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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1881)
STATU RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED RVTMff FBIDAV SY STUWAUT & GREY. n;m; OI Ht K In OToalV Mark, eu Uraatiaioin mwi. rr..;ts of SUBSCKIFWON: livrle espy, Hr year Cni)'i lIKSlths.,.. in;lt cv, three mouths.. Siutrit' immlssr 13 00 i 00 1 00 10 I M U F BBSH )N All C A una fc. Kl.lNN. O. K. CHAMBKttUW. FL1XN A OIAMBKULAIN, ATTOKXR1S AT LAW, Albany, tlrcson. piNHAoe in Foster's Brick Block." vlfmlStf. K. S. STKAHAN. I IU I.YKt'. STKAHAN &BIIAEU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany, Oregon. 1 It B At' TICK IN ALL TUB COURTS OF I, this state. Thef give special atten tion to ooileottOM and prolate ntattor. Otuec. in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONTANYB. ttoi;ni:y at law, -AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. OrtW npetairs, over John Brigg' store, Ist.-treot. vl4n'23tf D. R. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY IRD COUNSELOR AT LAW Albany, Ore?. Orti.-f hp llaSJB in thr Odtl IrtlaWs Tew 1U. VV" vitectitn a sporialty. ap21. J. K. WEATHERFORD, (XOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTOUNEY AT LAW, A IB AM', ORH.OV. ; ' .!. vRAiTicK in iu.nKOoumorm Mate ,-vh.i.U.aH.-.. w.wu to oitlectluiu and . &t'"Wti.f i.-i O.M Fells ' Tem;V. li:8 J. O. POWKI.U W. R. JtlLYKU POWELL & IULYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery ALBANY. ... OKEliON. Collections promptly made mi all oiuta. I .onus neirotiaied on reasonable tennn. js.iiut in Foster' Brick vl4nl!if. T. I H i kli:m A rrORN BY AT LAW. ALStW, OKECOM Tvt:;.v. upstairs in the Odd Fellow's Tl3n5(F F. tVt. MILLER, V TTORNE? AT I,AV IJ-llAXON OREtiOJt. Will practice mi ail the mart of the State, t'rorupt attention giv-n to collections, eon-vrya::ri- aud examination of Title. Probata iutines a speciality. vLtaJutr. J. A. YAKTIM, ATTORNEY AND CGUNSElflR AT LAW CORVA1XIS, OR SOON. o v . ; j.--..-'. - in u th POuits of the State syoffle in th ( ourt HiMiiw vitm2vl. JOHN J. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany. Oregea. a . Will praetiee in all the Courts of this State. S.fci;ii attention given to collec tion. !lie up ill ail in Frouian's new brick. 22 tlMlCE . It It M S, ATTORNEY AT LAW -ANTI Notary Public, nonmiii onEcas. Collections promptly made on all point. K. a. JOILNSON, M, D., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany. Oregon. O'fipo in Froman's Briek, two doors Eat of Conner's itank. nlO gr. T. L. u'OLDF.Y 0KCULIST AND AURIST SALEM. OREGOI. tr clor.nEV HaS HAD EXPERIENCE IN I I t .ot . rur I hr- various diwmeS to Which the e e aud ear are nuhjert, anil feel confident of giving entire aatiKiacuon to inoae who place tnemseivet. unu-r nu cure. uwn., T. W. HARRIS, M. D. Office n Foster's Brick, next door to office of Powell ifc Bilyeu IteBidafsee in the two story frame building on south side of Second street. one block and a half East of Wheeler v Dickey's Livery Hlable. At ha ay. - reea vollnnlOtfr 1. A, DAVIS, Ifi.D. Iliyssiciaii, Surgeon, AND OBSTETRICIAN, Atfeaar. ... Oregon. TTAS !KI THK PRACTICK OF HIS I 3 .rfe.t-ii M hi city and Ticintty. Office at ; v UniL' SUire. 40M 1? . HYDE, X S M. Physician and Surgeon. Office at Fosltay A Mason's. Heeldciice on Tiroadalb'n St., Albany, Or. 16n22tf ALBANY QOUMMm INSTITUTE ALBAMT, OB. The Third Term will open on Mon ay, January 11, 1881. r particulars eonecrning the courses of study and the )ri. of tuttin, apply to atV. ELBfOKT f. XIT, PreHldeat. ILBARY BSEai MARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Hischet Gish Price paid tor all kinds of tot stock. 42U Wi WKST v rr ThtklT'Xi h kin; made fluster than ever jCdvffifilB l.y those st work for us. Persons of eitlier se-: can make $00 a week in their own towns if they art willing to work. No riK. fb oumi rree. the buii)ew. Capital not required. ah mrhn mvnjre i irosDer. 2o one fails. Particulars free. Address, H. Haixbtt A Co., Portland, Maine. BtflW VOL. XVI. BEACONSFIELD BIT ( H AS. B MONTAGUE IS NOT! AN1 HAS BROUGHT TO LEBANON ONE OK THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE OF- GENERAL MERCHANDISE Kvrr Firrhased for tbis Trade ! GOODS ! LOW PRICES ! QUICK SALES ! 4N IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT from, and wit a ten years' experience in supplying the wants of my customers, I feel confident that my recent purchases win meet their wants in everv respect. I design to sell only good goods and at prices which win insure ma a trade that will be profitable from the ameunt of goods sold, and not from the profit on any one article. REMEMBER THE PLACE GHA8. B. MONTAGUE'S, LEBANON, OREGON. vlGn38mS EXCHANGE OF SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS ! MONTEITH'S NEW GEOGRAPHIES, MONTEITH'S POPULAR SCIENCE, SILL'S GRAMMAR, WATSON'S CHILD'S SPELLER. WATSON'S YOUTH'S SPELLER, BROOKS' ARITHMETICS, For sale at"Intradactkn"anduExchaoge" prices, at FOSHAYf MASON'S DRUG & BOOK STORE. nSaSNf MILLINERY. NO GRAND OPENING but tors or FINE GOODS at prices which dafy competition. MRS. MARTIN is cuustanUy receivin new goods of Um latsat styla Call and aw for yourselves. It ooaU nothing to ex amine and price good. JHw Oregon Marble Works H. A. CLARK, Proprietor. SASOPACTVSSS Of- MONUMENTS, Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table-Tops, Wash stands, Etc- AH kinds of cemetery work dene in Marble, Free 8 tone and Granite. All ark done in first class style and at the lowest rates. rarWest tide of Ferry. Street, between Second and Third. ALBl.W, nnnnx. P. 8. I de not employ any inexperienced oaavi ers, and give my customers the benefit ol the 26 per cent, commission Allowed lor such work. REVERE HOUSE, Corner First snd Ellsworth Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeifler, Prop'r. This new Hotel is fitted up to first class style. Tables supplied with the best the market Affords. Spring beds in every Room. A good Sample Boom tor Com mercial Travelers. AOTFrec Caeca to aud from One Hotel. "Ba BACON, EGGS AND BUTTER WANTED I AS I HAVE A DIRECT WAY OP Dis posing of the above I can afford to give more than any other house in thla city. P. COHEN. MALARIAL BLOOD POISONING, C.ju i'l' ChlsU nnd Fever Dumb Intermittent He mittenl an i Typhoid Fevers, BiliouHiiose, Llvor, Stomach, and Kidney ritaordors, and manyothor llment8,deatroy Ing the health and lives of millions, Is drivon out of the system, and radically cured by the use of tho LION MA LARIA AND LIVER PAD and GANGLIONIC BODY AND FOOT PL ASTff It 8, the cheap est and only perfect treat ment by the Absorption prin ciple. Tho Plasters acting In conjunction with the Pad up on tho norve centers and re mote parts of the body, In ab sorbing and thoroughly rid dlnRth system from MALA RIAL POISON. Th whole treatment, PAD, BODY PLASTER and FOOT PLASTERS, all combined, 9o!ct for $1 .OD the cheapest me best romady ever discov ered, and a positive curs fruarantood if worn accord ng to directions. Remem ber, Pad, Body Plaster and Foot Plasters, the whole, $l.OO. Sold by all druggists, or mailed on rocelpt of price by THE LION MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Children CRY FOR Pitcher's . Castoria. Mother. Ilka ami. Physicians IS. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CENTAUR LINIMENTS; the World's great Pain-Relieving remedies. They heal, soothe and cure Burns, Wounds, Weak Back and Kheumatbuii upon Man, and Sprains, Galls and Lameness spon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. SPURTS of dAscnaUna Mi Asdaea, Craeklins Pains in the -lead. Fetid Rronth, fWafaaea, nd any Catarrhal C plaint, n ha emteamriautcd by Wat Do . jer's Catarrh Car, Conati lioaal Antidota, Vr Ahaorn -a . The most Important XHs- wvory since GUIDETO SUCCESS WITH FORMS FOR B U S I N E 8 8 aero 8QCIETY. U BY PAR thaaaat Baalnaea mad Hoeial Oukla aotl Hand-Book aver iiubtiahed. Much tha Utaat. It tall, IkaIi mm cofopleUiy ISW TO tS sTYtUlf TaiNfti in tha Uast way. How to twYuer Owa Law Correctly sad Sun1 awfully How to act in society and in ar-ry part of lite, and contain, a mad mine ol varied Information indlaoena- able to all caws for ooastaat rraa. A41BSTS book oi RKA L value a attraction. aeiU ltUr'Uavn ! I VTIH fur all iir anere ttwia To know whv thla any o-r, appiy verm, w i - m . . w. nnwian a i a.. l-uue Saa Vraarlara. AA. -q .a xr-aa AiOany Bath HOUSe. VtnilVii ..-m ...... imwt aw r ttwmm WtfTi T. nsonsyM. dotty that 1 have taken charge of thii Kitsblish eat, aad, by kaepisf eleaa roeaii sad payia trteteueauoo to asBsaaxw. asaee thois who may tsvor us wits tnsir sstroosfs Haviafherstofors carried oa aotwaf sat rirst-Claas Hair Drsssing saloons. . . asKalfdJaaBd Laeha' rSEFZS e. ad oaapooM. jub n sddsr. " ." vy-vara Hrnnti uu ThA flnmrollU VvnU flat IUU vuiTUum i i uu vru. Will pnrchase Plummer dried fruit at tun niaraet prices; - . - ... t Will send a competent person to aa vise uit irrowers as to cultivation or or aotu - tions toowhards; Will supply fruit trees of approved aorta at moderate prier: Will noil 1 iutiiuior Driers turouirn linu, Benton and Lane counties. . pany. hSktiSSS WALUS NAwH, 1 resluent. " w tj&nun w vv. TBi.aa . . n wm January 1, 1880. U4w6 Jaskh Headman. Sec v. 1 rUl TO S8000 A YEAS, or SOU t a day in your owa locslity. Ne risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount suted sbovs. No one can fail to aake money fast. AS; iv one can do the work. You can make from co ota. 2 an hour by devoting your evenings snd spare oe to the business, it oosu nothing to try the baa to time loess. Nothing like It tor money making ever offered K-fr.r. Riialnaaa nteaaant anil atriotlv honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying we wiu send you full particulars snd private terms a - . aanlaa aiAelti 4tf. slu.. f 1 a.. u vi nail I V.ufl m If ma r.tiainsHas neiors i.nsi uuu lit:, bbiiu us vuur ssuuissan sou aTrom-afaTy SON A CO., Portland, Maine. mr it im TrrTsTrtsTn m i on TO THE WORKING CLASS, we are now prepared to famish all classes with con stant employment at home, the whole ui the ums, for toetr spare moments. Business new, ugnt anu Peraniiaof either sex eaaUv earn from &0 cents to ao per eveuinjr, ana a uroporimiuH sum uj devoting their whole time to the business. Boys sod girls earn nearly as much as men. That sll who see this notice may send their address and test the busi ness we make this offer : To such as are not well sat isfied we will sand one dollar to pay for the trouble ef writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address, 0 loses Stums A Co., Portland, Maine. 2yl NEW YORK SHOPPING I Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. La mar, who baa never failed to please her customers. New Fall Circular just issued. Send for it. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, S77 Broadway, New York. flights ALBANY, OREGON, Selected Story. TO TEE FIOIT. BY MM. A. M. PAYNE The speaker was becoming veiy muok excited with his subject and gesticulated to an almost alaraiog extent. It wee the third lecture of the Lyceum Course. The evening wee fine and the course iiopular, to there wee an ovei flowing house. The lecturer as sneakers will took to himself end hie theme the credit of the throng of listening tacee, and proceeded to "exhaust the subject" of Women'a Highte, at least ee far ee hit knowledge of it wee concern ed. "Oh, women, ureas to the frost!" he cried, throwing up hie arms wildly, "veu ere needed to the hostlc-lloo. Are yon. reedy! Will yeu fight tide hy ide with your brothers who have heme the deadly Are ee longf Oh I arouse, sad on to action, that when the trumpet shall proclaim the victory, yours shall he the victors crown, end yours the rejoicing hymn! Do net hesi tate, or the day is lest. Do not taint or grow feeble by the way, bet let your cry be, forward i to the front r 'Oh, dear," aighed little Mrs. Devld eon, ee she drew her shawl aiound her shoulders and took her husband's arm, that they might not lose each ether in the crowd, "it sounds so eeey, hot is actually so its possible. I'm euro 1 would be glad to do my part, but then there are the children ; they must have new aprons this week, end Jane could never get along without me. I hope ehe has not let the nursery-firs go oat. John wasn't that beautiful about cra dling latere poets, and the intellectual developments of cbildhoodl "Yea," re sponded Mr. Davidson, "I wonder how he would like would to help devel op our Johnny t" 'There!" exclaimed Use lady agaia, I did .vt L.1I .Tan. tm mi,m kian hia I J m t i medicine, and the ohikl will never think of it himself What was that quotation about the enow ana pnnty, I & & k and all that. I must try to recall it to- Ohl John, that is elevea I o'clock sUikiaa. Do walk a tittle The nursery fire wee eat, and the baby had wakened with the colic. Mrs. lavidson was so busy and anxious I that she forget about the quotation, and wlien the hell rasg alter Sinner aaa . . a. a i callers were announced, she bad net I bed time to think of the lectors at all. " r - s lear me!" sighed the poor little I woman, aa she hastily brushed her hair and seat Johnnie tor ber afternoon drees from the wardrobe, "they srs aura to mmk wnm .bout the Larlnra. and they know so much' I have not had s moment to think about it, and 1 am aareto make assse stupid blunder. Jane, do not let Johnnie oome iatothe parlor unlit you have washed bis face, and bande." "Yes lovely, wesa't ill" sbs wss say- ins tea minutes altar earns to aer . . . a. k . aT tViends, "and be wee so xcaioue for his "Ui cause, you should say our cause," aaid Mrs. Greadieoa, with a druly dramatic wsvs of her gloved R-nd 1 Tat of r.n.r. I mam ao " aaid Mrs. Davidson, nervously; "though there is so little that I can do to help loan do to help the cause along that 1 feel hardly en titled to join the ranks. Yeu can do much if you would, aaid Mrs. Orandieoa; "you can culti vate your owa mind, and en advance your children; you can help raise those who are beneath you to a higher social plane. "Ob! I don t think 1 could do any thing like that," gasped Mrs. Davidson. "I haven't time, and there are the ba bies, and thee John, you know. 'You must not let such things bin- dor you, said Mrs. lirandisoo, eloquent - I . ' i 17Z ..j.i.-t iy; "you musv Brwmm. vne awnevs wnton I i! I. Ik. naMmar mmt, mtm rm WUU" J 7 7 , T , I ani ai ei n fafxr rnn rmni a as as ins i I -waaw, w . nr iu.tiea." 1 ... t .L...IJ ... I then the parlor door opened slowly and KELt, jr. sTpearad with t k.i. uul lua tml aul kurinir I UlUeiU UBUU wuu .wvw w. , w - intrinmpha bugs alios of bread 1 and melasses. "Why, Johnnie!" said ,h belpletsly. . A : . .tattl saaanar ' . - 7 . . to gd, and wuen mrs. iviason I .1 .1 ..f- lk. aha liima tn Hnti aa "Master Johnnv was that fractious I . a . . . as si ii i ulve lt to liioi. mum, sne l"". ..a i i .- ii i "ixever mmu, jane come, aeuuuy, and tuen airs, imviason wen. up stairs I a . a mar tv II x. a i i'-ii:ii.i I anu crieu a utile. When John came he wss cress, snd 1 .... . ... ..u ' .;n 1 o sue nan to seep ma enitoreu land take them up stairs as soon as tea I .u nvr Whan she waa at liberty. I , . ... Wntctt was not until mte, sne caaae , 1 1. w II Ruuni ui uuu w wuu pvi ua.. W". and. I u0ALL a t-t a. I "anu iryiug w uwrwv jbui e"w"v Johnf she asked, timidly. 1 ..v :. .iiii.aL...athin" I iw.(iv io.,.r.-..--t. I he ga,id, throwing down hie ponoil and I , , ' . , " ., t i I leaning back wearily; "and 1 do not 1 how it is that it srill not work. I've I , , 7 " ,7 j j I been thinking about it ell day, and waa I T . . ir - . . vi it im .11 in con 1 SUm 1 had it right, OUt It IS Sll 1U COU I fUgion now. Ueme here and let me ess i . . I if I csu make you understand it. I 1 S S S I 1 der, while he dlSW aetch of patent and explained bow it should work. "Yeu JL it is all right but one - th in&," he said, at length. or But evervthinff depends on that one '.. -t i .1 I thinor " said the Wife. WUO SSW tne inar," said the wife, who saw the whole position of ihings in an instant. ovJ baaaid. bonelasslv: "everY- on. little tilling uwVMW. .nM . mt v v thing, which I have not got." "Give me this card' she said. want to think u ever to morrow, wnen a nave time. Theime did not come until the next afternoon, for It wss ironinff-day, and rainy, so that the children were in the house, and naisv Kittv burnt her finsar and had to be amused, and the baby eye-tooth came through.. Altogether FRIDAY, MAY 20, one of thoee days which ere not nod to remember; aud it wee not tin til late in the afternoon when the baby had dropped asleep in her lep that Mrs. Devideea had tims to pall the little card eat of her peeket end study over It awhile. At length ehe laid the baby softly in its bed end with one of Johnnie's blunt peaoila began to draw. ''What you dein,' mamma?" demand ed Johnnie. "Making a picture; isn't it pretty t" "No," leplied Master Truthful; "it is just like papa's that be does every night." "It isn't just like papa's picture. Isn't mine the least bit prettier thau MnT Jehnnie scanned it critically. "I don't ass that it is one bit better," he said, at length,, with a nod of his wise little bead. "Well, maybe not," asid uismtua, with a sigh. Just then baby stirred, ee the was hushed end rooked, while the mother thought and planned. Ah! if all the plans and hopes of the rock ing mothers could be fulfilled! They must hope while they rock or their hearts would sicken; they must pray while they reck or their hearts wunld break. Listen! Do you beer the steaJy rock ing above your bead nowl For hours it has not oeeeed, or ooly for a few mo menta. Bat all that the outside world hss breuget to the rocker to-dav be i i . i . ' . i uaa weigoeu as sue sat mere anu to it I added her hopes, her fears, her prayers, Lod only knows how much of the com pamtou and heavenly mtuded psti. i.. sua worm nave come inroogu tue iLi. l l a -a a .a Steady judgment of these heme keepiug I The world would miss them sorely should they die out of it. The little card was restored to Mrs. wisswi otwaav anu oiueu us mue, T v : J I . I LtJ :. J I aonn waa nstaineu uown vown, anu utu a ,z s a a i sot reach home until past ten o'clock. -watia mement, jonn, before you t mmr .. . . w a m t . . . F SaailS 1 WSBt lO SOOW yOU SOUie- I tWngeaid the wile, pulling the bit emni of her pocket; "and John, iiaa aw aa snaa saasar Wi aa w a aM -s s. , . " " 1 , . T1 amrwi , ouv s aw - - - - m . . a. ww T.W , wm JUBl now m7m W9r9 lB xUl. .i;.i 1 ..rrT; . "ou' ' 11 U! vv i it aeip you miyr . w .m""' cn1' rS ww 4"'D " uo-T7 "M,w ' 1 springing JP m dmr- " 1 v,,,, bve i isiaa aa -T. t m sure i m m gia.i, jin, ! n"""' eui pieaxe, u,i t ss me ii i . asm . . & s t . s zj' reopie saiu tuai j..un u. nisn as ,oc7 awes en o mid m7 simple a peieni i he eeublobsck action car window fas Men- m wmM ""ae evary wnere Ai, oir Um" ilf'i - Pu 11 en is rep ace otners, .mi j., ha w,u tWof " " sal and rocked and rejoiced; and there ass not aa atom ef self-oempUceut fctdmg la ber mind. When John furaiebed a new house, he pieeented it to hie wife. People mid, "How kindr but ha said to her, ' It is yours, Minnie; you earned it." "Joke, she said to to him oou flay, "tnat great lecturer on women is com JOU ISUiraii! inn la a . A m w a lecture last yea 1 1 Mow anxious he was vmm " wosseo seoum saawaai i tub r " i am so sorry but 1 did mean to think about that lect urs I am afraid I shall never come 'to the front.' ISHISBISM. What is that we often return but never borrow 1 Thanks. Why is a steal trap like the small pox 1 Beoauae its catching. How long did Cain hale bis brother! As leag as be was Able. What is that which a cat has. but no 1 Ather animal t Kittens. I lUBr 1 1 1MB . ... , - , I . ' to lettoro 1 VQ witnOUt an I. Hfk. t. . .1 k.-lJ WL. .1 l 1 " - s Ml-lJ ,u Docause a wwssan neeus ui Why m a shoemaker a t Bmuee he is faithful to the Why is e ehoemaker e true lover 1 lest. Wl i. a Aim .. lit. Mmmal 9 I ...V. IB.II u.uuai Because ha shrink, from wsshing. afn u th- lttef K jike j ig ui)t tWani it', at th- of .J . . ' Whv is a do a Ui a ireat curiositvT x j.' - ' . .f why ia an saw like a coltl Becau.e " tU broken. WDT is an utu Orel la itxe a iiancaice wam a a il a i 1 llaflauau it u Baliloni aaan ullnr Iwrif " T i vv usn aoas water ston ruuniug uown I l Ml I YSVi . . i i i ntu i wnen u gets to uie ooitem. i uru... . i i il r vr nav is wis prouer leugvu oi iauj crinoline 1 A little above two feet. u UM mmiiiinri fo.- . .oi.iniet Wbat ia that which is put on tbs ts- hi ..... i,ui A naek i. I " w. , f . . i . i . . i a . . i i uir " " nw ne t,OW 1 x,ee,U8 wet. I . ....... wur UoM. u,n rrB,. nlme'1. 10 be henpecked I Because he's chicken henpecked i i aa"tea. If T , 11 1 I weis to see you riding a donkey, what lruit ahsold I be reminded oft I a,u I tee peir. Wheel Commissioner McCabe of Columbia county finite loss of sheep I county bIdco last November r -4Biwl MW' v' reekons that 12,000 died from the we vere we ther of the pant winter. Hn ha1 lust comnleted his aeuil-nnnu- ., rr),, nMM,iA .N(a fUind. out . a,afY1,n4kH 7ilft 76348 examined, 7418 affected with the scab. He thinks i that if the Importation of diseased "I 9neep can be prevented the flocks of Ct4uinbu will entirely free x. . . fm the disease by fall, ' Wbat Is tha difference between a Uackstnlth and the average. farmer's si wife? One shoes horses aatl the ether it shews neos. iemotrat 1881. ISIIIMi 11. llUmvrr; ef a ftw Nlarrul In Orrgori More PrrrUna Ibsa ;oll. AUiut two ytintH ago t htraiiu-r in this city strolled into tlio olHce of Mr. 8. M. Lyon and Vejeojne very tnu h in terested in s large collection f speci men minerals and gold tiait than in this asaayer's odice. It, it well known that Mr Lyon bus Isjen a ! rli-r in gold dust, and has Imd large npevtones this line. lln courteoiiHiy gave the stranger permission to lukf away h;v eral specimen. Among them wsh u iinantiiy of line sand nnd " blow ings " of gold which contained I lie black and shining pnrtiel ibst most minr-is are familiar witb, sad which have Ix-ett regardisl nn i. l-s of iron. As they were heavier I has gold they could only li espswefed '' tad inin duction of the magnet, to wbi.-h tlieas psrtii b-M would ri-adily aAhero; white the gold, of course, would not, It aim this fact that gave riw lo the prevail ing idea that thew biaeJi partfotai wove iron. Mr. Lyon bfiird n mere f bis stranger, who soon after b lf iliHcity. Hut a few days etnas the follow in:' Ih ter came through the msU Miami Mkiu-ai. 1 bixnoi . Ciucinnsti, o., Marti II, IS81. ( 8. M. I ..von, Kn bnif Sir: I am desirous of gsining h-hik' hnawledge "1 iridium, ax to the emoiml found m the .inantitv that could Im obtained, ate, I therefore will (bunk -i .1 you nill it, . . I rm me ol llie aiii uiH i . . iv n could raasivs snnaally ; whether it i found in your locslity, sad . a bat . ,t , ,. oUain!. . . . It tusk tit no iill r-n .-' h i n i- in iowder, giains r ktmiei JL am is terestcd in an industry th il til iv brin - it into more exteimive u ... if you can obtain any 1 will soon t . t .. lalK misiness. I uirs irill ... . . t. u. in ui.kv, Profeasor f fri-mtatry. r iwm ilMH i, , . . .. ,i.,. j M.,tl,(,r ,,f il.iu 1 i. ,,- wriUj lin, Ml,a Cai. . nut lor it on no oUlr ll(,.ry thau ti ,t ,,lih j, a . "ranger to whom he gv.- tne RMct- ment or lh,.v K,vt,f, , t(JlH feasor by the stntnger. Iuveatigatmn reveals the fact that these shiuiu is.i . . - . a . tide round in much ot the gohi of ). egon is noun other than this very. IH dium. aUut wbirb ibia itmuirv ih m wis nM ,.,. , ,H d.-senU d in . !! a 1.-, cvclonodia as follows ikiiulm. i itim, n is. r m.-iow, inmi the vaiious tints wbu lt ill v .'m d t l.i mu llHsume j (ChemUi A white, brittle mtal rr.s-ui!.lii.j idedi fu,mij jfl snsetion with .. area of pluitnum. L U goners . : wlj ,tHmlttul , the native alloy c;tllol in. ..(, .r tnuiirnlniu lii-lium irf insttbiMf in all BOMB, ba4 whew oxid ize I the i.xidi diiH.ilvt-s in mui tin i.- acid. It is very biavv, having ;i apt riln- u'tnvitv of III ix niuit aleiit is l'.i. Itidium bun L-.-n in.I foi points of gold kmi, its extrtine bard neas causing il to last loi veu In addition totuealajve we rf stab tlisl tills uietal Ims l..en, i ii iltvelv .S. .a a a . s but little known. Reosotlv in arota nd this country it ded of in ten in it has ls-u u wakened lv the diseov ery ((f additional ii h f r which this mrtu.e , uaiH-eiiillv a.l:i.!. I'M nvl a w AruliHiH for MOtI. , ,..,. Nt,VHnd for nvets, as it a ithsiands i We "ton of d taken into the mouth b than gold or platinum. Its aptetttc gravity, It will be seen, is greater evi t than platinum, and it is more valuable than either As before stated, it is found mixed rilb gold in this Suite, sie! npisars us s black fchiniug sand, in atrtieiea a lis- tie otsirser tbsn bleating r. There are tairlions of this State mid lei joiniag Territory where this metal nuiv la found In abundance ; so we bare in our I midst an umlc vcloaid souire l w. .alt l t,,at nnssnine anyxaimf ever nmore I. a. .as .a i . known. Bcfote the isiasibiliiies of this new aud valuable discovery, the Wood river exeitement, aud even t)u ( m stock bouauxaa, will pah as the morn ing stars Itefore the rising sun. let this iridium lnduKtiv h invesugated :.t once, snd it msv be that the letter from this distinguished elnuiist umv lead to I i Suit vidlll fiittntiMM Mild it VMlltira! prOS- 7 W rty in our 8mto.-Wr.W Daiiv ShtnJarJ. TIC WAY IY ir vt is iol. The methoil bv which so much hi im der has been secured by iWv, Drsdy and their ring is sbch that actual fraud a 1 a .si . . t l 1 1 is uimcuit to prove tnou-u n m-n ' I i T. :.. .. :. :. y u,,, bwwswm. ms the ooumensationH alter conlrncts oe . . lu(, ,Motllul of increase or a ,. . a. i " e' " " , I worth almut 8 U,WV, over a route re- i.a. ,;,,.,. A is an I 6 honest bidder uud filea his s'inmto in ..l ... ... ... .1 garni faith. is a jotmer, ami a, an I nridAentandiiu with the authorities in eharce of the lottinif, makes his bid bo- I . " . , lew the actual cost of performing the service. He gets the job and strnihgtway sets about getting signatmeH along the route jietitioning for daih trips and "expedited" service. In accordance with this petition, his compensation is increased to $75,000 or jiorlnipR $!(),- 000. This sort of thing beiug done on about 92 routfs, makes a good thing for not only the contractors but for their confederates in the Department with whom they are supposed to divide. In most of these cases the increase in compensation is nearly all profit, as the extra expense is but sligbi . Vet it is all done within the letter of the law and the records of the contract oflice are iu perfect ordei . -wor A saw log was recently barked on the Skagit which measured 7 1 inches in diameter and 2i feet in length. The Port Blakely mill last week cuts log 111 feet long, whieli produced 13,000 feet of clear lumber. NO. A'Z. Tar, wouue ntr.sTias. Tiie dispa'el.e say that ou; of the president's penwsjml fierid is authority for the statement tlrnt the president is quite anxious, so soon as there is any let up of the existing pr-surt, to con sider some pra.;Lcsl slid sjeedy plan of dealing with the Mormon question. The MCaSef arrival in New York of ntnne hundreds of Mitui'-u imiiiigrsnts, tad ill' d qi.trtine from the hsioh ort of forty Mormon riasii''naties with a view of incresMtng the H'KmI of polyga uioui immigrtiiuu, have intensified in his mind the desire eyjrrosed in his in augural, while rrsjs'cling to the utmost the conscientious eotoiertions snd teli gious scrupb s of every citizen to rro bibit alf cWmiesI irartie, esjscially of that class wbh-b lUfUoy the family re lation:! and endangers order, Le is equally decided in bis opinion that no ecclesiastical or'auijtt ion can safels le porndttod jto a larp in ibe sssadJeat 4a- gree lb" f.lle t ons and OSeXs pf the om rnoD-nl. lt--ent sttscl.s by M oi u .ii ehareh leaders on (iovernor Muriiiv. of rjtah, who is m person;. fliend Of the Si sjjeat and uMtii (ien. M. M. Dane, ol lUinesay la-cause of their satindygeeseas sentatoante, hate excited some considerable fertiiisa in bin mind. The n memdemtioa of ihe l itter gentleman as receiver of public Isiids ih (TUtb is tied up in the . iilf an ehnrg"h pieforred by deateCawasss. Among sugg. ate 1 plans the oir- i.rtr BJOSnd by ex (I .vernor Fuller, of I 'l.ih, intheAr ', f publidiing apn i b i.ti..! pi-oclamati.ui sgiinst the practice of pilygumfr, is wesiviag attention. A. G. Oampbidl, tho snti polygamy dssa gati? from th.i. territory, has written a strot g letler favoring it. Meanwhile Senator Ligan, to whotu the ptt-sident confidrd the championship of his anti Klygamy pulicy in the senate, i actively considering what legi-latiou can Issl Im- had to meet the desired end. It seems to us that it is atwut tiate for the itspntdhsm j-ariy to take sotn stej-s toanvds putting a aton to It-ilygamy. We bdieve a I mow t 'every National RepnbJiean j.l.itlerm sinre 1 CO h as eoatained a plank siilNgon- mtieta Mesaamdees, has that ehureh is new st eon gar than er. em. in i ini i iv. The . sir Tfibunr has t lie fol lowing comment .M)n the death .f 'ien iAiie. The l.rii f dis.:itch announeiii. the death of Jmrnph which csme from i lre;.iti a day or two since can havf hail but very little significance for the great tnajoiity of the people who read it l at the man to whom it r.Un was at on: T-.nie one oi ine toreoi'Mt Ugun-s in .? . , ibe repnblic. Had he diisl thirty years eo, the nation would have gone into mourtiing for him, yet so fleeting is f.tme in out count r that the present - i .. . . i:iMici-Hiion -:ireeiv n-eai't ins nsm? ul,d knows next ut anthiac of his most eventful history. When the Mexican wsr brnka out b erne on of the iimt to jo s the front, and by hard im and di-ctingiiiahed bravety won his way to a major-generalship, lie turning to bis home, all Indiana nnii' in doing him honor, and later on PlissaV toat Polk, hi alight iectgnitian of his services, made ,:,., envernor of the terribirv of On ;;on, Ui which p: .oe he wss reap;)inlcd by Piesident Pierce. tn 1869 he bad tiiirieen votes in the national convention which nominated Cas;i for presiilent , and at. one time during tint, memorable meeting seemed aim sure of the nomination. As old William A Hew need in ufur yearn to robite, t Ijtne twine nearer being president thai missed." any man who ever LaCAS rem it s. Uinb'1 ibi- above canteen the Mercury has ih follow ing Mrv sensible remarks on neaertii party piinciples when the oonleat is morel local. "In time o: peaoe, preiere tr war" is a well known maxim in states. i.siiahip, and that man who does not appreciate its wisdom in polities is i'ot. worthy of following. It may remind well, and sound honest, to say, "In local elections party lines .sli. nlil le disregarded ;" but it is unwis, except the motive is to dispupt the existing parties or to steal the hon ors which they may have gained in a hard fought campaign. If it was right to vote for principle last fall, it is right to vote for the same principles now. If ptrt.y lines are to be drawn ery two years, it. is imbecile to say that organization or discipline should be ahandomed at other times. What makes success snd insures victory every two years, or every four years, will most certainly insure victory at other times, nnd the party that is not worthy of success in local elections should not succeed in national politics. If Demo crats are to stiller defeat in the ap proaching election, it will he to their credit to make a Spartan sacrifice. We want no more "crow;" no mom husks for Democrats whilo Republican sore heads are eating the corn. ' Subscribe for the Democrat. RATES Or ADVKRTISIJIO: 1 1 wa 1 x t 9 m Its 1 Inch TOO 8 00 5 00 9 00 , 100 2 S 00 5 0 ' 7 00 l OS 18 00 S m g oo ft on id on 16 00 28 oo 4 11 4 oo ? oo i so is ee 11 oo i Col. 0 00 0 00 I 15 OH 2T 00 S t ii 7 50 12 00 IS 00 1 SO 00 U 00 j " 10 00 1 15 00 25 0" 40 00 00 to I ' 15 o I q no 40 00 I 00 00 100 0 Special bnslnesa not I res In Local Col umn 2 cents sr lino. Regular local not lees 10 cents per line. l or nKl and transient ad vertbhjaetil-', 91 no per wpiare for the first tiMernMT and ') eenU per aqnare for oacb anbeaqnent insertion. SnW YOBS t ASHlOX. Mteel is the moat notable of spring pro ductions. In itself, of course. R la aetaiug novel, but such a vet liable shower of steal aa now descends upon us, la rather s ear prising fact In the history of diess. Be ginning with the new bonnet it covers the eullre outfit ; even peeping out from the spring slipper. In millinery, we have braids, cords, beads, ornaments, fringes, lanee, embroideries of steel, to say nothing of steel net works and gauzes laden with steel spangle. In costumes these ideas are repeated, whilo outdoor garments ere Mylifthly rnameted with finishings of th" same character. 80 you see thai can hardly be miaplaoed, but It ia tasteful ajieti combined with black. A moments reflexion sumoes to enow tho refinement of a black satin costume trim med with steel and in Ike way of a ti'rtli i im la mora quieAljr wlesft tbevu liar cem hi nation. Emf where steel Is united wilh tailors, effects are frequently In dubious taste. This iadeed Is s mild way of putting it, for to tell the troth plainly, results are oftentimes very Kverything that gliUers however is lonable. It is eagprl y sought after far this season ; gilt ia in great demand and iri descent laatds are also very papular. Trim miuga of material are in as much vogue as ever and disposed in much the same wey as formerly; that is iu kilt plaiting, boa plaiting, gathered ruffes, shiirlaga, ete. OUT OOOB oarmshts. Everybody you meet wears something,' but on in as fashionable aa the other. Jackf m, visites, circulars, capes, ulateis, ret! indoles, paletots, coat all are sty lis k. Now u h-n 1 go on to say that each one of Uaa above nimes repreMeuia not one gar- Mient alone but a number of garments dif fering in minoi points, one can form seme id -a of ( ho variety. In the jacket family, for inst m wm save at least a dozen differ ent ehapei ; seaae cutaway, others straight, others long, others short, same heeds, Mome with capes, etc.. etc but not lat comes tne Mother Hubbard, witb shirring at the neck and sleeves, and a very handsome adaptation of the Mother Hubbard, called the Helana vislte, wkieh is shirred in to the figure aad baa the sleeves birred also. KASTKH BONHETS. Basall shaje titling close to the are a leading style. Flowers are profusion, and there is manifest ence for small or medium aiaee rather thau large onea. But in all we see the af fects of that "shading," which bvnow ao prominent. In manses of small now era there are constant alternations from light to dark or vice versa, while sprays arc al most invariably shaded from pals to hright. The same graduating tones are noli -amble iu silks and ribbon, and whan skillfully arranged, produce bountiful re sults. Most of the new ribbons in Mtience are very wide, ao as to give lor an inseuaible transition and with the same tiew ery wide strings srw of silk doubled and fringed on tha ends. Yet narrow rib bona era not prohibited, but tli.-H .v.. n,,f,!in.. juite new silks ribbons however are uniform in color 1 will In. worn because the shaded are ex pensive. Porcupine straws are the new est for genaral wear ; being ao called be cause woven witb sharp projections all over the surface. An elegant bonnet lately chosen by Sarah Bernhardt, ia of open work, Tuscan straw, ia poke shape. Tha brim is faced wilh pale blue satin and folds of blue shaded satin are laid around the crown. A cluster ef pale coral pink How. rs eruauients the left side iu front, and the striturs are of haded bine silk a quarter of a yard w ide. MATERIALS A SID CuSTUHKS. New grenadines are covered with checks and plaids of every size, but importations of very this woolens have interfered with the saie of grenadines aa well also as that of buntings. Many of those woolens srs plain wove and in solid colors, yet others are provided with a bright border and others again are in open work checks and plaids. A spring costume now being made tor M me. t.erst t r is of very thin woolen in pale coachman's drab, combined with blue dotted satin. The Pamele basque ia skirred at the waist in the middle of the front and back, and the Celestine skirt is trimmed with ruffles of satin and boating alternating. Another dress for the same prima donua ia a The costume of striped silk with dark olive green satis skirt. The polonaise of silk shows the front and sides cut off to the depth of au ordinary basque, while below is a plaited scarf drapery across tho front and the back hanging long and draped irregularly. '1 Lo gored shir is covered on the Trout and aides wilh horizontal shirringa. The Mercedes is a vert attractive tyiu PARASOLS, having ten ribs and the handle entirely within the outer covering, while the shape ia remarkably graceful. It comes in all grades, from the cheapest to the nnnlltset. and endless variety as te color, material, etc This indeed is a necessity as "high style" now requires the parasol to match the dress and t hus renders it much more important than formerly. Eckerker's toilet soaps are chiefly used now by our best classes because of their remarkable purity and fine perfume. There area gcod many different kindand where all are excellent, it ia hard Jn dis criminate, but perhaps the most sought aaet are the Roquet of Vipeta Jockey uiuo, woou ioiet and Baby Soap. I mention mix, uecau&e in warm weather toilet articles become doubly important. Lucy Carts n. Salem Statesman: We learn Dr. McCauley that Onesr Miller, of August Miller, better known aa "Dutch Miller," living near Stayta-if was drowned in the San t lam at tnat place on Sunday last, as is sn The little boat in which he vrS last, was found capsized at tb gate of the ditch and his picked up in a drift. Diligent has been made for the body, bat apto Wednesday evening no track tf had been discovered. The tnisshtg lad was about 10 years ef age. Wilhln four days of last wekr4eti drovesof cattle, amounting to between 3000 and 4000 (head, passed through Ashland on their way to the Lake country, each drove being io care ol from seven to eight hrrsemen.