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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1881)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT or .!. ISSUKI) KVERY Fill DAY n- MABT. "V". BOWISr j 1 Ta U Wl ti 00 7 00 I 12 00 Jo 00 I IS 00 to r.n j- m ) , eo I ZS 00 is CO 1 so 00 ' . CO 1 40 00 40 (ki mj (at 1 00 18 Uf S3 to 27 "o if, 00 40 GO 00 W ion eo r M :,., rrnr'KiilMlnc.Mtt.nlii. truer Kruiolitiniii mui ReeMMl .j. TF.UMS OK SCUSCIUITloN: 20 ceno, fwr line. !' r legal a.-I '-. .. -id advei tl 00 ru r witiar.-. for tb Urn in ;nu. ' Sin.' c v, r -xw J iiirto y, i tu.Mlu. . . . Rtaftjftl my$. tlir. iiionttw. . if hilltiKr la oo I Ort 10 ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 1, jkni. VOL. XVI. NO. 28 -i fiO eenta per wpiara frr eadi no iwpient ln- I Inch. I no I :i IS) 8 a 2 00 5 tsi " x 00 1 e 00 I " 4 on 7 m ' Co 1.11 I j Y " 7 h'i 152 Ri X " l( 00 Lib 00 1 " IS 00 I 20 ifci Mnsineri" eo;- - h PROFESSIONAL CAKIXS. C . WoUVI!TtJ. X h. i, ftfftftfcf, HUMPHREY & W0LVERT0N, ATTORNEYS AT LAV, AUuuii, Ore;on. Yf rOTkrU.s in :UI Hit- ('urt in l!i Mat... Pn.lmti' tustt-r mi.I mMmMM nt!ciKii t fnii. I :.:.! f Im K1.1NN. U. V:. , IIAMlSKhl.AlX. FUNX ft CHAHBSRLA1N, a!Toki;ys at law, mVmi in Fos erVBHek UU k. ir.iilMf. K. S. STKAIIAN. I.. ltll.YM. STUA1IAN BILYEU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany. Ifffia, 1)RACTCCK IN ALL 1 UK COURTS OF this State. They Rive uportal alien tn.n Id COHeQtKNW and probate imiicr. lUN-f in t'liNici's new I tt.-k. -s;;f L. H. MONTANYR ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Notary Public. Albany. Oiogon. imro upstairs, over John Itnggje store, 11 street. vHni5if D. R. N. BLACKBURN, ITTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Albany, Oregon. nonce pie. t ttalra I tltr :!.! 1 ctlwa Tern 'oHeetions a mcdeUj CI. J. K. WEATHER F OK D, (NOTARY ITBUC.) iTTORNEY AT J AW, A!tV. onn.o. IX'lt.L PRACTiCK DT AUTOT OOCRTR WTO aWUOai in Oai Mbarl VaMea 114-2 j. v. rownx. w. k. lm.vrr. POWELL cS: BLLYKU, ATTORNEYS AT IAW, AnI S;iiritrs in rfcaBferri AS.KAN'V. ... OKH.OV. ObDefltiocta pr.iuKl y tii:.l n alt H:nt. Loiii. no4r--ti;u'.l .in nataitWo t'rius. 'I'.U-o in K-:t's l?ri. k. ATTulNKY AT Alb;il , t U'-U. 1 .AW Will pia-'-.if 111 t!i ('1 lull S'ate. Sa-!' atif IIIKMl givtMl lj Of I Hill'. Ofttoa Up in -r. KNL. AT L tl-KA.W, Ukl.OV 1 u ar"t)tlie up Miair-. fan thu odd Ft How's 1 niiiple.". vttaM' F Pi. MkLLiCk. ' Pf R N K Y AT 1 1 A W id;Kt3,o lil..n.. Will pnwil:-' u: ail iiir- .-ouri of 1 n si sine, j em-! tTbairl i'roioia atteiilaia tfiv.-n t. coiiictiortl ii'jiiiwi anil 1 iBwtmttoii nl l iil.-a. Pr taaatBCH a npctality. l'u- 11. 1. ft tattKY, 1: i: o REftieV. S;e :d atU:.iU..u u'O'cu V .lltsnioio. . -l;.t. J. A. VA.TIS ATTORNEY AND CGUNSELOR AT LAW is, ontF.crjft. A'UI Martin n all Itic ouM of - re..'." yfti - hi theCoert Hona1 ti yaaOOrL j. U. H1I.I-. in Mi Ac DOOl), jstysittiaiir una surons. Albany. Oregon. ti f. t-oshay .V taoa' frog !-r . lr. Hflfa rexidnre. cor. Fifth and Vini:. Ir. TKkIiI'.s reabJeaee, earner rath and Washington, in front .f U. 1 Cborcb. vKin'.'Jtt DE. G rWILLIS PRICE, DENTIST. Fellows' Temple, 0ia Albany, Oregon, fifne hours from 8 to '2, and from 1 to 4. 10:10lf HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Otnee in Frotnn's TirieV: Eaet of Conner's Bank. two doors 11 10 if. T. I- GOLDEN, rwrrr rrirri 4 1T A ITDlC'rn S 4I lLtl, OREGOS. DR. UOLDEN HAS HAD KXPF.KIKNCE IN treating tho various diseases to wliich the ve ana ear are subjeet, and feels confident of giving entire 'aatiifactinn Ui those who may phuse theihselve's under his care. noStf. T. W. HA11BIS, M. D. I diieo iposter's Brick, nezt door to ofllce of "Powell df Bilyeu. Kesidenen in the two ntory frame building on Smtii aide of Second street, ono block and a half East ol' Wheeler dt Dickey's i.ivery btable. Albany, Oregnn. volirnl9tt pit. B. O, liyiE, Physician and Surgeon, Office at Foshay & Mason's. Fesidcnce on Broadalb'n St., Albany, Or. v!6n22tf NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. I,a mar, who ha never failed to please her customers. New Fall Chcular jut issued. Send lor it. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 15:7tf 877 Broadway, Ntw x'ork. Mjb LAND ! PENSIONiFATENTS ! , SOLOIERS N0 SAILORS Additional Homesteads, (Uudor Sec uauc It s.) r If 7"n wore In V. A. MffftM at leant 90 OMR nnl t. June -. 1VTI. tthk M m-ii- us 11 Imtm stead vim would Ih entitled to I 'JO more; If you Iwk tut o. ni .A, ns wore; if ljo, . ,u n s more; if i:i, 10 niTi". 1 v.i. 1 , iv more, wliioli U tin-claim to amount you hnvo lint received ami U known ai tho ".l-lltfiud liomestvtt.l, " mid If MttU-d ciui mll. mUt j,y f V Il inker' mmrnt frwr afl . Knu-tUuis wuuuM aKi. Will ;ivo $25 CASH AS A COMMISSION IVr HO or uruportioiint- for iillirr ! to any utiu v.! w'.W jmt moon tho way of nnrt I nuHNvtlin m .:i . a pun-haw. Think a little. 1 you MM know ofaoini' ono. ami luutt- jctul tauip lor circular explaining. . $ PENSIONS arc pi von to aM tH.-rona or tho lu'tm Of thoao ltihinsl no tnAlixr ,.. llitlit. .n tho I'.s. Bcnrice, and umlcr the m-wlavr can ohtaiii a IViKion ilatinir iu k to iho dato ot duabUltjr or doattk of tho orlitimil i lalmajit pn ilMl application Umlo prior to July 1, lvt m that au pennoi ooght to aako ImnankiU mill cation. All thoM who will uiako appllcatioa thromih mo Ivforw Mur.-h 1. Insi. will atu-ml Uitho bulntvi for a foe ol SHi. tho naina to not be jml l until tho i-lalm U Rranted, and Uo pav un!t u--ooarul. Si wrn in U mm kIvo a full. . : ir statcmont ot ' your KroumUiipoii which to ob tain n pention. mill you will lx- iirouipUy answer ed. Knclvcc sumps. To all pi-rsons It-.ioreste-l hi l'.iteti! - I o:'cr my - r-vu-ca to obtain Patenta !r thcmuion theitroiuid-1 that Ontoa patcat in ltaiiu-d uiake no chan;w. " rileuU tmvtirv '.:-. al srnti MUiJor an e-a . tft. Have tlrstH-laiw Va.shint;ton. 1. f. connect Uoua w Uo maio Uio ciammaliou iu in taou ftv.y UNOS N0 OTHER PROPERTY BOUGHT AND SOCtj auil -scha:iged In all parts of tho I'nlted :-utcw and OMaav Send two a-oool surapa for th Larst UM tu th 1 tiltt NtaUw. All kln.l.i of s rip for location of Stat, or Goy rnuiieut ljind Niught and ooM. old War land amuiia wante.l. Send circular. or Hsj Rir Pamphlet tolling h..w nil k.n.Ucan bolia-at. d and under yr hat arm they orurinatod. dcud lor reacrvaoca, Addro". V 0. H. TALBOT,. AbEnTS WAHTEO. v fetouatlty. Io Warner's Safe Kidney Liver UEE A PamlAlvc RchmmiJ Car A IX Siid. n-y. UftrwM I'riuary TrotihloM of both Wilt' i'eiuAle, Ariint; PirOtly paa tl:e Organs AllVW 4l. For tUv SfMIl i: i- In- valaable. kt:ai tjii: kecokd: uh aavod my 11. " v.. K Lakly,febaft, Ala. "1 ad i"4 H;l to try r " Joiui iTmadmi. T 4iavi pwurth, Kan "lti-th- r.uit?y ! Uai m curtnonuini li-H.s eciiii;ir to wHii" Motli -ir has pal -; -j ... W. . irilM. lW, ' 'III "l I .i.r-".. I " i . - .! taieut of tiii i--o:ur.'? Sow York World. N TtoitiMi v it. t -r - "o- ovoro ! eon 1 ! bold for ono ntoiiiHiii in cotrtpariwoo wi n it " C. A Barwy, l D.r Washing ton. D. C "It i- tho UtM and only oi'ii-ii nt romody for Kidney and IJwrtroebloaai t brooitht Iw-foro tJiu l o 1 .J0S111 K. Mi-- tloaooy, Wanhi ogton , i t "l am repnc-ii .0 -'V 1 aui now a m n aioi a'n ntti V tot iiid t u-tiiy n- I BardinfS the prionoua romtllaora reoicdy j wtiicli baa made me happy." liitfv r K Har' ii. Ark I TbiuCrfal Kotnil Remedy i for Ibio by I):i?.L-i-!.-. In PbHa of the Wrid i TRY IT AND TAKK NO OTHER, Iri. H. WARSEH & CO. Raebicater, Ji. V. rilKRRY. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY ft PARKES, CSncraaoora to C". C. Cberrr.) j fachiaists, IMwilglits, ani iron Founders. F. ha v E I W R N BW SHOPS AIjL ompleted, and are now prepared to baadbs a ) biada ' beavy worlc. e will'ifactmo JStpam Engtoea, OrfaO and riw Mill Macliinery, and all kinds of Iron and Hra.H.s Castings. I'ATTKIINa 4F OX JIOKi OTU K. Special attention given to repairing all kinda of machinery. Will al.-o mantifae lure tho improved Cherry A White Grain Separator. -ii . on Rahcr ft. OB1li at lunilx r latOU Albany, Or., Dec. 1, 1880. 18tf ALB AN Y MARBLE WORKS ALBANY, (MREGOBT. STA16ER BROS. - I'roprictors. mnmmis, tablets, AND . Executed in Italian ur Vermont Marble. AIho, every variety of cemetery and other stone work done with neatness arid dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. STAll work warranted. n5t TO LOA2T Persons wishing to effect loans upon apr proved security can he ar-commodateil by applvimrto C. H. HEWITT, O'l'oole's Brink Block, Broadalbin St., Albany, Oregon. 20tf Auction and Commission. GEO. HUJSFIIUEY, JL UCTION E E X. Froman'a Block. U.RAVV. - - - OKEOX. SELECTED STORY. W THE GLOAMING. Vou nrn the boat j 11 Jgn of our own lu-ait, luit I tlo not tliiuk yvuv futum protnUrH nun h liuppintwR an tho wifo of Gadfrey Houtt, Rcwtabw who ami wlnit I10 in." XlMM Wafa tho woiiIm nvof which Alien Hopv potuh-rt'd k. walked liowly liurOMh Um BOVf M Hollowa Kalis. It V b6f fiivoritr? walk whfn aho adjtaaJ tor Wklitnda, though it Inv at KHMtl iliat.ouf from loir home, tin: a(.ul! bOttM iIikI iMTOVaad nn inoluio Ktroteli id' jtuii'ml o rrliMllling tho vil lift. liotnoabcr who nml wbal ho n ! II rt, Hope bad thoao wonU ov lowly, aiel with tltw tnniiniint only it few hours Im!iio, when Alien hail roa.l to her a ktter in which tioilfirv BopO bad HmUoiI her to ho hia wife. Who vt;i. I.e. then 1 1 n waa thr h oiul couain of Alieo, u niun nhont tweu t y Mtan, who bad boon brosfhl np by hi. :;i an la 111 tho bOttM at BotloWl Keigbt, and had repjioaad bii iabotit anee of hotiao and fm nitliit aHMtrnd. Alice and her witlowd mother had never ontofod tho atntoly boaaa while old Mi EfapO lived, hut hari MUppoilfd theniswlvea hy keeping a achool for roonc childreu aftrr AJtor'i father had die 1. It hftd i.over eroaaed their wild--t iBOntnoiion that tho old gentleman at BoUoWO Kalla would reinenla?f thniu by even a trifling legacy, and thoy were inclined to think that thoy wero tho vietitns of praotiooJ joko when they roooivod the lnwyari h-tter Infbraiing LhOBo ihut Alice waa the aole heireaa of kbO OtttirOOOtntO of John Ilojie, of i!ei iowi Polls. It was liko 0 dfCaal, lo 00000 to tho I londid hou:e, to know thut there was to be 110 more weary feruggloi for daily brood, to wandflt through tho tnagtiiti nt rtainis and extennive grounda with the dolOMOttaly r.ovol swnKation of own erahip. And it miint be confer-sed that Ah-i- at tr.-.t though little cf the dia Htsesed heir. lut ho intrixluced btmaolf .sown aa o couin, and vfantod the house as a welcome guest. In anawer to the aeeond ciaus. of .Mrs. Huj.e's QUOOtiOB, "what wan he f" Alice could bovo aoowofod tratbfnlly that be w .a tho Otonl f lacinnting man sIih bad vei iOOB. And AHOO JIo;e, tbongb a ' rood-winner in the bony world, had moved in ipod ooetetr, ko iog trtatarirattc family reialtona ladli on in r ta' in ) Itll'tH COt 11 ' tat t man and moil y Qietitun A aoae in: ii 'a Mae. , to lif W.liJ bs' M b'lt hw had l.ov. 1 0 iiR M) IM ol. 1 . .i mi ani:ine', wl:" ! ii.d in aH Wero tho e of ij Godfrey nojai. And v t there waa a letter in her wrilingaOolr, written by the man vi,.w heireaa um wn, warn ing her that "boOOQM 'w is unworthy, beeonaO he haa laitraed the troat 1 I rim ed in htttt, I bare disinherited (iod- fre) Hope." There waa no ipeoial oherge, no di reel a cuaaUon. i.m the yaann heiir-a waa warned agattiat Uer .-.main. u-i, , ttu. MV on oonvwaatiao thr- iw. . . , .. , 0 , . bad beftl Utber, liufri-y Hom h oi Jid. H ot. ! tO r cu li.i.i ii haii ovaatu tui hia grrnlf ether had bran ii Ho .... i bi btio frier da to beinsve atate 0amO b hit- due red it ..Mt.iiv uiaiiir. il.- bad olfjOOOt convinced her lioit he wao an tnooent riottm o anlurtttnoto cii cinaot innn a viotiaa to the ntwml(on a a senoo 01 nonvr. Hhe -. yonnr, nutuinily ' '"I, and her heart waa free ; so it in not wonderful that Alice Hopo was in citoed to reatoru the daslaherited man to his Mtato by ooooptinc the offer of his beoj ( oid babjd, Abaorbed in her rHtoationo, Alice did not notice thai ilouda w.-re gathering until i huddr.11 Hunine 1 hbower broke with violence abovo tho tfOO topa. The rain oonto through tho bcononoo oaa donly dronqhfng tbranjA i . tjiin black dreafi and ahe ran to tin; bearoat boaoe for shelter. This proved to le the cot tage where .Mm. Ifooon. who did the waohing bu- tho great house, lived with her dough bar M&oV, um: of the village beautbati Tboio OHM a great bua'dlng about when Alice preocntcd boroelf at the door. "Mercy rfakes, your half drowned !" tin.- womao exclaimed, bttrnrin0 bar un expected visitor U t i kiti.hen (ire. "Von'r;: wet f tie akin, deurje. Now ain't it a bloOOlng there 'a a whole wash ine iu tho baaket to lo Iiomw I Voti Can ilr into'a room atnl ehonffO your clothes. Dear, denr ! Your hat ia loot ruined crape won't beaf M'et ting and you're no fihawl. You utuat put 0:1 a dreg of I.i.zie'a to go home in. It's nearly dark, anyway." 'Yheie is Li.iu f Sowing at Mrs. QorbanVa, dearie. S'le'il be combe Iioni" soon. I alters make that a pert of the bargain, that ahe'a to be home before dark, and it eets dark before td Tall days ore abetter than suminor onea. H Mie'l! be here soon. It's dealing up." It waa clearing up, and it was also growing dark, so, promising to aend home the borrowed dreas in tho morn ing, Alice started for homo. She smiled at herself as she stood be fore the cottage mirror, for she had not worn a gay color since her fyther'tt doath, (We yeurs before, Lizzie's blue dress, scarlet shawl, and gay Sunday hat were oddly out of plane upon the slender ligure and tho jiale refined face of Alice Hope, "Dear wie," said the old woman, "I hope you will chirp up a bit, Miss Alice, and take ofl' your black. The old gentleman has been dead a year, now. Them roses do suit you beauti ful." Alice glanced at tho staring red flow ers reflected in the mirror, and smiled as she said "I will take good care of Lizzie's hat, Mrs. Mason. Good-bv, and thank you." It was nearly dark, and there waa a quarter of a mile to walk before home was reached, so Alice hurried through the grove, where the trees had already shut out the lingering daylight. She had tie! a veil of gray tisane ovei h gaudy hut aa she left tho cottage, and alie hoped thnt if she met any acquaint ances alio would escape 1 ecognit ion. When alio waa half way through the grove, she heard quick footidepn coining from the village, and a moment later a foioi Olidj "you are punctual," and she waa OOOghft fbff a 0100100 1 in (todlrey Hope' anna She knew his voice, and' truggimi to relaoot boroelf before reel' iztug that he had iniitakeu her for the nillagfl beauty, "Pooh 1 ho said, rehaiug lni. "Ion't put on aim, .iz. Wore yod goiut; to the houhe 1" "Yaa," hhe Knid, 1'ninlly, indignant and jet curious, ln-r woman's w it ki e ing hia ei l or. "I must BO, to, before long, though I had lather slay here wbh von, RWOOi beari." "Your awftotbcarl is at the houoc," Alloc Maid, trying to assume the joalooa tone of an uneducated girl. "Wlmt! that chalky faciil girl in blank 1 Not a bit of it. Didn't I lore you lonjj before she 00 mo to take ahot is mine I" And a 0OC00 Ibllowod, coupled Orith her nemo, that tb rilled A ' with boi io. . H it they ay you will marry ber,N alio pOfiated, Calming her voice us well Ot hIin com Id. ''They ftOy riaht I I a ill many beff and bve my own. Tin k, when oho dead, Von ahull hn.. your old bOOU u !-..., and 000M U the Louse us my wife. It will only be wait ine a yoaf or two." "lint ahe may not die '" gaoped the biioof i trick on gii I. She will die ! I'll have no line Udy taking what is mine mine, J tell yon I Bttt what aila you t You me shaking na it you had an ague lit I've talked it all over often enough before, and you never went off into inch shake ! It ia nothing new I ua tell mg you." "Hut you would not minder her r the jMHir giii cried, diawiug the veil closer. "Come, now, none of tkat," waa the rough answer ; "veu're not going back on me now, after all you've hoard of my plana. Yeu'vo aworn to k-p my ocroto, or I'd never bare told tbom. Hut what ia the matter r e nan A iiee loawd herself will, no ganthj bond, to her great in diguatkm. Bat hoc lear orotmootofftd bet anger, Crodfnry wm boil at lavy to bet lie wly . .iiiiied to: tubal, alid II hn lowpecteil bar identy 10 I bum dark eeo4e, slo did not doubt, after wUt bo had aijoady otd, that bo would la . bee hie, ..t . . . 1 M - I r,i not ei., num natu, iioei In i"lf fi.MM !. iu.!i e'-i j' '.1 her arm, '.iltu I meat bony oti. Wait ', n tue here until 1 do lev eirand at the MOO and come ---e. MBo Oaiok, tbeti," an tho yiutl n anooae. I And if ; l:e re .uiein ! w i.. liable, he UlU'lit well b- rt.iidi. d with the tajldl ty with which bio c Nmpeoton loft bim. 8be ftoarcoli kn-w biw ane rtecbed bor hoiie, tore off her burrowed lIoery( and wrote W Godfrey Uojh deelmiug 1 1 mmof bo bad iQMpoaod her, but tiv- no othei toaouo for bar rotnoal than il. aieti meat that ahe di I 001 love bit . m dKoaavtly to boeonto L. wu., ' aIio said, column into the drawing room, l have WlittOM to tlud fray, declining bis otler, and oont the ltt r to hint by James. 1 bavo IO meiubercd who and what he ia." Mr. (iolfreV Hope's aniuemetit ... 1 Hided when, returning to his loom iu the village hotel to ureas for Ida prouiUed call on Alice, ha found h t note awaiting Liar. Hut be did not re flQIinoO his hope oi aliaking her resolu tiou until the nxt day, when ho met the kmc Lizzie Mason in the grore.and, in the course of their lover like eouver Ration, that damsel told him who had worn her hat and sha'., 1 011 tin. piovi oua evening An7 she sent me a live dollar bill with the dreas, bpQQOaa she got it wet," uadd the girl. "An' that 1 call real handsome of her, Why, what ails youi You're whjtc ns chalk." "Nothing nothing. You weie not in the grove at all, then, yesterday '(" "No, I couldn't get off till long after dark, so 1 stayed all night. I knew you'd be mad waiting fot uv. but 1 couldn't holjj it. Why !" Tor her lover had OtOfted for the villago with out even the ceremony of ft good by. 11c lost no time on his way until ke stood in the oflico of Jorftsyn a der inyn Uii grandft;thor' lawyers. White as death, with a voiao hoarse and thick, ho said to the old partuey - "Von told mo my grandfather left rno ten thousand dollars upon certain condition " "Quito correct. The conditions are that you leave Bellows Falls and never return to it, and that yau sign a deed relinquishing all claims as heir-at-law, in oase Miss Hope dies before she is of ago. Mr. Hope did not draw up this minor until his will was signed and Reeled ; ho was reminded tbat he had made no stipulation for the revenue m of tiro estate." "Reminded by you !" was the bitter raiponoo, " 1 tetninded by me. lje wh shown the danger that you, might become a suitor for the heiress." "WH that danger is over. I have been a sinoore suitor for tho beirooo, and she has refused the honor of an al liance." "Hum !" "So, having lost that, stake, 1 am prepared to accept the conditions, take the ten thousand dollars, and turn uiy back on liellows Falls for life." It was with a sense of great relief from a very uigent fear, that Alice Mope heard from her lawyer of the de mand upon her estate that made her poorer by ten thousand dollars, and re moved (ladfrey hope from her path for jife. She told no one of her walk through the gloaming that had revealed to her the treachery of the man who had wooed her so gently and so nearly won the treasure of her young heart. It made her shy of suitors for a long tiino, fearing her money was the mag 1,1,1 that drew them to her side ; but there eauio a true lover at last one "he tniHled and loved and won her f09 his tender, faithful wife. And Godfrey Hope left, bin old home, nevr to return. There was no thought ol revenge in Alice's heait when she heaid of Imr couain'x death, nearly three rears after hia departure from Bol Iowh Polio, Hut ahe could not restrain the thought of thanksgiving when she realized that there was 110 mUPdorom thoughts hanging over her poaaibln truth. And in bat relief she told her husband for the first time of tbat invol untary masquerade which saved her tarn 1 he iowei of 0 1 illain. l wan at fchll hour, Will," she whispered ; "and this bj the lrt$ titm-, liner that day, that I ha TO been able to ail, without 11 ihttdder, in the gloom ing. 1 i.hkv HUM H t U n Wo pttUlell below IhO fee billaopl "l by the lust Legislature for work done by the Clerk and Sheriff, l'ar lloo having booJneoi they wi b theee OnVeTi to attend to will bear in mind that they um now on salary ami an rooponolbio 10 the entinly for nil work done, hence the noney mnel be paid when the services ere performed. Proem e the f Mowing, as U may Ik or oeo fur future reference i Section M. The following fees aholl be paid lo the oeoernl oeontlei men Honed in this Act for the following services performed by Hie Clerks thereof I'or Issuing any writ, order or pn COOP, except it subpoena, forty eelils. For Instiing a MibMi ua for one jmt MM. twenty cents, and two cents for each additional perm named therein. Fur filing each paper or ple.iding, except In ea-c of claims tiled in the County Court, ngaiiM the county, five eetjts. I 'or filing ebiiuis against Hie ( utili ty, three eeato. Pet entering any judgment, order or decree of any court, twenty cento. For each folio after the llrst ill any judgment, order r decree, ten rente, for OOCh folio of any journal entry Other than a Judgment, r b r or de efee, len cents. For Inking an Rnatavlr, Including the odoelnhjiratton ut lite imlh, lee rente. gSac sw.-.iie,g n wliio , iva ootiu, l or takirit ai d appro ii.e- no tin- d itcrtakiown.r .... ... ..- . a-- i . o-v 1 Uvo canto, t I .-r lli lkil ' :hii n: ' pi '-111. Ill i . . . - j tn hi, 1 weui y gwhw. For making eopie- ol j lUrooi o-trie-. for judgment Ml, toll Cento f -r each folio. For docketing judgment or decruo in judgment, lockot.tWOnry fiVO rent Fur making copies of any record or file, for oat h folio, ten cento. For official cortifloote, onder m il of any court, twnntyHivn cents. For ofVt- bd certificate wlthoot e .1, twenty Ave eenta. For leaning eono. misanio n nthe tootinmny , fifty cento. por taking degwrnttteno, fur ooeh folio, ten eenta. For laxiugriMsnud diitur emeuts, ten eenti, Fur docketing oanoo in nny notion or proceeding, other than the docket ing of it claim against a county in a county court, twenty. five rents. Fur swearing jury on the trial ol any action, atiUur proceed lug, twenty five cents, l or receiving, reading, tiling and recording verdict in any suit, action or pna-eedi'ig, forty cents. For Issuing letters lcstntnon(a;y of ion or of guardianship, for ty eettta, 1 or recording any judgment, order, MU or eppolntntent of any executor, administrator or guardian, for each folio, ten ccnts Fur recording the appointaoonl f any udnieasurer of dower, twenty-fvc rents. For making and keeping a regieteT in relation loan estate, lifty rents, lor making and kcrping u record of accounting and dtetrthntion in ro bttlon tu an eotnte, uue dollar. For filing aed making a certified copy of a declaration to heroine u rit of tho United State, lifty cents. For entering ludgment Of admision of a,n alien to eiti.enship,and making a certified copy thereof, one iloiiur. For making an appointment in pursuance of an order of the County Court, twenty cento. For issuing any license required by law, other than a marriao ly.vnee, lifty cents. For rccfiving, receipting for, keep ing anil disbursing money, on the llrst live hundred dollars, ono fourth per centum ; on the OOCOOd five hun dred dollar -, one eight per centum ; on all sums over, 010 thousand dollars. une-sixteenth per centum. Fot taking and certifying an ac knowledgment to a deedt OC other in strument of writing, fifty cent. Per recording any deed, declara tion, contract or other private writing required by law to be recorded, for each folio, ten cents, l or making and issuing a marriage license, registering the same, tiling, rocordingand indexing marriage cer tificate, two dollars. F'or filing and making entry, when required by law, of any article of in corporation, bill of sale er chattel inortg-ge, twonty five cents. For entering and attesting satisfac tion of mortgage or judgment, ten cents. For each poll book required by law, one dollar. For taking each justification to a bond or undertaking, fifteen cents. For making, In tho several indexes tho entries required of the filing and recording of any instrument, paper or notice, for each entry, five cents. For receiving and filing every man date from tho Supreme Court and accompanying papers,ten cents. For entering Issuance of attachment in register, II ft fen renin. For furnishing fee bill to any per son, twenty-fivn ct nln. For entering issuance of execution, iu oxeention tSocfcei, Atteen rents. For entering returns of Keeotlon, and how disposed or, in ex.cution docket, fot each folio, ten ileitis. For recording any private writing leaf then one folio, twenty cento- Heel Ion U. Tho fallowing faOR slmll la jiahl to the n unties riient ioned in aoellon I of this Ai, for Hie fa00 Ing services pertdrmed by the Bhef ills thereof : For serving nny writ for Iho 0B force me nt of a .judgiiM-nl m decree llfly renta. POf serving any Minttimfta, RtttMjMD no BOtlce or order, un i' Ii pefOOa served, fifteen oento. l or executing any nrnvhbynel rem edy, thirty five COntO. Foe netting any bench warrantor werrani of orreot, seventy five cento. For taking en Inqoeot by I jury for the trial of the right of property, two dollars. POT taking ar.d ipOTOVli g Rl ur.der takiug OT la, ml, twenty lie cents. For making ami delivering a oopy of any proce , order or not ice, noc eteiry to eomidete the Rorvtce there of, for each folio, ten cent For all money etuejty made on any prOCCOOend leluruisl to t eC.-rk, one per centum on the firot IboOOOnd dollar, tnd one-half of one per ceo turn on ail room over -;ie tboooand dollars. For making r conveyance of real proHrty, K.,Jd on nny pi -i-., to be paid by the grantee, tenj dollar, For making a rertilb-afe of sale of reni property, twenty-five eon to. FW makmg a r rtlffcate 'f sale of perwutai property, whon reqnlred or denended, to be paid by the por Cfaneer, twenty five cents. BocUon 10. The faei provided for In this Act, Rball ia paid to the Sher liror Clerk, as the etoe may la, at the time the services are performed, and tiny shall each keep an I limited account reTnll the nioneyi pnld theen, nd rnrnioh copy of the nunc t the County Oonii, under oath that the Hflinc Ia corn et and true, at the end of each mouth ; at which time they shall each pay over to the Treasurer of the county nil moneys received by them rcopcctlrely, daring the month bttt preCeodlng, biking his receipt therefor. IIIV I i.-hm an OIJ Ittio. --av'rw-" . I lie Weight un deli 11 1 . pmi i,-i ii.n uiiii o 07. I he average Weight d leaboel li Hi-. Kttfoher c f honor, 24 The akel-iun nHQOftllfi i Irs th III the h'dghl .' man. ikeleton i on the Inch !i itiL' rhe average weight brain of a man I,:;- lbs.; that of a weeU 2 1 5 Tho brain of man oxeeedo twice I hat of nny other animal. torn averege height of un English man is , ft .i in ; of a Pronthoj on, " ft I in; aud of a Belgian, ;. (I0 In. rhe averagi erelgfatof an Paglloh man is 160 Hh ot H rVenchman, 1 B lbs ; and of u Halgiin. 1 10 Iho, The averig ' niimtar of tooth is A limn breathes about Jd times in a minute, or I.-J00 time in ftp hour. A man breathes about tj pints of air In a minnte, or upwards of 7 hogshead iu a rlay A man glveseff 1.08 percent rarlam le gae of the air be reepirea leeniree lOgfitpj cubic fectof carbonic eckl gas iu -1 hours ; consumes 10,986 cubic feet of oxygen in i't hours, equal tn ISA cubic Inch el of reaampn air. A man annually contribute to veg etation i&4 Um oi caxhook The average puLso in Infancy is U0 a minute ; in UMUlhood, so at years, (10. Tho pulse in females is mure frequent than that in males. The weight of the circulating blood is about -8 lbs. Tho heart Leafs t.'i times in a min ute : .sends neiirlv 10 lbs nf I.!,,, rl . I -- . mmmw - througn the veins and nrteries each heat ; makes four ta'ats while we breathe one. Ti lO lira. , or 1 hogshead 1 1 pints of Mood, pass through the the heart in one hour. 12,000, iba, or :M hogsheads I gd- lonii. or 10.7821 nlnftfl na-s through - mm ft mm the heart in 24 bout-. 1.000 o.. of blood pass through the kidneys iu one hour. 175,000,000 hules or cells aro in the Iqnjpr, which would cover a ur- fuee thirty times greater than the human body. Says the master of the houso to his servant as he prepares to lock himself up in his study and work. l am not in if Buy ono calls, mind a quar ter of an hour biter he rings the lell. No answer. lie rings again. Still no answer. lie pens the door fari ously and cries to the servant ia the ante-chamber : "Didn't you hear me ring, you idiot V" ''Yes, sir ; but you had told me you weren't In, and I could't think of taking a boll's word before yours, sir. Which Is the more delicate sense, feeling or sight ? ' asked a Professor in Columbia College. "Feeling," responded tho students. "Give a proof of it, with an example," said tho professor. "Well, nay chum can feel his mustache, but noboay can see it," responded tho student lCx tract from a new novel, probably "Hunted Down." Philadelphia Bul letin. More likely from an old novel, "The Missing Heir." Cincinnati Commercial. SuBscitiui: Foa the uiMociat. I'it I ' . I I H. Il I A we-il, Klruu aa. v.xtk ajtitvme wrrcaaa. He tried in drink to drown biR o. And there round no MjUi I, Hut dally glOW BUM 000 bajolM : You never aauax tri-l. At iat hi neorjr wan found n Min aorrOWft now srn o'er; Xo nokfi maid now frtmlrtaR him; Porh reaelier, he'a uo more. Unknown Par.. Wim teaOOf Uaoe addressed to her She Retimed, the Ian-; deceiver, And aaid to sin h a noft Mooh hiod .'Siie ne' r wouhl l cleaver. When she, fnl R maiden, nloie b boaft, XlM DO r mar. lost Ids prlafllc. Ho mott htn horn-, ihonl i mat la paeon After Hw i, eraal hmk. A lot of raH Lot's wife. A dosV' dUhVcal pi . An upstart A MlUlllUmi "lo fiafa Ring r asks an c.rchuu-e. ( ertainly, and many of them h ive boon known to reeeh the high sea. VkUnddpkia Ommdmp Trmmsripi Jt tikes the pickerel bj Rag sharp, on the flounder to Ihj flat. An ex-prise fighter is mwtinootoi In oaetern tow,,. Uk old fighting nature is still la bim, aud hardly a lay pasea thut he dix-an't ji-!c tut iu- aeeanee little itaunnAofanae r,i bum. in? stamps on the lettem, the maliei-i'is wretch. The rera,rt that the Afghan,. :.:, warnteil bj a crewel yrn. "Chimney Sweep" h jj, , nr..- ,-f a trotting horse. A h1j,j iUftX nf his last race ho fairly flue Bom v luwl. Which didn't soot the oeekero Of the nag thet bud a brush with him. .V. )'. .r t. flort of put a damper on their tpirits, ,.h f "Littlo Wheat" is one of the chiefs Of tbc Cpper Utos. It iH time be was pointed. Amirmif Quern. -Little Hye" is their chief r.der. Isn't it about time for somebody lo be &An "through the liye" in that -r .-tion. 'Twas near the chiaeof a sultry day in July, when a solitary botaomftB might have been seen well, let's see; nny hornoanan might have ban BUM by paying for If. What Wax we wre about to say anyway? An fix wai captured In the river at Hooy0 Point, twenty-eight ntiatl above Wttmlngton, N. C, by a negro man oo a Bel and towed to the cily. awimming itebynl the Israt i-V-. ry f -,f , .n yy. Good steering that. f;tlfffir!uuii A new w.iy of watering stock, we should SiiV. "In the bright complexion of mv youth IU baVft aoenefa word ns pale" . and with tho iroinplexiun of an an I alio reached for the mngTOhpT Are we extravagant," a,'.; the -stun ( ommtr.iul lUUrU.t. If VuU pay five cnte for a dear wl can beg uue, you mSI ! ffonohf. hen you rri4ioxc: teerC aro baadreOa Of aatertainin? nrriten who would la- gisal bistort in- W they did not know oo many things .... . that have i . never happened. , it i ratf u nr. How lime changes I the good eld t. -lament days it va, considered a miracle for an ass to sjvak,and now nothiug short of n mirai le will keep one quiet. Julius Vinegar is in jail at Trenton lor insulting and abusing ladies. Vin egar evidently did not have noueh reepeet for his "mother." The "jug" io the beet place for Vinegar anyhow. A hotel is to bo built at Qaobcc o. r the ploeo where Montgomery Charged -and the chargos In the fu iure there will probably lea long w.iy ahead of Montgomery's. g9oofoa ' Nav vitrei! iulltlin. The husband's of the deaf mutes have one advantage over other hus bands j the wives of the former have to get out of bed at aight and strike 0 Otlght helere they can curtain lec ture. A man met his friend the other day in charge of a policeman on bis way to the city calaboose. Where are you going," asked he. "I am showing this man the way to the City Hall," said Jones. McGroyvr Sews. The man who seeks to win a repu tation for prodigal generosity by pub- in iy astonishing son.e poor beggar with the presentation of a dollar.rare- ly surprises his wash woman iu that way. SoO) "Father, toe lecturer at the hall to-night said that lunar rays were only concentrated luminosity of the earth's satellite ; what do you think about it ?" intelligent parent "All moonshine, my son, all moon shine!" "Any letter for me ?" asked a young lady of the female postmaster, in a country town. 4o," was the reply. "Strange," said the young lady aloud to herself, as she turned awav. ''Nothing strange about it," cried thef. p., through the delivery window, "yoa ain't answered the last letter he writ ye." Cincinnati 8ofonv day NighL Gilhooly listened to a sermon on charity last Sunday, and he was so moved when he came out that he said: "I never was so stirred up about charity in ray life. I'll be blamed if 1 don't" "Give $5 to the ror?" "Not exactly, I mean I feel like I want to go out begging, such au ef fect did that sermon have on me." Galveston yeurs. One by one the rights of American white citizens are being gobbled ap by the led men of the forest. Not many generations ago where you now stand, the Indian hunted the Buffalo, but now, within a week ()uray,tho great chief,diedof Bright's disease of the kidney's. How rapid ly the aborigines are adopting the customs of civiligation. Perk's Mil , wak;e wi. Tot; .'nor.r irr.tTBa. I'l-.IM Ui f 7.11 n .1 tmit, . . ' I l.'.-i'b .a- . .aul w Raw . itatA li i:. iSxsrru.! . Though gad j" at ,-?T wmf vt-ti "1'ha jl-i r iri-. witb II. dark and ft Jut fr Oat -ja naajra i aeOjettai ta A i hwU-i,J iiKin tfuty .Oi b M 1 ji . -, u- ... ,.... ..... raa RHtftv immure, ior n t ar f4 OTImm pvitoii liv kitif in lh: hrriss cm Turns Into bitter grail what wm go gaag Wli.- ' 1 , . . A woman's bt is j, the love ' ';' ;-. Tho bappieat aomen, UV,: tho imp- pfeot nii"i-, have no hltaery. reu Hny of women what loaael them ; women rio whh men what pleas; them. Aoigttofold age in H woman i when br r be.:.-i beeomeR capabie of a little Irlendahi;! for another woman. There is oo point on which nyomnn is more eoolly piqued t; on this f Hr ii fiif!i'.-;eu-y to judge the men who make love to them. In this way poor women, whose power .: !. in thoir ,'af!ueneT-, make themselves like ottoole out of tuae and only nr.. n n to run away. Half the bo.-rowo of women weuid to averted if t bey could repress Hi" see.'ii they know Vi be uselese nRy, tho opcech thy have resolved not it utter. Lvl eve an ar.-ic-tioaiftto Goliath get himself tied to a email, tender thing, dreading to hurt it by palling and dreading still mora to snap the eofd, and which of the two will be master f Until every good man to brave, a must expect to find many good wo men timi i, :)j timl d even to believe in the correetneee f tlK!r own promptings when theee would place them in a minority. Wi!l theoobtio JUL-4ftUrl;i of forces evex coene t- meeeming the torco ther would be in one boantlful wo maa whose nth i I m her face was hejutiful- win raud m pass ien for M.r ro-i, --i one current with all the great aim- of I ibj lif - ? There is somcH:in' llitlg to w n.en i. i: Area rti : tho L' i, phy.sically at that d re sense of hel; that is outs: meets a C alio: . : t presence of strength f them and yet their '.. I wnntof tLeituag;:.- Bi in :!e by tailors as by his customers. a tie not what yon have in your efaeRt, but vrhat you have in your heart, tbat make- you rich. - jt , . . , .-Ja. jt0iVcr- M jt jV the Hinall j . that ld to i . Th-; a d rya u n-i gtaod ; thus BSt iu which we do mere thhti iu which we do evil. It is not the number of facts he knows, but how mu. ii ut the fact he is himself, that prove th? man. In mattcrsof prudenco bM&tboaghts are best ; in morality 'your Url thoughts are best. Absence destroys trifling intima cies, but it invigorates strong one?. A weak mind is iik-a microe MOJO which magnifies trl.iing things, but cannot receive gro it ones. The art of noing derate abiliih toadwintage witw ptnJoe, and often acquires more teptttatfeu thau real ! brilliancy. Tho ennquerer u eegaeded with awe, the wi-e mm i inftaonudo our es teem, but it is the Looevetent man who wins our afTection. BKTTEK THAN OT.l is ja-rfect health, and yet :r.-iny n- ;nf the tor- tures of the darn nod with i nisiawhetr asinulo bottle of DK. ."dlNflK'.S KNU L1SI1 DANDELIOM LIVER AND HYS PJSRilA PILUS will give ralha, and, at peraiated in, will cure tUo woi si c.i-o of this distrs-sH-nj troulne. Tbia pill eures Torpid Liver and BtUoOMMM, Itegulatos tho BowoIm, reinovoa llmplea lroui tin Face, cures Sallow Complexion, Foul Breath, tsick llc ida- he. Iltartourn, lain in the Sides and !tek; is Beaar-crated and GUARANTEED to I a PURELY VEGK TABLE. It acts directly on the coating of the ts'tama.'U and on the Iavor. Can be taken in any clime wet or dry weather. Itewaie of :nii;a.nms. llio i.vau:ne lias an emtraving of a hon on tho outside wrapper. Frkv, SO cents. For sale by all druggists. While' I'ralrir . l lowrr, Taken lefore retiring, will insure a good night's rest, with an awakening iu the msy morn to health, courage and vigor. For coated tongue, bid dream, snk liead- acbe, or any disturbance arLsuig rrotn dys- iiepsia Or torpid liver n is itlioui a peer, ts action on disease is entirely duTerent from any medicine ever introdoceii, ouiet- inir iains almost instanilv. 'i liebneain! cry raided against it L-y jxceut uusjicino men, who hae loreseeu in iu a -a vent tno destruction of Iheir nefaiii us Liuinofta, and tho tbouanos of . :ie.t tetinui- nials Ilowing iu from all. parts of the New World, is a sure indication of its great merits. Trial ftlae at all lr;:Mnns. hialt Kund boUles, T- tmtim. FoIiay .V SI a son. Sole tReiils. -m THE AILUt( A PEOPLL. No people in the world KUtTer as mncb with Dyspepsia as Americans. Al'bougti years of ex jmrience in medicine had failed to accomplish a certain and sure remedy for this disease and its effects, aaeb :-s s-iur Stomach, ileart-buru. Water-brah, s-iek Headache, Costivenes, palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, coming up cf the food, low spirits, general debility, etc., yet Hinee the introduetion of GaxftRa Auovsr Fiowkr we believe there is no esse of Dyspepsia that eaenot be i:n mediately re lieved. 30,000 dozen sold Jast year with out one case of failure reported. Uo to your druggist."., Foshay dt Maaon, and get a sample bottle lor 10 eeofa and try it. Two noses will relieve you. Regular aba) 73 cents. Mr. J. BE, Batks, Newspaper Advertis ing Agent, 41 Park Row (limes Building) New York, is authorized to contract lor advertisement the Pf.m best rates.