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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1881)
ST ALBRIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY State liattte 1 Inch. 1 3 " 4 " Co) y 1 " I (Ml '1 00 I W i w u (H ; 7 so 10 DO 18 10 8 SO .-. no r; ori ;. isr i e ( i.. . 1 I tO ir"t o Ti o H I o 4 10 tSJ (0 IIS) thi r P0 ; III no j 10 HO 00 i- :ji it lift i STKWAHT & GREY 7 00 j 12 50 0 i n ; ! ". s 1 oj 18 SO so we 40 00 no 00 R lr.H 1 HI K In Ofanlr' Blnrk,.R Uruatlalinti strvM. in on 80 oo Btislnoe notlei tire lesl Colnmr ID . nt per line. For legal and transient advertisement f t 00 pro- square, tor the first insertion, as O 60 cents per square for eaeh subsequent in sertion. TKUMS OK SUBSCRIPTION: Slngla copy, pwvr W 00 SiimU copy, six Month W Sing-la copy, three months I 00 SiUiflo iimn!'. r .............. 10 VOL. XVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1881. no. m. PR0FES8N N AL CA II Da L. Fl.tNX. O. K. CUAMUKIil.AIN. KliINX ft CHAMBISRLAIN, axtoui:y! at law, A limn Clreeou. JS OHillll in Foster" ItrtVk Hlook.- vMsOStt K. s. VIKAIIAN. k Ittl.YKV. STKA1IAN & B1LYKU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany, Oregon. "TOtACTICK IN ALL Til K COURTS OF JL this State. They give special attcn tion to collection ;nd probate matter. Oraee in Foster new brick. 4lUf L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Oftlee upstairs, over John RritrjjH More, ist street. TMtasa D. R. 1ST. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Albany, Oregon. outre up plr. stair in thr ol Fefttsrw! Tciti W IVileetlous u specialty. J. K. WEATHERF0RD, .(NOTARY PIBL1CI ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBAW. Oltl.i.OV IIT1LL PRACnCK IK ALL TnE COURTS OK THE If Smv. Seial attention given t llrctions and i-iroHlce in OJd KviNw'- Tit;i i-. H:t . C. roWKLT- W. K..H1I.YKU. POWELL & IJILYEU vTTOKN EYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in t'haitce. v A LB AMY. - - OREtsOX. Collections promptly made on all points. Ioans negotiated on reaonab!e terms. JBaTOmee in Foster's liritk.-. NnI9:f. T. P. lJ lt ltM;MA, ATTORNEY AT LAW tLBl.M. M II.OV SS ptffice upstairs in the Odd I-VlSow's ieiuple." vOatt F. M. FILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW I EBAXO.V MSfiOft. Vritl vrufsuee iu nil the crMira of the Stat : Prompt attention eiva U coiiectioi... coh- Machinery of all kind repaired. Spe MfOMHI and exanjiual:i nf Title. roir ; ,.:,. atltinlto'n civen to retairinif farm n a Ouxtuess a speciality. vlinsutf. J. A. VATIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW : CORVA1XI3, OEECOK. . practice In nil the fourts of the Stata aTUffico in "'urt Ho;je "SUl vJ0n29rL JOHN J. WHITNEY, ATl-OMNFV AT I AW t'Vl.'Il. Oil-...,., Will tra'flce in all the Ccurtu of thiaj State RfMMial at'eniion slvou to col!e:-1 tiona. Office uj -t;iirH in 1'roman'n new brick. 22 ATTORNEY AT AND LAW Rotary Public, ....... .. a . - V f a -.V Collections promptly matle cnall points B. G. JOHNSON, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. AS'.Juuy. Oregon. Offtce in Froman'rt Drlck, East of Conner's liank. doora Ur T. L. CrOLDIoir OCCULIST AXi) AURIST 49. OREOOS. DK.OOLDEK ELaSRAD tQ&K&lJgg&t IN treat:ng the various disf-aseg to which tte ye and far are subject, and fels conftilcnl of giving entire satisfaction io Uiose who may place themselves under his -are. aft'. T. W. HARRIS, M IL Office in Fosterf Brick, next door toofiiee of Powell fc BUyeti. BrtrtrlflftfiT in the two story fr ame building on Month side of Second street one block and a half Fast of Wheeler fc Dickey ' T,ivery Stable. vniicmutt ii? v f. iiviir.1 Physician and Surgeon. Office at Foshay & Maxon's. Residence on IJroadalb'n Ft., Altxiny, Or, viGn?2tf AL13ANY COLLEGIA'! K IV&TITDTS I i.u si, $ '. op,, 'fhe Tjiirtl Term will open on SioR ilay, January 31, 1881. fur prtieidaF cQfKVnlng Uic courses of study ai.d ijtc pFu ul Miitj'.ii, apeiy Jtt.t . i KICK f kf, Mif, lrtHta ut. ALBANY felEAT BSARKET Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. fMsl'est C kil:.'lS of f;lt Stock. i.hyi kst oh r,u uinntnssifln, A IT CTION 1Z E It. Fromaa's UltteU. IIANCV is now beinz made faster than ever iYfUPIvC by thoxe at work forms:. I'ersons ( i uher m". can make $06 a week in their ovu towns if thev a willing to work. No risk. outfit free. A' y -ne can run the buMiies. Capital not required. AU wlio engage prosper. No one fails. Particular Uif. Address, H. Halmstt ic Co., Portland, Maine. NEW FIRM ! U S.U.TMMtSSl. i: W I. AM. HON XTOTK'KIS 1IKRF.HY UIVKN 111 AT ill R. Salt marsh has nM to K. W. lauiir. a one-half interest in his DRUG STOCK 1ST ID FIXTUEBS. Tbo new linn will continue bua!n hr at the obi statu), 00& 1ST AND B&LSWORTfl STS. tv. CALL si t. I HI M. JET All outstanding accounts sap and indebtedness contracted previous fo March 1st, 1881, will be collected and paid by Mr Saltmarsh. n32tf. ALBANY WORM ALBANY. OREGON. STAIGEB BROS. - Proprietor?. MONUMENTS. TABLETS. AND HEADS I Kxcruled in Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every varietv of cemetery and other stone work done wi-h neat ties and dispatch. Special attention given to order from all parts of this State and Washington I erritory. A'd work warranted. IfeSf ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHIXE SHOP. KM A UI.IHIir.n 1S0S. Itv A. F. CHERRY, Uua!ed at oorner of Fintt and Montgomery Street, Albany, Oregon. Havina taken charge of thoalove named 1 Works, we are pr pared to manufacture . Steam Knzincs, Saw and flriat Mills, ; Vi l vorkin Machinory, Punipa, Iron ' mnA Itraats I Santhaan tit virv iUw riniinn iblnerr. I'nttrra MaLias (Unr in all It for Iftllyl a. F. CHERRY St 80H. 5 1 0SSPCUND UXYCEN. fclis. STAHKKY AND 1'AI.KN'S NKW f Treatment by Inhalation for Con sump1 ion. lironchilia, Catarrh. Dyspepciia, Hadaf'hc, W bility. Neuralgia, Itheuma- nCBa, and all Chronic and Nervoua Dlaor : tir. 1','ckaKf' i may be conveniently Kent by ' cxnrcsH, ready for immediate us at home. Ad requiuiti-a and full directions in each wl:age. Information ard supplies can be had of II. K. MATHhWS, G0i Monteonifrv Street. S. F.. Cal. Alldl'iniMS ; DEAF CARIirOA'E. 'eople. On trial before purMiase. Don't kaste vour money Mhmt It Ken I for lree Pamphlet. 29 Tin4 Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchase i'luoimor dried fruit at full market rr:e ; Will aeud a competent person to ad v ise 1 frust growora z , to eultivatton of or addi ! tiona to orchards ; Will supply fruit trees of approved sorts at moderate prices; Will sell Pi urn rner J)riers through IJnn, isenton anu lane iunties. fitters to be sent to Corvallis Fruit Com pany. Corvallis, Denton County, Oregon, W A ULda N ASH, President. James Krapman, Sec'y. January 1, 1H0. 24wfi si 1 Tu 0l!00 A YfAlJ or I f ,D B lOvnJ ur n loewftjr. No'rikk. Women do n well q y.viy intkn more thpu tin tuxiQnt ttatcl Ikjn . SeOM cari fail to nie niof.ty (sat. Ai!' imc cao li' th; work. on can niiik from GO ctA Uj J an hour M .wym your evcniiiifs and ian nine vo uk rniMiiniM, it oosut noiiiiiijr to try Im un ines. Nothing; like it (or money making cv.r offered before. iJuuii.esx (loant will strictly honorable. Header, it you want to know all about the beat paying b'jsineNi before the public, send us your address and we will send y u full particular -i and private terms free ; samples worth $5 also free ; you can then make up your mind (or yourself. Address UEOKOK BT1N- SO.V & CO., Portland, Main.. OUIDETO SUCCESS WITH FORMS BU 8INE88 A.M SOCIETY. i U' FAIt the l.';-t UsaUiss arid Social Guide and lland-iiook ever publitiliod. Much the latest. Jt tells both eexe.3 completely HOW TO 1 KVKU1 I'III in the best way. How to be Your Own Law yer. How to do busineiis Correctly and Buncessfully. How to ml in Society and in every part of life, ad contains a old mine of varied information indUcris able to all classes for constant reference. AdFSTS 'l.tTKD (or all or spare time. To know why this iok o( KKAL value and attractions sells better than an v other, apply (or terms to t. IFiN4. A IO., ISmC Han Frenefsc. Aloany Bath House. THE UKDKKSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the citizens of Albany and ri 3ipitytht I have taken charge of this Establish meat, and, by keeping clean rooms and pay in itric t attention to business, expects to suit al those who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat FlretrGlass Hair Pressing Saloons, we expects to give ontlre satisfaction to al J&'Childien and Ladies' TTair neatly u nd shampooed. JOB WVBI'-ER. toThe working class. We arc now nreitared to furnish al' classc. with con stant employment at home, ti w bole of the time, or for their sare moments. l!uine' S new, light and profitable. Persons o( cither sex easily earn ftnni 50 i.nVi to 5 pgr evening, atid a pr ,, .ru- sum by devoting their whole time to the bipineas. I(ys and irU cam nearly as much as men. That all who tee this notice may send their address and test the busi ness we make this offer.: To such as are not well sat isfied we will send one dollar to pay for tlte trouble of writing, rujl particulars and outfit free. Address, (JrwiUiK STi.vsoi' Co., Portland. Maine. 2yl NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beauuliil selections made uy Mrs. ja mar, who has never failed to please her customers. New Kail Circular jut issued. Send for St. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 1 15:7tf 877 Broadway, New York. Selected Story. THE THREE LOAVES. The day was Utterly cold in Virginia City, as winter days most generally are in thai Alpine town, and though the sun was bright, it wss as cheer lea and chill almost as moon-beams. Wild gusts whistled through the streets, breathmg icicles sud front in their furi ous course, and driviog every living thing away to seek shelter from its biting, (lenetrating breath. And yet not every one was housed and shelter ed from the pitiless gale, for be who had work to do or business to transact was summoned by inexorable duty to come forth to his poet, or else, when the day of reckoning came, abide by the consequences; but with such ex ceptions as these, the male population generally sought the warm and friend ly atiuosphete of the drinking saloons, where with "hot Scotch" and a glowing furnsce they managed to keep them .skives front freezing. Of these luck I can exceptions Abe Denning, the baker, was one. In sunshine or storm, hail, rain or snow, people must eat eat, in fact, all the more vigorously been tine it does hail or snow, as if to perpetrate an unseasonable joke on the baker, who, especially in appetising weather, must see to it that his customers' larders be properly stored with the best produc tions of his even. Kven such cold weather as this did not deter Mr, Denning from attending to the wants of his customers with the assiduity and attention characteristic of his class. While disappearing into a customer 'a house with an armful of bread, a girl of some fifteen years of age emerged from a miner s cabin close bv. and. first casting wild and hurried Is . . m - - m ance about her, rushed to the baker's cart, and had just abstracted therefrom three loaves of bread, and was carrying tbem otT, when the baker returned ana caught her in the act. WT s .1 .1 lntoriuuaieiy an omoer was passing ust at the time, and the baker, on the spur of the moment, and without giv- ng the case the consideration which hs otherwise might, gave har into custody en charge of theft. The- girl, without attempt at expostulation or explana tion, burst into an agony of tears, a u the Hint evidence, perhaue, that she was but a novice, after all, in the art of stealing. "Oh!" she exolaunod, "don't tk nttr in this way. Let me wrap a shawl around -my head, or the ucotdu will know m." The offioer, consenting, accempauied her into the cabin, the baker having driven away, telling the policeman ho would be in court next day to prefer the charge before the Police J udge. The olncer on entering fonud no one in the cabin bat three ohildren the youngest about three years eld and the eldest about six. The hut was cold and cheerless; there was no fire. The two eloer children, alarmed at the pres ence of an officer, exhibited discolored eyes and faces, which bore evidence of suffering and resent tears, while little Willie, the yenageet, was erring and inappeasaluV, moping aimlessly around the cabin, looking into the empty closet and putting bis little bauds mechani cally into the empty dtahae on the table. "What made you steal the bread, mv girlf" asked the omoer. At the mention of the word trend, little Wiilie looked tearfully and pite- eualy in the man's face. The girl hug ged the little fellow frantically m br aruitf, covering hun witb teat sud kiWM. Oh, v oor little brother ! ' she cried bitterly. "What will become of you nol i'uia man is going to take your Ijena away with him. Here the child threw his arms around her seek, as if te detain her by force ; while the other two children screamed fit t 'oreak their hearts. The officer, susirecting the real state of affairs, began te eongh convuliiivJ$r, but instead of applying his hand to his ebest er throat, as most jpeuule do on such occasions, he applied bis hand kerchief to his eyes, "Is there no coal, or nothing at all to eat in the heuseT said he, in a gurg ling sort of voice. "No coal, no bread, nothing to eat," replied the girl, wringing her hands, "and poor Willie and the rest of us have had nothing to eat since yesterday morning." Here the officer had another hard fit of eoughing, and went away saying that he wonld be back agsin in a short time. "Is the msn going for bread f" asked the oldest of the children. "Hush, Mollie, dear," said Lena. "I don't know what he has gene for. He's not a bad man, anyhow, for be hasn't arretted me, as I thought he would." Iu a rery few minute the officer re turned with his arnig full qf bread and groceries, not forgetting some cakes and condiments tor the small children, while another man at his heels carried a big sack of coal on his bask. At the sight of the bread the chil dren screamed with delight, while the ofticsr now laughed, now coughed, and frequently applied his- handkerchief to his face te wipe off the perspiration, as It were. While Lena cut ap large slices of bread, and helped the children and her self, the two men set at work and made a large fire in the stove, the glow of which soon sun used warmth and comfort through the cabin. Then they cooked the riaeat and made the tea, and spread a steaming meal on the table for the fpur orphans, while they carved and attended to their wants until they were fully satisfied. Happy, happy childhood, whose pre rogatives are innocenoe, mirth and io ! The ohildren after their dinner did not look like the same ohildren at all. Their faces were bright and joyous, happy and handsome, and in a few minutes they were playing and laughing and romping, as happy as if they had never felt the pangs of hunger. "And now," said the officer, delight ed at seeing the children so happy, "sit down, lena, and answer intra fuw quea tioiis. liavo you no fathiir or moth- eiT "We have no mother," wiim Lenaij reply. She died about a yeer ng, and father went to Kureku to work abeoJ, eight mouths ngo, nud we baitt't Stew, him evei since. ' "What is your fathers inuiifi ' "Dawson Jim Dawson." "And he has sent you no money nothing? ' "Nothing. Never heard of him since he went away. Hut when h was going he left ua a hag of ft ui and lots of groceries and things -as much its would last us six mouths, nnd IimM Ini sure to he back before the provisions were all out." "And you have got no letter from him at all?" "Not one," replied lnn, with drop sigh. Poor Dawsqu hn l written to his chil dren, however, I im pontul column nication being at th -no very irregu lar and uncertain iu Silver Bsata, the children did not n . ive his letter. "Well, I must go bow," aatd tbl i -Hi cor after a pause, "but I will eull to morrow nnd yon will hnve to nccompu ny me to the police station, for 1 musf do my duty, you know. (Jood-by." And Lena Dawson was ' left alone with her little brothers and sister. Slie felt sad and lonesome after the depsrt urs of her kind benefactor, but the buoyancy of childhood soon guincd the ascendancy, and before bedtime the or phans were as happy as any group f children in Virginia City. Meantime the report abmt tlm steal ing of the bread and the destitution of the children got atoead. -Lai Dawson, a miner hitnaelf, was well known and popular among th miners, and the case created much ay tnpsthy ami elicited so many reminiscence nnd e m BM nt ries that pi it e a crowd was attract. -i the next day to the (tolice court. Judge Moses presided. TheJu lgn bore the name of being upright and . . i . i nonest, kiuu ami nenevoiem, ami it fault be hsd at all, it was thought to be somewhat uncompromising rigor in the discharge of his official "duties. It was Hard to see how the c.vtu woui.i a .s as go- After the transaction of some pre liminary bnsiuess the case was called. The baker swote to tho su-ating ef th bread, and ldeutitrel tin d-feudant a the thief. The oth" sat u-stitied to th famhihing condition in whi li Im ha I (oqnd the children, but aatd not ou word about what be had done t rtHova them. Pitor Luna atootl tremhlini IsM n.i the J ud:re. Thereuisin s miurr rustled ,i. ri. 1 1... . r,. i . .1 mim.1 i, I... sSJSsOBJ, eyeing the Jmlt eating look. ith a deirre ! "1 declare to Alun ghty. Judge, said be, "I never knew tin- SdSulttioSr of Jim Dawson's children, sad if 1 di d He dropped a twenty into Letts S trembling hand. "You jest Wtmwad as much alar at it other folks," exclain cd aim! her miner, excitedlv, v. Ailing un and put ting another twenty into the girl's hand, snd, with an indignant air that flung back any lateut suspicion that he knew anything of tho children's great desti tution any more than any one else. Here Lrng Ale, a miner --so calls i en accojnt of his height and alas slid timidly sud bsishfully up to Ia-iiss side. "f,eeny," be said, in n half whisper, "bold yer pinafore," snd be dipped two twenties into her apron, and then slid back behind the crowd iuto a corm-i , and holding his bat to his face, glanced timidly around to see that he was com pletely out of sight. Then came Wabbling Joe, who was far more bashful than Long Alec, but put on a bold face, and laughed ami talked loud to make betievo that !. wss not bashful at all. "J edge!" cried Wabbling Joe, laugh ing and sodding f uly at the court, te eisarrr. tha.t turn ' "V ol poxsitiie , rigor in the trial of ti;- in in hand "Judge, let the gal sli Bhe ain't done nothiu' but wtmt you or I would do if we was hungry." And poor Lena was once more the recipient of another present. The court held down his head hi m smiled gravely at Wabbling Joe's de fense ef the accused, but immediately recovered his gravity, and said '.'Gentlemen, I appreciate youi liber ality and generous sympathy for the young offender, and am particularly im pressed witk the ingenious defense of my friend Wabbling Joe, here a good natured laugh escapod the whele crowd, as if to pnt the judge In got d humor, "whatever might be the syraps thy of ths court for tho said condition of the accused, there is a public duty to be performed, and the sase must there fore proceed. ' 'AWtat hi yqur name, my gil'l," asked the court. 'They call mo Iona Dawson, sir," was the reply. "(Jail you Lena Dawson! And I sup pose Ijena Dawson is your mime, is it notl" observed the Judge. "No sir, it aia t, returned the girl, "my father died when I wus ouly three years old, and my mother married Mr. Dawson some time afterward. My proper name is Madalino Winters, but they call me Lena or short. "Madaline Winters! Whore were you born?' asked the J udge. "In Kansas City, sir," .was the re ply. "Jn Kansas QUy!M eehod the, court in a vqics of stall deeper gravity than before, "And what was your (author's maiden name, do you know!" "Madaline Moses, sir, responded iponn Lena. "Madaline Moses! My Clod! My God! She was my sister! And Judge Moses, overcome with emotion, bowed his head to the desk while a torrent ef tears flowed down his face. Just as the crowd, in obedience to the dictates of delicacy, were einergitig from the police gqurt, to let the uncle nud. niece indulge in the saored joy of mutual ircognitton, Jim D.twaon Hp period Ht the door, having junt return ed frciin his prospecting tour in Kuvekii, nnd with uii inniite'neriH) of nrotirietv "that did honot to Imh mviuuinUtncw'. who were all rcjoicrd to ao him, wus quietly permitted to join his relatives inside -V) Franc 'men Ayun'iut. uana or thoiciit. Humor is wit nud love oomlrinecl Malice drinks hall its own puisne. Truth may outraged by fdlaoeo. RHknn words can never ! nvnllnl. l not Bjistake n U iuh nrV hr a Inl- ' Tin- ni-ltt show Htott Ittd SjQSJjttl in :i better light. saa a a a W a are nil Slaves ; th Ins, h st c of Vwer itt las' I Ml To give p:tin happy the li lit is the tyranny, i make einpli g of beauty. A lue has but one mister ; the um bit ions man Im as tunny musters as then- itre pet tsms whose nid inav con tribute tO the ndvaitcement of his fjr- tune. Wbtlto a bflssh laif jour Sfirit enil inspires you with nobis nud BlMragSOOl ferdings, eek for t o olher rule to judge tho work by ; i( is goiwl, and uid v a good workman f.t Hruef$. As for hetns muoh known bv Hiuht, tin. I poinieil out, I cannot coiniie,t ,-,d I he honor that lies vilhal ; wltatsjnsWef it be, every meunli-bank Ires it mora than the let d octor f'lir.Vy, Afilfty stel caoloric men me ns uit gratefnl and SjltSOcjallle us thunder nod lightning. Wing in thflMlSSl tea all storm snd teurjH-sl : hot tttt and is'sy nalur'S ate lik fair weather, welcntne to all.- -CLirctitlon Batirs IS a soit of !.- t,t ti b i hidden W , T g:ientlly discover everlasly face but their own which is the chief rasaou for that kitel 'A rscwrircioti it inot-ts with in the world, and that eo VSff fw are uflVndrd with it. -Sirli't. Men do sol often !! to avow,n to then selves-, tl- ...... ., . vi rr is n has made in their minds j h it they are ready to follow it if i i resented to im-m tu a nuiv atio nnd forces ti em to i i . e inner, If lite in- sjsru ebiWihood it i m ture g ; : fhtliJ the ssetnof I f w . a l! in . HttsMS iu M ol bf sometllueM L, iihi eg has that i In mvl rs bjS lu' cording to il te 1.1 H ll te te 1." a . a a a a a a l"n '' lh" 't wlu e wuh t.. I retain, sOUtl.. TTIIILi:-.. The "modern itiiriv-iiiett." i i 'i.r whale tisheiy as rssaai kslde as iu other i.-, hough asa bo ret flatly known. One ui the sofStl notawwrtliy if the e in tbo Jarfdinbgsnb, en SOOfMtQt of whU h Mr Vov of 8sa FiHtu isco has bstsiy tent to La Nature. It cou sJotOOf a satallie e)limlr terminated by a cylindrical tmh, at the end of which is a rod w ith a very sharp, barbed j.oim. This projeoUlo is t-ent olF by a kind of araaebtM motscl on a thiii vet tical supiKtrt, and on the shmilder of the inah alto tires. At the momept of tirinjf, a smnll screen ri.ea sutuinstically (to protect lbs parson f the nasi who fires), and the v jet-tile goes off The hitter bj atlacheti bthiud to a cord which it draws out wifji it. If the shot lie a good one the projectile entern t'rs of the wbalOj snd the shell then explodts, oansing a piecs of iron te OpOa ns to ftm a kind of double houk, by wbirh ihe whale is held. The projectile is gonerally fired from n rowing boat. The instrument is n powerful one. n oma iustnnces the projecti'c OOflld bo diivra eighty metres ; in which ense ix and the cord drawn eut would weigh not less than 100 kilogi a un. Mr. Yoy describes a sti iking incident in which n large, yellow-bellied whale, a kind vrrv rarely attacked on account of its tremendous vigor), was shot at from a smnll tive-ton steamer when quite near. The project ile went right tbroagb the body and exploded beyond. Th ehnle was at tached, however, l.y the cord, and it dtuggod the! steamer four consecutive hems, nt n speed sometimes of sixteen kilemeteis an hour, though the engines were reversed. Sunset csme, nnd the whuln being still lively, the cord was cut. GKBB1. nKXKB.lL, Tho ex-('oufederate generals nre a 1 busy practicing the ai ls of peace. Maj. tfCti. Marnuduke is a Missouri railway fMtnniissioner, and, as a baohelor, lives oomfartabiy in St. Ionis on a salary of fJbrY .,.-, v aaa sa Vo,wu a yenr. uen. J. n. Irsrdon, ns counsel for the L inisville and Nashville road gets a nahtry of $1 1,000. Majer Gen. K. B. Obsatkam has a handsame farm in Tontiessec, nnd Gen. L. J. Pelk has another. Gen. Toombs practices law nml is rare rich. len. Ihtsil Duke is a lawyer in Louisville and has a. good income; Gen. Dradley .Johnson is also getting rich in the sau.o protessten in iUltunore. All the Ronof Robert K Lee except one are moderately snccess ful farmers in Virginia. Tho excep tion, Curtis Lfle, succeeded his father s president of the W'-ashington-Lee LTuVVcraty. Qon. Jilbal birly is liv ing quietly at Lynchburg in oomforfa- ble ctrotlmstnncee, Gen. .J. Pember ton has become a resident of Pudadtl phirt, is nn invalid, and has written n hook on Vicksburg. One ef the most beautiful models in Parts is 11 yoiintr woman who comes from tho blue-grass region of Kentucky She was deserted by her husban abroad, nnd she now suppntts herself by posing. The best railroad conductor in tho world irt a well bred worn in, for she . al ways knows how to mauago her train. .ini notr im i hi; raw t r, BY MA UK TWAIN. I knew hy tbo llioughtful glow upon his bald head I knew by (he thought fill look Upon his face I knew by tin emotional flush upon the strawberry on the end of the old tree liver's noe, that Simpson Wheeler's memory whs baay with olden time. And un 1 prepared to leave, because all thew wets sjmp torn of s reuiiBisceneesiifris that he wss going Ur Im delivered oJ another of his tiresome thusoiiuI experiences but I wa too slow, he got the Mml of ino. As near as I em recollect lee infliction was couched in about the following lan guage : "We were nil boys then, snd rfinVt earn f r nothing bnt to r-l.ii k scl and keep up a reviviu' .how of dev merit nit the time. Thi- vah Jim Wr 1 wss talking shoatMrss cfie 'prentit and he wus the bast hentied feller, In was, nnd most foigivin' and uiiKelfish J ever see well, there couldn't be s more bullier loy than he wus. take him how you would ; nnd sorry enough was 1 when sred him for the lis' time. "Me and IImy whhh'w pester in' him nnd plasteriu boss bills on his hue);, aad put iiiif busable4sees in his bed, nnd Mi on, and owef ime e would crowd in ami bunk with him, notwith standing his growling, snd then we'd let on to get mad and Sgltt across him, so ns to keep htm stirred up Ilka. He was niaotoen, bo wa, sad WH wa i lif- terui nnd sixteen, Mod nnd werthlea. tolerable l.nty ".So that ni.di', ou kftOW, that my sister Maty gsvo the cndy pullin' t hey started BS 'fl' l ler eatlr. sM that the company could hnve full ssttw, nnd e ran in on Jim to ! some fun. "Our window kkked esti "i tlH roof of tin ell, mm! al-tut in- i.V '..k a eotrple of old torn ci's got to di -.ti' and charg in' around on it, and rarryiitg on like sin. Theie was four ie. l, - nf HOW on thi roaf, and it whs ft. . -i that there was a right assart of lea i it, and the nvMrn was skiniii' bright, ssssl WO could sen them cats like d light. First they'd stand elf and e-yow vor yow just the samel aa if Ussy were eussiu' one another, you know, and lw up their backs and bush up their tail-, snd swell around, si.d then nil of s sadden the gray eat he'd smileh a handful of fur oil the taller cat's h.uu, arid sp.n around him like the butiou rjsj a barn iharr. Bat the vaiWr eat s.;ta game, at d he'd BOSO0 ami clinch, and tbey'd gouge and Lite and howl, and thev'.l nuke the fur fly powcrfai. "NT!!, J tin he g'.' .ji-us'.ed wiih i ho row, and 'lowsn! he'd etiiuh ot.t therv SMd shakfl tbviH off I ha I'd!' He hsdu't i' Iv no notion ut dwibl it likelv. but a a a - ... e.u usttjiv a ge.i ur.'l tonllv-; sr - iHjd !', and 'mwml Un stwnra l.rsg- ? jr-l ;.- ht: wouldn't l-iks" a ditte, ami pt, o , nil Lime bv Im hited the iuder ntad aie:l heboid you, be nit went eXS'ily as l.e --nothni' on but his shut. You aiwht to seen h:m creeoin' over the ie, and diggin' hih nulls in s fji to keep It i in from 1: in'; and 'bove nil, toil ought la) seen, t hiit sbM flap piu' t the wiutl, aid then, IsMsf redic ulous saaaks of kioa a saaSsMtist" in the moonlight. "Thenr oemimny folks was dawn theie under the eves, the whole auad j e them under that OaOrt .hed of dead Wah'iou buwer ines all Srtta around j about two daaasi Kassern of hut candy, which they'd set iu the IsssW to get ool. And they wus laughii.' wd talk- iu' lively, but bltws yiu they didn't knw nolhln bout the pariomiaer that was g"iag on over their bead. Well. Jim he went sueakin npa unbeknown tj ihein toin tais - they weie a .winhin' there nud vow.yewing and iln utt-ntti' to clinch, vou know, nnd n t itavin' nny nttention he wet stjaakia rmbl ...... lL. t. ..f I l. . r ..'It 1 Oi' .t my !Ut" le 1'ior, im lie S S" n a ftret nnd a half of 'em. an I thn of S Sodden be made a grab f.i te y illn cat. Hut.bygssh, he mi.ed lire and siippm nts uoit, anil nts nee;- u.?w up he shot off'n that roof lik- a l.itt went n smashin' and a crashiu' down' through them old rusty vines, nnd landed right in the dead center of them cempany -sot down like a ynrthqnake oh them two h.7r.ii ausjjcrs of hot cendv and let oty a how l that was hark from the toml. Them g'lls wall, ihey left, you know they seen he weren't dressed for company and no they left. All done in n second; it was just one little wnr- whoop nml a whik of 'tbe dresses, and blame the wench of tlnm was there in sight nnyw herel ( Jim he waa a sight. He was gorm- ed with the bilin hot molasses o-indv clean down te his heels, and had mere busted sassers L.ngiu' to him thatt if ho was ns Injun pnncess; and ho c .nie pranein up stairs just a w hoopin' nnd a oiiKsin arul evei"V lump he gave licslieo: n mm china, snd cvsry squirm hn fetched he dropped some eandy. "And bhsteied! Why, bless yont soul, that asm creature coultln't rooly sit down comfortably feT as much as four eeka. Recent examinations of French and Belgian butter has detected such edulterntlon as fiuo chalk, potnto sturch, fine smashed potatoo, wheat Hour, milk condensed by heat, bad old butter, suet of veal, carbonate of lead and load sugar, milk water and excess ot salt. uno lot recently seized hy tho authorities presented a granular appearance, analysis proving that 100 parts ef the simple contained only forty two parts of butter, fifty one ef pure water and seven of salt, incorparatod together by special ma chinery. Is India there are sne trillion and a half of laborers engaged in the cul tivation of Jute, where it is spun in nearly every cottage. The greatest rftanufacturing center of Jute is Dun dee in Scotland, where there are more than a hundred mills, empkiylng thousands of workmen and working up annually more than 200,000,000 pounds. Its manufacture In this couutry is yet in its infancy. saaina s li u i u s nlm, Probably tin built in argest wood slisl ever c uny, suys nn ex- change, was one dsrlosd by Hp. he John Mcf'lellaii, a great urn le of (5er. (lCo. li. McClellan. For many years it was one of the curiosities of l he town of Woodstock, Conn., the early home of the McClellari family. The narrator's fatlur, who saw it frequently when a boy, nays it was nigh thirty two feet in length by three in breadth. The lnm sere of squared eight-inch ItSBDar, with studs to uiHtch, and the "shoe," r runners, wore over a feat in width. For draw ing it there were two "tongues," or sjes, in the forward end. It was never use) save on one spe cinl oecasioti, when the t?ain consisted -f fifteen yoke of oxen. The story of ' its origin is as follows : In the parish where '."juire McCiel in. resi-.lej j vrn tho tm'tom. every winter for such of the men as had wood lots to give the parson a cord of hick ory wood each, and thus make uj to him a winter'a supply of find. The '.Spiire, in particuiar,-wa always pans tuai in December with bis cord of nic-ly-prerared hickory. n that parish there was a man who had the leput alien of being "snug," niggardly, and apt to shirk his due share of the burden of (raying the min ister. Indeed, his remissness in this matter had Ireen a standing grievance in ho place for many years. One autumn there wan a revival of religious interest in the place, and many members of the church were stimulated to earnest labor, and to live more strict ly. Among these was the penurious man above alluded to, whom we may con veniently designate as IJro. Z . Not a little to the astonish mcnt of bis neighbors, who had had ample ex poHotsoo of his miserly dealing, heurose in prayer meeting one night, and ex hotted to lils ral giving, not only to the pnrson, but io all Irene volent objects. Waxing tort earnest in language and , torn-, he deelared, among other things, mat ira woui.i that winter give the min ister s load of wood. "Yea, brethren," he exclsimed, 'the Lord has opened my heert I will give him s load of wood, and a big one. I will give him the Mtopet load you rsn draw from my woods to his vard !" ' Truly,' said Venire McClellan at the deacons' meeting, " the Lord must h-ve Ofsessssl Bro. 'A 'a heart ; but," be added, with characteristic Scotch loom dues, "t may noon close, and ssaj ssswas open again. It behooves us, in the laiiron's interest, to avsil asjraeirra of it. It us build a sled that will carry ten cords, and do it at once. r-m . si fx thought tfce rest. The merster sled wan private! v but extreditiounly iVseried in a back yard, and rarly one snowy morning in Decern -er. Brother s inisu-d to see drive to his Iho Mpimrentlv all the ox teams in ton, drawing the Titanic sled, nccom p uued by a Telling throng of teamsters, sod al! the .-mall bovs in the parish The 'S.piiie wss riding on the sled "We've come for the Parsons loadef wood, Brother !' he called out "You Itade iu haul the biggest load we could, and I aut glad tu hesr that yon have lately bad a fine lot of hickory chopped." It is snid that fullv ten cords of wood were loedwd uon the big sled, under 1 the 'Squire's sujtervisnon, and then, to j the timeld a most vociferous gee-haw . ing, the enormous load was successfully ' sledded to the parson a doorway. ! The worthy minister, equally amazed but nm; agreeablr so, issues forth to I learn the cause of the uproar. J "Uael people."' he cried, rubbing his hands, "what meaneth this 1 Have the windows of heaven opened 1" V.... mmmm ' ' .1 '. em-" 'o . r i . i . i ;i i .11 fe ; " but the Lord has ojtened ' r Z 'a bruit, and that so ; s riit vounl have issued fr un so small n refoptucle is one of the wonders of saving grace, "taeation not, but take it, and keep ye warm." The ministor ha-', roaring fires that winter, but it was long before lire Ler 5 recovered his equanimity. HoritTs roa rounr al i nn nun. This society is gaining every day iu a S .a es. numoers auu muuence. it numbers uniting its active and co-operating mem bers the political economist, David A. Wells, Horace White, Prof. G. W. Sum mer, of Yale college, Charles Francis Adams, Gen. Bradley, T. Johnson of Virginia, Ovms W. Field, Peter Hum ilton of Mobile, and ruanv others of wide reputation. It is not partisan nnd is not to be used for any other pur pose than awakening an intelligent in terest in government methods and pur looses. Ita members are generally agreed upon the following convictions : Tho nation, parties and public mm must keep good faith. pim : .t i ,.r - . i. : u :.. i . x no i igtii. oi h i: ciuieii iu u s 1 1 ec voice nml vote must be upheld. Office holders must not control the suffrage. The office should seek the man, und not the man the office. Public service, in business positions, should depend solely on fitness and good Irehaviar. The crimes of bribery and csrruutku must be relentlessly punished. Local issues sheuld bo independent of party. Coins made unlimited legal tender must be made of fnll value as metal in tbe markets of the world. Sound currency must have a metal basis, and all paper money must be con vertible on demand, Labor has a right to the highest wages it can earn, unhinder si by pub lic or private tyranny. Trade has a tight to the freest scope unfettered by taxes, except for govern ment expenses. Corporations must be rist ricked from abuse of privilege. Neither the imblic ' money nor 1 he peonies land must be used to subsidise a ar .... private enterprise. Subscribe for the Democrat. I o3try. m v .r.uu:ii. Marry gentleman, ' - fJirl, if you can. Minded and bu It On the generous plan. Though he may neither Hare stiver or fold ! TttlO or fontme, To have or to hold," Though ho may labor Willi spade ami with lee, Thoiuh he iotv mught Hut bis mother tongue ki ov, Though he live und r H f' Vy's ban, Marry a gentleman, liir'.s, if jou eau. . ' ! r.y a gentleman, 1 dr.t, if yo i can, OetttlO sntl t 'der, 'i iioasfh no l j a man, (urn wh '-vi!' tr Uii cliild or his wile, Wsorntog to rob Ihsm Of sweetness in Ufa. tnn wlio will nevar The Lrutj's jrart sali ne Ki'dinK ids houHeledd With sorrow and g'ooru. If on love's ahar The otme vo: would fan, Marry a .'ontlsman, i rh. if you can. Y 't Will Ire happy, An 1 you will bs g'a I. T-jou iU be only- IJo commonly elI. Pleiture U fl3et:nj;. And life but s span -Marry a gentleman, 'iirls, if you i!n, il I AM II. It d n.'t take n very fat ! r- t ca h H e epl o ic. Tbo worn 111 vh pretend- to l.tuh at loe i- like the child who ings at night w un it is afraid. It isafurioja proviakn tf natur. y uhi-h the tr.'?s ar md-? i la.trj; the odd weather. A bael e r. nce r ling" to tho Ut't dettnition is Hit man who b wlont lb h; n::v of m iking a woman inieraWe. Jo"ea thin :s a m?n o rortuna e who hat his will contested after death onlr. He fays his will has been con tested ever s nee he wedtl h1 Mrs J. The w.rst eae of favoritiam on record Is that of a ytu.h wir-e moth er put a hitg r Mans ard plfest-r on his joungi r brother than -he tllu on him. An instance of shrewdness is given in the Prin:eUniian : Student, after clas "Did you marie m abe'er. Doctor?" I did, hir ; jnd w nr'' your name ? "BnUiant and impafcdve petplv stii a lecturer on physiotrnomy, hive hlaek eyct. er if they Ion't have vm th.y are p' t r ' 'em, ." they arc too impulsive." Across-ered man who said he poin to "vote as ha shot," had his ballot carefully pur among' the 'scat tering" by the judi.-i.ujs Inspected The woman vho trims her ovn bonnet van always be picked out of a crowd bv other women : now if men only bed this peculiar gift of selec tion. Wonder what b.iby would thin it worth his while go through the wear and tsar of gmwi.ig up, if he knew that he were t become a freight brakemau or a druggist's clerk ! "Why, rrnk!" exclaimed the . .. e . s 9 mother at me summer noamin houo, 1 never kne-v yon t a-k for econd ideee of ole a home." 'l knew it ;n't iu use," replied Fratiky, quietly, as he proceeded with his pie eating. An editor in Georgia sayo : KioId is feund in thirty six counties in this smte, silver in three, copper in thir teen, Iron in forty-three, d in mends tp twenty-six, and whisky in all of them; and the la.-t gets away with all the rest." The truthfu!ns of a sign over a Santa Fe saloon i t v ?e sdoiired. An old fashioned pe-fo-ate 1 tin lantern hangs upon a ru le braeket, and in the night throwj a dim and fitful lieht upon a strip of white moslia on which is inscribed, "Nose piut." Miss Anthony is about leetu ring on this subject : "Woman wants not broad but the la!lot" e fear that woman in abandoning bread for the suffrage will iuse man to want breast more than ever, and he will get very little that is home-made if ids wife follows Susan. . 'Do you expect to be rewarded hereafter for the good deeds done in this We ?" asked a Galveston Sunday School teacher. "I don't expect nuf fin myself, bnt the old msn w link ing on the Galveston post-office if Hancock had not fooied him," re sponded the boy, whose father dab bles in politics. saas. All the principal light-hoi sdi in France are noon to be prcvidsd with electric lighting apparatus. The con tracts have been alreadv awarded. A public opinion, wholesome an 1 act ive, unhampered by machine contr T, is the true safeguard of jmpular ina itu tions. James says he isn't particular alont the bells en the horse, but hs must have a belle in the sleigh, r it is no sleigh -ride at all. si m The corner loafer will never vidt the phrenologist to find out what he is best a . fitted for tie does not want to snow. Stewart & (Jrey are offering same fine ha: gains in real estate.