The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 11, 1881, Image 2

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.MARCH 1 1. 1881.
ni vnrs hi uri ..r.ri.
Senator Wnine's till for subsidizing
steamship linos provides tliat the sub
sidized vessels shall te built of Ameri
can materials, commanded by Ann (lean
oflioers. and that two-thiids of tin
crows shall bo Amn ions. But wlij I
d.vs nor the Senator. While ho is about
it. insist aha mU the ertw shall Le
Americans ? Surely thoro ought to bo
cuough seafaring nu n in a country of
fifty millions population, and bartttf
four thousand miles ofaeeeoast, to man
its own ships; and if the ohj.vt of the
senator's bill is to encourage and protect
American ship-building and develop
marine pursuits at home, the sailoi
... ii : i ,.
crews 01 his suesniued vessels sjuuuu
not be subjected to a two-thirds rule.
while all tho officers on them ami .U
the materials in thorn are required t.
be American.
The Senator's proposition contains a
ereat amount of bttmbas under the
guise of patriotism If he had -one to
Kurone in I860, dnrm the davs olh" cdloipual di
Democratic rule, he could and would
i a i
Lave irono in a hrst-olas A m-rwut-
, . . ,
steamer, tuiilt ol Atnein in niMtiri:tl
ljL a t: 1 1
t.vuiiunuuvvt ! 4uu.ii ,,, ' 'iia t l iitiVl I
manned bv American erewi -ami on
no sulisidized vessel at that. It' he
should go to Km ope now, be would
hare to so on a forehzn-ownc 1 tteaoM r.
built wholly of foreign materials, com
manded bv foreign officen and manned
by foreign wilors-and all the vessels
he encountered on his way across kWllldwi tl,nt lhwe ,mP0rtWl matters
ocean, carrying American commerce,
would bo foreign Jao. So much fo,
American shipping under D mooratie
an I under RopobHean policy, Having
protected home ship-buildiag out of
-:tAr.oa h a t.ltor.s Fcndht.-n, !h ck and V oorheea
no paopoae to subsidize it into au ar
tificial raHTOCtlOO by oflering ptomi
urns on the building of ronotU which
that party has made it mpoaaible tc
build at home in the ordinary way.
tihsi r-air. i ::
The Rosebttrg Star asks that Oittaoa
Democratic cotemporaries should si
tam its views on free trade. So far
as tne LhOfOCSAT is concerned it baa
al ways advocated "free trade, saiion-
rights and direct taxation." and we an
glad to see that other Democratic popen
are bold enough to fall into line. ae
item a!on will show a suiheient ar
gument, if there were not hundreds of
other reasons for favoring free trade
in American seaports. Tin- protective
tariff last year taxed the lailroads of
the United States $21,700,060 oa steel
rails. The siecl-combination extraeify pecaKar. We can perhapa do no
from consumers of that product 28 a
ton through the operation of thisloveU
tariff "for the protection of Auu iican
industry.' The idiippers on rail rootet
have to foot the bill for the 'ienefit of
the steel rail ring finally, for the tribute
paid these protected citizens by the
railroad companies is charged in the
freight tan'ifs. That is "protection
Great financial depression is reorted
to exist in Germany. The rents of
land are falling to unprecedented prices.
Trade is dull, and a general sanation
of business prevails. People who have
mortgaged their property find it difficult
to meet their interest, and are sold on
at ruinotts facrifices. ofony ih acarcer
than at any time within the memory
ot men of this generation. Some attri-
a ... r
bute this condition of tbrnn to the
heavy taxation rendeied neceasary by
the vast expenFea of the GtovermLil
-soaie to the lack of jrotective dtttMal15 fT ooothern B
aginst Anrican mjoortathma. mtA
some to Bismarck's financial policy in
lernonetizing silver.
WtLXT DE LtissEivs read a . port on
he linst, at the first constitutive
meeting of the Panama Can.,! C mpany,
at Paria, in wLi.-h he atated that the
subscriptions resulted in applications
for 1,209,G0& share, of hich France
subscribed for 904,503 shares. Seventy
eagineen., surintendeniK and docu.r.v
have been sent to the iathmus. Steam
engines have been ordered whith will
cr;iiit the employment of a number o(
day laborers, not to exceed 8,000. TJ
-entire eapital required amounts to 600,
UUy.UOO francs, only 300,000,000 fi
-of which hav been called.
AxoTHEa marine cable U to Le
placed. The proapeetaa lias been issued
in Paris of the Central American Sub
marine Telegraph Company, the object
of which b to connect Central America
with the United States and Europe by
-cable, with tributary land lines, to be
laid from Belize to Cuba. Spain has
granted a concession therefore., and
England will uanu.tee $3000 annually
for twenty years at the proceeds of
government telegrams to and from
British Honduras. Go ahead ! The
more the merrier.
DllllnYII h.,.I 4J .1
unui5 in ouutn Ainca are
said to be increasing. Kimberley, the
s at of Govt rnment in Griqualand
West, and headquarters of the diamond
region, had not a hut aeven years ao
and now numbers 1C,000 people. As
the wood(;.i shanties have given way to
more substantial buildings, it has been
found that Kimberley itself has been
built upon a rich diamond field.
ii insi. PirsMmt Oarftehi J
tior.s for his Cabinet, all of whieh wore
diilv confirmed.
The Cabinet i n
follows :
James U . r.Jjiinr. of Maine, secretary
of state.
William Windom, of Minncntii. sec
retatv of tin1 treasury.
Vano HeVensih. of IVnusvl vunin, Louie respects the most important ollice
attorney general.
Tho. L. James, of Now York, poet-
Samuel J, Kirk wood, of .w;i, sCC-
"Hary of the interior
Kolett F. Lincoln, of Illinois,- rore-
tarv of war.
William 11. Hunt of ivmi-d.oiii, soc-
retarv of tin- navy.
The 'senate reeviv id tlio nominations
at o:Uo P. m., ami immediately, on
motion of Cameron of lYnns 1 v.mia,
went into executive se:,nn. lien
. i
;!,. went into ewcutlvv .session
mu seem i o ie oni ireiy conclusive,
Senators Blame, inuom ami kuk
wood left the eVauiber and lid nut re
turn to it.
The cabinet nominations being laid
brftM the senate. C micron Kaggetted their ermst Jem' iam bo detoll fd to
awail W0" of
co" m I" L
land after it had tiro -teased sunn niue.
I nnu -.
I there httUlS no ditSOttt as to the pro
I41111 '"f 1
nrietv of confirming ihoe s i.a.'orial
nominal n us without reference to com- Uif liiree Uieml'OlS el 111
Semite won
un u.itnouslv OOnfil mod.
. . i i f i! i :. . 1 ...
umg u. eau- , om.u a vPerbai.s beyond anv other man in th.
!lction "P" tbereieawmg nominations.
ConWing and DavW, of IUinma, con
J0"11 nt to le oxeep'cd from ordinary 1
lm,l ,loc m opoon oa we r' I
hhat they require,! exnamaUon. and
report by eoineconmit tee os evety nom
inatin submitted to the ; it Sen-
took gtoe.nd that appointments if this
kind, unless obtOeUi nable bv fOaOOH of
defects of moral tharactc r, ought to bt
confirmed imnu.diatf Iv. nr.d I to
marked to his colleagues on the DeJttO
orotic side of the chamber, that if they
desired to go out of jk ver ami t main
out for 3 years, they migbt tiy the
affect of delaying the eonfirmation of
the son ot Abraham Lincoln. At the
termination of die debate, which was
not address d at OBI time to the merits
of the nominations thev were -, i OOaGrmrd without roll call era
dissenting vote in anv iaal " ' Mr.
ooioees maite the motion upon OOJCO
. ? i
Secretary Lincoln whs confirmed, and
it i stated that At'.orney General Mc
Vea"h as confuuiel on m 0,011 of
Senator Cameron.
The preaa ooaanienta on tbe Cabinet
appointments are varioot and tenM of
more nor leat than giyo tbem.
The N. V. Tiom says that Btainet
prjsence ia the Cabinet will give lively
sa-i.-faction to a barge body of active
and earnest Republicans there can be
no passible doubt. Windom' .-lertion
as secretary of the treasury w .1 satisfy-
not only Republicans but also nuim rous
organizations, which are gradually bar
dening into a party, and which, includ
ing Greenbackers, BepatdtcaM and
Democrat-, las f.r its jaii. ';,.! i the
I Platform of the : nti monopoly league
Of Jamoi at poatu eater Genera), it is
onLv noottttry to hay that be i the
right man in the right place. The ap
pntinent of Wayne IfcVeagb as at-
tonicy general, has double arerit, mung
evidence of tho preaident'a approval ol
I belt type of poUtieol intkpendeoecj
I . .... t 1
u '"" 's D
ity ait''4 foiCC',f ehaiacter. Kirkweod
,IM a very rePecuW reoor" of c'u"
ciency. Judge H int repreteata the
publicanism. He isfaarless, honest and
statesmanlike. Robert Lincoln inherits
a name which the Arueiican peOpla can
never cease to reverence, and accotdir.g
to the testiunny of his friends has
untried ability which will do no dia
credit to his fatlier'rt memory. The
World Hats: The iviidontial moun
tiin in labor has brO't jht forth a litter
of Cabinet mice. 1 VO men alone of
positive strength and weight should bo
exempted from th: verdict, Blaine ami
James. If we set aside Blaine, a repre
sentative of the most energetic and
progressive element of the Republican
arty, and James as a repretentative
of admmittratiye experience, (he re
maining oflicea are so filled as to nullify
the value of the Cabinet either for the
Republican party or for public admin
istration. The World considers the ap
pointment of Window unfit and
The N. V. Herald nays that the
Cabinet is a body of vigorous men,
most of thern yaan Windom, James,
Lincoln, Blaine and Mc Veagh are all
in the prime and vigor of manhood.
We can not call it an .bJ.e Cabinet,- by
no moans as abb; as Hayes'. We should
say that Blaine is the one man of genius.
The ST. Y. Sun after referring to
each member ot the new Cabinet, says:
It is evident that the Cabinet is not of
the Conkling stripe. The New York
senator gets only the husks. These are
very wholesome fodder, but not so fat
tening as corn. Col. Jamea appears on;
the surface to be a Conkling appoint
ment, but it is understood that Blaine's
bosom friend, McPhereon of Pennsyl
vania, is to be first assistant postmastt r
general and to c ntrol the patronage in
Blaine's intareat, eo that the kernel of
that appointment will be oaOn by the
aecrotnrv of stute. Wt shall give Orn.
Uarlield and il)1 new Cabinet fab
Tln Chicago Timr, discussing t lir
nPW (,i,jnft Kvs . n (,n RrV)graphi
oil di.sti jliiittou of (ho now Cabinet,
QgOWtl (liirlifld bu Win gnMfotii to
,u, north weat Illinois has been rcc
Of iwd by tlo appointment of Mi
;o0t,rt rim,,wM Windoni, of Min
nesota, is Hociotary of the treasury, in
in the government, air. Y indntu a
chief recommendation for the place
seem o have been found in the fact
that the delegation of hi Statu voted
for him in the Chicago convention.
Stiuiu of those who are familiar with
his ancient history are inclined to doubt
the sulliciency of this reason for the as
WgnWttt to him of ho important do
Mr. Kirk wood of Iowa was chosen,
it is said, because Mr. Allison of the
same State declined this ofliee. That
i ...... . i .. i..i
but ; no b.ttt. i reason hai been inrn
tivined. it m.. be tho true one.
The Bottoi lltrald sas of President
( lar6eld'l Cabinet that it is ccrtHinly in
forioi to the Cabinet of lYesidont llaes
in important respects, UlOttgb compoHtt
of pt:snally highly te:tpvtaUe gentle
Men and tbeteforfl not ukelj to lowei
the tone of the iidiuiui ti atioii. It
bow ever, regiuds IkoOabtnel tooog m
peis inal piiilitios, and one that wil
eompare favorably with most of tin
-iheiu! families of the recent 17e.identH
I units' app)intinent, the - says
la oni' to lx unreservedlv aiiproved
country he is the fittest for (he post
office. Comment inn in a friendly tour
upon the other, it takes exception to
:,:,,.,i!ltIllt.Mt Mc Venal,, whieh.
r,c.(gnilion vf lln i,,,!,,,.,,,,,, ij4
decidedly t
oo amall a tub for the size
Of the 1 hale.
The Bpringfield (Uaaa.) fttjmbtiemn
na. : Uarfiehi's Cabinet in Dot n
good :i hi; inaugural. I' is ni-diocit
jH.tty anil full of bolea, BlainO is an
until mm to doOktnatC an a du.iniitra
tion. Windom. for sreittaty of the a sho-k to the huNtuevN nun
ami intrrestM of tbo OOUntrT, Ho has
Uen wrong on all finatt ial ptexlton.
CJndW Qarfield be will do perhpa,
Lincoln is a paOOBtkgar, ROl an oar.
damps, for poateaaaior geoeral, bi the
first happy stroke and the la st ap
pointinent. MoVeagb, fbl uttorney
general, is almott erpially K'),Kh Kirk
wool, for the interior, i; ilao I k id nj
jfintnient, but th- cabim t as a w holo
does not o mipare w ith that of II ayes.'
The Agrtcultut-Hl bin reported i
Congress appropriates for the purchast
ami Misti ibution of stes MhiM'1', for
uxperiment-i ia the manufacture of
sugar tioin -org' in J"Utl, investiga
tion of iaseets injui iouu to veetable
$1 5,000, experiments in tea culture
10,000, for a new museum building In
Oaemeetion with the agricultural de
partment $10,000, reclamation of arid
and tinitories .tIo.Ooo.
An KMensive apple grewer cultivates
his orchards six or eight yeais alter
planting, and fertilizes with bone dust
and wood ashes. Afterwards the soil
is sown to gratt, and annually enriched
with good .stable manure as a top dress
ing or mulch. The trees are pinned
late in the autumn or early winter, and
in ihe tpting the bodies of the trees
are washed with a strong lye.
Thk autumn and winter nortbeatt
storms of New England bare their
oiiifi wphi.i the tropics, by the current
of the lout beast trade winds strihini:
the current of the north ast trade
ariade, and producing cyclonea which
diminishes in violence as they proceed
northwards. Tiie storms of summer
generally originate in thejb-ehv Moun
tains. El Naefonal, published in tbe Ottjof
Mexio, f.jieakitij,' o( OenaraJ Ckant'i
anticipate'! viait, says: "It i conmct
ed with rail any projects with which we
aannot agree, uml with which bo Mexi
can can agree who lovia bin country.
These projects me connected with a
great apeeulation which will bring great
dangers upon ai-.ieo if thev are not
averted in time."
tbe old people teem tr be marry
ing vary extensively this winter. The
latest ease is reported from Virginia,
(rkere Bpaoeer Cochran, aged $31, on
the 4lh inst., etpOfnatd Miss lh:thuny
Suobard, aged 10. The granddaughter
and greatgrandilaughter of tho groom
"stood up" with the couple, anil hifl
8 n married them.
x is aail that a horse which can
walk live tuilea an hour in worth more
than either Maud S. or St. Julien, and
would probably walk to San Francisco
before either of those two horses could
trot there. The horse should be trained
to walk. A good winker will travel
more miles in a day than a fast trotter.
Skxatok Conkling, calling Hajej te
account for the violation of his own
Civil Service. rnJes in tho New York
Custom hou!:e, is a modern illustration
of the character of the celebrated high
wayman, Jonathan Wild, who having,
caught another thief stealing, handed
him over to justice.
The raising of sheep is of the greatest
benefit to the land, because wherever!
they feed, new and sweet grasses grow
and flourish, and the weeds are destroy
ed. Farmers should raise turnips and
feed them to sheep.
I'i.S AM M !4HOItH.
OtttCAOO has I I lir.turalied Oblnt
KmiiTKKM tariff arts have been patted
since 186L
CaiU.T WlllTTAUl It has been Utlbftpfty
since the lloyoott on his em
Matt Caiu'kntkii'h death lutrea the
Democrats a certain OOnlnd of Utt C
s. Beoate.
Tu r: Masonic fraternity, aooordiog ,u
the latest figuris luin 1 I, '()( mrmbeiw
in bn many.
rvvm.vt: of the Bsurtewn llepublican
I'niti d States Senators ju ;!. electi d
were opposed to the thin! term.
Pu Iff girls are .aid to be going out
of fashion. If this is true the plumper
the Ctrl the slimmer her dinners.
IftXIOO SUllelM frolll the eold weetli
mi t m
or. novel al persons have noon Irozen
to death in 1'uohla an Matnmuras.
1'llK 1'ullman 1'alaco Car Co., am
saitl to net .lMJ per mouth upon eoeb
of their 171 cars, or 1 ,(J.'hs 10 pei
(JllU.s poison themselves tor love at
fourteen years in lllinoi . At thirty
four they take to false haii and public
apeeeb nuking ,
N I N K TKNTIIs Of the Ixed Ot4ta "I
all the Civilised people in the world in
embarked in agi iculluie, which employi
200,000,000 Of men.
Tin Rotoburg Aor asks fot sju ciul
session of the Legialature, for tbe pur
Kwe of repealing the fee hill and also
to it mend the road law s.
KniOajUfTl can now BOt from Ni
Vork to San Fianeiai - for I 7f'
Hut it csts $54 25. to nf from tin
same point to Bail Like city.
I the opinion of the Oinoinnwti
tuinr Mr. t'onkling, altboogb he may
not be able to prevent a nenvimition In
I8d4, oan aartaialj defeat an election.
Thk poaeb orop ia totally itfotfoyod
as usual. Tlio I eaw at uans ate so
greatly dopri nod thai tbey are not lay
ing in in tie than 1 ,00,M'i i mply has
K PtceiDKXT Ilii bat been aaada
a loctor of l.iwti The imtaer ntyi
by doctoting thu laws In- wan made
Preatdeat, II" ha ceiiainlv earnei
the distinction.
Till: diligent firmer who will tdudv
the capabilitii h of hia . il, atid adan
hi i .sysli in of culuiic .u. i l.i.. M-h lioa
of crops to that end, will be the huc-
cenaflll faimei .
Win 1 1 a 9Mf son of tke ex-Pmti
lent, is to be provided with guy an
met.: office in Ohio. It looked, until
now, a.i if one worthy you. Ohio man
might be overlooked.
Tu.. riowtat mine in new Hexiot
now woiih .s,b0,f(('. wn-, originally
told for $Z in tQver, little gold dot!
and au old revolver. But th v do not
at way i pan out m wi ll. i i ri U ban been CtUad BpOO
ko keep manufacturing dittrieta from
starving, but maiiufac! ui ing districts
have never been called upon to keep
arme i s fu m i tin ii g,
A loK-.M... a weeping through the
pinet of Sooth Carolina cmthed i rade
hut ootonted by torpenttne-nutkert,
killing leu of them and Bliotttly
wounding three others.
Ol the fifty tight men who fi.itued
the eoiiHtitution ami declar d the indc-jK-ndenee
of Toxas, Miiich 2, 1836,000
instill living Dr. Charles P. .Stewart
of Montgomery county.
Thk Cincinnati QUteMA .sb I it is now
allowable for voutig men in that eitv
to introduce tin uiselvcs to girls found
in public places, end lo attend upon
them for tho evening.
Tin: Chatlostown ilfapf says th. t tlie
cry for more negro labor in Sjuth Onto
Una is pretty genernl. Labor is sea tec
and dear, even where tho colored popu
lation is the heaviest.
William liKAnroiiP, the painter of
Artie aceuery, who bag been living in
California for souio time, was at lent
accounts in Denver, where he had told
soveral of his paintings.
At : :.!. using the terms "assassin,"
"liar," "tkief," otc, a Caliloinia editor
winds up his remaiks upon a brother
editor by calling him a "he school
ma'am," thus adding insult to injury.
If the lawsuit, whieh is to follow the
Burdett-Couts wedding, is adverse to
the Baroness, the poor woman will have
but $10,000,000 left and all this for
her own Ashmead. - mi liana pulin Joitr
nal. Gkn. Q rant has become the President
of a new national bank the United
States Bank which has just hern
organized in New York city with a
capital of $100,000. Let ub have
Four lekcertaintie.s (Jai field's Cabi-
conn i
net, tho confirmation of Matthews, and
the political definition of Senator Ma
hono of Virginia tind Judgo Davis of
Illinois. Even the aoi respondent? are
are at fault.
Such a railroad fever as now rages
in Kentucky was never known before.
If only one-third of the projected roads
are built we will be as completely net
worked with iron as a jail window.
Frankfort Yoeraan.
Subscribe for the democrat.
Tim: last number of the 'nUiinr'g
Wttkhl gives an interesting tit mm Aft
of the hooka pobUtnao In this country
in IH80. Th" total number included
in It list is 8,076- an arerngo of over
'. I a we !. .
Tin. names of towns and set 1 1 menta
in A i iomi have t In tuei it of originality.
Among tlien ;ma Tombstone, (Jnod
Iliiough, Mule'a DrioJc, Tough Nut,
Family Ptiat, Break Neck. (Ut West,
joiiiu', man, go AVest !
( otintr Venrt n Icrui.
(i. A. UrittMN, '.unity Surveyor, f.nnciitei
hid reniiiittioii, which was ncc(-)ted, and .1
A. NVnrner wn appointed to Jill vacancy
until a uccemtor if elrctcJ.
It. S. Owen, Snpcrvifor ot No. M wai
allowed .".,ooo feet of liiiiiker.
afarh Helbert, Bapatvtaei ol Diatnat 18
lettgntd tad Parlow Mnlky wan tippoinb'd
o till loanojr.
(ten. ttraefi of Iintriet !, reni'nd, and
A. '. Ilatuiiiau "aa.i appointed.
J. V. Mi Knight, ol Dintriet Jl. nsiucl,
md A ii Merrli wan ppulated
!. W. !ai'. of Hintri' t t!l, t t;'tn I and
Waitir Peat apaeintada
A. laltoiarab, el Diatriot in, rargntdttad
lohn i. Ib id ti nppointi 1.
Uy order of tho Curt ft loan of 1700. wa
urcd from tbo Ottaot and vVteMagtM
Mml ..' Saviiigi Hani:. Limited, nt the
rata of H per cent later att, 18500 bi le m1
ill two j i. art and 1 1 inaiiid-i i'l thr.c )iai...
AUo a loan from Mrs. Ilnrrici .Smith. fatUU
at '.I pet cent f..i OtM ) at.
The following bid v.m raettyed for tho
ataatructioii of n hti.lgc airooi tin CaLpooU
ni:ar Albany ;
1 1. .ni PaeMu Dridgi Co. Pratt Tuna
(combination, ) SlI'.KI ; lloao 1 iumn bioio
!f:i'.H)o. I I'nn M. .lohn t Monr llowu lna
(wiMoleii.i . ';i,oo. From A B r A Boa
BatttbTraai patdea) fXJVi. I r an li W
t'lii.w iHiib-ii) a.Vsio. The contract wr.
awarded t-i A S Miller and Son ami they on
to have tUn bridge oaatpieted la rix freaaa,
by April PA
I ho matter f huildiii( brnljjc acrM Mnd-
I V W .1" I IllllllU'il.
The fnHoaiBH bilh were allowed : CoU
an I. ye, . .i ; hallo. IIuhUI. -,' ; t '.
D. Bhanaon. N. Beam 119 ; Uik aud
Darltj IjnO J M MeOtjr, SLSTi
an. ?IO ; POX, I'-ium ai.d i o .
W orth, f PI
I I. I ii w
', : V..
I inr MeeaV 1 Hlork.
We ofaeaffvi tht our belem Mend, Wr.
Atelrow I'.ri y. arrived M the bust itttHiet
(rem OaUlaraia, tnagiag with baa th; nte
treltkatalaeaea InAnuratiia. latl netou
will aaffij a want lou felt that f a f"!
luntr, Urj' cifiiifh fur all farm WOtt
and ( line t l- anl irriaR. to(i-lli r with
Kool niKMd, niakint; him a valuable r.l' t-r
lnautiratirt g a dapple bay, with blai k
m.iii!i : in I'. hae.h lu,-h, U-n o "l.l.
and pryJaka ll60paaaata Par keae, aMawaa,
ith ;unl acttoa In- net l uqaaael. He
haa n n-coni, bet ha nhown a jnalo trial
in V :'' Mo . t ;.-v n a rry '.-.n f'.al
getter, tare, and rcprcxlucing for certainty
in Ion liffiipflat nil of tun own rxccllent tial
ite. MOtaajSi
Inattjuratioa wa - i I . A' '. u.o.r, i ,
Geo. M. I'atehen, Jr.. (nirc of Sam Pardy,
2:90 : San BrBBO, -:'.'" , Siui Kly. t&&i ;
II. W. lionet, ; Alexander, t ni; j K. i
Patehco, 2 SO: Ix.wd'a celt. 'J II hall mib- i
hBaagaratiea uam vat imnerieil naat
New York by tho Iat . W. witUa, and
wan nir- d hy the -t i hOTM lr mttmt ogvt
nr. i ! ood, V'auuK Alice, Voutnj Atnr
ica. l.-.j;or Colt, PrivataOC and several
other, i
Inauguration will t.Ue part in the ra.
at i he .-etiiiB! State Fair. The hon-e can In
aeen at Fihcr ktablo
Mr. A. -I l airk.nUa, mar JaflerSOO, alao
krengkt up t tliironjjhWrcl Jersey iabe
aged aiaa ani taa toatka Tketaealvai arr
the tincut blood, and cot Mr. l'airlabk
$i;oo m aatd.
it. sM.rvi Ai'.f u I w LaJNIDOl
ft. .Saltmarah haa Mild to K. Y. Lang
I no-half i nte rent In Ida
Tl a new firm will continue Ihihiih (i at
the oh) stand,
can ist and Ku.swoirnisTs.
x alt am hi i: HBl '
All outstanding accountu
and indebtedness contracted
previous o March 1st, 1881, will
be collected and paid byMr
Saltmarsh. n32tf.
hue existing lietwoen ('baa. It. Manta
guo and J. W. Onetubj in t lie General Met
ohandiaa buHinoMN in liObanon, Linn coun
ty, Oregon, ami In Cattlo and llono rais
ing in Waneo eounty, Oeeixon, ia thia dav
dissolved by mutual eonaont, Mr. J, vV.
Cuaiek retiring from tho niorcandiMO and
Mr. IloutagiK! from thu atock raising; bu?
Ineaa. '
l.KUAXON, Maroh 3d, 181.
('. II. Montasitk,
J. W. OpaiOK.
HeforritiR to tho almve, I bej? loavo to
bear my teetimony to the tntearritj and
ability of Mr. C. B, Montague, with whom
I have been aascclated w ith in buainesa
for tho pust five veora, and bespeuk for
him that liberal patronage whieh ha.i boon
ao generously beatowad on tbe old firm.
Lkiianon, Marob Id, issi.
n82wK J. W. OotlOK.
Pinal Settlement.
the undersigned, Administrator of
tho estate ol John Miller, dooeaned,
has filed in tho County Court for Linn1
County, State Of Oregon, his final account,
of tho administration of said estate, and'
by order of said Court Monday, they
4th day or April, inai, ai mo uour oj
I o'clock P. M. of tfdd day, is set for
hearing objections to said final account
and thesettleiBent thereof.
J. K. WiCATHKRi-'ouT), Adiniiiislriitor.
Attorney. 2
100 biuhols of Rel Brazilian Ajftichokos.
f0 bushels of Peerless l'otatoea.
200 bushols of Clarnet Chili Potatoes.
I will sell these out in lots to suit pur
chasers, charging for tho artiohokes $1 per
Discount on largo amounts. Address
me at Albany. J. B. Robkuth.
Kvor body roivln TllR fiVH. In t?i' odi-
llone of tiiiw newapaper throngtMmt thtiageft
year to emtio everybody will I'okI:
J. Ail tht wtirld's news, mo preaentcd
that thn reader will irct iliei.-n-iOi -,Hirioiint
of information wild i ho least nniirolifcalde
I" inlKuie of time ami eye-Hilil. Tim
ri n ioiik H' iiiwovcmmi iiim J'onieii mean
hetween reiju mloiil niUOOM anil unsatis
factory brevity.
J I. Mueli nt that soia ol news whieh
lerMndaleaa uiMuits iecoKni. i imeort
MM Mi titan upon Us In to rest to maiiUind
oni iiiiriiilitr to mortilti'' Tim Sun nrinlM I
a oontJuuel Ury ol thn 0 yea of real men
mi I women, and of their deed, plailO, I
miviih, uwphiin inrainah ibm mory ik i
neuo wmh mm wot mmnrnun uw
uo iiiiii.uii .i nun. vvhi ryn 001 10. i
t .. i ui i ......
ill. o too w i ii hilt in iivry coi u in ii, ti on
r.aMb.imM.o.lcrmali.e. ae, ,, rlev h ! , Ceo
run. Iii Urn Iroatinei.t of vrv nuhct. at
IV. lionMleommeiit. Th Siiii m habit
In to Kpeak out fearlemly about mu and
V. Equal candor In ditalitiK Willi ea.-h
political party, and equal readlneaa to I
commend what in oruisowort b y 01 t rn
DUke what la blamaldo in I" DnOi rat or
l il I... ...... I
orKani.atloiiH, but iinwaverbip loyalty to
urn iiii,oi:ii,i.o' . I.. nn i. mi i
trim litiuioeriitle hrlueifib h. '1 ho Nun be-
i lo von that, tho u over 1 1 went wnicn tne I
tWDKil-ulioi ikivwim maKoo -.imp.
iih ll'iil. ill ill uiuy in kj iimim io iin uioioni
power I he eliorla ol men In Iho KepUD
l lean party to net up another form ol rov-
einmeiii. in puu'i; oi iiini. wne-ii bum, I
. . 1 .1 . if .1.. . l . 1...
The yenr 1KM1 aud the year immediately
following will prOOabty decide thin an
preinely imporlant content. The Sun he
uevaa that the vletorv will be with tbe
peooln an aualn-t the KinuH for moiiopm v,
ihn Itlnx for plunderi and the King for
imperial power.
i ur reruiH nr un lnrim :
gov tne Dally Sun, a four pne hi '. of
twenty-etgbt aoluaina, tke peUe by mad,
Hst paid, la .'' centM a month, or U 50
avatar: or. lOcladlna the Httnday iiiiikt,
an eiht pae aheet of lifty-alx cotumim, J
tke nrtoela "86 eenta aiuonih,oiH7 70 u I
year, iiontai?e taild.
The . Sunday ouitiou of i no nun ia a'ao
furiii bed keparalely at hi an a voar,
postage paid
- - - m . . m. ... . a - I I
Iho prho of the kVOoaiV nan, ''W'M
UL-i' paid. Kr elolH of ten Henjlog
we will Hend an extra eopy tree.
AOdraoi I. w. I'..i.asii,
Publtakor of The Bun,
gjifg New York flty.
It i a iiattiful aight to aee young ladiea I
m it. iir uwiiMwlth wrinkl'-il mi l po ma
luroly old faea; noverthelcaa It is pno
"onnooti. nii.l to anv one w ho olmervenlhr
muim '-f tho tilio'H the raaMiti la I ti V appa
rent. i wliit? to the Maniin aierli-itin-ot'
mill Ijoi'k eertilu .ite-i, in w hieli are n- .
ih" n tiui'H of r-fiiiiient phyMi-ian and
elierniMtfc. ih iitimiixx'tinv.' and i-ieiliiiou
have ln en llldiiei-.l to me m,iiim of the mi
ailed buuid l a't'ltters, all of w hh-h an
known Ph notfhrVely injuriou, ami if
lined for any length of time will deatroj
Ihe eomphndon ao that it will be next to
ltliaMaiblo to rratore H. Mothara ahould
Im very nireful to m- that their daughter!
do not uae nkeaa avoraunatfama, butaek fr
and obtain Maven UaruilaM JToawfiiito
1 mm r..-.N.Ier,!le t-iiH hHriu'e.N l im! i . r.
I ..r nal.- by Fonbay V Mason, "',''
llrick. Main St.. A I ban v, nr. I
Wr I. ii Ueuu- the World.
When wo nav we beiive we have evb
gonot u prove that Bhtloh'a I Sonanmnllofi
Curakl deitledly tho Ix-xl Lung Medieiin
mad. . ioiisiiiiK-h an it Wj.l eure a emuioti
or Cbron'e Coootk ttJ MM half the time.atid
ndleve AHthliia, IW' le hit.-, leipliiK
(5ough, Croup, and aliow mori, ol
fjonatimptlon eured than all olhera. It
will c ure where they fail, u I pl-i-aut o
taki, haiinlet-H to lh younh" :' Idld and
we guarantee what wfl aay. Prlet, 10 -ta,
fto a-ih, and l.t. It your Lung an- horn,
CkeotorBadk kune,'ue siuioh'a ionua
ntaler. Sold by Fohay it Mavui, iiru.
ght, Albany, regoti. u.H
Kvery Ix.dv that ha tried Amuieu'e
Cough 'm t in oraillnnet ht tatj beaaflni
Ihev tell tkoar OOlghbora Of tt. We were
in a drtii; atore tlio other day tad a Ota
loioi r linked l'r a lt:!e ( Amrueua
C.n'.-h Kvrun. a:v uj. "I o not know
aaythlna about it tnyaalf. but my neigh
bor ad bed ne to buy u for my cold, and
tetia me that the une of lhr-.- boii.e-. haj
entirely cured Ida couh of two yeaeo
ataadingt In ntct he aaya lt i- th Ik-si
medkilno in Iho world ftnreonaha, eoldK
and lung OOfniilaiBt,1 and that a one-d' l-
lar bottle did nlw mora aood thaa all the
I i - m riplion
iiad from the ds?.oi
Ibr Mnrket.
Follow in; i a correal np rt 4 t!ie tuar
kttH in thin city up to mnn j-trdiiy
WII KAT ' -nt jr haahl !.
Wl&JR- $ perbhl.
II AY baled, M Nil p. r lea.
POTATOKS 90 eta i-r baahel
BUTTBR 23 h SO eta r Ih
!";:' cetita Jkt in -ITIUK
.' b eta per lb.
BACOKB haw, i:-.- 18c
ahoatdera, bK 13c.
hide. 1 Uti
IIRIKD FRUIT run dritl afptos, HI .
" " phnaa, l b-,
riummer dri-d ntpiaa, I ht
" " plums is-.
CJUCK KXS--2. 50V 33.(10 Jn-r d. .
SUGAR -San FranciaceC. PJ'. .
COFFEE -Coata Rica, UtjHKJe.
lava, 3:K
( 'orcein -'JOe.
Rio, ML
MILL FKEII- bran. .HV, $11 j -r !. a.
cliop, Sc2j.
shorts, $!.r
middlings, $U.
BM kLr.V AttMt A sllil..
Tho bent salve in the world inr tuts, bruis
es, seres, ulcers, salt rht-itm, i v i con . tet
ter, cliapiud hainU, chilblains, corns and all
kinds ef skin arapui
This save is guar
antetd to aivo iertV t -.' i-iactnui in every
case or money refund, d. 1'iin- '.'7c per 1.
For snlo by Roahay and Masmi, wholesale
aj?ts : 1 1 Moore, Seio ; D Foley. 1 lanon ;
Ur Powell, Lebanon : Red path and Mon
tague, Jefferson ; DM Cal breath, Ruena
Vista; O Cornelius, Turner ; I! A K.uapy,
llarriehurg ; Ntarr and lUakt-ly, brown.-,
Thousands of soldiers aud heirs are en
titled to tensions, with pnyuieut from dale
of disehargo tr deal h, it aiipliol for letVre
January 1. 1880. Wound, nw-i dental in
jury or disease entitlea to a Pension.
Ron nly and back pay colletrtud. fnereaao
of Pension soeureo. "Thisiirni establislu-d
In 18li5. Addroas, enclosing stamp, LD
SON RROS., U. S. Claim Attorneji, 711 (i
Street, WashingUjii, D. C.
Home l or liiiltrranf a.
Texas is tho state that is doftined at
no far distant day to beeonto the einpiie of
the aouth. tShould you want to learn more
about tho great Mato aond $2.00 to the
Rrown County Hun tier, published at
Hrownwood, Texas, lor :i year's snli-ei ip
tiou, or f 1. 00 for six inoiuli .
SIuyciCh Cherry Toot It lnNlc.
An aromatic erynbtniUion for Iho preser
vation of Iho Teeth and Cuius. It is far
superior to any preparation of tho kind in
the market. In largo, handsome opal
pots, price 50 behtf. Kor' salo by Foshay
it Mavon, Albany, Orogojj.
Inventors ami Patentees
sliould tend for instrtuttions, terms, refer
ences, etc. , to Edean Rrothers, Solicitors of
Patents, Washington, D. C who furnish
the saino w ithout charge. Edaon brothers
is a well known and successful rirni of large
experience, having been established in lStid.
lias J. II. Ratks, Newspapor Advertis
ing Agent, 41 Park Row (Titnos Ruilding)
New York, is authorized to contract for
advertisements in tho Democrat at our
best rates.
Ihnrrh Olrerlori.
V. !'. A. Meetn at their r'x.ui' in i " -
torn brick biiildinu on W. venint"
at 7 :'.Vi e'chick, and "ii Sabh.ith atU-rfiooatat
X. I'aineSN moetints .ire held on tli" even-
in a' h nionh.
Kveryh'uly inviUal t' attnad
U. I'. Cip ik it. I'reielu'ntfevery Sabbath,
at II A. M. , and 7 r. m. by Bt v. K. r-
vine, 1. I . wabliath
lio'.l ;ii 2:' O v. M.
i'rayi r in in e.i ry I
Evaaon n aLCnvm w. Preachias oa M-
Itath at II A. si., and ,h v. H. albftth
Bebod 12:15. I'rayer meeting every Thor-
day evening. W. '. Kantte r, pa tor.
CoanaaoATiOKAnCifUReH. ;- rvatcfi every
sir.l.lmfli nt II A. M. and H V. M. SabUath
School at 2:30
Thoiaday oveniog
Harrix, poxuir,
V y S., .:
, .. , , ., ,. ,- f.,,.., l,
-Mibbath a.1 St. M. . t"i r n . . "i. m
. . m, u it . i u t.. i
' A. M. Wld 7 J M. Sabbath h-.l
v. :i. Prayer - every i imr-
'biy ' vennx M. I . JVlile r, pMtor
M. !".. Cut io it. Preaching every ttannatii
A r . it
at 11 A. M. and 7i V. - rve' in
,,,.,.:,,, iH.forc aennon.
rvkiaain --cii'kii
it 2;m r. m. Prayo roowtiag aTtty Tfavia-
lajr eveoiag. L Duloa, iaator
liAi-riMT CRcacn.
II . it ami 71 I'. M. SabbatM HchOol at
I'J. Pray r meeting every l tmrwi.iy
u,.'. W . . rawloril, ptor.
Paaaamajaa Cnraeu. Horyioa every,bth morning' and .
'bapeL KnilyS:h.'ditnni'-'uat';iy nu-ruie;; l'.0r ir' ot.iii- c.r-rj
KUert N. Oavlit,
llli'.i .. . t. I It ' K. m
j w
KfttV I M AT ! .
If j on arc Kibi- i oi
M.-vi r - iuh,
ooui, aatniita, oromjui, n y icci, w-
ini;.S-.i, ! -M of v.,i" , tiokliog W t) t throat
a. l I f . .. , ......
or m.v iui.-tiouoi t
ir. King's Mew lHeoywy f C
Tkis ia rm groat roMadv tkat i
ime Ii e ci-nnnt by itn v ouh
rtiruig tlmiMMidi "f bopoUa I l UVOJ
,,,. n,,;;,,,,, iKttl'-i of lr. Kiaef Kvw Dfcv-
overy lieve hr n u. l within ties Unt yt-ftr,
glTCtj p
We (
thi i really H e only nr. core l r ti rt
L I I I . I T
w,d lun aflcctioiu,, a;.d .an chiv-rf.iMy roc-
'.n.r;u.i!il it. loan. ' ..iu'ie,,i "
I . . .11 Z 1 1 A . . . . 1 I . I !,.
free of ooni, or a regular Ban fwr -FhoO. rwr
ale by
K.rhav and MaiM-i'. wholeaale Af'uta Alba
ny l. M'.rrirt, BdO; I'r. L Foley, li.a
aet ; Dr. ' nt PewdL UAaaan ' H.
Calbrcatte, Iht.-na Vu l i ; iS .if. tto ; n 1 M'-n
ttcue, Jetferaon -. . 11. V. GmmiHmt Xtr-
nr ; R. A. Itamny, HamalHirg ;
rtavea. Hakaf I WMBon South. JUI -f :
Starr and Wofcoir, Krowvillc,
Aetii'- Ixinifp Carey r.nd Clar.t
Ki !lo-e nr.- U-yomi jiietioii the most fa-
moua ra slogera f modern Httina. In
fa t th. v have I. m universally aeknowl-
tlu"l to lx; the tender of their profeaaion,
n v i M .1- l:idi ni !:irie e; . ri. nee
parUculariy good taco. They have prob-
rt( ,lv triv, , ,,. extanalvofj than any
aih-s on the .t -. .md, aa a eonn-i
hav ha.i exMlhant ottDOrtoefahw l jmlir-
ma el tke aaerita of diflerootoonatrtoaand
, lr produeUorui. It i cettaaafy a very
,r, ,.r,.j,. , California and tlio bklmV
viiil-trotl-al ' iinate of tbe PaeMe.takaVa
hid theai prooounoe -Klaven'a Yoaomilc
ne by lar the i tiny nave ever
I .ii anv eountrv. For -a.e by 1-owhay
X Mi - ii. 1 ' r's Uri k. Albany, Or.
ParftaakMi awatj
One of the Uteat aud adtkoat qeeetipa the
m...! ; .-. ; .' m a i. ; i . I f.f ..... b '. : the
pubiic i the ' Ivi: ahy they atafiBj
aadM eut "f atripn af etatk cuj.s, eaeeaeei
lketF. etc.. in ncrb-et h-l--. Wi Ota
v ' 1
at the Atkatjf aenony tadt rwitka
on a
.111) e ni pia-ILUi W . . Il l'
tliat there are ttltag Ben I bcfoi
Sew tag '.' ' - - f
an-. le ' u. i l. . J '
. J; - i . A nt.
f IhhiI.t
b -i. . ' 1 1 u ami
. . Kll. I o. I'l.l-
tu Kia -
. I V have f..r
Iraaa tlidge.900,0
At Lebanon w I
lambcr. mch a
to the late tin-. I
a io- bc ol tiry
St iiog thai lumber at
redaoad rates. jddroaa aa at icttanon.
( ih N aROTHER
Ijta.vaoN, Or., July SI, ISS0.
TUaor r-: t . :;. l ...
A groat nartSoa t ii-- 'tillering a d dhv
t io-s of this e.nntr ' to th thai
the people take loo natteh la and too
many drovr. If yon ant to preserve
roar hoalih. aava aoctora' and dranajsaa1
bills, no the California 1'ino at. I Liua
lyptua Porous Piasters for all pains. l' r
sale by Kosbay A Mason, l-'osiet's Bru-K;,
M :tinS:., Albany, Ur.
300 1
TKUB ii Co., Ausrost
in advance- wc will send to
any address fcr oat year
CRAT. And for
in advance we will eend
te any ad Ireaa fir a year
Under the IjasUsht J
i es oi" Ihe iu the Licit Jletrcpclis af
ter dark. The moat Irttereathig and thrill
in book ever braved. Rich, Beta and
Racy illustratlona. lite otnv book t but
- 1 deteribf s aeum'.t ly the w i.-kedntss of the
trreat ei: v f New York. Sent iost paid
for only 50 cents. Bhutt itaken. Address
IIickxl PunuaBixn co, isrotrnwood
Wm. Volgt, I'roprlrlor.
fi eignrs alw ays on hand.
Call and see me. Saloon in brick build
ing, next door to Dannals' furniture store.
HliVI'Ml tlio licit Uusitiess ami Social Guitla and
llunl-ltM.k ever .uililu.l. Mn. h ilie late.vt. It U lis
i... Hi Bexea eaaapjk-ui nV4 TO IM r.lKKl
I MINI, in tli IkI win. Hun to Ik' Vniir Own law
yer. Il.iw ti il.. Im-iiievs r..rrictl ttiid SiKH"irfiilly.
Il.iw to a. t in Society an-1 in m rv l!irt of life, a:ul
eoiitain.i a -.- .lit mine of Mtric.l ml'..: nmlioii in.liij.cns
alilet.. all claaara for coiiitanl referenw. A4KM'S
V'.lTt.0 lor all ur apart! time. To knowwhv ii..
IxH.k ol UK l. aluc mid aUraetioiisseils lttr than
an) other, npi'ly for terms to
P. itt.vti; a o..
lapfl Snn Franelsro.
O l&T 3S
Peraona arhrhlag toefleet loans upon np
proved seeurity can l-e aeconmiodated by
applying to C. II. HEWP1T,
C'Toolo's Driek Block, Broadalbin St.,
Albany, Oregao. 26tf
IIJITCSITG ,u- aialer. Solioiter of
PH I Cn I 9 Patents, .17 Seventh St., or Box
J20, WafUnxtoo, l. i No fee raqafared unless I'at
ena is olitalneil. Semi for circular (riving leni-s, Ac.
KstalitUlietl ls70.
hrHlr rontlpmiia Cared.
I'biladelfdiia, Pa., Oct. 4, ls7(.
If H. Warner A Co. Gents. Fv.r ihe
past yearn I have snfleretj the evil ef
fects of v. iiiit miKbt btermetl chronic eat)
nil pat kill i my akin hocarno yollow and my
liver was afloat of ordor; I tried nil tho
retnedtea that efuld lie obtained, ant', tbttt
wai all 1 could do, after findiiiK no relief
from rognlat medio! BO trontrnent, and I
llnally tvunmeii'-' 1 uHintr vour retnelie.
1 first tried tho fills, and at the end of one
week mv boweis h.el itUaitied r recrularilv
ami healthy action unknown for years. J
wan ho pleased with th" rth-et fin' J eon-
ciuded to try a bottle of your Hitters, and
altbouich I iiavo not H-nliridy uwsd 1he lirnt
bottle. 1 am no ioreottlbly improved ami
lOaed Bp that 1 writo to you thiH
voluntary teatim'mal w the excel lone, of
your remedies. Yours truiy.
m . ai ranax
j it r.K.N 'a aigi st Fi.onnt.
It in natural Jor peopla Kufferinj? with
Dyapepttt nnil JAv r I ompiairit, or any
detanfaaaent of Ike dlflttttvo efaanMLeeaii
aa Sour St'mardi,S',ek Headaehe, Habitual
l toattvantntj Palpitation of tM Hear,
Heart-burn, Water-branh. gnawing nd
burning paina at the pit of the Stomach,
Voflow Skin, Cotel Toiikuo and dlaaaaaa
able tavte in the mouth, OOBBtag Bp ,f hvl
alter eating, low npf rita, Ae., to pu t off from
day today bnyaag an avttclo that thej
v hascuref their neighbor, Iricml (r
relative, y t.tbey have HO tiih in it until
it ia trv late. iJut if you will m to your
drufniaa, Poakay t Mwai,aad set a bot
tle of Gaaaa'a AruT Pcnras your im
mediate euro Im a certain an you live.
Sample lollle of thin nierliciue can le d-
tafnedfiir lOeentato try it eoyQitoi vtr
tut!. Refnnarakta Taeeata 'iry it; two
w ill relieve any caw.
JKAV 'In SAVK MONK V. 1 nateail of
ifoiu to a doctor for a proscription, if yon
tiav Itrigbt'a Ii.Heas!, Iiala-tet fain in
fj. Back and Lolna, Bmartlng, lugaaaaatv
Hon, Caleolli i:nek-Jut Bapoolt, or any
lr uble of the K id ifya or Bladder, buy a
ifrttiM f Dr. Mintie'n Woekiotkamij the
. i Bneko Com pound. It latke nvwt
wonderfol prescription for tbeee tronbtod
aver eoatpooadea. laeatra. Abraum a
OarroU, wholeaale dkaejajateveayj ' We
regard Nepbreiicarn aa the M-v. kidney
and bladder remedy in the market.''
J Woodard, drnjruist, I'ortland, Or., nay :
'Kverywxiy atieaka nignly of it." 'blida,
, I 'oni;
uti'l. Or., nays : "Bold Ui
of it; italwayn deea tke work." Many
nave been eure i of oeauaeJa kidney eaaa
f!amt after the d., :..- have iveti them
up. Priee, (UK. Foe naie by ait neap
BOTHER Til as GOLD i j-rfit
health, and yet many are Buffering the tor
Uirea ol the damned with fjv-perda when
taingle bottio of UK. MI VI IK'S KS;
PKPdlA PILLH wnl gtvo relief, and, if
perahaad hi, will euro ih3 antral eeeeaf
i. dletl wing trouble. Thin pdi eurea
rorpkl Uver and Biliooenaaa, neulatea
the Bowola, remove Pfaaplee Iran tho
Ka-e, eurea HOtlnw Complexion, Foul
AhttHth III d II he. Heartburn, 1'aiti
la I be ttdee end Bo k; Suar eoaled and
TA i'.I.F. It a-ta direetly on the eoatiug of
Hal ftonaafrh and on the Iaver. an Irr
taken in any etttte WOt or dry weather.
K-.'.;.ie ; f i iiis. i r:-. Tie : i.niii" baa
M en-raving of a lion on Ike OOtatOt
wrapi-r. Priee, -M eenta. For aahl by all
a i.i. . Vr.i'.rW I lrr,
Ta. ii L-foie rt-tirlng, wii in-ur- ag.iod
alghfa rext, with an awalu-uin in tbe morn to health, courage and vigor.
For coated tongue, bad breath, si.-,; head
aehe, or any ditur!an-e arising feaaa dy
pephia or torpid liver it is without a peer.
Hi a'-li'.'.-i n di-'-a-.-i- entirely dd'erent
from any tuedicwe ever introiuHl, ipiiet
pain almost baataatty 11iehuand
ari ri i aoalaal r. by pateat mdiehM
men, w ho ha.e f ;-, en in its ad .eiit the
daaarttfltkHI of their nefarious biifine,
and th-; thou-aaios of unsolicited te-timo-
1 nial- llowutg in trotn ail prt .! iie fv
j otJu, Is a turn ludi
I merits. Trial ize at ai
j pound bottiea, 7-' cent
j ton. StIc AgenlH.
lion of :a peat
: ng Hon Wt Half
Foahay V 'i t
Till; AtitniC AS l01i,ls.
No re j le in the world suiTe. as much
with ; 1 Americans. AlUn.uh
.-..-.! icnoa in medicine bail failed
to accomplish a certain and sore remedy
fur tl . - ill ase aud Ua eH'eets, such as Sour
Sioma - Il .r: -'i.irn. Water-1 ra-h. Sick
. -.! i nefS, pal pita i.n of the
Heart, !..' r ('.jmplaint, coining up of the
f-vKl, low spirits, general debility, etc., yet
- . . rod uetim of tni:i: At'uL'sr
I'iiwkb y ii bedeve there is no case of
Djspepafa that cannot q iinniediatel re
lit vtd. Su.OeO dozen sold last year w iih
out one cae of failure reported. Oo to
lour druaxtata. Foshay A Mason, and get
j a sample b!tle for 10 cents and try it.
I v .. . .m will n-.H-ve yi'u. lu-utar siw
75 centa.
Tho Bteal beneficial dLeoveiy of tl;e
eentnry fur man ia Ammonia l Ougb fey
rup. A wealtliy gentleman, w lu claims
that it on'irety euretl him of incipient eoii
umjaiou, oll'erei 5,0K for the formula
ana tho right to manufacture and cll it to
tho world, which was refused. The rem
edy Hands up n its own merits. A 15-cen'
I tnaple bottle w ill eonvinceth moat ske.
tieal of iti ytrtnea. Try it. It may save
your life. All resje-table druggists keep
r. at i j eenta, lo eeVata, and i.
T B u ! arc swaenng from the errors an4 irm.f
crtUol f youth, nervosa weakneM, early dcaey, laaa
4 Hdwoa, A.-., I yrifl weii a recifie that ut ears
.u, FRKE or' 1 11 AKG E. Thia great rcaitiiy i ...n
diaroveri-1 by s missionary in South Aniocim. BaM
aaatf-aadraaaai twnkafm to lie Kv. Jown T. 1s
MAS.oUtiuti l, Ncr Aoik y. l.:i-'l
.rsr: i f : -. ii.;.- aaaaa aaf t taaai iu:
lt0-r-il l' those at Trk for its. fYreon. of
cuKfr rn- . '! lii.-ii. .ii-vh in tlicir own town, il
they an wi'.tiii)' to work. Mo risk. tS outfit fix .
Anjawaran ran i'i l-i i - 1.4. .ml not ivquintl.
a wtw t-nasre (.njier. So one til. Particulars
free. A.UlrvNi, 11. UaLlktt Jt Co.. Portland, Maiuc.
AOfh (":iu't Ih- nia-K- 1-y ivory aent v-r
0eFyaFaMMhlajtha baaaaaaaapa futnish. tmt
thoso willing t work tan easily earn a dozen dollars
a d.i rllBt Eattatfreani localities. Uac 110 time to
1 .1 a 11 her.-. l!iisiiH' lt.asaiit and honorabic. Wo
rn. 11, and boys and girls d ns well as men. We wilt
Imiaali pin a uamtaaa aarttl lw. We will 'i.-r-
1 1-
of ajtartiv jv'i P-rt:.-'.u irs .ree. W n'.e an.
1 :to.I r I' '..V-.X-. in i:et-l of jayinir uj-k at n-.iDe;
tiotild write l" us and learn all atout the work at
oiuv. Adrs Tin K Js Co., Auirusta, Maine.
will make you a pair of Boots
that will fit you according to
your idea of a nt, and will keep
them from running over, with
his Patent Counter and Shank
Brace, and Steel-Edged Heels ;
also in good repair, if neces
sary, for sis months, for Six
olpl ' fmshsaer Ale, Bnarh
ling Vii.,-s v.aA ail Carbonated Beverages.
.limrnlua fur Muklns. Uollllu- and IMS
penniBs ('ompleto Outfits, Materials and Supplies.
Established 4S years. Illustrated and
Priced Catalogue sent to any address on
ppltoallon Send vour orders dirretlo
First Ave , 2f.tb and 27lh Sis., New York.
Executor's Notice,
tbe undersigneil has been duiy ap
jKiinted Executor of the last will and tes
tament of K. B. Willoughby, deceased, by
the County Court of Linn" County, Stato
of Oregon, and ail persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified and
required to present the same, properly
verified, to the undersigned Executor at
his residence 10 miles east of Harri.-fburg.
within six months from the date of this
notice. EG BEKT J. WILLOUG 11 BY,
Dated this 18th day of February, lt81.
Ammen's Cough Syrup never fails to
cure if used in time and according to directions.