STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT SSUBD EVERY FRIDAY BY FFII'K. in ,,IrmtrrNl"KMllllH8.(up-lNir t iirnci- RrwMtlalhlit it ml mrtittd hi. TF.RMS OF SUItSORimON: SiuieV cpv, Ixt miw 3 00 8 "-' onpjr, ix mixithit S (M Sm.'lo copy, UftTW iiioiiIIid 1 00 Hid? number 10 PROFESSION A L CA RDS. 1 1 IIM - 11 State UtQhte 1 t in o r r at VOL. XVI. mmmm ' Selected Story ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 85, 1881. NO. 30. c. k. U'olvkkton. . r. hc vrtiKKY. HI MIMIUKV ft WOLYBRTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albnuy. Oicunii. Wll ir.v'ti.-o in alt the r.urt in the SUIe. lYnUito matters ami nJlivtixii .tlleiHltnl t. ii..iiiUy . rUaMI Lk. KI.INN. O.K. ClIAMliKUUIX. VUW ft CHAMBERLAIN, ATTOR.1 EYS AT LAW, Albany. Oregon. 0TQ8kU in Fos er'a Ilriek Blntk.-tJ. lSnl8tC K. B. NTKAHAN. I.. 1UI.VM'. STKAUAN & BIXYEU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany. Oregon. R A t TICK IN ALL THE COn ETO OF .1. tins HBle, I hoy yive -i .i 1 alien latin to oqUmUom ami probata matter. Ottiee in it's new bri.k. 49tf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORN EY AT LAW, AND- Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstair, over John Btlgg store, 1st street. vltaStf D. R. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Albany, Oregon. onier up ta4rH in lite Otltl I'rllutt'o Tru plr. 9f t'oiiectious a specialty. ap2l. J. K. WEATHERF0RD, (Xotauy rtnuc.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALKtM. OKM.UV. vmrHX enaction in au. tiikohhts oktiie l State. Sn.Ul attention giteti u hHhHimmI ruhat. niatlur. ftTotSoe in iKld Kcllsw's Tcni.. (H:2 J. a MkWKU. V. K. Htt,YKU. POWELL & BIXYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Uir.nten, ALBANY. ... MBGOI. Colleoi inns promptly made on all potato. Loans nee?nftaed on reanatlH '.inns, irr :li.t? in Foster's Hrik.-5 vHnltHf. 0HN J. WHITNEY, AM T )l;N'f.Y AT I AW. 1 1 a it a a t i -" la . ! .1. . I r-rM is hit edit J, no direct bi W , tav,,, H thet.nrls of Udp ,,.,..,, wfts ta tin- will. linoa Otlke ii !.jair- :!i Kr. uian'- in I hriek g) NIXLY IRWIN'S LEGACY. Two gills were reading the dittpoai . u ... . a a " tun ot t will. EMM wwe shawia, m lian ami PrttiB, att thl 8t of family iliHinomls, nntitn IkhjUh, Viim eoiOT natniingi of nur mt ami bWK, hiIHr, linens. Iae, elo., ami a BtbUa. Ami, at range enoogfa, thttv watt an emplm UmmI datMa rotating to this book. Ai IOC detailing I bt vnrion other artielea equally betweoa Um two heirtoouo, iw w ill conolmltitl with thosB wwrils : Tw uhl familv Btbta, n wat-itwl lt'g to? of Mnoroiiono. 1 bequeoto to the - k at M one ot mv l.elovtHt it mors who ahall roail it the most imlnsti iottslv ami love it the most fervently ; hopinj: that, there fore, it may have no indivnittol pts aeaaor, hut he ahorod with mutual own ershin." What greot, dorltng hl tome " nil . I Nelly, u Harry hose, her nth raced, placed the iMportanl volume in her haml. "Perlntpfl its viiy tliiuensions nc ... hi it t I'm our aunt's iittinite area of benevolence." observed Miss Maml "Jorftaillg frOOl her earth I v resiiltte hot I eoefioence must have U-en laaslouml ioglj greoi t Hjei-ially to her own Lith ami km, she atluVtl, saivaationlly. "tit. li', sister ! Inw can you sjeak so un"vatcfull v i 'These haublts," continued Maud, anitureutlv unheeding the reproach, and potutinc to the tliainomis wnn u uac boon pOrilOtl M hers ly UM win, con stitute, then, the nucleus, ot our wor thv relative's wealth ! Why, 1 thought Auj.t Hester was rich ! Ingratitude' not mv fault, but when I exjtend a rear! LoooOM on tho resetting of thest anti.pte oinaments, gratitude, I fear, will be sadly marred by the item of dollars and cents P Pausing, she want on : "As for the much envied Bible since vour aunt has made such minute stipulations as to its future career, I resign all claim of it to yon, trusting von uihv th an from its pages a nag naniruity of hpart like that possosm d bv its quondam owner. SaviiiL' which. Miss Maml Irwin talked bnttsntlly from the room. Tid tou ever !' "Well, hardl " "1 ant ;lad, then, this in not theUtiie p . ftl 1 VT. l iot cOnienllOn, pbmi pony, reTarpnui lean-, in the book to hei ltu. ' Dut it seems atntnee," remarked Harrv, ih it. viheteas ev y other arii T. I. Si i liLS: . Al'M'KMi . r I . w "Auntie had sui;!: Miv .tiHjigo ttO Nom ' tveMi icity, thev eail it. I sup uojh that otaoj fiidotmi kjrf pnvtariat, IV. '. . IJIJ.Jt . ' up MUrJffa FILLER, A'l I t.e.fti aM4M OtCI it . "f oltNl A OTttl it ri to ii. ill in., enatila ! 1 1 4 i. .'run:),' tt nli.ili i'v-n aiiit. iMoli. e.n jr mU'f ai;. I -i:i i. Mint 1. !i I it ..-r-. Pri.osil. Misiii.- . ftpedattttjr. vlteSatt. A. a if I. i L, A A K 1 1 . QfVltS PiirUti's Bl.n.k. ILIUM, OUM.O-i. tl i,U i.twu gi'.eu i' ...nciit.u. i.im1 rw ctaata which Maiii so ni-jafttlt cruaoitra." "i'ci hapa." He ua-s toing with ihe llg'1" f llMS tutba n.t,i Kt4kwaibook s he K,ke. -aim. btaoye vu.hlen Iv eaujiht the By-ln'. Yellow ami fadoti, et distinctly visible, k regie teeed a line of names ihftttttg baek bi the Me of a emlarr, and U nealh, ot tie a recent date, the Mlow Ug : " frfi MM! a it viH jnim obek 1 must patt artth this mv deanst frirod oat earth. Throughout life thie recioits volume has brelt UiV ieetest umf'.r'. t'e'tain la-antiful passage therein have iuapit cd ie to tw( OOOa ioiil notti on the margin of ita payes, brincinc to mind dear and familiar texts of my chihlhoo.1. I entreat ye to read these carefully, my beloved nieces, for every hour siient with L'od reaps 'a harvest of gain,' and in this "Can it bo" then a light broke upon hur, nd, awed and trembling, she turned to tho rear cover of tho hook, aud there, likewise, fast to ita sido was a document a deed of valuable estate -tho large domain of her deceased aunt the bulk of Aunt Hester's myit teriously hidden fortune ! How tho girls heart threbcd with gratitude and joy ! A thousand visions sprung up before her, framing them sol vim into air castles, sporttug with tremor, faltering, then vanishing and drifting silently afar as they came. "What wealth! she whispered to herself, hardly daring to trust btt senses for fear the reality would vaiiiah into dream. "Is it a dream P Hut no ! it could net be there it was, the clustered harvest before hur, unnhaugeahlc still, ami real ! e (bit into the it root hastened the happy giil, into the din and bustle, past the great warehouse that looaiod up giant like in tho distance, pickiug her wnv through the trautu about hui , down one avcuue, up another, uutil, footsore and woarv, she reached the outskirts ot the great city. At the termiuua of one road, before a poof huiking oottage that liespftjke the Kvertv of the inhabitant, Sully paused Here dwelt her sister tbo once beau tiful and proud Maud. Frteudleaa aud forsaken by all excapl thu faithful little sister, Kate had strew u her path with thorns. Nallv entered and found her listlessly gar.iug oet of the small win dow that fronted the barren held bu yond. 'Maud, Maml ' Yuu shall be happy agaiu you aro rich here, take it it is vours and m auothcr moutaui Nelly had thrown herself and her pre cious burden upon her sister's neck, aud was weeping tears of joy. Then she told her how the dear old Bibla had proven failltfal Low itt page had brought her heavenly riuhes and worldly wealth. And Maad lis tened in silence ef the wondrous boek that bad concealed within it the "har vest of gain," and A ant Hester's " hid den treasure so dear to the hearts ef mortals." In the beautiful City ef Urotheriy I.ove lives Nelly and her husband With thvm, rontaiitwd uud happy 1 wells also Maud, their ainter ; fur she could never be brought te accept aught uf that hmvi f which her sinter a'aaa had teapwd ntid Von. Their home u oee of mttan lot a-d ieganoe, am rownumi )v the .miiuM oi Nnturu um) tke oeoaforta of oortb, Vet, i eiMpiuuoim etaava all ila lu very, on a siniplu old atatol Km a siiupla M b....V. . it ienihern biwk goldeu letteretl witn theae simple VOftjbl I "Nelly Irwin's Lftgeey,N io fit 1 1 o ktXt.. AH l It i oi liOOD IM I IMi. A. VA.TIS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW COKVALLIS, OOEGON. a'Jll pwriirc in all the I'otttts of the .State Office III the Court HoliM- "VS i ,.. might hate made a MOW despic aide witl.h ihaii KtaOOOO 0o0itlit0j j I'M I he pever tbd. Theie hate beeu aid. eilcr men, but pover one erbo oovered his w iekedness W illi audi iiicittiiess anil oowardioe. Thee wold ute not Wtleu in thu iwiailieiin of anaei Tkoy ere aeleetad aud priotod noli isedly, aud retVri the feelings of men, OVM the luineinble de peiidenta w ho run w hoeping after this creature lor the mouldy btead his poht veal favor gives their families. William Sprague has bean ovet taken i by gruel Rjisfer times. 1 e had fallen, fnurlftr Journal. Sectionalism, which Ef compounded In about ctiutil purUi from proviiifltiL ism ami patriotism, prodtieusin outer inuaifestltittlon, many representatlvo types. rhOrO Is tho llteoretlo soellonaUst, like Whitclnw Kohl, and there Is the Inflamed stH'tlouullst, like Wendell Phillips. There Is he motherly old Salrey (lump Heclloniillst, llko Joseph M drll, Hiul there is (ho willful le- (hinrd-IMie-tlorrt-be aeetionnlNt, like Murat Hulstcud. Thou wo havo the morbid philosophic hoc tionnlist, Hh' the wh-ketl partners of the Truly lotsl Kit-hard Smith ; the frisky Heclloniil lst, Ukt dim IHalno ; the slobberlug seeilonnlist, like Henry Wan! B oh r ; tho tbry uniametl seethu-allst, like Hob IngtfftoU ; atul eohl, crafty and calculating sect ional 1st, like lies eon Cottkling ami John Slierinua.mid Rnolly qattO rill retf of eehoiug, sec ond haml sec tiomtllits, llko president W oNoy, of YtJo College. Such bubbling, pharisaic Heetiotiulisis .i Itoutw'.dl ind tho Southern idiot who proposes dell Mavis for the next pres ident of the l uited States are M! worth mentioning ; which reminds us, however, that, at the South, there is but one seetioualisl of uatioial rep utation. lloberl ToOfttbj is u suetleuallst "on prim iple." He is neither n pro vincial nor a partisan. A man of large brain and travel, rich, obstrep erous ami vain having cejoyed all the honors hi sectionalism is a play of one character and ono net ; fr he is a per v . u who does not care whether ebool keeps or Is disiniseed, ami is perfectly willing to perform on occa tkm for those who will make the moat of him. Yet on tho whole he isqeite as sincere us tho Northern aectional ists we havo n.tined, which is to ssy that w here ho is not wrong-homled, la inj always perverse, ho is simply acting lite ptrt set down usm the bills by conceit ami ihrift. We tin not mean to I under. tial as expres-inej tbo opiuioti that all see- j Ihmoitbui are in-diicrro.for that would ta to make mi allowance for thu e hdOOCO tif honest fiads in the worbl. g,a0lllO Imniin, limn III liyiHOI cl.iim immunity uuder this bead, and as OtlfcHiillH is si n aked through ami through with io'r.niee, they can only plead iuleresl or malice. Indeed ib.y lheH- dvt- ltray x f tain ei,n-a til4iM-M of thl, for JheV an- ever -billing nUuil and alsuil, Vfiry log lltelr lone ami their posture, m iking one excuse to-djy enti atolh- er to-morrow, as if Hshauu-ti, as they iMtgbt ti la la , of their narrow and prie-riptlve spirit. When we nuit the h-udcl Ulld go aro crimes among us which are eoti--phuous and transparent, and we need to address oursolveM to these. AImivo all, however wo need to Htip press sc.itimentttl polities nnd Killtl thhuis, to discourage blatherskites and bhitherskltlng, to lengthen the tall ami cattail tint rullh- upon our shirt. There lias been a rood deal of waste of raw material ; and, an we art going largely Into manufacturing We nmy Us well Itegin to economize, lie will n't on best In life who knows most, and knows it accurately. The Koclinnallstn of the north have for years deceived themselves. Hecelv ing themselves they have mislead us. Let them take the federal ma chine and run it exclusively, while we hes;ir ourselves, and when we hare grown rich and strong, they w ill have done so ill with it that, if we euro to, wo can buy it. We i an. meanwhile, qualify ourselves for na liuual administration by gissl local iidmiuiitr.ilion in the South. To ibis end has sectionalism come, that It is making tools in the South, who work, foretokening in the future n complete reversal of relai I ve places. The "era of gsxl footing" about which wo hear so mm h is sheer huh und gush. Any time these ten years there has is-en good feeling enough for all practical pawnoata, There will never, perhaps, come a time win n sectionalism will not be mounted by sect ional ists to serve some party pur Mae. To day It Is the North and the South. To-morrow it may be the Last ami the West. The meaning of It Is that In a fret Lnd parties ex 1st and ought t exist. Only Imper ialists antl mollycoddles want to ulsd- Ish prrtles. Party feeling Indeed should la) cnocktd. I' latent ity should tte punished. Politicians shsuld bo taught, because a in an becomes a party lender he dota u't necessarily cease to boconM a gentle man; ami (hat. no matter what party we belong to, we nre still fellow citi zens, who, agnlnal a foreign enemy, put our eouniry aleive all party, end inhume all ur, rVqnlre vi all parties a tleeent i.b-i-r vame of the rub -, of common bone t intrfitat attMNIg men. PACIFIC lotKintv Lewiston, I. T., is to have n graded itchool. Washington county, I. T., is 150 milcH long, ! miles broad, ami con tains I ,-) inhabitants. The Lish citizens of Portland ma I'M I ten.. All Ohio farmer has named a prize rKsicr Robinson, Is-cause Kohinson ( rum. A lawyer Is a learned irenlleirian Who rescues your estate from your enemies and keeps it himself. Some people are Kueii inveterate preparing to celebrate, in a Incoming borrower that they will lsrrow trou- Bjamor, St. Patrick's Hay. Monmouth jM'ople iiiiseii l,.')t0 nnd donated half their public square, ami in aonaannonoa will soon Is- a roil rood oan- ter. Ua rather than not have any on hand. 'I'here is n man in Lutene so thin that lie had a row of buttons put on his umbrella cover aud wears it for an ulster. An old farmer used to out n mm ni Walla Walla has a thief who sh als m juather end of a row of corn, nd gold iius Ii in dead men a linger. Walla Walla means the '11011111 of the ( Ikontn. Mr. Morgan Willlawa, of Cejlapoota, has been rnnning a Plumaaer frntt drier all winter, and has dried ovet 10,000 Hiiimls of fruit. Thu 11 cent hi'h waters in LOO 8000 111 mli and Skagit riveiH, W. T.dtowm., 11 nwntMO of hogs ami othet stock ami bloke set et III tideUlltnh dtkei. aa. . . men say, Jlow, everv thirsteth." one that Three hundred thousand habitual drunkards perpetuate the music of "we WOO)i go wome till mornini' in the I 'idled Slates. lneoo Strauss says: Thu first doty of a sailor is to learn the roe." It is just the - him. with the man who wants to yt' u ilrink in ictnpeiaticc Vermont. RATKS OF ADVERTISING. 1 Ineb." 2 U CVe" 1 w I 1 m I 8 M J Cm 1 1t 1 00 1 It M 2 00 3 00 4 (Ml 3 00. ft 00 6 00 7 Ml 00 I 0 00 7 Wl W0i 10 00 V, 00 16 00 20 00 7 00 10 00 12 60 If 0Q IS 00 J 00 I 00 12 00 15 08 1H t li 00 ao 00 40 00 4U 00 i 09 00 .6 00 18 00 a. eo 27 00 36 CO 48 00 00 (St 100 (S. Hufllnea notices in tho Lreal Columna 20 eenta per line. Fr h-fcal and transient advertisement a ti 00 j.t wjiwrff, tor the first insertion, ami 50 cent per square for each su baequont In -aertion. J 'oetry. TWO U MM toon A itKint. tin nLianr.n lloraettien tadieve that .Maud S. will statu attain a stteed so lerrifle A tree has lately be. cut by rail t,at atraiKht track will Is- a 0111011 J loud logout a mar (Mympia, W. T , that to prex'ent her running into the rear a. I I 2 feet without limb,, straight as r her own anlk. "I. em ray, you're a pig," .said a I ft t V t 14 tit Ift 1 MSkft t ' I . . a. 4 -. a Dm Safe Denoeit Company of San , ' , " ' 1 imi r 1 1 1 1 wi 11 i 1 a an arrow and without kmiis or flaws j i-raijcihco lets laid dnan an iiou vault weiehiii" R60.000 iioundi. it is la 17 n ' 9 Uovnd to bo tho ootid. bnrgaoi vault in lite Serious landslides have tK.curred on or near the lit.o of the S wlh Pacific Lailroad in tie- Santa CmZ Rong0 hi t wt eu l elton ami Los OntQO, OoL. and some fear lite tunnels will suffer. The Idaho I.sgislatuie has a nw wrinkle in what is called "an exten sion." The tegular session is of forty days duration and the extension" is sort f "go aa you please. arrabge- mct.t. pig i", hommy V "Yen, sir, a pig is a hega little ixy." "A thing of beauty," remarked the dentist, haikinginto the paiienl's mouth, "is a jaw lorever. A dollar and fifty tents." p. a. That is what makes it look so beautiful. ft was in a gariipn shady, Where the moonbeams softly lay, That a lovor and his lady Met, a sad farewell to say. 1 here were sighs and sobs in plenty, Locks of hair and (lowers, I weon, Tin -types, too the youth was twenty, And tho maiden seventeen. And bia eyea wero moist and shiny, Aa bo tried his love to tell, While she, loo, turned on the briny Most tenet snf 11 My and well. Tiion they vowed, in terms calorie. Nothing ah uld their true lev aerer. Ami ware really l'inaforle In their frequent use of Nov6r." e e e e e Well, they met. When rnsny seaanns Neatly bail te past interred, Imubtleaa both bad hail good reasons Why H19 meeting was deferred. In a widow's cap, beguiling She was (very strange is life)! While he came up, pleaaed aud smiling. With bis preUy second wife. Itows went made and hands were shaken, Then old times were gayly tjuoted. 1 Sir;.- I be: "If I'm not mistaken, Wasn't I onoe quite devoted?' Vt . m if .'1.11 '' Sihi irai'.. anAfliAr . mm . ...... re- .. . Smile,--! don't rememlsrr wofl. It was you or elao your brother. Which, I really couldn't tell." Srrilnrr' Monthty. A fashion magazine wants to know ' w hy the young men don't marry ?" May lie IPs because the girls haven't a-.ketl them. Iffffhty ba-hful voune men this generation, Mrs. .run ly. Toweiful bashful. 'What do you do for sleeplessness?" a nervous man askesl a physician. Set the alarm for five o'clock," re plied the medicine man. And the -.Mllii'l niti.M.t ennWlii'l I miiri nr. i n mm 1 a . t l.t.l - " " ...... 1 1 MaKamaa unapn . e, . hit to do wlh f aoracil in Bon Praiifiaon. at oktok they adopted raoolntlona aaittng the l.agisla- tiite to oaomoiiali.e Congnta in favor efgraating r barter i tbo 1 'aital. a. . e at aua Spain give- a Minister I'lonipoten- Ujry -mio a year, while a favorite bull iiighter rneotvee 3o,oeo we'd rather nlempotensh for I vv a -1 1 11 -1 . ,1, Cor. A Ox.- Ciocinnati t;azcttr.) TKOIBLKS Oil 111. 10 luplraaat Oallaftk (r tbr rretldeal VArrt. Everybody is insisting that General Garfield shall hare the party harmo nized by sundown on the tth of March. This, by common consent, must be done at the hour indicated, at the opening of his administration, or it will be prompt ly adjudged one of the greatest and most complete failures of modem times. There must be harmony to one aad all, even if every leader in the party is thrown into a white heat ef rage at the announcement of the near cabinet. Here are some of the elements of which our honored President t ie; , is expected to erect a beautiful jtalace of brotherly love : L Gen. Grant, for reasons good and but sullicicnt to him and to his friends, will that neither receive Mr. Plaine when he Itir I Mlua Co tMr Im l.mirrl laor M., , l with Ho o O. (A V K...1.I l r.M;; ih- oiNin: rr. CuiiA...., l-Vh. II Mr. .J W Moon-, goneral poooongei agent fu the Union Posiho, has just retomod froni New YotW. when he ami ol her olliciali of the toad have la-en perfecting or rwiii tie nls for the const rucl ion of a new line from U ranger, Utah, n ota lion on the I a ion Pacific, lo Laker ('itv. tlreama. where connection is 1 be There is .1 move 00 1 an in lliehtgoo, oie. 1 Indiana htoking t. tl og i.oion 1.1 a cueny nu a-'.! b-meut MUf . wlete in OrMM (I It W thought the eouifry fortlollar a day antl isiard aenus in hui card, nor onok to him m th 111 fiht bulls at anv t.riee. public. And for the future the Gen- r 1 . . . . ... eral deciares he will ii never Mlnnoenta nv.-'..o.H. 4t.- m r t;,.nu. ujae t tnueitiiiurui i-. ... 1 ..i. ., ..r nuiioii rims, agt-a m ,j. matter as Gen Grant, and aava eighty, shocked eh- en acres of grain be M not m uarj ,,U8i,ed to fiad eople one tluy Is-t Wi t k." Same of thee t.R- la. aat endmioer hia renieii- hiit venture wnl BonttaM m huu in d old farmers ue pretty hard language trance of his mother tongue. rwiheo, when lliey once get . startetJ. 3. Mr. Blaine, in turn, won't speak flsoy,, that's the wor,t r. (inkling ; aaya ho has long had looking horaovnu drive I ecr saw. U,H, ,,n,on Ul M,m' u" "ut I 1 1 ... A ....Aft a O . . . W tn ma Why don't y eu fatten it up V" "Fat nuv rHwv W him up, is it ? Pntx Um peer hnote lt- . r. e .n 1, ar.llv draw lite little male that's Mr- naung won v " j ict i- r -Z :...... .. .. ....... 1 !0...1 IHMT1 fir l-.l 111 L.1TII ILUtlUL a .1 1 .1 .i-.i . e .1 ... I on um luiu' " r. i. let 'm iv. ... . - -i HON win orgia on lam - ... iu- r .neeting wmd aud that striking, aar- ent month. 1 iWhv. Prank v." exclaimed a tetania and baleful el earn ui ton his feat- m- , . 1 . I . t . ..A Plie UiemU-ls of the aMOUgtoU C.,l.iiv ate Weil hatislied viith their . ft ... ....... vt' r in w Ii auer. Ill I lint. "lull c hiu'. . The CSorvallia Libiarv Aaaocmtion was or-'ai.t.' 0 in I -. ' ani now con 0 ; hi. alioiit ."it'O volutnes A con me of taetnrsa tat the benefit of tho Aaaocii mother at a summer lsiartllng ures which gives such emphasis to his henno, 4! never knew yeu to ask for words. a second pieeo of pie at home." "I 5. Mr. Conkling would not apeak to knew it v an't of any use, saiO Mr. Blaiue, even it the latter should godly book are hiddru treasures dear tw t,roUgj, M ru)t of his own, Horn Ills vmosorL j. 1.. DIIX. II I I. I, s. w. isiim. eV III1, Pltygielans and Suri'oiiM. Albany, Oregon. OKI 1 1 F Foshaj A Mason's trui slurp. Dr. Hill's residence eor. Lift h and Vine. Ir. Ilodd's residence, corner Fifth and Washington, in front f U. P. Church. EL G. JOHNSON, M, !., POMEOPATHIO Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. QiBee in pVoman's Brick, two Iist of Conner's Jiank. doom nio OCCULIST AND AUHIST StS.I .!, OREfiOl. DK.t;uUKN HAH HAD K3CPBRIJ5NCE FN treating I lie various iliaeaws to which the eye and eaf are ulliji-irt, ami fei Is confident of giving entire satisfaction to thuQB who may j !:.! themrlve uteti r his care. noSlf. T. W. JIAKKIS, W. W Foatara Iiriek, next door to office of Powell ik liilyeu. Itaafdenee in the two-story frame intilding on Booth side of Second street, ono block nnd a half East of ' Wheeler k Inejcey a Livery Stable. kUmmjf ortKini. yollu19:t DI(. E. o. iiype, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Foshay it Mason's. Hfsidtpcp on proajialb'n .St., Albauy, Oy. vltjn22l f Auction and Commission, eriEO. UUMPHBET, AUCTIONEEE. Froman's Block. AIJUIT, - - - OREGON. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with the tasteful aud beautiful selections made by Mrs. la n 1 ar, who has never failed to please her customers. New Fall Circular just issued. Send for it. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, i5;7tf 877 Broadway, New York. the hearts of mortals. 1 1 EsTKU HaEPIJK? Pl'.IMH." JCt centric, surely, but vou will dotso Nelly r "I arill, indeed !" . The dreary autumn and the si.ow robed winter days sjed by, and once more beauteous spring burst forth in all her glory. And during tho long, weary months Nelly had kept her cove nant, studying the leaves of her sacred legacy witji fervor and patience, in deed, she had become ao attached to the old book that the reading of it now was to her a delight. One lovely morning she eat reading a chapter of the Proverbs. Thus far had she advanced since the memorable day of the will, ever and anon jarusing wjih intpret the notfa she occasionally came acroat. The chapter berbre her was the N X I, but she had come to an abrupt pause at the end of the twenty- tirHt verso : "He that followeth atter riirhteousness and mercy findeth life, riuhtenusness and honoi" for on the left blank of the psge wero added and underlined tltee atconm wordjj "and riches. See within the cover of thla Bible." At first Nelly could not clearly cam prebend tho import of these strange words. Mechanically she turned to the lid of the look. For the first time sbe now Hotiood that Us coyer and back of old brown leather were disproportion ately thick and bulky and of h again! y weitrbt, detracting frcw the general ap neaiance of the book. A sudden faint- ' a 1 uess overcame her aa the mystery skow ly bee-an unravelling itself. Pale, yet calm, she began to look about me swei len cover for an opening, when sudden ly her eyes fell upon an old worn lap carefully doubled and fastpned dwn over the binding. With beating heart the girl took a tiny knife aud began loosening the thin spreading that held ir. urm. uuce twice, thrice she uplifted the creased folds, and turned back the liwp cover There her eyes beheld a mass of papers w ' a a stitched to the side ot the book, eact sheet revealing aa she took it from ita nlaoe a one thousand dollar U. . uov ernment bond, utamped and dated, with its bunch of glittering coupons drawing the national lateresb troro the aay it was issued ! And as ta last paper was drawn forth, Nelly, dazed and bewildered, counted them, and there were ten ten thousand dollars bearing interest tor in oeocb of aoetlonoliata atuoot; rana . a St!.. .a... It. a. I . . f io.llVJIft lftfaatllf t f I tmti nit, wttaaa w V , Uther jsiinU in Oregon thctp, .North ami touiii. i;ui iuero U this ditVereneain fivorof the South ern over the Northern Hectiotiallit. The one Is full of a ggressioo sweep ing in his naserlions, iadisc riuiinato In his charges, and backed by the great newspapers of his section ami tho engiuery of the government, aim ing first to proscribe, then to ruin nnd finally to exterminate. The other, whatever his faults his ahort-aight-ednesa. his hot temper ami his lack .1...... ....... 1. ..;.'.-.. ......... 1 .... i v; ....... v.P putiui h.i,....i. of information la at least the tieienti that smoothed hij way, ami this is the I . . . ... j ' J' 1 a. nt nla i.i'in j.m ami Ins Iimiiii' nni Bnie with the Ori ent lUilway now iu I They will be joined by oihon of their l retltly, ns be pna-eeded with his pie forget himself and say, "OeotI evening. high eatate, socially, jaditically aud uomaaaroioHy. He lost his seat in tho BonetO, he lost his fortune, und blindly striking out amid the wieck, saw his palaces, etptipager, servants, all disap pear, and the mnshine ayoopbanta of the hour fall away. Ilo gathered bis family ami their poor reraaininga to gether, ami placed them iu the rude honts his creditors could utt touch. This was the home ( 'on k I ing entered course of construction to iStrthtud and band, uow iu Kasiem SVashiuetoo, in It is the in t. euty anting tetilion o( the t 'nion Pacific to gjO ahead of the Northern Pacific in rent h tsitiu' hp Wukhiugtou ft. . C A I . ,,,,uerv is to u.m- - . , -iu. u,e oM man and telegraph company of its own. inilrpend woll jjijr ()f f0ur-y ear-old-steers eut of overiiowerinir mouojKlta, The from him. and then made him buy Ibtti.h Coluinbin and Pooo4 S.n.nd Tel b'ht doaen Bibles and slxten pounds . v . .. .i ; .l egmpli t o. was recently incorjsraic with a capital of 125,000 The TOOOOO JkmWtwl says that the wholo of western New Mexico is in terror from the Apaches. I b iters will Leal week a liible agent down at a Tinner's table up in Jackson county, ing Oregon Points, ami provide a com eling line that it is claimed will ha 3tM miles shorter to Portland, Oregon, taking Chicago ns a common 'mint, than the Northern Pacific. The new line will start from (Intnger station and run northwest to conaect with the Vtuh Northern, ahto uontrotled by the I'nion Pacific Tho of tracts to redeem his steers. (Jtah Northern might ot ut with UlC UP ud man, the ehosen leader of a great fac tion, the owner of a Htate, a leatling aw milker in the Senate, who could in vade such a dwojling and bring shame and misfortune on nucha familv. If theie was ever a doubt of Conkling's criminal intercourse witit the wife of William Spragup. Cookling hsatpnadte solve dun hi, againat the poor lady. IJe wrote adulteress upon her seat in the gallery of the Kenaie, along the walls of tho dim-lit corridor, on her carriage, on her home, and smiled in vain delight whon he saw thu evil tongtted mob fasten tion und read the loaioaopjg word 01 t.NT to nana toko woae ij:e. will not uecoiro an lrektml. i if I i iiei 1 In he rich nnd stronir : -.....- .. - . . . . , . 1 . ... It will owe Ma wealth and newer to OKpeeieo to no many .or neanaaaa, be siurdv defense he has set against Baker ( 'ity in one year. six years ! And as she placed the lat bond upon the heap she saw written on its baek these words : "Jtespice finem." Look to the end !" muttered Nelly. Hoys and wasps me natural enemies. !'. m bate wanps and wasps hate boys Generally tho wasps ere victorious uud a buy who has an interviuw with a wasp gets over the ground much faster than tho boy sent on an errand. The boy does the electioneering shouting, but the wasp does the real woik of the campaign. It is so raro that a boy gets even with the wasp, that when he does so, the event is worthy of more than a passing nQtipo. Uown near ingston (Jut., a boy had a heated discussion with some wasps and the latter got the better of the argument at least they made more pointed applications, As the stings burned the boy thought about fighting his Satanic Majesty with fire. Jt was a brilliant suocess. The next neighbor's barn and grain wero the first to go, and the people barely es caped from the dwelling house. The woods and fields of wheat next went with stack and other combustible mat ter, while every now and then the burn ing of a house and barn added variety to the scene. The destruction wa very great, but aa the delighted boy af terwards remarked. "You ought to seen them wasps singe !" . ft : 1 ....... 1 have bean used all the way from Ogden, C" l ,um"" . 7 V7 : . but bv buildine the new line from "i' on.y tnree rn...u... , cr of nls luanitooti ana nis nonw. nau 1 ,1.-.. thnh., tas eustoms and the tra- "ranger, north west,. '..- 0.1101 in .eng..., dltions there. If the South dona not the route , shortened 150 miles. In Ugell Pres. branded 52 3 calves in t u i i iu hat tlio building ot this connecting Imk, a 1079 and. only T3 in 1880, while eeara n.s tllliu mi liLimio, it win iwi. - . I. . ....... I .t I . I . I.. . . . ......... ...... 1 ! ,K oan.l,1.a Mriw has not tw -.U,M" ,JH 10 W,U" Urnr brandod H ,n . B anu ... a ' I . . 1 1 1. il.:. !. ..I. . I i. flu O ;n. !,,. done oil it could to make t SO. IM airi,u, " " year tatc. in t-sn ..8n.c, ......v .... It U been commenced. V ork on the new greatness et the loss in alock in i.ako nd lino will be omnienced at once, and it Hiil Modoc counties in thu early spring " 1 of last year. the sturdy defense ho has set agai the mad do vices of fcctionalism, which but for the character of the Southern MOfdo, woMld havp ere uow f CWreetofi darkies read the p oiigulfed tho whole country in tho W J" onR ;o,,,'l destruction It plannetl for a part. lIose. Yesterday Tom Bnckner, Happily tho South as a section is out kP"l' ,,1 8,lloon' PPMW" 10 of the woods. Tho coming adminis- Oonntf Clerk for a marriage h tration can do nothing to tho South oonae. That olV.cial, thinking to joke Which will not hurt the republican applicant, arid he could not issue party more than It will hurttho South, the license anion Tom gave a 500 It will carry into effect-tho blatant lnd not to apply for a divorce for a ajabberof Its sectional advisers at its whole year. Tom laughed and said : peril. From a partisan standpoint ?i km gib aa itomi, mi uon you must 1 1 i ia ii ttaAir crib a bond to keep dat ar Rooone Conk- 1 1 atATKn v rtei nnn ntt.irt tn invito it to lot lisen 1 in en just as stalwart a line as it likes. Hg eeTOelvoeton taland, or dor will be We can afford to dare it, to defy It, trouble, suah." Galvexton Xexo. to despise it. Nay, we can oven af ford to support it whenever it has the right on its side. But thero Is ono thing we cannot afford. We cannot afford to have tho wrong on ours. Tho South has a start now and a The McKenzie Wagon Itoad Compa ny baa let two contracts, one for build ing a bridge on the site of the one re cently carried away and the other for grading Crib point. The new bridge will be a substantial truss Bpan 120 feet loner exclusive of approaches. The good one. The election of Garfield contract ha8 beeu jet to L. N. IUoey, has done at least one excellent thing. f Eu CitTj ftt a contract price ot It has extinguished In tho average 1 670 It ;8 expected that the bridge Southern heart the expectancy, mo .,, bfi built time to acc0mmodate hope of office. It has turned tho Soutnern mina to Dusmoss. 10 re- M 1(J around crib point was anze on tnis matter xno ooutn n to Wm GiDhart at the figure of $100 rely upon herself, and tho time has cemo to put forward sincerely aad A Dallas, Polk county, fireplace set energetically, tho agencies and the a child's apron on fire. It burned the arts of peace. There is a little crime child badly and the mother was also in tne South ns In the North , but burned in putting it out. The child that is beside the purpose. Thero was a son of C. G. Fisher. The Poitland Hoard of Trade has re ceived a communication from the Mer rlmnts' Kxchange of St. I ajuis, asking co opciation in securing aid for the con struction of the Tehauntepee Ship Rail way under the grant from the Mexican (Joveritment to Capt. Jas. B. Ivuls. Tho gtadttitl withdrawal ef he great caUlo kings to leas populous localities is opening up to Klickitat county, W. T., a new era. Having passed successfully through tho hunter and trapper period, now, at tho close ol tho grazing period, they are emerging into the higher plane of agriculture. The Oregonian Pailwny Company limited intend to extead their road from Dallas to Monmouth at once, and the probability is that they will contin ue work until the road is completed to King's valley. N. 13. Whitfield, hav ing charge of a party of surveyors, says that a force of 300 or 400 Chinamen will be put to work on tho grade south of Monmouth. The Eastern Oregon Republican, pub lished at La Grande, Union county, came out on red showbill paper in a re cent issue. They wero short of supplies ftwW to floods aud storms. The Grant o oounty .iVeupublished at Canyon City oame to hand printed on common wrap ping paper. The boys mean business up there and know how to make a shift when hard pressed. Seuator," before he thought of the ter rible snubbing that would surely follow. f. Mr. Coakling is unnaturally frigid and silent in the presence of Mr. Sher man. Lie thinks that their former re lations in the Senate ought to have in- suied his unrestricted rule in all nut- ten -attaining to the New York cus tom house. It's woll enough for the poets to Now, it Gen. GaiOcld cannot put imr of the philosophers and scholars these various gentlemen or their recog- who draw wisdom from the stars, but nized representatives into his cabinet if the isn't wants a theme worthy of and make a happy family that shall his pen, just let him watch the young eelipse anything in hiatory or in Kar- rcan who can stand on the corner antl aum s show, it win be iertectiy appa- suek wisdom out of an ivory-headed rant that he has secured the Presidency , under false pretenses, and he should be at onco impeached. If Blaine is made Social amenities Paj (to Mabel, g of gto cf course he will be who has been to a juvenile Party) .- d hig followers will walk "DW ' one pny you any attention, h q( the -ul with political a aaftft mat a . W .1 A. 1. a. mmm J 1 I HaOi "ao 1 on t auow. paim9 in their hands, singing praises to 1 uieaii uiu any miv tnia, w jo " Gartield and eongs of triumph over dance with you?" Mabel 1 Well, . , rjnt AnJ hen the there was a little boy who made faces harMODV that wouid attend applications "i inc. to the SecreUrv of State from Maine Mr Priaahv tt dinner, to a fair for ministries and consulates for New k-i..i,riww.L-iftr nm a viail in ltoston York ! It takes a jiatriot's breath away iv ill' rvv. a iftVft v ft " V w-mm m l - for tho third or fourth time) i "Iv'o to think ot tne peace ana joy wu.c vmi nn. an AU-fllllv ftftli. ( lftVCr. WOUl.t Sttentl lite .8W 1 OTa, BCraiuoit- " -i 'I. mm. . f li ven L-imvr " Mis Sham : "KXCUSO tor a suincient snare u i ' - . I r . 1 LI I O.' I 1 inn r lri.Tbv vnit must have made ii tyrant, euoutti oe otteicu auu v- a .,i-inbe for T ttsutre vou T am noxt cept the State department, it would " , . i . .i . ..i 1 to rtti idiot " onlv change ute dooi to tne oiner jcjj. V . - . ft. where the corns are equally numerous A. short Italian prayer which is not .n(i ,;nful. Just think of the without wisdom : pray that l may delirium of delight which would then never lie married. Put if 1 marry I attend Mr. Blaine, to the State depart- pray that I may not be deceived. ment if he continued as careful and m- liut if I am deceived I pray! that i dustriousas helms ever been in nursing may not kuowof it. Put if 1 know the patronage due to the State of of It 1 pray mat l may no amo io M;ljne laugh at tho whole." (T Odcnro vnu train tlemen." said the . i i it f..mon - --. J . Any goou snooting on j-mr ....... ponvil.t UMn entorinflr tho prison. asked the hunter of tho farmer. . . . . ueht me and Splendid!" replied the i agricultur- My bwn affairs really ist; -'there's a clotn peuuiar at um demand all rav tlme and attention, house, a candidate out in the barn, mnA , t.v MVhat mv aelection ' . . i auu m. . j 11 1 f and two tramps in tho stock yard. to flU this portion was an entire eur- Climb right over the fence, youug prisa. TTarl 7 eonsillted mv OWB iD- man, load both barrels and sail in." j 8fcftnld have peremptorily oi ,'ioir AihAtrnn sends us declined to serve ; but as I am in the love of a poem begiuning, "Sweet hands of my friends I see no other tho roses bloom on ray breast" Har- conrso but to submit." Anu no suo- old, thou child of genius, change mitted. your shirt and take a bath this min- - - , . ute. Next thing you know you a- will be covered with plantains and write : dog fennel, or some man will come "I'm sailing on the oshun, and plant you down in cabbages. Th h- iu aita There's a girl in Kansas only nine- It fills me with emoshun." teen years old, who can knock a squir- uut one spell will not change its name, relout of tho tallest tree with her vrt oV'ii b e sic iust the aaim ! rirlle, ride a kicking ro,ustang, help 'round np" a herd of cattle, and ride Piaise has different efiects according down a jack rabbitt, and yet a local the mlnd it meets with jt makea paper states in a tone ox surpni mMt b k a fool m0re ar. a little anxiety, she is not married. "w . ' liegad, no, wo should say not, oegau. rogant,, tuimug Smallpox increasing at Chicago- r - i ., in ik.i ia KaawiA tttA tmrnose. i nro was a son oi v. vx. rmiin. " i