The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 18, 1881, Image 2

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    flic Democrat.
.MAKCI1 IS, 1 SS 1 .
The Emperor or ltt:i:i KllteS by Nihilists'
The primal event of Ike peal eo AU. the -rain and stock country -nptown hotel end could not be on
nee been tne assassination of the Gmr of eastern Oregon end Idaho This open air. Bet
of Russia. Am he wea mtsmina from woven to bo n tad by the extra- ,M,n F,'ont, lis,,., aborted his supi-emu-
a parade in Michel Man.-, at about -
o'clock Sunday afternoon, a bomb was reads to kill this corporation as eoon some forth. Neither of teem wears an
thrown which exploded under the as its existence was known. The orerooat, no matter how oold tie
Qsera carriage which was considerably managers of the Oregon Pacific ox- weather. Thej saunter elong with
damaged. The Car alighted unhurt, pooled to got a loan on lands bonded jaeketa unbuttoned, much es il the air
but a second bomb exploded at hi foot, to them by tho V. V. M. balmy and laden with the odon
shattering hoth lags ntlow th.- knees. Wagon Bead Oo., but snob was the of the tropics. They laugh at our idoai
ami inflicting other tetrible injuries, strength and iidluonco of their otic- on tho weather question, ami would
Tho Char was hnsaediati iy conveyed in mies that even the Interior Depart- mther be shirod at than put on season
en unconscious state to the Winter Pal- menl of the United states waecaused able clothing. If they oouidenly make
ace, where he died at 1:30 o'clock P. v.. to an opinion made in relation people believe they perspired e little la
Two peceone wore concerned in the to those land, in 1878 Mr. HUishs the open air nowadays I think the
erase, one of whom wan soixed iramedi- Barnes, of Prlnevllle, wrote to the In- wouhl v ally be willing to die. And
esaly. The explosion also ki8ed an terior Department In relation to the every day I seriouely expeet to meet
officer at id two Cossacks. Many po title of tho W. V. d c. M. W. K. On. them in their deateseend Panaaaahata,
licomen and other persons were it .;. . to tho lands said to have been grant- Their rooms ere the most extraordinary
A !i,r ,, !. .u, thai tho hand . I
wcr. made of thick glass ailed with
nitro glvcciiue. The assassins stood
on opposite sides of the rood. The
carnage was moving teat, end the first
shell struck the ground behind it, sndjjfo BUshe. Bmrmm, -. Primvtile,
the back of the carriage was blown out.
The coaehsean issplored the Cstr to
enter the carri.i-c ag;!i!. i .-moved 1
a mw pwees from the cerriagi to
the wounded of his escort. Tne ass.ts-
, ....
s;Ti who shrew the tirst bomb tried to
point a revolver at the Czar, but the
pistol was struck from hb hand. The
- i
Gear seessed to recover consciousness I
before death as he asotumed awar the I
deetese who wished to smpntote hia I
Ijjs. The Caro iu h ha . ascended the!
throne., aud the official announcement
W Wn i,.Tr-,bp,l ..11 . M
He has promulgated the f wing m-
penal ssaaifesto :
We,bvthe srace of (o l. A! n .t-.d.-r
IH.. Easprror and Autocrat of afi the
Bnaeaas, Csar of Poland. Grand Duke
of, etc, heieby make known to
all our faithful subjects that it has
He fell by t!ie hands of imptomi mnr
derers, who liad repeatedly sought his
precious life and made their attempts
Iteeause they saw in him the protector
of KuesiSj the foundation of her gieat
ness and the promoter of the welfare of
the Russian people.
Le: us bow to the imfathomed will
f divine providence and ofier uj to
the Almighty our prayers I the re
pose of the pare soul of our le!ovcd
We ascend the throne which
innci i
from o::r f cet'alhers, the
of the Russian enr-iie and
C'zardom and grand Duke Im ins -para-bly
connected with it. We assume the
heavy burden which r d has ; ::; osed
U )on us with a firm reJuai c upon Hb
Almighty help, ifay .. bless oar
work to th? wdfar- of our beloved
fatherland and may He guide cur
strength for the happrnassof all faithful
subjects. In repeating before Alnughf
God the sacrei row made by our father,
to devote, according to the testament of
our forefathers, the whole of our bees
to care for the welfare and honor ot
Russia, we call ujon our faithful sub
jects to unite befo.-e the altar of the
Almighty their prayers with ouiS, and
comme nd them to swear (3 lelity to us
and to our successor His Imperial High
ness, the Hereditary Grand Duke
Ni olas. ALLEX A N DRO V i TCH.
Given at St. Petersburg Anno Dom
ini 1881, and the firt year of our reign.
kjp iKO!.iEtT a um rii,.
Tne Ciuciuati Piet Current of this
week publishes an extended report on
the winter wheat crop, ei : teil g ic
lorts from nearly 100 m l in thl
v inter wheat belt. Taking all the evi
dence into consideration, with an imii
cation of some increase in the srrrans.
the crop may now r- considered gen
erally promhiing with s j roj eat of s
fair yield, not much, if any leaf, than
the pieceeding year. In Ohio, return
indicate a pretty fear condition of the
cr p and a generally favorable outlook.
Th m more complaint in Indiana
and th outlook is generally less faanr-
abfe than a year ago. In Illinois
favorable reports predomin ite and with
an apparent increase in acreage, as the
prospect sc-enis to favot an outcouif
equal to last year. Mis., rati and Km i-
t ti 1 Lll 11 ! mm.. - t' 1
r., a.u aonj.Ti uniiormsv lavor-
a li? and there is an increase in acresaa
In Michican and the winter wheat sec
tio:.s of Wisconsin and low;:, there is
much uncertainty, yet the i.-revailins
condition is Keen.inglj less favorable
than a year ago, excepting perhaps in
Iowa. la Kentucky prospects are
less favorable than a year i go. Unfa
vorable weather now and i;. the early
future, may considerably impair the
outlook, but on the other band favor
able conditions of weather which now
exist, if they continue a few "weeks,
will do great benefit.
KALLOCil'rt trial is now
along siewiy, and it u probable that he
will bo acquitted. The defense is try
ing to prove that ho was crazy, that he
acted in sdf defence, that he is entitled
to a leather medal for killiug De
Young on general principles, and the
Lord only knows what else, and what
surprise; in most is tha-: they can
prove anything they widi to.
The Oregon City Woolen Mill had a
830,000 fire this week, but as they are
insured for .$129,500 in thirty-four
companies outside capital will make
good the loss.
pleased Almighty God in His inscrnti- n supposing that the duty ol Mil-1 no Qr Rtocw )n p,.,,.,.
blewillto nsit Rmxoa with a heavy ling 'the lands embraced In the -
blow of fate and to call her benefactor, grant is itist upon i:ie eereury it i-
Eemnemr Alexander H to RiWir imposed by the act upon the State cauem erety year. Almost every B
F.vory few days wo hoar the in-
oHW iul V WW
. ..
it bo built ?" Wo firmly bollevo 11
Will bo built, or, at any rate, that a
renel will be pat through on the mate
propoeed by that corporation, MltH one
of the most feeslWe reoteenow known
hmnrnen the northwestern const line
dinar. v dua ls put forth by ether rail-
oil to them, and received the follow-1
iug answer :
Dk.cautv.i n r 01 mi: IsTSnion, I
Okstwiai, Lakd Orws,
ilt .. gg
9TM ,, ,f t. On
Qn- Your let tor of March 2d, I
18T8, addressed to the Honorable I
Secretary of the interior, respecting
lhe Willamette Valley and fac.ulc
Mountain Bond, has been referred to
.wt- ln-uv fnienlv I have to state
that under date of Sent. 24. 1871, the
(iovernor of Oregon formally ecr titled
- r ' .
ro 100 ewnpteuoa m mu roa.. ...
. .1 . . I A : . . i . M mm. .... I . f t k I
. . . . . 1 1 .... I In- I in irr ml itur
. T-il rL i .. ... ,n ....r
..41 ... Jlll .11.2, 1"". I. Jim l"-11
tificate the lands have been conveyed
to the State, and it ia n ' within tUe
I poeswr of lhi Depetrtmmt t inquire
into the regular,! ? - t: (.or. rur net.
RhAnM hn hliM-A that the Risto
authoritfes have Icon Imposed upon
I aUd that the road has not been actually
comtrueled as required by the act
referred to, you should present the
I tacts to the Governor, Wno wouki, t
presume, Institute appropriate Inquiry
" tho premises, ion are m error
Very Respectfully,
Kotwithst .'Hiding this had
been made, thenemle- of tho Oregon
Paeilic brought such Infioonceto bear
. m-m m r m m M
upon i an Bcnnrz, beeremry 01 "e
Interior, that he reported 1 '
patenting any more land t. ii. r sM
company ur.iii Congress Should inves-
tiato their title., of COttme,
was n hard stroke against the Oregon
Pacific and will have tho cfTV ct of de
laying the eDmrnoneemant of work
on their road, but tho enterprise i fan
the hand-! Of energetic men, backed
by Sufficient capital to do the work,
and wo have every reason to believe
that the roadarill be completed a far
IS this city by the time the bar at the
month of Yaipuina Davis improved
to admit of a .slightly larger of
vessel.-. Fifty thousand d :. .r has
already been appropriated by (JenglUSs
for the improvement of the War, work
has already been commenced under
the supervision of IT. S. engineers,
and there is no doubt now but that it
win b-j continued until Yaquina Bay
will rank among the beat harbors on
oar const This will cause the build
ing of the railroad mentioned, and
the benefit it wili be to our valley
cannot be estimated.
nxaxxxc ran ni:na u iH imkti.
It was killed when John Adams
heal Jelfe.-on in 17!7.
It was killed in 1828, w hen Andrew
Jackson was defeated by the coalition
between the friends of Joint Qulncy
Adams and Henry (May.
It was killed in by the u Hard
Cider GeiapnlgnM of Geneml Harrl
It was killed by the election of A bra-
ham Lincoln in 1 ';).
it was killed by the re-election of
Lincoln in 1 86 1.
It was killed by the election of
Grant in 1808.
It wa killed "very dead" by the
re election of Grant in 1872.
It was killed by the "courting out"
process in 1878.
It hael a popular majority in the
south, and with u small fraction of a
popular majority in the north and
west in the election of 1880.
It numbers over three milieus of
voters in the north and west, and
nearly a million in the south.
Its members cannot bo bought or
intimidated their faith is founded
upon the eternal principles of justice,
liberty and equality.
Long live the Democratic party.
We see by the disptches that Capt.
John D. Merry man has been nominated
by the President as Collector of Cus
toms at Astoria. This editor of the
Astorian had baited his hook for that
fish, but he will coma home now with
the usual fisherman's luck-. We mingle
our tears with yours, Dro. Ireland.
'Twas ever thui with editors.
An international Medic d and Sani
tary Exibition ia to be held in London
on the occasion of the meeting of the
International Medical Congress. It
will be open from July 1G to An i. 18,
Applications for space from America
will be receive 1 until April 16.
i j 1... i i
ngo. i of, Bf Way,
HilVH !l New nib ininer I I iii mm'
fPMby Col Ollder. th,
." - naiist o accompanied him upon
nM journey. Ah kmgei las
weether wee at ell mild them two
wHrtnernen remained in their rooms el
J a decided way they consented to
apartments I ever at ruck. Hides bits
of canvas, bones, fur clothes, every
thing that looks oihl and snails nil
savoi v, is scattered about the RoOT in a
profusion which is rich if not atti activr
A white men who had never been to
the north pole or thereabouts oonld no
"l0fe he iadneed to sleep within noes
range of soeh a eollectioa than he oonld
be made to fly. And it is nowoadei
wJw MQ iv(. in M(u.,,
: ... ,,. ,
Mm0,Iere genemtee hex
oimeniiy m conquering sncii mnes
as the weather minus an overcoat.
.,.. ,, , rftter.
niltIK il Ml SI M K.
While the account i of the hss o
stock in other counties ofOienon are
I Terr disconrsinnff, it stfords us pleasure
(to bo able to state that stock is. on the
I wiloi doimz well i; Baker countv.
I Wo lvmrmmA :,k Mvrml immiU
. , . . .
- s -
raising, sod they all tell mheuntmiiy
I the same tale, which is, that them is, es
count v
ku- county s' raiser puts up hay for
I his stock : hsy sufficient to feed them
with for four oi A:. -a in many ark
iol:.,er . a..,i ih-bm.!. crass is o
corfmj witi, haow HH to prevent stsSSfJ
B!11, feeding on u, this hay is fed
to lliv puios this, them am
! uv ,, r 1 localities in Snake River Yalley,
and aUo that of Malheur, whom ealtle
can obtain g' is even during hihIi a
winter t2 present. BfeVfffHt it in
well known, paw off die snow and pro
cure their CUStomsry supply of bunch
gmn much better than any other do
mestic animal, and hence very few am
lost from hunger. Hay in Powdei
River Valley i plentiful at present
and can be had for G.00(. $7.00 per
tn in the htack : and is the bef.t
natural bay in the world. Reveille.
in tun i: i tiat.ii
Gen. Mahene who now represents the
ROat State of Virginia in the Senate o
the (Jnitod States, has Bsade analli
ance with the Republicans, and by vot
ing with them will throw the organiza
ti(u of that body in their hands. Sen
ator Hill, of Georgia, gave the traitor
ona Senator a most terrible raking on
the floor of the Senate last Monday, on
account of his desertion. Senator Ma-
hone is a disgrace to Virginia, and that
great State will not occupy the promi
nent place in the Democratic ranks
which the has always held, until sin
gets iid of this second Benedict Ar
Tax growth of the country and the
large additions to the national wealth
during 1880am strikingly illustrated by
the products of the mil, of which wi
raised 475,000,000 bushels cf wheat,
100,000,000 bushels of corn, 11:
000,000 bushels of oat.s, 24,000,000
bushels of rye, 40,000,000 bushels ol
barley and G, 000.000 bales of cotton,
to my nothing of tobaeoo, sugar, rice,
hemp, hay and other cropa, and hog
and daiiy product;-', which yield an im
mouse sum of money in the aggregate.
In plain words, the United States now
raises enough to feed her own 50,000,-
000 of people, and to supply the dsfi
ciency of the balance of the civilized
woj Id.
It is noted by the Washington Na
tiontd Republican that "Fernando Wood
was a member of the Congress which
appropriated $30,000 in aid of Profess
or Morse's experimental telegraph lino
between Washington and Ualtimore.
?.Ir. Wood voted for the appropriation,
and was, in consequence, defeated, in
his next race for Congress, his constitu
ents having no confidence ia the judg
ment of a representative who was will
ing to give his countenance to such a
visionary scheme as communicating
human intelligence over wires hung on
GoOn farming land appears Lo lie
worth as much in California s in tho
ESast, The Bsquon, or Grid ley grant,
lying on the east side of lbitte Creek,
near Nelson Station, has been sold by
the trustees of the Grid ley estate to
Leiand Stanford, for the sum of $850,
000. This grant contains over 15,000
acres of the finest farming land in that
section of the country. Coy. Stanford
intends to convert the grant into a
stock farm
IT Htl
GntcAoo has 14 .netnralised China
In 1880 Pertagal imported nearly an
much AnicricMn wheat as WOS received
by ( lermany.
Oaat Bonvas as sditor of the St.
Lotthj TinifH will initko 1 1 1 i 1 1 : . lively in
the columns of that Western polities!
lY.rnil (' celebrated his nine
tieth birthday by giving !(.ti(i() to
eluni'able objecltt. What a noble ex
ample is hci e!
Vara DeuoLASs will be reappointed
Marshal of the District ol Columbia.
A. ar.NTLK.ifAX wi lting trom Uontene
says the snow is from (hue to f,,ui
mm uoep, aim oiten irom nine to
twelve. 41 I fear I shall lose all mi
initio and sheep. I paid .t." for tin
last ton of hay I bought for them."
lur. cflect of General HkobelofTs
victories STS not mly being fait in Cen
tral Asia, but are extending into India
rhe nfloenee of England is weakened
that of Itn.sMia stmngt ned, and Ihtro
psaa poweve am oompeilod note it
A.aot r 60,000 bushels of wheat wen
shipped from St. luis, Sunday, by
barges to New Orieans on foreign at
......... i ..... ..I ..
imimm, mum .,imu nuslo iH ol rye were
withdrawn from eleratom Monday (or
European shipment vii New Orleeae.
Tin; area of Great Britain, exclusive
of London the metroiadis, is 72,1 17,
"hi aores, four fifths of which, or 53
000,000 aires, mid for whieh runt is
paid, are in the bands of the landed
eatry. Little of tbU sen be Hold, as
it is entailed, and in reality no one . m
be end to he Its legitimate owner, as
no one can dispose oi it.
OaniXAav (armors p along rest
after vent, making mistukeH without
knowing it. In far too many r.iHen
tiny do iei know whether they riro
getting such returns for their labor sad
eapital a ti.. should. Tla V himnlv that I hell expenam uro hitgs
enough tO eat tij. n tho HMHSOy th.-y
can get hld of.
KaFOLKOS thu Kiiht a.iid that nri
enltnm was the body and eon of the
Empire, ana in thr height of bin glory
he give the subjeot attention atel u-
OOUmgSment, and mtahlislKsl in France
a departmeat of agriculture. From
the Urt gieli to this ait, the
nursing mother of all arts, Pianos him
beoome the licheot and one of the molt
powerful and properoiis among the
the OOflle of the earth; thirty nine out
of every forty of hi population, ao
eexding to sir Robert Peel, do not
u.i haa imeomuff but bur . .i... i.u.-
lilt in 1 1 o i or u. uv
MOWS tenches in that t!eo. Steel ha
been appointed po.tumhter nt Portland,
which the Mine is n terrible liek on the
great and pouions Harvey Seutt, of
the OregoRutn. During the Pronkisu
tial campaign there was in reality two
ltepublican State (.'oUiinitte'K, the
head of the legtlhim being Steel, a
strotig Mitchell man, and the head of
the other II. h Sanborn, one of the
"H jont.ut O.'iCXei H. VT hen 11 WilM
known that (iarfield had been success
ful each of the RepnUieen factions
wished to reward their " dishnrshag
SgentST with the Portland Kstoflice,
and the fight Iuim been watt bed verv
closely, us the teHult will demonstrate
which wing of the Republican party is
to control the federal patronage of tho
State. The UOWS cam:: that tho I'rcsi
dent had recommended the appoint
meutofSterl instead ol" Saubern hist
Tuesday night, but the (Tiwjoas'im of
Wednesday contained no notice of it,
which makes US 'hink Scott is in a fit
of sulks. This has been fair fight,
but the adulterous ex Senator carried
too many guns for Harvey-
ru u ir eoaamm.
I'alles expects a new court
Ashland is soon to have a fine new
Gold exists in paying quantities on
the creel: near Ashland.
A company has recently been formed
at Linkville to manufacture furniture,
blinds, etc.
Capt. Beltmemh, of Yandes & Co.,
Sterling, picked up a gold nugget worth
$20 recently.
Jacob ah, one of Jackson county's
most prominent men died last week.
A wife and daughter are left to mourn I
his loss.
Sturgis & Co., on Jackson creek,
Jackson county, have several hands em
ployed this season, and expect to make
S profitable run.
Mr. Woodson, of Ashland, shot a
man who was trying to steal grain
from his grainery lust week, but never
theless the thief escaped.
The Mouutaineer learns from Messrs.
McCoy 6z Armstrong, of Dufur, that
the loss of sheep in that section have
teen very severe with some, while
others have escaped with little loss or
none at all. The latter cases aro
where, feed has been provided. Mr
George F. Wells has lost all but 1,231
of a band of 4,800 sheep. V. Lim
mcroth has 1,201 left out of a band of
2,300. Harrison Bros.,- have but 200
rem a band of 1,000. Dufur Bros.,
ost very few during the winter as they
lad plenty of feed put up and fed con
There Im n tolnl ofH ., milen of lidewalk
n Fugone t'lty which Imve been hid at a
eoet of 10,910. v
The LaaS enunly tSSfllSrS1 IttStUotS hSd
a very interesting ssmiou in Rugene City
on tho '.Mb and ttHli in f .
The. Sllary ol the deputy clerU Of bane
enmity ban been fixed at $(i.iO per year :
Hint of the deputy sheriff at '(kj par year
There are GUi shlldrsn of KbOOl nge In
tho Kugene Ketiool dlHtilct. Thv taxable
lropcrty hi the dltrlet Is returned if
I78,9I9 1 number of legal voter, no..
.John KoIkuIh ban h-eu bound over In
tho sum of eSOv to answer at the next term
of tim Circuit Court for bane comity tor
an unprovoked nsmlt upon a Chinaman.
r',i(,s Mnil i Tho IndlcatloiiH nru that
the eomhi Hummer will be the SSOSt active
hi thu In..- ol Mhlp-buildliiK that WO have
Keen within Hoveral yenis past. There me
now three VOSSSls underway. That it
Blmpson'l shipyard st North Bend Is
planked and will prohubly be launched
in about a month. She It to Ijc rigged a
a barken tine, and u not sxpeoted to run
to IhU port. We understand that Immedi
ately alter she If hunched, another vcmoI
wHJ heeemmeuesd at the nunc plat e, which
wlll reipihe tli remainder of tho MUSM
to complete. Il alio umlci ttooil fhal
Bead will oommeom another at Dean a
( 'o.'m shipyard, utter the tug it lauit( lnsl.
Mr. Kl!eu t ulh,rt'on, a niece of llev.
Daniel Bagley, of neattle, iiei t Booak,
King comity, recently ( ippoplexy. She
wan 'i-'J year- old and had hut lately aniv-
ed Irom N'ebra-Lt.
The water pipe factory "l Tumwater b
running a lull fnee of men. on a contract
of 1 1, (smi f. et efesjdd Inch pips f r parthn
hi Nevada. V. N. Iloitou ii in thst Mate
mpsrinteodlng the laying o thu pipe
The demand for this pipe i rspklly in
Logs am In k,;,m' demand in Hesttleat
Irom SI ."lO'i.'i 50 K-r 1000 led, a.eordlnu
to the quality, mid piles are selling it
f . A ' A m m B.
mini .t- , io i-j Benii mt iota, ami arc in
! deSSSnd hie home OSS ami shipment
to San Pranclsco. Ioggets thonhlexet
e.itunbloat thr.e liurex.
On the 13th Mis. A. F. Knowles died
Irom the ell'eetn of an ovenloe of morphine,
si Modeahv Calltemla.
On the I. 'it h. Mesnn. .1. I.. Ji ruemn,
"iiperlntemlent of the Li OrsngS Omml
Mining Co., aad F. f. Btmngi eictk of the
0, WOTS drowned. They wete ftudiiij; :.
tlver, near La Oranges and drove into
deep water. Moth leave famlllei.
(.'ooko t Shis' pioneer box ISftOfJ bun.
ej In Saetamento. ( aM on lhe P.Mh. f.o-
ni' r .'o.ot.
WtB. Gale, negro, wa lOttttd guilty ol
rapo iiou Addie (hie, year o!d, ot Sac
rameuto, CaL, on th- 1 Jlh.
Mows Bites
l he Northern ftchls people bad m
nounei d their determination to build a lino
oi reed down the north side oi the Colom
bia river, mid as thU wonld 1oom.-u the grip
which the Oregon Hallway and Naviga
tion Company have on tttc "upper coun
try" through their steamboat lines and
railway on tho south ide of the river, Mr.
Vilhrd, Piaaidsntof the O. It. & N.Co.
formed the scheme of purchasing a centrel
ine interest in the X. I'. I hi I road compa
ny, bo as to thwart fill design, and bSVS
the upper Columbia river country at the
mercy of tlic O. 11. t . Co. An will be
ecii by the dUpntcbes, Ikj Ira fluccocdvd in
hU (lenign. and the company he reprcseati
will remain lor an Indclinlte ieriod ma-ter
of the kltuaUon. aud the BSOOlS will lie
comHdled to Htibmit to anything tiic com-
pany may cc tit lo impose in the way of
freight ami iacngcr charge. The com
pany can be fair aud4lileral with the Ieo-
picof that motion hut wUitf net hi
thS question.
The Htcamboat aa ihrtr.l was burned
st SL Iul on Sunday., S7.j,000.
(iov. rill-bury, of Minnesota, has aj
toiiitcd Ceo. A. F.dgertou, of Kaon coun
ty, I'nited Stairs Suitor to Jill the vacan
cy made by the sppohateaant oi windom
to the cabinet
It Is reported that the Ilocr's terms are
so dictatorial that jieaec Is Impossible.
The I'reHldeut ha nomiuated Staid y
Matthews to be Associate Justice of the I".
S. Supreme Court; I).iu. A. Punlee. o
Louisiana, to lie U. S. Circuit Judge; John
W. Howell, of Illinois, to be dire tor ol
the 1' tilted States geological survey.
Henry Y . Hwight has been apjohite 1
register of the land olllec it Li Grande,
(ieo. M. Tike, aged l'i, suicided near St.
Helena, California, on the Uth, becauebc
had been chid id for some little thing.
On the 1 Ufa Alexandrovlch SSOSBXlSd the
Russian throno as Alexander III, and issu
ed hi manifesto to his subjects.
Advices from Calho to the Kith of Feb
ruary, state that the ship Amlrcf Mr 'ollnm
arrived with Knghsh coal on board, but
finding thu duty Imposed by the Chilian
port authorities to bo prohibltorj', lis .'kl
per ton, she was ordered to proceed to San
Francisco. The object of this excessive
duty is to force the consumption of Chili
coal, which Is admitted treo ot duty.
The trlkc of miners In the Starr and
(irovo mine, at Lewis, Nevada, ended In
the miners being set to work at an increase
of wages. The miners bad been notified
of a reduction in wages to $3. They bad
been getting $3 f0 per day, and immedi
ately struck for $ I. The attempt to pot
on hands at $3 50 per day was then pre
vented by the miner's union. Trouble
followed in which Edward was killed aud
two non-union members wounded. Tho
Superintendent then put tho men at work
at $1, and left for San Francisco.
Maj. (1i:n. Upton, author of " Up
ton's Military Tactics," committed sui
cide at Presidio, CaL, last Tuesday by
shooting himself through the head with
a revolver.
BisMAitu's .son has eloped with the
wife ot one of tho Prussian princes,
and the affair has caused "considerable
trubbles mit der Tutch."
la lin 's Exaiiilunllon.
The public examination of applicants for
teacher's certificates, will bo held at the
Court Heuse, in Albany, on March 30th and
31t, 1881. J. L. (ilLBKUT,
Co. Supt.
Notary Public,
Collections promptly made on all points.
Kotl or t liko ond Phytic Int.
rocoznzaond it.
dm World's fffwxst Pnln-Ko-lievfXlg
reined U'F. Tliey iu nl,
hooHio nod euro Burnt
WoiiiiiIh, Wsmk llwk and
itlieiuiiutlHiii upon MsaUtSHM
Sprains, Calls and 1.:uik ii' mh
i jxrn PfUIStSi !' ni, jui !
and reliable
CPURTS of t!l!tr.ntlne Mncr.,
SmililoB. Ci ncklluK Pain t in tho
Head, rot bl Drouth, Doafuo&,
:i :iny Catarrhal Complalut,
"o r juirmlnotftd hy Wol Do
cr'n Catarrh Caro, a Conntl
:tuaal Antidote, by Aborp
Tha raokt Important Di
v 4 y base Vaccination.
It in n painful nlnlit to hi:- young bebun
in timir leens with wrinkled hhi prcmi
lurwly old thee; im verllieloia it U iiiU'
eomaaonnnd t anv one who birv:Mthe
lun nt Urn limes tin- ri.ioii Uvory iDOn
lent. Owfuxtolbu limiting advortlMiuionU
mi. I Im.itiih . 'ilin. ;iten. In whn-h tiro iommI
(ho n. in. of eminent tiliynlciaiiN an 1
clicmUlM, the iiiiHUHx.-tiuK uiwl ereduIoUH
uavo iH'i'U unlm-ed to uw miih .i llio nt
c!iil leiuiil Ix'itutiiU'rM, nil of which an
known to im poattrvely injuriooa, ami if
iihr. for anv lenrtli i.i tinic win ucnioy
the complexion, llml u will In-next I'.
imiMmsible lt rcOoe it. Mother alioulil
1 very careful to w that their diOghfOfS
do not tiM tlione pn-paralioiiM, hut ank for
an. I ohtaiu Bhwon's Baraalcsa Voaemtte
1'ac Powder. the Onlv harnilens Icautlher
tor kuIm tV Kohay A Manoii, 'jut
lhe k, Main St., Athany, )r. -1
o CamllwaKO Use VerM.
hen we nav we N'Uewo havcevi-
ilniiee to j. rove I hut Shiloh Dniiniintiou
Cnm Is decidedly the let Luii? Mndieino
madt. hMemnoh an it will mm comoaon
or Ohronle . -Ii in oo halt the lime,aul
relievo Ahthinu, liroiuhitr., Whooping
rough. Croup, and ahcas more .i ol
'oiiMumpliou cured than -all other. It
will euro Whom thej fail, it i pwaSMM to
take, hiiiliilenx to llio MiUlieM' ehll'l aixl
we L'Ufir.iliii o what v..- -:tV. I'll e, lo
W etn. ami $1.00. If vur Luuir are
Cheat or lUck lame, u-e Khlloh'n 1'orotia
l'laU'r. S4.1.I by I'ohay A Ma-.n, I 'rug
glatM, AUmny, OfOgOn. BM
Q. -
Bmeybodj that baa tried Ainmen'a
Cough Syrup txhlllllllCB Its um' ; loaid".
thev tell the:r neiuhbora of It. Wo were
ltadron More tne other day and a run
tomer nked for a l.otth oT Ammeii
Couich Inua arlnat. "I do not know
anything' atut It tuyaetC, bat my neigh
hor advuiod me to bur It for my OOld, am
telN mo thai tho u.e ot tim e l..ill- haa
entirely curod bin eoiigh of two years
Htamlh.c. in f.wt he .ivn 'It ih ttie In-nt
fiiHilii ine in Ihrt World f(ir rolU'llM. eohlN
and Iuhl eomnlalntH,' and that a oue-dol
lar Ih.u!.. did film more t;ood than all the
pr CriptlOtM be had from lhe dH'.4rH.
iur asfeeeai
I i.ilouuic a correct rcn-at el tin-mar
krts in thl c it) up t' lew. ii i t. i.irt :
WllKAT S5 easts per baahaL
FLGl ft-gj5 psrhbL
HAT haled, M0tl pel ten.
POTATOES GO ct jr buahoi
l.i'TTKU -r. to :to , tH jKr ih.
BOCMI conta per do.
roi:K to :.' ear jair ih.
BACONS JiauiH. l.Vi IS-.
riandeaasj m
idee, l J .
MUSI) FlttTT dried Ap4c, luc.
" " plum.", I4c.
1 'limit!., r dried appka, lie
- " plum, me,
OB ick ins - $2..-ti n.oo ht dan
si'UAi: -dm "mneismC, ISa
COlTKi: C.wla Tiica, ISJol'JlK.
.Java. MB.
Cumda US.
Uio, tS.
MILL KKKM- bnn, 1V.. l 1 jer ton.
chop, $2u.
e)ul t . l."l.
ii.'nlhtigs. ('JO.
Ill I kl I S IKM t MM :
The last salve in the world fer cuts, bruts
i, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tot
tcr, chapped hand, chilhlaius, corns aud al
r m
kiiniH ot skin eruptiuiis. i ms save is guar
auteetl li give periei-t sunlsctioii i:i every
case or money reiundcd. Price .. ier box
For sale by Foshay and Mason, w hiduaalc
Ols ; l MiHire, Sel.i ; 11 I' oh'V, Li bation
I'r Powell, Lehannu : licilpath and Mon
tague, Jelleraon ; DM Calbreath. Pueua
ista ; O OofellBI, Turner ; K A Itainpy,
Harrishurg ; Starr and Itlakelv, Browns
ville. $5.25
in adrsace wo will send to
any addles for one year
CRAT. And for
iu advance wo will send
to auy address for a year
WKKK1.Y and the DEMO-
Thousandn of soldiers anil heirs are en
titled to tensions, with payment from dato
of diachargo or death, if applied for befere
January 1. 18S0. Wound, accidental in
jury or disease outitloH to a Peuaion.
Bounty and back pay collected. Ineraeae
of Pension Hecureu. 'This firm established
in istid. Address, enclosing mam p. ED
BOM BKOS., U. S. (Maim Attorneys, 711 O
Stroet, Washington, D.
Home Vov lltn Igiants.
Tnxan is the state that is doftined at
no far distant dav to become tho empiio of
tho south. Should you want to learn more
about tho great atato send 1 2.00 to the
Brown County Banner, published at
Brownwood, Texas, tor a year's subscrip
tion, or $1.00 for six month i.
Slat en's C herry Tooth Caste.
An aromatic cornbination for the preser
vation of the Teojh and Hums. It is far
superior to any preparation of the kind in
the market. In largo, handsome opal
pots, price 50 cents. For salo by Foshay
tit Mason, Albany, Oregon.
inventors and 1'atentees
should send for instructions, terms, refer
ences, etc., to Kdaon Brothers, Solicitors of
Patents, Washington, D. C,, who furnish
the satno without charge. Kdson Brothers
is a well known and successful firm of large
experience, having been established in ltioti.
Mr. J. II. Bates, Newspatier Advertis
ing Agent. 41 Park Row (Times jBuilding)
New York, is autnorizea to contract ror
advertisements in the Dkm . chai: at our
best rates.
ii:i li nirrrfrr.
V. P, O. A. Meet at their rooms in Pea
U-r'n brick building on Wednesday evenings
at 7. '10 o'clock, and on K,iWath afternoon at
4. lhnunej laeetiiii'K are field on tho even
ing of the second Monday in ea-h month.
Hverjfbody invited to aafsna.
U. P. I'licKcif. - I're:hingftvery Sahbath,
at II A. ., and 7 i: M. by Ilev. f . . Ir-
vine. I). I). Sabbath School at 2:.W r. M.
'rayer Saiathig every Thursday evening.
Kranpii irm. Oeimnaj Preaching n Hai-
nth at II A. M.t and 7J f. M. Sabbath
Sehxl I2:l.'. Prayer meeting every Hia re
lay evening. W. C. Kaiitnei , pastor.
OSMBaoATfrmAI.ClK m H.- S-rvices every
Hahhath at 11a. M. and 8 r. m. Sahhath
geheel at 2:.'IO. Prayer mwrting on
Thursday evening of each week. .). W.
Harris, paitor.
M. K. Cinun if, Soeru. Services ev. ry
BahbaUl at St. Paul's M. K. Church, South,
at II A. M. and 7i r. m. Sabbath Kchfl
at li l: m. Prayer meeting every Tnurs-
laycvenng. M. U. afwaar. pastor.
M. i;. Cin iii il, Preaching every SabUith
at II A. M. and 74 r. m. Song service in
the eveniiii' hefurc , . rinon. hhath S hool
t 'I 'M) r. M. Prayer meeting every Thura
lay evening. I. lollon, j-asUr.
Bamar Catencn. Sorvioea every Sabh ttb
at 11 a. M. and 7i v. t. Sabbath Kchool at
12. Prayir meeting every Thunnbiy even
ing. V. J. Crawford, pastor.
rsmirisiiia Cim hmi. vr. . r
Sabbath morning and cvenin in College
iiap' l. Suiulay School imint-matHy rltertlu
morning ma'vice. Prayer meeting every
Thaiaday erenhuc Boy. Libert IS. Zooum,
sror i ii it oi ..
If you arc eaflcrin with a -. ve:e trough,
eld, ahtlima. bronchitis, ha fver, con-
KUUiptinii.luss of voice, ti -kbug in tie throat
or anv a fleet ion of the tnroat or lungs, use
I'r. Kind's New Ihf. o ry i..r oii-iiiiiption.
I hu u tier ureat rcwiirdy tnat is eaiuing o
much excitement by it wonderful cures,
urnnf thouMUtds of honrh-ss casts. "vtr
one million Imttles of Or. Ring's New lh-
overy have been used w ithin the hud year,
ami have given perfect salisfaiioa in every
iiutaie-rr e can uiihemtatmly ' mat
tin- hi reallv the only sur .- cure J..r throat
aud luii4 atlectioiis, and can ckerfully rec-
ommend it ti all. i;I and k t a trial iiottic
frmi. i.f cmt i.r n rctrulir .ie i4ir !'"
safe by
Foshav and Mason, w hol.-f.ale aj-eiiU Alla
Il Mi.rna Siio : I r. I r olrV. l-i..v
non ; I'r. ... al. i oweii. ia o;uioii .
Calbinatte. Bucna VmU ; IteafetU and Mm
a. . m tl t . Il 11
tmfe. Jeataasan ; 0. H. P. Coroehux, Jur
ner ; 1.'. A. Kany. Harred.urg ; S S
Hsyes, Halsev ; lanii SmiUi, Hal V
Starr and Plakely, ProwuM ill--.
I t IS Ol S OPLItt S! .LK.
Annie Iuis? Carey and flara I.uise
KeMoLfir are Ix-yond iMc-.tioii the inn-l la
mi. mm iiihti slnirers t.f miHleru time. In
fa.-t thev have Oeeii univernallv ai knewl
adtmd to ! the leader-of th -ir oroh-Ksioo
an wel :m adiesol larL'e -x H-rieii.-e uii'l
articularJv goil (ate. They liavo prob
ably traveled more extensively tliao any
ladle-, on the M tire, and, an a oiem-
have hail excellent opjortunit.e of judg
ing of tho merits of sanerowl eonaiiioBanH
tbi ir productions. It ix certainly a very
jn-iit credit to California and the balmy
w-iiu-t rotiical climate of the pacific, to have
had them iiromunce SUven'i Yosemite
Colo".e by far the i.e-it they have ever
used in any count rv. l or aa!e oy rs:iay
X MiiM.n, P.HiU r's Prk k, Albany, r.
(lu- of the lab-st and aitleuil in-Mi.ili Hit
mt ptrfe- t si-wing machine now h fore th-
public t( the "lUvin;-' why tie y adwdlj
make out of stripo ef eteSh cus. uuc. r,
baskets, etc.. in p ttt I I ihafft We uv mic
at the Aih4.i1) u;-m y smi t ti. r -ti tir-vnv
-auip'e.i of practical ...... n ;t-l v. ill y
tliat there ar. thiugH uev. i 1 ;' ..- ;;;a ;. 'in a
Sewing Machine. C an.! .. : -r v urs-l.c
and memraseed. W, B. tt, Agani,
411 U!iiil el f.UTtibrr.
Wo have for sale, b th at IxLaonand
Oraas Kidge,:ii,(s i U at "i a.', ki lum
ber, auch as arautliug, jaUU, hrn la ihavB.
boxing, laaeuig, and other ro ;h iumhec
At Ulauua we have amperier lot id dry
lumber, such at naatie, lliHir;...-. i I a :ug
to Die late fire, wo are offering thai leather at
reduced rates. Addresa u at leeesMat
OOXS bin n il Kits.
IjtnANof. Or., July 31. 1'.
fon existing botws:i I'nas. P.. Monta
gue and J. W. Cuaiek, in the Oetieral Mcr
ehandw buefTiess in Is-bation, Linn coun
ty, Orotron, and in Cattle ami 11 er-o rais
ing in Wasco county, Oorgoii, is this day
:ed by mutual consent, Mr. J. W.
Cusick retiring from the mercandiso and
Mr. hfoi taguc from the stock rai-itij; but
lnesa. Lkmaxon, March 3d. lsl.
C. It. MoXTAOl E.
L W. Cvmcsc
Heferring to tho alove, I leg leave lo
liear my lestluionv lo llio integrity and
ability of Mr. C. P.. 'Montague, with whom
I have been associated with in litiMiiesa
for the jast live years, ami bespeak for
him that UbOSUl patronage which has been
so generously Ivestowed on the old liriu.
Lkiianon, "March 3d, 1SSL
nSSwS J. W. CiMca.
Pinal Settlement.
the undersigned, Administrator of
the estato ot John Sillier, deceased,
has filed in the County Court for Linn
County, state of Oregon', his final account
of the administration of said estate, and
by order of aaid Court Mondav, the
nil day of April, 1S8I, at tho hour of
1 o'clock P. M. of said day, is set for
hearing objections to said final account
aud the settlometit thereof.
J. K. Wkatiierford, Administrator.
Attorney. 3
Under the Gaslisht !
es of life in tho (ireat Metroivclis af
ter dark. Tho most interestinir and thrill
ing book ever issued. Rich, Rare aud
Racy illustrations. Tho only book that
describes acurately the wickedness of the
ureal citv of Now York. Sent Dost paid
for only f0 cents. Stamps taken. Address
M H'KRT. rUBl.lslllNu Co , Brownwood
100 bushels of Red Brazilian Artichokes.
hO bushels of Peorloss Potatoes.
i!00 buu'jols of CJarnet Chili Potatoos.
I will .sell these out in lots to suit pur
chasers, charging for tho artichokes $1 per
Discount on largo amount a. Address
moat Albany. J. R. Robkrts.
rersons wishing to effect loans upon ap
proved security can ho accommodated by
applying to C. IL HEWITT,
ti'Toole's Rrick Block, Broadalbin St.,
Albany, Oregon. 20tf
A great portion of the suffering and dis
tress of this country is duo to tho fact that
the people take too' much physic and too
many drugs. If you want to preserve
your health, save doctors' and druggists'
bills, uao the Csllforuia Pine and Euca
lyptus Porous Plasters for all pains. For
sale by Foshay & Mason, Foster's Brick,
Main St., Albany, Or.
riATEllTC J- m. MUler, Solicitor of
fA I EH I Osl'att-iit!., 017 Seventh St., or llox
229, Wsnlimiftim, D. C. No lee nsUireU unless est
cut is obtained. Stnd for circular giving tcnus, Ac.
Kutabliihcd 1ST0.
lir-oii. -antlpntlun lumi.
Philitdfdphia. Pa., Oct. 4, 1K7P.
If. IL Warner A Co.-Hents. For tho
Iaat ten yearn I hav Kufforeil the evil ef
foeta of what mlnht be termed ehroedeeea-
i i pro ion ; iny skin Ix-ciin. VfJIoiv and my
nver wm an oui ru oruer; l tred all the
remedies that eould e obtained, and that
wan all I eoiihl do, after finding no relief
from regular medicine treatment, and I
miHiiy eoiimieiicen using your remedies.
i iitmi. iriwi iiib i-iiis, ano at lli end of one
week mv bowels had attaineil a ti ularii v
ami healthy action unknown for years. I
was so pleawil with the etJeet that I con
cluded to trv a ottle of v,nr Kiiiatm ...i
although I have not entirely umm1 the lirt
lxuie, J am so perceptibly improved and
toneil up that I write to you giving this
voluntary t'-stimomal to the exfvilloiice of
your remedies. Yours truly.
K J. nmiiiif
bltfd V H AtGI bi FLOU l it.
Ills natural for p-oplo sufb-ring with
Iiysrxinhia and Liver om p aint, or anv
derangement of the digestive organs, hueii
as Sour Stoma'h,Sir k lllahe, llabtlual
OoStHreaJCaS, Palpitation of tho Heart,
Jf carl-burn, V aler-brash, gnawing ami
burning j.aiiis at tho pit of tlie .Stmach,
Yolow Skin, Coated Tongue and di-nr. -e-abio
hiato in tho rnouth,ejoming up of food
after eating, low sjirits, Ae., U putotrfrvss
day to day buying an article that they
know has cured their neighbor. Mead or
relative, yet they have no faith in it until
it is too late. Put if you will go to jresw
druggista, Pbflhay A daaon,and get a hot -lie
of ft iiKKK'a SWoeaW J'iWK.k your im
uil'diato euro is as exirtain as you live.
Sample bottle of thi- medicine can le ob
tained for 10 cent to try it sujerior vir
te. Iteicmar aiito cotita. 'i'rv it: two
tbrMiA will relievo any ease.
goiiiK lo a deeSOf for a prowrrijaiou, if you
have r.ntit a lutea-ie, liaU-u, Pain in
the Beefc and Letaa, Smarting, Inflamma
tioti. Calculi, J, rick-dust letKmi;, rr ajiv
trouble of tho Kidneys or Bladder, buy a
oen.o or nr. Minim h o;lir-tH'um, lb"
gn-al Buchu Compound. It is thu most
wonderful prescription lor the.e troubles
ever coin pounded. Messrs. Abraiua A
arroll, wholesale drtiirvi.!. m ; "We
rej;ar i Nephreticum u-. the ls--.i kidney
and Idailuer reined v in lhe market.-'
Woodard, druirtiirt, Portland, r.. oava:
Kvervbsly stsiiks hi"hl v of t." I'hiids.
druggist, Portland, Or., Maya: "Sold less
of u; it always doc the work." Many
have ltfoii virm of obstinate kidney
after tho iIikIom liav giieii them
up. rin-e, :2. For sale bv ail drag'
- - mjl mm
health, and yet many are aullerifig : .. nr
tii'ts ol lhe rlaiimwl with lvpei.ia a hen
aahigle tatie of Hit. miniik's i s..
PKBalA IfldLII Miil nlief, and, i:
p I in, v. ill M:re liio worn ia-e of
this daatmssiag trouble, lids mil -ures
Torpid Liver and Bili uisness, J-cniaU.s
the Bowels, r.iie. M t'.niples from the
Fe, curee saifi-w oeafdexioej, Feed
iiresth.Hiek Headaehe, Ileal llwi . lain
in Uasgaaee and Be i : i- Boper-eeeSadand
TA BLR. It acta direct v on the eatiiiir of
tho Stomach and on the Liver. 'an I
taken in any elm:.. u.-t or dry weather.
Bearare eC lavdtatioaa. Thu g- i.-. i:.- hii
an engraving of a Bon on the TMfride
wrapper. Prlea, 50 ceada. Por mle brail
THE aVMRatlCAal Pi:oi'i.i
No m egls In ine world aaaaaraa much
with Dyspepsia ae American, ft b hough
years of experience in medicine hail faded
to accomplish a certain and sure resaeSh
for this diaeasc and iu t-ifecta, suHi as Sour
gknsaaefe. Heart-burn. WOfw In ash, fltiil
Ilea hu he, Cotiveness, pal pita! ion of the
Heart. Liver Complaint, coining up of the
fssl, how spirits. genOIl debility, etc.. t
-Irn-e the iiitro liu ii ,n of t ; kkk ' AOOOinr
h'tj.wy.n wo believe there is no case of
I V -w-pM.i u,:tt -a.iij.t l. inimI.M;el v ro-Iu-v.
d. rvi.tss) il- 7'ti sold list year with
uit one i-a of failure, report e-l. tin lo
votir druprht.-i, Fshay t Mason, and get
a sample boftle for lo ints and try iu
1V eSM Will relievo you. K-guIasio
7" cuts.
Itk.l rmSsSS Hotter,
Taken before reliring. will hiMirc a good
!iichl's east, with an awakening In the
r s) mr.rn to health, courago and vigor.
For c.aied tongue. ti l breath, Bick head
acb', r any ilisturlrain o arh-ing from dys
tiepaia or torpid liver il L without a peer,
lis aetioa l u dkawmls entirely diflereiit
beau .my medieitc ever introduced, qui. :
mg paius almost insUiUiy. The hue and
ry ra:--l agin-t k by patent medicine
een, who ha.o mrseeu in it advent thy
destruction of their netaiioua tusiness,
and She thuiisanus of unsolicited testmn.
tuaU llowing in from all parts of tho Now
VFejrhaj is a sure indication of its-great
m-rits. Trial size at all Drug Ston s. Half
(-inn i le .Ulei. 7". r.Hii. lusha) u tlK
SOU. -ol' AgfutH.
The leuetiial discovery oi tho
ii'iilury l jr man is Auiuiou's Cesajfe Njr
rup. A wealthy gentleman, w Im claims
that i: en'irely curtsl him of incipient
Mimpiiou, oil'ered So.OvO for the formula
and the right te manufacture and sell it to
the sorid, which was refused. The tt-m-edy
stands tioti iu. own merit. A l.Wtiit
sample bot.lowill convince the most skep
thalof ita virtues. Trv it. Il may save
your life. All respectable druggists keep
it, at IS aaeSa, IB cents, aud si.
r Li"
tlsHs: illnjt t.. ..rl. -n il nm "do. a .r.
aibv rint 111 UuirKAii ktraiitirs. llae ik unmr V.
explain Urrv. itusiiirm plesant v. 1 1.' . -i V
i.kii. ami l.s i..l Krl U ss cil x tia-H. We sii.
furiitsli t.i. . - i.ii itiilfii frw. Wc wilt tyjrn
IS.11W 4 rtjkrung j.u. IsrUeulars Inrc. Wriw ail
ee. Kanis-rs ami itinrhaiium, their .ti.- ai..
tern, sjmI all classes in need k4 jriac "rk at l.
Ii..ul I snu-lo u aisl learn a! about tkr vmk u
imoo. AU cress Tsi K a Co.. Augusta, Maine.
To i.11 h ari sufTfrinu frr-m tho erirrs il Imlis
crctiotM ,4 youth, ncriuus eskncss, t-arlr tk-B. .
I utanhixMi, A.., 1 sill S4i.i a ri.-ipe Uuit wi:! iuif
you, t i;t 1; OF I'll A HUH. This great ins'w.y
J; ,-,. . 4 uuaeionary iu N.u.h A mrua. Sriul
s acll-aUilrcOTt'U euvtl'-i to Iu Ut. Joki ii "1 . ls
MAN.SiUuuii 1, See Auik f. U m
UAUry in; nude faster titan
eitls-l he . call nan PM a seek in their on l .i.. if
they arc v.i'!ir.t work. No risk. $S oultit Irtr.
Anyone can run tlie lui:ies- Caiital not n-uircd.
All wlio mirage nvatrr. No orie fail !srtienl--4
Irw. AiUItim. 11. Ilium I .... 1'hiI-ihI. Jlae..
will make you a pair of Boots
that will lit you according to
your idea of a lit, aud will keep
them from running over, with
his Patent Counter and Shank
Brace, and Steel-Edged Heels ;
also in good' repair, if neces
sary, for six months, for Six
ot.fl4 TKUS linger Ale, Spark -
ling Wines and ail Carbonated Levenigts.
Apparatus Bsf Msklna. Uoillius muU MO
Complete Outfits, Materials and Suppliee.
bUiblished 4S years. Illustrated and
Prioeil Catalogue sent to any address on
application. Send your orders direct to
First Ave , 2Cth and 27th Ms., New York.
Executor's Notice.
tho undersigned has been duly ap
pointed Executor of the last will and tes
tament of R. R. Willoughby, deceased, by
the County Court of Linn County, Stale
of Oregou, and all persons having claims
against said estato are nereoy nolihe it ami
required to present the same, propeily
verified, to tho undersigned Executor at
his residence 10 miles east of Harrisbiirg,
within six months from the date of this
notice. EGBERT J. W1LLOUG H B Y.
Dated this 18th day of February, tSSl.
Amman's Cough Syrup never fails to
cure if used in time and according to di