The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 25, 1881, Image 3

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. A '. U. St. T1JIR TARIJ..
Albany Station.
iu v:cn j.i or tisiin.
A 1.HANY F X I'H FS IV aim at
r.:SO A. M
w:tHi A. M.
ill.. A. M.
t. ,. v. M.
t Arrive m -I
Vol' hit M. Tit.
Ml A N V KM It KSS A i ri in av
l:(J A. M
1 .-, P. M. r. M.
S 3.. P. M
All Train (tally, e-XfVBf sutolaj.
ILL. U. KICK, Malum Agent.
ifiUTQ T A "DTTD BMU be f.u.n.t m Me nt Oast
JLIllo iriliTJCiXV r Row. 41 Oos NwiMiitr
MVMtMtaf MaMMI v lt Spriuv SI. , hero n.O ert Mn
cvulruvu uiaj K iuiiUo for ll IN NKW VUKK.
Many t our patrons are in arrears for on,
two, throe ami even a greater uumber f
years, and having dunned them through the
paper until we are kind of it we will in a few
days start out a collector with hills, ami we
rosjHvtfully ask that those knowing them
selves indebted to us will 1k ready to settle.
We greatly need the money with which to
Own on our husiucss ami to make some
needed hnproinents on the paper, ami we
trust our jvitrous on whom we have waited so
loafl and jalieiitlv
promptly pay up.
t full
sutta. ii Ucaih af Wr. Ja-.. II. Ficr.
l.ast Momlay moruiiig our c nmunity was
sluK'ketl at the aiinouiicetiteiit of tlie sudden
tUath of Mrs. J as. H. Foster. It sceois that
aha hail gone to the house of Mrs. Kussrll,
It sit up with a sick chihl a niece, we bo
lieve. At twelve o'clock at night she ad
ministered the usual potion of medicine to
the patieat. ami sat down in a chair near
the couch, annouuciiig to the invalid that
she would try to sh ep for a short time.
Something near an Iu.ur elapsed, ami the pa
tient becoming thirsty, sailed to Mrs. F. to
21 ve her water. I t!ie call tliere was no
response, and the invalid becoming alarmed
made a noise which aroused other memliers
of the household, wheu it was discovered
that Mrs. Foster was bitting dead in her
chair, her spirit having quietly tied without
noise and w ithout the know lo!ge of any one.
It was a suddea and a paiuful shock to the
estimable family to whom the Htl was
swiftly conveynl. The daughters. Misses
Maggie and Matin, and toe secoud son,
James, were m Portland, but came home on
Monday moi uiiig's train, only learning of
their mother's death while still on the cars.
It was a sad t-vent to the stricken family,
ami we dad that thir anguish is too great
for feeble words from us to assuage. Wc
realize that great grief makes sacred those
ujK)n whom its hand is laid. Joy may ele
Tte, ambition glarify, but sorrow alone
treads ground too consecrated for lip or ieu
s. nice to allay. In this case the family
hive amelioration in the knowledge of the
aperior excellence, the wifely devotion, the
motherly care and the Christian virtues
which have so c wuspiciousiy adorned the
character of the deceased.
TcarUrr llilnlr.
State .Siiptsrintendant, L. J. I'cll,
hold teaeiirr's iatitutcn as follows :
MuMinr.v ille, Yamhill county, March 10,
17 said 1.
s;iieiu. Merita eonatr, Uarch 23, 21 and
Scio, Lum county, April G, 7 and S.
Eugene, laac county, April 13, 11 aud
MaaalijiiiM. iopa ,om:ty, April 28 and '20.
AKeiiJ.urg. i urry county. May 5 anl f.
VV'tldtrville, Josephine county. May 20
Ashlui.l. JaoL..3 county. May 20, -J7 and
The liWra. Vico county, Jane 10 and
Pendleton, I'matilla c unty, June li't, 17
and IS.
Canyon City, tirant county, June '2'.1 and 24.
mi r a rr A " A " ...11
,pa Bitt? icacners Junpss. coo-
Vcne at rprtiami on H p-m ...i,y, eon-
. n .a s. in.l W I
una mi; in nesstoa tor inree oa
.... i
4 hrf! Inperfof.
Under the new law parsed by the last I-g-
islature each cui:tv in the state is to have I
a Sheep aapaeto ajipointed by the County
( .urt. The law requires the Inspector, up-
on leing notiiied, in writing, by any owner
of sheep, that any other band of sheep is af-
ted witn scab, to immediately examine
said &hcep, and if he Bad them diseased tOlFrOasas, Geo. Simons, ('.. M. Knox, Matt
require the owner to keep them within an
entloiurs ajnj pWkpead to cure them, and if
he neglects to do so the Inspector is author-1
izjed to take charge of the sheep and to cure
them, rtiarging all expense to the owner,
iny peraqa wishing to drive shetp or.t of the
oUte, Of from one county to another, must
lirst get a certificate from the Inspector that
thf ' en are free from disease. We sutfiose
, ... . . .
11 .ii.- lino, itnr rtw: lit e i . .11 .1 u ill .L-..
.iau.c ut mis i.iaiier.
I harif.v frrsUval Ftpnel.
The Ladies Aid Society have postiied
their entertainment to next Tuesday, March
1st. The postponement was in consequence
M the sudden death of Mrs. Foster, who was
diru tcr i;iember pf the society. There
fdMpJd be a wkA turn-out i ext Tuestlay
II I I WUUL The ladies Kimnrisinff this societv.
who dailv walk the habitations of the
Btar, are surely entitles! to help. If there
- r m -'--!
be a pleasure on earth which angels cannot
enjoy, and which they might almost envy
man the possession of, it is the power of re
lieving distress. The good citizens of Albany
suoum fturei rcpon.i to cry 01 me lauies
. 1. I 1.. 1 g il IU.
wno arc no awnawionn.y warmiag .or tnc
.. .. , . . ,
. 1 i: i
Three e ,r sears and Ten.
Oa Tuesday, the 22nd inst , Mr. J. If.
McConuell, celebrated his 70th birthday by
entertaining his friends or rather his esti-
mable wife did, as the whole affair was a
complete surprise to the Capt. The dinner
was elegant.and the guests will long remem:
her the jollity and mirth of that occasior
Kie; Uou Noliee.
Tiie stockholders in the Odd Fellows' Hall
Building Association will hold their annual
ejection for seven directors on the Mth day
of March, 13SJ, at 7 o'clock, p. m., of said
day, at the hall of the Association in this
Walk l j and Settle.
All those indebted to me will please come
forward and settle up and save costs.
men business. W. L. Watkins.
UIIIT TO Wl'.tlt.
Head the following and buy your jewelry
accordingly :
Ity her wh in thin mouth born
No gems ut UamcU shstl bo warn ;
They will isiur her eoimtsney,
True (ri. mi-hip ami ftJellly.
The February barn w ill Hint
Sincerity nU He of iniiitl,
KrtHHloui from .u., bii.I fimi nr.'.
If they tint Auiethys will woar.
Whu on till- warhl of oum their ej e
In Miv!i ttrt oh'U shall Ih Im.
In .l.i - of . i il firm sml brsve
Ami weir . BlokMUttmo to their k'-x"
She who fi-om April ilste her yer
Iilaiiiomls should weitr, lest billvr tears
Kor fatal reutituce flow ; tint atone
Kiubleiu of intiotvuee U knows,
Who tlrat IwhoMt the light of Uay
In rlng' vsa flowery mouth of Mo,
Ami wear an Kmeralil all her life.
Shall be a l.oe.1 ami luo, wife
Who comes with summer u thi earth,
Ami owes to Juno her day el birth,
With ring of A'nte on her ham),
fan hyalth, wealth ami loiur life ittiuluand.
The gkvwtBf Kuby ahotil.l aitertl
i'lirtue wn.i in warm -uly are lorii,
Then will they Ik- exempt ami free
Krom lov e's .loubl and anxiety
At oi sr.
Wear a , or f.r thee
Ni eonjugal felieity ;
The August born, without thi Ht.uie,
Ti viid. must liio unloved ana lone
SKIT KM lit: x
A in ji. l. ii born when niiiiiiiii leaves
Are rustling in September's brere.
A Sapphire on Ike brow ah.iuld Inn J
Twill i ure disease's ( the nimJ
ii.-Uber's child U b-om f.-r -'.
Ami lilt 's vieisaitudes must ktluw .
ltu la an Itpal on her kn t ',
As-1 hope will lull the wurd to it
Who first ctttues to this world i .
With dear November' fo ami miow,
SheuUi pr the 1 ; i. atutM-r hue
Kmblrm of i- n.U and Liters true
K eald IWemlter gave you birth
The month of smw ami ice and nnrth -HMN
on your hand a Turtjuoise blue ;
Su.-ex-ta will bless whate'er yi-u d-
i itti : i ike : i nt i
At aliout half past one last Tuesday morn
ing a fire was discovered in the rear part of
the two-story frame building uj.p..ite the
Odd Fallow Temple, occupied on the ground
tlor by V. U. Haltimore's grocery store, and
above by the lltjitttr newspapor, book and
job priatin oAce. The flames spread fast
and completly enveloped the rear of the.
building, and had forced their way through
the fronton the lower floor when No. Ooes
arrived and sent in a good stream. Sn. Twes
and the "Hooks" w ere also on band iu good
time, and when the former opened up with
two streams the tlamci went down rapidly.
At one time it was supposed the flames were
fully under control, but they burst out agaia
the full length af the root, aud jt took hard
work to agaia extinguish them. When tho
lames subsided it was ascertained that fear
ful damage had been sustained by all who
occupied tho building. Van ( 'love's family
got out on short notioe, and lost a great deal
of their household furniture, clothing, beds,
bedding, etc., upon which he had no insur
ance. His printing otlice is in a fearful con
dition, and it will take $1000 to put it in as
good shape as it was. He is insured for $.MH)
ou his type and press in the State I u vestment
Insurance Co.
The building belonged to the heirs of M.
Vi. Mack, and is so badly damaged that a
new building could be put up fur the same
amount that would be required to repair it.
It is insured for $I,mm) in the Home Mutual
jmmm&m fW
Tho grocery stock in the lower story, be
longing to V. l Baltimore, wns almost a
UUl loas. It was insured for c'J.oOO -$1000
in the Commercial, -?10)0 in the Homo Mu
tual and $o00 in the Firemin's fund. J. V.
G. Coffran and Col. D. B, P.ush, Jr., c,f Port-
. , . (. VVo.v..rt(jn o u Rrr
' Z '
, ,. , ,
m -
wiiwallnsc vialra,
A shooting match at glass balls came off
near Knox HutU-, last Saturday, between
two teams commanded by Capts. Custar and
Miller. It was an cxeitiug contest, resaltiug
in victory to the Custer team by three balls.
the tally standing Custer, 5$ ; Miller, T.7
We are sorry that we anur t givo tho BCtiro.
( W. Caster's team was composed of J. S
Chambers and Klihu Miller; Capt. jxiq
Miller's team consisted t . A. Archibald, J.
. Knox, Jap Custer, J. H. Projtst and
Ynnk Iiutchcr. Several other matches fol-
lowed and the dav was prettv well spent bo
fore the shooting ended. Aooording te our
- " a a
correspondent, several dimes changed hands
I over the result of the several matckes.
- . . m
i uru i i ssns
I S :
Tl.r.f ll.r. ..I all......
Lodge, No. .TJ-1, L O. 0. T., are due, aud
are hereby tendered to, M isses Dickey, Conn
an1 Parnsh, and Messrs. Nutting, Charles
K"eout, . u. Allen and other, for the
a'e efforts put forth by them to reudcr our
recent sociable a success. Also to Feshay 4
r "ie use of their organ ; to the y.
I . . m . . -
c- A- Association for use of chairs, and
to S- K- Voung aud others for dishes
lsolved, 1 hat ths resolution be sent to
i , , ., .
eac" OI Ulc CUJ Wf ,' phhlicatiori
S. A. DlKKaJtD,
W. C. T.
Itlue Uibbuu Club.
reuKr mePtinr of thi. el.,1, -411 l LJJ
l m - a " I' r?r" ' .v. ...
thi- (Fridav, nssW. at th V P n A
l 1 w .m
rooms. A eood nroeram has been arrand
consisting of vooal solos and trios by Messrs.
Haffenden and Clement and Miss Goltra,
reading by Miss Hettio Miller, a recitation
by Miss Alameda Thompson and an address
by Hev. S. G. Irvine, 1). D.
letter lAnt.
Thefoilowine Is the list of letters remaining
in the Post Office, Albany, Linn county, Ore
gon, Feb. 21, 1880. Persons calling tor these
litters must give the dale on which tttey were
Brown the Barber, Newman, W II
Jhn"on' H A, !jobe,rte Jl . W B
ljamn, iiis3 iscuer .TK;ei, niwu.
Miller, Elias Williams, FHdgar k Co
A Card r Tbauks.
J desire through yoqr paper to express my
grateful acknowledgement of kindness dur
ing my late sickness. Those of my friends
I were kind enough to wait on mo will
I surely accept my acknowledgments of their
I kindness. J. A. Gilmour
oiinrll 1'rorerdluaa.
City Council met in regular MUM o
Tuesday oven tug, at 7 o'clock.
Present I). Froinan, Mayor ; N. J. Hon
ton, Recorder ; A. J. Hunt, Marshal Da
nals, l'oarce, Mlackhurn, tlradwohl mid Salt
marsh, Councilmoii.
Thu minutes of prevjous mooting read aud
Committee on Health and Police reported
on petition iu regard to the removal of Silet.
Indians, recommending that the Mayor
wrtto to the agent, requesting him to recall
thorn to the reservation. On motion of Salt
marsh the resolution was adopted.
Comuiittoo on Streets and Public Property
recommended the granting of petition of Ma
sous for sidewalk to thu uemetery, with the
following changes : instead of four stringers
there bo but three, said stringers to be l' "
inches. The report was adopted.
The Committee was granted ini tio i lum
to rejtort on sewer.
Councilman Ulackbnrn, from Commit!.,
on Ordinances, moved that the petition ..I
John Crawford, and remonstrance against
the same, bo laid on the table, and the mo
tion prevailed.
An this time Councilman Scott appeared
and took his place.
Committee on Accounts and Cut rent I
peuses reported the following btlls correct,
ami they were allowed paid : A .1 Hunt,
work, etc., . costs in case of Crabb,
9G 15 : A J Hunt, work ami material, $M.
13 ; P V Spinks, wood, H..'0.
The followiug bills from the Fire Dep.ut
meut were pretented, and their paynu nt Im
iug ici tiiuinentled by the liit f l''nxineer wi re
ordered paid : Huston A: KotkaHa, rapaira,
$.'1 ; Manx Stinker, painting, $J.
The same committee rejHirted mi bill of
Senders ,'. Sternberg, for tlamages, that thn
same 1m- tiotallowetl. The reHtrt was adopted.
Committee M WaytaAd Meaim w:mi giant
ed further time to report on renting oouncil
Councilman Saltmarsh press'Hted a request
from J. L Harris that an order of
be drawn on the Tret surer for kis rail) f,
claiming to have juiid license for saloon and
jkmiI table twice. On motion of cott tne
matter was referred to tkc Committee on l.i
oaaatA t n motion of Ct.uiu diuan Oradwohl, the
Marshal was ortieretl to put suif ii nt gr in 1
on First street, between l luiraton ami Ikfay
ette, and on Thinl Itutwec-n l.yon aud ltaker
streots, to make a good and passablo road.
Bid of F. M. Westfall for gravel and dirt,
opened and read, as follows : pit gravel 7'"-.
per cubio yard ; river gravel, N.V. er c ubic
yard ; dirt, rt'io cr cubic yard.
As there were no other bids on moti.ia of
tlrlwohl tho coniract for the year IH-I was
let to F. M. Weatfall.
At the suggestion of CouncdusanSallmrh
the Marshal was instructed to put whatever
gravel was necessary around the cistern at
the junction of Lyon and Uakcr streets,
mi i.s iiEH:i:kkt.
Tho following bills wore referred tO Cm
uutteo on Accounts and Current F.xpruscs :
B. A. Stratford, work. it.M ; Allen. Kabiu
son and Co., IuuiUt, i ; IL IK Murray,
- -'" ; Casts ia Mayhew ease, $11 I ; A.
J. Uunt. work, ate,, r.'J 7 ; X. J. H. nt..n.
llecorder's fees.
(Uiuncilman Scott undo several sugges-
tioos ta the Council in regard L fire matters.
among others that the siduwalks should be
mad" wide onough for the engines to le
hauled over ; also that all sign hanging over
tho sidewalk should be raised to a uniform
bight, so as not to interfere with the engines.
Council adjourned.
.1 llallrr.
On Momlay evening of Mar. h 7th, ls.1.
at 7 :3l o'clock, there will ? a tms ting of
the taxpayers of Sehool Ihstiict No. ., wlu n
a report i o n the Hoard of tiroctors and the
Clerk w ill bo presented, and the question of
levy ing a tax for the support of our school
voted upon, ami the transaction of any atlm
business that may euiiie lieforo the ibeeltug.
'1'ho annual elocttoii of uue Ui -ector for
School Oistrh t No. 5, and for one Clerk, the
first to servo three years, ami the latter MM
year, will ! held at the Central School
House ou the 14th day of March, IHS. the
polls to bo open from " to Q o'clock, p. m. ,
ou tha day. interestad will pi. as.- Uike
nee, I. i u
Hrralr.. MfaMjPi
Our foreman went to Corvallis a short time
ago, ami licing water bound nine back in a
skilT, and the Corvallis Vastf man mounted
his Pegasus and yawped out into the follow
ing dash of doggerel :
list wettk Allioiiy on the ',-a!la
T.Kk a Mteamboat trif to uartaWl
A . with th- irst Lwid Of ilSk.:,
I.'4nitf Cass Hiiaiphrey tke'swifi lypo
Aft r s Weak s stay, stopped ,y the fl.od,
111 a flat afto (o hin- ! would.
Qaarf : U he now home liekiitir Ui. ii.',
Or ia he f.Mi.1 fur little fiheH '
r '
"Vdff Mi ll. WO HTKOM.. '
Snrrvn , Iu,
PS. K- V. Pun. m, BufTalo, N. y.:
,s( I wish to state that my daugh
ter, aged IS, was pronounced incurablo and
was fast failing, as the doctors thought, w ith
oonsumptioii. oltainetl a half doen Istt
Ue of yuur PmmJ for her and tdio coai
meucod improving at once, and is now well
and strong. Hhe took the Discovery last
fall. cry truly yours,
llF.v. Isaac N. At im siin.
Tar lliiwe Kewlntr, Machine.
(lur friend, V red Grai, has received the
ageucy fur the celebrated (owe sewing ma
chine, and b now ready a supply tho public
The improved I iowe i i xiu-of the best ma-
t. : t i
cmne-, ; irwu .i. ami our rcauera wno
pant auything iu that line will do well to
Mil at Graf's furniture store aud l.xk at this
lady's triond.
Did any scleutltic physician know tho
lorimua rram wruoli Atnruan'H Cough Sy-
rnp m prapareu, no wyuid not oply riom
BMOd. but nraaartbG it'tohlk nallenlntrou
bled wltb a,-cough or cold, or any diseasa
of the throat and lunga. Try It. It has
noaqual. For tho benefit of thoso who
would May, "Anothor humbug," a trial
o-cent aitto is praparoa. Alc your tlrug
K'st to gt It for you. Ia bottlos at IS ota.
CtH., 1.
ttoll of Honor til Mhedil.
Miss June CranfiU, teacher, a Hhedd SU-
tion, sonds us the following roll of honor,
being the highest in deportment of tho pupils
ot Sehool District No. .'17 : Solon Shedd,
Ldara McrVinney, Lena Lewis, hllsworth
Shedd, Uster Lewi, J.idia wis and Jda
All persons indebted to ra for goods
bought during 1SH0 must call and eettlo by
the first of March. X am obliged to leave
the city at that time on account of sickness
in my family, and this notice is imperative
Feb. 15, 1881. L. Kline.
The most popular perfume of the day
HACKMETACK" try it. Sold by Foshay
tfe Masou, Druggists, Albany, Or.
Hume mid Abreml.
All sorts of weather and mud to match.
High winds prevailed yesterday afterunni
Chew Jackson's Wont Sweet Navy Toboc
Stowart Grey w rite insurance at,
Tom Ihiford, of Corvallis, was iu tho city
Stewart A Grey are fjflaffttg some lino bar.
gains in real estate.
Mr. W. W. Ilyuou gave tin several pleas
nut calls this week.
Air. Kllcy Mrk. ol l'.nw n- 1 1 ! was iu
tho city yesterday.
Mag iu y ur wood on subscript ion.
Winter isn't over yet.
Judge lltirnott, of Corvallis, was among
our callers this week.
" Truth is mighty." Our It lU.-un a tys so
is limbtirgur cheese !
Hon. A. W. Staunrd, of P.rowinville, was
iu the city last Monday.
Tho h'njintrr oilier) is at present "tho oh
served of all observers."
All gootN sold strictly for cash nt tho
Partners' and Mechanic's Store.
All collections left with Stowart nnd Oft
will receive prompt attention.
A. P. Mi llwaiu has almost entirely rrcov.
ercd from his late severe illness.
Itemember that W. L. Watkins pays the
highest price for hides and f tit h.
It looks kind of natural to ai M "has. Med
Rdwia llaltenilrn selling i;ioceries igain.
Kvery man's w ife wants a "Oavis" Mwinj
machine. W. U. Scott, Albany, agent.
A lirst class residence for r nt cheap, near
the center of thu city, by Stewart A Grey.
SuU. ril.e to tho "tfaMroMrf U'.oip," the
most reailalde Journal on the Paetlie CnoaL
Our talented friend T. A. Stitherlard, is
aaok ou the tiipid oftl Portland Sin;, I irt.
The lest stock f t ignrs anl tobacco in
town at the I'-irin. iV and Mechanics' St. -re.
Stewart A Grey aru loaning money on
Itoth real and personal security in large and
small sums.
Wo hear of hut oue fullow in the city wli
jHMily cprt e.l hie delight at tbt r nulls of
the lire Tueaday night.
Pueiness is at a complete ktandettll ou
account uf the condition f thn wheat tnar-
lift) Thomas Moiiteith has been I
this week with a severe attack of rheuma
tism. Hia Honor lf.cor.lrr Hen ton is getting
along well in taking the awteenuieut of the
No. I's and ttk Di IMS nr eitablia.imrnt
tlew the uatinfjal colore on Wail.uiton
Mteees Maggie ami Mattie 'ot r and
James Podt r return, d from Portland last
The concert at the M. hutch hv.t Slbalh
evening was largely attended, ami tho cu r
cises Were good.
St. Valentines Day did notbring so mm h
tilthy lucre into the coders of our dealers in
valentines as usual.
Stewart Jt Grey have a large list of eitj
and county property for sale low aud on long
time and easy payments.
We had a call yesterday (r ui our )oung
Iebanoii friend, Milt Miller. He says jc
anon is as quiet as a hired man.
School matter are lirgiubiug a M fjroes
the atteiittou of our cititens as the tunc for
the annnal election approaihea.
A full line of the celebrated Staiidanl and
A tkiuaou shirts, in white ami color at the
Painters' ami Mechanics' Store.
lawyers tell us that thu docket for the
March term of Circuit Court will not l
very full. The !..:.! 1- MMMMl
Thu Masonic I -..I.'. and I'oyal Arch
Chapter, of this city, are instituting meas
ure b procure a Masonic l.brary.
Sain Cohen wan over here this week and
ays he will soou ojten nm.ther store at BoM
Creek Ivan lire won't keep Sam down.
Mrs. pebecca Young, mother of our p-j
ular merchant, M. Y. onng, ha-. u ill f..r
some tune, but is now alowly n uv rin.
lo preventatives of the several IMMfMOt
companies intercstetl in Tuesday morning's
tire are still at work "adjusting" tho losnes.
That was goo.1 work on the part of the
Are bos the other mkht in saving Mr.
('rush's building next to the ffrpsaftT olheo.
The Masonic fraternity id this city are
talking strongly Lutldini; a new hall for
their own use. We won hi Ik- hid to r
them h so,
Tho u ! st man al a lire ii he who takes
a hick seat and cynically criticises the hard
working firemen who arc laWing to subdue
kite llames((.
Tho city was full of insurance agent last
Wednesday, all of whom were looking after
the lire in the Register oflieo ami in Palti-
morc a store.
Dollic, daughter oi t'eterami Mary Hume,
of Prownville, died Feb. Nth, of iullamina-
tion of tho brain, aged fl years, '2 mouths
and 1 1 day.
Married at ti.e tMshlenceof ('has. Ho J gen,
ou Pebruary 14th, by II. J. C Avcrill, J. P.,
Mr. K. D. Mnycr to Miss F..nnie Soott, all
of Brownsville.
Tho "lAughiu'i M-m'' came "gol dirn
nigh" splitting hi sides roaring over the
work done at the State Pair on the "Davie?
Sewing Machino.
Quito a largo party of Linn county folk
weru out to hear tho celebrated comedian.
John Owen, at Portland, on Wcdnoccliy
evening of last week.
II. C. Saullcy, one of the mest gentlemanly
commercial travelers who,a it has been our
pleasure too meet, has been "among" Albany
merchant. during th week.
Goo. Webber writeu us from Tho Daliot,
under date or thu Jlst inst., that snow is
over two feot deop, and beef steak 'JO ccntn
per lb. All of which is "rooky."
Tho old steok of groceries belonging to
Ilaflcndcn Bros., was bought by Mr. Fried
man nud has been moved up into oik- uf Pro
man's buildings, where tho Huflcinh ns arc
closing it out.
W. Ik Mice, tho ellicicnt MJMll and oper
atorof thoO. &('. II. ft, Co., at this place,
arrivsd home from Kosoburg on Thursday of
last week. His father's family out there
arc enjoying good health.
Mr. Isaac Hymen, of Sau Francisco, is a
brick. He's got a heart on him as bijj
as Mt. Mood, so to aeak. May his
rnrrso always bo well lillej, nnd may he
never be troubled with corns.
Van Clove's clock ticked away tho other
morning, although it hanged on tho wall, and
with its black and charred face was a speota
cle f all the ruiu that the Fire King had
made. That clock ought to bo preserved.
lho play "Bread on tho Waters," which
was set down for the 4th of March, has been
given up, on account of the death of Mrs
Foster and the consequent inability of Mat
tio and James Foster to tako part in the
The Foster brick is being overhauled, the
floor brought up to a level with the sidowalk
and the roof raised, so as to give a space be
tween floor and ceiling of sixteen foet.
will then be one of the highest and hand
somest bricks in the city. Ilochstedler and
ZeyBS have charge of the work, which insures
a way up job. .
Ir, lanueri.i ta have a starving contest
with n German iu Loudon. Tanner drinks
only water and thn German only beer. If
tho latter uses only Kd. Bellangers Star
Brewery beverage ho will discount Tanner
and astonish the world.
Mrs. Foster was buried from her Into resi
dence, on Wednesday afternoon, Itev. Mr.
Vinson, of Haiaey. delivering the funeral
discourse. Our pccplo turned out u HHMM
showing tho universal resjKjet and nstccin in
whiidi deceased was held by al!
Mont Moiiteith, who wont to San Francisco
a fiiw month ago to secure treatment to pn
vent the loss of his heating, will probuhly
return in a few days. His hearing has been
somewhat improved, but wo sorry to hear
Unit Inn general health is f.tiling.
"IVrn. ' Cochran, one of Finn's live farm
ers, snys he will plant eight acres to com
this year. Why wouldn't tho experiment
bo worth trying by bUMMoU! fanners ? Pork
commands a good price, and nothing is so
good ns corn for fattening the porcine
A frisky lellow with a cardinal MMM
w tl'.ed into our sanctum tho other day and
asked us "for the loan of a h ad pem il." W-
foiled over a Falter, and then he anl.ed for
paper ; we gave him the paltei punted let
ter head paper of the Di vtm i If, He rapidly
wmlr and vaninhed. The n l day w- WtW
confronted with our own piper and a hill of
Si for "liipiorn. " We don't know win re the
genius has lied, but w e noknow ledge hie su
periority in liu.iin h i ing.
. i e i '
It Im llllt hi ill lor people ntlllelillg with
liVMiH-iiMii ami IJver Cnni!niiit. ir nnv
doriuigoiiieiit of lh- lig(M( i o organs, Mich
aa Bour Htomaoh.Miok LLaadacbe, iiaiiiinHi
CoMtlveiiOKN, Pillpllittlon of Hot Umul
ll ml Ion ii, aiei .,r.i.!i gtmwing uini
burning paiim at Ilia pit of UM MtohmeJi,
Ynlow Hk in, Coated Tongue mid di:igraa
itltlo latlo In the mouth, coining up of food
nller eating, low Nplrltf, dULtO putofl Ironi
day today buvliig an artlelo that they
know hits MUM Ho-1 linlglibor, Irietid or
relalive, yet tl'ey liao no lallb In It until
it in Iimi ..i'.-. Kilt if V'tli will no frt your
IriiggislM, Koahay , MaVI0Of MM get nl.ot
llo of ititUKK'n AOOtniT VUOWn yuur Im
inoillalo ruin i't m certain uh viii liv.
Sample bottle of this modiciiio i-iiii ! ob
tained for lo ettnlx to try Us NUfkeHor vlr
luo. Itoumur hIo 70 Oettta. Try It I Iwn
ibMs will rdleo any e:tv-.
CktMlIC lllliilliiM 4 lirril,
Pblladelplihi. Pa., . t. 4, 1870,
II. II. Warner A n. licnt. For lite
i I Icrr Veafi I have nilli-M-d lho-ll i f
Baeta of what tnifjbt beUtrtnad shroolootM
-i ii- tti'Mi : my skin hooame jwllow and my
liver was aliotttof order 1 tried all th.
reined ion (bat could lo ohtuiui-d, ainl thai
was all I rould do, nfler linding no teliuf
from regular niodieinn tratmetit, and 1
liiiullv i-oiiinictii ed tioiii votir reiin-dn-.
1 find tro-d lho Pills, and al the end of nn
wrs-k mv lx wols bad MttHiin d n icgulntif v
and bt-.iitby aeiion nnknown fot M. I
was mi plraHtxl with lho cil.-. t tlia. I con
eluded to try a boftMl of tir BlttOTa, and
allhotigh 1 have not entirely lined the. firtt
(oitio, i am ao poroeptlbly improvad and
toitotl up that I writo to vott giving this
voinii!arv laatlaionlal to Im Koallonoa of
your retnedie-.. Youth truly,
K. J. OAMnunx
Ufcllle IVnlrtr; I lower.
Taken U-r.tro rHiring, WtK in-ure : food
night's ratal, with nit OWOksldinl In the
nsiy iitorti to b'nltb, nmrag nnd lyor.
For OOOtod longuo, taM brent b, . I. l ead
aehn, tr any tllelurl an m i-tng from dys
iNpala or torpid ll-r k Lj WttltOill a pat r,
lus aciioti on dleoMss I antirttly iliuVtreni
from any medic u ever inn.. I i I, i t
mg pains uiinoet insaontly. Ttw bue and
cry rabrd again! it by taatfll WtHc4ne
men, who bate fOttMOOh in da advent the
dentrut tioii of their notklioai loi-n - ,
ami tbe tboitannda of unaolfcdtod loatimo
male ft'ivvmg in front ad iKtrlnof tl.o .S
World, m a stito iiidioalioti ' bs gnat
inentn. Trial aio nt all MrOfJ Mens, Hall
pound ImtiloH, 7. ciitt. I'ltiiy i. ln
hoii, No!i- .gulM. than GOLD i- pprf.i
health, and yet many are MlffOling tin tor
lures of tin-damned w titi IryspriWa m ben
aalngle bottlo of iIC. MlMliS Y.SO.
PKPMlA PILLH vk tit give roHof, and, II
paffaMtod in, will euro the worst -uo of
this tii raiotajg trout. le. TbiM itiii onioa
Torpid ami Btliottanaaa, Hoji,iilaia
Ilia IIowi'Ih, remove n I'ltuphnn Iroiu the
I . . eiire Sallow I oit!pli-i..n, Foul It. Sick Headache. II. -aril. urn, p.i.n
iu lint Sldtw and IU- k; m Suear -..a:-l nnd
I ' A UA NTKKli lo Im PC Ki ll. V VKilv
-t-oi i . -. ii .i .. r
rABId. It acta direetly ni the eontliiK of
th.. Monad, and on tho l.iver. Ooubii
taken I i any climn wet OT dry weather.
itowaie of jndtaloni. Tuo goooiino haa
an trifranng of t imu mi tin.
wrapper. Pnoe, 80 eenM fox aaO by oil
No fKM.plo in tbn World miller an miieb
with IryapOpMO nt America. m. Altboiurb
yean of exK.ritnyi Ii. iueln-iiio bfkl fitile.l
to aeoompllHb a U't'Uiiu multure
for thin .IbtoafM. ami itn eir.-eUt, Midi an Sour
Stonmeb, lleiirt-l.tirii, Wiiier-brnsli, Su k
I leii'luclie, Costh etic-H, palpitation of tbe
liOarL l.iver Complaint, OOtotitfj up 0 llie
foo.l, low HpirilH, nc;U,ai (le'uilitv, etc., yet
afoeo too introtlueiion of tiuuKsM Ai u kt
l-LowKii M0 boliaw thero m no en hi. of
iyniK'pHi.1 that cannot In. immetbuU'.l y r-
ll.ct.. :;o,tMN it i : Mat year with
out otio tiiKo of fuilurn n-tortc'l. (io to
your .irunls-, J'osluiv X Mnson, ami pt
a Humplo hotib. for hi BOOM ami try it.
1 v- o om will relievo von. lloulur si.
r oantii
now to savi: monky. inste.ui .r
troiiiM to n (bn'tor lor n prenerlptioii, if you
havo rthi iMHeatc, inalKtloM, ram m
the Itaek and Lotna, tbnarting, Inflamma
tion, Calculi, Biiok-doat Depoait, or any
troublo of tho KlilnevM or Btaddar, buy n
D0MM ot MtOetO a JSophrotleuin. Ihe
Kr(at Ituchti Compoun.l. it it tbn most
wou.lerfnl jirescnptlon lor tnOOO troubJea
ever rompotimieii. Messrs. AlmiutM v
Carroll, wbotooalo dnucclotai our : "We
ropinl Nepluotioum twtbo hvst kidney
un.l bladdl r v.k.ielv in thn market.''
Woodunl, tlrnu'i;!"!, i'ortlaiul, r., nayn :
Kverybody np.-aks highly of it.",
.litHftriiit, Portland, Or., KikVM : "Sold lotfl
of Ii; It alwaye 1kh tho work." Many
Imvo bifln cnro.1 of ohstinato kidnoy ihuu
plaintM after thn tl.wlors have uiv.-ii them
up. PliOO, l2Bb b'or khIo by nil 1 rn j-
i ' -a
8TORATIVK -Tho mvnt K-.mlish remedy
luis iimkIo mom enivs of Norvoti leltti-
ity, tsi.miuai Weaktu-MM, uoat Mannooo,
niK-tiiriuil mis.sious. la-ssitudo. inability
for moiital labor, d.wpondoney nnd aneo
(iHo&wN us am induced by youthful IbUlMI
and oxeoHbon, than nil other medicines
combined. Why will you eul'ibr? Send
to A. K. Mintie, M. !., Mo. il Kearney
street, San raneiseo, lor tho Kostoratlve
and Itn cured. Pii.v, :i per bottle. Four
times tho qnantity,flO. Try a bottlo, ir.
Mmlio treats all private (liM'ascs Kucce:tf
I Yuil Waal l-urullurr ?
.Inn. DonnalH, in this city, now has on
hauln a larger stock of furniture than any
other establishment this sido of I'ortlaiul,
and if you want to purchase any it will pay
you to give him a call. He has something
to toll you ui regard to lus prices.
For Larno Book, Sido or Chol u-o Shi-
lob'ti 1'orouH l'lastor. I'riee, 25 cW .Sold
by Fosbay A Mason, Druggists, Albany,
Amnion's Cough Syrup cures coughs,
colds, bronchitis and consumption.
KKLLOfiG DILLON. -On tho 2'2ad of
rebruary. at tho M. B. ('hurch, in this city,
by Hev. Isaac Dillon, Mr. ALBXVVrH. KSX-
l.oiQ, of SeatUo, W. X., aud lisa KDRH A.
Dillon, of Albauy.
CRABTREE P0WKI f, (u tho 17th
iiut., at the roft,idcnc9 of Dr, Alexander, in
this city bv Rev. R. C. 11 ill, Mr. James
f CuAivruKt and MUb Mauy A. Powell.
wtmw rn it i oi uh.
If you nro suH'ering with n severe laotigh,
cold, asthma, bronchitis, hay fevor, eon
sumption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat
or any awetloa of toe throat or Nmjbv MM
Or. King's New Oiseovery for 'onsuniptiMk
This is tho great remedy thnt is canning so
inu'h excitement by its wonderful pa fee,
curing thousands of hopelosn cases. Over
one million bottles of ir. I. in's ivtw I'in
covery have l.ecn unci I within tlio last, yenr,
and liavcgncn perfect K.ilittfnction iu i', ry
loatanoar NN'e can ahealtaUngly say that
this is really the only xure , ur- for throat
and lung nflet tions, nnd c-v.-i cheerfully r-c
MUMMM it to all. Cnttlondfel a trial hot lb-
Ireo of cost, or ft regular . -I '' I -
sain by
I'oahfty and Mason, w hob sale n-nts Alba-
ny : D. Morris, So.. Or. L Foh y, LM
lion ; Or. .1. M. Poweil, LatMOOfl ; O. M,
Calbreatte, BoMM V'mU ; Raafatto and Mon
tague, .1, II, rson ; O, If. p. Cornelius, Tor
ner ; & A. Karupy, llarrisburg ; S. S.
Hayes, Hali.ey ; O.ifuou Smith, li d i r :
Starr nnd lilftkely, lirnwnsvilh-,
II I painf ul NiLrld to M-f 'Ollllfr l-oli.
to moo iiH-im won wriiutieii and preum
tnroly old thowi novortlielaaa it 1 oniu.
i.. tt...i ,.. . . . y :r
common. and to nn v ooa who abmrrtMthm
signs of the llmoa I na raaaxm i rory apfnv
root, owing to the flam Ing udvori i-'e men Im
and Itogun rorllib fttes, iu w hich nro n i I
lho uami-M of emI,,ent DhvaicIaiM and
cuemwla, tbo naocupoctlng nnd orednloos
Imvo I .ecu induced lo lieo HOHMI ( Um 00
called li.piid brant iliorat all Of evltloli :ir-
known to i.o positively Injiiriona, and ii
DOM for nn v lOOCth Of Hiimi will dskntmn
tho complexion, ao ilint U will bo noxl Ui to resNne it. Motlo i , t,l. ...!. I
DO very omreful lo aea llial thnir liialiij.M
do not unn lln-no ir iiru! lonn. hut m-u n.r
and oluiilu MIhviii'm llarmh ,'i
I ik c Powdor.UiocnlybarinluMi boAiitiiitr
For nalo Ity Foshay A Ma on, ', .,-rcr'n
liii. k, Main S!., All.any, Or. l
i m Wi Bfojrjffcoolj i Hmmm
Itov. Geo. If . Tbtivor. an old itioo .r
this vicinil v know n lo i-vi-i v one M most
Influential ritlzon, and i brWiau M in Inter
I lho M. K. Chin, h, just al Mum mono. nf
""tl in our nuire to say, "I wl di ai i ' v
body to know ihm I noiinuler lliat botli
myaelf and wlfo owe our livoato Hliilah'a
GoMMtmrdlon Cure. It ta having a tro
mondooa wiio over our ooiintent, and i
alvtng porfaM nMlafattloii in nil eaaa
l.nug Oisi aM h, such ue. ii rlno hai
dona. ors, Maloltati d I ranee.
Iloorbon, Iud., Mav l ., i-,
Nttld by Poabajr V Maeoa. ftrnggdnti . Al
bany. irrvon.
IV r feel Ion word-
Gun af tbr latmit and Witnont OMOttMl the
lll'lfct Jt-rfe t ki-HII. ; 111,,. -hi:,, now In lore the
pubbc is the "iLme" why UMjr aetoally
make out of strips of cloth . ipn, saaccra,
baskets, etc., iu Wtfaat shajw-. Wa oaw oik.
at the Albany ti. ami to,-. i'.,r ,tJ, u..-uy
sampl.-s of practical work no'.. .1 will rnv
that there arc tliitin MMM bafara MMM a
Stain Moebtite. Co r.inl sot fof fOWMlvai
and U convinced. V. P. gaat,
aii Kfcaaw .i i aaMatOk
Wo have for sal.-. Itoth at l-i . -. .. and
Crasa l:ide,:iflf),MNI f. et of il kinds of lum
ber, such as .-aiitliii, joints, l.arn tindtern,
U.viii-', f. and other r.nih luntltcr.
At MOaaoa wc have a suM-rior !..t .f dry
luinlxr, audi as rustic, Ibvintif, it -. Uwin;
Lt Um MM lire, we are nib-mitf this IuiiiImt at
reduct d rates. Addrcea us at Icltanon.
I l i'iM.v, )r , duly .11, Isvii.
01 O K '
tsd tlu lKM0-
Ale I for
iii odjtrajM mi vil! sond
to any ah!i i r.-r a
IKLY an I il' DKMO-
m.!:pj:i:s' vk
ni I KlCH utMi i v in t .
Th baat salve iii the world f..r ctitn, I rum.
S, Mtli n, Ii!, rn. nil llieitin. j. . r M (. tt t-
ter, eaaopad ImojU, rniibbnioa, ooraa aad all
kind f akin eruptbma. This save is guar
anteed to pn.- perfect: rtiafactiaa ia avaej
ease or y n t'.li.d. .!. pn, , .: p, r M,s.
Par MaM by raanaj and Maeon. vaolt -...
aata . H Ifoora, vi.. ; it ..',. y u baaon ;
Hr I -t . I I.ehatiitit ; bt.tiiath and M.-u
. H .... . . l it . . k .. . . I . . ..
e -'! ; i ai iin, l.ii.-tia
V,.U ; I Comclm .. Te rn. r , MUmm
Harriabnrg , Star? and P;.l. l: . "
v,n tmmmmj, m
-uitr."n ; i ' a i i .ui.i. .tn. r.ii.-ti.i
ThmivRmK of soldier mid b. .1 are f-n-
Utkal to n-tt,i ni, with payment from date
'f iHanhanpi or d.-ath, if applied r..r batare
Janaary i. 1 880. Wound, accidental u
jrry or di..tMt ontuh" to a Petition.
Rtfonty and back pay oollen-te.i. iucicav
of I'eiinioti aeOU red. "Thi lirm -?al)lit!-c.l
iu IM& Addraaa, oneioHitu' Marnp Kl-
S iS lllto.-:., it. s. Claim A:.- ,.,v., 7 1 1 c
Sinn t, WoanlngU i. c.
Ilonw l oi BMlgraMlfle
T.xan Is iho Ktale that is doallnod at
no far dloMjBj dav to booome Inc. ant die oi
tho south. Should you want to b-aru m..r
alxtut tho gnat stnto send '.' ' : the
Brown County Ran nor.'.i.-J at
P.rownwood, Texas, lorn v.a.'t,
or $1.00 for six month .
o Ilceektlon I met'..
Itis ntrane;o that so many peoplo will
continue to Miller day after day with Dya
iwpsia, l.iver Complaint, Conatipallon,
Sour Stomach, or l ieneral iH-bility when
thov can procure a, our Mro Shiloh'a Vi
talize, free of cost if it doo,s not euro or
relievo th 'in. l'rieo, ",'. els. Sold by Ko
shay A Mason, linguists, AlOOSy, Or.
" 1 -
Slavon t berry Tuolli Pat.
An aromatic combination for the preser
vation of thn Tooth and littnts. It is far
superior to tiny preparation of tho kind in
the mark.t. ln 10180, hands.. tun opal
I ots, prlooSO eont.s. For sale ! Poohay
A Mnvoii, Albany, Oregon.
Invrntom and ratcnlrv.
hIio.iI.1 send for instruotiens, terms, r f . -MOtMO,
etc., to MiImou Urotlicrs, Solicitor- .-I
Patents, XVashinjjton, I . C., who tin . Ii
the MUM 0 itltotit charge. KdOMI EtfOtberi
in a well known and MMOOOafal linn ot large
experience, having been established in lMili.
Mil. J. II. BATMSi Newspaper A.lvertis-
iug Agent, II Park Row (Tine's Building)
Now York, is atithon.od to .ontraetlor
advertisements in tho J m:m c:: r at our
best rates.
The Market.
Following is a correct report of the mar
kcta in this city up to noon yesterday:
WHKAT (i."t cents per bushel.
FLOUR $3 pvbbi
HAY baled, $106!$U per ton.
loose, S.
POTATOES GO eta icr boaVoL
RU1TER-2.") to M cts par lb.
E0CJS 98 cents per OOO
PORK 5 to 5i cts ikt lb.
PA00W8 haom, lfilSa
shoulders, W 12a
sides, 14. c.
DEIRD FRUIT sun dried apples, 10c.
" " plains, 14c,
Plummor dried apples, 14c.
" M plums, ISc.
CHICKENS $2.50et$3.00 ikt dez.
SUtiAR San Francisco C, Pile.
COFFEE Costa Rioo, 18(Vi 20c.
Java, oOa
Curcola 22.
Rio, 22.
MILL FEED bran, SlOrll per ton.
chop, ?20.
shorts, 15.
middlings, '20.
ALBANY, OR., Feb. 17, 1881.
We have $30,000 to be loaned
in Linn County at 8 per cent, per
annum, m sums of $5,000 or more,
on 5 years time. Security must be
three times the amount of the loan
asked and improved real estate.
'. If. MF.H twtr.
Notary I'vntic
"M ''" ' M.I TOR A iir.NlMS
icillil ' t'tll.c t;t-- lii.t! llK'V l.ntl!
l'C04ilalhiii Sin-ol, lor I he purpotej- of iraiiHa.iiiig a general
A If D
n n eaa.
I hoy Mill attend lo the renllna: f promrM, noIlMiHtin of mntn, i.t:'-mrr and helling
j1'1 U"1"' .then. . lien of loan-., the crdlorrtion of imN and account.
' borne and alr -i i. the t-.i- iu- .r mortagot., tho a4ljmttmcut and aoUling of
lo real cei ii. f.-uieiii. nt ... r lair i miirnjraaf la rill tto
'J hey ar-pre-.,r(.. lo , ;j. .,., ..,,( t Ii.- following leading companies at the
low-' jMcil,;,- ; -. ,;
Imperial, London, Northern & Queen Capital
$41,000,000. '
Commercial Union. Capital, $12,500,000.
North Br h and Mercantile. Canital, $10.-
Commercial, of California. Capital, $200000.
Altbttaincm entrusaod it Mir ear will receive prompt attention. We ah all h&
guvl to .'orren;, ,,, -. , ; , j, v;1 ...... ,.v, dung information of our city or eorroandhag eoun-
OFFICE- OToole's J.lork.
AWMrdled First Premium. Oregon Kfatc Fair, 179 sod ISSG.
AiiHrdetl Flml I'rciiiiniu. and only Machine placed ?n Firat
rianta (S3 earMpetltom ul Ike AotrallMl Internttlional Exhibition,
akf. nii'AUii is..
Tho "lvVI" v I 4 MorhiBO OMMawy are manufacturing and
Selling 8,00 liaeliiiies per Week!
It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST.
It doe every variety of motIs nithout basting, and has more piaotioalattacbmenta
than all Ottiera combined.
W 15. SVOTT, Agent, All any, Oregon.
ft Sta
This is tho best opportunity ever ndbrdod tho iieople of the Willamette Valley to
cot reading matter at low rates. " Send in names as soon as possible, so as to got the in
teresting political new-; from the 1-iist which wo may expect in the Spring.
Ieliiiqtient sabscribers wishing to avail themselves of these offers will be exj acted
to pay up all arrearages.
A. L. 8llf,
Att'v at Law.
&r, GREY,
".): I .I'lali I nil ..IIWm. .. O'T.j.l'. ltlt.