The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 08, 1881, Image 3

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    FRIDAY PUR1L 8, 1881
KdtiSr nad lreprlrtr.
Albany Station.
nr.rtKTiKK nt thai.
5:80 A. at.
S:vO A. M .
11:4ft A. at.
12:06 P. M.
I Arrive at -1
Depart at
ArrWe at
ll:S A. M
12:06 P. M,
X NO P. St.
8:36 P. U. at
All Train a lH. except soodar.
WILL. B. RIOR, Station Afeitt
Mouse and Abroad.
II linth las.g and ifrvweth fat
The umu who tako th UssoctUT.
Fin moonlight uthta.
lively spring weather.
F. M. French, jeweller.
Social notes not numerous now.
Cardeu leaking coutiuueth muchly.
The (lac tors report considerable ague.
N change in the wheat market tin week.
Albany wants a wooleu mill and wants it
Plenty of Hah markets about town just
About now is a goad time to plant croquet
The lattle of the lawn mower is numerous
jnst now
Let there be, not light, but a railroad ta
Yaqoina Bay.
An inUresestini letter from the "The
Forks" this weak.
Mr. WaJlis Nash, of Corvallis, was in th
city Saturday last
Yaquina Hay Railroad convention Thurs
day the 21st iust
Our circulation is iucreasiug. Send in
your advertisements.
Judge Baldwin is not yet able to bo about,
although some better.
Why don't the Albany young people or
ganize an archery dab.
Decidedly, deuced, delectable, delicious
and delightful weather.
Call around and see the list of new sub
scribers to the Dkbocbat.
From every direction the wheat crop is
reported to be in fine conditiuu.
More new goods arriving evory day, aud
ottr stores are filling np rapidly.
Mr. D. M. Cooper, of Salem, spent two or
three days in the city this week.
Mr. I. Senders is improving his place by
the additiou of a neat, new fence.
Read the communication on Railroad Con
nections in this week's DmoctiT.
Considerable evidence of spring fever
among our street loafers tl e past weak.
It you have an interesting item of uews
jost buttonhole ye local and pass it over.
Dr. C. Wdlis Price, dentist, office in Odd
Fellow's Temple, uver Plummer' Drug Store.
Subscribe to the "JUuttraied Wtup" the
moat readable Journal on the Pacific Coast
Mr. Joseph Xixon, of I-obanoa, formerly
a resident of Albany, was in town !. Toes
day. Bishop MorrL, of this Episcopal Doces
preached at the Episcopal Church last Sab
ban. The Presbytery of Oregon of the United
Prasbyteriau Church convened yesterday
If you a ant a hat go to iilaia. He has the
Urgest stock in Albany aud will give ths J
lowest price.
It's a good thing Postmaster Raymond is
nt a Cunkiing man or ajartield would be af
ter bis scalp.
The now bridge across the Calapooia is
nearly ready for use. The work is being
pushed rapidly.
Capt. E. J. fanning made a short visit
into Polk County this week in the interest
of Ballard, Isooi k Co.
L. E. Blain's stack of furnishing goods is
the moat complete in Albany and he can and
will sell lower than ever.
Dr. Elias Je-sup, a minister in the Friend's
church will preach at the Evangelical church
next Sabbath at 1 1 a. m.
Mr. Bill Measer BBitb, of Lebanon, was
in town Saturday last. tie is looking as
solid and healthy as ever.
Some of the base-ball ists who indulged in
the game played last Saturday complain ol
sera hands and lame backs.
Not many -fanners in town the past week
AH at home takiiu advantage of the fine
weather to posh spring work.
The Corvallis, Benton Co , Diode, says,
"Mum Bertie fenos, of Albany, is visiting
Mrs. Geo. Monteith, in this city."
Gen. Mart. V. Brown still takes an inter
est in the Democbat readers and this week
sends U3 an interesting contribution.
Dry go-lx clerks now go armed with hatch
ets, chisels and hammers, all prepared fur
opening boxes full of new spring goods
Mr. 4. Neltner, of the Standard, was ia
the city s short time Saturday last. He
made tbe Dehoi hat sanctum a brief visit.
Our schools are having a vacation of two
weeks just now, en at-count of the Teachers'
Institute at Soio, which convened this week.
The new vault at the Court House is marly
ready for use, and is one of which our Coun
ty Judge and Commissioners may well be
L. E. Bonn's spring clothing lias arrived
He has made very favorable purchases and
will give his custom n the benefit ef the
low prices.
Mr. J. F.Backeuafohasputiaaneleg
fountain at Wis residence, which is to be eon
nested with the water works, and will soon
be in operation.
Many of our citizens are beginning to ap
preciate the benefits of our water works, aud
are having pipes laid bringing the water into
their residences.
Mayor i reman says to'il never bet
against the tire boys again, aud proposes to
fight the cat ordinance out en the same line
if it take? all sgnHfet.
f there is a rousing, rattling, enthusiastic
meeting on tha 21st in favor of the Yaquina
Bay projejt, real rotate values iu this city
wjll advance t.j per cent,
Among the hat of at u.rneys attending the
session of the Benton Co. Circuit Court are
tbe names of K. S Stratum, L. Flinn and J.
K. Weatherford, of Albany.
After the ceuveution of the 21 -t iust. the
only question wdl be as. to a here the dtpot
grounds are to be located, and at w! at point
the bridge will cross the river.
Mrs. tianou ws taksu quite ill at the
U. P. Church during last Sunday morning's
services. She waa taken to Judge Powell s
i-daideuce and is now getting better. It is
thought to have been a congi stive chill
Too man who does not advertise,
Otrsaot expect in trade to rise.
MTTCf T TJT'O mnv N found on Stoat Geo.
A lUO AATJUIi p7kw11 A Oo's NwsMpnr
AitwrtlaluK Iturvau ( 10 St A ''.XSff
uuutracta nuur Im ia.U- for It IN M. iOKR..
A large amount of tlax is being sown this
spring by our farmers. Mr. Jason Wheeler
has about thirty acres now iu, and we hear
ef several others intending to bow.
The Cervallis (fazrtte of last week says :
"J. Rodgers, formerly a resident of Neap
Creek, but now of Albany, was in the city
Tuesday and favored us with a call."
Mr. Harry Rndd, of Peoria, made ue a
short visit last Thursday. Ho reports crops
in that section as in splendid condition,
aud the farmers all feeling good natured.
Mr. I. F. Conn and family have removed
to Lebanon, where Mr. Conn will remain
this summer. lie is to build the new hotel
the Lebanon people are wanting so badly.
Mr. Olaey Fry, Jr., of this county, bat
who has lived in Marion for seme time, is
now moving back to bis old farm and is
making considerable improvements thereon.
The beats are making regular tripe np and
down the river, with a good stage of water.
They report that the flood iu January made
a good many changes in the channel of the
Judging from the immense stocks of goods
arriving, our merchants have full faith that
we are soon to have a railroad to Yaquina
Bay and are expect! u a boom in coitse'
Oue ef oar young ladiee has been making a
mash on a certain youug man aud says she
thinks hie mother favors the scheme because
she comes over every day and be-rews
Brother Pottinger, of the lrrald, saye wo
hurt his felint last week. We are very
sorry that such a slight thing as a type-
graphical error should cause such a cat
We understand that Mr. J. C. Hamilton,
the popular superintendent of the Albany
Flax Co's mills, is to be retained by the new
owners. A better selection oould not have
been made.
- Ex -Senator S. D. Haley, has a proper ap
preciation of the good things at this world.
He ceiled en ne last Saturday and deposited
93-00 in coin for one year's subscription to
ths Democrat.
The stock of goods formerly owned by Ed.
Baum, has been auctioned off this week by
Sam'l Cohen. The corner has presented
quite a lively appearance and some good bar
gains have been going.
Cleaning the ruad from First street was
decidedly a etich in time. Now that the
dry weather approaches the beuetits ef it are
appreciated. Stiches in time are among the
goods things of this world.
D. P. Mason, oar popular druggist, has
been having an elegant fence built about his
lots, earner of Sixth and Ferry treats. We
anderstaad it will not be long until a neat
residence goes np en that corner.
Ex-Senator Kuech Hoult, of Uarrisburg,
was ia the city last week attending the buai
ss council of P. of U. He reports renewed
interest in the organization, and predicts for
it a long life. He returned Monday.
Remember your local paper is the iudex
by which ths outside world reads the char
acter of your city, and contribute to its sop-
port liberally and avillingly that it may be
encouraged to do its duty faithfully.
Prof. D. V. S. Rani, principal of the Jef
ferson Academy, was ia the city last Satur
day. At a ute meeting of the directors of
the academy Prof. Reid was engaged to fill
the position of principal for fifteen months
While running through the country np
near Peoria last Tuesday we took dinner
with our friend W. E. Cithern Mr. G. is
now on the Christian farm and is doing well.
Ue will nave about 200 or 300 acres of wheat
this season.
There will be a cat congress, composed of
the principal Thomas and Tabby Felines of
this oity, to meet soon on the old back roofs
to disenss the moral tendencies of the Com
men Council and the local proof readers.
Look ant for aqnalla.
Dr. Ed. Clark, son ef ex-Mayor Clark,
came ep from Portland but Friday and lit
op our streets with bis jovial countenance
natd Moaday. Mrs. J. & Cougle, of Port-
laud, came up with the Doctor and will re
main here some little time.
When ana reads the weather tel
from the East, telling of severe snow storms
and cold, blustering weather, and compares
it with the pleasant, balmy days we are ex
periencing here, one forgets all about ths
pattering rain that fell last winter.
The large delegation ef our citizens who
make daily visits to the Star Brewery testify
to the superior quality of the beer manufac
tured there. It is a cool, delicious beverage
and as a tonic this warm weather it ia not
equalled aay where. Dive it a trial.
A splendid let ef furniture for sale at
(4 raff aad F rota's at prices never before
heard ef ia this locality. They 'aim that
they turn oat a very superior kiad of work,
and we certainly have seen seme beautiful
pieces of workmanship from their shop.
The Albany small boy says be wishes
they would hold teachers' institutes once a
week and have a vacation iu the schools
each time. The river banks are lined with
him and the trout aad chubs suffer is the
fiesh to a large extent in consequence thereof.
H. A. Clark's new advertisement in this
week's Democbat is worth attention from
ear readers needing anything in his line.
He says he employs no canvassers aad can
thus afford te give hi customers the beaelt
ef the 25 per eeat commission ether firms pay
for such work.
Mr. Jae. Irving, oar popular grocer, has
indulged in s fine new fence about his resi
dence grounds, which completes one ef tbe
finest places in the oity. He has had his
fountain repaired and pat in pipes connect
iag it with the water works, and it will
hereafter be supplied by water from that
Xeyss and Hecbstedler took the contract
for puttiug np the Foster bnilding, and sow
when they some to put in the front they find
bo ablo to add
in Son Francisco, bat will have to come
from Chicago. This will take about forty
days, and delay the removal of Hoffman aad
Joseph into their bow quarters for that time.
D. M. Oeborn, the famous agricultaral im
plement manufacturer ef Auburn, New
York, accompanied by his wife and daugh
ter, arrived in this state but Monday. He
will probably make Albany a visit before he
gees away, as there has been more of his
machinery sold at this paint than at any
other point on tbe north-west coast except
Now is a good time for our merchants to
show their appreciation of our tire compan
ies and assist the ladies of the Piretnau's
Coffee Club towards procuring the utensils
aud dishes ucessary to complete their ar-
raugemeuts. There is to be a meeting ol
the Ciub at No. I s Hall, Monday, April 11,
at 2 p. in., ami contributions of necessary
articles may be scut in at that time.
A Lang IrVlt Want.
Tbe coming forth of our immense stock
; of dry goods, fancy goods, shoes, sandals
and sliprets, has supplied a long felt want
in wis community. . call and examine.
MoifSITH A Seitknbach,
Successors to L. Kline A Co.
At the monthly meeting of the Council
of Li nn County Orange, held at Orand
Prairie Orniagt) Ho. 10, on Saturday, April
2nd, 181, Mr. Wall la Nash attended by
spooial Invitation and delivered an address
on the preeent position of the enterprise,
and specially explained the plana of the
engineers for carrying out the improve
ments now in progress at Yaquina Bay.
After full discuss Ion the following reso
lutions were unanimously passed :
Whetoaa, It appears that the 110.000 lust
appropriated by Congress In support of
tne works for improving tne Yaquina
Harbor entrance la noA sufficient to pro
vide for the vigorous prosecution of the
works. And
Whereas,' The completion of the Im
prove mo nt ia an object of deep interest to
the whole of the farming population of
the Willamette Valley, aud especially to
the farmers of Llnu County, because of
the Important influence or tne improve
ment on the completion of the Oregon Pa
olflc Railroad connecting tho Willamette
Valley with Yaquina Bay. And
Whereas, This Council deems It desira
ble at this Juncture to make a public unit
ed otlort In aid of this object. Therefore. ,
Resolved, That steps bo taken by this
Ceuneil to call n public oouventlou of the
farmers of tho Valley counties at Albany,
within tho next 21 day, to adopt such
Mtepssa may appear beat to prove the
public interest lu this object aud to con.
tribute to its attainment : aud that meas
ures be adopted to eail the public atten
tion and arouse one common effort for
this end. And
Resolved, That a public convention for
Iho above purposes of all into reeled be
held at the Court House lu Albany, on
Thursday, April Slat, it lu a. m. Ami
that these resolutions be advertised in the
Valley press.
Resolved, That the President, Agent and
Secretary be, and they are hereby, noml
nsted a committee to call and orgairle the
above convention.
For the Linn
County Council.
O. F. CfttWKORtt,
II. C. Powkix,
H. A. Ibvinb,
Iks Crass Convention.
Gbabd Phaibtb, April 2, 1881.
By courtesy of the Linn Couuty Council
P. of If., the County Meeting of Petrous
for tho purpose ef electing members of the
next State Orange, convened at Hall of
Orange NeflO, at 12 ta. to-day.
Called to order by Deputy Grand Mas
ter ft. A. Irvine, and en motion S.8. Train
was appointed Secretary. A committee
of Ave on credentials was appointed, ss
follows : P. M. Klacer, Wm. Cyrus, M.
Scott, T. F. Munkers, 8. 8. Train. The
convention then adjourned for dinner.
Reassembled at 1 p. m., and the com
mittee on credentials reported the follow
ing delegates present :
Harmony Orange H C Powell, J O
Powell, A J Marshal!.
Chariiy-K M Kizer, J M Thorp.
Grand Praitlo-Ja Churchill, O Frye,
Robert Foster.
Kantian. -Harvey Snellen, F M Danlols,
Wm Cyrus.
Sand Ridge - Swank, Meeea Parker,
Malt Scott. '
Jordan Valley- J as 1 ergey.'G T Kroat,
John Jirvant.
8cio T F Munkers, Joseph Blyleu. F P
Knox Butte-W 11 Wilds, K KConn, F
Lebanou -David Smith. J M -Settle, R A
Harrisburg-K Hoult, Wm J McMlok
en, 8 S Train.
Oak Plain A W Stanard, Mrs. Staa
nard. Taturent - " T Ingram.
On motion proceeded to ballot for mem
bers of tho State irsngo, which resulted in
the election of the following persona : M
II Wilds, Mrs J B Wilds, H 8 Train, Mrs
M J Train.
On motion adjourned.
It. A. IavtsK, ctt'm'n.
8.8. InvfXK, Sec.
The rim
s CasTce risk.
The ladiee comprising the above organiza
tion met at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Craw
ford on Wednesday afternoon last, at 2
o'clock anTEeld an interestiug meeting, of
which Mrs. H. M. Surlss was chairman.
The following officer were elected ;
President Mrs. L. E. Blain.
Vice President---Mrs. Joseph Webber.
Secretary Mrs. J. M. McCvaaell.
Aas't See Mrs. H. M. Series.
Treasurer -Miss Carrie Bbun.
A committee on reselutious and by-laws
was appointed, cwnsistiog of Mrs. K. F. box
and Mrs. S. C. Irvine. There were about
40 ladies present and all seemed tboroufeh y
interested in'the object, which is one well
worthy thu determined effort the ladies are
making for success. They propose to sr
range to furnish the firemen with oeffee
whenever they are called out to fires, and
arrangements will be made so the boys can
get bet coffee aad refreshments as soon as
their work at fires is over. This will meet
a want long felt aad will be duly appreciated
by every fireman in tbe oity who knows
now good a oup of hot coffee tastes after a
bard night's wotk aud being drenched to tbe
skin. There are new 86 members ef the
Tbe ladiee of tbe club will meet at No. Fa
Hall on Monday, April 11th, at 2 p. m., and
all who have signed the call are expected to
attend. See the notice.
Raeeelall for the Ladle.
This local is written for the special pur-
pose of Inviting nil the lsdy readers of tbe
Dkmocbat to attend tbe grand opting
opening of the fashionable millinery es
tablishment of Mrs, L. J. Powell, which
occurs on Tuesdsy of next weok. Mrs.
Powell bss boon In business In this city
for several years, thoroughly understands
the wants of tho ladies, and consequently
w extremely well fitted to manage such an
establishment as she is now conducting.
This year alio lias made most of her pur
chases in Sau FrnnH' co mid the East and
of course can i ll at low or prices than ever.
Shu went below this week to attend the
openings of the milinery establishments
quite a number of new attractions to her
store She boa had the good fortune to
tie able to retain for the present year Miss
French, whose long experience and natu
ral good taste eminently tit her for the po
sition which she now holds that of trim
Do not forget the time Tuesday, Jpril
12 and be surp to attend.
Energy sad Ptuca.
Our enterprising townsman, Mr. E.
Buchanan comes out in a circular this
week, announcing to the farmers that be
is manufacturing his improved Double
Graiu Cleaner and. also tbe Champion
l'ewer Hay Press. He manufactures two
sizes of tbe cleaner, and from the de
scrlptlons given it will evidently become
a favorite with our farmers. We are glad
to see industries of this class taking root
here, aud especially in such bands as Mr.
Buchanan', wbese past business exper
ience is a guaranty of the success of what
be undertaken.
Friday April lotk, being Good Friday
service will be held is St. Peter's Episcopal
church in the morning st 10 o'clock and
evening at f :30 a. m. All are invited.
ttl l t aUt.
A luKKeMlep.
As will be seeu from the report published
in thie number of tho Dkmimkat a oonven
tion has been called for Thursday, the 21st
lust, by the Linn Co. Orange, for the pur
pose of furthering and discussing tha pros
pects of the Oregon Paciilo R. IV and the
improvements of the harbor at Yaquina Hay.
Tho Orange meetiug at which it was decided
to call thle convention, was largely attended
and the move is one with which our farming
community ie heartily ia accord. Wo would
suggest that this convention will be a lifting
time and place for the oitiaene ef Albaay to
show that they too are interested in this
movement, and that arrangements be made
to make it a general papular demonstration
of the sentiments of ear citizens with refer
enee to it. l-ot a citizen's it tee be or
gaaixed aud active steps taken tewanl that
and. The committee appointed by the
Oraage is composed of Messrs. O. F. t !raw
ford, II. C. Powell and It. A. Irvine. These
geatlemoo will williagly cooperate with a
cittxeu's committee and the day can be made
a grand success. The success of this scheme
upon which so much depends for the Wil
lamette Valley, does not rest upou the ef
fert of aay single individual hut on the unit
ed and vigorous effort of the eutire commun
ity. Let ss have an enthuaiaatic meeting.
We feel certain that our public spirited Al
bany ladies are equal to the occasiou aud
will see the. importance of it. Why not get
up a big public dinner we feel certain May
or Fromaa would contribute the opera house
for that purpose and let our farmers aud
townsmen all Join hsuds and give something
towards it. aud it would add greatly to the
interest of tho day. Let somebody take the
matter iu hand aud by starting iu time there
eau bo no fat lute.
lasaraare anl tire Items.
Harry Boyd, eg-ut in Oregon for the
Hamburg-Bremen Insurance Co., name
np from Portland last Friday noon aud
adjusted the loss sustained by P. Schloa-
aer In the Into Chinese Are He a a reed to
pay the full amount of the insurance
$850, and Mr. Sohlossur will probabfv
receive bla money otssj
The lesa sustained by 8am Ceheu by
tbe recent fire at Soap ''reek has been ad
Justed and paid. It was insured with
Stewart dt Grey in the North British and
Metcautilo Insurance Co., and tbev paid
over the sum of foUOO.
Matters srs at a dead ock between tbe
Home Mutual Insurance Company and
Kwong Mow Co. Tbe Chinese Arm claim
they have sustained a lose of 1U00, and
tbe insurance company offers them $900,
claiming that tbe Block bad run down,
aud that the amount offered by them fully
covers the loan. TheChlnoso bavo moved
the remainder of their stock to the build
ing In tbe rear of Parrlsb'a brick, and
Messrs. Story and Hush, who represented
the Homo Mutual, hsve back to
Portland, leaving tbe matter unsettled.
The "Hergteter" bailditt,; will probably
he rebuilt soon.
Peter Sch looser is now cleaning up the
debris at Out anena of tbe late Chinese Are,
and will aooii put up s i.ew building on
tho same site.
A Mas
h aierfc.
A few days ago we looked through the
Isrge mercantile establishment of A. It.
McllwaJn, and found that bo has tbts
flute thought 011 a larger sale than ever
Is'foro, aud his two large rooms are full to
overflowing with all kinds of goods-In
fact we have net noou audi a large stork in
Oregon outside of Portland.
Hit line of ahelf batdwaro is very com
plete and embrace almost everything iu
that line that a man can wanCand as he
buys lu San FrancUKO and tho Kat, bo
cau undor toll all others.
In the Hue of bats and caps, boots and
shoes, he cxcrla all ollmr and in prices
defies co mix 'tit Ion.
In 'j neons ware be lias a full stock ami
somo of tbe most beautiful now design,
we hsve ever seen.
In dry goods.tbough is when- the estab
lishment shows up to best advantage
The proprietor displays great taste and
Judgment lu buying goods for tills mar
ket, sud for some reason la able to sell
much cheaper than any one elao. In the
line of cashmeres alone he will sell 25 per
cent lower than any other (establbhmeuf.
Go around and see him, speud an hour or
two tbeie. and learn his prices.
O 1
A Ceed Artlrtr and a slr frlee.
This la what the well known house) of
Samuel K. Young, ef this city, aims at,
and practically realises too. Just now
many of the papers contain flaming ad
vertisements of "cheap" iroode, which
I ms
promhre all sorts of impossible tblngs.snd
may deceive .the unwary. Meii are not
oendnctlng their business purely in
Interest of the public, without hope of
profit or reward, aud when the extrava
gant assertions are made of goods selling
next to nothing or cheaper than any one
els.- can arm., la nine cases out of ton It
will pay tho purchaser to go to some bouse
of more modeet pretensions. Bsmnol B.
Young does net give goods for tbelr tak
ing them away, but will guarantee "fall
value" for the money be receives. He ha
now a splendid stock of spring goods, tbe
finest assortment of good goods that can
be found tbla side of Portland, which be
will take pleasure in showing and selling
at prices as low as can be bad anywhere
for like goods. .Ilia well arranged and
commodious store is on First Street, Alba
ny, opposite the Bank.
On Monday the 4th inst.,C. D. Simpson,
of this city, was arrested at the instance ef
A. L. Bridgewater, tbe charge against him
boiag larceny by balleo. Tuesday a pre
liminary examination was had at tbe
Court House before Justice Haven, and
Simpson was bound over to trial by tbe
Circuit Court. Ills bonds wore placed at
$500, and J. A. Crawford and Jas. Dannals
became bis bondsmen. Tbe facta proved
wero that A. L. Bridgeniau had stored
with Simpson Tl bushels of whost : that
Simpson without authority had sold the
same and failed to account for the pro
ceeds. This case is proposed as a test trial
of the questions iuvolved and will be fol
lowed with interest by many ef our fann
ers who have also stored whent with Mr
tlraad pestlag.
Mrs. Lou. Parrish has appointed Tues
day next, April 12th, as her grand opon
lug day. She will display one of tho larg
est and finest stocks of milllneiy goods
ever brought to Albany. She has secured
tbe services of Mrs. Miuaie McCoy, one
of the best milliners on the coast, and asks
the ladies of Albany and vicinity to call
and Inspect ber stock before purchasing
elrewbere. She has every eouvfuience
for displaying good1, and customers will
be astoulsbed at the extent and variety of
Mrs. Parrish 's purchases. Her reputation
for tasty selections and buying goods
cheaply has placed Mrs. Parrish among
tbe first milliners of the Valley. Her
opening will be one of the events ot the
season, and all our lady friends should
a tent
A stomarkaWlc fuctu.
Eititor Ihmocrai :
In oue of my old musty volumes prinied
in "war times" I find the following remark
able love poem, written by that most talent
si of all the literary characters ef that day,
0. Cbauncy Burr, which 1 thought perhaps
mifchbhe of interest to your readers, as well
as that its publication iu the Dimoubat
might be the best means of preserving it.
Most of ths characters therein mentioned
have long s'.noe passed to the unknown Be
yond, jot the knowledge of their public acts
at the period at which the poem was written
(in ISO.'l) remains freeb iu ths minds ef
many of the readers of tha Dkmocbat.
Perhaps it might net be Inappropriate te
aid that the volume containing this poem
passed through two I Ires dariag tbe time it
has been in ray possession, ia ths library of
ths DSMOdBAT office.
Ma sr. V. Bkow.
Toe I lovs ray assrsst life,
slurs than rsselisrs Isvs lbs strlf s,
Mors tbss Unsols Uvea to ruls,
Mart Uian Blslr to plsy ths fl,
Mors loan Camsren to rub.
Mors than (Jreclsr totes a mob,
Mors tbss UoSwts loves to lis,
Mors ibsn Bswani levss a jge,
Mors 1 ban Saiuuor loves a ulygsr,
tiers than Walls bis beard and figaro,
More than Stanton levss a Oitit,
Mors than llailssk Mao to aste,
Mora tbsn Kayteoiid Iwvas btmsslf,
Mnrw than Untlsr hasps of Btjg,
Mors tbss Seedier lovtsi to swear,
Mors than Tth to pfajr tbs bos',
Mors teas Jobs Van B. is b .li.
Morn than I en. t lovas s sprss.
Mors than Brady loves s fee,
More Mian "p-tlrtots" hva ibslr pi .
Mors than Uaoarela rda and dies,
Mors than lfoohor les Ma toddv,
Mor (lias marks loves tbs shoddy.
Mors ihsn Mac tho too to boat,
Mors than Krcuaont a rstrsst,
Mora (lias ('has to foot ths banks,
Mors than Hale te rut bla pranka.
Mora than prstuibsni lot tbs atrU
I luvs ostSj Ssarsst Ufa.
rress The forks."
CaanrsiKB Cskbb, Apill 15, 181.
Editor Democrat:
Aa you bavo no regular correspondent
from this part of tho Forks I drop you a
few lines that your read 01 s may know
what ws are doing in this section.
The farmers are making good use of the
flno weather.
Flowing ami eroding is tbe order of the
day and everybody is busy.
We are having quite a severe time with
the epizootic, nearly all tbe horses In this
section being aiTeoted more or leas, al
though there seems to beau Improvement
In the last few days.
Hoclally and morally our nsigbborbood
is gaining ground. Itev. Mr. Barnes, of
Heio, held nteetittgs here Wednesday and
The rsday evenings of last week and also
on Sabbath last at i p. in. All were well
attended. We are also having a aeries of
religious lectures by He v. sir. Morton on
" I be Near Coming of Christ." He han
dles his subject inamaUerly manner, bas
ing his discourses from evidence found iu
the Bible, illuiurated from his uiagalncent
chart arranged fee the purpose. Me shows
that man's probationary Btav hare on
earth Is exceedingly sbot, and that the
oomlngof Christ la neat i hand. Tbe
meetings bavo been well sastaasatsl snd
everybody behaved well tn-opt a few
youngsters who s I aWsitit think Iheiels
nn Christ at all.
We have a ll-io new srttl -pi tin itsj assay
the old reeideiM-e of Mr. J. J. Crabtreo.
where a school will Begin neat Monday.
Miss Ktuina Cllno, of S lo. bss been en
gstred ss tesi'ber. Fi war Dbaoox.
tor Lrfceaea BosS Still aoa Mr Hrly r-r
Travel Two feelssrn S'resa from
1 a sup rata.
Lost Tuesday Henry Mock and Joe.
Wateruner arrived at Ibanon front the
viciulty or Causp Polk, lu Wasco County, I
where they have been trapping during the I
past winter. They come across on foot
over the Lebanon mountain road ami re
port tbst this j-opuiar rood will soon 0.
open for travel, and It is tbelr opinion that
horsemen could get across even now with
out much difficulty. Krone Cache Creek
te Hah Lake tbe snow is ouly about three)
feet deep, and this side of the latter point
there is not enough to speak of. Very little
timber has fallen across the toad, and la
borers will net have much trouble In
clearing out obstructions.
John Olltlland, who has charge of tbe
read, wss down at Sweet Homo lost Satur
day, and while there wrote us that there
was very little snow In tbe tnountslns.snd
that tbe road would be open by the loth of
this month.
A great many of our readers who are
anxiously waiting to get across tho moun
tains will lo glad to hear tbe uews.
a., mi 0 1 111
Naoabrr Twe Won.
Mayer Froraau has probably a better epia
ion ef Kngius Co. Ne. 2 boys since Tuesday
afternoon last. We leara bo offered a wager
ef ten gallons of beer that ths beys could
set get together after their bell wag rssg.
fire ap aad go to tho St. CBarlea Hotel from
tksir ssssrbaa keaas. and est a atrraas nlaviti
inside ef ten minutes. Oa Tuesday after
aooa at twe o'clock tho boys made the trial
aad accomplished the feat lu four and three
quarter annates. Qaito a crowd was drawa
eut by ths firs bell ringing aad for a short
time First street presented a very lively ap
pearaaco. The trial shews very plainly what
osr firemen sre good fer, and that they are
always ea head and reedy for daty, deaerv
iflg the good reputation they have wen, as
well as Mayor Fromaa 's wager.
Ths ladies ef ths Fireman's Coffee Club
ill meet on April 1 Ith at No. I s Hall, at 2
o'clock, p. 111. They will Lo sailed by lira
strokes of tbe bell. 'All members are ex
pected preeeut aud their dues, 2."c per quar
ter, will be expected to be paid at this
mooting. Those who caunot bo preeeut will
please send is their dues.
Albany, April 7, mi
Mns. L. K. Bi.Ara, Pres.
Mm. J, M. McCoxnbll, Sec,
Letter Idas.
Thefo. lowing Is tho list of letters remaining
in tbe Post Office, Albany, Llun oounty, Ore
sob, April 7, 181. Persons nailing far these
letters must Rive the date oa wblob.they were
Asayrs-m, Uoo.
Brown, Michael
t'uahmau, Wm
Mason, Uso W
Mageeu, Albert J
Melton. Miss Huby (t)
Ward, Mrs. Oso.
Wtlborn, Klisa
Wheeler, W II
Walker, Mis r
Wllsoa, Chas
Hill, Unuls Billy
Ues, J w
Yensou, B K
Rice, Miss Mary Anu
P. H. 11AYM0ND, P.
Bias KIBBea Clnb.
The Club meets this evenlug, snd tho
program will be as follows ;
1 Recitation by Jenule Oeorge.
2 Comic solo by Albert H. Haffeuden.
3 Vocal quartet by Messrs Charlea and
Albert Haffimden, Dr. Price and H. C.
. 4 Address by Dr. Ellas Jessup, a min
ister of the Society of Frlends,late ot lewa.
Tbe Wool Harkrt.
The last monthly wool circular Issued
by Maugei Avery, of New York, does
nH seem to Indicate a very good market
for the spring clip, but this plan Is always
taken at this lime by wool dealers for fore,
lug prloaa down. Tbn circular ssys:
"fastead of tho liopod for Intproveiiinnt
the past four weeks has devolopnd ".tester
weakness in the wool maaki t. Tho In
clemency of tbe season has rnlsrdod tho
sales of both spring and fall woolous.
Manufacturers except In insUn-es where
tha goods have been contracted for, are
working with extreme caution, both In
tbelr manufacture and purchase of wools,
while toe wool dealers and commission
merchants, who have held tbelr own and
consigned stocks for months, lu tbe face
of ad verse oircumaiauoes, are becoml ng dh
00 u rags d as to tbe stability of value, and
are anxious to close out their wools Iwfbre
tbe new dip arVlves. This disposition to
realise on stocks has culminated during
the past few days, and as we write tie
slaughter Is In progress. Tltnv who hsve
boon firmest In tbelr views being now tho
most anxloas touuload, but notwithstand
ing tbs weoknoe of prices, but very few
manufacturers appear to have courage
enough to avail themselves of the advan
tageous offerings st tbelr dlsissutl
"How long tho scare will last or how It
will end,it is dlAloultto determine. Stocks
are much larger than usual uj n tho eve
of a new clip, and tbe decline probably
will not be chocked until there U a decid
ed Improvement In tbe wco!-n ods mat
ket, whon It would not be surprising if a
audden reaction took piece. But whether
it is to be In April or November, who
"California wools have lieeu vetyslow of
sale. Recent arrrlvals have in roused the
supply of fall wools, but tho demand is
vary limited. irlcs range fr mi 1 1 to no
"Oregon wools have roininued miiei.
rriecs&V .'Ak:
Territory wools bsve been In fair request
at low figures. Stocks of Hue wools bsve
been reduced somewhat, but large amounts
still remain to depress tbe market, partic
ularly low and strtlally Im rove.l wools.
Prloa I V fit) 30c.
"Texas wools are scarcely iti'iulred for.
As a rule they are not preased on the mar
ket, but the supplies, particularly of fall
wools, are. so huge, that It will haves re
stricting influence on npcrslioti this
spring. Price ISe
Mrllsl.ata Beflrr.
The Kev. K. I.. Stevens, i:pis-opal mitt
later of Albany, wish us to announce
that hereafter be will devote all bis time
to Albany and I.inti County. Durmg his
five years reel datMS in this ewy m ben not
hindered by sickness, it has been bis cus
tom to give one half of bis lime to town
In other 00a n ties, but he will hoeofter
bold services every Sunday morning and
evening at the usual hours, and also every
Wednesday at 7:30, p. m.
He also wishes us to announce to those
f tbe readers of tbe Dkmocbat who an
members of the Kplocopal Church or
Church of England, residing In Linn Co.,
that at times there have appeared notices
In tbe t-aper of the death ol members of
whom be has bod no knowledge or record
during tho whole lime of bis lesldence
bare. It Is tbe duty of tho church mem
bers to report ihomselvoe to bim , and be
wilt take pleasure in call: in on.n them
and doing a pastor's duty to them. They
-an makn themselves kmmn by letter r
vlsiliitji at hU bouse in Albany.
S "
A Use Ma 3a l nr.
lu the c, for April there are pa
pers on at lent 1 tic aad philosophic BBatJoetS by
able writers ; James tumble, the sell
kaown superintendsnt of tho ''! , if,,, con
tributes a chatty (wiper full of early remi
niscences f tho telegraph on the Pacific
Coast ; Lucretia Mtt is the subject el a
abort paper by Miss Kllen C. Sargent, daugh
tee of the .Senator. In the hue of stories,
this number of tbe CiLfornm U particularly
rich. Mr. John Vance Cheney's 49 and
o0" is continued, and has some able descrip
tions of early tleye in Han Francisco ; Dr.
d. W. (aslly contributes a story called
'seokiug Shadow.. ;" the first chapters of
"wood for naught" by Mrs. lleleu William.
are given and are full ef promise ; and Miss
Neville has a pathetic little story called
"Blighted." Poems are contributed by Joa
autu Miller aud others. The Cii.foniiuit
seems to be rapidly gaining in jmpular favor
It ia nabliahed fer S4 a vear nt 202 S
some St , San Francisco.
" BJ w as
KallroaU Nates.
We gloaued the foliewiag items regarding
Beid's 4 'Narrow Osage" railroad this week
Warkraea are tsarina uu the track from
Thomas Creek to Scie, ami the cut el or new-
tine has boon graded from tho old hove as far
as Thomas Creek bottom. There 1 about
iOOO feet of trestle work and tilling yet to be
eae to complete ths read bed for the track.
A temporary bridge is being put up across
the north Fork to allow teams to cross while
the work is going oa. Scio people are mod
iy wrm ,n cw,lr - w 'Fja'
the removal ef tbe read, and "William of
. 1 . t 11 . . -
Dundee" has fsw frieads in that vicinity.
A ralnta! Acrltlcnt.
Sam Surloa met with a painful accident
last Wednesday forenoon st tbe flax
scutching mill In tbe low.erend of the city.
Ue was feeding tbe breaking machine, and
turning his bead away a moment his lin
gers on one band were caught between 1 bo
nh w terr,b,7 Uc'
e rated and eoveral of tho finger nails torn
off, but happily for him ne bones were
broken. Dr. Johnson dressed the wound.
bat tbo youug man will not be able to do
much for some time.
Anelker banar
Major J. R. Horren is again the proprietor
of The Central Market, having bou-htout Mr.
VT. H. Hartless. The Major is too well
kaown among our citizens and kis reputation
for furnishing everything first olasa in the
line ef meats too well established to make
it necessary far us to say anything. Give
him a fair trial and you are sure to become a
steady customer. The Major has bought
oat the entire business, fixtures, etc., and
will endeavor to keep the market up to its
eld standard.
Bsesssssjp-ssap o pi 1 '
The Northern Pacific Kallroatl
This much-talked of road will soou be
completed to this coast and will ne doubt
cause a busniess boom, but oven that can
not ciuse Redileld A Irving, the outer
prising grocery men, to do bolter than they
are doing at present. They keop on band
almost everything in tbeir lino that a man
can ask for, and will sell at prices suitable
to the present bard times.
Kew tt easts Next Week.
N. Baum has purchased a magnificent
stock of goods for tho store of Fox, Baum
A Co., aud it will all arrivo next weok.
Don't purchase anything until they ai
rive, as this stock wil be one of the best
ever brought into Albany
arlsjg H'lfrrlat -o ostiinir. s ;
nets P -Ms-, i..
The leuUoi stutnls'rs of the Hty b-lle an
distni hd by visions of plntds and strijH
She takes home sassies photographs of t h. M
as they stand piles' bajfb in hip windows
and by night ss lay day, Wseders which she
bad better choose, because both will S00S) Is
the rsg, one as fashionable n the ot!er.
Woolens ne s'riped or p! ; s lk sre
ditto, while a computation of the ginghams
that are going, to Im sold during the next
six month, si.ul! h-nvc the 1.1 pr.yz'o no
where. Kverv she ..f phid Is seen ; from
small checks np to luri, Winre. but in
aw a
stripes there is a noioifi st aversion to broad
ones, iu tratk fhey do not ajsjejef at all.yet
frequently tlm thV-t of brosd is j-iven
by assemblage of narrow own invos! to.
gather. They run both lengthwise and cross
wise of the goods, but the latter. toW a
in A if Id Ling Hyne, bayadere, will oftcner
be placed nt intorv da in plaiting on. the
0 Music than drnp...l ssaaWsT. This st lcit
will Im the esse in woolens win ru s condona
tion of plain rtiateij.l u a necessity; so
much so that many are brought out in
double widths ; half pai m.d fcgjj itriped
or plaided As s finish, f..r gingham, how
ever, we have the new lsh embroideries,
whi.h cntiHingiy wrought in checks with
fancy colored tdges, are the prettiest trim
mings imaginnble. They will 1 immensely
popular, not only for adults hut for children,
since they iMAittifully line in texture and
fst in color. Cotton satines though not
put upon the market in soch overwhelming
quantities as gingham, trill be very fashion,
side. These sre stamped in small f!ow-ra
closely covering the snrfacc aud they bWr
wise will Is trimmed a ith lash uml-roid i
quite as sVassjaM and in as durable eohoing.
a tlios- intended f-T gingham. Hereof
course tlo- end f...-.. . -l.-.iT, ri to or
resiinl, ' OsTt BM.
OvorakUta ftre lM,lc aa fashionable aa ever
Ierhsp mot; re, now that hyht aeoleo
aud cotton are to Im male up. sod ssje of
tha prettiest a:uoii2 the new design is the
Ixdella, composed of a long tab'i. r drad
in gather at the sides, aud a ratio 1 I. ;!ji1
B a m a.. jL.
irajH-r y at the i,.n:k. I ho lmo, o w jit I
having a aurphce drapery on BBS bent, sl-ir-red
back snd plaited basque skirt woold
combined orettilv. An,ther
Wa.,ut is the Perdits, which is tiyht lit mgi
momented with folda e the front aad :.b
.in. 1 the hack pi. . ; . aenaratvd I. : .w tl.e
rr -
waist, disclosing a fan plaiting. The IM
griutajo costume i n.-w veryfealrfaeaTlasa'd
one lately made for Marie Itoto is in .'.aik
blue camel's hair. 'Hie arr, walking skirt
is trimmed with a tiounce arranged iu clas-
tered plaits; s polonaise with a fist Watteau
datt form the drapery in the ba-k of the
akirt. and a cape with collar and hw in- with
cord iu tho hack and on the shoulders give
a finish. Other new spring nnd n;iumr
costume, sr.- tmely illn-tratr.l in 1-ord.and
Tsylor's catalogue with price ami descri,--tioB.
CM course there are other depart-rn-ut.
such as shoe, milliacrv. household
iiien.t o that merit attro'i sj at d in a feature
introduced flkisSsSBtSSJi we liud a series of faah-
lon urt u-lea .Mvitii the latest information iu
each - ial I. lie It ia itehod like a fshioa
BaeeHSBse, s-nt without eliarec.
nm.t. ami raxaVM
fhe most eaaential eiialityof the ne' Imu-
net is yellowness. White straw are quite
out of dste snd black alio arc in a minority.
but all tho essssj .traw, surh as TiiMan,
IKlieru. Itrlcian, or NespoliLan will Im very
fashionable. A for os n work and fancy
atr.iwa, toer i i i.l, but these I-tter
st) lee are ussslly 1:1 !. cottage or poke
shape white the hat with wide, fanciful
turned brims SM of loe woven straw. Kil
bona are plsidetl nnd sttiMsl to match dross
es. The 3raoj is now a n.attr -i great
mono nt an.l quite .- important tiic new
honoet. I loth of course must I e in accord
ance, so we ti ml par ioI affe. bv all the
new atrixslaiid plaided iilea. The Princes
and the Iiiitcheao ritr the teadim stvlcs :
ss - or
the former ahowiug the fiuler coverinp,
cim 1 h. a -.1 of two pieces : the letter of three.
Boautiiitl ami varied results ire brought
abont by contrasts betweeu ihe different
pieces, and K"ater vuri.-ty is jj ven by alter
nations of color iu the liniuga, which are set
behind the ribs, of which twelve is now
thnatlih SStmls-r. But uuique iarasds
have linings of oue color throughout except
on" panel which of a contrasting color has
painted on it .1 bird or animal a stork, swan,
olephaut, moukey, etc. Favorite ornamei -tationt
sre jet or steel bsai's or Spanish la :
sewn down so titditly as to resemble tiue
smhroidery. Other parasols aru almost cov
ered with rulllcs of uarruw Spanish lace or a
single fall of wicVr may asaas the .-deg.
But many handsome parasols saw wittwsst J
edging of any kind.
uvvuiry wiR-n arc .ii'.i.iri cm qiilic fcllO
thing in the' way of markiug. The texture
is very line an the prettiest initial letters in
ast Turkey red aru woveu on them. These
ore cut off as desired and placed 011 nuder
clothing or household linen. The letters are
of different sizes' ; a sintflc letter can lu sews
on, or the entire name, r there miv be a
hainlsome monogram.
I. i cy Cabtti
IH77 TO lfHl.
Th.-ee years and six mouth eugaged
ejccliiKively in tbo men's line, with a con
stantly grow ing bride and increasing pub
lie confidence, is a 1 coord that guarantees
very mm b. Such nro faclw, and if there
la anything valuable in vbaracter and
pride in a well conducted business, to as
sure purchasers thlit they will be fairly
doalt with, it is eci nin that my customers
have that assurance My Spring stock is
now arriving, which will be found larger,
more varied, and clioapor this season than
evor before.
To close cash buye.s I will say. briugon
your gieen backs and I will show you bot
tom figures. J. M. NOLAN,
Farmers ami Mechanics' Store.
The Weather.
Followiug is tho summary of meteorology
for March, from observations taken in this
city by John Rriggs, Esq. :
Highest barometer, 30.07 ; lowest, 23. 0C
mcaa, 29.7-1.
Highest temperature, 78 ; lowest. 32
mean, 4S.(il.
Prevailing winds", S SV and N
mum velocity of force, 3.
Total rainfall, 3.53 in. Number of days
on which .01 or more inches ruin fell, 17..
No. of cloudy days, 8 in tcale of 10, 24
Snow, .5 in.
Hail storms, ; frosty mornings, 1(1.
' S 1 '
Erodelphlaa Society.
Persons having books belonging to tho Kr
odelphiau Society ore requested to return
them at once or notify the librarian.
S. L. Cos hit, Librarian
Important I Fat art r.
Oor readers w ill r-ri-mrcr what a war
there was ytnr SMMssg tlo- diffs resit wire
binding harvcSNr asrewcie in this locality.
It wa ai.i.l by .on.e t M,, (Htrn binder
Mould hot Is- able to foiowti a twise mdisag
.t tachrscut this ses.n, but cv-utrsry to tlmt
they sre the tirt in Mm held, and now have
one on expositimi at Ihichaoau's sb-ri-olti:al
house. With e.ury self binding harvester
company they sell both attachments for
binding, with either twine or wire, wit! out
incresving the standard price of the machine.
Tlie H o t dating rates demanded for both
kind of binding material, during the paat
two seasons have clearly iS'abhshed t fact
that power to change from mm to the other
at will ia the farmer's only rafeguaid firm
extortion. Is the coming uompetition liable
to result from rival interests respecting twite
and wire respectively, the farmer who ope.
etc mi Oborn Harvest r. that will bind
With lot.h materials equally .well, will be B
a poaitosi to avail himself of the advantag- f
ofered by a BsSjMs market.
The flalsmi Harveater i simple in cot
struction and dnrabl. in it material aid
h ta snceeskf jly hUkh the teat aa a aire
hnder, and WS feel .Tiir.-.i will Is- just ss
s iccesidu with twine ; and then it 1 such a
smdl tak to change the attachments fn sa
o ie to the other, ouly requiring alx-ot f a
m notes tun. .
A distinguishing feature of theOsborn Self.
Binder, whether tiaing twine or wire. is its r
markably clean work. It wa.t- mi jjrait .
Trie arraneiio-nt of the cutting, eh-vstiog
aud binding ap(iaratM i smdi that all the
grain w saved, hV ether it Im long rr sho-r,
thick or thin, standing or Jodg-.-.!. A windy
dsy has no terrors for the Oaborn, as tbe
e evator cap afford certain protection ft t
gr .in.
Th- whole machine is completely under
the control of tbe driver when in the field,
be can sajplaf the StSe ef the bundles I y
msMn of a f-eit trip, and cn adjust t:. is:i d
t long or fcb'irt straw by a simple turn of
a wheel, sod yet every part of the machinery
i ? Hie most lasting an i durable material.
That gei ial and accommodating gentle
man. K:i; oe Butbaoan, is the local agent
f o th.- 0.tM,rflf and he will Im glad to show
H 'o iH I... SSsI on bim.
B tTIO 1 ' L
i:v.tni:i v.
i t BIS.
aie what the atlli-etl sek for, and
tltoM wiio resort to Dr. tierce's Fam
ily MdiH"'-s are not doomed to dis
apxntnienr. Hit Kssitl vcl y efUcssctons is
his Fovoriie Peremption in all cases of
ft-ma'c Meeknesses, nervous and other de
raiigo'iien-. incident to tbe aex. that this
V- ssBst 'ftnedv Is sold tinder a powHive
itusratiti For particulars see Plere's
Memoran turn Iknk driven away by drug
gists), or sen the wrappers of'tbe medi
cino. fVdd by dnizfrists.
wasiccv, Minn., April 5th. 1879.
It. V. PlKBTK. M. ti.'.
Dear Sir I feel that I should be neglevit
iug my duty were I to fail in giving tuv
u-stim ny as tho value of our me1u-ties.
hur years I havo lr-u a great sufferer
from a complication of chronic dtKeaee
which our physician 'rested in vain. I
sta now using your Favorite Prerseripikm
and find myself almost well. Your nuedi
cineo have done me more good ihsn ony
taafssj I bsve ever used.
I remain, trratefully rour.
ratEt: or o-t.
Dr. King's New Discovery fur t 'isasaiap
tion, coughs and ooldv asthma, broocbitts.
is given away in trial bottles free of cost to
the afflicted. If you hsve a sc. ere coagh,
cold, difficulty of breathing, hoarseness or
other affection of th throat or lungs, by all
mean give this wonderful remedy a trial.
A poo value your existence yon cannot sf
i -rl to let this opportunity pass. We could
not afford and would not jr.- i. r- uedy
away unless ae knew it would accompiwh
what we claim for it. Thousand. of'i.
cases have alrealy boen corel by it.
There is no medicine in the world that will
cure one-half the cases tnat !). K:u'- N-w
Discovery will cure. For sale by
Ftsvhav and Mason. whrSo-asls agents Aiba
oy ; D. Morris. Scio ; Dr. I Foley, Leba-
n m ; lr. J. STL I'owell. larbanon ; l. -M.
CallsreottM, Bucua Vista ; lteafetto and Mon-
L.mi-. .lefft-rson ; (). H. P. Crnoiiii8, Tur
ner ; K. A. Rampv. llarrialurg ; S. S.
Hayes, llalsey ; Smith. Hal rs ;
Starr and Blakely, Brownsville.
an laiMa r t in 10. 1 .
We have for sale, both at ladsaaon and
Crass Ilidge.300,000 feet of all kinds of lum
ber, such as scant. in;;, joists, liarn timbers,
boxing. fciK-iug, and other rough !aniWr.
At I.- ii.iii.-n sre have a sujMrior lot f dry
I amber, such as rustic, flooring, eta Owing
to the Ute fire, we are offering this lumber at
reduced rates. Address us at lebaoon.
Ij:b..xox, Or., July 31, 1880.
The best salve in the world for cuts, bruis
es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tet
ter, chapped h..nde, chilblaioa. corns and all
Linda of skin eruptions. Thu save is truer
anteed to give : :' t atisfaction in every
case or mouey refunded. Price 35c per box.
for Rale by roshay and Mason, wholesale
agts : 1) Moore, Scio ; D roley, Letianon ;
)r Powell, Lebaoon ; Uedath and Mon-
Ujfue, .IrhVrsou ; 1 M Calbreath, Buena
ista ; (J t ornehus. Turner ; K A llamtiv.
Hsrrisburjr ; altarr aud Tdakelv, rrowus-
The Howe Sow la- Mursiae.
Our friend, Fred Craf, has received the
igency for the celebrat.-d Howe sewing in,-
diine, and is now re-oly to sspply the public
fhe improved Howe i of the lu,at ma
chines manufactured, and our readers who
want anything in that line v ill do well to
.jail at (irafs furniture store and look st this
lady's friend.
IK Ton Waal t oruliare?
Jas. Dannals, in this city, now has on
hands a larger stock of furniture titan any
other establishment this side of Portland,
and if you want to purchase any it will pay
you to give him a calX He -.-.- anmethim?
to tell yon iu renard to,his pricca.
tiikom rnvtsN' t the not;.
A great portion or tbe suffering and dis
tress of this country is dne te the fact that
the people take too much physic and too
many drugs. If you want to presrvo
your health, save doctors' and di ulstS'
bills, use the California Tine and Euca
lyptus Porous Plasters for nil pains. Flo
ssie by Kosnay A Mosou, Foster's llnck,
Main St., Albany, Or.
I.eaten Servlc.
During the season of Lent services will be
held in the F.pUcopal Church every Wednes
day and Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock.
Sunday services as usual. All are invited
to attend.
laveaSors and Pateatees
should send for instructions, terms, refer
ences, etc. , to Edson Brothers, Solicitors of
Patents, Washington, D. C,, who furnish
the same without charge. Kdson Brothers
to s well known and successful firm of laiye
experience, having been established in 1866.
Slave!. Cherry Tetli rttste.
An aromatic combination for the preser
vation of tbe Teejth and tiuma. It J far
superior to any preparation of the kiud In
tbs market. In lsrge, handsome opal
pots, price 50 cents. For salo by Foshay
A Mason, Albany, Oregon.
For a cough or cold there is nothing
oi ual to Ammen'R Cough Syrup.