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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1881)
ii id Jfl: f t H I : H H71P I I v, k I J : I m I n mJIj A'l ii nEiiOORAT i8sui;i eyeiTy "Tjijday " - -in . CKWAKT & liltKY. '. liH-n 1 01 ;i p i i . o in i. j in; ;, im ) 7 ! t - n ; i" i 'I (! I V o , .-. . i .., m ; ; K f'o'. ti 111 '. in i 1;, o ! o j 7 i. i Yi !' it to -i ) 10 (.( I V, i 0 j 4-1 fro I r I i.nlvoo' in (inbitinhw IM.s !UT.w Snitrrt ttnlPlins on lirn Jaltilw Mrrvl. TKIWIS OF SUnSCRimON: ctpv, it roar T..... coj'y, monts. .. c oiy, iliwc inttiU.. . . . n umbor. . . .. ji oo a w ....... 100 10 LM U F ESS ION A I, OA II 1)3. . Vl.TNN. K.VllAMUr.Pl.AlN. ruNX & niAMr.Eiu.Aix, rTOi:XEYS AT EiW, Albany, t? reditu. rverOHu'e in VWer's Brick P.loek.-C'. ;. s. s i It II N. V.II.VI.V. STKA1IAX & 1511A"J3U, TUiUtblboj inni Albany, Oregon. IIACTICJK IN ALLTHKCOUUTS OF i to collection an 1 probalo matter. UUee in fester's new brick. 4',ur L. H. LSONTAHYE. 'PTO-HNKV AT LAW, AN1 Notary Public. llbniiy. Oregon. V.loc- u p-talr. o cr John Hri-i;' store, D. K. N. BiiAClCKURXT, T0?.aY AfiD COUXSELCa AT LAW Albany, Oregon. ,-?icc iin st;!r In UJ Idton T-im i hi i;.s h spt'c'.alty. m-i TTOUXKY AT J -AW, r!Lt. mUk'i: IN" AIXTHKOH UT.nKTIlK w.. S'HM-Lal altViili'-ii civi-n t-i ti!Uxlk!i iiil r:e rsvitUr. in.'VSoe in .M lYV-v 4 TVin; lo. 11:! POWELL & i;ilA5SU, iTOUXKYS AT LAW, Ami Solicitors iu Chancery, ,!:.i:;v. - - - os:::uos. VUeetiom promptly mad" on all point.. iu nciroliated on reasonable term. ; xr o.'Ik-e iu Foster's UrH-k.?. vlinlinf. V C 0 1 IN EY ArI I . A W. A !.U IX' oi:t...v ?k!i' ups'.iir in the Oihl I'i'IIovv's i .M be ' f iSl r.rsrt'w ia a!! fh- rwrt nf SJ le. ft-tt jtl r,ili.,n rH-rt to !'-. tior. c- i!- ios a cu". lily. v!'Jii'?-if. mm a a. ,. ,, ..ri nri!ij-,'irn r 1 v; ' T,r . -t, r,-r,3C-r i 'ill p"r!!"f in nil t? '.?iJ of the Klat? vl'r-jtvl. TTOItNKY r . w 7iII t-riIi 'o In all lh CVnrts of this 1.0. attfiiiion !vi' to Oi3oe- 1. Oiii'e uo-j-bur- hi 1 r n;;in' new TTOrr.V AT liAW -AND 1 L'CA ;!? rt'ons prr.mj iJy made on all points. E. (i. JOIIXSOX, 21, HOMEOPATHIC hycician and Surgeon, Albany, rcso. 1 Tf In IVmiTrn Itricfc, two doors tHt of V:-::!sfcr'a - r V r.10 kVi a . LIST AN!) A UK 1ST V J U v!i.;otJnx liASKAii i-:xiKr.:KNvniN i ri!;if... ii Ihf VJvrioi tjl&np- Ut which th" e atid f ar ar niSiJ' H, antl feis rfiriPlerit of rinar frlir msr.-i'-tiofi t those vruo may ic t hirrfrl v.-s ur;Jer hi car-. no;ir. Hie.-? m Foster's Prick, rxt dojr to ofliee of Powell fc IJilyeu.'i5!! in the two f-tory frame building on Soiaib si.lo f h'ocond ntreet. one lriM-k nl a half Eaxt of Wlift'.er t li-kcy'a Ii very blab!e. Sfeanj, ... ... Orr'oi. yolKnl nt t n""a nntf5 n AND- Alhuny, ... Orrssn. riTAs'.-.'i.n rnc prai-.tick or itvs fj :r. .;i in Hi!.- city aii-.l li.-iiiUv. o;tir at tty I'm,' :itrc. r'lf IU. K. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Ohhro at Fo-I ny A Mason V:. ; esi I.' nee on JSroadalb'n Ft., Ail-any, Or. Vl3n22tf 1. . jonks, M. Ik T. f. SMixir, f. P. JONES SMITH, Albany, Oregon. OFFIC: Odd rellow'H Temple, over pluirimer'a JJrny; Ssloro. 4:; rr.:; . AldiANY COLLEGIA' E INSTITUTE AUttJjy, OES. T-te TJiird Term mil -open en Ilon day, Jhsnaiy .31, 188i. Y.,r iartiIari tuii'.vf.iiiijtlie coursts of tu;ly aJ t!ij5 jriee ol tuitioi), ujiily Ui . KllV. EtE"T A'. t'OXWIT, S't-csiilciit. - . I . . ?.m ??Tf is now bein made faster tban ever lit J ii 3 lv those at work Vr nu, PcrhOiisi of titutr can mate SvW a week in their own' towug if they ar willi a,' to work. Ko risk. 5 outfit tree. Anyone cau run the busmen. Cnpita-l not required. Ail who engage irosjer. Ko on-fails. Parlteulais Iree. Address, H. 11ali.BTT 4i Co., I'ortUtid, 5Uiii. HAS. El. BfaWTAClliJ I G NOT! Axn has r.U(H';nT to & L E B A (nk or 't in: . ani most coMrLin: or Kvcr FuithiLseu for i Iiis Tintlt ! KW GOODS I LOW PFiSGSS I OUiCX SALES K :' I MM HaSH KTOC'IC TO SKl.IXT from, nod wi:h ten vf ar-' f-.vjt ricini? nt-l t'onlhleut thai inv roc-nt jurih;ic !rM2i to m !1 only prod --.U and nt i n!-iilini 1 hn vt-m;? or lov rtltf-loprs bo I rufi ib! from li.n iimoitnt of ;-oH an i not fr-m pr'tt on r.r.y i'i :irt!-k'. Ob.tjlk.O.WI. 1 . I - -uu EXCIiiANUK OF SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS! MOXTKiTir.i new fii:n(ii:Ariii !, MONTKITll'S I'Ol'ULAIt .SCH1N'I', .SILL'S (JUAMMAlt, WATSON'rf CHILD-.-f SPELLi:.!. WATSON'S YOUTH'S SPHLLi:!:, intooK.s' AurniMirncs, For sale :il"Inlroduotio;i"anl,,i;. '-Inn;". pri :ex, at DRUG & 200H ST0HE. vl3n:itf 1 Viz tsW a Cnslom Boot & SIiooTJaUcr. SCOOTS AND SI IO IIS inido to ordf-r, 3 and rcra!i inir dona widi neatness ami dispatch, ami at low prna. (Mil and-M-o him. Ursst street, Aimny. iiyi Oregon Harblo Works. H. A. CLAUK, rroprivtor.. -MASiKAtTin'-iw or M ONUM ENTS, Tomb and Grave Stcnss, Tilantels, TaT3lc-Top3, "Waslistands, Etc-. All Winds of fmtt':ry worU Pns in ilrtl, Tree Ktiitie mi.l Oranito. AH -rk ilorie ii flrsn iaoi Htyle ami at the lnwefct nut. liTW'cst of Terry Sin ct, n StoonJ awl TViirtl. ai.bam'i ar.o.v. P. H I lo not cinjiloy a!i incxoricii(:fi'l ranvaf.. era, ainl f.'"ive toy eutotor tlio );uiA'ii l thu if pur ceit. Ciiiiiiniasion allowed f;r kucIi work. C orner First and Ulswortb Albany, Orrsin, ' ' Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. ii.w iTolel U fittol ui in firt clw style. TaWes gujipliud with the bent the market af.rU. Kirin?f Ifcda in every Koom. A &l hamiile itifiut for Com mercial Travelers. tSTYree t'oacli to aatl from th If ot-!.5i JAMES 13 ANNALS, MAXl'r.VCTtKES AND 34Lr.R Of FUnWITUBE I B2BB2HG. . . - . ... f . -:' t'omer I'erry nl SriNirsd Klrc-I. AI.OASY. - - CIir.GON. .. "; . vlCnllyl ' . A il) An l J' "a m lh --- - - OOD Cnulr.n ChiHa nncl Fovor Dur.":!? Artio, JnfcnnlttontRo mfttoHt hntl Typhoid Fovorc, tlUo : ,r.c:o, L!vor, Stomach, awA iUilr.oy ci3ocrdcr3, and iiinnvollioroilmonta.dostroy j tn Cho health and lives of millions, io driven out of tho syctotn, and radically curod by tho t:so cf tho LION - ft! A- LA?C!A ACJD LSVCr? PAD and cAnLtor:;c cody atd FOOTPLA07iTR3pthochoap cct and porfoct treat ment by t!io Absorption prin clp'o, Tho PJaatoro acting in conjunction wUhtho Pad up on tho narvo centers and ro mitopartoof tho body, inab-coi-vn4-; and t!caiirrh!y.rld dinrjth oystemfrom SV1ALA- Tir3 vvholo troalr.iont, PAD, DCDY PLA'TCtl and FOOT PLASTERS, oH combined, so;i for SI. CO tho choapost mdfj'jclnniJy over discov s : 1 c2 a peDitivo euro rr' i tao d ii worn accord" i to dimcti-mu. Roniom- her, Pa:!, Go Jy Plaster and Foot l-J:;otcr3. ll:o vholo, C.J Co!d by all dr usists, or mailed on t ocolpt of prico t;j;:l!o.m tir,:-iCir4; co U5W YORK. 1' to: ,ou:rJi..;o r.r.u .-I:;-....-:-. ii is mot nr.ncoTi:: 'lot it';; : t :,: fil . Tlx-y lit ;.!, ;uotI:c euro Htrrti:;, ..iV .1 a . It n:v! r? littblc. ."t.vI, I"clid Ercatli, l?c.-JTr:cc'i, f.tiy Catarrhal C!.lrJr.i, !: etrtorsalaaioil ly Wcl Do ' r'a CAtarrli Cum, aCczsC-r-1 Actluoic, ALsorx1.-'.''- t Important J !- O -5 .- . and iidjukation i T I. M '-IZiA-'Ut., at I.wer So ! 1 i r - n t!ti t'm.i. in bs abovo lcini..i, ha-i cii:t.;d hi, bu'iM.ji"; nnd lx t.v. Iicj:;n-il to hf-'ji ;i liiiii'.'. I i!iiml. r (i "tn-btM. ll ha a l '.f, fican, v. I j-!i.Td"l :atnp $;r und for lho frK iixm ,f i anijn-rt. ana viil Iuri'jli i.a lor liK sr rt a i'ay. Spb.-n-lid '.d. lit, beautiful .-::5f ry.deail Ioad of hi .n-!:bf rrha in K-itviii, ah 1 lho l,S. "O hi wMtt-r ia the M ue. VI Bath House rAm u:.";bn-i;;,;;D WOLTd HC'-pnci 5 lully ir;for!i tlin ri'W'j?i of A iiany nnl vt i;iuittLjit 1 liAvetakT?c'rjejftbl Uriablish aent. hy kct-jiir. clctn ricu nnd j yin frio t aitejstio', t bui.ic ':2",)f!t to uit al t;-..;re ni3' f Jvtr n.i with tbir Kdviii Ljrct!.fort ctrrieu tii i.clidr hat Fiu:t-Cl'i:-.3 llfelr l)T9$ir.i:. flrdcoii's, v.c xj.ct to pive ttlre MiltHflwc to 1 i'-w-ChiM:' 5. r.4 La-IUf' en ai:..vj 1 u'.;. . .u s v. rr.: : 1 . The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchase Ilummcr dried fruit at foil market r rlcos; Will hond a competent person to aivl o fruit prowera as to cultivation of oraddb tion i to orchardi ; WlK supply fruit trees of approved norU at fticci; Will foil l'lummcr Drh-rs through, Ilonton and 1 sums counti?s. botlf!r to Uicnt to I'orvuUUI'ruit Oom (;orvallia, Kenton Oounty, (5ie;:on, WAfddS NASI I, President. Jamks !tEA?i: Soo'y. Jaroim-v J, l.0 2-lwii . . ...... -iv ...... -1 y . ... on .l.i It. ) 1 t) ' , .jur oi No rUlt. Women do an eu as innii. iiai.y ii..h:j mora ina.ii om iiiiioTiiii stated aliovu. Jtouim can i.iil to nui;e inotu-y l;iNt. Any Onu can do tho work, lou can mnke from tOets. toV2nn hour by ilevotin your availing uml iaro tinm U tho liitMio'-n-. It eftt notldnsf to try tin- Imih in"W. N'otbiii like it fur money rnakin cv-r offered before. I.asiiicnii lle;i;iht Rii'l ftrii-tly lioiioruhlc. l;e:i'lor, H you want to know all about tho beet utyiug iiiihiiiesH li:ioro thn vutdie, S'.-na im your aiiiruHi atxt we will neii'l you full rarli-ul:trsi tuul privut.a tern.8 frea ; uarii(!i;8 worth S."juIo fre ; you -n-i then mnke ii;i your niiixi tor your'jf. A.a jiunh oi.ou;h hiiN- ijO.S ti CO., IWllutid, Maine. ALBAKV E3SfiT ESABEIET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and 0ausa,ge al ways on hand. Hi ilmst Citib t'iica paid for aM kimls d fut ntH:lc. 42tf MiVl WE.V1 Druggists and Booksellers, ' vl;'n11lf Q8 "0: -V 31 ALBANY, OREGON, When joy ami ylwwtiro ! mijuchio I within thy Imirt, I And ImrphiCM. and LIUh l.M mu1.h all And nrtnnohliowcrM!w1ii?down Uon Ami all thy rrU- mo Iruo to chf tr thy Mutiny ilny, An.U-arouuitlirollHtrfMi uoVr luuJHy lovoly hrow, r.ul hIi thy uniting mo Hnu-h!iip, bright and iuro h now, I tisk not thi n a thoutit'tvutdd Hit im lioodcd by 1 n, i r 1M bo forgodMi, whilst- jhnhu I IU U it thine ryo. Who,. Mdir tlnooK-ubmU h,1 Hlrho b win thy Icindt a ... . ...... bivollncH 1 ft""', "",u ,,-m',mH' . ...,MHo,, fh.y.Zill ulth hlUn Dodooplo bi iXpiCftfHt, And th' warm bUol rus!o wthUy, and 1 ,... ...nt ..,,( 1 ... villi. Hut boumlH with rnpluro throb, dfjHo I thy oarmtot will I rU not then a llioiiKht-'lwcio an Idlo rtiWcti'-ti'im. , i;iitif1whUhtio,f.tlJ)thyi.alhway.rr should lie, - W h,rc trouble, inrt t thy trr and -rrow. .1l( ft.ttlk dlmthino cyo , Should iVr n,Ufottun'H touch f.wcoj' I'omfoit from thy dnr, OA o'.d in-nl''"t lco juln witiiiH win joy tx'toro Then I would cravo a thought- 0110 long, Aud n.ot-thntthou woiild'n try what V hind thoulil from thw, ftktulkhlp initio tnitfht lo ; An I proo, ofull tho frh tuH who smile uj-on tl:ro now, If All lh rttirovofahv, llmt or.o at host V. In tho p'trplo-tlctrd twilight lireamlly lovo my queen ; In 'no west tome Mrcak of hl'i light Lighted up tho att-nc. Oli ! th? hammiHrk held h-r clocly In l!n stuj l.l, rr.M.l,vl cord rtnbmw ; And 1 wbdied I mlht Joly Tnkc tho hainnnHk'a plaif. OnoMnall fool tho toeheH .how It SleuJrr, ura.-eful, mtlnvl, I sjw It well ; S!', iMr darling iulii't know If, And 1 didn't tell. An I a loiiiitain loiuht.ioiui; liipph-d iijar at baud lt hi a .ay : Kluwi-u wriu I'looiuin and i rliiiulu to i:m Ki.t" i pray. S-. 1 vkuni her In tho twllh;ht, Whitowo waUhed tho coming cf thet.!ara In lliudu.k, no Ilht but my llht lUiher my cigar'a. All U j i-t nov. Inthna'iU' lUi;i"Uh t li iumi'M-h, lUmn-ib . .i . i'ai I5y a bolf, hir;r and i-rrath', .M.i!i by hr rnnrh b- l. . id Sh i-at '.i l! ,wtr V hi h 01.0 Uhlly Hul l toward thj hpray U.h litllo np. And lh fountain, uft?!t ,J apilhlly, Now U frown up. And the :il, the lovofy vNl.u, '.Vhotuto thiiik (! yet my -or bcsrl ri'.o. !, I-ti'y tamo to tho oceiidou 'I i-d wiino Dtmclm, 1 1, tit If. I. A y. Hivtot fiv, whfro azurojH It':v al tho tlrplha of paralbio A v.othh of hiikc-u, atinlit hak, iK'i !'.' Iu;; from a forehead fair ; lu-it, poudugllpa that Holtly clo?, And chu ka who'.o color couich aud gooa. A ph turo graven on my brain. Norhiimnwr'a heat, nor wlnlcr'atalu (an dim Uh b'auty, mar I la grace, Or V.f-al 01:0 c 1 arm from that fair face, Whh-h hauntu u9 oven In my dreama A ad liko glimjm of heaven aeenta. SoloettMi Story A HE1I0EABLK EIDE. Twctd vfivo yeurs a:ro tho favoijtol jocial festivity of the autumn months in tho Delaware valley wrs tlie "apple- cut." The dried apple entered largely into the ntoie of thingn laid up for win ter, and from time out of mind, tho ciiH- torn of inviting a party of youug jrsons to come on a certain evening and aid iii prepaiing the fruit, had prevailed anion'' tho farmers of the valley. There wa3 oiuf rulo at tho apple cuta which met tho warm approval of every coun- try lie'au. Tho girl who "pared and quartered" the smallest quantity of aj- ple4 in a given timo was Lound to give a kiss to every a 'au present. The "old folks" used to Kay that tho rulo was a bad oco because every gnl seemed tola kick and put both land Itet thtough btrivo to tseo how little sho could do. tho dashbord of tho hearse. Hut fcho After the evening tak was ended camo the feast, and niter that tho Uddler. Then was tlie merilinenw nu uiu biuwi .. i .:i .t. .....n hour, to tho lively measure of tho " Arkansas Traveler, Money Musk, "Fisher's Hornpipe," "Downfall of Water Street, ".McLeoda lleel, and kindred favorites. It was beldom that these rural routs ended betoro the cocks wero crowim in tho barn and daylight cfimo admomahinsly over the eastern hills. Once, in the rare ago referred to. a L'rand apple-cut was to bo given by a rich farmer, who lived eight miles down the valley from Milford. Ho had several charming daughter, and hia house was at all times a, center of attraction. Among thoso invited to the apple-cut wero Frank and .MlUuV Wells, of Milford. Uob was afterward a prominent member of tho Pennsyl vania Legislature. Doth "laid out" to attend. The day came, when the boys began to mako. their preparation to start, they wero unable to obtain a horso or wagon in tho villago. Every horse and wagon was engaged. Frank and Bud were in a dilemma. Eight miles over a hilly road was a long way to-walk, and to miss tho tipple-cut FRIDAY, fUNElo, would bo Koinething thy would uevei CCUBO to H'grtit. Tho IhiI.i'I' of tlm boyH wiu an undcitiiktr who lutd h imih. hoiHO Iicutho witli n neat in front with just room enough lor our, uud room in- BUilicicnt to roccivo iv cullin huuuIv. 1.,.... !... ,1 1.1 . 1 (hu vtflo There wuji only onw Iioiho in tho v it lae that was Hviuhihle, ntid that whh 8 ,1"r U-biisinjf to u ne.Khbor. J ,nftrw wa: k,,owu UH "nc li'wr. Ho had Uu; iqutatiou of being tho hbhent nml RtrujiCKt kicker iu that region. To hamem Ju r it wh m-wnhnry to grt in tho Imyniow nbovn her and ilroj.i tho harnenrf 0:1 htr with n pit-tii- lorlc. lho luriii xM on 00 on iht, it wmh comjmratively f.r n ' rufi to climb over tho lii .ii'r. i' tin. I biu:LIt it. Tlwtii it,.. 1 1 ... . 1 ... :t ... 1 u "'"."'B wv- w,,rt HO tolling ut what iimiitoiit hho would think it lucuiulHmi hrr tu hit hor heel in tlm air. f . took UioWr M .,. h,.H... or May "Tcaror an 1 I c ucho it t, thru," taid Frank, "for I'm A to ihut uih: cu Uy a back door .th v i t into ihi barn wlu to tho Tiaitr whh k-it. Jj- foro thoy rcachnd tho n.ow with tho 11... 1... 1. ...1 i.:..i 1 1 1 .1 oil' tho fcido cf tho Iwrn. Alu r tliy droiijM'd tho burnt on I. or l . ; ,M CO0,VU t(JWIl. TJ Kd h,r ,o,,,d 1., tho fched wlirtu th.1 lutririto Wan !.,. . 1 1 . 1 1 1 . .wa.w.i... ........ .tivi imi 1 j l nJ iitcJ w if I .... . . . ... I'll dlivi' ai J li,d.. There was no ihco Kft for Funk uxci'i't inido tho Uvmm: TImti whh room only for htui to Jiout full irngtlt. Awny they KUi ti-d fr tho uoph; cut. An they drove out tA town jn oj.Io huii- ,Wttf ,,t ,, t,, a iJ ' W0II1 Mhd tho hi:aio out of ton t that timo of day. Tho old Hum w i, k1 "go r," and h r.ittit-d tl i.wi .. nlong thw DinguiHii io.d nt a Jinh pace. Wbrti tiny rtttchul tho Jtv- inunUkJll bridg, three tmhn tom .Mil- ,.mm, r,nb, uu,woo 10 cuang.? nta jH.M I t I. i . 1 . . ' bi u u-uh, ain't ou timl u div- in T "Xot a bit," Huh aliout'l Ih k. I tell you thu Tmn r ian ripja-r. (i'hing! ' aim away nho went, i mter than ovor. Frank waa jolted up and down with every motion of tho 1. .!, tmtil b,. hazily had btt-uth or Klieugth to nuko lbib hear him at ho cbVd out n mifo fill t her 011 ; ".Saaaay, Ibtii-i.-uh, rtift you fraiil tho maif'll k-i i i 1. , , 1 Jb tter ht loo di io n w hilf, h 1 ... . 'i v'i t ' 'Thero ain't ln l.ut-j ,' i. ., 11. h 'Ihm't bud atii Israbtiid tlo- T--ni. ik'Ki.hf, i. chilly out b i'. .1 oo".i l,!i-r .,v whero Von r c"oi!-.i ii.-, ilii om 1," thin, Tenter I ' Andhtd:d. I?j. hdl ii.d d.iwo, i xmoolh htn t h" of hilia 1 alid .x k phue, -i fi all tho ;ii.- ii hi-r. 11,- lho tiuo th-y tt:.u hod ih-i f-.i. of to., i I .!!. I 'i e iv i ! ioo mil to im tiim ot I'ihihmi i-n, two uulcj from tln-irdi-.ltii.t:.! i. , FntoW i wm nltnont in tho ljnt hi -- of nun'M-i I lion, add lie.ily pnuitu-!l l it j-dv. "h u ti il li, MUl hf, thfooyh lh fiont window of lho lnMtf, too cu?HO"l moitn -to J t tl:il li-o-o-rKO pull ms up thi hti). 1 wnt to wulk. Is't mc-- o i-u-ut.' Hot tho mute wont up tho hill liU it hhot. S"in" that Joio didu I intend lt htop. Finnic hoj-m to Ivi;k tin; door i f lho heardo out, i. lo cj ti J h.ick hiuiHidf out uud .drop to tl ground. When Uud l.c-ird tho wuk of ton iii on Ixdiind, !.c thought it would l U-st t. n'.p and tiv Frauk ft rcit. A half mil. or n ihin fcid-) of lJinotmtnV, wheru tho upplo- CUt WHH to Ut held, lhJ loud hetUn ti very decided down grade t;otu; toward that viiU''.. When I iank L'hji to kick nt tho hearse door tin: 'IVmcr wmh rapidly HpproAchin thin hill. Uud bt'o;iii lo pull up on her tied cry "Whoa !'' l!er only ivmo whi u Hiivaoy kick, without h-HMmin her Kjieed n jmi ticle. 4,li4U ! went l iatik heels n -aiust the hrarse door. I "WliHWt-a, Tcater" raid Uud, U- Kccchingly. "Spat!" camg tho .Touivr'n heol-i ugniuKt tho dHhhhoatd of tlm hearse. , uy mo tune tun iionso nad reached tho top ot tho lull I runic had luna tho 1 door open and had got his legs out of the hearhc. The mure wh goiut' o I ant that ho wan afraid lo drop to t'i ground, and ho wan unable to d; hitnwdfback into tho hearse, "Whoa 1" shouted Uud, fiercely, aa j though to frighten the mmo into oUdi- ence. "Whiz 1 hang 1" she replied with her heeln, and. the dashboard cracked. Uub J crept up on tho roof of the heitrne, and jgot astride cf tho naiiuw vehicle. Half way down tho hill tho maro gavo went right ahead on two feet, and Bub reined her up in that condition before I e. . .1 M'i. l I t i too ihuuki a uoor. inn ijuia hiiu uuyn J came running out. Tho lights from to I house were tull upou tho new comer. -1'ranU dronpetl from tho insido of the hearao and Hub climbed down Irom tho top. Tho IVaror stood still, with two leys on tho ground, and two fastened m the It out ot the hearse, iho boys cut the daahisiard away from her heels, and led her under the rdied. lheyhada pleasant night, but J rank went home in the stage on the next day. Hub got tho hearse homo and housed safely bo ftire daylight. On the. following morn ing his father said, innocent like : "I didn't hear any thunder last night, but somehow lightning played hob with that hearse o' mine nficr I went to bed." A novtd amendment is 4pr posed to the penal . code of California. Life sentences are to bo commuted upon life insurance tables, permitting the dis charge of a prisoner at tho arrival . . .. ... f the timo when ho ought to um accoru- inj to the averasjo tables. 188 J. A KOTMXT. OP Till. IMIL. A lady uittideit lad by choice wtt traveling wMlwid in tho compnny of Hti eldorjy widower frirnd) who had been cunt making purch.itc, and gal lantly volunteered to hootho lady hnMy to her journey' Mid. Tho lady waii 40, but looked hiuch ytiungnr. A fdecping M otion of a I'liUman ear had been feeutetl for hor, and a Iow r berth of tho adjoining compai tment for tho gentleman. Tho day and livening had passel in delightful woHipanionthip, and about 1 1 o'clock they bado ucli other good night, and ioird lhind their cuitaitm h, to divoat horK-lf of outer gutmeut,and replace tho nam by a Imoho writpja-r, coiiifottallo to hl-vp iu, und Mli 1 1 drcrtM:il in th event of accident. Then tying u ha.tdketckh f about her htad to keep hir "frizoa" from gold tig out of cur), ho curled hcr Mrlf cloxo to tho back of lo r -rth an I went to ideep. TJio gentleman, on ihi contrary, could not 'Woo ulumber, ho got u j , atid, anrnvj with a god ciitr, wtnt into tho Hmokiug-car to ei.jy it nml fiuteini.o for tho tiiuo Uung with aomo of hia own arx. ()tr friend found a "good fellow," anil two houra quickly pahM'd away. A j dly-ladlied, willow bound iUitk changed I a nia eral timt-M, mo. I I Inn ihn .dd;tlv widoai r teturiiMd to hi cat, kicked olf Ilia boot, and tin-far hioi !!' ujou th5 front of what ho fanciod mi J.i-i birih, and fell into a profiund tiluiiibf r. How long tho tuii lett lady had l.-t hho did not know, but nhe wmk aA-HUi tw-d by f'wlilig tho pteMHiiin of lh bfd clotlifa binding her in r loso ipiiieM, himJ, rtia ing her head, hhe obovid her fiiend and prob;'orf who wa a-accfnlly htioiing h aoiunilio IntUby which k-pt liiuo to tho roar HI.l racket of tin? Irnin. Happily, thn ui!a1:; tlanht'd upn tht lady, and, taking iu tho nitua lion, ,T hint thought t HWakt-ii him and pet him out In foo th acci dent hhould have an ob'i ver. Trotnb- !; J'i't btav!yfth Jnao to hhakc UU i,tUi,dcr. and was ..arhnlby ".'I muttered ,Yiif, i-, all rihs! 't), Mr. T., pl.iH? ph-nM Widu up; you ate iu tho wrong b-iil-.'' U-gan to plfad. Va. ).; timu enough all tightr' She Ih-hii to quake with auxirtv and a pohnthlo unpUHM4tit diuotiucemi'tit, ainl, nerving henudf, hho r-ach-l out IkhIi handn and mado a grab for hi hair and U-aid. "(lood graciouH!" w.ia lho widr.awak ting jHisition n,d faced hia almost cry-1 ... ... ..... ...... - io4 liolv Iro-.i, wiioM) appn-cintioii ut 1 fit., t I.I:. tili.iiu .i..i,fii.. 1... I fi..t.f C I the tntnf. m her worn to a wit camo Ut I , , ... , . I hT aid, au-l with a butht of bu-ht-r, ' hh. mid 'r. ick, wlnit-'n v.iir ni-ht- NU- ih-nr mad.iuo-; a pnr-j ' Nev.T mind; but go, For" good;irH '! I know it's a iui.takf"." He Kneaked aw,,y, fdin like fad, nod a.!miriuL: tlm talv'a 'nnl hfhki! am h an eti in that it will ieull in a .... Ii:. .. wru-iing. Tho lOM-nt (Vr has hal l,i s rMiuan- tie epi.xe, like tit t tu li in his josi- tion. When his -ldT brother diitl and he b.-:.uu'i heir of the Kinpite, li at fiist it fiiMcd to marry Dagmar, the vouth'a b-lrothed. lie loved a ceruin ben ut! ful ouiig Ilin-Htati prin cers und w ished to make her his wife. The princes, however, M;n iusriied lVittes Paul Demfdoff, and s!n)rtlv after ... ... died at Vienna. Not until he heard of i i .t vi ii i . . her duith did Alexander eminent to be- , , , . come the hiisbttnd oflii.cnn Ibigmar. Thin in nri:i','i! waa thus on. of reason; tint t f''l r has lean i-d t love his fiir ll.iiiidt wifo and is the kindest and laht of htiKbHixN Hlid fat hern. Trado with tho l4ci;ic l-Un.'.a steadily gtouH in inijntHtico. Th fact seems almost incredible, wlnoi a San 1'iaucisco pajair remarka that "e ex Hrt lo tho Sandwich I-dau.l iuorebeau,y of tmitih. . IVicch run from nifrchandiyo and produce than to any other foreign country ontsido if Great liritain and, China, while the Society Islands, unimportant as they aro on the wot Id's map, take from us mot e than does tho great (Jcrman Empire, with its forty millions of a;ople." It is estimated that with tlm yearly rainfall there is deposited about an averaguof eight or en pounds ammonia per aero. Jo purchase th tho Hiimo In tho form oi suipnate ammonia would cost tho farmer alsmt $2.80 per acre. This may Ikj caHeil the mauurial value of an aero nf r.un. Switzerland is fortifying her moun thin passes with tlm elaboiated wors that should have been commenced years ago, so as to mako her situation more secure than ir has Weo. Tlie averagH ago of too (lariicdd Cabi net is lifty-one. Mr. Cladstone's Cabinet averages fifty-eight. Tho youngest Cabinet minister is thirty-seven, tho oldest sixty-eight. Dr. Carver, the American maiksman, hai challenged ten of the best shots in the llurlingham Club and the dun Club of London to a pigeon shooting match. Ireland lost 90,000 inhabitants emigration last year, and a larger num ber will escape this year, if so many bo fund who are not too poor to away. It is estimated that anew blockades in the West during the past winter of have cost the railroads in that Rection not less than $2,000,000. NO. 45. sr.r tax itnif. aprlaz Sett-Stir. Kimri l'mtHmf, ynn tlonn iu,tr mu.1 IhiI.ji.O-. Tho month .f thirt v -ir.i u . j,. loM3cndc1 Uji,:t'h' t. II,- of Io-.Ihv, J wriipja-.l in aigho. ed I'.d.Ja, hu,.l h CompliH'ohily. Ciji.M aio lh bi.t liug the laH .y!n by i M ilr, while ua yet Don., m an -xr-uiii,i'! ubout thn IIMUlb-. It nciy ! o .li!r: with the cot'.ouii or of iu,-,-niriit nutetial and i (i..- laiiet- c-k-, hi ,ck plppalol, b-MU..f h it- 1 i:ng witii veiy thing, i: eg.tnt oo. a i n,t, .,it-. atylo are of Ouutoii cra j ruihroi h ro I in 11 jwera of natiovt! ofoi and oljl with ailkeii ft !, t bi. oihcra aro it lino ca-huifii, mu:i-j h.iroi ri,;,ii.-;,i. tiimmcd with bertdrf. UoimU atn faah ionablH ,i cip-a n J lifc.. jllr placed anywhere -on Imm.o,, naiai;a or jckela wj.i! ul;,-.i,,Unv new h caja? by H h-, J. (j,,,, of tho chb.f doi-hta of our how ever, are tho u:w frpriogMoia ot'htii'J or pl-idil nnd pliiin go ,d. Th-1-: no m!i; aa to Myln , f .inl.:i,;! ; , ; ftach dnj i.ial,..r ,i, M ,1,,. j jj( fr mak.-a lh.5 .,.,, ,.- ,,f ,'....) . another .,f t;,.. ,.,., . h..Jf. f(J jl.,. !jt hktitof tl,.;j,!a.j omli.iLI wjth up r drap, iy of Miir-a or ; in 11 . 1 hap thohuit i,o( .h,i ttim CiihiounI toochi offctiir. , j.j,:. , r .A atrij.'.l or p!i h-,J t ;H f.,.,.. j ,'1vn with hlila nloilr..,,, , "pLi uhri,., liU-rfy ih law H;,. a dt-!i,d,i ,r .,.,.) nanlu wt.i!, I.hv ,(!,.. f,,.(. fj, , ; ft aa one hai a mind 10. ilnu; no too aro the bright blue cost,,t;i ,Vl)J ., hy young Udi.. T hor.- fh,.,j.t of plain, light ,,.J nUiMi . d t', wrcka conxj.icno, thy aro no J.,.c-, r K -f. j. ,v , grown ccu,i.,4,od to ii.- i;..-.;, f thci youthful Uiio-hird. l;-.t f. the cut of the coatmnii t'WUl ty ti.uj; vifsdiutjalily. Dick i,Mk, ra keep wi-Il :. ..... . . within ..-! .1 . K. . . 1 . -i . -- mil n ni.i tjif-re in ro-Jto (- individ-nl aoapttioi , f l hiil dl. thtlc Hti; many thin-. Thus we find that :.i.o::t ri M; ;;u . . t . -m- J,.-n.Hii A J - ' " ' .i-..v ,.,-in. l', I . . 1 but U,.I . i ....... 1 , I ' ' Mill ,,1 M UMtv (. , , , f 1 - ' -i"i;i';"iii--r in hr tll.l.K. For vi ah iw!..; .!. a .. . M aa thin hiikn -r w,n!en, tho - ...... 1 .l,l .110 :i wait atid t'riitin nd -kirt fn-m u j-retty comioi.ii.ii : on- in this si-vl.. ,r ft,,. in-ham having I- n lutelv md, up '' lrtr in'!,'M;'M- w:ht IS jwitjotit suonhjfr and n; j plaitd v ; the skii t an irre"";!n Iv k!oi- Ii..".?. . oversKUl arrHiiS.-U ovi-r h vein kii t ttimiued with h!u-; plaiting. In Imnt tho dniery ljj from left lo right with a deep point on th Ifli hh. nn.l i shorter ft. i her ln k on tii- r;ht. Another pivtiy i"u unit of crrani cdoie.l iiii.ll f.- KniiM Abho'.t, i a combination of th I, -e:l. l! ui -and Manda oer.-kirt. A shining extends around the tuck mi.. I shonldcra and tlie overkirt has a dv-. shine I tahlttr and boutTaut lmck .liatHo v over a fkirt lm?ah- . ' cd with kmfo phr.tin-y. Notidn-' is 1 more t-h-Mnt linn u black cstume finished siilhsttsd since "blaek is now j Considered "huh stIe." If vou ask wht is a judicious choice, I would Kay, a Uttcheo Rl which r one ..f Uoujitt's last. His reputation i oi ... w,Ju as ;i nianufitet nnr; thai wo. ill k 1,0 w alul tho bran I in pies:io t i.' celebrated for it s - freedom from fn-igu suhstnaoes and $1 23 to l J50 per jard and Ln! L Taylor who are the sous ugem, will sid Kam,.les to any pu t of th- e iun- trv. XliW fce.XoATlOXS. Collaretta Mie a new sensatijn. Ttfo or more bioad rows of lace are gathered or plaited mound the neck with comet tux a a standing niIe iu of i dditien tir sin, tie colhtitte can bo o b!ark Kpk lllHU.ria, , he vi .. u"n' " ,l "",M ,uu t,lu luu throat, liu-y km worm both by huacs I and ciuiusen and it has I een said al most with truth, the smaller tho child - tjlQ la l!iu c;al.pUl t another Lusati, aiy fa,,ui,Ublo l.mking fans ma,ie of tonne covered with Hewers BO ar e llmt ut H jauca it u mistaken for wall pa pet. The sticks are of ebony and a ail vet ed chuin and a link is at tached to the handle. Tha philosopher who gazes at the passing crowd, might naturally enough enquire whence have sprung the array of ROUGU AND UKADV STUAWS that meet his vision. Four out of rive of that st ream of fashionable wear each a. "rough and ready;" usually bltck, but sometimes colored to match cos tumes ami if you make inquiry as to shape, I feel as confounded as our Vy philosopher, Kir'tow can I uescnl can variety that beggars all description 1 But thero is a general avoidance of height and the greater number 'are without strings although a pretty ex ample gotten up for Anna Louise C'ary, it is trimmed with black satin and has black satin strings. A black ratin get tifi'W biiKtn'v nojniM iuIcat 1 umro; 'z -rnt r lino. J 'f ri f n r lei lioSii-p f'l eftita xr liii-. l-'or h'tHl ami lrricnt ad vcrli-emet II (I ' ) r s-jiwrn for t!io hr-l bivertlon ,V) cent j.r iqtitry for c;uh eoui lneitlon. lining ia chirred insido the brim whi riiea slightly in front tnl three pa pink r-iM rcstlo n t't;' 't iXf'v'e. A o'iif r f .r .Iary AnJenoi, o' p brown plentifully garniahed v-ith brc and golden ostridi feather'. Th' ifi no rtr:nw, tit k g id colored Kai litdng ia i-hirred inside lie bri Thifo roug'i ?n 1 readio-i fi?e wt rn vi tho J.Hiilsori"st eo.itnm h hhcin 1 uiiRli in v;t;uo k'i i r traveling a em'i-dn la. J.rjv ("Ar.Tfi:. ;r.U4 0FTisoi(.tur. S .'d - ; t-ii of al: vlrsnen. I.t:e :h n ho xhort but that there always timo for courtesy. Th-? i-i ire honesty a man hat t !. he rMn'.i the air of a saint, Jlhetoric, the quackery of eloquent devils in nostrums, not in turti. Tlitt o are certain epochs in art, wh simplicity U audacious origtnalitv. Interested I u fits are coram that Wrr ri"ed i.-t be' IiJheil gratitude ot: tie. that places himself neither high nor lower than he ought to do, exercis tho truest humility. There i no riht l.ich L enjoy by man without involving, on hii jar a c jrre.' Utiding obligation. Titi'j indejKii.deace is to be foui wh-rj n erhori contrjcts his acr within the limits of his fortune. If you ajiply to little-minded eof. iu tii" season of dis'res, their srdf-ii jKrt' ti'-o instantly f rth. .',:i.iii can jo:ou the contentmc j a to to Mini ch;orfu"iy liveij by 1. J.i!or, :it mtke him rich. To j-joion tho-e absurdities in oi w.lvit, uf,ivh . fiiuttot suo'cr in othc it i.rioi i' U tter nor than to u: in; .i.iioo to Ihs fools ourvitvtH th: to l.tve o. her jeop'.c so. V.'e 'M-ak of the snow as an ima of d-rtih. Ic la ty bo tbix, but it hid the evLi LxUng life under its robes, f life to It; reveah-d in d-.:e time, whi all cold fchjdowa Ktull mrit away befo the -Ctrniin sun, and tsl.L.11 le not u clothed, bat clo'hed ujMjn, and morta tv hhall bi; swivllcv.vd r.p f life-U-.Urt VX yet. Home clouds thy from fciignaut 1x3 nnd f-n; otl.ets froru the wide, cles Iji't lavati." Hut either kind, thai VtiA, wlli M.rve the angels loc-aue do by. Iu old Merles of ce--ci:d visita: tin? chiuds lu much; anj it is oftem of all down the mitv j-Umk cf grl' and paiua and !"'ais that th most jiowi ful joy slide into the hearts of m women an t childre:i. The first time thr? present fori eft d-eg of tho United Matei, ases-uStish by Congn-JH iu ISIS was tlung to t breeze, was on tie- loth, day of Apt nine da) s hfier its aipi-l Hi'fc of (i-intcs-', which was en ihe 4 of April ( that year. It was lis ,i plave l on the fiia-stafF of the iJui Spates Hot:? of Ilfjrfefcentatic, u thtt? enlUted universal admiration, wis iles.nned by the late tliptaia S (J. lU i'l, the commander of the Uni States private armed brig Ger.end As strong, wlni fought th- heroic t.o of Pay a i in ISH, and il!auiiy d-'.:-o. the old CiJZ ngainst the over helm foice of a lare British. iW-t, hich i so greatly diaMed tiiat il n-sni'Mi the deliy ami tiu tl defeat f tho Uril exiKN.ilion against New Orleans. ' fotm cf the pr.Men- t!ag ws desi-4 atid arranged by Cjptnin R-id, and first one wai mad-' his direct by his wife at his Lei;;? in N'eve V citj. Henry Clay, who was t Speaker of the Hou-e, wrote, nt 1 lime to Mrs. Ueid a very cumiuieni b'tter on tho occasion. - A retnatkable coincidence curmei with the history of this ilag ia that son of thi late dptain Ileid, Coh Sam C. lleiJ, now residing teinpom in Washincton, married MissJosep IIoan of Kentucky, who by man ia tho grand r.eice of the late Franci Key, wlio wrote the "Star Span Pauncr,"' and dattyhter of tho lato I dohn Kowan, formerly !diutstei Naples. It is mo.t proHjr that the bini of our i'a' should oe temeino.M-ed commemoratei.1 on its 'anniveia that our youth may not h i get Icssonwrapped in its fohU wh;! k ing lrcf.h-and warm tlie patriotic tions which it evt r calls forth. "Aro you lint alratd that the will vUit you with hi wrath?" a clergyman to a profano n "Certainly not," replied tho p. "He doesn't know I'm swcai and I cm prove it by John, ix Tho parson looked up thy text found: "Now we know that luureth not sintivr." -Tlvackery indulged in raw oyi when ho was in this country ra rocks of the im-it formidable de tion. That is to sy, he indulge one. After that had clisappoarc said; "Swallow 'era; I'd as think of swallowing a raw baby I At a recent railroad dinnei compliment to the lesl frater the toast was given: "An du lawyer, tho noblest work of C But an old farmer in 'the back of tho hall, rather spoiled tho 1 by adding, in a loud voice, about the-scarcest." A fahhm writer likens the fancv bom its to tho bandana bun a j chiefs fef Southern colored worn If twice eleven is twenty-two can twico ten ah be twenty tw Tin: firt black Friday occun Robins,-n Crusoe's time. The watch, repairer is n engaged in spring cleaning.