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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1881)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT SSI RD KVfiKY. t ill DAY MM -t 14) is on iien '.TOO H . M 4K HO nn im inn n . O ' C ;n 7 i -i a mi r. mi 1 Ml i; ini i T in no B Y A U 9 ; u E v iUi wi 4" en mi on o (ki j ir, no I la t i ' io It t: otli: I'.-In i Hrr. i ititMtiineon BrwulatMa Mnfi. n on SjNN iai i.nMlrii-HM nottemi in ls-al t'ol ninm 2t wit n-r Ihw li.ular haul BOtieec 10 , iOh er line. I or h'ital iind tntfUitrnt ml vf-tlnomeiii-. I nil r wi:rrm for thi Hr.i'mMrl ion and u!. p.-r Mpinn tor rn h n n 1 iipfjnHl m artion. TERMS OF SUUSCUIl'NO.N: v, pw yer trt munHm ,.ji , lime n.....tUs itinltcr S 00 1 oo 10 VOL. XVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FIJI DAY, JUNE 3, 1881. 4 11 to F E8SIONAL CAttl s. r.. ri iNN. FLLNX & ti. ft, PU VM J'.l l LAIN. niAMKEUL.UX, IT law, ( I .unee in roit.'r's Brtek Rtoek.tfcl virnisif. S. Bl H VH AN. I .. I.' I V I u. STUAKAN & UIIiYKU, CQUliSELGRS AT MW ttsamWY, Oregon. g llACnCE IN ALL Tl IE COURTS 01 ft l!l)s " bey MH spe.i.d aitetl lain to collodion i und probate matter, iltnee 1st i'Wer's new brick. IW L H. MONO 'ANY E. ATTOI1NFA' AT LAW. J IC. Oftsee upstair, nvw Julm Urgs .Morn, I--' street. i tnSttf d. r. xj. BiiAexcBiiayr, RTTQnnEY IRO COtP'SELOB AT LV .' a; !: rvinlLi't.i!.::V!nr.TrBi llf. f t ,,((.. lion h snvs:ot . !' ;. J. K. WE ATH E B r ORD , (N tai;y PUBUC, ATTORNEY AT I . WW xMJKTg 'iKTlif. In ,-!i.--t:.iMattU cipofk iii 'i Fwm ! J. FOWKU. 1WELL n kTTORNEYS AT LAW, A :.: X Y. - - . OUtfiOI, tS' ; i-t". -s promptly hihi! on ail pointA, i.wfis iKuciitltfciil on rmfftmnti't tar wm. E i!i-c in To-sfor'-i i ; ri ."i v vltnhiif. . a . CI M liNEY A'i' ietopki. ta . fii. MILUER, -vliXKV AT J. Wili praetW- -n ail tt- --4:r, of i'ri..t ;i':.-rrtim gii, t, tlJ oymikcaa and efmnalltci . w?. .. J. A. VA iTSs. TTOBHEY AND ; o In mit 1 1 - i .JOHN J. WHITNEY, AfToSWEY A'v JAW, A!o.';t . la : practice hi al! tha sj.j-i-o, mVrpQon Uhce isd pidm in fourta of thla ivou to "ol!c-i- romana new S:o, ! i-.-is. brick . i: t; RiEff, LAW ATTORNEY a i r- - - L uOiK ranci ikxk, ':nr.o. t'ol-t!onv promptly mdc os,all Bofeta. H0H20PATHIC PI yslcian and Si rgcon. Atlaauay Orrgea. O r,e in Frmnaha Brick, Emt t of COntMMr'a Hank nln iFJr. a, y. i.. . QCCULIST AX!) Al'BIST 8 ALUM, OMBCI9L ! trvaLiiLM::': various diMaaea lo vnich th1 s.anilmr ht'- sui.-l. sim! ft-i-i? f.nfii!. t: .,r ST'viri; entire natisfuctlnn to thrwC win HMtgr n- tbeasaelTOi nader his rar-. aofltf. T. Yv . IIABRIS, H. I. Oflii-c in t-v.s?ors Briek, raxt door to office of PowoH Bilyeu. Besi len :-n tho two ateayfiwoM baBdhvg on Foatb side of Beeond etreet; one hloek end a hair Eeat of W heeler A MekoyM Lfvery btable. Alb.av - Orrgam. voiieniftJ 2 i5 P'Q Bfl n C53a .yn OS A T-J, !;ify. OrRfiM. JTAS io. ' - :o r::s; PRarncK ot' hls i J frinilll :i 'f!': tify riHaity. OAfiS -tl '.' " iii.'.SUire. 40U 3Jhysician and Surgeon. ffir a I'oshay fc Mnson's. ! . ., on Broadeibhi EL, Albany, Or, ytibittf ALBANY COLLEOIA'l'fi INSTITUTE Ai A BY, OB. rp 1 i i .').;; T. i ;n srill open on Mon- u;iv, JsBBtUrj' 51, 1881 . ; io.rii-ulars euHfiefniajr tiie ouooaa of stu'ly an'l rice uf Mfitiou, ii'.'y t ncv. guBsay s. oxjit, pgrnieenL ALBANY HCAt EfABWET. Fresh Beei.Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Highest CMb Price pai 42lt all kimls of fut RtiKik. I.KVl WEST rjs e SVJ is now beini ihuaIi; f:istcr than ever mMt "a bv t l. v.iik for us. PerODgof wittier e : can laake SiG a week in their own towns if thev art wifiiugtu w..rk. No risk. $5 cutftt free. Anyone eaa run the basiiiem. Capital r.ot required. All" who enifA'iO poper. So one fails. Particulars jwe. Address, H. Ham.ktt & Co., Portland, Maine. II BACON 6 F 1 ELD HI s i S cm o Nt IT. as L A S 4 ' 9t"" OF GENERAL CHAN 3 :'v i Pl .! H REW GOODS S LOW PR5)S ! r. ST ( H ' K Ti Ji! -. il !i fon ;. t ji of til V ' i; i ituora mc k ii i v. HI ba proi I iroi id - ' !!. i RZ.Mtl&'.CZR T3S PLACE'l ii r.itii C riViUl. W LHriArOM, OREGON. BXCHANGE OF i OOL. BOOKS! JHOOt BOOKS! MONTJEITliy NEW G KOt; BAPfl 1 1: :, MONTKt l li's POPULAB BCIBNCJ5, SILLS GBAMMAB, WaT-o.N's CHILD'S 6PELLBB. WATSON'S YOUTH'S UPELLKit, Bgto6K& AUITlLd BT1C8, Ff.rsaIfial,iInSroluelion"an 'K ; i.a')s'.?' priooa, at DRUG & E00K STORE. viioSftr Ja W. BERTLEY. Catom Boot & Shoe Bfc 50ms AND 8HO8S8 mau to order. 0 and repairing done wBh neatneaaand ii-atdi, and at low orioea, fall and hira. First Rtreet, Albany. lyl Marble Wor; rnmr i nvieA vsn ii ti MONB M E "i Mantels, Table-Tops, Washstandfj, All kiiiiN ff trciiM--ly u'ifK .1..1K- in M-i. !.!-, Fne Bimw aM Oriiitto ah .-rk !.. ta fimt r InOa rijlfl wtA -it Uh lowest ana . -v. is ..t r oBEea 7. S. I ilo nt cnipjoy any laJfpwleiw c 1 canv is :!, and give WHf WMtQllllii'l ttus lcin.!i. ct the i5 j.-r "cut. toaiu.isiiii.ii aUcArad tor kucii work. REVERE HOUSE, Comer Firfct and Ellsworth AHiany, re;n. Chas- Pfciger, Prop'r. T'ni new ITolel is fitted up in first class style. Tables eaoplied with the best the market affords. Spring Bed i ti evny K'xjm. A good Sample Uoom for Coin mercial " ravelerSs fJTi ree CoacU Io aud from Hie IIotcI.A D. M. JONE.S, M. D. T. P. SMITH", M. JA. JONES & SMITH, Ptoyaictaoa siatl Surgeons, Albany, Gregoa. OFFICE Odd Fellow's Temple, over Plummet's Drag Store. 43mS aL BLOOD f: SONING, Chills and Fovor itormlttontRo- . . k! Typhoid Fovora, , I vcr, Ctomach. . dl ; rdoro, and ilmentgfdfttroy1 hoaith ana lives of out of tho .5, ; uHcaity curod u of (ho LION IVJA h ' and MIC CODY AND .ASTf RC,? liochoap- witJi tho Pad up rvoconor3 ro so1 tho body, Inab i 5 :horoti5hly rJd j'i ALA- iio troatmonti pad, r R and rooT all combined, : verdtsoo" I :.o euro ..-., ccord- . v.. Rewm' Body Piaster and , iito wfcotof ; .i dru.istS, i roceipl i piico C J i . 11 v. i u Gtt!lM end Lnmers :t-5, Ly A2aor - I 1". on i bus proj n 1 to keen a limited number oi aa. I ' in - a fl r, nlcan, ni-:i-shuhd uamji tr.-ound :..r the frea untf of eaittpera, and wid iurnlah bay :..r tin .r liuraeafoi H a day. Bplendl 1 (labing, boanBAd aeenery,deat9 load of btackberrlaa tn awaann, ana tin in t aoda water ia tba fettate. 4vin2 Aloany Bath Houeo. lit. l'.'Lf.i.MiNEJ Wo'. L." hBPg01 ttil :y ir.fori'1 th tttixer t.f AHimdj and v. i.;.! i frV6ikoacbrcoftbla gjtabllab r. .!, ar.-l, k.j kr.ivir. sl; rcub.i1 and n .lirb't ntterttiriti to i.uiiier-. expects t uit al . :.'. Favor lie thulr patronsjc .'i..:i,. ' ... arriad'aa BotMeg eel ! rtC1.asa l' econ8. at r. ;,. The Conallis Fruit Co. Will prR0haa I'liimni'-r dried fruit al fat market .Pi icea ; Will aond a eampeient person to eel vise fruit growera aa to colt ivatinn of oraddl ii;m to orchard i ; WfH mtppi fruit rapprored aorta t out' r ' . . I t,? i . through Linn, ' ; 1,'tlil '' i 1 1 '.if?N. i.i iters to bo.aent m t orvalllaFroit Com jany. Corvatlta, Bontoh IJoority, Oregon, WALL IS NASH, PreaideOA. Ja.-.; ks UkaiiMan, Siic'y. lanoary l, Ihko. 24wti Q I A T ) .SCOOO A YKAU, r.r U 0 a day fn O L')'" your own kiodiiy, Nn rik. Wiaaaa d hkvii li : i .. n. llu-iy make more thi.ii tho amoont (abort. No One oaofall tomuku wnmey taut. Aii y one can do the work. Va eaimmke from .Wets. i j : ini Imiirhy davotlng your evenings ami i-pare tiluu lo th'j l)iu.iii"4. It, cost tiothiiHr to try the bus 111 N'.tli'iTiif like it for money ma kin',' ever ottered before. I'.uniiu-sH p;',:.s:uit ami strictly honorable. Itt uder, if you want v know all about the bout paying IHiiiena before tho public, Mad ns your address and we wiil send you full paitt.-iilar-t and private terms feei. ; samples worth $T nlso free ; you can tb.;ii innUe nil y.i'.irmind for yoitrtlf. Addreat OltOBOM HTIN rj'.:' i. CO., Cart; .na, Mains. TO HIE r01!KING CLib'S. Vt'e arc now praparod to fiiriii:,b all iftMWrl with con tnm, ciiipioi inent at h'uie, the who&l of the time, or lr their bpar.; nioni-.-ji'K. l;u.iiie! new, )i;ht slid imifilablc. Persons of cither m-x -;.ily earn from 60 ecni to $5 per evening; aod a proportional sum by devotinf tbeirwbolu time to the buwnms. Hoys and rtrta earn nearly as much as men. 'that all who see this notice may sciid their addf) and tent the tusl-i:c-s we make this offer: To such as arc not well at iaficd wo will send one dollar to pay for the trotiblo oi writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address, OkougV, StinhoN & Co., Portland. Maine. "Jyl few YOEK SHOPPING ! Eyeirybody delighted.-wBh' the tasteful and -o!ectioiis made by Mrs. Ia mar, wbo has novor failed to please lior customerH. New Fall C'iicular jufetissued. Send for it. ' Address MRS, ELTJ2N LAMAR, ffjltl 8V7 isruadway, lw Vork. ::oi . iirr. n,ts a . r.v lio noi drunk, who plow! t ltx ! f ', Uut I tun now I oct w. i 1 i ii u , Afnl I wasni.ij tIihI slioulc -! M if t mv n.nnort? iti vat my hulr? My UttfUgi mwM 1 ' i.ii! ! ! . ii bl jrM I'll rin.Jy U-olj 1 .-in nol LfffhL J utii rjol ; !i ' NT ylyr.vnt landlord IW Will' !i il;ll II l ill ( ii My DMfl iiiiiViiowfi, in v p Ohi Jailor, igftttt ittAl'lo OKI h:.-'-my Inwyirii ii Toll liiio pt J 'v 1 lf i . . !:i h.'o: ji jii,, I liif ii. :1tfl Kn : i!;' I hfl j.7r.tty, I pload in vulst Illii siimttteriitR lump, Mill, mUI) I ( l H QIM ami :.ll gtoOO ii-iiin, ' '.!!. bttt r :!, i: i v. trtnltt, mi 1Ii;1j; Tlw i!r..'.i gono out n--t ' m n chunk; v. ? bor f nmrNainodibUCioaxlnnhhti AHhougti w link, no iKnotdruaV. ' J i Wi x.nio ilio t;.t, MtntQ IkfOQ vntflj Wiiat I, the id Id oi tnb nnl ctnk. Am 1 the vrroteh a bo ubinkctbta ihtdn, Btroit offtwSl ..i..! drlnl? 41 ! WblM I dwtfU on imm , ,i i. Which iwn r luor. mil mc ill ; How nehw my bnrt,ho bttnu toy baad: Bat 'tiHii-.t Kght, no, ':i i tu 1 light, lir.'t tloti my nl in num'o' i u-iv, A comtado'n 6mw, b oanttndo " Ife'li J i ' i fort tr par'.ini; iJiis.: , X'ltt i III 11 I I.ii !, 1. . ,.' Ill ' i . , Nor lift w wltli ui- . ... nt ! i Nor hi iv. thfl :u. Um M:iy'r d lUodj S b I'll drive taooghtoftwoy-r l u- : . .i iod .' in. 'i i a iv erU fimy Jij bow vwed I hey Miii.' I; II U J -I UW 0 hW I : 'hS it shoi N.-noovor raw a di : tii.-r rjnhl. AihI art thou now for vi-r gOOfit 'ii iiititt i never "tn i!" thii moto, My jolly, liliat i j. i bldtiod WlgUt ' j n ui be fn lanhei the tlodf! I em !. ttht, i n:u not tihi. Bet look! wheX'ethlK tbetdrwweknis al!i? a jii!.-? how high ntyhoji .' Be eoBM , I eee bii millng y Nv, now, my dttogeoia yr.i be i There, t . ,,h gntw my kmi go Mv tttjonttmy Uiroetl J know, i ki l am net tight, I ill eon dndi 1 i teamen, tor, J .': yo, wba lh It v.iim! n.f: now I Nsonso ran ihli l. a, ay rn1-: 111 drlnl i . Phi 'lt'uni. . ! "in l 1 1 t ?ti : w t i.j. And the ; i -That ber preaence CilrimdltUI, And toy raptmed arti s!u .!; Oree ep o. ' !i I b,iUi i It- ..i :.. i i 1 brIBed me thaoogb . . :.cir their Ore, Uka i- I . A ':r-: Llllf, Uow i trembled tvbrn slii; glateatd I I. armed litvildcrrd,i-lMjivi,'!it!:o a Would V. :. Why debrdgbl dre m 11, Eaaefngcblll ' liy are bltti.r dflnejl Bp K ." ii u l ill.? Why so noar and j -t so i.i , Altuoat ihronali ii'" galea aj it? hi n it J;ilb? ijrhBe I nrt'.rd n.y tori lo .lain -Like a knilii Gaeae berewtttng answer there, -laldag lire; "lirft, 3'mi iirn tJio bbjCgWd fool Kvi r '.iHjicd from w iniin'n r n !" ' I Van my wile ! lt'fl'l IStor AG 01' gfj GO. Tl.c newapafielra ! Satt Kranclaoa eootlne4 brief aoeoant of tbd lyneli in of a roan who n as well I o callptl Arnold Watte, for eafaty'a mike, m rqinmng netUement in Tbtilntrrnhdotttitr, det Tim news bail eon brought- out into i iviliziiion by a etage dt'tyer, and ibo few particulars giveti, ' thOiigb jumled and aoinewbat itnreasohabk were SO peonllar that nty cuijosity was aroused to tho utmost. liongor jdnrneys tli an acroas tle continotit t;nl and l-ack havn been in;. tie on lewJ iin pbrtaut errands than to learn why a man was banged l.y a niyb; joufoaliats have Icloio nowapent weeks of 'pry ing work in c.v5es which could )ield only two or three columns of reading matter; it lias bcon said a great many thousand tiun s I hat truth is stranger than liction. I nudco these stutcments, bear in mind, merely as genera ifapa sii.iona. They may bo applietf Vp tho accompanying narrative or hot, accord ing to tho reeder'i faftoy. 1 would noi iike to . excito aiiyhody'ii uapacity lot belict'Jo an abnormal extent. I aifD ly say that what I am ROtng to write ( ray personal, agnostic ojiinion) Hin truc as most scripture. The deep little gorge Wtlii li "i a t'nor ojiigbfaxe. A pacty of jiiospecting eiin ers had found that out in the early tlays by walking to the. end of the dark re cess in the mountain, and beforo they turned back the place was named No Go. But gold was thevhabout, and the stream that tumbled down from the hi ijjiiw provided ' water for tho deivers' najML Therefore No Go become a bust ling settleinont. ihouuli it nd not. chu n c ita name ' Homelhing tr-diea- ' ' ifi(K jnoHM'ii'y. A hIhiiii mi!! ' iug built, and mnobinety wan Hilling to tako tl.o pluro of iiii ii'h ; fu i.i in the proeeeeee of mining. Borne mini in bad ih'Kiiti'd t hi'ir i-ahiuH taken in boeiiling el tho Bnreed I Hi ! , a lion si Hi t'li of ilatifi lioariU ! i.u I I? i ) i i i i . 1 1 ' ' a jiainti'd littt-nmni. I Kupppr wan over et Ibe Bpreed Kmlc, I llm mhdtfaii, loening beck nuHiiiHt. i'ii oi l lo r lt.o.s mi i , oereJrielj inc -1 n rr i.v. !' ber l-n I i en I etb ' . A fw of tkeee rooji eeileriti f ' '- know I hot brf heme Agnee HJ' i ii : ! I . , IUI ,"1iif tli.- thtnl.h'y Ma-, h4rd i I'd, mi I ijtfj Agngtt WWg in 3--Hnm.ti oi'i-v. hhoi tiMii-d to A. Hke '!. on t in, I brr feee v-' i not . i IL r hii:i ' . friende could itm not hint fnfibur I et Ittotut, Im u i-itiix lVit in h i ;li, bcr form ni ungniuiy art inueefder, be ;l ., . nAmjw d Uk . in ... , .... I !..-r '..; h-iiiins wwm fVroklcd urn! w itbfW iiiiiikt d. Ilof boMVi eyohfiewi were now Mfiod in wtruriMf, f th. ber r un, i hh .- nl.l.ii v. .i . n it oi,v larfr ihea wnml eo i .n ly in lew ecieiing, Iwl (he turn Mood in u cluMI, InntCWil of iiirnwling '.r bonchee, rhelfe "ml t lliM'H, "I'd Hie i" ho b)M whfd ye mean by gnnnin an' eneekin' ronnel .. . i like i i !: hongry woleee," Ac .i i "Yee had yrr grnb, bein't tr The voice was hatah, lnt good natnr. I, Mud therade vonle were ondereted by nil t.i La j wueo. Her qiteeUoej brutibi u baeiMnt niokeeni in the front, fie went eo far toward tnkitui "'' I.i i h i h t" "i ii 1 1 to thf In, !: . i lii'i heed, .ind i ild: "Ii'it bii wht, Aff. The boya I; n . ..... , l. i i a : i.lnktn ' . i ir.f to i- . ki ' ! tnoui mi, eietly ne t i ; ! baj " in c ifntoil. ibi v fart for puldlfl ki'. VYa), k'i ronta to n j pad, an' i'h out ilmr in Wa ii i rxnec' to bring Jedjee Low uji !- i in 2 'in; ilU- to ueke e ji n- Unlil.i I M' ch. on i- got a hung nd can i ' rii . itne, V in. '.i ' I no in ('k . Rtrtao of tb mi ii aranl on! and iiftl u.ii tor from a wegoe in front of ii,.- bouae. Tbej Imd tnmhle getting i tbmngh I'm d'Hii-way widiont u rajv ing ilk tifT the hru. y' ti.nii". A' ... I when abe eaw i', whJeh btlaht .i . . - Ad. i h i bleit of ihdight; but In r and Mo- 1 1- 'J'J v.,..- Mil O'.l t'Otl' anoio an . ," tnO eiakeatuan cried, iin a brave atti'totd nl htbuify,' an m a j i u. m beraatrr Tbetratiffji ..!.,.. !, i-.-.i. enraged etnan, Hheaaraade bottto'ed wl.inky lire neck vcii one band anddnng it i 1 ir migbt nt tl Dntrrorf hlmt rtntc : Hevei age on tba wall. "Thar my f"lin'a fully exHAceeeH,M i !. r..!.n itio 1,,-r r'lrt,n m tin . :. r i In-ami lar I ; . ' . ... eetoaiHthnl eunera, Ui-vin' ' I l.'i. I ininv OAH I.OCM J linli-l. 9 remark, abe frame a left, an !:;.i " it riifbt out, r 111 crMheh wWhy, A;' ,M ilan epfekeawiao began. I i . i made m claim ez i ataani bo r-l) i bclgbog,' ahe inteimpu d, net) bar abort, lariatitng hate eeewaal tn be ritfifl like qnilln tea tlm ugly lieeal tnantbinetl, "a.r 1 know'd I ara- nugb i'ii the rongheal nl Vary well. i n.' :;.'t ntahe ha Rmi i f my Inohe, boarever. Ve migbt o' a'ptetoaad im I wouitln t lake no anch joaa, A glaea i'..;- ma to look i"! Wl.y, en.H y., by tpdn i c baea me 4MticraplMHj, hi i' n. v tin i' 'J .j.'.ii v. duln't lmali liollilA mi level, At;- all tlie boy 'il aar'ar We Vln'i." ' 1 KpokcauMli bipked around for on ifirmattoti and Mij.,urt, and uw thai tin the rear wan baealttacnnietly i the door, it waa plain that Ag waa in a fury, and would n t mag nop. Hot bet Self, Uettlee and lnmM area within hoc reach, ami leyolvera ieie known bangumler the bar. A u ''aie observer of her cbamoter hod deaoriiied 4 k;er "iu ll on inri.dse." in her pica iitt eomjiiUm itlns was extra basardoua. abe retnitt became e atuoipetle when she threw out ber arma toward the weajiohe, and slm was left ae w. The retreaeata came to .mr under a shed, j. fiw rode from the Sn ad ICgle. lli"h iodignetipn was profeoa- l expii 1, gn4 i io(iositi ui ti) mob A',' and burn In v bouse Waa received w:i!i ;.n ptitlittataatlo 'llotuay." J'.'it a cuiut i ativi- voice ent't th.1t she ii!i noi mni h'to blanns taktagftlia' view of t!i" B)at$er that she lMd u,'d it was a good time for them to make an exp.-i i merit in forbearance. 'An' what ii thnnder would wh do ef the Bpread Ragle waa gone, an' not another b;ir in No Go?" ' Tlmt n-ui irk iaeaented a startling truth, aud no more was said about de stroying A'h house. Then noniebcdy laughed, with en infectious ha hs, and the woman's exploit peine quickly into favor an a piece of rare fun. This view of the matter prevailed when B.lly Wilk, otheraiae William Wilkinson, .joined tlie groiij). Hilly Wilk was not too young to have a beard, his flannel was red and Jcoarso ns anybody's, his ling boot us heavy and his t. .. ba as !'u:i-hy, vc hh 'lacked some of ttt&a '"bntilisluuents of his comrades, lie oimld mi' awear so glibly, he was con fitMntly laianng into good Bagltan, aud he il l not ui ink the ordinary whisky ojf the town v.i'iiont. a He Imd ixintrtbtitay) tn lha gifx initror, and a fH aeeount of ita reception was given to him. - Ar,' what does liiH.v Wtlk ihink o' thai?'' th;; narratoi c nclt ded. Why, that A's a woman after all," sai I Billy, ;and therefire sensitive toot In r BntMai uji v.. vn Willi no iul m lodotn o cotivim-) bar tin', no wftM uttetnTed, '., Un'i, ifa u Kvm hiidy dv onii thing ikai ei y k. "I mov,"H.,id oni , "id .i !:,;.. ', Iwi ui'iuled a cmvim it," , He the enly eheo in eaa ai go into the Mji cad ji's' HOW, 'ibfl bieeelf in bUei iion. o.(. a i Imit. htm WO all k iio.i 4 j bi h hi. I. Uiliv." "Woymute," Diljy inf. . , - i. " 'Tuin't no ooneoft r, i iithW. W A k.''jM a ,.j.V;o bfe la f'.f j tVifk, JeV roaiMe he'e got n f.iinl 1 etumwjie, U'ne eeee (He i .-.i I .... , ... Utliy Will;. Bo M M ' m ii. in to i qnat w wHh t 'rtV ii I'm talkiu' Mrim,'' A of MeyW? i" i.'i.-.l UteHproml K . I I ' o.iviliitt i.. A , .. ber tiititml. r i i,.. ,Ji, .1 to haul: Wi fthmrply , .:,; i.. , i en it far id rat wol, II'. MfKIWM j a'i.Hiit, . , ;' .. aiijX , lnl . . ... n . .. i . ,i (J r. ,i, mid him could m ' d.udi n .-m awat en ejniekfy hwt that Billr .. - m. "Wall, Ihllv Wnk," , bar " 4i von with Um viii.- in inaktn' f m Bier "I whu with il" '.n . In cIjhm np fiinu 'J-'. i-.:,.,; "hnt iL WWan't I ill. It whs m-itiit o ti'Htiuionial. Thai !i !.i iiotiou ol ii j ike," Si,' leek down Imojip i tin ust it cluie to bei im mget I y' in t i hi t eye. bflee kter, Billy Wiik.'' o.i Mnk me eanee in i Ice , I'd bolfciec 1 ; m I wonidn t take en li nor. 'o i q . Mil I ciiiielicat woman w ly ye OaOttght :un m il aomewliar c. nm . v ar wot 1 I wasn't i . e atd; an' Uhw ..' i bink yeU i iwniightiiar critter llmn I b. i iewee Ii d t , i; told lll- C4M .1 HOI for in", 'cans.- a dob'l. U.H a die r.n.Ki I. tin' I h;i ' every ban in m hand, i Billy bad knoa a if nothjng of the kind i :.. i tuar no v 1 Um I t o 1 1 r. lik, aba eajif, bnl tad ' i T ft' :. epohon helwcwn them, I be. d ftrfl her Men! al c ire MOh, ye needn't bioMV end !l !.;inj. ha k in its plac; "1 . Wew I ain't a-lout..-! -.' lovin' te udd m ye eared .. ii i'.,r r ui ni". i i :'. i im with Ac o' N'otJ 1 1 ; bamt, tbMigh :i in .. H i'H'1.. ii eantn I I.i (ftei nerjtne eaeVr the bar, half Billed i aHnka! ber own neninxt bis. aal ei lied it in hair the tttu.. be pied in a similar operatb l . "!low ye gettin on uiih Kuenvl 11 danghter Nollf Bitty ehohofl on fha le taI1 ia Mm wl.ihky, and Ai-'s h in . wtta mighty ihnmn on 1- ri !. l-r,!oi.l Dincl'j Won, he nnttart :. KTheaa'athe biggeal vf Take a Hid- ,' aratar. Y. : .. . lb 11 "I !. t, . i Kiiim n i-. ..vniicr s. u:- Thar ain't a thing do, Dill h i r. iv tin by. OJ I dj' M:r am i an nunc of ,inf. ya et atlaehe e bv r. ae I . it .Mi. alothee-vdhel I don't know i-. Did f VHae that gal'l pho'ofi... U ... Id yi-r loom no' 1 not light -. it T Be yp ch- l it t-t '. Mo!., it' rmmhini mafcefl re s red. Wall, MlVe B0Ohjtfoa t'lir i !! drummed on l be o however, white aha baimal joaaneeaJly fr. m oth rckmi 1 am in kyee a ii h C : ley'a daughter, and I fthouldV if slm gweeead it : i.n! i j ; ,. . i re .. A.' t ii kit i. ' -i 1 Ding- f v.-,.ndtr ; iH, ur.-m ti: .i a let my worn, it in t aran low hhoirld let bin boati go In h- ftfuA iretty irl who c im s i ii . . rongh tettlemant like thi ami s!. - i II Ar, her hair is so yellow. h-r ..- an blue, her cheeks so pink, ber I" to. n . fragilo. and altogether " M3o different f,.:m lb only ther woman in No (Jo." "I didn't sny that, A.' "Well, ii's morn deaeiiptlva 'ho what ye did ley. Qd on I'. l'e." "'h laen doing soma work for ( l one! Dinglejrf yoe know. .r at lie liew mill, and she's in the office a . od deal. That's w hero I've mei hta, and -l-that'i all there's of it " lie had no ir.tei.tion r.f ti ilti t A; how Nri! . Ptngley, dun'tn; the two menlhs ehe had Jajaa at No Go, had completely an thralled hint ; ho she aft times M0 MVal ! :-i tte h i o, until he all bat avowed his love, and again had repelled him with aauddon reaer-tai He did'not frtttey the mistreat! nf the Spread Kagle for a confidanie. imt she was not to be put oil, r "Thet's all there's of ii I" .1 biSod, luockingly. "He you a m r I ii:.i ve axed her to marrv if ?" "No." "Then gO straight as the ero. kod path'lt let ye to the Kennel's bouae, an' put it to ber fa'r and mptar, Ve won't? Then Ver a fool, Whai's the irl that would sav 'No' to Hilly Wilk 1 1 aeen her n-loakin' at j-e tother tlav, wJicn you warn't ewatwiarjd she loves yf, ilijlv, nat as sun- ga 1 do, sti' rriebhejea! as muc!i. Oil' with jrenowtj ..fl' with ye." There were faces at the" window. The miners had grown impatient, and were wurohing this embassador m his conversation wvh A., thongh Ibey could not hear it. One of : em tured to open tho door. "Gomo in, Bantam," said Q Hv," and bring the boys. Ag iinders'Rttda it now." "Whoo-Oftp, hurray," shouted B;tn- al im. Tl.o wh I to the larrri Twin o.ii niiin', itiid J Ay be irUly ; "u.i.v- di om ;di LWiXt ay a I -i i ib in'iv an j I ".Iw-I M lJ H .4 d ana eac win dm fill I.- i.ioil ll u I -I I l llll'l Irfli ( !- Want danittjy u eeMaad at tbt i .ii pte ,...! km ir.-,, warn Jl .... 'J., i: i iaam Ir u half, tho company il.Jo,, I tli it wa aery m-u ly an ! f. pi )!.. A b ui dl.ii.' ;.: khich, io h .!. Tin- . (in MAak :i : nuchiog -;..s.iii in in longd aire i an no a nnitfi' pen, (Utiloir, bbtl i I,.-. m ,i I: m paeecber, aucmnM I 1. to be in .1 n had u wit I . jftif..i? iy tlH' m: 1 . ; .-1 i Rtffoiid h t i tlist H.c him Iwo men i.' I ... . hgon I, and ii- . ns i liilU With U did Ii .: to hia (mc wiitie t i-i i.i i enjjd-i ii Were .'. tonally inslt-i.t d bhufan i oly whtiilv emsasd in.- .. but dei tllHM , I h. I ,j, U . '.' bin half elom jj i 4. .it. -t ; i f l:t III, l. , j ; t4 ;;,,.( u v untoied! on tho table " ' Bill Wtlk k ;ii;u ptngle) had ret not need Ui ak ,; . ; bad .id "Yee," i in h-v fptk in ' si dnavTonntled--ft - -i PtHuet Uiliy'a licr ooiprelM'ttaion. ... the whiaky it.. : I " a:-d . 1 - ailing ofhta iata, alic fiat I 'She ntuat le fnoltu r li t:1 .- A.:." ami Ui -ivi a INe Ititvl ber in etv bawn !. ' ' 1 .' . i nt ide h i 'i i D . i man Wu-. !L i i wn i nui!, inVMtise lie owns . and he .I, !,;,,.. U t.e ' - T n a wife. Oh, h:iu Gol bifida Ler ! ae him. He carriea in '. shirt, ;i n;.t wbn-h bat cati'f ri belt, am ! B li!i, hiuO witniln fattier, or to the aimr mmi, the glib It baaverTe imih, A . b r s.'ie aWid Oh. I cold kii! ti.,. w - ... i - i i . IL- tui.i d from the lir tuwar.l Watte so fhrioiialt 'id siKike so kwu that ev laothud. en Lur .... a, l-ecn a-s on li;. b..v-k f.- ten minutes, au u,, ami M..iv i. Ag waMOutatde khe bar i.i an mat i,,., graapmg Uiliv in bei btawaj aiutaf aol foretna bim to the tl.-...-1. ailing to th.- laairdeea'riiottta. "Tio I plS, f) l i.s; top," SO. ai i, toieiog m . , riiara the a . . - tr ouoie wiik :, ,,. v cliai they hain't V " ' . i . M . . il,.' vii'y tic tot petit ho' tin t'f. wtiar te a guin. " iin. niulaeb; ws m.i nstexpaeted tlt.t !' il. v ;,s jiHStb ipN i the passage befoi-e be Foul fime Ui "'j'r, and, if in- had rei . : .w ' . i ! imvc been I1 mei who h!d him. match ba "Ve umsu't . ver M'cret, BUty ; wlcit w.i r ..; t, . ? ttfWeta. M) yer twin, look At self r, and felh w here ,- , .U: i !, ke.-." Bitty ola.ed iu ft anicdiv ; andjAg, after htm u, bin door wiui ., rjoaghemal tmlt3 .c- on her rugged tu e of the tender i sprtianon win-U is the outward mark af a woman's !..v, returned to the barroom. Tho episode had not impressed the fuddled observers deeply', and they asked her no question. Even Wtitts' curi.iiry was not. aioused. Him eveil him closely-for a whtia until h war .satisfied on that point. Then creases Cam) Isnween her eyebrows, and the ominous compression to her lips. But uitever she Bieditated, there was a lack of tlra aocnsiomed impalslinsaeea, Folding her bared arms. he apoarentiv surveyed the comp.uiy. The leveliv of the anrvtvora was too far aloau to las disturbed by her black scowling. O.ilv Arnold Watts saw ir, ami he was soon aware that her eyes were gleaming at him. !lrr aj.eot alarmed him, if it hid imt disturb his placid exterior, and he roaa from his chair to retire. The Whisky was still in the f-lasa bv his side. Ag Strode across the rom. "lie y. tm proud to drink with the hos T shi1 cried. -Wall, 1 reckon no body would tech the p lass after ye; o the jipee might s wll be throw'd away." She Ciiught up tho tumbler and dashed i?se mteutsiolo bis faeo He took ihe n t fttr what it ww rntl the wanton faanlt nf a Midden liarroorn foe v. ho maided a tight. Nor did the o:hf r- dleeiftt tiny difference lielwetm her nteJHerr now and when rhy hn.t Ben her n reckle a-'- dlml on pre viott ea-ion. He ji.iued an in stant, us though h-.!1 ttiiitf to en gOOJOter a woman, and would have Mutated if ho hod not grlpphsl bin irrn and whlrfad him r -tind. The e trdnrs intudiveU rieniwd a -pace. :if--( were quietly okd ami iwrike.-i d. There w is a uiotnent of dlei i KftntkHi. 'I sien Ak'.s "iirin ienel out, and her fi-t renrhed f tee with a loud -Hf. Inateotly re '' t ether Wrettliwg furions l, tramping heavily to and fni, kno' kiii i hairs and ta'fo-, ami Writhing in each idln r's ka-ked urma V:. ii ti i. .. M w apart, and for an in afanl ,' panting and -.'kirin. The ? In :oli-f agel; t5art'i!' her nnfagotdst, du brrenehed hlea wT hi- f- .', rained him acroH her hip, ami IJuaBy Rhfaji l.iiii ;. iviivy .o li e Hoor. The fin h id not latti ecslly done. 'i'he liiuxch in her arnii had bufnl like in ethlereV, and Hie e.rds had risen Uith the ii t Moii. .site atotal with her In- in lieaving and her wild face PgleW, I et only for an instant, lor h ben W:t lagaa to scrumlJe to his f"! : -ho threw herd.f ujion him and pore bin down again. ma i he note ye' vo gwt in '. yr belt," 'he hoarsely whi-p red ; "tin f . - d note -I know il'.s or !',i h ive yer life." B!io blfifM-d out a knife. Qe fgm, :. 1 a . .nh 'j'hif gieawi of a knife ''i n ms ike. him obey, jjot her a i i :i !i s hroa-s: ami her In ml :' i ' II" was triwerlefsi rar tngolatbart. Hhe felt for tf i . .d like a Bahcut hi it thpnigh pi To tear open the ra:ket ruirsl Uuh her hands, and wlien the choking stopped he cried out wi h ;ni oath that he waa rotdinf pim, A terrific Mow on hia nmnth prevented bins from hbfngj trrah rhhad ly tin excited men. The piper in the liell were urn out, a d t!:en iru:ii4iug them into a wad m her h iiift!-.' tbe let him .-t up. He itaggered laurjc, drew a revolver, and Bred lieforea hand could binder, Ae pnetl her hand to her side, and kb.l ran out on the ptpr. Shu1 Hiriied unsteadily half way round, and fell on her face. "Call liisly Vi:k," she aaid ; "call , him quick." Billy had heard the sh and wis la-mliiig over her. 'Hen !..-rv " !- .!:.! in w.i:qer, "ihe f rooked note U in ifcb ku o pa . rv. Sliek 'em in yrr fra-k o-,r .11 eut, bul a dozen ha mis Crai.u-il hiwa. "I'vegye: nMimoeb ie-d in u- ovi r Li lio upagin, laiye,n Ag emitiniietl, P eking with increesin dUDeatly. lSi. C'Ml-hy. ln't lur no ill-wiil lihoat the luokiu' glass. Come eloae, j hilly." Hi uas holding her hnl hn his kmc "Shake, fr. rd. Ia'n't Vrry for what I've done, and noT-' tmi it f r what's hafipened lo tue. . tlie gal's yourn, Billy. Ye wanteohi jhe purty eriiter, an' I v:. d. ad should have her. T.d:e iar- the note, :u,' " Bitty felt ttie grip of her Land n--bx, but -mile staved -o ner hue, even after ihe v.:s dwt Tin re as only .ne thing tha ( uUl i ly happen to Arno-d W II,? knew it mi tell that h0 did t:..t uuer a word of protest. The diunkeri ami exa-per at"d miner.' banged him. Thr j ib was not a$, peui a thtugii ihe aceusiouMsl tree;, :ul becri us-s!, iiisn-.Ml of the empty" frame of the i- ' n.irror; but thejr eou1u not leavoui ibat entimeifai tt.l pk?tureaque ehment, and Wnttfc u;is the only .-uiiVrvr b' the bung-! In.-. t mviscwt: r;ri it. The oV.v.Voe. .Ksi.-Httfic .Vt,r- foitf M.iv is tie fore us, loking nantLjomer if possible, than any oi the. preceding I- ues. Siiustsclnn.o ..f ..ublishei at January, this m.-.g. s-ine has ImC proved wilheach suctraHlsr..' number The present issue of the .-. ,. jsl .u'ljU- AVe-x iS ovei 11. irtA:. o wit Ia, handsome engravings at d interesting anil instructive matte. Among the v:.: imissu' jeets i 11 u si ra ted in this sgutJa a superb specimen of glass ware; anexhaustive article on sph;dtum and its use in s'reetsand pavements; a new ingenious hand-ear, shown iu operation; a new steel steamer for use in shallow rivers; the new Johert teh?eope, and an in teresting paper on physics without apparatus, o fully iilu-trabal. Every miui i r contains thirty.twa . pages full of engravings ef novelties, in scioru-, ami th useful arts. To ben had of atl news dealers, or by ma if tif tho publishers, Munn A: Co., 37 Pari: tiftw, Now York, atSl.oO pe4 annum; single copies lo cents. It seems tb it. the United S'atcs Navy.; Depart in. nt has for a l.i?:r : te-e been blin' .Mr. Ericsson, the inventor, the eonstrnet.ion of a irrilde engine war in th form of a hwpemi boat, wb is now pronoMnced to be I'l'itee'ed is said to lie not only invtditcrsuda 1 absolutely irresista'de. She is cm! the Destroyei, and is described ej lows: "An armoi clad boat, with snbmcrgeti gun. liriny shell or turjsji ofgrcatei la-'wer ibauanv vet ni;nt and before which the iror.clad Heets a Kurope are be!.hs-. The Destroyajj i '." entriu) any ironclad afloat, she i invulnerably, tight ls,ws op, rnshea to within a tew hundred feet cf enemy, i'.iing shot after shot in ra succession v. Uht.ut warning and will on ont noise or sign ujmn the water. Potty Destroyers can be built in New Vok in ninety days,at the cost of one Irdlex ible, and, protected by a d zen N. Y. harbor is secure against any hostile flee ' . i 5 a Be