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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1881)
tmmut FRIDAY APHIL 8, 1881, Hudson's Bay suddenly looms up m q lHMaitde raiinwd term i una for ritiu to ls hhipjMxl t Burnt. The prospects m favoi able fur sje1y railroad connection the eaRtwatd. A recent (tle-ram Bay the rails ami eijuipmentH lutvo beeu purchased for the Nevadt ami Oregon Railroad lrm Rfno, Nersda, to Beck worth Yah. CoxtiRKsSMAX JoXQKHSRN, of Vir ginia, nays the reatljttBters cannot again elect any body, s IVinoerntie readjust- (ts are diagustetl with Mutton, conduct-, Mahunc will hare some chance if h g4t the united support of the UepttMic-an. "Has thef bottom dropped out of Cal ifornia i was asked of Senator Bootoi "No," He replied, eiuihalically. "Last year the Pacific Slates raised one ton of wh-t for ever? man, wonmn ami cliihl in them. Whit wo want is nn isthmus eanl." - ' 1 " Advices conta'roing the wool nmrkot are of a weaker lone. Millionth it is claimed that manufacturer must meet aolles-.s more than half way. It i !ain that the fortnet d not intend to ropes t last season's t-.-iii. -f. and i slow markt tarty t looked for. A tk.vchku in one of tho Boston pub lic K'heols says she ran almost iitvatia- Lly aelect from atnoag her pil4ls thtt&e who read the ! r Asp iera at home; such are Mire to exhibit a l:tter acquaint attee with yjetaphv, orth' "tapliv, ami the true meaning of words, la-t a tenia remember Uiis. These nivis of the day, s-iit Or. Johnson, have usee more adequate to the ,urivrtes uf'eon:- mon life titan more ooapoua ami duta hie volumes. A ixli:uat!On ot colored men from Baltimore trailed upon ihn President ami t i an address asking fuller recognition of the claims of the eolorad Republicans of Maryland. Ti t? Presi dent replied bfietty Ihst he would ex amine into the matter ; that in njiat- ments to public offices fitness ami ituat iiication.s of individuals should Ik- con sidered. The color, whether black r white, could iu itself Ik neither a rec ommendation nor a bar. Thk Orejonum adsiits in a tectni editorial comment oa the present squab ble in the Senate, that the Republican Senators aie all m bad as the Demo crat, and says they " are following the Democratic method to the letter, and with as much persistence as Democratic politicians themselves have ever shown in a similar enterprise." The question now is, what the devil will become of the country if the pure ami holy leaders of the Refmbliean party have fallen so low t The 'New York Herald thinks that there is more than ordinary significance in the it-jort that Commodore Sbnfeldt is to reorganise the Chinese navy. Heretofore England and J'rance have almost always been drawn i?.on for of ficers to render such servicer, lut the Chinese, like other Astatic jtowern, have attendant reason to he doubtful of the intentions of the grea European nations and would naturally distrust the loyalty of French or ofli crs in h-r service in the event of tron We with those Kwers. A inavxrvH from the Si r nn-f Jfer ull. of PananiH, under date of the 4th ins., tel.'s of a war of races which has broken out iu the valley of Contete, and that more than L'OUO Chinamen havt- i-eu hsrbsrottalj murdered b the naiv-s. A sort tf reign of terrer seems In he in vogue, sted ijleatructiofl of life- H"d prnjiarty, pillje, plunder, rapine and murder are the order of the day. The Chilian authorities refuse to send troop to quell the disturbance, and then- is bo telling how i' v. -HI end. The atvs "crops bv" beet horuM!. cattle ilr'.vt-'i off, men, w-nien a--- i 'ten kjiled, and all the revolt ing gery f Indian war (a re in dulged t WL Vrfzjon Literary YiJtlie, under the nnttiagemcni of B. 0 Nerton &. Co., has IVrtOtn! a weekly slu--f, and its man aJm tiers will ! pleased to learn '' a the publishers have every en r"i runt. that their new depart nre i mel ni heurty approval. As an eXj-'m ' the liteiary taste of the Nr ii ', -t the ViutUe lets secured a er-.lnlt.i t e,.-.ilatii.ti and one. which it fuih ''s . . There is no better evi-il.-i :v ..? tl.; i n tell t nee of a people th u h supiort they lend to repre srotaitvo pu plications. The VieUtttvt o'.e f tin s", An- we are glad to tee it in such hoj k-ful condition. Its columns are very entertaining and readable. It spjiears that the emigration' from Germany during this year promises to exceed any former exjerience. A cor respondent of the London Times, writ ing fro n Berlin, says that whole vil lages ;ire to be dejropulated by this movement towards America. The American emigration agents, however, hardly dare set ( trils the advantasres of the various States whiqli they repre sent, as thev a-- warned hy the Amer ican legation tht it would be unable to help them if they should get into trouble with the authorities. The Ger man government is doing all it can to discourage etnigratyot , - it the idea is too deeply fixed i , the minds of the people not to bear ample fruit and good results. We nope all of our citiitena fw re- mettbof he meeting to take place at the Conit House on Thursday April 21af, atid n)t only remember i, but gO there, and not only go thare, but go there ready and willing to lend a help ing hand to the great project in the interest of which it i called. Lot the iHoile of thia section show that they appreciate the prospective advantages of the Yaqnina Bay improvement, and the Oregon Paoitic R. R. in so heart J and enthmvastio a manner that them will he no doubt abonf -their peajttea ontheaubjact. Now thataRtsrt has been made let the movement I kept up. Let every cititen, every profwrty holder, every voter, sml every laboring man feel and act as if he realized the importance the peismal imM)rtance to himself ef tlua great enterprise that is to place our fertile valley out of the reach of grasping freight inonopHdiata and 'jfing a m w era of growth ami enterprise and wealth. Once we have thia outlet to the sea once we aro free and indo pendant of existing bonds, and every bushel of wheat wo raise, every acre of land, every dollar of property earned throughout the valley will feel the to suit in augmentation of values and in creased activity in overv department wt business. It seems as if this project had ben before out people long enough alul all its phases and toaaibilities dm cussed thoroughly enough so that now, when the time has come for action, everv bodv should la readv and will iuz to act. This valley has contrilmted lon enough in the way of extra freights to the suppoi t of a monopoly that has loen an exacting and tryannical master. Now let the neoide aet. These extra B freights are juat ao much of our hare earnings -just so much of eur wealth thrown away so far as any rmaueut Uuietit Ixdug durtved from them is can corned, Through them money enough has tteen paid in the last decade to have built and eouitHMld a road to Yaouina Bav and made all the neces sary harbor improvements. Where has the money thus extnded gone) A jwrtionof it certainly can be account ed for. A portion of it has seen used to defeat this very project uan which so much doja-nds fr tho ieoile of thia vallev. Sha'l we allow it to go out That is one of the questious to bo dis cussed at the cotuiug meeting we havo referred to. Iet every man le there ami see that it is answered and answer ed by prompt action ami hearty r mud effort to secure that which we need so much. a it n. in ntasit As the immediaU: result of Nihilism Russia ha at last Iwen forcetl to sc knowledgr the politieal truth that has bs-n slowly stiugliug up through the years and which holds that all men are free e.ud equal, and thai gov ernut- nts ere made for men, and not men for goverutur tits. A ' DltSMr' has keen promuL'sUd, ordeting t iat there shall be a council crtuted to assist the commandant in tho government of the city of St. Peters burg. (Jue uit tuber of this oouneil is to be chosen from ejndi of the 228 city districts and to in; elected by the iand lords and indfjendent teuants. A city, fouiuiei by OM of the uiost exacting monarch's of history, which has been the promulgating hot-bed of thestr ug eat monarches! opiuious, and produced some of the ablest advocates of the "right divine" of human ruins, and ahich is today the "seat of government of a nation whose forms are moiiHrcbial in the extreme voluuiatily titfeiiug to the people the thjit of suffrage, even iu a limit"' I ami modified form is one of the grandest hjectaidc- of the age, and evidence of the prog's q enlight'ued ideas. There is a special satisfaction in recording this step to a higher level of sin-h a people as Bussia. and to the thoughtful American citizen it is s hopeful sign of nur influence as a nation upon the thought attd development of liberal hfaw iu European nations, and there is no egoti.-jn iu America claim ing a large share of the ciedit for seen a movement. funtasnn cms. On the whole lite Democrats have mi toe some very suhsfantiul gains in the recent municipal elections of va rions Jvistern cities. Of course many local ielues have had their influence in this result, hut it U still gratify ioLr to note sucfi uotlvo flopping ar of tho "old titand earcaas of the Democratic ar?;," supioseil (o Ii ive been buried In November last. Tfteee periodical resurrections should t adt the over-eonfideut Kepubliean press which has so often consigned the Democratic party to nn imaginary grave, that it still possesses a vitality that will one day manifest Itself by sueh a generd Victory as will make it necessary to return some of fie compliment -try obitjaries it 1 at re ceivf (I. TflH editor of the Oreyoniaii, in com menting on the deplesable state of our pork trade with foreign countries, at tempts to be funny, and says the world will be surprised at the wondetful skill with which Secretary Blaine will settle the question when he gets at it. He adds that the Cincinnati A'fvirer just ly regard; it hs a great mistake on the part o! Mr. Blaine tha" he did not at the outset assure foreign governments that we vaccina: e our hogs. Wrong again; but ve ;jppo?e "oeiihir tho JSn quirer or Mr. Scott could be expected to see the exact cause of the trouble. This Trie iiii - s ' i ess is simply a form of corru.i i n. rlh. Bepublican party has been in power so lona in this country and has become so corrupt that it has infected even the hogs. What's the use of tiyiug to.-t around itl A change of administration would set matters all right aga'n. nunc coastum. Lakevew feels the need of a diaiy in its vicinity. There is some danger of Oakland losing Its only Ms D. Cow boys, or vacqueroa, are called biiokeroos" in Lake county. Large quantities of potatoes are being shipped from the Sound. The Spring races will begin at Ukeview on the 18th of May. A. M. With sni refuses to awt hs sheep inspector of Benton county. , Powder river, Baker county, Is overflowing the hunks in plscts. John Ricard will drive 1,800 cattle from Dakar county to Chyenne. The Pacific University at Forest Grove opens with enly 50 students. Tho Presbytery of Puget Hound convenes at Port Towuaend this week. Yamhill county Odd Fellows intend having a celebration at Dayton on the Wth. Cotty Palmer of Corvallis, accident ally shot himself iu the hand a fee' days ago. It is probable the Oregon Pioneers will hold their June meeting at Mc Minuville. Curtes, Idaho, offers splendid iuduce . . . . menu tor some one to erect there a teu stauip mill. Tho Homjliia f,ittfn,l,'t calls Port land. Tho Dulles, Jacksonville, etc., Tlto suburbs." The Vamhill county liejHtrbtr thinks circuit court should meet there at leant three times a year. Hill, Luokey and Wheeler, the sup Ked lost Bane county surveyors, have beeu found all light. Bouauza, lathe ceuuty, has oranizetl a vigileuce committee for the purpose of suppressing lawlessness It is considered dull at lUtiae latcause there ere running but one fare and one "chuck -a-luck game." The fruit atop of the S,u-ramento Valley was d imaged by the i event frost as far ssuth an Woodland. K.l Walter a found two hkulht on Dear unt u creek, Bake ouulv, while excavating therw last week. Butter, eggs and Hultty can only be had occasionally in Lake couu.y, and then at prodigious prices. lieef, luuttoti and SMMS pounds of flour is wanted ttt Port Klamath. Bids will be received until April IStfc. J. Bhoudy, of Kllensburg, has a tontraet of a 10t),b0u railroad ties, eight feet long, for the N. P. B B. Co. A Portion of tho Are brh k in the Iron furnace near Port Townsend has melted, thus delaying work for a time. 'I he Ztfkjft has taken away more thau iut000 laj-poles from Olyinpla the pa-t week, for shipment to San Francisco. Tho President has recogulzed Jose Carlos, of Mexico, as Consul of lite Un'ted States of Mexico at San Francisco. Some boy a who had thrown slottes at a Chinese camp near Silvsrton, were 6red at eight time , with pistols by the mongolians. The Doujltis tmitfmimd ay: The Avalanche la dead, and it is rumored that N. L Baker has rested tho W patent Star ofth-e. Judge L. L. M Arthur delivered an eioqueut aildress at The Dalle' uu Wednesday on the occasion of the dedication of the uew Masonic Hall. Atuom the entries for the great stallion race to take ptaeo Sept. 15th, at Beacon Park, Boston, Is Santa Clau3from California, O. A. Ilickok. The prospect for an abundant fruit crop In Jack sou snd Josephine ountles was never better than now plums, peaches and pears predom inating. At the commencement of Judge Shaw's term of oHue, less thau three yers sgo, Marion was $40,000 iu debt, to-day it owes not a peony and has $13,000 to collect. For ovel two years two parties have been lighting iu the courts of Yamhill county for tho possesaiou ot a calf, and have spent money enough to buy a whole drove of steers. The bark Antioch, coal laden, )ound for San Francisco, returned to Port Townsen I in distress ou the 30th, leak ing badly. She had to throw over board 1 80 tons of coal. It has been decided to pay $100,- 000 for tho steam whaler Mary and Helen, now at San Franuisco, with a view to tending tier on the Jeannette Artie relief expedition. Hon. a F Besttie, ch inns it of the Democratic state ceutral committee, is lying dangerously ill of hemorrhage f the hmgs, at his home in Oregon City. It is not ex peeted that he wiH recover. Toledo is the name of a new and prosperous village on the Cowlitz river, iu Dewis county. . A large warehouse has just been Anished and several other noises are now building. C. A. Say era, a prisoner in the Laae county jail, broke out and would have eseaped had not an intelligent New foundland dog belonging to Zach Moore, held him by the surplus of his panta loons. -VJ si Kate Mandheim of San Fran cisco committed tuicide in New York on the 30th. She had been reduced in circumBtanc s by a ttock speculation, and her step-father refused to help her any more. Six new boiler are now Iu place at the Port Ma lis n m II. The masons have about finished tho brick-laying. In a short time th it mill will have the power from twelve boilers, instead of six, its present uumber. One cold night lat week seme drummer for a '-feather foundry'' broke into Mis. Joseph Shoemaker's bhtcketi house at the Cove, Union county, and cleanly picked every one Of 1 geese ot their feathers. Anew addition to Wnlla Wulla has receatly benti laid out by Mr. II. Jj. Reese and others, to bo known us Bullet's addition. This addition eon tains 200 lota snd Is situated near th, new depot on tho northern edge of the city. A foot race, 80 yards antl repeat, for n purse of $25, entrance $5, will be a feature of the Spring races to In held at Jacksonville on the 20th, 27th and 28th of May. A number of local foot rat ets will contest lor the pri.e. A Kiigeue City exchange seyi : Mr. W. D. Mount, is going in to the hop husiuehs this year. lie will stick about 8,lHMf in his yard on .Pud disg liver bottom this Spring. Tho hop crop iM increasing iu this part of the count i v. A colony is forming iu this city to go to Mexico, and already four homeopathic physicians have aigned the roll. A merciless ullonuth might be ptoutpted to nay, "The (itOHStfl ate to ho killed, it wunld seem, with pellets instead of bullets. " lirllttml '. . Tito skeleton of Joseph .Me l.une, who was killed by 1'les In July, 1871 , was feu ml on n prairie thirty mile" from Wallace a few days nn There was a bullet hole through his skull. Tito remain"! wero Identified by a revolver which was found wilh (In body. Bright hopes of a railroad are Htrongly indulged in by tho cltlons of Kagle Point, Jack -on county. If railroad lightning should ever strike Butte creek that point will undoubt edly bocomon BMoantf turlng; center, as they havo the best water power in Southern I foegOB A geutleutnan writing from Boae burg, under dale of March S7ti, Sayi "1 Late put come from Cm., ml hitif it 1 make every day, and hint a WBg SIM SSI wntchiu with NUuful interest his gradual decline. Kvery day he t a little weaker th in he was the day lfote. Of this he ia quite, conscious, ami he speaks of it with the uiuioat conlne and cooioimii . II is mind is as clear as it ever was, aud when he discusac favorite tOfrfoa, as he often dnea, his eye kindle with the lire of forty years ago.' On Saturday last, W. S. Soav ry. ef Port Townnd, who was on Wltidby Island, diseovon tl near Ebey's landing, a sltu-k washed ashore. On cuttiug the aquatic monster open a few wails of human hair were found in its capacious maw . Thia hair, Umu close examination, was found to bo atsjut :i inches in length aud slightly gray, and un- doubNtilly from the head of a while person. Numerous suggestions were a a . m . made tiy sm-eiatori that it was exactly like the hair of tho deceased Frank Wellington who was lo-t l.i-t fall s nite where between Port Town- send and .Smith's (aland. This is mere speculation, however. .asi:aL :. Brtac jiihftehl is considerably letter American ailverwaru ia to la; admit ted into Kuglsud ftee of duty. Twulve barouieii iu count v Cork are proclaimed in a alate of dislui lance. Director of the Mint, Butchard, vis its St. Duis to establidi an ass.-iv office there. The mukers of Chicago hae. iboing the past four mouths, cut up uUnit 2,720,000 hog. The snow, which continued eighty four hours, has ceased and a thaw has begun at Chicago. It is sgreed among the hhatks that money will 1st easier for the next four mouths in New Yotk. There was a continuous SSMMSc storm in Scotland last week for sevent y hours, snd trafhc is utterly blocked. The treasury department haS pur chased 90,000 ounces of fine ilver for delivery at the Nor Orleans mjnt. Slossoit uttd SchaefTer will play a bil Hard match on the 12th, l.'lth, till and IWk iusU., 0000 points for $ 1000. The experiu.eut of lighting part.i of London with Brush db Siemen's e he trie system was entirely successful. Tho minister of Itouinania to Bussia, and commattdant of fortress, died of a odd caught at tho burial of the Czar. The (towers jointly agree to declare t the Greek ministry their firm resolu tion not to interfeie if compromise is rejected. The French ttoops blockading An dorra have captured the chief insur gents, who desired to establish a gam ing table. It is proposed to hold an interna tional conference of jurists to ventilate the question of right of asylum of po litical refugees. ' The principal organ of the pi ess publish article s entirely unfavorable to the scheme for international laws against pelitical refugees. The Iowa farmers in convention adopted Ing and stiOOj n solutions against the barbed wire fence monopoly, shewing intent of fighting it. Francisco Cahlen.u has been elected Provisional Preddettt of Peru. This election u considers I to be in the in terest of peace b tweon Chili and Peru. Imports of the colony of New Zea land for 18 SO, 6, 1 62,01 1 , a decrease of $2,212,574, chiefly tobacco and spirits; exports $6,352,692, an itorease of $609,566, compared with 1879. fOmtiiunlcutiHJ.j la initii ort;rios. Deoking dispassionately at the present condition si affaire So far as relates to the pros pee1 he the completion of tho (beat Northern land Boute, and divesting ourseBes of imy personal feeling in the matter, we are eon strained to admit I hut Mit is a very pretty quarrel as it htands." Whit ever opinion may he held by anyone as to the greed and rapacity of the trans portation interests which eentie in Pott land, however much we of the Willam ette vslley and elsewhere who have suffered by the exsctiotis of these shuip interests, may deprecate and rebel against the idea of t hone interests ob taining unquestioned Miipretnacy in the matter of providing one side outlet, for uur productions, one fixed mart for their aa!o nud for the pun luce of our Niinnliea. wn setmot hut edmiie the skid, the pluck, the dealt, the Sudaetty of the representative of lle r interests in their ineves upon the board upon which i being played the meat im for coinltiei cial nqueiniu'V in the ginat north went Pugat Boom SAd Portland me SSV gsged in a hand lo hand, and almost life und'death, Bj Itfggie for tei udn.d ad- rentagea. It is entirely sale to wty that let 'he sotileftt terminate as it may, ihr successful tKHni, Isb i' Potllatid, N. w Taentiei, Seattle or any other loeal itv, will enter upon a decsde, perhapx more, i f nlitumt uni x.impled .wth ami prosperity. The pri.e couti tided fur Is worth a mighty strule and wil watched sith inten :. At this wilting a calm review of thi premises leads perforco to the con cittsion that Poithitut has got the ls-t of it, mi fir, aud holds the key to iho situation. As Oiegoiaatih, we are not lisjM,Me i U object. Whatever lends fo the growth, dev. hrpio4.ut and welfare o our Mate ii with na ittSft OStMM fur con grntuhitioti .id rejoicing. In tutyitig this however, we by no mt-ana recede front the jsaitiou which we have ll .riot occupied, l l wit, that our own loed mil rests uic by no means to la- oiihideie l u! oidinate. In this dirts lion we bOM to in ti e ouiM-lvea ills tinctlv nnd i "food duiine the course of .'these rsmsrks it may be wcii enough lo glance lit the nitu ttioii so fsf as it relates, to Port lamias the niOKtaavtivc tiiminua of the North Pacific Bail Bond. Withiti a few weeks the financial circles of the entire country were startled by the att- notuieement that Mr. Henry Vjlhtul had Ofleled a blind pool i f tight million dollars at the east with the atitound isg leMitlt of fifteen million dollars being nlTered to take it op. Thia bold and Kueeessful move has ImCO cbeiaotOI tied as one of the most triuuikabic in ihe final. -i il hisloi v of this age of hu ge os-ratiouK. It needed bu! a shot t time lo dis close the fset that this "blind ho! ' was offered telaly t.. obtain a eontroliug interval, or what was then believ t d to U a eontroliug interest, in the stock of the Northrrn I'.u ilic Bail B lad, with, SS subsequent events have cleat ly dmn nsti at the intent aud purposs of concentrating sji the energies of cottftt met ion uhui such sirtioua d the road as would leave the Puget Kouud division iii the vocative and bring the great enterprise with a ruah, a hurrah, ami a magpie fi Qui boom into the city of Portland. S well raasksjd had been tho purMsea nud desigas of ihe originator of thii brilliant roup that cotiHtsruation aat vi,ilde on ihn faces of those to be affected and rage and furv found utterance through the press of tho section whose long defel red Iiom seetnetl ihauued to fresh diaae point SseatS, still more vexatious do. lays. The truth is what weuwd to be the inevitable result of this wat of Titans had somelhitig ot the tragic in its elements. High hopes do not suish, great ambi tions do not fail without mighty strug gles which seem like death t tiroes. The affair had alao its comedy tenches. The taking up of the blind ioe), the un masking of the deftly concealed plan of the syndicate brought the President of the Notthrin Paoitic to the front with a vigorous nud indignant protest against the possibility ef the new combination accomplishing the deflection of tho construction of the mailt track from its proposed course as near due west as might bo from Wallula to the deep, still .waters of the magnificent Sound which has so long waited to be vexed hy tho keels of the. worldj navies, And subsidiary to this, wilh an evi dently wholesome fear of thu conse quences of tho unexpected develop ments connected with the ' blind pool," came the issue, by tho same President, of millions upjn millions of reserved" stock which temporarily at. leitfct check ed the apparently triumphal terminal march' of the enterprising citj on 'the WiUammette. Nothing daunted however by the unexjected issue of the reserved bonds "the blind" pod syndicate have up- p?a!el lo the courts to set aide the action of tho President of the N. P. R. B., an -I this particular phase of the case constitutes what, .-. o have above alluded 'to "as a viu y pretty auar rel as it stands. In all this hmlybiulv the comedj element, tho hiiae.rous, griinlv h nu n OUS, aspo-'t ftho case crops out and mvsents itself. Fast uiio:i the heels of tbe indignant protest i f ihe PieHi dent of the Northern Pacilic came tie equally indignant, denial of tin lender of the "blind oo" syndicates. If Mr. Billings was willing to swear by tele graph thet "blind pool," or no "blind pool," the construction of the road from Wallula to Peget Hound could not and should not be hindered do- ayed, or prevented, Mr. Henry Villsrd was equally willing on the very, next lay, being apprised by telegraph ot Mr. BillinaV view on the subject to swear that no such move was contem plated and SO wilh these mutual expla nations, the deaf public were left for twenty four hours ef comparative re lief from suspense fo believe that both brunches of the road would be built and that Puget Sound and tho WiUam mette, both rolling unvexed to the sen, would caeh benr its proiKirtionute share of the commerce ot the north west on their placid bosoms, that. Oregon and Washington, twin sisters, friendly rivsls, loving each other, and willing to divide, would enter upon an iinenvious go an v ou please exlilliltmn 01 walking for the cake. But Mhadn of Mucchi tvelli ! host of Bii hilieu I Departed spirits of the mighty dead, who have strutted then- brief hours and played their little parts ill the great, drama of Hubtetfiige and how not to do it. or to do it without lading found out ! Mr. Vi Hard's indig nant denial of Mr. Billings equally in dignaai piotast is accompanied by the uietnorHtula of "noggeslions re ganliiig the Brlations of the Northern Pacific and n g n B nlway and iSuvt gstiott UompSssteS," which for subtlety of 'Vuggestion" for binding force iu favor of Portland and hopelessly dis- ci imiuiitiiiK ell. t against Paget Sound, couhi not lai improved iqsin, at least such is our opinion in I lie premises, if all the maulers in the 'art of diplo luacy who hate lived for the past, two centuries had had a hand in their "draw ing up." i.ivan then- ' 'uggestioiis as ihe ground work of future oisuati uii. and Washington Ten i lory school i bildren, now in the primary chutsiv, willle Volets and eligitii to seats iu the I it'ure Wfore the iron hoiw is watered at a station on tho summit, or on either si ipe, of the ( '.t od. s not lb of the ( 'okninbi.t Biver Mephistoiiheles himself cos Id not im prove ujhoi tsvispSsS) of how not to do it for the Puget Sounders. I he grim humor of Balxdais is il. jest of s country clown compared with flieae precious "Suggestions. ' Where, ol where is Arleuius aro, tiial BO may not read them and sn "ibll wiofe sarknatie." With all this, hotrevef , we of i hi e a V iliauiette alley hate really v?ry littls to do, except to sit quietly by aud watch the progress of events, that is provided we mean and iu4nd to allow ourselves to la bound hand ate foot, to become a mere tail to soui'-IhwIv else's kite, to be but I led up, "calami eribSd, cosfih'd," to bo rouialled to Sell our DfOdsjCS for what the uiainpula tors of one rxelusive market clnsihe to pay, to spend our money on such rules of fates and transportation tut an already exacting u o opoly may choose to hsntCee, if thia is the will Httd put pOaS of our p -ople we In w of no ts-tter time to sit quietly down snd resolve to do so, or words to that rtfrct. . a . . mja i Tor l'k at tties' nireest ioiis in their proper light ami our resales! wil aee in lln-m the outline of the fixcal irre vocable, snd beyoMl qaeatkm, la thr neat future. Irinmphant pur pow of cool clear, powetful, inexorable intellect backed by c ue. a thing which has i p-iweriid influence iu these degenerate days. We lu::y la wrottg. but in the light of then- "Soggenttotih ' we thill we see Portland fixed iu iter BpSsWC as Siveteign of the AsCOadsel MS all that vast t egion K-tst atid Not thrust of her for the seal ten or tweQty years. It is pcswiliif . but n probable, that content with exacting ibu'o from those with whom In pa-' nriuMc al lelatioua havo not fM,-r quite SO iutiMaUi as thev iStTO been with thw Willamette Valley a a - sue will make thing eai-y with us That, realizing the f.tet that by the con struct ion ot less than one bundle, miles of railroad we will l two hun dred miles naaraf one of the world' chief c iiipeting htaikets than wo are at prcseat, she will dial fairly with us Judging el the fStSerC by the pust we ate in doubt ou the subjuct. We gave tins article t hi -caption of "Bail road 'onnections designedly. ! onr read is have followed us ihua far and aie fatsiliar with the events which wo have epitomized they cannot fail to have sen iu the ''record" a plrunrv manifestation of the fame exclusive domineering spirit which up to this titneJius opposed itself with relentless and lonxom promising vigor sgainat everv mo -o which tho Willamette Val ley has made to relieve itself from op pressive exactions. It is idle to pretend that the wide spread demand for relief from ex tciions iu tho matter of transportation rates which culminated in tho organization of the railroad movements which have Yaqnina Bay lor their objective jwint sre a mere outgrowth of local or indi vidua! complaints. All of the circum stances from the inception of these movements to the present time are fa miliar to our readers. All of the argu ments pro and con me twice told tales to the people of the Willamette Valley. every argument which has been advanced in favor of this great atiter prise, every reason which has been given in favor of its construction, js given additional emphasis by tho recent developments connected with the North ers Pacific. There is nothing- what ever in- the past history of tho mana gers of the transportation interests of this State, iu the history of similar in terests in any portion of this Republic, to lead us to believe that fresh acces sions of power, enlarged facilities for "putting on the screws," additional ca pacities for renewed exaotiens will re sult in any amelioration of the wrongs of which we have jnstly complained. On the contrary, now, in the light of existing circumstances, in tho face of tho fact that a stupendous power is virtually in a condition to impose terms upon half a continent, now is the time mote than ever to net, o aet promptly ami ile.-isi-e'y, at l to resolve not to turn h.e!. Kuiioa'ilv for us our "railroa I c. niu n io:.a" are not neces sarily le.t nd.Mit n j -u the Northern Pacific From almost, miv point of view in this valley looking to the west, Mary's Peak lifts its pic urewpie summit to the skirs. Along ii northern base the hand of nature and the instruments of the surveyor have traced a natural pathway to the sea. From the summit of" he Qoast Bmge to the tea there are' not leai than 800 square miles of terri tory, capable of supporting in comfort i daily in sr, farming, fruit raising, cattle raising, lumbering, and fishing popula tion ot 2"j,000 sonls. Government sur veys have demonstrated the feasibility ef making a capastouH naroor m mat saint unobstructed bv ice or snow. The work of building a railroad to that Kint has been undertaken by men in whose lexicon there is no sea word ss fail. The eonatruction of that road mesns competition in fares asd freights, relief from exaction, increase in popo- akion, reduction of taxes. 71he people of this section sre in t ar- nest shout this business. Head t lie resolutions of the (irsnge meeting held in this city on Satutdsy. last. Come in force to attend the meeting to he lield in this citv on the L'lst inst. Shut your ears to prophecies of failure on the art of the Taqujna Bay lUtfroad pro ject. J;t the magnates of the Northern Pacific fasten their tentiicles elsewhere, ut remerntwr you have tlie swer to escape being bound hand and foot. In the matter of "Bailroad Connections we seek for i'ndeja;ndent relations. Paget Sound may I at checkmated, but there is no reason why the Willamette Vsllev need be. tit The Bussian government infoimsthe Chinese government that the governor of Kashgaron is tinnecesssi ily hostile Gen. KaufTmsn makes an imjratie demand that the tnniifeststiotts shall cease. Tho ups-r bosms of the ressfcsvssi met fisr Ihe first UssC siaOS the death of the f'.ir. The president expressed his Hbhorteme of the ctiuu- mid condolence ilh Alexander III. His reuiHtkH were warmly applauded. A low Imat has made the trip fiom St. Ixuis to New Otlemef with loadcl hfSi Contsiltitig 7'0 ear ! I grain. The time fur the tound trip is tsent v iIhvs ! the xieme is 84000; the net profits are not far from $20,- (KM). (eorge Grabasa, eeneralde madestt of ( 'ilicintiHti, has tSOM githeird to hlH fsthers. He delivered the eddrrss of welcome t. Lnftyette, in 1 sL'-"i ; was the found- r of the sater works and nublie school, and one of the prime movers in the Lottieville canal. The l;iit engagement bsiWeSSJ the Ktench si-d Tunisi in i aider vms on Thursday, the L'lth nil. It ana se rious nfhitr ntul lsstrd eleven hunts. Six tribes we're engaged. Several other tribe are hesitating. It is bsSSSvesI that all thiN-e on the frontier are will ing to join the Hggieksor.v Sea'ed instritctiotiN fmni the govern ment to guide tl e Aotef hv.n eontmis siotu'ts lfir the Mcsastarj ismfiirssm are not fo I op, in d HQtfl Paris is rsitchi d bv the eommisHtoiiei a A tele gram from t!.- Hom-e of CoasaoM Ststi tbaf I ifland ! sends repi eaenlative ist iLe ovmetsry eonfiri SSS e. Iu the Hmssaat IlarrUlHirjf, Pe., a ik. at . m .at joint n lut i-ui SHis0iiiifg in imm peo pie an saendneiet ent i'uii. forevi-r proltibitiug, , i fjr : nal. mi chanie.d aid scH-a'tfii pMeees, the itianiifuetui- ni d Mile oi -N-si eating Ksjnota, pssSetl to - ..f- t-1 f ad ing. A nitn'er of .- u. niuo-t.t srese rejected, eseong 'i re m insert i-a-crameut ati i. nchsniesl n i m m mwm N KW A I V 1 : RTI8 K VI I : N TS II. I W K R T , (Ml ium Ti!n Cre 1 Practical Watehuiake ;: Jwskr. DEALER IN W tTI Ul . l.a KS. JKRCLRl . sll.t I I runs w ist, on i.noss srr.T.KLED. ETC. Keiairiti: tif Watrlus. ( loi ks. and all kinds of Jewcjlry 8periallyf Albasjr Oresas. Oregon Marble Works. H. A. UAItKv rroprieior. -MAXrrACTtRKK OF M () N U M E N TS, i Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table-Tops, Washertands, Etc All kind of ccmel-ny work d-ni iu Marhle, Frv Stone and Oranlte. All woik ilom- in tlrst t law style and at the lowest rates. SJ WsS HiJe i Tkird. f I n i t Street, ImAw ten See. -ml and ORlt.ON. I'. S. I ilo not cmi'l-iy nny im voctitii til cnvas em, (tml ,-ie niy customers ihe henefit ol the ir icr cent, eoniutission sllottud for mh.Ii wol k. THE STUDEBAKER WAGON I Made expressly for Oregon Trade. o 0 X i X Wat 6 V S s I s i ? "J a - i ; P z KUGENE BUCHANAN, Agent, ALBANY, - OREGON. THE BOSS PAIN KILLER OF THE WORLD l!i; M N I Bsf r 1 OIL. 11 Tiir w MmtUcai Woasler Of flic HMli onttiry. THE W0NDKKKI Ii AROLISHKK OF PAIN. A KI'F.t B l FOR DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT i TVri -!,! ,), hi; the w ,rJ has rrr ii,.u Kin MSSSeSfc Palss ulnpprd la t Mlaalr. Memralglm Kals ntmppetl In 1". niluatrt. ll ;titiM tf .-(, )h-iI In ', nitnalr. I oolharlM- lfO l la I't BSSSmSSa Any r llM2 mt nm.n-- la thr flesh r' in oil in is mlsale. TO BE USED EXTERNALLY. V J l.r H Ar xrx- snd uiAm, till at wbS-itl br HODGE, DAVIS tSt CO., P KTLM. OKI.OOJf. K .ll..i.-u' i cm' .t lite muijr UvtinxmUl rceevd. Tlie HU-.r, Mra W .ilU.-rf--t. U II (-.., rl.l. tbn in till i U V"f tfMixn iMfUire -.f J W. W-aUu-rfonl &-., Sm-ot PmrvAu, Oaaoo. Iul. Urturr : I m uff. rm Oi ymiu Mitt-uacJy, lliit l ,r x rrl ! I m tuAmlAe V, RtraigStoa mtftaU I uw-il kiw 4 fasr " UnittMmt," ai4 ,t rcmovtxl this 'm uii the Srnt apfiliestwm. Tttc IxiirUi xit.ictiii rctiHfl all a-rmew caow I hy Xhr. i-iin. K-r Vtutknctm hmJ uMraliria it ii thai Sh SVSSS been tried in tnf 'twn fanult. I have ustxi .11 .ii- liiiliiH-nt i.f ,ai i kti,-:- j- 1 DimI thia tj Mjrfa any. I biifiil) rrv.mMiciHi it t at.) uuBoriux nt hrm and -em nl7,l MRS. J. W. W EATH ER FORD. e. i . I'll KKKY. e. B. PASS ICS. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PABSJR (Sii-ci!tw)rn to ('. c. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron PouEdera. wmimuAvmovR mewmon all T eosnptstetf, ami are now MSftMSSl to iiandfe at Kind" ot heavy work. We will insuufaetuto Nleatu fjirirMM, (irtt and Maw Mill Maehinery,and sit kindn of Iron ami Ilraaa Casting. rATrSBXM 'HlH ON SURT Mil l 1 SprH'ial otUntion given to renirit:K sll kiuilN of maetiiitery. Wilt aiw niaiuifso tur the improved ( lu rry v Vliit tsio satalor. hp mm Baker SI. OSSrr al Lawber Vard. Allanyt tir., I, 1KSO. Stf A Mention, Horsemen ! ALLAPOOIA UHIEP, owneil iiy o o. t'o -Lran, will make tbe eiiuiiiiitr vfti-K.n in lliU 0111113 at 1 !"' 1,1 Isarfssj rules : hingjls leap, S5 ; mssmmi.IIU; itiMiran-e. $!; 1 1nn tin stallion in of a tirowu eoior. In1- Imndn high, and scif-lm jtlxuil ltui IV. He i ente. s gsod trsv- ii-r, a ppletolitl faim Iioim-, and ean show n in-.)(. HsssbeSHSi a t"lyledsle snd TfSjsr Wlii, and iii dam com I lined ihe L.'o d ol Vi t iiiout, TrttMSOoa ami I'riatt-r. rlSnSeti WELCOME SALOON. Win. lolgt. Proprietor. mm r.RST wnras, UQaom and 1 cigan always on band. WBm 5 CEXTS A GLASS. Call snd see me. Saloon in brick build-in-;, tifixt door to HannslM fornitore store. 94i WM VOIOT VIIX.tBD norsFs 1! iKi i, Oregon A L0UBNER. - Proprietor. Tm rlwajit new hotel, ji'st now c n.Mcl. will bp ofw-uol aU.ut July 15Ui. lsTit. It w crtiirtiut ni, tin- mt iunlru atxl o.n.i-nutt pLn. ha a Aim- aanil nun nwially mmngod for cmjiucr. lal trai. lrn, and tlie Uhli- iti t-e cUik-IkJ al aH Miimot w ith .l 4U PATENTS. F A. L-hinvu.. S..i.-il r of American and Foreign IViU ut, Wa.hmtrniii, l. V. All buaineaa cutitM-ct.ti with Itatiit., nltethet lK-(-rr th I'atrtit OfSc iar lit t-urt, tint!y atii-nuoi t. No ciiarye madr im r a ir i tired rt' fr rinrulw. 17 mi 4:rbailiMM toow e public, Vs 4& M can make Btotu v Usirr at a-urk ti ua than at anyU-ins ehax ta)ital im mioirvd. Wc artl atari mi. StSaSay aail u ar,l made at tx-oie hy Ox iiMlutrini!. Mnti, wimien, Imj-a aiwl stria wauled cM-rwlM-n l work Jur on. Now it the tin. u mn iieHe --ur hilc time t. the wmk, or only your mire moiuenl. No othor buaini-as will pay you near ly as well. No i -lie willing to work oau fail to make onannous (y bj ISBSslSSJ l "mi" Oually outSt aud trrui free. A grvat u)iortHtiity for maklmr money aoftity aiul it. -:!-.. Atidrean Thi s A Co., Augusta Maine. YIN6 SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Doefi the liest wsshinp; .um ironing in Al bany at low es; rates. Contraeta made for Ctiineac laltor. I -sundry on Washington street, opjioaile Msrshail's Livery Slsbls, Iii:35tf REVERE HOUSE, Corner Vtrst and SSSs worth Albany . rea. has- Pfeiffer, Frop'r. Tills now H.ilsl Is fitted up in first eUs sty le. Tahlse supiie.t with the Iks', the market aSorda. Si-riiig ileds in eeery Koom. A good Suile Koutti for t'-ui-nicrcial IVaveiora. 4rrrer t iwrh te aaU front Wc Hotrl. atit A MONTH gtirsut-H-d. 1S a day at horns l M ' msde by the iminstrious. l apitjl nut ra quired; we will tttart you. Men, vtonteo, Uys aitd girls aku nxiiiey faster at work for us thau at any thing tit', Tin) work is light and )leaant, aud mi- Ii as anyone ean go right at. Thos w ho are wise who see this notice will scimI us their addr-emes at once aid see for thenis--vc. t .kt!y Outfit aud tiTins. N.w the time. I !. alrtsuli at work are laying up lu g sums of money. Address TKl'K A t'O., Aui(U.t klaine. i a a i 4 s 1 S ilia ; . - .1- - ' - .LPsM- ,. .,