The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 08, 1881, Image 4

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    ik gftnorrat.
FRIDAY APRR1L 8, 1881.
Ilttl i uol mints.
Pin :i lo.vl of quicklime In n dmp
cl."tt. and it will absorb tlio mois
ture. To peel any kin 1 of fruit easily,
p tor boiling wtt r over it nnd this
lo em the skin.
A ( f muslin pu; n sxt to every
Iftver of bwthar in ,t s ,lo will pro vent
t''.e shoe fit in squettkfnff.
To stone raisins easily, pour Ik!1 i tij?
water over them, : tit l drain it off.
This loosens them aotl they como out
dean and with o: so.
To rein ve grease fro.n w ill paper,
lay several folUsof blotting j;tjor on
the spot, and lay a red hot iron near
it till the arease i- absorbed.
Let the sun have aeetts to tlio in
hale of the whole house at some time
during the day, and keep shutters,
blinds and windows opeti except
when it is necessary t: exclude it.
Nevermind faded carpets , they are
not so bid as faded cheeky and these
eannot lie avoided except by fresh
air and ample daylight.
IKshes should always be rinsed in
oiear, hot water after having beefi
washed in soapsuds. Not lung U
more unpleasant at the table Mian to
notice a certain stickiness that the
soap is likely to leave. It is necessa
ry also from a sanitary point of view;
the caustic alkali is corrosive and
unwholesome, and the grease i often
This j.s a good time of t he year to
.make some pretty fancy articles fur
the house, t brighten it up after the
spring cleaning. Tidies made of
strips of velvet or silk, with luce in
sertion :nal edge, are easily made
atii may bo deorsted in any way te
suit your taste Hand embroidered
vines on the strips of silk or velvet
are lovely. A tidy made of a square
of silk with an applique bouquet in
the center is handsome. Really ser
viceable tidies are made of lineo,
trimmed with torchon, with outline
pictures drawn with indelible ink.
Ifyoudo not know how to sketch,
get a sheet of tracing paper, select
sotue simple outline picture for your
first attempt, trace it delicately and
carefully on both .-ides of the tracing
paper, then transfer to the linen by
4laeing it where you wish to have
the picture, and go over it again with
the M'!) il ;.;d use the ink. You may
in the same way sketch for painting
in o I er water colors. This is not
to he sure "high art," but it is pleas
ant work, and if you haven't much
time lo give to it it is ftr better than
doing nothing of the kind. This
also good time to see that the sum
mer stockings are ail in good order ;
take them some stormy day w hen it
seems unlikly that they win over be
wanted, and darn or cut over as may
seem best. It-is quite an a . complish
ment to cut over stockings nicely. 1
is well worth doing, us often stock
ings thai ar e of no use o, a grown
person may be vnlunltle fir the chil
dren. A few sins of cmbrodery
silk and a half hour's work will
change a made over IJalbriggan into
a handsome new child's sock.
Permanganate of iota-h aodbinoxJde
tifbatiuin, of each twenty-four grains
are to be rubbed up into a rna-s with
sugar and glycerine, and divided in
to 144 lozenges. It i- -.::1 that the
use of these will remove Ml di-agree-aMe
odor from the breath.
Que pound of loaf sugar pounded,
two lemons gratel and
strained, quarter of a pour
JUe juice
d of butter,
n the fire
two itrs
tiil it is as thick a-
ofey ; tt hen cold
pui iti a jir, ti d;wu with taper and
it will keep a month.
ixk siors.
A (Jenu i!! preparation (or-removing
ink .-;.ot-. aud writing on paper eon-
uf one p.trt, each, f alum, um
ber, ftulphur r.n-l saltpetre, redueed
to a fine powder and mixed.
In an article on "Summer
Mrs. -;-rh r give the
a recipe for a most "deltcions pea
sjup': Put half a pound f 'Hitter into
a s .up kettle, over the fire, and add
r . : quart of green peas. Shake
tie ii round constantly for fifteen
mioutcs to prevent their browniog.
Then :ke out hulf t' e pas a:d set
aside ; then pons in two quarts of
vegetable stack, or som prefer fail
ing water. Cut fine :'Ut a pinto
spinach, half a dozen green oniona, a
little mint if agreeable and a head of
celery. Set the kettle where thi'
WtH stew slowly t-vo hours, till ll
the materials are retiu - i to a jeUy
!j;-ii : ui the pint reserTed, three tea-
t(i : difal uf s-A'c.'! ttiitlr n !! I tn
gnor, two l.thlepufuls uf salt and
)0 -a M e.-!; pepper. Let it ;Juat lxil
up, then jour into a hot soup tureen,
awl serve immediately.
Cut a c itcken into pieces the size
y i wish to serve at the table. Wash
etean and pu into a kVaw pan with
about ono-eighth of a pound of sait
pore, whih nas been cut into small
pieces. Cover with cold water and
ioil gejftfy until tlto chicken begins
to grmv lender, which will he in
ntnut n-,'. u Mtr. o l--s the chicken is
old. S ms n rather highly with salt
and pepper, add three, teacupfnls of
been picked and
j H thirty or forty
There should be a
r in the stewpan
d. Ci e must be
W :1"I. :Oitl li l
minutes longer.
gotKl quart of
when rice is ;;Udt
taken 1 1. -it
ot chicken
nr x'.c.t i.ur-i.
kind of meat
may be
J'e -v ho
s line imes
then4 i-. n
re bli-4ed
vish llhiiwis. Monday
d oeeasiouajly whtn
t pressure wf wt rk, it
-. the kitchea maid
.t-fi ist dihes w;;-hed.
milk in-tH-:(t of toap.
til i f very hotw; ter,
i- a gr-';r h -In
t- have t ' e f ?
; . wash? g us
V 11 a (f.hfba-:l
t rd ! half a cup of milk. I? ?oft-
ens the hardest water, giresthe dish
es a clear, bright look, and preserves
the h inds from the rough skin or
chapping which comes from using
soap. It clean- the greatest dishes
without hiving the water covered
with scum.
nop YEAST.
Time large, potatoes, one hand full
of hops ; put in a small bag ; put
the potatoes ond hops Into two quarts
of water and loil down to one quart ;
take out the bag of hops and potatoes;
ralsh the potatoes line and throw back
into the loillng water ; stir tl mr Into
this while hot until it is quite Miff ;
let it stand until It Is nearly cold,
then add half a cupful of yeast, half
a cupful of sugar, one tablesp wicfvl
of salt and half a tsUlesponuful of gin
ger ; set In a warm place to rise ;
when light put in a covered jir and
place in a cftol place.
Qurq gvdbanum, ground, one-half
ounce; gum myrrh, ground, one-quar
ter ounce; gum camphor, ground, one
drachm; gum ammoniac, ground, one
half ounce; gum benzoin; ground, one
quarter ounce ; sandalwood, ground,
two drachms. Mix them. If the
gums are too moist to admit of reduc
tion, dry them with the aid of heat.
The quantity given is for one pad. It
should to worn over the sternum,
about midway between the heart and
liver. Those pads are said to prevent
and cure fever and ague and ail mala
rious diseases.
1 11 K VI Mi: 1 I MOtkfcl.
We publish the following from the
Comnmxial ffyorfsr of last week.
Ihe Reporter U one Of the very bent
authorities on the o ast on such mat
Early in the week foreign advices
were o! att irregular tone and Lil
DOSS much neglected. This contlu-
uod until Wednesday, when it was
cabled and holders were firm, which
together with an increased inquiry,
to some extent probably for conti
nental -shipment, eiused a tinner
market. The advices caused
rather a better feeling throughout
the United States and our market has
responded as much as possible in the
face of the tonnage quest ion and light
business. Shippers hero have se-
urMl quite aquai ttty mostly early
in the week, when many sellers be-
comiugafraid of a threatened lower
turn, let go more readily. The MM
n which most purchases were made
was gi.30 here on wharf. Where
any aighertguro was paid there wa
some consideration, sueh as storage
or insurance paid ahead given. YVe
are informed of purchases by n mill
at the above figure, while some (tar
ties strenuously assert that moro is
paid in the interior. This latter we
mut doubt at present. In a qulei
way sales for the week have been
fairly large, purcha-es beiug against
expected tonnage. liven under the
most discouraging circumstances it is
hard to got wheat lelow ratt-s now
quoted, although freight may bo
Bigfe. Several operators claim a bet
ter future, but upon just what ground.-
is dillicult to say. We this week
give extended rtpot is by mall ot ia4
foreign trad , which are quite valua
ble. Shipments foreign to date itico
tngoat 1 Bt have been S$5,842 centals popular interference. Hut against
wheat and 170,960 barrels of floor. , the greater daager from large corpo
Lastyeai for the same months w rations and combinations of capital,
shipped foreign 1,927, .534 t entals wielding public franchises and con
wheat and 13G,o2:M barrels flour, trolled for private gain, thee checks
When it la kuown that for the ontirof were not interposed because this dan
season of 17J-.S() we exported I'.oSt,- ger co0ia llot possibly have been fort
IOC cts. wheat and 153,825 hbls flour aeen. This duty remains for us. and
foreigns it will easily be seen that
our foreign exports thus far f r 1880
81 are eomidembly less than for last
season. The export of April-July,
1880, were ird,"72 centals wheat and
17,403 barrels Hour, and should we
do no better in the remaining four
months there must have been either
a smaller crop or will be a larger aur
nlu. .Shipments to San Prainlooii
are not at present obtainable but aro
admitted to be less than for last sea
son The tonnage question seems to be
come more mixed. We are constant
ly adding to our list and believe lb
quite full. Still vessels do not eoino
the only arrival in u week being tho
Scottish Fairy, under charter. Tho
onlv clearance is the Viola.- Several
vessels are due, for which cargoes an
generally received. In absence of ves
sels there could be no spot business
and while there has beeh much talk
of chartering to arrive there has been
I ltd business. An iron vessel soou
to arrive refuses 82s Cd tor orders.
An iro.i bark due within the month.
gets Sis .'id with slight commission
off, understoon to l e for orders. An
other small iron bark, taken about;
ten days since receives 80s, but the
optionsjand terms of charter really In
creases tne rate.. For July 77s Gd
(aimed to be a go.d quotation and
vtMxlen vessels are r -ported lo ba se
ured to load at Sat. Francisco in the
same month for 72 . Gd. The most,
forward rate is probably an offer of'
G2s Gd for 1st of December cancella
tion at this port. It must be remem
bered in perusing our list that many
is cannot be here until July or
August, Komeeven later, ami of thosu
near at hand a part will be required
for salmon loading. The amount ofl
disengaged tonnage coming is ex
tremely small, but wome low-priced
vessels are open for re-eharter. It ix
difficult t'j get at the true rate paid
for vessels, but those above mentioned
are conceded to be certain.
The best 4x horns come from the
Rio Grande; they are tough, of fine
texture, and msceptible of a flue pol
ish. Cattle hoofs sell at from $1 2 to
$40 per ton, as to quality. Cattle
tails are worth from ten t fifteen
cents a piece. The hoofs of horned
cattle weigh about two ami c half
pounds. The horse's hoof is uns.iited
for battens, although it. is manufac
tured ft r other purposes. The horn
trade is immense. Ail vessels arriv
ing from cattle jnntH bring horns,
sometimes as many a 10,000 or 20,
000 m a single cargo.
It is said that tho new cereal late
ly introduce.! into the West, and
known a pampas rice, I" of great
va!ue to the breer&. It contains
more stirch aittl tets oily matter
than corn, .and can e malted as eas
ily as barley. I grow easily and
yie ds a large crop. It is tl onght
that here will hwh be a heavy de
mand for this Cfreal from brewirs.
FAavcar auumc.
Monopolies should have no secured
position under a Hepubtlcan form of
government, yet lu America monop
olies ar rapidly consolidating and
ttrcgt honing themselves in defiance
of the acknowledged rlghtsof the pub
lie. The monopolists seem to be blind
to the fact that they are building up
a public sentiment against them,
which will sooner or later procipatate
a conflict and Inaugurate legislation
which shall curb the insatlato corpo
rate greed, reminding thosu tuon
strous coriwratloits that after all they
are simply creatures of the popular
will, and must serve rather than
dominate over their creators.
In tho West farmers are organising
as never before. In the East new
organizations, known us the Anti
Monopoly Leagues, are being formed
by business men in opposition to rail
road and telegraph consolidations,
freight pools, national bank combina
tions to menace tho government, dou
ble taxation and a host of lessor evils.
There is a common ground of com
plaint upon which the farmers' organ
izations and the people's leagues may
stand and coorporate. Tho outgrowth
of this popular uprising may crystal
lize Into a new party, which regard
less of political complication, may se
lect such men for representatives of
the people as shall demand and se
cure proper recognition for the riglds
of the great majority as against tho
extortionate demands of the few.
The farming classes of all sections
who are bearing the brunt of the
burden of taxat ion, In the fact that
real estate pays a much larger pro
portion of the taxes than personal
property, are interested in any gen
eral and comprehensive movement
which shall promise' the needed re
lief, ju this connection wc give a
brief extract of V. J. FVflta patch
at the recent Antl-Monosly Meeting
in Cooper Cnion, New York. Mr.
Fowler, a New York f irmer. sMike
as representing the Farmer?- Alll
nces, State and National, with which
ho is clearly identified.
What mean this great uprising V
In part It is doubtless a blind protest
against exactions of railway corpora
lions which rob the producer of hi
rightful earnings. Hut it la alao
something more. Such popular
movements are tho means Providence
uses to accomplish great result. It
is not strange therefore that iwn w
gaged in them find that they have
la-en building wiser than they
knew." It is a great mistake to sup.
pose that the money loss wvulved in
corporation extortions is all or the
main eaust for complaint. There la
a general or growing feeling that the
powers wielded by corporations are
dangerous to popular liberties. This
touches the m irrow of this question.
The fraiucrs of our government dr
vised a system of eheckM and counter
checksta iruardponuiax liberty airainst
in entering upon it ve aro perform
ing a labor no less patriotic than that
of the men who one hundred years
ago fought and bled to establish Amer
ican independences those heroes of
later date who suppressed ree!lion
and secured the perptuity of th
WbUe It Is true that motives of
self-interest and self-protection orig
inated this movement, it is only what
might be expected. Only the philo
sophical stndent of history can fore
see dangers to popular liberties frm
the insicMous growth of dangerous
powers. On the other hand the way
faring man, though a fool, cannot fail
to feel his Interests are assailed and
his industry oppressed. But the
principles of this movement are at
last working themselves completely
clear. Any man can now see that
the protest of tho farmers of this
country against railway extortion is
no moro a question of money than
that our revolutionary contest whs
fought out on i ho question of a penny
stamp on paper or a trivial duty on
tea. Now, as then, the principle of
popular self-government is involved.
'ou of the Anti-Monopoly League
and we of the Farmers' Alliances of
this country are contending for the
same thing, the dominance of the
people of this couutry over the cor
porations they have created. Hand
in hand and shoulder to shoulder we
enter upoa this contest, and whom
God hath joined together let no petty
jealousies put asunder..
lx handling fowls an expert nays :
Tf you catch a bird leaving lis wings
free a desperate struggle will ensue,
likely to injure exhibition plumage,
or to distract the broody hen from
her vocation. Approach the bird
from beaind, place both hands firmly
and quickly right over the wing
then slip tho right hand down and
secure tho legs tirmly. The flutter
ing will Ana be avoided, and the
bird, held by tho legs, with the left
hand under the breast, will not offer
During the session of the farmers'
Institute, held at Miauquoqueta, Io
wa, lately, it was stated . (hat one car
load of butter will bring r the pro
ducer as much money at thirty cents
per pound in New Yok aa fifteen
carloads of wheat at $1.20 per bushel,
or thirty carloads of corn ir sixty
cents per bushel, or six carloads of
tattle or hogs at five cents per pound.
Few ersons are aware that the
forefoot of the hotels the counter
part of the haud, and the hind foot
that of the toe of the human foot, the
heel comparing with the hock of the
hind leg of the horse. To get a prop
er idea of this try to walk on the tips
of your tog ; you will then see how
closely allied are the extremities of
tho horse and of man.
Stewart & drey have a large list of city
aud couuty property for sale low sad on loag
time and easy payuients.
miTtnte naye ix a wavAtiaic
A lion tamer, a cplored man named
Alieatnonsa. came very near being torn
to pieces hy an infuriated lion tiuiiuga
performance tn a msnagerie at lir
mingham, Eng., a short time ago. The
animal in a vicious one, aud a fair days
previously had ahockingly mangled one
of the attendant whom Alicamonna
rescued. Tho lion afterward eliow-,l
eymptnmn of roaotitment at thn overe
treatment the tamer wan ohlivd to in
flict upon him at that time and Mvaral
limea afteiward. Ooe Saturday after
noon there was a groat attendance, and
the lion tamer gave two imrformanoes.
The font wan concluded in nafety, but
as Alicamousa made his ascend entry
into the den the large lion sprang at
him and had to be beaten back. While
proceeding across the cage the lion
tamer unfortunately lifted hi eyes from
thoMe of the lion, which waa upon him
immediately, amid the shrieks of the
immense crowd. of apeotatora. Alica
aiousa waa clawed on both sidea of the
face, Htruck to tho ground, and bitten
in the arm. The red hot iroua were at
once thrust between the bare, and the
man wriggled like an eel from beneath
the lion, the blood streaming down his
face ami ehouldcr. lie discharged his
revolver three time in the lion' mouth,,
and, gaining hi foet, placed bis back
agaitiht the aide of the 00450, attacked
the animal with his loadedi whip, hit
ting it tepeatedty between tbo eye un
til it waa nearly stunned The eu
OOttttter had been watched breath
less anxiety, but aa the lion tamer loft
tin- (leu the crowd cave vent to their
excited feeling by enthusiastically
cheering him. He waa not aeriooaly
I WUh KveryboUy to Know.
Itev. ; 40. If. Thfivnr An iktil ltiyti rt
I It lt 1, t 1 . : : xp bnnu'it 1.. mJkmmmm , "
inituftiitlal HUzen, aud t'hrWiaii Mloiator
of tho M. K. I'huifOi Uimt mi 1 lo till if IA 1411 I
NUmped In onr -ur to ay, "I wlah every
body to know (bat I OOttMdOT that both
myneii ami woe own our uvea lo MiUmI.'n
( oiwiiuiptinu Care." It i having a tn.
mendouN wtlw over onr -.iiinter, and 1m
jtvinn ertiN-l MUlntte-tion in nl eaaeM of
I. una IMfMHlNeN. atieli hm 11 tthinir 1ni Itna
done. lr. Matchntt .t Kraiic.
lW1urJ1.n1, Ind., Mav I ft, ihTs.
Sold by Ponbuv .V Nbeoii. t 'i uit -ltU. At-
bnny, Oregon.
lrrrrlluM Mrtljr
One of tho laU-iit ami without MMOtioa th
imwt - rf. . Miwiitg niarhiito now !(.. t tha
public m th ,I)vU1;' why thy actually
iiiako tatt uf BtriM i.f cloth cups, kaoora,
iMMketa, etc, iu rftcl ahaj. W mw ona
at the Albany egoaej and togethae with tnauy
ainilc o( practical v-jrk notnd will ay
tliat thrr are tiling never before nuvdo ou m
Sewing Machine. .. an. I are bar yourseJvua
and le con incest. W. II Mcott, Agent.
is advance we wdl eenrt to
any addreea fr one year
fit AT. And mr
iu aalvance will n.t
tu auy aiblreaa for a Tear
CRAT. To utilize tho feather of ducks,
chickens and turkeys, generally
thrown aside aa refuse, trim the
plume from the atump, Inclose thoia
in a tight bag, rub tho whole a In
waahing clothes, aud you will secure
a perfectly uniform and liglr. down,
excellent for quilting coverlets and
not a few other purpuaca
Few people real ir.e how luexbauit
iblu are our resources for growing
wheat. Tbe total nrea of laud avail
able for tho growing of tblscoraal i
the United Htatce Is not lest than
170,000,000 acres. Our entire wheat
crop of last Ma.-ou would n i supply
seed enough le sow iiurueuse
tract of land.
KcnoKi.NE will destroy tho mealy
bug, but will also destroy the plant.
It cannot be diluted with water, aa
the two will not mix, but milk will
mix with kersone, then the comblna
tiou will mix with water, und in this
way kerosene can lie effcrtividy used
for destroying lhee parasite.
ilou KVKit good the roosting houso
may be, and however extensive tho
gniMS runs, a place should be provided
where ihe poultry can congregate
during wind and rain and be perfect
)y dry and sheltered. This dry run
should face south and be protected
from caat winds.
A ton of Indi tn meal ha a manu
rial value of only six and a half dol
lars, after being fed to stock. Tho
manure resulting from feeding a ton
of cotton seed meal is worth aa much
as It costf, bonce it will pay to aell
corn and buy cotton seed meal to feed
to stock.
Clovku la a nltrogeneou and also
a potash plant, clovor bay containing
more of these elements than tho boat
English hay, although the for rer
will not sell for near aa much as the
latter, consequently clover hay should
never be sold off the farm.
The uioat beneficial diseovory of the
century for mau Is Amman' Cough ty
rup. A wealthy gentleman, who claim
that it entirely cured him of incipient con
aumption, ottered $5,000 for the formula
and the right ts manufacture and aell it to
the world, which wa refused. The rem
edy Htand upon its own merits. A 15-cent
aam pie bottle will convince tha moat skep
tical of its virtues. Try it. It may save
your life. All respectable druggiata keep
it, at 15 cents, CO cents, and $1.
Dr. W. V. Alexander has left his book
of account In our hand for settlement.
Parties knowing themselves Indebted to
him will pleaso call and pay up.
SrawaBT & Qnur.
Albany, Or.. March 24, 1Mb
Thousand of soldiers and heirs are en
titled to pensions, with payment from date
of discharge or death, if applied for be fere
January i 1880. Wound, accidental in
jury or disease entitles to a Penalon.
Bounty and back pay collected. Increase
of Pension aecureu. This iirm established
in 18U0. Address, enclosing stamp, 1CD
S()N BROS., U.S. Claim Attorney, 711 J
Street, Washington, D. 0
Wo Deception Used.
It is strange that so many people will
continue to sutler day after day with Dys
pepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipation,
Sour htomach, or General Debility when
they can prociue at our storo Mhiloh's VI
talizo, free of cost if it does not cure or
relieve tliom. Price, ;" ots. Sold by Ko
abay A Mason, Druggist, Albany, Or.
Ma J. H. Batks, Newspaper Advertis
ing Agent, 41 Park Row (Time Building)
New York, is authorized to contract for
advertisements in the Democrat at our
best rates.
For Lame Back, Side or Chest me Shi
loh's Porous Plaster. Price, 25 ctr Sold
by Posbey & Mason. Druggists, Albany,
Oregon. Directory
Y. 1. C. A. Meets at their rooms in Fen
ter 'a brick building on Wednesday evenings
at l.W o'clock, and on Sabbath afternoon at
4. Business meetings are held on the even
ing of the second Monday in oach month.
Kverybody invited to attend.
U. P. Cm SCM. I'rnaohingovery Sabbath,
at II a. m , and 7 9, M. by Kev. K. O. Ir
vine, D. I). Sabbnth School st T. U.
Prayer meeting every Thuraday evening.
Kvasoklicai. Chi uch. -IWohing on Sab
bath at II a m. , and "4 P. m. SabUth
School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thura
day evening. W. C. Kantner, pastor.
CoanaROATmMAtCiium'ii. -Services every
Sabbath at 11a. m. and r. M. Sabbath
School at '2. So. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening of each 'woak. J. W.
Harris, pastor.
M. K. Cut! am, feocTM. Services every
Sabbath at Si Panl'a M. K. Church, South,
at II a. s. and 7J r. s. Sabbath School
at 12 v. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day evonng. M. C. Miller, pastor.
M. V. (biuai u.- I'roachlna every Sabbath
at II a. M. and 74 v. m. ( none aervio in
the evening before aermoa. ' Sabbath School
it 290 i. H. Prayer meeting every Thurs
lay evening. 1. Dillon, pastor.
lUrrtsr Cncriu'ii. Service ovary Sabbath
at 11 a. m. and 74 ft M. Sabbath Sehool at
12. Pray r meeting every Thuraday even
ing. W. J, Crawford, pastor.
Pmkshvtkhias 'iicuch. Service every
Sabbath morning and evening iu College
Chsftel. Sunday School hn mediately rf ter toe
morning service. Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening. Rer, Klbert N. Condit,
HRvvartrr.K 1 na.
If aubaiTibers order tho dlecontin
uanee of thoir newspapers the Pub
lisher may continue to send them
until arrearages are paid.
if subscribers neglect or mfuse to
take thoir newspapers from their of
flee tt which they aro directed, they
aro held responsible until they have
settled their bills and otdc red them
I f subscribers movo to other places
without Informing the publisher, and
th- newspapers are sent to tbe former
direction, they are held responsible.
Causing Chills and Favor
Dumb Ague, Intermittent Re
mittent and Typhoid Fevers,
Biliousness, Liver, Stomach,
and Kidney disorders, and
many other aiiments,destroy
ins tho health and lives of
millions, lo driven out of tho
system, and radically ourod
by tho uao of tho LION MA
FOOT P L A STsT R8, the cheap -ost
and only perfect treat
ment by tho Absorption prin
ciple Tho Plasters acting In
conjunction with tho Pad up
on tho norvo centers and re
in oto parts of tho body, In ab
sorbing and thoroughly rld
dingth system from MALA
Tho whole treatment, PAD
PLASTERS, all combined,
sold for $I.OO tho cheapest
ind best remedy over disco v
jred, and a positive cure
guaranteed if worn accord
ing to directions. Remem
ber, Pad, Body Plaster and
Foot Plasters, tho whole,
$ I .OO. Sold by all druggists,
or mailod on receipt of price
Motssra liko and Pkysiotaaa
roooauaond it.
(he World's mat Paia-Rc-
licvtng remedies. They heal,
booths and cure It urn a.
Wounds, Weak Back and
Ithcumatiam upon Man, and
Sprains, Galls and EamencsM
a pen Beasts. Cheap, quick
and reliable.
' 1 in mill iitaisiiiiaaaiii
SPURTS of dlacuatinc Muems,
InotUsa, Craskliag Pain la the
.lead. Fetid Bresth, Doafaess,
nd obj Catarrhal Complaint,
- - u be exterminated by Wei Do
-' 'er's Catarrh Gore, a Consti
' ut tonal Antidote, by Abaorp
tsn Tbo meat Important Dis
covery blnce Vaccination.
has just opxkks out
New Liquor Store
arajtm consTAjrixT ok hand
The Celebrated Ml. I.ohIm
The fiurat whiskey In the State,
Whiskies, French B run dies, Sherry,
Fort, Claret, and all other kinds
of wines, Gin, Ale, Beer,
and Porter.
Bitters of every kind, and the best
brands of tobacco and Cigars.
aSTI want every body to understand tU
I nave opened out a first-class new liq
uor stoie, where olty and country deal
ers can procure their stocks at Portland
prices, with only freight added.
Rooms ou the corner of Front and Ferry
Streets, Albany, Oregon. 28tf.
"DirATQinATQ Thousands of eokliars and
rHjlX O. their helra entitled by late
law of Conirrew. Send two tampi for laws, wd
oopy of Cimas Soluire, to N. W. FiUgcrald, V. S.
Claim Att'y, Box 088. Wftthinrton, D. C.
or ALL
WHn a medlolno Ima Infklllhlv 1
wont in minions oi oasea rot- more
than third or a oanturr; whfn it ha
reaehed evurv part of Ui wot Id ; when
nomherloaa mintllea evrywhfni con
noir 11 nut only aiiro k-hhim-o in cua mi
pain or ac-ldnt, It la protly miIu to call I
aucu a uteoiuiuo
Tble la thn raaa with llm
Maalaasr Malanal. Kvanr mall I
brings lnteJllf enee of n valaaMe Seres
I eavae, the atony of anawfal seals or
eaaaaes tlto iiorrora of rhaa
aa orarootne. and of a tbouaand.
and una other blesslnss and tnerelee
pTformed by the old reliable Mea
ieaa ISaetoaf I4alateat.
All forma or outward dlsoasn aro
speeouy cured iy the
I lfll.l.Alf ff UlmAHt
It penetrates otesele, membrano end
tlmii In tl. .rv linn, hul.hl..
I and curing dleeeen with a power that
narer fails. It is a madlolne needed by
every uouy, irotn u ntncMtro, wuo riaee
over the solitary flii Ins, to the nun hnnt
Krinee. end the woodcutter wuo splits
Is foot with thn ua.
It cures Itheumetlsm when sll other
appileatUMia tall.
This wonderful
speedily mrei ench alltticnts of the
hi man ri.Ksii as
Joints. IsatrsnUd Mrs so las. Hi
ScelS a, Cats, Braises a ad
lae, Pelaeaeae aVHee
a aiAMK a
nippiss, Caaeat Mreaet,
d every fans ef aster aal
It la thn L'rrnU-st remedr for the dla
orders and aoeitloitta lo which the
UB0Ta Caaanox are snbject LUal has
ever oeen known . it cores
Mprettts, wlaar. sHtaT Jlnta,
eeaee. Peat Met, Smw Warss.S
I Halle Hera. Ncretefcas. W
sails. Spa via, rare
rla, Faray, Baams
rail Kail, raa
eS eeerr eiatar at
wkbh Iks eecapassla ef tt
Waale aaat SHaeit TarS are Hands.
A t wentySrs cunt toitl ttt Unli un
Mustang Llnlmeot lias oCc-n eared a
aaUiabie boree. a life on crutches, or
years of torturv
it aii wiiasai s srir. j(gosto
i he very root of the nuu tor. ocaeiretlner
even uie optic
. . - . - - w i
It cures cvervhofly. and dlaappolnta
no one. It lias Imm-m lu t.-uir uw for I
mora than tweutr-flvo rears, and Is
or ALL
King of the Blood
Cares all Berof aiqu agseUhas sad disorders rsaalt
lac from Impurity of tho bleed. It is nssdlsn to
specify all, as the sufsrer can usaaily prreatve their
aauat , nut aau aastna. nafUl, I tan,
vjr. XwtUimfi. ere tha meat eon
wall aa many sSsrUsae ef the Heart, titt
Wonderful Cars of Blindness.
V- lUeaoM, Sos S Co. : For the bseedt of if.
SseaWal with Ssterala or Impure Bleed la their
systems, 1 asaahy.reaoeuasad K tag of the Blood.
1 as a ewe traajisa ante Harofula for
ma sal t ii
myayeathat I
fc try Xang 4 the Stood, whsrfa has prevad a (rest
tilSSSsa to me. aa tt has nomiItlr iun.1 m and
I shssrfttllr reeamaaad it te all troublsd aa I bars
Years tralr.
Mas. S. WaUrasuMw, oerdwae, X. V.
wilt to paid te any Public Hospital te to mate,
ally agreed upon, for every enrtuteata of this medi
etas published by us which is not genuine.
Its Ingredients.
aJe shew ear faith la tha safety and caeslUmce of
Sa K, B., upoa proper personal application, whan
aatisAsg that no im posit ion is iateaded, wa will
rive the assess of all iu ingredients, by affidavit.
The above oatos warn never made before by the pro
prietor of aay ether Family Medicine in the world.
ay teetiaaeadalearther information, and
fall directions for uain will to found la the pan
pake "Treaties Aa Diseases of the Btood." M
which earhbotUsiscoeloeed. IMoe $1 per bottUeaaT
tainlayll ouncaa, or 40 to SO does, rgold hy drua
gate. D. BABaoM.SoM k Co., Prop'rs, Buffalo, N.V
Importers and dealers tn
Agents for j.aae Moore A Go's. R and Rye
WBJekJaa, off ei for aaJe
Fine wbUklee from i.( to fs,00 a gallon,
bottles from H eeata to i.S0
Fine French brsudy frou 12.75 to $15.00 a
gallon, in botllee from 7 ou. to SJ.W.
Fine Old Port Wine froenW.Ui to U.iM) a gal.
oo, In boUles from 83 ota. to 2.0o,
Fine Sherry Wine from taJO to 110,00 a gal
km. In boUlee from 75 eta. to W.00.
rToHead Ula SS.U0 a gallop, in botlea from 75
eta. te $1.50.
All kinds of Wine, Bltfere and Cordials.
Claret one dollar a gallon or 25 ota. a bottle.
Liquors in pints and half pint Saaka for
travelers and others.
attaches Lo
By toe boa or pound, cheap.
Breadalbla, A I baa y
CftagKBTED JUMB 13TH, 182&
J. H. SURLES, Prop'r.
with each shave. Prices for shaving
and hair-cutting same as usual. Rooms
opposite Mollwain's store. lull
Ae we tret our Marble (lirex-t from lb
have It solor-texl with care, we mi Inauiw
ers aay that V ermont marbln la lcllcr liian
Ifavlna Juet rwelviwl wjvorl loua tif
offer extra indiicemruila lo llujao wanting work, orders from any in of the -tal
promptly attended -to. and all work warranted a represented. V have noeanvaaaf re
out for work ex pt thoao having their eredentiala from us.
srShof) and Works oorner ffSfXNBa ami
. rlfofctf .
D. F. MA SO!.
fSury-oMaora to John K'isltay.)
a LAkue axi
Kraiiraciriy everUir u.Tiallj Vmn I
A r$XL
books JkXm
TSs Uwk Is rrry bun aaoSsrt A w o est
An Mil) house In lli all). Ilea ao Import a and initniif mA urea
Repair work done
Additional Homesteads,
(Under See. 2306 S. - )
It res men In V. R. serrlee at least SO ders an1
pno u Jnnm Zi, ifl. v-k m a a hnu-u3wl
jnw iwoyi-l oe ewUil.-.J to UP more; if jrou Uk an
D. HO a res more; if ijh, i0 acres more; if ivo. 10
SO amount Too have n rmie-J aaa I. Vnasrsri
. w, i acrv aaosv. tii n i uiciaalm
the ' aiMltional hrneeeal." and if ai.tiUfl can
aell. triU pr,th' ihtthot N trlrt Prut t.rr tiU nv.
Frartiona wanted also. Will sir
Sae areperlienslc for oilier wti
lo auv one who a ill put me on the way uf .ui I
meet! in making a purebaae. Think a little. Do
7u tuA know of some one. and make t. scud
Stamp for circular explainine;.
are riven to all nersnca
or the heirs of those
I.. I .... .. i ...
tllKht. .n Un- 1 ; : ua.-. -i.d under the nea law
ran obtain a rVf.i u eatinc i.a lc to the date of
disability or death of the oficinal elalnint. pro
vided appli ration Is made prior to Jul v i , --
tlat all parson, ought to make Im met! late aptisv
cattoa. All those who will make applieatiou
Ihroasb me beftee Mr,-h 1. !. wiil attend .the
baajneas fr a few of $lO. the same to not be paid
until the claim la rrantod. an 1 as jv ujiio
eeasful. Ho write In lrametiatHy and aire a full,
elearsattemem of your grouu lup.ui whultuiota
tain apenafoa. and yon will .- nroiupily an. rer
ed. Encluse Samps.
To all persons Interested !n Patents I offer my ser
vices to obtain Patenta for them upon Uie
n,!LPtfl U ol,Jn make o chanca.
H r&fMpartiadmr, amd seed M UlJor ca ar,:m out
turn. Have fl rat-class Washington. D.f . Winuec
ttoas who make the examination iu pemoti free.''
and exchanged In all part, of the Tniled Suites
ADd Canada. Send two 3 cent stamps for the
nreei Mai la the raited SUatea.
AH kiodk of Scrip for location of State or Gov
ernment Lauds bought and aotd. Old War La nd
Warrajiu waaoM.iW stamp for circular, or 1
for Famnhlot teWa hn- ail kind can be located
and under what a u they oriuaual. dead f..r
raCrreuoea Address,
AGENTS WANTED. Nlonx ( it v. io
San Francisco, California.
Treats all tare ale ssd Special DlacaMtu
effete of youthful tollies or huiacretion, will
do well to avail themselves of this, thegreatet boon
ever laid at the altar of suffering htunamtv. OR,
SPINNEY will gaarantee to forfeit o00fur every case
.Vjiii male weakness or private disease of any kind or
oaraetar which be undertakes and fail to euro.
There are many at the age of thirty -fit c sixty who
are troubled with too frwiuuiit evacuation t4 the blad
der, often accompanied by a slight smarting or hund.ig
sensation, and a weakening of the system in a manner
she lament cannot aeeount for. On cxandnlng the
ZntStJ deposits a ropy sediaient will often be found
ind souwUiuos sfuaV partldoa of albumen will apear,
r Uuj color alllbe of a ihui uujiah hue, again chanir
Uig to a dark and torpid appearance. Thorp are many
man who die of this difficulty ignorant of toe icuj,
which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Da.
will guarantee a perfect cure in all such oases, and -healthy
restoration uf tbe genitourinary organs.
Omca House 10 to 4 and 0 to 8. Sunday from
toll a. a. Uonsultatlon true. Thorough cxauiiuatu r
and advice, $6.
For private diseases of short stamlhig a full roune
of geeficine sufllclent for a cure, with all in.tructiv.u-,
will le eent to any address ou receiit of 910 00.
Call and address,
14 J8vl No. 11 Kearny St. San Francuco, Cal
Valuable Property for Sale.
Iiifluiliim (ho luihii;(2 ami lots upon
wiii.-ii it ih esvttaasal, l M ;; at a bar
gain. There are two dr.votM and they can
bo sold separately . '1 his is a good '-
Krt unity lor fruit raiaen to secure the
st dryer made, at a low price.
The lots are very valuable lying on the
river front, and having a railroad switch
running by Jthem. It is a good location
for a custom flouring mil), foundry, or
any such buiness.
For further particulars call cn the Presi
dent or Secretary of the Company.
L. C. RljCK, Presidotit.
Secretary. 80
DATCIITC J w"- Mister.
rA I Ball I Os Patents, 01. . t
licitrr ot
th St.. or Ho.
sea Waahinirtou. D. C. No feu leiuired unless Iat-
ejit Is obtained. Send for lircttlar giving tenm, sc.
Eatabllahed 1370.
HuUand Quarrifu Shil in Vermonl. and
cuatoitierH !h- U .f marl. If, hm exj'rl work
any lirifK. rii-H frotn fun-mtt eouriliica.
marble, am! having morn on U.e av. wenn
Wlsworth Htreeia, Allmnv, rcff.n.
F. WOOD .v vjo.
3s r ' - 1 1 a t
fkksii kto k f
le s Srst class retai! !i uy esta li.hmaot.
is slan ran at ..Miunmiofi ith tasa Jnniwit
at reasonable fiu ec.
.To tho Unfortseatr
4-. ' ki:ti:v ir .
' I . I .iwu'.swr
' irt. .-an i ni4..
-lat liahssl in IKV4.
r- . lTp rT a V Jendial INwims, each
v V - HSt a- Unmmrrtirn. C.lct-1.
' -irlriarr, aMtill in afl
t-in. Itcpalrary,
04 aim l Wrj.i.r. niifbt ksac lo htatu. inm-
lks -Si fe tare and ks. f aoantaaid eaa fatitr(j be
if-,!. .'id -Baaal bald ih4 fad t. uall
apse tint, lb Ikw ha'&cit-d aalsasaah at
vum Bsee, i Msaausi a gnat tli .4 valuable i4n,ti
tlcai, a iti. h be ir ..sut nt tt' usart to tlMas in ancu
4 als ssersssa I t: OiSSftOSi will natae no cbarga
Ht .' i lata . . Mil
III. t;i O ItOMJU AU sewmihsu.M
m t -t it r.a.iM!tri L Vtm sea na ar bat (be ftislis
sa-i .t u-n d-i. r. Ut m , v-Ujr -4 ravtM-itte. rsestew
wntiier he Uie lffor will 4eae htate tbr nan 4 Uw
fnprrth.;. ... tl.U n.iw.1iKWt in. (harm rra
t all .a- ssfSa Address lE J. F. OIBtajN,
box He. .ii 1 vtSs45
aftUBB i sire act racn ant or
BdUli walm IT BH8tt s-;ts
If arblr and H m4 Ta,
parlor Sets and Leung-, Mar
bl.i Top Ctrnter-Thtlt-K.
Spring Deds and
And all kinds ef f hair.. Bedslrad. IClee.a Ta
ble, stands, t ilt aad Faaey
aouldlart I n .
I intend t kep eTerjihiny In the furniture Una,
and i!l rnarantee astastaetloti tn all who will call -a
mr at M tiler's Uri. k. JlHt DA i 1 .
Sportsman's Headquarlers.
Guns, Rifles Revolvers!!
Aad Arantasltion or All Kind,.
Just received a large invoice of the latest ini.nved
Iteiniurtfii. Misi-v's. a'inchotar and IMbmi re
rifles, Moore, Kuiinbn ainl SU- en's bretxi ik.liu$
hot guns, and inazzle-loaiting riflr and slnrt -pi us of
jven doscripUon.
Al., a Ur.t s'il well vi'.vti-d nt.s k of FiMlnne
Tackle; Outcry, Collars, Kan,- U.ds, and iu
fact anything yout.ui,l wish f-r irs tin line.
All kinds of Sawing KacUiuog im
paired, Ke uie tuber Taat
I Cannot Be I nilcroltl
Anywhere In this State. i if
ttfift A WF.KK in yitur wn town end no eaial
v'JU rikl. Yu mil j;ie the business a trial
without expense. Tlte laet nputtrtntiity ever offeied
for thtise willinir b work. You xhoiild try itulhing
else until you !tee for yourself what ytu can' do at the
business we offer. No nxmi t.i ej.l:ii,i here. You
can devote all your time or only your k an time to
the business, and make great wy"nr eery !iur ou
4ork. Women make as much as nteu. Semi for ste
eial pri vjjb) b-rms and particulars, -a hieh we mail iree.
SSChatOt fwte. ' Uoh't eompltin ..f hard' times bHe
yon nave smn a enai Anuria, u. 'Ml.J.rnT '&
CO., rsHsial Maine
MRS. C, Hill K, - - - Troprittaf.
This House has been thorouldy renov'sted from toe
to bottom, and As now in splendid condition for
the entertainment of travelers. The table
is supplied with everything the
ket affords. Sample rooms for
couuuarcLil man.
CorvailU, Lebanon nad Italia-. Stase Office.
a ronr own town. IS outfit
a rit-jr. Header, it yo-i want a
mm .,, .n.,. r . T . an ;.. S
busiiiuss at w!u4i
Kteat jstv all the time tUay wotk. a rib tr j fttctdS)l
..It lli.i.Tt IV. lnMUnit tUunu