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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1881)
lie gcttwrat. FRIDAY. .APllKlL 22, 1881. STEWAUT & OBEY, Miter and Proprietor. O. A . it. n. TIME TABLK. Allmnjr Station. lr.iim i Kt: k imOHt CM'XP NORTH. au NfKFsx mrtest r.:30 A. M. i:tJ A. M. it 4fi A. M. LfcM P. M. Mtr.U.UT TRAINS M AM. TRAUf i Arrwr at Indiana at OCM SOt'TH. t Arrive t V IVuarU X. MU. TRAIN - 11:45 A. M 12:0ft If. M. . 3:30 V. M. 8 32 P. M. KRK!t;HTTIlUX ALBANY KXt'KKSS Arrivrnat Tt BiSM dally, c rr laj . WILL. U. RICK, SUUon Ajrcnl. THIS PAPER ?Slrjp ssmtrsote may to aMk for U IN NEW 01fcK. Iiusocleauing. F. M. French, jeweller. Several shower t:s week. Flue weather for tiie farmers. Advertising is the best policy. Kead Ur. C. A. Plummer s ad. Ml kind cf spectacle at Preach 's K . sad Vox, Kauui and Cos aL this week. Services j t the H.iptUt Church next Sua day. Ooin; Eaatiug tin to Wiley B. AHcu for tot, See Foshay and Mason's now ail. this weds. For your celluloid jewelry go to F. 11. French's. A Irst-claM liuc of gr.cerirs. at Conrad Meyer's. The st re its have been quite ltvuly for sev eral days. Call at Dr. 1'lu miner's and hear the now music box. Njw goods weekly at th Fanners' and Mechanics' Store, Tae Oliver Chilled Flow is the best plow -for dry ground. Beitieldj and Irving earry a tine line of cigars and tobacco. Celluloid to'lars and cuffi at tho Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. Some of our church lel'.s need putty to stop the cracks in them. Impo) ted Swiss cheese, the genuine arti cle, at Conrad Meyer's. Mr. Gua I .ay ton ius bad the water pipes laid into his rcsideuce. Blain has the new ixdkadot handkerchiefs. They arc new and nobby. Plant of regetablee in the groceries, and butter and t-g$s cheaper. Vresh doughnuts and cakes every day at Conrad Meyers if tar Bakery. Every successful business man in tbs city advertises m the Dx:Ax rat. L. E. Blain has jest received a fine in voice of its for spriug wear. '. B. Montague has the leading mercan tile establishment in I-cbaaou. I ar0'e : -cLs of wdd geese have boen pass ing northward for several days back. Fjsh&y and Mason have a fine display of archery goods in their shew windows. 25 pieces of plain mohair dress goods at 12 .J cents, at Monteith and Saitenbacb's. L. L. Blain has received a lare lot of ram's hosiery, which he is offering very low. Dr. O. Willis Pr.ce, dentist, office in Odd Fellow's Temple, over Flummer' Drug Store. The Democrat subscription list increasetb, and ye editorial heart is gladdened thereby. Subscribe to the "lUtutraied Waft," the most readable Journal on the Pacific Coast All goods represented, and we stand by our advertised prices, at Plummet's drug store. Mr. F. M. Rc-ln 1 1, of Kedfiold and Ir ving, "too'i rater" of the water works last week. C. W. OsLora has a Sue line of base ball goods and crcjuet sets cheap. Call and see them. Oue hundred dozen linen cuffs and collars best m?.kr-s and 'owcet pricer, at L. E. Blair's An elegant stock of Lisle thread and silk gloves in all colors and sizes at Monteith and S.iten bach's. 100 doz. men's and bey's plain and fancy socks opened this week at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. Weet, the butcher, keeps only the best quality of meats. All kinds of fresh meat constantly on han-.l. Mr. John A'.thouse appreciates good water an I hereafter will take it through a Bine from the water works. A new invoice f walking shoe, sandals and slipper just received this week at Mon teith and Seitcnbach's. The shew windows oa First street are a tempting sight just now with all the new goods nicely displayed. The base ball match last Monday between the Salem and Albany boys resulted in a had beat for the Albany boys. Brocaded and plain silks, fringe and giiop cord aud tassels, in all colors, for dress trimmings, at Monteith and Saiten bach's. The largest and best assortment of school books aud stationery in the city is at Foshay and Masou'a. They make tho lowest prices. A, T. Arnell has been giving his fine resi dence on Broad sifcia street a new coat of paint, improving its appearance considera bly. The Reyi'tcr has removed to tho second tory of the Burkhart brick on First street, over the store formerly occupied by J. Grad wohl. Look out for tho advertisements of Ignatz Fox next week. He says he has been buy ing new goods too, a. id is expectinj them soon. Mr. Geo. F. Simpson says the water works beverage is strong enough for him, and has had the pipes laid into his residence en Second street. Tickets fer the entertainment at the Pacific Opera House, by Mrs. D. F. Smith, on Mon day evening next, can be had at Wiley B Allen's BookStor. We :;eard cf strawberries ripening en the south side of Knox's Butte last week, and two feet of snow in a Vermont town. Har rah for'Oregon w eather ! Foshay and Mason have received between four and five tons of freight the pst week and have one ef the largest stocks of paints, oils and drugs in the valley. Head Monteitn and St itenbach's locals this week. They l ave one of the finest stock of goods in the city aud our readers would do well to call and inspect it. 0. B. Montague, of Lebanon, has just re ceived an immense stock of general merehan dise, and our readers in that vicinity will do well to see him and get prises. Beaeensfield may be dead, but the Star Brewery is still in operation, and continues t make the best beer in the valley. Its reparation is constantly increasing as ene of the most pleasant and healthful of summer boveragos. j Lidies', misses', and children's linen mo hair ulsters at Monteith and Seitcnbach s. Shirts, handkerolfiefs and nook wear, tho largeM stock and lowest prices, at Blaia's. C. B. Montague's General Store, Lebanon, is tho place to go for good goods and low prioea; Sines the arrival of his rocont purchases Plummer's show windows attract much at tention. New French pecale, ohoviot ati calico shirts just received at the Farmers' and Me- chanios' Store A beautiful stock of ruchiuge, collarettes, neckties and silk handkerchiefs at Monteith and SciteB bach's. , For archery goods go to Foshay and Ma son's. They have n fine stock of those goods and in groat variety. Our city is beginning to appreciate the on- terprise of Messrs. Crawford and Foster ia establishing the Albany Water Work. County Treasurer Brno says the school fuad apportionment for March is 91.67.9 per oapita aad the report heretofore published is incorrect. The affable, amiable and ecoeniplUhed Geo. Settleinier is now opratig i the overall's department at tho Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. A little sister of Jo Haalitt had the mis fortune to run a fish book into her finger one day this week. She suffered considerably from it until it was removed by Dr. HUL Samuel H. Young haa received this week direct from the manufacturer in Massachu setts, a fall line of' men's d boy's br tgans and plough shoe. Perfect dirt excluders. Mr. Eugene Bucbaasn has ordered one of the improved self propelling farm engines. and it will be her soon. They are said to be one of the host inventions for the farm ever patented. Peter and Sox have just received a large invoice of Diss ton's new patent hand saws. Carpenters will do well to call aud examine then, as they are tho best saw ever brought to this market. The enterprising harness and saddlery turn of Kubarta and Dubrnill are making ar rangements to introduce a patent saddle bora which they claim is the best thiag ef the kind ever invested. The Oliver Chilled Plow will run aud do good work in dry ground who a stool plow cannot be kept in. They are just the plow vou want for summer fallowing. For sale by Samuel E. Young. Ladies should call and examiue Monteith and Sei ten bach's hosiery department They have all that is new and novel, and their stock of ladies' and children's French hose is unequaled in the city. Samuel E. Young has one of the lending establishments of the Willamette Valley, aad judging from the crowds which fill his store 'daily the fact ia well known to the citisena of Albany and vicinity. The Calapooia bridge ia now open to the public. Messrs. A. S. Miller and Sea, of Portland, were the contractors, aad the work is well done, and was finished on time and according to agreement. C. B. Montagu, of Lebanon, ha an ad vertisement in this week's Democrat, to which we wish to call the attention ef our reader. Mr. M. is a live, enterprisisg merchant and ia building up a fin trad. Perhaps but few of our citizens are aware that tho largest plat glass windows in the state are those in she Odd Fellow's Temple, iu the store occupied by Dr. Plussmer. They are 71x156 inches, and coat about $200 each. Samuel E. Young haa just received direct f rem Philadelphia large stock of huUoo' mieses' aad children's Jfine shoe. Those are first olaaa goods and warranted to give satis faction. Call and got a pair of Dunbar a shoes. Messrs. Hoffman and Joseph are moving into their bow quarters ia tho Foster brick, on tho north aide of First street They will be in a shape for bnsiaea by Monday next and will have oue of the neatest stare in the city. The Herald is a hatter paper this weak than usual Wolverton, Pottinger, Wilkin son and Co., together with the other "powers behind the throne," of tho Jlfahd office will get up quite a paper if they keep at it long enough. The new vault at the Court Hons now contains the county records, having been com pleted last week. It is very convenient aud those who have occasion to refer to tie roc ords say they can do the work one-third faeter than before. The surveyors are at work on the exten sion of the O. and C. K. lb, which, we are informed is to be pushed through to a junc tion at Beddiag,Cal., with the road there and we shall soon have direct railroad connec tion with California. We understand Mr. Foster intends mak ing some improvements on the brick store occupied by Monteith aud Seiteabach, in tho way of raising the floor and putting in a new front, etc. It wilt greatly improve the ap pearance of the place. Deputy Sheriff J. N. Duncan, of this city, went to Scio last Monday with seme execu tions against tho Narrow Gang Railroad, and levied on an engine belonging to the company. Wo understand however it waa soon released, as the suits were all appealed. There has been a great demand for croquet sets this week. Flummer sold out the first lot brought on, in n few days, ordered anoth er and aold out that, and yesterday tele graphed for more. This time he haa ordered some fine sets and buying in large quantities can sell cheaper than ever. rlummer s Uondition l ew&era ler boraea are meeting with a large and rapidly increas ing sale. They are put Bp in packages near- y twice as large as any other powder, and ar recommended by those who use them to be ef better quality and mere efficacious than any other powder in the market. Keep an eye out for the One Price Baz; r advertisement next week. They are expect ing a Urge stock of .goods which bare bee purchased at prices low enough so they can be sold 25 per cent cheaper than at any eth er store in tho city. Their stock will com prise all kinds of general merchandise. Wm. Foley, who used te canvas and col lect fer the Portland Standard, is reading law with Col. Kelly, cor. First and Stark street, Portland. He has also established a general collection agency, and any ef our readers having collecting te do should give Foley a trial, for ho is both efficient and re liable and "catches them" almost every time. We beg pardon. Ia making a suggestion to Brother Pottinger, of the Herald as to the best method of stopping tho fire-bell clapper we had no intention of becoming funny. He haa misunderstood us and we are very sorry. We hope the Herald read ers will forgive ua. It has started that pa per's clapper, which is a worse nuisance than ringing the fire-bell twice a day. Mr. Eugene Buchanan is the agent in this city for the celebrated Studehaker wagons. These wagons enjoy a reputation almost world wide, and are manufactured expressly for farm purposes, with every isnproyeraent that can possibly add to their utility. It ia probably safe to say they enjoy the reputa tion of being the best wagon ever offered for sale iu this market for ail farm purposes MICIHTV M FFKKOS II. NOT. H. Archery. Mine Ribbon Club meeting to-night. Mr. R. A. Foster waa in Portland lent week. Judge K. 8. Strahan is home again this week. 0. E. Wolverton, Esq., visted Portlaud one day this week. ' Miss Emma ltogere returned to Corvallis Sunday last Mr. Tom Buferd, of Corvallis, was in tho city last Friday. Mr. Joseph Nil en was in tho city last week on business. Mr. D. M. Cooper, of Salct., was in the city Saturday last Mr. John M. Scribwr, of Salem, was iu the city Monday last. Geo. W. 8ill is now one of the accomodat ing clerks at Mcllwaiu's. Mr. Fred Blumberg is waiting on Phil Cohen's customer bow. Judge F. A. Chenowith, of Corvallis, spent last Monday in the city. Wid. Bllyeu, Esq. , gets away with tho modal at the archery matches. Judge Baldwin made hlalsey a visit last Saturday. He ia getting better. Mr. Julius Joseph, of Hoffman A Joseph, spent a day in Portland this weak. We were glad to notice Mr. E. A. Parkrr on the streets again after his illness. Mr. K. K. Montague, of Jefferson, regis tered at the St Charles last Monday. Mr. John laom, of Ballard, Isovn and Co., ia viaitidg east, and Is new in Virginia. Rnsnoiaber the entertainment at the Pa cific Opera Bouse Monday eveuiug next Mr. Geo. Settlemier is now with J. M. No lan at the Farmers' and Mechanics' atom. The subject at tho next Sunday afteraooa meeting of Y. P. C. A., is Luke, Chap. 1.1, ver. 24. Mr. Willie Webber, Miss Ida Webber and Miss Annie Mansfield, visited Corvallis last SuBtlay. Mr. Ohas. Monteith, of the firm of Mon teith and h. visited Salem last Tnesdsy. Mr. Cheadle returned from Corvallis last week, where she hss been attending a sick daughter. The name ef J. M. Jfolan, of Dublin, Ire band, was on the Revere Mouse register last Monday. Ef. M. Brown, of Brownsville, passed through the city last Wedoeaday on his way to Ft Hall. Wiley B. Allen says he will sell the re ceipt for that bait if tho boys will make dp a purs large enough. Rev. Joseph Emery, of Vorvallis, will preach at St Paul's M. K. Church aext Sab bath, at 1 1 o'clock, a. m. Mr. Levi West has obs of the finest turn outs ia the city, and "West's poutm" make qaito a sensation on the street W. H. Taylor, Esq., of Portland, v. as la tho city Monday last on business connected with the Harrow Gauge Railroad. Mrs. D. V. Smith, of Oakland, Cel., the gifted elocutionist, roads at the Opera House in thia oity Monday evening neat Mr. D. P. Mason, of Foshay and Mason, attended the funeral of Alexander Summer ville, at Harris burg, last Saturday. County Clerk M. Beam returaed from San Francisco last week, where be has been raakiag parchaes for Fox, Baum k Co. Mr. John C. Hamilton, t this assy, will start for Europe sooa in the interest of the Albany Twine Pa-tory,to buy machinery, etc. C. D. Burkhart La lyta very ill at his residence. Hon. J. K. WeatherfArd was called out oao day last week to draw his will. Mr. M. D. Ballard, of Ballard, laom and Go., left the city last Tuesday oa a trip of several days, taking in Portland aad Astoria. Judge C. B. Bellinger, of Portland, for merly one of the editors of tho Dbmocuat, was ia the city Tuesday and Wedaesday last. Mr. A. McKinnie. of Portland, the en torprising General Agent of the Pacific Mu tual Insurance Co., is in the city on besi- Mr. S. Seiteabach, of Mouteith k, Set ten- V....K r.kiran.1 tut itb.. m nlua Iris wan.n vm swvpsj mmmr v w , a srsvt sw BysossBuveBS w we av to Trtaco, selecting spring goods for th firm. Messrs. Terrell Bros, are honscktcpiu',., having rented 1. F. Coan'e pleaaaut residence en Lyon street. Miss Bessie Turroll pre side. a Mr. A. Deckard left the sity Msmds last for The Dalles and Heed River ou a visit to hut daughter. He will be goue a week or ten days. Miss Delia Burkhart, who has been in the city fer some week visiting Mrs. Una Lay ten, returned to her home near Iebanon last Wednesday. K. K. Skipworth, K4 , left tbe eity last week. He will probably locate somewhere in Waahingtou Territory. I any, Skipwortb, we wish yon good lock. Messrs. Horn and Busnilly, the new pro prietors of the Albany Twine Factory, wer ia tbe oity this week house banting, aad in tend removing here sooa. Miss Rova Alexander returned to the city last week from he father's, where she hss been visiting. Sbe was too ill to attend the Teachers' Institute at ncio. Emanuel Cohen, sen of Phil Cohen, left last Friday fer San Francisco, where be will reesain for the purpose ef making purchase for his fathers' hasineaa here. The ladies of the Congregational Charsh are to held a sociable at R. N. Armstrong's residence Friday evening, April 29tb. .A plsaaaat time may be expected. Boater says Mr. Coll. Van Cleve is te have a hand ia the Herald management. Mr. Cell Van Cleve aaya rumor ia a bat Van's language was too strong te quote. Co.nei!min E. K. Piero ia able to ke abo it again, tbeu;. i ot stitirely recovered. It w 1 be touie time yet before he will be able to meet with the City Fathers. There will be services at the Baptist Chorea next Sabbath morning and evening at the usual hours, hy Rev. A. J. Hansaker. A cardial invitation is extened to all. We u sder stand Wolverton, the milk man, is to supply his eld customers the lacteal f nid agaia seen, Th Cnlapeoia bridge being ia order he can new oroaa ever all right Last 8abbath being Easter Sunday the services at St. Peter's Church were unnsn ally interesting. The church was beau tif nil y decorated with flowers and crowded fall Qeerce Hardy thinks of going into the sewer business. He labored on the Odd Fellow's Temple sewer awhile ene day last week and thinks he would like the bastness. Albany baa more handsome girls fer its size than any town in the state. We expect oar exchanges will object to this, but we will swear te it, if th girls will stand by us Hon. J. W. Nosmith was ia the eity Mon day last fer a short time. Ho looks as healthy as when here last, describing tho "pore cassedness" ef certain candidates fer flic, Albany is te havo a rare treat ia tha way of an entertainment hy tbe well known and gifted elocutionist, Mrs. D. F. Smith. She will read at th Paoino Opera House Mon day evening next, April 25th. She reads at Corvallis Saturday evening. The Band contest at Dallas cumn off tho 3rd, aud 4th, oi June. Tho Albany baud hoys will take a hand. Wiley B. A Hi i) received last Tuesday from tho publishers the now iiiisculluuoous book for the college. They will be put into the library there at once and will form quite an addition. From the Dkmoi it a r ef April U, lHSO, ous year ago, wo clip the f el lowing: "Some ef the tho osedustera to Eastern Oregon nre return iug to Webfoot their first love. Twos evnr thus I" Albany migration te the aoa coast aud mountains will probably lie unusually lrg this Mummor, and hotels at tho various ie aorts are making arrangements for a gvod aoaaeu's business. The social on Tuesday evening last at Mr. H. Fliadt's waa a very pleasant affair aad well atteudud. Tho ladies netted quite a little sum, and everybody oujnyed them selvos thoroughly. Geo. Piper, of Salem, sou of District At torney Piper, and formerly with Fox, Haum aud Co., was in the city this week. Me is attending sobnol lu Salem. Johnny Webber took his place with Fox, lUum and Co. It N Armstrong, Esq., of the 0. It. 4 N. Co., was in tits city Isst week visiting his family. He haa just returned from quito an extended trip to Raateru Oregau aad Idaho Territory, in the interest of iNocemnany. A letter from Priusville says A. Hackle man and N. Price arrived there safelv last w.i h, but wiug to the bridge being washed out were obliged to go up the rivor to An dersen's crossing, ami were there ferried aeroaa. A committee from leitb our locul lodges ef A. O. U. W. met last night to appoint an evening and make arrangements for a socia ble, to come off in the near future, under the auspices of the order. A good time may bo expected. Them was a very ;'Ajiaut social dauco in the ...... Templars Hall over Monteith and Sniluiibach a store, last Friday evening. About a dozen couple of our young people participated, ami everything passed off nice ly. Messrs. Oakley and OOM hiraished the music. Tbere is to be a grand time among the 1. i an Ceaaty range on Wednesday, June Sth, the oceasioa being a picnic to be held at I.ehanna on that data. It is expected that it will be ono ef tho largest pumice ef the season. Onr tirangics kaow how to get up a good time, aud if wo don't go it wdl bo be cause the walking is Bot goad. The L 0. 0. F. grand ansiversary enter taiameat an tho ocoaatcB of the sixty second anniversary of American Odd Fellowship occurs ia Purtlsnd oa Tuesday evening nest, April 2tlth. The jn-oeoeds .ill g to the benefit ef the Odd Fellow 'a Orphans' Home aad Educational Food and a grand time is expected. '1 he Dkmocrat ackaowloJg the roccipt ef an invitation. Dobtlea maay of our Albany Odd Fellows wilt at tomb We were the recipient of two large bou quets ef most fragrant wild flowers hut Wedaesday, presented by the little daughter of Major Jehasou. Many thanks, Mus Mag gie. Your tJjwrrs bring into tbe vtn'tu n a toaoh af nature, aad pnil aid scissors are idle while w indulge in a momentary dteam of the eld school boy days when we rambled through fields and woods and galh ered wild fir were and the glad, happy hours paaaed by care -f roe and jnyou. A lteaaat Affair. The mat r lag of Mr. Denver D. Hack to man to M!a Iuulaa M. ICckennan on Tuesday laet waa mad ike orraaiou of a grand reception at tbo residence of T. V. Hachleman, Esq., on the evening of that day. Mr. ffacklemaii has long been 1 u member of the Albany i'irn Ik'partme and the boys turned ont to tha number of nearly two hundred. At &30 p. m. tho fire-bell was rang ealilng tho Department together, when a procesaion was formed, the Mechanics' lira Han i heading it, followed by the lX'prtmnt, the Hoe tioy taking the cart along to give Denver a f oe ride. Tlioy arrived at the pleasant r. 1 . 1n . lit T I I I ll-k I Ml n tl VjM I ill (ItM " - - v w- s- - n v - v grove evt of tho city, which waa lighted up ver o-c i v uj o.r, ouguii maiiono'i m few rods apart all throunh tho around, !,aud win received by the heat and bride , J ,. . . ,,-.. ... and groom vory hospitably. introduced the bride and groom to the ivitanment in a neat little speech, to which ; man, aud ak that congress make anch lAas rim. was a hoartv ,',, ami additional appropriations a may be suOl tue reapensflwaa a hearty we.come, and j C4JJJl TOI,1iel the work. That the sForeman T. J. Cllne replied, wishing the thank of this convention are hereby ten bride and grojm a long nnd happy life, dored to Cel. (Jdiepio of the U. 8. Login - ! An hour r more of social visiting ensued, r". f"?,10 our M?nlfLn,1ud RPr?nlf . . . Uvea In Connroaa for tholr services in ob- anu a apienuta ouuar i reireanments were sampled to the satisfaction of all, when the band played several tune and the procoaalon returned. The boys, how - 1 - . ' . ever, were not aaiisnea uutti mey nau placed Denver on tbe nose-cart and given him a free ride to the city, which, despite the bumping about of the hoae cart aa the boys made speed over crosswalks, he seemed to thoroughly enjoy. Altogether the affair waa very pleasant one and tbe hearty good wishes of a boat of friends will accompany Mr. Hackleman and hia ' " fair lady oa their voyage through life. The Dkmocrat also Begs loave to acknowl edge tbe receipt of favors in the way of a fine plate of cake, which was duly appro elated. Editors and employes nil join In wishing the bride and groom a pleasant ife journey and all the good thing ef this world. mm orvir t nnewjt. Kalrasla fre u Ihe airports or Clerk fr the tear Kadlng March I, 1HK. . -1 . sr- llli 2714 2672 S2W ro; Met c-Jiw 179 1073 S6a 21M 6 tf til B47 arr k. Whole No. ot persons rsperted evor i and under 20 jears vr ace Vft. from Distriott liavlnv school Mo. enrolled lu public ssheol. Averages daily attesdanoe Average no. oi months tangoi (Kiring the year Average wages pali) teachers ne. aueneing no school Ne. e( veters roper ted Total ameuBt paid te teachers tlurtnr ths yesr, f 18,443. 05. No. of Districts In ths County, 88. Amsunt of Ce. fund apport tuned March 21st, 1881, S,84.4. Ameunt per capita. l.o7.9. 3 T. in urns' County Superintendent. A C'ABD. Wo take pleasure In informing our pat rons, and the. public in general, that our Mr. Baum returned last Friday from Ban Francisco with a largo and well selected stock of General Merchandise. The arti cles are too numerous to mention, there fore we aek sn and all to call aud look at our well diaplayed stock of goods, and examine our styles and prices and bacon vinced that we have the uoalest and cheap est line of Spring and Summer Goodaever offered In this city. Thankful for past favors, and soliciting a .continuance, we are, rery respectfully, FOX, BAUM & CO. NOTICB. The ladies ef the Congregational Church will give a sociable ou Friday evening, April 29, at the residence cf Mr. P. N. Armstrong. AU are cordially invited. THE CONVENTION. A stirtaftfAMM SfKKTffttt AT THE III UT IIOtiMH YEMTKimAi. Vnejulua Itav lMiprvemnt Amn-dlng (o fill 1 the hu mors and oil I 7,ona of Una nnd adjoining valley nouutlea responded In laige number to give ex pression of their willlngiitoiN to further the propoMod Improvements now progreNa Ingat Yuqulna liny, nnd oarfy Iu tho day the atrools weto dotted bore and there with little groups, talklugover tho object of tho propoMod mooting nt tbe Court House. TIo general xprelon on tho street was that the Willamette Valley must havo anoihor ooulug to the aeatioard for Its products, aud wan unwilling to pay ex acting trlbulo to tho monopi v that now dictate terms to tho peopleJn a inauaer that I making It odious in tho extreme. Tho boil and quickest mot hods for aooom pliablng thin ohJot, upon which all were unanimous, wero also topics of dlMonaaien, and a warm lutoreat was evlnoed by ell. At about II e'clock;a. m. tho mooting at the Com i lloiifto was riillod to order arid the prnoeedlng wero aa follows. Tho tooling was called to order by II. C. To well, Seorolary of the Unit County isubIuosn Council, it. A. Irvino waa oleut d Chulrmsn of tho meeting, C. II. Htow arl, Nocretary, and J. II. Maine, Aaa't tieo rotary. Mi. WatlU Nah then reed the following resolutions, adopted nt u late meeting of tho 1. Inn Comity Counoll, in iBfilaiiatkm of the objer-l of tho mooting : Who ! , It appoars Hint the f 10,000 Just appropriated by Congress in support of tho work for Improvlug tho Yaiiliia Harbor entrance lanotaulllelem to provide for tho vigorous provocation of the winks. Ami WheWtsss, Tho completion of the Improve msut 1 an object of deep lutoroat to the whole of tho farming population of the Willamette Valley, aud especially to the inrmors of Linn County, becnuto of the important Influence of tho Improvement on tho completion of the Oregon I'neifta iUU road connecting the Willuaseim Val'ey with Yaqulna Iter. And W lieieai.Tbls CoitBcll deems U dealiahlo ntthls jnncture to make n public united effort in aid of this ol Jeot. Therefore Itoenlved, That eps bo taken by this C ii ne 1 1 to call a puoito oaventlon of the fanners of the Valley eon n tins at Albany, wkhlu the uoxt 21 days, to adopt such sttp as may appear hw to prove the piddle Interest in thia object and to oon tribute to It attainment. ud that mean it roe boudopted to call the public attention and artiti'to ono oomanoit ciiorl for this od. And Resolved, That a putjli-. convention fur the above purposes of at) totareotod be Ueid at the Court House lu Albany ou Thursday, April 'Jlst, at 10 a. m. it. c. Powoll morel that a oommltteec of o i n be appointed to draft resolution anJ proNont them to the convention lor anion thereon. The uiolluu waa carried, ami the following committee ou resolutions were appointed by tho Chairman , Judge C. K. Moore and Hen. Jas. Jin ale, of Denton County : Hon. W. A. taw no i and H. C Powell, of I.inu Co ; M, B. Bellinger, ot Marlon Co.; Hen. Harvey Uhttioti and F. M. Kixer, of Linn Co. The meeting then adjourned to 1 o'clock p. at., when It waa called to oror by the iuii mn, who ms le a few remarks, say ing the meeting was in the i Merest of a great enterprise and one lu n h n ihc peo ple of the wholo a!l-y fm ild feel the deieat m'rr.-if did not want the poo pit to feel that it was ranger meaning, bat that it was in Dm -literati "fall, and he wanted ever x bly t le I frw to uko a tart In It and help along -be oJ4 tor wideh It was cilled. Vte report of the oommittoo ou roaetlu tloTm Was tbu tailed fur aud lb Secretary read tho fo lowing t.tTioa. Whereas, Thia meeting rut'ogni the prvaaung need of developing aud sustain- in aa huna innittililiijM for Oolb fioliftit and paMnger trade, especially In the Willamette) Valley, but also throughout the wuolo Stale of Oregon ; and W 'leieas, 1 Ills meeting Is of opinion that audi competition can only be edectrual by j o iter j r being opened, and YV here, This meeting adopts the rtn ciple that u e a duty owed to the Mate ef OtOKon and lo her Increasing imputation to make all necessary eflorta for these , enjB. Tlierefore be it Rm Beeolvod, Tha tho improvement lo the entrains- to Yaiuiua Hay to an ualoBt auf - . flab.! ffTaas f lies stufptf sseaal ilmesew ft 1 1 tf . sees l aa ' "nJ lliCrimoMtiu acuer Of IBO UeOHsl lUiaras pi lite ide of Oragou: that the oonrentlon haa ev ; 7 wnndom-c In oaMNfeP and willing nese of tbe United State Government u San Mllh Witaf I that we appreciate te ppreclate im action the approplaiieaa already ulmn lho B,)roiritlon already made or the improvement of the bar at the : mouth oftue Y equina Bay, and 1 ggg Jlt a committee oonalsting orne peraon from , jienUMli LaI10 Yamhill, Marlon, L'.nn, and I'otk counties Tor tho purpeee 1 of drafting a petition, pntylng IS. the governcLont for additional appro pr latum for tho improvement of tbe Ya (mini bar and tnat aaiu committee ne Instructed to circulate the petition in ev ery quarter of the counties mentioned, and In such other sections of the State as they ana fit. and KeMotved.'Pliateopiea of the proceeding of this meeting be Meat te the valley press and New York papers for publication and that copies aluo be sent to our Senator aud Representative In Congress. It was moved that the above resolutions be adopted as presented, aud that they fairly represent the feeling of tlia moot ing. Carried. A motion was made asking that the resolutions be taken upaeparatcly and pasaed. It waa not supported, nnd the resolutions wero adopted aa read. SVallia Nash, Eq.,of Gorvalll,wae then called upon aud addnwsod the mooting at some lonsth. He depicted in a clear r Mg and able manner the position of the peo pie in thia coctlon, and said unless some effort waa mado they would bo entirely at tho mercy of one gigantic monopoly that has already fastened itaelf upon the people of this State to such an extent that t can dictate to the producer the pi ice of grain and every product of the farm that the rates of transportation affect. He made a showing from tholr own atatemeuta of the vast wealth t hey wero accumulating, and for which they were grinding the pea- pie to the last point of forbearance, lie spoke o the manner in which they op posed any competition, and elaimed the whole north wostorn territory as their own by right of preemption. The evila of such a monopoly are too plain not to be seen and felt by every dtJzen of the Bute, and It la time the people were alive to organ ized methods of oounterba'anclng the dan gor. He gave a very interesting acoount of the progress of the work now going en at Yaquina Bay, and illustrated the de scrlption by maps. Ho pictured the ben etit of Improvements and of .i road from, Yaquina eastward, and called upoa the citisena of this valley to do all In their power to further the enterprise. Mr. Nash estimated the amount ueoeeeary to complete and put iu shape tho harbor im provements, at about U40,0f0. Senator W. R. Bilyou followed Mr. Nairn in an able manner, preaentlng the case In several forelble ways and urging the ne cessity of prompt action. He referred to the records of the last legislature and the fight then made by the monopolists to de feat the railroad bill in the interest ef the people This ho sa'd was a fair example oftlio iufliianoo Unit urn bclunnd would lo brAugJi' to bear ig:ihit thl tn'tvomonl, ml ho thought it was tlmnfbn jteople stood up for their rights. Mr. Hilyeu made a very strong speech, and was heart ily applauded. Jndgo Motro, of CorvuHl-, fi mittgrid the farmers frwtu making nny j er-wnal contribution! tnwnrri the enterprise, but thought best to rely wholly on pHIMotrng Congress. The Hon. Italph C. (Jeer, or Marlon Co., w is then called aud said that be wa wholly In favor of the ritlzotm of ihe val lay making every effort porsooal aud oth erwise fer the aocoiiipltshiyent of this ob ject, which would give so much lu return for the outlay deiuitmh d. Ho wanted to aee the matter pushed and the work done and In a short tltno the advance In price and goueral prosierity would more than repay tbe outlay. He had personally In spected the harbor, and liMlnspocilon was made at the request of a oapilalMl who had at euo timo thought of Investing lu theon terprlHo. Ho was thoroughly satUfiod of tho feasibility of the project lu every par ticular. The mate of tho atoamor "Alx. Duncan'' had told him that oel hu: made the passage often and ne v. r had any dlfllotilty. There had always been from 'i t- 14 feet ef wufor and tbe entrance was a very aafe one. At the 60 Betttsh u ef Mt (Jr' remarks tho chairman appointed the following genllornei a n committee anthorlxed by the lesolutlout lo draft ee tlttea and see to Its proper sJitNtfagJoa, Hoa. John Wbitaker, ltuo County: Manly Currier, Metiteu : Hon. Ualjdi C. Oeer, Marion ; Hon. Hobt. Clow, Folk ; Hon. w. it. Bihyeu, Liana Hon. h c. lira ley, Yamhill. Tbe m. ottng thou adj-mrned. It. A. IKVI.NK, Chairman. C. II. NrKwanr, Heey. A nwmtn fcnlerpiW. Mr. Dauiol liost, of this city, in the in ventor of aeYpral improvemoiit iu grain separators that are attracting eeuldotable ettoutlon among mitiers, farmasw and warehouaemoii. HU establishment u at the foot of Lyon stiect, ou the river bank, In this city, aud ouu day bisiueek while on a tour of inspection aj dropped in on him for MM Horn. Althougb busy he very kindly showed u the separator be ta now are uudeubt edly superior to ant thing lu IM msrka Ho la getting tip several dlfferotit pattonts, each adapted to tho dlfferen' purposes for vbleji ib.-y aro des-gned. l an great foa- turo In MaMttMl whb these enaraioia la their efficiency In cleanin g t!ie gra n aud putting It In merchantable condition even In the hand of umu iuvr.rleiced In tiie management of sasgmralotn. They are so simple that a boy raw -p -rate them, and are oonfrurfel of the vwy b--t ma terial only. Ry mesiisol al tJitc ( of solve and cleaners the mo'.lo-i bj lejuced more than one-half, and the wear and tear of the machine In this rejte -t lessened greatly. Mr Host I now manafactorlng beso machine at tbe rate of several each week, and has orders for thorn aiunM dally. Ho will sooti ship ene to Marya ville, Cel., and to arc to go lulo Yamhill comity Moon. He Is tusking arrsngmnts to turn out a machine per day, and thii eulerpriao is one which ahouM nMivothe patroaage of our reader needing an vtbieg of th kind, ss It is a practical step to ward t! o solution of the miestion of Ike s'lneoss of home mauufse.itring We ate happy to any that Mr. ltot ha so far found It profitable, ami the iuoreaein bta so tit-fa tuttng fa-ilUi.-s is fully j ratified by 'tin increasing do uvnd f i 'be -paru- ti. 'In enterpri-lou linn of Althouse t C . are doing th wood woih on .th sepatatstra, and Mr. Best dnishos and put the machines together In hi owu estsb lubiaent, wbinh is apociaby arranged for the purpase. 4 BtozBlar Aretoeal. Samuel H. Wdluau aged 14 fears, a ef PI. 8. William 4, of fcVio, aa out kaatusf the thcr day, aad his nflehaviu- been load ed far some time he tired at a mark, wishing so reload, and in ths act dropped his patch iug, which he stooped dewu to pick up. The powder bora was still nnsUpped, sod the old patch which had jest Wju .hot had taken fire and was lying an t; e gr.t tn.l, still bamiag. Same powder ias mm tho bora, whi;h contained a quarter of a poend, nad cssse tn contact with the hunting pater. Tbs whole exploded, end. the boy lay a ansa less en the ground from 12 o'clock, nt. uattl S p. ns. He haa recovered from tho thoik and sastaiued ae serioos damage, except be ing pretty badly powder baraed. Central Meal Bar&ri. This first class market la now In the hands of Major J. R. Herren, whoe ex perience In a guaranty thnt it will be v. c !1 kept op In every particular. I'r-sh incut fall kinds constantly on bond. "The beat quality and reeonable prices," is tho Major's motto. Tbe highest cash price will be paid for veal calves, pmk, cfflrk- eua and all kinds of hides and fura. Fir Street, Albany, Oregon, J. R. llerron, pro prietor. To Those Tils a lu $ Msvoyi vTarlt. Mr. William Cos was oagaged by mo te do the nussuu wurk iu duishins- tho upper story ef aiy bnrt building en ths corner e First and Ferry streets, aud iHd the work ia a satisfacWy aud workmanlike maaaor. can uheeifnllv recommend him t all who desire weik iu his line, as a first class work man, aad reliable and prompt. Albany. April 20, 1S81. Wm. A. rrrr.-'t.-to Brake tils le. A young mau named tien. Kldridge, who has been working fur some time on the farm of A. Loeoey, had the misfortune to have one of his logs broken last Wednesday. A horse with which he was phiwbig fell upon um and broke ltoth bones id ) is right leg just above the uukh-. Dr. ,1. I.. Mill aad his pupil, Dr. Lige Irvine, ? the brejeen ljntb, aad the young man is now doing well. He came hero from Iewa about six months ago and has no relatives er friends lure setter List. Ttaetoiiowiua tslhe list of iciwrn i.Miii.r In tho Pest omee, Albany, L.tnn oo.iniy, oi COB. April 21, UOil. Persons rs.innvi tor the letters must fftveiue uste on wt.u-n ipy were suvurtleu. Allen, Ltiey, Aler, Mr. lioegs, Dore, ciister, A li Dlllv, Miss Mar.v Harrison House Jones, Harry W Keck, sWSSSS (liitllati) Mehr, Ht Mollis Morns, mm. Heser, K A Warren, U U P. II. RAYMOND, P. M. To the Ladles. Mrs. Powoll wishes as to say to oar lady readers that shs is prepared to inske oyer all kinds of atraw hats and bonnets nnd pret-s them out iuto any shape desirable A Cure for Kplaeetlr. A safe and apeedy ware for epizootic is pre pared by Saltmarsh and Langdost. Price, 50 cts. By mail, bo cts. For aate t heap. Soda fpuatain apparatus. For articalars apply to F. L Kenton, at tk Po Office. PA8TS9 OILS Having riiti.T Iug;bt a large .oek, am piepored lo ut low fiCHtf for lioDffp and Allanfic Laatl, A frill .lixed Pa!if, lnseft!. m NuV foot, CUp, Nn( and other Oil, Painter's aid Ar .wis H?n hrs. Wiiiwow (ilaw, Ktf., Ktr. Call and obtain rie C. A. PLUMM E II, ODD FfrXLOWM TKtipu , A S ktt t iu r. a rarer turn ,vr I ei Vsislsn Bsr en ih ;ih lu.ioii rhi Pari teniae. As near as wo iM laaaTM tbe particular m" lho accident at Ysqulua Hay are ss fol low : Tho Culled Mutt steam liitf "Gen oral II. G. Wright. " was sometituo sinor assigned to duly at Yaquina In connec tlon with lho hsihor Improvements pro- grossing there. Mi, arrive I off the bar on rhurdsy morning, and wb' n ImwediaU ly opposite Cap , Koulwealfier liht hoist od a signal for a pilot. She kept on bet con rati. psslug J jst in front of the bar aud returuod, dropping her auchor about two miles lo the norh f tbe ln r. AfftsV re maining at tbl ptdnt for about two hours the i-aptaiu botaiine Impatient, and con eluded from information h bad received that there was n regular ehaunol, and he ordered a small oat lowered, which con tallied several keg and anchors, and was manned by four men, lnc!ndiag the car- tain, Intending to lake sounding and place the keg or buoys alone; the most feasibie channel he could discover, and then return and take the tug In. AAer s heavy pull of ra-jro than an hour they ai rived to within a hott distance of the en trant e to tho he -.-, when a heavy see atruck the btst, capaizlug ft wholly, and wahing the csp'.a.n an I one wimss away front the b Md, neithnr of whom wei th eaptaisi's 'xdy wss washed ashore sento time after. The etb er two men managed to cling to th kee! of the boat. Th who: affair was I p,n Tie from tho beach, and was wimami4 by sevorel. a tewnrd t,f oo u s" a' oni e efferorod to any on who would U tbe rescue of the hanoj .who were CvlaBeaj u. too capsi.-td h'tat, and a parly or m . .ana atarted out twl., but ro'urned hoih -lines naanio to mu:U tno twt Tiio a waa ruaoing unusually high foi the tsa!I craft ef the htrb ir the trip ws an -nua oally perilous one Howev r a-lni wan life was a. Uk, tho Davis bro" hers d- Uiriniaotl u ni tko the attempt !.. sv tbe poor follows wb t w ro still clmx-ng to the keel i f lho i4 in nod boat Thv started In a skiff atul fiually reach I the boat, bni only In time to nave one ef th men. the other heving lost hi hold ' the keel, and was seen no more. The rescued awilot waa Kdward BCtY, ami to the couragr of Tracy and .-jbos Pavla he ows his life. Mr. I'olhemus was act ire in making every attempt to eel n boat t tl e wu earlier su I offsred reward front his i n ie k efflOO. Aflerwarda Trs-y lvi and Mr fVbemu took a lasf and went out over thebar and Mr rolhemus pilolod tbe tug ftsnViy Into Ufa h rlKr. with several feet ef water undei its keel, be kno vinp the rogular channel, n 1 exerienoing ne difh'-;t':v .rlsat-vr. Tue captain's name wa J. A. Fennel:. We did not learn hia age or residence. This iinr.rtnute a. :i lent was the roault of a want -W jpVopot and cwtalnablo know;. o i go, and is In no way chargeable ut the natural dtaad vantage of tbe harbor. fhore bt a well defined and absolutely afo channol sufficient for the ravotage of such vessels a tho U -u. II. G. Wrigh, and this channel it 'i iu tbe eaptain'a aowe i a i! i as a r. oi' h duty i ascer tain. It. is suppose I the captain bad been given to understand that it was doubtful f he could fini any pa.; a all, and if this is thca the responsibility of tbe whole affa'r nHl u;on tho should ro ot those who w rnnslv iaforrned htm. This la a serious charxo t aia-. however, andlRUJIS. ?. MliiHTniir f5 we are not propsrei todeott-lin!itisdly. I aa aviBds - Wo have bar sale, btth st Lehaaou iinm l:i lr.K),000 feet of a!" kinds oi lum ber, each as trending, jotsta, barn timbers, bus iog. fencing, and other rough lumber. At Ishsmrt sr have a aaperiev lot dry lumber, sa.-e so rustic, fleoring, etc. Owing to the late tire, we are eaTseiog this lumber at rodiioed rate Ad trees us st lebanitn. OOXN BROTH Eltrb 1 aaaaou, Or.. July 31, 188a fla Ven vTanl I are Mnrr ? Jas. Daunala, u. this oky, uotv um on hands a Urgi- rtook of furniture than any other establislinsesit this aide of Portland, and if you want to purchase any it will pay you to give him a call He has something to tell yon in record to his prices. The Sew Mehsel atoek. Wiiey it. Allen, the agent far the ue series of school tsHtis, sold daring the psst week a large let to diflVttt districts in linn and Benton onoaties. The bks can be nrocured at his store st introductory and a - eac tan rates. Welaharslt'a Beer. Wm. Voint tvw kecjx the celebrated Woinlvudt's le-nr aitd all lovers of this healthy hrc- mars run get it there ut tho low prlae of .i cents pof glass. In a short timo ho will liave It In bottles for medicinal and family use. Ladles trc . i.i. Our dross gottd diiartment will be found the meat complete of any in the city, and we make it a special aim to carry the finest line of black ami uelored cashmere ever placed on alo here. Savuel E. BOB. WALTON.- Near this city, on the 19th inst., to th wife of Wm Waltoa a son. : . . . . ; BKARD- ItlOGKRS. On the 17th day of Aorit. 1881. at the home of the bride's mother, ia Suie, by Elder K. W. Barnes, ef the Cburcl f Christ, Mr. J. A. Bt!ARl to Miss Emma Btonslc -all ef Scio. HA0KLr.MAN-KCKKUMAN.--At the residence of Use bride's parent's, Boar this city, at 4 o'clock, p. ut , ou Tueeday, April 19.1SH1, bv the Kv T. RWhiae, Iicwbii D. Haikiruav aud Loi'isv M. K kkrmas; both of Albaay. MILLINERY. NO (iRAND OPENINfi BUT LOT OF FINE GOODS al ericas which defy sosspeCUioa. MRS. AatTIR la oontUittly receiving sew foods of lb late styles. Ualiami ea lor yenrseires. t Nl' nominj io amine snd syoods. km ULkb s htfyH pnrrhasin elspwhfrf. AbBAN Y, OIL bi;aokfii:i.: IS X33 JkJX i HIT ( ii is. Ko Movr k 18 NOT! and has ft bod ill r Tn LEBANON OfcfB OF TUB LA It V K S T AND MOST VI M f'LETK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Erer Purchuel fr this Tra.ic ! NEW G003S as LO W PRICES ! QUICK SALES! AN IMMKNSK KTOCK Tn SKIJQCT ffL from, and with len vear?' expervnsi in snpplyin-r ;ho .-, iT m .-Mstr niri. i "riiii.Mi ti.4t !i v r("--nt. pwrrMsne will meet their want in o v. -rvV 'm.w4. f h--:un to sell op' v cmmI ko mI m at price whch will insurv me a rn thai will be profitable fntm the auvMiut of ?vti sold, an I ns fmrn the prodt tt any one article. RCMEMBER TrIE PLACE LEBANON. OnEGOfV. Hn.Vttr4