The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 01, 1881, Image 3

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.APRR1X 1, 1881.
FUlMera and Proprietor.
A t . II. Bt. TIMK T.4KI.K.
Albaiij Station.
tltlMLUKC OF TRtl.
MM) MtRTtl.
AbbAM I Xl'KKSS Iteiartatt
V I.IH.l! t "I I'.Al.Ns " -
( lUpUIIStti
KM Nl SOI Til.
SO A. M.
:t o A. M.
i is a. mi
11:45 A. M
t2H t m.
r. M.
8 .::. P, M
MAIL ! i:.iN
i Aim .-sat -
I'M mis at
ai.i;..n i;n: Kss .Msiv
Alt 'trctns itnltj. rect tHiWi
Wll.l. B, KICK, Stati.m Ajrcn!.
TTTTQ X hXiVQ ssaj aoftaassl wttMICte
WHO A ATAJ1 i- RoweU Jt Oos wiHpcr
.t nrUslnt: Itiuvnu 10 Spruce St. V. w here iU orllslnn
recta may ba mfjni i r u IN NEW YOltK.
Notice is horeb given that I have sold
nil my right, title Kud ''merest in tlio State
lviiht- Democrat, including pro, lyie,
mat- : i .!. accounts ami good will, to C. II.
BtewWt. If, V. l'.KOWN.
Alb-.iny. Oregon, hfateh 18, 1881.
Notice- is hereby ghrWI that the under
signed have this day fat sand copartner
ship tor ihr pnrpoee of publishing the
S le Rights i letnoernf nl Albany, I.iun
r.uiniy. Oregon
C il. SI F.WART,
altwny, fHremwi, .March 28, 1881.
Home :iiiI a " - s ..i.i-
Fine weather,
ftohdt getting better
R M. French, .-vv-ih r.
Keep our vats up aigbt.
Everybody raahhat gardeae.
Spang chaekeea an now bloeeanoeag
Seeing titsii. Whore's geatkt Annie !
Stewart It tire v write insurance at
rat. s.
So.-i al in.iti.-rs have h.--n aawl the ust
w ek.
Jadge Baldwin is Mill con hue. I to his
The dre aw n nr
Honesty is ngiw
Lot JHNlple
t advertnaatg h
t e hest p'!i y.
The Oliver Chilled Plow b the best plow
fo dry rn uad.
The p!nwJn. s merr) whistle is a rural
feitar. just nw.
(levari Grt J an oflerteg some tiue liar
gains in r -.-.l catate. ,
Our Baheraaea have loen catehsn MMM
fine tr..ut the !n-.t we. k.
Xat. Redpath, of JiiTtrsM.n. as in laaaa
Tsmrsday on a hit sine
The Iuauoii Mount iin Rtaad n ;n xs
f i- tip as 'i:i- Majdr !!ttim.
I H. Montany.-. SHI., la-.t wk reeeiired
the appintii!ent t.f N..t.ry PabllC
Hoat K. C. Hatiaaril, i Lehannn l'rt-inct.
a'.ia it t't vti Tm s tty Laat -n txajner i
Kvctv nirut' s aiiie wants a "Daa feeiii
machine. W. P.. Sett, A H. . v n v , lit.
ewral ut ur norchanta are receiving
shnints of new ponds for waring trale.
R. 1'. Hi flare sjeiit thcwifit-r at iohlen-dt!-.
hot h-w gone over on the Saanal now.
Bu-ii.. - bM picked cpauaic the last week
an i proapeeta are 1 fora fair apriag traile.
M-s.-r :., Is ibi i Co., thU week
paiii ;ts i.-.'it a-s 70 tuotaaaf btnh1 for wht-t.
Pr. 6. WiVu Prieo. aentLst, ofiea in .ld
Ft-lh- Temple, over Phininter' Drug Store.
One r. itilt of a tltre o'clock in the morn
ing lir- msa t- get people wp early auy-w-y.
I.. Coaaa, Baa., a4 uuty Clerk of
iaa county, sjr?nt adayor two iii town thU
Mrs. I. C. I)ickey is vlattlag her icother,
w io b raay a5ck al ber haaas ia Iu.l-ier.-dence.
few s are now aniiug on every
train anl our aintaatil eataaalahffaaata aro
ft! ling up f ir.
CoL D. B. liasv. Jr.. of Portiaad, calleil
on us tin's week. Me aays aaaiaeaa in that
city ia not lively.
Heat? Hi.:har:!:; has one to R J Bluffd,
C ;.!'. .rtila. to reside. He is a tiue ouug man
a?id we liato to lust hi in.
S t .-wa.-t i Gsy have a lar'e lint of city
Bad county property fr sale low aud on long
tsine and cvsy payuienta.
Many farmers are getting tliscouraed at
the outlook ftr a Letter price for $ heat auil
are selling at B5t and 68er
The Inlit-s Aid SK,iety will meet at the
iaaidei:c of Mfii. John Akhouse, n Thure
day afteraooa of next week.
'J'hr aew vauit at tlie Cocvt Haaaaojt aaar
tw ectapietod. Doaeaa fTiatin aidf. F. Caaa)
are potlhlS in the siielvii g.
Picnic itaioa ia ipayoaehiag, anil young
jiii..s ivjll hmi 1- rainbliag aroatad the hill
ri'-ar Slaviii..- c::l Waterloo.
Keep the "litc't water oveffjsOW tpies
tin" going. Every good thing tiuwetii from
proper and ptwetateat agitation.
Prof. J. i-. Powell, Prof. Sox atnl seeeaal
others, of our ritHrai w ill attend the taaahv
gra i.istitute at .Sci next week.
anuoi E, Vooaz eecetved thw week the
!ir- ... : .;.': it of his spring t-bick of dry
ooodi boota, aheeaj notjona, c
Mayor Fromau tiiva he wont ei-rn the cat
trdiii.".;icc. lie doesn't believe in obstructing
t dine felicity ami liberty of howl.
Mr. i. H. Haokivtnan and H. It Hewitt,
Eaf., are the chiei serihea at the (Jourt Houe
during County Clerk Brum's abaenci.
Mr. sfobn Claypoo! left to a e. Tuesday last
with his family bound for the Ochoeo coun
try, where he wiil ftm it this summer.
Rev. W. J. (.'raw ford will rctign his paf.
tiratu of the Baptist Church next Sabbath,
and on tii 13th insc will start for Illinois.
Parties wishing iu go to San Frencisco
wiil do well to leniemher .iha.t V. B. Bice
will 3ell tickets from this city to that point.
Goo. L. Story, m inager of the Bocae Mu
tual Insurant.-" '. for thi State, came up
Wednesday evening to aiijust the loss at tl e
Chinese lire.
J aa. Foster, dr. . is the "Ivi.'s" when it
comes to putting in water pipe. He is now
pu .tin in a line of 2-ioch pipe from Front
tq Fifth strest.
Gr account of heavy iloods along the line
of the Pacific iu Nebraska, we
will probably be short of "Statd's mail'" for
a week or two.
The hand engine of Fire Company No. 1
is to have a thorough overhauling and refit
ti'jgand will bo out of the iield for active
work for a few days iu consequence. Chief
Scott proposes to keep the apparatus of the
department in good order all the time.
The "laughing Man" came gal daftl
nigh" Hplitting his aiiles roaring over the
work done at the State Fair on the "lavi"
Sewing Machine.
Kaltuiarnh & tugtlon me i. it ivitsa large
additien to their tteeh at. the City Drag
Store, iind their trade is iaftteaafag rapidly.
Call and see thcin.
Miss Sophia N an Wendle. who lias hoen
so loii connected w ith the St. Chni'les Hotel
has pone to Salem, and will make that Ret
baaM in the future.
.Stewart and Crey arc loaning money on
farm lands at 10 per cent OH frOM one to ten
veats tune. If von want tttonev
terms call and see them.
It yon arc indehti-d to W, P.. Scott take
notice that he is speaking to jeuthis week
in the DvXOdtAT. Look fot oatd among
fie new advertisements.
The F.spinosa concert w :i . post jiouc.; I tuin
Friday evening to Monday evening. There
was a good attendance and everybody speaks
well of the entertainment.
N. Haunt is now in San Fr.mei.sso. bttyiag
n ponderous sttn-k of goods, so don't ho in a
hurry to lay in your spring supplies. It may
pay you to wait a few days.
Sam W. Church, of Sdem, btttwell known
iu thin city, was married in San Fi .meiscn
OB the 'JTth ait The lady 'a name v . Miss
Mary Ctani, formerly of Salem.
lr. W. F. Alexander has removed his
family for the summer nut to his old home
tana, near l'eUrsons Ihitte, one of the te.'-t
pleasant locations in the cunty,
lr. J. 1 iiill has removed hi-, oiliee in in
Fooitay and Mason's drug atere to the odiee
formerly in-cupicd bjf lr. W. I'. Ah ander,
on the north side of First street.
There is still somo 1iim ! kietug thin; i
jogging along for some time yet. Only three
divorce granted at the last term of court,
and this is no where beside the niiinher of
marri.i ,
Dr. Geary aafBcieatly reeovered from hii
illness to he ahle t pn hOBM I rVhlay t
Kugeiie City. Be w ritm badt to friencU
here that he arrived safelv, not much the
wor e for the trip.
The Oliver Chilled Plow will run and da
gool work in dry ground w !.i u a st . ! plow
cannot be kept iu. Tliey affajaat the plow
you want for summer fallowing. 1W sale
lV Sautuel F. Voim.
Harrishurg Chapter No. Io, l. A. bf.,
has tiled articles of iucoMratioa in the offiee
of Secretary of State ; capital stock. SltHht ;
incorjMirators, Sam May. . P. Thompkina
and W. F. Mendenhall.
Ir. .1. A. Davis aud family h ft Albany .:i
last Sunday's bt for Portland, where they
took the first steamer on their way to
"Low star State." We wiafa the lv.t r
success iu his new home.
Mr. aad Mrs, A. F. Pairbaaha, of
Mr. F.
on ac
will be
on, liave been up hero this week.
started for Petaluma, Cal., yest.-rdav
count of ill health. Wu boat
b.-netittcl hy the chaug. .
The Magnolia Mills have raoeatly bean
fitted op with excellent facilities for eztia-
guishiug tire. There are three hydranU on!
tha tirt lloor, and one on each of tio- upper
tloors, with fifty Feet of hose ;..r . M h.
Rev. L H. Cotidit will s.mii start f .r the
Ka-' to atb-iid the Oeueral A-embly ..: the
I "n-.s by teriau Churclt, Btiinor lirs it that
he will probably transput some other tin
(h.rtaut business Is for.- lie returns hoto'
Samuel K. VooBg baa yi t paeeived direct
from l'hdadi jphia a larK.- atock .f bMBssf .' and ci tio- .sii.-. ThotC are
Jtrt 'iu,-1 goods and warranted to giva eatie-
! faction. Call nnd - el a oatr n Donbar'l
J. M. Nolan, when we akud loin fa local
ads this week told us to wait a few days
O'ltil his r.priug . tock arrived whan be would
"sprearl" a little. We exect be has or.l red
something j.rtty line from the few he
The linest assortment ami U-st display oi
cutlery we have seen in the city is at the
hardware state of Peters A Sox. They keen
the celebrated Friedman & Liiiterjutig :it
lery, which is reeognized a the very Lent in
the market.
There has been .some talk of organising a
social and bnahseBS elui in Albaay. stieh
an institution is bailly needed in re. BSsd
would, it proj.erly ergaaaced ami eoadactad,
be protluctive of much good. We hep- tie
project il naqpeed.
Iist week one of the fncmbi of I'ov.Buiui
and Co. preseutetl them with a large white
bust, representing a woman. It now on. a-
menbi the front of the store, but if you wai.t
to get on a bust dm't go there, for it it net
ased for that purpose.
The Willamette con fere ace of the ( 'm-
gregational Church, will meet at Oregon
City, Tuesday, April 1, iSol. Artnage-
ments have been made with the O. and '.
R. R. whereby delegates paying full fare
going will be returned free.
We have the pleasure of announcing to
our lady readers that f ox, Baum and .
have this week received a large lot. of the
celebrated Foster kid gloves, rigged out w ith
from 10 to .'JO buttons each. Indies say they
ire "just too nice for anything."
There has Ijeen a scarcity of good battel
in tbia market for sometime past and high
prices have ruled. Why don't .some of our
wide-awake farmers see that a dollar male
from tlie sale of butter is as good as QCC
maile from the sale of heat, and give it a
trial !
The loss by fire on W. U. Baltimore's gro
cery stock has been fully adjusted ami is
distributed among the companies as follows :
Home Mutual Insurance Co., $473. "3 ; Com
mercial Ins. Co. of Cal., So'7.4i ; Fireman's
fund Ins. Co., 932100, making a total of
The circulation of tfic report of the
Congressional Committee iu regatd to
the titbj f the ht V. & C. kt W. Read Co'm
l:unl, has brought about a renewed interest
in the a I' airs of that company, ami the pros
pect of a railroad. Jrom Faqaim it much
The prettie-it stream of water we have
ever seen thrown through hose came from
the large hydrant near the Magnolia Mills
last Wednesday evening. With (." pounds
pressure water was throw n through 250 feet
of hose and over the rlag staff on the St.
Charles Hotel.
Eugene Buchanan has been appointed
agent at this place for the celebrated Stude-bi-u-r
wagon, and begins adveitbing it
this week, Buchanan does a ronshlt 1 ia
business now, and he is entitled to it, for a
more honest, energetic, wide-awake man
cannot be found any whet e.
Hiram Williamp, our efficient County As.
sessor was iu town yesterday. He has al
most finished making up the aseesa.-nenft of
property in the Forks of the Santiam, and
will be over on this side in a few days. Ac
cordiag to his request ami for the 1 outfit of
tax-payers we will next week publish the
new assessment law.
WTIey B. Allen has just received an order
from the college to ujily their library with
a barge quantity of miscellaneous books. He
is building up a tine' trade in this iine and
deserves the ptt.onage he is receiving. He
carries one of the best stocks of looks, pa
per, stationery, etc., in the state, and is gell
ing goods at fair prices.
Mr. W. II. Hartloss, of the Central Mar
kot, proposes to keep constantly on hand a
supply of fresh fish iu connection with his
business. It the theory that tlsh food makes
brain substance is correct, our cittens will
now have a chance, and our merchants had
better bike notice and purchase larger sizes
iu lints nnd cup.t.
In ttavcl'iig itrnund over the country this
week w e found the fall grain in hotter con
dittou titan we ever before saw it at this sea
son of the year, and the early spring wo are
having is being taken advantage of by the
farmer. Plows nru running iu every Hold,
I ...! .. I.iit.... I.,., ...... 4 .vf ..... ... iii. linn ..I
i ready been put iu.
As the weather grows warm the Star
Brewery beer grows cool and delicious. Mr.
1'... Manger has every facility for keeping it
uc cold during the hot weather, and ens
battMM w ill always Iind it fresh on draught.
The Star Brewery under Mr. B's manage
ment has Blade a reputation for supplying
a tirst-cl i article second to uone on the
Mr. B.tMar.l, of the firm of Ballard Isom,
&Co.,ol the popular l.inu County Mills,
s;ent a week or baa days on the Sound, iu
the inter, Kt of the lirnt, returning lost Sat
urday. He disposed of 1800 barrels of the
celebrated "Ked Crown'" brand of Hour.
The denial .1 for this brand of Hour in in
creasing rapidly and the mills are running
night and day to keep up the supply.
R. A. Irvine, Business Agent I. i! M.,
peat last Tuesday in this city on business
comic, ted with the grange. Ho report
grange matters as progressing satisfactorily
and an M 1 1 Oiling interest iu the Vauiua
raQroad paojat t. tells us-there will be
an tl lineally interesting meeting of the
grange at then- hall in the From. in District,
Saturday, the 2ad prOXittO, ami a large at
J n.laner is expected.
J, H. Surhsj, our popular barber, bee taken
0 new departure and proposin to lead oil a
little. After April 1st be will charge only
1 " OOOti lot B shave ..r IS shaves for a dollar
He has been doing something handsome in
the way of refitting hii rooms, and when
oempleted wilt have very aeat and pleasant
.juartrrs. A redin tion iu the prioe of "hav
ing stem t be in accord with the titiioiu of
thine;, ami we 1ioh- Mr. Surles may "catch
'em' liberally. .
Bv.-n the Chii:re are U-ginniug to liud
out the advantage tie re is m using piinter's
ink m u jndiciwti way. .ui Wa, the en
t. rprism mleetiel a ho holds forth on Wash
lagton sir. et, ..pp.,sit- Mamhall's livery sta
I'mra Lis li nun r to tile breeze 111 tne
DnaMU.1 ti.i w. 5. and says he cau da
washing and iruing a btth better and
aWapat than any eoasnittM,l and cau aUo
! urmsii any .n-mcnt of Chm. e labor on e.n
tr:nt. tiv. btm a Dial.
The Albany correspondent olj the 01 -"-
m wnt. s aftofl1 thii faahiea' "A very whole
ansae dawnaeioii f the water ditch question
has b. . m . artie.i in the Dr.sis i:r. One
writer eotitends that s a much standing water
within the city bmits will generate disease.
and ther lore Mould b-drained stk "Com
tia jstotitiy eppeaet, as it would greatly lefs-
n the bnsia I netata, dinggirtt and un-
delink in, and make itvny inconvenient for
cows L g wati r. So people Onat and tasV
. i -. live and die.
Mr. .In-. B.irioit. .' ui. uis Pie. met. ia
Ih. ii lotto- .it. tkes week with a eeeetnoa
laokiag toward bit npyeinlnanil aa Taolian
Agoai at Graod Reade. Mr. Bartea is
gontleaihn every arefihy the anaadat
mrnt, aud our .ili. ei lo re who are ac
ojeaiated wiab hhn have genatnlly signed the
l-titi.n regard), s . t j.bties. Under his
e,r- the .s;..-i-y Mould be Weil m ill lg-d ami
the gOVtmaiSOt nnd a faithful and efiicieut
servant. We li ; he may u.- ! in getting
Thei .i .ti '. lOTm it ia lu 'wiug that
veer earn t.ovn hat arorknaan eaaahle of
tnrniog ont the lim st wmk in line of
be im-sa. Wc be. ti b ..Luig ver some
work of SLiiger HtOt . mar. dc deahwa, and
are glad to any thai w bave never s. an any
work of the kiad anywli.-i.- tint w i l-tb:r.
They ar. skiUfal work teen as well as giod
liuoie . men. and the citizens ol Albany
and rietaitf aherdd never thiak of gohag out
of t-.wn for anything in tiieir line. Atten
tion is eaUed l their advert iaein ont m our
i Beam tiijmiru.
Cal !' B P.itsh, rcpn-.-eiitiiig be
Homo klunioal, nnd Jttthje Powi -II, rep
reeentlrlg tbe st.ito Inrettmnt In.'i
ranee Co , Ibis week adjusted llt? loaees
lucumed Tat the bgraing of Um Btgbkr
btiibling. and have paid over to the of M. V. Mark Hie -um of $000.
0g Competent builders agreed t
put the boilding bnek In a-s goeal eoav
ditiuii :is it was before the flrc for ?1MJ0,
nod baking the acknowledged deprc
eiaiiou in value from that prieo left
fy703 due from the t mpani:-H on the
building. The other, poliey wa for
8SO0 -$160 on pruHHi'H ami .3.j0 on type
and cases. Damago to the amount of
gg wa.s allowed on thw pres-eH and
2 i oa type ond enaeaj, making a total
of - .! Before this iollcy was made
out Mr. Van Cheve nail itonveyed ane
tiiir.l tntereetin the Reglater ofllaw to
Henry tfadnei ho that the helm of th
linek entede only had an Inonfnble tav
tt-iest of two thl rda, eeneeqoently the
nmount they receive on the olllce i
8200.66. On nccount of irregularitieti
in the original application it Ih a inat
ter ;f doubt whether tbe companion
cookl h.ivo been compelled to pay a
eenl if they !i .-il not ebontn to ih no.
:oi it: r ITsase
An an iei...; i... i.i. 1. 1 occurred at the Court
Horns.; a day or two ..nice, when a candidate
for a marriage Ijenaat applied to Deputy
Clerk Hacklcman for that interesting docu
rnciit. He seemed to be somewhat rattled
as he stepped up to the do;;k, hut gave in
his own name all right. The Clerk then in
quired who the btine w as, and although the
applicant appeared to be neither youthful
or inexperienced he OOttld not think of the
praaptotive bride's name. The family name
was known and the Clerk proceeded to hunt
up the papers on file iu rclutiou to the settle
ment of the bride's former husband's estate,
and there found her name. Wo suppose a
man might be pardoned if he should forget
his own nniue under such circiiu.stancef), but
to forget that of bit intended looks as if he
had it pretty bad.
A Hjilendiil Kcmeily.
Pfummer's Ague Remedy has now
been used the past lour years. Without
extensive advertising it has on Us mer
its increased in sale to such an extent
that the Doctor is receulng orders for
it from all over the valley. This is due
to its reliability, its pleasant taste and
harmless ingredients. For sale at
B ummer's Drug Store, Odd Fellow's
Remember the business oflio of the Dem
ocrat is in O'Toole's Block.
I NO I III It I I li I
I About 2:30 o'clock Wotlnesday moruing it
was discovered hy the night watch man that
the building on the west shin of Ferry St.,
between First and Second, was on lire. It
was a story and a half frame with an Addi
tion on tho south side, and occupied es a
general store, by Kwoug Mow ami Co., Chi
noso "Charlie," well known bet o, being the
manager. Various accounts of the tlrsl out
break of tho lire are circulated, hut ns near
as wo can lonru it w as iu tho back part of the
building, nnd when discovered by tho watch
was well under way. Several Chinamen
were at work at it with a small hose, but
the stream had no effect whatever on fhe
lUMnea, w hich spread rapidly ami soon envel
oped the entire back portion of tho building.
The alarm was given, and at usual, our lire
department responded promptly and Worked
uobly. Kvory eif .it wot utado to save the
building, aud at last the lire wus checked,
leaving, however.only the charred and black
ened ruins. During thu tiro every liremau
was ;r his post, every thing well managed
and tlie best done that could bo done. All
old fire iiivurauce man, Col. .1. B. Bmdi, 3r.,
of Portland, iu the city on business connect,
ed with the loss in the Van t 'levo building,
spoke in tortus of the highest praise of the
effect i vo work done by the department, and
remarked that ho had seen many tires but
none better managed than this one. The
Chinese good comprising tho stock in the
store, were almost entirely destroyed. They
were, however, well insured for 82oO0 in tho
Home Mutual i nmi rne. Co, Burkhnrt
Bros., e;ts Col. .1. B. Bush, Jr., is tho
company's adjuster, and will probably attend
to the adjustment of tho loss at oner, as he
is now iu tho city. Tho building was owned
be Mr. Peter Schlosser ; ami was insured in
tho "Hamburg Bremen" Ins. Co. for 8H50.
Th. hud. bug is j rh-ibly a total loss.
Many rumor. ..r. t urrrnt about the origin
of th. t re. Some have it that "Chaibe ' was
I trr,ely indebted to the Portland bram h (
the lirm and nrcded money. Khars Kay
that many goods had been removed the day
previous and eonsispteutly tho fire would t
a proli table one. If somo of our rumor
mongers would investigate matters u little
thefy would see how ridiculous the l..ttr
statement is. as thero could l no chance for
any profit in tho matter cyen if gMd had
been rem. .ved. It would only save so much
f..r the insurance company, and hi uo wy
hotu lit the umurcd. Il seems to bt UiLj tho
eaaaoni for some eneflt to throw eat keeken
atoms whenever a lire incurs, of a ehara. ter
that ara calculated to injure somelndy and
tiiat are in most cases wholly baseless. It
is always rosy to see somwthiug that looks
terribly suspicious and needs iiivestigstiuc.
1 1. , etc. We woulsl suggest to such parlu
that a reward has leeu offered by the P-iul
of Fire CmUrwriters of fJBOO to any rsoii
whatever who will auearta and convict any
pursuu of arson whether the property
burned is ius use I ..r not. Now then wo do
bvt with in any way te retard mv -sttgatfu
of sucli matters, but think these street m
uiorx we baM referred to arc very silly at
fans altogether, ami mention the alve ic
ward as available by any one who ha real
I v t and ground work to lae hi terrible
suspicions on.
PKtntti it
.s.jtne ssanateg incident oooairea awraag
thu tire. Aboai daylight a the nntakenen
v. i- warkhea, abonl tin-nun nod the lii.-inen
iiad Kit, a little tlaim- btoko out from kht
nun . Several boy er 12 yenra eld at-
. ut.d the small host., attached it to the hy
drant, and with tlie precision of U firemen
man bed to the fir.-, held the noaaht on it
ami aitiegnislu d it. Cklol Scott then and
th. re ehristeii'-.l the bo) " N Ullile r Three's. "
Nt a ('hinaiiiAU was to bt e.-u while lim
lire was at its height ami ne one knew sliuo
they were. Aft. r it had . mI-1 down some
tiiry returned and stood stiotit in ( haltering
groups evidently much excited over the lire.
The street;) Wcro bind With people. Slid OS
Ike llamc fairly eat up the diy fir html-cr,
of w in. h the building was constructed, their
fot ,.td tongues lesed high into the night
and lit up the crowded stru ts with a tit-ret-,
wt. rd light. For a abort time the scene
was gt.ind oveiUeotl. The water from the
hoi.- running from the building back into
tlie 'street and men tramping through made
the mud ix inches deep or more, which
took most of the grandeur out of the tiling
nder ftt.
We learn that Master Johnnie Webber,
trio- sou of a fireman, was thu lirst te run
out the hose cart, and when Marshal Hunt
arrived he found Johnnie tugging away at
the curt tryiug to pull it to tho scone of ac
tion. Johnnie has thu reputation of being
the 'first man out after au alarm lias beou
given and has kept it good for a long time.
If he stays with us Albany will not lack for
an t tin lent chief iu tho future.
Loral Juvenile Talrat.
Miss hura CainpW-ll, a little lady of ten or
twelve years obi, sends us the billowing sad
story of the stolen child :
Mnn stoi.ks i iiii.k. "
My stry is tiww toul s y,
Win. want Into the wood tu lay,
Whan hu saw tu liit-u s "iiiiuir.
And be erttsl and Ihry nude him away.
W In n thry in .k tiini ssav tr eri.d
That he hurt himself and died.
N..W tlit-e men wan- . rv ii l:ed
Wh.ui Ihvy .iul that boy sway,
1 he a li.oniiux iiebsJjr,
Only out at play.
And many s parent nanM weeu (r joy,
If they could ever have found tie n IxiY.
If lliese men hail been H'uxl
They would not thought of that,
It would hae been more likely
They would stole a eat.
There ha many a child Ween stole away.
As ( lark and Frankie Clay.
Tho funeral of Mr. .1. L Halter, one of
Albany's oldest and best respected citizens,
took place last Sunday, Rev, Dr. Hill coil
ducting the services. On Saturday evening
last Mayor Froman called a special mcetiug
of the Common Council, at which it wan re
solved to attend tlie funeral as a body and
tbe members of tho old Council were also re
quested te attend. Mr. Halter was re
corder of the city fer the last term, ami
served the people faithfully in that capacity.
His funeral was lurgely attended, and a largo
concourse followed hit remains to tho grave.
One of Oregon's early pioneer, Mr. H alter
was a man of firm integrity, aud his loss will
be felt by this community.
Ladles' Dress l.ixols.
Our di est goods department will be found
the most complete of any in the city, and,
we make it a special aim to can y the (iaest
line of black and colored cashmeres ever
plaoed on sale here.
Sam 1: el EL Youno.
Religious Neiiee.
Bishop Morris will preach iu Bt
Peter8 Episcopal Church next Sunday
evening, April 3d, and administer tbe
apostolic rite of confirmation. All are
invited to attend.
Is hero at last aud for the benefit of our
readers inclined that way we give some
items of interest concerning it. It is the
fourth month of the year, consisting of :0
days. With the Romans it was tho second
mouth of the year. Julius Closer added the
30th day to it. Iu the time of Nero it wos
called Nerontitis. It is supposed to be de
rived from a )h tire, to open, because the
buds open themselves at thi period. Iu the
Athenian calendar, thu latter portion of
Khiphcholioii ami the greater part of Muny
akknl correspond to April. Charlomugue, iu
his new calendar, called it grass month, the
name still given to it hy tlio Dutch. Bom
mesl'rench revolutionary calendar merged
it into the gteuter portion of (ierininal ami
the commencement of Fioroak On uutuu
monuments Aprili is represented as a danc
ing youth with a rattle iu his hand.
Hero iu Oregon April brings in the full
load of springtime with all its buds ami
blossoms ami promise of fair fruitage later on
iu tho year. The air is balmy and the sun
sett and rises from a lombbed draped with
exquisite tints. All through our fertile
lields the fresh earth is upturned and the
eed sown. It is the month of hope and
promise. Oar farmer are all busy am! the
old round of sosd time and harvest begin, iu
earnest. The liht drives awsy nearly
every vestige of dark rain-clouds, and the
long be-autdtil summer u ushered in with
now and then few pattering drop the
Itst messengers olfthe gain King, and prom
ises of hia return when the harveat shall
have been gathered in. No country in the
world can boast liner chmnti than the old
"Wobfoot State," aud no dsys in all tin
year excel her April days
Kcfcool Ualler 1st the loo an l;irlrt.
M MM ! 21, IHSI.
Kilitnr l)rnu rut
I have just ended a live month sehool at
Cowan noheel bonee. I kept the Handing
of the 'elmlar Recording to epplicetiua ami
conduct ( N) being erfeei( and placed that
standi ug on a "RoU of Honor," w lit. h u M
framed aud h it in the achool room.
But lew failed to be re or. led thereon. It
contains .V name. The average standing is
above ; the lowest (iU ; the in-het M0.
Tboet from ts upward", leaving oil the It o
tions whi-re tiny h' nr. are as follows :
Andrew Courier, lH; Adda TTiHitatt. IT)
William Wy. r, M KUa Wy..r. J(Sl; nantw. 1
Hays, 07 '. Fuiiua Walton, 07 j John Wv.t,
07 ; Millard Hays. 07 Hatvey Peir, M :
James Perry, OvI : Clara Williams, te.' ; ..
seph I lie:iipyn. ; Auua.r. i. 01 ; Ada
Hays, 00; Albert CWtOf, !I0.
My ateooiatson with tlie p.i..;. of thiadia
tin t ha biu ret plcMiit. Ketnt people
pons pie I e o! peer law, teeat ay w.- have
piM.r t aein t-. hut my eiperieiiec ho taught
ine that the upMrt given, oiidintan st taken,
j parents tWmselvrs, ibs more to cure
nttbntnnfinl naiernlbat ami advansnnnead m
aeliool, than anything else,
our Bespss'tf ully ,
J. B. Hi. um
i. 1 .iu.i ..o
rhsehaeei b gettlog i.n.
There, will lo . . '- I
spring and lOeiBO r
The nee ii . t I
Will napfdjf a w Ml kMtg t. It
Mr, A. l.i-ie . ..,,t.
I Id
I aad
beildtMjj a
large)warehou . toe u the dafnak
We en- MMSn I" hoe n tir.l . I is,
i.ol. 1
widi sli n.. nwnrweentetde, Voik ba
hat an it teeej,
Mr. C. p Muiitague iiaa loin i.i . ut.f.W.
Cnaiek'a hatareet and will keraaftei coadeut
the bun lie alone.
M.-Mta. Ral ton and Co intend bnllding
a w .111 house in connection with th. o t a. li
ly growing LiiKiucss.
Pre par itious are bnstnj m i.b- to build Hoiuo
warehouse with sulhcirut rapacity to store
all tlie grain that 1 omes
Mr. J. I. Cowan has purchased Mr. Jhn
Settle s intercut m the tleurmg null and now
own a half interest therein
A son of Mr. S. Itaum, one of our mcr
ebentaj wa badly cut in the Eotebead by a
stick of wimmI flyitig up while he was try 11 g
to .i.t it Thagnaft ws ajnita deep and
bb-.l profusely, but uuder Or. Foley's eate
he is doing well.
A Plant fr ttarsaln.
o. 11. Mcllwaiu wisbes u to inform
our nailers that notwithstanding timet
are m terribly hard, b baa brought on
a Inrger stm-k al geodn than be has ever
had before, und be waiitu it distinctly
uiiderHtood that ho will .till further re
duce price mi most gnods Hi flock
embrace a full line of general mer
chandise and hardware, and he want-,
you all to come around and inspect
whether you want to buy or not. He
and bis gentlvniHiily clerk will take
great pleastiro in allowing up their
stuck aud giving you price. Do not
fall to call on bin before you buy t-lsr
M. no tl. iii ie ttrmeiiilier
You iniiNt never forget that BlnlnltM
cot mind the clothing trade in. the cen
tral Willamette Valley, mid that he bus
done no hy being honest iu bmdnoKM ami
Ht-lUng good of a better .pialily ami at
lower prioej thnucHii be hadclsuwhcro.
Stack upon etackH of clothing and fur
uhdiing goods of the very laieet ulyle
are now lying on hla counter, ami nxt
week he will reccivv another lar. e ad
ditlon to bis Htock. II yon want a suit
0. clothe It will pay you to go to him
lr them, even if you live in the utmoHt
corner of the county.
A KiUendlil Hume.
John U. and L V. Thompson, of Hal
ey, have pure based the celebrated
thorough bivd Htalliou Traveler, and
they ar. now making arrangements to
stand him during the coming season at
Peoria Corvallis, Halsey and J. li.
South', two miles south of Halscy.
This horse is u Rifleman and Rertrand,
aud can show more good colts than
any horse now in 1 lie county.
"i e HMini.
ItellRlons Mervlees.
The third quarterly meeting of this con
ference year will commence with pi vmhing
to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at o clock
at the M. K. Church. Rov. W. T. ('hap
tpatt, Presiding Elder, and President Yan
Scoy, of the Willamette University, will be
present to conduct the services on Sabbath.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Chas K. Cotton, of this city died of
lung disease on the 13th of March, aged
37 years, 6 month and 27 days. He wa
a brother of Mrs. Capt. James Shields,
of this city, and was born near Dover,
in Fayette county, Missouti.
Imporlntit 1 I'm met.. , w '
Our retvlers will rrmewbei akal n war
there was last year uiuon;; the different w ire
binding harvester agencies in this locality.
It wss said by tome t hat the QtbOHl binder
would hot be aide to furnisl n twine 1. Hiding
attachment this season, bill contrary to that
they are the first 111 the neld, end now hen
one mi exposition at Beehanan't Itural
liotise. With every self binding liarvt ter
coiiiptny they ooll Isdh attachment for
binding, with either twine or aire, without
increasing the iitandanl price 1,1 the m.u him .
The fluctuating rates demanded for both
kinds of binding material, duriiic the past
two seasons have clearly establish, li the fact
that neweff to ehnege from one to the other
nt will is tie tarater't only safeguard from
extortion. Iu the coming 00m petition liable
b result from rival inti ptote retpeetsng twine
and woe r sjs'cti vdy. the farmer who oprr
ate an Otborn Harvester, fii-t ndil bind
with both mab-iials lfnalljf Well, will be m
a position to avail kinrseK of the adv.iubv s
tillered by a double market.
The Othorn Karveeter i- simple m eon
sttu tiou and durubie m it material .'')
bat s.iceossfully i.tood the t.--'. a win-
binder, ami we fed asmite.l v. ill at jut as
eneeootfel with twine . ami then it it Mich a
small task to change tie' attai ion nt froio
om- to the oth'-r, only n ipiu in;; ahoof Ian
minutes lime.
A distinguishing feature ,l tin Uabora S 1:'
Bnnb r, whether nting twine or aire, is iu n-
markaldy clean work. It v. it- no grnttL
Thi- armngeoMMtt al th. atting, etevatiog
and binding apparatus I m h that all the
gram 1 sav. il, nketber it is- long etr abort,
thick or thin, standing or lodged, A windy
day has no t. rtois for the QsboW, at the
i h-vab.r cap affotdt certain protet tion for
The whale meohiot it eunsplvtely ander
the control of the driver when in the field,
fi- can ululate tin- ft' of the hlindlnt i-y
means of a beit trip, and DM ailjnst the h .ml
to long or fin. it -tiaw by a imp!, tut . .f
a wheel, ami yet e n part the nan bha ry
is of tiie mot l.iiiio iei t 1 .. ble material.
That geuiaS mid mi .-omnio-'al gewtle
man, Eugene Buchanan, i the Ussal BgOBl
fix. tin O4ls.n1, ami in- w ill ln .'I d t ; i , . . w.
it to a!) whoeetl 00 ium.
a luiMii uiii niMcitiin.
Fsr the rx-eily cure ol . um j.! 10., (!id
all dieraaes that h-ad io tt, mii-u Ktubbesm
CilUgllS, lielis-ted idd, btoucf.lll', hay !
ver, asthma, pain in the side .""1 aheet, drj
hack 1 1. 00 - I. , ttckllUg 111 the Ihraal bOM
nwaa, re throat and ail obrwuie tu liogrriag
dioaaaea of the threat nnd lung i King's
Now Discovery bus no e.pul tad has estab-
lithed for ttsrji u weritl aidi repntttlon.
Many lading physicians r. ium ml end nee
it iu their prnofioa, I formula I
willch it la preparuii I bilif, . 1. int.. i lei. .i
ly all medical jontwaia, tbs tisd the
iiresii have complimented 111 the fetor! gkrw
1 ng terms. Qe tti your drnggiat and get t
hollo free i. ., or . r jmljr 1 1 lor l.
For sale by
Ponhny and blnaan, whnliaale tgaata Alha
ay : I. .Morns, hem ; Mr. I.. Foley, lavtsa
iiou ; r. I. M. Posrell, I eaanoa , i. M.
Calbn ante, Bnssaa Viata ; Renfetto and lion
tegne, aVnlaraan ; o. H. P. CorneJine, Tur
net : R. A. Samov. H.vrnbur : 8 H
Hayes, Hab.y ; Haimm Smith.
St.ur til.. I Pc.i' v , Prow navtlle,
mm . ...i
rrrfrrlliin sun II
Our the biU-it aini il n -teii the
ntset porfeet eewhnj etaenini aa before in-
pablifl i the "la b why t.l.ih
u.oi . . ait el strips of .).th aaaoere,
lakrt. ib-., in jHirfc. : siiajH s. . ten OM
at tin- Albany egewey aadtewetber with n.a.iy
saniedet : prranaaal work iHts will say
that these sewtldagi neves aefova ma.i. un a
s.-w o Machine. Oe nnd not fin joninsliie
ami be eonviaoed. . It. Scott, Aneert
All kisil l.iioitxsr.
Wo have for sab-, st lohaann and I
Oraa Iti.lgc.'MSI.issi f -.-t ,.f all I UUB
Issr. such as scantling, obta, barn tinil.T,
Ixixing, fencing, and otinr rough hunker.
At ladtattoii we have asuH-uor lot drj
haTnknr, nnnb as rustic, nWHag, eti-. Owing
to tho LU- lire, wi are olTeting tin- litmts-r at
reduced r.iti-s. Aiblres un at bdauinn.
ciN BBOTHRB -lananxnr,
or., duly 31, Isso.
- -
Vlte HuHrsrHliit; Hite ilHr.
Our frieml. Fn-il tJraf, b. reivived the
agency f..r tin- ealabmtei Howe eewiag nta-
chinc, ami is now ready to mtpoly th- public
The improved Howe ia one of the bed ma
chines manufactured, ami our readers who
want any thing in that lim- will do well to
call at (iraf's furniture Met
lady's frieml.
I leak at tin
IH leu Vtaal rarultwr f
Jo. Eknanala, in this aky, now bt
liamls a larger ttook of furniluie tbau
otlier eatabllalilucnt thia ni.le !' irtland,
and if you want to pttieliase any ii nrttl pay
yon to give bias a enIL Hit bat snnndhina
to tell yon in regard in his prices.
i .men nervtei s.
During the season .f Lent . rvioos vtill Ik
held iu the Episcopal Church ev. i Vfrslnot
day aud Friday evenin;;. at 7..' 'cI.K-k.
Sunday uervic.-.i a usual. All are invited
to attend.
Orotic I pli lau loelrlj
Persons having books beloogiog the Kr
o. ii I pin in Society are renneetid to rotara
thorn at om c or notify the librarian.
S. L Coxonv Librarian,
Ntl leeetioti I hciI.
It is Ntrango that o many people -till
oantttnnn to antflbn day after day wjhh tys
tepsia, l.iver Complaint, Cotiapntton,
Sour stomach, or Genera) Debility when
they can procute at our store Mhiloh'n Vi
tabxtr, frcsi of nont if it does not cure or
leliuvothem. Price, b t-L. o-.l,l lv Fo
ahay t Masnu, Druggists, Albany, Or.
Blotix- for Fait I v rati Ch.
Texas Is tho stale that is tin. lined at
no t'nr distant dav to bocomo the cnipiie bt
the south, should you want. t leant more
about the great statu send $-.n) to the
Brown County thinner, published at
Btowntroodi 'lexas, tor a year's subscrip
tion, or (1.00 for six monib '.
Iiiveiitiirs uud I'nteiilee
should send for instructions, terms, refer
ences, etc. , tt Ed son Rrothers, Solicitors of
Patents, Wanhington, D. C,, who furnish
the same without charge. Kdeon llrotiicrs
is a well known and successful firm of large
experience, having been established in 1 8Gb'.
Slavcu's a'ht'rry Tooth l'asto.
An arymatio oornbinntlon for tbo pnser
vation of tho Teejtli and (Dims. Jtisfar
superior to any preparation of the kind in
the market. In large, handnome opal
pots, price 60 cents. For salo by Fosbay
fc Mason, Aibauy, Oregon.
' .
Mr. J. H. Rati:., Newspaper Advertis
ing Agent, 41 Park Row (Times Building)
New York, is authorized to t ontr u t for
advertisements in tlio Dkmocbat at our
best rates.
For I. nine Back, Side or Chest use Bhl
loh's Porous Plaster. Price, 26 ctr Sold
by Fosbay tt Mason, Druggists, Albany,
Subscribe to the "Illustrated Wep," the
meet readable Journal oa the Pacific Coast
Leotl VfSt,
Wt b-arn from a reliable source that the.
Albany Flax Spin, oic;,,,,-, property
at, the foot of Jackon street, hss changed
hand, and that, an entire change of prngrsm
is proosed, and what is b. tt. will bf cu
lled rut. Mr. WmVk Na sh, we understand,
last we. closed the bargain f.r the proM-i-ty,
jHireliHsing it. for som Pugliiti friends,
who will take pHS4si(u shortly. They in
tend to enlarge the buihliii .'. ad I large
amount of new machinery ami increase the
feoHitie of the mill b supply ti,e demand
forthr goods maiitifactureil therein, which,
wo beli. v. ,,ui never leen accomplial,cd be
fore. In every quarter where the twine
now manufactured iias been used it is a fa
vorite, ami we iitvo seen corrt-spoudence
from er.iii. r.-retting the meagre supply.
This null, ami what its full operation signi
fies b Aibauy and vicinity, m one of the
things wc m-ed heie, ami perhaps 110 section
of f!ie world is so well prepared to furnish
every clement necessary to make it a thor
ough success. A little development of this
kind would raise u htfleeity to it paean
position as ouf- of tlie best inland towns of the
Pai llic Sloj-, We understand tin- purchase
also includes tlie flax -breaking ami s ubli-
Ing laeebinery owned by Wheeler A Riw.
Alleniwleil l.ui 1 ,.
bttx" Monday Mr. French and .Mrs.
Powell wen very much surprised to
find that some "Imbl burglar ' had
been nttcmptiug to gain entrance to
Manly bolkling. He bad got under Uie
bnllding iniin tin-, ami wilbagiui
let and key-hole sow rut a bole through
t Io-floor, but bis troubles only com
mi-need there. A birg;e counter mihmI
Immediately over tin. u - whicb be
cut. and It being fn 11 of drawi-r- In-could
not reneh tbr.- gh the lode below and
erit bis way oof luetend of enttlng n
utle aome wlu-r.- ehw be xave up ifnj
jwb in tlisgiif in 1 ilrcnwpad l ia
probable that be did bis work on Htit
urday or Habhnth oigfatn
I .r - - 1 - I ..el. re.
K, urii-r Co hnwe a etas k of ttavir
oolebmted Kxcelsior Hnrrowa nnd i'Uni
I rtnrhera on hand, whleh they ar.- sell-
ing at reduced price They fWnfidf Hi
ly a rt that :i mini eati do twkft M
111 eh work in the same length nf time
with one of their machine, a can b-dom-
wilh oiiiinf the In it ffaanllll bar
rows. Call und m-c tln-aj at lie ir ink
and ler factory.
Letter I. lot.
1 set Mvtaa aun ni iaf teetssss esesMuasne
I. UV rVat (Mm, Aftaany, bum aannty, r
c.i.. M ,0 : 1, p .' ri-iMii.a ratHnej tor tlsaas
-ii.-r aiast ate Mee stoebe mb srkastf Ms -.
aUv.-rl im .1
trity, cko- l
Itryaut, .1...
1 kntan, It
Cthnr, Mr I P
( brker, c c
O de. B pi
ij.;. ;,. ;; c
Stewart. A B
Taylor. O W
Taylor. J
VThesltr. Hhe
W ard. M is I )J,-. 1 .
fr.l '!. I'l I S
Boealy ptus ha of late years- been found
vrry n-M-f ol fur a j;iejt iiiimbr of lib that
Asaa U betrtov It'-- lati-t application b in
tkf thape of Slav, u s Pirn- and
f-.u- dyptat liiii.ii. t 1 i-t.-r. an arti.-'e mat
1. j..,,..-.,.; oi 1,,.,.;, ii,.-, it, and i fat u
pereedsag the old fasbinwed pitch ami fronk
. i.e. toe plsnti-r. it is endorsed hy tlie medi
cal pr demon throughout the Und. For sale
and yt- f 1 i i fftiok. Main
- r 'i t. ARanay, 'r. pat
in advance w- will -ml to
any aildren for iie year
CRAT. Aad for
iu advance ie will send
to any address for a year
WKEKLY and the UktMO-
Tlie nitivt .i.,-o -tal ili-wovery of tiie
oarttury for aaan hiAnannoeii Oasagh y
rnp. a arnnlthy gntntlotnana, ndan claims
that u nuttanlt cured biinot incipient entt
tumptknt. nitniiud $.',00 for the formula
ami tlio right m rrnnnfnetnra ami sell it to
the anted, which wa refused. Tho ri-m-edy
stands BOOn itvvn tin -rils. A l.Vcent
tnaptn lil ! w ill the imisi skep
tical of tot virtii(a. Trv it. li may save
your life. Ail respectable druggist) keep
it, at :. cents-, :i cents, and fi.
Ileum j draws ns with a single hair,"
arteoeailWJi tw Pojte: but if tliat tiair ia the
only one "ii teauty'a hi"d. then well,
hardly ever would Alexander P. la right.
I tut a woman as bald a a " Call " man's
take is. old transform lmnelf into a Venus
by lining Madame ilachsl's Enamel Rloom.
And tin bent of it is. that no ouo would
I I ream Hint she did use it, so natural i. it
In beatenj church and ditiing-nsuii
'I lie pn-cicst iiHtt Enamel Hloum.
Dr. W. F. Alexander lias loft his boos
of account in our bauds for sell lenient.
I'.u ii.-s knowing ihemselvoH in.b bl. -l to
him will please rait and pay up.
Albany. Or., Mareh IsV 1881,
Thoaaanda of sobbcrs ami hntra aro en
lltled to pnradnnn, with (ayment front date
jf tllsi-haruc or death, if applied for U-fere
Jnnuary 1. 1888, Wound, accidental iu
jury or di.wtasu eiuiilos to a Pension.
Uonnty aud book pay ooUneted. increaoe
of Pension s tiri-o. This tirm established
iu 1888. Addrene, euchndng stamp, ED
SiiN l'.ROs.. U. S. Claim A'.ioim-ys, 711 O
Street, Washington, D. '.
For a cough or cold there, in nothing
nnunl to Jumtiaati'e Oataxh Byrnp.
Ml KRI to.
this city, at the Methodist Episcopal parsuu-
age, by Kov, hanst Dillon. Mr. Wa T.evun:
and Miss Cvmiiia Tuitk.s, all of this cwunty.
DAVIS LEWIS tin March 30. at the
residence of Mr. L C Deuny, in thia city,
by the Ebtv. Isaac Dilleu, Mr. .1. K. Dams
and Miss Evki.v s l.i wis, all of this county.
VfALLACRB OHI.l.NC.. On March .".0.
by Rev. S. (i. Irvine, D. !., Mr. JOM Kit and Mba JnUA Oui inc..
Tbe Markets.
Follow ing b a correct rert el the mar
kets in this city up to noon yesterday:
W II F. AT- Go cents per bushel.
H OCK-$5 perbhl
HAY -baled, SIfsWStI per ton.
loose, $8.
POTATOES 10 cts per ftltktl
BU'lTKR -25 to 30 cts per lb.
EfttiS -14 cents per'dna.
PORK .") to o tii per lb.
HACON'S hams, l.V(t,18c.
shoulders, 10(U'12c.
sides, 14c.
DIIIF.D FRUIT sun dried appies, Wc.
" " phima, 14c
Plumraec dried apples, 14m.
M pluaaa, 18c.
CHICK ENS 52. 5C83.00 per dot
SUGAR Sau Francisco C, 12c.
COFFEE Costa Rica, 1820c
Java, 30c
Cureola 22c.
Rio, 22.
MILX, FEED bran, 810e8U per ton.
-chop, $820.
shorts, $15.
middlings, 128.
iDncc nisii uu i rr
0UQO V ft 1 01 lELLnC
!JCsl!Tls OIL.
Tin- Xfw tli iliiiil Uomlcr
at the I9tll (Viitiir.
A Ni l 1 Oil ! I.i;
Tl.e tmM t ,.i..iie. Un- world ha ever ktuwr..
KheMMtoiir :,., leafsnaei is-: nnhsanvej
. .1. .1. iMnw 1 .... .1 in u 1..1.1..1.
aaaniaeani - g- -1 o. -. nnhaans -.
tiHiUm Ur lm I 'mlnmlr.
tin ferllMK cT BaWatsaCOS In Ihr I I. . re
Htt 1 0 In l. mlnale.
K.rt- tetS te uil UukkmAu Mki 5ilrTi. in WmMt iliet.
an I at le.'. .1. 1, .
fOKTI.A.Vft, oi:m.o.v
olloit. 1, , ,,( u. ,Hall t. St. ii.-.t. til, rare red
Th wriu-r, Mr. Vaaerfens, is c!l fatoroMr
known 0, lhi Fyr rti ulara i. .(t:ire ,4 J W
Weatiieri..ri a ., laana
1'i-l-TLSM., OKBOoS.
Pa. Urstxv : I wm solftirim with ates ieli 11 ulj.
-,tlnt..r .. .tij 'Un I d.rf l,le u mVrai-'t.i
l.l-.wll I :m- ,,l ,,lr -,, ,, ., I arm.-:. I -
Ai it reiiKo..ltlK .fi io.mi tv- At -t aHe ii ,
lie I oil, i.;.i.-a' f, MM rSMMS i if
l-.l t - . t . . I
ieo if ir ius 11 trwd
e I kaee ased
.-.It..'.. .4 l,iH ..t
ir.."- MM I In;
.ill. iw-tiea sih ia 11
l, ll fttHi f f
I !; 1 1 , i ' f 1 , ,, , ff,.r rt
Is J. W. W KATIIKKr-ol:!.'
eili:i:i:v MKKES,
l"u.-iT.wit to C. C. Cherry.)
Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron
"intdete-ii, ami ar- now prepared to
baiidb a I kind's of heavy work. Wu wit!
ntnnwraarCsrre ffhnnn Pnejlnen. ri-.t ami
Saw Mid Mat buterv, and al! kind of It. .11
and line I 'aMini;s.
rtm:K wtr. anhanri awni k.
Sw-ial altriitiou given to reptiiiiite; ail
kind of rnaeliiuerv. Will nl'fr mannfhc
turn (he improved I'ti.-nv.V W!.,i.-(.nm
nhap s ttaber M. Mare at ImimUrr laid.
Allmv, Or., u-.-. l--e. j.sif
Treaanaeerl by IndnrJntfosi fr t't.n '
StOtp' ion. Beotn-bitis.. Caiarrli. Iiy-is-..-i t.
Hea.ia.-ho, DebtHty, Neoralnhi, atheaaann-, ntrd all ntromh and Ni-rvotr li-or-tlerx.
I'ai kagr-s may be .-oiivenii-inly sent by
express, r.-aly for iiiiinesliale ne. a home
A'l i-wpnsiti-M and fulJ direction in eat-b
lanavnanihrn naal supplies rant u had oC
btanMaxaaarry Htreat, . f . Pal.
tl Oil HON JS , (
Ft.R 1
r.A ItPIIOM.s, j
Htoono. On trial lieforc- purr-haw.
waste your motley otherww
Fre Paiiipbb.
in f..r
Attention. Horspmen !
ownetl by Ui-si. Co-bran, will make lito
ensuing season in thia county al thete)
lowing raU-s : in;!e leap, -; ;sain,f k;
insurance. f! . 'I bbi Saw. atallina hi of u
brow n eolttr. I8M hands bigJa, ami weibs
alsjiit MO) tt.. lie i gtnt.e, a go.l tr.iv
ebr, a splendid farm hotse. ami can ahfia
line tfbj.. His aite was a ClydeMlala ami
Thjer Whip, and his dam combined I he
bio el ol Vermont, yrhaoloOB and Printer.
r Hint Iff
Final Settlement.
xl the naaoanataBed, OdmlnhMrajnt ol
mo estate oi John Miiier. desvasetl,
has tiled in tbe ('.unity ( otirt lor biiin
County, Stale of in egoii, his final aecouui
of tbe adiuinistrauoii of stud estate, aud
liy order of saitl Court Monday, the
lib day of April. 1 at the li.iur of
1 o'clock P. M. of said day. in set for
hearing objections to said iinal eoeearnt
aud tbo settlement thert-of.
J. K. Wkathkkkori), Ailministrator.
Attorney. H
will make you a pair ol Boots
that will fit you according to
your idea of a fit, nnd will keep
them from running over, with
his Patent Counter and Shank
Brace, and Steel-Edged Heels ;
also in good repair, if neces
sary, for six months, for Six
A 1 J A X Y
Al.blW, OK.
The Third TV mm will open uu Muti
day, January SI, 1881.
Kur particulars coiieeniini; the cars oi ana.
the pries; 4 UtiU.m, sppl.v t.
REV. K.lltKKT X. ONttlT. Ires,eal.
Wiu. Volgt, Proprletnr.
cigars always on band.
Call and see me. Naloou in brick bnfht
Ing, next door to Damml' fUrnUuro store.
2-tf WM VHNT
(iit A MONTH 1,'uanititied. fK aJ al Bn M
VdUU ntaile l.y the iiilu.trio.ati. ITapstel uut m
quirtxl ; we will start you. Men, wouieu, la . n.t
irls ntako money luttUtr at ... for us than at y
ihiue else. The work is Ujjht and pie vx.ul, mkI su. a
as any one can go i: ;..' ,.t. Thos who are viae in O
see this noUte will srml us their aUUrees al oo.vai O
see fer tlii-ni..l t'oMlh Outtit aini terms. N..w
the Itaae. already at work ure layiti up lais
sums el money. TKt'R & e., Aw... v
iaVE O Bfl" 3ES
Feraons wishing to effect loans upon ap
proved security 1-i.n be net i.mitio.ialed by
applvinz o C. H. HKW1TT,
OToole'a Rrick Rioek, Rroadalbin St.,
Albany, Oreot. 2otf