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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1881)
(The ciu0cat. FRIDAY MARCH 11. 1881. FARM, CARDF.N AND FIRESIDE. os; to LS&YK I . Mr. Charles 3, Cbriatfo, em I ' Portland's best known typos, left that city for Pendleton last week. It ia-hia intention to take charg of the '. Sttti QniaH, i-uhlushcd in thai city, about May lat. Mr. t'iirniie is a geutletnan we can eiiiseionliou-ly recommend to the people, of Baatern i Oregon. It Is thought ly mmiio that large farms can be worked more profitably than small ones, on account of being abla to uno more machinery on the larger ones, but if a person having a Urge farm could sell half of it, and use the money he obtained for it on the half he retained, he might by Im proved culture bo ablo to realize larger products from the ball f irm than from the whole ono B04 more than half culiivaied. 4 Y a J1B iimeKi :il c I v Curo3 and nevor dJ' ffirtnttj 'i'ho vrorld'u r;reat Pn Roliovor fer Man. ivud Bo Cheap, quick ami reliable. PITCHER'S O ASTORIA la not Knrcotic. GlfclKlrci glOW fat upon, Mothers II!. ; and Phjsieiun.i reeammoml i ASTOU1A. 1 I Hllatfil 111 II DowelS) euros Wind Colic allays Feverlsluiess, mid sirovs Worms. TiK) many fa r ro of cento mi ducts of the tu cultivators who mors DMOtfeal a do lor the smaller pro tu, particularly tboo :;re t gaged in tfkVh ing large quantities of wheat, core, or who are largely engaged in the dairy business. A- a eo:-equen-.-e the: e i ! efteu a lack of vegetables upon so h farm, with perhaps a short BUpply of eggs, honey, emubined often with I ettinpleto neglect of btnall fruits. Nature is now engaged i hot secret processes preparing the sol for another seaou'a sowing and reaping. The frost of winter is one of her feoat heninVent agents. The inlcroaeope may reveal the beauty of the ft I but human life alone, made ofjnfra ble, aud tlessed In receiving the twontfea of the earth, can testify to aiJC;jn its benefits. i r ,u , WEJ DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure, n Com-titutiorml Antidote fop tbiw torriolo iti civ, by Absorptior. Tho Impo. Jnnt. D-oovc-y nino V I -dilution. Other romodie K.ny relieve Catarrh, thl onm i,io before CaaMaaptio23 11 l a; is 1 1 1 1 I O D PAIS Chiiis IINGi THE SUN FOR 1881 Kvoryboily read. Tiik Son. In th eill tioUH .f l hit newspaper throughout tho year to eniuo everybody will I. All Iho world'! now, so preMcnttuI thai (lift leader will get tbagfaala(4 amount of information with tho IommI oBmodtnbto expenditure! of lima and oya-aaffnfc. 'I'm: s . long auo Hhou eied the gohJon msan betwaaai raennoont ruHnu nml uhmuIw factory hrvvltv. II. Muefa of that Mrt ot nee1 which dcinls low upon It leeounUrii Import anoathan upon Um iiiumvi to m..i,;. m.i. From morning to morning Tho Boa print ii i-ont.ntietl Mry ol tho 1 1 v s of rvnl men nnd women, Hint of thoir d d plan, hive, hales, nnil tronMcN. Thin Morv In moro varied and morn Interest ln thun any roiinuii'c that was over ilcviiscd. III. load writing In every column, and frudines originality, accuracy and itoeo nun in tho treatment of every 'subject. Mpnaat aomuaant. Trio Hun' hahlt is to speak out foarlosly about men ami thlnga '. l.'tpiu: candor in dealing WHil 'ach political pasty, and emial readiness to commend what Is praUoworthy or to f tnikt what la Idamaldo in loiuo rtit or Kepublloan VI. Alivotuto mdeiciidiict ol nartlaan oyganliattona, int uowmvariog loyally t" true Denooratk prinoJplas, The Hurt ba llavea that tho tioveinmont which ih OOnatll ution j;Iv(.m u is a good one to keop. Its notion ut iity is to resist to its uttnoal powi r the elt'orts f iiii'ii in Iho lteptd liean party to N t Up another torm ol gov ernnient In place of that whi h exists. Tho year issi and the year Iminedtalely following win probably decide this wa- premely uujMirtanl eontist. Tim Sun b I levee Uiat tbe victory will be with the paojple as agaloal the itingi tot monopoly, the RingM tor plunder, and the Klnga fui iiiijs'r i'd jm cr. ( ur terms ate as ful owa 1 l-'or I he Daily Son, a four ;4,:e ln e'. ot twenty eight iKdumna, the prl o by mall, poet paid, la fte eento a month, or s 5t a year; or, tnelttdieg the Monday paper, an olgbtrpage aheet ef fifty ala eotamna, Ihi price In 05 c'iits montli, or 17 70 a year, postage paitl. 'lhesuiiiay edition of The StiulaslM ititni-iicd separately at HI tSO a year, ;st:ie p:.:t. The priee of tho Weakly Bun, eight pagaa, li!ly-M columns, i., . a yea I post Hi paid, l-'or clubs of ten eSMUftg Wi- wilt liend SO extra OOpy free Ad' 1 less I. W. 1:n1I,M, PnMUhei Of The Sun, "rti. Rew York City. ir fanners eouhl employ more ital they would have better imple ment" and better cultivation. If they ; m . a. a. .1 gave nmre enrezoi at ten iron m toe seed they used they might Increase their crops from twenty-five t fiby percent. If they could Be t cd in produei!;g as much weight from an animal of two and three years of age ji8 was formerly accompli-bed ;;f and six years of age, (arming might le made as profitable n- any ether branch of business. 9a J Too much hay and too little grain is h common mi-take iu feeding working horses. Twelve gfUUTtS Of good heavy oats and twelve pooneli of hay is a gorxl daily ration fur a worki.- g harse. BMJrca. A Usstul Table. 0:.e qoart of ll jur is one. pound, one- pint id is one iound, earn large cw t butter is one pound. To Brighten Coppcu. lift cloth and hot water with a little soap, then sprinkle with tnimx, ru; well, rinse in clear hot water, and rah with a soft doth. Scal:.opi:I Potatoes. Para tbe potatoef, cover the tottoiii i . iking dish with bread cmrobs, then adds layer of .-Weed potntoee, then t il-. c-' butier, salt and pepper ; fill the dish with the iiltnidte layers, wet the whole with milk and hake th ' fi:r an hOnr ;.nd a half. -One 9 and Fovor Dumb Airuo, fr.tormtttentRo- mittont and Typhoid Fevers, Biliousnoss, Llvor, Stomach, and Kklnoy disorders, and m ::nyot he rail monts,destroy- iho hoaith and livos of millions, ;s drsvon out of tho system, and radically cured by tho uso ol tho LION MA LARIA AND LiVEf? PAD and GANGLIONIC BODY uHD FOOT PL ASTcRS, tho cheap est and only perfect troat mont by tho Absorption prin ciple. Tho Plasters acting in conjunction with tho Pad up on tho ncrvo centers and re mote, parts of tho body, inab . or' r:- and thoroughly rid u:r. jtn systamfroni MALA RIAL POISON. Th whole treatment, pad, LASTCR nnd FOOT ?L VLP.3, a' combined, cl remedy over dtcov I q osittyo euro fl toed 'a -vorn nccord 3 direct:: nfc Remom ad, Bod Piaster the wri , 1; drugiisls. CO - -i tl i . g bar Gid by ... 0 a CO, RK THE BOSS PAIN KILLER OF TKC WOoLD s::. RCJ1JLE1 ti 8JaSiT!a OIL. T1m New Medical Wander oi Ihe liMh Centnrjr. TUEWONDERFl'Ii ABOLISH KR OF PAIK. A M'K II' I ' ion DIPHTHESIA AW SORE TWO AT I Ban :t..: rata tppe& la ta aatama Raaraicia .! tijH.t is wtaal tl. !tl:u .,.i.-.S in i;i.inl. 1"-H:.ri.r- . :.(..-: Iu l1 llifnislr. iti i : -j . ' : 'i - . I 'i i'.r I !r.!i rr : Ol . i IU Be uo iU lAl Ll fi.U. HOTJOB, DAVIS A CO., r '!'?:. .i. f-ftKtiON it ( V S " i 4PCa ( 33 m Sri . . - i pi "W. ill 3; 50 il " o W US ' BMM swarners SArt &t'E lilt: hoi 1X4 K Ol kTttt'..Cf H. sit nnfurtunaiaty it PtiyatoaJ force la i titiiiiun poaaaaalona, usiM only u hhort UfUO, A- il. i.l , diMMM or ol. I uKoeomottLiiiir. tin. I tlj f i. cainiiicli wnro oiii mi powerful quit kly pixs away. Anyibttif llMkt cau raatoro itw poaramof pn S4 i vo Uu m ;. ttenfonnnoi Umw tba powtw iiit'niM and mora to ba adjwipait' 'i hi- i-. axactiy arhai w.w- iw r' Naf' KliJnry and Ltvr C'nn-tloaa. Is takaf tha body vban it u brokan Mid bowad by aleknaaa and raaaaw II to tin powers 1 onoa poaaaaaad. It en - tHaooaa tnii ail ftii-i uppoatng i ovn Mm i hi o Ipiea Into obiti . II haa no frlanda UmI MOMMSJMI Ot hpalltl ami nuciii nilc that tin- Um bionda of hualth Tho vnnt if it -wrtaiuv- of iba Sotti r portion i f Um body In ptodoetay good baaltb labaeomltig ix-u t.-r known - .-ry ! y. l lib M ' and WO iiH'ii uf all claw"- 1 1 i . I or WWMMI prt-v lonn to chil'l-Jiirtli, fr nil ili-c4toapa i-nlur to their m, for l. I ili: i! i nnd puny chiltlrcii th re 1 no'lii: - whli-lt su n(t-i v and Kind v '.iii an I ?.? a- t.n at StAtataJ I nd nrlnarj orfpuaa wbau daranaad, on ilarmliw the lir Moeb oadofcor than on Muni tion, and thry BAOat Ui aUondcd to promptly lata eonat qntncaa ri Mir tr foliow. TIM WOf 111 In 11 n an? j.rlnt- ad lMwnllb eJaarly ahuar tba Wnrnart mi o Kldnay and LItov Cues w: I not 'i!y t in. k llio diM-r. ! . .' u aran if thry !. ! .. matba oiil3 know ii remedy btob ill id. ly nnd eaftatnlydo tola, and tbara lnol an lu ktanoa "n m t hata I- ha t -d. !t la for aaja bj drugs' la In ali l Um .. .. s i ,ti-! la nutttulaotnrod b Th following HtotoinonlH an lli volnn- Inry axpraaalona of a foar amoni; tiioii-a andM ui.o bava i cn ..-t i i.v ina u ot Wrn r Bafo Kldnay nnd Livw 'Lfo. Th HtM aromil panonally known to Um prom k torn, hut ihcy hnvn Hfnt tlicm' lot t via a. Bxpraaaiona w tbalf jrrntlnidf. Tbatr itneorfty, t!.n fir, entmol bt ouch. tiuttadt Mi m ra. if. it. Wainar d Ooj (i nt laman t I bava for a lony Umo baMi a(H u i with a tt rrioio kidoej rrompliifnli which It poatnad at Umaa nothJuK eonid control, i tried doctors nnd modbdiMOS !. tu ly, but found no rii!cf. l innlly I ma advaMd by friond t try your infi Kklnoy and Uror Cura, nml now, nftaff MtiftxriitK iarly four yara tba most aonta in, I llnd ni ".' unruly well nnd ablo to atu nd to bimiiicNi every day. .Ion I. I.. fnAWfOBB Jcmoy City, J una, IKKO. Ifaaaia. it. H. Warm-r A ".: ii; i !.i.mi.n i Wltbant aoUattaiian I do .lri- to or. yr"t to vm inv hlh nppt-in- i tioii of your r-iti- ly. Komn Dttta alace I my al anUon wtm to I lad ton j;aaUftnan i w ho liad lor n lonjr tium 1-. n n n-nt nuf- !. o r. Al.t-r njalua a tOOWWIgh -xntnfnn-lion of llu ap, I found thai ltin kldtiaM and 1 tvor wi-m IhmIIv alfmloi. Not with- ini-.iv. Tnokklnoyi out baaltatk.u I prfrrlhrd ymr Snfo ICld" and jjiver t uro. rno raaou, ;ur m iiik two I.u1i-m, Ji;- ls-ii KHiifai W'ry in lh V VVitbout h t faun- remedy to all nluiilnri v.ur truly, . S.Y. H. a i.k!x,M I. hi. MARX CA'JtMGART ij. ; 4 O.. 1 . 1 t I .! M tth't'-1 ueaci l ak;;. ijc- ana cups ot sugar, twa er-, tw spoonfuls of mo! i-e, om- ;; iu -ter, oaooapof sweet milk, two le -spoonfuls of cream of tartar, zt - -spoonful of soda, Uvo and one-half cups fi ur, a little f all kind-, of spices and one cup of raisina Thi will m ?kc twa loaves pdl XiSHfTA M . . v H r BB WW i-Y ! K8, lUUtlRS, TOBACCt) i CI RS. ihe OlebraMed St. S.ui .. STONEWALL WHISKEY. Th- ftnoat i!v-y in tha itata. 110 l'IIc ,',:r WMskte, Preneh Brastten, Sherry, wa. robbed 'h rough a port 1apct au(J a, otfer ki,,N K.Salf pound butter, of wises, Gin, Ale, Beer, Irish Po. tasked potato.' colander ; ot creamed with i-ttgnr; six egS, whites an,! yeiLrs separataJy, ti' lemon squeezed into the potatoes while hot; one cupful of milk; one toaapoonfol ol DOtmeg, and the fame of j;. ice ; twt COpfnls white Mjo-ar : btke i;) open fihells of spac-:-. To be i Bten rrdd. TUKKKV Cli(-iVi-i TI-. - ( v . y linely or ptmnd in a mortar the re mains freed from fat er bona (f roast or hroi.ed inrkr y. Heat pi(;ct of butter tii" Bile of so y : chop togethe i a Uttkiohipn and sprig of parSIey, and add to the butter with a iarO tHhl'ojriful of fi ;ur. When re'l rooked put into cupful of atrong !to.-ii, .:dd eeasoningof pepper, sah, a little lem.'in juice and -hcrry, and the turkey. .Sot away ro COol, and when e .id mould into am; II roll., dip into a lf-aten qb. then Into cracker ttuttPK and fry in hot bird. Serve beaped aroand a pile of the French eaoned peas made very hot ar: J sea armed wilh butter. Ccuk Voz Choll:;a. Kyoxy paper in the United States ought occasion ally to keep tha bet before its read er that brnt cotji i- a sore cure for hog cholera. The best way is to make ft pile of corn on Uu cob, and effectually scorch h. ihe reaiedy discovered by i). K. Locka, of L-ewiaton, IiL, at hi.-? distillery, which was burnt, together with a large lot of corn on the cob, which wsuj soifflueii injured as to be unfif for u-e, and waa hauled out a.-d speedily eaten by the bgs, after many of ihe drove had been lyi;- daily. After the second day not a bog died, and the disease entirely disappeared. The remedy has been tried iu a uamher of instances since, nnd never failed ami Porter. . i ry kind, .ind the 1 f tobatTo aed Cigars. all i t. i ! an i ...-rJ ;, It i ii m i. 1 ltvat!l : - kiruU, nJ titui ihu ! hi) r i-n.tns . I it to i nfltfi.. J XV. V." RATI! E H FOllD. (LBAN FOL'NBRV Knij I mi : 1 hu'.o I tf'ti atlhetril with ii4.t' i.i ii ;.. !'.. ur tea paat two V um, aul h:i u.od nninrr"ii iKinrsiiaa . i partial ! icinporary nitiaf Your hfcfu Kidney aud LtVOC Ultra tnnM n led to uaa, and ailar teknaj a tti" J uti a:uf litt- h'ti tun ui 1 1 a-u to .-. str'.fi mi l Vk .-! ! . J am par fart I y ivtlii'(l ihnt Wauwr'n Mtlo Roini ilbi ii r iii- iiMwlltdnaa imm-UhI( aad r-ati i,, ; aowmaod Um n to t!i r. a. W. Bran at, i r Tba Induattfal Haa" Athia, h. A t, , s0. Si- AW - want ewrybodj to an5 i .ini oitc-ricJ out n I) mt-cla new Ik t I ha uor sioru. v.hf re .-v and country uea. en tn proeuro their stocks a: I'ortlaud i t ..-. -, wih only trt-i -ht added, i.'iison iV"'"irr.i-f cf I-"ro:.t .i..' Fariy eta, Albany, Qaaaoo. ssstl. HERB A I r i i i RON WOE CHERRY & PARKfeS. (Steceaaora to C, C. 'hcrr,y.) Fateiite, Millwrights, foi F0Ullu! P8. 1ACSII'K SHOP. I Bj a. r. CHERRY, ariaatad tt oonar of I PI rat and Montgootety btraaur, Albany, Oregon. Having taken cbargaof tboaborfl iMntea Wor-:, a ari prapared to inantdhoturo Staatn Knatnaa, flaw and riMt Milix, WToad aroriilns Machinery, I'limp. J run ami Braas fiaauoga of erary daa riptlon. afaobinery of nri Idndta ranatred. Baa- '..ii itiu ! n nsti i . nr i u in ti it- chlnory. rnllrr;! .. In nil Ml Torm-. Ifisllyl A. r. DHCBBY A son. TITUS BB0S. -nams tr im 7 E ii AVK Ofjtt N BW SHOPS Al l. nomuiatad, :tr now prepared to bandies?! kinds of h-,ivy work. We will manufacture steam Enginea, Grlal and Saw Mid M:-ldiiery , and ail binds of Iron and lira -. Cnnl'mxa. ivvTTitKvs Rite wnaar a alii eg. Spcria! attoi.Lion given to npaJliOg a" kinds of machinery. Will alao mannfai: lure tbe improved Cborry A White Orain Separator. -'; t.ti St.-01;-o nt I.timfx-r Vmd. Albany, dr., Dec. 1, 1SS0. IStf OMPCt OxYG EN. D RS. STARK EY AND I' A WEN'S NRW Treatment by Jnhalalion for Con- anmp'ion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dyapepata, Headache, neouay, Neuraie;ia, Kheuma tiam, and all ' 'bronic and Nervous Disorders. Packages may be conveniently sent by express, ready lor Immediate use at, home. A.'l requialu s and fHH dlreetlona in each pactcege. IxdOtiuation ard aupplJea can le had of IT. K. MATHEWS, 60(5 ifonJomery Street, H. 1, Cal. Anso - AvoirnoKEH DEAF IOSE On trial beforo purchase. waste your money otherwiae. Free l ampblet. To CiJEAa Ebmise and MihrvBB Skink Tike a pleca of sft flannel, and rub well tbe fur with it aaJosI tlie jjrain ; then rub again with com rcoa flour until clean. Shake well and rub again wi h the l!a-iri ! till ;!; the flour is out of it. I have had a minever twa for fotar years ; it haa never been cleaned wilh anything but flour, and it is not in th.- leant injured by tbe lubbing. it was a school companion who fold me that her aunt (a Ku&sian lady) alwayij cleaned her white furs with fioarfand j that they looked beautifully. It has one aavautage tite lining rioaa not f be Tftira Terra will - al t. i f a ie4uire iu ue uiKen .out, ami u oniy ,inv i-MII,.v al lei .... . ........... . . y . . . ii- particulars concerning: the courses of the price of tuition, apply to Don't Sen 1 for 2S ALBANY As.iiivwv. on. vi!i iien on 1 1 requires a little trouble. Ertuine taices 1 inrrr r h:in minpvw thn .ifor i . "7, ' is very easily done. iOn- and U V l lil. 4 ! ( liK. 4t;V l.l.liV. Mi l I K- PLATE Vt IKK, ASH IM ttlOM) Hl'M T li I.KS. !.!.. iuciitu! Tor -m IImr Hcxi iua nrlilnr. ANT, - - (lit ICG ON. itlwTWI Tho Corvallis Fruit (!o. Will porebaae Plnntmor dried fmitat full market r ricos ; n ill aeml a ixm potent pcrxon to nviso fruitgrowers aa to cultivauon of oraddb tions to orebarda ; Will supply fruit lues of approved Korbi it moderate prlcen : Wiil sell riiimincr DHem through l.'mn, I'Mnion arm i.hho count if H. Letters to ho sent to Corvallis Fruit ("in pany. ('orvallis, Henlon County, Oregon, WAIddS NASH, Cn-Hident. J A M KS MKAIjMAN, Me:'y. January 1, 1HS0. 24 w t King of the Blood I'uri-anll -v-rofolom nil r.i .n itflMOav a uit inir ftotii Imptirltyof th. t.t.,1. I ;1. t pnclfjr all. Ii..- irtlil tl r in muni:-,- ptfteciv thcil mu', Liit V.iif HJrtim, IHmpltt, Vfetrt, iui tkntrt, Smtlhngi, tec, am tl.- MMt ( "nniun, u. woll Many iiUoctiou ot ttM ttV U'tiJ, Ltvcr ntl Stamd' k. SCROFULA. Wonderful Curo of BlindoMS. 1. r.AXnv. S..N ti Co. : For UM I M M ". tnablod with clfuln .,r Impurw lliiI In llrtHr Mitciu, I har.-U nematDead Km.' of Um BtooH. I have l- u troublr.t wiOi hroful.i f ir Um p t tarn yeiini, wlmli (i nltt i '.- l mjr cjrua tluit 1 nnrim-plrt.-ly hiibil for i maata. u HMMUMadl 1 to try Kinn of tha IMo.,.!, mr:l- hn irov.l it gMat MaNaaa t me, ta it Imm onpiftoly ttrad hm, rb4 I hixrfuily rucuuiiaciul r t .uil ttulU-U uh I h ; ataa. V'.or truly, Mufl. h. muaaaaxaw, tfwfltnln. N. Y. as a.- will tu? puld to any Publio Jloapitnl lo tn, miitn- lly irri'! ujxrn. for iv.i; . . - t : 1 1- ..f ( l.m im- i- clue iiuUulil Ly u.i whiuh u aet gtaatai . Its Ingredients. To how our fnitli In th anf. fy m i xrellencf i4 tho K. 11., ra in ptafwf panoaal apptkattioa, whrn ntialld tint no Imitosiliiiii In inii i,.li .1 , w , ui!l jriv thr namcaof nil ita hsgXVtUotUa, 1 y uiii.l.i, ,t '1'hi; aboTuoSt-ra wt-re m-vcr inmli- i fm , I v il:r pro jiriptorof any other Vntnily IfcdiHnsia die worltl Many teatliiimilnla. forth. -r Lnfoi laatfcM, aad full ilirt-rUona for uhiii will Ut fouml in th MUa-phl.-t " Treat is on Minr.mru t,t Dm," in which i-iv-h Uittlo im nrl'Hu-'I. I'ri. i $1 ip. l-illl, ecm tuininir 12 oumtra, or 10 to &0 ln.i .. r fi.l.l iy dl n giu. 1. usiaoa,8oN & Co., I'loii. BaflalOtN.y SjHirfsHKin's Hoadqurttrs. w. 13. u HOOT . M.l.i. (inns, Uiilrs Be?olTCTs!! Ami lciittuniiion af All l.(n1a. Jtit o-rcitc.l a lanrn Involco of tha latent I'upt i.i Rrt.iu. rt"ti, Rhana. V in. hwtr an.l IWlltnt inU. : '. I ite :k f Kin'itK ', I'atnTr ('..k)k, ami o ill lor to nr. ituc. All kinds of SBWing Machines H paired, Knitrnilirr Thnl CnBinot lv I ntlcrsohl aayaare hi thin.sinto. jt if THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN OB BEAST. W!ii il 0 tnciUrlno lina InfnlUhlv rlonn ItM wnh In mil iuiiM ui rnai-M rue mum tlmn n I hi i '1 oi M 1 1 ni m v ; t.ln n It tins nn iic.i iNiiiv in ri i.i I lie -world i aaaa ''' ' - i fninlili'4 fturrali rn tuan. Ialdii- t thi' only fitin- rollaiMKi lii tutnettl pin n or ii' i-l'ioiii, it ii 1 1 j . ,;o io i-uil audi il iiiodlt-luo P. TB ! 1 UM r-nao wltli tho .um,,,., II ...lii mm Mnlmrnt. EvafV moil lu iiir in" Iili-' in i.i ii i.ln i.i. I- tiorar an.!, tin. MMin v of nn ntvful aroll nr In ut ii auhiiiirO, 1 tin liorroi tit in. ii. Minllaiii OV'-ITOIIi'-, li'i'l Of n tli'iiMfiinl Mini ono otlii-l- lilfialnif-i nml MiotrU-al ncnormad iy iio- oiu rallabla f li ffiuatMtor i.iniiii. iit. aii fmiiwi iii iuifwiiri (ilaao ata pooilliy aurixl y UM MEXICAN )Imlnni f.lnl' iont. It iKtirt inta niimrli . inMnliritiid nifll llnailn, n I In- vi-iy Uoti", IiiihImIiIiik pain anil cm in;; iIIhohmi with it powei UmI novi-r I ui i t 1 1 n mi'ill'-liio "wi-iiI ty firorjrUoUjr, (,.,m u nuuluro, who rlilon lila MUSTANG 1 W l LLAMBTTE MARBLE & STONE WORKS. i-rt i liUiry plnlna, to Uki mowhfti ' j'lio. ., una tim woodoutitrr who I i i Ulxfo- I v. it II I l,i. n . Ii .ir lUii-iiinuti in uh' n nil olln i I )iTHi iitimi mil. i iili v. muwi m LINIMENT peiiij Mirm aiitii aJMaaaii al th- HI M I.I. II HI Iti. HMf.tlMi NirillliiKa, Ulfrl "on., i mill. . I. .1 HNtalM, Itiirwa 4 aValtf, ui-. Ilrulara i. m l i 'In., I'alinuaiia fill, a kimI '". l.amrnraa, pltl aalaa, I lrrr. I l ollr.. 1,11 I, In tia m -. i i- . tnkiil Itrraat. anil nirjf ( oi m of ritrntal ill. ii .r . It Ii Ihfl grfti-a1 ii-ni-i1y fur llio ilia lonh'ta n. 1 an i.Ii nii. in whn-ti ili- JJniMii I MAfHM ard MlMaat UmI haa I a xtt oait know n n ntrn afiralna, htilnii) . vnir Jnlnta, I'nii mlt-r, Ifm ii. . . '. .r. Hoof raar , f-'iMif I to I . h i ot m . Nrah, Ilolloiv Hi. i ii, h, tlo. I. Calla, M;nvl:. 1 1. 1 v , It I ng liottr , ti!it Mm, lall I . II, I I Im upon atlte Malt of. I rui) ..lli.r allnirnt will. Ii tlir ... . ii.m til a of tl, ttml atork rtl ni llalilr. A Iwrtitv five- nl I ottln of M xlcnn Nltiatuna I H, in. i.i I n. Ofta aurmt M vnluutiio Iho , n on ci itctx -, i M AM' KACTTJR EBB OF MARBLE MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES, TABLETS. MANTELS, CEMETERY CURBING. ASHLAR AND COPING, BASES FOR GARDEN FOUNTAINS TILE FOR WALKS, AND ALL KINDS OF WORK IN STONE. Ah v.f c' t ur Marlilo ilirert from tlio ltiiflnii'1 funrru N anl MIUh In rinm.l, nnt bai it. aalOCtOd it U iro, M-e nti iriKnro ni 'miii H : he ln-nt of iriHrlilo, oxyu-rt t nrk - ata kiiv that Vi-rmoiit narMo l ix-t' r than any Importad from totwign aooattlaa. Hartng oat naoalvad novfral Um of maruio, and liaflaaj mota os Um rv, u-r-an oflVrcxlra liifliu-i iix nti to Ioomi Hunting work. n !?ria from any partoftna tato pWMUptly attendod I", and all work watraulr-il an r-iroutitoO WMtHtV0 oocanvaaaf fa out lor work axoapt tttnao bnrhig tnairarodoBtfala from an. C Kliopaml Worka wrrwr S'-'-oiul and KIlMwortli S nt-it, AltMST, OfjBn. lanatf v. woou v U. I'. M A SON. Jnlll K'-ltAV FOSHAY & MASON pneaaaaora to John ftoahny.) ocAunm ta DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC., A USOK M PBJ i K UV on jnjf.Zm 2X.i2scis, Imalag rjthliar aait: ., I u t In a flrat rlaa rrta.l ...ty 'tl.lii4nncnt. A n I.I. MM. or BOOKS AJNJ STATIONKRY, TIm' I i pm Ui, mm with atcr tr-1 A r h , rtt i M . ru:i n vin-u.n .h thia 4 srtnMtitv WhM a!, iTt . ,' 1 itrii fiuinl.M w, ;i''t"f wtl, 1 im 'rnrtafwL WHEN YOU COME TO ALBANY &AU. AND SEE US AT Till: Md KTAMi, 7. HI N HANIi AS IIVF an Wrar. It If'H-a 1" ill, r, jK-in irntlnji 1 1 tir at a tvtl Itoti Itta ry r-iot of tii' i II Ihn ltu.. It rtjt-:i iVirJ"", im'1 i:tpfioin1a tin !. Il li l- il 111 Mi-ii-ly I.-. I'M iiion- ihnn tv. jt -Ut .,, l I jio.uivriy BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FCH MA3I 02 COOK. JH)X AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, in Mm ItoiiM- la !! valley He a o ltnp.i. and ittanufaef r-a TIN, SHEET IRON AKD COPPER WARE OF EVEKY HKW'KIPTION 17? KTfl 1 1 A N i i, A il ER. A I -SO, :m OF HE KFKIN fi.N GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. A I.I. ih W ll It'll HE OFFKHS To THE PI BLIC AT PRICFii, THAT MCK cot rirrn p N ( Al l. at tj FIR0I BTKKET, aUUIT, OWDOOK. Repair work done at reasonable fiiirer- . SEND 25 CENTS IN POSTAGE STAMPS fOR A THREE WITHS TRIAL SUBSCRiPTIOI TO ( IRBIN V r. iowa. A PAPER Of IS PASES. ISSUED WOKTHLY AT SIOUX CI Il islMKaJntttPlMaUiftLIIH lis Literary News SuppSd by Elections from the Bett Writings of the World Aa an Intmct"r to trwm to1rrinrif (mmlntiM?f',rrn ruo O 'tsntrynr section to suv not aqnatk !. harlng fim-T'Ti'U-Titt In all quaru-r ,1!J,jfJ',tlI,JI,Vr.lill?a:t t.r iiamtri. civc-n. In tli." I jairttncnt. imrHaAiaWrPC t i. i. y l' .,'..nrtr. tur...fih" tiiT r. Vsaam who may have tjuaines bet PENSION. BOUNTY, LAND OR PATENT OEPARTMEflTS her it can al atiT of too .1 n foe. U yptT. It 1 aa atrfirp m CSGARS k TG3ACCO, 1 T-a may ruu i'ih! i Ircnlnt l t of four liut-s wil iminsr rah- Luious I'.y I li Ikix or po-iM.l. . . flrat fti.'rt. arar Braaiatal ii A I t.a ii ' VIMiAK5 HOI SIC Ilalacy, Ort'uon " LIGHT FOR ALL." IKS Uklihiox. $1 jx.-r annum. ScikI 3 cent stamp fur Muapte cot ica. Aililroas A H. WlNCHKSTKU, Mitiuier. P. o. Box 1JW7. ran Prandaaa, CM. TT? ATC? TliTVTQ Thnoaandl of iw.iairrii and 1 JliiN OlVJll k3.H ir heirs entitled by late laa-s of (JonurcM. 8t ud two hi.imiw for lawn, and cojivof Cnatx Homhkr, to N. W, HtmpiraJil. U. 8. Ctalm Atfy, box Sh8, W'ashinirton. D C. FMIIItT H. O.MUT, I'rfi'!. Every man's wife wants a "Davis" sewing machine. W. B, Scott, Albany, agent. A- LOUBNER, - Proprietor- Thi; ki.kgant new uytv... .hst now c rtiU tol, will Ihi ohjiii!iI itlinul .Inly I Mil, lM7f. Ii im r..iiMt runted on the moat iiimU rn :unl coiivMiieiit ..m. turn a Hue sauii(! room chm'i iidly arraiiKed for mmiufcreial tanvolerK. aa4 the tahlu a!U ba applied at aH IMM with uood meal. 40 Cta'aff aTa ,irm' chaii'-e H Nafta BWMMJT. W1 a " W I i M-Fwni'i 'I penoo in wwotj toim to teka MlaaripMoM for tho ure.i , tbaapaal and het iiiui.- tratwil family ptihlirati'Hi in Ilia world. Any oat ean iieeomu a fucoaaafnl ajront. Ma f at wonts al art irlvur. frea to auhacrihera. Tin- prtoi in ho lna Vliat aj. moat everybody piilifcrittra. OnaaMlt report lak inr 1 aulirribni in a day. A My utrLBt rejairta inaaiii'4 mfr $200 clear profit in ten diya. AH who . . tu.if nionoy fat. ITaaaM AatoMall your time V) the huaineao, or only j MMaMoM. YoU ....! not at away from hOBM over niyht. You nan do it aa well aa otkars. Kull dlrcetioiia nnd tanai free. If yon want profitahlo work acini us fOOX aiklruaa nt oiioe. Iteola nthiiiK o try tlia liUinKf. Ho oh Wfto enajtca failn to make great pay. Adilmai tiro STiNaoN V 'o., Portland, Maine. Hyl REVERE HOUSE, t umor Flmt and Ellswortli Allmny, rrsn. Pfeiffer Bro's Props. Thia naw Ilolel la fltteil up In firat r laaa atyle. TabtaS upplied with the leat the market alTordH. Kprinir Red in every Iloom. A yood Sample lloom for ( Ma mercial Travclera. tSFVroo Coarli to nnd from tlic Hol 1.' 3:llt TAMES DANNAJiS, nr w.vk in a vn MAat-rACTt aaa or SOLID WALMJTBEDROOM SETS Martitr uliil ITuwl Topa. Parlor Sets and Lounges, Mar- blo Top Center-Tables, Spring Beds and Mattresses, filMT, MAPLE AND OAK BRACKKTS, Atul all Iriiidl of W lllllllol. linlra, IUlalruila, l, l itslmi Ti,. lilt s, htnnila. Cillt nnd hint) Moiildluaa, Kir. I liiU-ml Ui keep evcryth'ti' In the furniture line, ami will (jiuiraiitce aiitiadu lion to nil who wUI rail on meal M.ll. r' llriek. .Ml IIIVN AI.M. ,H.JLX DATCUTG su". - rH I Ell I Oai'atoiitH, 017 Beventh8t.,or Bos 229, Waahiiiifton, I). C. No fee rfeipiired unions Pat Mi is obtained. Hend for druiilar iri'u.u' trnw, Ac KHtab1ihed W!0. Kidney Iawy CURE. A Tosilivr Ui innly lot- A I.I. Itil nvy. l.ivrrFnl I'rlunry Trouble or lot!i .Tlnlc nud Female. Arlinu DIrei lly upon Hit" Or;:ms Afl'ert etl. ForfltelZol Hrnnon 11 Im In vn I liable. READ THE RECOIUO: "If sjivM my Hfo." K. It. Lnkr ly. S linn, Ala. I n.l i-o nil tr try it." John Hniiuiun, Invrmvort'i, Kan. "It lit bo rtMnatly that "ill i nn-f lie nianv liMntws peculiar tn woiuon." Mother's kfagaalna. 'Il hftM pnnfil sovcro to-ts aii'l won en dorsement from norm of tha bigbaal mad mi talent of the anl i v," N-w York WorKi. 'No Heineily bcretoford discovered can ho hohl lor ono tnoinont in comparison with it G, A. Harvey, D. 1., WaaliiiiK Un. I). C 'It Is tho h, si nnd only efficient remrdy Bar Kidney and EJtartroublaaevar bronghl before Iba public." (Col.) John K. Mc OhoMiiey, Washington, I. t'. 'I am rejolceil to najr I am now a veil man ami a'm only too gla4 to tONtify ro garain Ibo nlorfotis results f a remedy which hns iinule me so happv." (Uov.) P. F. Harkleo, Ark. This ( t Natural KemtMly is for Salo by PffBCittl in nil Tai ls of the World. TRY IT AM) TAKK NO OTiiKI!. H. H. WARNER & CO. ItoehcNler, IV. V. Oil tl tnr tie Yean aisflll ICEMTS VWIITEO. WE GUIF.FiTLE LARGER COKHSSIOt THIN IHT OTHER PIPER IU AMERICA A.Mr. Til i: OSIOWILITE, Swra Uty, Iowa. DR. SPINNEY T Unfortunate ! xo. ii ki;ium:y BTKEST, Francisco, Calif mia. Trr.tla nil I tiroulr anil IpadaJ IMaM .I.i t-ll I ' ai i cr lal.l at UI' M iV III l 1 ! I.i! I M. I ".thfi:l f .ilHi r i ira. M al.u ii Ik- uiuit rtaki-a atxl I . t i ' i - l (.1 HIA. T-r are many at tho air- "I Unrty Bi I I Ct M Till. Sft . i ni !-: MSjCTT a..' Iff. v. i v ' . : "f-r rr.- v X, V . I ai; fcia it VbbX DR .GIBBON'S i. tr .1 T ami (FATBNTXD JUNH 13T1I, 1676.) FOR SALE BY ;f'o:x:, E"crnvn & co. Aloany Bath House. nrna undeksiunkd would respect lully inform the citixoni of Albany and vi oinity that 1 have tuken charge of this Establish ment,aod,by kepin)( clean rooms nnd pay-in strict attention to business, expects to suit al those who may favor uh with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, we expects to give entire satisfaction to al flSafCbildien and Ladies' Hair neatly cu nd shampooed. JOSWEBREB. NEW BARBER SHOP .1. 11. sruu;s, LVopY. A (JOOI) SKA FOAM SHAMPOO gnea with oach tjhave. Prices for shavi np and balr-'oQtClQg samo as usual, llooms oppoNito Mollwiin8 store. lOtf ALBANY MEAT MARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage &h ways on hand. Hiir host Cash Prlco paid frr all kinds of fat ska k. 4tU UCVT WEST the iatioiit cannot a.ttm? f r. O'i eai nruoary depoaita a ropy anlinicnt u .l! ofU ind amnclirtifn aniall fartUIra f altiiimea 1 r the ihiKv ill beot a thin m:!V. in t. a ilark and Urtiil air-arance. Then l.MIl mIii. die of Ulbl lllttkultj l.:.'nIito win. h in tho aecxM.d Aa ol avium..: wealPM will liiiraBU-r a i rf. t run- i:i all such ca lu-aJthy rvatorati.'ii "f Uk- j;eiiit-uruiry itkhia OmrB 1 1. " aa 10 to 4 and C to S. Sunday frm toll a. a. OaaaaMattaa INSl TUorough i-iamiiiaUor aul ailvit-ti. If.. Vnr ir!vat- dim arm of ahirt tandir.(; a full M'tirse if - ..litiiH- cuiBcteal i. r a cure, with all InattiuUotif, ailf lie sent to any aaUnsaoarvci . Call and a.ldrcs Mb IFMXS1 t .. H:3G1 K. 11 Ktarn .t. Baa ftsatsaan, Cal A BARGAIN ! Valuable Property for Sale. r -.." KCtCM T. . ll enmc 4 -v , "'. i .m stm t, tau lYan.a--.'. Ha eVUbliahad in isxt. Ut tba treatment ol S. vul ... I luinal liicas-. Wi .. .i. i r !. .l . i. -1 ri larr. jilillr i'i I r tu., Impolrnri, I nigHt loasra by dnauia. iiu- i luanb.Hl vin itiei) !v fflicted afaallM failHxaU r ti:ivi-'rd exti'ia.vriy in t;.iir..iiubly tb tari.iua b.H--.Ttat dt-al uf ralunbic iiiftrnia rtnt to impart to tboae in nc-d - N a ill i: .ikt- ta iltr;.- Ml a c-urv. rVrsous at a dista noe MAI I IT nnMC. All n.uunanicatk4is dcntial. You ace Do one but tbe I r. Ian for a kai;e 4 medioina. Ieroiia Ii.-t.r aill tIece Matf tbt name of tbe . thj alerti.-eUH-iit in. Cbarvwi r-a-U t write, Addrcaa ML J. K ;ii:t:.N. K.-aiciaca. vi.-: ( . 1 4avjra'".-.-.n-'. ii"W la-fore the public. a i 1 - Ja i !i..A- i THE ALDN FRUIT DRYER, Including tho building a:nl lola upon whii-h it ii situatotl, is fr salo at a lr irain. Iliara ara two dryota and thay can lx wold aeparatuly. 'lhis Is a gtKx I op portunity for fruit ntiscra to se-uro tho host dryr made, ata low prioa. Tho lots are vary valnabfa lyina on the .Hvor front, and baying a railroad switob running fcrj thorn. Il is a p-i-nl location fur a custom flonttng mill, foundry, cr any .such huinosa. For further particulars rail en tho Presi dent or Seorotary of iho Company. tj. K. 0RAW9ORD, L. C. Rmn, lresil!!it. Secntarv. ii 1 TO THE WORKING CLASS. We aro noa- ircj ari-d to f urn i -ii aV. -l;as.vs witli oi utaiit einplo) incut at botne, the wi.i'l ot tbe iimc, or for tii. ir h aie inonu-nln. lUi-u.i -s n- , lu'ht and profitable. Persona of eillter t; v c-.uily earn troin ' eentalo ler ereuiutr, and a roj"rtional sunt by devoting tlu-ir whole time to the buaiueaa. Iki ami Itirl earn niwrly as BUk'h :i! men. That all who seo thin imti.-c may send their address and text the busi nuss we make ihla offor: To nf.-h as arc not a u'l sat tjififd we will send one dollar to k f'.r tin trouiiic of writing. l-"ull artlculara and outfit free. Ad.ires, OKiuoiK Stinhon a Co., I'orthiud. Xl.iinu. 2yl 9 1 i)iU your own locality. No rik. Wfomun eai as well as men. Many make more than the. amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Anv ono can do tbe work. Yon can make front ,'Oets. ioj ':h hour by deroting your eciiings and spare Unje to the business. It costs nothing to try On- btts jnea. Kothin' like it for money makin- ei er offetad ijeforc. ilusiticaf pL:i-..n: and strict iy lnnoiT.hlo. Header, if you want to know all aWa the best paying business tie tore tho public, send us your address aud wo will send you full particulars and private terms free ; samples worth alao free ; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address UEOKGE fcTlN SON & CO., Portland, M aine. You v faster at work f. r us than at anytblas ' apital not n.juirtd. Me will ItHrl ott. $TJ v J;i ar.d u iwarda made at home by .lustrioii.. M eu. "tucn. boya and -.-iris wanted i vi-nahrv I.i rl. for ua. Now it tlic tiroe. You ran i le y..ur h. Je time to the work, or only year sjain- ir.ouivnts. No other bttii . ill p c v. i. mar ly as will. No one willing to wort: can fail to make enarmous pay in i n."v"ur at ooce. Caxly outfit and t-nn frxv. A r. :it ojaM-tunitt fr umkiitg inonry eamly and honorably. A.idresa Tat a A Co , Auiclm THE PARKER GUN. i SCHD STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS WEST MERIDEM.CA. A WEEK III yourown biwn .1 no ipilal OlHlrisktal. Vou i n (rise the a trial wit bout expense. The K-st epfawlaaKl ia ok.-reu for those willing to work. V.u -houii try nothing else until you se for joiiraejf whnt you ean do at the liusiness wo offer. No riMHii to evplain here. ou can dt'M.te all oiir time or only jour spare tiine tii the btlsiti. . and I ckUc ci eal piy for eer li.air oU work. Women neikc u-lunch as uuu, Sciid ..r (w private terms and pariieolar, which we mail free, a t utfit free, thmt i-niipLun 4 hard ti;nes bilv Miti h..e such a chance. A,l,lns H. IIAI LKIT & in., Porilainl Manin j ST CHARLES HOTEL. OREGON. - - Proprifloi, ALBANY, MRS. r, mil, This IT'.iiie has been thoroughly rcnoratd from ti to Imttom, and is now iu splendid condition for the entertainment of travelers. The table is supplied with everything the n ar kct afiords. Sairp'e r.uisfor oommiu-i-ial men. CorvalUa, Irbsuon and llallao Slage Office, vliuitf t3 iY.a-'' week in vonr own town. ootlft business at which persons of either sex caa make great pv iili the time they work, write for particulars o II. Uallktt k Co. Portland, Maine.