W I L'L V ME TTK MARBLE & STONE WORKS. I mart. v. r.rvow:- rrroit 4 m 3LOOD FRIDAY MARCH 1881. FARM, CAHQFN AHD FIRESIDE. Kr.ettri. Coon Points of a Hvuk. m buy rag a horse look iirst at Me tatd He ; ryofl for sipn. of latelUsonce, temper, courage and honesty. Unlets a horse has brain. you cannot teach him hi do anything well. If bad qualities prcioniiP.:ite in a horse, education only serves to enlarge and intensify them. The head ts the true indlca tor of disposition in a horse. A -'Uuo wmtalt ylth Hrgn iMWtiriii evidences an amnio bcaatalng aeparatoj and great loaf poorer. Nexl bm that h is well cut under the jowl, with jmv hones broad and wide apart nader Bm throttle. Breadth and fullness between the oar.- and eye- la always desirable. The eye should be full and hazci, ears iaaaU and thin and thrown well forward. Tiio horse that turns his ears back until they al most meet at the points Is not to be trusted. He is a biter or kicker and is suto to be vicloui In other resjM 1 1 . A horse with fi aa-!..' - f.u rig wee Is cow- ardly, ami a cowardly brute, besides being naturally vicious, r.i n er do anything w. II. be trained to A horse with a rounding n e, taper ing forehead, and a broad, full face below the eyes, le always treacherous and misthievious. Avoid a long legged stilly horse. Select i ne with a short, straight back and rump, with ers high and shoulders slo In . vt!l set back and broad withg id depth i 1 ehet,foreiegs short, hind ic Straight with the hocks low down, abort pas tern joints. Sad a round mulish foot By observing above hints a horse may Ik selected that is graceful, good natured, serviceable and i pride to his owner. Tin: Pv.si:;lk STiBiO t ORX.- -If corn be planted in drills three and oae-half feet apart, and four kernels in a hid, every twenty eight inches of drill, the method in praetioa and now followed at Washaun farm, there are 5,833 hil's.or 21,333 Stalks to the aere. A niue-im h eat of YVau shaun corn tiioroughly dried yielded 2,170 grains weight, er .8 1 of a pound of shelled grain If eatu :.;!: should j average but one SU t onr flio U'trvi.jl I would be 7,' lo pounds, er 1 ?8 bush els to the aere. it would require but aa average of one-half a pound of grain per stalk toprodoce a 200-bnahel crop. Kxpcrimentaliy, in the garden we have secured over forty ounces, or twf and one-half pounds, from a single keraai planted j s there is txo end to the possibilities of the er- . ia practice, bourev?r, we have never realised over 123 bushels per aere, while an average crop on !a:ga areata has not exceeded 70 or SO hu.shefc. J The Orsit c-ifort to inaprore m no, starting with ?ati..' -t jry ':.! .m-..J ears la to eliminate af oiwtka, bo l:.at t ;- h .shall irf ?:-in i: 9 . tut? barrenness trouble in securing a of twin cr tripple pnreti s I ... whi'i -.--: h pe r:' rure . II m ,th wo find the difBcutfy. 1 aausf t.- bred and -... bred, toward fcuitfuinesr, before ran an tieipate very striking rt suits. lr.Er Tk ; aa Childuen. 3 tse Itesl way to raake&eef tea U t ehlhlre . as follows: Snap meat tvitfa from the shin or neck. Cut t... '.nr. t into dhre with a very -i.;r; knife ; to every pint oJ meal u-- t. eold water. Cut up the :j. di-.h, Ht on a bojiid, ns the i . absorbs the juieen v; Have the proper measurt- oi watei tsnsi i?i a urnnpr annti I.tis.;!' nr l'.u-I ' and as yeu cut u the i:. it s; rii it moderately v. ill: ., w ; it into the celd waWK There let it reiuair. for two hours; li i' n into a saocepnn Hm! .-ei . I ie Qre. WntcB eaefu!Iy tlte first rhing,nnd skim and seen re this ; it Is the very ; b nceef the beef being thi iwn out. ; Put it in a clean bowl and let the I eel go on i;o:ung lor ten. mmntee, no tenger ; then pour it through 5. sieve to the first skimmings. Stir ii be fore using. In older child en than infants ;.'ou ran flavor with or.i m ut."! a few cloves. eoiBpleteiy lot-.- this way of making beef te:i extract tho goodness that a dog v. old -sot eal iha nuut fin! i.: 1efr tnV IU ilk t 11.4 m-J IV'll Foot Di&xfSE rs a Cow 1 he com mon disease ba eon a and sh p which appears by wlatery blisters on the feet :?! Hetween tho claws of the hoof, folio'.ved by raw spots which are cir cuit t hea!, is known as an aphthoes fever. Seme times it is accompanied by similar h!i-,fers r.s on ?( Hps a'i d is ca'.St d foot and tonjro. t -it'll it mwilli fi:tai. Tr f j f..v. v r hbioJ , . , . , , di.soase,and is contagious and trouble- somt , I. il not serious, and e-.'ify .::'-1 fi treafment, aa follows : G'r.e ono K;'.jj of salts, and wiisn it has Operated give one ooqce of hypoaal phate of soda daily ; w.iji tiie sore sik With water and soap and dr?- !ioj:i an eintment, as follows : melt four ounces iard and o::e ounce copfrOr (verdigris), and siir thoroogav ly,and v. -tiie still flnid scld one outice if turpentine and ttlv on til cold. Keep for use. The ointment is ex cellent for any raw sores or galls, and may be nfofntly kopt In any .star,! -. Emigeatiox fr iii C?J.nada to the ehaap farming lands t;f the United States continues nnabaletlj there being aeareely a town or village in tho Do minion wherein. Dumeroos departnres are not recorded o. ry week. The Canucks have -heard that ours is an imtnerist'Iy prosperous country j:?st now, and are coming over in droves to "get some of it." A Tn A hsCsSoeNtal preacher ;..k foehU u-xt, 4Fd my Umba." bocnuj'out of ' Lurch a plain old faraaer aaitl to him : 'That w:?- a very good te xt ; hut you placed, the hay so high i:! tho rack thai tle lambs couldn't reacl sheep either " Id e??)!! in.-!, hy fluj intiustrious. flau'.Ul cot re quiri : wt wiJi Min t you. Ken. womc-n, hojs ar.d L-iri-i maUa i-i i-.-y fcisti'i" at .-. rk fr us than at any thing else, nc v.ork iri Ji-I.t and jilonaiiit, sui4 tuch as stoneescgn right at. Titos who are wiee who pea ih's notice will tctul us t'.i-ir juiaewEas at mieesad see fur tiic-mv.-ivvi. Costly Outfit ami U:s.-s. Nosi thi time, llim: already :U w.,rk are laving- up lurgi sums ..f money. Address THI K & CO., Aneaet . r.-.-i Curo i nml aevw Alatag pointii. 'j.'1k world'a f;roAt 1 i '.. llolicvc.v for T.Tan nad V. i Chcnp, qu'.ok iad roliatj.tr. 7 PITCHEB9 CASTOKIA i; jot Nnreotle. Child grow tat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians roeommend (Astoiua. It regulatcaHho Dowels, curca Wind Colie, allaya PeverlahiieiiB, and tie si rJ a Worms. WEi DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure, t Constitution! 1 Antidote for this terrible aaa dy, ty Absorption. Tho saoal Importa-nt DKoovory since Y:ie riuntioa.. Other rrnodio Bitty wrm CntiM-rH, thin euros s MB i-vto btlro Cocu2i-.;i :-. : . in. - .seSaaaaavfV .' VSTf .- - THE SOI X?uu Kvorylxniv reeds '!': Si v. In UtS o'.i- liou. of this iuv.isjHr throughout tlie y u- . come everybody nill Had: I. All the world' ii.,, s presented that ttsi road, r w ii i t ibe get ; it etuoant of iniormmtiOB with ibe least uaprofltable expenUitaro oT time and eye-eisjht Thi ss !.!iir ;o !is !n ii i il the soldo nf mean betareea retfnml.m fullness, and unsatis factory brevity. II. Mueh of that sort of news which d pends less upon its teo gu a ' Import ance than upon its Intereet to mankind. Prom moralag to morning The an prints a continual story i the lives rtl men ami v.i nun, anl i;' their dseda, plana, lovos, hates, and troubles. Tula story i more varied aul niro intrroatilUX than any roaaanos Chat a aver dei I Mxi. III. (ioo-l writinir ::i ovrr;. column, ami fraslmess, oriainaSitv, accuracy and deco- rum in the treatment of avery aubjc 1 H'llPSlfOIHinf 111. 1 lii'llH mui.i: ia to apeaa out T "V L I U.I) ' II. I. i.l rit-v ! i I I U I : I : II III? thine v. EqnaS candor la d atlngwitb each political party, and equal readim aa to nommend irhal praiia) worthy : : re huke what Is blaraabla .'1 Democj . 1 Kepol lican L Abaolute ittvi'-; 1 ndeace t pat .i.-.an oaganixtttieaBV but onwavering loyalty t Democn -t- prtaeiptes. "i'he nun 1 b .. rea theJ the yoverameul vrhieh th: UausUtolion gives u i- ag.udotietkej. Its notion ot tluiy to rs;t t its ntuio.Ht tr tbo efforts of men in '..r Kepnb- pert v to set ui another form of aov . i r.'iARX sauc; :'i SXASJVSt OfETEt OtTl .. 6n - - v j -: I Sr. a as 1 I.V I. TUfi !livT P.uiViis fll w . -- ...... . ........ ... v ...... - - - I.IOTTAR.N TOil If I I ; a VW Tbe i'eltrraMel sta. tarafe wirrvi7lr f I t:niu IT f?V O I S L . Ai 11 tHola W 1 , , . . .... : , ..... Vii,!l l BfAIl : t i.t-IT) Ptrt, Claret, 1 &I .iii atbr ki.::ls af v.ij-. t.:ii.. Ale. Beef, and Torter. Hittejs ai' Bvrry kind. nr. 4 t I) it!-;,Ml af ttrhact o .iu' I iffft! f want BVrytxxl v to andcratand tU ' f . i rir.ont.. I til ft rt-jl ibfa naw Ha. vtiVMi " - siw ees 1 ?'ir rtory, v. in-ro -n v af u rotinirv ? . 1 1 1 coitntrv ii"?ii- or.i eaa procure !ht?ir stoefcs at rtinisii prioa !.! only tn !. !u added. IIixju:" thocortaer -f Front . :.'i Ferry Strseta, Albany, Oreaxni. .".. riffiVS ! ',-i HA:.T?Ai:-ii w. lakgdon ' WOI I V. IH tlEKi . Y OIVRM If AT i ana- . li. Saltnrarsa bs aid to K. acme-half intereat in bia i try The new linn v, Hi continue hnsai-St tiip old stand, C6J. 1ST and KLLswoirniMs. STV .t ill !til SEi; TiS-iJ. es AI1 outstanding siocoantfi and indebtedness contracted previous o March 1st, 1881, vill b2 collected and paid by Mr Saitmarsh. n32t niiininrfi 01 flop ccc wrrs :!: ' U u SEW ESQ iriU0 SOCIETY. i ; BY ;AH tiir sett Bufinesiscd Gnide nml Ifsaa-Booh feM.Tj-iMi hctl, Much Hat Utctrt. IttcUi boUi Mxet eompbacty DSWTS lf f;iKKV. I1I4KO in iii . he-', way. Ilos-.to lcYtmr Own laav vi-r. lios to iki buMm m Ci rreHly awl ' .v -i wful'y. H.v i:i gouiety at id in fj-rv p.ttof life, and eontaioi . goid mine 1A lariw! itif-.tutioa nHs; i ou- Ii!.' ... " , ;.. ... .' ;.,mi. At.t.S'TS W.ki t i'.'.i I r a'i i-i -i. tin . I ikiw shy thta b .!; - i RRAl am: :. ,. ,.! ,( ;:8 betrUr than .'i otbrrSft !. few U ;..! t. r. nawuic a o., i3? ?-:m l i:ii!(iro, T31.VCY'sArv '-''' - rKldln ssd X OXvPI kJ.ttMSr bc-irs entitled by iat iuw ol OoUgrcs-l. Semi two tauiiM tor Isws, mid copy ot CmyES S .' ;.:i 11, t. N. v. Htzeral.' U. H. 0 uiii A.ti'v, iiwx Wastdnstou, D 0. DJITF?TQ ,- M'm '-. Sdieit7r"f C e a anK I SJai'iitsum, 17 .Sc..-iithst.,or jt.x 3, Wiwliinjftou, I. O. Ko fee required unless Pat ent f olitsim d. Send f- r c:reular jfiviiiif Unrs ie 1 stabruhod IS70. 9 Call si ChHia and Fovor Dm , MtermittontRe- mittent ;tntl Typhoid Fovers, Bj5';ti moss, Uvrf Stomach, and Kidney disorders, and nin.iy othurnilmontSvdostroy Ing the health and llvos of mTfllonSi is driven out of tho iem, . -.claradically cured then to H tho LION MA LATtS A AMD LIVER PAD and QACLtONIC BODY AND roOTPLASTfRt, the cheap est and only perfoct treat men! by tho Absorption prlft . Tho Plasters acting in 1 injunction with the Pad up tho nti 1 votrontors and ro tn to pai isof iUo hotiy, inab tiorbing and t;iorouhly rid d; . jth system from MALA RIAL POISON, Hi whole treatment, PAD, E )DV PLASTER and FOOT p 1 :RS, !i combined! forest .00 the cheapeet a idb tfomodyever discov er : a no Vu'i 0 cure . u intood :.' vvorxi .rcord Ing lo ciiroctions. Remem ber ad, Body Plaster and )t PI isters, tho whole, $1 ,00. SoM 5iy ail druggists, oi liledon receipt 01 ;rico H - THE LION WEOICINE CO.. MEW YORK. BOSS PAINKILLER OF THE WORLD LIGIITI!G OIL. Tli New Medical IVowtler lOtli Century, 01 the THE WONDRRFtL ABOLIHIIEIt OF PAIN. t BtK I PIC iOU DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT 1 Btaraaaaatc ra.;. : .j.jn-.i i? raintawt. Keatfatfcaa ilwpaat u IS nt.ij.-. Mfdaifct , ! la n.ini.i. . : ..." .. I i ... : m mil'. ! ! AND KMT A It fUIftll CD !Ht.-4. : A. I". CHKBRY, mtuaii i :.i earner of lirt ami afonteomery (sUreot, Albany, irogon. li.-i-. ii. '. 1 (in"f" 'if t iif ii!ove named Works, are are oranared t' mannfactttre SB mi Enirjnea, tiasr and tiriat MillM, Wood norking Machinery, Pumee, Jr.m ntnl Braas t 'at !. of every de rlptfon. Ifsahfoery of all kinds rspairod. Spe clal attontioo gi 1 ;i lo repairing farm n a ehhiory. Ihilfera ffaaina dsate in nil ii fat is. 16j Etyl A. V. ! 11 KB RY si N . TITI 1 1 : i: wa h iji. , bah MMt jcwEuaw, sttvvaat yt.MiM ii in:, AHBi OU.HOK9 hS'l l l H l.Kl, RCn aseals Car XewJHeaac Sew tea Steeatteaa. AMIA.NV, - - ORSCGOW. 14n9Kf The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will pnrebase Plnmmer dried fralt si full t!:arkt:t irfces ; Will send a oompetent pentht (' rJviw fralt growers as to cultivation of eraddi tin to on-haolH ; Will ctnpfrfy (rait trees of approved eotta rtf. modorata prloss; Will !-.!l Ewommar Driers through I. inn, fontaoand iMne outn' I setters to beaent to Corvallis KruK Oooa. pany. Corvallia, Bortton Connty, Oregon. WALLI8 NASH, Preahleat. .1 a ;.t ; ce II u 1 1 u s , si . J:in;iarv I. Iftfat. Mwtf Juitrtll iUiv ttJUiJi .: I-.! r ii ,s BaUaaar; SJ annntn fsend :t cewt stamp f..r faioute cotike. Ad.lr..-i A K. WINCH ESTEH, Jlan.v.i-. p. o. iroT. m. '1 l'r.n... : ij I ,!. WELCOME 8 A LOOK Witt. Voigt. t'roprl-pfor. 1HB BEST WINES, LIQUORS AND cigars always t'ti hand. 5 CENTS A GLASS. Call anil see me. Saloon in brjck build ing, next door to Dannala' fnrniUire store. Mf WM, VOIGT. v ' Sp lai or "WARNER'S tin aawftcs st afaaxefa. Physkal fotas i mm r tho Krfitft f h 11 mat 1 jh.wm'iIohh, hut unrortunatrly It lasta only a short tints. Anoklant, dtasasa or J1 no roiui' alitu', hii1 tin fnrn hlrh wan 000a so powssful qaletdy pass sway. Anything that in r Htiri' tliiw powsta r praaarrs Lhsni ia tborsfotti mors valuable than the (xiwcth tlifinxrlvt'N iiml tuori to bs adntlisd Thh in axaetly what Wars ntr'a fiafa Kidney ami I.hor Cure ihx-j. It : Vi,-s th hi '. at ban It is bcoken nrnl bowed I'.v aleknaas and rrtttiro it t tho powcftH i' oiici' jhhw)c1. It i-astM liMaa :itni till aiboj appoainsj Uaorar ths pvts Ipico halo oblivion. Ii h uno frlomU that an enesslea of hmt'.h nti'l itocnoniU tliat am tln ftkmiti Of llOSlth 'I'lio vnit mi- Krtaiu uf the loan r ixirtion of Uio bodj in prodw tng koi bsalth labeeosafcsj ltxl t. r I.ii iwn cvrry ii:iy. Ii 4h iumii ami wo men of all !;i'.' isellw ihl. I'or women pasrlona to ehlldblrtht fr all i!i-oawri- enltat to iherr sax, foe tloiiiitiatl men and pony eb Idren tht ra Is nothing arhhaa en f, y nmi lately vnatolns iuwi isataraaaa UtteQreal Natural Remedy. The kkhmys snd urinary ortrana, when tleiwnsjsd, un lnnoths fo a bqnlahef than coo- su nipt ion, ana tney mnsi I its. ni-.i t promptly or fatal con i,umii- rui euro to follow. The UaaMmoiiials a UI basepriiaV d herewltb clearly abar that Warner's' . i.i.t y aii'i Uvet uii ay ill not ecdy In ;. (!. il'.M iuM Im 4'utiii ... i iin-lhpin ran ii ttavj bate bewtne nested. iutii on s known n iy a hi. b will Mtfi ly ssal cetiatul do the, and thers la not an ha 4anee on record where K b lalled. it for aale i. dragwbas In nl! porta oa ths i-'.i- truoii fbrtttfed hi i . ar lee, . King of the Blood CaaM til IhaofaloM aff" ii sm nml dlMeasnfssaMrn i.ir: frotii bapartty of 'tea steed, it i in--iUam to rify ail, u. llw ulfrrr can utially -ti Mm tl ir caassj text SaM atstsas, I'imjUf, i um, 7 (.i!rr, .Swtlllnrj:, ., nlo tin- mint SOSSSSSS, o rn-'l as many uttcCttous of the IfSSlt. JtaJ, LiVtr an 1 .V.'oaWi. SCROFULA Wonderful Curo of Sllsdaoii. D. tt!ff.ov, S'iK ft Co.: For tin U-nrlit at 1" truubtsd with IUsiSe.ll or Itumir tlMxl tn ilinr m Ai in., 1 iion-i.v laaaauaaaS Kmf of Um I1I00.1. i i.nii! lvm leoatasd with Herofuhi fur the DStl ten rsats, whirh ao etfi'i t.l my eyes that 1 waacom plstsfy hlind furaix amntlni. I wa recntiiinrndi 1 to try Kmicf UM I'.l.-.l, which has ssaeal trrat 1 . .inir t.. mr, as it hut iimpletety ruriil BJMh and 1 i-hivrfully rceomuuud It to all troubled as 1 hs beM. V.iiira truly, Mini. H. AVEaxiilulow, honlir.ia, N. Y. will Im paid to any Pabtk Hospital to l-i motii ally aimfod upon, for cv.-ry rurtittrat.-of thin audi cii.e t.ublial.ed by ua ahieh is not (jeiiuiiio. Its Ingredients. To aliow our faith in the safety nnd exesHcneo of Tli" !.. 11., iij.in profN-r peraoual Uppllr.itlou, when attatted that no Imivxdtion is lntitnlwl, we will i'ivu 1 ui; nninfi 1 an im imrrei 11 ihn. .v iifliilnvii. Tho alKiviotfi-ra were never made liefoie V jirin'rirof any other Family Mi dirine in the world. siaiiy testlmoauMU s,fnrtbtr tafeeaaaaoB, aad full directions for titaiiti- will Le found in the Baas phlet "TeaaUsa aa Dineasea of tho itiorxi," in eMail aasa aeUla laaasleaaS. l'ti..- $1 ssilwillaunsi taininir 12 oiincs, or to to .',0 iIhscm. Hold liydimr. gist:.. L). UANHOM.ho.v & Co., Prop'ra, Hulfulo.N.Y VI B,I,ttI HOUSE. Ilnlscy, Oregon. A- L0U2NEE, - Proprietor. TSIl; ELEGANT NEW HOTEL. JUST NOW eaaiaete8, villi aa opewaj aaoet July I Ma. inm. i r i wi'iMtim tid mi the immt iii.m1i mi and BOaVSMtal (d.ii,. h:ui a tine Ham). It- lu im i.Hjsirifrlly arrauKml lor eaaMnsrafad srseaWts, sad the fsfes will lie lapeifsd at u'l times with KOM lueals. 41) a "1 S a a W ;n -.l chance to make money. Wo S MJ ft rem!. .I a person In vntj teen tnt-iki) aatawriptiona for the largest, cheapi st and lamt illus trated family publication lis the world. Any one can bsasaej s aaeaiaaTal sgssa. six elegant works of art yteae free to aaasritNas. The prtei is o low that at. must everybody nibHcrilleM. Duo n;eiit reports tak- 1 - I subgeribers in a day. A lady ageat raetsUl Bauclagover Jsoo clear pr.iilt in U-n duyn. All who ensf.me make money fant. You can dasots all your lime lo the bindlieuj, or only your spare time. Yea need not bo away from home over nlyht. You can do (I a i w ell as others. Full directions and terms hea. If yon want prolltablo work xeml us your addre.M at ones. It ooata nothing try ths buslneHS. No one who engages fails to make great pay. Address Qaa. f-'ri.v.s A- ( u., Portland, Maine. Hvl fffa J" ffa Jf ia advance wo will lend to tewta? any address for one year HARPERS' MAGAZINE and the DEMO CRAT. And for $6.50 in advance wo will Bend to any address for a year HARPERS' CHAT. WEEKLY and tho DEMO- Amnion's Cough Syrup never fails to cure if used In time nnd according to directions. atataiJfe 5rt RM4i Moiti 1 nun NiitiiM. -01 i( i Tho IbllOWlnB HtrUinrntN ai oluii- lary sapraaaloiiN of a U'w niuon;; Hioumh itixN vin liitvo Im 1 11 k.i . 1 . tlto , of Werner's Safe Kidney am! Uver t'ly-". The writers nee not paraonally known to the proprietors, hut they have wtit thi U'tti rw oxproMMiniiM of ilialr araStVide. 'i ii- ir alneeritfTi Ihetafnrn. oannol he insav iluiiifil : Ifeeere. it. II, WainorS Caj tlentlement 1 have for a lonej tlnte been aiiiii'Uii with n terrible kidney complaint. x hlrh it seemed t UnMe nothing could control. I trlnl OaMSeaW auil PaedfaJna - lenslvsly, bed fbnnd no rellel Finally I wanadiraafd hynfriend to try your hafts Kidney uml Laeer Cnra, anil nowt after r .11 in- w , four jream the iuo.t seute lin, I ilitii myself entirely wtil aui able to sitend to baaaneM essay dnv. Iowa . L, Oavawvome. Jetsey City, loae, I88S MHn. 11. 11. Wnnwr .t 'o liK 'i i i m K.N : ithout Milloitn. Ion I il- hin- In pn- In you my hili iiin- iit- tton of your lenaedy. saeaa ttaae Kin--my attention wai nailed to a ' oirirnmu v be imd iwr a hii tituo been a great Mif f. ri-r. Afti-r making a thoaongh axamfeav tiuti of ihi '.-uM, I fi.iiinitii.it in 4 khtneye mill Uvef with Imilly ntTiirtoil. Not unit- out beettarion 1 pteesrtbed yonrSaaB Kid neyana Mver tiro, uio reauit. art r iat.- liu: two IxitthiM. li.ii I .f.u KAtixlKi i'-ry !n IZu -"Zmuuu. it I wot ,. a?ribe the SMne rem.o- tosil nluthurly ' t,i. i our truly. IC'K-.h itcr.N.Y. It. (Al l.ici.ni,.' i ICaaara. II. Il Warner A '.: ih..' h i v i n: i have been efStoted with dtaeaaacfthfl kidneys for thn pu t two yearn, and have tried nuoaorooa remedies with only pnrtial and ti inpor.try relit f Vi.ur Sut Kidney and Liver core i reootnmondod t ate, siai after tal nn li the pain nl litri-'. haH bm seal I ai i w day fiH-IInu troiii ninl well. 1 um pet fectly aallsfted thai Warner's Cafb Kent li. sr tin- medletaea saajdsd, n- I eboi nulls eomna nd them to otbora. a. W. mt-; ISdttor 1 ba Induatrtel . ' AMiiit, Iowa, June, UAIO. si Sporlsmairs Hcadquarlrrs. w. 1 1 SCOTT, DBAlfta IN Guns, liiliVs Revolvers!! And tmntuuillon or All KImU. J'lM rr.i-lv(sl a larjfi insatet thr tatnrt Baeesvsd lU'inlm-tou, hharp's. Wlm hrati-r and liallard rrii rittr, Hsurs, lt iniiii:t..ii and hlci n' l.i.-. h liwiliii.' est guns, and mtljulr I. ruling riflt-s and almt -iin id J. r. dra.'riitlim. Alt, a l.iiv and well a.Sf.-tr.l ator-k .f nssln Tasttls, Callarji l"tf tVdlars, Kxm-y i;.U, and Iii tu t sajftalag yeaesSM vWi f.ir In m Res. All kinds of Sewing Machines Re paired, IN :iii iui. r Thai Cannoi Be Undersoltl An where In Ibis State. l 'I JAMES DANNALS. rtftlia SI t SAM rsiTt ttKk or SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SETS MnrMr- nail Weosl Tops. Parlor Seta and Lounges, Mar ble Top Center-Tablon, Spring Beds and Mattresses, fALIOT, HAPLE A MJ OAK BIACIETS, And all kinds of Whatnots, linirs, ltelstsnils, I'.Mi n -li.n Ta bles, M ami., (.lit uml lanrjr NwulillnKs, Ma I Intend to keep everything In tho furniture line, and will cuaraiitoe satisfaction to all who will call on inc at Miller's Hit. k. J.tSIKH ll tW U.I. (PATBNTKD JUNB 13U, 187C.) FOR SALE BY i'OZ5C3 33 Sl CO. Aloany Bath House. itUJi UHPKKlUKBO WOULD KlSPRpT lully inform the citixona of Albany and vi isinity that 1 havetsken charge ofthU Khtablish otont, ami, iy keeping clean rooma and pnyin trio t attention to buainesa, expects to suit al thoae who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Olass Hair Dressing Saloons, we expects to give entirs Bath faction to al s90hildien and Ladies' Hair neatly ou nd shampooed. JOS WEBBER. THE BEST OF ALL LINIiEITS FOR IU3V OF. BEAST. n'lifn 11 niorttolao luia ininiin.! HabmI Itn work In inililoiiN of ciwoa for morol than a tlilfl 01 a c'iitui v , vini, fuuJ rinfiiii cvni'v pnri of iim worm; a baal tlttmlM'rll'14 llllllllll' l II . '. Il 11 I 'ill MiWir II Hi" Only tmw Inn 1 " in l inn ofl pain or lu'oiiiout, iun in;tlj . . t-n nin mn It 11 Im 'Iti'liio THE BEST OF ITS KIND. ThlH H tlM rni Willi tba Mftlrmi Sliininiiff lilalmati i- ntatl brlagalntalllf(i ne rl n ralwaOta hmrtu nlt l ho iikoii', ( nil m tvral MmiI4 01 1. 11 1 11 uImIih iI, tltc horror ol rbcat ii.ni'.m owreottiOi ui i1 11 ibott in1 noil oiih othi-r l.i,iii -i 1.1,1 1 iiii..im rwrforinwl by thn ohi roltublu ,in- linn Rlitatnoc: l.liilmritt. AH form of i.iiiniu 1 iii laaaa km pvotllly (' in I I ,- On' iumm Mimtnn;: UstaMBti II I . 1 1 1 1 1 f ' 1 IniiiW'Ii'. ii riil i;;i :i-,'l Ittaaua, n Um rary iu,", baalahlng putu iiiiu carina i''" wiui h povvi-r 1 1 : t ' ni'vor lnll i. It I i a mi ill. Inn ii..i. ,i I... yarj bouy, from lbs andter, a ii riiio ( in i iUSTAN6 ovar t i '' ii n ry pin . t i ir - ra .. . in Inii , i .. I I ho I' nil. f mIi. Ill .(ill .- 'l I C It Hi . Ii i ui i itiK ii mat I hi when :;! - i Hnnllratloti lull, 'i i.i-i wonoarmi . LINISfENT XI' U Fin ij ititujiiJit n ijjt- Ill'MA.S IXKHII ai aiitnair ttaaa. itini Min Jofot. i.i,.n i Mnacla. iinm. nitit HmMa, I Ml , Hi ulai-t u l Mlirnlim, I'ol.inioit . i:il ! KUaati Stia, i.n.n. Maa, oit Hthrtu, t'lrrr., I lii.llill. a. 111 I Intnl. Mot-o Slppl( nti.. I llrrnal. mxl linli r 1 , , i Utrmt Ut 'Hi i mil Ul- MMa It Is lh" rrn-nlfht mn I . f .r 1 ho ill. oritrra iimi acclloutM lo wlikii t!i' lUtOTK i in. .it ; ..: m'. 1. 1 : tliat tiaa erar bean tcaoa n H cut Spralas. Mwinny, hiir jointa. fun intr r, ifm in -. Maiais. Ilnur !!--.ir, l oot it .i Nenrw Umni, Ht mU, llollotv Item, Wrrstckca, IYIimI Callii. Nps.lii. I .-irr v, BlaglMHM Olil Wsrss, Pell Krfli Jinn Mp ttic Mk'i oint mi) etltei slf sisal tn tviitrii tn ecenpawM or Hm Stllllf nl.tl fitllfrt 1. mi : .' lisfcts. 'A I iitv-flvii ! it . xli in I H ; v- to attaa afastang Iditlmenl Net Rea i raluaMe borae. a i fa ou crate j i in or tort ui . it iii ails uii'Mi' nr. Ihseery roetof Ha u i u ..-'-in- even tlx1 iioii'. It r-itci vi r !".'. i i. ' '. RppoJatl ro baa. it tats i u in h- u. for meet tbaa lwentya'o )rcut, nmt i pot UlTeljr TEE BEST OF ALL LINIMFNTS ?0S KA1T QB liSACT. Jrr' -. - .1 soi; in s; -v i i CIGARS I SAM! : , IU '.ii' ouu tspn ii is. CIGARS TCSACCO, Qj Um i" " pea , riifci M eaa. .. 1 II .. i . Warner's Safe Kidney Iawv CURE. 1 Poaif ire Rcaaieaff fair Alrli lilel- lii'jt . I.itrrvml I rtiiur) 2 rntil" ofitoiii Msle uml riil air. Aetlstg Plpaotlj iioh tteej Ortcataa .tiivri- el. Fev lli Ref BrfMOS if i. In- VIllltHbll'. BEAD THE RECOKD: ii lared my UfiB.1 !.. B. Udu ly, Belma, AJa. "I advise all t try it." - Joha Brnadoo, Lastren worth, Kan. "li 1st t reeasdj thai aril rarotnemairs dteeaaea peoflliar i women." Mothers IfagaaliM uIt haa paaaed severe leajtean1 aronen ilorsoiniMttr from d" i!n liiu'irvl nit'il- teal latont of ths i ilrv." rRew York World. "Ni Beeaedj heretofbre dlaooverod eaa im hold for one moment In comparison with It." 0. A. Harvey, i. i., Waahlng ton, i. c. "It is Um nasi and only efDoienl ramody for Kidney and Llvsr taonblea over bronchi lieforo the pubUe," (t'ol.) John K. BtO Oheeney, Washington, I). 0. 'I am rojoleed to say T am now a well man nnd ntu only tooejlad to testify 10- BBMrding tsbeglorions reanlta of a remedy which hits made me se it;iiiv." (Hov.) V. l' llirklo(, Ark. This Great Natural lU'iucuy is lor Salt' by Dragfists in nil Parts of the World. TRY IT AM) TAKE NO OTHER. H. Ha WARNER & CO. Reasfaeafer. N. Y. mm BARBER 8M0P J. !1. SURLES, Ppap'p. A (JOOl) SKA FOAM SHAM TOO gors V wiLh e tch shave. Prtass fer sbaVing and hair-cutting same ns usual. Rooms oppoalte Mcllwiiu's f-loro. iotf ALBANY MMT USARET, Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Iliorltest Cash Trice paid fur all kinds of fat stuck. 2tf LEVI WK8T HAMJVACTUnEtW (K- MARBLE l1CNUMEr,T8, HF.AD STONES, TABLETS, MANTELS, CEMETERY CURBING, ASHLAR AND COPING, CASES FOR GARDEN FOUNTAINS TILE FOR WALKS, AND ALL KINDS OF WORK IN STONE. Ah Uf iff t our Marble ilirix! ffMullr -- - ... . . .'.. I liavi it. i . h cf.il ,, run-, we .in iiMtiru fii.n,iT i h'r -i.t of hihi aaeXDatl work . .-i i rmj um vt oioni inaruii) ih in iir i nun itn y import"! rroiu lorfiijn lonni i i-. Mm in" i.-i reeelred several Umsof marhla, awl beaisH mora on Uba way. worse oflrroxtra bnli ntonl lo Iht - wantfng work. Ondera framany i-nrt : tim .utH I"oiiiii i y iiiM'li''M W. fll out forworii exoapttnm fsMt shop enrl Woi . v j.'.mm r ill v oii; ararrautod nvin: th-ir rraUfntials frrun rrni i Hoffmti and rlHwortb i .M o -c Y 8c wtora to John Poahay.) i urn - is DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETfl, A I M or. rM l STOCK i ' DRUGS AND M ED iCINES OB JKJTir XST7Xtt?3, Eishnvini: ererfttaae tmalSg t-a i lis r,it rfa-. r, tVAmi -.4Mi.t4i.. t 1 1 1 1 Iffj oi HOOKS A 2 STATIOM lin , Tlu v k m )' Uisv Mil wit s-iiii:.t. a r ..' ! i u ni . t-r ftfaflpaBl, St SIS WHF.N YOU COME TO A LBAWY CALL AND SEET US vs.tn.tTtr AI Till 'i.l STAN!', 7i PTHKT -rin.rr. has ft KT&f KMT UK COOK, JJOX AND PARLOR STOVES AxNI) RANGES, :un hmum tu I lac railtey. Htoai m importM h:ii inasuhi? im TIN, SHEET IRON AND CQPKB WARE t'l KW KimON J'.' ' POCK iianii, a n:i,:, CCrUlNC GR AMITE IRON WARE. Willi ii DX OFFERS TO THF, FDBLJC AT PBIC1B, THAT MSF1 MFKTTTTOJf. CM.I. AT 72 rTIBrTtfTRI IT. Ai.HANY, OBaWHJfX. ALL 01 lie ,. ir work done at v i BaaV SEND 25 CENTS IN POSTAGE STAMPS FOR A THREE H0ITHS TRIAL SUBSCfilrTlOU TO A PUPER OF IS PAGES. ISSUED It U Illtjatot H PaUUcs cii Ihi Literary News is Si Aian lntrwt'ir tnp"'1 aut uiid ii c fvaturo of the jaicx. l' PENSION, BOUNTY, LAND .,(... 1, f r. )r. uchthis rn'-li irfi , Vi... v.Vi 1. . . ' Wiiy rau ui U '-' 1 ACLNTS WANTC! Atl'lieas piarCy, OL. SNuiiEY K. 11 KBaJRHET STKCBT, Batt Fraiiclaoo, i'allf. rtiis. Trral nil It row i f att-.l j ci.i! Ma asrs. aTCTcrittrc ivrz;rs7 :: m i . ac ! n r.KfM THE a a. sSI Seta !! li uttiliil f.iiti Ss viJI i i r I in i of arnwsta sctrte hex. n.:i .1 A I .it l i.- ' ..I :t.irt fi Hie Ucnt cAiui.it senaaat aar in n.iry il. jp.;ts a rpy aadhBSI in I miiiiftiiiu nin.ill ;.nrti. !- r daa oshsr ill t- ef a thin aaUl suj as a aafltt iui ssrssJ .-n - i r nen v.!n .In (( taia diBtcult) hifli i !lic MS-..H.I m . : l,l -.l'll.niU il t! . ! . .-: . li :.l !i ri-Mi'lMliiwi uf tin- . . . i . cnnrr.'.t 1 in- cams., nal wx-ikiK- s. Us. Il .i 1 1 , Mill UI. I'l-tll.-. Onaea Beeaa 4Se4saaiea .lis. n. OeasaMattes teas. Ta lea l'..r rtvati rm jj - nf fh n ' a hi '. iirsi ncinr sqiucii m i. i n r.r.-, i.n n.i I'ls.nn'Mniir, will Ts .,.nt in :m- :uU!ri-a u ivcvh-t .4 ?10 t0. Call aad n-Uircas, m:. ananBW 4 .. li:r. ,1 Ra. 11 Keen St. -n Faaasauv A BARGAIN ! Valuable Property Far Sale THE ALDSK FRUIT DRYER, Including Um btiHdinjr, and lo; onoa which it is situated, is lor sale at a l-ar-ata. Thwe are tero dryera and they eaa Ik sold eeparaselT. Tins a irKd op iortunity for fruit ralaaia to aecnra the beet drj'cr made, at a low iirico. Tho lots are very valuahlo lying on t!;o .river front , ami having a railroad swi;i-h rnnnlng ly them, it is a geocl kteataaa for a rtistom Soauiag mill, foundry, or any siirh buinoss. i'nr fknrtber raurtionhura sail rn the jPraeL dent or St-crcUirv of tho t'omisuiy. tJ. Y. I'KAWhdlH, L. ( Uicf. iVoahionti Scrotal'.-. 30 TO THE WORKING CLASS, V.'o nr.' hum in'Htri .1 tii ftiruUl- r!.s.o-, '. .'.-n-atanl naplejnaeBl at Isaae. the stuJu "f thi thaa. nr li tli.-ir apara -io.in-tt:. lUi.-in-sa new, lilit nnd pntflrablo. IVrsnaaef either aex t-asili earn Imin ') is Hist. 1 fa per I'vimiii-, and a iriHirtiinal Ruin ly drvn'.ii: i!i. .r ulmle time U tho Inisincss.. Ooys and irii-ls earn nearly as nmcU us m-n. Timt :i!l wh stsi uiia ooUoa inaj asml their aiUli".s ami tt tho I.km nea a tsaas tiiiM i tt'itr: To aaeb as us ssl s all nat isHetl we v. UI sci?l one dollar to pay lot the tnmiiic sf srHlnjr. faB parUeulsis uml eatSt frv. A.iiirt-s!", UaoxuR Stinson A o., r.irtlaml. Mainu. ty 51 ftrtn to -jaooa a YKAit. ..I- .- t . 1 ii: four ewa l.K-aiitv. Noiisk. U'unitii Uo as well as men. Many make 111010 than the aiiiomu Btatcd aliovo. No 0110 ran fail to make monoy fast. Any one can do the work. Yon can make from 50 eta. to $2 an hour by dewtlng your evenings aad pars time to the husiness. It costs notluo. to try the Inis incss. Nothing like it for moncv making en r offered heforo. ftusincss pleasant anil strictly honorahle. Reaast il you vyant to know all about the best rmyin.if buslneKS b. f..rc tho iiublic, send us your address and we will scud you full particulars and private terms free ; samples worth $T also free ; you ran then make up your mind for voUreclf. Address GEOIIGE ST1N SUN & CO., Portland, Maine. Ittitlntul Onarritm mru Millain Vi.n.u.m e.-.i raprwae ave tioi-anvaHs tn Ibany. I liana, V. '0 A o MA SDK' f II A" T ORPFR. Al a m 1 1 era van r HE fiif reasonable aguzzs. MOKTHLT AT 510'JI Z'.Tt. I0W3. y .lonbliii the' BeatWritiiig3 cf the World us a ho vx OR PATENT DEPARTMENTS marrv t irno c to1 n fee, for bytaai -h th ifduntiiftof Ue paprr. It hr.1 a-- 'beremlT'P : a saaaal riher who atsjae l-nnicnr w 'h his aiMrrss snl name in full so that direct, btiv c.tie lc-iri! t.t th.wo fvendiii? us $l.ii f'r s year's : -t vix rn.-iitli if I ta existence sverscet a rmlalion f ! ircnlatln li ."i.OOO hut fr 1 of bttt ' m Will iro thnmsh ail of the uii-2 iuc m and Ft5? kli or 3c Postage flu Saiplt Carf. orra rnsiMKOns TM1N 1ST Q7HER PfirEP, IN AMERICA. .- .. .ww- - - lilt: iuMJ'i,oLJri:, . ..uwa. To tiie1 Unfortunate! DS- .GIBBON'S BfllfflHlJ M.tl'.AI I I . ,..n ST ii. t -lawt st silibjI :u S"nii I ltsis..- ''.i h l.nui.rrtira. Uni. f r. fitrr, .opiillak in S ;ha Iumbs, leipairer?. -1 t .oio ! ilrni, .'iui. 4 n: u.h xl esa ail ha i t i. nhottM fit !.K'.i.-ii has traxcUsl rtKflMii'li a " -'' ll--xari..us .-: .i.sl .f snlr.ahU- ii t..nnu ,;1 to lhr ill U(sl ai 11 . i- s :" H .lis. - It tl ! I 11041 . I 'I UJllt!illSr itentiaX Yoe tn-e bo ik- l.nt lh- st.A bus far a rsoksae 4 umlMane. Israaata - 1 dr s iii 1 ilcs ist Stat.- U; iiaiiio sf ttK- aui Saea -. eritis Uvr Uu si .'this a.1 I s..ialili'. Va .r Tito. Addnai 1I j. k. uini'iis, vUbQ , Bss FsssasBs, eaa i. I slur i list jmUic. Y. u 1 .- iucim'J f:i.!w at Vini. f.-r us a Csstad MS aaqpieae. WseSS : - g' f M.i:;r..-s ; f . . . , . , r-tart JPOS. fl2 il:t ami .usnls tuiuie al ln'ini' 1-t III? iin!ntri..ti. Ncii, iiwimi. lss sn.l saaies . rjuhi-iv t S'oijk fi-r 11. Niw it las tit.iw. lea . t:.- ntir wl'.-l. tilth- to tl' w..rw. or imtj ."iw iaus asasejeaa. tin nisei aarfsiea sm paj yeaaaa Ii as svll. Xi oiii silling tn 5. .-a ; .1 t. iLutkr iiin:l.'i!-. ;o; ly t-iu-. ;ilv; .it oius-. I'.llj Uttil elul t. mi friv. "A'::.i i'jsrtlliiit f.T 5::.ik.l:' MSMSJ aasaj aed hosiralij AeSeaaaTaesaOs., Aiij.-siij Naillf. THE PARKER CUM, v-v 'Y V STND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S ' WEST MER1DEH.CV. A A VTCEK in v.in: i iai Umh an.l mi rajiiul Mill ;-: -t. - - ' ''.-- " trul ill. ..lit 1 is ii.ie. The U-st o j.ruii!it cv.sr i-ffrsresl fur Uioiw willing t- uotk. Y.-u !)'. tr msiiiUK . :M. )Mil .-u Mt' lir yi'iirscii uii .t -.i d" ut tlw baatnsaa e offer. Ki iwoin t" txpluin liriv. V..u eaa eeeste all yonr tiinem-mly ..iir sj..-irc time kt UM baSSMMM, :muI maho (.tvsI I my lur ex. r hour jus work. Sfessss aasTcs as matk aa aaaa. Send f.rsi fial jiriva;.' ,-: nis iiml art ic!ais. h irli wo mail frco. $5 Ontflt froe. Uost txwploisal hard tiinrs tills miu li:w.' mk-Ii I'liaiK'i-. AililrciS II. MAI. I. KIT A i'O., TiirllaiiJ ituui.' i1 ST CHARLES HOTEL fifHANY, OREGON. Ml f. HOIK. - - - rroprirlM. Hib neaea htl .been thoroughly ronovntid froai top to kottoer, and is now in Bplendh) '. lition fi tho enlitBlalniiii nl of travelers. "The table ia supplied with everything the aees kct oifords. Sa.nip'c riHiu:s for eointnareial men. Corvallis, I chat; on inl lalla Sf.-.xr- UBlce. TlSaMI ti s i- s ya -lilrillFfrec. No risk, leader, if y u wao a business at whioh persons of either aex ean mase (fraat pay all . time they work, atte for paiSiatael o H. lUu.h.T fc to. rorrtasrl, .irtrh