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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1881)
RATES OF ADVERTISING. i-M I in J 6 M 8 00" 12 oo tj 00 IS no 26 00 SO 00 40 00 m oo LTfc 1 Inch. 1 00 a oo 6 oo c tsj 7 oo 0 00 12 01 1ft 00 20 00 i oo 7 0 10 00 VI ftO lft i0 1 00 25 00 40 OO ir. oo 18 00 22 00 27 60 sr, oo 48 00 m oo loo oo 2 2 00 6 00 4 OU 0 00 7 tVO 10 oo fS 00 1 " Y Col H " Bl'l OFFMK In OToolr t.l ,. ;.. n Itroiul.'illUti SI reel. H l ii TERM UF sriWfKUTlOX: STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVER FRIDAY STEWART & G KEY. Mate ti hts iemorrat. Business notice In the Local Columns 20contajfsr line. Fee legal and transient advertWtemca.ta fl 00 per square, for the first faUSSSaaU, and ftO cents per square for each subsequent in sertlon. I 'oetry. Slml copy, per year.. Single copy, six niMit Htturle copy, Ihrw m Suurlc tiumhar S 00 2 00 1 00 to VOL. XVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL I, 1881. NO. 35. - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. . Wol.Vr.KTV-. HITMIMIISEV & WOLVEBTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Alimuy. Oregon. Wil practi.v i: the OourU in tlio St..'.-. l'roht nmter 4nU tt.'iiv : t.-n.K J to ,.i...n;ih . vttn.'.tf 1 Kl.lNN. . K. CHAMJU:i:l.AIX. FUXX CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS 'Y LAW, Aibnny, Oregon. pVOflkw In Foal r's Brick Blm k.H h'uiistf. R. x. stkaii n. u v.. SIX. STRAW IJi & B1LT EU, ATTORNEYS ft COUNSELORS AT LAW Vli:i!!). dtlfMh IJK.VCTirF. IN ALL THIS COURTS OF . Una State. Taoy ftlv special alien- tl.ui to collections um probate matter. Uflasein Ki'Mci's new brii-k. r. il Li. H. MONTANYS. ATTORN Elf AT LAW, ANIV Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over .John ttoigga store. 1st street. vMttiSlf D. R. N. BLACKBURN" j ATTORNEY AMD COUNSELOR AT LAW Albriny, Oregon. trr up slatrs in the )! ; line's Trm lr. w COfleetioaa l"'i-'s'ily. npUt. J. K. WEATHERFORD, (Notary HOSUC,) iTToUNKY AT LAW, ILKIM. tUCML liriu. PRACTICE IN ILL TOE COURTS OF THE .suti-. Slice M end prel.tU- nutter. or... v i i .!, uiou iven ill-.)'.-. I: J. G POWKLL W. K. mi v Ell. TOW ELI, & BILiYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ant! Solicitors iu eiiamrn MJAIY, - - - OKIi.OV. Oetleeiiom promptly made on all point--. Lmhmi negotiate ii u nMMOiisbto terms. J5roili:-- in FottetH i.rii k. r" v I inl'Hf. T. r, MACK 11111 A IV, A fT IRN KY AT I .AW i ! ellow .s iompie.'v. F. m. FILLER. ATTf)J -: AT I STUtmacUoeia alt Uw -.M:r!- of use !'r ..n. h.lo-i.1 1. !. ... ..!.- Mtate. . 'i:- veyaiic anil xatuiie,: :.n ' :l!--s. froLaie i.usiue :t ! ftJiitiy. vl2o9Utr. v v i : :k: rh i: ,. -. "2 vT . , t:n.?.. Slecia: .tltriil;..ii ;ivvn U -.-..r.-i ti'-n .mlr.ii citjte Jsti iMc. J. A. V TIS. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW CORVAiLIS. OBSGON. e'lll pratic in all tli Courts of tbe State 7"Oflk- Ui tli I'ourt House vSamSSrl. JOHN J. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY AT v. man.! . SnsMk Will practice m all the Oonrta of thi State. Sowial attention f;iven to eoi lec tions. Office np-Mnirs in Kroman's new liriek. tJ2 (.i:OK(.l W. BAKSJF.H, ATTORNEY AT LAW ANT - Notary Public, fSIM;ilI.LF CeilectJomi j ot:i.i.o. rnptly made ojirtll x.ims. j. ru him.. s. w. dooo. Pbjftician.s and Burgeonm, Albany, Oregon. oki ii ; seasaw wt smeaa nm: stave. Ir. HiH'x resuienee. COT. Fifth and Vine. Dr. Dodda reatdenee, corner fifth ami Washington, in front ni l:. 1. Church. vl(Jn2'2tt E. JOHNiON, 31. I)., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany. Oregon. OtTiee in Froman'a Brie East of Conner's Hank. l wo doors nil) OCCCLIST AND AURIST DR. O OLDEN HAh HAD KXI'EltlKNE fN treatniKthe various dfmaaM tovhfeti the eye and ear are subject, met fep rnn fluent of giving entire satisfaHion to tboee wtio may place themselves under his care. no8t.f. T. W. IIA1MIIS, M.I. Office in Foster'.-: Uriel:, next door to office of Powell tt JJi) yen. Residence in the two story frame building on South side of Second street, one block and a naif East of Wheeler v, Dfefrey's Liveiy Stable. Albany, Oregom yollfinlO'd DR. E. O. HVIE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Foebay fe Mason '.s. Residence on Broadalbui St., Albany, Or. vlGn22tf Auction and Commission. EO. HUMPHREY, A TT rfs m T -i.-r -mM " SJ V JL X. Xl JCL. Jll. JfcC Froiiiau'i Block. ALKAXV, ... 4 OJK-.OX. THE SUN FOR 1881. Kverybody rends Tit k Six. In Urn edi tions of this SSjSnSJSSSaf throughout the year to come everybody will I'ttul: L All t ho world's iiows, no presented that I ho reader will net the amount of iniorniation with iho leant unprofitable o i. iniituro of time wd oya slant. Tub Hi n lonp np diseoveied Iho uydden intuit 1 i'ihwn reduudont fullness ami unsntis fatory brevity. It. 'Much ot that sort of news which deiands less upon it-s ut'ogniml import aucc than Ukii its interest to mankind. Prom niotninir tonsornlng Um Bm prints a continued storv ol the lives of real aaan ami 1 onion, and of their deeds, plans, lovea, hates, and troubles. This story is more. VWrtod and inio intorestinu than any romanvo that wits ovt ilovistnl. in. Good w ritiinr in avary ool amn and ,tVasini(, originality, nocunMy and dooo- rum in tht- tivatnuni ol every sulijist. IV. Hnnx awnmont 'I'lioSnn's hahit in !. sHak out toarUvvsly nlsnit DMR and thuitjH. V. lvjuai candor la daallngwltai oath polltioal paif, and siial ivadnu"s to porotnawd what hi pvalaewoithy or to v bnke what la IdaaaaMo m DaiBOOvol of Krpuhlican i. Ahiointt Madepandanaa of . m onaniiations, Imt nnwavorini; loyalty to true Deaaooratia prinatplas. Tba Sun is- I fovea tlial tho Jov rnnit'iit whii-h Iho Constitution i'vsit is aooti onolo keep. It notion of duty la to Naiat to its utmost jhv r tin- eflbfta of men in tho RapttU lean jvirty to set up another form ofgOV eiament iu place of that whi-h exists. Thayaar 188 and Um yaora immediately following will probahly doeido this su Nramaly Important oonaaaL The Ban u itev s thai tho victory will be witik Um paopto as aajamat Um lima for aaonopoiy, ihe Rinn for plnndf. and the Ringa for imperial jswer. Our terms ant as follows : Korthe Doily Suia four-pay o tdtoot of teii! emht roiuuins, tho pn.e hy mail, poitl paid, is '" oanta a month, or t 5i a yoai ; or. Including the Nnnday paHM", :m eitfht-p;ie sheet of lilty-siv eolumilv, ! bfl price 1 1 US eents a mouth, or ?7 TO a year, jsvta' jviid. 'I he siiinf iv edition of Tbe Ron ia alao furni-hed -4 j-aiately at &l UO a year, posia'-To paid. The prioa of tho WoekJy Smv eigilt ;cs, lMty--i' columns, is M n year,st- apaki. lVr tdubs of Mn aetMung lo we w ill send an extra copy free. Ail. l:r I. W. KMOInAKD, PnbUaherof TbeSnn, 29w Nrw York 'it v. NEW FIRM ! tL SALTMAKSII. . W. UMil' TkTOTK BIS HKKEBY ;IVKX THAT 1.'. Miliin!li Ins s,,;, (l K. W. 1 Mil! a ono-ha!f interest in his DRUG STOCK ;r fixt li: m U ill coal in i. s t( J 9 of ICT tun L'l I v!ll'nUTIl V'IV ? . .v. iqj ai uiiWMvuiuoio. t in wti tt i im h. Ail outstauuino; accounts id indebtedness contraeted previous fo March 1st, 1881, will bo collected and paid by Mr Saltmarsh. n32tf. ALBANY FOUNDRY AXI - TlUifilXi: 8B0P. J VI A ttl.lNll l.t IMS. By A. K CHKRRT, afloat ed at corner of fnvet and Monmomeiy Street-, A ; i ny , i recoil. llavin-iak. n. harerf the above named Works, we ar irepare to manufaeture Btaam fSnifinen, Saw and ;rit Milla, Wood-worKina ntsculnasy, Pnnssay Iron mat Bmae Caartnga of every nearriptian Maehinervof all Mnda rejired. Spe- eial anennon pven to repairin; farm n a- ebinery. ':ill-m Maklns ! lit nil Ilu form. lGrtlyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. NOTICE. ry 1 1 e CO-PA1 rr.v E R8HIP HER i : r -5 tore exbsimj bat ween t'ba-s. B. Mouta gueand '. W. Cnaiek, in ItifeUeneml Mer chandise business iu Lchanon, I .inn coun ty, Oregon, and in Castle and Home rais Ing iu Wasco county, Ooegon, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, air J. W. Cui'-k retiring from tiie mercandiaa and Mr. Ifontasjne from the stock raising luiii inesx. LasBAKOK, March 3d. 1SS1. P.. MoNTAOt K, J. W. C'ueicK. BeSerrmg to the above, I hfg leave to he-ar my testimony lo the integrity and ability of Mr. B. Montague, with whom I have been associated with in business lor the paatfive years, and lesieak for him that libera! patronage which has been so generously bestowed on the old linn. J.kuan'ON, March 3d, JKSl. n32w3 .1. W. COSICK. The Coirallis Fruit Co. Will purchaso l'lummer dried fruit at lull market, prices; Will send a competent jierson to advise fruit growers as to cultivation of or audi lions to orchards ; Will supply fruit trees of approved sorts at moderate prices; Will sell l'lummer Driers through Linn, Ponton and I joio counties. Letters to lie sent to t 'or vail is Fru it Com pany, CJorvallia, Benton County, Oregon, WALLdtt NASH, President. Jamks Kkaoman, Sec'y. January I, 18S0. 24wti GUIDETO SUCCESS WITH FORMS FOR BUSINESS AND SOCIETY, HI HY FAK the beat BuiiieK ami Six-ial Oaiile anil Haiul-Bouk ever (lublislieil. Mark thn lilrail, Utells bcih sexes eoiiiileleiy HOW TO OO I ll.ttl Tiil.U in the btmt way. How Ui he Your Own law yer. How to ilo husinebS Correctly and Successfully. How U act in Society sod in every art of life, and contains a old mine ot varied information inai hs ahle to all classes for constant reference. At-K VI S UFASnfVS for all or are time. To know why this book of KKAb value and attractions sells better than any other, apply lor terms to f. Bucwnre v o., tSaS Han Francliico. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with tbe tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. La mar, who has never failed to please her customers. New Fall Circular ju&t issued. Send for it. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, l:7tf 877 Broadway, Sew York. So1mim1 Slor.v- THE LUOK OF A JOKR In 184 , in tho height of tin luactl hltion lever which atUed upon I'aut. anil indeed nil ftanoe, tnree yonog int'ti. mutual tViomln, watt aitting to yrthrr iu tho rminiH of tho Motel ilu ('oiuhHmi'i'. at Rhiilil Thrv were la monting tho rigon of foil ine, as com radon of twenty livo do, iu the nidat of cigur wreaths and by "punch light." "IMmw !" Htiiil t'hailes, apltofuU, "I had a speculation which would havr done honor to it Law or a Rothachild j hut nobody would givo the .slightest hoed to it a poor devil of an employe liko mo ! What am I i1 W ima than a nobodj." "And I," aid Gteotgo, "have Oniahed a work that would make me a mime, if I could only find a publinLer who would rihk tho printing." "For my patt," said Albert, ' I asked My employer to raise my salai . AftW livo yeara conatant care and travel it was ho more than right. Well, In- ra plied that ho could get al uian i I. I I ai ho wattted for the si hundred franca I tamed up any nose at. That'a Um thanks lor finding customer! for wool and wine. So. Obarlea, do you remain ill I ho sub prefect's Offioft, and JTOU, lloorgo, in the sanclum oi' your news :ier." "Mv friends," ciied Charles, ' the; neither of BS has any bape uf making a fortune, could w not at h a .t obi um tho BOOM al Immiio rich V That's an idea '" excl iiiiusl AU.eil. 'what an absurdity V MDo yon think ao f i"lieil Obark "aud w hy aol I o you thittk that With the help of inotn V I should be hoi i y to bocoino a sub prelect iu my turn i An you lisuadU that yon, Ali en, would bo driran t dcaaaration by bujiag a commission honsr and having traveling clerks of your own J. )o yon think that Qeorge, UM loitered and BM : eholy, would 1h' made mi.- , table by BMMtTyiny, always thanks to the iead c:u!i he stand , in n d of, his dear little Madeline, the ptetty hi urn-It'-, w horn her parents have IcfueOtl IllM 1 . a'o.e h hasn't got Hai r MYon are eoaaing it rather . i . . i , . iotti runted George, a little pktted You're an nngrateful fellow that'll I all," replied Chatles Still I cling to I mv idea, and to prove it etteutMu IgentleoEMnl we are going todraw h4a to see which ahall fo rmh At tlmt tnvtaiit Oeorgo i In Midfoot ami he seemed What are Ofaarlea. 1 1 o thinkittg ! I ;., t., t,..d to think," auawerrd Georae, witli a vexed air, and he f II aiic.-jf m goni tau niiut. "Don't you know," mj.1 Allit. "the poir fellow has beii four ttmSS .it le e l today to Um Ceres gate, to try (o eati ! ;i glim lam el s radiant face through Um idat.n of a blind or the fold of t CUI tain f "That'a true, said Charles "We'll wake him in imh! time : I nl yoe see h ' . - I k a be i to ae um wwner. know ito-; proverb aaya luck ooue to us when we're sleeping. At those words Um two ftniid broke I out in a JOyOOS peal t mugll HI ihti ; would have disturbed tie k.i . ei'ciera ef Hotre-Dasse, that admirable I cat lit dral of the cit y of Hhctma, if the f'tithful had not bel-u alweiit that i v o i ing, st ties ted to the Beoard aaloon bj a concert of tin: Philharmoui eietv. " Here's mv hat," said fh. ii 'There'a no monkef alnnit it. An-, i ; t,je mmt ,im. the VOttne hair-brain cut . M . three rragUMUtS t paj-er, ami wrote three naasea on them, and shook them p iu his hat. Be now aUompted to , CkOTge, who was alreadv snor ng- "(ii utleiiu li." Kaid he, "the hiKt name ., , out. alkali Im- the artnnino number. Ah ! I should liko to be the loir that fate is now about to impro- vise; lor, between ourseivea, thougii American uncles have been a good deal abutted, reuMmbar that on the stage Um most lnu:kunyed gagH hucceed the best. Ah ! gentlemen, a legacy ! What a position that gives you, and how it shoves you ahead ! Consideration credit- you have everything then - you are master, lord of your destiny." Albert assumed a grave hak, ahook George by the sleeve, and thoroughly awakened bin:. Charles drew first, then tho sleeper, who mechanical !v il ri tated the action of his arm. When aaeh in turn had plunged his hand into tho impoimeablf urn thev nnfoidod the bits of paper, and, on examination, Clsorye was found to bo tho ono des tim d to play the part of nabob and heir. "Ah r said Charles, who was in the vein of quoting proverbs ' These lovers! slVerythiny succeeds with them, notwithatonding Um famous say ing happy at play, unlneky in love f Albert and Georgo joked in their turn about the result of the vote plucked by destiny fi dm the imperial felt. They laughed, qnaifed and smoked, (ieorgo yielded lo the gsyety which gained on him in spite of him self, but the intrepid Oharles, impelled by a fixed idea, exclaimed : "Well, I will take no denial George, when we were children I often beard on speak of a cousin who set, mil for (iuadaloupe or Martinique and never came back. That's our cue !" He was interrupted by the men 1 ment of both friends. "Laugh as much as you please," he continued. "We will resuscitate this cousin, or rather, we will kill him. Hear me John Dubrcuil died at Guade loupe, leaving a sugar plantation, sixty slaves and in a word, property valued at two millions to his doav cousin, whom fate has just designated. We'll divide you understand." The friends laughed loader than ever. "George," continued Charles, "it is agreed that you start in eight days for Paris there only a legacy can be se cured. At least you will not forget us. Alas ! good fortune withers hearts so often." They laughed anew and separated. Qeorge, who went aamy to dreani, like all lovers, thought no more of this pleasantry. lint Chatles ami Albeit nu ret inii- had mud" a halt at tho ('afo Coartoia, Hud there, hrateil by a Hocnud bowl of-pnnbh which they otnNtiejj in gratitude for the two millions, sni ail the slury as Herioiisly an possible. Tho next morning people vied with each other in congratulating the lioir : he denied everything, but they would not bdievo him. ' Ho fancHM already, people dd, "lhal we vv.ttll to borrow money of htm. How auapicioiia money makes a man." But the two fi ienda hml alllrmedtbe news, and clenched il by the most eir OnUtal ml I details. (ieorgo repeated ai; mi and ag on thai i' was only a ol.e. ini in ram. i hey remembered his cousin John llabrettil rerj well: aev oral persons bad oven srs'n him embark at N allien ill I BJ .'. N'ei all Um visitM were not oqnally Hgreeable. Among tboee which were iMiich bv.s no than othem we nun,! rock on that Ol OeOrgc'a tailor. The latter, from the iatpnlae f a young and liter arj man, bad ordet ed n frock doat of an entirely new t ! . w it IioiiI the means Of paying foi it Tho (-oat was used op and the aiearet bad not more Uian half paid for it. Naturally, to-..i e was on rather cool ternta with bta cred iter, and avoided him in the stream and promenatlea every where,ia (act. Well, the news o the i n bet a 11 Of I U hed ike ears of the tailor and he h i.'.leiied to call upon him. This WAN what the token i tSeorse n fiientki had brought him to. -Ah ! Mr, lUolmrd, hi thai v.m '." died (leorge, with a certain rmbarraai men! and unmeaning smile affected by netaons srbo try seem at anas. u on come tor tho? liflv fmncn !" MD5 yon fancy, air, that I think of such a trifle' Nou degrade me I came for the mom nim,' " uWhet alburn ing f" "l''or uin cousin. Asvounie I he lu ir it must ho a full Mitt of black." j "Just now, Mr. Uichard, it would ha t impoaaible for me to "Yon don't think of taking away i rOOV cn om, hit ' I'dai k coat. esl and pantaloons m olive-gieeu freeh c(..,' for I he mornin;: " I I ha v not I n , i iv rd St will not il! come ol , m ho oge iheani ... land si of monej ttoogh 1 abeadv pre hit . i . balk. ii II illy i.. v. "eill ! ai ItiUl tMie UlolO ..c- 01.; than I thought llnflti !e i-lllrd i, Meoul Mr io .:. ! aluiM i I Km bitigrepbi oi i " lobveutl ; ihe Joan il ' ! to i.on.l. I iltort th. eaaeeof hnb he He uliowed 1 mwlt to Iw utea need daeel not return ashed htm for feaah everywhere, snd on shh, lire tlHaila, The imwt iudbs naif uusatidSM tun . . In i : n . mid weit ehoweiwd upen him H-.w would gavel .1 lodenhip I he furniab hie Issneel What weatld ho Kfin vard nuikei'a nun ! for the public Institntiisss 1 fsesMdi - , nl an I charitable kulic, U-.-.i'o. they it Willi I hi ...iid. Ai'-ft had the mean w and time, oiiu pattUUV the 1 i. othn :.k'- c- o. ;. meet of all societies of (Nieitiou ami int- i cam in - M v . hi the '....ot maker, Myou must . 1 1 . Ruy my house- you v . i v i h h, snd hare m ! of 1'iitv thouaaud francs ere i yO'i isdy half yoni income. the - tate mv DUO propel t V D Cornetlle, tL the corner of KQiiare. I Uionght Mr. Tru wool dealei . wonld bnv of t h BM, but he hesitates, and 1 pir-.s ing engagessenta which must be lul Piled." "I " cried I IcorgS, astonished. 4i I buy voiu house ! What a sell !' No Sell I assure you. It is a solid investment. In two rears, with a few repairs, it will be woith double. CbSM I have your word." And ho depa giving took rumor ( leorgo time to such irood rain mrcirrulaV tin ot the aale, that mWo hours atlei wards George reoeived a visit from Mr. Trn daine. The merchant did not seem to he iu a very good hnotor, and he en tered all ashsst. Ah ! i,i r sat Id He, "this isn't the fair thing. You've cut BM out. That bouse ia indispensable for my business : I thought I had it. I made an offer ol forty thousand francs. It is my fault. I thought that the ownei would have to take np with it. With you, 1 have no hope of starving you into terms, snd so, without preamble, 1 oiler you fifteen thoiLsaud francs for voitr bargain t ; eorgc thought he was iirenruing d ie 11 tneinin-red tiie ml vent uro ot t he "Waking Dreamer ;N fifteen thousand francs caiue te him ho knew no! how be who gamed fifteen thousand fiancs so laboriously in the office of tin "County Laborer." Although little skilled iu business, yet, when his first amazement was over, he saw the advan tage he could derive from his position, and resuming all his coolness, and the image of .Madeline rising to his mind, he replied with perfect self possession and affected indillerenee ! "Jt is impossible, sir absolutely im- pOSsibls for me to give yon an answer now. (!oiiie back at fiveodock and I will see whether I Can do ebat you ask." Ai a quarter of live Mr. Tmdaioe was at George's door. "Mr. Trudaine," said the latter, "I had no wish foi that house, and was not even thinking ol it , when the owner eamo lllld hogged lue to IHtfchsSB it. yielded Uie house is mine. It suits you any other would suit me eqoaily well, and I accept yom oiler." "You shall bo paid in fifteen days in good paper on Paris," replied tho pur chaser, delighted at such promptitude in bargaining. In paper on Pans ! George was so little accustomed to managing this pa per that ho fancied he ought to send it to Paris to be cashed, lie wrote to a 'mercantile house, the only one the ad dress of which ho knew, because it was entrusted with paying him an income of live hundred francs, left him by one of his uncles, which foraied the grenter part of his fortune. With what impa tience lie used to await the payments. IV irev lie wrote, therefore, to M uMnrM. Dm I A- Hettotiil, that, having aoiue liifids to invent, ho ankml their advice. 1 1 seems thet theiie worda ''aome funda" hsvu a various acceptation in commerce, according to the iiatue and position of lli ' individual who employs them. The new of his fortune had already reached Peris: "Home funda," iu Gaorge'a po sition, was a modest way of intimating . foiiNiderable mini ; (leurge fancied so, mI I- i t, when ho received tho following I-1 or , ' Sir. We have received your letter of (he I "th Inst., hi ths moment when be Spanish Ionii, iu which our house is iv undented, vvum concluded. I .iions of favoring our Iriendl by auad rantageoua iuvsetttMOt, wo heve re served for you mii iutoioNt of tweuty thousand dollars iu this allair. If thin kui i should seem too laigo to you you lh' now realize to udvmitMge iu viow o the ise in the aforesaid funds. Wo leuiaiu at your dispotul and await your ordetn." (ieorgo iiislantly wrote to h in cone SpOudentN that the sum for exceeded a hat he could command. "I have received BO luolioy," ho ,i.i, "from Guadeloupe, i . you probably im agiiied I had, and it would be iuimi hie for SM to pay you." His cot espolidellls i III Hied irtl el v III plied to him by the next post : ' We have mil iced with regret that tin- Sp-tuinh loan dnea not iwiuunind your confidence. According to your desire we have eHectcd the aale of half voiu booda ; fortunately your order or nv. d after a gTSat rise It produced h ! sum of eighty thousand francs to your profit. fur too lost, we uro too woll acquainted with the dclayH in bpuda ting an iuhoi ilauee ho remote, to imp pose that von COSud hove received yuur funda ; but your hignaturo will com mend all the ssenavy you ruaeira. Iu the hopo that Um Oerssaa luudw will m iii rOUf OOnfidtiuce limit) llioii the Penia el UP wo send you tho plan of o b ink at Von will ohtvot vo, nir, l iu Bubscrihing Ussrs in aoeeoasiosi Uh paying down, and tlmt, a. the iu ' dun nt-. are at long interest you luuy realise before yon havi panl up. At anv rate we reserve you tifty of tlicse sliHie, whi. h we are well pleiuied U re a to names raiwible vf iocrojmiiio the . i. hi think thev deserve.' Kight) thoiiaand from could Hot ompl ht-lel the eh i Ii l written tn mant 1 1 is iwwiti in t Moras mi .! '', i . I i s -,1m tilth -I uh son I ilid.'d w hel lit J lie , it olal io he :iiirnii t from id tho he id ' l a v institutions pined easier their superin I i iidenco 'le v mined him in latter . for, in ihe mi. 1st of his wealth, reel 01 supposed, he had no sMosy. Happily, ao soon aa he was believed to lc u h. Oobody would lake a ami hum hiss, aud merchants dssnuted th honor of yiviii him credit, li 1 ill thane reaaons, (ieorge, urged moreover hy Unwise: ami Alls-it, deter mine. I to Start lor Paris. Among them ma le up the ncceaaary sum to en gage a place ju tho eott. (Jeorge shook l is friends by the baud, prom ied them that opulcnco should never ehaneo him. and shut himself tin iu the sristOOratk COUSfSUrtaSSSlt of the dili gem which carried him toward Paria. Doling the night be dreamed ef mm . . . . m .la nothing but millions, aliarea, uotes and obliL'a ions, and in tho midst ml tbeael j w hags of dpllara uddsniy emptying, theao rouleaux, whence louis eacapad iu srlitterina streams, throiioh bank uotes " r- . 0 and rawtiing pa 1 air, he saw the sweet and charming lace of a vouug girl smil ing on him. Sr - ... 'norm' had no sooner aliebted fioui the coach than he hastened to his bank Or, who received him as an heir. "I re j ret. said M. Ilerteni to him. that vou distrusted the Spanish funds, for thev are atill L'oiiiL' un : no matter. 1 r w - yon have some left." ' W ould you be kind enough to toll . me exactly what all these funds you have puichase.l tor nie represent f "Th calculation is easy: 10,000 piasters ef rente at 70 ; the dollar at live and thirty live centime, tha aam alreadv paid ia if vou aell to-day you will gain 210 or L'L'O.OOO franca." George opened his eyes wide. " You sav . sir -V00 'MO or '() 1)00 fiancs ; and you are sure of it1?" , j v f As near as can be within a few hundred francs.1 Still (Jeoro-e did not vviih to aimear O ' " too much of a novice. "Very well" said he: "vou also spoke to me of a bank." Yes the establishment of the hauk has encountered dilliculties, but the af - fair is still rood. We are on the point of closing, and the promises of tdiares are high." "('an these promises bo soldi" "You have about 4f0 florins profit that is about 60,000 fraucs." "Though I have paid nothing ! Certainly." That's strange but sines you tell mo so 1 should like to make a solid in vestment of all this. Would you have the kindness to point oat one.' Our five per cents., sir ; out; bve ner cents.! 1 know notkuiL' sater. see that all these little details fatiu-ne you. You will Boon have greater in terests to treat." lieorge had just experienced a com m mm a plete bewilderment. At last he said : "If I invest all this in five per cents. I should have an income of "Say 20,000 francs." "Ah! L'0,000 francs! And when can X have them 1" "To-morrow, if you will confide the o peration to my house." "Of course ; what other could in spire urn with laofa oeOfldeflOi ' The banker lamed. hftill Ceorge, in tho midst of all these treasarea, experienced a singular em barraaaiuent. II is journey paid for, there remained but ten 1 nines in his pocket. He dared not ask M Berteuil for tbe smallest sum, and such was the force of hahit that he still felt as if ho possessed only the modest pittance which was not yet due. At last he risked the attempt. "Might I," he said, blushing deeply, "without being indiscreet, beg you to lend me for tho present the money I require iu coming te a city like IWisf" "What ! My dear air, mv rush is entirely al your disposal. How much do you waut t Three font ten thou sand francs " "My dear sir, a IhtOSSnd fiancs will sullioa." "Will you have them in gold or bunks i" And tho bunker rang "Joseph, send tho cashier hem." (laorgH rose to takn leave. "Might I bog of you," said M. Ber teuil, escorting him to tho dour, ' to continue your favors to mv house " "Certainly, sir, ami you richly de servo it," said tb-oige, with the easy air which the certainty of OHsessiug 20,000 francs income began to give him One morning (loorgO U as asleep ; he was awakened by M. Bertroul himself, who entered the sleeping mom uuau nounctal. "My dear sir, heie ate 200 sluttUS in the Kalhaiiia ' oiupHiiy for working the copper mines ef thrt name in Algeria ; here are '.'(Ml othei i of the Mancftiirc cotapany for the canaliat ion of thut water count-, the 1iiIoim of irrigation and the building of bridge, OU a new system. The investssent will he made this morning, if you please. The I lath auia aud Maucauare will bung frOSB DU to I ID francs premium on ' 'hange Ueday." (iuorge yawned and rubbed his eves. "Agreed, my dear 1 1 iei. 1 I am en tirely in your hands." M. I'eilienl rose and b..k his hat. Before he went out Qeorga sraa deep ing ihu sle4p of the ti. hmau. The operation brought him iu 48,400 francs. Miatu while Chaih-n r.d Allasrt had leurued with consternation the sin rwn of their story, and dared not contradict it; they had Ueti tb-uu.i d on learning that (tetirge'n departuie for l'aris had besn attributed by acsrybody to diib eolties of luiuidation. They ;. -1 thev lisd sone iHi far. and trembled :it th- thouglll tieuige luihl iMVeettdod bv HI Sli ldllig tilln it OU be subject of lliil Ml, lllld Old bi n u lillie co lied by lha ihlce ft l lids. lbt lie v hrsmn to hi cat be ug tin w'ii n one line itioii.iug they rcct-i. ed a letter fi iu tieunpi asssssUMsng Ins speedy mum. Tlu. e .lavs afterwards tin v t-n!en d a taVaruHng hones la the Koe fJeree. -V m i vanl in teal livary aiilMMIttced tlMSS. Show tin ia iu," said (leorgS, who did Hot i eci i e ev ei y IskJv. On BSaaSg the splendor ot the pi tee, the furniture and hangings, thev stated countenances. 'We had haul win k to "! in.' aiiid Charles. N es," aaid George, "I :it:i bo-iegisn hy solicitors and project mongers ; but yon, my ileal InrmU. are ai..viw-l ciiIUC. I oil cuUie nisi in liau p SC citiipaiiv me to a country Heat I think of buying It is no great utfaii ,a bundled thousand fiancs. I buy il for m uifr." "Your wife !" crtetl Albart. "Yas- I am to marrv Madeliro. Everything is arranged and the wed dine; im to take place there. "It is a giaxl ways otl," said t'harles "Six milas. 1 will drive vou UMNU I n my carriage "You have a cariisc "Aud two dapple gray horses I a . a - 9 m 1 brought item l'aris. 1 nave no asaaM borne vet -that is more diMicult to I find." The two friends spoke together iu a low voice near the window tears were I . m their eyes. "My dear (leorge," said Charles,"you know that your cousin is not dead yet . a . . a . iii "I know not whether he is o.eao, n plied the heir, iuietfy," because 1 am not rpuite certain that he ever lived. "You know that this inheritance is only a farce !" "1 lanieve that onlv ourselves are pat- a isfmd it is ao." "You are wrong very wrong, to 1 . a m aav a a a a . indulge in a joke ot which we now tut - terly NMBtv- "I thank you heartily for it." "We ought to disavow it, and we are I going publicly to declare ourselves I guilty. "Io no such thing! Do me the favor to allow thiugs to remain just as they are. A few days more credit vet I l r do not wndi to displace my lunds. "My friend, bear us. "Poor t'ouaiu Dubreuil ! cued (Joorae. "You whom I have never I aw stveu you who iierhaps never thought I of me I wish 1 knew your fate! If vou died iu exile, I will raise a modest monument aliove your ashes, if you 1 still live, oh, 1 will cemfort your old age.' This burst of sensibility satisfied his two friends that (leorge had lost his wits. " us lose no time," said George, "The carriage waits. I will tell you the story on the way, and how 1 reckon. mv dear friends, to till my promise. I have not forgotten you. - They rode to tbe country seat they chatted together, and the three young men returned delighted with each other ; Uharies ana Albert, in parucu- l a . i S 1 alt '- 4 . I Mar, enchanted with George s delicacy and kindness. - But the truth always comes out iu the end. Envious people and George's enemies, and he had them since he had become rich, were on the watch ; they were astonished that nothiug came from Guaaalope ; and men of good sense shook their heads, when they spoke of George. At last the edifice so rapidly built, and winch rested only on public credulity, crumbled with tei- rifle rapidity. - George found that the tempest had burst when hit found a dozen letters on his table; thev were nearly all couched in ihe following terms : "Mr. Ii. presents his urgent compli ments to Mr. Ceorge M. ; having a pressing cull for money, he begs he will be kind enough to settle in the course of the day the account he has the honor to send him." George's Answers were the same to every one : "Mr. Ceorge M. thanks E. for huv ing sent him the account he asked for Isng ago, and remits him the amount." It wan thus that Ceorge owed to a truly singular situation, something more than fortune, since he was in debted to it for a charming young wife, l ouph.d wit h a dowry which the lather, an honest manufacturer, added to the fortune of his son in-law, a true friend, a friend on whom bo could henceforth rely in poverty, should that ever over take him. The heir iu spite of himself was far more than a week the subject of much talk. "He has bemi fertunrte," said no. ' Km lunate," if you like," aaid another ; 4,for tnv part I say ho in a shrewd fellow, who knew how to make the moat of circumst ances. Kveryb&Jy could not manage us he has done." George was tempted for a moment to take credit fot bis tact ; but a little reflection showed him that bis geniua hud not hing to do with it, and he quiet ly took his place iu society as a man of twenty thouaaud a year. K J. Baroness; lb was a bitter cold day when the traveling combination which I have tho honor lo feed gathered its lajlttary valise and stepd ashore at II art fold, CtSSU. Tbe Iutch founded this beautiful city here nearly '2f0 years sgo, and tho first thing they did was to establish Colt's ariuoiy and go into the insurance businsaa. You can get insured any way and for anything you wish mm ual, endowment, tontine, SOOMOOt, intentional, nomadic, differen tial, protoplasmic, Itaplist, Old Schsl PrOSbyfeiisn, Congregational, Uob lu gersoi, reuaiaaance, Gothic, By7Jintine greenback. comjswitf, t'crinthian, Hootch, cheviot, gossamer, seamless, new Wheeb-r . Wilson, barU-d wire, liver pad and bard linish. It i the ountral and distributing BOSUt for the entire hnSnrauce hbsiuea, of America. No insurance company is genuine unless "Hartford" is bhwn upui the botte i.ei i -w k i w r Mti'VM - - - a. "w m ...-. . . . . WW . . a . . - . It . 11C1114. I.. 1 iM'oule hllfferiliif with iVHM.pia auu l.iver 1 0111 plaint, or anv 1. i.iui;.iiiiii oi in.. tiianMiv.. oriraoa. aucn Sr,.ir Slnml. M..k lll.-U,..! I ' m.1 1 I'm! ititMtii.ii (if iIim IlKurt I Ill-Ail l.lirti. l .11. irimaiiitf s ti.l bum. 11 paina at too pn ( tb stomach, .epov. skin.! oale.l lotiKUoaud uiaagree-1 ilile l.vUi 111 the lliouttl, etimlllK Up Of fiMM aHer Mtiiitr, low apiritH. Ac. to put off from lav In 1l.1v liuviu an article that thev know Irm cure. I tti.-ir iieiuhbor, friend or relative, y.-t tbay liav no faith in :t until it la a lal. lint if you will go lo your ilrui:ui'tA, Kooliay A Sianmi.and k-l a' hot - tt or Iimkkn h ,i-..r.T 1-Ijowkk your im meiliato euro i a rtaiu aa you live. Sample 1hU U- of ttiia meiliciue can be ob tained for lo eeuta to try its Miperior vir tue. Iteifiuar aire T.' reut. Trv It; two . ..... - .Ins. s will n tn v e anv cae. "No," aaid the t' lecorder excitedly, "I won't liaien to any ex cuses. You went out in the street aud beat a strange boy, to whom you were under no obligation whatever, while you have at home live or six children of your own who deiiend upon vou to mutilate them with a clab. You are uiiiIcUhI. air, actually mill, ted, in tbe sum of $10. Tho iiucniU.ii npa ab.iv Um iuit I Ac nuiiim. r ibUimI In , Tlx. . lo.l tbair Miy tuU hatu pit hod v :-i,- nil uiini k. . Wbilr at your fort I lia an J ifracl Tliu paaaiita yaur aUutof, Anil liUlo i. a . A- tliu I Jala, What auo crawl up iuv aU THE All Kit A N PEOPLE. No ieople in the world suffer aa mucb with lJyx'mia as Americana. Although veai-M of eiM'riciiH in medicine had failed lo a.-com jli-.h a certain and sure remedy .at n aaa a. a for thia I aud ita effects, such aa sour .stomach, Heart burn, Water-braati, .sick not where it will help hold his siiecta lleadache, ( 'ostiveneas, palpitation of the . r I leart, l.iver Complaint, coming up of tbe !.....! lnu ua.irilu n.iiiural .l..lilitw ..!, vat I since the introduction of (iREKx's August Fixiwkk we believe there ia no eaee of Dsesasaate that cannot I Hj immediately re - . ' ... I i V. 1 1 . , .. U out mm insn of failure rnnnrLnd. 60 to iievin. ,iii,wm iiu.i'ii Miiiu ihm vmr w im- i vniir 1 1 m imIm hirilmv .t Mamin anri critf a sample Imttle for 10 cents and try it. Two Uoses will relieve you. Regular size "r. HOW IX) SAVK MONKY.-Instead of eniiiir lo h. iloctor for m. urntanrintifm. if vou e " : . - . izi rw: . . liave Itriabt s liiaease. Puvoetea. fain in the Back and fauns, .Sniarting, Intlaiuaia- 'i L V 1.. II VII Ulo vk lilt.' itmiir -i iu innuvivi ou v a biUtlo of Dr. Mintie'a NepbreUcum, the great Bucbu t'om pound. It lathe moat ....... 1 I ......... I . (..... 4'. IV tl.lUU. .Mil 1.1m uiiui'i 1 ill inivn-iiwiuii .v.. 11 uu uicti ..,.. ...........i.i ujumimi n... . v t l 1 wiiiiruuuuvui auiasnia tauioiwi w Carroll, wholesale druggiata, say : "We regard Nephreticum aa tne beat kidney and bladder remedv in the market.'' Woodard, druggist, I'eitlan.t, Or., aaya: "Everybody apeaka highly of it." Chifds, druggist, Portland, Or., says: "Sold lota of it; it al way a doe.s the work." Many have been curd of obstinate kidney com plaint after the doctors have given them up. Trice, Jl.. For aale by all drug gista. Kl t ktKN'li A It Ml 1 SALVE. The beat salve ia the world for cuts, bruia rs, Horea, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tat ter, chapped hauds, chilblains, corn, aud all kiuda ef akiu eruptloua. This save is guar anteed to give perfect atisfaction in every caae ar uiouey refunded. Price 35c per box. Fur sale by Foahay anal Mason, wnolosale agta ; l Moore, 8cio ; D Foley, lebanon ; I r Powell. Lebanou ; Red path sad Mou tague, Jeffersou ; I) M Cal breath, fiaena Viata ; O Corneliua, Turner ; R A Raiapy, Harriaburg ; Starr anil Blakely, Browna ville. A mother noticing her little daugh ter wipe her mouth with her dress sleeve, asked what ber handkerchief was for. Said the little one : "It's to shake at the ladies in the street ; that's what papa does with his." aa a ai They were walking by tbe seaside and he sighed snd she sighed, and she was by his side and he by h?r side and they were both beside' themselves, be sides being at the seaside, when he sighed and she sighed. m m " Twisted hemp cures felons. in v oat s. nv W. A. kWKH. 1 have snahdicxJ my name from her sul lied clutch ; iittneefortb her folly and sin will stain No true man's soul with their soiling touch ; She can never dishonor my name again. I have torn her image from out ray heart; Hbe Is dead to rue now while 1 wake pr An infinite souudleas sea mast part liar life from mine, tho ugh wa both ahoultJ weep. In the dreary waste of tbe coming years My neck shall be br j of her false, fair arras ; The kisses that lied to my lips, tbe tears And smiloa that cheated, have lost their charms. And yet can I drive from my dreams the foes ' tie- winsome girl whom I made my wife T While it loaea each day it dainty grace, As her vain tears flow for her ruined life? Somewhere ahe in weeping in bitter shame Haled by women and mocked by men. To her penitent lip is pressed tbe same l ull measure of grief that she wrought me then. And worst of it is that I cannot say , ' I 'ome baek to me oui of your grief and Tflotwo I wield my life, there is yet no way To wipe the stain from her sullied fame. This ia the end of it all ; for each, Kuin, deapair and a piereing pain, Sharper than death ; while I cannot reach My hand to draw her to peae again. 1'Hivvn.nirHv Fog air apparent. A watch word Tick. Dismal side of life suicide. Balloon fruit CFsSMf currents. A notorious eaves dropper the raiu. We court in poetry aud live in prose. Not worth ascent Barren moun- tains. crave miaiatia w uiirv a mm w H ive A ...... tl.. ... tb- .-..t- ..' , t neSS. As tbe pen is ten t tbe paper is mk- liQed. "Slim but ds(ierate' -Sarah I-ieru- hardt. Half tbe lies told about tbe Irish are true. Great ink-convenience the t" !IH! prea-s. Sm .is on the sou Freckles on your little bov's face. Motto of lottery men Look out for number won. Tbe boy who is well thiuylod by nit par. -nl-. will shed water. The business of the country is steered bv tbe tillers of tl e soil. An election is held to see which (tar ty can raise the moat money. If you intend to be a millionaire, dou't you ever attend a cbnrcb fair. Think bow many mothers-in-law a Mormon loses first and last ! The object of soldiers' drills is to make holes in the euemy. Whea Tommy puts a pices of jebnny cake ia his Kcket for lunch he calls it an Indian Reservation. If nature puts a wart on a man's nose it is placed where she wants it, and y-'a' "aoionion, remarxs me neuron utooe, I "had 700 wives." That'a the wsv the 1 :. ne La. tlma Utdh.HA .a. I " ... U.U V..UW V. " V. I men. reck s .Milwaukee dun says a Slu wurt ffjrl had an ear torn otf snd the I -W . wreck was scattered along the track for halt a mile. a a a- 1 1 ..n .l u I "Vjrem ion, saiu me om man. re- member dat it am not safe to form an opinynnona stranger by de size of de 1 w 11 a moul. o person can tell tne numoer 0j mules in a barn by lookin' at de sta- I i . ,i ble door. "What is the first thing to be done in case of fire," asked Professor Stearns. "Sue the insurance company," promptly answered the bov a the foot ot tbe class, whose father bad been burned out once or twice. "Kind words never die." How bit terly does a man realize that terrible truth when he sees all tbe kindest words be ever used in his life staring at him from his published letters in a breach of promise suit. I'mler tha auov, tba beautiful auo'w, Uniting tho earth like an ermine mat. Silent anJ rigid it Ilea below The Iraxeii form ol mj neighbor's oat. Never agmin from the ntoaulit i Shall iu aad note call to "Marian O f For ita soul has Med to the nnkaown Hence, And ita voice is hushed In the beautiful asow. A Vermont man in a sleeping car was accosted by his neighbor opposite, who was also putting on his shoes, with the inquiry, "My friend are you a rich man 1" The Vermonter looked aston ished but answered the pleasant faced, tired looking gentleman with a "Yes, I'm tolerable rioh." A pause occurred, and then came another question : "How rich are you T" He answered, "About 700,000. Why ? "Well, said the old man, "if I were aa rich as you say yen are, and snored as I know you do, I would hire a whole sleeper every time I traveled."