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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1881)
FRIDAY A3PUU1L.LM!, 1S31. farm Sliarden. THE ANTI-MONQPOiy LEACUf. opposition tux uesorouro Tfcc new tori. Trlhunc ami Mr. I'. B. Tfcwr her. Following re copies of the edito rial which appeared in the N&o York Tribune of l ob. 28, 1881, and the able reply of Mr. F. R Thurber! They both speak for themselves and we give them to our readers without comment, except that the Tribune Is owned and controlled by one of the most gigantic iwmojxMlesja the eoiro- TilK LD1TOMAL. conilscrttion of private property, "to truth the public Is not blind, it sees very clearly the im'eeent and grasping i-cUUhno which underlies a great leal Of th agitation about pcnarRCS for corporate sorvlco. How mocli haa the farmer rwiueea his charge for wheat, cotton or ork within tho lift! twenty years V Not a hundred th part as much as tho rail roads huvo rodueed their charges, How much has Mr. JThurbor or any )ther mori'hant cut down tho per eentago of his profits in his charges for merchandise sold ? Not a thous andth's j art as say bho lesst, as telegraph companies Ivave reduced their charge for service rendered. How much has 3ir. Chittenden or any other lawyer cut down his fees for defending a client ? 1 4 there no combination' among lawyers to make logal charges high and legal reme dies alow and costly? Corporations are often grasping aud greedy. Yes, but so are individuals, not rarely, ia every of industry. Io tho long mn the farmor, the mer chant, the lawyer, or the corporation makes the moist money by giving the co at the least Feb. 2:), issi. 'What icallcd the Anti-Monopoly movement made further progress toward defeating itself by the meet ing at Cooper Institute on Monday night. Naturally, those who partic ipated fail "to seo that the meeting did harm to the cause which it was intended to promote. Most of them were sincere and houest ; tho meet ing was large and the conclusion ef thoe who are for the moment incapa ble of seeing both sides of the ques tion involved would naturally be that public opinion had already been strongly aroused, and would by the meeting be aroused still more strong ly, to support some detinite and need ful reforms. Hut the thoughtful observer will perceive tlnjt no clearly defined or rational remedy for exist ing abuses was advocated by the meeting or its spoakers. If he is sincere and large minded, the ob server will also note with regret that steps in the last degree impracticable or unjust were advocated with a reck less and violent spirit, a wanton dis regard of private rights, and an obsti nate blindness as to ultimate conse queaces to tho people as a whole, which better fit the reds and com munists of a bywne day in Paris than the free citizens of the .-o.f gov erning and prosperous United s: It is hard to make narrow re formers undcrstnrjn that extreme measures usually tend to defeat tho cause which tiaev are designed to promote. The ' Native American" could not understand that a few ultra proposals, accompanied byi few vio lent and nnjust acts, caused a com plete revulsion of public feeimg against the movement to re-itrict the influence of forc:ga-born citizens in "public affairs. The greatest reform of the century the abolition of slav erywould never have bsen effected had not the KepubTTcan party scrupu lously conlaed itself to the resisting the spread of that system of labor. The blatant demsgogisni of Kearney, 4pd the violence of his follower com pletely disgusted ' the country with agitation against the importation of Chinese laborers. The senseless and unjust measure adopted by the Gran ger infiuenca caused a revolution against the reform in transportation which reasonable men desired. The intclsiant spirit and inio'.erablo de mands of the Trades Unions, culmin ating in the great railroad stiike and the consequent rhts, aroused all the conservatism jyi Fhe country to resist and put down a tendency which, if jmchecked, could only have ended m the desrtuctien of all rights'of proper ty and the disintegration of civilized society. - ''Alt Black, the chief speaker of the meeting oa Monday, bases his whole argument upon the assumption that railroad corporat ions 'are public public the cost." .V. best scrv V. Tribunet I lilt; kkii.y. tor of lti,e j rnuite To th- Edit lu your editorial entitled "Antic Monopoly,' published iu the Tribune of the 9Sd you say regarding the Anti-Monopoly meeting at Cooper In-tituto that "steps in tho last de gree impracticable or unjust were ad v.nated with a reckless or violent spirit, a wanton disregard of private rights aud an obstinate blindness as to the consequence! to tho peoplo as a wholer which better befit the Hods and Communists of a bygone day in Tari.-n than the free citizens of the self-governing and prosperous United States." I rospectfully submit that the writer of the above lias wholly mis conceived the spirit of that meeting and of the men who wore tho most active in proniotiug if, ami whether this was done ignorantly or willfully the fact is none the less to be deplored. The organization of tho Anti-Monopoly League has been forced upon tho people by abuses iu corpdVato man agement which repeated legislative invt -tL'al ions have pronounced "fully proven," and which the Hepburn Committee termed -'.-kj glaring in their proportions as to savor of Action rather tkan of real history." Anoth er legislative committee baa stated of the railroad management of one of the reputed owner of tho Tribune (Mr. Jay Gould) tlut "it exposes the reckless and prodigal ue of money wrung from tho people to obtain the election of the people's representa tives, and to bribe them when in of lice." Now if there is any truth in these (official reports it a tune thai the American people are stirring to pre serve the principles upon which our system of government is founded. If, on the other hand, there is no truth in them, t-ien, as stated by Judge Black, tho railroad managers are much abu?cd ;: livid ual, and the men who are trying to hold them to some responsibility to the public are ia the highest degree culpable. I respectfully submit, however.that there can be bat one reasonable an swer to this question, and to meet the well fo:i:i led complaints of the public with a comparison of the men who make tbe e complaints to tho "reds and Ct mmunists of a bygono day in Paris" ia to force upon the people of tho United States a disregard for law sad order, which every good citizen must deprecate. In a recent article from tho Graphic, touching x a the objects and purpeses of the Anti Monopoly League, wo find the follow ing : "If we ever have a conflict between capital and labr in this country it wiil be because of tho injustice done the masses by corporate monopolies. It therefore behooves all classes of cit- on unlimited stocks, ami 1 io not think it is a piece of "demagogUm" to advocate "laws to prevent taxing tbo public to pay dividends on wa tered stock." Your comparison ef the merchant, the lawyer or farmer, to the nil road is equally unfair. Neither ef these citizens has been given a public franchise to perform ti public business, and If they had been the law of supply anil demand and of competition, works freely iu their cases, while with railroads it is per thdly inoperative. In the one easo tho welfare of the public is protected by the operation of the natural taws ; in t he other it is not, aud thorofore the railroad and tho telegraph should be subject to regulation in the Inter est of tho .public. 1 have always no ticed that when corporations have been asking privileges from the pah Ue they put forward their public na ture very prominently ; but when It comes to performing their duties te the public they genornlly claim the privilege of private citizens. The Anti-Menopoly League recog nizes lite fact that corioratlons have both their rights und duties, and it proposes as far as possible to see that both aro obsorved. Hoping that the Tribune will bo willing to cooperato to this end, I remain very respect fully. (Signed) V. JJ. Tut km u. Now York, Fob. 2 8, 1881. IIOI oKUOl l HIMs. MAKSit MAI.l.oU I'AHTK. Dissolve oue pound of clean gum arable in ono quart of water ; strain, add one pound of refined migar, and place over the fire, stirring continual ly until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture bus becomo tho conais- tency of houey. Next, add gradu allv the whites of elcht eggs well beaten, stirring the mixture all tlu time until it loses its stickiness and does not adhere to the lingers when touched. The mass may in.w hi poured out into a tin or box, slightly dusted with starch, and when Cool divided into small squares. AP?LE UCMIM.IV.". Good, sour, juiey apples ; pare coro und halve. Make dough as for soda biscuits, adding a little more lard ; then roll out, put in your npp! halves. sweeten to taste ; theneover apple and sugar with dough, lay the dumpling iu the bread pan, smooth side up, first buttering your pan put n small piece of butter on the top of each dumpling and ipriakie a hand full of suirar over all. Unite one hoar. M M Ot:l WlOl t.HKU. TO i'Ktll'AIti: e ; i: vol . A nice way to prepare eabkigo for immediate use is to cut eMMffh Into fine shreds to till a quart di-h ep- per and salt to tasto. Sprinkle over it a teaspoonful of sugar. Into t - thirds of pint of iu2gar put a te; loonful of butter, and let It boll, then pour over the prepared 1 : Cover tightly and send to the table Or preiiare the eabpage v.- a't-ve.only take holf a pint of cream an(t add to It three tablespoonfuls of vinegar, and pourover. JK not heat the cream. Delicious croquettes of rieo ar niiuioi toot Nf.Vi Vouk, April 8. Gov. inland Stanford tf California, received pretty Ircatment at the hands ol the olininher ef ronunercc Hp'cinl cmniuil I f' 11 aithwvr his eluhorato letter on transpoi talioe. 1 hey eiiaracterif net letter as remark able fin huhhus i d' w ie sertion of railroad claimH and lofty eon tempt for the dcciHlona ot our couits. which ran only Hpiing irom coiixciouh- ne.HH ot power, which liurly hans inwue with thote made m hehalt oT the pub lic. 1 11 answer to(ov. Stanford's aMtrr tion that milroada owe no iluliea to the public except hh tnorcliantM, farmerMand laborers, they assert that the courts frOOB l"wet to the highest have ilrt- idod that railroads are public high- a t a ways ami common carriers isnimi to make but reasonable elmrges, aud these without favoritism or disci limitation, lit anawer to fhkt denial, that dia- criminations against communities or in dividuals are practicod by the roads with winch he is connected, they quote Congressman Daggett of Nevada, an Haying that a merchant at Ton no, hat ing a Hpicial coutract, pays $K'J per car loud less fi eight than a no rclian. .ii l'alis;ole, although the can iuge is 129 miles mile more. I'Yeight on boxed eggs from ( gden to Toauo costs ei in 01 00 cents per box, aim! tho aumc number of eggs in the sumo sied boxes of the game weight costs another titan 8fi c uts. A hundred pouudH of squahhia coKts ono man iu freight ?I..H while it contn unothor cents. A cr loud of randies is taken from New Voile to San Kram ix' o for but if loft fct Klko, Gib" mile.t lesndistant, the ehur;,is are cs being the through rate to Stn Francisco and brn k to Klko. itegurdiog the km tettioit that it is i.o worse for rtidi' to contribute to con trol Baaninatiotts or eh-elions thuit tie. t idttals, I hey answer, that wlitl t in principle it t not, iu pr c o it is fitr more tlang'Tttns and objeteionablt. i lating largely aqtuKliou of degree, i us one prVilatory animal is more d it geious than another aecoiiling to its aize and strength. They ehum that dt reconl of the New York Cential iiud shows thst had not that road watered its stock, the public would now te $7ri,HJ0,Oo Irt-tler off, aud .G7,00(l,0 0 of waterel stock ' would not now Is iu existence to aAfd an xctise for far ther taxing the pKsluction and com merce of the country for all time to come. lit i ll hteulittgs have in the KUtt l-i.ii ct'ittah .l.pi'vmiio-nt examples of which are founil in the former manner moot ef the Krie, and New Yuikaad N-s' Haven rniiroails, and they aJd the Central Pacitio Itailroil ' !iijmuv. hae been adepts at these piactices,anl Ibroogu us construction ana finance Co., it litis inflated its obligations t the fillies t irtjssibl" exti-nt. KearJing 4e- oon. iutions of ! cisi. ns of the Sopn w Oomt of the I'nited Stan.- by l'rci- lent BtanfonLthe committee claim it i t aaaltaetO argue. U way, however, they think, account for the recent at tempts to !ucj upon tho Supreme b ! h a pruannrnt railroad at tone v . u?ol in tho face o such utter- icc: it ' loiovcs I! patriotic citizens Zbttluo-'ly p i u l against pr f tu.iat reus' Mtatements. lie said that the fortunes of tbu directors of tbo road wera esti instil at from $29,000,000 to $30,000,000 each, all accumulated with in a few yearn. The charge for certain classes of freight fram Naw York to Han Fratiri-e,. ia2 prt 100 Ilia, and for the sine' freight from New York to Ogdun, H00 mi lea less distance, are 91 HO per 100 I bp. Such charged were anovtragej but they arete no worse than thee a' thin end ef the line. Col. I'redci ick A. ('!. kling, who waH a member of. ! ."-Tth congress which enacted the chatter f the I'nion Pneific road, showed ui the frauds of that organization. Kortbr. Stanford, with forty or I'd y millions ef dollars, made out of robberies ' perpetrated on tlio people, to write sueh a letUir, Btruck the Hpeaker its an act of unparal led audacity- one worthy of Htrongor language than that of thw report. The report ol the committee wni adopted with a whoop, only one member voting against it. it ulroada are acquiring somewhat of membership in th chain her ol commerce. ico President. Blanch :trd of th Ktio company wuh eh eted a member iceiuitly, and Com raisaioricr Albei t Fink waH propoitod today. BOSS PAIN KILLER OF THE WORLD ta int. MBividBi m uummm oil. Th Now Modical Uomlcr ol Ibe l&th Century. 1 UK WONDKUI I h A lit) MS II Kit iY PAIN. A PBCiriC I'OK DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT I Ific ni-i utU.fiUkiiiii Ui rtrUI hu mm huown Mi. imiMli. rain ! l in !tl minMlra. XrltrHlBla fMlltk lupr4l la IS mlMMlr. flrndnrb 'up4 In ft miaul. TMihtrb kiopil ( l-VMilaatr. AJ frrling f iNabifH la la- !! r '.....( la ia in 1 ii hi .. TO BE USED EXTERNALLY. ONEY TO LOAN! To LOAN In LINN and BENTON Counties, IN SUMS OF $300.00 TO $10,000.00, OUST -AI?:E:ROVr:EXD ESTATE 8E- CURITY", ON FIVE YEARS' TIME, liow Interest and Favorable Terms. Wo can negotiate farm loana on property in Lino and better leniiM than have ever been ottered before. oil on Benton Conntiea on STEWART & GREY. HE A RESTATE, LOAjN AM) IN sl'HANr E AGENCY OFFICE-O Toole's Block, ALBANY OREGON AT Til K 1M) KTANl, 72 FIItXT NT1IKKT, HAH AXMOH'i M KNT OK on if anii a.s risr Ah t-'T Ml" alt lrug kll Bl h ... . ... lijT Am kiid dcW In iM4iiiM, HODGE, DAVIS & i-oim.wn. oukoon CO. l'..ll.rtinff tm .,i,c ,,t tkr Urt Ifvn.Wi reai. Tli wttUpf. Mr WslhrffwH , U rl mm UniM, ku.ivii in Oflt I . itlrul Uijulro olJ. W. H rath' ti'ifl & I"., alctr '. OiMOi, IE. lif -o ) I WAH i!ffvrtii( ! tnltniT, mi w'l I tl il rnr Tn lowrtl t'lC 'U I Cf)()K, BOX AND PARLOR 8T0VES AND RANGES, Am an) liouar In the valley, lie a ao Import ami maauiarl am TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE K KVKKY DHHCKIPTTON IN HTlK K OH TO 'KJKR. AIM), MM DaVTM o ilAMi, A FULL ASSOKTMliNTOF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OK WHICH HE Of f Ml TO TIIK POfLIC AT ITIK'KH, THAT IKF TOMI'KTJTION. CALL AT Tl FI1WT STItKKT, ALHANY, OKJWalN. Repair work done at reasonable figures. d. r. araaaaT. JuH.V KofMAV FOSHAY & MASON (Huccmuntrn to John F'wliay.) DKALKflS IS DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC., MALARIAL BLOOD POISONING, Causing Chills and Fever Dumb Ague, Intermittent Re mittent and Typhoid Fevers, Biliousness, Liver, Stomach, and Kidney disorders, and the hoalth and lives of millions, is driven out of the system, and radically cured by the use of tho LION MA LARIA AND LIVER PAD and GANGLIONIC BODY AND FOOT PL ASTER8, tho cheap oct and only perfect treat ment by the Absorption prin ciple. Tho Plasters acting in conjunction with the Pad up on tho nerve centers and re mote parts of tho body, in ab sorbing and thoroughly rid dingth system from MALA RIAL POISON. Tho whole treatment, PAD, BODY PLASTER and FOOT PLASTERS, aU combined, ?o!k! f 2r $I.OO the cheapest iridlio'ArimofiYOor discov ered, irid n rjoitivo cure guaranteed il worn accord ing to directions. Remem ber, Vad, Body Plaster and Foot Plasters, tho whole, SI .OO. Sold by ali druggists, or mailed on roc-iipt ofl price by THC LION MSOICIMC CO.. NEW YORK. Children CR ron Pitcher9 1 j A IJtlU.K .M) FIlEhli STWK 'r ;... .. ai irtikM I tth r lftt I ttia tii.t Ii lt...'il.h "lyhtnltij; UntMK-tit -tl.r rtr.t pllainou I all rir uMm i .UM I Ut irur il I, 4K 0 1 Isniilf. I lux U k a. xut flntl On, Um and it u !) .uffct it.; DRUGS AND MEDICINES 9 rfitUf : in! I Kill, MM i W ui;TiiKltroKl EutbraeInK evwWth..' uua.'l f 'tuul it: a fiit rlu a 11 it 1 1 m or BOOKN JL1S1 STATIOMCRY, made thus: Take out quart of twllcl in at.y imcnt of our jjovernmcit riro (if pofc-iblo boil the ri- .. th - !.ty of rn.-n v.!. t n .rvant t ol great before voa wish to nnkc tltf cr- qucttcs) three eggs ant! a little Mlt If the rice la very molnt put In lotted cracker ; add a very little sujjar. P aorau floor on tho kneading bOftrdj and ilrop a spooaful of rice on thf boani, roll it in a long roll and lr into hot lard and fry a lu fried eakea. KHE.XCtl CL HKAN.T JEI.LT. Mahh and atrain currant"-, aud for servants and trustees.' The common j lZeni and particularly those who have sense of intalli jert and conservative j property, to sustain tho efforts now men instantly rejects the assertien, j being made by reasonable and Intol and la revolted by the conclusion -5 to ijgent citizens to limit the power of which it logically leads. Trustee j men who, to use the words of a com and public servants cannot honestly I mittee of tho United States Senate, make money out of their trust. They "recognize no principal of action but do not invest their own capital. Kv-1 personal and corporate aggrandize ery sensible man knows that buiideri j ment." and owners of railroads never would The principles advocate.! by the have put a dollar of their-own money J League are as follows : into the business, taking all the r'uksj Our principles : Anti-moupoly. which attend any other venture of , We advocate and will support and private means and enterprise in the defend the rights of many as against expectation tat they would lie com pelled to account to th6 pubJe a-i privileges for the few. 'Corporations, the creation of the trustees for the use of their own ! State, shall be controlled bv the State. money, and permitced to take as ! "Labor and capital, allies not eno their profits only such sum ;is puh- i mies justice for both." lie composed of shippers and travel- j To put a construction upon them a ers might be generous enough to give ! you do in your editorial of the 23rd them. Mr. Black's fundamental as-1 ult. is in the highest degree unjust, sumption is a huge falsehood. very j I believe it also to bo unwise and only sober and reasonable man knows that ! to lie explained on the principle that it i, and is moved instantly to re-! 'vhom the ged-j woufd destroy tttey ject a movement baseduon'so shame- j tint make mad." U Messrs. Gould, less an attempt to confiscate te the i Vanderpilt and the: 1 confreres goon State the-priperty of individuals. watering stock, corrupting our elec- Tne resolutions Hil'tptea at this ; lions aud legislatures und drscrimin- meeting demand laws, in effect, as-fating in the managemeot of public Ruining for the public complete con-; highways until the people become . troika nd practical ownership of prop-j desperate, they must expect defcper erty invested by indivmaals in an j ate remedies. If they only knew it, ponest and legitimate branch of bust ness. Laws 'to prevent pooling and comhinatioyis,, though farmers, mer- eacb pint of currant jnlce have ready a quart of nupljerrie: mash the rasp berries in tho currant-juite, lirtcohl; then boll slowly for fifteen minutes, stirring all the time; then straln,pui 00O.OOO of waterl nteck of the lien all back into tho kettle, and to each ,1 y iu:ili; und sflhi.OOO.OOO ot tho pint of sugar add three-quarters or aoaberii I'acltif, Wing n rgggiteof pound or pulverized sugar; noil verj ., ouoouu in ittock vbieb c-wt them ... m .tl f. ! . t I . m . corpoift'. ;r,n wtio ate ttat'ty n iiyiaj-a- tlir WtU thise great corpora'. iohh to tltA ik tritt.i'..t of public interent. la rhtxnM) to the pica thut rath roa'la hhauld h" Iolt h! :ih t inui;g- their o n itfl'airs in thtr own way an 1 t tlcclao what U a reiuoiiablo chrg for erviot repdered, tho committee mpte from 'ongrcwuoan DiggettM ... . II - tfueccu in ti ... ittfl inont-v i-ver juvju'i k holders toward tho construc tion ol thJ UtMMl t actile wan 5l-,-.100, und that thi officially rcjiorted film of the read in is was $18G,- itbV'A '., 111 t byf.t, II. E W E It T , . v -.f Ti".U 1 rJ ) Practical Watchmaker and Jewelsr. Tlx; u. k I, tor, UuK iumi wen n.10.1 A news actui the U.k t K-trii iiu-7l:irn MMMh -. be I M mUti run ui t.m itk Uii tcpartCM:nt, iM.r-. IfVwwvul. WHEN YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US Tl3n37tf irentlv for half an houi until lies, stirring and .skimming. it Jcl- WILLAMETTE MARBLE & STONE WORKS. TO ICKMOVK (Ml KAMI!. Urease may he removed from pa per in tho following manner : Warm frraduallv the nans conttiinintr the grease, and extract as much as ios- ible of it by applying blotting paper. Apply to the warm paper with a soft, clean, brush, some clear, essential oil of turpentine that has been boiled, and then complete the operation ny rubbing ever a little rectified spirits of wine. a hi mi'lk iNsr.cncim-. 5. chants, lawyers and men of every other occupation daily combine, in the exercise of their righ&as free cit- the men who are noAV seeking by le gal and constitutional means to limit their paver andpreventthese abuses, are their best friends, and yet they repudiate the idea that they should submit to any control, and through izen5, to secure a fair return for their j their journals decry and misrepresent ? i x m . - ft I aa t m a. -A. investment of money arid labor; laws to pi-event diaeriminatioi tinst any citizen, though every merchant, ev ery farmer, every lawyer, and every freo citizen in the land, hae the right to charge less for his property or ser vices at wholesale than at retaif; laws 'to prevent paying dividends on wa tered stock' a piece of ddmagogism fit only for persons who are too ignor ant to know that a five per cent divi dend on a stock ef $20,060,000 is pre cisely equal to a ten percent dividend on u stock of $10,000,000, and that no law restrains the merchant, tho :'Hvyer or the farmer from gettiug 20, 30 or even ",o per cent profits in a year upon the capital invested by him in his business; laws -"to regu late commerce among tho several States, Which means,as here applied, anything that the greed and malice of individuals may make it ntean ; ail thee are losely and recklessly demanded by the resolutions, without the slightest attempt to discriminate between proper. measures for the pro tection of the public, and tire widest and most wicked measures for the' all efforts to that end. The Tribune in the above men tioned article suggests thatindecent and grasping selfishness underlies the agitation of the Anti-Monopoly Leigue;'' regarding the statement that the League proposes to advocate laws to prevent paying dividends on watered stock, the Tribune terras it a "piece of demagogism fit only for persons who are too ignorant to know that a five per cent dividend on a stock o" twenty minions is precisely ejiual to a dividend of ten per cent on a stock of ton millions, and that no laws restrict the merchant, the lawyer or the farmer from getting 20, 30 or even 50 per cent profit upon the capital invested by him in his busi ness." This passage i very suggestive. No one will dispute that 5 per cent on $20,000,000 iseqtfal to 10 per cent on $10,000,000; utt If the railroads are content with this, why increase the stock? No ono will find fault with the iaiiroad for. making 10 per cent on its actual cost, but the public do object t paying unlimited dividends oulv tho price ot printing, ami mm hi-h tle-v nrccotnp' iitng the public to . . . t LT J pay tl ru 0 Mr ovni yearly in nvrf denda.. The Southern Pacific has been MBfttrilGtftU siml pual for from tho earn- of the Central racitir, yet the oanetH lasuu .o,tw in hiock a.tu ! in l.'h M-r nolo and churg: such rnt as will enable them to col Ice t iintually 8 or cent on th Ktock and 0 jier cent on tho lainuH. Tbo repo"1 conclmtcs with tho Htute- inctit that great efforts aru lifingtinade by pt-rAonii in railroad interesfa to prove that railroutl conaoii'lation, with all its ncreasc of power in tho hands of a few . 1 - a . e . - i Place a quantity of water.Hufllcient a,en' " m "w "llur1CBl 01 ut" for use in u kettle to boil ; put in all Ynr- the-alum it will dissolve; when lo operating u.oso uiooern tailing hot with a brush apply the waJH uau tt "- ' solution to all cracks, closets, bed- for tinaKirtion, is ,toiutcd to in con- Steads, and other places whero insct. urniaiioii 01 una wieory. 1 our com- are found. Ants, bed bugs, cock- .wlWw w.u roaches and creeping things aro killed proportionate econotny of operating by it, while there is no danger of ,a.r8BU,8in mw "J OI uu rioisoning tho family or injuring the V " ra.troaua are no ex- OTOOertV lucpwuu. nv uiiji vhuiw w .111 kuostinu caki:. I consolidated into a single ftyetem, pco- If you wish lo fmst tho top nf a vided tbaUlie system ih controileU m tbo cake and not the sides, and are trou- public interest ; but as long hs railroad bled by the frosting running over on managers permit gross lavontism and tho sides, take a piece of writing discriminations againat both communi paper and pin around the cake ; set ties and indviduals,solong as they seek by the cake in the heater back of the stock watering anu otuer tiovicis to ob- .'. ,. ..... I . t L.U. il oven or it me oven is noi iuo warm, 1 iam trum iu uuav muio uiu reason- it may be oet In there a few minutes able compensation lor services rendered, to harden. so long as tbey try to porpetuate these abuses by obtaining control of legisla tion, and tho judicial and executive One cup of sugar, six tablespoon- departments of our government, just so fuls of melted butter, two eggs, one long must wo esteem consolidation of cup of sweet milk, tsvo teaspoonfuls railroad power detrimental to,all class of cream tartar, ono of soda, very lit- ess of citizens and ft perpetual menace tie nutmeg, one teaspoonful of salt; to the public welfare ; for it is calcu- mix middling soft, and roll out and lated to redistribute the wealth of the cut with a small, round cutter; fryjeountrv. virtually concentrate the in hot lard. Have readv a small wealth of the nation in a few hands and bowl with a little fine, white sugar in making all others tributary thereto. it. As you tako them from the lard The. report gate rise in tho board to drop them in the sugar and rotl around J an unusally lively discussion. Charles quickly until tho surface has n very Watrous said that he had personal thin coat of sugar ail over it, then lay knowledge of tho truth of Congressman carefully on a plate. Repeat with Daggett's figures. Ho hud been inti- each cake separately, adding 1 little raatoy acquainted with Mr. Hopkins pea u: a is W ill ;u , i mm Us, JfcWCLRl. MUlit H tTKU H 11(1. t III Mlt Ml tMT.M I K. ET . M A N U F ACTU 1 1 R Its HV- fVlARBLE MONUMENTS, HEAD GTOWLS, TABLLTS, MANTELS, CEMETERY CURBIWC, ASl LAH AND COPING, BASES FOR GARDEN FOUNTAINS TILE FOR WALKS, AND ALL KINDS OF WORK IN STONE. Castogia Xotbcr like oad Pty-icin - IT 13 NOT HARCOTi. . UaaHaaSaaHBK! CENTAUR IA K1 M 1 tho "World'a rcat Pain-2Io-licving remedies. They heal, soothe and ruro Burn:;, vVounrts, Viak Back and lUicumatiitm upon 31 an, md Sprains, Galls and Lanionc s jcpon BeaKtH. Cheep, rah-:; ;iad reliable. CPTJH.T3 of Hag H H-cts, S aW CnvcTtl;ng Pair.:, in Ca IZsnd., Fetid Breath, IocTr.o , -j'd osxy Catarrhal Camj "cin' , be cxtermlaatad hy Ifc cd Do - t'i Catarrh Core, a Coastl . -: I Astidote, by Absorp ho snoct Importaatt Dia-cevt-v ciaoo Vaoeinatioa. DR. SPINNEY MB, II KaUiaUiKY STREET, Sun Frarn:iaco, (alif'iKiia, TrvtMl. all i Itrnu.r ud jrijil nt W Kepairin of Watches. Clocks, and all kinds of Jewelry a Specially. lll.aiM. ...... ttrrsun. JAMES DANNALS, til-AI.RH IX A". 1 MAM AlTt'M Of SOLID WALNUT BEDU00M SfTS Harblr and VTaad Tap. Aft wo tret onr'Marble ilMBl from tho Hutlanl tjuarrios aul MUIm iu Vennout, and hiiv ,. it Mtiiwt!! wiili (Mr,.. w .-an insurti rustoiiHTs ;in- in st ol mar i ie, as expen !.- cra aay that Vermont marblo la better than any 1uiporfol frorn foreign cotuitriea. lliivlnjr Junt rtvlvoi wvoral un m niariuc, ami nm more mi i m? wj, wr onVr extra InduoomonU to thoao wanting work. Onlors man part of tho tata pronilly attomled to, anl all work warranted as repreenieu. fl o naro uooanvasra out for work except thoso having their cmlentialfi from us. . . , . 1 fl I i l. . . A O JaVHnop and otks i-oruor Dot'onii '" ramwuim ouww, .-uihh , "nvm. vl&nStf Wi OOD A OO. MARX BAUMGART HAS JUST OPKNKD OCT A Parlor Sola and Loungea, Mar- L. 110 3' StOfC Die Top uenter-raDies, Spring Bods and Mattresses, WALNtT, MAPLIi ASD OAR BRACKETS, Aodankluaffol UbnluoM. 'linlr. Ilrtlead. Kilrntlon Ta blr, Mnil. and i'anry Menldlnft, Klr. I iiit. n.l to kwii errrvtliiii',' In the funilturt llnr. and will tinrm- t-t'ffr"'-"' to nil h will tl! ui mo t Mill. Ilri. k. JtllM llaN.NALM. KRKPS OOWBTAim.T ON II AND THE FINEST BRANDS OP WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACC 0 & C16AR.8. The Celehmted ML I.onla STONEWALL WHISKEY, Tlie flneat whlHkey In the Slate. Whiskies, French Iliaudie. Sherry, Fort, Claret, and all other kinds of wines, 01a, Ale, Beer, and I'oiu r. A BARGAIN ! Valuable Property for Sale. a wi . arowa (owaaad . oj.ii BitteTs of every kind, and the best ftPUU rWxl. Ym can tfw ih$ i.umii rial hrftnitm nf fnhni'on nnil 'iftrft lth.)utx.ri.w. ..i.M.rtiiiilty ever MltiU BlftnUS Ol IUU1( .111(1 I lrtHI. SNOW IJAL1.S. tor tbwo wlllitiBT t w..rk. YU ulioulil try iK.tlituK elic until you mhi !r ..tirw!f whui you cab do at Ui buitinuM we offer. No room to exiiltiiu here. You can unvote all our lime or only y m npitre time to tlio )iuiiiAuM, ami make i rat y for every hour you work. i linen maku un much an men. Menu lor ejav vial private inrnw ainl rtUularN, which we aiall ft-ro o mitnt free, iiou't coniiHaiu oi nam unui wiave mi iiau micli a cliaiioe. AMurrnn II. HAbLaTr oY CO., l'ortlaml Mainn tal TIIKALDKN fRUIT DRYER, Including the building and lots uKn which it ia aituatod, ia &r aale at a bar irain. There are two drvers and they mn ha sold afirmratelv. This is a enod on- - - r a l-portunity for fruit raisr5i to aocure the boat dryer made, at a low price. The lots are Tory valuable lvine on the Hver front, and having a railroad switch Yuuning by them. It is a aood locatiou for a custom llouriitg mill, foundry, or any auvli buinoas. Vot further particulars call cn the Pn-sL ilent or Secretary of the Company. G: F. CRAWFORD, L. C. Rick, President. Scu-otary. SO or t in f iv it. ri i:ki. hiu ff. U of T.iutliirJ i t hamiettua. will d c;l U aTiAl ttRiiisdttM . ! Una. thccrvaxet lm rtr laid at Vhe ahar of eufieriiAjf hu-. anity. UR. BruiKKI will (ruravu to lurfatt ftu-vaor c ii:iioal. wcakiMwt or nrivale iaftl ai auy kind xmna which he uiidtrtAkc aiMi U. j U ci.n. H1DDLE-ACKO MK. There are many at the are of ihiny flrwV. are tnnibled with W frequent eradiation oi the btJ urr, often aocoaipanied by a alight amarUny n hunui: aetMatien, am! a w eakening ol the eysteai in a manner the twliriit eaiiina aceount lor. On urinary depwu a ropy wuiaMat will often be t aimI eutneume email jar.irif!. ,.i AiKiuutu wui i .r the color will be a thui aaanaa hoe, ayabi eftai ing to a dark and V. .rjml a(arance. There are many tea who die of this difficulty ignorant of the eanar. which to the eerood Ktage of eeminal weaknaA. l. will jruaranlor a rfi l rant in all such ftfft and healU'.y reetoraliou of the jfruii to- urinary oryau. Una lloca 10 to 4 and fl to S. Sunday from toll a. a. Conawaalioo free. Thorough esamijiatit and nlvht, ftb. For iwi Tate dieaeii of ehnrt ataiuiirtr a fall -ore of g edicine enffictriit f.r a cure, with ail uivtnvtiuns, will be aeat to any addrvea on receipt of 910 00. Call and addreea, DK. SnNEV Jt CO.. 14 Jdvl No. 11 Kcarnv M. San rrancbx, t'aj To the Unfortunate! Vll.LAKD IIOUMK. Ilnlaey, Oreeon. A- LOUBNER, - Proprietor. 1 want everybody to understand IU I have opened out a llrst-class now Ho nor stoats Where city and country deal ers can procure their stocks at rortianu prices, with only irourht added. Rooms on tho corner of Front ftnd Ferry Streets, Albany, Oregon. 2Rtf. C. O. CHKKKY. O. H. I'Vlh'KS. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, aud Iron Founders. fresh sugar occasionally. ThousandH of soldiers and heirs aro en titled to pensions, with payment from datef1 of discharge ar death, u applied lor hciatc January 1, 1880. Wound, accidental in jury or disease entitles to a Pension. Bounty and back pay collected. Increase of Pension secured. This firm established in 1866. Address, enclosing stamp, ED SON BROS., U. S. Claim Attorneys, 711 U Street, Washington, U. C. Ammen's Cough, Syrup never fails t cure if used in time and according to di X ectjops. who owned half as much interest iu the iRntral Pacific construetiftn company as Gov. Stanford, and who left, when lie died, from $23,000,000 to $28,000,000. Of this, $5,000,000 in govenuent bond, that nobody knew anything about, was found stowed away iu an old stocking. Hopkins was a good hardware merchant, but ceuld hardly tell a locomotive from a canal boat. Of the eight original directors of the road only five were present when they went into the scheme. John F. Henry corroborated Ir. Wat- ITHH EI.KUAST NKW HOTEL. JUST HOW cjmploted, will bo opened about July lf.U, : It ia cuimtrui'tud on tho iinmt lumlfrn ami cunvenient 1 1 in, ban a tiim aamplu r i capecially arraii(red for conmiurmi uavuiom, ami the Ubio will bv BuppluHl at an tunc, wan pntii lueulH. vi m "Kft WfBbutilncM lutw lii f.iri-Hii; public. Yoll MB M J3 SL can inakii iniuii v faster at work for ua tnun at anyiluiiir elno. Capital not riuiitrcil. o will Ntart you. -1 '. (lay ami 11 iwunln niailo at hoiue bv tjif. I it. I ri. IIIJ LI.... ...... .W..1 I....'U l.i.l. .. I oratywaara t. work Cor u. Now it the Ume. You kiiU Machinery, aud all kinds of Iron can uevoto your whole time to tho work, or only your and nrass Castings. Njiaru imitnumti. otnor DiiHincnH will pay younear Jy aa well. No 0110 willing to work can fall to maka cnarmouH pay by onainjf at onuo. Coatly outfit aud tonus free. A groat opportunity for making money uaMiiy ami Honorably. Aaarowi 1 uu r & Co., Augusta niame. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle ail kinds of heavy work. We will mamilacture steam KnirineM, t i 11st and PATENTS. F. A. Lohinann, Solicitor of Amorlcan and Forotgti l'atcnta, Washington, I). (J. All huainesB couneoted with I'atenta, whether before the Patent Ottiee or the Cou rta, promptly attended t). Ho chargo made un- loc a pater t w eecurcd. Send for elrcular. 17 IMTTKKVis M4DK OK SHOUT NOTICE. Special attentien given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry fc "White Grain Separator. Shop on Baker gt.-Otn nt LuiuImt Yard. Albany, Or., Dec. 1, 1880. 181 DOAA A MONTH iraarant-icd UV )l ff made by the industrioua quired ; we will start you. D ATCilTC Hiater, Solicitor of rA I Ell I Oa Patents, (117 Seventh St., or Cox 2l. W. milium.. u, D. C. . No fee required unluaa Pat ent ii obtained. Send for circular ging terms, Ac i stabUshed 1870. $U? a day at home Capital not re Men, women, boys and KU'la make money faster at work for ua than at any thlnic else, The work ia light and pleasant, and such as anyone can go right at. The who are wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at onoe and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms. Now i the time. Those already at work are laying up huge sums of money. Address TRUE & CO., Auirtut Maine. BSaSBBBBBBBBsHlfe ''.' b.SBBHSaBsMKvVl DR .GIBBON'S Dispensary. (rATKNTKO JUKI 13TB, 187&) FOR SALE BY fox, ibttim: &co. Attention, Horsemen ! CAl.LAVQOIA CHIEF, owiih! liy 'Ceo. t ih liran. will make the ensuing MjSfion in this county at the foN low in; raU a : biuule leap, $5 ; season, $10 ; insutauee, $15. This line stallion is of a brown color, l (.'., hands high, and weighs about'Heo tbs. He is trentie, a crood trav eler, a splendid farm horse, and can show une colt. His sire was a Clydesdale aim Tigor Whip, aud his dam combined the blood ol Vermont, Trinoleon and Priater.. vl6n34tf NEW BARBER SHOP ! J. i. SURLES, Pmp'r. A aud GOOD SEA FOAM SHAMPOO goes with each shave. Prices lor sua ving hair-cutting same as usual. Kooms opposite Moll wain's store. lOtf t?03 KEIftST ftftt., ,) corner of Com mar tial Street, ban Prancibae. KsUt.litied iu IKM. for the treatment of Suxual and m'uwl 1'.cjs, fcarh S (.i.iiri '.u . .!t f. e Slrlrlnrr. ?rlill u nil ..ilU foltUf, IMJp(cMrt. araaiaal Wcakar. n;tiu I. -.- drtavsaa, i-im-plea uu the face and km ot ntaulid oati i J iclf be cured. The sicft: and effik'ted slioul-l asa Mi lo sail upon him. The Doctor bai trarelrd eatenkivciy ia Kurope, and iiiKi ti tbt.roiibly the iiru ui hoil tals thr, obtaining a great dt-al f vitluulle iif.nua Unn, which he iso.niprtent to imxt to thute in k4 of Ms serj liem DK. UlKP.oN will" make i. cWya unlaxs he efft ct a curr. rVrus at a .hiUixv HAT KK ( IKliD 4T NOME. Ail I isftaftlisltsiiil strictly eonftdential. You see no .w Uut the tMnr. Send ten dollarn for a lx-kat? vt mtxiieinc. Iraai wriUug to the iVK-tor will please 4ate U.c uaim ol fhc pajier tliey see this Miertiseaient in. I barer raa aonahle. Call or write. AdAratw UU. J. F. UIIinoN, Box 1957, San Francisco. i4S MfdmW Wh GkfSat eaaswe ta make :.... ney. We ."FaLi sLFanoiti a parson in crj town lotaka subscriptions for the largest, r-heapssa aid Ws,t illus trated family publication in the world. Any one van become a succeaefid asent- Six cU-gant work d art giveu free to subscriber. The price Is so low that al most every bod v aubscriftca. One ajrclit -r. t;.k ing 120 suDwrthers in a day. A iady agent reports nmkihgover S200clear pr.-fit iu tea days. All who engage make nmner fat You cun devote all yr Ume to the bu."i. i, or your spare time. Y.u need not be away from home over uijl.t. You cn do it aa well as others. Full directions aud tertna free. If you want profitable work scud us your address aft once. Jt costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages fsils to make treat par. Address Gro. Stixsos Jt CO., Portland, Maine. Sly ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON. MRS. C. Hull. - . - Proprieloj. This House has been thoroughly renovated i..u top to bottom, and is now iu splendid uonditiou for the eutertainmcnt ot tra voters. Tlie :aNc ia supplied with everything the mar ket afforda. Sample rooms tor oommarciai men. Corvallls, Lrbaaaa and Italia Siagr tMRrr. vtSatU every 1. but kQQQ Can't lie made by every' a" 9FaFaF mouth in the business t iu those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own localitiet. Have no time to explain here. Business pleasant and bonorabie. Wo-me-n, and boys and girls do as well a ait-u. We will furnish yoa a complete outfit free. We will boar ex pense of starting you. 1'articulars free. Write aiid see. Farmers and mechanics, their sous and c'au-h-ters, and all classes in need of paying work ai home, siiouJd write to as and learn all about the work at once. Adirees Tsra ft Co., Aagasta, Maine. I i