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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1881)
ownat. .. M A KCH 11, 1SSI O. A C. It. ft. TIMI. AUmny Million. or i hit i kk 01 niAixm POm NORTH. AI.HANN KM liFSS IVpart at FKKIUIIT TRAINS M A. M. !': A. M. II;.. A. M. I .. . T. M. II 1 1 A. M 13.-06 P. M. ibao r. m. Ktt l M MAIL TKAIN i Arrives :( IVpnt ts ill Ml n hh Mi M All. TKAIN j J""2 FREIGHT TRAIN " AI.'.iAN KVI'i: I.Ms invrx .it til Triilns !nl. rrrl sunriny. WTI.l. It. llll'K, Station ikgtat THIS PAPER' new W foil ml on fltoat tloiv Ailv.rllslni; Utire.m I U S ru. . fctA w here nM Mlitf m. .- ii..i.. K- lor it la NKw VOIIK. t I'itirnl lrl?e. Wo sco that tho Kooioty lias otlorotl tho sum of $100 as a prizo for glass hall Ranting at t lio uext Fair. The lUi.inl of Directors rortsinly ilitl uot know what they acre io' ni; lien they olloroJ a small sum. li tlwre shoiihl Ik- such a con test as any one would want to see. the $100 wouldn't much more than pay the price if tho ammunition use?. It looks as it the mat t.T was gotten up for the special In netit of t:io Salem sportsmen, as uone other can af ford to compete. It the Association would offer a purse of ahout S"00, $2"Hi to the wiii- RtRg team, 1."0 to the second U st and ?UH t the third, it would have tho effect to hrin comKtiu teams from Pel tland.Salcm, Albany aul Bageno, and would attract more attention than any other feature of the l"ir. Why shouldn't the Director change this If they should lo so we will guarantee that t'oere will he a team of OHM hot! from this city to enter for the pre mi nn. Twa -m VIlMitv Irnlil. We this weeli received a neat invitation toatt'tid the l-f?een.h An:u vl ! mmence ment Kxereiscs of the New York College of Dci.tistry, whuh UN h 1 1 at I 'dickering Hall, February J.'1. at which tUM J. Tor reuee Tate, son of the lat lr. t, P. Tate, of this city, graduated. A!. n- tNe same 1 we received anothi r irm the faculty an graduating cla f tho Plii!..U!.liia Ikntal t'ollege, inviting us to attend th. ir graduat ing ex.;rcisea of ISSl,afc UM Acltrmyof Music, Saturday eveuinj:. Feb. J!. at which time Chm U. Temuleton, of the city, received hb "heepkin." IW a priv.ito htter frena the I!ist we receive the gratifying intolii gtnoe that Mr. Tate carried off the honors of the class in Wing chosen as Valedictorian. HS many friends here are very lad to hoar of his success, and would ha. e liktd very much to have Lecn present when hu deliv. red bis ahlrt 59, Two fit AUra-). Iust Wednesday a large class of law students mvh? application tat al mission to practice at the bar of the Supreme Court, and among the succewsltd uaen were E. K. Siip .verth aad W. . 1111 uier, of this city. They ciecially pasised a good examination, getting Hmogh with their work first of all, fully an hour before fopre others. Mr. SMpworth is a jODBg man of marked ability and has gained his admission to Um beg under extraordinary difliculties. Wo BWifldfBtly BXpetA to hear of him wiuiiiuj? brit;ii-. laurei- iti the prac tice of his choaMI piofti losi. Mr. 1'almer is an old citizen of Albany and has been engaged in dilTe.-en?. kinds .f btHinSM : he is a steady, industrious and very ener getic worker, and will sccufa : 'z- prac tice wherever be may locaiv. keath ot An Ot-lti.aran. Kev T. B. White informs us that he dd hvered a funeral scnuon on the i)eath f Wm. ewis, at Monroe, laat Tuesday. Mr. Lnril wafRnitivc of North Carolina, etM to Oreg n io 1853 and was S3 years and four mrnths old at his death. He was married when iic was nineteen, and leaves a wife ouly a mouth younger than himself. They have had 13 children, 102 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, and several great great grandchildren. Deceased has leen a professor O: religion hinco ho wa.- linetecn, as also has bean his wife. Another point which makes one think of the ''hi'j, ingun 3tjrles" they heard when ynuiij is that his ; mothir was a Slater of the ce'e'ir :'. t Daniel fsoue. Ilurriharg Suit- . E lit rr Demo rat : Thinking that you iaight want ho n news from this quarter I send you this "grist." We had a school meeting lxtt Monday, at which time K. A. flarnpy eleeteti K- t ".tar. You will find Ijarri.-burg well rcrc-sented in tl.e way of jurymen at Court next week. Our j'ubdc fechools are having a vacation. Tho i; casks have abated bomewhat, but t .ey ga.e our chj'dren ase-rere rub; ijiica rii,it; youugdiif soo'of Hon. . U Holt, returaed home from the 1'ortland bura ness College last Saturday, hearing with him his diplon.a. Harrisbnrg w rather dull at present on ac count of no K-to of wheat, but still the farm era are busy trying to raise taore. . HaeBtsfei .F.n. Blue KiblMUi lnV. A veiy i 11 1 cresting progra'n has been pro vided for the meeting of the Blue Uiblon Club to be held this (Friday; evening. It will consist of reading by Mrs. Wolrerten, a reci&tion by Miss Antonio Miller, a vocal solo by Misa Fannie Strahan, a vocal quar tette by Misses Strahan and Phillips and Messrs. Carry and Charleton ; a vocal quar tette by the College Club, composed ef ilea ira. Chaiietdn,' Monteith,' Archibald an Curry, 'and an address by Uev. V. Kant tier. TaluaMe Tcotluionial. JCditor Democrat: 1 wish tp say through your valuable paper that I have had ill health for 8 years ; paid heavy doctor bills, with but little relief. Last spring through the influence of my father i pnt on one of l'arr's English I'ada, for which he is agent. Said pad has done me more good than all the medicine ever taken. I am now aide to perorm manuel labor. J. R. Sorni. A Popular Lecture. Uev. 13. S. McLafferty, of iiugeue, will de liver his celebrated lecture on the "Lady of the Lake" at the Y. P. C. A. Hall ou Wednesday evening, Merch 23d, for the benefit of the First Baptist Church, of thia city. Admission, 25 cents ; reserved seats, 50 cents. Ticketa for sale at Foahay &, Ma-eon's. (The i FRIDAY " ""!' 4 IRC1IT 4 Ol RT. Following is a list of causes which come up for adjudication at the next term of Cir cuit Court, which convenes next Monday s 1 Smith, Hrasstield and Co vs Thos T WUwn. Suit in Kquity. J W Baldwin for pill' and Humphrey and Wolverton for deft 3 I v id N oung va das MoMahun. Suit to foreclose mortgage. Wcatherford and ItWartrtwrn ht plff and Strahan and Bilyeu for deft. :i A McCalley vs Sophia Mruger. Kquity. Dolph, Itronaugh, Dolph and Simon and I' owell and llilyeu 'for pi IV and Humphrey and Wolverton for deft. 4 A McCalley vs Fdizaleth Hitter. Kquity. iKdph. Hronaugh, Holph and Si mon and Powell aud llilyeu for plff ami Humphrey ami Wolverton for deft. 5 dohn A Crawford vs S 11 Kohorta. T reoever money, Strahan and Bilyeu for pill' and Humphrey and Wolverton for deft. 0 A Trim vs S I uttrcll. t 'onlirniatioii of sale. .1 W Baldwin for pi IV. ? K D l ee n A J Uc I'.piity. .1 W Baldwin for pltl and Strahan aud Bilyeu for deft S W L Vance vs Farlow Mulki v. Con tirmation of sale. Humphrey and Wtilver tou for plff, Strahan and Bilyeu for doft. John f Weiss vs Sarah C Weiss. Di lOltm Wei therford and Blackburn for plff. 10 A McHonald vs Clara Fletcher. Writ a rriew Wcatherford aud Blackburn for plff. 11 tbvgonian Bailway Co., Limited, vs J as 1J eo. To appropriate laud. Kit Hughes and A T Sears for plff. 12 Allen and Lovois vs .las Thouisoi Confirmation of sale. Fliun and t hamler- laiu for pill. 13 Sarah A. McMahon vs Jas McMahou Uivorco. BanluMi ami Kamsoy and Humph rey and Wolverton for plff and Strahan and Bilyeu for deft. 14 T I. Colden vs F M I.syton. To re cover money. Fbiin aud Ch.iuilerlain fi pill. l" F.rror. li 1 reoiuan i,.um;iv I t. , Limited, vs .1 H Stii,le!er. To appnqiri.ite lands. BUiaG Huuhes for plff, Flmn and ( 'hainlerlaiu for deft. 17 Same vst.eo Crawford, admimatrator of estate of 1' Heinb-rsuu. Flmn and Chaia- lerlani for defta. IS Same vs T .1 Hdl. Weatherford ami B .lekburn for deft. 10 Same vs W H (ioltra. Humphrey and Wolverton fr deft 20 H Hulbert vs J t; CoofOff and W t lIi'Es. To recover money. Flinn and w Chamberlain for plff. 2i C M Ferry vs Jas M Party. Divorce. Strahau and B0 eu for pllfs. Fliun, Cham- bwlaM and Bryant for deft. 22 Wm Kalstou v E Hantr and W V Alexander. AetiiMi at law. Fliun and Chamberlain for plff ami J J Whitney for .lefts. 2:1 Fiickenstein, Mayer and Co vs i Heuk. To recover money. Lowell and Bd ycu for pills. 2 J Win F. Newhouse vs K L A p'.egate T f re-loss mortgage. Humphrey aid ' W !v,rt..n for plff. Hawley, Dodd and Co. vili W Wil 1.5. To recover money. 1'owell and Bilyeu for plff and C. H. Hewitt for deft 2i Boarl of 'omtaiaaioaefa vs II Bilyeu. To forechse mortgage. Humphrey and Wolverton for plff. 27 -b's Pearl vs C H Boait Ton cover money. Wcatherf.rd and PJa-kbu'u for pltf. 2 Milton Hale vs Bcnona Mills. To forechme mortgage. Humphrey and Wolver ton for plff. 29 - Lilly II astro vs M L Hasbr.K.1:. ( ' ion o' sale. Weatftcrford and Blackburn for plff. :- .J P. V Butler vs J I. Stewart Con-tim-.tioii of sale. Powell and Pilyeu for plff. o'-' L Kline vs Jxs Jenkins. Contir uiatioii of sale. Weatherford and Blackburn for pltl. 32 Vcng Fook vs 'oang V Lung. To re cover money. Fliun ami Chamberhiiu for plff. ::: !. K Btnia vs M N liird. To recover money. Powell and Biiycu for plff. 'A .Ia.s T Walker vs Sarah Walker. D vorce. S A Johns and S M Miller far plff. .'!." LP Myers vs Frank Wood. To recover money. Weathvrf-rd and Blackbunt for pllf. 'Ml Mdtuu Hah: - B Haner. To fore- cj fe niort"a"c Fliiiit aud Chamlerlain for plff. ."7 Geo E HaAtnok and Allen R Hal brook vs N U Humphrey. F. juity. Cheno wetli and Johnson for plff-i and Kehiey aud Burnett for defendant 38 -J R Herren vs Mart Bringbam. To recover money. Powell and Bilyeu for plff, 39 Board of Commissioners vs Belle Sw e ll , Milton Hale and P Baltimore. To fore close mortgage. Humphrey, Wolverton, Flinn and Chamberlain for plff. 40 A Man and Cj vs W L Baltimore. To recover money. Flinn and Chamberlain b'r ; , ... E&unpkMf 1D1 Wolyertf.u for defts. 'fl "Klwternirn and Co vs W V Balti more. To recover money. Weatherford and Blackburn for plff. Humphrey ami Wolver ton fir defte. 42-L C Drown vs John A Browu. Di vorce. Powell aud Bilyeu for plff. S K 'oung vs A F M c Bride. Te foreclose mortgage. Flinn and Chamberlain for plff, Strahan and Biiycu for deft. I 44 Chas Monteith vs Maruaret A Moti- t-ith. Suit for partition. Fliun aud Cham berlain for plff. 43 W H Qcjttra vs B Haner. To recover money. Flinn and Chamljerlain for plff, J J Whitney for deft 43 J H Iiwie vs T P Dinwtddie. To foreclose mortgage. Flinn ' and Chamber lain for plff. 47- Jas f. Cowan vs Jas C Simpson. Equi ty, llinn and C for plff, 48 I C Dickey vs .John E Worth. To re cover money. Fliun and C for pltf. 40 - Nancy Truax vs W H Burns. Suit for partition. Humphrey and W far- plff. 50 Board of Commissioners vs J W Bald win. To foreclose mortgage. H and W for plff. 51 Wm Bennett vs A A Bennett Di vorce. Chenoweth and Johnson for plff and C 11 Hcwett for deft. 52 Jas Wheeler vs Itosa Whteler. Di vorce. Weatherfonl and Blackburn for plfV, Flinn and C for deft, 33 E J Willoughby s .J M McCulley. To recover money. W and B for plff. 54 E (I Michael vs Fhas Ratcliff. Mo tion for leave to issue execution. L.H Mon tanye fwr plff. " 55 Wm Cochran vs N R Beard, Equity. fAV eaiherferd and B for plu. i 5( Luther White vs E G Michael. Con firmation of sale. W and B for plff. L H Montanye for deft. 57 Chas Hiratel and Co vs Ed Baum. To recover money. Strahan and B for plff. 58 P Waiserman and Co vs Ed Baum. Same. Strahan and B for plff. 59 A M Wheeler vs C R Wheeler. Di vcrce. Strahan and B for plff. Council I'roeeedios;. Council met In regular session on Tues day evening, tho Mayor, Recorder, Mar shal, and nil the Aldermen present. Minutes of last meeting read nnd un proved. Bills reported tit last mooting were re ported favorably upon by tho committee and onlered paid. Bill ot City vs Mnhe w was allowed, ex cept the H mount in Invor of Klefcr. Bill of Lewis Miller, endorsed by Scott, 92 75, as also bill of R. A. Stratford, $1 50, endorsed by Scott, wore ordered paid. Committee on Streets rjhI Public Prop erty were granted An ther time In which to report. Committee on Ways nnd Means report ed hi favor ot remaining In tho present council room at a rental of 30 per month. The report was adopted. The committee to whom was referred tiie patiUan ot Jas. Harris asking the city to n'turu f'27 50 license paid the city, re ported unfavorably. Report adopted. Report of Recorder for tho quarter read and lelerred to committee on Account, ami Current Expenses, after ipilte a lengthy debate. Petition ol John Hughes asking the elf to repay him 327 50 ald for llcenso tlmt was not used, was referred to committee on License. Petition signed by a large number of citizens, asking that cnttlo be prevented trom running at large at night, wasreterr eu 10 committee on Ordloaooaf, with In structions to repot t by ordlnnnco at next meeting. Petition ol Hook v Ladder Co. No. 1, asking the city to purchase a gong tor the Co., was read, and referred to committee on Fire and Water, with full power to act In tho matter. A petition was wad, signed by a large number Of ciliens, asking thst the Council order the scraping ol First street, remo lug all the mud and debris, from Washing ...... a . 4 wm 10 r.iuworili street, ami tlie cost iscsm(I again-t the property-holder on rirst street, was read. Scott moved that the prayer of the petit loners bo granted, and the Marsha! be Instructed to notify projurty-holdcrs to do tho work within ten uays, which motion was ftdonted uiuuimouly. A'etithm seltfng forth the rapid growth of hoodlumism in this cily, ami slr.ting that even now it Is next to impossible for our citizens to enjoy any public gathering from the octragrous behavior of youth be tween Hie ages ol 5 and IS year, ami praying that the Council take immediate steps towanl abating such nuisance was read and on motion of Pierce referred to Committee on Health and Police. Tho reference ol the cattle nuisance to committee on Ordinances, on motion of Scott was reconsidered, and referred to committee on Health aud Police. All ordinance for Improvement of Ferrv street, between Eighth street and the Wil lamette river, by potting in a sewer of terra cotti, etc., as read first time, and on motion ol Scott was read second time by title. Pierce moved that the ortiiuiuce lie auiemhsl so as 0 read "Itrondalbiu in stead of Ferry street. Scot, favored tin; idea. radwohl asked thst the City Surveyor give bisopiuloii as to uhelher the survey ol Ferry street already u.a !e. would an swer for Brondalbin. Tlie surveyor. In a few remark, said that a new survey would Iw.VC Ul be. made, as Broadalhtii street would require an en tirely different sewer from Ferry street. timdwobl asked Pierce to withdraw Ids motion, that lit' Council might have more time to consider Hie matter. Pierce agreed to witlslrnw the motion. Scott insisted that a motion tliat bad been made and aV bated could not be with drawn. Tin- Mayor sustained Scott. Da.iuals doubted whether a sewtr on Brondalbin would be Mifihleul to drain tlie section contemplated bv tlc lewff on Feny meet. The Mayor saiJ (Ih pisjpeiij holnY PS on Ferry rtfUSj had petitioned for tl ie sew it. those ouBriKidalblu IckI uot,and he thoug!il it would not be treating the citizens of Ferry street with due courtey to make the change. The motion was lost. Mr. John Alt house complained of a nuU anee in Hie shape of a man trap and noise on First and Lyon streets. The committee on Streets and Public Property, and the M-irslial, were instructed to look after the matter. Remarks were made by (irad wold. Mayor Fromau and Scott In relation to keeping prwder in the Mores or the city. Scott was in favor of licet sing aud regulating the keeping of otviler. ' The Mayor Instructed the Marshal, chief Engineer, with the committee on Fire ami Water, to. make a thorough ex amination in the matter, and whenever they found the oidinance now in force violated, they should take tlie iiecessaiy steps to enforce It. The Mayor suggested that the license for shows be reduced to a tooting with other cities in tlie valley. He thought the pres ent license too high. BILLS ALLOWKI). R. E. Harmon, salary, $00. John Jones, watch nnd engineer. $70. HUM MtVfMUUt. . J. Hunt, repairing. At:, $19 35. Linn Engine No. 2's hose Company, to, wash lug hose, $10. Allen, ilbbinsoti & Co,, lu.m.ber, t7 5. fas. K. Weatherford. attvs fees. 32 50. I t r '-a s, T v C, Ci-andall, having gravel, $1 25. On motion CrandalPc bill was allowed under suspension of the rules. N J. Henton, Recorder, 8 75. Tlie Recorder asked for seven days more In which to finish up his assessment of the city, which, on motion of Scott, was granted. Adjourned. Another New Firm. By referenee to oar advertising columns it will be seen that R. Saltmarsh, proprietor of the old and popular Cits Drug Stora, has aken into partnership with'him Mr. 'E. W. Ingdon. Mr. Ungdou'i&'k spTendJd irug- g4st, steady and ; industrisus, and ooapling him with Mr. Saltmarsh makes a strong 'team. We feel suffe the new firm has a pros perous career before it. Success to Saltmarsh and Langdon. Teaeher's Kvumiuatlon. The public examination of applicants for teacher's certificates, will be held at the Court Heuse, in Albany, on March 30th and 31st, 1881. J. L. Gilbert, Co. Supt. r tTRos or in hih Mu v. lie. mil ftnlly or the lalrns ut ;ranil Hral- rle No. 10. Etlitnr Jh mncrnt . Tho Patrons of Hnnhaudry of Old Linn met at llrand Prairie, Urango Mall, on Fab, '.' tth, for the purpoMo of having kind 01 a family reunion and talk on the interests of the Ordor throughout the county. By eleven 'olook there was quite a goodly number of the tillers of the soil, with their wives and daughters, present. The Orange was called to order by W. M. Anderson, and the fust thing on the program wan music by the Orange, sung with a will, led by Clay Low ell. Next was an address of weleeBM bf Thos. Fro man ; then reading of the deelara tioa of principles ef tho order by C. I '. It . of Harmony No. 0, After another song by the Orange, R. A. Irvin' Depfltf and Agent of the Linn County Coum -il, was called out aud made n of his instructive anl interesting raOfta, 000U vying three- fourths of an hour. Ue appeahl to tofftMMI to uuito and stand together, mt only for their benetit individually but OoUaeUvaly,ahowie wherein tho patronsof Um cniuty had hern bouetitted by united ami harmonious nctior, using argument that ought to cnuvim e Use mot skeptical that the G range wan feOMOi oa the broadest principles of right and jus tioe, and that the farmers wero uot true to their best interests unless they stand togeth er and try to uphold eai h ether. It has been said by many that the fool QfMgen had not aeune enough to manage their own affairs, hut i think that there wero those pi fm-lit aad berd Mr. trVSSM tkW SWMil BHMIM o lUrtaiuiug a different opinien. Mr. living also showed that it U meessary for the young people to have some place of resort, and there wnt 110 letter plseo fur them to go than to the Orange, and that it was the duty of farmers to nicourage their children Ut unit.' with tlie Orange aa oon an they assj j stitahleagc. Taking them altogether his remarks were well received aud pretty gen- orally endorsed by those present. At the close of Mr. Irvine's remarks din nsr was announced and all repaired to the hdl below, where waa spread one of those sumptuoua feasts that patron's ive and daughters are always sure to have on them social ocraina, aud, if m. Mr. BsUtOV could have Imh-ii there (and many wished you wir." you would have thought with seme who wero there, that if that was ssja Sj fie degr-oa it waa juat apleadul. Bui fOM must uot think U cau them is gem-rally a feast on these iH'caaiOua that I'atrona only U t together to "eat, drink ami be merry,' f t therw is always aomethiug instructive ami interesting in the way id intending! .! thoughts and iduaa. After dinner the ( .range wnn -.ilh-d to or der aud Martin Miller, of Knox Butte, (range, was called for and r. .. n l I m a brif apeoch that waa p. t '. n nt and to the pafcaA Matt Scott, oi Hand Bidge, was called fur and entertainod the audienoe for a few initi ates in rather an amusing vein, showing how prone tho farmers were to be humbugged in different ways. lh Crawford, Preaidout ss the Coum d. was then ailed for aad addressed the meet 104 on wnr shipping luU-resta at some length, showing also thst it oa nuceaaary for the farmers to stick together if they wikhed to ac wtnpliah what thoy hoMl fur. Now, Mr. Kditor, it has been remarked by many, aud among the rest, by farmers, that those old Oraagero are aprmttng a gHd deal of time and aoine BMHSSjy to but little purpose. Well. o SliaWer to that they I lesve to aay tbeir tiu. it th; ir own. ami oa to money, if they do not earn it legitimately hero are not many who do, and DSjftahslf farmera and th. ir wivea arc entitled to a lit tle social enjoyment, audi aa the) h.d With Orand Prairie No. 10. After briuf remark bj K ver.d, Ike day being far spent, the audiriice Was dtamiaaed soil went tbeir several ways, rejoicing tint they conld come together ami have a social tune without aay jcalouaie or prejudn ra to in ir their harmonious union and feeling ; that theae.airetinga were highly briieu ial to th. farmera ami eapecially to the I'atrwiis Huahaiidry, and M felt j tl,s. Who Was Tiinii In ltlor tgaln. ."in our last iasue the lirm of I QaffftkW V Co., has l.een forcod into vinbarasaiug cir curustancea by their creditors, snd for a few days it was supposed they would lfchmid out of business, but we learned yesterday that matters had been amicably adjusted, and they will still continue running their sash and door factory. Thoy arc now even better able t turn out work than lie fore, and and all who call on them can rent assured that complete satisfaction will he guaranteed te customers. riows. rtessa. le. Samuel E. Young haa for sale the cele brated OliVor Chilled Iron Blow, the Fa Yrite Garden ('ity Plow, tho old stand-by Champi. .11 Mollno 1'luw. Tbeao have all Uaen in successful oeration for tlm peat ten to fifteen years and havo been im proved until they are now Ansoi.fTKi.v erfect aa It Is possible to make them. Call and get prices aud terms. Ver Hale. Desiring to go Kaat about the 1st of April, I will sell my household goods very cheap, including one bedroom set, 31 yards Brusaol carpet, "t yards matting, one feather bed and bedding, kitchen stove and fixtures, etc. All as good as new. Call at the housoer on Mr. T. P, llackleiuan fur information, W. .L Chaw niitn. . .... .... j ..,rrui(. The Young Feoplo's (Christian Association propose to eelebrato in a becoming manner their next anniversary, which occuss on Tuesday evening, March lR2d. Kmineut 2eakers from abroad will be present, ami a splendid program has been prepared for tho occasion. large shipment of flour. Ballard, Isom & Ce. aro making a ship ment of 2000 barrels of Hour to Liverpool on the Thurland CatU, which is now receiving cargo at Portlaud. Thoy sent down 1000 barrels last Tuesday. m . Hell Vout "ave. 1 yon have calves for Hale, gn to W, H, Bartless t the al Market, and you will get the highest market price in cash. I i a j Letter hist. TbeioUowlng Is the list of letters renininlnK in the Post Ornce, Albany, Lion county, Ore- fon, March 10, 1880. Persons railing lor these etters must give the date oa wbloli they wore advertised. Crawford, W C Dennuu, Dan Dilley, Miss Mary Grate, John Histiry, Mrs Sue Htephens, Miss Mary Stephens, Henry Stevenson, Florence PACK AO as. Seaward, Horatio P. H. RAYMOND, P. M. Clark, S L i:i ss 1: tii. siioorivc. I'ew Itenaona tsHlnst l' 1 imIIIIiiu l.lnaa Itnlls in lie Hhel lii esjV riisliirea, Olaaa hall skooting is a phanant npoit. So enticing nro its attractions Hint men who could not be induced to do n stroke of work while il was minine. will uo wlnMithe wind is slrotigeat, nnd mist quite Imnvy and slaughter every glass ball limy MM able to hit. It ia a wonder that they are not afraid ef teknf oald, but they often fortify Mmmri elves against this by another set of glass arrangements like bottles w Inch when emp tied are lmt at in the same manner ui gins" balls. But because our boys nro in danger of taking cold is no reason why glass balls should iml, be allot in our pasture. In the liml place Albany nws are very hungry ; 110 proof Med I nt advam 1 d to suh- eteetieti this, Rvery fareiee who Itaa tied his team in town and coma back to find 11 cow in his wagon, grazing 011 the straw of his cushion can testify to the truth of this statement. Now our beat shots eammt l.reak every ball, and ns a few may bi left I3 nig on the lirld there ia daagOf that the rows may tVe tkeiu for turnips ami some amall hoy will be found coin plaining of liniing esajMet or glaaa alhtjtf in Ma mill: home morning Moreover there run hi little dollht that ; be oows will lieeome fond of tins diet, ami as they patiently hunt lor more gbaM iwlls.lhsnt ii danger that the) will cut tin ir I. . t very badly, nml have to he he killed for meat. While gl int balls may ! fatteniuir, we have experimented two often u tin- beef of Alba liy cowa to believe that ei n glajM hall QSI make thrill tender. So OUT Mild reason agaiual permitting gla halls to be shot m our poattirea i that the ght, getting in their feet, We may he c.iii Hod to ' it i.doas hall meat. Our second rea m 1 that while ire 0M perhaps 1 taud the damage to OOJff i' i W' do not Want to are r.ia killed ill oil." li !. . heii tin SpOft began In 1- it was regarded as a ihi!ity that the nporttuan might hit the trap instead of the hall, o a box was provided, behind which the bo who fed the trap ould huh-. But our orMl allot have so often nnsed the tra thai the Imi) have bsMMH! reobbsss, ami while it our last great ihotftittg mateh. OM Oi (Nil ln-st shot :41m! pretl j m ir doing SOOM J tm a;e, the Uiy who wa brding sotBtid tfl t'uiik there waa no ilangrr from an) MM o'ae. The only kind -f .;iiii thiit m till., thin aiirrly. are nteastssl u a. Fot awhile th. ir have I', i ll Ctallaalld ! i-h..t iir..l, tlie g a bebsg poiatod directl) towards these hoy, and the linger on the trigger, m aueh a mi iidxt ol hate 'taoday or other, a man haiuiiigto ah.M.t 1 lalfai will get ahead even of our lat shots, ami a the dnv tau 1 hut al-out tnnity ard, will auc- COtd Hi pillliug the j.ill li.argcinto tin lo) 's bett JT. H he i a f-M-l ly he will aio-, if he i a bad Uv ) will live, hot he will proba bly never fee I a trap again. Ha our . m l reaaoii ia we do not want any bo! bhvd apilt iti oer li. 1.1. This ohjaetissi kewevsji can be ovi rcome by 1 -1 ( iii 'A e make below. Ihir ptature ar.- 0111 ly ball w ill Ik a d o.; hx beee km h shoo i psThcm with thin hdl thtt pllletii.l laS lei Wounded I l I i 1'. aa w ell a the I 1 1 m i bees 1 therrj kUI A rem. nig on r - bt be M-, ii d.h- to bo cut play r K H more aetioua MM dotttS iniiil happf 11. O mayors, our Uovtora, 'ir laeiet, oir 1 1 a. t nme, tir bekbaia, our babet . m 1 1 mm uck tnak. rs usra 01 - . . Mtporutx maU-hes. We oan pre'.ib- l!i laalies with, i a ata but digmtaiii-a bave Ui shift h-r ! theiiiBi'Lea. It is a littlo tirvaons butt w Ail viae theiti tu stand Inn-after lun.; tic e mi. ai.-l ii..t t. ett down. Lvery one knowa Iiom rlotluug i"ild aull. i S.. cur third resaon ia that our bailors bUIs iinht be iocreaaed afti r very beee b'll match i n account of e!;i ball aboottli' mi our paitnren. Many rcAsous as j;oil as there might bo brought fm Hard. I'ulwn.vd is not a good tonic for horn-' hoofs. A mule by law ought nut t" le permitted to ro into iudd lo re this as luer- ii no letting how it mieht imnrevo bis kicking carssi it llarart and cows Iriatfl down on a -Mt lrd of this atulf, will hae brands ulm h the:r own ers can never n.t-t .ke them, and aa .loss ball ahooU-r have not confined thniiselv cs t sny one locality i ver nun who .nicer too a his pasture, can recouiuieiid it a-, a health) spot covi r.d with blue i;!a lu onb r that oue pasture may no be inire highly rccouuueiidcl than an ither W- commend the follow in ruuest.uus to our Citizens, ba-.e ball plajers nnd ili"-H ball shooter 4. lat. That the shooting i f cjaa balla be by c iimnon consent or law confined to one f,t. If they cannot l ahol over water where the boys do not swun, let OM common or held le always used. There cannot he slnsiting enough to supply all our cows, and the beat dairymen tell US it is better to feed one cow well than two poorly, so let one cow have all the Wnutit, and as she would 1h certain to take the premium at the m tt county fair, in consideration of this, aad fr a small sum of money, oue pasturo OOel I ho dovotrd to this sjMirt. Where cute place is used a permanent shelter could be made for thoae who b ed the trap. Roys nhmild In; taught that it in BOt bravery but foolhnrdiness to lace the puaticr, for whilo the tiuo shot used miht nvt kill, there is danger of being blinded for lifo, and accideats of this kind taku place when h-.Md, expected. If the boyg be foolish let thv men who slioot, teach them common seuac by comjKdling them to protect themselves. Some people may be persuaded that so sharp will lie the couipctitinn among the owners of the pastures, to get the shooting dono on their fields, thst fierce ipiarrels may ariso aud that this matter should bo nllowed to regulate itself. The writer has taken pains to consult every farmer not living a thousand miles from this place, ami the kindly charity and unanimity of faaKoff, with which tho proposition to routine ((lass ball shooting to one spot has been mot is something It is a fact, however, inexplicable it may appear. It may bo that some do not know of tho full benefit to their pastures, as it is a comparatively new thing in this part of the country, but advantage hould bo taken of this state of things to to contiiiH this sport at onco to a single place. ' Corona.. Annual Business Hcetlnu. 'the annual baaieage meeting of the Y. V. 0. A. will occur next Monday evening. A full attonilanoe is requested. IIOKX. ELLISON. In this city, on March .'Id, 1381. to the wifo of James Kljison- a loy. MAKRIKU. CUSHMAN DENNY At tho Bxhaage Hotel, Tuesday evening, March 8, 1881, by J. H. Maine, d. P., Mr. Danibl Cusuman and Miss Laura Dkmnv both of thisoounty. FRISBE-SMITH-Ou March 1), at the residence of the bride 'a father by Rev. S. (. Irvine, Mr. Frank Fmsitu, of Halacy, aud Miss Lenkita J. Smith, Unfile nml AIrH1. Spring time "has cmne, gentle Annie." Stewnrt Ic Orey write insurance at low rates. The Council i having Front utrert eearel of mud. Tho weather is variable but generally pleasant, Stewart It Orey are offeror; SOMM tine liar, gains in reid eatate. All collections left with SU-wnt and Orey will receive prompt, attention. L. L. Last man, of Oregon City, spent sev eral days in Albany tlm week, Itcinambcr that W, L. Walkin pays the highest price for hides aud furs. Ki. B. I'urdoiu is very til. II is di-ao seems to bo aoiae alfeetiuii of the lungs. lohu Jrvinn is putting up a magnificent iron fem e an, 11 ml his city pmp.-rty. Kvory man s wife wants a "Havis" sewing machine. V. B. Seott, Albany, agent. Rebeerthe te the "jiinni rettd Wtumt" the most readable .bairnal on the PneiHi Coast. A lirst class residence for r nl cheap, ne,:r the center of tlm city, by Stewart Ar. Orey. pr. O. VTillis Price, dentist, oflico 111 ld Fi Mow s Temple, over Plummer' Orug SLoro. Stewart It Orey are loaning money on both real and personal security in large and sin. ill Minis. Miss Cora Riley, of Halem, h.ia been visit ing the Miaai-s Mansheld in Ih.-. city fur a week or two. Ir. II. .1. BoQghton. of I'orllaml. and In wife, came up laat Wedneid am! will re main here V. l.d 1I.1J s. Jeeh Alplnn ia in Um aitjr, ami is prepared with Ins screws nml other house hoiatmg fixtures to raise anything. PTe made it mistake I.ttl week in saying thai. I mi, BettlOMOl hail loat In place at Mcllwaili . He M Ntlll there Stewart iV Orey have a lar.- hat of ity ami county proiicrty for sale I-h and on long time and eay payment. The ".I. L Caai ia the In at chilled plow 111 AOMriOaV Take one on tn tl and Im 008 vim ed. F.ugrne Bu., Agent. Pete v. tiloawrr aa), "Id a ) ooat so easy as a m-i ille cord valk om t nut a rami I 'a e as Ui ; d. i bei.iudt void lint a voinau'." N-iw n on bad v tho weather ia gelling waiim-r wants the Star Riewcry beer, and Mr. B Han-. 1 ii poahjsl to sMppff tin d. -miuil. Mr. W, L Watki 'i 1 iloin a 'omI bni iicbs in tin; line of fur deal) ShsOt our hat h ha I...11 ' netrly $C0U s ort h of f nro. .Vim U ihiutoii, of PoVtLwid, WOS in the ay toeeral Jajri thi areofc. He haa juat ! 'nvereil fiom a very M-en I'SMHW, aSMl M not i cry atrwiig ) t - Wif. Mil. h.-ll, a jumi i-.i.-ed loan who Worked Ot the ll hatige U !il l it fall, dnd at I'oit! ii.! I Uflnoaila) Me was a leg nf Mitchell, bather well ktmwu in this city. Use Mndrhakcr Maaafaidiiriug Company make and aid I Utter wagons and more of th.-iti, than any other lirm in tin- CuiUxl Matis. L. Ihi.haunu ia their agent at Albany. Stranger iiting Allmiy dunng court week, 1 mt fail to call at the Farmers ami Mot basil store, ;,i,d get led on hard tune pre ., . it v :. rt i. !c i . m irk ed in plain li 'iin at lowest eaih r.ti Mr .Ml B'.vna, one of our oldrt aub nlwri, loabl int i the olii , the ntlu r day d I ud lor the t-temocrai m advance ts . . a a fl s ot s alio ' hi in leiiiiit. iHii...i lie aavs lie ,,. t . w,thnt it , , 1!k K..lllwl ,tU ,,. ltlvn iiit them Iroin his irl. and for some rest 'ti they broks UUt n hi h and arm shout the same time and IhIoi - thev nwdi their aiM-.irnc .niywh. re el. K. t. Norton. Ks' . iilbliaher of the ttrt I ' I i ' came up last Wednea- i.y on baakaees asasessded ith hi paper. Ha i I pa H t change a a McoLly psp.r in I tt time. He pabiiahes a apleudel p.iM-r and i tie thst deiK-rVrS S gn. Sllpfsirt. So . o .1 '1. ell. Tlsaaaaaat adssol avaettagflbf Mms ittriei !fO Mb WO heel at t In- out t HeSSM OH MOB In V ectilii-r. 1. Itl!eii III the i h.or. t'ollow Issg Maapoai i in- tnctiitirrs oi tin- Board: I.. Btljpea, (oba tanaot aad ii. it Hewitt, I'lns-- tol-4 .1 II Ihn klcil I. lei U, all o whoniwere lri-Hnl. t tf.t In oi lei (lie i.-a lin;: ot ih,- i IcrW'a ISJfJMM t tet tin In. I eiir. iu follow ; itaatgarr mhk's asm mi. aeputaf. n smhar ot pensms ia-i m i-n the ae ni i ami 2o yrurs iiinle-. ,s ; remulr. lot lolal, 7V. RwaUarOl pnilW allondlUK u''!le rhools. a.; ; aveiaga Aaity atteadaaba, - : . Nniilliur nf tenelH-rs eiii)oe. liuhMtg; rU""! ft .i le errtinentcH. 't'uptw enrollci in piiii tadMMae)adasrtlM Mtll , lis.. NiimlM r of Uiilren nol nl;;uny hool I Isis'ii Hi.' !i-i...i 4 nml !' car-. 1 1:1 miles ; l.Vt females. Nuiulnt nl laaflaOIB emploxnl ill private schools iturlnK the yenr, t J mnles ninl fe inali i. NuiiiImt of tiinnlliM Mihlic m IumiI limlil, 10. iitiiler o months pri ate whHl taulit, hi, S um'icr of private k IkhiIs, I. I .-l limit eil alui' oi school houses nmt mumlo, WlflMhi llitimnteit value of appnnttUk, mujw, loin. charH, etc.. fJHi Aveiaite ninoiinl nl salary puiil umlc teachers per month, l ; female teachers, i- m. StllliU r ol leul votct-s In Hie illstih t, WIS. Amount oi adtoot ftoada lathe haasla nt tbo riei i, ai beginning nr --in.)i ynr. i . i;T. Aninunl MSJOtVOtl Ofl iHstnet tu . itartltg tlw year, si.t.'.' ;:.i. Anwmnl ic elve.l frooi.cotuvt v s.1mmI fund, r.s it :s Amount te -ci, el li-om Male Mhixt fuml hy 'o. Tepagarer, VMSj Tnlel ainonat reootved dnrtag the w,ti,. at. Iubl to teachers, S:t.i;j 00. aSgW M "ti sehiMil lioit.-, e, Ainoiitil paid lor fuel am) iBf Idsinlrrtlff & A W OWnt pahl for iipiiarulus, etc.. ;,o. Amount i .ii I out for all other puroscs, net 7-i. 'I'otalaniouut pnhl nut during the year,. 3, 8si Amasml bint la the bands of l he Cleric, lagi. Nexl oame lite report of the Lrireotors for the curii-nt iear : 1UUI.I InltS' A N N I' Al. KKINIKT. Kor aaaiborof ttstetiorsoiuplnyed and aver' iu nl tomtiiiieo In Helmuts, ws Clerk's itjjiort- A mount of money received from Stale nud county, .;,.V.H 57. Received on tux lu district, U.M 30. Total amounts ivccivetl, AjMl Wk On motion of ,U b . IfaieketiKtn Imtli rejiorts were joloplod. I Ui mot hm t ho directors were ordered to se iccl u suiltthle hhs-k on which to liulld :i school bouse. It was ordered t bat when tlie awotlnn ad Journed, II adjourn to meet on t be tlrst Mon day In May, at "::to p, m.. when a report of tbo IHrcclors will Iw in order on block. A vote of thanks was tendered thu ldreetors for tlM clIU ient manner in which they had con" ducted the huslness of the District for the year. A vol oof i hunks was also tendered the Clerk for having collected t he cut ire amount of tax levied. On rciTiniinendatiou of tbo Directors no tax levy was made for the year, as with theamount on band thoyexpected to be able to run the schools. PATENTS. F. A. Lehiit.nni, Solicitor of American anil Foreign pssnts, WssMngton, l v. All business osanadra y-vAU l'atents, whether liefore the IVtcnt Ottiee or the Courts, jiromptly atteniieit to. No chanro made nn ofs a pater t is securotl. Send for elreulsr. 17 II. KTF.WART. Nrrranv STEWART ft GREY, WISH Tf CALL TIIK ATTKNTION OF THF. ( ITIFNM OK ALBANY AND vicinity to tho fact that they bavo eMabliMbesI an ort Ice in fi'Tode's Block, on Brosdalbln Street, Tor the purfKme of transacting a general REAL ESTATE, LOAN, lAM'RANCE -A N COLLECTION TtMJ will attend to tlm renting of property, collection of rents, buying and selling all Hasso of real estate, tho imgi,i ia.tiou of loans, the colloction of noten and accounts, both at homo aud aoroad. the foreclosure of mortgages, the aijuatuient and ae'tll'-g of IiIImm to real ostato, the sotlleuient of ostates, conveyancing, etc., etc. They ani prepirnd to ofro't ittsiiraruxi in the following leading c n)janies at the loWCMt XHiblo I a' : Imperial, London, Northern & Queen CapitaL $41,000,000. Oommercial Union. Capital, $12,500,000. North British and Mercantile. Capital, $10, 000,000. Commercial, of California. Capital, 0200.000. All htmiueiwt oiitruslml to or euro will recUu prompt attentirn. We shall .!.i I to errtwpoiuJ with artlos wlMbing information of our city or surrounding coun iry or of lh SimUi. OFFICE 0Toole9fl I.lwrk. ALBANY. HTKWAKr THE WORLD'S FAVORITE." HAS ONLY 12 WOR KING TAKTS. "DAVIS" SEWIUG MACHINE. Awarded Ftrt lrsmlnni. Oregon Male Fair, 179 sod ISSO. tnsriled I Irst Prrmlnm, and only Machine plarest in f irst hiss (23 competitors al lh; Anatralian Inte.rnational Fxbibition, lasa iHHI ti.w tvs ki: i.i i s i i its r KK ini'AKTIAL. Tho "IAVIS" Sewing Mar-bine i'ms3ny are manuactnring and Selling 1,000 liarliiiH s per Week ! It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST. It do every variety of work without baiting, and has more piactkal attachments than all others combined. W. It. ai'OTT, Agent, Albany, Oregon. A GOOD THE NEW YORK AND- 8TA TE RIGHTS DEMOCRAl SSWA. BE SKST TO ANY ADDRESS Tie State Rigbfs Democrat TIIK CHICAGO WILLilBE si.NT TO ANY ADDRBBB FOR KX.Ott IN ADVANCE. rhia ibe host oppoit unity over tifforded the people of the Willamette Valley to get reading matter at low rates! Band in names as soou ae Hssible, so as to get the m teroting political nows from the Fjast which we may expect in the Spring. Delinquent subscribers wishing to avail tueMwelvoM of these offers wili be exieafced to pay up all arrearatren. 0. C. I'll KKKY. o. Ba PARKKS. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEERY & PARKBS, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS Al.b, completed, and are now prepared to handle ad kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery,and all kinda of Iron and Rniss Castings. I'tUIIINs MADE O SHORT X OTIC IE. Special attention given bo repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also inanufae ture tho iin proved Cherry dr White Grain Separator. Shop on linker 81.-aire at Lumber lard. Albany, Gr., Dec. 1, 1880, lStf REVERE HOUSE, Comer Flrst.and Ellsworth Albany, Oregon. Pfeiffer Bro's Props. This new Hotel is fitted up in first class style. Tables supplied with the best the msrket affords. Spring Beds iu every Koom. A good Sample Koom for Com mercial Travelers. fcTFree Conch to and from the Hotel. 3:41. A. I.. ;itr.v. Arr'v at Law. I- BUSINESS. OREGON. sV GREY, OUTLASTS OTHERS. I'ltl IU n W II K.N TIIK Jl IX. VS OFFER ! WEEKLY WORLD FOR ONLY ftS.25 IN ADVANCE. WEEKLY EWS Compound Oxygen. DRS. STARKEY AND PALJSN'S NEW Treatment by Inhalation for Con sump'ion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dvspepsia, Headache, Debility, Neuralgia, kheuma tism, and all Chronic and Nervous Disor ders. Packages may be conveniently sent by express, ready for immediate use at home. All requisites and full directions in each package. Inlormation aud supplies can he had or II. E. MATHEWS. b06 Montgomery Street, S. F., Cal. Atso VI IMP UO MS F0RDEAF EAItrHONES People. On trial before purchase. Don't waste your monev otherwise. Send for Free Pamphlet. 28 ALBANY COLLEGIATE BST11U ALBANY, OR. The Third Term will open on Mon day, January 31, 1881. For particulars concerning the courses of study and the price of tuition, apply to REV. ELBERT A. t'OMBIT, President.