttrouhl. Jlo a;u hnn-st. U.IU41I iu-j.! uitiiiriiiir. ii inv w . . im-mlM-r of the. I. O. O. K. Il la-l rtidol ja MaU.-y aImhiI '.i yar. UUOW Sal II ! '. Mtl-.. Qeile a number attended Ihe phanla at ladianou to day. 'ihnJlaptiat Annual Sue-lay School Ahoclation roninuo.r. U. I '-morrow. A very !ar att-ndaiee U t-x peeled. tfeaie j eeeaAead tealnefMUhe nar row auj.:? ra iroi 1 by tin- .):!;, and everyboly jccuih in Mini if .ref the liowa. Wo uro cordially iofono-d li-.i aj wedding i aooeite telte alaea in our vicinity. J. II. Irvine, oar popibir landlord. tten to Portland to-taofl o an bud in lUito a HO: :!i-. o. y.. 11 Jn- -Ji'o look a ttvin trip to the BfsJa i-'pr.uM, last Sitmlay. It la Kettiur; be a very popular Itjaofth Frank .lack lafaaaeae ;f tbe Kyeal ii'H in tho country. I'm.'. I. J. I'owtdl. o. Albany, anil other-, viaiUaJ mr town la-t Sunday. Mr. pioh Irvine reteroaJ b inu iaat Monday f:om I 'orvaJti, wbatatteltea bean latrtrit Telfair aphid J at an aawlat hh brother, who ia nat r that piece. Iloc .Shad'liaa lately beatedat thia place, lie let" be found nt V-iu.-ir di UK idoie. Mr. I. Dab! di. of i'orll.i-.. I. ssUo in count I'tetl tt.lll the Woolen idilla, at thin pla.e .p ut a day or bo. here tela areeh on bnalnee . tlf UCao resi dent I'olllatid aetit for tU' Woolen Miite Wi think I'.rowiiHville can boast of tho line-f loin Itthbon club Iu iho county. At the inee'ln?: Iat m i, wilhM. 15. IrvSuo rn Pre ideiit. tbe uew "it y Hull wan erewdo.I. i'erfect order prevaih-d and I. kwn one of the heid iiieetiiiiJH that I ever attended. Ilve'rybody neemod to take a lively interent in the exert l-e and went home iiyppy. I am proud to aay lltat It WUJ a ereilit to the pbl e. Two t:tMMl at ifars "Berpera liafjaatne1 for June ma bo- ginnint; of the 'd volume of this eelebral ed publication. It is a brilliant numlirr, and la not ntoro aUraetivo from the artieta point of view than it Is impressive in a lit erary kouxo ; having i-o itrilniliona from the best wrilerain every one of tho nnny liildn covered hv i's eontenta. The two aorial novela now being pnldinbed in it are vorypopiilnr, and nr sufllslent alone, to make the magazine jiopular. Yon ounht by all means to take ' Hiur.'' Another inagaaiiie, tho aatno size and jiiHt aa good as tho or.o spoken of above, is the "Californlaa," tbe Juno mnnlwr of which now Ilea on our table. It is made up ontiroly hy contributions from FhoJAS coast wiltern, nnd in. oe publication that we receive aiveH us moro real rralillealion than It. Thero i aoinolhing in western llleraturo that we all admire, end the "Cnlifornlan" gives us tho very cream of tho productions of our Paeiflo eoaH writors I loth masraainea should And a phtco in overy household. Hrbool K ; o l nf tNlrlr fi,. .".. Man WIk.Iu immbur oiimHod for Mav HllVN Olrit A erau ilaUy aUMMfaaet :s l 17 S3;10 17 M ilen 1'VuiatM IS 3 10 aM ir iiijno. IHnan t). tfaQesew. fi" ArletU Wilson. PS. Kniiua Jaj-kwm. 00, Ada Kuzellit, Oo, Katie Ackrrmau, Kttlo 11. Wiley, Kllaa Pflttljehn, 01, billle Wil-jv, Ol. I.ydiaMosa iM), T. VantU Snmiier, t-7. .liwc'ih Iw. WI, . on J. omuami, ::. ltcint A.-kertuan, f)r, I'tinrlov Ivr, Hun ry JaeliiMjn, T.l. Tho above named scholars having by dili gence and drpartteeat assebed W. In a scalo of 100 fur tho month of .May, thnr names have been pinned on tlm rull fl honor. Swoet Home, May 28, 1S81. S. A. DeVanky, 'J'oachcr. Drllniiucnt Taxes. Sheriff Charlton u now pushing the collection ef tho delinquent tax lists and making many levy's and sales. Ho desires us to sny that it is no ngroeable business to iree costs upon tax-payers but unless taxes arc paid it must be done. rnr. hi ieo.r. A .( il Conerrn. Wo had tbe eteasuro lart of fiiaU inj hnnda with one r.f our AOlOl il an man ufu 'luring prlneeit, Mr. (.'loin s.'ndebaker, Itaatdeat Of the Ktudelaker Bros. Hetttt hetelies tyn ef (South Ind, Indians. Mr. Ntudebnkor viaitcd Albany, an be haw vlalted rnoat of tho towns and chief of tho North '.voat, In the Interest of the enn aera t Wbtehhe in I'realdent. Mr. Ku geae BneffMHWi la their aggrit at llda pm r, nnd by him wo we re Introduced to M. M., with whom wo enJo5o-J a abort vialt, in Iho couro' of which wo obtained eou-dder-ablo Inforiiiatlon of Ihe melhol and hia lory of own of th'o giealet inanufa'lu'b." etahbshuioiTlH in Iho Unilod Htaim. In I8JB two of tho Htu debaker brothr-ia ope ueal n xinall wagon ah op at Houth iJend, and llio flrat yoarthey turned out two w ona. tees that lime th-y havo built np a Lui-inrxa whleh now glvi errifdoyioent lo alMut I'M1) peraona, and th'ir mboyo asd huildiuga cover an area of aoino twenty' live aerea. Tho lan'. inio of Iho "J'r o.o l'ariur''eon tallied h long and claboi d-i-Heriplioii o!' (in) worka, from v.hh h wo clip iho following; cx'.niota Itle interesting to study lbabu-bea uiethoda ot soeh an hunieuao eonirn at tlna. The single matter of foctiruuc a auj'- aotnliiio t-x a.'t a In i of i u m I aaa on ot i only Ihfl best. II is In whedn that cover inlmv u re . wbor i remaniK fr..m two to livo v o-. '. v it is ina)e:ted atin, ami linaoy kept hi .i drying iioiio at a temperature of ioo de grees, loexisjl tbolaat parttols of moistnas ami iiisko n roor in ina inoai trying inalo to w hich it can l nulJael. then worked up aud after being teOTOl ly oiled is laid away in warehouar ready lor tiHo. The rrnA".r will recognize tnat Iho reatowt euro it ik M U lltoi all but the very best4 luoUor, 'uko every i M slblo paina to i w ton n- K"wlualiy Ar yoara, and then preparo tlie wrnai foi final iiao iu iho aeeel paiiaatly ,i nou easMti lion. All material la relates 1 lo j --.a Iho ' jo eat luapoedon by exrta. iron un l 0c-oi iiH-l :iro:ao l-t ; h o - oi in haul, instead of bnyteg tho ordinary pt t com- iiw, by a hou.o in Phil '1 ho working lloors f.t ol land, with tn drive ways a Indldioatls four atorioM oofBpaiVfDOBta, e unectoJ a They employ oi. liion-.-.' two immense euginei of hates wir i neli, Mini las;! hundred hyrao jamer, as le-a'cd bv ' - ii-:. 'I no ),iil oxen were uacxl for U . -. iron loorw id mew, I i r bur i.j In a W ii v.. Mi i i am Hy, 1. I-- o am and im I - at t hav. .v.. i. A i or IMiptol A K ment h iho I I h e A U irn at i :ui in i. of good .-.'' Hiiring Mr. SUadehaki 2-hort tool m f a-sanrj risotb y natural re that very few h know aiy if soli, climate wo paaaaja, toi8lua with thU city re exproiaod bo to find tltat wo so r hourecs an I said lob ;. pooplo in tho roMcm S thing about ih. advana' and other natural reaou exs-:i t:i'iso t no aro oo:i oar people. lie waa very much graiibVd with the immense trado their enccrn ia huiidinv: up on this ovv-t, and at the s mie time wa gonorotia enough to Riy that he Ibought our people here should manufac ture everything nf th" kind they Reoaefl for thomsolve. Bajecialiy in the iinooi woolen goods aud aomo olhor articles of daily consuatiKion, ha thought we were far behind, although railroad connections snd tacreaeed travel, with the consequent better knowletlge of this section, audits wants by capita! its would bring all thee thlttga iu time, llo apetro nf Albany aa one of tho rnot pleasant little cities b had viaittnl on tho entire trip. Whiio here ho called on Mr. .las. H. Foster. whoUanol l acruaintanee, and enjoywl a very pleasant visit. Ho was a gueatof tho St. t'harles Hotel, and there listened to aomo music by tho ! olios' Cornet 4 Band. Ho made the yrungladii s a very pretty little Kjwch in whleh ho saHl ho had hoard ninny of tho finest bands of this country and Kotope but ha never had nKKN .ri"Kt r;-:e ! ngly by any of them as by tho Ladioi Cornet Band. They wore a band now of thomselva3, and a very good one, but be expctod when in tho courso of a few years ho returned to our city tlnd each one of them tie leader of a littlo band of her own. Mr. A. n. fthnra the general agent for the Pacific coast with headquarters at Sacra mouto, Mmaipanlrd Mr. Stadehaker and Is a very pleasant gentleman. A. O. IS VI. Willamolto I.olg A. O. IT. W. mot on Monday evening lnt nnd elected the fol lowing officers : II A Chirk, M W, L HII veu, ti T, I 0 Denny, O, N H Allen, b'eord v I (J Jackson, F, N KabUy, Iteeetvejr, ltnbrt Urown, I i. ' M Wostlath I W, A lla'e, 1 VV, K R M I'arbir, Tn:-.!-, . Dr. I A Davis, Medical Examiner. ll'iau v r.-;rnrr To The Board of Directors of All any Farm ers' Co. met on Tuesday lat and organized by tho olectiou ef M. II. Wilds President, and D. Mansfield Secretary, of tlie Board. Mr. Mansfield was also elected Superintendent. . O regno P!on--r. Following in tho program to be obnarva l by Iho Oregon Pioneer Aswiation, at their meeting en W'-dtioaday, .Juno 15, at MeMinnvillo. Tho procesalon will form near tho rail road dot, under tho direction of tho (irund Marshal. At 7.ihr nf portlan 1, ml It oVloek a. in, soil inareh hy ronto (icfciKnnto y tho ananaahiao to tee stand ing order: Marshal and ;.!-, XaiiunaHlap, lUnd. mrl stnndnnl b arer. I2annlre. r aa-4tKtfMi iw JJ Cor n . t V. J. UnrriHf.n. I'haplain a id Drtor, laident and olJ.-ora of the a de' v, x-ra of the a. e. j;ilion tvho e on - o Pj Mem the Toniuiry previous to 1KJ1, Tho following named sentieinvi will net as division standard bearers : HSo -Ain'-a t'ook, Yninhbl eouniy. IWI- W T Jonoa. yamiii-1 iwontv. Jol2 T .1 Hi ii. Vaiohill e IM:; n k Hilton, Yammil tt '"''-Jti'i Mioio, Marion eino'y I'.Htoph m Mlaala. I'olk eo i.'.iv - J. ;-i!hrif, rtk eocmty V hhort, Clackainss JOio.l . . ItHs fjoraea Lyman, Wfaahteatne . N 1' AiiJceny, Mollni-io - oioty j- ,- p.royiiiaji, Marion rounly. 1.,! T V Jttvonf'ri. Marion ''no v. fl -Ki' IthdHtvav, Yamhill ootuiiv. Ik .5t W l'hilliH, Yamhill khiii'v vri: 1 a i 4 Cm vo.nn r j -.- , w .1 I,o in on! VXn-iMm of oPirers will txfce phtem rtlatelT after iho i-imr of (ho v.i TJ.'- imp fotjs v. ill rt o';hk p. no, nnar Um atjusd, St trtti ' ! I p'ott'rs ar- re; - .1- 1 :, l j r.- Tho ((rand 'io!."j-r !.. I wiil com -at M eVtOffc in tho largo nnd con oils v,ar h- u'. M'-MointiSh- at ail aio oirtedI inviled. fhui '1 hf H-."re!ary . ..J ! i-. (a the pavflioa dnriajr thodajr $m4 ..: a t i w. ;m. - 4l' one roiMtun cvery bar.? and ba- Mar f -r I; ,:r.-l . ttsmSHm. : ! t d " v .'.me Hi t OaCiRATi'AYUKV. d.e K?uch Tcasar; in ro:i,;i:itn! W fornia Tins and Ecci U e (..rUctiUrau li s I'. -.-t. -r. ... l.L n i others. lln Yioum benaaa a kaaadfafU (rnlral SSrai Marfan. This frvt o-si it!aikt is now in tho hand of Major J. K. Hcrrvn, whma f-x-posleiH-e i.a guamnty i: w :; . keji. up In every pir. VuUr. l-'roih tmius of all kinds rons!ai.t!y oi bard. "Thai be.-t ijna!ity and reaouable priooR, la the atajoat motto. .The hiehest i-ab rw a will b paid for veal calves, pork, -'-M-k ens ami all kind -to: hide and fum. 1 :-Nt Street, Allmnj-, Oregon, J. K. Kerrotuprap priotor. racui t: aknuu su u: Ti e. bcfi taivi in th-i w.r c, Jrt?, e.l. -r., s ilt rlicom, : -. 1 tcr, chapped hands aajlhtaipa, kinds en ikin einplloua. -anr -oilto givt- p-rftsct stl -i;iot i. cas or money r fti:--U i. p. For sale by Fcshay and Maso tgta : D XbKirc, -m ; !) r - : Dr Powell, Lohajrae : Kdptli t.-unic, .! Iferson : M '..H;e Vista : 0 Cornsbaa, Turner rTarrisborg ; tarr aint HI ville. l: A lb Why doaa not tbe proprietor oi Ain men's Onagh Syrup publndi Uatiiuoutafai t'rom those who hve Io-m oared of re lieved by his medicine ? The answer is, iho creator ihe humbntr tho moro ti'.timn niala the publish. ammwV 1 tough Syr up is no huinbuii, and (o prove that snd let it stand on its own merits, a i.v-nt samp'e bottle i prepared, tvriiv:!i is rtain. ly more eivii;uin- than a testimonial I rem a strapper. ljurge latttles. ai. .k vour druggist fsr it. Slaren's herry Tatoth Ca;;c. An aromatic cnmbina'iou for the ; va cation of the Teeth and Qoms. It is far MiIK-rior to any preparation of the kind iu the market, "in largo, hudsnm- opal ots, price f;0 cents. For s;ile by Foshay i Mason, Alttfiny, Oiegen. Ask your druggist to show you large bottle of Arjunen's Cough Syrup, and read the label. Wo can honestly recommend it aa tho best. Try it. E. K. SKIP WORTH. .ITTOnXEY AKD IOI N'KRLOK AT I.iW A SB) NOT A It' 11 BLSC. limTILD practice in all courts of the State, f w All business intrusted lo me-prompt-ly attended to. VUe im (PTooWs Block, liroadaiUn Street,