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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1881)
MART. V. BROWN, KDITOK. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25, 1881. The looel wheat market has been de prwnil and quiet for th past work wit broil nnv visiltlc SliTUS ot' ilUPl OVC ..t 1U in the opinion of those best qualified to judge, there is much hope for the futuie there can W. no doubt. For the beuclit of our readers who stand in a josition to need eacoirrage- nient we clip the following from the New York ( ii"ivi atitl Financial Chronicle : "The exports ol wheat from the sev en principal Atlantic ports fiom Au gust 1st, 1880, to January 1st. I SSI were 83.000.000 bushels. This is more than half the estimated quantity re quired from the I'nited States out of tho crop of 1SS0 to supply the foreign t'.cmand. If ...hi the i:;oimmmm already shipped from the Pacific coast. Um. total of fW.000.000 hushels we exported up to January lei Accepting the estimate of the A.gri cultural Department as to total yield, it was belie veil that we could not span for shipment this season more than 165,000,000 bushels. It would seem now. however, as if the exports from tho l mtctl rttatw nut nf Am nmn m iiA ii Li-ti . . 1 Mv'lllil 1J(JI mi IUUI II. It .til . llflUW I the pnn ious year, when tht y icached 177.000.000 basbeb. For, if the Pa cific coast has still o2,000,00 bushels surplus, the other States canxcarevly less than double that tpiantity. or f 1.000, 00th which together would give an ag gregate surplus of uG.00O.Ou0 bushels. From the seven principal Atlantic torts the exjorts from August 1st to .hum i ry 1st was at the rate of nearly 4,000, bushels per week, fteduciugthe wt k ly movement from the same ports to even 2,000.000 bushels from January 1st to August 1st, would make a total of 60,000,000 bushels for seven month?, or an aggregate for the crop year of 143000,000 bushels : and if the Pacific coast ships no more than i?.0o0,000 bushels additional, even then the total for the year would reach 1 S 1 ,( ii . a t bushels. It should be stated, however. that when prices rule low, a crop is never closely marketed : farmers cany over large tpiantities in their giancries, ami this is particularly true if the pros pects of the growing crop be not wholly satisfactory. Therefore, it is jovdl.!e thst the Atlantic ports -esjiecially in cise the spring promise for the coining siason's yield is less favorable than tht jt-will not spare moie thaji :''." '. 000 bushels iron the remains of th current crop, a quantity that cannot be regarded as in any sense formidable especially at current prists. The conclusion from these facts is, & i x ftt .-A ft- i . uiai me siiuaiion. as we nave iw-ire jiointed out, docs not afford encourage ment to a sjeculation foruriso in value. nor, on the other hand, need it excite D 'ilil-r liAnLlnr. ' f nvlvnmf.l.. T .... . I . . One year ago the export movement was retarded by a reckless hjteculation. which carried up prices 4." cents jht bnshel .above csirrent fisnree. Any such unnatural check to a free outflow this year would in the end prove disas trous. At present," trices an? on a le gitimate basis, and exports rue compar atively free. If we export 75,000000 more from the crop of I 880, the total will be 171600,000 bushels, or only 6,000,006 less than from the crop of There is, therefore, no need for a soare, ami they who boot Up stiffly against the present temporary weakness of the market, are sure to have their reward. rao umu at wxewxerex. On the 14th inst. in the Senate Sen ator Grover stated that when the river and harbor bill came to the Senate he should move an increase of the appro priation for the locks of the Colombia river from 100,000 to $200,000. Jfe wUl also endeavor to secure an appro priation for the construction of a harbor of refuge at Port Orford. Senator Slater introduced in the S n ate on the same day the following amendments to the pest mute bill : From Washington, via Silverton, Acia and Aiuesrille, to Brownsville ; from CI rand S ation, via Spanish Hollow, Grass valley and Finegans, to Lake View ; from Union via Big creek and Spark to Pine valley ; from Applegate Kstoflice, via the mouth of Thompson's creek, to the mouth of Williams' creek, in Josephine county, to Applegate post oftiee, the place of beginning. A O.I EKV. It seem:, singular that every few years somebody has to tamper with the Bible have it revised, corrected, etc. Is it possible that the Bible in use 200 years ago didn't point the way to heav en as accurately as the revised docu ment of the present day ? Those who have relied on their Bible in past cen turies must certainly have believed that their book and their faith was good, and they must have fully relied on the Book for their Heavenly salvation. A TEltuiBLE hurricane in Oregon has done a good deal of damage. The Union Pacific Railway, in some places, is blockaded by fallen tree.c. Dover (N. H.) Pre. Where was that terrible hurricane, and in what part of Oregon is the Union Pacific Railway located ? This is news to we ignorant Webfeet ? Till IRISH I ISO UK IFI K u iWltMa. Wo observe by the ilisptitchen that Paincll, the great Irish land Leaijue gitttOT, is meeting with unbounded success in Paris. Mis appeals for help for the Irish sufferers are munificently responded to, and bin meeting are nightly nt tended by tens of thousands of enthusiastic sympathizer!. And he is not alone in 1'iance in this philan thropic movement. America is warm- S P Ue twk.iK) Ihe substantial aid and comfort a,e Wine: ' profiered. Almo t every State gi I aa- I Lalare that has convened this winter and even Congress have passed resolu tion.? of sympathy with sutVering Ire land. It remained for the Legislature of Maine to discrace our country bv a vote, last S.iturtlay, which tablctl a reso lution of sympathy for these suffering peojde. We are glad it was a llcpub- lican body, and that Maine is the only State i'i the Union that has thus dis graced herself. In discussing this Irish question the luerv ma natuiallv arise, what right i .i .i i 4i... r ,u" 1,1 1 v,,"v " lords shwuld Ve loroed to part with t lands agaiaot their will! The I ... . ,t 1 lust answer is. the t.amt Leaguers tio not contemplatt forcible disjH)s.srs.sion. Thj effort is atldressetl to public opin- i-.ix brought tt hear on Parliament to adopt a system whereby the object can be obtained peaceably, and by providing ample indemnity igelnit Icej to the land owners. Seeond, the question is lone, not of individual right only, but Inmnemmmd notional importance, und! involves the ceneml proaneritv of Ire land and the public penoe. Sot h a eooditaoo imponm on the goverauj mm the duty of int. i veiling. 00 Om po grounds that in com of great public danger, and gn at exigency, iudividueJ right must yield to the public good . This principle is m f aniversal ep plication, and is often applied in this count -v So long ag. ;n Dscembet, 1 1830, Daniel Webster, in a nemorabh speech in Boston, enunciated this bold I doctrine : The freest government, if it con ,J I exist, would not le long acceptable it the tendency ot the laws were to create a rapid accumulation of property in few bands, ami to i ruder the great mass of the population dctcndrut am iiennilrs. In su. h a c ise the isspiilar Bearer wmtM be hkely to break tn upon the rights of property, or else the intb. - ence of property to limit and control the exerciw of popular power. I tn versal snflrage. for example, could net lone exist in n cosnasanke where there wai great me. jinihty of property. 1 hi " - . holders of estates would ! obliged, in such case, in some way to restrain Ik ..I ft c m -I ,.1. . :..i ft r rigui 01 aiiiir:i'- ti -r- rvut 11 i i.m oi suffrage would before long divide the property. This rule has frequenily been ap- .1 .1. I.t vill own Atlit-itt, llil prenent time, when highways or i nil ways are deemed a necessity, or even a pubh eoneenienoe, no man's husd erf proHrty is exempt from It. True, OUT . ... government docs not ignore the rights of property, but simply claims the pre rogative of confiscation, though not without providing adequate comjKnsa tion, and remedy for its attainment. it in IV be added that this' jde:i of in dividual right is not one that either Kngland or our people have treated with much respect. Whenever the former has deemed it impovtent to ex tend her jurisdiction and enlarge her possessions she has not been SCCUStomcd to Hay "by your leave, nir." What she has wanted she has simply taken. The sane- to true, to a considerable extent, in this country. The early settlement of this country, even in New England, was made on the principle that the earth is the Lord's, that he intended it for the saints, and that the emigrants were the Paints. In our own day the United States wanted s slice of Mexico, including the shores of the Pacific, and took it. That was all. When emanci pation occurred the South was deprived of her property, clearly recognised as such by the Constitution, and it was brought about by a simple edict of President Lincoln M a war measure, being subsequently sanctioned by amendment to the Supreme later. Kven be WM slow and loth to interfere with il.e rights of property, but when the exigency became imperative the public good and national right were held to !i? paramount, even to confiscating the property of loyal men. M uiuiiT iv nm srck. - Very few, if any, Republican papers in the State .sustain the OregonUm in its attack upon Mitchell. The Dalles Motintaineer chops off a few of Scott's locks ; the .Jacksonville Sentinel got into his gray hairs, but it remains for tho Corvallis Gazette of last week to scalp the culprit in the following lan guage : (Remember this is all Repub lican authority :) Assuming the Hon. J. (. Mitchell to be what you, the Hon. H. W. Scott, descrile him, and assuming that at some special period you gained this knowl edge ot what be was, did you, or when did you, denounce him as the imposture you now fell us he was proved to be? Von say that you admit that you ad hered to him too long the question is, how long, and how far did this support of yours last? To what lengths did you go lrius favor ? Was or was not what you now tell us you knew about him consistent with apparent anxiety on your pari to retain his friendship and support, long after the disclosures to which you refer ? A U I : Mill HOMO it 4 tl I. K The Herald corrects us : denies that (. E. Wolverton is to bo editor of that paper. We take it back. We have no desire to do either tho Herald or Mr. Wolverton any damage. (San FrnnrtMn Katuittrr, Knit. 11.) II It It i or ii:hoi KATK MM I II- At the lato Presidential ebsetion a large number of tho employes at Mare j. vt - 1 I .1 1 I isianu iavy , am, ami o.nera ,f ed with the Govtmtttnt k rvicu at that point, in defiance of the wishes of Re publican party managers, had the to meiity to exeicise the rights of Amer ican citizenship in aceerdaiiaa with the dictates of their consciences, am! bold- voled for (Jen.ral Hancock, the . I J 1 !!-,. Tl.i- I n i m ti : MM.:. I nominee , or rrmunu, ' H ufttoofced - for Uwlepenience on the part -m. m m m . . I tit' men a ho belonged in the tanks of the wtU King classes, noia iiiiiiamung .i t ' i i . tt.e tact that they ha.l given servtce for all of (J nolo Sam's money they hud ' 1 I received, WM losked upon as a sort rebellion against the authority of the iM if ft i i M. ., I nopowtean pouuowaa, no nave ior many years managed governmental if fairs in all its details. Something must be done to stiike terror into the minds of " the common herd " of voters, who i: i l : : l .1 I....I iL.I 3 " right to vote as they pleased. A eon Snltation wee ludd at llepublican head quarters, and a determination srrired I at to tramp up ohargea of ittngnl Ing Kguinet number of mnmen, on the ground Ihsl they bed not aennlied e kmal r.sid. nte duiiag tht Ir stay at the N.iw lard. ii.. moat skilled Hwyt I of the pa 1 1 v volunteered for the or vice, amt lepubhcan court outctals lent I willing assistance. I mhet men! h weie I .. I 1... I ' .. I... I BIm fining . . ... I " ' 1 "u,k tins cit v . and the m n were brought up w their eootompt of the m 01 puuiican mampui.ttors. ' behalf ,.f the imliet. d I )etm rats, lft ft I . I I '' onv yonng mwyerm tuis J. rolunte. i. d his service, and not withstanding the i mutant the expen cod lawyers ot the Elepttblieen rfmf "d lho Govern aseut attorneys, tMllsonroeis eeemideratiou 1 Why can ,,u n mmTt 1 fSmwnu : as loessi iallv determined that a DOSn oam n ih I'y nt the fJorornnionl I has an und u! e l ii d. m vote for a Democrat . i pnUIeiilee, ithootfsnr I of MSB of life r lil -'v uf the demand of B Republic: S'-i'. I' uunittee M in- I .1.11:1 1 rio Ki-.t. Itepntehm itato tlmt nn . invi lUgntion it ! inke phie as to the 'lu, u'" 4 rwuueiu 'tl" " . . a m .. a since .1 berth. It m that he WnH bom in Canada J and if -- di .ju-.lithd for the ramition In which ho was elected. The iio; leof the Ver niont tow n In hi. h he allegro he was 1. . . ...... ...1 born deny that btf blltb ISteoordod thelfcaJ Aw nUtuiii cisatlantic wauufac ..u in- uteris or at anv other tune, or ....... Ly y, .,urt.llfs ivi,j STC at any e I w I .... rhxl. It appears that he has been at work writing Utters, Since ho roost rod n hint that SOSSS one was uKin tl"' ft - l . I u-io-k 01 nts mr iiogv. enueavorm" to maxe ol r.-M-tt ut.-t i t call thiii"S w hich gf did not occur, ami iu other cases at tempting to beolood ehmnnmtnnom too I ; t . . . e 4 ftfti I I asipar w 999 awiafpHBaaj m nonns, I his I o( course tends to increase the suspi cisus sppmrsnm of the case. Arthur's Btatement of the year of his birth ia .ttit-i.. . . uusuisjib, ne raniss m when admitted to the practice of the- law in New York city, to have been born iu 1830, whoross the records show that be could not have been bom earlier tl"n 1 " 1833, while his father was living at iH.nham, in ( IsJtndn. An oth. r child bearing bis initials was horn to his parents while they were living at Fnirfield, Yermout, and the confusion, which he tiies to make worse con found ed, appears to have ailsen thiough tho similarity of names. The first bov. who died, is clearly proven to have been named Chester Ahel ; the second, IIOW Yie Pie.-.ident -elect of the I'nited States, Chester Alton, whoso birth, it is said, CSn be shown to have taken place in Canada. It would certainly be a queer affail if such an expert and tin scrupulous "hoss" SI Arthur should be tripped by the accident of birth just as he is about as-aiming the second place the ( Jov eminent. no ituiu; or in it. Thank goodness, they have finally got after the dairymen that put hog fat in butter. Reed this diepalch : CHICAGO, IVb. .. Three grocers, whose butter had been analyzed ami found to contain from .r) to B0 er cent. Of hog product, were taken before Justice Wallace yesterday afternoon and fined 10 each for a violation of the statutes. Tin? only defense they set up waa that they were ignorant of the law. It is quite probable that the butterine und oleoma rgnrine business will bo ruined by the vigorous and praiseworthy efforts of the agent ap pointed by the butter end cheese asso ciation to ferret out these cases. .mi u ii.ivi i oi nmsmm. We feel a deep sympathy for our friend and neighbor, Van Oh-,vc, of the Register. Having been s cotemporory of his for the pes! fourteen years, and having in that time passed through many heated political campaigns, the Di: Mont at and Register hive, studiously avoided the so called " Oregon style," ami the amenities end courtesies that obtain among gentlemen have always been observed. The destruction of the Register office is a loss to the Republi cans of Linn, and one which they can ill a (fold. I'm: outward movement of produce and merchandise from the port of New York, thus far in tho year, has been largely ahead of the aggregate of the same portions of the years 1879 and Tho. total for January of this year has been $13,252,800, againsCl $10,080,000 for the same period of last year and S8,G77,000 for the same period in 1870. THR 01 1 i io oi run: THAMC. At last tho Democrats in Congress aie bold cnouuli to talk free truth'. The of lho . .n (myot " . for years past, but it has been utflioult to sociire help from our national representatives. wi.-......-. it.. : l n.- r "n ,.:u, v cry of "protection to homo industiy" L generally appertains to Congressional was riMscti. anu me uemasocruurv which lpRiHllltion .mothered the demand for I free trade und avo the protectionists a - l fii. Congressman Kurd made a wm m report in faver of free tisdo, but the f , ; h momber gmotieriM ,i,n out U i hmurt ,d ou rsgi-ous a 1 l f J o pro ec o 1 . . 1 1 1 L I ikbram I ho i i 1 1 1 1 .i I ,. ..4 taein I should obtain. The question of tariff imrluful ttna tue American people know Kow they ftro i,nrlnod by it Kven griintjng that t,ero h0uld Uriff, a revenue tariff atone will answer all pur poses. American statesmen cannot af ford to push tho matter anv further. To proteet native industries in their in-1 I fancy was excusable enough, but now we are fifty millions strong and why mennfSsetnren should bo sfraid to loeno wftb eonatriee km fsvored by na- luv lH a limjm whkh will puzzle any i,m.Mt , M.iUf-riilv it umy , tjint in gWM tipy rM ftMAamoUire dbenprn than we can, b lc,UHO uf Htarvntion wages and pnnper lbwr. The averaue Uritish operative n proportion to the prices current in I.. ... . ..I m Ih own country, is little worn pent tUo Mr( (jf NfW KogllinJ( Ipmunfnnln, or, indeed, Ohio, but particularly of New Bnflland. What goneroaity have manufacturing uionopo Hhown thfir employes at Iwell an, r ,eiflllH. at lliddefoid and else where in tho F.aaternStat.w.that should senltli thrm to tithsf patriotic or phi nut they now, while protection haa ben jstendily in their favor for years, put agaon thm eeerhot g.oda that will com ...... iL,.w- ,..u....r.. i ..r...l in inv countries of BaroM I If the ordinary citizen in buying a suit of clothes, any honest dealer w iH assure him that French 01 Kuglinh goods will last two or 1 1 times ns Inn" ua American made cloths, ami that the difference iu the coat is hardly enough to make MHnawhs,hlj ' knocked the stuffing" out of huv tho cbeaiHT or isiurer article. II mm m American goods can not keep pace in " f,ttt,tan .,rtwl.,rtM whw in the name of common urnse, must ilv l. t.-.-. ,1 ' :. tl,,- , 1 ,1 I tu. neoaOo. who are indirectly mmflrlm "lJ have been appointed joint a mm hi,,,!v Umhm il.ft. -r A mmmmmt m j - ' t aftw wm aaaft ' 9 t l If wanes ar higher in America tbaIl m Kgnd, clothing ia proportion 1 i,igh,.r in formcr country. Kootl is more plentiful with us.and that, I : . . . "uitrm !--- ' ,.i differences. It may lie urged that Kng- land, should protection be sltolished, . in undersell us so much in our own markets that native industry will lie i,ralVed if not entirelv (letrn.l Well, suppose a few of th factories are compiled to ausH-nd, which nay not nccur, the country is wide enough for agricultural pursuits, and s change from the loom to the plow, from the foul, hot nrisou of a mill to the bracina atmosphere of the prairies, would not be such a dreadful fato for the unhappy artisans who wsik year in and year out for a Inmt! ntffMt, It is not by sny means certain that free trade would have a deadly tffnet on home manufac tures. It might hegitt aii honest spirit of emulation and compel mill owners to turn out articles worth the money paid for them by the ramfdo, If American producers of clothing ami other materi al cannot put goods on the market fit to eompele. with those of their much dreaded and law d. bailed Kuropean rivals, the sooner the fact is shown at their own expense, and not at that of tin? public, the ltetter. A hi LCEMTItK (lauilMUit. Last week's Corvallis (iavitf very sensibly observes that "an instructive commentary on land agent Prosser's re port that no road existed is given iu tho fact that instructions have boen sent from the department at Washiag tou to Prineville to advsrtise for bids for the regular conveyance of tho U. S. mail by wagon over tho road from Pncevillo to Fort Harney. The dis tance is upwards of l.r0 miles, and the sect ipn is just that where Prosser sta ted that no road could bo found. A YjU.lAttl.ti M Ol lalTIOM. Wo observe that Hon. L. P. Iane is associated with Mr. S. F. Floed in tho editorial department of tho Koseburg Star. With the array of talent which these two gentlemen are amply able to present, the,SW must shine as a planet of the first magnitude in tho constella tion of Oregon journals. We most cordially welcome our distinguished friend, Hon. L. F. Lane, to the trials and victories of a glorious journalistic career ! OUF.4.0N H0.4U MM. Senator Grover last Tuesday intro duced a bill appropriating $15,000 for the purpose of repairing tho military wagon road between Camp Stewart and Fort Klamath and $10,000 for similar repairs between Camp Stewart and Scottsburg, Oregon. Ill Hit 1 9 The last Jacksonville Sentinel excori ates the Oregonian for its Mitchellistic fusilade, and goes on to say that Mitch- ell's influence is worth mare than the Oregonian to the Republican party. Can this thing be 1 r.nnoni ti nir. No Senator yet selected in the Penn sylvania Legislature. Thr funeral of Dr. Hawthorne, last Friday, was the largest ever seen in Portland. Mkxii'0 has 10.000 miles of tele- ' " grnAl gnd ypt haH ouy (hrmatl r ffmU,nM CiAMiirrrA belongs to a cremation cety. Why not use the old fellow m a I I"" () IToiTOI BAOrOKO, au old journalist, died in New York last WdnUv Ukoriir Hinulky died at Moulton, jowa on jnBt ajvm;ed age of 110 years. How ( i rant must enjoy being pa M"l 'ore the country by his friends the Jret National Pauper On the 12th inst. 1'eter OoOMt osie ,rted his Mth birLhdav nve $40,000 to the Oeopor Union. He is ' Wf n ktill qnita vigorous. IliKN. I1an oi-k has been i lecteu President of the American Rifle Asso ciation an institution that Inisnotbiiig to do with rilling the national treasury Tin: Congressional OowittOQ opPOH the admission of Dakota as a cause she only has 90,01)0 inhabitants, nd yet Nevada ws admitted with - 31,000. Th. ... 1(MliM. Ch.,r, b i.t NVw Jt-r BfaM at cliuich lairs, ami a neap oi oni itaeu 1 t I J' 111 I elois will have to rub rhubarb on their litit aa u substitute. J as. Dai (illKHTY, convicted uf mpt on the pri Hon of Mr. KofT's little girl, on Howell I'rairic, was aentenred by Judge Hoiae last Tuesday to serve a term of seven yearn in the I'enilen tiary. TlIK 'lull. tin and IWdiviaiis combined have "licked" the Peruvian govci nmi nt d made their own terms of a treaty. It ia probable that the treaty will sjoftsj M'hili the strongest power in soutL I America. Am Iowa woman left her son au arm hair slutted with ereen backs. 11 v it at once, and looked around to see if the old lady had any more chairs with green backs. Mas. J. ('. iaAWTSOMtl and Ir. S. I ... . m mm diiiiiiulralots ol the estate ol the laic m A . m . . . . .. 1 'r- nawinorne. n esiiinauti 11. .1 : lUe w reqwren Ml I. m. m. ft ft t r au,',e t,,at ..Thk AiiuenuckaewaukH" ia the Lame of a social club at Danbury, Ok I I -t f tU. llftM wM mntlwin " taken up in pronouncing its nsme ; but they might as well do that as some other things such club delight in. n t iiuwn in ono corner ol your memory for future use thst in the year ft ft aft 1900 February will have but twenty eight days, although a leap year. This phenomenon occurs but once in yeais, and always in the odd hundred Tiiiimk has finally been a full jury empanelled in the Kalloch De Young murder case, and the trial is now in progress. Able counsel has been em ployed on both sides, snd it is probable that the trial will continue for several weeks. Of the vessels engaged in thefoieign commerce of the I'nited States only 884 out of 4,6K2 sailing vesaela are American, and 4G out of f steam vessels. These foreign vessels are esti mated to earn $100,000,0K) of freight mouey every year. So UK jealous fellows have been try ing to root ('apt. Scott out of the Salem postoflice, but wu are pleased to leain that the schome didn't scour. The ( tap tain is a mighty white lilack Republi can, and we are pleased to learn that he is to keep his seat. Thk Oreonbackers are in tho Fast under tho name of " The Peo ple's Party." That movement helped the Republicans so well in the last cam paign, under Weavet's leadership, that it ought to be called the " Assistant Republican Party." It seems to be the impression among tho Radical "elect" that Scott's attack on Mitchell bus helped the latter very much, while it has handicapped the Oretjonian. We don't care how it goes, for tho Democrats will control the question of U. S. Senator next year. Tnu widow of the late Gen. Jelferson 0. Davis is tho owner of a beautiful diamond scarf-pin which was given to Maximilian by the ollicers of tho Aus trian Government while Maximilian was in Mexico. General Davis bought it in Mexico for tf0, and it ia said to be worth f 2,500. Gkn. Hancock has accepted tho in vitation to bo present at tho inaugura tion of Gartield. The old soldier will show by this course that he is not sore headed at the result of tho electien. His dignified course us a subaltern fur ther proves his fitness tor tho position of Commander-in-Chief. It seems that American shoddyism is to be suppressed. Under the terms of a bill recently passed by Congress permitting certain American officials to accept foreign decorations, these adorn ments are not allowed to be worn pub licly, nor are such baubles to be offered hereafter, or if offered are not to be recognized, except they are tendered through the Department of State. I M II 11 4 O AMTKMH. Tho Pondleteu &ut Orvgonian very sensibly discards its paten t outside. Millions of money cati now be had in Han Francisco el 0 or 8 per eefti pel annum. l)oia have killed over 500 head of -o Hh(M,p iov Thof) Mu,ning of lake n ty, this winter. It eppner, Umatilla county, is to havs newspaper, with Boner llallock as ....... chief Faber shover The income of stock raisers of Moii tana for IKMO is placed t. between $400,000 rnd .ri,000,000. The Petaluma (Cab; ihMjxitt J I that a woman was divoroed beoaose her husband got drunk. This is a warning to Grant. (Jenernl Stoneman, who lives at ln Angelos, Cab, is making MOM? out of ,,n ,,Il,t 'UKl B0,d b" ru'' of the present year for $lr).0DO. Tho Pendleton h :nii,, i latm that Mrs. Susan A. TribbWj was married to Mr. Wui. SiiuMtt. Wasn't Bmoot mar rietl to her also, or eras it a soil of OM sided gume ' A hen is always lading for tin- man ter. In Kaat I ortlanl last week a hen laid two flip in 0M day, and is now growling at the rooster bn-.inw couldn't make it three. (J. NV. Walker, of Umatilla county, was sdectel as h delegate to the State Woman Suffrage Aas'n, and COOam OU( in the papers stating that be won't at tend the meeting and isn't a snlfrftger by a millsite ! The San Prmmisoo "sons of Erin" are making slobornts prrpai-ations ft ti the celebration of St. I'atriek'l ly. The Iiinh heart is stirred to an unusual degree by the lecent agitation in Ire land, and the natives of that country in the I'nited States are QXpfSSSjag the strongest i-ympathv wiih their down trodden eope at home. I' matilla is one of thossosl ous count.. ... tl.- BUte. She bm I populatu.n ol '., I J; 1 ,: J.irni"; ft S n .ft ft S a a Owners: It,..-.' acr.-s tilled ; in. ir value, Sbl,O.V ; live stodk worth $1,673,245, exceed.l iu the State only by Wusco ; C S0" h im h ; makes 131,- JH.1 poumU of butter; hhears l,s",- .r9.' ttounda ef wool ; rained thhl vear K52,7iS bitahelH of barley; 37f7G6 oata ; 1 ,04 rye; 91 1 ,:7 1 wheat ; B 1 ,303 jKttatoea ; (8,075 apples ; 'Jl1,' ptnsji es ; 'i;i'yl gallona wine ; has $1HC,400 inventetl, ami paid 944330 Snigen, MIMII ernserera aa II IM.I . a xi rncsjc It in now undt iht. od 1 1 r S .-.nley MatthewK will not have a Cabinet p pointuittit Thia in riht. Tit man who aaaialetl in ateallng a lhc rodent liai beeomri Bullieiently cotpirort:.-H without beiiif n warded it Cabinet npK)in(ment. Tho (.'hicago ftiissj . a ataum h Repnb liean pajier, putK it in lanuae,. ubi h cannot b BjjSBUSSN r ItOtX, It objects to his confirm ttion on thu rouml that he haa neilhti the reooed nor the judi mind ; bin ndatioua with the Prss ident would t.irnir.h the honor of the Supreme Court ; that he conn froma Slate (hat now hna tv n nn ml.i -rsot the Court and fn in a cm-nit thai hna thiee member.. The foregoing li'arun.a are all gooil enough. They should debar Btnnlej Matthews from a confit mat i.m. Bnl the paramount objection to his confirm ation ia that he was one of the -visiting atateamen" (so-called ) who 1 in stealing the President v fn in Samuel J. Tilden. No such man hho.ild ever wear the judicial ermine. Stanley Matthews knew that Tilde.n was elected President, and by reporting advei he knew that ho was making him . If a party to a palpable fraud. It will be much to the credit f the U. S. Senate if they reiuae to ratify the appointment of Matthews. tii.H. M 14 Of R II I I !" n . Wasiiimjton, Feb. 23. Geo. 1 Un cock writes to ihe inaugut at ion cennnit teo : 1 Khali be preKent, arcmp.-inicd by (Jen. JameR U. l'rye, Gen. A. J. Perry, ond Oen. W. O, Mitchell ; alio retpiestH that this letter la receivetl by tho committee seeefitnnee of invita tion given them through me. Thank ing you and the committee for sentient extended, J am Very truly yours, WiM ir.i.o S. HaXGOOR. (ien. Sherman has invited (Jen. Z. M. Dayton, of Ohio, to net us nid in the procession. Thk Sprague tlivorco case was to have come up at Kingston, Rhode I s 1 and, yesterday. It will probably lo as big u bonanza for the daily newspapers as was tho Heecher -Tilton nlfair. It is not at all unlike ly that some very rich, rare ami mcy testimony will be taken, and given to the public. An effort will be made to havo a change of venue to Providence county. THK A(;O.MV OTEtt. At last Pennsylvansu has eleolcd a Senator. One Mitchell was elected day before yesterday, and it is understood that ho is not a Cameron tool. Pi.att, Senator-elect of New York, is a worn m suffragist. A ITurann Rights" convention held at Albany, N. Y., recently, plustered him nil over with endorsements. Now send us opring poetry to fit our patent office reports. a nwv llllI Ml dimil). The oleomargai ine men have recently had an iidmirahle opportunity of turn ing tho laugh against tho hotter-pro ducers of Vermont. Tho I itir men's Ansr-ciation of that State hid scon vention and unHnimouHly"pH"f'd revolu . , of food. It now turns out that the very abb: address delivered ! the Asso ciation was spurious, in that it was sto len almof.t bodily from lr HoMeadV essays on "PobUo EdoOatioO 1 and "The Food We rt." Bltt then, ftltfcoegfc he palmotl ofi' KfOond h.i.d goo;! as if they were of his own manufacture, yet no one allege that he did DOt tUp ly a flood article. That makes all the dif fur,.r(. botwei n Mb .1 tl j,,,,;,,,. .. A I'm. I l.alrti vvii. Or. By our latent btpatehe? we observe that tht! m (.ji1! eatt ol tlm ' K'tckicd. ' an? having t""M- 1,1 0i""- UVaoiM Mimiewt- md other statrti thero has U t-.n great d-ti tatioti ami only lay bsfors yesterday wo hti:rvcl tliat in Iowa thr e!'i i bitease. A ttmnmh of the? j3rl states th.-tttiu? weadi sr bi lews U still bad, and that then i m iroif'-t nt a cissaatiun. It Hnuwetl hanl yesterday iti N'W V.irk and ab in CoBBCCtiesti JOHN J. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tlltalt) . Srr' ft. Will t.rat :!' In all th ftnrl of thiu state. HnHal eUenllon irtven lo eollee- liolit. OUlen up xlair in V ' iran new l.r..k. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. nun n sr. oit. The Third Term v,i!I opfn on M n day, January 1SSI. WtS farlu -titer r.trrm!ii lh cjltst at atWfly tvl II, -n . ..I I mt ti hi, aj'i'iv I" si cn. ILUI B1 1 OMUr. rrrVl. Under the (Jasliht ! N'KW yokk BY GASLIGHT. Sketch es of hU: in the an :it Ifstropclia af- ii r lar'-. Tle uioi mlereslinK nnt iJirill- nitf Itot.k ever issued. Kieli. Jlnie ami H;i ' isliWrailotifc. ' "O'V lxik !hai tl- rllxn :t-ijat'-! v tlm wl 'kfJneaa ol tie ?'rea! efcVV of New York. Nent I: nsi.i for only to centa. Mhiiji' lak-it. Aihlr- M If "K .l. i'uiu.r-i: i'-io'.vnwood i WELCOME SALOON. 1'm. oit. I"ro ietor. miJK BEST WIN!.-. LIQL'OrW AND J f . t BEER B I ENT3 A GLASS. Call an! aeo me inn in brick bnild- tn, n-i door to inumalr)1 furniture aloes. I a wm VoHlT. CoKPOUKD OjCYCEN. nBa BTABKKi ASi r.U.KN's MRVf Tmi'ui. n! Iy lolia.'ation for (n snrnp ln. Bronehltia, titarrb. Dyspepsia. Headache, Dpliiliiy, Keuralsia, Bhjetitna cUm, ati'.t all ubro&ie end Kerveo insor- dent. l'aekajres may ! . i:onit ntly Mi.t by exprex, ready for lotniediato uaenl aetne. All rwpjiite und ful! : i j if in eaeii pavetcsfte. information and rapnUe can be had f 1! .. HA1HKWK, go: Moui-oim ry Htrest) rs W , !. a ArDIPpOACfl . f BARPHOKCl i i DEAF People. On trial before : - . Don vasn your m.-i.t N-iil for Free I'aiiiilt!et. u Execute:" Notice. nyiI0S is QEREBY 6IVK3 Til T i the enderslnwed Jeis been deTjr ap pointed Bnsenlor of th. la-t will anil tes tament of H. B. Wtiloualihy, deeeseed, by the County t'ourt of Linn 'onnty, Stale of Oiegon, and all jt rsons having claims againsi aaid crtate are hereby notiliod and rtijuiretl to present tlio sauie, projnrly verified. to the onderrignod idzeentor a his reeidenes 10 iuiltN eaat of llarriNl.nrjr, within six mni.tha from the date of tlu setieo. hXJBKKT J. Vli.l.OUUllHY, Bseonter. Dated this lsth day of l-'ei.ruary, 1SSI. The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will pnrcbsae Ptnmmor dried fruit at full market i rii? : Wijl s'-nd a t-ottip tent person to sdrlsa fruit growcru ait. cnllivntion of or adiii liona to orchardtt ; Will supply fruit trees of approved sorts at moderate prit-i -: Will hi 11 Plnmnier lriers through I.inn, Dsntsn and l.ane omililius letters to Itesent to i '.irvalli l'ruit Com pany, t'rvallis, lUuiton ("ountv, Oregon. WAI.I.I-; NA8II, President. Jam s See' v. January 1, l.sso. -Iwo MARX BAUMCART was jrvr oi j:ni:t) cn A f Liqnor Slow KKr.IN CONST AKTI.T ON UANO THK FIXKST BEAND8 0FWIKB8, MUl 0US, TOBACCO & CI0AB8. The Celebrated St. I.onis STONEWALL WHISKEY. Tlio linest w hi-key in the State. Whiskies, French Braaiifjf, Sherry, Pert. Claret, ami all other kiuds ef wines, liin. Ale, Beer, and Porter. Hitlers of every kind, and the best brands of tobacco and (Scan. seri snort ersryhodj to understand tt. I have oihmuvI out a tirst-elas-s now lin uor Ktoio, whore riiy and country deal ers enn jrHnre their slock. nt Portland prics, w;th only freight added. Koom.s on the corner of Front ami Ferry Stroots, Alltany, Oregon. PATENTS. F. A. fehBiawi, S.!i 4 tor ot AaMCioaa ami Foreign P.iU'iil", V;islaiii.i iii, l. ' All l.iHint-si I'omift'Uil with lateian, whethw he Um nuaat OBkat or ta Courts promptly ationdwl to. No rhafga aaatt ini 6rt a uiU-rt Is aecureil. ieiul for circular. 17 A CAH13. T all who arc Nfferlu from tlio errori nnl cri,lioi)i of youth, nervous weaknefm, early decay, low irf lihoiilf ltd i 1 "Witl a. .,il a Motpt that will curt you, l'Kt'K OF CHAHGE. This gnxil retmUy tva iliscotcrc.1 hy a missionary in South Antcrh-a. Semi a self-alilresoit mWtpttft to ho lUsv. ...- u T. lx uas. Station 1, New .York y. IfctSj 1 l1flHIV ls ""w luin ""le faster tlnn ever IWIUIaSal hy those at work for aa, l'ersotiaot cither tie : can make a week in their own towns ii they arc wining to work. No risk. Sfj outlit free. Anyone can run tho business. l'adtul not required. All who cii6 proser. No one fails. Particular free. Addrew, U, HaUSR & Co., PonUtnii, Maine. pensions.; Kinds of BoMiars and heirs entit ed bv laU laws of I'oiu Mid two stauiim for laws, aitc kr, to N. W. FitziftraUl, U. S. WashiiurtoiL, D. fX oopy of Cituk t:Uum Att'y, B THE SUN FOR 188 I'.vervl.tviy rorvl THE Sex. In ti" e.U t;onM oi im.H newspaper throughout l he year to eomo evoryhotly will fimJ: I. All the world' newt, mo r!efcne1 that the reader will pet I lie greatest amount of information with the Ii8t unprohtahle szpsnditovsof time snd eye-slgbt. m Hi s long ago dineoveied the golden mean i.eiwetn retiunooi.i iii.hH !u ,,IlWltjM. la. tory brevity. II. Mn. li ot that ort of new which depend low upon it lecognized impert than uj.on its interest to mankind. From morning to morning The Boa ptteto a continued atory .,1 the ljvet.r real men and women, and of their .feed, plan., loves, hate, and treebles. 'J hi atory ia more varied and more iefnrcHmig than anv romance that wa ever devivxl. IU. i.Kd writing in irrorr nolnien. BSid fraKhnoa, originality, aruraev and !. . rum iu the treatment of evrvMiihjeet. IV. UofMNteomment. TheSuii'ahabll i to aficaK out fearlev.Hly aUtut men and iiiing V. Jvpia'. candor in dfraling with easfj political irly, and ejual rtzuliw to commend what i prstaswoitby or to r fuko what If Msinsble in lismocfal or Repobllosn VI. Altwdute intfependrnee of orgsniTStiona, bet sawavveibag loyalty t, true Ieruoeralif: prineipissu 'ibe Maa ! Usees tliat tho Government which the smstitnilon gives us i esajodeiwtokee p. ItM notion of duty i to reait to itx uttiKan power the effort of men in the Hepuh liean party to net up another form nfmut eminent fa pla-,. f iliat whi-Ji . xisU. Iheyejir ISM and the year lmin di.tei folio winjr will deride Uita fii prSfliely iuijtortant eontrmf. The Nun i- levea tliat the vietory will be wilh th peestoneecsinsttbs Kittsjs for mooopojrt ;le? I UflKS for elun lr. and the aUnaa f.",r iu.' jx.vM-r. nir U riu am a fo1oe I : I or lbs fJnwySejn, a four pegs sheet or twenty -eight eoluirns, lim prhw bjrnasU, paid, is Sect-nt-. a month, or H Tin a ; or, in. ludiug tie?' Sunday papr. saeist-pssve shest of fifty-six eoinnrM, thft pri.M? i .', e'-ntn a u.oiith, or 7 70 a year, lOHUgo jtaid. 'i be Hanoaj adMJan of The un i a'o furnblied Njjairately at si an a vear, j.ti-- i- paid. J ho priee f the Weekly Sun. eight pssjss, iifty-vix eelnissss, ia ni a ireartpat Ige paid. Ftr tduhn of u-n Mending MlO we will Hiid an extra eopy freo. Addre-.t I. W. kvr.uxn. PsUisaier of Tfie Sun, -'8 New York rily. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND niiiilM SHOP. EXT AssXIBII CB IMS. Be A. V. CHEBRT, alselsil at conmtmt r.r-f and Mootgoneajr MbnesU, ATh y. Oregon. llseiiajtshen e!,arsret,r Has above named Workn, w art? i.p-j .ir. -i t maui:fa-tore litam Kii-ifws, Saw and irit f ill, Vffd-workin-4 Mat-hint ry, I'mnpa. Iron and I'.rasn Ca-stinssof every description. Maehinery of all kind. repaired. Spe cial attention giveu to repairing farm u a chiuery. I'nllrrn WaLtnx dear ) t all ii. form.. Mellyl A. V. BSHKY n BOH. IVOTICK TlTuS isRGS. rTf AVE SOhP TBTOT KWEf.RT II Business to n. kwki'.t, .. oetn in their employ for the part five veara. All jtrons uhoaie imieUed to in, r ,ih i l'v account or not-. ar reqneated tot-a'l anl settle on or leforr Man k l-. as af;er tliat date all riotcs anil ftfini:t will be placed in tins iianda of an attfirney ltr eil!e,-tion, a we nMit ha-t.ur iiionev to inw.-t in other bui nt . Cbenkinsj .!.e raahtSe for their lileral Mttonaira daring the past ten year, o fm I Khlf in reeoinmending 11. Ilv.eit, our MS or, 'it every partieular. nil s s. .any, 4 r , l-t-:. s, BARGAIN. 0 EtrrtNial if vi.Milii: to gsj to Callfsj) rfjiifj I ml in eil my fine pa id wt b zt the ( ouj! BejuM, A kai v. ill -iveu. fall at n?) Siofi' M teen .in possible. Is. KitlJiB. H, FUINDT wili make you a pair of Boots that will fit yen according: to your idea of a fit, and will keep them from running over, with his Patent Counter and Shank Brace, aid Steel-Edged Heels; also in good repair, if neces sary, for six months, for Six Dollar- GUiDETG SUCCESS FOR BU SIN ESS SOCIETY. FORMS i PY TAP tlie hot Puir.t anl Social Caitii- M U.:..i-U - k txrr (vui.luJtiJ. Moth the attest, "ill-, ii-; bath mextm omcUMt HOW TO HO 1 11 kl MUM. in Oi Jh: .iy. II. .w to lwYonrlHtti La- tr. lhw t.. t.niacas Cnrrvetry and SurrtMlullr. II..W U art in SHicty ami i.intrj j-.rt f 1..V. ai.jj outiiin a -joKl mine trf varied inforniatit.n iii,lWH-n-mhte t ill daaacs for roniitaiit ref crx inr. At.l.Ms M ouii f..ra!l arayaMtiaw. To kpna iii s IkmI. i.l l:K. I. tylno ninl all ! :m t.i I ulislctln ll.un aiiyotlMT, api-H lor ttr.ns t. p. ntwp... t -.. l-im". Saa l ianrSro. to UrOvisr- IVrsons wishintr toeflset loans upon cn proved seenritv can Im? aeeoiiin"dHlctl 1 y spplyiasto c. u. iikw i it, O'Tmde's rtrhk T.Uk, Rtostlalhip N., Albany, Oregon, uuf itQQQ ('"'t 'w made I t ctcrv aent curv PrMF aasata fat iha hnninnat in i funusa, those willing to work mn easily tani a doaen uolturs a day riht in ilu-irown kicalities. Have no Ujih- lo explain here. Pusii-i ;.! :-nt.t and hoiu.r..b!c. Wi nieu. tad i :.i I tri'ls ! as Weil as men. We Mill ton a coinoi' .-or.uit frco. We will bear i -pense of Ma.-iin- Carticulars free. Write and ste. Farnii rs :onl iMit-l-anies, their t-ns dan-jb-ters, and all classes in neod of i.t inir work ,.t ii-uu.-, should w rite to us and learn all -aUmt the work at nee. A.i- rvss Tut u ,V Co., Augusta, Maine. NEW BARBER SHOP ! I. II. SI'ULES, Prop r. A GOOD SUA, FOAM SHAMPOO poes wilh each shave. Prices for shaving and hair-cutting same as usual. Rsjaaas opposite Mcllwaiu's store. lOif ALBANY MEAT MARKET, Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Highest Cash Price M for all kiiuis SMI ! t.Kfe. 'Kb "LIGHT FOR ALL." iu,"Z Rklioion. 1 per annum. Send 3 etnt tanp for sain pie copks. Add rows A. s. WINCH ESTER, Manager. P. O. Box usr. Ban Fnadaoo, OaL - .