The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 04, 1881, Image 3

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Albany Million.
"l tVKWll.Ml
I Arriviw at -1
PtlWAM at
FIlF.lllllT TRAIN " " Y KXPH BBS ArriTM nl
r.:SO a. M.
: A.M.
U:4i a. M.
i M r. m.
- 1 1 :4' A. M
:as I". M.
- S:; I- M.
H H r. ML
AH Train ('nllv, cvcrju Minrinv.
Wiltit, tl. Ml K, station eflai
flrtTTTC! T A TJ'V'O IMC r -un.! on nt Cam
AXllO A JVAW RnweilM t .. ' N..Ktwir
V.U i i U.ltvn Hun nil i !' SjMii.f StA whrrv ml. .-i t
.ulruota t.i.i. Iv u.:. foi- it IN N'KW VOttK.
: .:' Water A&nin.
Tlio weatlu-r turned warm ami tho rain
broke loose upon us again last Monday, and
in 72 hour. In-ginning with (.-'clock. j. in.,
on the day mentioned about oj incite of wa
ter foil. This brought the river up in a hur
ry, and now (Thursday) it is still rinii;g. It
iwnnot reach the height it did a few weeks
ago, for at that titno we had a rainfall of (!',
iu.-lus in IB hours. A loom containing
7.",0H saw logs, belonging to Alleu, Itobin
inson A, Co., broke lat Wednesday and went
down the river, but as they wore dogged to
gvtkor. and Mr. Kobinson and some of hia
hand were ou them, it is probable thoy hav
boon saved somewhere Ik-! .v her
A boom at Corvallis containing abewt -J00-isK)
feet of lojjsi, ln-longing to Max Friendly,
broko ou Tuesday and lltl oil down tin
river. A tan-e of men w.-vs wont in pursuit
and alwut loO.WX) were saved above here at
Mowers Sitnigh and Kinv:ters ihe r.-main-der
M probably a total Kiss.
The hraweketa Hotel. Sa! at.
Tata maguiiieeut house (always the pride
0 Ut Capital city,) is now in charge of Mr.
Wesley Graves, who is probably the ohlost
and best known hotel keeper in Oregon ;
and. without disparagement to previe-uj
nanagoiueitt, we can safety testify tha. the
'Chtiiiekcta" aeyJf in tatter bands
than his. The furniture and appointment of
the house are of the tir-it r. the spacious
steeping npartincn ate handsomely fur
piahed, and the tables are alwr.v itu
ttte list fare in season. Mr. Craves baa a
treasure in bis head clerk, Mr. Clint Monroe,
one of the most f.ffaMe, geniil and ac.-immo-datiu;;
gentlwtnen that evrr swung regiati r
or computed a hotel bdL Tlo r-jt uf the
"btlj" tbrvuhent Um various ituajubuUiii
are enrrtrspondingly filled for the": poMticMWj
awl ail in all it n ue of tho v rv ta-.t Bad
m w, iTaqlialihi rutins pipe s for the .... -furin"
nin" th-.t can be found in On gam.
tv cantata et Qaeea Elher.
Thia grand mufieal cute) t ,nu : was giv
en at the Open LI ohm on Monday, Ttteedey
an I Wednesday evenings, In lar;:e audiences,
au'l we think it is the universal verdict of
our peoplo that it was by far the moat iuter
eating entertainment evrr eien by local tal
ent in our city. The continues rspeislly of
the leading charaeters were mxl'y ntagntli
cont and veryc tlv i tl ey Weft procured
at San Francisco for a couple ot weeks at a
cost of about $100. Miss Nettie Piper. AS
Queen Ksthr-r, ihd well of eemte, and looked
every inch a pieeu ; t'has. Il.ttlcuilfu as
Mordccai, hail a good opportunity of showing
oft' hia splendid tenor, and gave iideneeof
the fact that the reputation he ha HCipi.ied
of bwtug a VOOUaBt el li'-re talent, is well
meritel. Kieg Ahasuu,, re pi oeeeled by
II. (.'lenient, was A good chat actor, and
'VIcm'' got nw:.y with it in Hit.- skap. 11 is
rich, deep, beU voice. Muindod we!!, and his
appearance on the htag-- VM litie. Piooaoly
the best acting was by P. H. liayinoinl. who
took the part o; "Hainan, and in t!u I t
where he NOeieei his .ent.-noo ho did r
markably well. The eUanta were admirably
Suited to bis baritone. Miss Avery, as lia
niaa's wife, in acting, would ftte Mr. EL a
merry race for the honors. She ha.-: a beau,
tiful and highly cultivated alto voico. These
comprise the leading characters. The minor
character;, gavu good auj port, and their act
ing and singing thewod geod droling. lno
of the beat featuu of the ontertaimuent
were the OPOtOJlO, iOOMOf tlu tn heing really
grand. Mr. Kodgcrs noted as stage mana.-. r
and Um succom of the entct t.unim. ut is due
in a great measure tp h: t.!i,.rts. The or
ckeatra! music, under the leadership of Dr.
(i. W. l iu-r, xfiuid a bigh grade, and waa
appreehtfnl by the audience. Ou Monday
and Tuesday evenings tho charges wore ."
cents ; reserved Mai, 7" ccut, and on
Wednesday veniu, .'." 011U t. part of
Um bote, Tho t ;..! receipt wen- aboet
.0, nud the net proeeodi for tho Veewg
Peeple'i t'iri(.aii aeetetid i will bo 'out
iMi mil a v t Ti : nr
t - ;
The third n:h bun
Mr. A. C Jot.ta and 1U doogWlef K i'.io,
of JeckeeariQe, i.ave bcee aeite tit, l- tt are
both ret-vcring.
F. M. Miller, Ee., ' i.t l ar , a-: down
last Wednesday on laWUMM. U reports
matters as very emiet out these.
& A. JoUds. Bl ; , form I'.obate Judge
of this conaty, hasrnorcd from lst Portland
to Leh"!-..
Levi DeegjlM aud llerioo CBlptWgllapi,
our e(i;--;ent 'o.-:.'y :.u.:. al mtrs, were ia
town this week.
F. A. Watt, of t - r:a. wa m t - last
Mr. tfseihtni. one ;.' t'reg.i; City's leal
light, epeai a day or two keie ' riog the
past week !"kin ; into sui:- re! I to titles".
Mr. Pearl and wife, of iU'.sey. sp -ut ev
eral days in this city dr.rins; Ike week, visit
ins the .ann' r; !r H Qsoa
I F.d. Piper, ami u our District Attoite-,
Ihs9 bcea rteitisg Itii brotbei ... I itcr
' AH anv. and went do n beHM laat Wedssjs
t.t Ma!f m - . ,, , , .
dee. Me is Attemttag w vifiawtr ni
:itv itutfj ' -.. I't.rt ! o, : : ...f.Ung
aortsn-n, csWMraJFcaM Amy lat ftk. : i. aasi 8f0 M UOta in ike esVIe wldck 1ns preytwsly 1 nuwiced the -'.. t .
K-.-ii lieatcn oraii.g -ut alidad If- Alhaey.
AhiA ilillor't. eji'jany n ail '24? peifrt Th CervaJlM fetks i
Against I.J7I by ISesi 'in.-.r'- enespAy. Tl ' mi Ale Han
averaf Milh-r's sad we IdSowd iHitbej in. If. t I..- ll-y. ' 1
s.iner. so. Tste :;.tr jjiv..n r.y tb- . :.-' .t t.j. rtsitlng her an . .
mrtv was o;!t u li L B b Cli t.uli ertae Ike '. P. 1Ij. '. --: .ii ..
" .r, -biUct" f ik .-nd the rbanacter ! tb- it eroek r
of Ike SAppcr vio nid a wati ing to the
fspeag I tdi- s . f that h ealtty, that tb b i M
rla a. e-.ks ? in wiew d -: r of betag
eMrrbd mt 1 j ti.e old bet "u. If it wore not
fjutt peep V-air beg desjed we w-'l I - biept r
jnr! or tare t. rke Knox liet gi - ' eail
A ( ( RIOI I t Mil.
Otll old friend, lr. F.. 0. Smith, formerly
ot tkk city, but now of Portland, atill innkea
it a ' hobby to mnko eolloetiona of curious
things. We see by the SVuNStsWw that about
a month ngo he received from a friend of his
notice of the denth of a rare animal of tho
species lamb. pos railing eight legs linked to
a single body. The Iwtor sent a request
that the singular creature bo tout to him,
that ho might examine the wonderful mon
strosity in the cause of science. This was
done aud tho strange animal is now in tho
possession of our friend, the Doctor, who
has assiduously employed his leisure hours
in studying the peculiarities nf this curious
freak of nature. Its life was prelouged to
t duration uf about six weeks, when it
closed its eyes nnd died. A. voiding to hia
informant its death was u surprise, fur it
displayed an animation and health that au
gttted prosperity, encouraging the belief that
it Would enjoy :i long life, or at least weath
er throu-h tho dangers of adolosccuce to the
proud security of I full grown lamb. It ato
! MM '-ay and juiupoal about ou its many legs,
letoHy DBeOSMeioM of the monepely it jmis-
led, gAmkolUBg with its inothor with all
the- prcttincs naturally attached to the baby
Age. Full of vigor aud health tho little thing
certainly intimated that it weuld refrain
ft em ''kicking the bucket for a long time to
come. P.ut unhappily it was drat mod to die
un early death, ae it folded up its eight Irga
and ipiietly stole away t tho realms of
death, thus leaving its own eeeo happy own
ers to dt-ploro its h: ... It ia certainly a moat '-pei linen of tho lamb family and has
created some attention among our sctoutitle
tit lAlf reellsjg Mnua-tne.
Ami now 00OMM The ( 'aliforuian for Feb
ruary, with a tabhi of contents Inith varied
Mm! eiit rta;uing. Tho nrtielas range over a
wide field f humor, travels, essays, atortea,
political uud siK ial acieuce, pooeia, t ditortala,
art anl muno. " Tho Iriah VJueation Practi
cally i'onaidurod," by ft. F.. lcauioiul, ojtrua
the nussler. Mr. FJward Kirk pat rick givea
an acconnt of Amhira, the ohloat repubbe in
the world. Kmily M. Lmm tolls of a day on
a .n.. i ImmL' Dr. J. P. Widely en
ters ph a f . r a dtviaiou vi tho State of ('ali
Nu n.a. VtvL Martin Kellogg luia a pleasant
article on "lVonle 1 Vettld lake to Kndew."
Pref. V.. R. Sdl i'.v.-iJgate the free high
school .,';:. ;i. in the purely literary hue
IktrO aro two audirs, one by A. A. Wheclrr,
od Bsrinbsjrno,Asjd one by W. s. Kenued.y. M
Walt WkitO, u;. iii the way of atortea Mr.
Morrtj-a s "Mrangc I 'ufraaieu is continued,
f'.a'.rl If. RejWioud .untributis "A Paca
ujro PebbaO1 ; in I Mary It. It.ghaui gtvca
Ike exj.ericncca of "Six Weeks At Lib ley."
l'.r piv-nis there are "Mouth Hound a
l.vop." by !.dr FaWcwtt ; "l 'aliforuian
t radio Song, by ( has. EL Phelpa, and "Al-
tredo A Mailrel," bj Vda Addis. There
..a ooio rery brivht and awtorlais
U. things iu "Outcropphigs. ' U a r.u
sxaaeood that in tiie no-t number new ar
rial story . -.: Ij da Bj) m ki lV-ilic I oast
entitled - ; end . ' and writUn by the
Well k;.on tSjlkjOr, Mr. John '0e I h,.in-y,
WiUbpUrgHa, 'f-'oat. wke aultriW tint
Miii bo ie tf" to eotnrmnee with tbitirtory.
Mtertterlesii ttr.ittuu.
Fashions which prevail in .ammry hold
thotr own during the romainor of the winter
and the New Year's costume is important
therefore, not only na indicative of what la
styliah at tho present time, but of what is to
come. Iv far tho uruatuat number of dressy
toilets are made with triminod skirts and
basques, nud the use of magnilloeut brocades
having proved unfavorable to short dresses
for evening wear, moat of tho handsomer
costumes aro devised with trains. They are
not of uutisual length, And Are a compromisa
between tho square and round train, partak
ing of the AAturo of both, aiuco that tlu-y
WQAild bo square but that tho corners aro
rounded oir. Sleeves aro generally to the
elhow and the corsage is cut high Around
tho throat, square or heart shaped ; the lat
ter stylo being sornotimea allowed to come
close about tho neck and opened lielow.
I In so leading idea are of eourse so varmualy
combined nud tmxhttcd by tho skillful oiotliste
that there is no sameness but continual va
nrty, for among a nnmbor of New Year cos
tumes gotten up for b ailers nf society by
Lord k Tafler, it wiia only on a eleae exam
ination that curtain provailiug features wore
to ho remarked. A auitorb eoalume, plupio
style, bouquets and sprays of ailk ombroderod
flowers in gny natural colorsr The efl'eot was
lovaly. Another exeellsBt eoatumo waa of
krbntrepo brecado oiubiuod with natin ;
a third geld and criuiaon, a fourth pale pink
brocade with srttn and silk pasaeinantorie ;
a fifth pure white. All tho broeados were
very large in pattern, for you must rr mem
ber that amali figured brocades aro not now
lined, at least for very drvaay w p. ..
eloaka were never so gorgeoua, and aro really
rerplemlent creations of rielibroeado wrought
in very large, whin open flowers. Thn long
dolman or viaita a Ike (ashinnalde for
tkoM . Ic g nt garineiita.
ItJOWM roi.i-Aiui
aro dec id ad iioveltiea, and give a styliah liu
iah to ilreaaoa, iKiug all the mora becoming
perhaps hruauae there ia a wide rauge t to
Sjkoioo ill the way wf color. ' uffa of pluah can
be added at tho wriata. Of course there
should be a white collar er rullle within the
collar of plosb aud a cuff of horn or lace be
low the plush at the end of the alreve. Street
.mes a e often Added tu by large cellars
or cm bj 1 1! j of ) .. . -i and bare too t'ae p! isjh
cuff may givo warmth about the wnat. Tho
acvere w inter boa bJm brought fur cape a iu j
Mm h demand, ami fur oSJofaWwO match AM
now sometimes worn. Tho .w.tivciitioual fur
unit! ought of course to be tiaed whero fur ia
ou other parte of the eoatumo, but charm
mgly coquettiah fancies are new soon as aub
atitutes. Thy ore mad of pluah or heat y
clotti cut iuto aome pretty abap-, waaldod,
U.nn 1 on the edges, tied with riblieu, and
aomvtimes edecd with wide white lace. th
ere Are limahed wnk goM I r pkL artitlc;al
tl . . .V . . . .- . . . ... .1 .ll.dlklll. I'l.ll fill
I make vJip kr yourself, but the pattern tiousei
bring ut models, and of the. the prettiest 1
hao noticed is the OlgA, iS ita Horubsrdt
ha loft kekksd her a rage for rutilinga aboet
tin n.. They aWee WOK in such domaml,
nor earned to quit ueh extreme. f'r-jf
;t muoli iits-d, probably Ix-cauae so U--i-a-io
M beoeaikag, rt lace cor. 14 ii ' T ..
Home ami Abroad.
'Jo to Hilly Watkiu's for your groceries.
Finn No. 'J meets next Momlay evening.
Chew dacksoii's Ueat Sweot Navy Tobao
c .
Wheeler nnd Wilson, No. H, PMiAf Coast
The high water yesterday stopped tho
mails again.
Measha rsmjinut in this loe.dily, though
not very severe.
Home very desirable house's to rent at
Stewart A i roy's.
Fresh butter and fresh eggs always to ho
had at Hilly Watkius' stora.
Keinemlior that Hilly Watkins always pays
tho higheat cash prion for deer skins.
All classes of4"eollretions given prompt pi i
MMl attention by Stewart ami Crey.
One of tbo prettiest ports of tlm oautafa
was tho ehnrua l.y a bevy of little girl.
Kvery man's wife wants a "Davie" sewing
machine. W. H. Scott, Albany, agent.
SiilmcrilK) to the " Mi.iratnl If wf," the
imsit readable Journal on tho Pai-ifle 'oast.
If you want to buy farm or village prop
erty call on Stewart and drey, OToole'fl
Tho Imat insurance eompaniea on the coast
Are represented in Albany by Hb-wart and
Ia yoar house insured ' llomeinlier, hoiiaea
do burn. I let it iiiHiired with Stewart and
I rey.
Newborry, ( hapnisn A I 'o. want nil who
owe them to call around anil square up. See
their adv.
Alhany Kugino '.. N,(. I held a regular
meeting laat evening and transacted coiiaid
eri,0 buaineaa.
Stewart & rey loan euros of from i'MHt
up at 10 i " i euut and , o a person lug time
to make the payment.
laut Wedaoaday a lot of hgg-rs came
down from (WvaIIis hunting up logs atrAjred
from friendly s mill at that doc.
Kline wants to aell hia line reeideuco near
tha t'outt Don-.". Any one wanting a good
bargoiu ejiould read hia adv. and tto n rail on
Tho M-.q.lo liMiiu hoios the (,'aUpooia
from thia city, have rigged a large skill ith
rojH,-a to b-iry thom avroea at the old budge
The "1 aMgkfaog Man" eamo "gol doffj
nigh" splitting hie aidea neiriug OVSjff tt.
WOVh done at tho -:ato Poif on the "Da Se"
ewing Machine.
We received a few daye Ago the annual
Bie0 list ef the ' 'ooat BiQg Nuraery," at
Newport Oroguw. tlur o! I friend. Bd. C.
Phelps ia manager.
The hiiieao of our city han be.-n . .
hratiug tkeif New Yoar (or several doya,
aud keep up a fvAiiuI clatter with their b
ton.s. drums, g'.nge, and eymbalt,
Yeetcrday tie- reirtru Uiand tram wuii!d
u..; irtiAJ tin, liriuburg bridge, ai:1 the
s...thern bouud tram gut to .lefforeon and
BjAnid to truat the bridge there.
Ruubanau will sell you Hour aud mill feed
sa heap a an lie bought at, any uf tho tnilD.
LMM your ordera and sacks aa yu ruiwi
do town and ha- IkeM tilled ; all gwgda
doliverod bfag
Corinthian lodgw .. h. i,J A.
M , e. . - r .;'ilar vati i.vfr.-w eve.
fttlV. At 7 oidovk. aHarp UtXStbfWSl in geaai
. i I. :.- 1
l lit
tio- jii. -; f
aett ift.-ii tht
iUir:! him f-r lifn
'it Mhad seiefc -.
H al r Yle-..
Th.- awtrthera LouImI r::. emit! to ilar
burg btiubse yesterday and Bod frig p irt of
the ttooUavwotk tloatin dbl not cessM.
Th sonthi-ni boTind tra:i goj tosd&tceetq
aksAAobea, but Vo-i . i- t cross the
bri-le 83 drift wood was pibed up gaiiist the
ri -rth bent in large quantities. Passengers
r,u thii train were tran-f'.rri.d at th: ' lacka
j.;,rs nud blolaiia bridges. No mail was
brought up.
No damage has yt le.n done Ike railroad.
At Ilarrisbir yoxtrday at n o-i tho wa
tr.r had reached a jxiint about " feet below
flf hi;.'h water m-rk of the lab; rise .it: ', was
etiii risiog about inehcaan hour.
V,tf arc iudeb-d to Will B. Biee, th
obliging agent of the Q. and C. P, ft. Co.
fur these notes.
t CoM.oet piewstoob
Rev. T. P. Wl ; rat
' n : and d..i . r--.. in I . -
t tiooary way bfteen of the i
j 0S0BA, that no ot Us - m .-
prejsek, lie oMntec i
j er-, bat id sa gn I I. ...
wbetberof btefeilkoe not, ami oReting a
gtuieral geod feelieg tbrougbAut tbo ennro
Itfigbbof boodj and doUBg gr-,;t gOOtL lbe
eeopki geoetfJly belerfl t!.. retid gentle
mau to in? a pure I V: ' it M fn ,-..r.
and greatly regr. t Un CASWAti . f bis
meotnis, but he bo btkoved all ekygo
was well worn out. The citi i.s of this
neigliborbood appreciate ti;" iti'di t rc-.a-.i
by tbis IWl nd gcod mr-ii. 9 bOM were
live additions to bia ekwck, and many hae
witeeeoed the love of t'.cir llv;ne Father
nnd will attach thtmselvca to other chor'-heO;
but nil vill unit', r.nd .ve the to lir ...
White The Brotkei w ill preach Saturday
evening and on the 64-coud .'.unday iu March.
Come, brother TkOBtae. yeu aro yfalyoa.--,
cqn;p. AsEu W:;m
0e Prbtej eventag of Ust wee! Ike oosh
Imt taf the an- ieatt OnlaT oi K u'l- d '.rk
Bgeeei ; i 1 1 .m io-nt at Salem, at
wbtob time A!i.-.ny e iiv..nte voe-dist, Mi
tl e ! r, gAse kke - dose jM-.iplc an op
portunity "f jttdgicg sa to bef mntical qual-
. . Tbo fotbrorbsg psregrepke elipped
from lb m 6 irr Tfril nnd from tho .- v
lete cotrrespoesl eee to the prvyseeijcsj thow
'no' ake si fceeieed i
M.- N III Pi er, ii Albany, Vg j
tr.-.'.-.r--'l on aang a i-eau.iiui soto, ajiuuaal,
"aling, llirdif. Sing," Mts.i laura Adams
full hare of pq. taniy. 't i iiariiil.J'' to ' rtand.ue nr.- t i v I . I t.. .it. i
t.v ... i- r.ntivJi. but in ad kuola the , pi haiiAn, XV t
.N.dtfubig lawn'..- hraixN iro ui;Jt noii-lit
oHof keoewee eeeet IsjaMoajobla and tkekeef
Tiirev and a hall in. In
ft. 4n ; e'etot k p m .
A. Pft WaaW .
WAter '. :tm
i"i.d y ;ld 7
A, the w thn
I bo i piaviug the ar.-oiiijfc.niiiieui. To say the aolo
. I . ,. ' and oc-onqvaiiimriit were WeU rendered, fat!
, , ,, , . t" expreas even a
!li l;t co-.-pti Hi f the
riiai . ti aiiore lation nf the an
tinmen was ittnalfoiled by in- oBlkeai tie
. , .. r, r- . tnenre wid.-u u lowest, in rrji to which
. if u. ! Hngr sang Um u, Mf1seeeseawe
m i o" '-! :', even excolltog lo-r hrat el.rt.
o ti om - J.- ti say thai im f malt vsdee
lis. i -a AodionoA AQ did bl a
Piper 'e en this oMMe&ev- AaaeeiKa.
. . i 1'jpcr, o Ai'oany tl en favoreii tho
tieiiCC with o eeeal solo, Hie piano occom
psiajjeBt l-tng play d by Mi"S l-nuia A,d
. .f Sal-:ii. Ma Piper's, efjort iatrly
... '.. i."? by atortn, as she Bjsjejetssea,
Voice ol woader'ul power and tleiihiicy,
whicii with vid'Krsbaa pUced her Among the
tofgaOOOt In Co- ranka of voealists in tltis
, xj.ic. it . fc irvd l.y vnns that lh lirr
of cloth or velvet, to be Sutn Willi di.-rtiil ' will In- up l.oii.iue Ui motrov,
akirta bae a Jaunty finib given tbem by j IVaren muved all .... eli..'. out If Ike
.. .l.tiona of gift braid and ombroidery. J highland; bet Wi due. I ay motuu..', aud
Tliree rows a braid around the edfva mi' ' "'v or ln-rriunl gtst 00000 saJUnsgl bMI lei
riitbroidery o.-j t!..! .,'nllar, affs uwl Mekele. ' woiht dewu his we'd. He is init gektg to
line seos ut i, jj''oe l4ow prill)' tie - ;".! l'4 ' 'iJ, , th high wator.
j U and t'n. y a a obnn-r ffllg kjpnut Itf Hara will nvt OWOM to AJUny,
ic ,t, V i..f,. r (l. pleasing orua l,,;t no dh th ,'. kke eketlld AM
sg i lor a Bowesjj . t.. have collar and "hl drink uothmg hut Star Hrw. ry ksg r.
eeffi of piloted ratio. r.-d. blue. g.dd. gM It U a g.-Ht hhalthy bovi-raK And is r. l
n. . finishe.1 with gilt Hnbulllgrr. she.l a mm li by the ladies aa by t-.a c.
J hi. of tjosjrM MsWO auluble for a costume T,IU lrf.m.-ra t tU onoUA received An
lhao an indrj.en.bmt. and the cdlar and - 1 -' I ' 10 d givo the vuter-
cuff , of satin t ike tbo place f gjiy otyer Mewoioot twiee And Although Utoy were of-tri.oi.o-
; . t r HOOMC A bmeh gilt 1 'trr'1 ftn'1 qgHA ekoj bad to refuse-,
i.niSroi.rJry can be rddel on the skirt but is " u,ir l HH b-Adg lorfonoers could not
nut tuni-utiaL This sciwiou if.det d it i hrd ii1-
t. mis-iU. u Vi.Uiioingc. iu All sorts o( 1 From persons engaged in repairing tie-
Clinreh Ulreetart .
'. P. C. A. Moots at their rooms in PaS
tor s brick hiiildiiig on W ediiciday evenings
at :'.V) o'clock, nnd on Hablmth iltermsoisat
4. I'lisiness meetings are held on tin-even
ing ot tiio second Morulay m eiu:h mouth.
Fverybody invit'.l to attend.
IT. P. Ciiunni. Pretv hing every Sabbath,
at II a. m. , and 7 . K. by Uor, K, Jr
viiin, D. D. Hnbbath Hchool at fsM v. af.
Prayer meeting every Thursday oveninp.
rTTaiTtfaff jffdf, ftttnttn. rVMsokatafoa Bek
IniIIi at II a. m. , and 7) I. U. Hobnetb
School I'J:!.'). Pravr meetiiii' every Thurs
day evi ning. W. C. Kantm-r, pastor.
( 'iiNit!K(JATli)NAl. 'iii'itt ii. S rvieesnvery
Sabbath at 1 1 A. t. and N r. M. Sabbath
School at 2:.'M. Piayi r tuo tiiig on
Thursday evening of each wisk. .1. W.
Harris, pastor.
ML K Cm iicii, Kortii. Servi'ei every
Snl.lmth at St. Paul's M. K. Church, Smith,
at II a, m. and 7' t, ML Suhbath Bebool
at P2J ti M. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day uveting. M. il. Milter, pastor.
ML K. Chi I'.i h.. Preaeliing overy Sabbath
.t II A. M. nnd 7i t, M. Song serve . g
the evening Inborn si-rmou. Hoolaath fldbooi
it I .'MJ r. m. Pray, r inn ting OTOry Thurs
lay evening. I. Millon, pa!'r.
Hai-risr ClltTKr il. Services every Sabbath
at 11a.m. and 7& r. m. Sabbath School at
I'. Pray i r meeting c .-ry Thursday on
ing. W. J. ("rawfofd, pastor.
Pit km ii vtk it l a v I'iii ium. Hervico every
Sabbath morning and evening in College
I hapol. Sunday Sch'sil imuiiliat ly rfU rthe
morning service. Prayer m eting every
Thiiriwlay evening. lb -.. Klb.-it Jf , Coodit,
I'll oi i UIAtlg kv TBI 1 1 III II.
Fault-linditig ia ao sebbun fndulgod in
by Ihimo who hm thn iiiedlcitieW UB&nufaV
turoil by tbo Worbl'n llsjmii-ni y Medical
Avwx-iatlon, tltut tbe Provident ol thai r
pOWtlOC, tho Hon, H. V. Pierce, M. I).,
tins iMNued u sjKtoial request fr (ro'-lam i
Uotl Ut any niu I nil M r.otie, if Ikon to nny
miii-Ii, who limy bavo taken or shall Inn,
Afmr u o Any cif tbo fHtnil y ;iiedi iM now
made inol OOid by Mtbl APSOtloltlWI, In all
eoimtrloN ot Hie Morbl, mid who have tint
ib 1 1 veil full DO U Oflt In. iii said iiu-ilii-iiies,
that If they w ill write tbo -a, t Askin-UIihii
h (boo rlption of tboir inabidu tbo J acuil y
ol tbo UaMMafJMry will avlv;..- tbem ,
renin ct to tho HiieeoNlul Iroatuioiit uf their
dlsWtMb Dr. Prleo'M ..!.! ii Mi dual In--oovory
la guarAiiteed t' euro all biimors
frolll till' IJCHIIUMM blotoh, p.liij.lo ,r oj-uj,.
lion, t tho wor.d rcrnfiil nr bf ttfte WVU,
and tboM. virulent pOaOOM Dial Im k in tin
ysUiii as a Mopial or noonday f n Milting
from badly lre;t!ii tr neglm-ti d f ri maar y
iIhwam.'. It nlo euro, l.rtidieJ, tkroej
and hum cliHA-. . 1 i.i.rito IVoo-ripl
l guaranteed 1.. euro fomelo woal.iu n ami
kindred ufloctlon. Kalr.ot .,, Snntrt
h run i Ik wi.I1 ti ft, '-i.;,l, a!l
, u-iinl, rLi .male- an 1 , . . ii,..
tenia. Ir. I'rl u'h I'l-lb tn (lot'.- mupu
eosjtod pMle) gw thp Ulttt gbuii ejatbautirr.
Address, WirbP I Mjsiiihmi olealicad A
soobatton. ISalbln KL V.. UrreJ Ituawdl
I Mtreet Building, fnndan, Knv.
ret Men .ar.ii
One of the Kvi.t and without .p V...n the
moit p.-rbA Nrwil." 'II hlio I... .T I-.. ..r.- the
public is tlo. "Dei;' wky tkes aetnally
makn out of atripa of cloth 0OfSl aucers,
boakcta, i tu., iu perfect ikopo. We saw one
at tho Albany ag- n y ondtogrth. r with many
aaiopVn of practice I work t.otcd will SAy
tliat Qmss are t. .tajp oenrei befete nevl on a
Sewing Machine. J. ;d see f r ymirsclvra
r i. l Im 'niim.1. W. H. Sett, Ag-nt.
I UMi I r: , 1 to Kuou.
Uev. Hfn. M. Tbiyer, an obi eftlaafi f
ibis sletaltgr known m eeoa on a-. aisosjg
IwflnsuHbal idtlwoo. And I'hri-tem Mitikst'-r
of Um M. Bi i imreii, jnag ; ii.ii moompjI
-tepiMxl in OQf sjooj i, nyt M lek evrrv
IxhIv tt know ilrt I o.,iiid.-r ibat botn
awtsfu $umm wlC$ owo our llvweln Mhllefc'a
4,4i(o..iniplioi Cure." It h hsviiiKatnw
'l"ii. sale OVOf our tsniiiterH, nnd i
ivni4' Jierlwit rallsfa-M-.H in all -:i"s ol
(ling IwniH, sili'li as niiliini; oloe hBM
lotlO. Ir-. MotcheWI A: PttUWaV
IkiiirlMtn, Did.. Mv l... I- . -
Rpjj by Pio.bay If MOW, lr;i;ilM. Al
t' I n ;on.
is. aii:v.
Att'v at Daw.
vhdnlfy b) tho fnr-t tlmt they have f-Mabli-bed M OtHee in O'Toolo'n J'loek, on
Urondiilbbi Sireol, for the purpose? of traonuctiiipr a tfonernl
-A M I)
They will BttMld Ut tbo rontlnst of property, collnctlon of rontA, baying and fesllin
nil Ha- of real OOtotq, n,0 rmKotUtion of lotus, tho rolbctlon of notoH ami Aceounb.
both nt homo and n'n ad. t lr foroeliHoi ro of no .r ; a -.. the mliimtmciit And neUJing; of
titles to real nslalu, tlm M.ttloment of r-ntato-, eonvi-yaii' I'm, i U. ntc
'I in -, aro pri-pan-.j v , , ib- i iusiirarirje in ibo following bailing fmpaiilco ot Iho
lowftat iKjsnlbln ratOM
Imporial, London, Northern & Queen OapitaL
Oommercial Union. Capital, $12,500,000.
North British and Mercantile. Capital, $10,
000,000. 1
Commercial, of California. Capital, $ ?00,MM).
Allbimlnoen r-ntrimfml to our rare will rooHv prompt AUntion. Wn obeli Iri
KlAd U, .orresK,iii w ith prtie wlabing information of our city or urroiinding coun
try or f tbo StHte
sri:vAirr v GREY.
Awardrd I lrl I'rruifnrn. Orccon fllnfc Fair. 179 and o.
Mr.l-.l I nM lrniuni. mimI only Warhiee tainted n Firwl
Imhh (23 rumpi lilora sat 1 1. 1- A ! nil inn 1 ratrruational atxhibltioa.
v so.
IMPAK1 i 41..
Wlien Uae fctoro of Senders & SLeruW-r
was opened on last Wcdaesates DBoniiflg it
wis ti.nin ascertained that their bsHbtment
I'tfi teen fwaaaled wiih -water thz
flight, ami it stoil about two feet deep en
the floor Ik&n. U.uriiig the night th-re Kail
tjecn a fad ot an inch aud a halt" of raio, ani
the KC'-.-r givjii Vy in froit their hndil
jng thp wr.ter ha4 foM4 its w:iy iuU t'eeir
t. sfssj et through thv' stairway. 'J'hoy hA
(, :i large amount of aujjar, dried frnit
Mad other things stored aalew, r.nd their loss
w iii probably reach $."AK). Of conrse setne
ouo ia to MaaM for thLs, aud th'-y jrreje
a eail tor daafftgsji efetesl th. :-y.
-;.-d UUIzk Kciii.;!.
I ssjsjj vl,ey intrude themarlvct everywhere,
and mU' ll AS thiy are liked for coattuuea are
BMte prominent in millinery. lint OX t It. or
silver hraitU a.iouhl never be put in brocades
where a variety of colors aro Lioniiad ui-
tl - 81m w As enthmiaatically en-or.-d aud Uiif,ui,j, - ,ir. turrada runuiiiL-
5.1 ...n. ..i.:.. . ;.... . v " "
iir : i a ' oi 'vie i v iioiw; ql iv;,vwii.
winch was "recti d with reqnd after ioubhI of
BriiaelilKB oi.
Brtgaae BoebAaaa eeeaw detenoiaejl to
have the laBtt goodsj in lui Bafl the n.arket
affords. Ilia last;o!i iri thai V- 1 i
pe :s' tion the Wheeler aid Wilson new fam
ily sewing machine, Na. whi -h, for -im-plicity,
derabtlity arJ of rnatia'e;..eut,
certainly cce!-; anytning ve havo ever Ki m,
?4o cog wiie:ls to jar and rattle ; no shut
tle to threail. in fact it ban only to be scn
Vo be Appreciated. Mr. Rnehaeel has littcl
Op tho neatest room Im tie businem in the
city, and we edvtea eU oar falllfl who ni-ed
a sewing machine to exaAiino t'.ii
i Tb-'y i-re oITirs-l rr. trial wi.u auy niachine
i iO. ex'.ence. BneM and term t wuit tho
J times. Li(liC3 entrauee corner First Ami
i Eilswjr'.'i streets, tint iloor.
.r . ppiawi.i. 'this was fellowed by
another aahtotjoil hy the ereheatra, the cloa
iiig ede by tho order cernjdeting the program,
at the Opera lloufe. -Or"jn ..
r-iu tn.rr!ran Ueiirw.
Tkt North America Review for February
ia the literary phenomenon of the month.
First we have an earnest and patriotio article
by Oencral Oraut, advocating the '
i 'anal pro :eet. 'iiio fcoiiy-1 AtcrAt ojt the
i-.n-.dt . 'Uhle, ' Oliver WeudcP riolliics,
ii!lows with au e.aay entitlei) "TUo Pulpit
and t'.ie I'tff" wtUu in the beat spirit of
the ObrtAttea philosopher, in which he en
dcavors tc allow tho need tha.t lie UeUovea to
exitt for aj reviiiiun ot the prvvaleut thuolog
ioal oreads, t'eder the ji aiut title of "Aa
ron's Hod i:i l'ollti' !," Judge A. V. Teurgeo
i.iova.ib. Xletal trinimiugH are h-.-u-
adapted to plain goods, AU,d aravial are
so emplojcaV i.noin.oua bows ol satin rib
. . n ato unw Attoidied on tho left side uf the
corsage just above the waist line, iustOAd of
tho mammoth beuriuetoof (lowers which vtm
once in vogue, and tho fact that all symme
try ia destaoyed hy their use, dw r.n' accui
to interfere with their popularity.
Ll Cahiki
i:i c j.ii.x-,1 rii v Mill,
The lrd aalvc in the world t.r eul, hruia
ea, sores, oloaTA, lt rl i nm, t'ovtr aoirs, tt-t-r,
e!iapM-d hand. bUldetee. coma and all
kind r,t kiu erupthms. 'ihis .iv.:
ooaeai to jjivy peevt rtisfoeiiioo in every
rose er Kwat r. fwnLd. Priee BSd aor lox.
Vor ale by Foah.-.y and Mason, wholesale
pu ; 1 lloaye, I i - : I F.d.'y, Irhaana ;
lr!'uwill, I-lionim : lledpath and Mon
teaeoj Ji-tferaon : I M CallMeata, Baeao
mta ; 0 I ornd ins, Turner ; 0 A Ilani'- ,.
liarnaliurg ; Marr and I'dakel v. I'r.-aDi-villu.
The "lAVIV Bealag Ma-lime OeaefMajr are niAn:ifa-::;ring and
ScliiH 1,000 tfadsiiii's per Week!
It is CHEAPEST because it is BEST.
It doo oesMJ Olloly t,( work w;th lit lAtin, And has more pi a-lh-al aUau.-lvtr.CTiUi
i i..ui all ti ii'-r combine!.
W. II. Nf.OTT, Agent, Ail-any, On.
CI Ui 4Y.
lr. King'a New Discovery for (.'ouae.ttip
tion, coughs aud colds, asthma, Lroncbitia,
ia given away in trial buttles free of coat to
the a ti tea. If you havo a severe enugh,
cold, diftleulty wf hrcathiog, hoarsencaa or
other afieetiau of tho threat or luugs, by all
nutans give thia wonderful remedy a triaL
As pou value your existeaee you cannot af
ford to let this qpiiortani.ty uus. Wo coule
emuhasizes the obligation un.... the uo w7ut "7 "'y
. r . ... ;awav tiulesa wn know it would Accoantihah
wbat we claim fur it. IHiousands of hope
less cases hay 3 already beou cured by it.
There is no modieina in tho world that will
The series of revival ir.ei-Ung i. re. T.
ti. White, at ))r. Alexander's school house,
phased la-st Sunday night. Many were rolig-io-i
dy impressed aid -lon-d. OtWer were
loptierd and rec-.-ivei into the ML K. Clinrch
South, oa profeniion of faith in Christ. It is
thought and hopol other branches of the
ehurch will receive additions &a tho of
the Xhc hospitality and kindness
of tliat people made a lasting impression on
he miniatcr, who preocLed liftecn consecn
tivc sermons to them and en joyeil their nobjc
pd gouerons hospitality. Miiy cvpry on? of
them be saved.
T. & Wnmt
'enlcuce Cnimnfrd.
l tf i -. ' ataJou LaeaUL.
.r . . . . . -
(;..v. T'arcr a ftW days ago cu-.iuutcd
the sonteiioo of V. H. Sawell, aeut from i
Multtiomah county for the crimo of larccuy
for a five year term in the penitentiary from
July 2, 1S77. Reasons asaignod, faithful
services as a Tnien so'.il.r,doutt as to guilt,
feeommendation ot j'idge er-foro whom he
was tried, and term of sentence heing nearly
expired. Mr. eowedl was arrested in thi'4
city and taken to FiirtUnd i'or iriul. Ji&
iiad received the. cr.ntract for building the
new bete tower for Albany Eagiae Co. Ke.
1, and hail alrcay torn down the old tower
and commenced operations at the tim" of his
EbffAlUicAa party hy tho Ohi-.ago platiorm,
ot (asking provision for educating illiterate.
rotera J.Ataes Feeaiea ( larkv makes a
v.-.'i 1 1 ;'-')'. ei :itii'oiitien tq thjj c.U.craiiip of
S'nV' . . pi ; m. Thi grave evils that
may result from the partisan character of
the United S-atea BdpWa Cour ar pointed
out be lehn T Mnejijin The aixth
ol .'"if. liaririv p,iper on tho "Kuins of
Cs itraj A -ii i.-.i" is ... .n,cd to a description
I .f ..... i' , ....... i. ..t j.-- .i.;..i.
W. .(.V I ,1.1..- F ' i I I ... .. 1. . '( ..III' 1 lli..-
ruii'.. am ti e i:e t xtiipeiidotis mciiunent'J
eeor oreeted hy mea. Finally, Vait Whit
Blioa wiitti.'. ot the "Poetry of the Future."
'i lie liviow U Hold by booksellers generally.
?f cyui.;vu ... . . ....
raph tells
TJ.e I.e.. Ir:--nze:te.
T!ie Cerman social was j.ot largely at.
Mnitxy eight es vtn expected,
jniely bad ajeothef.
aL 1 them-
.as t?ie
'I ho triDowiag is a summary of observa
tions for January, IBtli as taken by John
lirig::, Esq. , of thia city :
Highest barometer, ,'i0..i7 ; loweat, 211 WJ ;
mean, iiJ.bO.
Highest temperature, "(J ; lowost, 28 ;
Prevailing wind.., J.' and S ; maxiin'itu ve
locity 5.
fit i.-t 1 a a arv
jciai ramsAn, ji.i uicmcs j snow, iu.:
Iiays of cloudiness averaging 8 in scalo of
10, la ; number of frosts, 11.
. - -
Bail for Keio.
euro one-half tho cases that lr. Kings New
Diacovory will euro. For sale by
l oahay and NJaua,' wAoleaaie agr-uU Alba-
S . a f OBk. Of ft
ny ; 1L ajoriis, heio ; nr. Ij. I oley, l.slia
BOD j l)r. J. Ii. Powell, I hanon ; lJ. V.
( 'alhroatte, Iluena Vista ; Ueafetto and Mon
tague, JofXeratin ; 0. If. P. Curaelins, Tur
ner ; 1. A. Ilampy, Harriahurg : K.
Hayes, llalsey ; Damimn Sro,th, lalsey ;
Htarr and Pdakely. BrAwnsvirio,
1 , M .
letter I.iaji.
Ttieimiowlnc la tho s i.f jotteai Ii'iiihIiiIiik
in tliu 1'oat oitlce, Alloiuy, I. inn eonnly, Ore
iron, y-W iv Is. I'eraoiiM riilllnK lor theae
l.iiera must g4ve tlio ilate ou which I hey were
Callaway, M J
Canavan, Johny,
James, Kesa J. ('4)
Shepcrd, Ccq
TAna, Frederick
Wittier, .1 B
damage doae to tho Narrow Oaugo Pad read
we learn that tho read has beou bd iioui
Hay's I Guiding to t-vmtiam, and tliat the
treim .p now ruuuing over Hut tr', of tho
The many Irioudaof Hon. John T. Hugha,
J Soap Creek, will be pained to hear that
ho haa lost thrno children during the pat
few weeks, all being takes off by scArlet fe
ver. IJ i n wile ia now aiek f roin evrrei k
and sorrow at tha lost of bar children.
While tho very y yug Janghtar oi a caun
try tloryinan was playing in tho garden one
day a atrauger came along and itujuircd if
her father vu at home. "No," alio replied,
"Li my mother is in the house and she w ill
pray for you, you poor miserable sinner."
Some chap iu speak iag of the cantata, aaid
that Mr. Raymond while impersonating lia-
mati, after that individual had lou con
deniued to haag "nfty cubits high," tfttfl
"like HaneiM-k hai ltui eheted and amuo
. ..j.pei'-'M., h.i i - at- n away witb the ft at-
Thrrc atauda the auiae pin ; here aits tho
Mskj The former ia iutavt, the latter ainil-
tog aud amiable. Time poaaca The pio has
disappeared, but tilt man is still there. P.ut
where it the umilo aad appearance of amia
bility ! Alas ! they have disappeared- with
the pie.
A . a
' "U.o A num. -r ol young ladies eainu
down from Corvallis during tho first of the
week to attend tho cantata vin en F.sther,
and thorivor, viu smblenly they aro water
bound uiit, vaniiot get home. Their namca
are Horcna, liosa ami la Jicoba, P.ertha
eugass, Hattio llaiina, Uelle WiUuu ami
Katie Carlile.
A forco of hands have gone up to tho North
Santiaiu with a pilo driver and will eoiu
Maeuce driving piloa for tho new bridge soon
to be uotiatrueted whero the old one was
washed away. The nu n say they are under
good wagoa, and have to work, rain or tdone.
So it seems that tho company are in earnest
and will spare no expanse to carry forward
their to a successful termination.
Do Vu UH"e It ?
Tbl lu tl.ia town thorn an scores of per--..os
Hissing our storo uorv dav mIioso
Heee aee Maoa ataeatable by ladfgoalamt,
Hvstee.iH. Sour and dUtreasaeJ Stomach. r I oiuplaiut, t'oiixtipation. A-., whon j
for 7:i rta. wn will muI thotn Mnlob
ier, t'iniriinlm-tl to euro them, 'oi
l oslmy .V Mason, Iirugxist-., Aih.ny, Or
Home a'ov B Willi nti
Ter,sy U the state that is doitlaoi nt
ltt tar disUvn! dr v to become Lae ompiio of
tiio HOiith. .Should on want to lt-nrn inort.
- - . - - -.
alxnit the great stnlo send $;.) to tbo
llmwn County Itanner. pnlili?liil at
Hrownwood, Texas, for a year's Mit.-.erip-tion,
or fl.U'J for itx month .
lo ffoa Vital raralturc
Dannals, in thin city, now h. .n
hands a larger slock of furniture than any
other oaLabUaUiUk Ut thia aide of Portland,
and if yutt want to purchase any it w ill pay
yon to give him A call. He ha something
to tell jttti in regard to hi.s jirieivi.
SSarcn's Cherry TooCi Iinte.
An Aromatie eofablnation for tbo iiri'Hor-
vution of tiioTeoth mid liiims. It is far
-i i pei ior1o any preparation of tho kind in
the market, "in large, hands, nuo opal
xIh, prhe f.0 cents, r'.ir Kilo by Coshay
tt. Ma-oii, Alhuny, Oregon.
intuitor. aut! tatealee
should send for instructions, terms, rider
em i a, etc. to bklaon P.rother. S..!:. itora of
Putenls, V.(..hineton, I). C, who furuiMh
tM same without charge. Eueou brothers
is a well known And succoHsful linn of large
experience, having boon ortobDsjhed in ISGli.
Tho most pojiula-jxirfumo ok thtdaj
HACK MKTAt'K" try it." Sold by 1'oshay
.t Mason, DrugglsLs, Albany. Or.
ft State Ills Daunt
One woek from this oven,in tho indies of
Hit Prcsbyteiiaa Church will givo a sociable
at the residenoe of Jas. Dannals. Kvery-
be4y is invited and a good time is expected.
i 'li route ronatlpatlen Cured.
A rumor wines to ns thronjjh the Sdvcr
ton Appeal that tli.o Oegojiiau lailway Co.
iroios;'s to gvc Scio tho go-by and not pass
biougii that placo, owing to some misun
Bitandi!ig on the part of the subscribe
d Mr. Heid. The new route is said to
r higher aud shorter. We hope this rumor
V, not correct, as Scio has already felt the
fTcet of railroad connection with the outside
rorld and was besinaing to have a business
boom. The differences should be amicably
p Bottled in some way.
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. i, i87fl.
H. IT. Warner fe Co,. UeuU. For the
past ton years I hHVe suffered the evil of
fects o( tuigbt be termed cbronio con
stipation: niv skin became yellow and my
liver waa all out of order ; I tried all tbe
rcmodiBH that could be obtained, and that
was all I could do, after finding no relief
from regular modicine treatment, and I
finally commenced using your remedies.
I first tried tho Pills, and at the end of one
weak my bowels bad attained a regularity
and healthy action unknown for years. I
was no pleased with the elfoct that I con
cluded to try a bottle of your Bitters, and
although I have not entirely usod the first
bottle, I am so perceptibly improved and
toned up that I write to you (riving this
voluntary testimonial to the excellence of
your remedies. , Yours truly,
WILLODOHBY. On Jim. It, issl. Mr.
Kkason P. ii.M'i UHt'.V, agetl 71 years and
Jl day
wept because there were uo more worlds to
conquer, but tho proprietors of Dr. Pierce's
I'amily Madicines who havo tound it ueers-
saiy to establish a branch of tho World's
Dispensary, at Lqmlon. haighiud, in order to
supply from that groat commercial emporium
these remedial blessing to loreign count nen,
h where thed are largely in demand, do unt
share the great conqueror s sentiments, as
thoir oouquests are of disease aud havo made
happy not only the conn'ierer but tho people
who employ thorn. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med.
ical Discovery cures all blood and skin dis
eases, scrofulous affections, swelliug and in
ternal soreness. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the
little giaut cathartic ; Dr. Pierce's favorite
prescription woman's tonic and nervine
Dr. pierces Extract of Smart Weed, the
great remedy for colds and all bowel alloc -tions,
as diarrhoea, dysentary and ilux.
World's Dispensary Medioal Association,
proprietors, Buffalo and London.
Fer Bent.
A pleasaut house or. 2nd street near the
center of tho city. Apply to
Stewart & Grky.
I L- . J'tl!!1- . -
Tlie 5fnrtels.
Following is a correct report of tbo mar
kets iu this city up to noon yeaterdAy :
WHKAT -Go cents per bushel.
FLOUR 8o perbbl.
HAY baled, $1011 Ir ton.
looee, $8.
POTATOES 60 cts per huahel.
BvTTTBbV- 25 to 30 cts per lb.
KGCS 96 cents ier daft
PORK 6 to ui cts per IU
BACONS hams, lolSo.
shoulders, lt( 1-V.
sides, I -1 ic.
DXUKD FRUIT sun dried apples, 10c.
" plums, 14c
Plnmnaor dried apples, bis.
M plums, ISo.
CHICKENS 62. 5093.0Q per doz.
SUGAR Sau Francisco C, 12c.
COFFEE Costa Rica, lS20o.
Java, 30c
Curcola 22c.
llio, 22.
MILL FEED bran, 10S11 per ton.
chop, 6620.
shortg, 615.
-millings. 620.
this is tho Ih oppottmilty Avaar alrVrdcl the people of Ihe Willamette Valley w
uet mailing metier ot low rates. Sond in nauiw as noon as po-ssible, so asto get the hi
teitMUaa iHilitieal nows from the East whieh .so may expect in tbe Spring.
iijiii.-K'i tin oi timac iMtr.t niu m aJBjovvu
DelUMDent subscrilers wishing to avail
to pay up all arrearmre".
Mal i IIIilB OTP 1S03.
By A. V. CHERRY, situated at corner ef
First and Montgomery Streets Albany,
Having taken charge of tbe above named
Works, era are prepared to manufacture
Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mills,
Wood-workinp: Machinery, Pumps, Iron
and Brass Castings of every description.
Machinery of all kinds repaired. Spe
cihI attention given to repairing farm ma
chinery. r elite a Making done In all Its forms.
16:llyl A. F. CHERRY SON.
will make you a pair of Boots
that will fit you according to
your idea of a fit, and will keep
them from running over, with
hi? Patent Counter and Shank
Brace, and Steel-Edged Heels ;
also in good ropair, if neces
sary, for six months, for Six
Win. Volfft, Proprietor.
J cigars always on hand.
Call and sec mo. Saloon in brick build
ing, next door to Dannals1 furniture store.
2-tf WM. VOIGT.
F. A. Ishtnimi, Solicitor of American ami Forcijrn
PatenU, Waahinffton, V. C. All buataaasconnectad
with Patcnta, whether before the Patent Office or the
Courts, promptly attended to. No charge made un
om a pater t is secured. Send for eircular. 17
The Third Term will open on Mon
day, January 31, 1881.
For particulars concerning the couraes of rlui'v and
the irice of tuition, apply tu
Under the Gaslight !
1 oa of life in the Great Metropolis af
ter dark. Tbo most interesting and thrill
ing book ever issued. Kich, Kaie and
Racy illustrations. The only bok that .
describes acurately tbe wiokodness of tho
jrreat city of New York. Sent post paid
for only 60 cents. Stamps taken. Address
MicK&x. Publjshikq Co., Brownwood
TiTT' aJOTYTWC Thotmands of soldiers and
X Hill lolUIN io.theirbelre cntUled by late
laws of Congress. Send two atampa for laws, and
copy of CrnxBX Soldi, to N. W. FiUjeralJ, U. S.
Claim Att'y, Box 588, Waahinirton, D. C.