The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 11, 1881, Image 1

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Winn. In WemoriItaiUn(nii.mir
(former Ur.MutnUilii nmt .-. nni M.
1 HM'. mr .iar ru
Vlo im'it'., r " iq
PROFESSION a L twin s.
C. . T..; K..-
K. I 111 Ml-IIKKT.
Albany, Oregon.
WB practice in ail the Court In the Slt.. lrtmtr
mwtvni ami collection attciulol in t.n-imiUv
vlSaM '
U FI.INN. U. K. I'll A .M 1" KKI.AIN.
attori:y at law,
AIImii i. trrKOii,
eeronioe in Kus , r's Brtek ldn.k.-ts
v 1 -.n 1 St f.
R. S. STHAII AN. !, miYH-
Albany. Oregon.
pu vrTi. m EN .M.i.'iur.v t r i;ts ok
JL IBM State. Thmj kie special atten
tion lo collections and probate i.miu r.
Otthv in Foster's BOW b rick. ' 4if
Notary Public.
Albany. reenu.
Office upstairs, over John Rriinrs store
Albany, Oregon.
aai -r at v(.-Ur Ui Hi-Oil.l l!ln', Trm
' Collections a tp It v
ItlitM. OUM.OV
unu. nukanat dtalltskcoi imomi
"!".. .-!WII t.
iri-lu? matter.
icTOtfice in M.l Fctlsw'g TViu( k
j. c. rewnx Wm h, mx.vKf.
And Solicitors, in Chancery)
ALBAMY. - - - okm;o.
OoHnntiom promptly imule on all peUta,
l:ns imirotiaieil m reasonable terms.
Hliee in Fstor's Hriek.-'Vc
T r. HK SilJ M ll,
OsiTtHllee npstairs in tbe Otid Felloa
v 1 in.Sy
a rfORN i : T I
Will r;u-.i-- iti itn ::,
iniui H!;.-iH!r. , .
v-vhhs-s -tii,i MX;,......
UHit-s i h-M . , -
M .le.
in c
-itiii. e-m-i'rnlmte
'cin:M f.
I . A
W V 1
Se.-il i. iB i-ui givaeo ta ailtsi flisjs sad r- S flit.'
J. A. 1 tvJVTIS,
coavALLis, oncsos.
Win praetlce In all the Omits of the State
7"omee in th Cnori Bono "ti
f. i.. hu.l. x. v. noon.
Physicians jtntl Burgrons.
Albanj-, Oregon.
OFiift: sssaay i Bmtmtk iruu More.
Dr. Hill's residence, eor. Fifth nl Vine.
Dr. Dodrl's residence, corner Fifth and
Washington, in front f V. !'. Church.
Physician and Surgeon.
Albany, Oregon.
Office in From an 'a Brick, two doors
East of Conner's Dank. nlO
lrT T. tj. OKE.V
treating the various li-as-n to which the
eye and far are outijeetvand f"-)s eoofldenl of
jjivini? entire aatisfaction to tiios; who muy
p!aee themselves under his care. noKtf.
T. W. IIA11KIS, Ufa Da
Onice in Fstc-r's lirick, next door to office
of Powell fc Dilyeu.
Residence in tlio two-story frame building
on South side of Second street, ono
block and a half Fast of
Wheeler A Dlekes '
Divo v Stablo.
4XbaHsy ... ... Oresans.
1I. E O. HYDE,
Physician and Surgeon.
QAee at Foshay A Mason's.
Residence on Iiroadalb'ti St., Albany, Or.
Auction and Commission.
' Froiiii's Itlnck.
Af.BA.N'Y, - . Ki:;0..
Everybody delighted with the tasteful
and Ijeautiful selectiona mado by Mrs. Ia
mar, who has never failed to please her
customers. .New rail Circular ju.t issued
Send for it. Address
15:7fcf 877 Broadway, New York.
Albany, Oregon.
WUi practice in all the Courts of this
State. Sueoial attention given to collec
tions. Office up stairs in Froman's new
brick. 2
State .Eights
hi fit i;iu o mm ton MQffl.
Sn Ffancisoo, Fcl. 22l.
KJitor Democrat :
Tbis is th hirtluUy of Wuhington,
ami it hangs over tho city like a rhi
mer S uulnv. The storm has hlown
over omi otve more the warm sunlight
streams kfefSaga the streeta of San
FtOH mm There is mini umlei foot
ami the crosswalks aro batl. hut a ugh
Of relief goes un from the community.
A thousand nt up forces scm once
more to have hurst into life ami action.
The snuill street urehin is more vigor
ous ami aggressive. tho carts ami onachca
go past aith a spin and a imap. uad
the long Wnnished ladies again trojp
alaug tlie siinay si.le of Kearny street.
Hw sweet and fresh (he air ia, and
hovr intoxit-ating tho sunlight ! The
very dogs and horses Rn to kuew
that something is the matter ami t
have loom! a new pleasure in simply
existing. Ail imy long your corros
ftondent has been idling away hi time
at a suuny east window overlooking the
city ami the hay. The blue Alameda
hilU are inviting in the distance, aud
somehow the IWheuiiait linea of our
friend Miles O'Udey seem to l the ex
act expression of his mood, and for
want of other companionship, he has
rej .e.ite.ily addressed them to his cat
Here are part of them:
My frietul, mj chuiu, iu trut r.ii,
H e are dmlf o4. a eni to me,
Tw be two laxzaronl,
on SSHMMm UA x& mtcvoBi
Uri4 some fa CMhsn e.
Krm c!i U lie in the hav !
' duty us but io lie
SU httvS n the akutifuj
H if a til llllg anj ira aaS hJ
UcDeath it.- hlue Italian Ay."
We are aware, however, that this is
uoi prncticahle. t is not the t'allfor
nian style. It is not active enough.
He admit.-, that he is lafy on occasions,
ai;.'. rather gleriM in the feregoiog litias.
But your eon .speiiilent lays no claim
to the irfene of being industrious. Ail,
bo r er, are enjoying the nreseut warm
Stn , . a slihcUgh fea old tloukilh
ure iu - more nun and cloudy a'caluer,
they ea mot mar the haliafaction of the
great throng "hick tuaih s aio.-g tho
!rretji iti th
u ;!
botief tl
1 1 me
worst i over.
pot the psal ii.r. minimi Hon Fran
o has Im-i-ii an fieri ng ith otsvt,
afi- lay the sun comes up and
the ; . imttu nrel no event tiae.b
piieS worthy Of ti e eld tiuns and
p.t'.itf.- . . : . -ii;('ul-'('viiig jao-
pl. I V true Moodl m.A Sankoj arc sttcJl as to wniTtttlt entering on that
Ut our midst, ;.'i H dick ns" is i.t every j line again under the lint 111 H idea of
om 's ttUtgrnie, and Wheder, tin- slum ineienPii: our foreign . ..iiimeice.
gW.hmtWn Moteneea to he hanged! gincH lho dt,ftnlt of r IwiiHH
by th. neck until dead, b..t theso things! Bostley in the effort to nttneV hi trav
do not altogetbor satisfy. San Fran-1 Mj,ig fmm Colirt u, the jn
dttw waata a rtoi or an earthquake. msmmm i-AmlM nothim has l-cu
Tne nwirago citien is not happy unless
ho can have the privilege, at least once
a week.of bi'eathleahly seizing his neigh
bor by the button hole and ssking for
the latest newa from the front. The
Sacramento valley floods were some
satisfaction tf us ; but just as the ieo-
' J 1
pie nad reached the spex oi exjaiciaiion ;
and were momentarily waiting to heat j
that the levees had given away and
that Sacramento and Maiy.svi!le had
been washed from off the face of the
earth, the wires brought the news that
the water was falling, and we all de
serted the bulletiM hoaidi and went
hum" in disgust. This thin.' will
bo remembered against the cities of the
plain when the day of reckoning comes.
We are in favru of repealing tbe debt is
act down here since these events.
.Speaking of the debris act, by the way,
renainds us that the people of San Fran
cisco are daily growing mere indignant
on account of the attitude of their rep
resentatives in the legislature on this
question, and unless they soon experi
ence what Moody would term a ''change
of heart," they will find themselves
shorn of their little brief authority and
retired to back seats when the next oc
casion comes around for tho people to
speak. "Their action is criminal," said
a good citizen to me this morning, "and
the f ffort to saddle this thing on tho
State for two years longer amounts to
highway robbery." And this seems to
be the general sentiment.
The eyes of tho community aro turn
ed at present upon the proceedings in
Department No. 11 of the Superior
Court, where the trial of young Kal
loch, for the murder of Charles De
Young, is proceeding. The defense is
resorting to all the subtleties and tech
nicrlities of the law to gain time and
advantage. Twenty days alono have
have been consumed in obtaining a
jury. It seems incredible tint so much
time should have been omsumed to se
lect twelve men who have no opinion
of their own or know nothing about
the cise. The whole proceeding is a
commentary on the jury system and
Rhould awaken all justice loving citizens
to the necessity of its modification. No
one believes, under tho ciicumstances,
that Kalloch will be convicted. If this
jury convicts or fails to agree he will
obtain a new trial, and the second jury,
whioh must of necessity be composed of
worse material than tho first, will ac-
quit him. I will not fail to keof you
informed from time to time of any new
developments in this caao.
There has been much impatetionce on
the part of the people during tho past
few weeks owing to the irregularity of
the incoming mails, occasioned by the
storms. On last Saturday an overland
mail of three days accumulation arrival
in the city aud the seem in aud about
the postotlice for a few hoars reminded
old settlers of steamor days before the
completion of the railroad. Over a
thousand sacks ol delayed mail matter
were received in the aftoruoon and it
required, in addition to the regular mail
wagons, five large drays to remove it
from the wharf to the postoflice. So
perfect is tho system, however, which
has been instituted iu the San Francis
co ollice, that this iiumenae mail was
assorted and ready for distribution
withiu one hour after its arrival. Wo
are looking anxiously forward to the
completion of the Southern trans conti
nental road in the houe that our mails
may teach us with greater regulaiity
and dispatch.
out mmtiii coaasarinBST J
WaOMMOI, l 0 ., Feb 15, 1881.
MJtior Drmocntt :
It is now pielty conclusively demon
strated that subsidies do not thrive in a
1 emocraiic Congress. All the sch vines
brought forward in the Isst six years
have utterly failed, and the last one to
0OM to grief is the Brazilian Mail en
terprise of Mr. John llosch. For three
years there has been a strong lobby at
work here iu the interest of this
scheme, aud its advocates conlidentlj
exjtected to succeed this winter ; but
the Senate has just pressed the thing
out of all shape by vigorously aitting
down on it. There was no arty jnili
tics in it, for some memlfers of both
parties were for the measure ; but the
majority of adverse vole came from
the Democratic side. Mr. Blaine has
boOB the limning advocate ami utU'rne)
fur Mr. Koach. ami the I ) im. i alio
ne sj n-r here hacked him, for a fori is understood ; it lakes
a MuarlitMM and wore inflaeatial iottrnal
j than the I'unt to pomasslt Oeuiocratic
Reuecsjea tail vat that they oiht
that they oiifght to
stultify themsilves by voting for
schetms whish the patty in ('ongreta
and iu nil its platforms has consistently
COOdemncd. The day ol siibaidies has
a--ed. The eXM-rience of the I'nited
States iu giatiting them has not been
I i 1 a
heaid from him, ami it is generally le
lieved that his head will be one of the
first to drop into the executioner's bas
ket after the new administration is in
auguratod. The Pension Bill, as it
passed the Senate, is now in the House
. ,
awaitiug ooncurreuoe in the nmeiid
ments. it appropriates 6.VH2,30G.Gs,
being tie: largest pension appropriation
bill ever perfected cither by this gov
ernment or by any other, and is more
than alt the pension appropriations of
all the governments on earth combined.
This is not entirely owing to tbe ar
rears of pensions law, although before
that was enacted the pension expendi
tures were a....uallv less than one half
tbe amount now about to be appropri
ated. The wholesale tensioning of the
survivors of the Wat of 1K12 has
helped to swell the aggregate. There
are now on the rolls over thirty-live
thousand widows and survivors of that
war. It is remarked at the Pension
OfKee that no one engaged in that war
seems to have died in the last half cen
tury. The effect of this immense
swelling of the pension roll is to post
pone indefinitely the pensioning of the
survivors of the Mexican War. A con
vention of the survivors is to meet at
Louisville on the 231, etui a strong
stem tii Aiii bo sent to Congress ask
ing that the claims of the Mexican sol
diers he considered. Tbe justness of
these claims is acknowledged, bnt there
is a general indisposition to further in
crease the pension budget. It is esti
mated that there are only eight thous
and survivors of that war, but from
the way survivors of the war of 1812
have turned up there roust be about
one hundred thousand.
The removal by death of Fernando
Wood from the Ways and Means Com
mittee has raised the question whether
that committee would not now be in
favor of tariff reform. But even if
there were time to take up the subject,
the committee would still be opposed
to it. Speaker Randall is not a tariff
reformer by any means, and when he
appointed that committee ho left the
free-traders and reformers a long way
in the rear. The fact that one or two
votes have been elose signifies nothing.
A member of the eomm.ittee who, sdtb
others, would be glad to have Mr.
Kurd's resolution reported favorably,
told me to-day that they were still in a
hopeless minority.
The noisy clangor of lho ulieeh
died away, and tho six oYlork whis
tle sounded It eoarno call. M iirgnn t
Wilder ipivo it lltllo high f rellof
she folded her apron and donned hef
hut, prtqmratnry to slut ling for homo.
A modest little lioitic it WM ol
two rooms, wheto her IftBf Ida, .i
delicate girl ef sixteen, whs awaiting
her resurn. Id was a cripple. A
fall soverttl years hi loin bed Injured
her hip, so that now she moved about
with the aid of it crutch.
Thoso two girls were olotIG in 'ho
World, and loved eu Ii other devot
odly. Margaret, the. elder, was u
tall, serious, tlark-eyed girl, while
Ida was tiny and fair, like their dead
mother. Margate! win n
winder in tho mill, and Ida made
wax llowcrviiui knitted pretty f am y
articles lor the store-', when she was
strong enough. Bttl there wcro many
days when the poor child lay upon
tin lounge in paroxisms of pain, tin
able to do anything. Those wen
dreary days, ye, in pite of her suf
fering, Ida always had a smile for
Margaret when she came in at night.
To night the rent was tin. ; so
Margaret uppcared at the Ogwtll'a of
tiee to pay it. Bight doll u . Nli
counted the balance as the bdt ho
office. Him had just eight dollar
left, ami there were so many things
to got with the money ! gtto sighed
us the HKdiility of yoafO and you-,
of such a life before her. Working
and working day afU r day for the
barest necessities !
She walked on in a oofl of bfown
study, trying mentally to make tin
eight dollars do the duty of lift . en,
irhOB she was itaitled by tb sound
of a cherry voice ju-d behind her.
Really, Miss Margaret, you move
like a wiich. for thfM minutes
have leen trying to overtake you "
A faint color tinged .Margar.- '
rather pah. cheek, as she greeted the
overseer of the factory. Ho was a
largo man, with a kind, honorable
looking face. The nrt of BOM thai
ono would Goal like treating forever.
lie hail a handsome white f ire' cnl,
eoeeel brown eye, and thlek brown
hitir which, when confttM d l r trou
bled, he had a fa-hiou ol tumbling
up until it otned out like a poroupint 1
quills. Tellig!il he cirried .. !
on bis mm.
"I have .some party pears hare,'
ho said, "wlii- li Mrere bn Might la
from the country to-day, I w i. ;
if your sUtor would not oitjoj - an.
of them V"
4Oh, th.iitk yon! Id i i k
lover of fruit
'So Is my little Charlie ; and i h
will snake hint open bl eyi - '
Margaret iiMik. 'i up It i' - In ; y
Have I i v. r r UJ you larll .
hesaidwjlha prtMUl si "tilt,
well ! 1 uiu-i bring til iti . : - shop
some day. and you shall - If he .
not a bey in gladden bio father'
tergaiet loieed a smile, but aha
w i". eoeaeiocM ol u sadden keen pain
Bceven 4taeao had been a piaoaanl
nrlend to her, and she had thought !
times ili it his m inner implied some
thing warmer than friend-hip. Sl.
had never thought of him M 0 mar-rn-d
man, and t'ni matter of com o
mention of a child his child -attack
her like a cruel blow, for in her be
wilderment Hie took it for granted
that tho child's mother Wli living.
Jf she hud deceived her-elf by any
foolish notion that lie was in love
with her, this was a just punishment
she thought. Hteven Adams 07M a
noble and honorable men, wh was
srry for her poor, plain life ; and
the little attention which tie had of
fered to her and to Ida OBteOg from
the desire of a kind heart to brighten
their dull routine.
'J think you Meat love children,"
he was saying ; "and Charlie h i
dear little fellow."
Yes,I am very fond of children,"
murmured poor Margaret, with that
sot, unnatural smile which Bte?en
Adams noticed with a feeling of
appointment; for he had particularly
admired Margaret's frank and unaf
fected manners, bat now her word
seemed to belie her real feelings.
However, no furl her then t ion of
the subject was made. Having
reached Margaret's home, Mr. Ad
am's catered and filled a fruit dish
with the juiay peers for Ida, aud
bidding tho slaters a cheery g30d
night, he went on.
Two days later, n Margaret w -replacing
the fragments of her lunch
eon in the basket, Mr. Adams camu
down the long room with a little boy
ia a plaid frock and sailor hut ; a
handsome lltllo fellow, with brown
eyes like his father's, aud long, fair
curls. Margaret had been rather shy
af Mr. Adams for the past two days,
but she could not resist tho child's
sweetly imperious antRo an hi
fell upon her.
Who is you V" queried Master
Charlie, running to her side, and
leaning against her knees.
"This is papa's friend, Charlie,"
said Steven Adams, smiling at the
wave of calor in Margaret's face.
And then lie added, "May Charlio
stay with yeu for a few minutes? I
want to look at a defective shaft iu
the lower room, and 1 dre not let
the bey run loose among all this ma
Margaret signified her pleasure at
Chat lie's company, and smiled into
the little fellow's faee when be stood
ou his toes to kiss her.
Charlie loves you, he said, "Char
ley loves your pretty dark eyes "
Mr. Adams looked at Margaret
With a good deal of amusement.
Margaret laughed to cover her con
fusion, J, and Mr. Adams echoed the
laugh as he turned away.
When the ane o'clock whistles
sounded theoperatives began to come '
iu to WM ii machines, nnttj pre
Mr. Afiams came for Charlie.
"I bhell come again some day,
pretty lady, "said tho loy patting her
. heck with his tiny hand ; and then
ho marceed away to the elevator,
clinging to his father's hand.
It was nearly u week before Mar
garet mw ( harlio again ; ami then
hi t f tther ! rough t the lltllo feltgW to
her n( before and left him for aw bile.
Margaret hail been cleaning her
machine, and now began oiling it op
for the great wheels were beginning
to itfftvc, and .'. ion it 'Votild bo time
for Wfirk. Lltllo Charlie bent to look
at the shining rod, With hU eye-,
w idoly I r t ; I . t nt.d l,i 1 hi ml i,u one
side, Very much tiller the fashion of
an exquisite robin.
Margiret reached to draw him
away. Too late ! (foe long shining
curl . wilhg toward tho belt, which
OUCked It In, and the revolving rod
twh ! d i' tip. Then- WHS all ago'ded
C"s i.f u rtor from it,., j.i r h y.
Margaret tlmpped brtddo blot, With
one haad ohttehing the boyHi silken
tresses, and the other ;illn holding
the little form aw i.v from the m u hiu
ery. 'liarlle's arm-, hung oonvttl a v ly
aboul her neck. Bleven 4 dame, ball
way down the r.,om, heard I be
cream, and aont Margaret holding
hie boy beck from horrible death,
he sprang to !. telephone which
cemmnnlcoted with (he engine room
and rung the bell
Throw oft the main hell tj,,;, i "
he cried.
When In- reached Margaret and
the bikj the tormor was in a deed
faint, but the speed was down an I
t harlie w is -.ih
The terrlBed ojierallvei were
crowding alsiut, tmd a m - MM gtl
from the engine ro m cemo ranolng
up stain to leefn the cause of the do
lay Theft WOO no more ori. for .M u
garet that day. v. hen she recovi n i
oenecloti neoo, acarriago wee ordered
to take her home. The next day,
however nho was in the old place;
and at night Bteven Adams joined I
!. r a-t -he started for heme
l never fainted in my life he fore,1
sin- said, half apologetically, after she
bad Inquired for Una rile. "Youra net
have thought tin very We ik "
"Margaret," he ml I, 1 may
yon Jttet what I tfalnl on :
' 'fiarlie's ninth, t
allow him in ii . ,
I b ll
went on hastily. i i r irrele
vantly. 'Charih '.;". , - even
; Vdams. us.l , u i i ia I
faoblon,and lii ig ire ' tniti'de
his brown ki - i nil ! . o -I uii
Iwaantteol dbdufVi tim-m .'! rful
to behold. ! hove nu yrUv, Ct.r
ln ' mother died s - ' .i h
most vou have Ughl d m- i
Why, afargaret, dear giii, u-.r ytu
know that Iteee you f i ii i
ll l r my own V Charlie i : i
mother. My bonae neds t mNtreaw.
Wiil yun aue end bi Ing ; '
;i i ; . to be i i II t can f '
exciui ite ! ftfargaret, emlting at hi
hi i ft--.- nrou-'h Jot hannv t. ir.
s nowi uiy dear reader, Charlie
heahof ''ntetty lodyM Utr e mother,
and VI srgarit toils n more in the
notoe and dost of the lactery, white
Ida with the hot f rare atn! medic d
Ireatment, Is mnch simngei end wfi
fcrs b - u.tu ( yore.
r ; tus
Fiotn the Skmdard of the 1st inat.
we latere thai Mt. Baket i- imi a ting
(JiHht, CU ! has broken out in a KB he
That paper eaye thai from atatisqni,
hoar the foot of Mount Baker, i i;
learned thai the mountain is in an at t
ive state, Mm the e;'e io thai part of
the country are apprehensive thai the
lava will Mow in great, quantities. A
den ie eolame of em ke is csoouno from
the m mat tin, while hoi ctndete, at bee
ami lava are being thrown from iu era
ter. At night ii pours (otto etraaeeaof
lire an t rock, which illuminates the .:
moHpherc for miles and miles, striking
f error to th inh ibit sttt and c timing
tho people to be greatly alarm ! lor
their boraee and lives. As yet tkt H W
of lava is not suflteient to hsdieah any
danger. Tbe eraption is sjid to be
agnihoeat sigh! from the Upper .u
mas, iiisiHin uonitt. .o nuies, jinu w inch
is admirably located to observe this
wonderful phenomenon,; tbe moun
tain looms up to (ho height of 12,000
feet, and is clothed ill while half way
down it side.
("arwnir roaistlqallan '"ol.
rhila.hdi.l.i.i. Pa. et. 4. Is7!.
II H. Win ner tfc I '..-- ienls. -r the
nasi ten years I haveahffered the evil ef
IbotB of hut miiit be tor mod ebronteeon
Stipatieai mv skin became yellow and my
liver was all out of order; i tiled alt tlie
remedies that ooald be obtahsod, and that
was all I eouM do, utter finding bo relief
from regular meolelne Ireatment, and 1
finally commenced usinp; your reinedies.
1 first tried the Pills, and at the end of one
woek mv bowels had atuOlned a regularity
and healthy action unknown for years. 1
was so plt (Kill With the effect that 1 con
cluded to try a bottle of your littter.s, and
although I have not entirely used the first
bpttle, 1 am so poreeptlbly improved and
toned up that I wriU) to VOU giving thi
volunlary testlmOfibtl to the excellence of
your remedies. t Yours truly,
K. .). ('ami ina.i.
A young lady u mlng handsome
young man remarked thai ska had
often heard of bin wifc. He si might
way asked her if she would take a joke.
She answered, " Yea." lie quickly ro
plied, " I'm a joke."
We'll bet a cent that not a man who
has blown out the gas and been suffoca
ted dtiring the last ten years, ever took
aud read his country newspaper. Now
is the time to subscribe. Sleuboivilh
Am men's Conga Syrup nover faila to
cure If used in time and according to di-
re tionp.
ll, JW8I.
A Mruu, flioi'j
I nata e ttraoge, alntcit Incredibfe tory
to tell oi tin cgpartoeeg bl my own aoo
foarfui night In the wood' Imaginatioa
had nothing to do with it, for I aui a b id.-
woodoiaa's daoghtar, sooastomed to tlM
wild mmiiili of the forest, the looellwew,
and alt that U tarrttytog to a novlot.
My father wa a go. nun, serving J
Ood after Mi own ilmple fashion seelna
Him and lovlns Him hi Ilia works. I
ban heard him hold forth on ii.- niovhieiit ,
wsysot beaver : w ii .ii,. lit 1 1,-crittei d
stanro In the co?d teaaon r it hadn't used
its little net tail tor bulkon' it honse.and
then ilii.-ii it wiili food iu ii ."' I bate
heard Mm tell of tin- eartbai. MLooh -it
thatf too." be eeeJd .y. 'and el the
moo.e. Now, lie: cariboo tM lo travel
often a matter ol twenty utiles lot bis
dinner, lor Iks's a daUN) 'UI . and only
tate tbe long gtay utees that hanga from
tbetreei; to (iod u'' Mm niow-slMN ..I mi (ajttn could atade 'eat, to
ulmoVer the iccnei, wMIe the big,
heavy moose then? nuk iih; In. lii
dtiuter M close i bead, lit aeoM live
lei Moothe on an scrotal ' ' Ho would
Hpeak Of lis loon, and it . ,.i sol ition in
ever way lo lis watery home always
ending such talk with-. "AM Ued't
eerai ere "ti honor ; tlsfre's no huit-
w.iy with 11 in f"
I ane tho enlt aneteA il low dilklrcit
My hither, when mounting o. j :nni anal
ing the others, Its would never cent pi ih .
bnteelymy, 'lta?yie twueroe. Why,
W We can't trnat the little children (hat
.hm't know wfong-dMng I. end
don't know th" meaning of sio, then there
ain't any eltnuee for m m:" o so
be lived Meoatet life - hi besri beatlag
dose io nature! beart, "ef bl mmi! nncon--i"U-lv
aeeklug sod Omliiig natore'
My ntotlwi mnsf bavt Isssi beantlfol in
Ueryeotb. ffta eraea tw ' e
and, kerbffgM rr ;ith pMti rued In r
celiy ever neony a hard trial In bet hfo
toemmnt ucprivatlooa. One
overshadowing eotrow of ii hf
B naeeoontaMfl dfMppearanei of bi r II
yaai o!d daughter, fu r only beaniiful child
lite one in her own image, whom from
the finl ! laved with n peenltsr t eta lei
I.e.. .
li ! lo bin I
w I die moi
mile from
ill -hour,
ol li.e
i- off iu
treat fr
day he
ipkudM away
t trout.
ill . i ' -
ndden ailXh '
! ken RoniHl. vv, nutuu mother kneet
iu ou fhe :i ir, her bead bratilag an the
ohtptv crib, an I MOsultH! a one thai
I could noi be evtnforted. TISS baby wa
-Si; m vir knew. eic jsnt iu
searching fhr her, and, ;.t Urugtb, to save
I moth, i reason, fitiier forved bei to leave
l he .n (!) Ingcaldu hi the wnodeby tlaj
lake, where thh btel lecrow had cooe
anon her, and we went t y treat.
There we lived ptef.y for y. :u - during
the w Inter time. The nun ef l he great
tun root of the drey Htateri t ek charge of
my etlncatlen, Mather and I had neat
Itttle : smu in the Pranoh quarO r, white
father wont off mooes banting for aearj
months; but the nmaer tiroes we slwayi
rpetd w lib hi ui. lie would choose lovely
nt for our wutnmi r eitcaaHents, but
never on the siteeftho h; eahiu ileaerted
atU i the bahy'-i lOW, UOttl the Milliliter of
my lOeli year. Thenagteal dcire took
paeoaaton'of my mother togooneemeee
to the old home. Hie had I)..!. i doll-
csie that winter, and mv great, reogji
father il. ni. .1 her nothino:. I diu.l.lct
W hen I think of that hcaut dol, direlul
place now - it Keaon w thoagh our evil
fife hov.rc.l a hunt it. All the angulah I
ever knew centers there !
If e passed eoc poaeehtl month together
distnrbed only by distant rumors of the
diphlh'-ria, a rcoitrge which ecin. d So Is
striding along from village to villiig
lit t on the river, then aeerer it oa tl
great lake : bttl we never Ibottghf of it
touching us, until one tni-t ral.le llisht,
when father cense home, buigOW and
feverish, from one of the hi- numctou. -
Bedttona, end wc read in hU 'ace flit
ghastly linger of scourge had ft iti mark
upon him. Alter fhe second day of anx
iety about father, all strength sc nicd to
desert my delicate little mother. From
the Brat she bed despaired shout him, and
now I MS that, If fHther'9 life were taken
I should have to pait with them both.
Her lite would die with hi-, for sorrow
fbrges Stronger bonds even than joy. and
they had sultcrod so much together, hi
love al ways supporting her, that lie had
hreotnc life, of her life. She could not
cxit alone.
I struggled hand to hand, aud sick at
heart agetnft w hat I felt to bo an inexora
bM fate, and, on the alteriioon of the eighth
day I found myself llfone and almost des
pairing, save for tho thought of the happi
ness of fhe two I had loved he-it in the
The sunset canto, as I sat by the lake
side, flooding my desolated wet Id w ith a
heavenly glory, like a sign from them to
mo of their newfound joy.
Tho stars had como out before 1 ventur
ed to return to the worse than detected
house. 1 could not hope tor help tiom
any neighbor ur.til 1 sought it myself the
next day, and I had to look forward to a
night, how horrible I did not foresee, or 1
could not have endured it. W hat follows
I could scarcely credit myself it I did not
bear on my hand a tangible proof of it in
a well-defined scar ; and even now I could
j not bear to write of ttiat night's i pcriencc
I not ay ewthtiwi's laafhler and ary
I 'hwdg bosbaod'i care loagSaaei bawkliid
j aaaataral gloata rrom my lUa.
u hi!e I h id betll sitting tlaoe 00 the
j ,:,k'' ,,,"',: ,ow:'"5 fbe evening, i bad beanl
U tA shot j ItacaresJy reosed ate. A
itHH-tnnan, I tbonght, had waiKlered froa
wwampmenr, on opjife si,,)(..
had seen some gsim in mr uii.i aood-
killed It. Ind hi cnnrMi hid uu t'
mrr klm sway. In the cttlarrinc darlf
"' ' my way baek ibrooga thl
I tn,uUhir 'l'"'' path, aw' reached my awe
1. 1.. O ..S a m
uwor- t "u--mu.u; p. . u,,; u.rcd.oi.i
door, i slots
III Ice lutUre ill' i r L et. were -till the
be v feet that bad toiled for me, tbfiowetl
me. and bed been afar near me l i
to go a my ragged path eleee! Heart
sick and overcome, I rtacpfjj ,ltor
and, leaning my head agaiu-t It, w,h-d
hi uncontrollable de-pair. Tired out Of
length. lhmigrdVtt .piict, tad wai iut
abeot io mt tbe hueh, when a r;,h,t ,.,-,
n of an Animal iu pain, and eteOS OS n
stai tied me fhen n death like
I knew I i. id .( bt ii tni-i.d.cii
11 at i mo t lergt-f myaehT and Ii
peer creature io dM-r,-,. t
gfMd for rrengfli p know that .
naees you ej i- etrong.1 No
beshoitng, i barrtad ksto Ike Httk
. .i . . .
I ktt
p tin
B niM-
seas n ogi i. ami a'etit hi ih.
Ji return
wnence tl s moan had n m i my ears, i
Ih agbi oi ih, 4h,.t i kmi i),, u tta
'talte poadbfe a poet eroded deer wa
hying h, the iu bee. reef I. M aasv
t it- -kin immi t , ,i,iy tawa ejmtted
uc.ior. ttmyoelteeUH peffmaelhat
moan bad been ha dyfag pup eastan
i eame quite eto e ta It, lateed ever, end.
p.irnlyd with horror, saw my laotbll's
OS , only young and very U autiful. a
-he most here looked when s atrl. Ixmh.
ly pale. dead. pOSfialy, -he lay- matted
hair all ahaot her face, aad efothvd in
deesktn. Jest then sM tved ; it wa4
not death, ah wander eeeonl within me.
esvry hteltag ied heJotc "iir thl ejhj tfisi
tMs kelog whatever, 'whiarei eke was
might Im- -av d to
I dmggetl her f;ie f. w -tep-i into the
boose, laM bei an my bemleeh bsogfea,
Ontrutbed ly m - ine.-ihr -:. I visited
ns. Then I (hand e wound In tie? poor
ct.aturc', able ami aoand it uj.. beelnd
her he ad, and, in the qui. :, now again I
mm Narueu at wmt g my mother's hoage,
reong r.t.d fair, 1 1 1 ire me. and, when at
:- sgth bet great i opened, I fc.-it it asest
be that dafei ;.. i aw tit bow, and seta
Imk in this aad hour !o Lite my motler'
place. I leaned forward iu ms-eeeewm
l' i la sn hs bar, aeee a h.k
of fright, an m .:i ,; llbe, wihl ti-rrnr look
(tonicsslaa Of bet face, and a low sort of
marl lio: e fnuit I. r humm lio.
H - Marl si
..r bleed . dl i
cai a fr-h flow
Annie I stanch-d the wnund. and prepr-
ed aenriahment In cae sne wafced. Tee
bailed be these waya for furtfier jecti!a
Ilea, Only With i '(range weight at my
bat the ;p sm of eyes arattnng ma. Buck
K range i v. . No human expn-sinn
about tin m ; a stealthy iKk in them now.
eatly s I c aid J approachei her i.!c.
d Im r !. y carefully-prcpni-etl
I mov 1 away and -odiously avi id-
e it
aaj spfMaranee f waUmtag-her. Yet
i ana atteuaoiy eomcioos of her every
movement. I eoatd eeehei eyeing eager
ly with i t. t, bed, rambhid look, a taw
veni-on -tiak that bad Uvn forgotten,
and lay on t lie lahlo c!osc iatddc Iwr.
Steattktly, like a heart of prey, la-r fiadde
hand dole toward it. and in a moment da
had torn it in pieces and devoured it.
Honor tilled my la-ait. Could ibis
a nwaea be human? I .it slill in the
corner. wIkic, my elf umsfii. I could
tvatch ami tc-tiaiu her if uecesar3. and
toon - wcakm s overeooahig her after
tlii- l:i-l elfHrl J:e I . y toa-injj h, an Uneasy
lib ! I was ... w.ary and o very lonely.
The dreadful night was ahno-t at an end.
I w nt to her si !.., Ibtaw iuyelt on the
IkhI besnhl licr, and put my arms about
I . r neck. Again her woneetful eyes
opened Adl hi my fheet f Used theeawtth
my own. i careesed her, celled la r by
the endearing name of old, I Unsought
her lo Ik' gentle and to love me. I told
her -lie was my own, the only creature
left for me to iove and care for ! Due
tbert ereoud it se med a if a soul lookctl
out ef iter gkarteen, rtcer-like eyes tkeai
with a groin as if slu- gave the tiruggh
over, and with low, fcilful glow
again -nc t i-tciicii n. r w tiitc ucin in mv
Shrieking with the pain. I hinted
When I came l myself dawn was strugg
ling iu at the w indow, le d -hadow s flicker
ed on the floor, fearful pain iu my hand
roused mo at length, and a coiiumhi
ihir-t drove me hue the woods toward the
spring to allay it.
I a niggled through the underbrush, and
there close to tho water, discerned a con-
fneed mess. There lay my poor si-tcr.
dead, pillowed on a wild cat of the womls,
shot by the same hand, probably, that had
wounded her fatally.
A London w riter says Lord r 'aeon field's
fondness for rings and flashy jewelry is
not more strongly reflected In the pages
of "Eneymion" than his love of eating In
"Lothalr," and the fact is recalled that
his hotel bill at lierlhi was fG.OOO. "In
'Lothair' " he says, "there is the same
display of flashy jewelry, the same blaze
of nnrealit) , somewhat solL'ified by con
stant eating. Tho chief personnge, who
moved about as if too good for this world,
aro always ready for a good luncheon or
a substantial dinner. Though unreal
enough in most respects, they are solid
enough in their appetites."
A dispitcb from Krie, Pa., says that
CjI. Hubert 0. Ingersoll broke down nt
the funeral of his sister on Saturday, and
could not deliver the oration as expected:
In appearance be h is .aged ten years since
3 q
2 00
: oo
4 00
; oo
7 50
to M
5 sn
r, oo
7 oo
o 00
W 01
16 00
;jo i
7 to) M ' I
I 00 t C 0J i Jf $
u: v. ui I (I
ii f ! 0f m 00
in oMo ro4 41 M
r (o ro ooi to
J0 ( ;its -r Ur".
H.r legal and tnfarwtent advortVwwnesifa
$ 1 00 per Mjnare, for the tirHtinMertlon, and
!o eenu jir wfoare for each mitmwjtient tn
SOI lion.
A sll.BNT OK I:.
Sweetly the evtnmj boll ring ottt their
ftoarly tbe deeaenhm iwtiiiftit ahadow
O'er dreamy earth and tky.
Tii cricket r hirj In sateONI, chngele
Hilling my heart, with sadnesu a alone
In weariness I aigh.
Sweet ate fhe voices that the twilight
brings, the sadaeas that to memory clings,
1 or happy thought come, loo,
f getdea dream of youth loo hright lo
S'we. vi'-ioriH of an un forgot ten fasf.
When love's tiright dream was new
Hut w le-ri ttie dark tics deepens into night
And ail my golden dream have taken
My heart prows wild with pain,
'I fie midnight only h"ar my liitler cry.
No answering voice sn.i- ba-k a a.ofl -
1 ery in vain, In vain.
Iyve' pleading voice will come to me no
Have ifi a.:Ui ln-v from the nilent tthorea
Wi.i"e clrerislusl memories dwell.
Or in the btOSaaS that around me blow
Hrealhing in a-eenta sad, though soft and
Tbe painful word, fa-eri!
pi esvreae.
KtuuUfe the mule. It is W-kward
In deeds of violence.
dei. ah was the firat. conundrum - tho
a hn!e gave hiu up.
Baasaoa la-ought down the house, but
nobody called for an eoeore.
" Bet del hot goti abed" U th in-
C! Ipti
id WOod tombsttOI.e.
Trifl'-s iiht as hair Hornetum-H trun
the whole course of a man's appetite.
,V-c OflmitH J'ir'i rn ne.
To removo ua?rfluoua hair Send
your weli lillel mattreua to le done over
by a eheap upholaterer.
The Preach have no atreet corner
tatuea Tfie man who doesn't move
or. ii iuvitcd lo break sUmef.-r 13 days.
Dorian the census in Switzerland
017 wuujr-n refused to tell their agea,
and ecb one was returned at 46 and
ae.l lined SI .
Wiieu Tommy puta a pie-.-of Johnny
cke in his j;ke- for lunch 1k calis it
an Indian It;servation.
Ii took the Norristowu llmil.l to
OOOOrart thia one: ' Isn't, the new
I. a . I It K 1-1.
Ijrunu ujlil simoiv tlie t.ei i ttan hciii
I -.1 n . a.
it ii a j onnei '
In two vears a loy cau learn a
moeh l.uii aa he can forg-' in six
BMMSths ier he t,''s -.!,. : r a
(:nns 1'ic
I t - to believe t;;ut women prefer
ii.-.e whom they think handsome.
Error. They pweor those who think
thi m ! ea teoaeo. OmWaevn
We are ail t-f us like the i....r ig? or-
, . i - m i i a
a . womm wiio wnn asice.i ii M.e
religioo, replied lhat she h .i slight
toneJaOBef it occasionally.
It Inf. Wen dec'n'.ed by a Brooklyn
church that playing caids isn't wicked,
an 1 two thinks of the congregation have
unit using theiu. BottMM lot.
In the theatre ; " What has become
little Anna, the actress who had such
tine pros; ects I" ' Ah. v.u know man
piop.jaea aud ." A n.l she accepted."
The lirat thing to do when an Artie
exploration expedition has been fitted
out is to fit out an eXj.euition to go in
aearch of the tist one. and a on.
,nr, !' ( 'ouri- r.
A bartender of a fashionable saloon
must know how to mix 87 drinks,
while a Judge of a court needn't know
how to make even a milk punch. Ai-
grota FVes fteee.
" Take baek the love thou gav'st me,"
hIic aang. It was-a love of a bonnet,
hut didn't match her cosapUaioq, and
whe wanted him to exchange il for one
that did.
The boeheaee Of editing newspaper,
(he I 'nited States S.ipreaae Vairt aays
in a recent eeetaioo, baa beeeeeO within
tho past few years an "indejendent
The ditlVrence between a self-made
man and a self made woman ia ten old
paers, four hair switches, ninety-eight
hair pins, and a pretty little box labeled
" Face POwder."
lAdy Violet Creyille, who haa been
writing essays, tella woman to ."beware
of male friends. Female frienda ate
shifty, unstable and not always true,
but men are worse."
" Wheel a man puts down a bad um
brella and takes up a good one," says
Josh Billings, "he m':es a mistake ;
but when he puts down a good one and
takes up a bad one ho -nakesa blunder."
An inveterate wag, seeing a heavy
door nearlv ofV its hinges, in which
condition of neglect it had been left
for some aime, observed that when it
had fallen and killed some one, it would
probably be hung.
Now, I understand," remarked Oklcn-
borg with a sigh, after vainly try ing to
get a view of the stage over the bonnet
in front of him ; " Now I understand
what they mean by the 'hetght of
fashion.' "
atuTeriue and dis
tress of this country is due to the fact that
the people take too mow ihj.
minv lniaa. If want to preserve
v-onr Ilea Ul. . v
KSf .M ihe t'slifomi; Pine and Kuca-
Plasters for all rains. lor
sale bv Foshay A Mason, Foster's Brick,
Main St., Aioany, ur.