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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1881)
otwctat. FRIDAY .FKBttr AKY 11. 1881 FARM, CARDEN AND FIRESIDE. LKTTER OF IMJIKV Ki I OKK.OV During the prison! month Wt !mw received more lot tors than Otoal ftOM other countries, and .from timvrcnt parts of our own, relative to thlscoan trv. We cannot answer eoReepowl encos 1y letter, ami it wctiWl actually consume th' major part of our paper to print all letters received, and an swers. Let us pive synopses of let ters received : "I there any jrovonunont leads subject to hoSBpeteed and preemp tion ?" Answer. -Yes ; in every eouoty in Oregon sad "Washington. "Are thero any raihoul lamls in Oregon ami Washington V" Answer. The Oregon and Csllfbff nia llailro&ri company has a targe amount aituato in the Wilumcttc Val ley, western Oregon; while the North ean Pacific Railroad Company has several million acres along i:s inc of read in Washington Territory. What are deeded land- improv ed and unimproved worth V" A. From to $10 per sere for unimprovt'd land ; ami from $5 to $-"o for improved, "What is the price paid per day f.r labor----mechanical and common V" A. Mechanics, from $2.60 to $4 : common laborers receive from to $t" per month. "Is the lands mostly timber or prairie V" A. Most of the vacant fOVCi II MM at and railroad land-s in western Oregon and Washington are limbered, hut iu mast cases not hard to dear: while most of hoth lands in eastern Oregon and Washington i.e., government and railroad lands) are prairie. 'Is water for domestic purises plenty?" A. Plenty in western Oregon ami Washington; but not so in tlte eastern division. There are, it is true, many streams ; yet w. !!s SIB relied upon in many places ; water, however, is not hard to reach the distance ranging from 1 5 to 0 feet. "What are the opportunities for water powera V A. -No country offers as many inducement-. '('Lurch and school privilege how ale they ?" A. As good and better loan in most countries. I "Oregon and Waali ingtou can le called a land of church es, schools and newspapers. "Information is Bonghl concerning cBssate and heslth ; ss well a the average crop yield as compared with other agricultural countries. A. Blse where in this namber you can find such information in foil. "H.iw are the needy and afflicted treatnl in your roenry ? in other wnr&n, are the pccftle court touu to strangers J" A. We can offer ni i -: t : answer t the sboe 'inert ion than iltv fol- kiwiag cirrouiytauce : lSItnuH 1 - herly, a cripple st&d 23 . trs, wt. came to this rhy H Year HJfU Cr aj. Nesvt n. Iowa, .i-d .-uir' .iir fron. ii. healthy died on the caraoti his w.t v home. Alisicy and II-le eom pawioa or: the yoong man ami gave him Ugbl work to do, 1 u owing to in health aaa ubtighed In inir, and de.-iivd ton-turn to his home in Iowa. Mr. Hegel a famished his fare, froa S.H1 IVaneisi-o, nud Mayor Thompson stn;ured him a paea on I Columbia, Vice-'resident Oaks giving him first dens accommodations. Me expected to reach bono where his remaining 'a,'a c uM be ;-nt with parents and friend. Passengers and eondoctots gave him all the assistance possible, hut notwithstanding kind ciire and atJeftion, he died at Trockee, and the lather and mother f their only sot) will gaze itpsti the MM. -s form of their hoy. Hi? is brought in tbe houte he was anxious to nee oace more " Portland Rural Sj!r't. til V ataXK. ;-n. Qeoige Baratow gave zhh advke on the sobfect in n apeech on "ifotiui.'' Hi?,ail that every roan ahnahl own it i.- own houia it be can. That that phfloeopby which tells a mm to drift throujrh the world with no home is like a ship (hat baa ar rived in the open sea without a rud der at the hazard of a fdorm. A man who owns his horn j is like a ahin that has arrived in port, and is a safe harbor. A man should be no more content to live in a home that is not his own, if he can build one, than one bird should take the risk of hatching in another bird's nest, and for my own parti would rather be able tj own a cottage tb in hire a palace. I would -ay to every man, huy a home if yon can and own it. if a windfall has come to you, buy a home. Do not let any one tempt you to put all your earnings hack into the pool. Take out enough to buy :t homo and b ty it. Put the rest hack if you will gamble on it if you must, but buy the Home lirst. J my it and sell it not. - Then the roses that bloom (here are yours: the clematis and jaasimine that climb up the porch belong to you. You have planted them and seen them grow. When you are at work upon them you are cot at work for others. If there are children MM A mere are flowers within the house and without. r,uy a home. m rbnrrh lMrcclury. V. l t .. Mwt3 tl that rOORM in Poa tara iiHik baikliagea Wadswriar ereahaji at 7:"i e'clook, ind n Babbath afWaooaaat t. ItusinrsM IWIKltingl ntv kaki on the tVtn lag af tha aeaeat),v iaaaoa saoatn. Kvwykoay iavtlon1 t attaad. U. P. CntracH. IVaiokiagawy Sakkalh, At 11 a. m. . and 7 t m. ly Rsv. P, lr vii. i. D. gfcbbath meal at ttSO t, m. I'rayor jmn tin vtv Tkanday ovenmr. Kv n.:vi ii'.M.i'iinn'ii. Praaokiag an Bah tth at 11a. m., and 74 I'. M. Bhhth Sekeol 12:15. Ihraynr mtatiwg tivurj Thar aayaiMttag. v. r. Kuntmi, pMtar. OoMOaaoATIOaAJuCaOant. Sr iw every SakkaUi t il a. m. ami 8 e, M, .t'.t ii School at !?:.'. IVftvor iiuH'tiilii I'll rty eveiiuic of twh ww .). W. ML li Cwacn, BouthI Shavkaa etarj SabkathatSt. Panl M. B. Ckarok, Baalk. at it a. k. and 7 v. a. Bakkatih HokoM at V2 v. K. Prayer BMattag pvwy Tkara day evaaag. ML C Millar, i.vHt.':. M. R t'lirurif. Prt?m-!iini; evn SnlilvtNi t II A. M. ami 7'j i". MU S"it.u' m-rvice in tin vraaiag batata aaraMNk Babbaftli Hofcaol t I .U) r, m. Piayar auatiagataey l 'o lay evening. I. lnlloa, PaatOT. Barasc Omraca. Oar ricaa ovary Sabkath at 11 v. m. and . v. m. Sakbata Bokool at li Prayer loootian BTory Tkuraday oven Mii:. W. J, CMMrfON, j.wtor. PaamnnraaiAS Cbaaoa, Sarviaa vary fjabkath BMraiag aad awaing in Uotloga t 'liajK-L Bands) iilahooliBMaadhaaly rftartaa imtrnmg wane. Prayer meeting ' Tkaiadoy ovaaiag. Rav, Blkert N Cuodit, nattor. now TO savk monkv.-Iaataad at mit; lo a lfH'tur lor a praaai ' ption, it you HHV Brtght'a Ii.Mas4, Dtabataa, Pain n :!. Back :e;.l Lama, tiatarting, Inflaataia Uon, Catentt, Briok-dnat Dapoait, ar aay trouble o tka KMnaya or Btaddar, bay a ia.!e of Dr. IfhUNlV .Nenhn'in uin. fha graat ftiehn Ootn pound, it tha moat wonderful jwiH'rij.lion for thevo HontU s --. t-r ooaapooadad. Maaara, Abraiua a Oarrolt, aholaaakj druggk4a.aay: MWa regard Nophrottcu ni m the boat kktnay Av.d bladder ramatty In th market Woodard, drnggtat, iNntlaad. er., mvh: wlvarybody apaaku ltij;!ily of Cblfda, droggutt, Portland, Or., Maya: '"Sold ut of u; imIwh. o-m ili work.'' Many have been cured i f obatiuata kidney 'ni nbdnta after tha doaUMtahava atvanthan up. lrii, ji.'.'j. for aale by all drag raitai We linlleoue die Wrld. When we say wa baliaveara haveavt danea to jmo inat Shitah'a 'onaniniaion Care ia dackladly tka boat Lung Mautobaa mada, hraanHtch aa It will enraanommon or chroa'c Cough in .:! ball Uietbae,aad rhfo Aatbma, Brmu'tdtta, Whooptny Oongh, Croup, antl abow noani aaaw oi OMuatmptioti co rod tnan h!1 othara. Ii aril) nre wrboro itu y Gall, u la pkaaaaat u take, liaiiUie. to ilm yunr.f fit hikI we gaajrantaa whafcaaaay. PricaW (, ;V ets, ami I.Dt). If your l.uuv:4 ara aOTOi Cheat or i5iM-k i.ini, w SblloliTM Poraaa I'!;iiit. Bold by Potduiy v Itaaan, Drag' gbaa, Albany, Oregon. nSt $5.25 m advaaat are ail! a mi to any addteai t'-r m; ycai AZINK aad tl..- ! !.! HAiiPElW MA t'KAT. Ami nr $5.50 i.i advaaea aa will aaad t. aay addiaaa lar a ycai BABPERS' t'KAT. WKKK1.V aul t- LKM- Tboaaaada of eoldaani end n.-ir an- en r it ii 1 to panaiMtt, witb payment Irin a: f rtMchiro r death, ifattptted for belWn tanuary i 1880. WtHinu, aertdanAal in jiirv or dlate eniaMaa ti Panidon ttniiiify ami k imv il -: -t. i ea f Pen4on MMuratf. TMi i r ; t -.t;t'-:t-''; In Itaaf. Addraea, ancbiMiitg i ti j il SuN Hit1-., U.S. Claim AliorsuyM, 711 Street. Waahinaton, 1. A ;aki. T. rill !i . ar- watering ("!! tie o.T..'-. t. u.-li. T, !i,.in iiMillt. iuTi-i .:.-, tMtty tw.y, ta 4 inantKl, At:, 1 ii! -. ..! r-( Uiit itt VHV.K (ft CUAttUK rati KIM r.n...; dtMswaa.hsr niMieaM) in tt:.ii AaHttra Baal iaaUn ml i nfcwic u ha lt.v. Jaaara T. i lA.v.Mtti.'m l, RtffMt '. Sari MALARIAL BLOOD POISONING, Causing Chills and Fever Dumb Ague, Intermittent Re mittent and Typhoid Fevers, Biliousness, Liver, Stomach, and Kidney disorders, and the health and lives of millions, is driven out of the system, and radically cured by the use of tho LION MA LARIA AND LIVER PAD and GANGLIONIC BODY AND FOOTPLASTPRS,tho cheap est and only perfect treat ment by the Absorption prin ciple. The Plasters acting in conjunction with the Pad up on the nerve centers and re mote parts of the body, in ab sorbing and thoroughly rid dingthe system from MALA RIAL POISON. The whole treatment, PAD, BODY PLASTER and FOOT PLASTERS, all combined, sold for $I.OO the cheapest and best remedy ever discov ered, and a positive cure guaranteed if worn accord ing to directions. Remem ber, Pad, Body Piaster and Foot Plasters, the whole, $ I .OO. Sold by all druggists, or mailed on receipt of price by THE LION'MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. T JlZ Y TUB NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR The Largest and Best Family Paper in the World. Sen! for Sample Copy PwW0 KEW YOKk OBftKRVKU, is ::; iarii iu,. . forte. CfOAl a month naiiaal aid m a day at ana I 'n.t ill : I nut mm. PJ"' 7 inaili; liv Uic imlantri-.tts. quireil; we will Mart iron. Mini, woinen. Imiik ami LirU iimkij ti sv fat.T at Murk fur ns l inn mmm. !-, The work in ijit anil alaaftaat. ami Hiii'h a MTaoaeaa gO n'htat. Th. tHi urc wine who see llii. MwO will sc-ml tm tht ir UiiPBMM at atMoand fux f..r thenwelve.. Ooatly Outfit an.l tanaa. Nowl v.. .1... -.i.i-. m were arn laviui' no ;ir"-o minis ot money. Adure.. TRUE & GO.. Aajruat Maine. NEW BARBER SHOP ! J. H. SURLES, Prop'r. k GOOD SEA FOAM SHAM TOO goes j with each shavo. Prk-s for .shaving and bair-outting same as usual. Koouis I opposite Mcllwaiu's More. lOtf n!wr." t Cnro-i nnd never dlsap noiuv . Tho vrorlil'n front Paia llnllcvei for Mau ami Boatit. Chou, yiIoJt and rtOtablo. wJ2CMBSnlhad&t!?! Nlf LlaaUM PITCHERS ( VsTOKi la not Nan-olle. t'hildn't: grovi rut upon, MoCherii like, and Phyaietajui Mooaunond C ASTORIA, it regnlatca I UdwoN, eoree Wind 'i, aUaya Prrrnriilm nw. and ie sjro.vN Worm WEI D KETER'l CA TARRH Cum. iv fleaatltitleeal Autiiloto for thi? tanrfbla laalii ly, by AbaorpUou. Tho in is Important Diwoovorjr mint I eiuntiou. Othoi romc . j r!lev Catarrh, thin o at any sta;:o bofoio Conui-ii;tic i . - 1m. HENRY W. SMITH & CO'S CELEBRATED KENTUCKY THISTLE DEW WHISKEY. HENRY W.SMITH & CO. DISTILLERS, 2? Kenton Count, 6th Dist Kentucky. n f i " i c i-: j 252 & 254 West Third St. CINCINNATI. Hm VNhitkv lim takt ii an im inntuHi run I jvhi, ami la n .liih ihU ! i T ' li mod km I fi'-ulty lr i;. IlcinaJ hi ti i.vd.f '.:.!. millo ii . ih i or ly all dlUgfjbtbi and grown and by R. 3AL.T.V1ARSH, Wbolcaala and Btai Au n, tlli.llll . Olr- 1 i . OF THE WORLD sue. an NLEi itisrrxix oil. The Now of Hit Mlical Wonder l$Hh Century. TOE WONDERFUL ABOLIKREB OF PAIN. a si i t ric I OK OiPHfKEPilA AND SIRE THROAT! Hm wi lil Ins i v. r Lih.mii. fftOoatntSc i".iin iii(iju ii in . Kaoralalw lalo rtaypoa it I ailaaain Boo4artM i'iiiMii in . Btoolaa loniis.u !. nitit'd la l9 attaato. tn ISroUna 'f niiniii' lii tin t it'.ii ri--Moved a in Mloatoa. TO BE USED tXTERHALLY. For iule ly :.ll rlrfglfiirU am a!i r. Ii. HkMliaiaM ami at k liol.-H-iic . HODGE, DAVI5i &. CO., I'oini.ANW. OBBOOX. I'.ilh ! log i' BOC "I I he lnai.y t.'Mtiil.iiiii'i 1 1 ri'in il. The writ, r, ,Mr. Mfaatlkt'rfor'l, i-i well known in thin .iu. Kor Mrtii olan iMrnlra iA j. V. aaaaiiiniii .tr.,., rvaaa: PoovtAxa, Osaaoi. ik. Bbxu(t I raa toffartiut1 wttli mftti totaoialjr, so that f..r M.M:r:il iluy. 1 wa. not nn!e t-. ' nyhU'ii yaaH I ui tarn t your "Ughtnlng I ilnlinaiit,' ami il reiin.nil tin- aiu iiK.n the lirit a.ili'liou. The fourth Wftftettitm relnove.l all wir;'iii'n ihiihc I hy the pain. K.r toolhai lie ami liC-iiraLria it i. tfttMtl havintr hern triei in my own baaUf. I hOfOtHti .ii- ut liuiiui nl various kiuilH, ami tlml thin to H'iriaH any. I highly MMMMMnd it ! tttf KUlferiuif :i he ami yttOM. n!7yl MEa J. W, vTBATIIBBVORD. OCHOCO ! To Stock Raisers IN THE- OOHOCO COUNTRY. jLOn Ratnrdaj, Nov. '11, lxfio, ilio trtt ntunberof ;i weekly paper, to Im aallad T!t Oclioco Piraeer, will bo issued at Prinovillo, Wasco CO , Orooii, and will lie uiIiIimIkhI in tho in taiaot of lliat immoiliuln si-riioti, nioro es- pacially aa reaardt atock laialatr. rHrti.s rosiilint; in lite W illaniolto Vall0y, and ovsniii": sttH-k in Orliot o. can ri-i-eivo rli- abl Intelligonoo by oabacribina for ilio PfoWKBR. Hand marks and brand, written will be published 11X58. Tuaaa 1 so imt yonr. j:. j. jekfery, nlfi Tub. "Ocboao l-ioiiear." L)IM f your own liM-ality. No rink. Women do aa well an men. Many make more than tho nuumiit HtaUxl above. No one rao fall to make money faat. Any one ean OO Hie work. Vmi e.m make from M etn. to$iau hour hy ilavotin; your evening ami .iaru time to the buainean. It ouata nothing t.i try the him inej. Nothlii); like it for money making over offered before. Bueineas pluaaant ami atrletly honorable. Header, if you want to know all aWut thu let iiayinif ouamejiB octore tnc puniic, nei.,1 u. your ail.lro.. and , DUTC Wu. .HIsllT. Solleltcr of ? - ? illi LPf t,;ul irs iU"' P" terma lA I UN I Oal'atents, 017 S. venth St..or Vox traa. aaaayaa wotto aaa free you on then mako -lia, WaaWnatoo. I). 0. No fee required uuleaa Pt cP.iTno pi.,?, ir..AdJro,w UF'WHS ST1N- et la obuh.ed. Send for nircular - gtvlac teruu, .c SON & CO., Portland, Main. KatahUahcd 1870. v- J r-30 2g S I?: (' ' g UJ' WARNER'S rut: mm uo 01 .m id . in. Pbyakml fr n it uiin r tlx' ii'HtOMt if bniaan paaaaaatnaa, bat natbrtanatety M laata oal j a abort tlma. Aaeklawt. dlwam oroldaaaeoaMalaaK, Minlibi'font'M wblcb ware oaea aa powarful tii'Uiv psMawaj Aaythlng ibnt aaa ra aora Ibaaa'poajera 01 jr r t iiii'tn ! tbon i r mora raloabla tbaa tbe pewera Ibam ih nadaMreto ba admired' 'ibis u axaolljp arbal War acra Safe Kidney :iui Llvar Caw aoaa. H i.ik- tba body wban u ! brekaa nl bowail by nicl aawand raatoraait t tba M)wafn ii ii raaaaaatd. it aaala Uim-hh mill ai! atbei appoatag at ii -r tbe iror. Iittoe iuto atdlvton. it lit ti rriaada timt uro cii'-iiiK'h f ImwiHIi 1111. 1 n.. ii. inu -n tlml .1 f mm I , .... , .... are tba fi land of baaltb. rba vu-t n,,- Kiinm-i of ih" loarar pottloa of tba body j in prod in ini; U'h.I !. iltli U IxioiiiiiiK m.- I i.r known ovorr day. I loth men and wo nu ll of nil i !u.hi" n-nl' thin. Kor oiin n piwi kU4 to ehlld ! ' ! Tor nil i - !. j ' (Miliar lO UM lr m , for di l .litto. mm and ! . , ..III. puny cb!ldrm tbare ut notblna wblcn ao I 1 aalbly and mut'y -u- aiio. and rwlonaM Ibfai Ureal Natural Itetoedy. TbebkJaeya oid ormirv anrnM,wbeu daraanad. aa-1 dareataatba llm muab rjulokor tbaaaaa- MimpUoataad tbaj maM !' atlaadad t piouipti v or f-tiai I'll ifaiaanara are aure vn fellow, the leaUaaedeJa wbl b are pffat adbarewfcb ataariy 4aan lba Waraar'a J Hafa Kataay aad Uvuf Care will aoi aaty i idui k tlioM'difan.. I hi i iiiim iv nrotliKiii , , , . iir ,i, '. viiii. ilnv Ii'ivi' Ix-.-i'tun ad d. II In tn .Mill, im j wft i I . . I .. .. I. :..l. .. . I I . .. r. I ...I I wn remady w bleb will aalbly and eattatoly do tabt, aad I bora oat mi in htaaaa on raoatd a bora kjbaN lattad. it u n.r aato by draiigaaa m ail partata taa tvorid aiiilu iiiMiinlm Inii'd by it. II. n IKVi : aM t: .. . :. ttaVi a W King of tho Blood i M ull S. rof ulou. (ifl. v. ,.,11, -rilJ ajgaONM ro.ull iiiir from I uipurltr of Ikti t.l.j-.l. It I. RaattoH to ify ....... tin- uffrrrt nn n.n.Uv .-.. i... II.. .r oaoaa; but iU to.'rum, "i-ifttt. i un, r..ri. .'r, SmtUtngt, ttc., nr. tin- jnuat aaOMBOO. M tn.ny uffuctiou. t.f the HMrt, lltad, i.,vrr tm '. Maaava. SCROFULA. WondariVi Cnro of Blindnen. I. lUaaaa, Sow A Co. : Kor tin- l.-nrl.t r i ' r NlUad with Heroful or Irupur. Ji!.m1 iu tliir .-nn-, ! harohv i- n. . ! Kiiik of tho Dlaofl. h.vo lv i, troohlr.1 with .Horoful. for the p.i.t ten .t, atrnl-l ii. y .in that'l ftra.rotn Uy l.llnd for i inouth. 1 w.. irooiiiiiin.U. .1 otry Knuf of the III... I, which hn. provi.l a gnat .v..m to ma, aa it haa maaptitolj aaiail m. ami I ebconaily retomiutinl u to all troutlnl a. i liav. " Your, truly, Mm. h. waaxaaaunr, iaaaa, V, v. iH 1 pilil to any I'uhlic llnariitnl to 1 ... miitu ally .iTiel uim, for every eortilte.ti' of thl. wmII cmc j.uhliehad by u akin la not gvnuino. Its Ingredients. To how our faith In th. aafaty an.l exeellonon of tin- K. 11., tiiijn jiromir j" t.oual upplirntloti, when . s'l.tlr.J that tlo liuoo.lliou i. inli iiiled. w. will naa in ltameaor nil iu ini;rciliutit, h; It. ltiirrcliunt,.y afltaavit. J 11. aooTi- oil. i . were iu vir lun.If I., fun- ),y tlm nr.- priatarof aay other l-nmily ii.o in the woriil. Mnuy taa tl m it ii lii I ., I nrihi'i information, u.. full 'lirctloti. for muni? will bafbaad m tba pam- phlat "Trcati. on iMa..a of tho IIIi.hI " in whichiao)ilioUlei.en'Ui'.l. lriro$ ...r .,,t ," , ,,. tiiininK 12 ounem, or 10 to : tlo... f M,,l.l .y ilruir giata. JL.lUaoil,boN X OO., Pmp'ja, JIulfalo.N.V VIIXAKI) IIOUSK. llalsi-y , Ort'KOti. A. LOUBNER, - Proprietor. riMIl ; ELEQANT NKW HOTEL. JI'ST Now J ciwplatad, will boopaood aiHmt July ir.ih, ih7i. Ii. i. loiiHtrnotiil on the mo.t uuMleru anil eoiivenieut ptao. ban a Hue Maniple rooia IQIlOlilalij arrauifed for eommereial traveler., and the table will lie aupplUnl al all timea with f.....l lueal.. 49 rt Ik (Jnt chain e to mako money. Wu JMJ'OiikkI a petOOtl iu evi ry town to take NubacrlntlonH for tliu larK.t, eheaie.t and beat lllua tratad family publioatlotl in the world. Any one ean bOOMM a kiiecuHaful ai nt. Mix elegant work, of art given free to aubaeribera. Thu price la ao low that al iiiomI every liody aulMk.'1'ille.. (MM agent rexrta tak ing 1 10 anaawkMS In a day. A ) aily agent rmitH making over liriOO elear prolit in ten day.. All who engage make money faut. You ean devote all your time to the I. moil. -i, or only your .pare tlmo. You need not lie away from home over night. You ran do it aa wrll aa other.. Full direeliou. and lerm. free. If you want proutahle work .end ti. your adilremi at once. It coat, nothing to try tha hu.ineMM. No one who engagea fail, to make great pay. Addrea. Oku. Mtinhon A Co., Portland, Maine. 41 I REVERE HOUSE, Corner First and FJlaworth Albany, Oregon. Pfeiffer Bro's Props. Tbla new Ifolol la fitted up In first elaaa atyle. Tabl- s aupplied with the beat the market afford.. Spring li. I. in every Koom. A good Sample ltoom for IJoBV inereial Travelera. . a9Fre Coach to and from Mae llotcl.ia S:41t Tba foiiiiwint; ttataiaaati nr tba ralaa Inrv i iiri-KKliiiiM il u Ii w miii.iIil.' t In .11 mmw who bava iwn a a bvtl ua of Wtraer'a Hail KIk ad liver w. Tba writ ara nf anally kiiv.t t iim ir . iliajr bara aaat (ban I if iti' -i 1:5, t liiT'fnr, -.i.ii"t l' jui'- iitetl : Ifaaaraj H. II. Wataar A 'o.: tlaatleataei 1 bava air laaa Itnia baaa atBleted wttb a tail tela 1 loay aantplalat. .-. 1 . 1 1 1 1 aaamaU ut linn 1 noihinx couiii routrul I tried doctor utid iioiln'lfw laaafratyi baa found no reUaC. J'luaiiy 1 araa advlapd byafriand to try yoar hnU- Kidney and 1 . Jara, and now, af t r j mttXnrmu iiiri four Year thu tuont Konl I ltln, 1 lit il myar ontlroly Vkll and blr io uo m wumimi . Joaa O. CaawFoaa. Jeni.yrUyt )uni,, ivm. Mi II. 11. Warner Jt "n : . i ......... . . .f 1. 1 . . tlMATf.Kaaa : Without !ii'lliwluii I ! ba to aaareai t von my Mri appreata lion of year rfMnody. iioiao tlmo hJiu-o my ntii-ntiou n. i-.tlled to : i;inllmin bud lor n Uafl lln.o Ih ioj a r"t lr"1!. .IllM lllitl.lll It I II ' U ' ill," II I MIIIHll I r ,, j , , ., . , . . . nn or tlio I'M, I found llnU Im kidnr nit(I (lver wrrn nadly Hir.nd. Not it'li- eaabeaaailoa I preaartbad yaarflaJaKtd f9 ad UaarUure. Tba raaelt. altar lak la. .a lift... I ... I I I I m I i ..ul uf . a . lit M, ,. frfitiiiatluaalalltB I aoatd pmairirw iba aama rnmcdy to all attnUarlj .uii-ii. 1 1 uty , Koahaatirr,W.Y. tC VxvtMVmM. IX itniuif m n WaraarA Oaj UaavMUtaa: I bava barn atSkeiad wttb di. . i tho kldavya tat Ibm pa nut, ami lntt trli d tllllliorolia m , . . . J(ly tMtrtiat ami loaiporary . . . Iff I MO ritMok I. fit. f Your nV.. Kklaev and Livvr Cure raaaaiaaoodaii lo mo, aad aitor lab ng n llii' pun and ll.lrrM li-li nm mi l J mo lo iiy faallna atroaa Mini watt. I am par fii tlv tnlh I that Wanwr'n iufe lo mi in am th.. Ntadiolaoa noadadi aad aaa aaaarfaSly wiaaaiawd taan ta attiarw. t ; . W. St.w: v, Kd;:.r Tha ladaatrfad Kra.' Albta, I ih.1, .linn-, iv-ii. Spertsman'ts Headqiiartfrs. W. 33. SCOTT, MUUBI IN (iiuis, Rifles Revolvers!! tml t Minimi I lion i.r ill klmU, Jn.t raOalvad a laryw lui.4. l Ihr Ut.-.t ltti.i"i.l It. liilliU't.'i., ali.ri'., Wiiu tii-.Urr .o.J lUIUi l i. nlink'., M-.n , K.'iiilnift. ii an. I Htacii. I.i . I. Uwliuu hot a'lna, ami nmjj.- I.mllu rtfir. u..l 1.. gnu. .4 .tor) ilM-riUoii. A.I", a larc ami wrll M-lri4.Nl .to. k of ri.hiiw Twain, I'utl.'ii, thtyj I'ollar, t'.ii.-y Uaoatk '" fiu-t aii)lhlii( )'.u...i).l f..r In my hoc All kinds of Sewing Machines Ro pairod. It. ui) inli. r Tlml I Cannot Be I nth rsohl Atowhrro hi till. Stale. l If JAMES DANNAJ-S, ueAUut ta aMi . -i 1 1. t un. or SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SETS, Murl'N' . ood Top.. Pf' I i und LioungeB, Mar ble Top Center-Tables, Spring Beds and Mattresses, W A! M i. AM) OAK BRACKKTS. And all kimla of a lull n Ota, III fills. Itnl.laaala, IA ten. Ion ta ble.. Klanda. t.tli and t'anry Moatldlnca, Ktc I int. ii. i to keep everything In the fitmitura line, ami will guarantee Huliafaeliou to all who will eall on mo al MiUer'a Iiriek. .Mill s lA.. 1 I.i. (patented auNS Writ, 1870J FOR SALE BY FOX, btj'm: Sc CO. Aioany Bath House. 'fllHK UNDKHSIGNED WOULD RESPECT J. fully inform the oitiaana of Albany and vi oinity that 1 have taken charge of this Eatabliah taent, and, by keeping olean rooms and payin strict attention to buaineaa. expeots to ault al those who may favor ua with their patronage Having Heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Drassing Saloons, we expeots to give entire satisfaction to at MSChildien and Ladies' Hair neatly oa nd shampooed. JOS WEBBEB. THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOU HAN On 2SAST. Wlirn a mfiitflnn hnn InftillHil v (lonn In oik in million! ot mumm fr taan than a tliliil or a OMturys wlii-n It Iimh ri'in in'ii fviirv piiir or iiiii M hi uij anva awabarlaaa fiiiMlliea i i i " eoa Mar it lltoouly anj raltantMi m ram t plllll III ' i i I'll ill, II I n H, , .. : I' i Hll Hi ll U UK illi llin THE BEST OF ITS KM Till" In lh" Willi I No Ulrilrnn Muiimii 1. 1 1. 1 in r ii t . Evary ihhu tirlnci iiiTllli(i'iii-' of a vnliinli! Imr.n niril, I Im nK'"i' "C mi n ful ImMM bunt aulxliKil, tlM liorroi nl ilnu ni.iiMn nml of n tbo i and iino otlii'r Mi .ninK ami luorcb!) parawaMd iy Um old raltabta Mas- linn Mimlkiii; f .llllnl" III . All forma ir oiiIwmI'I ill', c it ho arn v area by iiiu mmm Mii.lati f.liilnu'nt. ii .- i ...i. ....... , mJ 11 ' l"'nilll t t III- IMIMIITMI ll IUniii', lo tlm vry Iioik-. Iuijlli!iiir imin i nml rinini iIUmmihh vrllli a powi'i t li..t ntvor fail., it la a im n iii naattod by "viii j UOdy , f . 0OI ' lio ill'" li'in. wlto I fli hit MUSTANG OTer I 'if nol tin ry plnlna. In I :. itM I ' hant pi III"", llll'l III" W'nhIi iiMi I' MTUO jm.I UIm lo I Willi tin- lim it t'tiri'M inn'ioiiatUm wln-n oil tthei 1 apiilli nl loan la'.l. i 111. vromliTlul LINIMENT niiiwiUly mri n auab allroonta tit" III MAN HI II n. 111. iim.llnm. S.v. Hint . itfTfl . ' ii 1 1 i I .Mii.ilr., Itoina nun v '!!, (HI., Ill dliri n l i"li., I'll) i nun in lilt' a lOiijj., ntin!.... i.nint nn, S.f,-.'., Urn.. I io.IIiIi... MIMafla.. Hiir. .Hlgipl... nUnl llrraat. anil liiil ril vr Turin of ifrutl illa tnit. Il i. t!i" armUaf n madr f "t th" il!.- 'tllfl . Itllil It I ! " II I M to . J i 1 1 tin. I laaarM miatio om aiinjc-ct tlui dm I uvit im-i'u kuoM it f earaa - .in.. -'... ., htirr J.ii.t.. I'nuiol'l, Hm in irr., ilnor llta- ... I iii.i , S. t . v 'ii iii . Mratt, Hollow Moid, N i i iiiu., tt lurt Ifall.. kpitiln. I ni, It I ii c I ,o iir . Ht Nnr.a, rwll l .ll, I llm upon itlio aiclil ulnl tin) olli.r ollniriil I In till h llo- im n MuMta "f Hie amnio .! aiu .n.i m. lutilr. A Iwiiiv tint tit liottl" ir Mi l uti Illl.lllllfC l.llllllM I-t I ii .'I":: I i 1 tnliisiUin Iiiiiik', a lllu on "lutein., oj Vi Ufa l.f tolt'il'- Ii nml. i iii out n mr. ii r io ill" vi-ry iil til to. lUiUtor. I" in-t i .it 110: Itrrra l lia bono. It run . vat' i body, rmi ulaa point I no hi.", it ! . ii--' ti i.i iii-tvty ii" mr unto than Iwtnly Svo yiruta, aud 1. po.uiv.iy THE BEST OF ALL .1 K. SORBIN & CO. Ituiioit. r. n.'t '.ii. in j C1CAHS ftr?j TOLiCCO aoaata tat Mataatvx ioaa r-i I mi . for a 1 1 Pmm abtohk :t t Ui HUM Bi!aa. i ii-. ir.iu Worata tof I a ptaa Prraca laaadj trura tj ta li.w a : Hiu.n, in inii mui : i .to i . v Im ' Hal a iaa iohh i um a ki oo. In fcwtltaa fmm as Ota .-. hue Wn iM V o- (r- .. V. i-. Il'.ii Kal , ..r id la 44 1 a fo mi T at. 1 tfolland .!. h!' , a fr-m 76 ri in i ,. . I Ail k r "f Hi- '' I l Irtf ! ofir U"i I ' of l intiala. aM. h battla ifi daoka ! otbaraa tn l 1 N 1 i C CIGARS t TOBACCO, w " ' w " Ity i I.r baa .r mi. .p. Ilnl atOaOC a.iir luonilnli'in ii.any m. MARX BAUMCAR7 HAH J I'JTT OPKN KD M ft A , New IJqtior Store ITHKPH OONhTANTt.T ON HASP THE K1NKST BRAKPS OF WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO A CIGARS. Tfcc i 'llraod St. I.oiiIm 8T0NEWALL WHISKEY, Thu rttiiiMt whUkoy in tlu Btata Whiskies, Kiont h Bnutdies, Sherry, Pert, t "la ret, ami all ttlioi Mads of wtaesj Oil, Ale, Beer, and Perter. Ililtfia of every kind, and the !,;st brands sf trtlWl and llg&rs. a-i want avarybodjrto mkh laaandU. I havo oiHinctl out a lll't plw aaw lii- i..r wln ri. i itv hikI cmmli ora rati procturo thrlr ati-kH at i'oil'.aml prlotai, wllh only frnivht U'ldntl. Kootua on tho I'.'iruur of Front nl F-rry Slrot, AlhRiiy, lrOH"tl. VM. MAUBRfl fTATemSf' ti.otKs. jrswBunr, mi.vhu WABSi kSV MAMOSB iracTAt 1.1 s. t-rrv.. Aaiols Nt Waa'Plaasji ftoartaa Hatlilaffo. A i. HA NY, - - OUBOflW. vitii?;.if STAR BAKERY S CONRAD Proprietor I'rcsli Rronl I:iily. Groceries and Provisions of all kinds Cheap : CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Etc jCall and see my Stock. 421f VV I liLAMETTE MARBLE 8l STONE WORKS, MANtTKAf-niKKKN IHr MARBUE MOIwUfMIBMTS, MEAD QTONEG, TABLET MANTCLSi CEMETtnY CURBING, ASHLAR AMQ COPING, BACr.S FOR GARDEN FOUNTAIr, TILr FOR WALKS, AMD ALL KINDS OF WORK IN 6TONE. Am ara Bal our Marbla dtraol from tba RoQaad 'n.trro and Miiin ii, x, t maat, aaal Im vi- ii aalaotad v ii h rur, aaa baam waaaiaara ! aa in hi r aaai Ma, aarxpari mm k ft fay iliat Vornmnl iimrl.ln m Im iiit ilian any hnpOfftad from tbretfTU. mwaiftaa. llavlu;? Jnt r'f-ivi'd aovr;il loim of marnlo, H'td h tviti loon-i n ili. . f oir"rnxlr4 iiiili i iih iiIs to tboao ianimj.; work, iir'b-rs from any MutoTtbtt fato pi on i pi I y atlaadad lo. and all vork h;ii raiiUxl a ; ropri-M-ntid. Wn batrfl nonantaaM h Oat lor work nx"i pt litOM liaviir ihr-ir isrodoatialM from im. rhiiniHii'l Wojkaaoraar MaeondafMl ISIaarorta .striata, A Haiiv, ro.on tatialf wi nth ,v i , I- t. A-Wi. FOSHAY & MASGP3 lifi-j Mr 4 lo ,j RUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETG:, a Uaaue avo i i:i V. RUGS A nr; Kml.r vlti,- ti'f.Un..- ttoiuJI) fiain I n 1 1 ali'l Wil tr.-.'. A ' .,.;.. t, paaaatan ' , WHEN YOU COME TO ALBANY CALL AND CEE US AX COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, ,li am li;;!-. ir t lit a!lt- . Slf n io !r..i!o: Ii am! tiianitbu liir- Tl, SKEET mm AtMD COPPER WARE W KVKRY DWtCKIFTIOS IN STOCK HANI?, A Kl I.I. cc;-'u;r.i :. : ; ALL -K WHICH HI tXMPETTTI02(. 0F1 J . I is lo THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, TIIA i I LL AI z EXROT OTREET, ALBABT, OBSflC P.epair work done SEND 25 CENTS IN POSTAGE STAMPS FOR A THREE MONTHS TRIAL SUBSCRIPTS TO fi PfiPER OF 16 PAGES. ISSJEO MOHTHLt fiT SIOUX CITY. I0L It u uiqalat U Pcuucsud EtUoai. gitui uu lews o! us worn as c : :ri writ Mil lihf N Its Literary News is Supplied by Selections from the Best Writings of the World ..-i ..iiM.ii.r.nnfMinn'RArU"i:nnMI ithfT mtl- not lx or i on v. :l PENSION. BOUNTY. LAND rt WuhtaH r.. i m ets wukted. m munm lmks 1 Adtlrcm plainly, ' -r. m a ai r. a tJ iu fi . a v in n v HO. 11 K Kltr:. BTKECT, San 'r.lllli.1C, Califr-iia. lro.l. :ill 4 hr.niir nud Spadal llmr. n ii it i:i: m i : ::r It::il T.I! Il.r ..I H 1 uisiru I -11.1 l :r . ara tr. O of thi I '.vt-iin-.rt.un.mir in in a m iiiiier Kaodaotf the otver Ih; found ;: v H appear, and a in uriiwry nut otnt r tlm eolor will ! .t a tliln n. .. i.u. ajpun . i -' in lo a ilark an.l ti'iyiil aTriKx-. Tticrw arc i. any tn.-n alio die nf llii. il.tlli'uhy ii."ii .rani i4 the aun", I -liL.-h U th.. k....i.1 ... . f Mini;.... . iVne-ia. 1I.. a ill tiarant.K' . H.irf"t etirv in all fin li ao, SS J !u.i,(l.. r. l..i.i:i"-i ..I the tftoito-u.-iiisry Orvu-a Uoraa- 10 to 4 an.l to . r-u.!nv f.- 1 1 toll a.m. t'omiullation frvo. Tht.r..ur.ln.-x..::i:iaUii Por pel rata illacaaaa 4 ahi-n of sedleine .afflek-nt fr a nre, aitn .11 laKfUrthaw, will ba aaal t aay Mrn so rwaiat i f iffl "', 0n mi.I ..Mf'-w., arniXEi o., 11 . .1 11 Kii.tis bt. San Krandaou A BARGAIN ! j Valuable PropCTty for Sale.- THE ALQEN FRUIT DRYER. laaludinsjr Um buOdlna ami lots apoa which it is aitttateil, is for kiiIo at a bar- irain. Xbara aro two dryara and they t-au lo fohl aeparutely. This Is a good op imrt unity lor fruit raisori to sot:tire the tiiist dryor made, at a low price. The lots are vury valuable lying on the .ivor fnint, and havintr. a railroad awttah running by them. It is a gooti locution for a custom tbmriug mill, foundry, or any Boot) btjilMMB. For further part icul ara 'all on the ProsL dont or StcreUiry of the OoPapaay. tJ. P. CRAWFORD, Ii. V. Kin?, Secretary. President. 30 TO THE WORKING CLASS, We nre in. a' prepare! tuniihli '1 elusvei with xn Ktant oniil'n lyoiit al lioine, lite arboleef the l. in. , or foe their s.jKHM saosasata aastoesji new , jiiit and )irontutle. IVrminn of citlior ho easily earn fnnu :"-0 iimiU t y'i ht e eiilii).'. umt a roMirtional sum by .Ii'Mitinit their whole time to the luisiiies. lJ.iy.-i iitni 1 iris e-irn nearly as much as men. That all who foe this notiet! max aeml their rt.hlri'xs ami Uist the 1 n-.i-ness wu make this offer: To Mieh a-s are not well sat -laaed we will semi one dol'ar to iay for the trouble, of wriunif. Pan particular . ami outfit free. AJJivss, t....-,.t..i-. Stixso.n i Co.. .'ortlanil. Main.. 2vl ALBANY RSEAT KARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Highest Cash Price nanl for all kinO of fat stock. 2tf LEVI WEST vcrv i" AS CIO-, reara MED 3 CI N E io . Tint '.ai r -tail .Jn use aa 8TArriONKH V i i.i- 1 1. at. o l"airii. ES3I S"C- LT N HAjcn fl: Tt ORDER. AH90RTMKNT Ol HE KEKI?i )N ro:: y.'ari:. at rcasorAable Cpfurcs. crn- scctiona it u -a- OR PATENT OEPARTWENTS at hIoto menuaaioa. i a tou' 'inc a Jiai Ihftt UK nl In the paper to an j .ulacribcr who tr env Pruncrtr his address and name in full to that direct him tv aar o-' d.nirinjr. to Uioae aendlni: us ILOTi for ayear'a rtrortltc Arstaix rj. r i i. Jf its cxistnce avcraRtd actrrulalmti .if ir.nleed "rirc-filmttonVa S.OiH 1 UcatU.uS . l of f.jur llt-rt . '.hroajh all of tho oe leG9. me Ail. or 3c Pos? lai S-r:'.- r:;i. co;1oth 1UI 1 0iJI010I.lTi., C.:y, ioi. rv, . al. rr m t a a ; 10 DR. .GIBBON'S Db.pens.iry. I i.)0 fcK4BTM OT . "I-F lanaFa Oaeaaaao ; 1 al .Trrt, haa KrjiL .. j t. . aaaai in MM. fcw . il-e trtarn. il .t .v iul 'T V "s mitial Piacaara. saiO ,J,. J' .' l."ierrhra. (.Irl. ' " hlrtrlnrr. iphlli- in ail i-.ijSfSV.v' t ui in, .- l tratnrn. uitht loanea i.r Sn-m As, tin i im - : . . ..1..; ; - . 1 mauh i ran .-; i.e!-. enrol. ml siaictcd huM not fail lo .af! n.N.n hint. I iiaaswl t;il thrrt'. h.ti t"i(.;.J oli iMVfi) n; laa tsd thasaasxhly i nr .ri.iua f.ia- ilamina KTCftt thai of ralualiie ii.fornct- t...i., whi.'h lc amaapati nl t.. :mj-ari I. tlno in aiii off Ms aaryioea. IU:. u;i;UtN .ill make i. ckaixc ih ' I.i- . JTr-.-t a ei'.te. Pt rwns at a dianv MtV ut: 1 1 kid at Hoar., ah i-. : .trietly . .nt'.ii ntiil. Yu Mntioe uie vi,'. ir-'.l t.'U .lollarb for a i k.tirc 14 meifleine. Vcntm w r.thts t" the K-K-tor a ill i.leaw Mate liie came ..f tlie Mj-erthey this aih cn ieuniit in. t'luiry.- n-a-aiaaable. Call 'r ante. AJilreaa Dtt. J. K. GIBOOK, !t 'a i'.'.", s.n Francis.. 15nl3 aa'iar'. :u t..-i..r. pnht:.- OIii9 m. c n m ... inom-v Uater t ..i; t..i .1 Umii at an tiling ilt-. t'apital m re.uiml. vr a-i.'i , atort yoo, ' 12 ii:.;, ana u .-ir.i at fc," I the iiulustrioua. Men, wmueti. t.iva and irtrta waataj V s 0 L"trU a wlierv to work for ua. N.w it th. tirnot Yihi c. . ur whole time the work, or only j i"u iwre iiH'tncnln. No otlicr biinc.s will . jt.ii near ly as well. No one willing t.. work car fail ' to make eimimoitM ray by eiiTiTing at oin-e. Cttl.v nutnt ai.d tenna free A Tet ofipcrtunity f.r inakini; money Maine. TH PARKE RGUN 5CKD STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS WET MERIDEN,C'. CI'' A Yt'EKK in your own Un ii io cajiita tflOO risked. V.m can 1,'ive the 1.-..m:.. . a t.iaj without cxpeune. The lust o.Kirtu:iil i ever . .rr." . . tor those willing to w. ok. You bhoiilj try nolhun; eis' unti! ou see for urelf what you eaii .lo at the IniMiiess we offer. No rtHim to explain here, bm ean Uevolc all your time or only your spare timet., the business, and make graft iayfor etery hour ..u work. Women make as much as iun. Stnl lor se-.-..i! farttatl lataBBaBMI imrtieolars, w hreli we mail fnv. n"i Oiitl.t five. m't eompLun of har.l times while ou have such a eliaiiee. AiUn.-va 11. HALLETT A CO., PtiStkOM Main. vi !?T CHARLES HOTEL, AXJ3ANY, OREGON. MRS. C BIIS, - - - Propriety. Tliis Boasa fasa been thorousli'v rr norati d from top to biittotn, anil is now 111 ; Undid eondil:.:n for the eotertaionMOt of tr.uetcrs. The tiiAo ia supplied with even tiling the Jnaiy kct atfonl. Sniv.ile rooma fo; counuarcial u.e;i. Corvallt., llaiion nnt Ualias Mage Office. narttl Cf ".a week in your own tow n. &D outfit I . ) ff ree. No risk, Header, if y a want a business at which persons of either sex ctn acaka arrcat pav all tbe time they work, write for pcrticolart o U. IIallctt 4 Co. Portland, Maine. 4?:- a