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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1881)
cmoctat FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1. 1881. iFAWM, GARDEN AND FIRESIDE. AUK OF FAKMEKV I I I . Vft mnrn imiortrtnt function of Orange work can be nameil than that which draws the farming cUuwa lu irether in the wrk of the clttb. All fhoujrhtful minds rtsltoe the value of the Fanners' t ltio as a ueior in nri cnltural nueeeas. It is a worthy (aci to mention that the most aueoeeaful and moat flourishing agricultuml dis tricts are those in which the work of the Farmers' Club Is most prominent. Among the many excellent papers read before the meetings of the Con necticut State Hoard of Agrirulture recently held at New Britain, Ct, one prepared by T. B. (Sold.Soeretary oftheState Itoatd, wn an important contribution to the value of Farmers' Cluba. The speaker remarked, in cf feet, that tbe Farmars' t Ittb i- the simplest, and for ( heapnoss gives the leat returns of any agricnltnral asao ciation. It matters not whether tho dub is of village, town, county or state ori giu. It diKOfsajs all qtfestfooa cow eernlng CfOpS, how to plow, what fer tiliaersto apply, how t- colli vate and how to protect from tho ravjiros ,f Insects; it JliMiiajiO qaestlonu coa eerning animals, how ti feed and train them, gives' advice concerning diseases to which they an- liable ; i imparts information with reference to manures and special fertilisers and also concerning Improved Imple lewta. Knowledge of tnis character is of great importance to tlte farmer ; it saves him lrom committing many mistakes, and enables him, through the experience of others, to make se lection with a certainty of tin ir adaptability to bis wants. It gives much valuable advice with reference to tbe building of new barns and oi planning and arranging those already built. It interests the farmer's wife, for the club discusses boUBebotd mat ters as well as hew to build, arrange aud furnish houses. It also Imparts much useful information with refer enee to plants and flower-. Again, some dttbs have a working organisa tion, like that of the agricultural so cieties, and hold laiisand exblhitioos which give them additional value and imortau'c. The club utilizes every kind cf tal ent There are farmers who can talk much better than they can work ; these are of importance to the dab, while there are ethers who can pork much better thau they can talk, also extremely valuable member-". A- l rule farmers are an isolated class nnd do not have an opportunity to culti vate their social qualities and for this delect the club is an excellent reaoe iy. By reasou of this isolation trou bles in the r.eighlorhoKl often arise which, if their -sh ial relations were Mi mulAtiMul urnuhl dl nrnr ha quickly aa they originated ; while through the same agency, much of an unpleasant character would be : wholly avoided. Frequently on a, -count of isolation, Oiese petty dif& culties produce very bitter feeling?, and become so chronic that they are handed down from father to H' n and from mother to daughh r. Tbe elob 1 well adapted to prevent all surh bitterness, aud when hroabtes arise in allay all unf.leasanttn - . The Farmers' (,'lubisa mntoal bn efit society, re-eiving as much good from its members as it Imparts. I , I " teaches the young man that to be a good farmer he must be contented aud reconciled to his hit, and .not oc cupy his time in .cudeavoring to gft away from his present .situation. A discontented man will never improve hi farm or hh buildings. With such a farmer we may look for a ran-down farm Mr. Gold remarked that the i arm ers' Club to which he teioiigs hHd been in existen e riaee IJ542 It holds its meetings regularly at the houses of the members, mine agrieul tural subject alua3s being discussed until nine o'clock in th evening, when tbe members join the ladies in a mutual discussion of fruits till ten o'eloek, the hour of adjournment. It is no uncommon occurrence to have a hundred members present t a meet ing. Nothing in bis opinion would kill a club so soon as expensive tertainraents. IT. 11 I I . I A t rieiu iiiecuns navo .aii nismm- (The ed by some clubs, with great profit to dingtho systom from MALA lbs nietiioers ; other clubs have pniftflN achieved Hjarkcil succcs- with their Aotumnal shown. Cooperation in tbe purchase of fcrtilizM, seeds and ; implements has characterized the ac tion of certain Farmer' f lubs, prov ing an immense saving to the niem be, lioth in diminished cost and in the superior excellence of the Ofvix. Mr. Gold regretted the f:ct that, there , ..... r.. ...i u, i i oib "iiui; iai iiici 3, Yinyivei vvtvinn 'i a i tb self-conceit or a disposition to rest content plowing alon in the old rut, cannot lie galvanized into new life even by the be.-d club organiza tions. Still it is a satisfaction to know that tho most prominent and progressive farmers are the strongest and most earnest supporters of the true, legitimate Farmers' Clubs. These organic itions have a wide and ever increasing field of usefulness. They ars really tbe farmers' schools, and should bear the same relation to nie agriculturist as tne common schools !x?ar to the tate. Dr. Hugh Glenn, tbe owner of farm of 05,000 acres, has this vear 45,000 acres in wheat. lie thinks that the crop will be at least 350,000 bushels. Texas alone could furnish all (lie cotton, sugar, beef and wool which the whole of the United Slates now supplies, and still have plenty of laud left uncultivated. The av, rage ploughman isn't much of an orator, but when he strikes a stump and gets yanked into the next field, he is a very forcible speaker. 'Beanty draws us with a single hair," according to Pope ; but if that hair is the only one on beauty's head, then well, hardly ever would Alexander P. lo right. But a woman as bald as a " Call " man's joke could transform horse into a Venus by using Madame Rachel's Enamel Gloom. And the best of it is, that no one would dream that she did use it, so natural is its effect. In theater, church and dining-room The prettiest use Enamel Bloom. Clmrrh Wrrrlory. Y. I. ('. A. - Meets .it their rmMiiN in I'W (ere btok bnildinjf on Weunesdttv avaatag .it ?:90 o'clock, .mil on Sabbath altaraoaaaal 4. IWiHuiesn IMOtingt are held on the eVott- iag of tin Moond Monday in each month. Kverylaaly in itl to .nttetul. it. r. Ciu Ki it. Fi eaohhuiui f y Bahbafchj at II A. M. , aid 7 V. M. Iy Kev.V. ll. Ir vine. D. M. nbnaftfc School nt Jr:u i M. I'raycr meeting every Thurwlay evenine;. Kv.N;n tci ('hi !;. ii. rroaehinson Suit liath a II a. m. , ami 7 ft K. Nnbballi School 12:15. Prater meeting avery Tbnre. yay Hfujuji W, t". Kintner, IMBM. OOMQMM ation vi.t'ui Kru. Servient overy Babha&fa at II a. m. amis r. m. Kabbath School at 2 I 'raver met tin; on Thursday eveuuu; of eaeli Weak. '. W. I Lima, pastor. M. K. CltlTKCB, BOO ni. SafvioM every Sahhath at St. 1" nil's M. K. Church. So.itli. at II A. . aiul 7 l". M. Sll:tli School at ISA r, m. IVaver meeting every Thurs- lay evenng. M. (!. Miller, paatoT. M. t'in t; i. Pnwihiiia tvory Sabbath at 1 1 A. M. and 4 i ft M. Song mrvtce in the evening In-tore sermon. Sabbath Sehoid it '2:'M r. M. IVaver iiieetiuv every TImum- lay evening. 1. Ihlhui, paetor, Baran Curio u. haMhnn every Sabbath at II a. m. and 7 r, M. Sabbath School nt Prayr meeting every Tluirl.iy even a i . a nig. . . .1. i rawlonl, j;i.itor. PaaaarautiA CuoKCtf. Service every Sabbath morning an. I evening in C ollee Cham'!, flandaj Mnhool iiaroediati !y rftertlie morning aervnts lnyef BMatWH every Thursday evening. Uov. KIIh.i1 V Cm. in, jmstor. HOW To savk MONEY. Instead of antag io h anoint lor ptaaoi'lpUottt If you hao Itright' lioase, InalK'U'M, Pain in i lie 1'. "-v ami l.mns, Nmailing, lulianmia lion, I'alenli, Brink ilnst DepOatt, OT anj trouble !' tbe Kidneys or Bladder, buy a battls j Dr. hflntie'a Neph ration nt. iba groat Boohs Oon sound. It latba mi otnierru pyaocrlitUow tor IbaM trouble er ooaipoundaw. Messrs. Abrama ,v OarrolI wholaaala drugftMa, aay: Wa regiirtl Nepiirotleniu MMUM I 8t kidttOJ ami tdadder remedv in thu niaiket WiMxIanl, drof(f(ba i"ort!anl, nr.. shvh: "Kvervboily aiwailta bhly of il." ChlnN, druggwt, Portland, Or. aaya : "Siii of il; il always ims tho wm l. .' Mmv havu Ixhii OUTOtl of oUitinuU' knlnev inuii- pUdnta after tba doatoni uatra givau thotn n. Tru-M, l-'or Wab) by all drug RWM. Wc CluallaBixc Vrll. Win n un say v.e I .-liove uo liavi r i- ibjD to pmv tj siiiioii's Uuoanmpiion CUit; l.i ueeultuly the hesl. I.lltli; Meill.'Hie made, huuunueb aa it will mire a cxMntnoa or Chronfe noagb in one halt iba llaiaf attd relievo Asthma. BrtMK'bttla, Who-ijiiie I'onsill, 'roup, MM. I wliow Ilioie civs ! ContMi in tioii enre. i tban all otbatik li Will CUta vhet they fait, ii i Jh isai.t : tako, Jaatmlaaa to iba youugwl ebild and wo jrnaraiiu o whal woaay. 1'ri Q et.. 69 el, aiei (1.00. If font LtBtHp MT9 aOTO, flit or JUek lame. usi Bbllob'a I'orotis I'iii-ster. Sold by ro-li.iy A Mason, lru.. visis. Albanv, oVeonn. ntj in a.lvane- w- will Mod t any addrcaa tot OM ) HAIM i KS MAtlAZfKK ao.1 the DKMO CHAT. And tat 1 1 1 ..ivan. we w i!! v. rl ti. ni:y adtln .ss f.-r eai H AK I'F.i: CHAT. r.l.Kl.V and it..- Id-Alo. ThouatUMia of aoklimi and balm are n titled U, v. I'll payment Iroi vf dicchartfti r iwath, if appllel Htr hHTarti I .laniiai . i. IWOL WOlintl, aii-iil. liUil III jury r iliv' BHtitl mm to a Ppfuduo, Uonnty. ami hai-k pay i -. t . In i of IVaiiDii MMirwi. Ttiia firm nMabtiwNa M WSi Addros, nn iiw,na Mamn, IIP 'Sll 1! SitS r.lti.-.. U. H. t lain Strei-t, Warbbtgton, l. A GAUL). T- all lio ar--uffi-ritr; fBW OauWI Mid ii..i. iTUi' 4 Uth. lf.i Twllia . rl il.-a4.l.-4 MMkM, ftr., I will :... m RMifH llat IW ''' 'n. nuca or ouAaoa Tata uf-m r......i dtM-.vri-.i kv a ii.i.!fc.r ' .'iiti i.. n- s-if.! a if ai!iri cl OMclrtM t- tm II.;'. JfMWM T. t- aa.StaCioa 0. Hum rk eSttl MALARIAL BLOOD POISONING, Causing Chills and Fevor Dumb Aguo, Intermittent Re- mittent and Typhoid Fevers, ! Biliousness, Liver, Stomach, and Kidney disorders, and manyotherailmentSfdestroy ing the health and lives of millions, is driven out of tho system, and radically cured by the use of tho LION MA LARIA AND LIVER PAD and GANGLIONIC BODY AND FOOT PL ASTERS, the cheap est and only perfect treat ment by the Absorption prin ciple. Tho Plasters acting in conjunction with the Pad up on the nervo centers and re mote parts of the body, in ab- or:,;rlr, nr thnmr,f,hlv rir RIAL POISON Tho wholo treatment, PAD, BODY PLASTER and FOOT PLASTERS, all combined, Goid for SI. GO tho cheapest and best romedyevor discov ered, and a positive cure guaranteed if worn accord- ins to diroctions. Remem pH Rn pia-tmH v., . -7 "rkt Dl'.dlr 3-c the whnln S I .GO. Sold by ail druggists, or mailed on roceipt of price by THE LION MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. T IX Y TUB VORIC OBSERVER THIS YEAR HEW The Largest and Best Family Paper in the World. Tor Kanaple ff B'rce. HBW lOftK OBSERVER, 1 -'n I'arU Baw, New Vmk. A MONTH rauant-wa. ail a ,x at home )M inaili! ly the 'hxlastrkras. UaoKal imt ro- qoirad; wf.will taart jou. Men, wnono). ivs and K-irbrmake twntcy f:U-r t work for us t linn ;it iinj tliiiiir elge, The work in Ii;'Iit ami pinna nt. ami MWb a anyonq in (jo riglit at. TIioh who arc (riM Wfcfl aee Uua awtji I) will m-ml us their aillrfcis;8 at mice ami ee tor tlienwfrlvea. OtMHy Outfit ami terms. Now i Uie tinii-. Those aJn-aiiy at work are laving U lartjc aunwi of BfctDejr. Aildnn TKL'K Jt VO.i August Maine. NEW BARBER SHOP ! J. H. SUItLKS. Propr. A GOOD SEA FOAM SHAMPOO goes wun eacn siiave. t'rice.s lor shaving ami liair-cutting same as usual. Kooms opposite Mcliwdin's store. Wif rHTAUj, m&way C!n"o i n-id ucvor dtaap nolnt-.. 'X r.o vrtr!;Vo E.Taat Patn llil'.ev Vr Man and Baaaa Cheap, x:lok and vellnMe. WTCIlEiVH C ASTORIA is not Narcotic Children jrow fat upon, Rfottteralil e, (Utd Physicians recommend C ASTOUI A. It regulates I he Itowels, curca Wind Colic, allays I'Yvorisluiess, and Ic sros Worms. a VARRH Cum, a Constitutional Autidoto bar thU t .-. !: I - I-, il -.-dy. by Aborptinu. Tho mt linportnut DKcnvrry do Var-niuution- )thfv i;neri. , trny MUOVO Catarrh, ihl ciirna at mmf ataaje iofoit Chaaaanaptl mmtm la HENRY W. SMITH & CO'S CELEBRATED KENTUCKY THISTLE DEW WHISKEY. HENRY W. SMITH & CO. distTllcrs, Kontcn Count, 6th Dist. Kentucky. OFFICE, 252 & 254 West T - rd St. CINCINNATI. Ill Ulii.fn W Llab ti ftl .... 1... ... ruu i w! 1;; r;..;;,:;,,;,;:;:., tbe ntedkwl ft uttyfoi lirinat and lam Hyiwi" hnlltl ?Zlthl , ',"V,or SALTiVfARSH, WboJettale and Ketail Agent. itaoa . on;..... i i ri;pi m BOSS PAIN KiLLZR OF THli WORLD mi. Tin u Medical Wonder of the IOUi nl in y. TIN: WONDERfUL AB0U8BEB l PAIN. A HPVA J IK I OK DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT! 'Hi. li.-. I I. i, t ti.. .;i. i wr kl.i.UII heanallf fmtm $mpmm im ta mninlffa. VenralE'a I'alns hoih-I In ". ntliiule. ntwlnra iinapeal in " aatnalfa. loelliarlm dipped In I I mln ulr. tio feeling ir enwonraa in iin-1 ii-.k rr Mrvcd la m adnniea. TO Be USED EXTERNALLY. K.r rili- Ii, .ill f r ie aii'l ui a linUaOfi hy rfi n in in. ..'ii imp. IIODGE, JAVIS &. CO., PORTLAND. OBJSOOM. FattawUm . i fine of ih Mnj Ii itlianalali m-i-.'vnl. i .1. r. Mi . V. -:.t (.. i b well ami f:ttoralily known la t!ii eOj VtM i i' iil.o IxMtkft of J. w . Wt Mlmrfnnta Co., flatMn: l'o:: n. mi, OKl-i.o.'. Ik. (fnunr : I wai nifferiaK wiOi pain lates tit, wiii:.t laraavwal o.ivs i -..ris not aUa laauai tm Invni If. I Uaoil MMM ol yur l.t htnittfll l.iiiiiiu and it removed tin- paia njaai the lirst pfitleaUon The fourth appHiftlna n iiiov. .1 all nonman eaMM I by tin; aiii. loolhat'hu and n- ural-'ia il In 6tiiac bavnai bma Wed in mi own family. I nfvaeanl gallons of Hntawail of variota kimU, npil tad tbki to MtrMM an;.. 1 hi,-lily n:. iiiun. ml u to any Hllffcrilij,' wftli aabm anl aaaa, .1.1 MMS. J. W. WKATI1KRFOBD. ociroco i To Stock Raisers -in Tin-: - OOHOCO COUNTRY. : (n Rainrday, Nov. 27, lsso, the And mimhcr of a weekly i:ijMr, to In- called 'fi Sie flk lMH o Pioneer, will lie issued at I'rincvillo, WftSt f irugon, and will bo pUbllshi lercst of that immciliato -i n, more peeudiyaa laaardaatoelt tai inur, Partlo resiihny; in tlm Willann-jtlo Valley, and owning st'wk in Oehoco, can reeelVa reli abia iniellioanea hy aubaerfblng for the PlOWKKM. Hand murks and hrand, Which will ho pabliabed free. Teriiiw- 5o per year. K. .1. JKFFERY, nI6 ruh. "Ochoco Pioneer." Ol TO V-0 A YKAK, ..r 6 to HO a day in WL'Pff your ou ti Lx-nlity. No rink. Women do ax well um men. Many make more than the uiuomit .-' ahove. No one ean fail to make money last. Ait) one can do the work. You can make from" 60 eta. to $i an hour hy devoting your eveniiiKa and anare time Ut the lnnsincHM. It iroatH not hint,' to try the Ima ineMM. Nothing like it for money making ever offered liefore. IliiKineHa pleaMant ami utrietly JiouoraLlo. Header, if you want to know all alx.titthe heat payiiiK Inudnow Ix.-fore the puhlic, amd um your addreaa and we will send you full particulars and private terms free ; samplet worth B also free ; you can then make uj your mind for yourself. Address GF.UROK ST1N SON & CO., Portland, Maine. rata mm m jrraasufau fbyateal fbraa laoaaof the Ki'atrnt of ! iinan jxntMsiins, hut 'unfortunately II .i s only u short tiuio. Aecldent, dlaaaai or oi l aeonHaiouk',undiiii fieHvbtan , wet oaea h. powerful qatakly panaway. ' Anvllontf thai r.n .. lor.. II .M,ri or i .sen i hem is then torn more valnaMa i o tbe pawafi Ibeiti lelvaa and note to U uiro.1- This :h exaeily what War- ncr'a tta Kldnay and Uvar Cara doaa it lai .-s the ty when it u bmhaa ami bowed by and nslorta It l tho powara it oaea pu"oa d. it aaata Iiwam and all ollu i ffpfMrti IR V ill over tho pre. Iplee into oblivion. It baa no frlaada thai u am mlaa of health and eoeoeseiei that am ttto ftlenda of health. Tim u-t im- pOttai f the lower portion of tlm Inxly in peodoalag pood health labeaomlng bat U r knoa u averv da v. Itoih imn and wo- nu n of all class.- i. .tire thi-. For wmiinn ! aaM ions to ObtM Ullth, Vr all diaantt ; culiar to Ihnfar BOX, fi let Ittlated men ami i I puny children ban btaotblng whudiaoj afnlv nml HiiuiU t.tjkiluti aji'l tuMore aa I I Ureal batmal Kiml. t'no kidney turn, ire ot n ., v. iiuii 5i rai4i(is , an - ! iba Ibh maeh ipibdnw iiian aaa option, ami limy iniiM ht attend, d lo xiipll in falal .piems s are nr to o . J lie N-siiiminiwis u. u aie prin; mm t . m a a . a . Itt . I . ! lien i li I'lrinv ii . I lie wnnti'i Vur I diwk tlmndia,a-'lul entirely eur(lbiii iiea Jf thajr hare bin mna aralml. It Nth 'only knotrn r.-m.slv wl.hh will af.lvaud eitaoily do tbla, and Ibnra not an in- htaac rntord where a baa billed, jt i for Male by drapphaa in !i pariaof lha MPorid amifis m i ii by li. ii. num.: .. m.. ... I . .Irt . v. . King of the Blood c urr-a nil Krrofulnu off.-r-t.iona an.1 .liw.rilrr. raatslt MS from linpurltf of tl,. t.l.-.l. It la itmlUa to : r ' tiffrrerrvu li.imlli . . eaaw . bat s-iii Hk'um. Itmmlu, .., r.,. ti.ilrt, .-.;. Mjr. r., arc H.u Inoal rviniWutl, ... welt a. many lt.lK,u of ll. .uil, ItiaU, l..vtr aii'l !Umack SCROFULA. Wonderful Core of Blindaagi. ;. Ilsna, Row Co. : Vor tbe tneflt of dj llOllblad with Scrofula or Imnur lilno.1 In i .tun., t hrri,t rr. .,niii..-iil Kinir of tha I;:.. . I ha l o troul'jW will, Scrofula for Um mat tan y. nra, win. h a., nff. . t.1 my cyea Uiat 1 vaaeum bbrtl ly l.linil for ix month.. 1 waa mciiiini. i,.!, 1 to ti Kmif r ti in..., whirh im paaaal a p .at bnnanff to m, aa It hi.. . ., pletnly url ma, ami I rh.xrlully rucutumclul it to all trouhlcl u. 1 bava I. n Voiira tralr. Man. 8 WtAjitmiijw, Sardinia, N. a ill 1- paid lo Any FaiBA lloapitnl to l routn. ally airrn-d u.n, f..r w..-ry i-.-rtill. nto of Una wudi. emu iuUiatal t-y ua which la not pummt. Its Ingredients. To abow onr foith in tho aoMy nnA x.-ellenoi of tin- k. It., n in proper iMiraonul itpplir-ution, whan ratiatled that no irapoaltiou la iutendid , w will :-iv the nmneaof nil iih mirredlenta, by ullidnt if. J he nhoy. ofti ra Vere n.-vcr tmul.i U ft.rr by tlie pr. prietorof any other Family Aladu-in In tin. woiM Many teatliuoiilnla, further information, ani rnliairaeUoni tor unaa will lie found in the pan. plil. t "Trent i wi on lls.-,uMa of tho Jllood " in i' ii'ii'i'i '''i. i-ri-- si jK-r littl. r.ii. tuiniin II uunrva, or -in t Ml diw.. rsold hy druir JPU. I). llAoa, bo.v A Co., I'rop'ra, Jiutfalo, N .V VILI AKB IIOl SI it Dalaejf eregon. A- L0UBNER, - Proprietor fW' KLRflANT HEW HOTEL. Jisr .nv I c ixtaMad. will he --i.. .1 aliout July ir.tb. i -.:. U i4 4:onHtrili!ti'.t on thu inoKt iii. mI. in an. I i-oiivciiii-ut plM, haa a ti nt: Maniple rouiu . -m iully arraii((iil for . oiiiini-ri'ial truvcl.-r., uml thu UiIiIm will In auliid at all Innim with k"ol nuaia. 4U .LD.: Un-iit rhaii'-i- to initk inonoy. We tiued a pi-r-Min in owry town to taku snl)M.-rii( joriH for ' i-.u inri-.t, rhi-iipt-Nt ami latat illiih tratiul fumilv puhluatiou in thu world. Ant une run h nt a auri-1-Nnftil a . ni . Six I'h-xaiit workH of urt . i-'.-i. free to hiiIimi rilMTM. I hu print ia to low that al HMA awrybody mibairriHpa. OManint remrtM lak i UO MUhMrriliem In a day. A lady agent r)oiU IriinjaMr aaadaar pnatt bitntdaya. All waa i Ml nako money i -. - You can duvot ull your imo to tho htmincMH, or only your Man lime. You loot not Im- away from home over niht. You can do I ;n well um other. Full d i reel ioim and terma free. It Miu want prolltahle work xend ua your ad. I roan at oner. It... ' uotliintn try tha huaineMM. No one w ho enaifi-N faila ti make nuit jiay. Addrcsa Qko. St i. v mi in A Co., l'orllund, Maine. ..', REVERE HOUSE, Corner Flrat and Ellaworth Albany, Orrson. Pfeiffer Bro's Props Thia new Ilololla fitted up In first claaa stylo. Tablea sit 1 1 -licit witli the In- t tho market affords. apnn Ilcds in every Koom. A good Sainplu ttoom (or Com merciul Travelers. AdTPree Conch lo anil from Hie Hotel. "TA :Ut PATENTS.: Vt m. Mister, Solicitcr of Hatenti", 017 Seventh St.. or box XV, Vaihliiiftou, i. 0. No fee required un leas Pat ent is obtained. Send fur circular g-ivlug terms, An. Established ks7u. araoaii nouon raua ium. m k KM. The followliiK MfatoniautM arn tlm volun tary ot iiroMtioiiM of a tow anions thoin- anda who have l.--n itvml hy ttiti no of Wa rttar'a Hfn Khliiy and l.lver 'y: The v. riler aro not iTnouallv known to tho proprlatoffa. hut they bare ami Wi lattara mm auaMaaleaa of t r gjattuaaaj ' r "', inermor, .-anno. M.,o,- MnaarM. II. II. Waiiinr .t Qa I Uaatlaatant i have for alaag ttnta bean fllietad wait a terrible kwaeji aoatplalnt. arbfeb it aaaaatd at tinma n'imi,- eeaM eoatral i tried doetora aud natdinlna a Uaadvaly, hut found no rwllitf. Finally 1 aaaadvlaad bjrefriead lotnryoar hafo Khlimy and Tirar t'ura, and in', iiR.-r annhrfac imariy fuur yar tba noit at pain, I Sad myaalf utlraly wall ami able to attend to lni.incHi vfry dav. Johw o. i. 'haw peanx Jorany t'lty, luuu, IS-SO. Mfw-r-.. II. H, Warner .t f'o.: UaaTf JIM8M J Without da- Hire toiviinaa to you unv lun It aiiusria- lion of your liuimdy. huint, ttnm ain luv attention was eallol to a tfi'tlrniau w ho hrt 1 for a laaaj lidi I ' ! i a teat auf-f-r-r. After makiiiic a llturoiili uxamina- lloa at the eaaa, I wood thai bta kbfaaya hihI hoy wrn ha.H y all.vt.ui. Ndt Wtl'h- out beahattaa I urn.i your Ha6?Ji-i-pay ami Liver Onto, 'rim naaritaAar tak to i 'I'les. I..,, i .-.-ii aaUaaaoaory in Iba aytwwat. wlnapl haaaatiea InhiUI .res riUi ih Niine roimwly Uiall aiuiilafly .iiiiu i.-.i. ) mm truly i Mot Im-ter.S.V. H. CUi iMvm.U l. Maaarav II. H Waraard fJau OpatTMcaaa: l have i-m at::.-: irkh iMaaaae d iha ki-invys u,r tim pusi imo yaaTBj ami Wave tried n ii mo run a riiiiHjle With only f i o 1 ami limMiar le.i. f Your .Salo Kiilm-yaml laver t'iirn wn iiaviiil mondial to m. ami ait. r lahlne it Ihu pain and diatnj left me and I am to day faallna atroaaj and well. I am par f.- tlv aalhtflad that Wanmi'a .'afu KeOM Iks. um Ho atedbanaa needed, and nan ebearlally eeaaaaaad Ihen lootbi r . '.V. , . MM, t - l . i .lusliial Kia." dJbhk 1 m tj -v SiMirtsntan s HeaAparters. w- 23. fiPO TT, IKAI.KH IM (inns, Rifles Revolvers!! Aa4 ml All Kind.. Juai a lafyo involr .4 the latr.t tni.i . I Itfiuintftiin, hharp'a. WlucbaaiW .ml llallai.l r.-i.alli . " . M'-.r.-, Kruiliiftoii ami Strti'. I.rr. 1, l..lln. I. i .miii., an.1 inutJtla l.aullni; riHoa an.l altut Kuua of itM ; i M i Aan, a lfci- and wrtl aolartcvl ato. k of llnhiiuj Ta-kt.-, l uu.n, nnj CaUam, taon ;.k, naila fai t anything ..u - .Ijl.l wnai Ltf )$i iy Uiw All kinds of Sewing Machines Re paired, It. mi nil. r Tknt I Cnuiiot lie Undersold AaraaaN in thi8uu. it u JAMES r)ANNALS, ' im ami mami rAtTt'aaa or SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SETS, Marble anil Wood Topa. Parlor Hets and Lounges, Mar ble Top Center-Tables, Spring Beds and Mattresses, WALXUT, MAPLK AND OAK BRACK bTX, And aMtinda of balaofa, 4 hairs, BiJataaa, L v I. aalnu Ta fclra, annuls, cut and Faury Moaldlnsa, tie. I Mini to keep evarythlnir In the fumU-'tro line, and will Kuarunlre Hatiafactiou u ull who will call on meal Millers Urick. JAMKH IIANWALH. (FArXNTXO JLTNM 10M, 167dJ FOR SALE BY FOX, BATJM Sc CO- Aioany Bath House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform tha oiliiann of Albanv and ! oinitythat 1 have taken charge of tbit EstabhAh ment.and, by keeping clean rooms and pavin strict attention to bne' a, expects to suit al those who may famr ua with their patronage Having hi c carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, we expects to give entire tatiifaction to al JaVCaildien and Ladies' Hair neatly en nd shampooed. JOS WEBBER. THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOE MAN OR BEADT. When n medlHiw lina Infallibly ilonnj lin WIII'K III IIIH IOIIS III -Ill4 I'M lnoie than a iliiiil oi n nMturyi wlieti it baa h u. I.. .i uvary part f tin- nairalj wln-n ntiinl-i i IiiuiIIIi h i v n i u li i.- eoa. I al lei It Din 11 1 y i.iiin c In I,. .. , ,,( I pulti (il in eldiMit, II. la in oily ii. i in In call audi u lui .lii inn Tlila If tlm enan wltli Um Weilenn Mnitaiif IiIiiImii nl. I - 1 i in nil In Inn IiiTi-iiik' iii . .i n niiM.i.i. in. i . i isnl, tlm nu'oiy ' nn ii. fill ..!.( (ii ItlHIlt aUlxIlK il. Ilil' llOri'OI . Ill lli.ll ntatiatii ovi-i eoiiie, n f I if n Iboiiannil' llli'l mm .t Iii r liii -.itu;s ii ii 1 ii,. .. . perfoi mm) by tlm .I n ,let Iraii Aliialaiitr f I nli . 1. 1 . All forma of oiilwiirii iIIk-iino nrai lco'iiiy eurcKi by I1M MEXICAN Mnatnncr I ialaioal . I l iiein tinl. a iniiMcle, tiK'tnlnrin'- ntnl I tiaaiie, in tim very Lama, baafniitna. pain iutm iii 1 1 K iiii.i-nan v. in, (l p.mi i tlmit im.-V'-i l.ilh. I ' I li In- ' 1 1. I no niMMUai by I ovoiy body , from I lie hrrn, wh i ide i ma MUSTANG over 1 he aolllriry pinion, lo tin- hh-i hnnl nrlMea. nnl iim noodauttur nlw mjiiim Ul" lo-'t willi Hi" u Be It enn a l(li-iniiul.iin w)i-n ull otln-r! npolli ut lotia lull. Tblt wotiiloriul LINIMENT paedUy en re a aneti aHnaenla of tim ill M N r I I.--II ei It U u im if I I m nt . Mn llloir. aim J'liui.' i iintt-H. i. .1 at waailaa. iium. ui Sanlttai t ni. Mraltei .i Npralita, I'nlmitioii. Itlt. mmiI tJ'JK"- StiaiatNMi l.iimrar.i, . aiNnl on., i raatnttaa.t i.niiiafiaa. mum llilra, i toil Itrrn.l. oti.l Imlaeil liny Im in t.t f ti IM I JJa- aee. It la Um reni at rtanad f.r tl dh order awl n.- ideHti io wblcti tho Hutu i. i uriii.ii am Miirjael ibal naa over bean kaunn It core Wprnlna, Haf-lltsiy, rl Joint, Fun mlrr, IffartarM H . n..-,r li. ra.r., I ool itol . N, . . mt lu. Krali, Hollow tint li, I., nil. In , IikI- ki i. Snnaini i Rttanaaanei oi.i tier a, t -n fcSvll, flint itnnn tlie falalit and ret at hi mIImm to nhnh i'e eeennanti "t Um kiiliir nml atoi-k tm.i an Haiti. A twenty flo rani bottle of Mesa Mnatnua f.iuini' nt lot iiflen pa rial u vaiuniiin bttrae, ii ).: t-ruttcboa, oi yeara of tot to Ii nettle rMaHl ' ihu rery roelot tin- utetti r, pi m I rating at ii i im bone. It antna arerriandy, t-.n.t lUaapnnnita no iii.. it bee i-. i in ii-n-'y ii-- mr more l baa twnf).0v yt ir, and i" jmii i . y THE BEST OF ALL 2 I F02 IWZ QB .1 K. SORBIN & ro. Ii.ia..rn an. l i ... .. . A IV a Mttt okn Ak iiia ..i J. M. Mip Wbtake . .-i. i-'i Kim- wbtalibn fnae I buttb - frata c i at U i . ine r reneb N fCalb.n, iii buttb teiMM fine '.-i Pwrt Iim i . OH. Ill l,.;e ft- ft ri- Kine Hhrfi )t t r-, tm in l-4ii ll ; m Holland t"i- I ' - et . I.. . All ail.lU ol W -. ! ' Clan I ... ,: :. 1 m'loia oi ' and ira-h ra ..! ' ' .r, :t I. dlWaJa. i . f ljMn to it 4rI fin:. CIGARS t TOBACCO, It)' I If la 1 1 or miu u.l, eli' ap. flrat -ir.. arsr ! .. . AH any MARX BAUMCART hah Ji'irr OITJ.FP atTT A Liquor Slow KKPN fVIVWTA VTI.T (IK H AM' TIIK FIXKST BRANDS OF WINES, LIQU0R8, TOBACCO v. CIGARS. Tltt fleltmlf 'I si. I.uiilM 8T0NEWALL WHISKEY, The tin. -si alllalfaj in Ubt I Wliiskiis, Kri'iich BnutdiM, Sherry, Part, Clartt, nml all otbarkiftda bf ninrs, Dim, Air. Beer, aud Parter. Bitten of evrry kind, huiI Die Im 1 brands of loliat tn ami I igari. aari aiaat arair bodhr to nailmalamlHu I have ooiiol out a lirt-i;laH.s new Ikh nor atont, wbnra attif ami aonntra deal era can nrootiw their H'.iifka at I'ortoiinl prloaa, with only rTalahl adtled. Kooma on tho eornor of Kronl ami Kerry SlrootM, AlliHtiy. Oreiron. 2&tf. TI P) IkJ a a a a 1' s a r a. - - U ATI lll, I IM KS, Jl.nKI KV. Sll tl tt- w auk, ai iti tnovn iks, r.Tt., AenlnTur ew JlSi.nie a ln Maeaiaea. ALIIANY. - - OBJEQOM rUaMM STAR BAKERY ! CONRAD ME'SEE, Proprietor I' it nli II road Daily. (iroceriivs aud Provisions kinds Cheap : CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LIN WEN W i L h A MfE T T'E MARBLE & STONE WORKS. E". WOOB Sz CJO., -MAMOfACTVKKSm OF MARBLE tVIONUfiEFiTS. HEAD STOKES, TABLETS, MANTELS, CEMETERY CURBING, ASHLAR AND GOPJNG, BAGE3 FOR GARDEN FOUNTAINS TILE FOR WALKS, AND ALL KINDS OF 7 WORK IN STONE. a am yt iir Marbta rflrav4 from tim Ratlaad Qaan mm bavo ll Nelentad v. earn, cmi Inaure ciintoiiiaia tba bwd i r.A l... ' I I ... I 1 .i... . i 4 ....-11.. 1.. I ... . t I . . , - -" inai. i-iiiioni iii irinii . ui-ii'-r i iisiii nu y iiiiinru"i ii'im , - . i i-otiiiti ii-w Having Jtit rooa4rai aatoral Inm tf mart'l", ami ii-vintr mora mi tim way, w--jirr wwr sura ihhim-i iiii-i., , to t v-hiiihil' woi k. orders frtmi nv of t',. -t-ita pmmptly attonoorl to. nml ail work aHjriin 'i a- r prowntmi. Wobatra rtoeanraaai i oot for v.ork exoept tnono liatrlng thi-ir eradafitlal i from fab tTNIiop ami Work romer SaefMul atil MNworlii Mreota, Albany. frjron rlfaiaY tr, fvootj .vft) l. I'. V""-.- (Siiiviipi to hKALKKa IV DRUGS, SGOKS, STATIONERY, ETC, nor " wrsrm Wkvm .nxn-w k.icjx: ar.ocir. a LAaaa aao raaau avttuK DRUGS AND MEDICINES n.j,- i--o'i- v anna f.a. t ui fr. r4i.a retail Jnar aaf it Hilaan iL 4 iim use or IIOOKH A.TV! 8TATI ONER Y, it,.. ua i- - 'v batn eaa aaa neni a -u u t. r a. n eananaaa alb aaa .u,naur.i ataea ail tic i.-iXia Kat. n. i" -. o. .. i I'l-'ini- .-.A . cki i im- i-.-iiri.S wh:n you come to Albany call and ste us vMn?7tf A'l 'HU ST.I. 72 IM T STIir.KT. HAS fN HANI' A- IINr Ah asi:t.m kjut r COOK, BOX AM) PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES. 4 Mat Ijou- In a aa 1 1 - 5 . Iff a at !utttti la stntl cti:ti:c :.t Itare-a TIM, SMEET IRON UHU COPPER WAHE M- I VI KV I FXfTlUPTIOJS BTTM K 08 Tf ORDBB. ALWL HK Klil iMiN IIANH, A ItXIaL ASVM'.TMKNTOK GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. a ll rvnicii ir. omna t tdk puMaio at ikkhi, that dbfi t OM i TITIOl A I.!. AT 72 rUOfg STREET, AIJ'.ANY, OSSOtJil. pair work done riSnJK SEND 25 CENTS IN POSTAGE STAMPS FOR A THREE MOaTHS TRiAL SUBSCRIPTI0H TO fafflSll r n7 -Ba7 tT". XjS Jm tJB' - I PIrLR OF 18 PICLS. ISSUED Its Literary KflVl is S Aa nn Instructor 18 Ml rb are riven. In ti e lajtrtnuc: bannauiaai rrm the Iwcwrrrr, wlllatvciit t-. mi unw the arioua nuenloin ii ' 1 tjr our numerous subwriliera, vhieh tweonuns quiu- an iisjiorv pi-1 and Instructive f-aturv of the pa pet. iVnama who samj hare bod neat before any of the PENSION. BOUNT, LAKD OR PATENT OEPiRTWENTS " ji i' . - -ti tiiia rre-V.-;rn many Jim-1 be saTt..J a lee. fc by beeoaiiri. . i ir Lue-tj a .v ::i beanjwere-1 tbrjtiih the enlnrins of the paper. It haa a!o a Kpeciaa. I K j i rl ;ng ail the lA-adinff Deculout of the nrreral liepartmentJi abore mentioned. A -! I-! rr r of lt.s-rtirv firatis a four lme ailvertiemtnt in the paper to any milacrflier wbo mar t. (!u;iw.f r ei tiaiire any rTopeny, with hiaaldrraB and name in full o that din if r-.tiimtinlcation ean If lift with hint by ar.y one desirinjr. to tbnae aending tu Sli1 for a yeara itilaieription. Thk Comoro Lira dartnji Ine flntslx monthaoritoexbAentwavtasDd aetrcnta:!.-. iJ im papera per month. iur Unaranleed t'lrralatlam ta S.nnn but fmm prtaeui todtoatiieK run Bp to -1' i- r :....:i:.'i. V ur a.ii uf fur lines will rotiir-uh " al ;be une iaaue. ?fii $1 lor lis Yen SiiscnpiiGi aii Frw lit one ?3u am Obit. rSEKTS MihHW. MIE UUAfiAaTEE I LARGER COKSIISSIOII THAJI ANT OTHER PAPER III AMcRlCl fU COSOP01.IT1 Sioux City. Iwa. I DR. SPINNEY! m. ii kkaicxi:y RTKs:i;r, Baa Kran.-iaoo, fllllfilliaa TrenU nil (brunSe :ial aperlal Itivava. W'lintitv nt -i i i ::im. titoti Till: .ff.-ts.. rneAbfal f - ia twawieliiai. "'l ..i wJl I., utail llieinle tl,., tli.-nt-t tai ev.-r lajil at Um altar Of at-.ffetina lunitiilj. DfA. SI'I..'KY aill ifuaianUx U. f. rti .1 ' -v.-ry naimbl aeakn. -. ..r j-n.ii'.e laa'aac nf aj'V kM e wa. i- r l.u-ti lu- un.l. rtaLo a:i5l huh: t vtttv. tHIKM..iCI l Kl.. TIk-t-- are mativ at the a-t' .i tliirtv.ftvet'.iaxtv who rt- nenAJed wtie bMrnveecnl aai aal li-r, .ft. n a.-im.rit :" .I li u alight u .4 an Uaa- mttt iMinatiff in a tnaaMF (ainbr His iba he found ill iar, .airaiu nnatj'a., aii-1 n uvj. iiu. ,' . ; .... -V.i ;'iH ih1pat4cnt cannot aetoanl for", n etaiabib. urinary .le-Mt a rnpi .1:111. r.t .it oTU-n ! nul wam-tiinua amall virtn m -t ui--:timli ai.l a .r tla- color ill he of a tliii: i iu t i i -. . t.n. . .taw.n itix n a .lark aiul tnil aniiear-tni-.. Tl.a.- cje men alio lie of Him .l.ttt. nltv ignorant of mt ium, allhb wi the K-eni!': -! weaktif-OL I'K. Mill iruaraiiUi-.-1 1."-. t .-lire in aM taeb .xw. ual bndaa naanaliai f the pim-urin;.rj onaun. Orvu-a llo.'aa 10 to t anl C U v Kumlnyt tr. 1.1 toil a.m. (nrnaaaana aaa r Ji v"-in.ui an. I :i.lvtni. (.'v l'..r tiriiate dlaeaaea of t-hoii g a fall ir of ".li.-ine nltiiK-nt f.4-a eiire. willii.fl invir.i ti.Hif, i'l l- H.11I to any laiiln.- i t. m . i t --i '"' i"1. OaM aiul aililrv, I!t. M'lVM V .1 tO., UMl K"i. 11 to " I'miH-ieo.. I'al A BARGAIN ! Valuable Property for Salo. THE ALDKN FRUIT DRYER, Inoindlag tba buDdins and lota upon which it in eitliatiod. im for walo at a lar Vfain. Thero uro two dryer and they etui in sohl scpiinitely. This is : :ol op. portantty for fruit misers t aaoura tne Uwt .l. yr nmtle, at a low prina. Tho lot nro very valuaLilo lying On tba ivcr front, and having a r.tilriNul awitcb ruantag by them. It is a ;ol loi-.itioii for a custom flnuvtag mill, ftnindry, or any such hiiiiic. For further parlietilars cail en fh.e riesi. dailt r Soitrouirv of the Company. ti. P. CRAWFORD, I.. 0. RlCB, I'reshlent. S-crelnrv. TO THE WORKING CLASS. We ;re now proramd io fnmlh n e!.i-s. s with .--n- for their mmni inonu-nt--. Uniiin 1 nr..tit.ilil. . I'.-rsoiim-f r it 1 el-lltl t" s.i per v .1.1 .-tin., their if iris iai- tln" in Vtautoat, afnf ah -x f M-r I viork- JollM I'i-HM & MASON John Ko.hny.) at reasonable figures. MGkTHLT AT SIOUX CITY. IOWA. ilied by Selection from the Best Writings of the World ' :-o'5mntlcratliy;fmni r'neormr.tryer aectioii to anther ii ean- i. Iei;ti In ail quarU'rt tiy whom TrrtpOon of the severe 1 re.-tina Uaartaa DR- GIBE0N S spepggrj kl lKW iT , CifiR of ..fliiarr t. Sau Kmnelaeo. suMih.l in ia.VI. for ic trratnaatt of t lawal 1 ! s, ;i:inal liirowi. t) 1...11..J rii. li. Cdeet. irt. lure, switiiu . 4 - - vc.ii tiaruM, Impnirnr), vminnl Mniklir, nijrhl Uaaes by driaiua, pini pkw nu ih face ami . : 1:1ml, .. .'n ;--oineiy tt Band Tin an-k an-1 ntflietml arioultl uol tail U cail npanbies. The 1. t..r ha a-avelni etriaL.tJy in Kunina, anil inarrtnl tii.aoucinr Uie varioiui h."i i lab) Uvrx-. ohuin ns a tTeat deal U valuable- a.furuiA- i) '-1:1 to imirt Uitl- li . t Idi m-; rfeei i'K tIBtOy aul moke ao aw. unlaw he effect a Mini reraoua at a iliiauuiee tT ut: ar noma, ah e..i.uauni.AS airkily faadhbanba. Tea see ao ie hut Ua lh-tta-. Semi urn dollar f.r a pa- kaire uieriiciau. l .i -wrtnnj to II 1 D attar will leas aaue au; name tb h.t they m-e this advorti.eiin-it in. Ittarvm ra--aMabtat, all or ayne. Aialraw 1HL J. V. (HtnVJM, l-.-.'T, S.:i rraiK'i-.t. tUiiU mtWfHl-'i-"!"- n..w U-fore Uie jiuhlt.-. Yu M- iijii ii.-.l ineney fxater at amrk fiw aa Uan al anyt Iii..- Capital not rc.nsml. 4u nl pl.irtxou S12 Ur anil ni-arda tnwie at heme ti.e taabanriaaa. Man, women, buj-a .h1 jrln jit4.i eve. W work for ua. Now it the Uma, X$m ' v" .' 'tir a liol ; timt t-- the w.H-k, .a- inh apare inonK-nla. No other buMie.s ai:l ai vim tar H u.i well. No one wiiliujr lo work ean fall to S1..0. cmr,.K-ll-. k. 1 en.i-iiii.' t . ik- t'oKlly outfit .-omI Utius ir i- A :;-.. t s.. tunity for niakin- iihii.v oaaily and Innioralny. AddroaiTai a & in., Annual MaIho. PARKER GUN, aaaaae - ::' SCND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S V VEST MERIDE!1,C. A WEEK iii yoorown uwti an.l 1.0 I' I risked. ' mi irive iho hiiMniwi without extM-iiM-. llie bit iaartiui:ty ever M ll; a trial .-tferi-il Ktuw willing to w.-rk. ou t4i-.ul.l 1-V U'-.ll ' o:i -l- !- Votll-. It Wll 't tiusimss ue offrtr. i, ejin (ievot.- al xoil- llie Iiiimii- aaa vqii oaava ov vj aaa v uivt-ft.