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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1881)
tmtut Fill DA Y FEBRUARY 23, 1881 FARM, CARDEN AND FIRESIDE. .1 WRIYCRS T. IJLUL They have their stock exchange ami mining- board In the magic cities of tho far west, and thrir own pecu liar way of doing bmi&var. Tl 6 buy ers and stockholders atao have, their own peculiar vaja ; and those fcvaya sometimes clash." A New Yorker seated in an uflleo in t;nnuion City onolay notion;; tiffo. when gri.yy looking old chaj entered and Hkrtl if that was the place where tlicy Mold shares of the White Il.irso silver mine. Batog tfanretl that he va in theofllce of thecumpany he oheervad: l'w haant the While Hoiaa spoken of as being a likely luine." "It certainly is. We tnok $10,000 worth of ON out in one dsy.' 4Fhev ! Ske HBttat be old rieh MM I llow many man U:ive ye jp ;t to wrk V "Oh, about three hundred." 'Hava ye, though f Are lho iher going all' party lively :'" 'Shares are Beiliag like hut dike, aud wo have oaly a few left. Kvery hody says the White I lefM U a t tig investment." "What ari- sheers worth t. dty V' "I will sell Null at ').:, though i know they will be werth fact value to-morrow." "No ! Vou don't really MU 05 !"' "Ida." "Well, that's better; thejre'a a hun dred shares which you said my perd jeoterdey for twenty dollars, l went over to the mine, found nothing but a hole aud u dead mule, and I told bim I'd come up and get his money back or do some shootiug ! I'm tar nal glad to find them sheers has riz from 20 to Oj. That will give my parti his money back and buy him a winter outfit besides. Here's the sheers and now let me sec the color of your money !" "But, sir, we " Pass out the cash !" said the old mau, as he rested ouo end of his shooter on the edge of the counter. The company bad left, his revolver in bis overcoat outside, and he didn't believa the New Yorker would shoot for him. After a look around he be gan counting out the money with a bland smile, aud as ho 1e the ex, change be said : "Certainly, sir greatest f pleas ure, sir, 4?orry vou didn't fcald them one day more and get the full face value !" KMM At lEs Ol MSfiSa For burns or scalds nothing is more soothing than the whl.e of an egg, which may bepsuredever the wound It is softer, as a varnish for a burn, than collodion, and being always at hand ran be appiiedaimuaediate!y. It Is also mere soothing than t! sweet oil aud cotton" which was formerly supposed to be the suiest application to allay the smart leg paia. It is the contact with thH air which gives the extreme discern fort experienced from ordinary accidents of this kind : and anything which exclude? air ant prf veus inflammation is the thing to bs at once applied. The egg Is also con sidered one of the host remedies far dysentery. Dew ten up slightly with or with or without sugar and wal lowed, it tends by its emollient qu Hies to lessen the inflammation of the stomach and iotestiaee, and by forming n transient coating mi those orgna to enable ri4ture to resume her healthful sway over the diseased Itody. Two, or at most three, egg a day would be all that required in iiio-.t cases ; and since the egg is not merely medicine, but food as well, the lighter the diet otherwise and the quieter the patient is kept, the more certain and rapid is the recov ery. ( uirotiMi reeuK rs. It ig sad it b mare than lamenta ble to admit that our tables are now supplied with California butter,nnions and cabbage, when every intelligent man in Oregon knows full well that I there is no country under the sun better adapted to the production ol Ibesearticles than this. It is right that wo should speak earnestly upon this subject, for it is u serious one. No agricultural country ever did or over will prosper aud do other than supply itself with such production -it can produce. The diversity that is to be fouud throughout nature Is indeed wonderful, and in unison with this diversity we fiod each country or place blessed with advantages which are denied others, and in con sequence of this natural provision it is but reasonable to conclude that the i inhabitants should indeed are com pelled to supply themselves from their own resources, and that if they fail in this they do no at thair own expense. Portland Rural Spirit. tilt .'.ble mwmummn. Une of the most convenient articles lo he used ia a sickroom is a sand bag. Get seme clean, fine sand, dry it thoroughly in a kettle on the atove, make a bag about eight inches Equare of flannel, fill it with dry sand, sew the opening carefully together, and cover the bag with cotton or linen cloth. This will prevent the sand from sifting out and will alsofenabla you to heat the bag quickly by plac ing it in the oven, er even on the top of the stove. After once using this you will never again attempt te warm the feet or hands of a sick person with a bottle of hot water or brick. Tae ;md ho!d tho beat a long time, and the bag car; be tucked up to the back without hurting the invalid. Jt is a good .plan to nuke two or three uf the bags and keep them ready for use. Thus talks an old farmer about bis boys : '-From sixteen to twenty they knew more than I did ; at twenty five they knew as much ; at thirty they were willing to hear what I had to say ; at thirty-five they asked my advice ; and I think when they get to he forty they will acknowledge that the old man does know somo thiag," The new smokestack at the car slops m The Dalles ia eighty-one feet in height, and cost a trifle over $1,900. I tiiirrli Ulrrrtnn . v. r. C a. - afeeta at. Um ir roeaH in PM tara Wick bvtkttaa an Wadnaada vanhtga at 7:"to oVlock. ami Ma Sabheth affstnaooaai 4. Piiisini'SM UK'i tnsv'H arc lu-M mi the t'vrie ing of the second Monday in eaoh month, Bvaryheey invito! te attend. U. r. pMpntw.Pff aching avary Sahbath, o I l v : , ami 7 r. m. by itev, Q. lt vinr, i. l. Bahbath bahonl at 8:90 r. M. Prayer iiicetino every Tlmrwlay vvcinn. Kvancki KauCttnax n. Praaealwy mi Isilh al II a. M. , ami V'. i M Hal hath School INayer namting averj Tbnra ly owning. W, t". ttaotaar, paan, Uasenaa 1 1 m.Cio at m. Si i k m ran Rabbath i II a. awl s r. m. HMbbata .vtn. t -.'Mi atatuia PltaraiLj o vailing f aaah araak ' w llaftta, uaattir. M. lv Cnoaett, Bonra. Servhan avaj( Sait.itli at St. Paara M. K. Oharua, .ixtth, at II Wt. M. :iul 7 j I". M. SalilnOlt S, k.ol at IS r, m. Pfeayar nniwg ararj Thara lay avanag; M. i'. Mnur, natter. If. K. Cnuacn. lYaiaildaa aiaij Sabbath at It .v. n. and r. m. noog .- t vit m Um STaaiag bafora naraaan. RaHmih 's ImmI it 2.30 r. . Prayar aatetiag avavy Tbaia lay aTaafaiff. L DiUoa, aaatar. BjkTnar Gneacn. Sarvieaaavarj Sabbath at 11 v. m. and 7 r. h. Sabbath School at U. 1'iayir natiog avary Tharaday aeani mi,'. U . .1. Crawford, paatar. lnasaTTEniAa Cnevcit. avaty Sabbath iiuritiiig anl cv:itiu iu CoUagal ciiajK'I. Banday Hob 1 Unmadiatolj rftai ii m.ruiitg ncrviiv. I'rar mcatitig ovafyl Tbarwlay ananiag IUv, K'lurt N. tuodit, I ;.v.-tir. ATSoston men benonht his wife, in being but three years married, fori the privilege of n night-key. "Night key?" ahe exclaimed, in ton. s of anta intenf, "-i;:it nao can y n have I I r a uight key, when the Womau'si ICmancinnt ion i.eM!ju( meets Ifnndnyl eight, thi bnd "e ' Unrntstic Minion Tnesday, the Hiatera of Jericho Wednesday, the Womana Science Circle, 'riiursdny, thi Daughters d .Ninevsh, l'riday, and the Women! Pfogrnsaivs Art Anaocintlon and the Suffrage Band on alternate sturday nights You stay at homo ami that the baby doesn't fall aut )f the cradle." He stays. - . The late Gtethet did nbont $800 voith of damage to the North Banthmi railroad brtdge, Tbs i'i baa changed its channel and now runs through a fonnt r grade, nscssaitating tteatls voil. in the 4aos of tho grade, NTeariy quarter of a mtle of oiling will bars to he driven. Two drivers are at work, and in the meantime Scro ti without railway communication. Ten sea otter akins were recently sold at Oray'a Harbor, W. T.. for $900. Warner's Safe Kidney Livei CURE. A !'c- - I:-i:m . lor Ki!- uvy, rr itl I rniarv fronhlea of both Mule am! Fenmale, Artiatg , Direetly upon Hi- Oru:i fiv i edU l or Hit' fiot Brian it is w v Hluall(. READ THE RECOKO: I: aarsd my lif." V.. 15. Ik Jy, Seiiua, Ala. I I advise all ti try H ' John Urnadott, leavenwortb, Kan. ! "It istin nameda that a ii! enretna manj di.Heaes peculiar t aronM n." Mother K -Magazine. 'It luk pa'-f ti - otsand 'ti"ii- dotawuaate ranm amna of i!i bhrbeai nxtd .C3i laianl of the eountry.' New Vu World. No Ramady kevetTore diMcovered can i ht?ll fr mr itHHiiairt iu eoMiparlaon arhh it" A Harvey, l. DM Waahiog taaw i. 0 "It i- the beat and only afltcicnl remedy IbrKfdneyand Mvertronblaaevi r broaabl bafora tbu public1 ii'ol) John K. Me Cbesney, Waabington, i 0. "I am rejoiced to any lam now a wii nuw and au duly ton plal to tcatify r irnrdi the gionona r-..j 1 1-- -r a rottHsly arnieh lia-s nial :nj h happy.' (Bar.) r. r. n ark !, This (ireat Natural Ilenieilv is for Sale by Draggisfa ns all Parts of ih- World. TRY IT AND TAKE N OTHER. H. H. WARMER & CO. RnefcenOr, v. Compound Oxycen. I RS. S'i'A EES BY ANI 1'AI.KN S NKW J Treatment by Inhalation !-r '!i aump'ion, Broncbitia, I atarrh, Dyapepafa, Baadaebe, Debility, Neotmlsjbi, Knenmsv dsn, and all Chronic and Narvona IHsor-tU-rs. Paeksgea may be conveniently aent by express, ready for immediate nse at boms. All raqnfaitrfl and full direeiioua in eseb psefcaaje. Information ar:l supplies ran be bad of II. KL MATI1EWM, cam; Montgomery Street, Vt, P, Cat. A (SO ! E!li2tM-:s DEAF EARPHONES j FOR People. On trial before purchase Don't waste your money otherwise. jen I for lis Free Pamphlet. Executor's Notice. "VTOUCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT -i-N tho undersigned lias bean daly ap pointed Executor of the last will and tes tament of 11. 1?. WHlougbby, deceased, by the County CoartofUnn County, State of Oregon, and all persons having claims against, said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned Execuforat his residenee 10 miles east of Harrisburg, within six months from the date of this notiee. EGBERT J. WlkLOUGHBY, Executor. Dated this ISth day Of February, 1831. The CoivalTis Fruit C(K Will purchase I'lummcr dried fruit at full market r riees ; Will send a oomp tnt person to aUviso fruitgrowers as to cultivation of or addi tions! to orchards ; Will supply fruit trees of approved sorts at moderate prices: Will sell 11 u miner Driers through Linn, Denton and Dane counties. betters to be sent to Corvallis Fruit Com pany, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, WALLls Nash, President. Jamks Kkaom An, Sse'y. January 1, I860, 24vt SODA? WATER. MINERAL WA- TKIt. (linoar A1 Snnrk. nut; yvines anu an caruonate.l lieve rages. Apparatus for Making. Homing m4 MS ppnafa Complete Outfits, Materials and Supplies. Eatablished 48 years. Dluslrated and Pxiced Catalogue sent to any address on application. Send vour orders direct to JOHN MATTHEWS, First Ave, 23th and 27th Sts., New York. l:Tir: ' . . --;-T -t MALARIAL BLOOD POISONING, Causing Chills 'and Fever Dumb Ague, Intermittent Re mittent and Typhoid Fevers, Biliousness, Liver, Stomach, and Kidney disorders, and many othor oil monts, destroy ing tho health and lives of millions, Is driven out of the system, and radically cured by tho use of tho LION MA LARIA AND LIVER PAD and CANCLIONIC BODY AND FOOT PLASTERS, tho cheap -ost and only 1 perfect treat ment by the Absorption prin ciple. Tho Plasters acting in conjunction with the Pad up on the nerve centers and re mote parts of tho body, in ab sorbing and thoroughly rid dingthe systom from MALA RIAL POISON. The wholo treatment, PAD, BODY PLASTER and FOOT PLASTERS, all combined, sold for $I.OO tho cheapest and best remody over discov ered, and a positive cure guaranteed if worn accord ing to directions. Remem ber Pad, Body . Plaster and Foot Plasters, the whole, $ I .OO. Sold by all druggists, or mailed on roceipt off price by THE LION MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. mw ' Sam IMIli' rv'.-j-j. C ur-? . . . v. di";--poia t .. 'L ho . o: A' r-.Tomt Paia wallevaa' Drar Bl.xu aad Bat. Jhe:.. tjf. -ud rail vlo. PITCHER!! iSTOBXA In not Norcotle. Diildren grow i:t npon, Motficra like, and Physician reommon t VSTOKI A. It n-ulaiost'io Bowels, are 1 lYInd Coile alUqrs V rcrlslui -, anllo- ros i lYornis. WEI DT. METEB'I CA TARRH Cure, a A:itidoti for thl torribln mol.i by Abioi-ption. Tho no.t Tmporinnt Discovery klnroViu" ri'i;it!i;u. Otbrr r.iuodioi may ifll-vo Cntnrrh, thl euro r ga bcturo Cunum;iUoa soi . In. BOSS PASM KILLER OF THE WORLD if DK. bll M rs 9Jr;nM oil. rin Saw Medical Wonder ! 1 he !'.)iii Centttrr. THE WOXDERFI I AB0L1HHER OF PAIN. A KPKCIFIC FOB DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT! 1 Uf Hi" l :i Kill!' I lie .1 M hM r known. BfecamaiAc Palaw Maa)gwal laS mtaatca Rcaralala I'.iin. ulappaal in IS minuir.. Hi .i.:;u iw Rtappaal s aalaalan. r lharha tmppt4 tn I Taalaalf aaj Ceallas at bwiIitm in iin i ir.ii ra lli'n il III Id mi nii -. TO BE USED EXTERNALLY. !-"..r nali I.. i!n rn .! . I. .)( i n m mi .1 ii inl, ami iit Mhuliulr I iy HODGE, DAVIS & CO., PORTLAND. O&C0ON. FoOowfag i-i i nf Um aauij tfitlaoiitlt nwaHaS. Taa writer, Mr, a'isatiwirfoni, i- vail aa4 fa.rlilv kaoara in iiiin rity. F parttcabua liuba "f J. V. WairtlMftonl 't in : Poaruiaa, Oaaaoa. Da. Hkm.kv : I a mm nrfbrtng Vila paia aawaaay, o for lavaral dayi I wai not alaa to htrailitcti nivheif. I asad aMH of faaa "I4jhtnlin UanaaaC ml it rwaaaad Um paia upoa tin; timt applwatfaa. UM f'liirtli fllioillln PMWOVwI ull Miri.:ii::.H BMHatby I Iir pain. Fur tOOthactM :unl awiralgla it ih .. i i iii bavias baan Mad in my own family, i bava n i gaikNM af Hahwintof variaaa kinds, aad Bad Uaa ti hiirpiinH any. I liilily rci oniinuiiil it to any Miiffcrin ili ai'lnn anil Mri!iu. Dl7yl MBS. .1. w. ircATHBBIOBD. P. c. f'UKKKV. C. 11. l'Aitici:s. A LI JAN V IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, (StaoOSSSOM lo C. 0. CMiorry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders, II7E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AfX T T !Oinpi-U"l, hiiiI are now ini-pitrtnl lo handle all kioda of heavy work. VVewiJI mandfacturs Htesim Knajlnas. (JrisL and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of iron and Iru.s CsstingS. raTTKBXS UN v shout Minn:. Bpecial attention given to rcpairin"; all kinds of niaohinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry Sc "White (irain Separator. Kliop on Kaker Kt.-OIIhe a I Lumber fard. Albany, Gr., Dec. J, 1880. 8tf QOl I A A MONTH yaanaVlod. 12 a day at home OO! fJ nuulc by the iinliirtrtoWl. Capita! not re quired ; we will start you. Wen, women, boys and 1,'irls make money faster at work for uh than at any. thiri)f else, The work in light and leaaiit, and uuch as anyone can go right at. Thou who are wine who aee thU notice will tend us their addreMe at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms. Nowl the time. Those already at work are laying up largo sums of money. Addross TRUE & CO., August Maine. ft J-ik WARNERS IS Art tpE 1 III Mil Ki M Of hi HI M.I II Phyaieal for.-o Uonoof tim H-nimt r huuiaii MftneiwionN, hut iniforlunaUdy it laMtH only a sboft UoM. Aosklent) dlsaaaa or old aKOComu aloiiK, and (hi-fori whli'h vara OSMt aojWrWaiful iulrkly pnut away. Anything tiiMi CMn'ri'Htoro llH'Hc'juiwurs or ptaaarvn Uaan is iharalbra mora ralnshls (lian tho miwitm thi'ftiMilvas 'mid mora lu baadaslrsd' Tbla i axaotlj what War- ii. i n Bail Kidney and I.lvnr Curo iUn. ll takaa tho when It I hrokiui ami bowad hy nh-k unnH ami r.(orti It to the powari it ones poaaajaajadL It . Mt dUiue .md alt oih-i ODpoateg "Vila over lha proo Iples into oblil ion. It haa no frkuula UuU tro fin iiiih ,f health ami noeneiitkMi that aru Lho fikiud of health. The ast 1n iMkKanm of Him lower jxirtlou of the hody in producing good hmtlth in IxMHiinliiK hot ter known tnery day. lioth inott and wo nan Of all clawM nuilfm thm. For woman pravioos to i hilj hlrth, for all diMMai pe culiar to their M'X, for dhilitattl Hum aud puny children them I uothliiK whicJi ao aifWy and mm Iy Sttatains and twHtorea aa llilHiin-at Natural K. uiody. The kidueya mul urinary orns, w hen deranged, un dermine the life much ijuicker Ihtu too- aaotpUoat and tbay mu attnud.-d to promptly or fatal iuiiMMuanoea ar mire M folhiw . The testimonials w lit h arw print ed herewith cltau'ly li.W t hut Wuriwi'n -: Kidney and Umat Cure will not only -hiH'k IhoMt duMaMM hut eutue! t urn them veil if they have ls-oue mcmUmI. Itlntlm only known remedv which will Mtfelvand vitaiuly lo (hit, and I In re laSaS BM Jfl .tain i- mi raoonl ivnaM it lui im -i. Jti fiat Mln ly drugitM in all pail of the world and la aaMUtftannaat hy n. n. n mvi n a i o.. Uwrtaralrr. King of the Blood SaPH all Scrofulous ami iaTlars trtujl. ttiKfoitn lffiiirltr nf tko bluuJ. It Is iiacilaaa li at -ifjr all.ut tin; suffwrcr can utually la-tcvira their raasa; i.m xiti Ktouux. NmmUt, vutrt, um... . AimUovi, r-. ra tbu ii..t i-oiutnon, as vrrll at inatir BltV.tlolw of tho llru,l, JliaJ, Ltvtr ati'l .V.'uatacA. SCROFULA. Woaderfnl Care of Bllodasti. It. I: v- , Soa a Co. : For tba U-naflt af B hwablai with bcrofula or Iiupura IIIucmI Iu thatf Tataakli I horvUv raoumiurnd K itif tit tl.a Jlluo.1. 1 lit mi I-. ii triiulilvtt with Harofula for tha uuittau tears, wl.ii li au atfcrUxl my ejaa that i waaewtn Vh'telr hlmd for atx tnonths. I waa raeucaJaenUral tu try Kina; of tha ni-l, whirk haa irovt4 a icrrat liluaatiiK to ma, aa it ha. 'iniplrtnljr rural mr, aui 1 i I..-, null)- rcouuitui-ti.l it tuall truublaxl oa 1 hava hvott. Yuurs truly, Mhs. 8. WnasasaUrV, hanhnla, N. JT. will la pnld to any TuMic Itoapital to lw mutu ally ar. r-1 upon, for cvnry certlUcato of this 11n.l1 cu.. imUiihcd ly us which is not genuine. Its Ingredients. To show our faith In the siuVty nnd i-xrallcnea of tfcaK. I!., upon proper personal applienUon, wheat satisfied thut no imposition is iutottded, wo will viva the unities.. r au its infrredtenta, by affidavit, l'lm above off.-rt were never made before 1t lho pro prietor of any other Family Hedicina in the world. Many teatiitioiilala, further information, and full direvtions for usitig wilt be found in the pam pblat "Trentiaa on l)iCHes of tha JHoimI," in wlni In odi bottle iscnrliwed. l'riea $1 air bottle coo talaiaa I ounees, or 4(1 to i0 doacn. a Sold by drug gist. l.itajiiKM,UoN A, Co., Jt'rop'rs, Jiuilal.,, N.y VILIiARD HOUSE Am iials-y, Oregon. A. LOUBNER, - Proprietor. TBI I BLSGAMT NKW HOTEh. Jl'HT NOW c iinpleleii, will lie oietied about July lMh, 1S70. U ia constructed on the most modern tail convenient pUn. haa a fine sample room especially arranged for roiiiiiicrcial travelers, and tho table will be supplied at all tHines with ((ood meals. 40 g W Great chance to make money. We a a W I A -"in.-uil a ieraon In every town to take subscriiitiotiH for the largest, cheapest and best illus trated family publication in the world. Any one can baoOBM a successful ag out. Six elegant works of art given free to subscribers-. The price Is so low that al most everybody subscriUes. Ouo agent reports tak lits; 120 subscribers in a day. A lady agont repmts imikingover $200 clear profit iu ten days. All who engacanafca money fast. You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You nsaaj nut be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full directions and terms free. If you want profitable work send us your addross at once. It costs uothingto try th business. No one who engages fulls to make great pay. Address Oku. itaaaa & Co., Portland, Maine. Ilyl REVERE HOUSE, Cnrncr First and EHswortS Albany, Oregon. Pfeiffer Bro'B Props This new Hold Is fitted up in first class style. Tablet supplied with the best the market affords. Spring Bods in every Room. A good Sample Room for Com mercial Travelers. sarFree Conch to and from the Hotel. &2 3:1H DATLCNTC J- Wm. Mister, Solidtcr of M I Cll I OaPatenta, 617 Seventh St., or Box 229, Washington, I). 0. No fee required unlets Pat ent is obtained. Send for circular trivlnir terms, Ac. Established 1870. tiuanc noBttn raon arnoM. aoi b rs. The following, Nlatcmout are the volun tary ex preHMioiiH of a h-w among tBOtUh auda who havo li -n aavet hy the USS nf Warner'n Safe Kidney and Oon. The writers aro not patOOnallj known to the pronrletom, hut they have aent theno lettera mm ox praaakMM of their frrafttttda. Their aincerlly, therefare, cannot he fnja lloneil : Maaam n. n. Wainat 0a i I ieiitleuien; I have for a long, t line ! i n allln tiil w ith a territile kidney oninplaiul, which it MH'iued at timea nothing could OOOtroL 1 tried dsJStOM aud Mtlf rffttrt TS teimively. hut found no rcliuf. 1'iually I m advind hy a friend to Irv . our fMfe Kidney uud Liter C'ura, and now, aft. r nutTerluR nearly four yeara the HMOl BSOta fialu, I lirid my 1." entirely well aud ahhi to attend to hoetneiwi every day. JhMDi i. I HAW ixji.ii. ioraay CUy, June, IHHO. Meaarx. If. II. Warner t (o.: M-oihuu: Without aolioUaiion I de ira to expreaa to yoa my high appraeta lion of your remedy. Moruu time ulnce my attention wu oallail lo a gentleman w ho had for a long Uuie ln-iii a great uf-f-rer. After making a thorough axandba tiou of the Oaaa, 1 found that iili kidnryit aud liver were hadl v flaolaiJ. Not wnti oot heellalion I preacrlhed your Safe Kid ney and I.lver l.'ure. The rmuilt, after tak ing two ImHIUmi. hut Ihh.ii otifi. hry in theestrema. Wsaovl baastation. I would preM-riUi the Maine rem. dy to all aimilarly ... i . . . . , .iniii i. 1 our iriuy, rioshaatsT.N.y. H. Cai i.kimb.U . Ifeaara. II . II. Warner A Co.! iij;STI.K.MK.: I have laen Nflllcted wll'.i ditat of the kldmVN for Ihe past I WO yoara, and h.;i tried nutneroua r it i !- with oulv tiarllal aud lemitorarv relief Your ISafn Kidney and ji,"r t ure v i ruixuimeudud Ui ma, aud aRer lajc '),' u I Ihe pain and dlatreaa left me an. I 1 um in lav feeling atronj; ami well. I am i feetly MUht.'iid that Wat ner'a -afe It. m.. In-- ara Ilia mt'dlclnea i cnll, a.l can ahearittiiy couimeud th in loothera. It. U'.SlAMM, dMor The Indnsitial Mra " Alhij, Iowa, June, liMi SporLsmnn's Headqwters. W. J3. SOOT T, I'luAl.KK n (Jims, Rifles Revolvers!! Sad Ammunition r All Klada. Jutt rcmi rm a larvr im .!. .4 Uw Ulrat tnt.r.. c .1 ll. in. 1. Nliar. W 11.. h.-at. r and ItaJUJ : . 1 -. .1 Httra, at.aira, Kottilii(t.ii an.l Htaiun'a hrraoli l.antliik- I. .I u u 11 , ami luiljule as4S ru1a) aii.l allot ,'Ulia .4 irrr .l-aii.l...ii Aslo, a laxa and wall aclocUol atia k f ri.l.m. Taefclr, 1 uli. 1 , I . I'ollara, Kanry OaaaSj an.l in fa.-t ai,yUjing you iould autli for in ni tin.'. All kinds of Sewing Machines Re paired, Iti lit rut tier TI111I I Cannot lie Undersold Aliwhiro in this Hiatal. U tf JAMES DANNALS, DtALta im amd aaaavasavsaa or SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SETS rSafble and Wooal Tops. Parlor Sota and Lounges, Mar ble Top Center-Tables, Spring Beds and Mattresses, WALNUT, MAPLE AND OAK BRACKETS And all ISnda of Whatnots, t'balrs, Bedataadn, Kxlrnalnn Tir blea. Stand. illt aad fanry MoMldlnga, Ktc I Intend Ut keep overylhing iu the furniture line, and will guarantee saiistaetiou to all who will cull on mo at Miller's Brick. JAJHKS OAXNALM. (FATsatso atuca ISth, ffl?Qj .FOR SALE BY FOXjBAUM 6c CO. Aloany Bath House. rnllK UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT 1 fully Inform tha oitiioua of Albany and vi oinity that I have taken charge of this Establish mem, and, by keeping clean rooms and payin strict attention to buiineai, expects to suit al those who may favor US with their patronage Having heretofore oarried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, we axpaoti to give antira satisfaction to al T Child i on and Ladies' Hair neatly cn nd shampooed. JOS WEBBER. THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOR MAN OH BEAST. Win n r manietne Im 1 nrt 1 1 1 1 ; v Saim It work In MtUlkMM ) cn ii for more n third of it oantllt v . Ill 11 If bus rencheit everv inrf oi I Im world; wIh-m numiieiirm tninliieN every wi .on Idar it. tha anly aafe reltam n in i mm of pHin or aoekleut, n i in n , . iu to aall MIK'll U IIMMlil lllo Tllln Is the rnne wllh (lie Ifrilrn 'I ualniie; J. I n I in n I . I hrhigw hiTelllgi'ii' .1 m nliinli. tiota n vril, the aSOIIJ I I III I n I n I.I i .r mil nulMloril, Um !. Ol i I., ii- aattoaa ot ne, mul ul . lho . met one other hlesalngn and mereiea nerfonneii by He- obi rellablfl Maa icDit "inini.f- MtHaaaat. All loriiiM or oiiIivim.i ii i n e it ! mc Hpeudlly ft 1 1 I by IlKJ MEX1GAN i . l.loirnent. II iNsnelrwU'M miinele, memlnane mwi llaauil, to the vi y hen.-, hiinlKiiitig pHln aad cuiing dUweuM with u power Ibai never bill li u n DieiUelne needeil b I e veiy hotly , ii .'in i if raai ifrn, who rMaa III I MUSTANG over t ii- Military nlniim. to tbi inerehnnf Nirlt'ce. mul the wacaJeattt'f a Iki Nj.litij tin lift Willi Ihe nxe. It eurea ItltiMilliallMtii when nil :b r npl'lli ill bun. lull. I In . oliill i f I LINIMENT peedlhr rnren eu ii nlitncola ol tim lit MAS I I I II It li ii in i I I i.i . Mm lllni-n, Mirrl I Jul i.l . I .. 1. 1 i ,. . i . . ! ilu .1... I mul Sanl. I ., 4 to.. HraUfl atttl Nprnliia, ! llil. . mii.1 tit'K". anrre., ,miioir, Old Sir. iV I I. . i .. I .... II, . .. hllMnfiaS. Nine A. i. i.l... 4 nl.t. I llir.iai. moll lltilrriltMi; (in in,,! ilinml ilU rear. II l the I'lent. l . in. . f,.r Ihe itla. oi.tei a uh. I acelilettt . lo whUii tlw I 1111" 1 1. i KI oiui in.. Mitib cl b i. luver Iw.'ii um. ii i iii . a aptnliis, SwlMtiy, Mill' J. .Inf.. I'nuii.lri. llm in sa Man . .. n.i..r in- r aar m, I .... I lint. S. i. it Woiiii. S. n 1. . Hollow Hot II, H.ii.l.n.a. M Intl. Italia. apsvlw, 1 arcs', II I ii ; I... M . tflil raoita, 1 1 1 I. til. I 1 1 tit oii.o Itlie Slulil i..,.l . . i ..Hi. ullmriit fa tilii. h lax i . i.ii.iola of tin Mlalile mii.I t.. 1. ...In.. A Iw en! .fix e ..ill IhiIIIi . ' '! Mi'iin! Mua'aiiaT .lnlmCUf llNa ..!: ii wi. a I valuuble liot.-, u on i uti le ot yem i.r torture, It lirala itllliotil . M .. . I lie ! J ml ol ! :.. . ill. i , i.i i,. -.oil.;.' i i aa l lei bona. It nut a .!'...: j . In I. I no "ne. ll Jin. lM-rn In il'-'i iy uar lot Itinie I bit li I'., lilj li. y..ia. iunl ipoaUlrt i THE BEST OF ALL UNIrM fob c: .1 r; sorbin a co. Inssaai1! wad 1 1 CIGARS &RD roeACCQ Aaawta fr J.av. t v a ' " . a l.takK-a, ..lT l flM Kiit wiiik.- from 1 1 1. 1 . - 1 bnUlefl fma ai atatul "taa I r.-ri'ii larandj h ." II a Of 1 ton , la latdflaa front " 1 Kltir Old rn Wl lie fn.m 1 - . ... a. oa. la bottlaro fruru Fin Mhatt lalsefn I 1 a a kn. In l-ill ! k Ir i . : . a. Ht lloiiHlt l tun I .!. r .01 n rt. to All kltidf Wilis) I CTIafBi oaa dsstia i . '- " I iii..,ie Illa Ml. i i .. i lot Ira v !r and : h ra. Ml'i.l. iii H M S allitr-l.. . In OI W S'3 It IS. CIGARS i TOBACCO Hy Ihe hai :r -i.. op. rltal sti.,-1. ni.r III I I.I it . AU.atiy MARX BAUMGART HAS JCHTOPK.NKO t'T A v Mqiior Store Ki:;:jS mNSTANTfcV N MNt TIIK I IM-.ST BRANDS OF WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & ( GARS. Tlt lelrnt'l St. I. out STONEWALL WHISKEY, The finnst erhlnkoy in tlio State. Whiskies. French Rr.iiiiISts. Sherry, Port, Claret am! all othar kinds of wines. iin, Ale, Beer, ami lNnler. Bitten of every kind, ami the best bramls ( lohan o ami ( iai s. aari want ovt ryi).jy audi rstan ItU I havo oimiiM m"t a tiud-i iaJ-.' n;w nor Htosat, wluvro V ami '..i..n. deaf eta can iinxmra tlwlr mIim-Kh ut Port lain! prioos, with only tValahl addad. Booms an tboeoroer of PmaI and Worry Stroota, Alhuny, Otrtton. Wis. isshi i rrirIAI m BROS - 1 l M I i s IK W.ITt lli;i. M Ol KM, JBWBLBf, MLTrJt' ri.ATi: WARS, AM MiBOND TBCTACU8, RffV, Aaaal a" Tor rfciirlMaaan "Sctrlaq Mtirhlnra. AI.UANV, - - OltKfiON rllalM STAR BAKERY ! CONRAD ME?ER, Proprietor FicmIi Rrcal llnilv. (irocerios ami Provisions of all kinds Cheap : CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Etc JnVCall and see my Stock. 42tf tVIL LAMETTE MARBLE & STONE WORKS 3E ""WOOU 8c CSO., M AM I ..( i U lil.JJS OIa- IVIARBLC MONUMENTS, HEAD GTONES, TABLETS, MANTELC, CEMETERY CUREING, ASHLAR AND COPING, BASED FOR GARDEN FOUNTAINS TILE FOR WALKS, AND ALL KINDS OF WORK IN STONE. An are gal our Marble fUred frota taa RoUand Qiisrilaa and lima in Veraaoni Mn have it anlastati wk h ;ire, we an nmtm trnatonters ; he in att f ntartde, j,;. xnati w'ork M mv that Vermont marble ia sailer than any Imported from toreigjn ronntflra Having inai received several OOS f maii.le, and harlng BUr0 On lite W ar weenn otter extra Indueenienta to thoae wuntin work. onlerM worn any part of tho tatu promptly attended lo, and ail woik lrartanfeil an irpfnaonieil- Wo have no r n vamt ra 'nit lor work except lho o iia v in their eieJotiHala front ux. shopaud Works eomer rfecVind and Kllsarortti ,H!reei., fltbanr frraow i IfinSlf i '. WtKili eo r. r. ma-vo. FOSHAY a .V3ASON PkMMeWfi lo John l'tphny.) DC j i VH ts DRUCS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, HTC, A I,K;K M- 1 l.l.UI - Tia k t f DRUGSAND MEDICINES Kiubra.ii..-. i n.ii .iii f.rtin I H -, T.T i 1 ... n I l .J,.iV -ilal.1,,nM-,,l A 11 II MM (If BOOKfil STATIONERY , fTM i,.i.,.i, I..;. ,,i nl. U-i A" 1"II lU.fiii if. aid, tl.M Vtirtiii,t ri,.-ra uli ll.. Iwli'in im, on.. , ( iu, . t. . lraiirl. WHEN YCU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND SEE US Vl'hi.'iTtf Al Till: OLD stam. 72 PTrWT HTKKKT, I! Vfl 031 UXXD as FINF as AtV KTM KNT K COOK. BOX STOVES Sltg Iioiim' In t h- Bits) . T!H, SHEfeT IRM'sUn COPPER WARE t KV;ky DKKCIUftTION IV STOCK OR TO ORDKR., BR oh 1 1 a n i , a h i.i. a BBt j rm i :n i r GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WOICH UK OFFERS TO Tin: POBLIC AT PJTJCn, THAT DCF1 lXMPfSTJTION. ALL AT TJ FIRST STRKET, ALRAHY, ORBBOR. Repair work dono SEND 25 CENTS IN POSTAGE STAMPS FOR A THREE MONTHS TRIAL SUBSCRIPT10S TO A PAPER OF 16 PAGES. ISSUED UONTHIT AT SIOUX CITY. IOWA. it l Uaalai li Politics aid Etacoi, Gmip. lie lews ol tte world ts Occimu luifltt Bem III IU LitiTaryNeWb isSnppliedby Sfilections from the Best Writings of the World Air nnt Of rrtl nrar tl ant aud iiiii PENSION, BOUNTY, UND at ' u. I).. can thrrm-h tln rn'-lmn ma if or e hal ra r r month 'ir .nitrttstlraj 4 laay rua ui' U f r month. nM of f - till H ltr tie Yean Sisanptioi aid AGENTS WANTED GUARANTEE A LARGER u" J . i::!y, DR. SPINNEY NO. 11 KEABIEV mitT, Sn lVatu-isoo, '! if. r!ii;u Trr.-ila ull Itronir nn.l Special Dtaraar. YOrfVGr T&iTZSr Tii'itv r.i. m u ccim; t umi tjii. V V itl. ta . f ..ull.tiU f .11 MS MHO, arifl .!.. wi ll t nil tli. niM-lxca .f thia, i!.,r.alfl K..n mr lai.l at the altar f MifT.nii.- litsassSsM . 1U. SI'INNKV i'l rmranUo t forf. it tVhifor ir raae S iiiiiiaii- wnaktiaai r 'iri --.- f aiiv ktul . inn u-r a. huh l.c uaUcruLca siul fdll- u nara Ml v. TtKTC tn- many at tin- ii.i- ..f ti..rt I sr.- tr.-nLlol wit Ii t.. fmju. ul . .1. u iti .Ut, ft. ii :i.-iniiiiil to Mi.-!.; K iiKitixii, an.l .i w.-iU. inn,- ..f t!.. tin- ttit'iit i-ituiol ihv.iunl f..r. tin un nary .li i.wiLa a ropv nliin. i.t v. :! tho in a tiiaJimT artiitiiiti; tbc U.11 I tuxl tii.l a..ini'timia Kinall uirtt.'ln of aMmiimi will a. . ir, r tin- i..l..r w ill hv f a thin milkiiJi line, n.-ain . lnu.i: t a ilurk SJul t..n! 1 nt.a-artiiiv. TI..TO arv tuaiij nun uln iliu .f Uiiat il.ti!. 0.1 1 'of Uic t-ausc, uhich i. tin Mi .. 11. 1 ta.'o -f scuiina u. uliiaase. l'K. Mill tianutUi- a jarfi-.-l ruw in all Ball aai. a-" ImuUii.. r.aU.rutiim ..f Ilu- ifi-tiito-uritiary oivaus. OrricK Hot km 10 to 4 an.l 0 to K. fuiuiaya from toll a. a. oiwuii:iti.Hi ttvo. nasnaeanatiaeaWi an) saMeai f l"..r nrlvtai iliMir "f sliott staadsag a full p.iii-.c of clicitu- tnl.. i. nt for a -ur', nitliall iitrti.-titif , will ia-Miit toaai u.:)n . I. im:i t ..ttln 11. Call uji.1 jtlijnsa. 1U. .1 I II t: ..1 11;i-. .iii Trwi.-'i'. A BARGAIN ! Valuable Protcrty for Sale, THE Al.hKN FRUIT DRYER, ncSndlng tba laaHdliic ntnl lots up. i arhioh it is aituateil, Is fur :ll, at a lar jaln. Thoro aro two drrera and thaw can Iki soltl sManitly. 'I his i ; a pnil op portunity lor fruit raisers t. swiifo the beat tlryor inatlo, at a low priro. Th lots aro vary vaiualua lyifia on tho river front, and having a railio.i.l switch running: hy thrill. It is a good looatiofi for a 0B atom ftotlkiag mill, fountlry, or any such huiness. Vor furt her particulars call 0D tba TrcvL dent ajr Secretary of tin GoatnanT. " t;. F. CRAWFORD, ,0. RlOX, l'n mi lent. Keen tary. TO THE WORKING CLASS, We are mn -.:ir. .1 to tarns all ehwnMi witli eaa vtanl ein.oMiieiit aHionio, tin- wl.olo of tha tune, or for their Kj.arii moments. i:iiMti new, hulit an.l profltul'le. IVrM..iiM of either se ea-sily earn fn.m M . eiits t.. sr. ier cvcnitnr, a pnaporuonsJ ana ay .le..tili" th. ir whole time l" the l.uiness. IJoyn an.l .'iris imrn nearly as inueli as men. That all this not iiu ma iwn.l their a.lilrons atnl test the l.nsi ness wo make this offer : To such as arc not well sat iaaad mm will scnu nc 'l-Har t.. pay for the trt.ul.le i vviitiiitf Fuji jKirtieulars ami outfit free. Athlrvss, Ckuiu.k Srit-ao i Co., rortlaml. Mains. 2jl 1 "AA TO 1000 A Yl'.AU, orpr. to J-Joaiky in ?N I ) M ' vour own locality. KoiWt. Wouu ii us well as men. Many make more than.the aiununt -t ittsl ahove. No. me can I. .il t. n.:vk . money tmmX Anv oa f" u" liu w,,rli- Voti win make from .'.(lets, to $2. a" hr '' devotinjf your evenings anil sikwh time to tho husinoes. It etwts nothiiuf to try the hus ItMWa. Hothtaa like It for money making ever ofTenil iMifore. ltusiuess j.leasivnt ami strictly h.morahlc. ;-. : ...i. r, it yoa want to know all almuttho host laying luisinoss licfore tho imhlie, semi us our adilress and we will aaal you full particulars ami privato terms free ; samples "worth 1.'. also free ; .m :in then make up your mind for yourself. Ahlress UKoKtiK sTIM SOX &CO., Portland, Maine. Jons ri-iui AM) PARLOR ADD RANGES, Uefl mi ii:i;i is and uiami'::' f urea at reasonable figures. a- I.S OR PATENT DEPARTMENTS many iirnrupf 1 a fee, for by tHominr sii -Ipr. It has &!-. a 1 ,( . i:n .. ii iitilsi im nt in ttic ptpcr to an v mlt rihrr wlto . ,ni V'r. iirtv ith h'ls ai'.i name in nil! I hnt tjin-. ifnntirtfil iL-sirinir t. t!.ie K-ndine u f l.i tor aiu t ,L XL mntt.s..'f iL cxivirnrt. imutil acln uluiioi.of lr-tslaitftan in a.aoo hut fmm prewnt Imlioalioua ur Itia-s will puthr.iush all of the one iae. Free Ml, or 3c Posiaze lor Saaple Cewf. COMJRISSIGM THAN ANT OTHER PAPER II AMERICA TIIK (IMIOPDM'IT i'ix '.'.y, Iowa. To in. ri.foim.iai, BR GIBBON'S Dispensary. K.iaV f-T , cTiif ij 4'.iniik-r- CSal aSffasA, Sari Kram 1 :-: . ,.-(.. :n I '." I. i- r iIms tnaaasnai r vai u.-i.l seminal Daaaasa, snra a -. ..1 ..1 :(. 1. l.lrrl. Mrii lnrr, .thllu 1st :..! ita forms. IniiH Irnn . rmlnitl HraaD.-.., isjrht loaaM hv Jni'iu, ana pies "ii t: a tuo-atiil Kas 4 maulimal cii tMcj i-uri.'. Tin. sirlc anil atttii-tt-J sttnuhl not (ail to call anew Mat Xta Hat...r tou travekj txtciikixely in nraaa, ainl i!i;H-. i..t tl..onghl t Ik- ?ri..u 1hi tals ItM-rv, .-l.tttii inv.' a trrcat ileal 4 alualaV iiftarsiui tion, h I iv UfmiK-u nt It. iint art to tb.e in n.nt atfeni ryiera. IHL U1BOOSI will make aa rkarve mUoss Iu 1 tl t a i nn-, fi nm at a ilirtatuv M 4' Ki: lKlit AT IIOMi:. Ail ...n-t.i-iii .-.itt. strii tly o.i.l.iii! titl. Voti -c ti 14 e l ut the tk sjmI t.'ii (Maun f.r a nseaaaa f nieUicina lVr4is r.!h : t'u- lit..r w ill lvao Mat tin- nana- of tlie atrti,c) m t ... .lvi-rti. in. nt in. I'liatv.-a iva aonahlo. t all or write. AJtl.1rs tU J. V i.i OJS 0x l'-7, San Fmiciaett. jhl3 a Mtai'B1 '-in-, now- U'f.rc the ntli "i .... Ma H J fl. .i.ral wuik f.. than at any tittup il-o. t aHtal i t r. ..nm.! We attl Mart yon. 1-J c il.iy anL u w artli in.-i.le at hiam l tlie ).n, w t.nieti, h.y-a anil irU wenlisl very whrtv to wi.rk for us. Now it the timo. i invtt lievotp your whole tiutr to tlie w.h-V, nr i.inr sporv inoiiiei.t. . ! lu-r lni.ii'e w iii .i oiiixar lyt-t Vn : 'iii. iti;.' t work to tnak' eivarj;;. 11- jay I..;, cie-giny at eaej. pnsfl oirtiiaul annsj'llMll, A gnat efajN.rtiniity for niakin- n..ii,'j ittsilv end IsOSHx ..)! . A.ii!ii--o Tut a a. . o . Au u.; Slain.-. -THE PARKER CUH. JSFTND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR . PARKER BROS 9 WEST MERIDEH.CV. A WEEK In rour own town ami t.o capital O M ) rUkisl. Vt.u can irive the LiiMmss a trial without expense. The Kjt opportunilv ever offer! larlbaH willing t.. uotk. You sliould try nothing else until y.u si.o voursi'lf what you can do at the hiisiuess we . Iter. N room to explain here. You e.iu devote ail your lime or only your sire time t i the husiness. and make -.Tent my for every In.ur ..i work. W'oint n make as much as ttsev, Send for sar . ial private t. rnis an.l particulars, which we mail live. Outfit free. Pon t coiupkiiii of hard while v .111 hav c Mich a chane. Address It. HAl.LrnT ft co., l'ortkuid Malae mi ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON. MS. C. noiK, - - - Propriftw. TJiis Ilot;se has hecn thoroughly romivatcd fnim top U) Iitittom, and is now in splendid condition fur the ontertiUnmcnt of traveler. The tabic ia supplied with everything the mar ket affords. Kami ile rooms for oouiiuarcial men. I'orv.tllls, Lr hat ion Mid llnllas Mage OBlrr. 16uitl e. rti otlafir- No'rhdi, Iteader, it you want a liiistness at which jiersiius of either sex can nieke AT eat pay all tfce time they work, wj-ite fur pa rticulsre o ll. IUllktT & Co. Portland, Maine. I IM 1