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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1881)
tmmmt 25 Fitn A INS I. - - STEWAKT & GREY, ::.i:'r und rroprletors . IS. K. TIMK TABI.K. Albany Mlnflon. K VIM. IhM t X Ml! 1 ! It. ! "".I!- it i.r. i : r:.n A. M. i . u a. M. I . It A. M. UM A.M. li.-oa i m. fcSU I'. !. I M. MS At-tiv- it EMNUV t 1 I.KHUiT li: MS " " Al.liAN V 1 M'lU SS An HI rail iii.l' ml- 0 .-. pi SUldi.J Kltl, SUtiou Atvn' SHIS PAPER V r ,-ri HHK A.lwrUtttm; Uir:i 1 10 K IN N r. hom;. .;mo.i. Picnic ! Ceo) eight. , imvtihvht l.' lit. Repair year sidedtea. !'. It, Preueh, jewellop, rhoa-t ha.-; at OsUtu'n Straw lierriea and CTMMB ! Sewing tnaouiito oils at Scott -. Pn;iuut at 1' Meyers, M bony the (hm the Yallay. i i mu&n at Bex, Pauni and t' . Wcinhart's ler the Yele in S niio talk of peiattajj the Court Uh.-o. Additional local news on editorial a& Gardens obent the city are looking Hue. i: ..N in the country are in good condition. Cellnloid jewelry of alt kinds at Prench'H tientV: funushi:v4 gHKls :.. t '. W. Cs'iHrns Montague of belvcon. Cener.d merchan dise. KetnemWr tho Pomth f Ju.j ;.nd ke i lively. Ail the latest sty les (4 straw hats at L. K D'at'.'"-. Xionia.-uc, thf (itv.m! Nrcl:ant f I.cb anon. Ail in; pojuzlar utfWSfapen and nugnxinrt at Plumper's. The Oliver Chilk I PIbw i t! b beat plow far dry grouml. The ik-st train ia'aUr i-. Mill ahad of p. M all competitors. Averill mixei juiint, wholesale r.i.d retail, at Piummcrs, Albany has ten secret SOCltWM ail ia flou r i.- i i n 4 eond it ion. A Kno Mih;;; of c. dhdoiJ ja arelrj ol all kiutls at I'ii.-.t2 Pox's. T(. V', : I minstrv-'s wdl le l.cre next Wctluesiay i vtn in,;;. Cigars and tobacco, c!k4co Wands ami low prices at l-ijai.. .-. Thostf Bra-:..iian pebUo spectacles at Pre eh's are t j boss. The Common Council oicd $130 toward Mtafentaftg the Pascals. Th; Largest stock of iuLscelau"cs looks in tiie . ity at I'luuuner's. There i talk of prtatag a new edi tion of the city ordinancen. Stewart and (irey have s.:ne pleasant res idences to rent and for sale. A regular street skirmish took place on First street one d iy this w n ' . Sommer nnderwear, a large aiol l w prhsja at P4ain;, fht t -h'thier. T e !e!alratel ifii-;r : . ' y :. at i aiwl I ai:gd Quite a i:oni!r of Uk Vallay tewoa wdl celebrate. thcFonrtii this year. A large aftd el-.fiofc asartnj-jit f-r cu'Pry and fancy ware at 1,-natz Pox's. Paints, oils and glass, the largest stck, the lowest pri, at ilumnier"i. Hnrirsl instrntnc :t at Poshay and Va-sotj-i. The ou!y Bfaea in tlie city. Pmhroidorii r, ;.: A inw:rt:nns, a conijl de a ssrtiiM'jit at Pox, Banm and Ci.Y. Pt.;lii:i tackie, the largest and Ix t assfrt- ment in the eity at W. 11. Setti!. AB Itiodis of agariag machine oecdlct at W. I'. Scott's nn store, Pirst f;treet. Igi atz itx has a iine. lot of those h:.nd so no cidlubdd baek-combs fir children. Meyers keejH constantly en hand a inp ply of fresh baked IVaton brown bread. Albany MreeH lamps need awno repaire,and a few mtre of them woshl be agool thin;.'. Dr. Vr. Vmi Pricif, deattst, ofnee in Odd Fellow's Temple, over Plarnnier' Irug Store. Subscribe to the "Illazh-cied Wap," the most readable Journal on the Pacific Coast. twenty dollars per eir ,3 th r,te now largoo uy me j. ami i,, ji xo . oruanu. Bebool booki eiohaaged at the lowest rrtt-isat Dr. Pltimmer's Drug and Book Store Voit can bay handkerchiefs at C, W. OjWr i's cheaper t&aA any other jkacc in the citv. Senders & SiernWrg have put n- a Sine eiirfcun awning in front o! the:r tal'i'- !U(;n- 2jQ 1W genmne OM Jadfts tobacco opened j this week nt the Partners' and MeeWttUca re No. 2s Hag staff wiU be a Wauty, anl the Wya or ttxrse to liave it cn in time to cele- brate. o ilentagne's at Lc A lare -;!-.fct from. 1 A.H' T0 n 11 I .M.1 hl-Si1 IAA1 I ...v All the leading brands of ttt aeco, c'f ap- st in iKB, at the Wurmen1 and Mechanics' Store. W. H. BcOti is tiie atnt in Albany for tl e celebrated vertical feetl Davis 5ewisi; ma chine. Some of the boy a indulged in a little go-a-;-you-j;',i ,. uelee at Hies saloon last Sat ur lay. Tr.ivol both ways over the O. and C. It. II. lias Wen i:iio: ;...g o Jiwider i-'y the pa3t week. Qiite a force at work on street improve me'its and many of one streets are Wing put in ;..ood shape. Books and periodicals of all kinds at Foshayand Mafon's. A larc assortment and low pneo. il-nkert and Son's fimj Ijoots and shoes at the-Parmers' aud Mechanic' Store. EveTy pair warranted. ' trains hav-s resutnftd business on the Narrow Oange the wheat is Wi g shipped rapidly to Portland. Pictures of all bind ami six-s framed to order on short notice, at Foe hay and Ma son's drug store. T.irt Fourth of July finance committee is hard at work and the itiz. m3 are subscrib ing viry liberally. The lower end of rroadalbin sticet hc8 been filled up t t the railroad switch, and looks much better. Tolu Itock and Rye for caur-hs, cob's and all diseases of the throat and lungs for Bale at C. A. P'ummer'fc. Albany has four Chiuese laundries in full blast and you can Keep your linen clean "heap cheapee" now. Fos'iay and Mason have a large assort ment of pictures and fancy articles, which are to W sold cheap. Call and inspect them. ladies', minse' ua 1 children'. Trench kid shorn ami aandals ' nt Pox. Paum and ( Vs. The duo Price Bazaar is gaining a 11 rat- ela refutation .for Winu; the host iiaeo in j tho city to buy geoda chcaj-. Call on Ignnt Vox and inspect lua stock ! of gout a furnishing good, just received. Prices lower than ever Iwforc L. P. Plain carries a snlondid lino of whito and colored shirts, all sizes and atyles, aud tho host makes in the market. Violin atriug, the very best quality fur 2 j cents each at Wiley 11, Allen'. Now 'a the time to string j your fiddle. P b.uvon cojlo nro j-roud of tlicir new hotel, but Montague uclla gooda aa low as ever. Call on him and get prices. fKXX) H. 11. Kelly k Otb linn Key Woat cigars opened this week at tho Parmer' and Mechanics' Store. Tluy aro daisies. AH-any will ha e a Wo Ion M ill, and HTers a bonus of ?.VHH to any H'nou or company y;h will put in oration a good mill. The N mow Cau.K hu. h.ul an neeidt nt. Tim.loeomotivo "Scio" telescoped a ear l e t wool; and liubtid np the eninoor'a eaU W. U. t.'raham ami Son aro the merchant tailors of the valley and carry a line line of suitings at it aaonahlo prices. lo not f.iil to call at Montague's ami iu sjcct his lino stock of gwxls. H has the iust assortment ever brought to i.eluinon. lr. C. A. I'luuuncr now has the celebrated Te'u Hock and l!e preparation, one of the Wat remedies known for 1l throat aud lung tVSMtUjA Coopt r Turner i tCMrtng down one of the building on his property at the corner of l.yen and Fir. t trvets. and is r'inoving it to his farm. IJraf and i'rirniu a:e among Alltany's live busiuess hon-e. Whenever you think of buy ing anylhie-; in the furniture lino bj sure to c ill on them. KeniemWr Don Bakerj', alw.iy ke p';e, eakes and Meyer, of the Stir on hand fr!t 1 real, 1 fashioned Lone made JoOflbaaba, P -hrim I-iefo, black l.tet. a splendid as s -rtment, jnst received this week at Mon- t nth Sattanbaab'a. Laitfat should call and ins pee t them. An interesting letter in this isMto from Hon. M. C t leorge, on the prospects of ob taining farther appririatin for Vauina Do improvements. TwitoiHl and SeiUnhach received this week, direct from New Yrk, a large ahip- m-nt of corfct.j. All styles and sixes aud the bMl in the market. Mrr. L J. Powell ha juat received a splen did invoice of the popular Paz ir patUrns,also a case of millinery gootls, which tle latlics should not fail to inspect. Tho steamboats leave the wharves on Tuesday and Priday mornings of each week well loaded with freight and are doing a good business this season. ' Some arrests were made Saturday of OOftiat supposed to be implicated in the Armstrong robbery, but ubn examination the parties were discharged. Mt of the eastern letter mail now cornea overlaud, and the arrival of a steamer mail his c ase 1 to be as much of an event a it watilunn? the winter mouths. VTbaoi hat bee moving toward Portland fro:n i.. :::-;--r valley tjnite lively the past we.-k. A hoot 25 car-loads a day hare paased down over the O. aiul C. lu 1L Then, . II. IL have put up a new tramway n the main track and the s.:tcli al the depot f'-r the purptise of mov ing freight from one to the other. P.y r. to th- t.ouncil procccdiugs in another col uma it wilt be seen that &4'Jl8. 10 of tho city taxes have been collecel, 1 St9t a deiiniptent list of $i&.4. It is thought that a temporary bridge will be boilt across the couth fork of the Santiam, cu tho Hdc ot the Narrow Oauge llailroad, ly aUait the 20th of June. J. K. Sirbin has a large stock of the lead in.; brand of Willed W; r. Pamilies sup plied at 2 j:r dozen Istttles, or '27tc per i bottle, dcliveretl to any part of Che city. Saturday last was one of the liveliest days j we liave had in Albany for some time. The j strecU were crowded and the bnaincss houses i seemed to be having a good run of trade. After the 1st of Jnly next Scio will be a money order ofiice, and our snWcribers over there can then ay up for tho Ukmocbat withont'waiting to make a trip to Albany. . On an order made some time ago Wiley P. Adlen has just revived a line lot of new 1kk paper, in fancy Wxes, which is just the thin for the ladies. Call and examine Bi, Messrs. Cherry anil Parke?, the enter prising iron founders, have put up a neat ' husim-es sin on the northeast corner of Fi , Haker streets, near their foundry. The old Hancock streamer on the flag pole in the public square has Wcome a mere shred in the breeze, like an honest man's reputation in the hands of the republican party. Don't let the Fourth of July celebration iateferc with eotttao np our Wolleu Mill. Why not appoint a committee to interview th- fanners aud wool-growers on the anb- jecfc tj,afc jay? Withoai "hesitation we cheerfully recom- mend our t nse the Iksst rain acj- aratjr We WUovc it to W the Wt cleaner i i i. i..i v. j peritneed persona. it is a "ratilyini; lac'; that nearly all tn S a ..neat broil j it to A !anv t us season ia Wen consumed by our mills here, and the shipments below from this point have Wee comparatively light. The- Oliver Chilled Plow will run aud do good work in dry ground when a ateel plow cannot be kept in. They are just tho plow vou waut for summer fallowing. For sale by Samuel EL Young. Deservedly increasing iu popularity Plum tner'a Ague RoanOdy iB wiuningits way with out special advertising to every point in the valley. He is receiving orders for it daily from all adjacent towns. L. K. Ulain is conutantiy receiving new goods of all kinds in his line. Ho is ex pecting another Targe shipment by the next steamer, and will W able to show lus pat rons some bargains when they arrive. Sheet music can W ordered through Fo shay and Mason, of this city. . They allow a liberal discount to mnuic teachers, and by ordering direct from publishers can give better rates and get just what you waut. Salt mart! i and Langdon now have for sale tlie celebrated non-proprietary medicines. They are much cheaper ami purer than the patent medicines on aeJe, and the formulas for the variout preparations printed on each bottle. Read the odlertisomcut of Peters and 'Sox in this issue of q DEMoe'itAT. Among the many rcompetitois now in tiie field, the Dsering Twine Biadpe, we predict, will take a leading place anitocome a favorite among our farmers. Instead of bny ing1 patent medicines and paying a high price i't them.go to Saltmarsh aud Langdon's and getyhe same preparations put up in what is knowk as tho "non-proprietary" method. These ra lirst-class reme dies, and much cheaper than the patent preparations. i well selected sto HoS'niau uml Jortuph have just received and put in plneo on their now marble counter an elegant silver plated fountain, arranged for washing glasses. It ia one of the flueat pieces of workmanship in tho city ami shows off finely in thuir pleasant atoro. There ia to bo a mcetiug of interior ware housemen ami miller at Portland, on Mou day, May HI, and rcproacntntivea from c cry mill ami warehouse in tho vaycyaio re quested to he present, na matters of interest to thorn all will oomo up for consideration. M. S. Monteith has removed his job print ing oilieo into tho Dkmoouat building, up atairs, whore he is in better shape than ever to do all work in his line. He la adding a lot of now material, and can do all classes of Job work na neatly as any olllce in the state. Tint (Jcrtnan picnic next Monday promise to bo one of tho most pleasant nllaits of thu kind this season. P.voiy arrangement has bM made to render the occasion mio of un alloyed festivily. Rtttl our Ccttmtu frieuda fully umlerMand tho art of having j jv-'l time. will W a ajwcinl meeting of the Common Council n Satunlay evening nt 8 o'chvl. for thu purpose of etmsiilei ing the fh-oadalhiii street newer matter. This sew i t is an improvement rentlv Hooded, ami we Imjw tho Council will authorio its iuiineiii. ate construction. There ia pndiably no grain sopaiator tuiiii ufacturral to-day that can compare in sim plicity of construction, durability ami IPt cioucy with that made by Daniel Peat, of thia eity. It ia fast becoming a favorite among our farmers and wan-homo MMaV u Wing generally recommemlcd by all w ho are interested m aueh matters. Tho Coriti Itw.'lii' of last week pub ttthfsl au interesting picture of Wth sideit oj tho celebrated Villar.1-Hillings liRht. We are in receipt of tho brief of Mr. IHttiag's attorueya, containing the atlitlavits upon which his case is based, ami although t teiigUiy for pnblicatiou any of our reader" can inspect tin; same at thia ollicu. The salary of tint Chief Pnginoer of the Albany Fuv Department has U-eti rettucel from $300 to SlUO. Wmthlu't it W a good scheme to take the whoh- salary away ami give tho ofliee to the highest bidder I If would help ahnig amazingly toward gtttiug a poor Chief and running the Ivp.nrtmenl down, and that's juat what wo need here. The store of McKiuuey and Smith, nt Turner' Station was robWd one day but week of quite au amount of small nrtii It . DejHity Sheriff Minto, of Salem, was mdi lietl of the rob Wry and with a jtoasc mah an inefTcctual attempt to catch the thieves, three in nuniW-r, who, however cttcc;ud d in escaping, after dropping part ol tho stolen gtsjd. There ia nothing more gratifying t. tho citizens of a town like Albany than to nee home institution growing up and nourish ing. The Star Hrewcry under the manage ment of Mr. 1L Bollangrr, for the excel, lence of the beer monafactared, is secoml b none in tho state, aud dealer Wth in. the city and surrounding vilb-ros would do well to give it a trial. Considerable imp in the Albany Pa Tangent. New m ami the building repainx tion put on increasing tho storage caia ity. When completed it will W on of the best arrange I warehouse on the roa 1. Mr. John Plliott ha tho contract, and the w or'-. g U be poshed aheo.1 as rapidly a MMMtbla. Saniuel P. Vouug r.y :it of the eeh brat-l McCornuek Harvester and Tvbst Himler fjceupies a eadnmn of tui week Dnicrsu with an interesting description cf the sis cbiao. We need need not assure our read er that all representative malo by Mr. Voting can 1m- implicitly relied upon and ad vise them to call at bia establishment when he will folly explain the workings of this great laWr saving invent ion . Wiley IJ. Allon leaves nex. week for Ca'.i fnroia and all goo.) iu hi establishment must be close. 1 out W h .re that tim -. Unt readers would do well to coll on him and I bsok at the astonishingly low pritn-a for w hich j he is selling goods. This may W the last chance in many year a to obtain rr.t h bar gains as he is ofTering. i'auey ;. ,,.J ul r.M kimbi, sheet music, jtajx-r, ssjrnasspea, pb tures, frames ami bracket at eai tly eo. t price, and still a gtssl as.irlin nt to sefeet from. V nol.U- a f Arclivr-oe I'. i Hotiritth now In AIWi leorge Settlemier is now with Phil Cobsss, CoL JoiM'ph Teal, of Portland, is in the citv. Miss ttaggia Pott-r viitd Seism last week. Mr. K. Ba Sprague, of Portland, sjicnt last Sun'.by iu the city. Postmaster Raymond and mdy -pent bat Tueslay in Salem. Mack Bruuk, of Polk County, ia visiting his brother in this city. The. Albany Archery club got 'scooped" in a scrub match last M outlay. Mr. C. D. Ixiwmnlale, of Portland, made Albany a visit on Sunday last, Mr. Sam May and family, of Harritburg, spent but Sabbath in this city, W. B, liarr starts for Baker City soon on a surveying trip for Undo Sam. HememWr the ( crmau picnic next Mon day. No postponement this time. ' Mrs. Pyle uet with an accident lids week, severely spraining her nnklo. Mr. Win. A. Peterson is on the Btrcet again after an Ulness of acveral days. L. Klkins ami Jas. Settle, of Ixsbanon, made Albany a visit Wedne day last. N. A. Jeatoe end John A. Dunlrn. of a 9 Browns Hie, w r hi the city this week. Has. J. liedpath, Jctlerson's obliging druggiat, was in tho city a few daya ago. T. L. Hugger, one of Sodaville' corpulent aldermen, paid us a visit last Wednesday. Mr. Ala Harris left town last Tuesday for a trip down the country of twe or threo days. Mr. Robt. John, of Halsey, ono of Linn county' solid men, was in the city last Friday. Miss Nettio Piper visits Salem each week on Friday and Saturday where she has a large class in music. Kev.-A. M. Acheson, of Oakville, was in the city this week and mail e the Dkmo i;. ," office a pleasant call. Fred BlumWrg will rest up awhile audi take in the picnic season, having given up his position at Cohen's. Miss Libbie K. Irvino went to Halsey yes terday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. H. Gaston, of that place. Mr. Jos. Morgan, a brother of John and Miller Morgan, of this county, left last Mon day for a trip to Texas. Mr. Will B. Itice, ths obliging agent of the 0. and C. P. R. has Wen quite sick this week, but is now improving. There was no meeting at the Y. P. C. A. Hall last Sabbath on account of Mr. C. D. Burkhart's funeral. The subject selected for last weeli, Luke 10:25, will bo continued next Sabbath. raViuentaaro to W made I'fSK ar o , at . iioitsa -i-. rAirV is t.. 1 I, anil also an nddi- I Mn. MeCmley, of Oohlcndah1, wr Miaa Ltttti iieuton, is now visiting hi r brother, Recorder Honton, in this city. Hon T. .1. Stitoa, of Salem, i aid Albany a visit hint Tuesday. ( Ho looks m natural a , over.. Cumo again, Mr. Stitoa. Tho PaHOOHAT acknowtedgei tho receipt of a beautiful beaqael of ehoioo roaoa, with many thank to thu fair donors. The Ladies' Coll'co Club h thla a meeting Ttioatlay evening nux';, nt which nil tho meiuhcru nro rotpiestod to bo present. Dr. T. P. Cohloii. of Salem, tho tielobrateil ooou list and aurist, together w ith his family pent a few day in our city latt woek. Ptat, Battery, f thu State Agricultural College at CorVnllts, nddrosaed tho Pino Hib bon Club in this city last Friday evening. c. Tatom, of nilopemleti 'e. ami Hon. T. I.. Portur, of Hnlsoy, were both regis, teie. I c.'. t ... I'iiarlet Dotal last Monday, Oar wtu thy Mayor. David Pnnunn, ro luined from Upper So-la Spring last Mon thly evening, Ho will go up a . ou in n few days. Mr. N 'Wtoii Crahtrof, of Hcio, made us a I. ii f it ill Saturday htat. He reporbi evuy-thin.-; booming amotig tho farmere in his seel ton. Mr. Geo, W. Wilcox, ol Cornelius, has been attending W the telegraph l.nsinou at tho th pot for n few nays poat, iloHng the illims i.i w. P. i;:cc TheSult nu eiitt rWimm nt In that eity last week, which ii highly spoken of. There is sumo talk of I heir e ii -in ; to Albany for one night. Head the letter of Bon. M. C. Oeoi i !i tho editorial page of thia week's Di:;m i:.r. It is full of gol tUlggestions to the eoplo of this section anl the eiitiro state. There wdl bo no services at tho C. P. Church Sunday ovenin ; n .1. P -v. Dr. H. C. lrvmo .preaehe nt tho Cowan Sehool House, on Snml ty ;t StSO o'clock. Mr. A. Pratd, the O. ami C. P. I.., l thri u,;.t tlio ci!y Tuesday on hi way (rMN B lst-bnrg. Ho says wotk ajaj ihe extonstuu will b cvminencetl s'Mit. Mr. H. Wilcox, of Portland, has Wn in. vitetl to Albany .m l l.-.y Wfore the CotOineu Conned plans and oeei(ieatio:s fr tho new newer on p. stretit. Prof. J. L (iilbert, of i.ebauou, otir eflt cient County School Sttperiuteml 'i.', a i.J j rieeij.-d ot th S mt; .-.t .'- was tt the city Saturday last and mvle na a pb-a-'ant call. Mr. D. H. Itiee, who has Wrn visiting hor son, Wdl 15. Biee, iu the. city.ior oaV4 rul day, ruturne l Wmluesday lat to her home in Host hui . Vm I P: -,- a! i-turmil with her mother. Mr. John Millard, of thia eity, bn.ttjht ns ia a quantity of f., i.rf-- tt: lvl !..-rnes yeatcrday the first ol the icwm, They were delicious, and th D. .. . r. . owes Mr. Millard one on account. Mr. Henry Hahne of s-nder.,'c Haheo Halsey, made ea a pleasant call Wedecsday lost He reports matters iu HaUcy as .juiot, wiin a i it i i. .;.::- rally anion ; f u- mors over tiie splendid crop ; .. -in. II. H. Hewitt K. returned Msslilsj last from a vinit U hi old bt. in Yamhill county for a fewda. Ho say the crop pNeanete, in that oteisoa erate aeaaer batter although htiuu- matter are pjite dull then; now. M is llatlto BaSUagart rtartel away for her CaJi:ornia h uiif last Tuehiy. Sin- was eMthpaiikil to Portland by h-r brother Marx. Mis Hat!i) has modu many f; tends during her visit hero, and they h .po th? may n tnra agntu. gj Mr. Wdlmr la 'eett. forttotiv .. t: on the I'iotif BAT, 1 tt.rt w m - w 9 hi way to lhawnsvil; this th. t ol!e e a , here last aumm-r be h II iti!-- hi visit n ' ietniia and Port W range!, C. Mr. O. P. vin g, ..i r ikssgOj repn the laiajfjag Tatiie'Pioder, Sun U;u in tlie city tliis week, and will remain a few days longer, tulrodueiu lim bvod. r and t- ting the rgi-ot. Sos, started b the ha A- of Je '-tan Oouniy p:oued through tho city . laat week on his way to Iteiitun, W. T. Its tahe with him some fine Mottled htirscs, omo;.g thi-m tt 'rm"it colt two yeam eld that hUuds 17 hand high ami promises Ui met - ' ..' th- Is on the eo;wt, We have received noti-.-. of .-. p. v. , earsion bo lw given by tho Kpiacopel Church item, to Aurora am i return, on Friday. Mli luts, in which Albany people- arc in vited to participate. Full pel . im ! .i i f the affair will W given iu tho next isuo of the Dkmoiiat. Mr. W. (J. Steyb of Portland, is in tl u city in the interest of a new publication de voted to the reeenfem of Otemom lied Web ington. He w ill reinnin iu the eity sevt rnl days. Mr. Steel was formerly connected with the flmraU and i well known fo many of our reader. J. P.Stewart, of Harrisburg, made us a short call yesterday ami put him name on the Dkmcm aw subscription list. Ccd. Jos. Teaj introduced Mr. Stewart as a friend of hii who v. anted a livo Democratic pajur, ami spoke in high terms of the DaatOCstA r a tho Wat local paper in the State. Much obliged. Hon. J. P. Congic, of Purtlaii.l, a brother in-law of ex-Mayor Clark, hod tho misfortuno toslip while boarding a treet car ia motion en Wednesday last,aud throw the entire weight of hi Wdy on one arm in snch a manner an to dislscato it. It has Wen replaced, and tho accident while cxtreir.oly painful is not considered a dangerous. A certain old maid of this city, who is somewhere among the forties, went ont one evening last week into a field near the eity to pray for a husband. While offering un earnest petition an owl iu a neighboring tree broke out with a) mournful "who ! who !" ami tho maiden lady was heard anxiously to exclaim, "Anybody, Lord 1 anybody!" Rumor has it that about '20 Albany young people start at a. m., next Tuenlny on a strawberry picnic and excursion tm Pan-tab' mountain ranch, about twenty miles south east of this city. They aro to carry lunch, and have already ordered plenty of croam for tho Wrrics they cxpact to piok, and a good time generally ia tho way tho program reads. R. H. Naunton,, special agont of tho Commercial Union Assurance Co., of I.endon passed through our city last Tuesday. Ho is on his annual tour inspecting agencies. lie was accompanied by Mr. J. McL. Hirvoy, of tho firm of Dawson ft Harvey, tho new agouts in this State for tho same company, and our old friend Gob Wheeler of Salem, who w.ts acting as pilot on the expedition. . Chief W. B. Scott has received an invita tion from the Corvallis Fire Department ask ing the Albany boys to participate in a grand picnic to W given Tuesday, May 2-Jth, under the auspices of tho CorvallU firemen. A friendly contest will take place, ami a prize of $50 is offered, to be awarded to the hand engine throwing a solid stream the groat' st distance. A Department meeting will be held this Friday evening, at 8 o'clock sharp, to consider the invitation. Ammcn's Cough Syrnp euros roughs, colds, bronchitis and cmsuoiplkm. ISM ( Iti'H Uv Itie tiulaUlsoriMhlns nt Hut '..It - man's imve 93oniny m.m :iimIi. Tho program will oeaoto of apeocher, dancing, swinging, gloss hall ami rillo uhont ing, ertMpiet, nrehery, jumping, hsit racing ami othor athletic sports. Tho onler of exorcise will be tw follows. Iliilo ami glasft ball inoeting from 10 to If n. m. Music by lvdios Cornet Pau l. Address by Hon. C. 11. Hew itt, Miiiic by 1 alios Cornet Paml. Dasket dinner at 2 o'ulot ik The afternotin exorcises will consist of maU'h yam - of base ball botwwitt ('ollego ami Hhodd clubs, crotpmt and archery inal-hw,'!i.! w alking maleh for a ilislam e t two i.iih-ti, jumping, wreslling, t o: , race, otc. VUfXA tiriKU 11 I Hat, git-en by P. P. Plain for tho l t rifle shot. p r II. bi P, . ott, for Is-st glass Kali shot. ,'! Package nrnament v.. B llnnteitk, fr tin I oallieg card, by aeetoot epparing lady. m I Bet nroVptut, giv ei by ( imtm r, for tho Wt hely ' NMtt0t pl.iyer. ." Leee near.', by 1. CI, aebysnn, isotnid lrt. (1 Piim hww and set of arrow s, It reehoy v Mason, to winner of nrohoTJf MOteb, T Bat and ball, by Ju t. ftsjteivto Mt- nihtl bib iu ball maU-'a. 8 aud Istx d ' etg n . by I'. I Pcic, to winner tf go-ai yoii-pl. ate r.w . 9 Fun' fold ring t best lady nanoefi bj II. liwrrt. IU Five poitnda of Is 1 igna itf, ;, by D. Hftrlneh-r, In i lit t bachelor. II Pair slippers, by W. P. Plsio, a pi i ner of jumping match. . Ifl Bex of cigar to tin-"louiet ' geatle men, by J, p. Sorbin. U Vine I'n tuU nleaeian t.1ml. by S M. Nolan, to the Im t bid Comet I' n ! in tho State. 1 1 McersiiaiMit eigar ami ci ; n tte ! b r, by HofTinsn ft Joseph, t; v. imti r of na : 1." Cairo! lino hid gkresa, by S. mhr ft SteroWrg b ln-st gcntl -man dancer. l A heaittiful joebey n-arf pin, bj I. Fox. b tho boy who , hi-tlc Wt . . Sweet Home." 17 Pino naefcet kn bent Imrbbig Wy und r 1 1, by J, Cradwohl. It Km glass cake stand, by A. P. Mcli wain, to the yoting Wly, furnishing tho W-st decided l.v tli.- Ma;.-!.- Sis-ll Ore a. It - Pair of eh-gau. !iob luinn v .. by SalimW.i it Lengdon, t the lady femtsbbig th int..' b aiitifnl Wmptet, 'J) Wautifully cmbroi.hrvd i'nuu to t'e-handsuiiiost unmarried lady pr st-nl, by Pot. Paunt k Co.. 21 Ono year a su later iotion to Deem oaf to the oldest peujver t.n the ground, by Stewart ami tlroy. A In..' brooch t.. th" prcilh-itt baby, by S. P. Young. 23 - Pearl et threo piece. meJasVsaM- vesnful e.otlwtt. by i'hil I o'n '2A -The man or Wy . . ii i - 5 . .r.'aa- t-d pde w ill gel .1 ; -. . Y ,y K-l.i. 11 and Ir, i 23 I'air ef kdy' 'alai.t H..t Wsio, t the beet hut y v.. ...!. i .. m I H - -Set id i e ,.. Imttons, by P. Yr eeh. to u ion. r of wr!i ... -v ,-,-v. . -7 -S" to tbi winner of U;.t Ja.le- . .. ra .-e ft.r ;o i arda, by to. . ,, r, r' . . i i no a,lk haoilkerobteJ t., wi ' . . W-y's biut race. Music wdl W fanibdiod by to ('rtiet r.aid ami th- M. ;. . Or.;,. ,i lo-freshiiieittii can W had on the , rou:.. Hofbna.'i ami Joepb. A birge pWllorm will ! ere.-; i jor .iaiicin. ; Arrao; . tn nt inv j I... a made with the O. ami ( ". i:. P. . i rates between Harrhdmrg ami Albany. No j intoxicating li.jion w ill W alio weal on tho grounds. All ar.i inviU d to com, Willi l.n t -. -,: tlsad, ssedsebmi liave oneibiy devote-' ta pi nr and rnerriui -nt. (it. W. BCM . W. p. Bn. i j . P. J. I.asMNi . If. J. ('..Aim. J. W. I'demm. Com., of Arrangements. Ttie Walter A. Mowd Mill Ahri.t. Ot what Ibo Prehldcnt r th lisn County ( tmiu ll saH of tbo WochI binder: Al.iiANV, April .".0, I3SJ. (ho. F. Htmfmen: Mit-HaviiiK' itsml W.a.Wiki Ps HsrvirUr In tho of DKO I found it a inaciUno of very lbtbt draught. I. w artnugiel for threo hot but 1 thoiitrht two enaJd havo done the work with ease. Tho binn ing wan coinplcto. tho bundles worn of uniform sixe, ami tho am Hint of twine used will ulsjut ono jkmiuiI per aero m wheat that averaged i baxhelM rier ncfe. i was w n. i pioiseii witn mo inm iuiie, ntid navo oruoroti ono for my own tis.-. ti. F. CRAWFOKD. ANo read thin, from a jirotninont farmor of Center Precinct : . AT.IIANV. Altir. 2.1. , . ,e-i. iii i.iu.., i iiiiKiim, or., lH:WT:-r out ; ;r Kraln with your ..n.l I win.. Km. lor i : is . , o i for tho liar comer 1 bollevo KM l.e lie- brt made, mid for iho Illtulor It Im a t-or j mot. hiiitcir. n uivos n . n ii fio. nnu' i'ood bllltlilll'. 'I he amount nf I tvimi nsml saf W-aatLWSwa t;ruln ooui .10 eonts per aire. Yours truly, JOiN UMPIIPP.Y. tereorele lei. -.. Mr. J. (i. Crawford, sf Hariisbur, mode ua a pleasant call tli week. Mr. Crawferd is building up a reputation ns one f Urn Wrft jilmtographcrs ou tho coast. Ho makes a epeeialty of stcreosowj: views, and has a fine cslleetion of views representing the magnilicent scenery of the Columbia liivcr, aqutna Pay and vicinity, as well ns various other iarts of Oregon and the Northwcat. Mr. Crawford ha made his buaincsa a thorough study, and theso views aro executed in a very superior manner. Any of our readera who havo frifttdl in Iho Past could select no better method of giving them an idoa of Oregon scenery than by ncuding them some of Mr. Crawford's viows. He publishes a neat little catalogue, which will W sont freo to auy address. AU luils of I,nu(ler. e Wo have for sale, both ut Lcbaaon and Crass Ridge, 300, 000 feot of oil kinds of lrtrn- W-r, audi as scantling, .joists, barn timWn, boxing, fencing, and other rough ktmber. At Iibanon wo have a tiipmiar lot of dry lumber, i;uoh as rustic, flooring, otc. Owing to the lato lire, wo are offering thia lumber at reduced rates. Addrers us at lebanon. CONN BROTHERS. Pkdanov, Or., July 31, 1SS0. Mo tire. " uiii'Wim i'limrnwni'iHK immiii t;iMM I'.AMkl.r I'M Ml' We havo on hand a considerable num ber of tbo Now Year's Issue of the Dxmo orat, containing description of Albanj', and partioH dnsiring to send thorn oast to friend i nn obtain them at this oilieo froo, Stewart & uk v. I'.iriners Talk. Ws beard the following 1 o v n two farmers, OUS livin - T.e ar Si odd. tmd ti e other on Send P.i'lre. After the eompli. menta of tin day w . re piiiweti, Mr. N. said to Mr. W. "How nro yon goimj tabajrss this year?" Mr. W. "1 am g'i ig to hi-t 1 my grain, I have an interest In n header. ! : it i ting pretty well worn and T h .' ttttt u n if any more." Mr. K. "What kind of a m . 'do are y.m goin ; to us- V" Mr. W. 'An DbOfne (imbiml Twine anil W'ii-n Kinder." Mr. X. "Why, Fran Pro. stents say it i a no good, end tl n. the Won?IV tstbe onlv msobioe : here i " Mr. r. "YrB, a, they U, ao. l.o,.- f. ;. lew said tho enae thing U y ed t1d ns tint UaboreV ir.r '." frrf U s swine biualar this yenr (r nil entebbw - sid1 I t Season for C20 wa; a hnttsbstg. We'l. thfl f i' t it, tho us ( fl w . in i 'oci .- 1, a ei '! Sllell Ut0mf-ot4 51 'Hi v ; ... . for four of my neighltors hav v. ! tt.e twine titt.M-hmeuts and there la a machine nt nuchattau'a which jo t can . t ytnrtf. o itll this cry of hnmhug and W are i on n pir with Co ir Utt y tar's slat iio-nts, end j tte Ui.l.le to to e. ve if,, l uii.t i-, ..!-..!! tin machine am' I ii.-.vo no eonnVleneo in encb pe-.;.!o when their own letofwsl f Atatokej i it ivc unineil all tas iol :i : , 'Attic Kt'fl- and am eunviheed that tho 0;.tri Binder t the beet of the lot st is i pie and it easily o; . i;: ', . undW ecsairel j of the drifOfi at Oil times ea-'.;- Mtijasted t. ! loti r short straw (a v t . ottal thing in a binder) ami the vtf nCiM-'inin nt luruhdied with it is just like last year's machine, wkieh l.ttnw WSJ fOOtt, en we gut tA'a perfect maehii. for wnat n- r oorge for one." Mr. ... "UVd, I will sjeae t for I hav ..- about eeesttndotl o fjeit i.. idtag my self, and I know yea are correal aimt the staletui oil mvle by i .'aob Beaw' ni:.-nU, for th"'' tril to l'tt I. i.V or h r !a. f..ll on that bMrout.but I thnght I wonhi w ..t east eel let rt ae!f, sml I nm gl.wl thst 1 for I wonWI Hither have a eoiidiu.-d t t m ma- sbbse. 1 lni ssnnsj f my Bain'ent hut year with en 0 'Hhl an th a a id I shall ea h" twine i a f he satislbJ, P, atitl t-.rn tainly go t e ::.mrit ;f l ire 'f ho !s'v poard t.f Pir . for organisation lav Ifottday i ri tbn reoMitUit howt il i'.. ? nm; ami g Rj entitled to eaU : Albany Knglne Co. No.l C IS. Stew Natben KaUoky and bum-a i Haokin. I.iim l'j-.jfhio'r... 1.. . I'.-'inip Ja K Weoihcrford and I. il A nataoyi f'.i-ft-ii Hook ami IstuJift c 1 i .N 1 ; IV R Btatn mad Jotta M Piieism Follow tn; h a lit of thv :'; .fli President (eo F Hlratw-ji, TrttiHiiror - V K bln.n Tle PrehUlent nOM ksl -.1 stamlitiK oowimlUofs : dntliclsry C 11 Stewart, lUnkln ut.i P if Mftntanj n I-htuttn-.,. 'M .". V.'ea in rf. i ;, 1 JU:;kin aod V it Dlsiti. ItaJeawM KadmkTtB nd C 11 Stew art. Vr. ..Miftt-i, H Montanyc, J din N DsitPjemi an I D ,Ni. ' tfjo'ft t'tV'H:" S'.'.Jm" w.t-t vo'o-eieti n f.ilitiW i v. ro np;isnted j iw now govorn- wroujc, Iho malU r f dra.'tut - a bdl for u ii- tttdidanco w referred .o.llio Judi eiaaty Gnaesatkioe. Alier tt io roportnd istd n-e.-tve tb't iti.-;i.ii rf thu l..-;i:d It s:'l boheni tn itm cotitie,:. I le-i;..w of onteer. ml em b r ;nd Wa ldr-r Company, be! ing, the follow inn eiBners tho ensuing year : tVeridrnt H J Clatl!. S.-creUrv W It IHntt. e d I'uremati, .t D iImiii, !t Ass't .1 H D.tvol . 2d As't; A Hall, Tdlerman s Km,. Deh-ifate P F.x. W I ilea iu, ami a so Sew Seven new ntcmucr wore comtt ittc- w a i np;...i-.t l : 'i'.-i :. for thirty fire hats. T:e ic r." Cema Tbo "Big 1" minstrel troupe now inak Ina tour .f th'u Ctas:, wbi appnoe at the Ojtora House in this city ott IVoitnomlaj evening of. next week, un-t onr rmafma can depend upon it use! tin v c. it have a splemhtl -vouiug'ts nl by nt- rotidinjc. i Its original-uBig 4" Norton, i Jtevcriy, and tbn two Dammit U am ee j.atrtn f intj your mnney'e srortb , tn theinsidvo-. nnd thev nr.. mi..:i .rto l Itv j imvornl stars in mfosxtebfy. Toe pn Pnlninl cannot memlt warm awoonh in tholr prabo. Thetbree iva:ti.ii;-t aro hoato j in tholr jartt. and when it nmnen toeing 4 .1..... . . . . fl... f I. ... .a A ...aI.Iu ... ..... ....... I. I... . J un.i i.i it..' hiiit- ' iiuni - i-. 1- . . , i , i .1 ' At,.r m,i,n In .-i r ' to.. Wt no sto bll up j ll(, sii., of onr pser with the proi- ..,,.. t!. eompanv bv t.ur y.f n press ( :m,i Vo tiiitimnd thJo.i i cr rca-let .1 . tt-.- for Kpixuoll. A -t s ? n " - sr i puwl liy Saltmswli hum Lengdea. i'ricc, f .70 eta. P.y mail, 06 cts. t : : I'.OItN. HYDE. -In this city, May tho wife of Miller Hyde a girL 1881. to 1ti.iuuii;u. BROW -ri Pi iAI.U -At ttie ii Htiteece Nortlswertii" SJJfjS 4-,s 'l,,y . UV. Hurlburf, J. P. Diiou s, U ioleto, and tereoseopm Hhh M.vnv Tvndai.i., of Linn oonuty. ' 1 B - : i MHa juu Ut. it Al. i . At ins resi.len'Jc near this city, on .Satunluv, May-7th, 1881, C. D. Bitukhart, in hi tiOth year, altera lingering lllnesd ot roveral moutli a duration, Mr. Burkhart croesed the plains ami ar rived in Oregon in 1S-P, and has been a. rea dout of Linn county Tor over thirty years. He leave au noil mst'ier, wife, ons and daughters, and a large circle of other rela tives and friends to mourn 1m loaft. The funeral services took place on Sunday after noon in tho Congregational Church, in this city, being conducted by Ivor. Jus. Pinery, of Corvaliie, assisted by llevs. Harris and Dillon. The impressive discourse by Prof. F.tnory was founded on Psalm ciii, 13, 14, aud presented in an sifjetiug light, the fath erhood of Cod and the brotherhood of man. He Wlongcd to' Albany Lodge, No. 4, I. 0. 0. F., aud tho funeral waB conducted by that ordor, tho members walking out to his lato residenco and taking charge of the re mains. Mr. B. Wlonged to a large family, all of whom have Wen and are respected citizens of our county. Hi3 lass will W keenly felt by bis many friends in this local ity. RAMSEY. At the residence of her neph ew, H. K. Ramsey, on Sabbath, May 8ih, Mrs. Mai: t.v Pam tv aged 72 years and G months. i Importer nm Farming or Kvory Known Description VU Ii) f. The :.Ic0ormick HA BVBSTER A N It a l?. ' e t. t: i era w atv ar if il ii sal .1 iFlilte The McCOftMICK TW15H IMN'PKIt. i!iiitiait ti nbawtj! atfachod ttb Me nr ntteh Mnnreatnr iw ti ploof iho flood V.iii'tini; Hiiin itt.o I'iaiform. Jt require iiiiu man ami lw notwes f t pcrau? h, hikI ena tin enrkad in ail eossdfcknsenf araln. jy urn nen of the ftartometliiTriptlbnfaiii dins aro ail Ixuhi.I of om- be: and the lrlv r h i- iini Aro over the op ration of ihe Blodr, other t e that ih-grain isj .nt dntteened 'ijfin tho ta'.m projitriy lr well-lormotl have. Jnthii inat-hine the kizo ot tho humlh is under uuionmim ensstrof, nod u th-t-iiarina device makes a kt-parntmn ih-iivm -n tho Loan i bund e and ! bo nnPmntl rain a cm pie e ai ii oiiaV Me .' any devi:o kn wn. Anbnnfnl ii'it (ona Btxn and quantity in ail kimli ami el ti n i thiia aemroJ, bring lag tt lOtO OOOifllOC bap befote thei-oid hi pbsend uoniid il.? humllo h. ihe himter arm. Tho kimt t ying device u very kiiii plo. uml ntt . t szti out of onler. 'Ihe weifcut ff tin- l!.:c l'-f s t-arrieil m -ih t the vfne'wbnat thnc there i ntrdaUMjani of the iiiaehliie t r -r on ilo hillx ur awmran ntnnBd. Fa l ci ti ble I in pro vc- To TBI HARVESTER ior a SSI. MBiT A NH S' r iis'ns and lowering ! i lee ban tt'oo alopt-tl whereby tbeoper Hinrcin, Inn mom-nt, raise or lower the nana frame by meatii a lover ami wind la bteutel on t't" rear of tho framo. The kmIh viirtl an nut shin dlshtes are also r:Ht-d and tower t I'v mean of a newly arranged ever. Th nw appantin adds greatly to tbo Kiuj;.i;.-'ty and ofllcicncy of VOTJ WANT SEE The Hardware Store Printer's Ink is make a reputation. This is the verdict from M INNESOTA, e ILLINOIS, DAKOTA., KANSAS, IOWA, . ANI) O 1" 1 1 E Tt STATES. . Young Dealer in The m coml ehanae of imoortaneam Iteel, which can be made wtndloc nr ralirht, anil can NOW be thrown ward and forward, and np and down, to y point n--ry fnr the aavlng of any kind of grain, or bringiBg U upon the platform in proper shape. A spring iealae provhlod fur the driver' seat. Tbo mala drive wheel in of IKON, with aioaglst Iron foke and rim, light and strong, and by far the bet iron wheel ever pat ea a hnrvofelcr. Tho grain wheel te iron, wtth romnvable huh, which can be repleend at a small ex peme. t'e will guarantee It to ho fn every ro- jm-.-i a iiimoiign working and well aiaetiim, eml one which boa no so n tho market. Advantages Or Twine over Wire. It i I I1HAPKIL tvonttinir ai th.rtl i-i h.1 i:Ji tlila. Idiular BMctiitHM that rely upon putting tying ap PiHiut ftir twine in place of twiatlng bp p4THiii for wire, are at the dioadTantaas oi bavin? to rely upon the strength est tbo string fur compreaslon of the grain, and in ui-necessarily use large, strong airing, that measures little to the pannd! Wstb this Hinder we can nee tiring of great length, and thus economize expense. It is u noi.j returnable ia threshing, will mot inter tern with the use of straw fir feeding tattle, and will not doll the catting kai& wneu cut Tor ied. it ta rreefromnil objections, real or imaginary, that been urged against the use of wire. I have en hand usee ae follows : i. foot cut. with Twine Binder Attach ment 7-foot cut. with Twine Binder moot. Binding Twine. Tbo twine used ad the MoCormiefc t-r is made from the beat uualitr ol ilia, and measure from 750 to 780 feat to the jxmnd.whdea pound of number 10 hi tiding wire uieoaure 344 feet. SOX. not required to Implements Deermg BINDER &