n L BBir " : . - . A.PRRIL 29, 1881. M a. a f-m s . STEWAUT & GREY I'.ctl I ar and ITopHetsr. O. C R. R. tlME TABLE. Albany Station. m:r inn kk mv tkaibb. MM south. ALBANY RXVBBBS lMrl -KRKKiHT TRAINS MArL t RAIN Djtrteat SOSXO SOUTH. MAI TRAIN t ' FREIGHT TRAIN " , " ALBANY LXrRKSSArmvss r:M A. M. vm a. it. H i.', a. M. If M P. M 11:45 A. M. 12:06 P. U. 3:!W P. it. :SS P. M All Trat dully. except sender. WILL R. RICK, StaUoo Agent. rms paper rfb5 MB AHB ABItiB. A wrelen mill. F. M. French, jeweller. Strawberries are oming. Ouite a kail storm iaat Friday. All kinds of spectacles at French's. All goods at coat at Winy & Allen's. Home-made doaghnuta at Conrad Meyera Wiley lk Allen i selling out this woo. For your celluloid jewelay go to F. M. F.eaehs. The Oliver Chilled Plow is the host plow for dry ground. Read the supplement to this week's issue of the Democrat, Peters and Sox canuot bo undersold oh first-class hardwaie. The river at this place rose some from the effect of the recent rains. Fresh cakes and pies of all kinds at Con rad Mejer's Star Bakery. The tax assessor is on the war path in the parson of Hubbard Bryant, Esq. Wool will he apt to start in at a price oome where between 20 and 25 cents Dr. O. Willis Price, dentist, office in Odd Fellow's Temple, over Hummer' Drug Store. Subscribe to the "lUtutntted Wap" the readable Journal on the Pacific Coast. Wool raisers should take notice of the fact that L. Kline is prepared to buy wool this Portland has a regular "strike" progress ing there. Who says Oregon has not a me tropolis ? Go to Plnmmer's for the Latest magazines Bad periodicals. Subscriptions received at the lowest rates. Fox, Baum A Co's Lace top Lisle thread gltves isn't be beat. They also have a fine line of lace mitts. Jj not fail to read the new column of 4 'Answers to Correspondents" in this issue of the Democrat. Now is the time to Lay in a good supply of stationery article?, while Wiley B. Allen's cost sale continues. . The door yards and gardens of many resi dences about the city are full of beautiful flowers all is bloom. Fox, Baum and Co. have the best stock of trimming satins, silk c rd and tassels, but tons and gimp in town. Several days of exteremely stormy and windy weather the post week, hot every thing is lovely again now. Fresh bread daily delivered to any part of the city. Leave year order with Conrad Meyer at the Star Bakery. The now bridge across the Calapooia has boon completed, and the first wsgon crossed on Wednesday of Last week. Boston brown bread fresh every day at the Star Bakery of Conrad Meyer, corner first and Broadalbin streets. Ladies cannot do themselves justice while out shopping without inspecting Fox, Banm & Co's immense stock of goods. Graf and Fromui have recently added an elegant Line of upholstered goods to their stock. Call and examine them. The latest out are those Princess of Wales perforated top kid gloves at Fox, Banm A Co's, just received from the East. The subject of the Y. P. C. A. meeti next Sabbath afternoon is 2 Cor., 10th Chap; en Wednesday evening, 2 Thes., 3:5. We notice C. W. Osborn has been getting on a sice stock of gent's furnishing goods, which he says will be sold cheap for cash. Fox, Banm and Co., have the Largest stock of corsets in town. A new importation just received from ladies, misses and children. Call at Wiley B. Allen's and secure some of the bargains he is offering in sheet music. No such chance ever offered in Albany be fore. The flags with which Postmaster Raymond decorated the Post Office at the time of the Republican ratification meeting arc still in place. . Sheriff J. J. Charlton is another gentle man who appreciates a good local paper and called this week to subscribe for tho Demo crat. For the largest and best assortment of embroideries and insertions go to Fox, Banm A Co's. The different patterns are worth seeing. The old building formerly occupied by Hoffman k Joseph is now being refitted, and will be occupied by Mr. Zucherman, the jeweler. F. W. Spinks and F. M. Westfall, the Supervisors of the two Albany road districts, are now rushing our citizens out to work on the roads. The Kwong Mow Co., have settled with the Home Mutual Insurance Co., and re ceived $950. They will soon open out an other store. Ladies', misses', children's and infant's French kid shoes, waking shoes and aandals in all styles, at Fox. Baum and Co's. Call and see them. A. Dodge is goiog to build a grain ware house near the depot at Lebanon, and we understand will have it completed in time for tho next crop. Tim night police picked up a drunken in dividual near the corner of First and Broad albin streets, Friday night last and lodged him in the cooler. To surprise yourself with a rare treat call and inspect Fox, Banm k Co's parasol de partme.it. It is the finest assoitmeut ever brought to Albany. Mr. L. E. Blain contemplates making asms changes and improvements about bis residence corner Sixth and Broadalbin St's. They will be commenced soon. The - Farmers' and Mechanics' Store was crowded this week, and it's no wonder when yon look at the splendid line of goods Nolan carries. He deserves his success. Charley Kiefer "takes water" this week. In fact the workmen employed by the Alba ny Water works are busy new all the time putting in pipes. far new customers. The Oliver Chilled Plow will run and do goodf work in dry ground when a steel plow cannot bo kept in. They are just the plow you frant for summer fallowing. For sale by Samuel E, Young. Samuel R Young hat received this week direct from the manufacturers in Massachu setts, a full line of men's and boy's brogans and plough shoes. Perfect dirt excluders. An account of the murder of J. W. Itobb at Astoria will be found in ..this week's DM ocR at. Mr. Itobb has relatives residing in this county and was quite well known hero. Peter Schlossor is clearing up preparatory to putting up a new two-story frame build ing on the site of the building which was burned recently. It will be MM feet on the ground. Samuel K, Young has one of the leading i ft a it . t H A A - .1 osuuusnuienu oi me tvuiamcuo atiuy,uu judging from the crowds which fill his store daily the fact is well known to the citizens of Albany and vicinity. A Mr. Putnam was shot at up in Sweet Home about three weeks ago by some one in ambush. The bullet passed within about an inch of his head and into the side of a barn by which he was standing. Last week's Register was a half sheet and an apology owing to their removal. The boys are nicely located now in the second story of the Bnrkhart block over the store formerly occupied by J. GredwohL . Samuel K. Young has just received direct from Philadelphia a large stock of ladies' misses' and children's line shoe. Those are first class goods and warranted to give satis faction. Call and get a pair of Dunbar's shoes. tteaconstiehl may be dead, but the Star Brewery is still in operation, and continues to make the best beer in the valley. Its reputation is constantly increasing as one of the most pleasant and healthful of summer beverages. Dr. C. A. Plummer last week ordered a quantity of engraved labels from Berlin.Ger many. They are something very fine and evidence the Doctor's usual enterprise in al ways getting the best of everything that comes along. Have you noticed the elegant ami com plete display of boots and shoes in Blaiu's show window this week ? There are over 40 different styles, and Mr. Blain carries a full line of each. It's the only place in the city to get your hoots and shoes. Fox, Baum and Co. have something uew in dress roods. Ladies, pleas ask them to show you their Uac'K("Cheudicecktb." It is by far the nicest goods ever brought to Alba I nv. nd thin eiitt-rnriaiti firm is to be con- j OD ftya to offer it lady customers at special rate. W. Ik Graham and Son have just received one of the largest and finest selections of suitings ever brought to Albany. Business is rushing with them and they have orders on hand for eight suits now. They are get ting up some of the nobbiest suits we hav ever seen. Prioas range from $25 to $50. James Danaan, the furniture dealer on Ferry street is about finishing some of the most handsome, wrlnut and ash bed-room suites we have ever soon. Enterprise such as Mr. Dannals exhibits in supplying the trade with the latest patterns of furniture in every line, and better still of home maim. facture, should bring him ' a large share of business. Nolan, of the- Farmers' and Mechanics' store says he has got to stop advertising. He was so busy this week that he had no time to write out one. He was filling a huge order from Prineville when wo asked him for an ad., and he was realty mad about having so much to do, and Laid it all to ad vertising in the Democrat. l.n't now as we care. Mr. Eugene Buchanan is the agent in this city for the celebrated Stutlebaker wagons Those wagons enjoy a reputation almost world wide, and are manufactured expressly for farm purposes, with every improvement that can possibly add to their utility. It is probably safe to say they enjoy the reputa tion of being the host wagon ever offered for sale in this market for all farm psrposes. Mr. Ed. Bellanger wishes us to inform his patrons and the public generally that on Monday next he will open some bock beer, manufactured by him some months ago and which is now in prime condition. Every body knows the reputation of Mr. Bellanger as an experienced brewer as well as a genial host, and all are invited to call ami sample thin bee", which Mr. B. guarantees the finest e"or opened in Albany. vat. We will remove in a tew days to our new qoarrers la the Dkmw.tat building, corner of Second end Broadalbin streets, s few doors south of our present location. We have fitted up very pleasant offices, sad shall be pleased to have our patrons call and inspect them. Advertisers end all parties having business with the Dem ocrat will please note the change. We are better prepared than ever to negotiate oans on approved security and favorable terms. Our insurance, real estate and col- ectiou business will have the same prompt attention as heretofore.. Grateful for the iberal patronage we have received we hope to merit s continuance of the same. Very Respectfully, STEWART A GREY. Albany, April 28, 1881. Leetares. Mrs. E. J. Bien, of California, will do iver a lecture on4 'Life's Broken Chances: Shall they ever be Mended ?" at the Y. P. C. A. Hall on Saturday evening next, and one on "Man's Relation to the Universe" at the Court House oa Sunday eveuing next. Mrs. Blen's lecture have been very highly spoken of by the press at va rious points where they havo been deliv ered, and the reputation of the lecturer guarantees a profitable evening. She is on her way to California. There will be no admission, but a collection will be taken up. Our citizens will do well to at- tend these lectures, as report says Mrs Bien is s very interesting talker, as well rs a deep student of the subjects she has chosen. e i Kuddcn Death. Mr.W.D.Hockensmitb, living u p in Hal- sey precinct, died very suddenly on Wednesday morning ef last week. His wife was sick, snd he sat up with her un til about midnight, wbenfhelaid down be side beron the bed. Along toward morn ing his wife had occasion to awaken him, snd upon trying to do so iound that he was dead. Mr. H. was just in the prime of life, was a good citizen, a kind, end gentle husband and father and will be sadly missed by his family and friends, n clnhardVs Beer. Wm. Volgt now keeps the celebrated Weinbardt's beer and all lovers ol tbis healthy beverage can get it there at the low price of 5 cents per glass. He also has this celebrated beer pat up in bottles for family snd medicinal purposes, at 25c. per bottle or $2 25 per dozen bottles. Be Yost Want FwrnMare ? J as. DarmaJs, in thus city, now has on hands a larger stock of furniture than any other establish men t this side of Portland, and if yon want to purchase any it will pay you to give him a call. He has something to tell yon in regard to his prices. BBS BOON, Four and twenty hatrptne scattered evsryshrre, Funny hangs anil friicr and a switch of. hair : Oajlr-volured ribbons, dainty bits of law, Lwts of other little things on bar dressing saw. Most a bate of cotton wonder what It's Mr ? Clos beside a ovrsot lying on the floor. ' Oeeress looking garments, colors mostly white, Hanging en s recking t hair. 0 taste us what a sight ! Garters sweetly dinging yst to striped hose, Showing Ists of little holes mads by little Ut. Here a shoo ond there a shoo, oh, but they arc staall ; Hew can even fairy feet gvt In them at all? Under AWy blankets, curled up In a heap, Dreamt the pretty tnaldsu, untiling lit hor sleep. Siinnlx r Rweetlr, attgel, ureas for evermore. And oh, (or a rlothos-pla just to step thy snore MM'IBTT aSD PKHMOWAI. ftOTBft. Mr. Ala Harris made Corvallis a visit tost Sunday. Col. John Kelsay, of Corvallis), was in tho eity Saturday last Dr. J. 11. Bayley, of Corvallis, was in tho city Saturday" lsst. Mr. Jan. pottinger, of the llrralil, visited Portland this week, Mr. F. M. Crabtrce, of Kcio, was in the city Wednesday last. Mr. J. Booth, of Corvallis, made Albany a short visit last Saturday. Sam'l Cohen, of this eity, made Purtlaud a short visit this week. The Sunday afternoon meetings of the Y. P. C. A are well attended "Skin-Injun'' is the name of a very pnpii. lar game in Albany just uw. We hear of a inarriago to come nil in a short hi me Guess who it is ? Mr. Rutherford, station aguut af Marion Station, was in town Tuesday. A little daughter of Mr. H. C. Clements has been quite sick tho pant week. Mr. M. D. Ballard and lady returned this week from a pleasant trip to Astoria. We are glad to notice Mr. Foster Kusscll on the streets agaiu after his illness. Deputy Sheriff, J. N. Duncan made Brownsville a brief visit this week. Mr. S. Douty, of Independouce, was reg istered at the St Charles Hotel yesterday. Deputy Sheriff Humphrey was in Tangent and Halaey attending Shenff sales this wiek. Dr. T. W. Harris was called over to Bne na Vista on a professional visit Tuesday last. Dr. It. A. Davis, of Harrisburg, made the DeBBOGBAT office a short call M Tuesday Last. Mr. John Foster, of Harrisburg. I as lieen spending two or throe dsys in the city this week. Mr. S. J. Komilty; of the Albany Twine Factory, came over frm Corvallis Wrdne. day last The celebrated "IHrates of Prnxauco" has boon running in Portland, and has drawn large houses. Foster Kusscl starts this morning for K latent Oregon iu the hope of regaining his health. Mr. Oaa M. Boat, vf Miller's Sutton, made us a brief call yesterday ami aubscriWd for the Democrat. Bev. P. A. Moses, of Tangent, was in the eity Last week and made the Dam hat sanctum a brief call. (Jus Baker is recovering fast, and will probably be able to assume his duties as freight agent next week. We notice ameng the dearture on last Sunday's ateamer for San Frau-too tlo aasne of Frank H. DavLs. Some fine photographs of Mrs. D. F. Smith, were on exhibition in various show windows in the ctty Last weok. Mr. Chaa. Pierce, leader of the Mechanics' Brass Band, went to Scio Last Tuesday to at tend to some musical matters. Judge Baldwin is again visible on the streets after bis protracted illness. W are glad to see the Judge out again. There will be nw services at tho Method it 1 Church Sunday evening on account of Mrs. llien's lecture at the Court House. Mr. Wm. Emrick and family start Far 1 Eastern Oregon next week via the LaBBBBB mountain road to be gone for some time. W. O. Palmer, letumcd from a trip into Eastern Oregon Last Tuesday. Me reports times as exceedingly doll up there Dr. Chas. E Templeton and wife are pas sengers on tho steamer which arrives at Port- Land to-day. Glad to hear of their return. "Dutch" Oeorge.es be is familiarly knowu by many of eur citizens who have visited Deer Creek, was in town one day last wesk. TRe ladies of the Firemen's Coffee t'.ub have a standing oommitteo ready to furuudt the firemen coffee on short notice in case of a fire. Wc uoiieo that our old friend, E B. Pur- dom, has ho far recovered from his recent illness as to 1k able to get out on tho streots -gam. sirs. Duniway and the Independence Jtirernldr have Wn iuduiging in a little word tilt for homo weeks past. No bones broken so far. Thos. E Parker, au old typo, formerly of this city, is now here. He and bis brother and a Mr. Cox arc opening out a store At Oaeatta. Mr. George Hardy, tho irrepressible BfBfN ator 'at the Western Union Telegraph oQiuc, peat Saturday and Sunday last with friends in Portland. A little child of Mr. Manuals has been quite ill this week with diphtheria. Dr. Jones is attendiug the case, and the child is now improving. Mrs. E J. Bien will deliver two lectures in this city, on Saturday evening at the Y. P. C. A. Hall, and on Sunday evening at the Court House. We have learned of several matrimonial candidates in the Albany market during the Last weok. Some of them arc choice. Par ticulars at this offioe. Mr. P. W. Oshorae, ike i.-ading druggist i of eeigue, itowpesf over in Albany Monday nihi on his way homo from Salem. He says Kugone City is quite dull. Mr. W. H. Mansfield, of Corvallis, drove over last Sunday fer a short visit to his par ents. His sister, Miss Myra, returned with him and remained until Tuesday. Remember the social to be given by the ladies of the Congregational Church at the residence of E. N. Armstrong, Esq., this evening. A good tfme may be expected. The Presbyterian Church will partake of the Sacrament of the lord's Supper at Col lege Chapel, next Sabbath. Preparatory set vices on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Itev. I. S. Condit starts next Monday for Buffalo, N. Y., to attend tho annual session of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, which convenes on the 19th of May Mr. Nate Wheahjon, of the firm of Cooper, Whoaldon k Co., of Salem, passed through the city on tin way to Salem, from a trip through Benton county in tho interest of tho firm. We are under many obligations to Gen. Mart. V. Brown for contributing an obitu ary ef Gen. Lane, which appears in this week's Democrat. Gens. Lane and Brown were personal friends of long standing, and no man knew the noble qualities of Gen. Lane better than Gen. Brown. The obituary will be read with much interest coming from such a source. We arc un it r obligation to Xr. John P. Ktctvr, lit Ualsry, Aud Mr. J as. I'.mnals, of this city, fur thu tntcrustiuj; letter o.i tlio woolen mill question which I ppcars in this week's Di'.MiH'HAf Our worthy Mayor, David Froman, loaves this weok for Soda Springs and tlm monut aius, where ho will spend seine- time for the benefit of Mrs. FronmnV health; Wo wish him a pleasant visit. Mr. K. L. Harn, formerly the "terrible incubus" of tho JfejrttH hut a pretty Rood f'llnw generally, has Inten in the city several days. He is making his hi'mhjnfflBfl ut Corvnlltsat present. The Blue Hibhon Club meeting last Friday eveniug was rendered unusually attractive by mush) furuishod by tho Ladies' Band. Kov. J. W. Harris addressed the meeting, which was wall nttundod. C. H. Stewart ami (lee. W. Sill made a three Hays trip up tho lbanmi wagon road last week, returning to Albany Monday moraiug. One of the incidents of thu trip was a broken buggy spring. The Ijulies' Cornet Band vl this city, have rei i ivi-s! an invitation to go tn Portland and take Mrt in the Fourth of July uehd'ration. Wo did not learn as.to BrBBiBBT they had a ccptod the invitation or not. Mr. ('. K. Wheeler, thn accommodating agent of the O. and (J. It. It., and also of Wells, Fango and Co s express at Nbcdds Station, was in town Saturday Inst on his way to Portland, whore he will njkiimI a few days. Mr. Denver D. Ilaekleman's name adorns tho Demwuat subscription list. Denver knows how to appreciate the good things of this world, and sayn ncjther ho nor his wife could possibly get along without thu I m - The last term of the present ye.ir closes at the AHtaity follsgiatu Institute on tho loth of Juno, Under the present mauageii) tit this institution is enjoying prosperity, there being a fuller tmU mf4l M now than ever be. foro at the same time ef the year. A. Dockard returned from Rood Itiver, Wasco county, last Monday, making the en-tin- trip in BBS day. He was up visiting hi aondu-Law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. F.vaus. They are getting ahui nicely and liko their new home very much. A. B. Wooden, of this tty, who is work ing on harbor improvements at Yaquina Hay had three of his fingt-rs badly mash'd a fw days ago by a timber 'ailing BB them. I 'n. til his lingers arc well sga.n he will at t an apprentice in a hlaeksmith shop over there. Dr. E O. Hyde Bill start across the Cm i al. s for Antelope Valley next week, taking with him BBont if or - head of mares Itr longing to Titus. BsBB and Dr. J. I- Hdl. Bo will go by tlm liamn Mountain Uo.nl, tho only thoroughfare over the mountains now open. Rev. I. II. ( ond It, of this city, preached at the t'umberl.tud Presbj t.-rian t'hun liat !?!.!. ti, fapBB Sabbath. 'lth in the, forenoon and evi'iting. Bev. K. N. d.u.l.t will hen afu-r hold religions ti.e at the .nm place on the arcsmd ami fourth .tUt.atoA of each mouth. E E Kaslliam, Em , of Of.-gon t'itt was ia the city Tuesday aud Wednesday of lat week. Mr. vvt!..iii .v. I.r.nariv slark in the grocery oamdby in. " ,. He is now one wf Oregon (ttj' nit promt, sent IsjsjfaBl and no f the nramavra of tho new hank which Will lonuo.-ote opcm- tmiis at that place soon, Mr. C'has. llafTetxh-'i ami in- lo. tl.t r Mrs. Haffonslfit, left for Portland yesterday aBBBsing. Sinco their reid uce hero the Hatfcmlcus have built up a largo ciScls t.f warin.irso.nl and bnsine ftieods ami their absence still be regretted by many. Especially in innsi.l circles Mr. H. will be mussed. We wish thsss all iit-s in their new home Mrs. D. F. Smith's rntrrttimn ut at the ; Opera House SB af BBBBtf eranisj !t was well attended. She is a read, r of msi.lerable hffl' mmMUnn ef the AateafUai "Naming tlm l.-d.y. sad the sflei'tiou. iro:n "Josiali Ain-n - v tie. terc ' cxcelh-ut and heartily enjoyed by the audi i enc . Her s-lecti ns wi r ai a v. Uoh- judi eiotn, asd the evening a very pleasant one. ! Mr. James Morgan, brother ol John and Miller Ifaffaa, two of I.inn county's promi nent ei likens, is visiting his brothers this week, having recently come from Etstsrn Washington abete In- baa Ik u spending the winter. Mr. Morgan says he wtuld m.t leud another wintet there for considerable. The wua'her lias loen very severe, and the climate is uewhero e mtparol t t!! of U il lamette Valley. We reeeiveil a postal card frmn E R ' Skipworth, Ksp, who is stopping nt ludc- pendence for s short time, requesting us ts mail tho DBBiscBAV to that place for hiu Me intends locating at some point for the I practice of bin profession before, long. Mr. Skipworth u an enterprising and energetic young man, and whiio in Albany mailt nianv f i lends. Ho was a hard student and passed au excellent examination and we predict for him a successful profes sioual career wherever he may locate A certain handsome and popular young insurance agent of Portland, paid Albany a visit last week. He Blade an engagement to escort sosse young ladies home from tin: Blue Kibbou Club meeting. Having semo hind neos to attend to hu left tiio hall with the intention of returning iu timo to till his eu gagemcut. He returned, but sad to relate the meeting had adjourned for two weeks tho ladies had gene homo ami ho was left The case is remarkable as hciag the first on record of an insurance agent getting left. A Trip Te Lewcr Motla. la Couipany whh Goo. W. Sill tve took a trip lost weok to Lower Soda Spring Leaving hero nt 11:30 on Friday in one o Wheeler A Dickey' Nplondid turn-outs wo took dinner at Iohanori niul arrived nt Msaley's at 8 o'clock in tho evening. The roads were very bad, and in going ovo.' Wiley Hill after dark of oourso wo broke a Npring, but tho pleasure of wj ond- ng a night at Mcaloy' paid u well for tho extra drive wo made. Good inonl. good bed and good eompauy enn alway.s be had there, and oh "Hud" is one of Uia I .'est hunters in tho ('attende tho Ublo never lacks for veusion. From thore we wo wtfnt on our way to Ijower Soda where wo llnd otir gonial friend T. V. MoK night hard at work getting things in roadinoss for spring travel and for oxcnrnlotiistH nod health-seekors. Ha hat cle mod off the eamp ground until it i in n beautiful con dition, and will be well prop.irod to accommcifalo customer liii Aea'4011. His sdvorti.sement will appear next weok. Two mile above Lower Soda wo found Mr. Haner getting ready to supply travel lor's with bay. Ho has onn of the best ranches on tho road, and rai'te an im mense amount of hay. Returning we took dinner with our old friend John Gillland, at tho toll-gate, who treatod us like princes for which we mako our poll test bow. Tho rond in tho Wntorloo Hat i had, and ho also is it when it flrnt strikes the hill east of Adam Nye' i In t mountains theco has not yet been a travel, and consequently the n cut up t ) any great extent). f? Council lrorelttt. Th. Ctty CfWWtplI met In rt giihir session hit TtttSthty evening, with nil ofllojsrn niul HKJItlborS prciiif o.x(vpt, Alderman iVfinv. Minutes of lnt Kiertttlg tpml mid np provml. CommUtro un Slreels in id Public Prop, ri ty rvpnrfH hi favor of lmuie'lliitHy re pniilng Mm bildgo on Flrl Ireet. between ll'illrnnd ntiU Motitgmnory. On motion thn report WSJ mingled nnd bihlgo indored rrpnlrcd. GommllUn on Arcniiufs. and Cuneilt Ex pensos ri'nrteil Hint they hud exnmbied the rrportcf Hie City Tiiensurer for tlm it t iptsrfor nod found Hm snote corrort. Ilcort ndopted nnd plnce on flip. rkumi Cnniiiillt.ee rexirled tho following hills n enrreel nnd IBOOM mended tho psy menl of Mm BtBB : N.J. Iloutou, kift U. ; Albany Hose Co No 1, tl2 ; A. I, Hoot, 0 17; M.S. Mootellh. f 1 W. On motion Mm report wrm ndopled nod order ordered drnun on flu Tieiisurs for Mm seversl IllllOOOts. BftOM r)tii!idllen reportf I on tho bill o Itoht llmoii lor '2 7o ; lo fivor of al lowing $'2. Rppoit ndopled. BoMt ieMirted In fivor ol grnotlog Mini Ho-eCoNo'2 BIO ; ns mtrift-t-d by the Mayor. Hefiort ndopled. t'momltteo on llcnlth uml Pnlkv re port ml on Mi petition lo regnrd to cows buck to the Council without leecoimetMU tlon. f)u mntloo ndoptod. Scott moved thnt both peMlhui and rt nioiistrniicu I? lultt mi tho table, (tin let I. Opinion of the City Attorney lo the matter ol refunding the sum ol 27 to Qaf Hughe whhh lint! been pnld to Mm elf y lor license was ie.nl. On oioflnn the BBtlHon win lb- H (nkeo from (ho tnhle niul After lengthy debet on motion of Seoft Mie money tvn ordeiel returnetl to Mr. Hughe.. Ordinance In reg ml i ewcr read lira! linn. n million read aaBBtal Mum by MMo. (irndwohl moved in tend Mdnl lliuo. QtrrtBf. tbi ipie.tion. "slull Mm: bill In BBBBBd J ll voted yes. Srolt Mtoead Mint the tilh- of the bill Imi the title of Mm ttnlliiniitt-. Carried. Ao Ordlo-meo was luirMhicetl by title lo rrganl to lite sahuy tif lite ( Idcf EngbmiT t i-t'otllilet(ill!o ill II lilt, ftllll ! r OItfl frtun to $10 im yenr. I 'a--.. I Hfst leading and on motion ui rend teeoml lime, 'lien laid mi table until next nieellng. I .r id . old moved I bat Hie "in v . i or Is- ostroeted to survey S-emul lret fnm Mi - rlvt r to S!h. ( .niul. lite OrtHrWHtfl rel.iling to ininors faM-d lis toinI reading and wa referred (it foomilttee on Ordluaiiees. The MIoarBBS bills were read nnd ro rred to Mm 'onnnltire on Act-mmts and urrent RSBBntrB j K. WUIerlep Mr J. Jmdwohl. H -2. ; '. A. PIoiiiiih r, t27 . ; 1'odny fc MnMm. 0 ; John ones, W ; R. R. tssiBSBW. T ; A. J. Dint. tS 00 : I,. MtiCarttK i , :i i -1X K. te iMtetf..td. HOj AH. it. II ' i. ..-.i A t'o. flO ; I. (. kmin I : F. M. Ue.t. .il. $irt :i : II. I. fUtrVl.irt. $l : J. M. kdhtrbide, RS of : lJf ft f MnoiVriy. ! fiA : N. . ib iti'Oi. Bil" '.C. I n er MSspt'lKboi of lite rule- Mm- nl. IohIibI bill were itilttwv! bmI n-h r It avv n an 0es. I i r im sBl BSBBOlM : U. K. Haritirni. iit : .l..bn .lone. $7t'l : n. BSritBirc A'lJaariHHl. BH: I M, iN.il it bldf. rxrr of (br CstrrsAtrnl t ..rJ sbbV sr-i t!otulMB BBBSB Wotk has comnitintfifl noa In nstnoHton tlm litiitovf m::t of tlio lnr i.t I lie mouth of Yaintuia llay. Aimt L' nu n ara fmployed ilirtvtly by i - i.... .t.., .i. P"'"""1' ,,,v itirm-.ii iiij.'i in . ir ir.iiu 1 00 pinion t. filoim i haillji ltrr. i I u'. ( 'atlon's pis O on the Uayt shout IU miles sb-ivo Onestta. His men am working In the quarry, snd titoy alr.-ndy have slum 10J tons out ready for shipment. Anetltor mm last work at the asmo plsiti umkitig chaioosl for the use of tho blacksmith. l'owr huudrt tl cords of brush arealrostty cut and piled up near the water at Oncstta, out of which will lx cmalrudcd tho mat tresses for the buidi ngof the jetties. Five hundred cords moru will bo required. The woik of making the brush maltreasoH wll If probably comnvjnro nox. week Ono large tlorrlck scow has alrostly boon i!tmtplotel, abd ono scow to aa nasi fl tratutpoit ng rock ia all ready for planking, Ai Ifii 1'arker has mm ired the or. tin t for cutting 400,000 feet of lumber for ibe harbor Improvement. His mill at One- atta is cutting il out rapidly, and gives em ployment to a largo foreo of handu Allen l'arkor keep a ho'el at Onealta, and has about Mi boarder. Jolm Parker has gono ever te Oneutta from Independence and will assist his biothor iu the mill biiHHteM. A Mr. Cox and Ted and WW Barker havoofiouotl out n stock of groceries, iu titms, bibacM), gouts wear, etc., at Oaeaita. Budnesis booming and peoplo ou tho Bay will have easy tlmoa this season. The hotels ut Newirt are getting ready for a large run of culout this eason, and they will very likely not bo diapoiutod, as the harbor work will at tract s groat many who would otherwie not go to the Bay this year. A C'hsaee fsr n llarualu. Wiley B. Allen: the enterprising proprietor of Allen's Baok and Music Store, ii about to leave bat If is busi ness arrangement iu California are eaoti tint ho I'm is it necessary lo ' return there aud in coihi ijueiu e will offer for sale at ex actly cot every article iu his estab lishment. The Hht is too numerous to mention, but comprises a full line of all clashes of good, such as stationery, books, pictures, franus, brackets, fan cy articles nnd sheet music. Mr. Allen has been n liberal advertiner and has establishod the reputation of meaning what ho says so thoroughly that when ho wishes usto ami ounce that he means what ho says about selling goods at exactly cost price we feel certain our readers will believe it. (Sheet music of all kinds will bo sold at half ptica Any of our readers' wiuhiug anything in Mr. Alletfs lino will prollt by call ing on Mm. The salo will last oniy a few days as tho goods are now going oil rapidly. A Prospecting Tarty. A party of Lebauonitcs consisting of .bis. tsotilo ana lay on a prospecting oy may listt rich." lot i the Enmiau3 last jvioni AMWXSJ TO llltttt' row. Port. Your coiitill idhm is ta lo ig. We cannot accept It. AmDa. -Certitlnly. A g'Kil wy to got s hUHlatid Is lo sdvertiso for oue. Chari.ky.- Tho BhaortpteOti prlco of the DsSMouiUT U f::-ii i. Voit innt have teen mistaken. T. P. U.-Wltber way whl do. We have nl ways considered the first one you in "ii i inn ss tlm surest. OotrsjTRY DlifinilMT. Wo t iinld advlao you to wtvn the oxons4 of a trip to Port land for sutdi articles ha ynr mention. on onn got. all of them at wholBMBlH rates nt Puitiiriior'M Drug Mote in this eity. i iiooi. iiAKfron. Upon lmU,ry wo hnnilliHt Dr. Plummer Is iiiaMii spo' U1 pricoM for school supplies, and wo would ail vise you to tall on him. H. W. ti. Ry no iiioaus. Do not think orptdittr lo Portland for your clothing. L. ML Hlalu of this tity Iiaa as tin a aUm to mdoet from as any Portland house and soils goodNjust as cheap. KwjUirrr. Yes, you can ruske the nxehsnge. We undorittsnd Dr. Plummer has tho new books snd Is exchanging for J he old ones when parties desire It. It la much cheaper. IfousRMAK. fTertsraly. You can flid st Dr. Plnmmer's Drug Mtoro In ibis city a preparation known as " PI u tamer's Condi tion Powders" Hist Is Just whst you need for such r ease. P1.0RA. There is very bttle eBJBBBJ be tween the Itoiaentlc. Wblls, New Home or Crown Hewing Machine. We would refer yon to Mr. C R Blain fbu clothier in this city who will explain l ie various machine wo have mentioned. Mend to hint for an Illustrated CNiAlogue snd prion list, fly all means got I he machine. It will pAy tor Itself in a year. Hi-iiooi.ma'am. Yos. Wo ran get the Isxik for you or you can order It, snd the thn arUolns) of stationery yon want you en got as low st PlumuieCs Store In this elly ss any whom. He Iian a largo ansert ment. TKAi-rtKit -The change hs si toady boon made and will ro Into elfet soon. P -r a list of the books see tins lme of the Dkrocrat. Olo Mam. I ion 'i dlttpelr. You msy And some Maiden who will shAre her for tunew with you yet Still we would not sdvbse you to be too bsN'y In your choice. Ktvobwt. The newly revised edition of the New Testament will be out in Msy. It is net necessary to send swsy far It ss our dealers here will probably have It an soon after it is bastied ss it unit be got here. Couwtry jIRI-Yos, we coii-hler tho firm trustworthy and you an seiid tho money lo ihem with your order snd Ifstif will till It at once. If aury. Ws should bo very glad te bsve s live oorreiKndent In yriur place and of BBBBBB would ssnd him the Daan- hat la excnanRn for news IUbM. Mucli (ddlged for your kind words. MinsT. II. E. -There Is mi hsrm cer Ulnly ia using good perfunmry Tho best Is si ways the BBBBOBBS. Iryoufn get It from s dealer who keess tfse Krouch per fumes in hulk, vott Ret the Iwstt and can Ret II h i r. I'luminer in this city can "npply you and has s lino assortment of ml ota. GKsAIB Dkai.kr. BucIuximu'a Double Ornin ( lsn -r is lbs host nuacbino of the klntl we know of for your purpose, it consists of two coinpleo mmmittes in oim frstns snd grain psuutlnR ihrmRh u oitoo i- eatiivslout lo twhw through any other m sch i no. Ill simple in construc tion, dursblo, snd has . -spa -lly of J. i XA) biiHhelN sr httur msstrdflng to the oondilion of tho Rialn. Vts would a.m ssy to J. "A". It. -Ileal tbia Msutm inachitm ts mitsnird on wheels snd tan to sum-bed ts s 'I brasher simI IIim grain cleaned as It Imvi-. the operator ready for market. It is iindnulsUslly just whsl you are wsat hag. 1 hy tun ttiuuufmRured l.y Kiigene Hurluinan bre lit Albsnv, and you aa esWffBBfWBBl with him for BMOrl pt hn aud priesss. Your Ides of cleaitiu your grain at iiMtoo is a good au. i m Ji it. In tniwsr to your Inquiry isww ssrwIsMt ths moss onouomiusl tnstbotl of harvesting wo would advise you by all iii.sviiM hi m a Twlso Hinder. There ste v ol x mmJ ones Imt Irtttu hat wo csu mi o luiiiry smo'iK I' . rni'Tn who , BBSS used Urn various k n I. we would i not heaitstn to rocoimnottd the D. M. -.. rn. Mr. J-.i i yi.c BuchatiAti erthis city has thu machines hert. Youusu slso rf't H"" I..t implf mcuts 3-0U iiteutionotl of htm. Yes, (be .midolstr wsgon is uiul.u'4cti!y the best in thb msrkot. II. C. I.Tbers Is an almot endless variety of Hay-l'rsssts manufactured. Probably one of thu heel if not thu very last in the market It the Chant titi Power pre msuufactiiretl by Eugene liartuuiAn of thht city. It Is full as rhtap as any " pros tliAl win uo gooU work and ts 4 ora bio. Its capacity is from It to 15 Lona i twr dav ami ritiitesi thrsn tssn ami otic leam lo work lU Y.ur Idea is s uood ono Wo know of s Ksrmer who owrm a press snd bales his hav before utArkoiiitg, snd be tells ua his press paid for itaolf in one resMon, boaidee being able lo msrkot thisi hey si Any time. Billy's CesssMssllfsMi. Onco there was a man. lie had 3 chil dren, I horses snd a wife. He had some wheat in a hold, lie muat s bin lazy, chum he hot s Harvester t list's i cut grain by and he fastened 4 hosNtit ml 2 childruu in front cf it. Thsy wsa boys snd girls, lie hichnd 1 child on behind. , "e X "j wai th t biggest and niost u.-iulest' the BSBB, eaSS SIBBBB j hln "tist safest plsce u avo him, aud they cut the grain Thaie mother sho wah a woman sud cried aud ssld, fsther you will git our children killed hit-ben them In front. Why didn't you l y a MoCormiok Harvester and Twine Binder at Young', so you euld a used hoaaaa before snd 1 bojr hlched behind out of danger, then you could a hailed bay in with. tbe other bosses, snd tho other chil dren could s went to soool or helped me i Tn '"V the laxy man, he said i didn't see the Mc Cormick till l had bet the other. That man went crary. Then th.tro was another man. He had no hoaaaa no mule, no oxen. Hht oxen was all cows. He hot a Champion Mewer that's to cut giaa by. Tho moer wss too lite, and ho that's the man hired 2 men to ride ou it, and 4 men to rake hay 1 he cham pion Mower was so light he pulled it his self. The rskera and the rideis got phaL The puller he dide. I' ii.lv. Our Muiiplrsirul. We home this week a ten column sup plement iu addition lo tho regular issue of the Dkmocuat. Wo hope our readers wtll appreciate this etlttrt on tho part of the Dkmockat management to make it an Iu wresting and live local paper. Our sub- Kertption lit and advertising patronage are both incroasing rapidly, and we shall endeavor to make ihe Dkmockat the most valuable locsLand home paper, as well as advertising medium, in the Valley. Our large circulation roaches into every section of tho vslley counties, and covers a field not reaohed by auy other medium. We are increasing our facilities for obtaining new, and propoao ts make tlio Dkmockat fully worth the subscription price. Seud in your subscriptions and advertisements. Stkwart A Grkt, Editors and Proprietors. Baud Concert. Tho popular Ladies', Brass Baud, of this city, will give a grand eoucert on Tuesday evening, June 14th. The band will bu assisted by the Mechanics' Brass Band, Miss Nettle riper and Miss Hettie Miller. Tho program will con sist of hand music, cornet solos and duets, piano and vocal music, recita tions, etc, and there is no doubt that it will be a llrat-class entertainment 1 So"Sjrtbe for the Democrat. PAIIVTS, OILS Having recntly bought I liirge ittek, am pi ejt.TcA lo ffrltw RiBres for Pionetr and Atlantic Lead, Aterill tHwi Paiair, I.iBe(It Lan!, Xr4i foot, ( hina, Nat and ftattf (HIg, Paiater and Af JtH's Kin hrs. Window Glais, F.tf., Etc. Call and obtain price licfore pmrbaaing flscwbarc. C. A. PLUM 31 ER, OlfD H.M OWS TKJIPId:, AI.UtJIT. OR. UOITHAX & JOSEPH, PROPRIKTORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, AND DEALEKS IN Importod and Domestic Clgara, Tobaco h,Oi ocoriea, Pi ovialons, Candies, Nut, an I Tropioal Fruits. yVIIjni.v. ..... Oregon. ON I Ixoit jlKi.OW JOHN BRKsOM' HTORE. 81ml A GREAT The people of Linn Comity ought to be in formed of, altel 1h tfolna; on mt A litany. We are now reaily to itiform the pnblh- iiiat the OHE PIUC'E BAXAK has jtiKt reticived the Cheapest ami LsrgfBt Stock of Dry Uooel, Fam y (ioodM.Oent FurniMtiin:CioolMt Clotliiiig, Ladiea, Mit , Childreu'H and Hen'a Hhoex, Etc., and new addition to thin already large and well anaorted Mtoi-k are c oiiKtaniiy arriving. We therfort ank all our former patron, and the pub lic generally, to eall and examine our stock before making purehaMeH elsewhere. W eKpe ially call attention to our stock of Drea OootU, which we are selling 5 ier eent. cheaper than any other store in the eity; and also to our large stock of Cor set, of whirh ladies can get two for the same price they puy for one of the same quality el where. dnt ran. to ;ai,l kiki.v to mki i ki: sour. r TMfKsp UKEAT I1AM4JAINM: AU KEMEBBRK THAT THIS la, o HINBli;. ONE PRICK BAZAR, 30 IN TATE'S BUILDING. Tsls. BiMdrrs. Will the farmers of Iduuat rvtnntiN buv s twine binSr that Is yet an exerimeut when they csn get s Walter A. Woods that U BfBBBBB of in tha follow ing term by one of the largest s:ul bot known farxom on MBRSBI Prslrio. AUS, August 2, 18S0. Mrnr. Fntnk llro. , Pordamd, Or. Ubxts I bsve boon a farmer In Ore gon thirty four yosrs. snd tisvo wstched lite im pro vetnenu m agricultural imple ment with grast Inlet-eat My expecta tions have been more than res! .sod by your Waiter A. W Twine Btudimr asrvester. now rttnulug on my farm. It lathe usual complete iblng I have sver Men go into the field; doing the clesuenl work snd nesteat Idudtng. It mskew its bundles essetly iho Havise in lighter lieavy Cin witltoul the :MiaUnoe si tha driver, ng lighter than ibe wire biader, it is of esaier diaft, and iU machinery far more simple. 1 cannot give too strongs retom luendation to tits tara.ers of Oregon. As s fanner I am well known on .ssleru l'rsi tie. .No more wire biu fets in this sec tion. Laok out for mv order for next year Yours truly ALKKKD8AVAOE. Mr. Ss ago And hht b rot Iter both liava given their older for mschinee. Almaxy, April 26, 18SI. Mrvn. Frank tiro., I'ortlamd, Or. QaitTH : We used one of vsur Wood's Twine 1 tinders last eson. For tha Hsr ves er we believe It to be tbe best ansvde sud for the Binder it is a perfect suocaaa. It gives no trouble sud does good binding. We expect to own one or sn (merest iu one tbu sessoo. Mcknight jbkos. IXpstrlrU. George L. Wbthsrd, formerly a resident of Linn county, Or., died at his home near Lewiatou, I. T., April IS, of consumption He had been failing for some lime pre vious to his death, and on Sunday evening, April 10th, hs was taken wlt'a hemorthage of tho lung, which v as with some difficulty checked ; but ou the fol lowing Wednesdsy his lungs agsin gave way and in a few moments he passed swsy without a struggle from earth to the world beyond. He was conscious until the last, bidding all good bye, and said he wss going to Heaven. Independent, OrM Apl. 35, 18SL W. A. Cuxmivs. (est Ira I Mesl This first olass market is now in the hands af Major J. R. Herron, whose ex perience i a guaranty that It will be well kept up in every particular. Fresh meats of all kind constantly on haai. "The beat quality aud resonable prices," is tbe Msjor's motto. The highest aah price willbe paid for veal calves, pork, oh tok ens snd sil kinds of hides and furs. First Street, Albany, Oregon, J. U. Herron.pro prietor. WSMKlal SMB. We are sorry to ssy that some per sons in this eity are so lost to ail sense of shame as to r-di graves in our cem ehry of rare flowers and plants set out there by friends. The names of some of the guilty parties have lnon found out and if a stop is not immediately put to this species ot vandalism they will be prosecuted. i I. Trse Kv Idea re. I hAve ewael ens of Aad.e v Hunt's pat ent hsy pressst (or seven years, ssd rcotetly sold it for more than first eett. It ia a seed, durable and rapid press fer hsMag bay. A days' work baling with teres ate i aver tg.s niue tons. We have pietso-1 fourteen in a day with it Albany, April 25ib, 1S81. AU.K5 McDoxKJi. GesstA. Our dress goods apartment will be found the tnsst complete of any iu the city, and we make it a special aim to carry the Ituest line oi black And colored cashmeres ever placed on sale here. Sastvrl E. Yoitmo. A Care for EpUosstfr. A safe aud speedy cure for episootie u pre pared by Saltmarsh and Laogdon. CO ota. By mail, 66 ets. 1 rice, AXD Li EXPOSURE! A Fart Vf mrthy tiireiiivo. It should be the object of every farm er and bnaiiifits tnuu who eBBHs t- keep pace with the Ilma. lo ptocur. the latent improvel mschiuery ami Ihe bent rnelhsd of conducting their business affairs. An intention that smves time and Ubor, ami jrf .rim i: work better thun the which haye preceded it iu the asm e line should at all limes have the preference, aud this is more especial !y true i j regard to farm implement. The grain cleaner aisn- ufscturad iu this eity by Mr. Daniel Best are among the '.tremtist improve ments of Hie day. They are far btl . r adapted to do the work require;, ami csa be worked by uuskil led lalf .r 'A-ier than any other cleaner in the ui .i kl These statements are facts aud any of our farmers or warehousemen woo contemplate buying a grain cleaner can sslisfy themselves as to the pdni mentioned by calling at Mr. Be: fac tory uesr the foot of Lyon atiee. ttml personally inspecting the cleaner. TrstsUr'. PUIf .nti. The following platform was a opted by Albany Lodge No. 344, f . O. G. T., Monday evening, April 2T.. J. Total abstinence from all intoxicating liquor ss s boversge. i. So license in any form under any circunutacct for Lite teste of liquors to be used as s leverage. 3. Tbe ebsolutc prohibitionof the manufac ture importation snd sale of intoxicating lhiuor for such purpose, prohii-uion by the will of tbe teople, exercised in iue form of law, with the penalties deserved by s crime of sue i enormity. 4. The creation o a healthy public opin ion upon the subject of the active dbMsriw instion of truth iu alt the modes known to enlightened philanthropy. 5. The election of good, h net men to administer tho law. . Persistence in efforts to save iodivi.t usls snd communities from sn dreadful a see urge against all forms of opposition and- ailficalties until our auooss i com plete snd universal. R. N. Mobbis, Sec. fLettesr L,mt fbelooosrins laths list of Moire i-uikiuin in ttM Psst OBVe. AlbsuiT. l.mn eoonty, r? yoa, April 8, lssi. Persous raiiini: '..i those I.'tsers must give the Ust oa wh inb I kny were salverUaed. AIU n.w.mh. J II ate, T ruilL A Hamilton. J S Richwiauti, brs Julss A fcuaic, Nuta Si.ruVr, Vblsba A Wsdssrurtb, K P. IL RAYMOND, P. M. STICK. Dr. I Mummer has suoceHlel to the book, periodidal, newspaper and msg aaine department of Wiley II. Allen, and will supply the old customer of Mr. Allen with books and perhtdlcats sultscriaed foi with him EXCHANGE OF SCHOOL BOOKS I SCHOOL BOOKS ! MONTKITH8 NEW UEtSl RA 111 1 FN, UONTKI Til's POPULAR St'l KNCKL SILL'S GRAMMAR, WATSON'S CHILD'S SPELLER, WATSON'S YOUTH'S MPIM.LKR, HROOJvS' ARITUMKTI JS, ForaaleatuIntredutkMi"nd ' Exchange" prieas, st FOSH AYU VSOVS DRUG & BOOK STORF. vl6nS8tf Administrator's Notice. 'PaTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 by an order of the County Court of Lino Counly, Oregon, duly matte and t-n-tered of record, tbe underignH ha t-m duly sppotuted the Administrator of the festato oi William Pick en a, decoaei, and all person having claim against ad es tste are hereby required to present tbe Name, duly verified, to tho undersigned at his residence near Sweet Homo, Linn County, Oregon, within six mouths from the date hereof. Dated this 2Sth day of April, 1881. JOlfN W. PICKENS, 8dw4 Admtn-strsior.