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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1881)
muut FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11, 1881, 11 1 -i O. A '. K. K. TIJIK TAHI.E. Allinnj Nfalion. I saeseess "i, ..gat Thr F.;il rn Orecoti Storm. iti ki-.stim o uoro Lrrrr.8. i:troiiio II lull Unicr Loan of : ir -il Moi l. Mix-It l Ittg on John Otiy nnkT. 1MMRTI RK Of TRAIN. RfflM NORTH. ALBANY KXPKEN.N IVpnrta. r TKAINtt ArrivM it it MAIL TRAIN ( lH-irtt MAIL TRAIN ( Arrlvva at -1 Ik'iwirlaat PRRIUHT TRAIN . A Ut. U RXPB Ks A rri wm at . If. s.i A. M. 'i t. :. butt r. m. ItitJ A. M i :K r. m S..W P. M. All TltUM tally, rril Sunday. WILL. IV Hit K, Station Agent. (IBW P 4 P"PT? nuM nefiuauMt o Jtlnnt Oao. AillO i XVA JUXV ). Bowvil Wn Nmimvr kil w i . .mm.: ' sin- sn : , ru. St. I, w h-iv - . t . . -1 -. . - cuunu-w may bo Mttdu to It IN NLW VUHK. TO OUR PATROMS. M;iiy of our patrons aivin ill Rill for out, tw, three aud even a greater number af year, ami having dunned them through the paper until wear t irol of it we will in a few lays start out a collector with hills, and ww respect tullj- a' that those- knowing; them selves indebted to its will ba ready to settle. Wo greatly need tho money with whirh to carry on our busiuo; aud t make some needed URptBRMRRl on the paper, and we trust our p.itrotss on whom wwhavevaitod to long and patiently vtill ':,. nUllv and promptly pay up. The Dalles MoHaftitucr of last Friday says, " We have made untiring efforts this Meek to ohtaiu rliahie and authentic information il lative to the loss of stock in Wasco county, and Klickitat and Yakima counties in Wash ington Territory. It was found to bo no easy task, as wild and nbsurd rumors were atloat in reference to this matter. It is ra- sotiahle to suppose that our stock men ha met with a heavy loss in certain sections, hut in most iustance.s tlir deaMt rate has hctiu ex u.vrtted. Mr. J, r.. DtokiRBOO, proprietor of the Central Market, Bad largely in t treated in stock, who had received n letter from one of his drovers in Yakiina. stating that the loss in that section RRI heavy. Catth were dying at a feat fill rate, and no prospect f the snow going oil' ut the date of writing. lie thinks that the loss of tattle in the Ya kima country ill ho from fifty to eighty jkt cent. Mr. Arthur Collin, of the firm el i-'ivneh and Mi l'arlan.l. is in receipt of a letter from John Madden, of l one Kock, WiaaOQ BORBty, i !ti . .R i. - a .s, . i I wnMQUOtrtm i.i .lanuary .!: . bating lino marM owll,i ,v i,.or.. (Hmt, n,l they are bavin a hour n inter hut very little i.,Li.... .,t..... .... t- i n. . "'"(J umii "nnjp im me inicvi aii'iig nin PRtKRt ii. i r, Jrtu 2t, 1H81. F.lilor mociiit : Tliinkiiig that a few items from Ochooo may interest some of your trailers, I will give you a few. It has been snowing am raining nearly all this month, hut on th 13th tho Oohooo got out of its bauks ami spread all over the hottom, and then ou the IStfi it came up higher than was over kitowu before, washing away the Ochoeo bridge aud cutting the channel out as wide again as ho toie. veral Ii'm .mv, were d row ned ami a great deal of fence has been washed away A gnat deal of the farming laud has bee u cut up into ditehex, tt hero tho water has run. Oao house in I linevillc.helongiugto Ney Giro, was swept away by tbo tlnod, and tho twaUisfl house of S. J. Xewsou had a clone call. Crooked Itiver eame up a day or two after higher than il has ever been since tho whiten" have nettled here, part of it run- rt inin throiiL-h I riuevillo, drowiuu two Home i-ii. I .tltrontl. Call at IVeneh's. (Jood butUr distressingly scarce. Speetacles for everybody at French's. Chow Jackson's Heat Sweet Navy Toboo- (nnsdl lrrerlliifc. The City Ceumi! met in regular session last Tuestlay with all h. .-. od othcers present. The Com. on Ac'ta reported favorably upon tho following bilht, w hich were allowed : XT. C. Twcedale, $t! ; Idanstield aud Moctcith, $?.o0 : R. Saltmersh, ?li.C2, A. J. Hunt. S3 ; Fees in case of City v. Tenj Ueng, $8. 4a ; F3 in'case of City tj. Wm. Taylor, $t.3, ; McFarlacd and Harvey, $$ : A. J. Hunt, $45.00. The Committee on Way rail Means was giveu further time in wltich to secure a Council Chamber for 1881. The Comniitteo on Ordiaauees was given farther time in whick to report on tho peti tioa of John A. CBrrUhnL The Committee on I'oiice was given fur- suow. UfRaa is plenty in that section, thottgu some forty BsflBf Ik low, toward the Colum bia river the weather has beeu very severe, the cattle and tdieon faring badly. Thero has been comparativclv no lo,a of atoek HRRRd I. one lock. shenif StttRBMoatTad a Liter (roan atr. John Todd, written at tluatoek raio i be low ( IROki a river, lo which he say h that they were having warm, pleasant weather in that section of our county, and that the young gra was about mx inches in height and that livo Block of all kinds was doing well. Win. BeBaly, o! Oix, Wasco county, writes ki.jather, M:. JoacpR Bcealy, of Tiro Dalles, concerning tho stock of that ItfttlfJR. and plaeai tike death rata at abottt 33 j-r cent. The wiatci baa baea very aavaxRi t!s snow falling heavily aud remaining Uxtg on the cr.nir.d. Out ol a tloea 1 1 i,."-s).-i kJa Io has been WBORl 300. His iicihl-ora have fared in many instates even worse. Horses and cv.ltle :.r. doing very well under the circ imiat:e Mr. Fred. lea, of Use linn al Kicholaoa ..:.! Fmldt a, l.a ..: re i. 1 fe:u I.ouo Book, in Wasco county, rep-rtisg some nina inches of BBOR on tha ground, The coldest Knap drove the Bleteury down to lm;lt.H whole river Carmiehval'n pla . i - eral feet under water. The Dcs. hute... (at the upper bridge) a stream that has never been known to iimao more than two or three in. hoa, ratio d over twi . li.'.' ling all the low bottoms. Tke current RR t rri lie, but did not damage tho Bridgi any, it being very strongly built. There were two RMM drowued in Trout r i k, a small stream liero and Tbo Dalle-, one named Minor l eleh, in attempt ing in attempting to eross on horse back, and Mm other by his booat washing oft' with him in it. Minor Fetch's parents used to reside in Ivigt ne. Tiie body was found bail' a nolo boloW, and deeently buried. The other man's name was Smith, and his body ha not v t been found. S. S. BtWRR drove into the same en . U '-"V Wltb lour horses ami a RRRRR loud of lumber and BRRM hide. The wagon was upset, the horses Wero drowned and Urown narnwly m apaa with his Ufa, l he weather remained vtarnt till the tven- iug of the '-Mat, w hen it commenced to free, and it has been cold ever since. Yesterday the w wid changed to the north-cast, aud it ' an '. a : tln hi;...v i :i.w about thr-r thran degrees below icro. Stock has autrered considerable, end the loss especially among sheej) has been very lar6 .'. Tito estimated loss ia about SO per cent. It will be seen by these comparisons that ther time to report in regard to the removal j while thero has been considerable mow OR of Indian BRRRRB Messrs Sunders and Lang ioa presented a petition from the Masonic fraternity asking for an order for a side walk on Sevasth St., from the residence of J-iin Fogc-rs to thtiir cemetery. Kferrtsl. Judge Flian pcaaaak I a claim from Sen ders and Sternberg for damages to the amount of :.2-kl io, ewuscd by the break ir; of a eewer and the consequent BBRdJaRj of their basement KctVrr- i. Bids for supplying earth and gravel were opened, and as none coutaiutd any pi ice for earth all were re jecteL A. J. Hmit was awarded the contract for building crosswalks at the follow iug prices ' 6 foet wide, ; 5 feet 1 18 ; 4 feet, $lo ; 3 feet 51 1.7.". The following bills were aJ loWed undtr suspecsion of the rules : R. K. Hirnoi, ; John Jou--, -;7 . The following bills weru rc:'.-rred : A. '. Hunt, 21.13 : Huston and Robert. 3 ; uity vs. Crobb, ti.oa : P. W. Spinks, ?4.o0 ; N. u. Eenton, 812.CS ; Senders and Stern berg. $-241.1, Y Counciimaa Scott awBRradl his protest the ground in Wasco county , the Joes of stock is by no means as 1 ;.- j::;a i n in the Yakima OORBRrJ, Wo have BOBfid of instance where out of a BRRal of ",iJ'J abaafl only l,oX were altvo at last accounts It has been a BRfRM winter -:i our heavy stock men. and one that will long le IRRMRRBaROsl Important ln!oraial!ua. For the lwinefit of the rcat number of our readers who have interests in Fastem Oregon and who will want to cross the mountains next spring, we Wak to say that the BrrRRB (Jum-'l learns that the ehief bridges on the military wagon road across the Cascades from tliat city have been carried away. .rade have been wafched out raid land slides have covered the roads so that it ia doubtful jf travel can i returned until late iu the eum ine. While this is the CRM of the F.ugue road, the military road reaching across the mountains from this city U in a very good condition, and by the time the snow disap pears, or even baforc, wagons will RBfB no diuiculty in cro&sing. Mr. illilaad, the ; riad master, came down this week, and he against bills PaaaiRf from the Fir Depart- ! iDforms u, tliat fro!:! ,0 to .5,-rsj worth U( meat beiug aboweti Wtthoat their correctness ' work will pnttlie road in inlsaalbl conditio!!. Ho will begin work on it with a fofce of men iu alout ten dayi, and will nut it in matter of the sewer up Ferry street were I n. fi. at being certiSed to b3' the Chiai IfapRaaR, The Committee to w horn was rei'err d th- Jrantrd further tiasa. Fire at oirr Kat:c. I 9f aud it is atil! suowing, with ev ery appearance of a severe storm. The- steck has cotamcuced to die on tho J.-lui Day Kiver iu great numbers, as the BtBffHI haa bean much more severe there than here. Fridge Creek has sniTeresl aevorelv from the RRORRj as the a!loys ore hmall.with BRBBy a-ul, which is easily washed oft". In a RRRIRBf of plat e the soil is washed oft for 2 feet wide and 20 feet deep. 1 bfl mails are very irregular, as the f.rry at the Warm Springs, an 1 tho grade on each aide of Sherer's bridge is rut up so that it will be about a month before, there is any travel. The riiiow between Uudge Creek and Ocho eo is 7 01 $ feet deep, and there is no com BRUBRRRsRi whatever except on snow shows. Tho infant son of Was. (i. ami M. C. Al len died with whooping cough st Cj jwr Qobooo, on Jan. 'Jth, after an iaRRRR of oue m nth. Il had been named Itcujauuu Stew art, and was V, mouths and I " days old. "Oi iios ." Ol II Ml IO lltTtli S. 10, Or., Feb. I, lift FAiioi I ' rnocruf I ho changing of tin- railway from this place seems to Ik n nettled fact. Tbougl Co. there are no er.Jors as yet from the oflieinls . m Frank Keid is teaching school near Dayton, 0f tlf, company to make any change nt lat W . X. wo havo no authority to dechtro such to be Stewart Jrey write insurance nt low tho caso tho line proposed on which to rates, I build tho r,td. if fhamed. will leavn Scio hech r and N ilsoii, No. 8, I acihe oast ftl0llt ,, aij ft 1(Jf MliJw(1 (tMt )f t(( I hero ia eousiderablo excitement over tin: it suems thi.t both parties feel favorite. Trains commenced running regularly 't I mtt.-r. Wednesday. Aggrieved, i. r. bi.'h the railroail 'omnauv Stewart fcOtWy aite ollering BBRM hue bar- ,hJ cltir4 Wt wl0 MBMrf,j to the build- ains in real estato. inii of tke road. IbbR party claim It is a his gams lohnny Soott is nearly ou stilt. N ib Democratic lsy. Major J. K. II. Men is still visiting mother iu Marion county. if you want a bnrgaiu iu a fine gold or sil ver watch call al French's. It. I.. Itaraes, late ,f tho lhitill, now has a easo ou tho Corvallft Uitvl( , All eollevtions ft With Stewart and Orcy will receive prompt attention. ing of the road. BBtffl party claims that the ethor has tnkon advantage of tho confidence placed iu them, ami that the other has not complied with tho contraeta ns agreed upon when it was decided to build tho road to this place. We noticed our old townsman, Fatal Smitn, in town ou last Saturday. Ho at ill wears tho saiiiu pleasant countenance as 111 days of yore. Young oinpton who wn hurt by II,. I I .. , tl. .. tt' U Vf..t ..... ..... II... I . ' ..,.,W,,".'. V t ,'. II.tbn,,FI , ournLiou 01 Kim SiUioi W ' ' kH SL'o. In.., ,,, highest price for hided, and furs. fAr ro,.OTrivi hmm , i,.i,v u Bn I- nLls - j " J " Kemember the festival of the I adins Aid So. n tyon "Hiithington's Washday." F.very man's wife wants a "Davis" sewing inai bine. W. It. Seott, Albany, agent. I lie mini was lrou-'lit up I mm .1 . li. 1 n oil a hand car Inst I'Viday aud Saturdny. injiiiy to com.. In town. MR, S. ;. Adams, f BalaRI, was in town durinj; luat Sniulny. Wlulo hero be deliv ered threo diseoursss .L tho Christian ObttBob, hating Inre uud attentive audi tint., Ilii iieriooiiN relloct much tn lit up rtT it ri riionr. At a time when the community is Hooded with nf many unworthy devices ami concur URBBj it is refreshing to find one that is len efluial and pure. So conscious are tho pro prietors of r. King's Now Discovery for BORBRBsption, of the worth of their remi that they oiler all who dmn. n trial bofi'l, frrr ij rluiryr. This "crtainly would be dia. nstrous to them did not tim rem. dy 1 ..,.. mm 1 1... . .... j , 00 remarKanio curalivo uualiti M . . Dr. King's New Discovery lor conaumi turn '11 . n .. ' .... r- win positively euro asthma, br .11c utm. atub Imtii cuushs. colds, nhtlnaie. ouintv. baana ii- sx, croup or any alfeetion of the throat and a iuiik. As you value your ex it m o L'iv this woiidorful remedy B trial bv callintr on I'oshay and Mason, vt Jioluaalo f nta Alba- ny ; l, Morris, Scio ; Dr. L Foley, Leba non : Or. .1. M. I'owe.H. I . I- - .,0 h l albic-ttte, BrrrB Vista : f?oaf tto and Mon tague, Jullorson ; . Jf. F. OanatlBBfl, Tur BBf I (. A. Itamtiv. Hsrrtnfcsirn 1 H M Rayaa, Ifnlaoy 1 Damon Smith. II il . v : Starr and I'dnkoly, ftrowtisville, II. Tf:WAKT. Notary Pi nr.i- A. I.. HKllY, : - - Law. Judge Tandy and K. J. Willoiihby. all OR kiBl At B teacher ol l!" prec-pts of the Harriabnrg, dmp d in on us yesterday. A lirst class residence for n nt cheap, m ar the center of tho city, by Stewart R rey. SulmcrilK) to tho "lllitfirtrl H'njss, the Mr. U W, Foutcioy .v Bob brorrsI or! ia th ir new bRttaoei us btitebafS on Monday mnrniug. NV hop- they will Im sm-eessful imsst rwvlablo Journal BR tho Errrm Coast, iu their new ORtarprBM, a tint place haa long Albany hits tho Is at musicians both vo cal ami instrumofital of any loan m the slate Jinlae OtniboB and t'apt. 1'umphrry tu- folt the need of a permanent meat market. The A. (X II, W. baa n borH biaa ladkn at this place, mid its members aro working ouer"lieallv. Its membership 1 constantly Jown to Salem lol WRak ttaReMBf Supn rue increasing, nnd it promises to be o i of th 1 I aimer. MMJP WBtRl riu. (aairadan u l.c Mrlil al alrtn lairl Ni xl M.Miitt. ourt. Itilly UartbRR is "tho broth of a boy" to furnish you anything dainty iu the hue of meats. Mr. old resident of 1 .11,11 UBt died this week ou hi farm iu Orleans precinct. Stewart ft UfRJ aro loaning money oil Mith real and pen.ui d security 111 largo and mall sums. Mrs. I'headle has baSB VORjf ill luno the past week, but wo ar clad to J. am that he Ls RRR r covering. The eop!e of Hog-Town laemaa the river) ars alfout to petition 1 ou t. js for a h.-rl. 1 . I refuge and breakwater. Folly Hartles is tho ! bolof OB makr but his "aettcra" sample the bunks rrmI Io4 iui h for colossal profits. foremost KBsRai m this jurisdiction, I "th in intellect and working material. A. D. Fedcer-. D. D. M. W .wasiu Iowa the early part of ht we I 1 1 is a whole. aoiiled fnllow, kud a -ahua worker iu the cause. fH.Pi. KttliiMI. imitATtlRBT, lRBITIVS I Bi s. Dr. F. V. F ere-, Freai b utof tho World's Disjeiary Medical A-aocutioR, ia 111 e.irnrat IU aellll! HIS 111. UlnK-r positive yuar ant es, and if mIi.i purchases and s any of lbe.- webly i-elrlirated reinedtea dotis tint derive RRBOttt theielioin, the Asao ctation wwuhl like to h-ar I rum that 1 - i e, with beriptiui of symptom and liutory of ciae. 1 1; ' tiiie.i au i me .rK.ratol. as in.- Association ia, to teach medtoioe and i.ur- grry, ami lor th" auc-ea-.f ui tu itno nt of all i-hroiie diseases ami in.uii"ini annua !-. thousands of 1 ara through our original method ol duL'tionu. without ever act-mar the Stewart V Orcy have a Jar ?c i,t ..f . it) piti-iits, and having slao tho lareeat ..niU- a . . . . . The originators of t':.i. showed their good Haaae in ilwi:i' an immense amount of i gntiling, which did away with tha neec.ratty ! of building very many bricU; - . and r.ow the wisdom oi their action i shown by tins mad having very little repairs to make, while the On barf Saturday the farmers of Dou-las i:i :y hel l a meeting at Roea.burg, tho ob ject of which was totakceuch steps as wocld .:. .tv tvi th- in some protection in regard to maintaining a price for wheat to correspond with foreign (piotations. Tho meeting was numerously attended and great interest ifeatod in the movement, . ral enthusias tic BPOaebai being mvle. It was agreed to bold B state convention at Salem on March Jed. in order that nu-rc definite action tmld ' ni'" " l''ittu.g h. ti.'.. .1 luarmK over tho and county property for sale low and on long time and easy payments. The pmsjx eta for tho Ya-; 1:1. . railroad are brightening and wo aro aasured that active work will bRJjbl in the spring. Thanks to West Itrothors, oi the Albtny Mcst Market, for favors. If you want n choice juicy steak call on them. TW County Curt has agreed to advertise forbid for the construction nf a ROW bridge across the Calajionia at this city. Mr. Ash, of tho Fortlaiid klaw tirm fj Fotcboimer, Whally JL Ash. w n-u.o. ; . ur water-bvutid gurats of the past week. Hon. John T. Hughs loat 4i hogs, r one IB) Angora goats and all of his farm f. nee Inbout 1"00 v.orthj by the RRR SoOs. Next Monday H St. S'alcnttne's Day, aul Mad.. n Sl Foshay havo full lines of heart . ruakingeat hiif'( iluus you rv r emt any place ! J. A. Oilmour was out on th streets last Wednesday for tho first time allied Lis RRR protracted illness. We are glad to note his improvement. , Wo aro glad to learn ti it ;' IR, J. F. Schooling, of Harrisburg, who was badly hurt la t week by his hrw falling on him. is getting letter. y Tho "I-aughing Man'" came "jo! dern riuaS in tht world for the a. oin:n ..I.ition of the mors nnpli. al d com a, and also for sur gical cases, the faculty foal themselves pre arrd t utnlertako even tin; most .li-eour sging cases. Th-y n-aort to all the lrat medical nivalis knuvsn to modern asadji .1! oiOROI 10 ch-ctilig HOibiaA Address, World's DsMORSRfy Medical Aasoi-iatmii, Mufrale. N. Y.. or QfBBt RrSBBsI Street BfattbsBRj l olnloli, Klig. "My eblol," oasd the OstptaiM, f'm not liii lmg fault; 110 harm hi ii img your l -'. fiHit I W:-h Voll'd it a lnilo tnoro. At yoir rrjr ytRi oRjRitobe thinking nlwoil Rotting in urn h ." TRJRRB very littles donM that tRR giddy jrOHRg thing was thiRklRR hIhiii! it, much RRRR M-iioiialy tRRH tha Catptaln dRlL as all ini-ti areovi Suingiinxl ; but slio was troubled about her cunph gJOR Madame, ltachei's KbruroI itlomu w.-im reenmmeoU od, and oolvod Ilia tiroldeni. Fei: tU I liarnifiHiii iitta.l,, nf flu, miuS .!.! i....i.. iiUi.Im tke moat ,i i.i,... ,,, ,. . .1 .... u 1. 1...11 ' .... .. ..,,. , . 1 i. v m uumumM a vis viit fmmwmm It l natural fur onlo km nv-rl nr v. lU. I'v .ej.s,i uud JJvor Oomptalofc, Or nnv of tho dlimhiiv c nruana. nuoli hh Hour Stomach, Nick Ilea, bo be, I lab 1 osllviftinMH, fitlpilnliuii of Ibo Ilniul, lloart-burii, Wnlor-brash, fRRwIng and burning pains m Ibo pit of tbo HtOOUMSb, Yolow Hkln, Contod Tongue ::ni i .iKi Die ttthtn in tho iiiouili, i-oiuinir iip of food alUir ifttlngjow npiril-s Ac., to putolf fmm 'I. i' -day buying nu RitMo 1 but they know has OR real Door m.h' . , fii.-ii-ior rolnllve, vt thwy have no Keith in It until 11 ia mo halo, Hot It yen will ro to your dnigRiaia, Pnahay A Mai m, ami Raiaboi il" of GrRBW'b A.OMUR1 J . i i; v-iiir iui inodialo euro 1, as coitaiu ns ).,u Urm. Siiiupio bottlOB -i tins mi ill ing -au lt ol. tainorl for 10 RBRto to try its nuporhr vii too. RaniBM aba 76 eenta. Try M .- two RORRI w ill relieve any t;axo. OUR EXPORTS. It in eertainlv gralifrlng t all trim A a.. a 1 . . . -a . 0101 1. .111 - 10 i.novv iiiaiol a'c ,i ai 4 .,,, eapurln havo iargolv iteoedo'i ur lm- (.orls, not ulonn 111 nueli article v heat BRol booif bat in BbRKast orory btRoefa of indiialry. Ton ago nearly all t o perftunory ond tolh t artmlaa unod in thi country worn iuijK.itel from Europe; lo imy wo 1101 oeuy WBRBIR01UIR for owr mdvoM, but nro IBTRO BRpOrters t' South America, Clnn.i, Japan, and I ha 1 oionh - I lie linini'iiHO trrovt Hi 1 t tin 1 a I L ii lur m dusiry on tbo PReUto I'onsi. walnipij aa UinUlilng. Ma en, who hi BOW u- of U, Inrgrc.t eologuo BRBROfB in the WOfld, lat vtr eaixirl il n'lim 'l 100.14)0 Lnitllon tt Ina fSIUf.llS VolllUtM ColOi-l.l. I ..I 1. foahay ik Muhoii, FoaUr's lisiok, Albany, Orogon. 2 beoRBs sasnttpRMlaR uo i. FhlUdel.liia. 1'n., 1. i, !-:. II II. Warm r A 1.. . j.or ,. i tvi ion jrean 1 havR isToiad taw evil af beta f wlntt mlglit boU'ruitvi ebrofliaaan MUpaikMi BtV nkln baBBBIO ye! t-.w and my liver was all nut of ordOTt 1 2 . 1 all I he iRReadlea that aoatld bo oMafate t. end thai a m all I could do, after l.n.hii i-o . . fl :n neguiar uiodhutio In atineut. ar. I 1 finally OOdlUMHti .-d DBtng your reUH dJea. I liRf tried :U and ri the end r ooe w-k RI boWOls h.wt Httam...! n icguUritv ai.d heai'l.', b.ii unknown f..r vi-ari. 1 wan so pleBRBd Wf.h tbo oflbet that I c on eludad to try a 1kc.Ho ,X vour Mitu rs, and although 1 havo not entirely Rood the tirt bott'a, 1 am so isiressptibly unproved arvl touod up that iRrrito to vo 1 giving this t oJuutnrv testimonial U the aZOOUoBCR f your ri mi dios, Yourn lrul , 11. J. 'A M I V.VA.l. STEWART &i GREY, Unsil TO CAM, THE ATTF.WTIDN OF THK 1 J . vlemit v In tbo 1,ut that. thf-vJiato :.... liruailallnn Stroof, for tho purprmo of iraUHHctdig a ml REAL ESTATE, L0A., NY AND I;lock on " s. AND COLLECTION BUS! 1 dpudmoot .i-i . lO.. ec tdiiig .ijifan 4 Tltoy will attand u, tho rontiinr of prorwty, coll'-,-'ion ,g- ronto, ba . ina and bbINrsI ail lasHnnof roal r-tlau.. tho negotiation of loamt, tf.o folhsrrtion of noss an 1 -....,,n." -o,. ,il noiiio itn i it iron.!. Lim r.iii.i. i.aiii, .r ............... i . . ......... ..... ... ... - , . ti les lo :oa i, , .. 1 1... ....... ..r .. ... , -.-, i,.,. 1,,. ,ii - p, ... 1 .... I bey am pfRpiuwd to eflfeet inaaraoee h lowest,!,; ralen; Imperial. London. Nort.h frn fb. Qnr.ori nn-rifa' $41,000,000. " ' Commercial Union. Capital, S12.500.000. Xforth British and Hrrcut Lie. Capital, $10r Commercial, of Caiiiornia. Capital, K). i- BRtrnalBll fo our rwrowifl re--ive oromrX alien-, on. with rtion wishing iiforn.a'imi ol Oar tror surrr, 1 rv Of Of the .suit). We shall 1 mffintr eotin- ALBANY, OFFICE- WTooUt'n Bloek. STEWART CiS?i; THE "WORLD'S FAVORITE." HAS ONLY 12 WOR KING PARTS. w sj m STB k 5 7 iH-iinaioc to very lady. dm.-, data. 1 r sit ti I'V all i3st Monday naordiag aboat 1 o'cl ch tt.. store building Ixdonin to .Sam ibaa, at Saver's Station, on tioap Creek, was discov- arad to be completely wrapped in ttaines, aud Ku.-o rpata cannot ho iRBde goad wi iiont as it was only a frame abaQ the work of I or BipeaditRza af tboRRanda of daUara. ' a- 1 rin- iioicr .r Raaiu. A very tlcaut little yo'.umc, with ti.e above title, bv Charles 1". Ilichirdson, just RRRod by the American Book EUobangRj Tr.oune ;iiJd;ng, N'ew 1 .,rk, at the very low price of 2") cnts ; also a ebaap pap edition at the nominal cont of five cont.s. Is will delight all who lo.c fn Looi.. , i.i. l ;:i its wiw; RgggestaRM will he greatly helpful to all who want help in chosiising the Lest boka. Iu it various ohspteaw it treats of Tbo Motive of Reading. The Beat 'lime to Bead, How Afach to Jlcaul, BeoRRRberiag What 0m Keada, The Use of Note Ilooks, Tho Cltiv?.tif.n of Tost'.-, Poetry, Tho Art of skipping, the Use of Traaalattoaa, How to Head Pariodicala, Beadiag Aloud and Read ing Clubs, What Booba to Own, Tho Use of Public I.ioraii. -i, 'i i. TfRe tiervfce of Head in;. '1 ba volwaa i4 rrrapirbaHy rich in striking quotation from the world's n.ost famous authara and thinkera, from Aristotle to Kmerson, including such names as Addi son, liacon, Barns, Cato, Carlyle, Hiaraeli, PaoeloR, Oibljon.llugo, Keats, Lamb, Locke, Luther, Milton, fetrarch, I'uikin, Shakeu pearo aufl 1'horeau. It is a real literary treasure house. destruction was accomplished so quickly that uoae of the contents were saved. ili chael Peyser, a brother-in-law of Mr. CSdBRB, was sleeping in the store at the time, aud ran a narrow escape from loifi' his life. V. hen Le was awakened the t ames barred his passage to the doors, and ba went out through the window into the eald air with nothing on but his shirt. Mr. Cuhen opened f,ul thib store lait Jun-i and has been doing a spieniid businesi ever since, and re are very sorry fee see him lose his store. His atoek. was insured bf BtBRRti and Crey in the KoVtb British an 1 Mercantile Insurance Co., for 5o,0(Ki and the 1o.t m now being ad jaated by C. P. Ferry, of Portland. rmus). B. IL Warmoth, il-sq., of Pendleten, Uma tilla county, gave us a call during the week, lie was former rcifienl, of Habc-y, in th: county, but is now a prosperous drug mer chant in Pendleton. He says that his town is improving rapidly and Rl now especially elated with the prospect of a railread at an ca:' day. Mr. V. brings us warm greet ings from old friends, which makes our tum yian wiggle-waggle with joy. Of cor.rsc he couldn't ga away without subscribing for the DkmO'JBAT, realizing the fact that no well regulated family can do without it. Ion. John Bryant was over from " sn ata:' during the week and reports considera ble danjpness in "The Forks." s elable and I nu.. The Ladies' Indust: i .1 Society will give a sociable and lunch at the parsonage of the M. K Churcb.on Moaday evening, February and dcatitutn of this community. LAPUKB' aui koi UT:. So unit Supper. The Albany ladies' Ail Society will give sficiable and supper at the Opera House, on Tuesday evening, Fob. 22d, for the purpose of raisin" funds for the relief of the needy Admis- hc U. ... BosxteOR d ft-ralcs, including some of the most prominent farmers and btni-nc.-r men of Douglas, were selected as .Iris gates to such convention, aud similar di l(ga tior.s are tappet ed to b prc-nt rrotn nil tho eounti; oJ the Willamette valley. Tho farmers are evidently takiug more than ordL nary intercut iu tins movrmsnt, but while it is their riht to secure protection for thsni ealvaBj now that the first st ns hare leer. feaboa, febej sboak - aRtieaa bajl la, be led into forn ,' Dmbtoatioai by denignin per sons that will result only in the reaping of n harvest of tares. 1 11 " - B blve RattlRi af iRr v.r!d. :e;csv'a Citremely interratiii volume nar rating the history of the fifteen decivive bat tles of tho World) tboae fow battles of which a contrary event would have eventually va r;"d the drama of the world iu nil its r.ibse rpicnt scnf, is highly esteemed by all readers of hhtory. ft has along time liccn un llarier':i lit an one of the standard liot.k, at the price of S1.T.0. Vw it is isaued in a very handsome clotli-bound volume, by the AmariOBR !;oik Kxehange, New York, at tiie aeatttRd price of o." cents. It forms oue of their Acme Library of History, which in cludes Macaulay's Kngland, $LfS (reduced fmm ?7 GibbOR'l Home, $2.fK) (reduced from $'.).0U), Polin's Ancient History, $1.73 ; Froissart's phroRielee, VI. o0 ; and to which list will noon be added, at equally low prices, Orote's Qreeoa, Gfaea'f (larger) Rngland, s Koine, Nasson's Ouizot's France, Oarlyle's French rtevohition, Schiller's Thir ty Vear's War, and others. Catalogues of the standard low priced books of tho Liter ary RevolaAoR will be nanl on application to tho Amerioea Bnak FiohanBB- Tribune York. v-eWd-oioat the btatc 1 ,ir on tlie "Ilavis ' BpWMRJ M.ichini-. ' 'I he youn BRUai bORtOBTValUl who wt. RJRRflrdRRJRfl hsrc for' several days laat wrck sueceede.l in getting a passage for home ou trio Oeaiaawt laat Prtdajr, The mother of Levi Fanning died last Sabbath BRRRHRg and was buried on Tues day. He ac ia not I. lion n t'.y, hMt t 1. supposed that fcho was yiiyeora of kfR :t: mi n un t -tit.. "i'li Ih- .I aalve in tho world for cuts, bmuv i-a, sorts, ulcers, salt h uin, foVOf k-n i t u r, ebttpRod haadn, ebilblaiaa, oenie and all l.:i. Is of akin cruptlona. Tina save is guar - antc.l to give jK-rfcct stiafsciioa in everv caso or RRMey rcfumh d. Prn c ;;.' p-r lox. For sale by 1'oahty and Mm n, WRobRRjll ngts ; p Mooro, :io ; l Foley. LabRR8R ; ur Po 11. LebaROR 1 Bedpetb and Mon ti oi, JsROfeoa ; f M Cwlbreatb, Baaaa lata ; O CeCRenRBj Turner ; K A Uarupy, tlarrisbur 1 Urr and pRiRofy, P.mwnfs ville. m IVrl .1...11 Mir. t One of the l.itcat au.l without ipleation the most pcrfft BBRTRRJ BRRRRRB now btfuro the public is the "Havisi" y,hy they octjally make out of stris of cloth cup, saucers, boskets, etc., iu jierffct ahape. Wc saw mo at tho Alhony BMBjCj ami t.igtithcr with tuMiy I tVtMfl !,(rtliO(lv to linnu. Kev. lioo. II. Thnyer, an old citien of this trinity known to ever v 'inn as amo-t 1 Itifliifiitial ePi n. and rhn-i ui Mm: r of tho M. K. I hun-h, ju,: t tnJ 1 moment ateifed in our ntoro to mv, "I v .,!i evrrv Ixj.Iv to know that I eottatder that bota nqraRif and wife own our Uvea to rthHah'e DnaaillBplifao Cure." It U having a tre mandORR nnln over our BOQJ U IR, and Is aivimr parfaot RatayfB lb a fas. all eaeeaof I un;: 1 1, a .ks. Hu- h ns ir.lhm ' !"' hr.h dOR . DvRMeJehett d Fioibtb iBxirbcm, In.!., May la, !k. hold by I'oshay dt jfaaoni DtVCRbdS, Al bany, UreKon. SEWHSTG MACHII Awarded Firat Ir-tnlnrn. Ort-eoit Mate Inlr, ls7) a twardrd Kirn I tr-ui i 11 1.1. nntl only .11 ai . . plar m Fi; ma (25 a ompi-liiora, ut the Australian Znl-; national - OB, a BdvRRea are viii m ud t lav ablrt-sa for one year KARPRBS NAGAZIlfB aad lb DKMO CRAT. Ami for HARPEfaS' CRAT. in edvaaee v- will M-nl to any addrens fee a fOBf WKKKI.Y ami the DKM0- Ai.tvwH rstbiteri PiBurr PKEXitJa hthes the .:i ;gks IBE IHPAK1 I U The "DAVIS" fSewing Machine CempRRj art- BBBRaAetarfRRj BRal Silling I, OAO Haeiiies per Week'! It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST. It doesfvory variety of work without lautim and has m- : than ail atbRRR CDWIullRld- ::. bcoTt, Asoct, All A GOOD OFFEtt I .iw that the ( 'antata and the high water i ,lf pnetkaU work u,l will say tsttii next. The Jadies hope to make this tha most agreeable ef eociables to attend. Oysters, eto., will be attheoaler of all those who may desire. A postefTice will be im provised so that all may be snie of obtaining valentine. Various other devices for mak ing the evening pass agreeal Jy will be pre sented. A general invitation is extendtd to the public to attend. All who come will be sure of a hearty welcome. Hixb aler UsJs i'ear. The highest point reached by the Willam ette at Albany at the first rise, was en Jan. 4th at 7:30 a. m., at which time it was 32.9 feet above low water mark. The highest point reached at the scoocd yise waa at 2:30 on Hatunlay morning, Feb. 5th, at which time it was 23.7 feet above low water mark. An Enleresttng Shooting Mateb. The much-talked-of shooting match be tween D. B. Monteith and W. U. Baltimore comes off this afternoon at about half-past one. It creates great excitement in sporting circles," and" there will be a large cro wd out to witness the contest. The shooting will take place on the old ball grounds near Rev Steven's residence. sion, $5 ceats ; topper, 3& Supper will be served from ( to 9 o'clock beginning at ii o'clock so that businefg men may iind it con venient to drop in and take supper there in. stead of going home. 1 luring the evening tancy articles, aprons, etci, will bo offered for sale. We will make further announce ments of this affair next week. In the meantime let every liberal hearted citizen scrape together his quarters and get ready to attend this worthy entertainment. Isold Uiit. Titus Bros., for many ycaix our leading jewelers, have sold out their magnificent es tblishmcnt to Air. H. Fverct, and will here after devote their time to stock raising in Eastern Oregon. J. D. Titus has been in that country veral years, and "Jim" will now join him as soon as the old business can be settled up. And, by the way, what this town is going to do without him is an open question. When any one gets "the blues they go around to his establishment and hear one of his stories, which invariably cre ates a reaction. It is not known vet unon . - whom his mantle will fall. We arc all sorry to lose Jim, but he has the best wishes of a host of friends. While speaking of him we will refer you to his adv. !'! 1 Min 4, N. New tin II Itoule. Sometime ago a petition was drawn up and numerously signed by tho citizens of Crooked Itiver, Silver Creek, Leaver Creek and Harney Valleys, asking for a new mail route between riineville and Camp Harney a distance of 150 miles. This was for warded by Jas. Klkins, Esq., to Hon. Mel- vin 0. Ceorge, and that geutleman writes back under date of January 19th, as follows 1 "I receive every assurance of success and am 1 XT . . A. - 9 connuent, 1 can get vne route maue c, per manent one by Congress this winter." Thin mail route is very important and should hy all means bo eatahlished. It would then make one continuous route from Tho Dalles to Prinevillc, Camp Harney, Canyon City and back to Dallea. At present thero are no mail facilities through tho country between PriaaviBe and Camp Harney, and it is Bet tling up fast Hal Masque. have suicided tin" principal topic of confer s.ttiou is tho superior Xv-elleiiue o the Star BaeRRtJf bjRR B)RBt f-.rget to samlit. Alxmt a do.eti al tho"? i.ialo iloves, yc!pt ooinmeroial travelers, have been bottled tip iu Albany for the lost ten days ; but of course they only swear IRQ IB J babRBRRRtvRal Our Ladies Laud went up to Corvalhs lost Friday evening and $BJM4, u B KpiM-opni so. ial, and e.tme back BBXt BMtB ing. '1 hey report having had a splemlid time. Itiiehanan will sell you Hour and mill feed as cheap as can be bought at ..ny of the mills, EjBBVB your orders and sacks as yon 0OBM down town and have them liILd ; all goods delivered free. Johu I'oater, formerly of this city, but now of Harrishurg, wan among our callers yester day. He says Hon. J. I'. Schooling haa so far recovered Jrom ins recent hurt its to he able to walk about. In coming away from Simpson's wharf last Friday afternoon Harry Parker drove his team iuto deep water and camo near upset ting. He had throe or four persons ou board, one of whom was a lady. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis will eelebrato their "crystal wedding" to-morrow eveuuiC, at their residence in this city. Wo wish them much joy and many a happy wedding anniversary yet to come. C. H. Humphrey, ICaq., tho Dkmockat foreman, went up to ( orvullis last week, be came wuter-botiud, and linally in his impa tience to return borrowed a skiff and camo down homo "a-Hukin." Ho was only an hour am) a quarter navigating the distance Jack Alphin, tho housa "histor" and mover, is down from CorvalJis. Ho is trying to get a job out of Fierce of raising tho banks of the river on the Benton county side above high water mark. Uo says if Fierce doesn't give it to him he wil put in his sexows and raise tho river again. that there are things nov. 1 belor.- made on a Sewing Machine. Co aud sue for yoiirsulvon and In- convinced. W. H. Scutt, Agent. Jill kluila ot I.uimImt. We have f..r rale, Uith at UbBRBOR and (irons RbifetMbQM bet of all kinds of hiiu U 1 , sat u as scantling, joiats, bam timb. r., boinigi fencing, and other ruiih lumber. At ladwuion wn havo a auH-rior lot of dry lumber, such as rustic, flooring, etc Owing U the late fire, we .-vre offering t'ns luinlwr at roluct'd r.ttea. Address us at lelsmoiu conn BROTHERS, LBRaROR, Or., July 31, ISKII. 1. filer itRBB. Tbefo.u.v Im' !u thn lis. .( tellers reumtnina in inn 1'ot.i nic , Aiiksuy, 1..1111 oovntjr, Or- Roll, . 10, Isp-i. I'eraona rulllliKtor lliHt etlcra imial tcive the ilut ou wliteli Kiev .: ait vert tsed, llathers, .1 I Lesh, W ('hency, Kmma, Lnngton, Lushus f'arricr, Anbroae Mace, V in Jaggar, Ira Totli, 1 B W hitaker, John. P. EL RAYMOND, P. M. -1)4. ' 9 ' I. O. . T. We acknowledga a complimentary invita tion to a grand inasuerade ball, to be given at the Opera House, in Salem, on tho 22nd inst., by Prof. H. Diamond and Col. Rood. It will no doubt be an elegant and enjoyable affair, as both the Prof, and tho Colonel know just how to do these things. Tho va rious committees aJe of the very best selec- I lion. At a meeting of Albany Lodge, No. 331, I. 0. C. T., held last Saturday evening, the following iithccm wcre-instalLd by ledgo Deputy It. Fox, for the following quarter : 8 A Dockard, W 0 T Emma Nanny, W V T Ellaltader, B H8 Amanda Hideout, L H S R N Morris, Secy Clara Cowan, A S C R Wilkinson, F N Ceo Harris, Trcas H F Mcllwain, M Luly Settlemiery D M Lena NannyjTO Harry UpbAm, 0 C. J A TyUrf; Chaplain James Pottinger, P W C T. The RRVWeaeRrRBJ RRRMROa Our fro nd, Fnd Craf, baa received the agency for the celebrated ii..vte sewing ma rliiue, and ia now ready to supply the public Tbe improved Howe is ac of the l t ma-ihui-ji luauioact anal, and our r a i v ho want any thing iu that lino wdl do VJefl t call at Craf's furniture More ted kwh at th; lady's friend. isomt rr Boa tfRi aita. Taxaa In tho state le lined al no iui dlataatdav to hatsnmo iba BRnplia of the s.iuth. Should VOU Want to b-arn BBOIR about tho great ittnto BRRd $2.s to tbe ISniwn cannty Beaner, pnblhdied al BxORRRHMRJL Texas, for :t vi iir's sut. crip lio:i, or I LOO fornix inonOi 1 . MawRlR ( herrj l ooih PrrIr. An aromatic rivinldnntion for Ihu preser vation of the Teeth and Qnnia. li is far BRpettaV to any prepanition of the kind in Ihn market. Iu (ana, hands. nn-t opal pots-, price M cttnts. l-'or h.iIo lv l'.hnv it Mason, Allntny, Oregon. Uulk 1 i ami ,11,.. All tlse indebted to ine will pb-aae ftrward and nettle up and save costs. I mean business. W. L. Wv! u:. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY W9f ra ST. A Ti: RIGHTS DEMOCR ? WILL HKSKNTTO ANY AWkUtSSS FOR ONLY S; IN ANT K. Tl 0 Ii Rights D Sl.'t A ST LEY COOPER'S VITAL UI STOKATIVE Tho grrett Kinjlisli romody lias intiifo mom euros ot Nervous Delnl- ity, Seminal Woiiknons, IVit Manhood, nocturnal emissloii, lu.ssitiuJo, iiialnlilv for inontMl labor, daHpondonrv nnd nueh diHoa.sM iw urn induced by youthful follies and excesses, than all other inodicinc.'- (onibiiiod. Why will yu NulTor: Send to A. E. Mlntio. If. D.. Mo. 11 Kearncv street, San l-'mnoisoo, lor tho RomorHtivo and Im cured. Price. :j nor bottla. Four timcM tim quantlty,$io. Try a bottla, Dr. .Mmtio treulN all iii iviito tlisuaseu mm-cohk- fnlly, lo Dci'cpllou I'Mod, It In Htmncn that so manv ruvotdo will continue to miller day after day with Dvm- nepsbi, Livor ('oniilaint, Consti nation, Hour Htotnaoh, or Qenoral Debility when tney can procure at our ntoro Shlloh'H VI talixo, froo'of cost if it does not oura or rolievo them. Price, 75 cts. Sold by Fo Hhay A Mason, Druggists, A litany, Or. lo You WiimI rwrnllure t lannals, in this city, now has on hands a larger stock of furniture, than any other establishment this side of Portland, and if you want to purchase any it w ill pay you to give him a call. Ho has something to tell you in regard to his prices. Thousands of soldiers and heirs aro en titled to pensions, with pnymont from date of discharge or death, if applied for bot'aro January 1, 1880. Wound, accidental in jury or disease entitles to a Pension. Dounty and back pay eollectod. Increase of Pension secured. This firm established in ISoll. Address, enclosing stamp, BID SON DUOS., U. S. Claim Attorney, 711 O Street, Washington, D. ( tltKIKl. CROOKS nSHKB. 0a tho 9th innt., at the residence of the bride's parents, near Miller's Station, by Lev. Inaae DUlOn, Mr. JORR T. CnooKs aud Miss IL JoBRyniNB FlSllElt. -AND THE CllH'.Uitt WE&SkLV IWS WILL' HE SENT To ANY ADDRESS For. tt.OO lIH. s a 1 .'I'M A RSH. A t Labaa Feb. 4, 1881, OmRR Sai.tmasii, aged J-J years. Oincr won placed by liiw father under the care of Dr. l'allard, whose reputation as a skillful physician is well known ; but wo re gret to say that all his eflorts were unavail ing. Wo extend to the family our deep sympathy in their bereavement. For Lame Back, Side or Chest use Shl loh's Porous Plaster. Price, 25 ct Sold by Foshay & Mason, Druggists, Albany, Oregon. The RRRrlRRR Following is a correct report of the mar kets in this city up to noon yesterday i WHEAT '" cents per bushel. PLOUa 88 porbbl. HAY baled, $10i?-?ll per ton. loose, ?8. POTATOES-GO eta per hushel. BUTTER 25 to 30 cts par lb. EGOS 25 cents per dor PORK 5 to 5J cts per lh. BACONS -hams, LVmlSa shoulders, (K sides, 14 c. DRIED FRUIT sun dried apples, 10c. " ilams, 14c, Phimmor dried apples, 14c. " " plums, 18c. CHICKENS IB. 50388.00 per doz. SUGAR San Fraueiaco C, 12Ja COFFEE Costa Rica, 18(w 20c, Java, 30c Curcola 22c. Rio, 22. MILL FEED bran, $10O$ll per ton. chop, $$20. shorts, $15. middlings, 820. This is the best opjioitunity ever nlTorded th people of tbe Willamette Valley to get read 1 uk matter at low rates. Snd in names as soon as osi!!e, so its . get the in teresting iiolilical news from the Esust which we may expect iu the Spring. Delinquent raneotioera wishing t avail tnemaerroa ol tboae oilers will bo expected to pay up all arrearages. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- iiachim: shop. BSTAJBIsUbHED is5. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgoiueiy Streets, Albany, Oregon. Having takon charge of tbo above named Works, W6 are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron ami Brass Casliugs of every description. Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe cial attention given to reiwiiring farm ma chinery. rnltrrn .Making done In nil Its forms. l&llyl A. F. CHEERY dt son. WELCOME SALOON. Wm. Voigt, Proprietor. THE BEST WINES, LIQUORS AND cigars always ou hand. BEER 5 CENTS A GLASS. Call and see mo. Saloon in brick build ing, next door to Danuals' furniture storo. 3-tlB WM. TOIGT. a PATENTS. F. A. Lshmami, Solicitor of American and Fore! JO PnWnU, Washington, I). C. All business canneckal Will) Patents, whothsnbelore the Patent OffU-c or t. ic Courts, proouOly attended to. No chaiye nuide na ees n pates t is secured. Send for uircular. 17 H. FUNDT will make you a pair of Boots that will fit you according to your idea of a fit, and will keer them from running over, with his Patent Counter and Shank Brace, and Steel-Edged Heels ; also in good repair, if neces sary, for six months, for Six Dollars- 23 ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTF. ALBANY, OH. The Third Term will open M Mon day, January 31, ISSi. For narticular ronwrnini; the courses of study and the price of tuition, apj-ij to H ur.v. Etus wT x. raiMT, rrta't. Under the Gaslight ! Skofch Klis af-Itbrill- 1 ;i ii VTEW YOTvK BY GASLKU1T. XT es of life iu the Great Motrofx;l ter dark. Tbo most interesting and t ing book ever is&uetl. Rcb, Saio Racv illustrations. Tho only boot describes acurately tbo r srsiednoKs ot 11 great city of New York. Swit poat ; for only50 cents. Stamps taken. Advlrt Mickei, Pubiishin Co., Brown ww Texas. PENSIONS lass of Congress. Stiiii copy of Crrizx Soldi ki Claini Atfy, Uox V Tlx .liquids ot soldirrs rjut